Home Orthopedics Relevant. A few simple tips for searching through tall grass with a metal detector.

Relevant. A few simple tips for searching through tall grass with a metal detector.

Probably the most obvious is mowing. I myself did not undertake to mow grass in areas larger than 10x10 square meters (approximately) in a day. But, if you are not working alone, then mowing square by square with a lawn mower and periodically changing with partners, you can master impressive areas. Not being a car owner, I mostly move around public transport, and you can’t really carry a lawn mower for many kilometers to the place and back. That’s why I had occasion to use a hand scythe. Of course, the volume of mowing here is much smaller, but for small areas it is quite applicable. There are two options: either cut out the handle on site and attach the scythe there, or carry it with you disassembled (a manufacturing method is available on the Internet). At one time I chose the second option, because the inconvenient handle quickly wears out my hands to calluses, and it takes more time to swing the crooked pole.

If you can actually get to the point by car, then the task becomes much easier. You can simply drive around the place of interest and crush the grass, or you can tie or attach (with a trapezoid) a log about 2 meters or slightly longer to the tow bar. It nails grass perfectly, but here you have to take into account the possibility of falling into a hole or running into some kind of obstacle, because you won’t see them in tall grass. So first, in any case, you will have to explore the territory on your feet. Once, my friend and I were too lazy to check what seemed like a very even meadow, we had to run after the tractor for more than 10 km, it’s good that we managed to find it at all. There was a swamp in the meadow, exactly in the center. It’s unclear where it came from, about 3x3 meters. The hood of the car went up to the windshield.

Now let's look at two methods of grass control that I myself have been practicing for many years. The first, quite ingenious, is rumored to have been invented by those who make fake crop circles, passing them off as UFO landing sites. We take a board, the width is at your discretion, the length is whatever is more convenient for you, personally I have a meter board. Then we choose a rope, preferably thicker (less chafing on the shoulders and neck) and fasten the ends of the rope to the edges of the board. Upon arrival at the place, put the rope on your shoulders, put your foot on the board and forward, crush the grass. The rope must be carefully adjusted to your height, otherwise you will suffer. Quick and effective, you can process decent areas in this way, it doesn’t take up much space, and I carry it with me on the bus without any problems. But of course, you will get tired of running through the fields; after all, this method is more suitable for relatively small areas.

For more serious areas I use a 1x1.5 meter sheet of plywood. True, with this sheet it is very inconvenient to get to the place without a car. Here everything is simpler than ever. Throw it on the grass, stamp it down and ring the device right through a sheet of plywood.

If it so happened that while the grass had not risen, it was not possible to check some interesting places, then you can carry out reconnaissance in the summer, and do it without any equipment at all. You simply turn your back as you move, backing away and crushing the grass with your own feet, and ring the trampled area with a metal detector. The main thing is not to rush and everything will work out. Of course, you don’t look like that all day. That's why this method applicable mainly for reconnaissance, especially if you accidentally find yourself in some place that seems interesting. I myself, having read about this, comical at first glance, method of copping, thought that it was a joke, but when I found myself in the appropriate situation, I tried it - it works. Of course, this is not a cop’s method, and if you manage to make sure in this way that the place deserves attention, then you will have to work thoroughly on it using one of the above methods.

Another very important point. Ticks! There are simply an incredible number of them in the tall grass, and it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid picking up these reptiles on your clothes. Unless, despite the summer heat, you wear things made entirely from synthetic materials, ticks don’t stick well to such clothes, and even then... The conclusion follows from this. You need to be very thoughtful about safety rules in terms of protection against ticks. Tuck in and fasten all your clothes as experts advise and do not hesitate to spray yourself with anti-tick products.

In conclusion, I want to say, if forum participants or site guests have their own, original ways to defeat tall grass, please share!

I hope that my modest experience will be useful to someone.

Copping through tall grass in summer: all the nuances

Some beginners (and sometimes experienced ones - out of habit) treasure hunters naively think that searching with a metal detector is impossible in the summer. And if you stop there and don’t develop the topic further, that’s probably true. After all, swinging the device over tall grass, which is sometimes under human's height It’s not that it’s difficult, it’s just unrealistic.

Not only will the search coil go quite high above the surface of the earth, but also constant impacts on plant stems (and some of them are hard) will stimulate the appearance of spontaneous signals that have nothing to do with finds at all, but only confuse the searcher.And one more for startersAn important point: try to go into the tall grass and look there. What's it like?

It’s definitely not comfortable to walk on tall grass

In just a few minutes you will feel all the charm of the wonderful world of insects, which will “make” every effort to get under your collar, bite you, cause allergies, and simply cause a lot of unpleasant sensations.But, I already gave a hint above that all this is exactly so, if you just accept it all and do not go into the essence of the issue.

Where to search in summer

In reality, searching with a detector is possible in the summer, and sometimes with no less effectiveness than plowing, in early spring, or after mowing collective farm fields. In this short article I will give just a few tips on how a treasure hunter can spend the summer effectively and not look sadly at his metal detector, which is gathering dust on a shelf waiting for autumn.

The first thing that immediately comes to mind is a cop in the woods. I already wrote about searching in wooded areas; it can be roughly divided into 3 categories:

1. Dig along paths and along paths;
2. Search near existing villages;
3. Digging in areas where there could previously have been villages, but now there is a forest;

As you can see, there is plenty to do, and believe me, this activity is so exciting that many lovers of old-fashioned searches completely switch to forest digging, and only in the rarest cases do they go “out into the fields.”

Forest trails and areas adjacent to trails are a searcher’s klondike, especially if he was the first to be in these places. Of course, you will have to dig up a “ton” of garbage, but there will be some interesting losses. By the way, it is recommended to search not only on the paths themselves, but also next to them (on the right and on the left, about 2-5 meters each). Don’t be too lazy to go into the forest from the path, as a rule, the most “delicious” finds are found there.

But there is also a disadvantage to this type of search: if the locals see that you do not dig holes on the trail, things may not go well. Remember, you are not alone on the globe, so leave order behind you; in some villages only such paths serve as the only road along which the population gets to the nearest settlement.

Beach cop - as an option

The next type of cop in the summer (not only in the summer) is a beach search. I won’t say much here, and the point is clear. The only thing is that in summer it is better to go to the beach early in the morning, while there are few vacationers, otherwise a lot of advisers and onlookers will follow you, which somewhat complicates the search, and a walk with a metal detector is already moving from the “hobby” category to the “stress” category.

Search by grass. Yes, searching through grass is possible, provided that you have to “do a little magic” with the grass. We won’t talk about methods such as bringing a scythe or lawn mower to a digging site, or crushing grass with a car 🙂 since these methods are not so often used and for most treasure hunters, for whom metal detecting is a hobby, they are simply unacceptable for a number of reasons.

We also don’t focus on the pit; we believe that the pit is already something from the category of archaeological methodology (and ordinary search engines are not archaeologists, this must be understood), and digging huge holes is no longer a hobby, but a search for the sake of some kind of profit and benefits, although here one can argue endlessly. So, you can crush the grass to the ground and calmly search in comfortable conditions.

To crush the grass, you will need 2 ropes, approximately 2-3 meters each, and a log, approximately 1-1.5 meters long, with a diameter of about 15 centimeters. Finding it will not be difficult if the search is carried out in an area bordering the forest.

You need to tie a rope to each end of the log, then take the ropes from the side of the free end and simply drag the log behind you. Having “walked” through tall vegetation with such a structure, you will find to your amazement that the area has been transformed and you can safely begin your search.

The process of trampling down the grass - preparing the site for treasure hunting

There are other options for how to crush the grass. For example, a log can be rolled in front of you; tie a stick (no more than a meter long) at both ends, take the ends of the rope in your hands, and, stepping on the stick in front of you, crush the grass; you can lay out an ordinary soldier's raincoat, sit on it, then move it to another area and repeat the procedure. As a result, after spending 1-1.5 hours, it is quite possible to prepare an impressive area for search.

I have already spoken about digging on paths in the forest, but you can go deeper into the forest... As a rule, you can find areas in the forest where the grass allows for normal digging. And in general, the more trees in the forest, the thicker their crowns, the better for the search engine, since in such places the grass is not so thick and tall. And shade and coolness among the trees is guaranteed!

Midsummer - opening of cop season No. 2

Somewhere at the end of June-July, mowing begins in the fields. This time can be safely called the opening of search season No. 2. Of course, sometimes stubble prevents you from working comfortably with the device, but it’s better than meter-long grass, and the finds in the fields are often not so deep, so in this regard everything is fine.

Cop through freshly cut grass

If possible, in the summer you can walk near existing villages. As a rule, the following areas are available to the search engine:

1. Local beaches
2. Forest trails
3. Forest areas near the village
4. Grazing meadows

The last option is interesting because the large cattle regularly eats up and tramples down grass, which creates simply ideal conditions for a search engine. There is only one downside: they are not particularly happy to see a person digging holes in such areas. But if you managed to find mutual language– discoveries will not keep you waiting.

Forest, forest again

Well, the last thing is the forest again. But, in this case, this does not mean a spontaneous search (for example, along paths), but a dig at the sites of supposed villages and settlements, which have now “become a forest.” This is a difficult task, since it is first necessary to carry out serious work with maps and work with archives. But if you manage to identify such a place, in 90% of cases it will please you.

Good finds to a good treasure hunter!

Since most amateur searchers simply go out into fields and open areas, forgetting that time sometimes changes some places so much that a forest familiar to the eye today, in the past “could have been a village with several houses,” which stood for more than a dozen years...

As you can see, in the summer you can conduct amateur , and tall grass, as it turns out, is not so scary. The main thing is to have desire, healthy enthusiasm and faith in chance.

Your Alexander Maksimchuk!
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Gloomy gray clouds increasingly cloud the sky, and light drizzle can seem to go on endlessly. This is the weather that usually occurs in late autumn. The first signs of the approaching winter - night frosts and rain with snow, make us sadly remember the warm September.

At this time, the fields and forests are deserted; agricultural work has long ended, however, so have the mushrooms. But all this turns out to be in the hands of those who are engaged, and in this matter bad weather is not at all an obstacle.

Plowed fields and meadows swollen from excess moisture are too tough for many machines, but not our field. This miracle all-terrain vehicle can only be parked in a real quagmire or because of banal stupidity, which, however, is not so rare. Bad roads in the fall, and sometimes complete absence- this is the main problem of all treasure hunters.

October-November is the most suitable period, well, not counting, of course, spring, for digging in tracts and old villages. At first, fields plowed for winter crops or fallow were more attractive, but with the arrival of bad weather everything changes. The search becomes simply torture, boots with stuck clay cannot be lifted off the ground, and a shovel increases its weight several times. And checking for a good signal turns into a mess in the mud. After this, when you look at the screen of your device, you feel a little sorry for him.

In general, you shouldn’t go into the fields unless absolutely necessary; it’s better to try your luck on the site of villages that once stood. The situation there now is what we need. Most of the withered grass has already died down, only in the fertile former vegetable gardens there is a palisade of nettles and weeds.
It is especially pleasant to walk after the first snowfall, having fallen in a thin layer and lying there for a couple of days, it thoroughly reduces the cushion of grass, which has the most favorable effect on the visibility of the target with the coil.

There is no need to leave very early, as in summer, for example, but you shouldn’t be late either; an unpredictable muddy road can take up a lot of time. It is in the fall that we often have to leave the car on the floor of the road and get to the place on foot.

In this case, it will not be superfluous to have a backpack with everything you need.

And now this is how it all worked out for us - having covered half of the disked field, we had to leave the car at the edge of the forest, and then walk about 700 meters further. But this walk, of course, is not a burden. Surprisingly warm weather for November, lack of wind and forest smells accompanied us on this journey.

Immediately after crossing the small river, a tract appeared in front of us. The first appraising glance says that the village was not very large at one time; the eternal companions of such places - thick trees - stand in a small area.

As in hundreds of other such abandoned places, everything here is usual: it is located on a hill next to the river, there were once cultivated fields around it, the tract itself was not plowed up, there are no houses for a long time, only house pits remain.

The grass, which was still waist-deep everywhere a month ago, has already died in many places, thereby giving room for search.
You can and should walk anywhere; it’s difficult to predict in advance where you’ll most likely end up. The point is that most likely Soviet years, this place was leveled by bulldozers, so finds may be in the most unexpected places.

But, as usual, first you are tempted to check the areas next to thick trees, especially since walking there is easy - there is practically no grass. We also check house holes, slopes, and the road that runs through the village, especially at the entrance and exit of the tract. Then we begin combing clearings with fallen grass.

Walking, of course, is still difficult - the reel constantly clings to grass bushes and weed stems. After a few hours the hand gets pretty tired.

Of the valuable finds, various coins will most often come across. Based on their composition, as well as the type of metal waste or its absence, one can easily determine the time of the emergence and extinction of the village.

This trip also pleased us, albeit with a few, but worthy finds.

Among the coins we came across: two dengas, one of them was from Peter the Great, copper coins Alexandra 2 and Nikolai 2, some advice.
Of the unusual finds, we will highlight three - a bronze weight, an 84-karat silver ring (stamp with a kokoshnik) and antique cross made of white metal.

Autumn days are short, so after lunch you only manage to walk around a little and then you have to get ready to hit the road.
The next trip will not be forgotten and will not be erased from memory; it will take its rightful place in the series of such trips.
After all, here you can fully relax and even sometimes pinch off a piece of luck.

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Hi all! The weather played a cruel joke on us. It began to snow, a north wind blew and the temperature dropped below zero again. Thus, postponing the season for an indefinite period. We are a patient people :-), let's wait. And at the same time we will remember the hot summer days.

I decided to write a small series of articles about searching at different times of the year. I already wrote somewhere about late autumn and winter. Now it's summer's turn.

Summer. This word evokes the warmth of the sun and the freshness of a cool morning breeze... And in the summer we are in the midst of the search season. But why is the summer season bad for us, diggers?

Here's what.

  • Blood-sucking mosquitoes. They haunt you, especially if you search near standing bodies of water. Mosquitoes and midges. If a mosquito bites, the bite site will only itch. But if a midge gets down to business... And they strive to bite you right in the face. The result of their work is swollen lips, cheeks, eyelids, etc. If you receive such a blow, then upon arrival home, take allergy medicine. Everything will be taken away as if by hand. A little breeze blows away all the vampires 🙂 and makes it easier for you to cope. Mosquitoes or protection against midges and repellents will also help against blood-sucking creatures. But here comes the next problem.
  • It's hot and stuffy. Our occupation is not only recreation, but also physical and energy-intensive work. And in the heat and scorching sun it can turn into hell. Especially if the soil is heavy and rocky and you forgot to take drinking water. In most cases, if you forgot your water bottle with you, you can find something to drink in the springs. And in general you can blame the mosquito.
  • High and thick grass. In summer, especially if it is rainy, the grass quickly grows and covers many interesting and promising places, making it impossible to search in them. Even if you put a small coil on the device, the cop will not be happy. A piece of plywood that you will have to carry in front of you all the time and press down the grass with it can save you from the grass. Or wait until late autumn, when all the grass has fallen.

But there are also some advantages. Summer is, one might say, the longest search season in our latitude. The same thing a short time, which we are all waiting for! Although it is not ideal for us due to its conditions, we definitely need to look for it! The main thing is to choose places from winter that will be accessible all summer and stock up on insect poison. Then have a great time fresh air You're guaranteed!

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Summer. How many different positive emotions this word evokes in any earthly inhabitant. But for a real digger, this is the time when he can spend days and nights with his favorite metal detector. But is this so? I guess, that warm time years are not so much. After all, they appear , Thick grass does not make it possible to move the search sensor freely above the ground, even if it... Well, I don’t want to think any more in this direction, but rather I’ll tell you about my own summer cop.

This time I wanted not to write about every search with a metal detector, but decided to make one search report for the whole season (well, that’s what I wanted).

I have already described some very striking moments of my searches in the reports that I published earlier. Therefore, I will not repeat myself.

So… Summer search The good thing is that the leaves and tall grass hid me from prying eyes, and I could. Since mine is very flexible in settings, I continued to study its reaction to various options location of targets. From this I came to the following conclusion: I still have something to study, something to experiment with and something to find. This is all so insignificant that I won’t describe these moments. I can only show you the discovery I made after half an hour of experimenting with the device.

summer evening cop and find 3 three-kopeck mugs

In the summer, there were several joint reconnaissance trips with. The results are modest and I will not dwell on them separately.

Since the evenings are warm in the summer, I allowed myself to stay at the mine until late. With Berkut I can afford to dig after sunset because it has a backlit screen and is equipped with an LED that will allow me to find a find in a dump.

Berkut-5 backlight is not at full power

In my forest, not far from the old training trench, I found a scattering of cartridges. Experts say that they are from “small things”. It is obvious that they have been there for a long time and therefore do not represent anything.

cop ammo for small amounts

One more interesting find, but already on the territory of the mown garden, it became old. Traces of silvering are still visible on its smooth front part, but on the back the inscriptions are clearly legible. Above Buch B wow. From below 2nd gradeS. PETERSBURG. There are double-headed eagles on the sides, but in the middle of the button there is, of course, a loop.

button Buch Bukh 2. grade

Just like there weren’t many exits to the cops. But what I found and can be placed on the scanner glass, I publish a little lower.

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