Home Prosthetics and implantation What is GPP? A set of general physical fitness exercises. “6 sets of exercises for general physical training in class

What is GPP? A set of general physical fitness exercises. “6 sets of exercises for general physical training in class

The right training program will help you get into good physical shape to mobilize your body's energy reserves and increase your resistance to stress. This article is about how to improve your health through exercise. We'll cover workout routines, the "five pillars" of fitness, and more! Go.

Some iron enthusiasts strive to develop maximum strength and muscle mass; others are interested in muscle definition. But most people don’t care about all this. When asked to advise on a training program, I always ask the person about their goals. In 90% of cases it all comes down to improving physical fitness.

Many coaches, including myself, are puzzled by this answer. It's too vague. We need specifics. After all, how else can you develop an individual training program - for example, to lose weight by 15 kg or to increase your deadlift result by 25 kg?

The fact is that most people look at training a little more simply. It's not uncommon for fitness instructors to assume that regular gym-goers should take their workouts as seriously as possible. This is mistake.

We need to start not from how people should train, but from how they train and what goals they set for themselves. And most people have one goal - to improve their well-being, get in shape and improve their health. Achieving this goal is facilitated by comprehensive program general physical training.

What is “general physical fitness”?

This question can be answered in different ways. For some people, this is the ability to run a cross-country race of at least 3 km. For others, it’s to squeeze 100 kg with perfect technique.

Any of these answers may be correct, but let's look at fitness from the point of view of the average person: good physical fitness is a level of development of strength that allows you to perform routine activities. That is, you should be able to carry your suitcases at the airport or throw your hand luggage into the overhead bin on the train.

Or you must be strong enough to carry bags from the supermarket to your car in your hands. A trained person will not puff like a steam locomotive after climbing several floors of stairs.

For people seriously involved in strength sports, such indicators are not something outstanding. But this article is not aimed at serious “jocks”, but at ordinary people who want to strengthen their body.

An effective training program will help you get into good physical shape to mobilize your body's energy reserves and increase your resistance to stress. Moreover, properly selected exercises promote the production of serotonin (“the hormone of happiness”) - as a result, your well-being will significantly improve.

So, we have a general idea of ​​what this article will be about. Now let's look at the five key elements of general fitness:

1. Strength

First of all, let's consider such an element as strength. From the point of view of the modern way of life, the development of strength interests us for two reasons. Firstly, to be able to lift objects from the ground: heavy boxes, water bottles, grocery bags, etc.

Secondly, to lift objects above your head: throw a bag on the top shelf of a train, put a heavy pan in the top compartment of a sideboard, etc. If a person cannot do such simple things, then the quality of his life leaves much to be desired.

The two main exercises that develop strength in these areas are and. Progress in these exercises indicates the development of muscle strength throughout the body.

Once you master the deadlift technique, you will learn how to properly lift objects from the ground. You will learn how wide your feet should be to take the load off your lower back. In addition, you can strengthen your back muscles.

Next we have joint mobility, flexibility and balance. In the elite division, many athletes lift weights of over 300 kg on the bench press, but cannot reach the tips of their toes. From the point of view of general physical fitness, this situation is not normal.

Of course, no one requires you to stretch like a circus acrobat, but it is necessary to have a certain level of balance, mobility and flexibility. The ability to reach to the tips of your toes is simple, but effective method definitions of flexibility.

Bottom line: If you can't reach your toes with your knees slightly bent, your muscles and joints are too stiff. If you can't stand on one leg for thirty seconds, you need to develop your balance.

Finally, the ability to hold the bottom of a deep squat (without a barbell) for thirty seconds indicates good joint mobility. These minimum standards of mobility, flexibility and balance are indicators general level physical development of any person.

Some people need to work hard to learn how to comply with these standards. And others have such innate flexibility that one can only envy. In any case, I advise you to include stretching exercises in your general physical training program, and also perform them in the morning after getting out of bed.

One of best exercises Hindu squats are considered to develop joint mobility. Exercise improves leg flexibility and blood circulation.

It is recommended to start the exercise with 25 repetitions. To get the most out of Hindu squats, try to breathe deeply, inhaling deeply as you rise up from the squat and exhaling as you lower down. Deep breathing promotes the production of epinephrine, the “happy hormone,” which strengthens the lungs and relieves stress.

There is one more good exercise to improve blood circulation and develop flexibility -. Hold a light weight with both hands; take it back between your legs and perform a sharp swing forward, lifting the projectile above your head. Do 25 reps to warm up and... If you don't have a weight, you can use a dumbbell.

Do these exercises regularly to maintain good flexibility. And it happens that a person gets out of bed, has breakfast (sitting), goes to work (sitting), and then spends the whole day in front of the computer (also sitting). Sounds familiar?

I often work at home, and my “path to the office” runs from the bedroom to the living room, where my laptop is. As a result, I came to the conclusion that in the morning you need to drink a couple of glasses of water, walk the dog, and then do a few stretching exercises - then you will feel energetic and eager to work all day. I don’t accept it when a person sleeps for eight hours in a row, wakes up, goes to work and again sits in one place all day; you need to constantly move and do something.

Mobility and aerobic exercises can be done in the morning. With strength training it's a little different. As a rule, in the morning the muscles and joints are a little stiff - it is better to postpone strength training until later. Mobility exercises can also be done immediately before strength training.

What about stretching? I would recommend stretching after strength training and aerobic training. The muscles will be warmed up and become more flexible. The effectiveness of stretching will increase and the risk of injury will decrease. At the end of the article are examples of stretching exercises that can be included in a general physical training program.

To develop balance, you need to stand on one leg (both right and left): at first for at least thirty seconds. Over time, the duration of the exercise should be increased, trying to reach one minute or more. After this, you can proceed to perform the exercise with your eyes closed: starting with thirty seconds and trying to reach ninety.

Undoubtedly, it is impossible to build a general physical training program on strength training(without cardio or flexibility/mobility exercises). We must focus not only on muscle strength, but also on normal heart/joint function. However, the physical aspect of health is only part of the equation. Let's move on to the next "pillar" of fitness, i.e. to nutrition.

4. Food

Training will never bring results if a person eats poorly. Of course, even the most avid sweet tooth can maintain normal body weight if he spends half a day in the gym. But “slim” and “healthy” cannot be equated.

Occasional diet violations are acceptable as long as you have a proper strength training program. In his wonderful book “The Cheater's Diet,” Joel Marion writes that a one-time diet violation for a week helps to increase the level of leptin in the body, a hormone that regulates energy metabolism.

Great news - breaking away from the once-a-week diet is not only possible, but necessary! Remember, we are talking about one day, not all seven. The remaining six days we should follow the recommendations of Ori Hofmekler, author of the book “The Anti-estrogenic Diet”, to eat the lower links food chain.

This means that you should lean on low-volume fruits and vegetables: berries, etc. This means that we should get protein from beef and dairy products, legumes, nuts, and seeds.

Lastly, we should choose healthy sources of fats: buffalo butter, nuts and seeds. If you consume such foods, the effectiveness of your training program will significantly increase. Once a week you can eat whatever you want, without any twinges of conscience, since the importance of our relationship to food is difficult to exaggerate.

What about the number of meals? Five times a day, three times, once? There are many answers to this question. Some fitness instructors and nutritionists recommend eating small meals five times a day. I cannot agree with this point of view for two reasons.

Firstly, too much time will be spent on cooking. Most of us don't have time to go to the kitchen that often (the thought of eating five meals a day can be irritating). Manufacturers are well aware of this, which is why there is a huge selection of protein mixtures and bars on sale. But consuming products of dubious quality that have undergone complex technological processing carries a certain health risk.

Secondly, a five-meal diet is ineffective, since it does not allow a person to get enough: every time you have to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. You will constantly think about food, looking forward to it. next appointment food (which again will not make you feel full). Let's be honest - we all love to eat well (we're not talking about filling our bellies to capacity; we're talking about simply satisfying our hunger).

In the books The Antiestrogenic Diet and The Warrior Diet, Ori Hofmekler writes that the secret proper nutrition is to have one large meal a day. It’s better if it’s dinner (when all the problems and worries are left behind). After all, how nice it is to come home after a hard day at work and have a nice dinner.

But this does not mean that we should sit on a starvation diet all day - it is unlikely that anyone will be able to withstand such a diet for a long time. On the contrary, you need to organize regular snacks throughout the day: smoothies, salads with nuts, fruits, vegetables - any products from the bottom of the food chain that are easily absorbed by the body. The digestion process takes a lot of energy, which can cause fatigue and apathy.

A heavy breakfast can cause decreased performance. Hearty lunch - a good option,..if then you could take a nap for an hour or two. Only through experimentation can you determine the optimal diet for yourself. Some people are used to eating more often, others less often.

Try to plan your day so that your most nutritious meal is in the evening, ideally after a workout. You should have dinner a few hours before bedtime. Not for preventive purposes overweight(this is a myth), but so as not to have problems with insomnia.

5. Recovery

So, we come to the last “pillar” of the general physical training program - recovery. (Just in time, because you will definitely want to take a break after reading such a long article.) We live in a society of busy people. The busier we are, the higher our social status.

We despise laziness, although the percentage of obese people in our country is growing. Labor gives us full life. But the ability to enjoy all its joys directly depends on the body’s recovery program. Just as a car requires repairs and maintenance, our body needs periodic rest.

The most important component of a recovery program is adequate sleep. The problem of lack of sleep is widespread in our country. It’s not for nothing that there are coffee vending machines on every corner. In the hope of deceiving nature, we steal our sleep by using artificial stimulants - over time, this leads to problems with the adrenal glands.

Importance deep sleep is explained by several reasons: firstly, we see dreams, which are necessary for normal mental health and peace of mind; secondly, the body produces large quantities of anti-aging hormones (testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, pregnenolone and growth hormone); thirdly, during sleep, processes of restoration and replenishment occur in the body.

Lack of sleep literally accelerates the aging of the body (the less you sleep, the faster you age). Chronic lack of sleep negatively affects not only our health, but also the people who surround us, because we vent our aggression and discontent on them.

One of the reasons for poor sleep quality is the inability to deal with stress. The source of stress is not the events occurring in a person’s life, but his attitude towards these events. Our perception is to blame for everything.

You need to constantly work on yourself to learn how to overcome stress. Meditation is best for this. There are various meditation techniques. You can, for example, practice qigong or tai chi. Or just walk around the city, watching your breathing.

While the music is playing, I take deep breaths through my nose. During such meditations, I almost always fall asleep, and when I wake up, I feel a surge of strength. Meditation is not a fad. Wise people have been practicing this technique for many millennia. I recommend everyone to use meditation in their training program.

There is another effective component of the recovery program - massage. Weekly session good massage works wonders for our muscles and also improves our overall well-being. If it is expensive for you to visit the massage room every week, you can do it once every two weeks. As a last resort, you can go to a massage therapist once a month. If you can’t afford this option, give up cable TV and mobile communications... or find a job with a higher salary.

The quality of the massage depends on the specialist who does it; you may have to visit several massage rooms until you find your massage therapist. A qualified specialist conducts a massage session taking into account the characteristics and wishes of a particular client.

The last element of the recovery program - which doesn't cost a dime - is deep breathing. As soon as you feel stress increasing, start breathing deeply. On the count of five, inhale through your nose, hold your breath for ten seconds, then exhale on the count of five. Try to breathe slowly and intensely, holding your breath as long as possible.

As the famous bodybuilder Steve Reeves said, deep breathing increases the level of the happiness hormone - epinephrine. A person gets a high without external stimulants. Animals have this at the level of instinct; they always breathe deeply.

As I write this, my dog ​​Mona is laying down on the floor doing a “breathing therapy session”; breathing is performed rather by moving the abdomen rather than chest. Mona always breathes deeply. IN stressful situations the man holds his breath. It is not right. The level of stress in the body only increases. You should always breathe deeply and freely.


So we briefly reviewed the general physical training program! If anyone you know ever expresses a desire to get into fitness, give him/her this article to read. And remind us that water does not flow under a lying stone.

General physical training is not something difficult: the main thing is to know when to stop. The basis of a balanced training program is the “five pillars” of fitness. Build your muscles, strengthen your heart and lungs, develop mobility, eat healthy food and don't forget to get proper rest. It’s easy to tell a fairy tale, but it’s not easy to do a military deed. Set a goal for yourself; and start moving towards achieving it today.

You can improve your running technique endlessly, although it is a very exciting activity. Special exercises for running and physical fitness are activities that strengthen the muscles used in running, and also contribute to the correct execution of sports movements.

However, for this set of exercises to be truly effective, you need to be able to maintain concentration and not get distracted, as many often do when running. The equipment will be fully improve only on the condition that general physical training when running will be carried out with full concentration, and also that the required amount of time will be devoted to training.

Let us note that you should definitely not count on some kind of magic and instant improvements, since it will really not be easy to change the movements that have been imposed on you over many years to the correct ones, and besides, doing it automatically.

How to properly perform physical fitness exercises for running

To avoid harming yourself, always follow certain rules:

  • when jogging, try to do only one type of exercise, doing it three times a week;
  • start your workouts during ;
  • muscles may begin to get tired a little earlier than you are used to, since they are now used in a way that is not usual for them;
  • Before you start studying the next exercise, you need to finish the previous one until perfect execution. Each exercise must be performed in a certain sequence.

General physical training exercises for running

Let's look at the most popular exercises for developing the general physical fitness of runners.

1. Bend forward while running

When running, you need to lean forward a little. When doing this, you need to tilt your entire body from the knees. When doing this exercise for the first time, it is advisable to bend over a little more, as if you were falling. After this, go back to the position where you control your body and keep running.

Doing this exercise will prevent you from taking too many steps. Also, by slightly leaning forward, your legs will become under the center of gravity.

2. Stomach retraction when running

Try it a little while running. This simple general physical training exercise activates, which also stabilizes the pelvis and lower spine. In turn, this will reduce unnecessary asymmetrical rotation of the hips and back, and improve landing, evenly distributing the forces your torso and legs.

3. Run on the surface of the water

Your task is to run as if you were running on the surface of water, trying not to get wet. To do this, you need to quickly and with a certain force push off from the ground, like a pebble jumping on water. At the same time, your feet should step lightly, but quickly and firmly on the surface. This will make your steps harder and faster.

4. Simulate treadmill

Here you need to imagine that the track you are running on is a huge gym. This type of training for runners requires you to move without moving, imitating the movement of the belt with your feet. Similar to the previous one, this exercise will help you learn to push off faster and use your legs while running.

5. Moving forward

When running, move your body forward rather than upward to reduce vertical sway. But do this without slowing down your steps. Strike forces vertical impact will be significantly reduced, and running stability will increase.

6. Landing and pushing

Many runners, due to their inexperience, believe that running should be soft. This is partly true, but do not confuse soft running with passive falling of the legs. The running pace itself will depend on how hard the feet hit the ground. Naturally, this does not mean that you need to kick the asphalt with full force. This means working on how you land and push off. When running, you need to stretch your leg slightly back.

7. Exercise for hips

Bring forward a little more than you did before. This will keep both legs more balanced during the movement. If it is difficult to monitor both legs at once, then start concentrating on the extension of only one of the hips, and when this succeeds, move on to the second hip.

8. Exercises with foot relaxation

The human foot has many ligaments, muscle fibers, which are attached to 27 bones. This structure allows her to use shock-absorbing effect during running landings. Often the wrong choice of shoes leads to limitations. This can be corrected by something designed for freer movement. However, this must be approached with caution, since these types of shoes require some preparation and gradualness.

In this set of general physical training exercises, you need to focus on relaxing your feet while running. But how can this be combined with the previous exercise, where you need to use strong kicks on the surface? They should not be stopped, as they must be performed using the upper leg muscles. This will allow the feet to maintain relaxed state, while absorbing force impacts and protecting muscle tissue.

9. Exercise with the gluteal muscle

Before you place your foot on the ground while running, you need to tighten your hips so that the side matches the planted foot. You should maintain the tense state until your leg lands. This general physical training exercise in running will ensure more stable functioning of the pelvis, hips and lower spine, and will also reduce the number of unnecessary rotations of the body.

10. Symmetry training

Concentration should take place over a certain area in the body or, directly, at a step, while not forgetting either the left or the right side. IN in this case, running and physical training involves focusing on specific actions of your body, such as arms, hips, feet and more. The resulting sensations on both the left and right sides can be compared. If you feel some discrepancy, you need to try to get rid of it or slow it down. In addition, you need to identify the side in which you feel more discomfort during movements. This way you can achieve symmetry in your body.

Video. General physical training complex for beginner runners

Date of: 2018-01-18 Views: 5 324 Grade: 5.0
Comprehensive physical development is necessary in any sport, including running. Strengthening internal organs and body systems, increasing their functionality, developing strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, agility and improving the ability to exercise volitional efforts is impossible without physical training. I will talk about it in this material and give several training options for those who are interested in running. It is customary to divide physical training into general and special. General physical training (GP) classes allow you to form a solid “foundation” of motor skills, strengthen the main parts of the body and prepare it for training and competitive loads. Target special training(SFP) - developing a runner's potential at selected distances, improving his results and winning competitions. These are two stages of development. First, measures are taken to increase general physical fitness, and then, based on it, they achieve high level in the development of motor qualities using SFP. Within the scope of this article we'll talk about increasing the level using general physical training. I will say right away that the general physical training program is carried out based on the assigned tasks and the current level of training. The level of intensity, number of repetitions and exercises is determined for each student individually. All presented options in most cases do not require the use of additional equipment and can be performed outdoors. Impact exercises require a level area with dirt, grass or synthetic surfaces.

Option 1

The goal is to increase muscle mass

I. Exercises to overcome body weight. Performed “to failure” in 1-3 approaches with a rest interval of 1-3 minutes. Used in training 3-4 times a week as part of morning exercises or during the main workout after a preliminary run of low intensity and short duration. 1. / or with different position hands; 2. at a support with a straight back or without support with different positions of the hands (hands on the belt, hands to the sides, hands on the shoulders, etc.); 3. Simultaneous lifting of straight legs and arms from a supine position or opposite lifting of straight arms and legs; 4. V various options(with simultaneous raising of the torso and straight legs, with diagonal raising of the arms and legs, with incomplete lifting of the torso, with throwing the legs over the head, etc.); 5. Straightening the torso in the side plank position (resting on the forearms); 6. standing on a bar or on a wall bars with support on one or two legs; 7. Raising the torso in a lying position from behind with support on one or two legs. II. Jumping exercises with advancement. Performed “to failure” in 1-2 approaches with a rest interval of 3-5 minutes. Used in training 2-3 times a week during the main workout after a preliminary run of low intensity and duration. 1. Jumping on one/two legs both forward and backward and sideways; 2. Alternate jumps on the left and right legs, both straight forward and with a 360-degree turn; 3. Jumping on one/two legs with knees pulled up; 4. ; 5. Jumping on one leg with an active swing of the other leg forward and up; 6. Alternate jumps with active hip swing forward and up; 7. Jumping on the left/right legs through a certain number of running steps (for example, after 5-7 running steps, a jump is made forward with the left or right leg)

Option 2.

The goal is to develop the ability to show strength in various movements.

I. Isometric/static exercises performed once with maximum tension in 2-4 approaches with a rest interval of 1-2 minutes. Included in training 1-2 times a week. 1. Holding the body in a half-squat on one/two legs against a support with a straight back or without support with different positions of the arms (hands on the belt, arms to the sides, hands on the shoulders, etc.); 2. on the hands or forearms; 3. Standing straight on one leg with different positions of the arms, the second leg is bent at the knee joint or straightened in front of you (hands on the belt, hands to the sides, hands on the shoulders, etc.); 4. Keeping the torso in position (resting on the forearms); 5. Simultaneously holding a straight torso and legs at a right angle from a supine position; 6. From a lying position on your stomach, simultaneously raise your straight legs and arms and fix them in this position; 7. In a standing position, simultaneous tension of all leg muscles. II. Jumping exercises with a subject focus. The intensity is maximum, from 30 to 60 repulsions are performed. Performed 1-2 times a week. 1. Jumping on one/two legs both forward and backward over obstacles; 2. Jumping on one/two legs with; 3. Jumping on one or two legs from an obstacle followed by jumping onto an obstacle or long jump over obstacles; 4. Jumping on one/two legs with hands or feet touching an object located above the head; 5. Running long jump with one foot pushing off the support followed by landing on two feet; 6. Jumping over obstacles with your hand/arms supporting it. 7. Jumping sideways over obstacles on one/two legs.

Option 3.

The goal is to increase overall speed of movement

I. General developmental exercises Perform 2-3 approaches for 8-10 seconds. with the greatest speed. Included in training 2-3 times a week. 1. 2. Running with a high understanding of the hips in support with hands at the support; 3. Hand movements as when running in place; 4. While lying on your back, swing movements with straight legs; 5. Rhythmic jumping in place on two legs with active arm movements; 6. Circular rotation of the body with straight arms while standing straight and inclined; 7. Circular rotation of arms and legs while standing and lying on your back. II. Sprint running (from 20 to 50 m) performed repeatedly with rest intervals of 2-3 minutes. In total, he runs from 100 to 300 m 2-3 times a week. 1. Running on the move and from the start from various positions; 2. Relay race; 3. Handicap running; 4. Running over obstacles; 5. Shuttle run (3x10 m; 4x10 m; 3x15 m, etc.); 6. Running down a gentle slope with increasing speed.

Option 4.

The goal is to develop general endurance

I. Cyclic exercises carried out 2-3 times a week, initially for 10-15 minutes. then gradually increasing the time to 2-3 hours. 1. Skiing; 2. A ride on the bicycle; 3. Swimming; 4. Skating; 5. Running at a uniform pace (heart rate from 130 to 140 beats/min); 6. Walking alternating with running over rough terrain. II. General developmental preparatory exercises before the main workout or during morning exercises. Performed continuously at medium intensity for 10-15 minutes. 4-5 times a week. 1. Swing your arms up, to the sides, in front of you, etc.; 2. Various circular movements with hands; 3. Various bends and turns of the body from a standing and sitting position; 4. Swing your legs from a standing and lying position; 5. Torso rotations from a standing and sitting position; 6. Alternating lunges forward and to the sides; 7. Walking in place with arm swings.

Option 5.

The goal is to develop overall flexibility

Exercises with large amplitude are selected for all joints and in all directions. To solve problems, a variety of tilts, turns, rotations, bending, and swinging are suitable. Each exercise is performed in a series of 4-6 repetitions with increasing amplitude. 2-3 series are performed with rest intervals of 10-20 seconds. All exercises take 8-10 minutes. They are performed daily as part of morning exercises and can be included in the main training session. It’s difficult to talk about all the training options, but perhaps these general physical training programs will help in your independent studies. All presented options can be supplemented with other exercises or combined with each other. The number of exercises in a series can be changed either up or down. For example, if you work out three times a week, then you can do one of the options all week, and then next week already different. You can also perform the first option in one of the workouts, the second in the second workout, and the third in the third. When drawing up general physical training programs, increase the load gradually, combine exercises in series, be creative in your approach, but maintain regularity in your exercises and follow the recommendations described. Running workouts together with various exercises will bring great benefit body and will prevent you from injury.

The main goal of the program: the harmonious development of the student, improving his motor abilities, and improving health.

General physical training classes are a good school of physical education and are conducted with the aim of:

Strengthening the health and hardening of those involved,

Achievements of comprehensive development,

Acquiring skills and abilities to independently engage in physical education,

Formation of moral and volitional qualities.



State budgetary professional educational institution Moscow region "Noginsk College"

Methodological development

by subject: Physical Culture

Subject: General physical exercises (GPE) in physical education lessons.

Performed by a physical education teacher

Morozova Elena Sergeevna

Noginsk 2016

Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ ...3

Main part................................................ ............................................5

Conclusion................................................. ................................................eleven

Bibliography................................................ ....................................12


Physical training is the basis of any sport - a kind of foundation, the basis on which technique and skill rest.

GPP – general physical training – is strengthening physical health, acquisition of a wide range of motor skills and abilities, development of basic motor qualities, which serve as the basis for subsequent special training. General physical training classes are conducted in order to strengthen the health and harden the body of those involved, achieving versatile physical development.

A teenager needs to move 2.5-3 hours daily. But it is not always possible to allocate enough time for walks, classes in sports clubs or outdoor games, which as a result negatively affects both general well-being and behavior.

Anyone who has passed a medical examination and is cleared by a doctor to practice can engage in general physical training.

The main goal of the program: the harmonious development of the student, improving his motor abilities, and improving health.

General physical training classes are a good school of physical education and are conducted with the aim of:

Strengthening the health and hardening of those involved,

Achievements of comprehensive development,

Acquiring skills and abilities to independently engage in physical education,

Formation of moral and volitional qualities,


Educational tasks:

To develop moral, strong-willed and moral and aesthetic quality,

Focus on healthy image life,

Instill interest and need for regular physical fitness classes.

To cultivate discipline, determination, dedication, perseverance, perseverance, endurance, initiative.


Develop, strengthen and improve physical qualities (speed, agility, strength, flexibility, endurance, speed, coordination, expressiveness of movements).


The following educational tasks are solved in the group:

Train proper running, throwing, jumping, etc.

To equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary in everyday life and work.

The physical fitness program is designed to develop the student’s strength, endurance, agility and flexibility. General physical fitness exercises use dosed physical activity, taking into account the given age group.

Main part.

The main task is education, mastery of physical education and improvement of personal relationships. Learning-based teacher personal characteristics each student, finds an individual approach that allows for a beneficial effect on the physical and mental health student.

The “General Physical Training” program is based on the material that students study in physical education lessons. When drawing up a plan for educational and training sessions, it was taken into account that the program is composed of separate independent sections motor activity, different from each other in nature and volume. In this regard, when planning lessons, individual characteristics were not taken into account. The initial study is carried out during a conversation with the student, in the process medical examination, in the process of pedagogical observations in the first lessons, based on the results of control exercises. The teacher must systematically assess the student’s reaction to the proposed load, monitor the students’ well-being, notice signs of fatigue in time and prevent overexertion, and must also develop in students the necessary skills in relation to sportswear, footwear, hygiene, daily routine, safety precautions and self-monitoring of health status. For each age group involved in the program, theoretical and practical classes, compliance with control standards, participation in competitions,

As a result regular classes The student develops the following skills in general physical training:

Increases endurance and strength;

Flexibility and elasticity of muscles and ligaments develops, which reduces the risk of injury;

Correct posture is formed, the development of scoliosis and flat feet is prevented;

Increases resistance to diseases;

Improves sleep and digestion;

Coordination and dexterity develops;

Regular physical exercise will have a beneficial effect on behavior and emotional state.

General physical fitness and methods of physical development

GPP (general physical training) classes are aimed at developing the following qualities in the student:







All these qualities are necessary for harmonious development physical qualities and human health. General physical training classes are especially important in adolescence. For an adult, it is important to constantly maintain training at a certain level.

Exercises to develop strength in various muscle groups

Leg muscles

Back muscles

Abdominal muscles

Muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle

To develop all these muscle groups, there are two main types of exercises: weight training own body and exercises with various devices.

Exercises to develop leg muscle strength:

Squats on two legs.

Squats on two legs with a load on the shoulders.

Squats on one leg (pistol).

Fixation in a half squat (90°), pressing your straight back against the wall.

Exercises to develop back muscle strength:

Raising the torso from a prone position (on the floor, on a gymnastic bench with legs fixed).

Raising the torso from a prone position (on the floor, on a gymnastic bench with legs fixed)

Leg raises while lying on your stomach.

Simultaneous raising of the torso and legs with fixation of the “fish” pose

Lowering the torso into a horizontal standing position (shoulder blades brought together, arms to the sides) with fixation of the pose.

Exercises to develop abdominal muscle strength:

Raising the body from a supine position (on the floor, on a gymnastic bench with legs fixed).

Leg raises while lying on your back.

Simultaneously raising the torso and legs while fixing the “corner” pose.

Raising legs in a hanging position.

Holding the “corner” pose in a hanging position.

Exercise “birch tree” (at the same time strengthens the lumbar muscles of the back).

Exercises to develop muscle strength in the arms and shoulder girdle:

Push-ups - bending and straightening your arms while lying down.

Pull-ups - bending and straightening your arms while hanging.

Climbing a horizontal ladder while hanging.

Exercises with dumbbells:

Raising straight arms to the sides at a slow pace,

Raising straight arms up from horizontal position(fast rise, slow fall),

Raising straight arms forward (palms on the floor, palms up),

Bend your elbows, pressing them to your body,

Bending the hand.

Bench chest press

Standing chest press

Bend towards the chest.

Endurance exercises

Exercises for general physical endurance involve performing simple cyclic movements for the longest possible period of time. For example, long distance running, skiing for a certain time. Endurance can be trained purposefully or indirectly, i.e. During training aimed at developing certain qualities, endurance is also trained.

Exercises to develop sharpness

Shuttle run

Exercises with rubber


Exercises to develop jumping ability

Jumping onto the bench

Bench jumps

Jumping over a bench and moving along it

Multi-jumps: with advancement - on two legs, on one, with legs tucked, from a squat, from a squat with tucks; without advancement - on two legs, on one, with legs tucked, from a squat, from a squat with tucks, with a turn of 180 and 360 degrees.

Exercises with a jump rope

Flexibility exercises

There are active and passive flexibility. Active flexibility is the ability to perform movements with a large amplitude due to the activity of muscle groups surrounding the corresponding joint. Passive flexibility is the ability to achieve the highest mobility in joints as a result of action external forces. The term flexibility is acceptable for assessing the total mobility in the joints of the whole body. Flexibility largely depends on the structure of the joints, as well as on the plasticity of the ligaments and muscles that strengthen the joint. The structure of the joints is determined by congenital characteristics, but constant work on increasing mobility has a beneficial effect on increasing the elasticity of the articular ligaments.

When selecting tools and methods practical classes the teacher must keep in mind that each lesson should be interesting and exciting, therefore complex lessons should be used for this purpose, the content of which includes exercises from different types sports (athletics, gymnastics, sport games or gymnastics, outdoor games, etc.).

Exercises are selected in accordance with the educational, educational and health goals of the lesson.

Set 1. General developmental exercises on site:

1. I.P. – standing, legs apart, arms to the sides. Circular movements hands forward and backward, with a gradual increase in amplitude. Repeat 10-12 times.

2. I.P. - the same hands forward. 1-3 – spring squats on the entire foot. 4 – i. p. Repeat 10-12 times.

3. I.P. – wide stance: legs apart, hands behind the head. 1 – body tilt to the left, 2 – i. p. 3-4 the same, in the other direction. 6-8 times.

4. I.P. - the same hands are down. 1-3 – springy forward bends until your hands touch the floor. 4 – i. n. Repeat 8-10 times.

5. I.P. – basic forward hand position. 1 – swing your right leg forward, reach your toes with your toes. 2 – i. step 3 – the same, with a left swing. 4 – i. p. 6-8 times.

6. I.P. – lunge forward with the right leg, hands on the knee. 1-3 – springy body swaying. 4 – i. p. 5-8 - the same, with a left lunge. 6-8 times.

7. I.P. – emphasis, lying down, 1 – bend your arms, 2 – straighten. 4-6 times.

8. I.P. – standing, legs apart. 1 – rise on your toes, arms up (inhale). 2 – i. n. (exhale). 5-6 times.

9. I.P. - standing, legs apart, arms bent at the elbows, torso slightly tilted forward. Work with your arms, as when running, with a gradual increase in amplitude and tempo. 30-40 seconds.

10. I.P. – basic stance, hands on the belt. Jumping on your toes (do not bend your knees). 30-40 sec.

11. – Slow running on your toes with a high hip lift. 40-50 sec.

12. – With breathing restored: hands up - deep breath, with hands lowered, deep exhale

Complex 2 Developmental exercises for girls

1.Stand with your feet together, hands on your waist. Squat on your toes, knees apart, return to the starting position. Close your socks, squat down on your entire foot, knees together, stand up, spread your socks. Repeat 5-10 times.

2. Stand with your feet wider than your shoulders, hands on your waist. Lean to the right, return to the starting position. Then, lean to the left. Lean forward without bending your knees, touch your hands to the floor, return to i. p. Bend back, spreading your arms to the sides, return to i.p. Repeat 8-16 times.

3. Stand up, leaning your hands on the table, swing your legs back, then with your right, then with your left leg. Repeat 8-16 times.

4.Stand up, feet together, arms down. Squat down, leaning on the floor with your hands, push off with your feet and gently lower yourself to your knees. Then, also leaning on your hands, squat down again and stand in a standing position. Repeat 6-12 times.

5. Stand up, resting your hands on a support. Place your right foot to the side on your toe and turn your toe outward, accept and. p. Raise your right leg higher to the side, turn your toe outward, accept and. n. The same with the left foot. Repeat 6-12 times.

6.Lie on your back, stretch your arms along your body. Raise your straight right leg vertically, lower it, raise it left leg, lower it. Raise both straight legs 2 times, lower. Repeat 6-12 times.

7.Sit on the floor, supporting yourself with your hands behind you. Then, leaning on your hands and heels, raise your torso to a slight bend and sit down again. Now you need to lie on your back, spreading your arms to the sides, without lifting your palms from the floor. Then sit down, leaning on the floor with your hands. Repeat 6-12 times.

8.Stand with your left side to the support and lean on your left hand. Place your right foot forward on your toes and turn your toes outward, accept and. p. Raise your right leg forward, turn your toe outward, accept and. n. The same with the left foot. Repeat 8-16 times.

9.Stand with your feet wider than your shoulders, hands on your waist. Lean forward, place your hands on the floor and move on your hands until your torso is fully straightened. Then, performing the same movements in reverse order, return to the starting position. Repeat 4-8 times.

10.Running in place and with advancement, jumping - legs apart and together. Perform for 45-90 seconds.

Complex 3. General developmental exercises for 32 counts.

I.p. – Heels together, toes apart, hands on the belt.
1. Head tilt forward
2. Tilt your head back
3. Head tilt to the right
4. Head tilt to the left
5-6. Hands to shoulders. Shoulder forward rotation
7-8. Shoulder rotation back
9. Hands in front of the chest. Jerk.
10. Arms to the sides. Jerk.
11. Hands in front of the chest. Jerk.
12. Turn the torso to the right, arms to the sides. Jerk.
13. Hands in front of the chest. Jerk.
14. Turn the torso to the left, arms to the sides. Jerk.
15. Right hand above, left below. Jerk.
16. Left hand top, right bottom. Jerk.
17. Tilt to toe right leg.
18. Tilt towards the floor.
19. Tilt towards the toe of the left foot.
20. Bend back.
21. I.p. Torso tilt to the right.
22. I.p. Torso tilt to the right.
23. Sit down.
24. Stand up.
25. Bend the torso back, arms up in the lock, the toe of the right foot is set aside.
26. Bend the torso back, arms up in the lock, the toe of the left foot is set aside.
27-28. Jumping on the right leg.
29-30. Jumping on the left leg.
31-32. Jumping on two legs.


During general physical training, changes occur in the body that best prepare it for the upcoming physical work. If you neglect the warm-up, these changes will occur directly during the main activity, reducing its effectiveness. In addition, when working without preliminary warm-up, the risk of injury is extremely high.

By performing a daily set of warm-up exercises, you can normalize blood circulation and strengthen your joints, develop muscle strength and increase their tone.

As a result of warming up, the body's current performance increases (that is, the ability to perform work of a certain amount at the moment).

Experimental studies have confirmed that without preliminary warm-up, a person or animal is able to perform significantly less work than after a properly performed warm-up.


1. Vilensky M. Ya., Zaytsev A. I., Ilyinich V. I. Physical culture for students: Textbook for universities. – M.: Gardariki, 2001- 343 p.

2.Student sports and life. IN AND. Ilyinich. M. 2009 - 279 p.

3. Physiological bases of motor activity N.A. Fomin, Yu.N. Vavilov. M., FiS. 2012 - 198p.

4.Physical education in the life of a student. V.M. Reizin, A.S. Ishchenko, Minsk, Higher School. 2008 - 125 p.

5.Physical education of the student. Ed. Ilyinichina V.I. M. 2001 - 129 p.

Constant physical activity is the key good health and wonderful appearance. To keep your body in good condition there is no need to engage in any kind of sport. To do this, it will be enough to perform several exercises included in the general training program. Today we will talk about these exercises.

General physical training is general physical fitness. This is an integral part of playing any sport. For example, if you are a hockey player, then in addition to the skills of skating and working with a stick and puck, you need to be physically strong in order to cope with high loads. That is, you add certain exercises to your workouts.

There is also special physical training. In the case of hockey, this is dribbling the puck, passing, acceleration, hitting the puck with a stick. This is very important, but does not make sense without general physical training. After all, it is she who develops the athlete’s speed and strength indicators, which are very important in any sport.

When doing general physical training, you You will be able to develop the following sports qualities:

  1. Force.
  2. Endurance.
  3. Speed.

To develop each of these indicators, there are various sets of exercises. Each of them has a certain principle on which the development of a specific indicator is based.

Let's now talk in more detail about the development of these sports indicators.

Strength development

The following exercises are ideal for developing strength:

  1. Pull-ups on the bar. The standard is 10 repetitions.
  2. Dips. The standard is 8 times.
  3. Pushups. The standard is 25 repetitions.

All these standards do not depend on the age and weight of the man. That is, it doesn’t matter whether he is 16 or 25 years old, but if he is able to perform this number of times, then he can be called physically prepared.

To work on increasing strength you need to perform these exercises as many times as possible. To increase strength, two workouts per week will be enough. The main condition is constant growth. If you're already able to do high reps of an exercise, such as 50 push-ups, you can add additional weight.

The main advantage of such training is its simplicity. You don't need additional equipment, which can be expensive. You can work out on any playground. And if you want to train at home, then buy a wall-mounted horizontal bar. Its price does not exceed 2 thousand rubles.

To develop endurance you need to perform the exercises that we talked about above, only according to a different principle. Here the training should be more intense. When you work out to develop strength, you perform sets with a rest of 2-3 minutes. And when working on endurance, the break between approaches should not exceed 1 minute.

Of course, at first it will be quite difficult for you to practice, and after two approaches you will already be like a squeezed lemon. However, over time you will be able to do more and more repetitions.

What is endurance? This is a person’s ability for long-term physical activity. That is, if you did 100 push-ups in 1 set, then you are endurance. And if it’s 10, but with extra weight, then you’re strong. Constantly increase the number of repetitions per set. Thus, you will increase the duration of your approach and become more resilient.

Here we can’t help but mention middle and long distance running. Boys should start with two kilometers, and girls with one kilometer. The pace should be kept average, and in the first few weeks of training - slow. The main task here is not speed, but distance. After all, while running longer distance, you are under load more long time. This means you become more resilient.

To develop endurance for beginners Two runs a week will be enough. Over time, it is necessary to increase the frequency of jogging to 4-5 per week.

To make your body more resilient, combine jogging with intense training on the horizontal bars and parallel bars. For example, twice a week you can run in the mornings and do pull-ups and push-ups in the evenings. This will be enough to keep us in shape.

Speed ​​development

To develop speed It is necessary to regularly perform short distance races - these are 100, 200 and 400 meters. You need to start from 100 meters. And then, when it becomes easier for you, increase the distance. The indicator of success in this matter is the time it takes you to run the distance. Work on running faster.

In addition to running fast, you must do the following exercises:

All these exercises must be performed at a fast pace. Try to do as many times as possible of each of these exercises in a minute.

If you combine short runs with these exercises, the results will not be long in coming! You need to practice this principle 3 times a week.

A set of general physical training exercises to develop explosive strength

What is explosive force? This is force times speed. You can just be strong man, but clumsy, like some weightlifters. But if you are not only strong, but also fast, you will achieve significant success in sports.

For ordinary people who just want to keep their body in shape, there is no need to develop explosive strength. It is required in the following sports:

  1. Martial arts.
  2. Hockey.
  3. Skiing.

To develop explosiveness, it is necessary to perform pull-ups and push-ups at the fastest possible pace. At the same time, you should not violate the technique of performing the exercises, because this can lead to injuries. A very good training program for developing explosive strength:

  1. Pull-ups with a medium grip - 3 sets for a maximum of reps.
  2. Pull-ups with a narrow reverse grip - 3 sets for a maximum of reps.
  3. Dips - 3 sets to failure.
  4. Clapping push-ups - 3 sets to failure.

These exercises must be performed at the fastest possible pace. There should be no delays at the top and bottom points. Take a break between approaches until breathing is restored. That is, it will last differently for all people.

This set of exercises must be performed twice a week. At the same time, do not forget about short distance races. By combining them with the proposed complex, you can speed up the process of increasing your speed and strength indicators.

Many athletes engage in similar physical training complexes in preparation for competitions. After all, strength and speed are decisive factors in many sports.

Don't forget about warming up! Even though these exercises are performed with body weight, they can still lead to injury. To avoid this, you need to warm up for 10-15 minutes before training.

To assess your overall level physical training, find on the Internet tables of rank standards for general physical education. And if you want more, you can clearly set a goal and follow it!

Your workouts don't have to be monotonous and boring.. Have fun training! Try different exercise variations.

You can do general physical training both at home and in fitness centers. Exist group classes according to general physical education for both children and adults. By signing up for group physical training classes, you can find new friends. Competitions are also held among the participants of these groups. And this will help you get motivated and achieve better results.

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