Home Gums Scenario game lightning for adults. Military sports game "Zarnitsa": rules, emblem, scenarios

Scenario game lightning for adults. Military sports game "Zarnitsa": rules, emblem, scenarios

Zarnitsa. Scenario for elementary school

Shtruba Olga Mikhailovna, methodologist of the MUDO "House of childhood and youth in the city of Cheremkhovo"
This event will be useful for educators, organizers, teachers physical education, teachers primary school, teachers additional education. Military sports game designed for kids initial level, 5-6 - grades, can be used for senior and preparatory group kindergarten.
This event is the most successful in holding the Defender of the Fatherland Day. The scenario includes stages of a sports, military-patriotic, physical culture character. It contributes to team building, education of the spirit of patriotism among the younger generation; building a will to win.

Game Zarnitsa

Military sports game for primary school students.
The target audience: older children preschool age, initial link.
Goals and objectives:
- propaganda healthy lifestyle life, physical culture and sports, development and strengthening physical training students;
- rallying the team, educating the younger generation of the spirit of patriotism;
- formation of the desire for victory, harmony of perfection, physical and spiritual principles;
- the formation of children's skills of quick reaction in non-standard situations;
Conduct form- a relay race consisting of several stages. Teams start at the same time. The time of passing the stages is fixed by the last participant who arrived at the finish line. In the route sheets, only the number of points scored is noted.
Site design: multi-colored flags, banners with inscriptions: "Zarnichka", "Start", "Finish".

Props: 8 tablets, backboard with basketball hoop, 2 bags, 15 flags (3 large + 12 small), 2 pairs of sleds, 1 backboard for "darts", 2 pairs of skis without fastening, backboard with drawing paper 2 markers, 4 route sheets for 4 -x teams, a rope with flags for fencing + pegs, 7 stage indicators (a peg with a shield, for example: "Erudite", stage 1); basket, 6 medium balls, 1 soccer ball, 1 volleyball, 10 pencils, 2 bottles of coloring water, calculator, 6 skittles, darts, 2 darts.

Stage judges:"Start"; Stage 1 "Tir"; Stage 2 "Sniper"; Stage 3 - "Erudite"; Stage 4 "Running in a bag"; Stage 5 "Darts"; Stage 6 "biathlon"; 7 "Football"; finish.

Members: 4 teams of 6 people.

Course of the sports festival:

Secretary: Nations live as one family,
Russia is strong like granite.
On guard of peace, happiness and freedom
Soldier Russian army costs!
Who can compete
Who does not sit idle
Who wants to compete with strength -
For those our holiday is open!

So, we begin sports competitions "Zarnichka", dedicated to those who served and will serve in the ranks armed forces Russian Federation who guards and who will have to guard the peace of citizens and the peaceful sky above their heads!

I ask for teams to build!

Presentation of the panel of judges.
- Teams for participation in competitions to hand over a report!
- The word for acquaintance with the course of the competition is given to the chief judge _______.

The chief referee tells the teams about the course of the competition.
Target: score the maximum number of points.
- I ask the team to the starting line! Start: the secretary registers the teams and distributes the route sheets, the judge enters the name of the team, gives a start.

Stage 1 "Tir". Each team member alternately throws 2 balls, trying to knock down the skittles (6 pieces). The referee returns the ball to the participants and counts the number of points. (How many pins are knocked down, so many points, the maximum is 12).

Stage 2 "Sniper". Participants are divided into 3 pairs. The first pair starts: one sits on a sled, the second is driven to the basketball hoop. Having reached the line, the carrier stops and throws the ball into the ring; the seated person gets up, takes the ball and throws it into the ring, then harnesses himself to the sled, carries his partner to the team. The 2nd and 3rd pair follow the same path. The judge counts the points and writes them on the route sheet. The maximum number of points is -6, according to the number of throws. How many hits, so many points.

Stage 3 "Erudite". Participants answer the judge's questions.

2. How should I dress when skating, skiing? (In a warm tracksuit and a light jacket, warm socks, a knitted hat, have mittens)
3. Are winter games always beneficial for children? (sometimes, if the game is misbehaved, it can be harmful, not beneficial. This can happen if, for example, the student is too long, for many hours without a break, in the cold. You can catch a cold and get sick.
If you ride in a heavy coat, you will quickly get tired. In the same way, you will harm your health if, getting excited, you sit on ice, snow, or open your coat in the cold, or eat snow or ice.)

- dress lightly but warmly;
- check if the skates and skis are correctly applied;
- ride no more than an hour or an hour and a half;
- if you slip, try to fall on your side, not on your back, - then you will hurt yourself less;
- you can’t rest in the cold, you can’t sit on ice and snow, you can’t drink very cold water;
- rest only in a warm room, unbuttoning outer clothing;
- do not open your coat in the cold;
- do not ride in severe frost or wind, do not ride in a thaw.)
5. Why is it useful for children to skate and ski? (It is very useful to be in the air in winter because the air in winter is much cleaner than in summer, there is almost no dust in it. From playing in the air in winter, children become healthier, stronger. Walking, playing in the air in winter, they get used to the cold, easily tolerate cold, rarely catch colds, rarely get sick.In winter, the air hardens children very well. sports entertainment in the air in winter are very healthy)
6. Name winter sports. (cross-country skiing, biathlon, ski jumping, alpine skiing, freestyle, snowboarding, speed riding, snowkiting, bobsleigh, skeleton, figure skating, speed skating, short track, ice hockey, bandy, curling, winter windsurfing, winter kite selling.

The judge notes in the route sheet the number of points scored (maximum 6).

Stage 4 "Running in a bag." Participants alternately jump in the bag to the flag, go around it, jump to the beginning of the stage, pass it to the next one.
Target: go the distance without falling. For each fallen participant, the judge removes one point. The maximum number of points is 6.

Stage 5 "Darts". Participants alternately throw darts at the target (darts), using 2 attempts. Each hit is a point. The maximum is 12 points. The judge notes in the route sheet the number of points scored.

Stage 6 "Biathlon". Participants alternately pass a certain section of the stage on skis, then throw balls into the basket (3 attempts), return to the starting position on skis. The judge notes in the route list the number of points scored (maximum - 18 points).

Stage 7 "Football". Participants alternately score the ball into the "gate". The judge notes in the route sheet the number of points scored (maximum 6 points).

After passing through all stages, the team captains hand over the route sheets to the panel of judges, which sums up the results.

The teams line up on the court, the chief referee of the competition announces the winner (1 team receives prize-winning place), other diplomas for participation and sweet prizes.

If the teams have the same number of points, The final stage, revealing the winner - tug of war.

Summing up and rewarding participants!

(Each team has its own route list, so that the children do not collide at the stages and pass the routes at the same time).

Route sheet number 1.

1 1 stage "Tir".
2 Stage 2 "Sniper".
3 Stage 3 "Erudite".
4 Stage 4 "Running in a bag."
5 Stage 5 "Darts".
6 Stage 6 "Biathlon".
7 Stage 7 "Football".

Route sheet number 2.


Educational institution_______________________________________________________

Number of participants_____________________________________________________

No. Name of the stage Number of points scored Full name of the judge Painting of the judge at the stage
1 7th stage "Football".
2 1 stage "Tir".
3 Stage 2 "Sniper".
4 Stage 3 "Erudite".
5 Stage 4 "Running in a bag."
6 Stage 5 "Darts".
7 Stage 6 "Biathlon".

Route sheet number 3.


Educational institution_______________________________________________________

Number of participants_____________________________________________________

No. Name of the stage Number of points scored Full name of the judge Painting of the judge at the stage
1 6 stage "Biathlon".
2 7th stage "Football".
3 Stage 1 "Tir".
4 Stage 2 "Sniper".
5 Stage 3 "Erudite".
6 Stage 4 "Running in a bag."
7 Stage 5 "Darts".

Route sheet number 4.


Educational institution_______________________________________________________

Number of participants_____________________________________________________

No. Name of the stage Number of points scored Full name of the judge Painting of the judge at the stage
1 5th stage "Darts".
2 Stage 6 "Biathlon".
3 7th stage "Football".
4 Stage 1 "Tir".
5 Stage 2 "Sniper".
6 Stage 3 "Erudite".
7 Stage 4 "Running in a bag."

Final Scorecard.

№ p / p Team name Representation of the team Stage 1 "Tiring". Stage 2 "Sniper". Stage 3 "Erudite". Stage 4 "Running in a bag." Stage 5 "Darts". Stage 6 "Biathlon". Stage 7 "Football". Total score

Stage 3 "Erudite". Participants answer the judge's questions.
1. What time of the year is the least dust on the street? (winter)
2. How should I dress when skating, skiing?
3. Are winter games always beneficial for children?
4. What rules must be observed when various games in the cold to protect yourself from colds and injuries?
5. Why is it useful for children to skate and ski?
6. Name winter sports.

Find a banner

(squad mini-zarnichka)

Let the enemy be conditional

Let the plywood machine

But we have real loyalty and perseverance,

And the strength of Russian soldiers.

The detachment is divided into 2 squads of an equal number of army men; each squad includes a squad leader, shooters (2), scouts (3), signalmen (5), orderlies (2), miners (2) and just privates. A strict uniform, insignia, emblems of the Yunarmiya specialties were established. Participants should know the main content and rules of the game in advance. The head of the game has already studied the area, outlined the boundaries, thought out the details of the zarnichka, and compiled route maps for each squad.

To play, you need a section of rough terrain, along which a closed route (ring) is laid with a length of 2-4 kilometers. At the beginning of the route, that is, at the start, the same for both departments, the General Staff is equipped. Here, combat missions are set for the commanders of the "belligerents", and their implementation is monitored during the game. In the middle of the "ring" is a hidden banner. The combat mission for each squad is formulated as follows: having passed all the stages of its route, find the banner in the shortest time and with the least losses.

Scheme of the route of the game "Find the Banner"

The route for each branch (each half-ring) is divided into 5 stages of 300-400 meters:

Enemy bunker.

Medical Battalion.

"Gaza" area.


Hidden Banner.

At the checkpoints of the stages, there is one intermediary (observer) each. Their task is to strictly monitor the observance of all the rules by the participants of the game, to keep an accurate count of points and errors.

At the signal of the Commander-in-Chief, both divisions disperse in different directions, focusing on the information contained in the received map and the orders-recommendations of the General Staff. Without wasting time, each squad reaches the first stage "Enemy bunker" (installed plywood shield). You can’t rush further - you can die. 2 arrows enter the battle with the enemy bunker. They, using manual fans, from a distance of 10 meters from the enemy, must hit him as quickly as possible. Keep shooting until the very victory! Then the observer orders further advance in search of the banner. For defeating an enemy zog, 10 points are counted.

At the next stage, "Medsanbat", it turns out that there is a wounded man in the department. The task is performed by orderlies - you need to quickly and correctly perform dressing shoulder joint the victim. For correct execution - 10 points.

At the next mark "Caution, gases!" Yunarmiya members put on gas masks (cotton-gauze bandages) or cover the respiratory organs with elements of clothing and so run to the next stage. For the correctness of the actions of the entire squad - 10 points, for "evasion" - penalties - disqualifications, since this warrior was poisoned.

The next stage is "Minefield". Miners come into play. They discover a "minefield", neutralize the mines. For all "cleared mines" - 10 points.

After successfully completed dangerous operation the squad is sent to search for the "hidden banner". One of the squads comes first, looks for the banner and, having found it, sends it to the General Staff. The squad that found and delivered the banner to the headquarters is awarded 50 points. But here, in the middle of the ring, an oncoming battle with the enemy is also possible. A conflict situation in a two-sided game is inevitable, but it is necessary to categorically prohibit the players from using actions that can cause bodily harm, damage clothes and equipment. For the "wounded" minus 2 points, for the "killed" - 4 points. For non-compliance with the established disciplinary rules, penalty points are also imposed.

The surviving soldiers run to the General Staff along the path already taken by the enemy (but without completing the task).

From the moment of launch, each squad sends a group of scouts after the enemy. They must, skillfully disguised, take the personnel of the "enemy" out of the game ("shoot") and intercept the banner found by the enemy.

Each section, performing tasks at the stages, sends signalmen to the General Staff with a report. According to the information received from the signalmen, the General Staff analyzes the picture of the events taking place.

Immediately after the end of the zarnichka, the found banner is hung out, and the preliminary results of the game are announced. It is important to analyze what exactly led to victory for some, while for others it was the cause of defeat. You can arrange a playful "minute of silence" for those who could not withstand the fight. Then follow the obligatory handshakes of former opponents, an exchange of remarks like: “Yes, you have a friendly gang!”, “And you have a wonderful commander!”.

The final results of the game are summed up on the next line.



Each number corresponds to a letter

Key to decryption:


A patriot is one who loves his Fatherland not because it gives him some benefits and privileges over other peoples, but because it is his Motherland. Human

or he is a patriot of his Fatherland, and then he is connected with it, like a tree with its roots to the earth, or he is only dust carried by all winds.

2. Correction of thinking, attention, memory, speech.

3. Development of spatial representations, speed, dexterity, strength.

Conduct form: sport game.

Location: playground.


    1.2 grades

    3.4 grades

    5-7 classes

Attributes and equipment:

    Camouflage tape for completing the task "Web",

    Paper planes and balls to complete the task "Shoot down an enemy plane",

    Tennis balls for the task "throwing balls at a distance",

    Hoops and tennis balls for the task "marksman", imitation of throwing grenades from a prone position,

    Envelopes with the task "encryption",

    Quiz on the topic "medicinal and edible herbs"

For each group:

    Emblem and team names

Preliminary work:

    Creation of a headquarters for the preparation of the military sports game "Zarnitsa" with the definition of the functions of each member of the headquarters.

    Station design

    Team formation. Conducting safety briefings in the classroom with the preparation of relevant notes, conversations on military topics.

Game progress

The signal to start the game sounds, units under the leadership of commanders (tutors)

take their places on the platform.

The leader of the game comes out.

Leading: Hello, comrades, fighters!

Children: Hello!

Leading: Comrade soldiers, we have gathered today to play the military sports game Zarnitsa.

Detachment commanders prepare to submit reports, report on readiness.

Send a report to the commanders of the detachment.

Leading: In this competition you need to go through 8 stages. During the passage of all stages, you will show your courage, dexterity, speed and ingenuity.

Your task is that you must assemble the map, i.e., by connecting all the pieces. And you will receive pieces of the map after passing each stage.

Then on the map you can determine the location of the flag. After the flag is found, you need to report - to the commander-in-chief of the headquarters about the completed task!

Detachment commanders to receive waybills.

The commanders approach the leader and take waybills.

Leading: Squads begin the task.

Detachments are grouped, get acquainted with the plan, complete the task, begin their route, performing one task after another in turn.


Children must climb over the masking tape without hitting it.

"Throwing Tennis Balls"

Team members take turns throwing the object. The distance of the best throw is taken into account .

« Marked Artillery»

Get "shells" - balls - into the plane, which hangs on a tree.

« obstacle course»

Each team member goes through an obstacle course.

"Fundamentals of Life Safety"

Transportation of the patient.

"Accurate shooter"

Throwing pins into a hoop from a prone position (imitation of a grenade)


Envelopes with a cipher are distributed.

Decryption text:

"Your task is to raise your flag above the headquarters and start singing the song."


Theme of the quiz: "medicinal and edible herbs"

While those responsible for the stages are summing up. Teachers play games with children.

At the appointed time, all units gather again at the site and report to the leader that the task has been completed.

Leading: Battalion, stand still! Detachment commanders prepare to submit reports.

Leading: Well done boys! You passed all the tests without loss, coped with all the tasks! Collected cards and found the flag!

And now we proceed to summing up the results and to the awards.

Station name



    obstacle course

Station name

Signature of the person in charge at the station

    Marksmanship artillery (best result and student's FI)

    obstacle course

    Marksman (best result and student's FI)



    Throwing a tennis ball (best result and student's FI)

Station name

Signature of the person in charge at the station


    Throwing a tennis ball (best result and student's FI)

    Marksmanship artillery (best result and student's FI)

    obstacle course

    Marksman (best result and student's FI)


Station name

Signature of the person in charge at the station

    Throwing a tennis ball (best result and student's FI)

    Marksmanship artillery (best result and student's FI)

    obstacle course

    Marksman (best result and student's FI)






Community event.

Purpose: to attach the entire camp for a day, or even more, and to quarrel the leaders of the warring parties.


1. For medium and small ones, holding a forgotten review of the formation and a song with the removal of the banner of the detachment, which is done at random, such as Team Seal or Special Commando (it is also possible for older ones, it happened that it was for fun).

2. Development by physical education instructors together with a floating instructor and supply manager (gas masks and stretchers are taken from her) of a paramilitary relay race, preferably for 20 minutes, no less. Well, you can figure out what to include there. Attention! Do not forget to harness the medical staff, let them teach children during sabotage how to properly bandage the pierced heads of enemies and put splints on their legs broken during interrogation. The relay race usually opens with a performance on the balconies or the roof, where bad Chechen terrorists (mad foxes, grandmothers with red eyes, etc., etc.) capture someone, and our valiant special forces release everyone and always in front of everyone (preferably on the roof) they fight with enemies, and at the very climax, a stuffed Chechen terrorist with a green bandage on his head is thrown down from the roof, everyone gets scared, screams and faints ... The curtain ...

3. Preparing bad clothes for the culmination of the holiday, i.e. to the exit into the forest for the scalps of red, blue, blue ... and their flag (steal), a hoop with symbols (break), a cult tree (cut down) ...

4. Making rhombuses and symbols, discussing the rules (all the same, they will not be carried out in the heat of lightning).

5. It's good to teach children to navigate by the sun, otherwise they can get lost in the forest later.

Venue: forest, camp, camp area and forests, if there is a river, you can drag it along.

Everything opens with a ruler, which explains the threat from the enemies and all children are invited to eliminate them. Options for the development of events:

  • The camp is divided into halves and diamonds are torn off from one another, which the smart ones immediately attach to a pin and run as if nothing had happened, and the fools sew them on in the first-aid post at the edge of the forest - this is long and dreary;
  • The entire camp is looking for the headquarters of the saboteurs and must liquidate this headquarters, as well as catch all couriers with secret dispatches and destroy the chemical warehouse. weapon, disguised as ... (your fantasy works further) - fast, but interesting;
  • All counselors are declared saboteurs, diamonds are all one-time and the battle to the bitter end, i.e. to the last lifeless leader - very interesting for children, but harmful to the health of the leaders, the younger detachments are especially dangerous.

Everyone is taken to the designated places, preferably for 2-3 hours (as practice shows, no more is needed), immediately after a quiet hour. Take water for the children and put on them hats from flares and any other evil spirits. Let them use charcoal under disguise, but in no case gouache, otherwise irritations are possible.

May health and kindness be with us to our smaller brothers !!!

Adaptation of the Zarnitsa rules

1. The players are divided into two teams (in our case, these are “red” and “blue”). The teams will be placed in equal informational and territorial conditions, an imbalance in the balance of power is not allowed. In case of impossibility to fulfill this principle, compensatory measures are applied, which are agreed with all the playing parties.

2. The masters will take on the roles of arbiter and observers. The arbitrator determines the location of the opponents' camps (the base is marked with a flag), monitors the implementation of the rules, counts points, announces the beginning and end of the game, and determines the winner. Observers play the role of "regionalists".

3. The goal of both teams is to capture the enemy flag. Capturing the flag marks the end of the game. (!) Capturing the flag is important, but the winner will be determined by scoring.

4. If none of the flags is captured, then the game is considered over after 100 minutes from the moment it began.

5. Each of the participants has an indicator of life / health - epaulets: each person is glued or sewn on two epaulettes on their shoulders; the captain has four.

6. In order to take a participant out of the game, it is necessary to rip off his shoulder straps.

7. The winner is determined by the sum of points scored by him: points are awarded for capturing flags, completing combat missions, killing opponents, and deducting points for dishonest play.

capture enemy flag -> 50 points

Private kill -> 10 points

killing the captain -> 20 points

completion of the task -> from 5 to 30 points

8. Points accrues "regional worker". He needs to bring torn off shoulder straps of the enemy, a flag and report on completed tasks.

9. Any betrayal (killing one's own, issuing information to the enemy without defeat in a duel, stealing the flag, etc.) is prohibited.

10. Breaking own pagons is prohibited.

11. To interrogate the enemy, you must win the duel and take the enemy prisoner. It is impossible to get out of captivity on your own.

12. A captured enemy is obliged to tell everything within his competence.

Private: about his mission and his performance characteristics.

Captain: all tasks of the squad, all performance characteristics of the squad, the location of his flag.

13. It is forbidden to keep in captivity for more than 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, the player must either be killed or released.

14. After death (failure of epaulets), the player can return to headquarters and after serving a 15-minute penalty, enter the game again.

Obviously, you can not kill opponents immediately, otherwise they will return to the game after 15 minutes. They need to be kept captive to the last, thereby increasing the time of their absence in the game by 2 times. So that.

VSI "Zarnitsa" is one of the most important off-season events, held in the middle of the season or in its second half. At this point, all units are built up. As a rule, parental day has already passed, and all the children returned to the camp. All conditions have been created for such a massive and long-term event.

Game Goals:

  • Patriotic education of youth;
  • Diverse development of young people, education of citizenship;
  • Revival and enhancement of the prestige of military service.

Game objectives:

  • Preparation of young men for service in the Russian army;
  • In-depth knowledge of the history of the Fatherland, the history of the Russian army by young people;
  • Creation of an atmosphere of comradely mutual assistance and revenue;
  • Physical perfection, military-applied and technical training of teenagers;
  • Psychological preparation for overcoming difficulties, development of skills and ability to act in extreme situations.

In order to fully prepare the children for the event, a day of preparation is held before the lightning. On this day, children come up with the name of the detachment, draw the detachment banner, work out the drill step, and develop maneuvers.

As you understand, Zarnitsa is a military sports game. Therefore, the issue of dividing the squad into armies is urgent. Depending on the initial scenario, the squad is divided, as a rule, into 2, less often into 3 armies. The squad should be divided into armies on the basis of equality of forces.

For the convenience of army management, as well as in the presence of several combat missions, armies can be divided into regiments. Here you need to be guided by a slightly different principle. The regiment must consist of children different ages. As a rule, this issue is decided by lottery, the easiest way is by colors. Then it is easier to identify the shelves, each has its own color. A regimental commander is appointed with the rank of colonel. Lieutenants are also appointed to manage smaller groups of fighters - platoons.

The issue of interaction within each individual regiment is important. Each fighter should feel like a full member of the team. On the other hand, the actions of the regiment must be coordinated. From this point of view, it is important to carry out activities for regimental and intra-regimental interaction, for example, regimental exercises.

Zarnitsa is usually held in two days. On the first day, a parade is held - the opening of Zarnitsa. All units move in formation, starting with the younger units and ending with the older ones. During the movement, the detachment must march, perform maneuvers (desirable, but not necessary), align to the right, sing a marching song. During the parade, all counselors line up behind the back of the fizruk and watch the passage of the parade. After the detachments have marched, they submit a report to the physical education teacher (he is also the commander in chief). When the reports are submitted, the fizruk announces the beginning of "Zarnitsa" and declares martial law in the camp.

Martial law includes the following:

  • everyone should be in the boxes.
  • everyone should be busy with useful and interesting work.
  • shift orders are assigned, the shift is after 30 minutes. The orderly is on duty at the entrance to the building (wing of the building). When any counselor appears in the building, the orderly shouts “The detachment is in formation, the duty officer is on the way out!” (except for the hour), while the detachment must line up as quickly as possible, the duty officer of each of the rooms must stand in front of its door. The orderly hands over a report to the person who entered. The building and rooms should be clean, the beds neatly made.
  • During sleep hours, it should be quiet in the building, everyone is in their beds, movement around the building is prohibited. At the entrance of the counselors, the orderly is limited to submitting a report.
  • movement around the territory of the camp only in formation of at least 10 people.
  • movement around the territory of the camp up to 10 people only with a special pass of the established sample, issued by detachment leaders.
  • During the lightning on the territory of the camp and in the buildings, the commandant's office is on duty from among the leaders and, in part, from the children of the older detachments. The duties of the commandant's office include monitoring the implementation of the rules of martial law. For non-compliance with the rules, a system of fines is provided (detachments are awarded penalty points, and violators are credited to the penal battalion). The penal battalion is called upon to carry out socially useful work (cleaning the territory, wiping inscriptions from the walls in buildings, etc.). Martial law is in effect from the moment of its announcement until the closing of the military sports game Zarnitsa.

After an afternoon snack, an obstacle course or station is held. The number of obstacles / stations is assigned depending on the time allotted for them. Movement through the stations is carried out according to the route sheet or accompanied by a guide from among the leaders

Possible stations:

Intelligence service. Children must squat and scramble to the designated point, those who have not reached the point and have risen are sent to the start.

Crossing. Children must cross the obstacle without hitting it (the obstacle may be in the form of a bench or other obstacle with a height up to the chest of an average child from the squad).

Jumping obstacles. At this station, children must overcome a given distance by jumping over each other (as in leapfrog). If the child could not jump over someone, he comes back and repeats the path again. The station is considered passed only after last man crossed the finish line.

Breakthrough. At this station, children are given the task to go through the gate, which is guarded by a blindfolded leader. Children, passing through the gate, must constantly make some sounds. The one who was hit by the leader is considered caught, and a fine is charged for each unit caught.

Taking height. This station is recommended to be carried out on some hill, where there are various ditches, bushes, embankments, high grass, trees, etc. If there is no such slope, then the station can be carried out in a forest and called it "Masking". Children stand at the foot of the hill, and the conductor is at the top of the hill. The conductor has a whistle. At the whistle, the conductor turns away, and the children begin to climb the slope. Every 10 seconds whistles 2 times and turns. Children, having heard a double whistle, should hide so that the conductor does not notice them. In the meantime, the one who conducts counts the people that he was able to see. After counting, he again stands with his back to the slope and emits 1 whistle, after which the children continue to climb. The station ends after the first child who has risen touches the conductor (each child seen is a penalty point).

Web. Children must overcome the area with ropes stretched in a chaotic manner without even hitting them with clothes. The condition is set before the children that if during the passage of the web by the child at least one rope sways (not even through his fault), then this child is considered killed. Each of the players must go through the web. Moreover, at this station, the child can be killed as many times as he touched the web, and each touch is equated to a certain amount of fine.

Swamp. At this station, children must jump over bumps to overcome the swamp. The bumps are either drawn in chalk or made from boards. The bumps may be different sizes and shapes lie at different distances from each other. Those children who stepped past the bump with at least one foot are considered drowned in the swamp and must return to the beginning of the station. For each drowned, a fine is charged.

Carrying the wounded. Among the children, 1 person is selected for the role of the wounded, the rest must drag him very carefully to the intended point. If a wounded man is dropped or carelessly carried, he dies, and the detachment returns to the beginning of the station, and another wounded man is selected. For 1 dead, a fine is assigned to this station.

Key. At this station, the children must get the key to the disguised command post. The key is suspended on a thread, at a height of 3 or 3.5 meters above the ground. The children are told that the key is hidden somewhere in the area. Their task is to find and disrupt it. After that, the squad runs back to the start line of the entire strip and gives the key to the counselor, after which (if the entire squad is assembled) the counselor stops time and adds penalties to it.

Signal cross. Detachments are invited to lay out a signal cross on the ground from any materials so that it can be seen from the air (the conductor of the station is on the balcony).

Encryption. Decipher the secret telegram. The time spent on decryption is taken into account. (Subject to age categories)

Crossing. With the help of two chairs (boards / hoops), one person from the detachment must transport the rest to the “other shore”.

Minefield. The squad has three attempts to cross the minefield (A-4 format sheets are clear and with mines marked with a cross).

Bonfire. Behind set time fold the fire under a stretched thread, light it so that the thread burns out as quickly as possible. The squad is given 2 matches. Each new match is a penalty point.

Formation for battle. The squad is told the situation: the enemy is very close and does not know about your approach. Your task is to line up in a certain order SILENTLY to attack. Construction options: triangle (1-3-5-7-9 people in a row), arrow, square (5x5).

Pass the sentry. In an open area, along a segment, about 20 meters long, or along the corridor of the building, the leader walks back and forth. It is necessary to pass unnoticed, i.e. behind his back. In the case when this station is held in a building, children can hide in rooms in order to get from one end of the corridor to the other. If the counselor, turning around, saw someone, this person is considered killed.

Stations are held for time or for passage. After passing the stations by all units, the results are summed up. The correctness of the tasks or the passage time is evaluated, depending on the conditions of a particular task. For incorrect performance of tasks or violation of their conditions, penalty time or points are awarded. Due to the complexity or impossibility of estimating some stations, they are not rated, but are carried out for filling (the main thing is that children do not know this).

After the stations, in order for the children to rest, a military quiz is held.

Toward evening, a block of time (approximately 1 hour) is allocated for explaining the rules of night combat to the units.

Night fight. For a night fight, it is necessary to assign children to some positions. For data processing, 2 staff officers are assigned (as a rule, 1 and 2 detachments). In each detachment, intelligence is appointed (or elected) - 2 people, spinners - 2 people, commandant's office - 2 people. The rest are search engines. At 2350, staff officers, the commandant's office and hiders leave for headquarters. At the headquarters, the hiders are given packages that must be exactly the same. Each package contains a drawing of a rocket; the cost (from 100 to 300) of this drawing and the squad number are affixed to the drawing. There are also packages - fakes that look like real ones, only inside there is no drawing, but simply a blank sheet with a detachment number is laid. If the squad finds such a package, then 50 points are removed from it. Each of the units is assigned 2 real and one fake packages. If the detachment brings their packages, then half of the declared value of the package is removed from them. If the squad brought their fake package, then not 50, but 100 points are removed from it.

Exactly at 24 o'clock in the camp, the light is turned off, and the hiders leave the headquarters, whose task is to hide the packages in the territory agreed in advance. Taking into account the rules for hiding packages, which prohibit hiding packages at a height of more than 1 meter above the ground, bending and crumpling them, hiding them in trash cans, burying packages, hiding them in buildings and slipping them under doors. The package must be hidden so that at least 1/4 of it is visible from it, so that it can be easily reached by the hand of even a child of the younger detachment.

2 minutes after the hiders leave the buildings, intelligence comes out, the function of which is to track who hid the package and where. They report this information to the search engines of their squad, but in no case have the right to touch the packages. Intelligence can return to the corps only when the lights are turned on in the camp.

3 minutes after the reconnaissance exits, the commandant's office leaves the dining room, which should catch reconnaissance, but without touching the spinners (the spinners have special passes). Captured scouts are led to the headquarters, where for each scout caught, the detachment is credited with 20 points.

As soon as the lights are turned on, the commandant's office returns to headquarters. At this time, search engines come out of the buildings and begin searching for packages. The search continues for 20 minutes, all the packages found are brought to the headquarters, where they will check its authenticity (the package is not accepted if it is opened before arriving at the headquarters), after which the lights are turned off again in the camp. All searchers must urgently disperse to their corps because the commandant's office leaves the headquarters and catches those who did not have time and leads them to the headquarters. Where all those brought remain in captivity until the end of the night battle. After everyone has dispersed to the buildings, the fizruk with the hiders check whether the unfound packages are hidden correctly. After all the checks, the second phase of the night battle begins, where all of the above is repeated. When the second phase ends, all the children disperse to their buildings and prepare for the lights out. At 1.50 the lights out and after 10 minutes the commandant's office from among the counselors comes out to check how the children fall asleep.

Depending on the conditions of the camp, equipment, funding, prearranged signals can be given by a signal flare, sound (whistle / siren / firecracker).

The second day, of course, begins with a rise and a real army exercise.

Army auction. It is held in order to distribute ranks for the daytime battle of Zarnitsa (the auction is designed for a season with a monetary system). Ranks for sale: generals, colonels and lieutenants. Children, based on their personal savings, increase the cost of 1 rank. If the monetary system does not work during the season, then the titles are distributed at the discretion of the counselors, taking into account the wishes of the children.

Daytime fight. The camp is divided into two groups, yellow and black. In turn, each group is divided into divisions (regiments). From each grouping, a guard regiment headed by a general is allocated. They guard the headquarters of their group. Each regiment must have its own colonel and two lieutenants. All rank holders have a number of advantages, only a colonel can rip off the shoulder straps of a colonel, and a colonel can cut off the shoulder straps of everyone except the general, the same lieutenant - for everyone except the general and colonel. Each colonel has a package with a fragment of the map (the map shows the location of the headquarters) and a hint to the password. It is allowed to have in each of the groupings one regiment with a fake package. The headquarters of both groups are located outside the camp. There should be an even number of regiments and fewer in number than leaders in the season. One counselor is attached to each regiment, who monitors the correct course of the game. By the beginning of the battle, the groups are divided into shelves (the shelves should consist of children from different detachments, this is done in order to level the shelves in strength) and the correctness of the sewn shoulder straps is checked (shoulder straps 5x10 in size should be sewn on two stitches along the edges). The battle itself begins when the groups are formed and deployed to their headquarters. If 3 regiments met, one regiment should stand and wait while the other two sort things out. The fight can only take place one on one. If the regiments guessed where the enemy headquarters is and what the code word is, then they rush to the enemy headquarters and there they tell the leader the code word, and if they are not mistaken, then the leader admits them to the security regiment. The goal of the entire daytime battle is to capture the enemy general, bring him to a large parade ground, where the second general will publicly tear off his shoulder straps. All officers should be visible, so the lieutenants have one transverse strip on their shoulder straps, the colonel has two stripes, and the general has one big star. Shoulder straps can be closed with one hand. All who had their shoulder straps cut off during the battle are considered dead and must arrive at the morgue, which is located in the dining room. If, during a skirmish between two regiments, one retreated, but at the same time lost its colonel, he must join his nearest regiment, in which the colonel is still alive.

The parade is closing. Marks the end of the Lightning Lightning game. As well as at the opening parade, the detachments march in formation, hand in a report, and after that the physical education teachers sum up last game. Certificates and valuable gifts are presented to the winners, incentive prizes to the losers. After all the awards, the fizruk announces the removal from the martial law regime and the closure of Zarnitsa.

Notes. Wishes. Applications.

Dear fellow counselors, you have been given one of the classic scenarios of the VSI "Zarnitsa" conducted by some units. Lightnings conducted by these units are traditional, and changes in the scenario, as a rule, concern internal structure a specific battle or the general legend of the event. Names of armies, their colors, numbers, decals, rules of certain operations may change. The general rules of the Game, as a rule, are not subject to change.

To develop Zarnitsa, you need to apply your imagination, then even based on the basic scenario, you can make an absolutely specific and unlike anything event. There were cases when counselors are amateurs computer games from the genre of strategies, the plot of Zarnitsa was quite famously wrapped up, and here it was already impossible to do without cunning, developing various tactics and implementing strategies.

Practice has shown that counselors cannot participate in Zarnitsa, due to the fact that any counselor is just a generator of various strategies and tricks, and the children's initiative is lost. Depending on the legend, counselors may be declared UN military observers or international journalists (military correspondents).

From this point of view, the goal of counselors should be aimed at exercising total control over the implementation of the rules of the game, so that the reckless breaking of shoulder straps in any of the phases does not develop into a hand-to-hand fight between two warring factions. To avoid conflict situations counselors can still interfere in the course of the game, however, in this case, in case of a gross violation of the rules, only the detachment counselor or commander-in-chief can cut off the shoulder straps of the offender.


We bring to your attention some options for scenarios of the day battle. Operation "Breakthrough" is as follows. The camp is divided into two armies. One, by lot, leaves the territory of the camp, the other remains. The goals of the first army are to cross the territory of the camp, the goal of the other is to prevent the passage of the enemy army. The operation is carried out with sewing on shoulder straps to count the dead and wounded on each side. Can be assigned checkpoints for the transition, the passage of which is strictly mandatory.

Operation "Double Breakthrough" The camp is divided in half by the axial line, on which the General Staff is located. Each army is divided into 2 parts, one of which will break through to the General Staff, and the other will carry out a barrier for breaking through from the other army. The armies are deployed to opposite sides of the camp, preferably beyond its borders. Barrage lines (ambushes) are set up approximately in the middle of the path of each of the penetrating armies and in the places where enemy forces have the most possible passage to the General Staff. From among those breaking through, couriers or so-called. "Nezuny" by the number of pieces of the map that needs to be delivered to the General Staff. The courier is marked with a bandage of a certain color (the bandage is allowed to be hidden). The task of the rest of those who break through is to protect the couriers or to carry out deceptive maneuvers - to divert ambushes “on themselves” (after all, the courier armband is not visible and no one knows who exactly the courier is). On a prearranged signal or when the time “H” comes, the armies begin to move. The results are summed up by the number of pieces of the map delivered or by the number of killed and wounded.

In order to avoid battle scenes on the territory of the General Staff, only couriers can enter its territory (a circle with a radius of 10 meters), presenting their bandage. You cannot transfer the bandage and the card. Points are awarded for the delivered map pieces, as well as for the captured couriers of another army and the delivery of their maps.

Operation Bet (Capture the Flag)

Armies need to set up a camp in a forest zone with a radius of at least 10 meters in a certain time. The main goal is to capture the flag of the enemy army.

Operation Capture

A corps is assigned to each battalion. On the wall of the corps, a target of the same color is drawn with paint or chalk as that of the army possessing this corps. Battalions are divided into two parts: defending and attacking. In the attacking platoon, miners are assigned, they are given chalk. Sappers are assigned to the defensive platoon. Miners and sappers have special shoulder straps. Only a sapper can kill a miner and vice versa. The main goal is to capture the corps of the opposite army. The hull is considered captured if the miner put a cross on the target.

I. General fee
Each class is in its own classroom. At this time, a signal is heard: "Air raid alert!" Teams gather within 5 minutes and run out into the street, where they line up for a solemn line.
II. Drill.
Military music sounds. The children line up.
Host: Get it right! Attention! To the Right! Around! I wish you good health, youths!
Children: Hello!
Leading: Parade, at attention!
The volleys of war have long died down
Above us is a peaceful sky. People work quietly. You children live in peacetime. This is happiness obtained in severe battles and battles. Our peace is guarded by our glorious Army. We dedicate the game "Zarnitsa" to the Victory Day!!
III. Handing route sheets to teams
At the solemn line, the commander of each class reports on the readiness of the class for the game to the commander in chief: “Comrade commander in chief! The detachment (name) for the game "Zarnitsa" is ready. Our motto (says the class). Commander (commander's name). Report submitted!" The commander-in-chief replies: “Report accepted, at ease!”
Commander-in-Chief. Now each team will receive an envelope indicating the route you must follow. A guard will be waiting for you at each transshipment point. He will explain your task to you, control how you complete the tasks, and evaluate them. If the task is completed, then the team receives a token. On a musical signal, all teams go further along the route. Having reached the last point, you receive an envelope with classified information. This envelope contains the most important task.
So, your task is to collect more chips and complete the last task.
(Commanders receive route sheets, teams scatter along their routes.)
IV. Passing routes through stations
1.Station "Sappers".
2 people from the team participate. At a certain distance from each other, hoops will lie. They will lie inflated Balloons, "mines" will lie in the balls. Minami will be toys. The task of one player is to burst the balls as many and as quickly as possible. The task of the second player is to take the "mines" into the box. Speed, correctness of execution are estimated.
2. Station "I am a patriot."
Here, students are invited to draw the Russian flag on white cardboard with chalk. The correctness of the task is assessed.
3. Station "Orders".
There are 6 people from the class. Two people must correctly assemble the first aid kit. One person portrays the wounded, and the remaining 2 people represent the orderlies, who must correctly provide the first medical care. The correctness and speed of the task is evaluated.
4. Station "Military erudite".
The whole class participates. Children must answer the following questions:
1) Symbols of Russia? (Flag, anthem, coat of arms).
2) In what order are the colors of the Russian flag? (White blue red).
3) What is the name of the solemn passage of troops? (Parade).
4) What is the name of the offensive movement of troops? (Attack).
The correctness of the task is assessed.
5. Station "Cook the soup."
At a short distance there is a pan and a cook. At the command of the guard, the cook takes what is necessary for cooking soup and tries to get into the pan (each cook will have 2 attempts) The latter runs to the pan, stirs the contents with a spoon, raises his hand up and shouts “Done”. Evaluated the speed and correctness of the task.
6. Station "Military ranks".
The team is given a sheet of paper and a pen, where shoulder straps with stars are pasted. The team must, in a certain time, write military ranks, from “ordinary” to “general of the army”. The correctness of the task is assessed.
7. Station "One for all and all for one."
The team must overcome the obstacle course:
1) the passage of a snake;
2) jumping wheels;
3) climbing over the house.
Speed ​​and agility are assessed.
8. Station "Scipher".
At the last station, the team receives an envelope with the most important task - encryption. The task of the team is to decipher the word (Each team will have its own encrypted word). The team deciphers the word and raises the flag. The correctness of the task is assessed.
3 1 26 1 9 1 5 1 25 1 -1716 5 15 33 20 30
193 16 11 22 13 1 415 1 526 201 2
16 14 10 15 1 25 1 20 30 17 6 20 3012 13 1 19
19 15 21 32 176 19 1532
Key to encryption
123456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
V. Field kitchen.
While summing up, the teams are invited to receive a cup of tea and a bagel.
VI. Summarizing.
So the military-sports game "Zarnitsa" came to an end. All the guys did an excellent job with the task of the game. You showed yourself not only dexterous, strong, brave, fast, but also friendly, able to be a single team.
For active participation in the military-sports game "Zarnitsa", the detachments are awarded with diplomas.

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