Home Coated tongue Anatomical structures are the initial link.

Anatomical structures are the initial link.


In tasks B1-B3

IN 1. The similarity between animal cells and bacteria is that they have

1) decorated core

2) cytoplasm

3) mitochondria

4) plasma membrane

5) glycocalyx

6) ribosomes

Answer: 246

AT 2. The human central nervous system includes

1) sensory nerves

2) spinal cord

3) motor nerves

4) cerebellum

6) nerve nodes

Answer: 245

VZ. Adaptations to life in water, formed in the process of evolution in whales,

1) transformation of the forelimbs into flippers

2) breathing oxygen dissolved in water

3) breathing oxygen from the air

4) streamlined body shape

5) thick subcutaneous layer fat

6) constant body temperature

Answer: 145

When completing tasks B4-B6, establish a correspondence between the contents of the first and second columns.

AT 4. Establish a correspondence between an animal’s trait and its manifestation in birds or mammals.


A) formation of the tarsus

B) the appearance of hair

B) location of sweat glands in the skin

D) the appearance of a placenta in most

D) the presence of the coccygeal gland

E) formation of air sacs


2) mammals

Answer: A1B2V2G2D1E1

AT 5. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of the human organ system and its type.


A) consists of a small and a large and a small circle

B) has numerous nodes

B) formed by veins, arteries and capillaries

D) fluid movement is ensured by contraction of the heart muscle

D) has open capillaries


1) circulatory

2) lymphatic

Answer: A1B2B1G1D2

AT 6. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of metabolism in a cell and its type.


A) occurs in lysosomes, mitochondria, cytoplasm

B) occurs on ribosomes, in chloroplasts

B) organic substances are broken down

D) organic substances are synthesized

D) the energy contained in ATP molecules is used

E) energy is released and stored in ATP molecules


1) energy

2) plastic

Answer: a1b2c1d2d2e1

When completing tasks B7-B8, establish the correct sequence of biological processes, phenomena, and practical actions. Write down the letters of the selected answers in the table.

AT 7. Determine the sequence in which the structures of a protein molecule are formed.

A) polypeptide chain

B) ball or globule

B) polypeptide helix

D) structure of several subunits

Answer: AVBG

AT 8. Establish the sequence of processes during the emergence of life on Earth.

A) the appearance of a nucleus in a cell

B) formation of coacervates

B) education outer membrane in the primary cell

D) education organic compounds

Answer: GBVA


Tasks B1

Choose three correct answers out of six

Training tasks

1. Cytoplasm performs a number of functions in the cell

1) is the internal environment of the cell

2) communicates between the nucleus and organelles

3) acts as a matrix for the synthesis of carbohydrates

4) serves as the location of the nucleus and organelles

5) transmits hereditary information

6) serves as the location of chromosomes in eukaryotic cells

Answer: 124

2. In the dark phase of photosynthesis, in contrast to the light phase,

1) photolysis of water

2) reduction of carbon dioxide to glucose

3) synthesis of ATP molecules using energy sunlight

3) have one ring chromosome

4) don't have cell center, Golgi complex and mitochondria

5) do not have a nucleus isolated from the cytoplasm

6) have cytoplasm and plasma membrane

Answer: 345

6. During sexual reproduction of animals

1) as a rule, individuals of different sexes interact

2) germ cells are formed by mitosis

3) germ cells are formed during the process of sporulation

4) gametes have a haploid set of chromosomes

5) the genotype of the offspring is a copy of the genotype of one of the parents

6) the genotype of the offspring combines the genetic information of both parents

Answer: 146

Test assignments

1. What functions does water perform in a cell?

1) construction

2) solvent

3) catalytic

4) storing

5) transport

6) gives the cell elasticity

Answer: 256

2. In what structures of eukaryotic cells are DNA molecules localized?

1) cytoplasm

3) mitochondria

4) ribosomes

5) chloroplasts

6) lysosomes

Answer: 235

Tasks B2

Choose three correct answers out of six.

Training tasks

1. Human motor neurons

1) perceive excitation from interneurons

2) transmit excitement to the muscles

3) transmit excitation to interneurons

4) transmit excitation to the glands

5) transmit excitation to sensory neurons

6) perceive the excitation that arises in the receptors

Answer: 124

2. Optical system the human eye is made up of

1) lens

2) vitreous body

3) optic nerve

4) macula of the retina

5) cornea

6) tunica albuginea

Answer: 125

3. What features are characteristic of the structure and functions of the human small intestine?

1) provides suction nutrients

2) performs a barrier role

3) the walls are formed by skeletal muscles

4) includes the duodenum

5) secretes bile

6) provides parietal digestion

Answer: 146

4. Skeletal features characteristic only of humans -

1) presence of clavicles

2) the presence of a chin protuberance

3) relief of bone mass of the upper limbs

4) the presence of five-fingered limbs

5) S-shaped spinal column

6) arched foot

Answer: 256

5. Select anatomical structures, which are the initial link of human analyzers.

1) eyelids with eyelashes

2) rods and cones of the retina

3) Auricle

4) cells vestibular apparatus

5) lens of the eye

6) taste buds of the tongue

Answer: 246

6. Unconditioned human reflexes, in contrast to conditioned ones,

1) are inherited

2) acquired during life

3) are inherent in all individuals of the species

4) changeable, fade away over time

5) relatively constant

6) associated with the activity of the cerebral cortex

Answer: 135

Test assignments

1. Select features of the structure and functions of the human pancreas.

1) performs a barrier role

2) produces bile

4) has exocrine and intrasecretory parts

5) has ducts that open into the duodenum

6) produces digestive juice that breaks down proteins, fats, carbohydrates

Answer: 456

2. In connection with upright posture in humans

1) are released upper limbs

2) the foot takes on a arched shape

3) the thumb of the upper limbs is opposed to the rest

4) the pelvis expands, its bones grow together

5) the cerebral part of the skull is smaller than the facial part

6) decreases hairline

Answer: 124

Tasks B3

Choose three correct answers out of six.

Training tasks

1. Paleontological evidence of evolution includes

1) the remainder of the third century in humans

2) plant imprints on coal seams

3) fossilized remains of ferns

4) the birth of people with thick body hair

5) coccyx in the human skeleton

6) phylogenetic series of the horse

Answer: 236

2. Artificial selection, as opposed to natural,

1) purposefully carried out by a person

2) carried out by natural environmental factors

3) carried out among individuals of a variety, breed

4) occurs among individuals of natural populations

5) ends with the receipt of new cultural forms

6) ends with the emergence of new species

Answer: 135

3. The result of the evolution of living nature is

1) the emergence of new drought-resistant plant varieties

2) the emergence of new species in changed environmental conditions

3) breeding highly productive breeds of cattle

4) the formation of adaptations to life in a certain habitat

5) insignificant variability of species in stable habitat conditions

6) obtaining highly productive broiler chickens

Answer: 245

4. Development in humans is considered a manifestation of atavism

1) wisdom teeth

2) tail section

3) multi-nipple

4) facial muscles

5) thick hair on the face and body

6) hemophilia

Answer: 235

5. In an aquatic ecosystem compared to a terrestrial one

1) stable thermal conditions

2) low density of the medium

3) reduced content oxygen

4) high oxygen content

5) sharp fluctuations in thermal conditions

6) low transparency of the environment

Answer: 136

6. The vestigial organs of animals include

1) human ear muscles

2) belt of the hind limbs of the whale

3) underdeveloped hair on the human body

4) gills in embryos of terrestrial vertebrates

5) multiple nipples in humans

6) elongated fangs in predators

Answer: 123

Test assignments

1. In the taiga ecosystem, the first trophic level in the food chain is

1) spruce, larches

2) ungulate, sorrel

3) cap mushrooms, saprotrophic bacteria

4) mosses, ferns

5) insect larvae, earthworms

6) rotting bacteria

Answer: 124

3) the presence of flowering plants in shallow waters

4) absence of predators

5) low diversity of species

6) closed cycle of substances

Answer: 136

Tasks B4

1. Establish a correspondence between the structural features and functions of plant tissue and their type.


1) integumentary

2) conductive



A) consist of cells tightly adjacent to each other

B) have stomata

C) lenticels are formed by elongated cells communicating with each other

D) provide protection for plant organs from adverse environmental influences

D) include vessels and sieve tubes

E) carry out gas exchange and evaporation of water

Answer: A1B1B2G1D2E1

2. Establish a correspondence between the sign of an organism and the king for whom this sign is characteristic.


A) mainly by way of eating

B) have vacuoles with cell sap

B) there is no cell wall

D) cells contain plastids

D) most are able to move

E) according to the method of nutrition, they are predominantly heterotrophs

1) Autotrophic plants

2) Animals

Answer: 112122

3. Establish a correspondence between the animal’s characteristic and the type for which it is characteristic.


A) growth and development are accompanied by molting

B) body segments are approximately the same, do not form divisions

C) body parts differ in structure and size

D) there is a skin-muscle sac

D) the integument is dense, composed of chitin


1) Annelids

2) Arthropods

Answer: 21212

4. Establish a correspondence between the mollusk and its habitat.

A) ordinary toothless

B) big pond snail

B) naked slug


2) ground-air

Answer: 112121

5. Establish a correspondence between the characteristic of the common edentulous and the criterion of the species that it characterizes.

A) the body is covered with a mantle

B) the sink has two doors

B) lives in fresh water bodies

D) the circulatory system is not closed

D) feeds on aquatic microorganisms

E) the larva develops in water

2) environmental

Answer: 112122

Test assignments

1. Establish a correspondence between the mushroom and the nature of its nutrition.


B) ergot

D) yeast

D) smut

E) champignon

Answer: 11221 – ERROR IN ANSWER – correct answer: 122121

2. Match external structure fruits, plant seeds and the method of their distribution.


A) juicy pericarp

B) the presence of hooks

B) the presence of parachutes

D) the presence of lionfish

D) brightly colored peel


1) animals

Answer: 21212 – ERROR IN ANSWER - correct answer: 11221

3. Match the fabric with its accessories! animal or plant organisms.

A) conductive
B) connecting

B) mechanical

D) muscular

D) educational


1) animals

2) plants

Answer: THERE IS NO SUCH ANSWER: correct answer: 21212

Tasks B5

Training tasks

1. Establish a correspondence between the structural features of the functions of the human brain and its department.


A) contains respiratory centers

B) the surface is divided into lobes

B) perceives and processes information from the senses

D) regulates the activity of the cardiovascular system

D) contains centers for the body’s defense reactions - coughing and sneezing


1) medulla oblongata

2) forebrain

Answer: 12211

2. Establish a correspondence between the function of human blood cells and their type.

A) recognize and destroy foreign substances and cells

B) transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues

B) participate in blood clotting

D) transport carbon dioxide from tissues to the lungs

D) participate in the formation of immunity


1) red blood cells

2) leukocytes

3) platelets

Answer: 21312

3. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of the fabric and its type.


A) intercellular substance practically absent

B) performs nutritional and support functions

B) lines the inside of the intestinal cavity and other organs

D) forms subcutaneous fat tissue

D) forms internal environment body


1) epithelial

2) connecting

Answer: 12122

4. Establish a correspondence between the sign of function regulation in the human body and its mechanism.

A) carried out by the endocrine system

B) hormones act as regulators

B) the regulator is delivered by blood

D) the speed of the regulator’s action is very high

D) is reflexive in nature


1) nervous

2) humoral

Answer: 22211

5. Match the example nervous activity person and function spinal cord.


A) transmission of a nerve impulse from a sensory neuron to a motor one

B) transmission of nerve impulses from the spinal cord to the brain

B) transmission of nerve impulses from sensory neurons to intercalary neurons

D) transmission of nerve impulses from the interneuron to the ascending pathways

D) transmission of nerve impulses from interneurons to motor neurons


1) reflex

2) conductor

Answer: 12121

6. Establish a correspondence between the part of the human heart and the type of blood.


A) left ventricle
B) right ventricle

B) right atrium

D) left atrium


1) arterial

2) venous

Answer: 1221

Test assignments

1. Establish a correspondence between the blood vessels of the bird and the type of blood in them.


A) arteries great circle blood circulation

B) veins of the systemic circulation

B) arteries of the pulmonary circulation

D) veins of the pulmonary circulation


1) arterial

2) venous

Answer: 1221

2. Establish a correspondence between the structure of human muscle tissue and its type.


A) cells reach 10-12 cm
B) has transverse striations

D) multinucleate cells

D) innervated by the autonomic nervous system

1) smooth

2) skeletal striated

Answer: 22121

Tasks B6

Match the contents of the first and second columns.

Training tasks

1. Establish a correspondence between the structure and function of organic matter and its type.



A) consist of residues of glycerol molecules and fatty acids

B) formed by amino acid molecules

B) form a supply of nutrients

D) protect the body from foreign substances

D) classified as biopolymers

Answer: 12122

2. Establish a correspondence between the characteristic of variability and the species to which it belongs.



A) is group in nature
B) is individual in nature

B) passed on from generation to generation

D) not inherited

D) due to the reaction norm of the trait

E) occurs randomly


1) modification

2) mutational

Answer: 122112

3. Establish a correspondence between the structural feature of a protein molecule and its structure.


A) the sequence of amino acid residues in the molecule

B) the molecule has the shape of a ball

B) the number of amino acid residues in the molecule

D) spatial configuration of the polypeptide chain

D) formation of hydrophobic bonds between radicals

E) formation of peptide bonds


1) primary

2) tertiary

Answer: 121221

4. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of the mutation and its type. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MUTATION

A) inclusion of two extra nucleotides in a DNA molecule

B) a multiple increase in the number of chromosomes in a haploid cell

B) violation of the amino acid sequence in a protein molecule

D) rotation of a chromosome section by 180°

D) change in the number of chromosomes

for individual pairs

E) doubling of nucleotides in DNA


1) chromosomal

3) genomic

Answer: 232132

5. Establish a correspondence between the sign of energy metabolism and its stage.


A) pyruvic acid breaks down into carbon dioxide and water

B) glucose is broken down into pyruvic acid

B) 2 molecules of ATP are synthesized

D) 36 ATP molecules are synthesized

D) occurs in mitochondria

E) occurs in the cytoplasm


1) glycolysis

2) oxygen splitting

Answer: 211221

6. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of reproduction and its method.


A) occurs without the formation of gametes

B) one organism is involved

B) fusion of haploid nuclei occurs

D) offspring are formed that are identical to the original individual

D) the offspring exhibit combinative variability

E) occurs with the formation of gametes


1) asexual

2) sexual

Answer: 112121-ERROR ANSWER, correct answer: 112122

Test assignments

1. Establish a correspondence between the feature of the process and its type.


1) photosynthesis

2) glycolysis


A) occurs in chloroplasts
B) consists of light and dark phases

B) pyruvic acid is formed

D) occurs in the cytoplasm

E) breakdown of glucose

Answer: 112212

2. Establish a correspondence between the statement and the evidence of evolution to which it corresponds.


A) human ontogenesis, like chimpanzees, begins with a zygote

B) a bird’s wing and a mole’s paw are homologous organs

C) three-toed individuals may appear in a herd of horses

D) the presence of gill slits in the mammalian embryo

D) all vertebrates in individual development go through the stages of blastula, gastrula, neurula


1) embryological

2) comparative anatomical

Answer: 12211

Tasks B7

Training tasks

1. Establish the sequence of layers on the cut wood, starting with the outer one.

B) cambium

B) core

D) wood

D) traffic jam

Answer: DABGV

2. Establish the sequence of location of zones in the root, starting with the root cap.

A) carrying out

B) suction

B) divisions

D) sprains

Answer: VGBA

3. Establish the sequence of systematic categories characteristic of the plant kingdom, starting with the largest.

A) Belena

B) Black henbane

B) Dicotyledons

D) Solanaceae

D) Angiosperms

Answer: DVGAB

4. Establish the sequence of movement of food entering digestive system person.

A) pharynx

B) large intestine

B) stomach

D) oral cavity

D) esophagus

E) rectum

G) duodenum


5. Establish the sequence of arrangement of the respiratory organs through which air enters during inhalation.

A) nasopharynx

B) trachea

B) alveoli of the lung

D) nasal cavity

D) larynx

E) bronchi

Answer: GABEV

6. Establish the sequence in which these processes occur in mitosis.

A) chromosomes are located along the equator of the cell

B) chromatids move towards the poles of the cell

B) two daughter cells are formed

D) chromosomes spiral, each consisting of two chromatids

Answer: GABV

Test assignments

1. Establish the sequence in which the sections in the spine of a mammal are located, starting with the cervical.

A) lumbar

B) chest

B) tail

D) sacral

D) cervical

Answer: DBAGV

2. Establish the sequence of development of ferns, starting with an adult organism.

A) development of male and female gametes on the underside of the germ

B) formation of sporangia with spores on the underside of the fern leaf

C) movement of sperm to the egg using water, fertilization

D) germination of a spore and the development of a small green plate from it - a prothallus

D) development from the zygote of an embryo that turns into an adult fern plant

Answer: BGAVD

Tasks B8

Establish the correct sequence of biological processes, phenomena, and practical actions.

Training tasks

1. Establish in what sequence the types of invertebrate animals should be arranged, taking into account the complication of their nervous system in the process of evolution.

A) Flatworms

B) Arthropods

B) Coelenterates

D) Annelids

Answer: VAGB

2. Establish the sequence of processes that occur during overgrowing of rocks.

A) bare rocks

B) overgrown with mosses

B) colonization by lichen

D) the formation of a thin layer of soil

D) formation of herbaceous community

Answer: AVGBD

3. Establish the chronological sequence of anthropogenesis.

A) a skilled person

B) homo erectus

B) Dryopithecus

D) a reasonable person

Answer: VABG

4. Establish the sequence of evolutionary processes on Earth in chronological order.

A) occurrence cell forms life

B) the appearance of coacervates in water

B) the emergence of photosynthesis

D) development of life on land

D) formation of an ozone screen

Answer: BAVDG

5. Establish the chronological sequence in which the main groups of plants appeared on Earth.

A) green algae

B) horsetails

B) seed ferns

Answer: ABCDG

6. Establish the sequence of stages of plant evolution.

A) the emergence of psilophytes

B) the appearance of multicellular algae

D) the emergence of fern-like

D) the emergence of angiosperms

E) the appearance of unicellular algae

Answer: EBAGVD

Test assignments

1. Establish the sequence of appearance of groups of chordates in the process of evolution.

A) lobe-finned fish

B) reptiles

B) stegocephals

D) skullless chordates

D) birds and mammals

Answer: GAVBD

2. Establish the sequence of arrangement of organisms in the food chain of the agrocenosis.

A) vole

B) wheat

B) an ordinary hedgehog

D) fox

Answer: BAVG

Part 1

A1. To study the structure of polysaccharide molecules and their role in the cell, the method is used

  1. biochemical 2) electron microscopy 3) cytogenetic 4) light microscopy
A2. DNA molecules are found in chromosomes, mitochondria and chloroplasts of cells
1) bacteria 2) eukaryotes 3) prokaryotes 4) bacteriophages

A3. What function does the cell center perform in a cell?

  1. takes part in cell division 2) regulates metabolic processes in the cell 3) is responsible for protein biosynthesis 4) is the center matrix synthesis RNA
A4. What is accompanied by the spiralization of chromosomes at the beginning of mitosis?

  1. shortening and thickening of chromosomes 2) active participation of chromosomes in protein biosynthesis
3) doubling of DNA molecules 4) increased transcription

A5. A protozoan that can feed both as a plant and as an animal is indicated by a number in the figure.

A6. The process of asexual reproduction in animals is based on

  1. meiosis 2) mitosis 3) gametogenesis 4) fertilization
A7. The essence of the hybridological method is

  1. crossing organisms and analyzing offspring 2) obtaining mutations 3) research family tree 4) receiving modifications
A8. Brown-eyed, dark-haired parents (dominant traits) have a blue-eyed, dark-haired daughter. Determine the genotypes of her parents.

  1. AABB, aaBB 2) AABb, aaBB 3) AaBb, AaBb 4) aaBB, aaBb
A9. Seasonal changes in the color of the feathers of the ptarmigan are an example of variability

  1. combinative 2) cytoplasmic 3) correlative 4) modification
A10. The mycelium of porcini mushrooms, settling on the roots of a birch tree, receives from it

  1. minerals 2) organic substances 3) phosphorus compounds 4) sulfur compounds
A11. Organisms of which kingdom are characterized by soil and air nutrition?
1) fungi 2) bacteria 3) plants 4) animals

A12. Dicotyledons, unlike monocotyledons, have

  1. reticulated leaf venation 2) fibrous root system 3) three-membered flowers
4) stem straw

A13. Blood from an earthworm

  1. fills the gaps between organs 2) flows in blood vessels 3) pours into paired excretory tubes 4) from the body cavity enters the intestines
A14. What feature of the reproduction of birds distinguishes them from reptiles?

  1. abundance of yolk in the egg 2) laying eggs 3) feeding offspring 4) internal fertilization
A15. Saliva contains enzymes involved in the breakdown

1) carbohydrates 2) hormones 3) proteins 4) fats

A16. Human nails are derived

1) epidermis 2) skin itself 3) connective tissue 4) subcutaneous fat

A17. What formed elements of blood carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues?

  1. phagocytes 2) erythrocytes 3) lymphocytes 4) platelets
A18. An unsteady gait and uncoordinated movements are characteristic of a person whose brain activity is impaired -

1) middle 2) pons 3) cerebellum 4) oblongata

A19. Human infection bull tapeworm may occur when consumed

  1. unwashed vegetables 2) water from a standing pond 3) poorly cooked beef
4) canned foods

A20. Microevolution leads to change

1) species 2) genera 3) families 4) orders

A21. Limited means of subsistence and a high number of individuals in the population are the reason

  1. the appearance of mutations 2) the appearance of modifications 3) the struggle for existence 4) stabilizing selection
A22. Homologous organs are butterfly wings and wings

  1. bat 2) bee 3) flying fish 4) sparrow
A23. Reptiles originated from

  1. lobe-finned fish 2) stegocephalus 3) ichthyosaurs 4) archeopteryx
A24. The limiting factor for light-loving forest plants is

  1. soil moisture 2) elevated temperature 3) carbon dioxide concentration 4) crown density of the upper tier trees
A25. Population size different types in the ecosystem is maintained at a relatively constant level due to

  1. self-regulation 2) circulation of substances 3) metabolism 4) variability
A26. What impact did intensive hunting by early humans have on the planet's biodiversity?

  1. natural landscapes have undergone erosion 2) the number of predators has increased 3) the ranges of herbivorous animals have expanded 4) the species diversity and number of ungulates has decreased
A27. Has its own DNA

  1. Golgi complex 2) lysosome 3) endoplasmic reticulum 4) mitochondria
A28. The relationship between plastic and energy metabolism is manifested in the fact that

  1. energy metabolism supplies energy for plastic

  2. energy metabolism supplies oxygen to plastic

  3. plastic metabolism supplies minerals for energy

  4. plastic exchange supplies water for energy
A29. In the nuclei of cells of the intestinal mucosa of a vertebrate animal
20 chromosomes. What number of chromosomes will the zygote nucleus of this animal have?
1) 10 2) 20 3) 30 4)40

A30. Eye color in a person is determined by an autosomal gene, color blindness is a recessive gene linked to sex. Determine the genotype of a brown-eyed woman with normal color vision, whose father is colorblind (brown-eyedness dominates blue-eyedness).

1)AAX D X D 2)AaX d X d 3) AaX D X d 4) aaX D X d

A31. Inbreeding of organisms is used in breeding to produce offspring.

  1. viable 2) hybrid 3) heterozygous 4) homozygous
A32. Circular DNA is located directly in the cytoplasm of the cell

  1. dysenteric amoeba 2) chlamydomonas 3) azotobacteria 4) green euglena
A33. Vitamins are organic substances that

  1. can be part of enzymes 2) influence the conversion of glucose into glycogen 3) are a source of energy in the body 4) balance the processes of formation and release of heat
A34. To a crying baby They gave me a toy that rang. The baby stopped crying as a result

  1. unconditioned reflex 2) conditioned reflex 3) internal inhibition 4) external inhibition
A35. Has a warning color

  1. ladybug 2) snowy owl 3) chafer 4) lake frog
A36. Prerequisite maintaining balance in the biosphere -

  1. constancy climatic conditions 2) closed circulation of substances and energy conversion

  2. strengthening of agricultural activities 4) evolution of the organic world
Part 2

IN 1 . Which cell structures undergo the greatest changes during mitosis?

  1. Nucleus 2) cytoplasm 3) ribosomes 4) lysosomes 5) cell center 6) chromosomes
AT 2. Select the anatomical structures that are the initial link of human analyzers.

1) eyelids with eyelashes 2) rods and cones of the retina 3) auricle 4) cells of the vestibular apparatus 5) lens of the eye 6) taste buds of the tongue

AT 3. What factors are driving forces evolution?

  1. abiotic environmental factors 2) mutation process 3) modification variability
4) adaptation of organisms to their environment 5) isolation 6) natural selection

AT 4. Establish a correspondence between the tissue and its belonging to animal or plant organisms.

A) do not drink raw water from reservoirs 1) roundworm

B) do not eat raw or undercooked meat 2) bovine tapeworm

B) do not eat unwashed raw fruits and vegetables D) protect food from flies

Q6. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of organisms and the functional group to which they belong.



A)absorb from environment carbon dioxide 1) producer

B) synthesize organic substances from inorganic 2) decomposers

B) cells contain photosynthetic pigments

D) eat ready-made organic substances D) are saprotrophs E) decompose organic substances to minerals

AT 7. Establish the sequence of systematic groups of animals, starting with the smallest.

  1. Mammals 2) Mustelidae 3) Pine marten 4) Martens 5) Chordata 6) Carnivores
B8. Set the sequence life cycle virus in the host cell.

  1. attachment of the virus by its processes to the cell membrane 2) penetration of viral DNA into the cell 3) dissolution of the cell membrane at the site of attachment of the virus 4) synthesis of viral proteins 5) integration of viral DNA into the DNA of the host cell 6) formation of new viruses
Part 3

C1. Why can the number of commercial herbivorous fish sharply decrease when predatory fish are destroyed in a reservoir?

C2. Find errors in the given text and correct them. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which errors were made, explain them,

1. Great importance proteins are present in the structure and functioning of organisms. 2. These are biopolymers whose monomers are nitrogenous bases. 3, Proteins are included in plasma membrane, 4. Many proteins perform an enzymatic function in the cell. 5. Hereditary information about the characteristics of the organism is encrypted in protein molecules. 6. Protein and tRNA molecules are part of ribosomes.

C3. In what ways does the kingdom of fungi differ from the kingdom of plants? Name at least three signs.

C4. In the industrial areas of England during the 19th-20th centuries, the number of birch moth butterflies with dark wing coloration increased compared to light coloration. Explain this phenomenon from the perspective of evolutionary theory and determine the form of selection.

C5. What features of chromosomes ensure the transmission of hereditary information?

C6. Parents with a loose earlobe and a triangular dimple on the chin gave birth to a child with a fused earlobe and a smooth chin. Determine the genotypes of the parents, the first child, phenotypes and genotypes of other possible offspring. Make a diagram for solving the problem. Traits are inherited independently.

1. What signs are common to humans and mammals?

1. Warm-blooded

2. Indirect development

3. Open circulatory system

4. Three-chambered heart

5. Presence of a diaphragm

6. The presence of skin derivatives - sebaceous glands

Explanation: We will solve this task by the method of exclusion: humans have direct development (we do not have a larval or tadpole stage (embryogenesis does not count)). Circulatory system in humans (as in all vertebrates) it is closed. The heart has four chambers - two atria and two ventricles. There are 3 signs left, they make us related to mammals. Correct answer: 1,5,6.

2. Unicellular animals, unlike bacteria,

1. Carry out the process of chemosynthesis

2. Play the role of consumers in the ecosystem

3. Serve as a source of a number of diseases

6. They belong to prenuclear organisms (prokaryotes)

Explanation: some bacteria are chemosynthetics, protozoa are heterotrophs. Bacteria can be producers, consumers and decomposers; protozoa can be consumers. They serve as a source of a number of diseases - both. Only the simplest have mitochondria, as well as a formed nucleus. Prokaryotes include bacteria. The correct answer is 2, 4, 5.

3. Receptors are nerve endings in the human body that

1. Perceive information from the external environment

2. Receive impulses from the internal environment

3. They perceive excitation transmitted to them via motor neurons

4. Located in the executive body

5. Convert perceived stimuli into nerve impulses

6. Implement the body’s response to irritation from the external and internal environment

Explanation: receptors are associations of neuron processes that perceive stimuli, both external and internal, and convert them into nerve impulses. In this regard, from the presented answers we will select everything that is related to the perception of information, that is, 1, 2, 5.

4. Systemic circulation in the human body

1. Begins in the left ventricle

2. Originates in the right ventricle

3. Saturated with oxygen in the alveoli of the lungs

4. Supply organs and tissues with oxygen and nutrients

5. Ends in the right atrium

6. Brings blood to the left side of the heart

Explanation: Let's consider the systemic circulation.

As can be seen from the figure, the large circle originates in the left ventricle and carries blood (oxygen, hormones, etc.) to all cells of the body, and takes carbon dioxide from the cells and carries it back to the heart, namely, to the right atrium. The correct answer is 1, 4, 5.

5. B duodenum human process occurs

1. Emulsification of fats

2. Breakdown of fats to glycerol and fatty acids

3. Cleavage of cellulose to disaccharides

4. Absorption of glycogen into the capillary network

5. Food interactions with pancreatic enzymes

6. Absorption of starch into lymphatic vessels

Explanation: duodenum is a section of the small intestine that is located immediately after the stomach and next to the pancreas, that is, pancreatic enzymes enter the duodenum. Therefore, in the duodenum, fats are emulsified, fat is broken down into glycerol and fatty acids, and food interacts with pancreatic enzymes. The correct answer is 1, 2, 5.

6. In connection with upright posture in humans

1. Upper limbs are freed

2. The foot becomes arched

3. Thumb upper limbs is opposed to the rest

4. The pelvis expands, its bones grow together

5. Brain department skull smaller than facial

6. Hair loss

Explanation: due to upright posture in humans, the center of gravity of the body has shifted from the back (like all tetrapods) to the pelvis, so the pelvis has become more massive, as a result of which the foot has acquired an arched shape, since the load on the foot has increased (previously the load was distributed between the fore and hind limbs) , when walking, we stopped relying on our upper limbs, that is, they became free. The correct answer is 1, 2, 4.

7. The human diet should include vitamins, since they

1. Affect metabolism

2. Conducts nerve impulses

3. They are part of enzymes and accelerate the occurrence of chemical reactions

4. They are a source of energy in the body

5. Stimulate the process of heat transfer from the surface of the skin

6. Necessary for normal life

Explanation: Vitamins are a group of organic compounds (not classified, but consisting of molecules of different classes) that enter the body with food and perform a coenzyme function. That is, they play a large role in metabolism, carrying out various reactions. The correct answer is 1, 3, 6.

8. Smooth muscle tissue, as opposed to striated muscle, in the human body

3. Has a faster contraction speed

Explanation: smooth muscle consists of mononuclear elongated cells, innervated by the autonomic nervous system (without our desire), located in the walls internal organs, contracts slowly, rhythmically, involuntarily. The correct answer is 2, 5, 6.

9. During dynamic work of human muscles, in contrast to static,

1. Fatigue sets in faster

2. There is no movement in the joints

3. Longer performance

4. Heart rate decreases

5. Fatigue comes slowly

6. Muscle contraction alternates with relaxation

Explanation: for human muscles it is better when contraction alternates with relaxation; in such a situation, fatigue sets in more slowly, the body gets less tired and can withstand longer work, which is why we choose 3, 5, 6.

1. Serve as the main nutritional material

3. Formed from amino acids

5. Put aside in stock

Explanation: proteins in the human body perform great amount functions, for example, enzymatic - some proteins are enzymes that carry out almost all reactions in the body; proteins are made up of amino acids; do not serve as an energy reserve; serve as the main nutritional material. The correct answer is 1, 3, 6.

11. Functional impairment thyroid gland leads to the following diseases

1. Diabetes mellitus

2. Myxedema

3. Graves' disease

4. Anemia

5. Cretinism

6. Gigantism

Explanation: dysfunction of the thyroid gland in childhood leads to cretinism, and in adulthood to Graves' disease or myxedema. The correct answer is 2, 3, 5.

12. What function do they perform? interneurons in the human nervous system?

Explanation: the simplest reflex arc consists of sensory, intercalary and motor neurons. Interneurons receive impulses from sensory neurons, transmit signals from the spinal cord to the brain, and transmit impulses to motor neurons. The correct answer is 1, 3, 4.

13. Curvature of the spine or the development of flat feet can lead to

1. Active lifestyle

2. Poor muscle development

5. Stressful situation

6. Eating disorder

Explanation: active healthy image life and proper nutrition will never lead to disorders in the body. Poor muscle development, constantly carrying heavy weights in one hand and wearing shoes without heels in childhood can lead to this. The correct answer is 2, 3, 4.

14. For myopia

Explanation: Myopia is a vision defect when the image is focused in front of the retina, while nearby objects are clearly visible. With such vision, you need to use lenses with a negative value, that is, biconcave. The correct answer is 1, 4, 6.

15. For farsightedness

1. Details of closely located objects are poorly distinguishable

2. Poorly removed objects

3. The image of the object is focused behind the retina

4. The image of the object is focused in front of the retina

5. Biconcave lenses must be worn

6. You must wear biconvex lenses

Explanation: Farsightedness is a vision defect in which a person sees well in the distance but poorly near. In this case, the image is focused behind the retina and biconvex lenses must be worn. Therefore, we choose - 1, 3, 6.

16. Striated muscle tissue, in contrast to smooth,

1. Consists of multinucleated cells

2. Consists of elongated cells with an oval nucleus

3. Has greater speed and energy of contraction

4. Forms the basis of skeletal muscles

5. Located in the walls of internal organs

6. Contracts slowly, rhythmically, involuntarily

Explanation: striated muscle tissue makes up skeletal muscles, contracts at our will and consists not of individual cells, but of syncytium. Let's see what she looks like

The correct answer is 1, 3, 4.

Tasks for independent solution

1. What signs are united crayfish, cross spider and chafer into the phylum Arthropods?

1. Division of the body into sections

2. Compound eyes

3. Identical structure of excretory organs

4. Ventral nerve cord

5. Chitinous body cover

The correct answer is 145.

2. What functions does the internal environment perform in the human body?

1. Information

2. Protective

3. Motor

4. Regulatory

5. Transport

6. Support

The correct answer is 245.

3. The peripheral nervous system includes

1. Interneurons

2. Medulla oblongata

3. Cranial nerves

4. Spinal nerves

5. Pathways from receptors to the brain

6. Subcortical nuclei

The correct answer is 345.

4. Signs characteristic of mushrooms -

1. Presence of chitin in the cell wall

2. Storage of glycogen in cells

3. Food absorption by phagocytosis

4. Chemosynthesis ability

5. Heterotrophic nutrition

6. Limited growth

The correct answer is 125.

1. They are perennial plants

3. Have flowers and inflorescences

4. Form fruits with seeds

5. Represented by a variety of life forms

6. Reproduce by seeds

The correct answer is 345.

6. Plants of the Monocot class can be distinguished by

1. Flower structure

2. The presence of cambium in the stem

3. The presence of nodule bacteria on the roots

4. Seed structure

5. Shape and venation of leaves

6. The structure of root zones

The correct answer is 145.

7. What is the characteristic of a bacterial cell?

1. Presence of a nucleoid

2. The cell wall contains chitin

3. Presence of ribosomes

4. Absence of a nuclear membrane

5. Presence of small lysosomes

6. Linear chromosomes

The correct answer is 134.

8. What characteristics are characteristic of plants of the Dicotyledonous class?

1. Intercalary growth of the stem

2. Flowers with four or five petals

4. Stems are hollow inside

5. Stem without secondary thickening

6. Taproot type root system

The correct answer is 236.

9. With increased heat transfer in the human body

1. Intensifies secretory function liver

2. The process of protein biosynthesis is accelerated

3. The number of platelets in plasma changes

4. Increases blood flow to the skin

5. Increased evaporation of water through the sweat glands

6. The lumen of skin capillaries increases

The correct answer is 456.

10. Proteins in humans and animals

1. Serve as the main building material

2. Broken down in the intestines to glycerol and fatty acids

3. Formed from amino acids

4. Converted to glycogen in the liver

5. Put aside in stock

6. Enzymes speed up chemical reactions

The correct answer is 136.

11. What function do interneurons perform in the human nervous system?

1. Transmits nerve impulses from the motor neuron to the brain

2. Transmits nerve impulses from the working organ to the spinal cord

3. Transmit impulses from the spinal cord to the brain

4. Transmits nerve impulses to working organs

5. Receive nerve impulses from sensory neurons

6. Transmit nerve impulses to motor neurons

The correct answer is 356.

12. Curvature of the spine or the development of flat feet can lead to

1. Active lifestyle

2. Poor muscle development

3. Constantly carrying heavy weights in one hand

4. Wearing flat shoes as a child

5. Stressful situation

6. Eating disorder

The correct answer is 234.

13. For myopia

1. Distant objects are difficult to see

2. Details of closely located objects are poorly distinguishable

3. The image of the object is focused behind the retina

4. The image of the object is focused in front of the retina

5. You must wear biconvex lenses

6. Biconcave lenses must be worn

The correct answer is 146.

14. Incorrect posture can lead to

1. Displacement and compression of internal organs

2. Impaired blood supply to internal organs

3. Sprained ligaments in the hip joint

4. Disorders of the muscular and ligamentous apparatus of the foot

5. Chest deformities

6. Increased mineral content in bones

The correct answer is 125.

15. What is the role of water evaporation in plant life?

1. Protects against overheating

2. Promotes double fertilization

3. Increases cell turgor

4. Speeds up the breathing process

5. Ensures water absorption by roots

6. Promotes the movement of substances in the plant

The correct answer is 156.

16. What distinguishes dicotyledonous plants from unisexual ones?

1. Intercalary growth

2. Seeds with two cotyledons

3. Leaves with reticulate venation

4. The main root develops from the embryonic root

5. There is no secondary thickening in the stem

6. Tap root system

The correct answer is 236.

17. Why are bacteria classified as prokaryotes?

2. Consist of many differentiated cells

3. Have one ring chromosome

4. They do not have a cell center, Golgi complex and mitochondria

5. They do not have a nucleus separated from the cytoplasm

6. Have cytoplasm and plasma membrane

The correct answer is 345.

18. Bacteria, unlike plants,

1. They are prenuclear organisms

3. Only single-celled organisms

4. Reproduce by mitosis

5. They are chemosynthetics and heterotrophs

6. Have a cellular structure

The correct answer is 135.

19. How do fungi differ from bacteria?

1. They constitute a group of nuclear organisms (eukaryotes)

2. They belong to heterotrophic organisms

3. They reproduce by spores

4. They are unicellular and multicellular organisms

5. When breathing, they use oxygen from the air

6. Participate in the cycle of substances in the ecosystem

The correct answer is 134.

20. In dogs, cats and other mammals

1. Three-chambered heart with an incomplete septum in the ventricle

2. Four-chambered heart

3. Arterial blood does not mix with venous

4. Arterial and venous blood are not completely separated

5. Metabolism occurs intensively

6. Teeth are not differentiated

The correct answer is 235.

21. What characteristics are inherent in plants?

1. Limited growth

2. Lifelong growth

3. Autotrophic mode of nutrition

4. Heterotrophic mode of nutrition

5. The presence of fiber in cell membranes

6. Presence of chitin in cell membranes

The correct answer is 235.

22. Plants, like mushrooms,

1. Grow throughout life

2. Have limited growth

3. Absorb nutrients from the body surface

6. Have a cellular structure

The correct answer is 136.

23. Mosses, like angiosperms,

1. Have a cellular structure

2. Have roots, stems, leaves

3. Produce flowers and fruits

5. Capable of photosynthesis

6. Reproduce by seeds

The correct answer is 145.

24. The similarity between mushrooms and animals is that

1. They have a heterotrophic type of nutrition

2. They have an autotrophic type of nutrition

3. The cell wall of fungi and the integument of arthropods contain chitin

4. Their cells contain vacuoles with cell sap

5. Their cells lack chloroplasts

6. Their body is made of tissues

The correct answer is 135.

25.V small intestine absorption into the blood occurs

1. Glucose

2. Amino acids

3. Glycerin

4. Glycogen

5. Fiber

6. Hormones

The correct answer is 126.

26. The optical system of the eye consists of

1. Lens

2. Vitreous body

3. Optic nerve

4. Macula retina

5. Corneas

6. Tunica albuginea

The correct answer is 125.

27. What features of the human body play an important role in maintaining a constant body temperature?

1. Supply of body cells with arterial blood

2. Presence of sweat glands

3. Development of the cerebral cortex

4. Complication of the structure of the sense organs

5. Intensive metabolism

6. Complication of the structure of the digestive organs

The correct answer is 125.

28. What signs are characteristic only of plants?

1. Have limited growth

2. Grow throughout life

3. They have an autotrophic method of nutrition

4. They feed on ready-made organic matter.

5. Cell membranes contain fiber

6. They form a polysaccharide - glycogen

The correct answer is 235.

29. What characteristics were used to determine whether Archeopteryx belongs to the class of Birds?

1. Body covered with feathers

2. The forelimbs have three toes with claws

3. On the hind limbs there is an elongated bone - the tarsus

4. There are four toes on the feet (three pointing forward, one pointing back)

5. There are teeth on the jaws

6. The sternum is small, without a keel.

The correct answer is 134.

30. Signs of reptiles in Archeopteryx -

1. Long tail consisting of many vertebrae

2. Streamlined body shape

3. Location of teeth on the jaws

4. Formation of the tarsus from part of the bones of the foot

5. Transformation of forelimbs into wings

6. No cavities in the bones

The correct answer is 136.

31. Unconditioned reflexes that ensure the vital activity of birds,

1. Developed in the process of individual development

2. Formed in the process of historical development

3. Available in all individuals of the species

4. Strictly individual

5. Formed under relatively constant environmental conditions

6. Are not congenital

The correct answer is 235.

32. What functions does connective tissue perform in the human body?

1. Performs a reflex function

2. Participates in the transport of oxygen from the lungs to cells

3. Ensures the consistency of the composition of the internal environment

4. Produces digestive enzymes

5. Forms subcutaneous fat tissue

6. Traps and removes dust particles in the nasal cavity

The correct answer is 235.

33. What underlies higher nervous activity in humans?

1. Abstract thinking

2. Instincts

3. Consciousness

4. Speech

5. Unconditioned reflexes

6. Inhibition of reflexes

The correct answer is 134.

34. The similarity between crustaceans, arachnids and insects is that they

1. The body consists of sections

2. Nervous system in the form of a tube

3. Limbs are divided into sections

4. The cover consists of chitin

5. Equal number of antennae

6. Closed circulatory system

The correct answer is 134.

35. White matter of the human brain

1. Forms its crust

2. Located under the bark

3. Consists of nerve fibers

4. Forms subcortical nuclei

5. Performs a conduction function in the central nervous system

6. Analyzes signals from all body receptors

The correct answer is 235.

36. Feature unconditioned reflexes is that they

1. Occur as a result of repeated repetition

2. They are a characteristic characteristic of an individual individual of the species

3. Are genetically programmed

4. Characteristic of all individuals of the species

5. Are congenital

6. Not inherited

The correct answer is 345.

37. Smooth muscle tissue, as opposed to striated muscle tissue,

1. Consists of multi-core fibers

2. Consists of elongated cells with an oval nucleus

3. Has greater speed and energy of contraction

4. Forms the basis of skeletal muscles

5. Located in the walls of internal organs

6. Contracts slowly, rhythmically, involuntarily

The correct answer is 256.

38. What effect does the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system have on the human body?

1. Increases the amplitude of heart contractions

2. Enhances bile formation

3. Stimulates the secretion of digestive juices

4. Stimulates saliva production

5. Causes the release of adrenaline into the blood

6. Enhances lung ventilation

The correct answer is 234.

39. Select the anatomical structures that are the initial link of human analyzers.

1. Eyelids with eyelashes

2. Rods and cones of the retina

3. Auricle

4. Cells of the vestibular apparatus

5. Lens of the eye

6. Taste buds of the tongue

The correct answer is 246.

40. Indicate the characteristics that allow you to combine crustaceans, arachnids and insects into the phylum Arthropods

1. Ability for gill respiration

2. Chitinous body cover

3. Body segmentation

4. Paired green glands

5. Development of wings as organs of movement

6. Jointed limbs

The correct answer is 236.

Task 1. Muscular system carries out movement of the body, maintaining body balance, as well as breathing movements, transporting food and blood within the body. In the tissues of the muscular system, chemical energy is converted into mechanical and thermal energy. The muscular system is a collection of contractile muscle fibers, united in bundles, which form special organs - muscles or are independently part of the internal organs.

There are three types of muscles in humans: 1. Skeletal muscles(they are also striated, or arbitrary). Attached to bones. They consist of very long fibers, length from 1 to 10 cm, shape - cylindrical. Their transverse striations are due to the presence of alternating disks that are birefringent through transmitted light - anisotropic, darker, and one-refracting light - isotropic, lighter.

2. Smooth muscle(involuntary). They are found in the walls of internal organs and blood vessels. They are characterized by length: 0.02 -0.2 mm, shape: fusiform, one oval nucleus in the center, no striations. These muscles are involved in transporting the contents of hollow organs, such as food, through the intestines, regulating blood pressure, constricting and dilating the pupil, and other involuntary movements within the body. Smooth muscles contract under the influence of the autonomic nervous system.

3. Heart muscle. It exists only in the heart. This muscle contracts tirelessly throughout life, ensuring the movement of blood through the vessels and the delivery of vital substances to the tissues. The cardiac muscle contracts spontaneously, and the autonomic nervous system only regulates its operation.

There are about 500 skeletal muscles in the human body.

Functions of the muscular system (muscles)

Motor (muscle tissue participates in heartbeat; peristalsis of internal organs; skeletal muscle tissue moves joints);

Maintaining the body in space (skeletal muscles have muscle tone, which ensures the vertical position of the body);

Energy (conversion of chemical energy into mechanical and thermal energy. Due to the presence/absence of heat, muscles are able to relax/tighten and involuntarily contract quickly in cold weather - trembling);

Protective (for example, protecting the abdominal cavity with the abdominal press);

Formative (muscle development to some extent determines the shape of the body);

It is a kind of sensory organ due to the presence of special receptors

Participates in the formation of the walls of body cavities (oral, abdominal)

Helps improve blood and lymph circulation

Is a depot of salts, water and oxygen


The muscular system consists of various organs and muscle tissue. Each of these organs and muscle tissues has a specific task in the functioning of the body.

Hypodynamia - insufficient muscle activity. The prevalence of physical inactivity is increasing due to urbanization, automation and mechanization of labor, increasing the role of means of communication. Due to the lack of necessary physical activity, people spend more and more time in a sitting or lying position. Without work, muscles weaken and gradually atrophy. Strength and endurance decrease, neuro-reflex connections are disrupted, leading to disruption of the nervous system (development vegetative-vascular dystonia, depression, myofascial syndromes), metabolic disorders. Over time, due to physical inactivity, changes in the musculoskeletal system increase: bone mass progressively decreases (development osteoporosis), the function of peripheral joints suffers ( osteoarthritis) and spine ( osteochondrosis) . Long-term physical inactivity leads to cardiovascular diseases ( cardiac ischemia, arterial hypertension), breathing disorders ( chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and digestion (intestinal dysfunction).

The chain of endocrine disorders due to physical inactivity is manifested by metabolic syndrome (obesity, insulin resistance and increased risk of atherosclerosis).

All these changes ultimately lead to a decrease in life expectancy.

Task 2.

Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of the formed elements of blood.


Shaped elements

Participates in oxygen transfer 1.

1. Red blood cells

Participate in the transfer of carbon dioxide 1.

2. Leukocytes

Do not have cores 1.

They have core 2.

Can change their shape 2.

Capable of diapedesis 2.

Produced in red bone marrow 1.

Differentiate in the thymus 2.

Capable of phagocytosis 2.

Quantity in one liter 4-5 x10 12 1.

Quantity in one liter 4-9 x10 9 2.

Live 80-120 days 1.

Produce immune proteins 2.

Select the anatomical structures that are the initial link of human analyzers.

Anatomical structures

Relation to the analyzer

Eyelids with eyelashes 1.

1. They are the starting point

Rods and cones of the retina 2.

2. They are not the initial link

Auricle 1.

Taste buds of the tongue 1.

Lens of the eye 2.

Optic nerve 2.

Superior temporal gyrus 1.

Cells of the olfactory zone of the nasal mucosa 2.

Optic chiasm 2.

Eardrum 2.

Establish correspondences between the characteristics of muscle tissue and its type.


Type of fabric

Forms middle layer walls of blood vessels 1.

1. Smooth

Consists of multinucleated cells - fibers 2.

2. Striated

Provides change in pupil size 1.

Forms skeletal muscles 2.

Forms transverse striations 2.

Contracts slowly 1.

Forms the walls of hollow organs 1.

Does not perform motor function 1.

Subordinate to the central nervous system 2.

Participates in heat exchange 2.

Establish correspondences between the process of digestion and the section of the digestive canal in which it occurs in humans.

Digestion process

Sections of the alimentary canal

Consists of sections: duodenum, jejunum and ileum 1.

1. Small intestine

The mucosa has circular folds 1.

2. Large intestine

The mucosa has semilunar folds 2.

Nutrients begin to be digested 1.

There are villi 1.

Does not have microvilli 2.

Bile is produced 1.

Water is absorbed 2.

There are haustra and omental processes 2.

Suspended on the mesentery 1.

Establish correspondences between the function of a neuron and its type.

Type of neuron

Converts stimuli into nerve impulses 1.


Transmits nerve impulses from sensory organs and internal organs to the brain 1.


Carries out the transmission of nerve impulses from one neuron to another in the brain 2.


Is an efferent neuron 3.

Is an afferent neuron 1.

Performs trophic and delimitation functions 2.

Located in the anterior horns of the spinal cord 3.

Transmits nerve impulses to muscles, glands and other executive organs 3.

Located in hind horns spinal cord 2.

Transmits nerve impulses in only one direction. 1.

Establish the difference between nervous and humoral regulation.


Type of regulation

Turns on quickly and operates briefly 1.

1. Nervous

Turns on slowly and lasts a long time 2.

2. Humoral

Signal - nerve impulse 1.

Signal – hormone 2.

Signal transmission electrical (along nerve fibers) and chemical (through synapse) 1.

Chemical signal transmission (through body fluids) 2.

Signal propagation over nerve structures reflex arc 1.

Signal propagation through blood vessels 2.

They do not have a regulatory effect on homeostasis 2.

The answer is clearly localized (separate organ) 1.

The answer is usually generalized (the whole organism) 2.

Norepinephrine is involved in the nervous regulation of 1.

Norepinephrine is involved in humoral regulation 2.

Establish the difference in the structure and functions of the large digestive glands (liver and pancreas)

Features of structure and functions

Implements barrier function 1.

1. Liver

Bile is formed 1.

2. Pancreas

There are islets of Langerhans - Sobolev 2.

Takes part in digestion 1.

Has a tubular-alveolar structure 2.

The structural and functional unit is nephron 1.

Pancreatic juice is formed 2.

Digestive juice enters the duodenum 2.

The parenchyma of the organ is formed by hepatocytes 1.

The juice contains cholesterol 1.

The juice does not contain enzymes 1.

Gland cells produce the hormone thyroxine 2.

Establish the difference between the types of endocrine and exocrine glands.


Type of gland

They are endocrine glands 1.

1. Endocrine

They are exocrine glands 2.

2. Exocrine

They have excretory ducts 2.

Dont Have excretory ducts 1.

Release their secretions into the blood or lymph 1.

The secretion of the gland is secreted into the cavity or external environment 2.

Glands produce enzymes 2.

Glands produce hormones 1.

Lymph nodes belong to glands 1.

Provide homeostasis 1.

Tropic hormones are produced 1.

Lipase is produced 2.

Lysozyme is produced 2.

Establish a correspondence between conditioned and unconditioned reflexes


Type of reflex

Congenital, hereditary 2.

1. Conditional

Acquired in the course of life 1.

2. Unconditional

Permanent and maintained throughout life 2.

Are individual 1.

They are unstable and can fade away 1.

Reflex centers are located at the level of the spinal cord and brain stem 2.

Reflex centers are located in the cerebral cortex 1.

Newborn sucking reflex 2.

They can be formed in response to any stimulus perceived by the body 2.

Not inherited 1.

The child’s reaction to the word “can’t” 1.

The child’s reaction to the sight of a stranger, stranger 2.

Establish a correspondence between the features of homeostasis phases



Vascular spasm 1.

1. Microcirculatory

Activation of thromboplastin 2.

2. Hemocoagulation

Formation of a platelet plug 1.

Formation of thrombin from prothrombin 2.

Compaction of platelet plug 1.

Formation of fibrin from fibrinogen 2.

Calcium ions are involved 2.

Sodium and potassium ions are involved 1.

Platelets are involved in the process 1.

Blood cessation occurs only in small vessels 1.

Vitamin K 2 takes part in the process.

1 Excitability and contractility are possessed by:
a) epithelial tissue;
b) muscle tissue;
c) nervous tissue;
d) connective tissue.
2 The skin protects the body from ultraviolet rays because it:
a) a lot of fibers;
b) there is subcutaneous fatty tissue;
c) it synthesizes vitamin D;
d) contains pigment.
3 Arterial blood in humans turns into venous:
a) in the hepatic vein;
b) in the capillaries of the pulmonary circulation;
c) in the capillaries of the systemic circulation;
d) in lymphatic vessels.
Part B: Choose three correct answers.
Select the anatomical structures that are the initial link of human analyzers:
a) eyelids with eyelashes; d) cells of the vestibular apparatus;
b) rods and cones of the retina; e) lens of the eye;
c) auricle e) taste buds of the tongue.
Part B: Answer the question.
How to prevent intestinal infections?

Thank you. Write what you know, I will be glad. Good luck.

Give one correct answer. b1 Lungfishes breathe 1) in the early stages of development - with gills, then with lungs 2) with gills and

light depending on environmental conditions

All carnivores are united by similarities

1) in the way of eating and lifestyle

2) in the lifestyle and structure of the dental apparatus

3) in the method of nutrition and method of reproduction

4) in the structure of the dental apparatus and method of nutrition

Choose 3 correct answers from six sentences.

Typical for inert fish are

1) the presence of a notochord throughout life

2) the abdominal and pectoral fins are paired, and the back fin is not paired

3) absence of gill covers

4) presence of a swim bladder

5) absence of a lateral line

6) presence of gill covers

common features for all amphibians are

1) adaptability to life both on land and in water

2) keratinized skin

3)unsteady body temperature

4)breathing only oxygen in the air

5)separate cavity

6) eyes, unprotected by eyelids

the general characteristics of a reptile are

1) laying eggs covered with a leathery membrane or shell

2) two-chambered heart

3) organs of excretion - Malpighian vessels

4) dry covered with scales and scutes

5)breathing using the lungs

6) constant body temperature.

thanks in advance))

option 1 Part 1. Choose (circle) the correct answer to the question:

1A. Indicate a feature that is characteristic only of the animal kingdom.

1) breathe, feed, reproduce

2) consist of a variety of fabrics

3) Have mechanical fabric

4) have nervous tissue

2A.What type of animals have the highest level of organization?

1) Coelenterates 3) Annelids

2) Flatworms 4) Roundworms

3A.Which animal has the ability to restore lost body parts?

1) freshwater hydra

2) big pond snail

3) red cockroach

4) human roundworm

4A. Internal skeleton - main feature

1) vertebrates 3) crustaceans

2) insects 4) arachnids

5A. How do amphibians differ from other terrestrial vertebrates?

1) dismembered limbs and a divided spine

2) the presence of a heart with an incomplete septum in the ventricle

3) bare mucous skin and external fertilization

4) two-chamber heart with venous blood

6A.What class do vertebrates with a three-chambered heart with an incomplete septum in the ventricle belong to?

1) reptiles 3) amphibians

2) mammals 4) cartilaginous fish

7A.The supply of blood to body cells contributes to an increase in the level of metabolism in vertebrates.

1) mixed

2) venous

3) oxygenated

4) saturated with carbon dioxide

8A.Human infection with roundworm can occur through consumption of

1) unwashed vegetables

2) water from a standing reservoir

3) poorly cooked beef

4) canned foods

Part 2.

IN 1. In insects with complete metamorphosis

1) three stages of development

2) four stages of development

3) the larva looks like an adult insect

4) the larva differs from the adult insect

5) the larval stage is followed by the pupal stage

6) the larva turns into an adult insect

AT 2. Establish a correspondence between the type of animal and the structural feature of its heart.


A) sand lizard 1) three-chambered without a septum in the ventricle

B) lake frog

D) blue whale 2) three-chamber with an incomplete septum

D) gray rat

E) peregrine falcon 3) four-chambered

AT 3. Establish the sequence of appearance of groups of chordates in the process of evolution:

A) Mammals

B) Reptiles

D) Cranial chordates

Part 3.

C1. Name at least three features that distinguish the structure of Reptiles and Mammals.

option 2

Part 1.

Choose (circle) the correct answer to the question:

1A.What function do organelles containing chlorophyll perform in green euglena?

1) form organic substances from inorganic ones in the light

2) accumulate a supply of nutrients

3) digest trapped food particles

4) remove excess water and unnecessary substances dissolved in it

2A. Humans can become infected with bovine tapeworm when consuming

1) unwashed vegetables

2) water from a standing reservoir

3) poorly cooked beef 4) canned food

3A.In insects, unlike other invertebrates,

1) on the cephalothorax there are four pairs of legs, the abdomen is unsegmented

2) limbs are attached to the cephalothorax and abdomen

3) on the head there are two pairs of branched antennae

4) the body consists of three sections, on the chest there are wings and three pairs of legs

4A.Which class includes animals that have gills with gill covers?

1) bony fish 3) cartilaginous fish

2) amphibians 4) lancelets

5A. Reptiles are called true terrestrial animals because they

1) breathe atmospheric oxygen

2) reproduce on land

3) lay eggs

4) have lungs

6A. A sign that birds are adapted to flight -

1) the appearance of a four-chambered heart

2) horny scutes on the legs

3) the presence of hollow bones

4) presence of the coccygeal gland

7A. Vertebrates with a three-chambered heart, pulmonary and cutaneous respiration, -

1) Amphibians

2) Cartilaginous fish

3) Mammals

4) Reptiles

8A. The body shape of tadpoles, the presence of a lateral line, gills, a two-chambered heart, and one circulation indicate a relationship

cartilaginous and bony fish

lancelet and fish

amphibians and fish

reptiles and fish

Part 2.

Choose (circle) three correct answers out of six:

IN 1. What signs are characteristic of animals?

1) synthesize organic substances during photosynthesis

2) feed on ready-made organic substances

3) actively move

4) grow throughout life

5) capable of vegetative reproduction

6) breathe oxygen from the air

Match the contents of the first and second columns. Enter the numbers of the selected answers in the table.

AT 2. Establish a correspondence between the sign of stomachs and the class for which this sign is characteristic.


A) internal fertilization 1) Amphibians

B) fertilization in most species is external

B) indirect development (with transformation)

D) reproduction and development occurs on land 2) Reptiles

D) thin skin covered with mucus

E) eggs with a large supply of nutrients

Establish the correct sequence of biological processes, phenomena, etc. Write down the letters of the selected answers in the table.

AT 3. Establish the sequence of appearance of groups of animals in the process of evolution:

A) Flatworms

B) Roundworms

B) Protozoa

D) Coelenterates

D) Flatworms

Part 3.

Give a complete free answer to the question:

C1. Name at least three features that distinguish the structure of Fish and Amphibians.

IN 1. Choose three correct answers out of six.

Produce carbohydrates using energy from sunlight
1) amoeba
2) chlamydomonas
3) nettle
4) white planaria
5) cyanobacteria
6) putrefactive bacteria
AT 2. Establish the correct sequence of energy metabolism processes.
A) entry of pyruvic acid into mitochondria
B) glycolysis
B) synthesis of 36 ATP molecules
D) the breakdown of starch into glucose in the digestive tract
D) entry of glucose into cells
AT 3. Choose three correct answers out of six.
The translation process requires the presence
1) DNA templates
2) mRNA templates
3) amino acids
4) chlorophyll
5) tRNA
6) oxygen

1 choose one correct answer. the body of multicellular algae consists of

a) leaves
b) thallus
c) leaves and roots
d) thallus of rhiziodes
2 select one correct answer refers to unicellular algae
a) spirogyra
b) kelp
c) sphagnum
d) chlamydomonas
3 choose one correct answer: mosses attach to the soil using
a) main root
b) rhizoids
c) lateral roots
d) rhizome
4 choose one correct answer refers to mosses
a) chlamydomonas
b) sphagnum
c) male shieldweed
d) spirogyra
5 choose one correct answer fern leaves
a) absent
b) simple, large
c) complex large
d) represented by needles
6 choose one correct answer: deciduous conifers include
a) spruce
b) pine
c) fir
d) larch
7 choose one correct answer: coniferous plants include
a) porphyry
b) spruce
c) poplar
d) shieldweed
8 choose one correct answer flower and fruit has
a) cedar
b) fern
c) sphagum
d) oak
9 choose one correct answer flowering plants include
a) larch
b) cherry
c) sphagnum
d) spirogyra
10 choose one correct answer the most common plants on earth are
a) algae
b) mosses
c) conifers
d) flowering
11 choose three correct answers for gymnosperms are typical
a) propagation by seeds
b) presence of flowers
c) the presence of fruits
d) the presence of needle-like leaves
e) presence of rhizoids
e) presence of cones

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