Home Removal Project pets in 2nd junior. Educational project in the second junior group “Pets”

Project pets in 2nd junior. Educational project in the second junior group “Pets”



"Home Compound"

in the second younger group №4

Educator: Kurkova A.A.


Project "Home Compound"

Relevance of the Project:

A person receives his first ideas about the world around him, including animals, already in childhood.

Junior children preschool age have insufficient understanding of domestic animals and birds, and especially about animals living in the village.

Summer is a favorable time to meet domestic animals living in the village. After all, in the summer children go to the village, where, of course, they get to know domestic animals and birds. But this does not happen to everyone, since we live in the city. From conversations with parents and children, it turned out that many children had never been to the village. And those who have seen animals and birds cannot always name the animals and their young. This is how the idea of ​​introducing children to domestic animals and birds in detail arose.

Project participants:

Children of the second junior group No. 4, teachers, parents.

Project Type:

By number of participants:group (children of the second younger group).

By time:short-term project (2 weeks).

By nature: within the preschool educational institution.

Objective of the project:

Enrich children's understanding of domestic animals and birds,

And their babies.

Project Objectives:

  • To clarify and expand children's knowledge about domestic animals and birds, their lifestyle, habits, and characteristic external signs.
  • Promote child savings personal experience knowledge of the surrounding world and sensory contact with it.
  • Develop the ability to compare (with the help of an adult) two animals according to 1-2 characteristics, highlight similarities and differences. To form initial ideas about adult work (caring for animals and birds).
  • Form rules for safe behavior when interacting with pets, stimulate the expression of kind feelings and relationships towards animals.
  • To develop the ability to correctly use in speech the names of animals and their young in the singular and plural: rabbit - little rabbit, baby rabbits. Enrich children's vocabulary by expanding their understanding of domestic animals, their actions, and characteristics.
  • Maintain the desire to reflect in different products children's activities general signs and some character traits animals, relative similarity in shape, color.
  • Enrich the listening experience literary works through various small forms of folklore (rhymes, songs), simple folk and original fairy tales about animals.
  • Create conditions for parents to participate in educational process.

The project includes three stages:

  1. Preparatory.
  2. Main (research).
  3. Final.

The significance of the Project for all its participants:

Children gain knowledge about domestic animals and poultry.

Educators continue to master the design method

Parents actively participate in the project (selection of photographs, books, design of the “Homestead” layout).

Expected result of the Project:

  • Children's horizons expand and become more active lexicon.
  • Children know and apply the acquired knowledge about domestic animals and their young, birds.
  • Parents participate in the educational process.

Stages of work on the Project:

1. Preparatory

  • Determining the theme of the Project;
  • Formulation of goals and definition of tasks;
  • A selection of material on the topic of the project: literature, visual material, didactic, mobile, finger games, story games, physical education sessions, photographs;
  • Drawing up a plan for the main stage of the Project.

Working with parents:

  • conversation with parents about upcoming work.

Implementation time: 2 weeks

Responsible for implementation:educators, parents.

2. Basic (research)

  • Didactic games: “Name the animal”, “Name the baby”, “Who lives and where? ", "Who's the odd one out? ", "Who is missing? ", "Who eats what?", "Who screams, how? ", "Whose baby? ", "Gather the family."
  • Board games: “Cut pictures”, cubes, lotto, dominoes, inserts, “Whose house? ", "Clean up the order", "Find a match."
  • Role-playing games: “What to feed the kids? ", "Who lives on the farm? "
  • Construction: “Horse Corral”, “Dog Kennel”, “Farm”.
  • View the presentation "Pets".
  • Conversation “What do we know about domestic animals and birds?”
  • Examination of the paintings “Cat with Kittens”, “Dog with Puppies”, “On the Farm”, “In the Stable”.
  • Looking at photographs, illustrations, pictures of home
  • animals and their young.
  • Conversations about appearance, lifestyle, nutrition, accommodation, care for pets.
  • Electronic didactic games “Whose tail?”, “The fourth odd one”.
  • Word games: “Count the babies”, “Who has who?” ", "Who is screaming?"
  • Reading fiction: Russians folk tales: “Rock Hen”, “Cockerel and Bean Seed”; S. Marshak “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse”, “Dereza Goat”, “Fedot the Cat”. K. Ushinsky “Ducks”, “Cockerel with his Family”, “Vaska”
  • Guessing riddles about pets.
  • Memorizing nursery rhymes and poems about animals.
  • Conversations “How to handle pets”, “Wash your hands after caring for animals!
  • Artistic and creative activities: drawing “Chicken”, applique “Sheep”, sculpting “Kitten”. Working with coloring books, stencil drawing.
  • Writing stories about a cat: “My pet.”

Working with parents:

  • conversations with parents: “Child and pet”;
  • help from parents in designing the “Home Compound” layout;
  • consultation “Pets and children”;
  • a selection of literature about animals with the participation of parents;
  • selection of photographs;

Implementation period:

Responsible for implementation:teachers, children, parents.

  1. Final
  • design of the photo album “Cats”;
  • presentation of the Homestead Project
  • analysis of the results obtained
  • Layout "Homestead"

Working with parents:

Invite parents to visit the zoo.

Implementation period: 2 weeks

Responsible for implementation:educators, parents.

List of used literature:

  1. Karpukhina N. A. Software development of educational areas “Socialization”, “Cognition”, “ Physical Culture"in the second junior group of kindergarten. Voronezh: LLC "Metoda", 2013.
  2. Bondarenko T. M. Complex classes in the second junior group of kindergarten. – Voronezh: TC “Teacher”, 2002.
  3. Book for reading in kindergarten and at home: 2 – 4 years old / Comp. Gerbova and others - M.: Onyx Publishing House, 2006.
Justification for choosing the topic.

A child’s environmental education must begin with familiarization with the natural objects of the immediate environment that the child encounters every day.

One of the tasks before the teacher is to lay the first guidelines in the world of animals as living beings, to ensure an understanding of their initial connections in nature.

The animal world is incredibly diverse and attractive to children.

Even in very early childhood, many of the children have the necessary opportunity to contact domestic animals - cats, dogs.

Animals become as integral a part of childhood as your favorite toys.

Various situations of communication with pets provide a large stock of ideas about their characteristics and habits, awaken interest and curiosity, and develop the skill of interacting with them.

That is why the project “Animal World” (educational, thematic) was compiled.

Problem: Who are these pets?

Objective of the project: introduce children to domestic animals, their connection with their habitat, and a conscious and correct attitude towards representatives of the animal world.

Project objectives:

    Expand children's knowledge about pets.

Develop children's search activity with the help of parents:

contribute to the definition of tasks based on the problem posed

the ability to plan the stages of your actions,

justify your choice.

    Develop coherent speech, enrich children's vocabulary.

Project participants: children of the 2nd junior group, teachers, music director, parents.

Project implementation

Fundamental Question

Main stage.

Cognitive development.

Cognitive activities:

    "Cat with kittens"


Game activity.

Role-playing game: "In the village"

Didactic games:

"Whose house"


"Big and Small"

Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the lifestyle of animals that live in the house (their food, housing).

Cultivate interest and love for them.

Educational board games

Goal: to teach children to distinguish between types of animals, to develop logical and artistic thinking, attention, accuracy and perseverance.

Speech and verbal communication:

    Creation of baby books with pictures and stories about animals, together with parents.

    Reading works of fiction that mention pets, looking at illustrations of them.

    Reading encyclopedic literature about pets, together with parents.

    Making riddles about animals, learning poems.

    Preparing for the demonstration of the fairy tale “Turnip”.

Productive activity.

Collective and individual.

    Drawing pets using a stencil

    Drawing according to the plan “My favorite animal”

    Pasting ready-made forms"Pets"

    Modeling figurines of pets from plasticine.

    Making a "Farm" model.

    Coloring pets.

Musical and theatrical activities:

    Listening to “Vaska the Cat” (music by G. Lobachev), “My Horse” (music by A. Grechaninov)

Goal: development of emotional responsiveness

“Grey Kitty” (music by V. Weilin, lyrics by N. Naydenova), “Dog” (music by M. Rauchwerger, lyrics by N. Komissarova)

    Singing: “Vaska the Cat” (music by G. Lobachev, folk lyrics), “Kitty” (music by I. Lukonina, lyrics by L. Chadova)

    Musical and didactic games “Cat and Dog”, “Moms and Babies”

    Improvisation of animal movements.

    Making animal masks from paper

    Making animal figurines on a cone to dramatize fairy tales.

    Demonstration of the fairy tale-dramatization “Turnip”.

Physical development:

Outdoor games:

    with running: “Cat and Mice”, “Birds and Cat”, “Shaggy Dog”;

    with jumping: “Sparrows and the cat”, “Kittens and puppies”,

    with climbing: “Rabbits”

Goal: to learn games whose heroes are animals.

The final stage. Results


    Creation of exhibitions of children's works;

    Demonstration of the fairy tale-dramatization “Turnip”;

Working with parents.

    Involvement in providing assistance in collecting illustrative material and coloring books.

    Consultations on the following topics:

"Pets in a child's life"

“Our little brothers: choosing a pet for a child”

    Making baby books.

Staging new problem:

Who are these wild animals?


The “World of Pets” project was aimed at introducing children to domestic animals, their connection with their environment, and a conscious and correct attitude towards representatives of the animal world.

As a result of the work, preschoolers understand and know:

that pets play an important role in human life.

    How to care for pets, where they live, what they eat. Instilling in children a sense of love and careful attitude to the animal.

    Parents' desire to have a pet.

As a result of the work carried out, it was noted:

Development in children of a sustainable interest in representatives of the animal world - domestic animals.

Active inclusion of parents in pedagogical DOW process, strengthening interest in cooperation with the kindergarten.

It can be concluded that thanks to the classes, conversations,

gaming activity, knowledge was consolidated and improved

children on this topic.


1. Program of education and training in kindergarten / ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V Gerbovaya, T.S. Komarova. - 4th ed., rev. and additional - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2007.

2. Education and training of children in the 2nd junior group of kindergarten / ed. V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2007.

3. Dybina O.B. Classes on familiarization with the outside world in the younger group of kindergarten. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2010.

4. Solomennikova O.A. Classes on the formation of elementary environmental concepts in the younger group of kindergarten. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2010.

5. Gerbova V.V. Speech development in kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2007.

7. Korotkova E.P. Teaching preschool children storytelling. - M.: Education, 1982.

8. Gerbova V.V. Introducing children to fiction. Program and guidelines. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2006.

9. Komarova T.S. Visual arts classes in the junior group of kindergarten. Lesson notes. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2007.

10. L.S. Kiseleva, T.A. Danilina. Project method in the activities of preschool educational institutions. ED. ARKTI M.:2011

11. N.F. Gubanov “Theatrical activities of preschool children.” M.: “Vako” 2007.

PROJECT in the second junior group


Educator: Rodionova S. Yu.

Project hypothesis:

Formation of a humane attitude towards pets.

Objective of the project:

Enriching and deepening children's ideas about pets, how to care for and communicate with them.

Project objectives:

1. To develop children’s knowledge about pets.

2. Give an idea of ​​the needs of animals for their growth and development.

3. Develop elementary representations about domestic animals (they live next to people, people take care of animals, animals are useful.)

4. Form initial ideas about expressive possibilities music; about her ability to convey various emotions and moods.

Project objectives:

5. Develop cognitive activity, thinking, imagination, communication skills.

6. Develop the ability to answer questions and conduct dialogue.

7. Develop children’s productive activities, improve skills in drawing, modeling, and appliqué; develop creative abilities.

8. Cultivate an interest in the life of animals, a caring attitude.

9. Cultivate kindness, a desire to care for pets, a sense of empathy for all living things.

Relevance of the project:

Federal State Educational Standard preschool education is aimed at the main result - the socialization of the child, the need for creativity, curiosity, cognitive motivation.

Conversations with children showed that the children in our group do not have sufficient knowledge about domestic animals and their cubs. Children incorrectly name baby pets, but still show interest in them. Taking care of pets has a positive effect on development emotional sphere child, on his caring attitude towards the world around him.

Relevance of the project:

One of the tasks facing the standard is to provide psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increase the competence of parents in matters of development and education of children. The problem can be solved, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family.

Therefore, there was a need to work on the “Pets” project in order to deepen and enrich the knowledge of students, as well as their parents.

Project type: creative

Project participants: children of the second younger group,

teacher, parents

Project implementation period: medium term

Expected results:

As a result of working on the project, students will learn to distinguish domestic animals by appearance, correctly name their cubs (calves, foals, lambs, piglets), and know their place of residence (kennel, pigsty, barn).

Parents and students will take an active part in collecting information on the project topic in the project presentation.

I stage: preparatory

Study and analysis of methodological literature, Internet resources on this issue.

Selection of fiction to read on the topic.

Selection of software and methodological support on this topic.

Selection of didactic material, visual aids (album for viewing, paintings, board games).

I stage: preparatory

Planning upcoming activities aimed at implementing the project.

Selection of outdoor games, game exercises, finger games.

Preparation of material for visual arts: plasticine, stacks, paper, glue, paints, brushes, jars, napkins.

Selection of musical works appropriate to the age of the children.

II stage: project implementation

Working with parents:

  • Poll: “Do you have pets?”
  • Parent survey.
  • Consultation for parents “The importance of pets for the moral education of a child.”
  • Parents and children draw pictures and make “Pet” crafts.
  • They bring photographs of children with their favorite pets.

II stage: project implementation

  • Reading, with elements of dramatization, of the works of S.Ya. Marshak "Mustachioed Striped".
  • Finger game "Cat".
  • Conversation on the work of S.Ya. Marshak "Mustachioed Striped". Establishing basic rules for caring for animals.
  • Drawing “Balls for a kitten.”
  • Reading the Mordovian fairy tale “How a dog was looking for a friend.”
  • S/r game “Hospital” plot “The puppy caught a cold.”

II stage: project implementation

  • Modeling "Let's feed our favorite pet."
  • Examination of illustrations “Cow and Calf”, etc.
  • Didactic game “Whose children?”
  • Drawing "Fish".
  • Reading poems about aquarium fish.
  • Listening to A. Grechaninov’s musical work “My Horse”.
  • Construction of the “Horse Corral”.
  • Reading “Who Said Meow” by V. Suteev?

II stage: project implementation

  • Outdoor game "Shaggy Dog".
  • Watching "Kittens and Gloves", "Old MacDonald Had a Farm", "Family of Fingers".
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnyH_4LFSEI
  • Reading S. Ya. Marshak “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse.”
  • Word game "Horned goat".
  • Reading Russian adv. fairy tales "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats".
  • Making and folding “Pets” puzzles.

II stage: project implementation

  • Duckling coloring pages.
  • Examining cat tracks on the ground.
  • Watching a cat on a walk.
  • Conversations “Safety when communicating with animals.” (2 conversations)
  • Reading S. Ya. Marshak “The Tale of a Smart Mouse.”
  • Didactic game “In the poultry yard”.
  • Application "Poultry yard".
  • Russian dramatization adv. fairy tales "Turnip".

II stage: project implementation

  • Meeting of the Riddle Grandmother.
  • Folding cut pictures “Pets”.
  • Didactic game “Find who I will name.”
  • Game exercise “Choose a pet.”
  • Outdoor game "Sparrows and the cat"
  • Game exercise “Complete the animal.”

II stage: project implementation

  • Listening to audio recordings of pets

http :// lalamus . com / music /voices+animals

  • Watch the video “What sounds do animals make. Educational and educational cartoons."

  • Outdoor game “The children went to kindergarten.” (based on a poem by L. Kondratenko).
  • Drawing from a stencil “Pets”.

III stage: final

1.Game – dramatization “Turnip”

2. Design of a mini-museum “Pets” in the group.

3. Design of the photo exhibition “My Pet”.

4. Exhibition of drawings and crafts.

5. Exhibition of books donated to the group.


Thanks to the development and implementation of the project, preschoolers have expanded their understanding of domestic animals and their cubs.

As a result of the work done, it was noted:

  • Development in children of a sustainable interest in representatives of the animal world - domestic animals.
  • Inclusion of parents in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions.

In conclusion, we can conclude that thanks to the classes, conversations, and play activities, children’s knowledge on this topic was consolidated and improved.

Municipal government preschool educational institution

« Kindergarten No. 11"

Short-term project “Pets” in the second junior group


Kochetkova. O.N.

Pautova. L.V.



It is necessary to instill the basics of environmental consciousness in children from early childhood. We need to teach people to take care of nature and protect it.Pets are part of nature. So let our children be environmentally educated, emotionally responsive, and capable of empathy.


enrich children's knowledge aboutpets. Give children an idea ofdomestic animals and their babies, their appearance, habits, roleanimals in human life. Introduce children to their place of residence. Foster love, respect and caring attitude towardspets.


1. Expand children's knowledge about pets.

2. Expand your understanding of animal life.

3. Encourage children to be kind to animals.

4. Develop skills in the artistic execution of various images in games

5. Promote the development of memory and perception

6. Learn to name an adult animal and a baby

7. Nurture aesthetic feelings

Type of project: short-term, informational and creative, collective.

Participants: pupils of the 2nd junior group, teachers, parents.

Children's age: 3-4 years

Project duration: 1 week

Project implementation forms:

View a presentation on the topic “Pets”


Didactic, role-playing and outdoor games.

Review of an album on this topic

Working with parents

Work was carried out on all educational fields:

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Expected result:

1. Children's knowledge about pets is expanding.

2. Enlarge your vocabulary of words.

3. Parents will become active and interested in the educational process of children.

Stages of work on the project:

1. Preparatory stage:

Interaction between the teacher and children and their parents

Selection of methodological literature

Selection of fiction

Selection of visual material

2. Main stage:

Reading fiction:

Reading"Goat-dereza" , "Kids and the Wolf" , "Ryaba Hen" ,E. Charushin"About Tyupa" , V. Suteev"Who said meow?" , "Chick and Duckling" , S. Mikhalkov"Kittens" , E. Blaginina"Kitty" , S. Marshak"Mustachioed - Striped" , V. Berestov"Hen with Chicks" .

Saying nursery rhymes“Like our cat” .

Memorization"I love my horse" , "Pussy, pussy, scat pussy"

Guessing riddles


"Don't touch strangers animals » , "Don't tease dogs" , "Do not hurt animals » , “Wash your hands after communicating with animals ", "How to wash animals , "If it weren't for pets "How do I care about pets » .

Looking at posters and albums about pets

Word games : "Name animal » , “Who has who?” , "Call me kindly" , “Who is screaming?”

Didactic games: "Gather the Family" , “Who loves what?” , "Where is my mom?" , "Who lives where?" , “Who is missing?” , "Get things in order"

Board games : cubes, lotto, puzzles on the topicproject.

Dramatization game"Two cheerful geese" , "Fun Concert" .

Tabletop theater"Ryaba Chicken" , "Cat, Rooster and Fox" .

Role-playing games : "Journey to Grandma's Village" . "Family" - I was given a kitten for my birthday(puppy) . "Veterinary hospital" , "On the farm" .

Construction games : construction"Barnyard" , "Dog Kennel" , "Pen for Buryonka" .

Watching a cartoon"Kitten named Woof" .

Outdoor games : "Cat and Mice" , "Kittens and Puppies" , "Cat and Chicks" , "Sparrows and the cat" , "Guess by movement" , "Fox in the Chicken Coop" .

Drawing "Fluffy kitten" , "Chick" - Target : practice drawing round objects using gouache using the poking method.

Modeling “There are a lot of chickens around the hen.” . Target : practice sculpting round objects. Encourage him to pinch off a small piece of plasticine for the beak, roll it into a ball and attach it correctly.

Application : "Mother Hen with Chicks" , "Sheep in the meadow" .

Origami "Puppy" .Target : learn to use a variety of applicative techniques.


"Grey cat" music V. Vitlina sl. N. Naydenova.

"Dog" M. Rauchwerger.

Listening to a song"Who grazes in the meadow" music A. Pakhmutova, lyrics. Yu. Chernykh.

The final stage:

Layout created« Pets » .

A book has been produced« Animals near us » .

Stand decorated"Our favorites" .

As a result project:

1. Children have formed and enriched their understanding ofpets. Children will learnanimal in appearance, know where they live, what they eat, what the cubs are calledpetshow to care for them.

2. Making a model made it possible to visualize the habitatpets

3. Children's vocabulary has expanded.

4. Children’s communication and creative abilities have expanded.

5. Children have become inquisitive and take care ofanimals, show a caring attitude towards them.

Pedagogical project on the topic:


in the second junior group

Project type:cognitive and research.

Children's age:II junior group.

Project period: from 01.10.2012 to 30.12.2012.

Project goals:

  • Introduce children to appearance cats and dogs, with their behavioral characteristics; show that the life of these animals is connected with man: he creates conditions for them (feeds, cares for). Without creation necessary conditions(animals end up on the street) they may die. Foster respect and love for animals.
  • Teach children how to communicate properly with pets.
  • To develop a caring attitude and love for animals, feelings of empathy for all living things, and the ability to make basic conclusions and conclusions.


  • Develop basic understanding of domestic animals.
  • Encourage and support self-monitoring of pets;
  • Give an idea of ​​the needs of animals for their growth and development
  • Develop the ability to communicate with adults, answer questions about what they read, and conduct a dialogue;
  • Develop the ability to communicate with peers during gaming activities;
  • Strengthen the health of children, carry out hardening procedures, introduce children to healthy image life;
  • Develop cognitive activity, thinking, imagination, communication skills;
  • To develop the productive activity of children, to improve skills in drawing, modeling, and appliqué; develop creative abilities;
  • To form primary ideas about the expressive possibilities of music; her ability to convey various emotions and moods.

Expected results:

  • Children understand how to care for pets.
  • Instilling in children love and respect for animals.
  • Parents' desire to have a pet.

Preparation for the project.

1. Pick up methodological literature on this topic.

2. Pick up fiction on this topic.

3. Pick up didactic material, visual aids(albums for viewing, paintings, board games)

4. Make a long-term plan.

Project implementation.


Game - dramatization of "Cat's House", "Pets"

"The Sparrows and the Cat"

Game exercises - “Make an animal”, “complete the animal”, “Choose an animal”, “Draw an animal by dots”, etc. Didactic games: “Who lives where?”, “Where is whose house?”, “Is the animal domestic or wild? ?" "Guess who's hiding?" "Guess what's changed?"


“Observations of a kitten” “Examination and comparison of a cat and a dog” Conversations: “Cats and dogs are our dear friends”, “The importance of animals in human life”


Children's story on the topic: "My favorite animal", "Description of a cat" (toy), Examination of the painting "Cat with kittens"

Reading fiction.

Reading: I. Chapek “The Adventure of the Dog and the Cat”, V. Suteev “Who Said Meow”, S. Marshak “The Cat’s House”, “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse”, K. Ushinsky “Vaska”, L. Tolstoy “The Cat Slept... ". Memorization: songs, nursery rhymes: “Kitten-murysenka”, The cat went to the stove”, “Kit-cat”, “Like our cat...”, A. Barto “I have a kid living with me.”


Conversation on the topic: “Pets are our friends”, “Safety when handling unfamiliar animals”

Artistic creativity

Lepka: “Let’s feed the cat.”

Drawing: " Balls for kittens", "Kid".

Application: “Pig and kitten.”

Physical Culture

Outdoor game: “Sparrows and the cat”, “Cat and mice”, “Shaggy dog”.

Developmental environment.

Subject paintings on the theme “Pets”.

Albums for viewing: “Domestic Animals and Their Babies.”

Coloring books: “Moms and Babies”, “Pets”.

"Farm" layout


“My Horse” Czech folk melody, “Horse” music by M. Simansky, “Kitty” music by M. Lomova, “Cat and Kittens” music by V. Vitlin, “Cow” music by M. Rauchwerger, lyrics by O. Vysotskaya.

Working with parents.

Exhibition of children's drawings on the theme “Little Goat”.

Project presentation:

1. Competition of drawings and photographs on the theme “My favorite pet.”

2. Entertainment "To grandma's village."

3. Exhibition of drawings “Little Goat”

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