Home Wisdom teeth The benefits of walking. Hiking in the fresh air to improve health

The benefits of walking. Hiking in the fresh air to improve health

It has long been explained by doctors, and it itself is recommended by trainers. However, most people still look for a minibus when heading to the store. Some even go to the stall to buy cigarettes by car. And everyone complains about a “beer belly”, heart problems and weakness in the legs if they have to stand in line.

We lose weight without problems

In the list of benefits of walking, the most attractive item for many will be getting rid of excess weight. People usually start thinking about health when problems with it begin, but they worry about attractiveness almost from the moment they begin to lose it. And this is even good: by starting to walk to lose weight, a person will also improve his health.

Researchers have found that the benefits of walking for getting slim are much higher than walking. regular visits gym. Walking more effective than diets and gives a more lasting result, unless, of course, it is accompanied by gluttony. When walking, you burn off as much fat in half an hour as you spend in the gym in an hour. And at the same time, you don’t have to pay for such training. In addition, the loads during walking are natural and evenly distributed. You are not at risk of soreness or overload of individual muscle groups. And an additional bonus is improved posture if at first you train yourself to walk with your shoulders turned. By the way, this is not difficult to do: just wear a slightly loaded backpack on both straps.

Let's say no to old age

The undoubted benefits of walking are also observed for those who want to delay the onset of senile infirmity as far as possible. Most common reason age-related mortality- strokes and heart attacks. And they are caused by weakness of blood vessels and heart muscle. To strengthen them, static loads - lifting weights, exercising on exercise machines, etc. - are not very suitable. But clean air, rhythmic movements and uniformity of load cope with the task perfectly. The pressure stabilizes - the vessels stop experiencing excessive stress. The heart catches the desired rhythm and is not overloaded, while simultaneously strengthening.

We fight apathy and depression

Another reason for rapid aging is stress, which our lives cannot do without, even if we carefully avoid unpleasant impressions and sensations. Another benefit of walking is that it quickly and without medication eliminates the consequences of nervous shock.

European doctors conducted a large-scale study age group from 40 to 65 years. It was carried out long years and gave stunning results: the risk of heart disease drops by almost half if people just walk at a brisk pace for about three hours every day. In addition, among those who like to walk, there were no senile dementia, atherosclerosis and other diseases that are common at their age.

We prevent dangerous diseases

The list of benefits of walking is long and convincing. His most compelling points are:

  1. Reducing “bad” cholesterol in the blood naturally to a minimum. This means preventing the occurrence of diseases associated with it.
  2. The likelihood of diabetes mellitus decreases by at least one third.
  3. In women, the risk of getting a breast tumor is noticeably reduced, in men - prostate cancer, and in both - intestinal cancer.
  4. Without medical intervention (including medications), the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.
  5. The risk of developing glaucoma drops to almost zero.
  6. Strengthening the skeleton and joints prevents the development of osteoporosis, arthritis and rheumatism.
  7. Immunity is growing: “walkers” do not catch the virus even in the midst of epidemics.

However, to achieve such results, daily walking is required. The benefits of one-time walks are much lower.

How much do you need

The average person who leaves home only to take the bus to work and the tram to the store takes no more than 3 thousand steps on a working day. It's so small that unpleasant consequences for the body can be considered secure.

If a person is more conscious and travels to work (located nearby) on foot, he walks about 5 thousand times. Better - but still not enough. In order not to lose what nature has given you, you need to take at least 10 thousand steps daily, which will be a distance of approximately 7.5 km. At average speed, you need to travel for about two hours - and your health will not leave you.

Where and how is the best way to walk?

It is advisable to choose places for walking wisely. Naturally, if you combine walking with going to work, you won’t be able to adjust your route too much. However, walks in free time allow you to select a “useful” trajectory of movement. Parks are best suited for these purposes: there is unpolluted, clean air, fairly smooth paths that are quite suitable for walking, plus at least some nature. If there is no park nearby, choose a route away from transport arteries. At least in the courtyards of houses.

In addition, the benefits of walking are observed only if the person walks energetically. When you wander slowly and sadly, your body works in a mode not unlike rest mode.

No special equipment is required for walking. The only thing worth paying attention to is shoes. Flip-flops or heels are clearly not suitable for a long and brisk walk.

Only fresh air!

I would also like to note that walking down the street cannot in any way be replaced by using a treadmill in a sports club, even in the most intensive mode. You only need to walk outside: here you get your dose of sun, which forces your body to produce vitamin D. Without it, the healing effect will be much lower, although the weight loss effect will remain at the same level. And there is no need to make excuses with clouds. Even on a cloudy day sun rays enough to stimulate the production of valuable vitamins in the required volume.

How to train yourself to walk?

Laziness, they say, is the engine of progress. But it is also a stop-cock for maintaining physical fitness. You don’t want to make unnecessary movements, and the person begins to justify himself by lack of time or other objective circumstances. However, you can unobtrusively force yourself to start walking. The methods are simple and feasible.

  1. If your office is two stops from home, walk to and from work. If you cannot do without a trip by transport, get off one stop earlier when traveling by metro and two stops earlier if you travel by minibus, tram or trolleybus.
  2. Don’t take your “brakes” with you to work, take a walk to a cafe for lunch. And not the closest.
  3. Forget the elevator. Even if you live on the 20th floor, walk. To begin with, just go down, and eventually go back home along the stairs. In addition to losing weight, improving your health and developing your “breathing”, by summer you will also gain elastic buttocks, with which you won’t be ashamed to show up on the beach even in a swimsuit with a thong.

Having appreciated all the benefits of walking, every person should make the first effort and maintain it throughout his life. Unless, of course, he wants to remind himself of a ruin in his early old age and regret missed opportunities. In the end, it's just fun to walk. If you can't walk aimlessly, challenge yourself to walk to the beach, a museum, or your favorite cafe. Or find a like-minded person to talk to while walking. Or get yourself a dog.

Fortunately, many useful activities are still free. It’s enough just before going to the bedroom, going out into the fresh air and taking a short walk to make your sleep healthier and sounder, and to feel more energetic the next morning. And if you do this daily, you will begin to gain muscle mass.


The main feature of such an easy exercise as walking is that while walking a person breathes fresh air, which is no longer as polluted as in the daytime. The body receives a lot of oxygen, a vital element.

Indeed, there is nothing more important for our body than oxygen. You can hardly live without this gas for a couple of minutes.

It is strange that adults often send their young children for a walk, confident that this will bring many benefits to the growing body, but they themselves forget to take a breath of fresh air before bed.

And, most likely, they remember very well that such a walk is useful for everyone, not just children. However, being busy with their work and immersed in an endless household routine, they are forced to spend fresh air not that much time.

At best, they only have to breathe fresh air while going to the store and waiting public transport At the stop. However, both often occur in the morning or afternoon. Therefore, the benefits of such walks are much less than in the evening.

No contraindications

An important advantage of evening walks is that they have no contraindications. Even older people are not simply prohibited from walking, but, on the contrary, are recommended to maintain their health.

Benefits for psychological well-being

Walking before bed is also good antidepressant. Is there a person who would not be annoyed by these endless streams of cars rushing along city highways?

It’s much more pleasant to walk around the city in the evening, when there are very few of these cars left on the roads. The air is refreshed. There are no noises of humming motors. At this time, it is good to observe nature: how the leaves rustle on the trees, how beautifully the moon shines overhead, how beautifully the stars sparkle in the dark sky.

And other objects also contribute to peace. Cityscapes in evening time very beautiful. The windows of houses from afar look a lot like stars, and therefore also have a calming effect.

In general, a walk before bed is great way bring your nervous system back to normal even after the hardest day of work. This is a good preparation of the body for sleep. After admiring the evening scenery, you can go to the bedroom and go to bed. The nervous system will already calm down, and therefore the brain will be completely ready for sleep.

Improved health

The main benefit of evening walks is their positive effect on the body as a whole. Fresh air and physical activity strengthen immune system. In this case, the air temperature does not matter. Both in winter and in summer, such walking before bed is equally beneficial for health.

If you go for a walk every evening before going to bed, the cardiovascular system will work better.

  • Slow walking improves arterial pressure
  • Also, an evening walk helps speed up your metabolism.

Plants use fresh evening air to produce phytoncides - substances that reduce the risk of tumor development. These substances enter the atmosphere and, when a person inhales the air, end up in his body.

Filling with energy

If you take walks in the fresh air every day, you will always feel cheerful. The need to invigorate yourself with various addictive energy drinks like coffee will disappear by itself.

According to studies, a person who finds himself in the fresh air and enjoying the beautiful natural landscapes at night becomes 90% more energetic.

Therefore, when you feel tired and want to drink another cup of strong coffee, you should go for a walk instead. The result will be pleasantly surprising.

Improved sleep

The importance of evening walks for a healthy person good sleep very huge. But many people, unfortunately, do not take this value into account.

Those who spend a lot of time outdoors sleep much more soundly than couch potatoes. At the same time, the body rests well during sleep. In the morning you feel cheerful throughout your body. There is no desire to drink invigorating drinks. There is only a desire to do useful things.

Everyone knows that playing sports has a beneficial effect on our health. However, not everyone, this same health allows them to exercise active species sports

And not everyone can afford to go to the gym. But walking natural state our body and is available to everyone.

What are the advantages of walking? This type of sports activity does not require special physical training, and has virtually no contraindications. No special equipment is required either, just suitable clothing and shoes.

  1. Comfortable clothes and shoes. (Sneakers are best)
  2. Be sure to take it with you drinking water. You should drink very often during physical activity to prevent dehydration.
  3. If you're planning a long walk, bring some snacks, such as sandwiches.
  4. Is the weather hot outside? Take a hat and sunscreen with you.
  5. And if the weather is changeable, make sure you have something you can throw over your shoulders in case it gets cold.
  6. Choose proven ones for your walk, safe places, especially if you walk in the evening.

Arm yourself with a strong desire and go to the nearest park, forest, or any other green zone. You can take your friends with you, or go for a walk with the whole family, along with your children. A pleasant time is guaranteed.

Benefits for your health

The force of gravity acting on our body in motion leads to compaction bone tissue and reduces the leaching of calcium from the body. Bones become stronger and healthier.

Physical activity and sunlight increases the release of the hormone serotonin in the body, which helps improve mood and has a positive effect on psychological health person.

And of course, you can’t ignore weight loss, which is greatly facilitated by walking. By the way, moderate but prolonged physical activity burns much more fat than fast but not long running.

A person weighing 70-75 kilograms walking at a free pace can burn about 250-300 calories per hour. And if you take some weighting material with you, for example a backpack, this figure can be increased.

Let’s look point by point at what walking gives us.

  1. Strengthens bones, which prevents the development of osteoporosis.
  2. Boosts mood and has beneficial effects on mental health.
  3. Weight loss and improvement general condition health.
  4. Delays the aging of the body.
  5. Reducing blood pressure and preventing cardiovascular diseases.
  6. Physical endurance increases.

Walking before bed

Exercise itself significantly improves sleep quality. This is confirmed by numerous studies.

30 minute sessions are enough and insomnia will subside. However, we are talking about physical activity in the morning or afternoon.

Intense physical activity before bed is not advisable, as it leads to overexcitation of the body. But with light walking it’s exactly the opposite.

This type of sports helps saturate the blood with oxygen and psychological peace.

But you even need to walk 2-3 hours before bedtime so that the body has time to stabilize. And if you decide to exercise right before bed, then give preference to yoga or Pilates. This will perfectly promote relaxation.

For human body there is nothing more important than oxygen. Therefore, young children are often sent for a walk. But as a person grows up, he begins to spend less and less time outside of home and work, limiting himself to the road to the store, bus stop or car. Walking in the fresh air is extremely beneficial. Setting aside some time for this is important at any age. And if it’s difficult to force yourself, then the incentive will appear after reading information about how fresh air affects the body.

IN modern conditions life, when a person is surrounded by endless stress and thoughts about problems, and everyone has to rush somewhere, many people completely forget about their health. And maintaining it is not that difficult. To do this, it is enough to spend a little more time in fresh, unpolluted air. It will help improve not only your health, but also influence many areas of your life. The importance of fresh air is much greater than many people think. So what are the benefits of walking outdoors? How do they affect a person?

Improves mood and relieves stress

Walking in the fresh air is very useful for bad mood, severe stress, fatigue. This is very important for modern man. A pleasant clean smell promotes relaxation and improves mood, and the smell of trees reduces fatigue and stress. When walking slowly, a person begins to feel calm and happy. He remains alone with the beauty of nature and his thoughts, which allows him to get the maximum benefit for nervous system. A park is best for walking in the fresh, clean air.

interesting fact

Stanford University conducted research that proved that an hour and a half walk in nature reduces the activity of the area of ​​​​the brain that is responsible for negative emotions. Scientists have noted that people living in the countryside are less prone to negativity and depression.

Improve health

The main benefit of walking in the fresh air is its positive effect on overall health. Physical activity combined with a walk in nature helps strengthen the immune system, even during cold periods. Daily walks improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels and lower blood pressure. Metabolism accelerates, which cannot be achieved by visiting a regular gym. Fresh atmospheric air helps plants produce phytoncides that destroy tumor cells and reduce the risk of developing cancer diseases if a person inhales them.

Fill with energy

If you regularly walk in the fresh air, the need for energy drinks will disappear. Human energy in conditions of the pure pleasant smell of nature and beautiful view rises by 90% . If you want to drink another cup of coffee, you should try walking a little - the effect will be amazing. In addition, frequent physical activity tones the muscles, which also gives an additional boost of energy.

Improve sleep

Most people don't even consider the importance of fresh air for quality sleep. Those who spend more time outside the home sleep approximately ¾ hours longer than others. Their sleep is much stronger, and when they wake up, they feel much happier and more active. Walking in the fresh, cool air before bed is also important.

Improve brain function

If you want to become smarter and increase your productivity, then you need to spend more time outdoors. Short walks in parks or forests improve memory and increase concentration by about 20% . And fresh air is generally required for children with hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder, because... This The best way make them concentrate.

interesting fact

American scientists compared the effects of walking and stretching exercises on brain function. For this purpose, two groups of people from 50 to 80 years old were selected. One had to do stretching exercises, the second had to spend the same amount of time in the fresh street air as the first ones spend doing exercises. A year later, the results were summed up using special diagnostics: Those who walked had an increase in brain volume by 2% , which fell on areas responsible for memory and activity planning.

Makes a person more attractive

Walking in the fresh air allows you to get enough oxygen, which is extremely beneficial for the whole circulatory system. This results in a light blush, with which the skin looks more beautiful and the person takes on a rested appearance. Improving metabolism and removing toxins can also change the appearance of positive side why fresh air is even more beneficial. Regular walks burn calories, and a person begins to lose extra pounds. The benefits of walking are invaluable.

Strengthens family relationships

Walking does not have a direct impact on social life. However psychological condition, which is strongly influenced, is very important for relationships with others. If you spend more time in the fresh air, it will become much easier for a person to communicate with loved ones. You can do this together. Then the health benefits of fresh air will be complemented by even more pleasant time with loved ones.

Features of the winter period

In winter, people experience even more stress than usual. New Year's bustle, cold, lack of vitamins - all this leads to unpleasant problems with health. To correct this, you need to walk in fresh, cool air every day. There is no need to worry that you can catch a cold from a low temperature. Winter air has its own characteristics that are especially useful. And people usually get colds during the transition periods between summer and winter, and not during cold weather. Frost destroys all viruses, which reduces the risk of getting sick. What are the benefits of walking in the fresh, cold air in winter:

  1. Fresh frosty air contains increased level oxygen. This improves: health, brain function, mood, appearance.
  2. Severe cold hardens a person. If you walk more, your immune system will noticeably become stronger.
  3. Walking in cold weather helps fight headaches and strengthens the heart.
  4. Winter air in the evening guarantees even more sound sleep.
  5. Low temperature maintains the tone of the nervous system, which enhances resistance to stress.
  6. The air in winter cools the skin and saturates it with plenty of oxygen. This makes it smooth, elastic, beautiful, and also acquires a pink blush.

Spending some time outside during the winter is important. This will improve health and make a person happier.

interesting fact

Harvard researchers have proven that girls seem more attractive to men in the winter, even taking into account a large amount of warm clothing. The reason is that in winter men produce more sex hormones, and therefore they become more attentive to appearance of the opposite sex.

Shinrin-yoku (forest bathing)

Shinrin-yoku- a way to prevent your health. It is also called "forest bathing" and translates as “bathing among the forests.” The homeland of Shinrin-yoku is Japan, whose inhabitants have always been very concerned about their health. This method of improving health involves slow walks in the forest, calm breathing and maximum relaxation while opening yourself to nature.

Why such walks through the forests are useful:

  • getting rid of depression;
  • decreased cortisol;
  • relieving irritability;
  • restoration of strength;
  • decrease in blood pressure and pulse.

This is something that has been scientifically proven. But there is another reason why it is useful to walk in the forest according to the Japanese method: the phytoncides, which were already mentioned above, are present in the highest concentrations in the forest, which is why the risk of developing tumors from such walks is reduced to almost zero.

How long to walk?

How much time do you need to spend in the park walking for it to be beneficial? You can start with short 10 minute walks, and only then gradually increase this time. When the body gets used to it, the minimum time should be 30 minutes. Walking is recommended from 1 to 2 hours, but exactly how much time to spend on the street is up to the person to decide - you can even allocate 6 hours. It is important to do this daily. Morning or evening – it doesn’t matter.

The purpose of the walk is an opportunity to breathe calmly and relax. Therefore, it is best to walk slowly, sometimes speeding up your step to increase physical activity, but under no circumstances run. At the same time, you need to be as relaxed and calm as possible. The path should pass through places least polluted by cars and factories, i.e. parks or forests.

interesting fact

Scientists from the USA have come to the conclusion that a person needs to go for a walk every day for one hour. This means that you need to go through at least 5 km. They believe this is the best way to maintain heart health even in old age.


Fresh air is good for your health – there’s no arguing with that. Every self-care person should set aside some time for a walk each day to get through their minimum distance and get a boost of energy, while also improving your health. And the best incentive is knowing why it’s good to walk outside every day. All that remains is to start.

Walking for weight loss is simple, inexpensive and safe way for weight loss.

Many people believe that walking, as such, is not effective method for weight loss, but at the same time, they do not use any others, citing the fact that they do not have enough time, energy and money.

You don’t need money to walk, you just need comfortable shoes. The only thing you need for this method of weight loss is time, and even more - intention.

Today in this article I will try to highlight all the benefits of walking for weight loss. And the first point will be like this:

Running or walking?

Many people who are losing weight with a grieving look say: “I can’t run, I can’t get up in the morning and run.”

Or even advisers who advise everyone on how to lose weight, they generally believe that if fat man If you don't run, you won't lose weight at all.

But in fact... it is not necessary to run at all, and if you are overweight by more than 15-20 kg, then you will put too much stress on your joints and spine.

Well, now, let's move on to more useful information.

The benefits of walking

Where to begin? I dug through a bunch of material about walking, because I had never thought before that there was a special walking method for losing weight. It seemed to me that if a person losing weight can make time for walking, then this will already be progress!

In fact, in my opinion, there is no such special walking that specifically burns fat; there is a stronger and a weaker load.

Naturally, if you walk at a fast pace, you will burn more calories; if you move slowly, you will burn fewer calories. This is clear to every person.

Of course, first of all, equipment is important - clothes and shoes. Clothing - preferably a sports suit, so that before the walk you can warm up, stretch your muscles, then walking will be more effective.

Shoes are the most important and necessary attribute, preferably sports shoes, sneakers or sneakers.

Especially if you use fast walking or sports walking, then the sneakers will ensure the safety of your feet.

The usefulness of walking is undeniable; it gives a full load to the body and uses everything important systems the body - the respiratory, cardiovascular, and of course, the muscular system.

  • help strengthen muscles, joints and vertebrae;
  • accelerate blood circulation, saturate tissues with oxygen;
  • improve the condition of the cardiovascular system;
  • normalize blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • improve the body's endurance, relieve shortness of breath;
  • suitable even for people who are very overweight;
  • do not require the purchase of any sports equipment;
  • available at any age and at any level of training;
  • help get rid of stress, depression, nervous tension.

When the pulse accelerates, the speed of blood flow increases and the supply of oxygen to our vessels increases, which has a very positive effect on the removal of toxins from the intercellular space, and the vessels are also well cleaned of cholesterol deposits.

What should your heart rate be?

Ideally, when you walk, you can talk without being out of breath, and of course you can’t sing :)

The pulse is calculated according to this scheme:

220 – your age – 50 = upper limit
For example: 220 – 30 – 50 = 140, with such a load – maximum benefit.

At what speed and how long should you walk for the greatest effect?

If you are just starting out, then there is no need to chase speed. And although you and I always walk, such a targeted load will be stressful for the body. Initially, you need to walk at a low speed of 2-3 km/h (5,000 steps), and gradually increase to 5 km/h (10,000 steps).

How do you know how many kilometers you've walked?

A pedometer helps a lot in this matter; it is the simplest option.

Or another option, if you approximately know the width of 1 step, you can first calculate how many steps you will take in a certain amount of time, and then multiply.

After all, you will walk for a certain time, which means a certain number of steps.

Personally, I always focus on the time and the pace at which I walk; if I walk slowly or at an average pace, then I try to walk longer.

How often should you go?

Of course, regularity is the main rule if you decide to lose weight or simply improve your health. It is advisable to walk every day for at least 30 minutes, and gradually increase the time.

The ideal option would be a walk in the park in the fresh air, or at least in places where there is low air pollution. Of course, you should not walk in places where the air is heavily polluted; in this case, there will be more harm than good.

If you have never exercised purposefully, then start with the minimum, and this will depend on how you feel.

If the weight is heavy and you don't move much, then start with 1,000 steps or even less, and gradually increase the amount of time and steps.

How is this walking different from normal walking?

The whole foot should work: you need to place your heel first, then roll it onto your toe and push off harder - work with both legs equally.

Ideally, imagine your foot as a round ball that needs to be rolled along the ground - from heel to toe: this way you can burn more calories and maintain a healthy spine.

Posture should be straight: back straight, shoulders turned and lowered freely, head held so as to look forward and not at your feet; the stomach is tightened, the buttocks too.

The pace of walking is accelerated not by increasing steps: simply move your legs faster, helping yourself with your arms bent at the elbows at an angle of 90°C - no need to press them to your body.

It is necessary to reduce the pace at the end of the walk gradually so that your muscles do not hurt: slow down your step and walk slowly until your pulse returns to normal.

While walking, try to breathe through your nose.

Is it possible to drink?

You can not only drink, but also need to.

Before you go for a walk, be sure to drink a glass of water and take a small bottle with you. While walking, you can take a few sips, but under no circumstances should you become dehydrated.

Walk before or after meals?

It’s an interesting question; there are so many specialists, so many opinions. Some people suggest going on an empty stomach, others 2 hours after eating, there are options that only before breakfast, etc.

The fact is that the body is a smart and self-sufficient system, and also self-healing.

And if you went for a walk and made an effort during the walk, this does not mean that only during the walk calories were burned.

There was a certain load on the muscles, on the joints, on all systems of the body, and recovery lasted more than one hour, but throughout the day, and maybe longer.

Remember any experience you have had when you overtrained and then (the next day) your muscles hurt.

What does this mean? It’s about restoring the integrity of the body, and it makes efforts and spends resources on restoration, which means that calories are wasted.

That is why all the debate about when to eat becomes irrelevant.

Do you think just because few calories will be spent?

No, simply because after eating, our body completely switches to relaxation, this is elementary physiology.

A person has eaten and feels some heaviness, and this is not comfortable during exercise. physical activity. I want to lie down and relax; after eating, all animals lie down and rest, or sleep.

And if you ate some time ago, even if not even 2 hours have passed, but you want to move, then move for your health, just focus on your sensations in the body.

And you don’t need to follow other people’s instructions about when and what to do.

How to increase efficiency and fat burning?

The greater the load on the muscles, the greater the effect for weight loss.

If you plan to only do walking, and want a more pronounced effect in the form of lost kilograms, then you can use incline walking.

What is tilt walking?

This is when you walk up a hill or climb stairs, the steeper the climb, the greater the load.

Walking on the stairs, an alternative to step aerobics, first you go up and then go down. Be sure to pay attention to the condition of your knee joints, if they hurt or swell, then you should not get carried away with walking up the stairs, it will more harm, especially if you are heavy.

The easiest option is to walk in place.

Remember, before in physical education, each lesson began with a warm-up, and there was always walking in place.

If you don’t have the opportunity to set aside time for a walk, then walk in place for at least 10-15 minutes, and you will already have a certain effect.

You can walk always and everywhere, and it is not at all necessary to set aside a special time for this, the most important thing is the desire.

When is it better to go - in the morning or in the evening?

Everything is individual, what is more convenient for you, what is more comfortable, and it all depends on your life schedule. If you are a night owl and wake up quite late, then the morning option is definitely not suitable for you. You shouldn’t force yourself, because you won’t last long, and it’s not a matter of willpower at all, but of comfort.

Be sure to focus on your habits, because if you have never walked before specifically to lose weight or simply to maintain health, then it takes time to develop such a habit, and then the need.

And don’t forget that when you start walking purposefully, you are wasting time that was previously occupied with something.

And habits are surprisingly strong! 🙂

Therefore, pleasure, comfort, pleasant sensations must be present and no violence against oneself.

In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about the fact that the majority of people cannot find time even for a 30-minute walk. Because you need to get dressed, get ready and go for a purposeful walk. And this is not laziness at all, this is the rhythm of life and also stereotypes.

Now, for example, you are looking for information about walking, you have read a lot of materials (I think, not only on my website) and you have the feeling that this is not all quite simple, and you need to bother and mentally prepare for a long time.

And also, which is no less important, you need to follow some rules (for example, race walking), and often you end up reading, thinking and scoring.

Well, maybe a few people do it for a few days and then stop, because they want quick results in the form of weight loss.

And walking gives results with long-term use, but immediately you feel cheerfulness and good health.

If you are a working person, then it is quite possible that you find it difficult to find time to practice walking purposefully.

If your work is far enough from home and you travel by public transport, then walk to the next stop after work, or if you are very tired, then leave 15 minutes early and walk the first stop.

I can speak from my experience, I regularly need to buy groceries (like you, I think), I go by car to buy groceries for the week on weekends.

But during the week, I buy small things - bread, milk, etc.

I always walk, and I think in advance which store I will go to, I try to choose the farthest one in order to walk more, but of course, this depends on how heavy the bag will be.

I try to do such trips to the “distant store” for groceries every day, and you know, over time a habit has developed, a persistent desire to leave the house arises, regardless of the weather.

Yes, of course, I don’t do any special walking, but I try to walk every day, and I get great pleasure from it.

Do you walk, or are you just getting ready? Write about it in the comments, and if you have certain results, then give hope and inspiration to those who read this article.

Best regards, Natalia.

P.S. I found a very useful video “10 rules of walking for weight loss”

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