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All about Bangkok. Bangkok - a guide to the capital of Thailand

Test on the topic: “France in 1814-1913.”

1. Match:

2. Arrange these periods of French history in chronological order. Write your answer as a sequence of numbers.

1. First Empire;

2. Second Empire;

3. Third Republic;

5. Second Republic.

3. Match:

1. Napoleon I; 2. Napoleon III; 3.Louis Philippe;

4. Charles X; 5. Louis XVIII.

4. Match:

5. He received the nickname “King of Emigrants” for his policies...

1. Louis Napoleon;

2. Louis Philippe;

4. Louis XVIII.

6. Indicate the consequences of the coup d'état carried out by CharlesX.

1. establishment of a republican system;

2. establishment of the July Monarchy;

3. the directory coming to power;

4. establishment of a military dictatorship.

7. When did the revolution take place in France, which led to the establishment of the July Monarchy?

8. What fact indicates successful development in France in the second quarterXIXcentury of the industrial revolution?

1. anti-worker laws continued to apply in industry;

2. real power was in the hands of bankers and stockbrokers;

3. there were more manufactories than factories;

4. the number of steam engines and mechanical machine tools increased.

. During the reign of which monarch does this cartoon belong?

1. Louis Napoleon;

2. Louis Philippe;

4. Louis XVIII.

10. Which monarch of France had the following nicknames: “Pear King”, “Citizen King”, “Bourgeois King”?

1. Louis Napoleon;

2. Louis Philippe;

4. Louis XVIII.

11. The motto of Louis Philippe’s reign was...

1. “Everything for the people!”;

2. “Get rich!”;

3. “Freedom, equality, brotherhood!”;

4. “After us there might be a flood.”

12. The term “Spring of Nations” refers to...

1. 1814-1815;

2. 1848-1849;

3. 1848-1852;

4. 1870-1871

13. “Mother of all revolutions” was rightly called...

1. England;

2. Italy;

3. Germany;

4. France.

14. What period New history Is France reflected in the caricature?

1. Consulate and Empire;

2. Restoration;

4. Second Republic.

15. Which French monarch is the following cartoon dedicated to?

1. Louis Napoleon;

2. Louis Philippe;

4. Louis XVIII.

16. What year does Louis Philippe’s phrase refer to?“Believe me, Parisians never make revolutions in winter”?

17. Under the nickname “big uncle’s little nephew” he entered the history of France...

1. Napoleon I;

3. Napoleon III;

4. Louis XVIII.

18. The Franco-Prussian War took place in...

1. 1848-1849;

2. 1870-1871

3. 1875-1879;

4. 1914-1918

19. What was the result of the Franco-Prussian War for Germany?

2. loss of Alsace and Lorraine;

3. loss of political leadership in Europe;

4. resignation of Otto von Bismarck.

20. What was the result of the Franco-Prussian War for France?

1. creation of a single state;

2. capture of new colonies;

3. strengthening of the Second Empire;

4. loss of Alsace and Lorraine.

21. Indicate the place near which the decisive battle of the Franco-Prussian War took place.

4. Gravelotte.

22. The point of conflict between the interests of France and Prussia in 1870 was the question of who would take the throne in...

1. Poland;

2. Spain;

3. Italy;

4. Portugal.

23. Which historical figure do these words belong to:“I carefully read the dispatch again, picked up a pencil and boldly crossed out the entire place where it was said that Benedetti asked for a new audience; I only left the head and tail from the dispatch”?

1. William I;

2. Otto von Bismarck;

3. Napoleon III;

4. A. Lamartine.

24. When did the uprising begin, during which the revolutionary government of the Paris Commune was created?

25. The Paris Commune in France existed:

4. 100 days.

26. The events that went down in history as “Bloody May Week” refer to...

27. Match:

1. L. Cavaignac;

2. A. Thiers;

3. O. Bismarck;

4. A. Lamartine.

28. The Third Republic was proclaimed in France in...

29. Indicate a feature of the economic development of France in the second halfXIXcentury.

1. absence of large industrial and banking monopolies;

2. increased export of capital in the form of government loans;

3. creation of a powerful public sector in the country’s economy;

4. priority investment in agriculture.

30. Fill in the missing terms:

A) _____________ - a letter sent by courier to emergency, especially a diplomatic letter;

B) _____________ - payments imposed on the losing state in favor of the winning state.


31*. Consider the situation and answer the question.

It was this Duke of Orleans, judging by the chronology, who was the Countess’s card partner in “The Queen of Spades” by A.S. Pushkin:

“You need to know that my grandmother, sixty years ago, went to Paris and was in great fashion there.<...>

At that time, ladies played pharaoh. Once at court, she lost something very much to the Duke of Orleans at his word.<...>

That same evening the grandmother appeared at Versailles, au jeu de la Reine. Duke of Orleans metal; Grandma slightly apologized for not bringing her debt, weaved a little story to justify it and began to pontificate against him. She chose three cards, played them one after another: all three won her Sonic, and the grandmother completely won back.”

Which monarch of France are we talking about?

32*. Look at the illustration and answer the questions:

1. What year does this image belong to?

2. Which two historical figures depicted on it?

33*. Under what name did the document whose contents are posted below go down in history?

“The French ambassador appealed to His Majesty at Ems with a request to allow him to telegraph to Paris that His Majesty undertakes once and for all not to give his consent if the Hohenzollerns again put forward their candidacy. Then His Majesty refused to receive the French ambassador and ordered him to convey that he had nothing more to tell him.”

34*. Name the years in power of the monarch to whom the following cartoon was dedicated.

35*. The cartoon below is called "LouisXVIIItries on boots_______.” Fill in the blank in the title of the cartoon by entering the required name.

36*. Consider the situation and answer the question.
Among art historians there is an assumption that the appearance of this French monarch (the oval of the face, the shape of the nose, as well as the signature mustache and goatee) served as the prototype for the textbook illustration image of Baron Munchausen.

Which monarch are we talking about?

37*. Consider the situation and answer the question.

In fact, he never reigned (although from June 22 to July 7, 1815, the Parisians legislatures recognized him as emperor). In Bonapartist circles he is known as the “Eaglet” (French l "Aiglon).

Say the name of this person.


1. 1B, 2A, 3G, 4B.

2. 1, 4, 5, 2, 3.

3. 1D, 2A, 3B, 4G, 5B.

27.1B, 2B, 3G, 4A.

30. 1. - dispatch; 2 - indemnity.

31. Louis Philippe.

32. 1870, Napoleon III and O. Bismarck.

33. Ems dispatch.

34. 1830-1848

35. Napoleon I.

36. Napoleon III.

Option 1.
1.Napoleon was proclaimed Emperor of the French in
A. 1799 B. 1802 V. 1804

A. French invasion of Spain
B. Battle of Borodino
V. “100 days of Napoleon”
G. Battle of Austerlitz
D. "Battle of the Nations" at Leipzig
3. Reasons for the weakening of Napoleon’s empire:
A. decline in industry and trade
B. people's dissatisfaction with continuous wars
B. France's refusal of aggressive policy.

4. The system of measures introduced by Napoleon prohibited everyone dependent on France
countries to trade with England. Historians believe that she caused no less harm
France than England. This:
A. continental blockade B. trade war C. “closure” of England

Under the terms of the Congress of Vienna, Prussia received Rhineland and Westphalia,
Austria - Lombardy and _______________, power over ____________ was restored
Roman region.
6. Match:
1. creation of the French Bank
2. ban on strikes by workers
3. development of the police investigation system
4. encouragement of entrepreneurship
A. domestic policy
B. strengthening policy
regime of personal power

Control test. Topic: France under Napoleon.
5. legislative protection of the property of the “new rich”
1. In May 1804 Napoleon was proclaimed
Option 2.
A. first consul B. consul for life C. emperor of the French
2. Place the following events in chronological order.
Write down the correct combination of letters.
A. Napoleon's entry into Berlin
B. siege of Zaragoza
V. Battle of Waterloo
G. Battle of Marengo
D. expulsion of the French army from Russia.
3. The document in question was considered by Napoleon to be his “true glory.” He
secured the inviolability of private property, equality of citizens, freedom
conscience. This:
A. Civil Code B. Declaration of Independence C. Constitution
4. Reasons for the weakening of Napoleon's empire
A. the desire of the peoples of countries dependent on Napoleon for freedom
B. negative consequences of the continental blockade for the French economy
B. decrease in Napoleon’s aggressive activity.
Find and indicate the letter of the position that is superfluous in this list.
5. Read the text and fill in the necessary words in place of the gaps.
Under the terms of the Congress of Vienna, Prussia received the Rhineland and Westphalia. Was
The German Confederation was created from _________. Emperors of Russia and Austria, King of Prussia
created ______________.
6. Match:
1. edition of the Civil Code
2. lavish balls, construction of luxurious palaces
3. “tax in blood”
4. continuation of recruitment in France
A. policies that contributed
strengthening France
B. the policy that led
empire to fall
History 8th grade. Gudzishevskaya N.V. MBOU Secondary School No. 1, Vilyuchinsk

Test "France ( French Republic): geographical position, nature, economics"

1 France is located:

A) Western Europe

B) Eastern Europe

2. What does the outline of France look like:

A) Rectangle.

B) Pentagon

3. Capital of France:

A) Paris

B) Marseille

4. The territory of France is washed by:

A) Caspian and Black Seas

B) Northern and Mediterranean seas

5 On the territory of France there are mountains:

A) Pyrenees

B) Alps and Pyrenees

6. Correct the text

The largest rivers of the country are the Loire, Rhine, Seine, Garonne. In the north and west of France, the climate is influenced by the cold Gulf Stream, so the weather here is rainy in both winter and summer. The east of the country usually has hot summers and cold winters, while the south has hot, dry and warm summers. Wet winter.

7. Remove the extra word.

Most of France lies in the broad-leaved and hard-leaved forest zone.

8 France is:

A ) Monarchy

B) Republic

9Fill in the missing words.

In France they mine __________________, _____________, ____________. In the southwest of the country there are deposits of ____________.

10 The territory of France is divided into:

A) Regions

B) States

6. The largest rivers of the country are the Loire, Seine, Garonne. In the north and west of France, the climate is influenced by the warm North Atlantic Current, so the weather here is rainy in both winter and summer. The east of the country usually has hot summers and cold winters, while the south has hot, dry summers and warm, wet winters.

7. Most of France lies in the zone of deciduous forests.

9. Iron ore, coal, and bauxite are mined in France. Oil fields are located in the southwest of the country.

The abundance of airlines flying here is dizzying. They fly from Minsk with one transfer Etihad, UIA,Turkish Airlines, Aeroflot and even Air China. The cost of a round-trip ticket ranges from $450-650. There is another option - Turkmenistan Airlines, a ticket will cost $400-500. The earlier you buy, the cheaper it is. From Moscow, again with one transfer, you can fly to Emirates And Etihad for $400-450 round trip or on a direct Aeroflot round-trip flight for $530.

Suvarnabhumi International Airport connected to the business center of the city by metro line. If you're staying downtown, the fastest and most comfortable way is to take the Airport Link to Makkasan or Phaya Thai stations, where you can change to the desired metro line or take a taxi to the hotel. The cost of a ticket, depending on the distance and the chosen train (City Line with all stops or Express Train) will be $1-4.5.

Before Khao San and the most convenient way to get to Public Vans. Minivans to the historical center go every hour and depart from the Suvarnabhumi Public Transportation Center bus station. You can get to it (3 km) by Shuttle Bus from the ground floor of the airport. If there are free seats at the bus station after loading, the minivans also stop at the exit from the arrivals hall. A bus ticket will cost $3.5, and it is not necessary to buy it in advance. Travel time is 1.5 hours.

From the airport for local flights and low-cost airlines Don Muang The city center can be reached by rail. Trains to Hua Lamphong Central Station depart every half hour, and from there you can transfer to the metro, bus or taxi. For schedules and ticket prices, visit railway.co.th.

Between Khao San and Don Muang Airport Bus No. 59 runs once an hour. On average, the trip will take 2-2.5 hours and cost $0.70.

Bangkok's public transport is truly diverse: regular and express buses, underground metro and skytrains, Chao Phraya Express Boats on the city's main waterway and small boats. Khlong Saen Saep Express Boats plying along the city canals. In order not to get confused in all this diversity, use the site Transit Bangkok. With its help you can find out the schedule and traffic patterns, current prices for tickets and even build complex routes.

Knock-kuk in Bangkok they are especially common in tourist areas. This great way getting to the right place is a breeze and cheaper than taking a taxi. But the cost of the trip greatly depends on your bargaining ability. The normal price for 2 km is $1.40.

In addition to standard taxis, Bangkok is thriving motorcycle taxi. Thais use it everywhere, but farangs (literally white people) should ride it only for the thrill and training in balancing act. Let's not forget about the frantic traffic in the city and the recklessness of Thai motorcyclists. City tariffs are also set for motorcycle taxis, but there are no meters here and the cost of the trip is calculated by the driver himself using a calculator. So, the minimum cost of a trip is $0.70. You will pay the same amount for the first 2 km of the route, from 3 to 5 km - $0.14 per km, and from 6 to 15 km - already $0.30 per km. More than 15 km - negotiate the price with the driver yourself. You can order it in the Grab Car app, but don't expect the service to work on the outskirts of the city

In Bangkok, you have a choice: stay in the business center near Lumpini Park and Sukhumvit Road or in the historical part of the city on Rattanakosin Island. Downtown Bangkok has a concentration of good hostels and expensive hotels, brand stores and shopping centers. If you're drawn to sightseeing and nightlife, check out the legendary Khaosan Road on Rattanakosin. If only because the historical center is not connected to the rest of the city via the metro, the only way to get here from downtown is by taxi, tuk-tuk or local bus. But why waste extra time and money?

Where to live on Rattanakosin?

When going to Thai palaces and temples, do not forget about the dress code: cover your back, shoulders and knees (it is better to always wear pants and a long-sleeved shirt).

You can get a cheap and tasty snack in Bangkok at makashnitsa (local street food). In tourist areas, such as Khao San, street stalls start working closer to lunch, but they cook until late in the evening. In non-tourist areas, aimed at locals, makashnitsy appear in the early morning, but by 15-16 o'clock they are already winding down.

In Bangkok, delicious fruits are sold at affordable prices at every step. And Thai mangoes are considered the sweetest in the world. Therefore, the snack here is appropriate. At street stalls you can buy cut mango, papaya, melon, watermelon and pineapple for $0.55. If you want to buy fruit for future use, in downtown go to Khlong Toei Market (Rama IV Road, Khlong Toei) . And from Khao San you can get to the market Or Tor Kor (Kamphaengphet Road, opposite Chatuchak Weekend Market) .

Perhaps the most popular drink among farangs in Thailand is shakes (fruit, sugar syrup and ice). A huge glass of the coveted mango shake will cost about $1.5. Freshly squeezed juices are also very popular here (about $1 per 0.25 liter). The most expensive of them is pomegranate ($2.40 for 0.25 l), you need to drink it in Chinatown on Sampeng Market (Yaowarat Road). Freshly squeezed pomegranate juice absolutely different from what is sold in our stores both in taste and color!

Don't forget to try the main Thai dessert - Mango Sticky Rice. This is rice cooked in coconut milk with mango pieces. You can find it in large quantities at pop-up shops in the first half of the day, and in restaurants or cafes you can order it around the clock!

Despite the fact that Thailand is a hot country, ice cream here is not as popular as shakes. 7Eleven sells popsicles in original packaging. And on the streets of Bangkok you can only find delicious coconut ice cream. Serve it in half a coconut, after shaving the pulp, and sprinkle with peanuts. Well, for ice cream in its traditional form, go to the main street Chinatown (Yaowarat Road). Look for street ice cream vendors and don't miss the opportunity to try popsicles flavored with the king of fruits - durian!

A Taiwanese drink has recently appeared in Bangkok that is winning the hearts of local hipsters - this cheese tea(cheese tea). A delicious drink, where the base is any tea, and on top is salty cheese foam. You need to drink so that you still have a cheese mustache. You can try it at Heekcaa (Heekcaa Siam Discovery 2fl.) .

A more serious snack option - a popular street dish Pad Thai made from flat rice noodles, sprouted grains, ground peanuts with sweet and sour sauce. At the buyer's choice, tofu, chicken, pork or shrimp can be added to it. The cost of Pad Thai at street stalls ranges from $0.30 to $1.

Tom Kha is considered one of the most popular delights of Thai cuisine - it is a soup with the addition of coconut milk. Costs from $1.5. To understand a little about the names of Thai soups, here's a little help. The word "tom" literally means "to cook" - everything is clear here. Then words are added to it that specify the composition of the dish - “yam”, for example, is a Thai spicy salad, but “kha” means that the soup is prepared with the addition of coconut milk. Then everything becomes even more complicated: the third place in the name of the dish may be its main ingredient - for example, “kai” - chicken.

In the evening, among the hearty street food options in Bangkok, skewers made from meat, beef liver, bacon or vegetables are especially popular. The chosen preparation will be immediately cooked on coals for you, and before that it will be covered with hot sauce. One kebab costs around $0.50. The most delicious is obtained from pork in honey, but it can be not so easy to find!

Rot Fai Market (Train Market)(SrinakarinSoi 51, behind Seacon Square Shopping Mall) . In 2013, due to construction, BTS was moved to a new location, but the old name remained. This is an authentic open-air bazaar, selling a variety of vintage collectibles and memorabilia from the past, from antique furniture to hippie clothes. A very busy market with many pubs and cafes, it is open from Thursday to Sunday from 17:00 until late at night. Tell the taxi driver Seacon square and they will take you where you need to go.

Klong Toi Fresh (Rama IV Road | Khlong Toei, Khlong Toei) - a huge market in the city center where you can buy fruits and vegetables for ridiculous money. Far from being a clean place where locals shop. However, the color and unusualness of the market is worth a visit: roosters in cages, mountains of pineapples, mangoes in huge baskets.

floating market Damnoen Saduak (DamnoenSaduak,
Damnoen Saduak District, Ratchaburi)
The market is open daily from 7:00 to 16:00. It is located 100 kilometers from the capital of Thailand in the Ratchaburi region. It became famous thanks to the Bond film, where the oppressor floated through the canals of this market. Here you can buy souvenirs and antiques, and try national Thai dishes. To get to the market, you can take a taxi or bus No. 78 or 996, which departs from the Sai Thai Mai bus station.

In Khao San, you can even get confused by the abundance of cafes and restaurants! Here you will find everything you want: European, American, Thai, Chinese and many other cuisines. In addition, there are numerous Western chain establishments scattered around the area.

My Darling (323 Thanon Rambuttri - Khao San Road) - popular restaurant with European cuisine on Ram Buttri Alley, parallel to Khaosan. There are always a lot of people here and a large selection of dishes at average prices, and the hall is decorated with strange sculptures.

For vegan and healthy food, check out Ethos Bakery Cafe (85/2 Tanao Road). It is located in the alley behind Burger King (passage into the alley to the left of the jewelry store next to Burger). They serve organic rice, hummus, falafel and fresh juices, and vegan burgers. Take off your shoes when entering, you'll feel at home here. The portions are large and the service is excellent.

If you want to eat inexpensively and tasty, go to the neighboring Soi Ram Buttri to a small family cafe - Gesco Bar (25/2 Phra Athit Road, Soi Chanasongkram) . The choice of dishes here is huge, and the prices are extremely low ($1-1.70 per serving). True, you often have to wait for an empty seat.

For muffins, go to Konnichipan (183 Chakkrabongse Rd) . If you miss pizza, then it's time to go Koh Lanta Pizzeria (88/3 Khao San Rd) .

If you want something special, book a table at Steve Cafe & Cuisine (68 Sri Ayudhaya Road, Soi Sri Ayudhaya 21 - Devet) . The restaurant is located on a river pontoon. From here you have a gorgeous view of Chao Phraya and the Rama VIII Bridge. In the evenings, there’s no room for apples to fall here, but where else can you see such amazing sunsets? average price dishes - $4.50-$5.

In the morning, you can drink a cup of Thai coffee with condensed milk and eat toast at a traditional Bangkok coffee shop Eiah-Sae (1-103 Yaowarat Road). For 87 years, this cafe has specialized in preparing Thai coffee, and the toast bread is baked according to its own recipe. A cup of hot drink will cost only $0.60. To find this mini cafe, take the river transport to the Marina Dept pier. and pass through the famous ChinaTown.

Popular street cafe in Chinatown Nai Ek (442 Yaowarat Road) located between Soi 9 and 11. They make the most delicious Kuay Jap or Guay Jab in the city - spicy rice noodle soup and different types pork and pork blood. The menu has small, medium and large portions for each dish. A small portion will cost an average of $1.40, and a large portion will cost $2.80.

On the main street of Chinatown - Yaowarat Road - is located great amount cafes and restaurants with traditional Chinese cuisine. Here you will find shops selling layers of the famous dried pork, various spices and herbs.

Want to try the best Chinese food in town? Go to a family restaurant Yim Yim (89 Yaowaphanit Road). The interior of the place is not particularly impressive and corresponds to a typical Chinese cafe, which cannot be said about the kitchen! They also offer different serving sizes: small, medium and large.

Don't be lazy to go to the old bistro in the morning On Lok Yun (72 Charoen Krung Rd) and order a big breakfast with assorted Chinese sausages and scrambled eggs. Here you can try the famous toast with condensed milk and coffee with it. Just get there early, otherwise you'll have to queue to get a table.

Tired of noisy Chinatown? Dine with stunning city views in a moving panoramic restaurant Sky View 360° (215 Yaowarat Road). A cocktail or bottle of beer will cost $6, and the average cost of dishes is $7-12.

In the business district it can be difficult to find traditional Thai food, but there are many good restaurants and cafes. On Sukhumvit Road along the skytrain lines you will find trendy cafes with world cuisines, food courts in shopping centers and famous chain establishments: McDonalds, Burger King, Starbucks and etc.

For the best sandwiches and coffee in the city, head to Rocket Coffeebar (147 Soi Sathon 12). A cozy establishment with a Scandinavian style interior, open kitchen and a huge Rocket Club Sandwich for $11.

Next to Benjasiri Park is Bangkok's most famous vegan establishment - Veganerie Concept (35/2 Soi.Methiniwet - Sukhumvit 24) . Starting out as a pastry shop, it grew into a renowned vegan restaurant within a couple of years. However, delicious desserts have not disappeared from the menu. The average cost of dishes is $6-8.

If you like vegan food, be sure to visit May Veggie Home (8/3 Ratchadapisek Rd Khlong Toei) - a soulful family place where it’s difficult to find a free table, and the menu makes even non-vegetarians salivate. Ask for no spicy.

Mango Vegetarian & Vegan Restaurant and Arts Gallery (13 Tanao Rd.). Be careful, huge portions! Your vegan soul will be pleased.

If you want to try traditional local cuisine, check out Thon Krueng (211/3 Soi Sukhumvit 49, Sukhumvit Road, Wattana) . For more than 20 years, the restaurant has been preparing delicious Thai food at low prices. This is confirmed not only by online reviews, but also by the long queues that line up here in the evenings. The average cost of dishes is $3-5.

Well, it’s customary to have dinner in downtown Bangkok on the roof of some skyscraper, admiring the lights of the city at night. For example, in the popular Above Eleven (Sukhumvit Road Soi 11, Klong Toey) , occupying the top 3 floors of a 32-story skyscraper. From here you have a wonderful view of the business center of Bangkok. In addition to Thai and European cuisine, you can also order Peruvian (!) dishes.

Nightlife in Bangkok is vibrant and vibrant. Here everyone will find entertainment to their liking. The most killer parties take place on Khao San Road. On Sukhumvit Soi 11 There are popular bars and clubs. In the Sukhumvit Soi 38 area you will find establishments that are popular with Thai golden youth and local celebrities. The local Red Light District awaits extreme sports enthusiasts - Soy Cowboy (Sukhumvit Road between Asoke Road (Soi 21) - Sukhumvit Soi 23) .

It’s better to immediately deal with the most hellish places in Bangkok. Nana Plaza (Sukhumvit Soi 4)- three floors of entertainment for adults. In a huge number of bars occupying the entire space of the building, alcohol flows like a river. On the third floor there are even a couple of hotels for short-time holidays.

There are even more bars and clubs in Khao San than there are restaurants and guesthouses. Do you want to have a drink and chat? Just go outside and sit at any table. At night, the whole of Khaosan is one big open-air bar! Be sure to have a drink from one of the nomads VW Cocktail Bar (Soi Rambutri- approximate address) - a mobile bar set up in the famous hippie Volkswagen Bus with extremely cheap drinks - beer from $2 and cocktails for $3. They don't have an address or phone number, but you can almost always find them in the Khao San Road area).

Live music lovers should visit Brown Sugar (469 Wanchat Junction Bangkok) - this is the best jazz bar where you can listen to music, have a drink, and look at the music exhibition, up the photogenic stairs.

Even on a party street you can find a piece of the island and beach parties. Run in

With a population of over 15 million people (2012). The metropolis is located on the eastern bank of the Chao Phraya River, about 20 kilometers from the coast of the Gulf of Thailand. The territory area is over 1500 km².

Bangkok is the main economic and political center of Thailand, as well as one of the fastest growing cities in Southeast Asia.

It is also a major transport hub and popular tourist centre countries. But still, despite the prevailing opinion that tourism brings a significant part of the capital’s income, this is not the case; it brings only about 4-5%.

Thanks to complex system canals dug in the mid-19th century, on the orders of one of the Thai kings, gave Bangkok another name - “Venice of the East”. In those distant times, boats were the only means of transportation here. Now most of the canals have already been filled in and in their place there are ordinary streets.

However, some of these canals have still survived to this day - people still live along their banks, trade is thriving and large markets operate.

One of the main problems of modern Bangkok is gas pollution, the reasons for which are, among other things, constant traffic jams.

It is also worth noting that the city has very high humidity, the water in the canals is very dirty, and in general, unsanitary conditions flourish on many streets, especially not the main ones.

Bangkok is a popular sex tourism center in Asia. Although formally prostitution is illegal here, it is nevertheless one of the types of employment in Bangkok.

Districts of Bangkok

Island Rattanakosin- this is where it is located historical city center of Bangkok. This area is a densely built-up "Old Bangkok", surrounded on all sides by numerous canals, walls and towers built in the distant past to defend the city. The city's main attractions are located here, including Wat Pho and the Grand Royal Palace.

Area Chinatown– in this shopping district they sell approximately the same things as in the Chinese markets in Russia, plus local Thai souvenirs.

Area Silom- This modern center metropolis with office buildings, the tallest buildings in the city. This is where the most expensive hotels in Bangkok are located.

Area Siam Square– in this quarter there are the largest supermarkets in Bangkok, as well as many smaller shops, they are all united low prices, compared to stores located in tourist areas.

Area Pratunam– is the most popular tourist area of ​​Bangkok, and it is here that a significant part of Russian tourists stay.

Last changes: 16.05.2013

Climate in Bangkok

Climate in Bangkok- subequatorial.

It is warm and humid here throughout the year, the average air temperature is +28...+33°C, there are no noticeable seasonal temperature fluctuations.

The period from May to October is the wet season, and the period from the beginning of November to the end of April is the dry season.

IN winter months(December, January, February) precipitation is relatively rare, and its maximum occurs in September and October.

Last changes: 05/16/2013

History of Bangkok

In the distant past, Bangkok was a small trading and port village called Bang Kok and serving the capital of that period - the city of Ayutthaya.

In 1767, the capital city of Ayutthaya was destroyed during an attack by the Burmese, which is why the King temporarily moved the capital to the west bank of the Chao Phraya River to the settlement of Thonburi (now part of modern Bangkok).

And 15 years later, in 1782, King Rama I built a palace on the eastern bank of the river and proclaimed Bangkok the permanent capital of Thailand, giving it a new name Krun Thep, which translates as “City of Angels.”

However, the new name somehow did not really take root in the country, and throughout the world, because local residents, as well as foreigners, usually call the city Bangkok.

Last changes: 05/16/2013

Bangkok city public transport

Basic public transport in Bangkok – buses. There are several categories of buses with different fares: regular, luxury with air conditioning, “mini-buses” and “micro-buses”, serving routes with low passenger traffic. A trip on a bus with air conditioning will cost ~10 THB, without - ~4 THB. From 23 to 5 am there are night buses on some routes, the fare is ~5 THB.

The city has a huge number Taxi, which Taxis come in two types: “taxi” without a meter and “taxi-meter” with payment by the meter. The fare ranges from 35 to 200 THB depending on the distance. You can and should bargain in a taxi: the price is usually agreed upon in advance.

Also common auto rickshaws(knock knock) and motorcycle taxi(the passenger simply sits behind the motorcycle driver).

Often, auto-rickshaw (tuk-tuk) drivers take foreign tourists (of course, without the latter’s consent) to dubious shops, the owners of which pay them extra for this. In general, all this happens quite intrusively (much like Arab sellers in Egypt) and, most importantly, it takes away your valuable time on vacation. We recommend using the services of regular taxis.

City streets are heavily congested; to combat traffic jams, a fairly large number of elevated expressways and a partially completed ring road around Greater Bangkok have been built. As a rule, these highways (express ways) are toll.


Two lines were opened in 1999 skytrain elevated metro (BTS). The Sukhumvit line is 16.8 km long and takes 27 minutes; Silom line – 6.3 km, travel time 12 minutes. Siam is an interchange station on two levels, with transfers through the platform. Train movement is automatic.

The BTS fare depends on the distance and ranges from 15 to 40 baht. Day tickets are available for 120 baht. You can also buy tickets for a certain number of trips. The turnstile machine at the exit compares the cost of the trip with the cost of the ticket. If the second one is insufficient, a siren sounds and the passenger has to buy an additional ticket.

BTS website – bts.co.th

The first one was launched in 2004 underground metro line (MRT), passing through the eastern part of the city and connecting the northern railway station of Bang Sue with the Hua Lamphong railway station located near the center of Bangkok. The line is 21 kilometers long and has 18 stops. The fare depends on the distance and ranges from 14 to 36 baht.

MRT website – bangkokmetro.co.th

MRT and BTS are owned by different private companies and do not have common fares or direct connections. Transfers can be made due to the close location of stations of two systems: Chatuchak Park - Mo Chit, Sukhumvit - Asok and Si Lom - Sala Daeng.

Water transport

The presence of a large river in the city, as well as the swampy, heavily watered area in which Bangkok is located, led to the widespread use of water transport, both for external communications and for intracity transportation.

Urban water transport includes several waterbus routes plying the Chao Phraya River, and a number of ferry crossings, connecting its banks. There are two types of river buses: regular (stops at all points) and express. Cost – 10 THB.

Taxi service has also been developed, which has both transport and tourist significance, and is carried out mainly by typical Thai longtail boats, narrow wooden motor boats with a propeller located on a long console-“tail”. The helmsman on such a boat maneuvers, turning the entire structure, consisting of an engine, console and propeller, on the “turret”.

The water in the canals of Bangkok is very dirty and “smells” - during a trip on low boats, its splashes fly into the faces of passengers (protective polyethylene walls rise along the edges, but such trips are not very enjoyable).

Routes have been laid along the canals on the eastern bank of the Chao Phrayi River speed boats large capacity. The low cost of travel (10-15 THB), short travel intervals (about 5 minutes) and independence from traffic jams make them an attractive alternative to ground transport.

Intercity buses

From Bangkok it is easy to get to any corner of the country using an intercity bus.

Buses traveling to the west or southwest depart from the Southern Bus Station, located in the western part of the city.

In order to get to the southeast, for example to Pattaya or Samet Island, it is convenient to take buses departing from the East Bus Station - Ekkamai BTS station.

To the north and northeast, buses depart from the Northern Bus Terminal - Mo Chit metro station, which can be reached using both BTS and MRT.

Bangkok airports

There are 2 airports in Bangkok:

Don Mueang– Bangkok International Airport, the second largest airport in Thailand in terms of domestic traffic. It began operation on March 27, 1914, and was opened on the basis of a Thai Air Force base.

Before the opening of Suvarnabhum Airport, which took place in the fall of 2006, it was the main airport in Thailand for almost a century, in 2006 it was the 2nd busiest airport in Asia and the 18th in the world.

From September 2006 to March 2007, it was used for charter and military flights; on March 24, 2007, it was reopened for domestic commercial flights, including low-cost carriers.

Don Mueang has a railway station through which trains pass from Hua Lam Phong Station to the north and northeast and back.

Suvarnabhumi– new Bangkok international airport, largest airport Thailand, one of the largest air hubs in Southeast Asia. Began operation on September 28, 2006. Located 30 km southeast of Bangkok.

In 2010, the new 28-kilometer high-speed elevated railway line Airport Rail Link (ARL) came into operation, connecting Suvarnabhumi Airport with Bangkok. ARL has two interchange stations for the intra-city lines MRT (Makkasan Station) and BTS (Phaya Thai Station). Makkasan Station serves as the city's air terminal, where you can drop off your luggage and check in for your flight.

ARL is open daily from 6 am to 12 midnight. There are two types of trains: Express Line (from 15 to 45 THB, journey time 15 minutes) and City Line (150 THB, with stops, journey time 27 minutes).

Website Suvarnabhumi Airport– suvarnabhumiairport.com

Last changes: 03/19/2017

Railway stations

The city has two railway stations, serving four directions. Train traffic on Thai railways is relatively low and delays are common.

Most passengers traveling by train begin their journey from Hua Lamphong Station, the final subway station. From here there are trains to Malaysia to the south, to Chiang Mai and further north and to Khon Kaen and further to the northeast.

The western direction to Nam Tok (Kanchanaburi province, including the famous bridge over the River Kwai) is served by Thonburi station.

Last changes: 08/13/2011

How to get to Bangkok from Russia

There are numerous regular and charter flights from Russia to Bangkok:

From Moscow

– from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Khabarovsk, Krasnoyarsk, Vladivostok

- from Moscow

– from Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk and Krasnoyarsk

- from Moscow

Last changes: 08/16/2011

Sights of Bangkok

One of the main attractions of the city is the residence of the Thai monarchs with a magnificent park and buildings in traditional Thai style. Located in the historical center of the city, in the Rattanakosin district.

The Grand Palace has served as the residence of the kings of Thailand since the 18th century. Construction of the palace began in 1782, during the reign of King Rama I, when he moved the capital of the country from Thonburi to Bangkok. The palace was constantly expanded; over time, many new buildings and structures for various purposes were built. Currently, the palace is not used for the residence of the kings of Thailand.

North of the royal residence is located Wat Phra Kaew or Temple of the Emerald Buddha, connected to it by a gate. This is one of the most sacred places in Thailand.

Inside the temple is kept the “Emerald Buddha” - a 66 cm high statue carved from solid jadeite in the 15th century. According to one legend, it was covered with gold plates, according to another, it was inside another statue, but made of clay. The image was found in 1431 in one of the temples of Chiang Rai, and later it was taken possession of by King Rama I. Several times a year, temple servants, presided over by a monarch or prince, change the robes of the statue.

Outside the temple at its entrance there are two bronze lions, which were brought from Cambodia by King Rama I. The base of the building is decorated with gilded figures of mystical half-birds, half-humans (garud), the windows and doors are decorated with patterns. The interior decoration of Wat Phra Kaew stands out due to the wall paintings done during the reign of King Rama III. The Royal Pantheon is also located here, where life-size statues of the eight previous kings of the Chakri dynasty are erected.

- a Buddhist temple in the center of Bangkok, located on Rattanakosin Island next to the Grand Palace. Known for the birthplace of the art of Thai massage. This is the oldest temple in the city, built in the 12th century.

Here in 1782, General Chakri proclaimed himself King Rama I and founded a new dynasty of rulers of Thailand. He gave the order to expand the ancient monastery located on this site and erect a stupa 41 m high, covered with a green mosaic depicting the Buddha of the Ayutthaya school. Later, Rama III built a white stupa in honor of his father, and a yellow stupa was erected in his honor. stupa blue color built by order of King Rama IV in honor of Queen Ayutthaya Si Suriyathai. The four stupas symbolize the first four reigns of the Chakri dynasty. There is a pavilion next to the stupas traditional medicine.

The temple is most famous for its image of Buddha waiting to achieve nirvana. Its length reaches 46 m, and its height is 15 m. The feet of the statue are covered with 108 mother-of-pearl ornaments, conveying the individual features of the Buddha himself. The walls of the temple itself are covered with paintings depicting the lives of seven prominent disciples of the Buddha. The balustrade is decorated with marble bas-reliefs reproducing scenes from the Ramayana. In total, on the territory of the monastery there are 4 meeting halls and 95 stupas, as well as a gallery with 400 Buddha statues.

On the territory of the monastery there are stone statues depicting bearded creatures in hats, brought here from China in the 19th century. They act as guardians of the temple.

Located next to Wat Pho library decorated with Chinese mosaics, which contains ancient manuscripts.

- a Buddhist temple in Bangkok, located on the west bank of the Chao Phraya River. Famous for its 79-meter pagoda, decorated with ceramic tiles and colorful porcelain. Built at the end of the 18th century.

– a Buddhist temple in Bangkok, located in the eastern part of the Old City, overlooking Ratchadamnoen Klang and Maha Chai streets.

Construction began by order of King Rama III of Thailand in 1846 and was completed in the 20th century. The name of the temple means "Granddaughter of the King" and is given in honor of Princess Somanas Vadhanavadi.

Wat Ratchanadda occupies an area surrounded by a fence and consists of several buildings. The most notable of these is the Loha Prasat, built like a chedi and made of metal. This is the only metal temple building in Bangkok. Loha Prasat is modeled after a now lost Ceylon temple from the 3rd century BC. e. Of the surviving styles, Prasat is the closest to Burmese.

The height of Loha Prasat is 36 m. It consists of four floors, each of which has metal spiers. The total number of spiers is 37, which corresponds to 37 virtues leading to enlightenment. Each floor is a labyrinth in which meditation chambers and spiers are connected by passages and staircases.

There is a large amulets market located on the temple premises.

Wat Saket
or Golden Mount– a Buddhist temple in the eastern part of the Old City (Phra Nakhon district), opposite Wat Ratchanadda, facing Boriphat Street.

The temple dates back to the Ayutthaya era, when it was called Wat Sakae. King Rama I renovated the temple and renamed it Wat Saket. During the reign of King Rama III, a gold-covered chedi was built on a high artificial hill, and because of this, the title of Chedi Phu Kau Thong (Golden Mountain) was added to the temple. The mountain personifies one of the symbols of Buddhism, Mount Meru.

However, the construction was unsuccessful due to the weakness of the soil, and the mountain subsided. Repairs were carried out under King Rama V, after which the temple was again renamed Suvannabanphot - the same as the Golden Mountain, only in Sanskrit. This building has become a popular attraction in Bangkok, however, the rest of the temple is less visited.

At the end of the 19th century, wat was used for cremation, mainly for the poor.

Before the construction of skyscrapers began, the Golden Mount, 76 meters high, was the tallest building in Bangkok.

– markets on the water, where every morning traders sell their goods (fruits and vegetables, clothes and souvenirs, household goods) directly from specially equipped boats, and peasants continue to meet and exchange goods in the old fashioned way. Markets are open until noon from dawn. There is a huge number and local residents and tourists.

For a small amount, there are many people willing to take you around the market. Renting a motor boat will cost an average of 300 baht, and a boat with oars will cost 100 baht. The sellers have stoves installed right on the boats, and they will be happy to cook something for you if you get hungry.

There are several floating markets in and around Bangkok. The most famous is Damnoen Saduak, located 80 km southwest of Bangkok.

– one of the largest shopping centers in Bangkok. Includes a wide range of shops and restaurants, as well as a multiplex cinema (consists of 15 large cinemas, one of which has the largest screen and maximum capacity in Asia), Siam Ocean World (the largest aquarium in the Southeast Asia), an exhibition hall and a Thai art gallery, as well as an opera concert hall. There is also a large bowling center and karaoke.

is the largest aquarium in Southeast Asia, housing a variety of sea creatures such as penguins, gray sharks and giant spider crabs, etc. The aquarium also offers a “shark dive program” where visitors can swim underwater in the open sea side by side with sharks and rays. The aquarium is also equipped with a modern cinema "Sanyo 4D X-venture". Is in mall Siam Paragon.

Siam Ocean World aquarium website – siamoceanworld.co.th

- the tallest building in Thailand, located in the central district of Bangkok - Ratchathewi.

In the building from 5 to 17 there is a multi-story parking lot, from 22 to 74 floors there are 673 rooms of the Baiyoke Sky Hotel - the tallest hotel in Southeast Asia. There is a public observatory on the 77th floor. On the top floor there is an observation deck (with a 360-degree view). A high-speed elevator with panoramic glazing moves along the end of the building.

The height of the building is 309 meters. The first and last floors are separated by 2060 steps.

- a skyscraper located in the business district of Bang Rak. When completed in 2001, it became the largest building in Southeast Asia. The total area of ​​the building is 300 thousand m², height – 247 m, number of floors – 68 floors.

The skyscraper houses condominiums, apartments, offices and a hotel. Inside the building there is a forty-story atrium, and on the 64th floor is the Sirocco Restaurant, which is the world's highest open-air restaurant.

Last changes: 03/19/2017

Attractions around Bangkok

- safari park in the suburbs of Bangkok. The park consists of two parts (Safari Park and Marine Park), the first where the animals are free, and tourists watch them from a car or bus. The second part is a classic zoo, where you can see performances with animals: dolphin show, seal show, monkey boxing, bird show, cowboy show, water show and much more. Worth a visit, especially with children. You can feed giraffes from a special balcony, as well as fish, or rather a school of large, colorful, impudent fish.

The park has two restaurants, a fast food area, and stalls with ice cream, drinks and light snacks.

The park is open daily from 9 am to 5 pm. On weekends – a little longer – until six.

Excursions to Safari World are sold at many travel agencies in Bangkok. You can also come here on your own.

Safari World website – safariworld.com

– With more than 30,000 freshwater and saltwater crocodiles, this farm is considered the largest in the world. It is located 30 kilometers southeast of Bangkok in Samut Prakarn.
In addition to the crocodiles themselves, there is a zoo with elephants, gibbons, lions and snakes, as well as a dinosaur museum.

West of Bangkok, near the town of Nakhon Pathom, there is the world's largest stupa, 127-meter. Built in 1870 on the site of another more ancient stupa.

Located 33 km from Bangkok a parkMuang Boran or Ancient city(Ancient City), in which the entire territory of the kingdom with the most famous historical monuments is reproduced.

Website of Muang Boran Park – ancientcity.com

76 km north of the city is the ancient capital of Siam, famous for the ruins of ancient temples and the ruins of the Bang Pa In palace.

Last changes: 03/19/2017

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