Home Stomatitis Ukrainians have always disliked Russians. Why Western Ukrainians “don’t like” Russians

Ukrainians have always disliked Russians. Why Western Ukrainians “don’t like” Russians

How often can one hear words of surprise from a Russian “patriot”, or even not a “patriot”, but some apolitical person, that Ukrainians do not like Russians and that these crests always blame Russia for everything, etc. I wonder why they are so surprised? After all, Ukrainians have a reason to dislike Russia and its embittered population.

1. Russia squeezed a piece of land from Ukraine. And period. No matter how the Russians talk about how “Sevastopol is a Russian city”, “Khrushchev gave it away when he was drunk”, etc., in fact Russia has given up on international standards and spat in the soul of Ukraine, annexing a piece of the territory of a sovereign state. Ukrainians will always remember that it was Russia that wrested the peninsula from them.

2. Ukrainians see how Russian citizens they come to their territory and sow death and destruction there, killing their compatriots. Many Ukrainian families were visited by grief: wives were left widows, children without fathers; some returned disabled for life. Leave all the talk about “vacationers” and “lost people” for Putin and Lavrov; they don’t work for Ukrainians. The presence of the Russian military in Ukraine has long been no secret to the entire civilized world.

3. Russia has filled the entire Donbass with its weapons. This is unclear only to the Vatnik, who believes that all the weapons of the “militia” are exclusively captured.

4. Russia morally and informationally supported separatism in eastern Ukraine. It is enough to turn on the so-called news, read newspapers and listen to the words of Russian high-ranking officials. Every person can see what a one-sided side the Russian media and many politicians take on Ukraine and whom they support.

5. Russia is waging an information war and spreading lies and slander towards the Ukrainian people. Russian TV channels began pouring dirt on Ukrainians since the beginning of Euromaidan. Since the annexation of Crimea and the start of the war in eastern Ukraine, the flow of lies, dirt and slander has increased significantly. The Ukrainian military, defending their homeland, became punitive and Nazi. All opponents of separatism and Putin’s imperial ambitions, as well as supporters of a united Ukraine, began to be called Banderaites and fascists.

6. Russia finances terrorism in eastern Ukraine. In order to make such statements, it is enough to recall, at least in Moscow and other Russian cities, a number of fundraising points for the “DPR”.

7. Many Russian citizens have a personal dislike for Ukrainians. How often can you hear such words from a Russian “patriot” that there is no Ukraine, that the Ukrainian nation does not exist, and that their language is funny and artificial? It is unlikely that something similar can be heard from a Belarusian, an American or anyone else. Most often, Ukrainians hear such words from the lips of their Russian brother.

8. The President of Russia, and not of any other country, lit candles in the church “for the people of Novorossiya,” called the Ukrainian army a NATO legion and accused the Ukrainian military of punitive operations.

9. Through the war, Russia undermined the already weak economy of Ukraine. It is no secret that before the war, Ukraine did not prosper in any way and could not boast of economic success, but the war unleashed by Putin contributed to both the worsening of existing problems and the emergence of new ones.

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The essence of the post is that no one likes the occupiers, and the Russians will have to come to terms with it and live with it. It is unlikely that the Ukrainian people will forgive Russia in the near future, which is so far in no hurry to repent for its crimes, and therefore does not consider itself guilty. What outstanding thing has Russia given to Ukraine, why should the latter love it? Really? Name it! Why should Ukraine maintain friendly and allied relations with Russia, which, not only did not bring it any benefit, also annexed a piece of land from it, slandered the Ukrainian people, and started a war that resulted in the deaths of thousands of Ukrainians? Personally, I don’t see anything strange in the anti-Russian views of some (or maybe not some) Ukrainians: What they fought for, that’s what they ran into. We Russians don't deserve good attitude to itself from the Ukrainian people. What a pity, but that's how it is.

Nationalist marches in Kyiv and Kharkov once again make one wonder: where does so much hatred towards Russians come from? Precisely to the Russians, and not to any other people.

After all, no matter what they say about the UPA (the Ukrainian rebel army that supposedly arose on the holiday of the Intercession), they always called the Muscovites their main enemy (“Muscovites, Jews and other evil spirits”), and the cries of “Muscovites for knives” and “Muscovites for Gilyak" after the armed coup in February became almost official. And certainly none of the loudmouths are detained for inciting ethnic hatred.

So as not to talk about what Muscovites are Russian soldiers- words of Farion (behind the head of the Svoboda party Oleg Tyagnibok): “This is ethnic war,” deputies of parliament and Nazi leaders admonished their punitive forces on October 4 (during the truce):

So hatred is the official policy today. Hatred towards Russians.

However, there is no need to prove this; just listen to the slogans shouted by those marching in the columns on October 14th. One gets the feeling that a Ukrainian is simply obliged to hate a Russian (Whoever does not jump is a Muscovite). What is the reason for this phenomenon? After all, the entire previous history of the Great Russian Family proves that we have more in common than differences. We are so close that those who benefit from our split are forced to constantly assert our differences, to prove again and again that Russians and Ukrainians are completely different nations.

For example, Kuchma would never have written a book called “Ukraine is not Poland” (or not Hungary, not Romania). Because of obvious absurdity. Although it was Yushchenko who actually gave the Black Sea shelf to Romania, and Poland and Hungary also have significant claims (75 years ago they owned decent chunks, which still belonged to the shrinking Ukraine). But crowds of Banderaites do not shout about this in the streets and politicians do not hang them.

The main essence of this opus can be conveyed by the quotation: “this God-forgotten land remained a backwater for a good five hundred years, a country of savages that did not have the opportunity to compete even with the then devastated Kiev.” That is, “you are not my brother, you filthy Muscovite.”

This creation is an example of how you can distort and manipulate historical facts in order to prove the “deep difference”, and at the same time earn their daily bread.
It turns out that a Svidomo (conscious) Ukrainian, in order to assert himself, needs to constantly justify his own non-Russian otherness. To prove not only and not so much to others – to myself – that I am not Russian. Hence the hatred - because it is impossible to give up what you love and what is dear to you. Hence the blind hatred, because cognitive dissonance is inevitable when shouting: “You stole our name! In fact, we are the Russians, and you are the dirty Finno-Ugrians!” And it doesn’t matter that the science of genetics does not see the difference between the indigenous inhabitants of Kyiv, Kharkov, Ryazan and Moscow - WE ARE NOT YOU.

Hatred becomes a tool for increasing the number of Ukrainians by decreasing the number of Russians - nothing else. And this needs to be well understood by those who want to understand what is happening in Ukraine today.

Hatred drives those who follow its blind guidelines into rigid boundaries. For example, how else can we explain the “Leninofall”, since the main communist V.I. Lenin was actually the founding father of Ukraine and the first in the Lenin-Stalin-Khrushchev triad, who gathered the lands of Ukraine into a single whole. “The Union of indestructible free republics united forever Great Rus'" was sung in the USSR Anthem, i.e. The Russian unifying principle was recognized even in the most important song of the Union, which was implicated in internationalism.

Immigrants from Ukraine took an active part in the life and construction of the “communist empire”, some even headed it for almost thirty years (an honor that the EU will never bestow on Ukrainians). This means we also need to hate what in practice (even if in a peculiar way) could unite us - “communyak against gilyak”, period.
And it is not surprising that the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, approving the demolition of the monument to the leader of the world proletariat in Kharkov, outlined one of the reasons: “By the way, this is not written here, where (in Kharkov) Vladimir Ilyich Lenin never, never in his life, never stayed.”

However, Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko “has never been, never stopped in his life” in Kharkov. But this does not mean that the Russian residents of Kharkov even admit the thought of demolishing the most beautiful monument to the Kobzar (installed, by the way, by Stalin) - there is no hatred. Russians simply don’t cultivate it because... They are not going to change their identity and simply remain themselves.

Here, by the way, it is worth paying attention to this point - hatred does not stop even before violating the biblical commandments, one of which teaches “love your enemies” Matt. 5-44. That's what the minister calls Ukrainian Uniate Church.

And here is what the Russian Orthodox priest Alexander Men said: “Throughout life, humanity has traveled many paths and roads. From God-denying materialism to world-denying mysticism. And when the fullness of time came, our Lord Jesus Christ came and brought the Teaching: “Love your enemy too.”. Those. Men considered this to be the highest teaching, for hatred destroys, love creates and stops wars.

So what is the reason for the hatred of Svidomo Ukrainians towards Russians? As paradoxical as it may sound, it is precisely in our proximity. In 1908, the German philosopher and sociologist Georg Simmel noted in his work “Man as Enemy”: “People who have a lot in common often offend each other much more bitterly and unfairly than complete strangers. Sometimes this happens because a large area of ​​their mutual community has become something taken for granted, and therefore it is not she, but what is on this moment differentiates them, determines their positions in relation to each other. This mainly happens precisely because of their few differences, and every smallest antagonism acquires a different relative meaning than it does between people who are more alienated, and from the very beginning are mutually oriented towards possible differences.”.

Today, hatred has divided our fellow tribesmen and this is our common tragedy. The great Russian commander Alexander Suvorov said: “hatred clouds reason.” And this means that the task of the Russians is not to allow themselves to descend into retaliatory hatred of the Ukrainians. Because the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians are exactly the same Russians living on the territory of Ukraine. It is no coincidence that a Gallup study showed that 83 percent of residents of then-peaceful Ukraine prefer to speak Russian.

And numerous videos from the Maidan and Grushevsky in the winter, and then from the so-called “ATO” zone, clearly demonstrated that the masses of people speaking against the Muscovites also speak Russian off camera. On October 14, I walked in the Bandera column from beginning to end and never once heard a single word “in English.” In between obscene chants and cries of “Bandera pryde - order navede,” the Nazis spoke to each other exclusively in Russian.

So the origins of hatred are not in the contradiction between two different nations, but in the artificial instillation of hatred, which is not at all beneficial to the residents of Ukraine and Russia.

And our main task is common task– do not let hatred flood and corrupt our souls. Russian souls.

And to figure out which of us is more Russian and which language today is more inherited from the language Kievan Rus and who is more and who is less worthy to be the first heir, we will be without hatred.

And most likely we won’t. Who cares?

Ukrainians are not liked in the Czech Republic
Sociologists studied the attitudes of Czech citizens towards 16 minorities living in the country. The Ukrainians were in third place...

The results of a study by the Center for Public Opinion Research, which was conducted in March of this year, showed that it is the Roma that Czech citizens dislike most of all.

During the study, the attitude of citizens of the republic towards 16 minorities living in the Czech Republic was studied. A total of 1053 people were interviewed.

Behind Last year attitude towards them has deteriorated greatly. 78% of surveyed Czech citizens over 15 years of age declared their hatred of Roma. Following the gypsies on the unsympathetic scale are Albanians and Ukrainians.

On the contrary, the attitude of Czech citizens towards Slovaks gradually began to improve.

Isn’t it time to think about why Ukrainians are not loved in the world around them?

"- Oh yeah. This is amazing - our Ukrainian psychologists write smart, wonderful books. But there the thought runs like a red thread: “A Ukrainian is a person neuroticized by an inferiority complex, a marginalized person who has been “spread, spread and will continue to be spread!”.


Among all nations, from the point of view of the Poles, Ukrainians are located, do you know where? In second place. From below.According to Poles, the only people worse than Ukrainians are gypsies .

Excerpts from an interview on Radio Era, the program “Night Reflections” - a member of the Association of Ukrainian Writers, author of the book “Ukrainian Mentality. Illusions - myths - reality" by Alexander Strazhny.

Since 1993, Ukrainians have held a more or less stable position in ratings of “Poles’ sympathy for other peoples” - at the very bottom, only Roma and Romanians are lower. This is not surprising, since Ukraine evokes negative associations among 50% of Poles, and indifference among 38%. Half of the Poles defend the introduction of visas for Ukrainians (versus about 20%) and only 23% are completely ready to recognize the modern Polish-Ukrainian border (52% are “rather” ready to recognize). These data are presented in the study “Poland-Ukraine: mutual image”, prepared by the Institute of Public Affairs (Warsaw) in collaboration with the Kyiv company Socis-Gallup International. So, we can assume that, when answering questions in various questionnaires, an ordinary Pole understands the word “Ukrainian”, first of all, as a “Ukrainian bandit” or “Ukrainian nationalist.”


In Russia - 58% - believe that Ukrainians in general are no different from Russians. 36% of respondents hold the opposite opinion: differences between our peoples exist. Answering an open-ended question about how exactly Ukrainians differ from Russians, some of these respondents simply state that there are differences in mentality, way of thinking (9%) or language (6%). Others talk about certain qualities that distinguish Ukrainians from Russians, and much more often - about negative ones (“cunning”, “greed”, “arrogance” - 11%) than about positive ones (“practicality”, “hospitality”, “hard work” - 3%).

As a result of the collapse of the USSR, especially after the “Orange Revolution” of 2004 and Yushchenko’s corresponding policy towards Russia, forgotten stereotypes of Russians associated with the term “crest” came to light.

It is believed that the main food of crests is lard and vodka. They live on farms in the Ukrainian steppe.

crests are depicted in trousers, white shirts, with a forelock on the crown of their head and a long drooping mustache.

Khokhlov are credited with deceit, stupidity, but at the same time cunning, resourcefulness, greed and lust for power.

Vladimir Dal recorded the following sayings: “The Little Russian is stupider than a crow, but more cunning than the devil,” “The Little Russian won’t lie, and he won’t tell the truth.” And also “Where a crest passes, there is nothing for two Jews to do,” “Where there are two Ukrainians, there are three hetmans.”

Apparently, as we do, so to us.


Belarusians rate their country’s relations with Russia as “brotherly” almost twice as often as with Ukraine. Thus, Belarusians perceive Kyiv’s policies towards their state even more critically than Russians. They have warmer feelings towards Russia than towards Ukraine. It is noteworthy that every fifth Belarusian respondent avoided a meaningful answer regarding the assessment of Belarusian-Ukrainian relations.

Now about how Ukrainians are loved in Europe

“They were still sleeping when, at about six in the morning on May 26, their Madrid-Wroclaw bus was stopped by German police a few kilometers from the German-Polish border. Verification of documents. Polite smiles towards the Polish passengers, wishes for a safe journey.

Completely different facial expressions when seeing Ukrainian passports. One woman's document was roughly torn out of her hands by a policeman, tearing it in the process. All ten Ukrainians were asked to leave the bus and taken to the police station. During the search, jewelry and all the money found were seized. They threw away all food and drink. Then the personal search began. They stripped me naked. They checked their clothes. Women's sanitary pads were even torn from their underwear. The examination was one that many of them had never had to undergo before, even in a doctor’s office... “The humiliation and shock that I experienced cannot be described,” one of the detainees will later say. “We are standing naked, we don’t understand a word of German, and they are laughing and discussing something,” another will confirm. Stunned by the complete surprise and nightmare of what was happening, they could not understand why they were being treated this way.”

For some reason, Europeans say thatUkrainians behave very badly. They don't consider others as people! Both locals and other visitors. And they drink, damn the Russians. Ukrainian women turned out to be very noisy and scandalous.

Why do the majority of people living around Ukraine dislike Ukrainians so much?

Yes, because Ukrainians themselves hate themselves. The country, divided territorially into West and East, has long hated each other, and this hatred has already gone beyond its borders. And a people that hates itself will never be loved by its neighbors.

Cold weather has continued in Ukraine for 20 years Civil War, heated by means mass media. The people would have calmed down long ago and engaged in creative work, but for some this is not beneficial for the political stability of the country. Ukrainian media, paid from outside, mostly consisting of foreigners, pour out negativity on Ukrainians, preventing the establishment of order and tranquility in Ukraine. It is impossible to touch the biased media, as hysteria immediately arises regarding the notorious freedom of speech. Yes, we hate ourselves, our government, our people, and naturally others - better than us!

And here's a fresh example:

Prime Minister Mykola Azarov complains that the government's activities are assessed mostly negatively in the media. He stated this in an interview with the First National TV Channel.

“Tax reform has begun, it has been published. How did the media react to this tax reform, i.e. what is the number of negative responses, neutral and positive regarding the Tax Code? After all, it is quite obvious that it was positive for the economy and for the country as a whole. How has the information field decomposed from an assessment point of view? 90% were negative reviews. About 5% are neutral and about 5% are positive,” the head of government said.

“I ask myself a simple question: of those who gave 90% negative reviews, don’t they understand, don’t understand, or were they pre-engaged by someone or something? After all, it cannot be that an absolutely obvious thing that, for example, in France would have gone off with a bang, in Germany went off with a bang, this government, which agreed to cut taxes in such a severe crisis, would be applauded, that’s 100%. But this caused a 90% negative response among us,” the Prime Minister noted.

“Now the pension reform has not yet begun at all, the first draft has only been published on the website, but how did the media react to this project? It turns out that the proportion is almost the same: 70% negative, about 25% positive, oddly enough, that is, a little more, and 5% is somewhere neutral,” the head of government said.

« We do not have our own television channels, we do not have our own mass newspapers, we do not have our own radio.... But basically this wave of information, who is driving this wave, is mainly the Verkhovna Rada, where the oppositionists simply invent something that does not actually exist. And we have to fight not with objective criticism or consider objective criticism, but, generally speaking, we have to talk about what does not exist,” N. Azarov emphasized.

All our stench comes from our own mouth. To get rid of this, all you need to do is “brush your teeth,” preferably in the morning and on Friday evenings. This is prevention, dear Ukrainians! But the mentality still urgently needs to be changed, it’s already the 21st century, Ukrainian citizens!

Why are Ukrainians so envious?

Ukrainians are envious not only folk sayings, sociologists have determined.

According to the results of a new study, More than a third of Ukrainian citizens are confident that Russians live better and earn more than them. They justify their opinion by the fact that many of their compatriots go to Moscow and St. Petersburg to work.

As it turned out, 65 percent of Ukrainians envy residents of the European Union, 57 percent of America, and 34 percent of Russia. “We were just trying to paint a portrait of the nation. We must be perceived as we are—you can’t change Ukrainians,” said Kost Bondarenko, director of the Gorshenin Institute, who conducted the study.

Ukrainians proudly repeat a joke about themselves : The main desire of their compatriot is for their neighbor’s cow to die. The study by sociologists accomplished an almost impossible task - it described the mentality of Ukrainians in numbers.

According to sociologists, the principle “my house is on the edge” has become fundamental for the “broad” Ukrainian. . Neither the “Orange Revolution” nor the subsequent equally difficult peacetime changed it.

Half of Ukrainians believe that breaking the law is doing the right thing.

Having found someone else's thing lying badly, they will definitely appropriate it.

Ukrainians also follow an old saying:“The bad godfather is the one who wasn’t with her godfather.” . A third of respondents consider adultery a positive phenomenon. They say it goes back to Cossack times, when one wife was for the home, and two or three others for the campaign.

The most insignificant values ​​for Ukrainians were education and intellectual development.

Material security came first.

42 percent believe that they and their neighbors can deceive each other for their own benefit.

Ukrainians see post-revolutionary society as narrow-minded and selfish. According to 70 percent of respondents, its development has stopped. 50 percent consider society immoral and indifferent to the troubles of others. However, the most unexpected result for sociologists was that after 16 years of the existence of the independent state of Ukraine, the majority of its citizens considered “independence” the last of their priorities.

TOP 10 countries where they don’t like Ukrainian tourists

Before your trip, think carefully about whether it’s worth telling where you came from?

Especially for travel.tochka.net, the iVOX company conducted a survey among Ukrainian Internet users on the topic “Which countries most dislike Ukrainians as tourists.” We will present to your attention the ten most unfriendly countries, according to our tourists.

10. France - 8.3%

Walking around Paris with a Ukrainian flag in your hands, do not count on the cordiality of those around you. As we can see from the results of the iVOX survey, the French do not treat travelers from Ukraine very well. However, this does not prevent thousands of our compatriots from vacationing in France every year.

9. USA - 9.1%

Maybe the Klitschko brothers, who beat many American boxers, are to blame for this, but the attitude of US residents towards Ukrainians cannot be called positive. If this fact does not bother you, and you are still planning to vacation in America, be prepared for a tough interview at the embassy.

8. Czech Republic - 9.3%

In the Czech Republic they value labor from Ukraine, but tourists from our country are not welcomed. It is difficult to find any logical explanation for this relationship. We suspect that Ukrainian tourists drink a month's supply of local beer in a few days, and the Czechs have to be content with what is left.

7. Egypt - 10.1%

Despite the fact that Ukraine is one of the main “suppliers of tourists” for Egypt, local residents They don’t stand on ceremony with our compatriots. I wonder why the Egyptians dislike tourists from Ukraine so much?

6. Türkiye - 10.2%

It’s no secret that Turks are crazy about Ukrainian girls, but judging by the survey results, they have the exact opposite attitude towards tourists from our country. They're probably just jealous that we live in such a beautiful country, and we go on vacation to Turkey.

5. Italy - 10.9%

There is an opinion that the Ukrainian language is somewhat similar to Italian in its melody. But this is almost the only similarity between our peoples. This is probably why temperamental Italians treat tourists from Ukraine with caution.

The hotbed of hatred towards Russians is now, of course, at Western Ukraine. Nationalist marches in Lviv, Transcarpathia and Volyn are striking in their open hatred of Russia. Some of the slogans shouted by the still beardless radicals in embroidered shirts are even impossible to reproduce in print because of their rough assessments and obscene language. “Whoever doesn’t jump is a Muscovite!” – they chanted even in Kyiv during the events at Euromaidan three years ago. Everyone knows how far they have come: they won’t take them to Europe and they have fallen out with Russia.


It seems that Russians and Ukrainians did not have a common history and the phrase “Kyiv is the mother of Russian cities” was completely forgotten by the current Ukrainian rulers. But it is the new government in Kyiv, which came in the wake of the Maidan, that is cultivating, promoting and in every possible way encouraging nationalists. And he doesn’t even flirt with them, as is usually the case in many countries, but openly supports them state level. How else can we explain the fact that the recently started blockade of the railway in Donbass, organized by radicals, was supported by some deputies of the Verkhovna Rada. Executive branch in response to the actions of the nationalists, she only shook her finger at them, but dispersed the pickets on railway, connecting two parts of one country, was afraid.

In the same scenario, the Ukrainian authorities closed the way into the country for tens of thousands of Russians who have relatives and friends living in Ukraine. The new Ukrainian government, having come to power in 2014, first of all introduced new entry rules for Russian citizens. Now men from 16 to 60 years old are prohibited from entering Nezalezhnaya due to the fact that they have all become suspects of participating in hostilities in the southeast and terrorism.

Later, the “black list” grew to gigantic proportions: now they are not allowed into Ukraine Russian artists, writers, journalists, athletes, singers and entire creative teams. It got to the point of insanity: Natasha Koroleva, who was born in Kyiv, was forbidden to come to her grandmother’s funeral, and Kristina Orbakaite was forced to cancel her tour of Ukraine due to threats from nationalists who promised to disrupt the concerts. At the same time, Ukrainian groups calmly come to Russia, perform in clubs and concert halls, and no one plots against them.

It is noteworthy that the Ukrainian authorities do not allow many of their own compatriots from Crimea into the country. Nowadays they are not called anything other than traitors in Kyiv: they say, they joined Russia - and live with it! Those who travel from the republic to Ukraine to visit relatives are forced to endure bullying and searches by border guards on the other side.

It is known that hatred drives into rigid boundaries those who follow its blind guidelines. For example, how else can we explain the “Lenin fall” in Ukraine, whose citizens have forgotten that the main communist Lenin was actually the founding father of Ukraine and the first in the Lenin-Stalin-Khrushchev triad, who gathered the lands of Ukraine into a single whole.

Ukrainians are getting rid of not only Lenin monuments, but also hot hand zealous implementers of the law “On Decommunization” include monuments to writers and scientists, names of cities and streets. Everything that is in one way or another connected with the Soviet past is being erased, even school textbooks are being rewritten. Rada deputies, in a fit of Russophobia, planned to ban the very name of the country – “Russia”, replacing it with “Muscovy”. All this does not add joy to the relationship between ordinary Ukrainians and Russians.

In Russia, they are watching with alarm not only the events in Kyiv, but also worrying about how they live under Ukrainian artillery fire in the self-proclaimed republics in the southeast of the country. Since the outbreak of hostilities, several thousand people have died there, including civilians. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians, who no longer wanted to live under a regime that shoots at its citizens, found salvation in Russia.

The great Russian commander Alexander Suvorov said: “Hate clouds reason.” Fortunately, there are people in Ukraine who have not raised hatred of Russians and Russians to their banners. In Russia, the overwhelming majority of citizens did not allow themselves to descend into retaliatory hatred towards Ukrainians as a nation. The two Slavic peoples lived together for centuries and, despite the efforts of crazy Kyiv politicians, they retained ties connecting the past and the present.

Hatred. Why Ukrainians do not like Russian? - news from the Society section, current information, discussion of news, discussions on Newsland.

Hatred. Why Ukrainians do not like Russian?

10/21/2014 VArs195711305 552 458

Nationalist marches in Kyiv and Kharkov once again make one wonder: where does so much hatred towards Russians come from? Precisely to the Russians, and not to any other people.

After all, no matter what they say about the UPA (the Ukrainian rebel army that supposedly arose on the holiday of the Intercession), they always called the Muscovites their main enemy (“Muscovites, Jews and other evil spirits”), and the cries of “Muscovites for knives” and “Muscovites for Gilyak" after the armed coup in February became almost official. And certainly none of the loudmouths are detained for inciting ethnic hatred.

So as not to say that Muscovites are Russian soldiers - the words of Farion (behind the head of the Svoboda party Oleg Tyagnibok): “This is ethnic war,” deputies of parliament and Nazi leaders admonished their punitive forces on October 4 (during the truce):

So hatred is official policy today. Hatred towards Russians.

However, there is no need to prove this; just listen to the slogans shouted by those marching in the columns on October 14th. One gets the feeling that a Ukrainian is simply obliged to hate a Russian (Whoever does not jump is a Muscovite). What is the reason for this phenomenon? After all, the entire previous history of the Great Russian Family proves that we have more in common than differences. We are so close that those who benefit from our split are forced to constantly assert our differences, to prove again and again that Russians and Ukrainians are completely different nations.

For example, Kuchma would never have written a book called “Ukraine is not Poland” (or not Hungary, not Romania). Because of obvious absurdity. Although it was Yushchenko who actually gave the Black Sea shelf to Romania, and Poland and Hungary also have significant claims (75 years ago they owned decent chunks, which still belonged to the shrinking Ukraine). But crowds of Banderaites do not shout about this in the streets and politicians do not hang them.

Another thing is “Ukraine is not Russia” - the famous creation of Leonid Danilovich, where he completely got lost in the contradictions of his evidence. l

By the way, Kuchma himself confirms that Muscovite = Russian: “...the national self-identification of Ukraine comes down to the slogan: so that everything is not like the Muscovites.”

Or " historical research"by a certain Vladimir Belinsky "Country of Moksel".

The main essence of this opus can be conveyed by the quotation: “this God-forgotten land remained a backwater for a good five hundred years, a country of savages that did not have the opportunity to compete even with the then devastated Kiev.” That is, “you are not my brother, you filthy Muscovite.”

This creation is an example of how historical facts can be distorted and manipulated in order to prove a “deep difference”, and at the same time earn their daily bread.
It turns out that a Svidomo (conscious) Ukrainian, in order to assert himself, needs to constantly justify his own non-Russian otherness. To prove not only and not so much to others - to myself - that I am not Russian. Hence the hatred - because it is impossible to give up what you love and what is dear to you. Hence the blind hatred, because cognitive dissonance is inevitable when shouting: “You stole our name! In fact, we are the Russians, and you are the dirty Finno-Ugrians!” And it doesn’t matter that the science of genetics does not see the difference between the indigenous inhabitants of Kyiv, Kharkov, Ryazan and Moscow - WE ARE NOT YOU.

Hatred becomes a tool for increasing the number of Ukrainians by decreasing the number of Russians - nothing else. And this needs to be well understood by those who want to understand what is happening in Ukraine today.

Hatred drives those who follow its blind guidelines into rigid boundaries. For example, how else can we explain the “Leninofall”, since the main communist V.I. Lenin was actually the founding father of Ukraine and the first in the Lenin-Stalin-Khrushchev triad, who gathered the lands of Ukraine into a single whole. “The Union of indestructible free republics was united forever by Great Rus'” was sung in the Anthem of the USSR, i.e. The Russian unifying principle was recognized even in the most important song of the Union, which was implicated in internationalism.

Immigrants from Ukraine took an active part in the life and construction of the “communist empire”, some even headed it - for almost thirty years (an honor that the EU will never give to Ukrainians). This means we also need to hate what in practice (even if in a peculiar way) could unite us - “communyak against gilyak”, period.
And it is not surprising that the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, approving the demolition of the monument to the leader of the world proletariat in Kharkov, outlined one of the reasons: “By the way, this is not written here, where (in Kharkov) Vladimir Ilyich Lenin never, never in his life, never stayed.”

However, Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko “has never been, never stopped in his life” in Kharkov. But this does not mean that the Russian residents of Kharkov even admit the thought of demolishing the most beautiful monument to the Kobzar (installed, by the way, by Stalin) - there is no hatred. Russians simply don’t cultivate it because... They are not going to change their identity and simply remain themselves.

Here, by the way, it is worth paying attention to this point - hatred does not stop even before violating the biblical commandments, one of which teaches “love your enemies” Matt. 5-44. This is what the minister of the Ukrainian Uniate Church calls for.

And here is what the Russian Orthodox priest Alexander Men said: “Throughout life, humanity has traveled many paths and roads. From God-denying materialism to world-denying mysticism. And when the fullness of time came, our Lord Jesus Christ came and brought the Teaching: “Love your enemy too.”. Those. Men considered this to be the highest teaching, for hatred destroys, love creates and stops wars.

So what is the reason for the hatred of Svidomo Ukrainians towards Russians? As paradoxical as it may sound, it is precisely in our proximity. In 1908, the German philosopher and sociologist Georg Simmel noted in his work “Man as Enemy”: “People who have a lot in common often offend each other much more bitterly and unfairly than complete strangers. Sometimes this happens because a large area of ​​their mutual community has become something taken for granted, and therefore it is not this, but what currently separates them that determines their positions in relation to each other. This mainly happens precisely because of their few differences, and every smallest antagonism acquires a different relative meaning than it does between people who are more alienated, and from the very beginning are mutually oriented towards possible differences.”.

Today, hatred has divided our fellow tribesmen and this is our common tragedy. The great Russian commander Alexander Suvorov said: “hatred clouds reason.” And this means that the task of the Russians is not to allow themselves to descend into retaliatory hatred of the Ukrainians. Because the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians are exactly the same Russians living on the territory of Ukraine. It is no coincidence that a Gallup study showed that 83 percent of residents of then-peaceful Ukraine prefer to speak Russian.

And numerous videos from the Maidan and Grushevsky in the winter, and then from the so-called “ATO” zone, clearly demonstrated that the masses of people opposing the Muscovites also speak Russian off camera. On October 14, I walked in the Bandera column from beginning to end and never once heard a single word “in English.” In between obscene chants and cries of “Bandera pryde - order navede,” the Nazis spoke to each other exclusively in Russian.

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