Home Coated tongue Preschool educational activities on the topic of winter, senior group. Lesson notes for the senior group "Zimushka-winter" lesson plan on the world around us (senior group)

Preschool educational activities on the topic of winter, senior group. Lesson notes for the senior group "Zimushka-winter" lesson plan on the world around us (senior group)

Program content:

  1. Expand and concretize the idea of ​​winter, the phenomena of living and inanimate nature. Clarify the vocabulary on the topic (ice, snow, frost, go, blow, fall, white, cold, cold). Improve the grammatical structure of speech. Strengthen the ability to draw a winter landscape using a cotton swab.
  2. Develop speech activity children, speech hearing, visual perception, attention, general and fine motor skills fingers
  3. To cultivate moral and aesthetic feelings in communication with nature; positive attitude towards participation in the lesson.

Preliminary work: excursion to the park, to a pond, looking at snowflakes, illustrations about winter. Reading: V. Charushin “Who is doing what in winter?”, A. Fet “Wonderful Picture”, Sokolov-Mikitov “Blizzard Winter”, A. Pushkin “Winter Evening”.

Didactic games: “Seasons”, “Guess by the description”, “Who is the odd one out”, “Name and describe”.

Productive activity: “Trees in winter”, “Birds at the feeder”.

Methodical techniques: conversation, adult story, independent activity children.

Methodological support: illustrations of winter landscapes, album sheets, white gouache, cotton swabs.

Equipment used:

pictures for writing a story, equipment for breathing exercises, relaxation pillows

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, today we will start the lesson in an unusual way, I invite you to sit on the pads, in a circle and hold hands. Let's greet each other, but not with words, but with our hands. Close your eyes. Now I will touch the one sitting to my right, he will accept my greeting and in exactly the same way will touch his neighbor, conveying greetings to him, and so on, until my greeting returns to me in a circle.

You came here with different moods. I invite you to smile and pass your smile on to your friend. Has your mood changed? What's your mood?

Then I have a surprise for you. Look at the box, do you want to know what’s in there? Guess the riddle:

From the sky all the silvery fluffs glide: (snowflakes).

Exercise “Which snowflake?”(selection of an adjective for a given word).

Look at your snowflake and tell me what it is like? Begin your answer with the word snowflake.(Children are given a sample answer - “the snowflake is beautiful” and an answer diagram on the board).

"Game with a snowflake"

I suggest playing with a snowflake. Listen to my command and follow: put a snowflake on (right palm, left knee, on head, on right shoulder, on the nose.) Let's make the snowflakes “fly”, inhale deeply through the nose, stretch out the lips with a tube and exhale slowly through the mouth.

Now blow on your snowflake. And if a lot of snowflakes fall, it means snowfall.

"Conversation on pictures"

What time of year does it snow? (in winter). I have for you next task. On the tables there are pictures depicting the seasons. You must approach the time of year that we were talking about just now. By what signs did you decide that winter is depicted here? What can you tell us about winter? What is she like? (Cold, harsh, frosty, fierce, blizzard, angry, long.)

What has changed in people's clothing with the arrival of winter? What do people do in winter? What winter sports do you know? Guys, who loves winter? For what? Let's start our statements with the words:

— I love winter because…..

What a winter we have had - just a wonderful time of year!

— What happens to plants, birds, animals during winter.

(animals shed their coats and go into hibernation).How can we help plants? How do animals and birds live in winter?(the animals are cold and hungry in the forest in winter).Therefore, in our country there is such a profession - a forester, whose workers take care of forest animals. For example, they prepare heaps of aspen branches for hares, and feeders with hay for moose. Birds fly from the forest closer to people's homes. How can we help the birds? What makes winter nature beautiful?

“Add sentence”

I will read a riddle poem, and you will add the corresponding word:

Quietly, quietly, as in a dream, it falls to the ground:(snow)

Everything goes down into the clearing, into the meadow:(snowball)

Here's the fun for the guys - more and more:(snowfall)

Everyone is running in a race. Everyone wants to play:(snowballs)

As if in a fairy tale, as in a dream, he decorated the whole earth:(snow)

What can you say about snow? What is he like?(Children's answers)


“Now let’s turn into wizards and experiment with snow.”

1. Snow is water.

Snow is brought into the room. Children put snow on their palms and see what happens to it. Today we will talk about snow and its properties. What is snow? After listening to the children’s answers, he says that snow is ice crystals in the form of hexagonal plates or snowflake stars. Shows snowflakes cut from napkins and pasted onto a sheet of paper blue color. Snowflakes are frozen droplets of water. Is it possible to sculpt from snow in frosty, dry weather?(no, the snow crumbles, it is dry, not sticky).What kind of snow is there in warm weather?(wet, sticky, damp, heavy) It can be rolled into lumps, you can sculpt a snow woman and other figures from it. How does snow fall in warm weather? In the frosty weather? (in warm weather, flakes, which consist of many sticky snowflakes, and in dry, frosty weather, individual snowflakes, they are dry and do not stick to each other). Where will the snow melt faster on your mitten or on your palm? Why? What will happen to snow in a warm room? Now we will check this.

So what new have you learned about the properties of snow?

Outdoor game “You and I...”

- Let's play with snowballs. We will only have paper snowballs.

One two three four
You and I made a snowball
Round, strong, very smooth
And not at all sweet
Once - we'll throw it up,
Two - caught
Three - we'll drop it,
Oh - they broke it.

We had so much fun playing in the snow. Guys, do your parents allow you to roll around in the snow? Why aren't they allowed? But today I will allow you this, but we will lie on the unusual snow, on the one that lies in my box. And I will ask you to turn into snowflakes. Now imagine that you are snowflakes. It's snowing outside. Snowflakes float in the air, dance and, spinning, slowly fall to the ground. So they sink lower and lower and quietly lie on the ground next to each other. Children dance and twirl to calm classical music. So you rested and were probably cold? Let's get up and warm up.

Breathing exercise “Warm your palms”

“Our hands are completely frozen.” Let's sit on the stumps and warm them up. Blow warm air onto your palms(children blow a targeted warm air stream)

Finger gymnastics.Let's rub each finger, let's start drawing now.

Drawing (with toothpaste).

I suggest you draw using unusual materials. Guys, look carefully, you can smell it. Who guessed what we will draw today? I'll tell you a secret: it turns out that you can not only brush your teeth with toothpaste, but also draw!

Galya Bzhasova
Lesson notes in senior group“Winter has finally come!”

Kind of activity: gaming, productive, communicative, educational and research, musical and artistic, perception fiction.


Clarify ideas about the first signs of winter, winter natural phenomena, changing days, snowfall, blizzards.

Strengthen knowledge about properties snow: white, cold, melts in warmth.

Show how snow turns into water, aim for long-term observation of the transformation of water into ice.

Practice composing skills complex sentences with oppositions.

Form an idea of ​​the need to dress warmly so as not to get sick.

Demonstration equipment: container with snow brought in advance, subject pictures "Cloth", magnetic board, pictures depicting winter.

Vocabulary work: winter, snowfall, blizzard, cold, frost. Freezing.

Progress of the lesson:

Mother! look from the window -

You know, yesterday it was not for nothing that there was a cat

I washed my nose:

There is no dirt, the whole yard is covered,

It has brightened, it has turned white -

Apparently there is frost.

Not prickly, light blue

Frost is hung along the branches -

Just take a look!

Like someone too shabby

Fresh, white, plump cotton wool

I removed all the bushes.

Now there will be no argument:

Over the skids, and up the hill

Have fun running!

Really, mom? You won't refuse

And you yourself will probably say:

“Well, hurry up and go for a walk!”

Educator: Guys, what time of year is this poem talking about? (Children's answers).What words does the author use to talk about winter? What happens winter(Children's answers).What are the first signs of the coming winter that can be noted now? (Children's answers).

Educator: And now we’ll play with you.

Didactic game "Finish the sentence"

In autumn there is leaf fall, and in winter (snowfall)

It rains in autumn and in winter (snow)

It's hot in summer and winter (Cold)

In summer the trees are covered with leaves, and in winter (snow)

In winter you need to dress warmly to (not to get sick).

Physical education minute

It's frosty outside. Children clap their hands on their shoulders and

To keep the nose from freezing, they stomp their feet/

We need to stomp our feet

And clap your palms.

Snowflakes are falling from the sky, Children raise their hands above their heads and do

Like in a fairy tale picture. grasping movements, as if catching snowflakes.

We'll catch them with our hands

And we'll show mom at home.

And there are snowdrifts around, Stretching - arms to the sides.

The roads were covered with snow.

Do not get stuck in the field so that, Walk in place with high knees.

Raise your legs higher.

We walk, walk, walk Walking in place.

And we come to our house. The children take their seats.

4. Winter - winter

Educator: Guys, now I’ll read you a poem, and you listen and think about what happened when the children caught a snowflake in their hands "Snowball and Alyoshka";

Alyoshka from the street to home

I brought the first snow in my palm.

"Mother! - the boy shouted,

extended his little hand forward. –

I brought the snowball here." -

And he fell silent. One water

“Someone stole my snow,

He poured water into my palm!”

Leshka has his little sister here

shouted with a ringing laugh:

“I couldn’t guess it myself,

that your snowball has melted!”

Educator: What did Alyosha’s sister say? (Children's answers). Look what happened to the snow that we brought to the group(Offers to look at the melted snow).Do you think this water is clean? (Children's answers). What was the snow like when we brought it to group? (Children's answers).

Didactic game “What’s extra?”

Attach pictures of clothing items for different seasons to the board; children come up to the board one by one and remove unnecessary items, motivating their decisions.


What did we do today?

What did you like most (Children's answers).

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an integrated lesson for children with allergic dermatoses “Merry winter has come” Goal: Creating conditions for the development of communicative qualities of preschool children with allergic dermatoses. Educational objectives: Clarify.

Summary of an integrated lesson on native nature in the middle group “Winter has come” MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 57 combined type" Synopsis of an integrated lesson on native nature in middle group TOPIC: “I have arrived.

Summary of GCD in the junior group “Winter has come - winter has come - it brought snow with it!” Objectives: 1. Introduce children to characteristic features winters (it's cold in winter, snowing, with the properties of snow. 2. Develop cognitive interest.

Summary of educational activities for speech development with elements of experimentation in the senior group “Winter has come” Summary of educational activities in the senior group for speech development. Educator: Podolyako I. N. Topic: “Winter has come (with elements of experimentation). Goal:.

Summary of an open lesson in the second junior group “Winter-winter has come to visit us” Komissarova Ekaterina Abstract open class in the second younger group on the topic: “Winter - winter has come to visit us” Purpose: Summarize.

Summary of a literacy lesson in the preparatory group “Winter has come to us” Progress of the lesson: 1. Org. moment. Reading a poem about winter (“Letter” by I. Pivovarov). One letter came to us. There was a strange It. Instead of stamps.

Elena Borodina
Lesson in the senior group on the topic “Winter”

Abstract Directly educational activities with kids senior group"Winter Wonders"

Classes on the topic"Winter"

Educational area: Speech development

Type of educational activities: Speech development

Target: Consolidating children's knowledge about winter.


Cognitive: Clarify and generalize children’s knowledge about winter and winter signs. Continue introducing children to numbers.

Developmental: Develop children’s coherent speech, improve word formation skills, develop speech breathing, articulation and fine motor skills; develop visual attention, perception, memory and thinking. To promote the development of faith in fiction, to develop imagination, imagination, ingenuity, and the ability to navigate a situation.

Develop the ability to compare the number of objects and practice quantitative calculations.

Educational: Develop skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill. Develop communication skills with each other different situations, evoke joy from communicating with a fairy tale.

Work on the formation of prerequisites UUD:

Mental Operations Training (analysis, comparison, generalization) Follow adult instructions. The ability to control your actions. Proficient in dialogic speech (an interactive form of learning when children have the opportunity to ask and answer questions)

Materials and equipment: Musical composition: "At the edge of the forest.", silhouettes of snowdrifts in the form of animals, paper, simple pencil, scissors, pictures from fabulous adventures Winnie the Pooh and his friends, bear toy, bear cap, stencils and silhouettes of houses.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures about winter, talking about them; reading fiction about winter.

Organizing time:

Educator: Invented by someone simply and wisely, during a meeting greet: « Good morning (children greet each other and adults). Guys, let's play a game "Take a seat". The condition is this: I call the name and number of the chair, and you take your seats.

(During the game, music begins to play with increasing volume by A. Vivaldi « Winter» , then a song Winters: “At the edge of the forest, I lived winter in the hut...» While the music is playing. works I put on my hand white "veil" and I draw a face on my palm - this is a character Winter)

Winter: Hello guys! I Winter! I love to weave yarn and weave canvas. Look at the canvas I wove. (On the flannelgraph the silhouette snowdrift: paper + cotton wool)

Educator: What do you think she depicted on this canvas? winter? (children's assumptions)

Winter: I won’t tell you guys yet. You'll figure it out for yourself if you play games with me. Stand in a circle. A game: "Pass the snowflake", condition - name "winter" word. The snowflake is cold and if you hold it in your hand for a long time, it will melt. ( "winter" words: snowdrift, felt boots, snowfall, frost, sled, blizzard, frost, snowflake, etc.)

Educator: You and I played Zimushka - Winter, now you can play with us. We have a magic window in which we can see everything and even everything, these are yours "winter" words. Tell me guys, what are you seeing there now, in the magic window? (A window frame is laid out on a flannelgraph from strips of paper; children compose imaginary pictures, stories, adventures on a winter theme).

Winter: Do you see the snowdrifts in the window that my blizzard assistant swept up? A game: "Answer correctly"(the teacher lays out silhouettes of animals under the numbers on a flannelgraph; children take turns answer: “The first snowdrift looks like, The second looks like... etc.) It seems to me that I have very few snowdrifts. Maybe you can help me?

Educator: Let's guys help Winter, otherwise there really aren't enough snowdrifts. Let's go to the tables and make one snowdrift using what? (there is paper, pencil and scissors on the tables)

Children do the task: draw a silhouette, cut it out. When performing a sequence, they draw a number on their snowdrift and lay it out on the floor.


The blizzard made snowdrifts, each snowdrift is special. Each snowdrift is now like a sleeping animal. A snowdrift is a camel, a snowdrift is a fox, a snowdrift is a bear, a fire snowdrift is a bird. Snowdrift - kangaroo and snowdrift leopard, Believe it or not, a complete zoo. (while pronouncing words, children step over their made snowdrifts)

Educator: The wind blew, a blizzard began, scattering the snowdrifts into small snowflakes. All the snowflakes and white fluffs are dancing. (Children depict falling snow, a blizzard) They spun, spun and sank to the ground. (the teacher asks the children, addressing them selectively) Where are you, Yura - did the snowflake land on the ground? And you, Julia, a snowflake, where did you fall? etc. (after 4-5 answers) Winter liked your dance so much that she hurried outside. But before leaving, she told me the secret of what was depicted on the canvas. Look out the window. (in the window on the flannelgraph painting: Winnie the Pooh and his friend Piglet are making a snowman) And here is Winnie the Pooh himself! (v-l takes out a bear toy) Let's bring him to life and he will tell us about how they made a snowman. Which ones do you know magic words? (Say any magic words suggested by the children) Something does not work. What's happened? There's some kind of envelope here, on it written: "Guys". (in the envelope there are plot pictures with subsequent action) He probably wants us to tell about his adventures. Shall we try? (Each child is given one picture with numbers, the children stand in order and begin to make up a story. The teacher helps using the game “Add sentence”)

Educator: Well done guys, you told a very interesting story. (takes Winnie the Pooh's hat) Arrow, arrow, spin, turn into Winnie the Pooh. (Whoever the arrow points to turns into Winnie the Pooh). You are now Winnie the Pooh, say hello to the guys. Let's play with him.

A game: "Recognize by voice"(the selected child turns away, the driver selects the child, describing him appearance. Assignment to those who must submit voice: Tell your favorite poem in the voice of Eeyore, Piglet or Owl)

Educator: Where does Winnie the Pooh live? In a fairy tale, where are you guys? In the village. Let's imagine that our village has moved into a fairy tale. These are our houses. (Silhouettes of houses are distributed to children) Where Winter I wove canvas - it’s a fairy tale. We need to place our houses in a fairy tale world.

A game: “Put the house on the stencil”

Educator: Did you feel like you were in a fairy tale? Winnie the Pooh is very happy about this and gives you a photo with his friends as a souvenir of himself.

Publications on the topic:

Integrated lesson on speech development in the senior group together with parents “Winter-Winter” Integrated lesson on speech development, master class in the senior group together with parents “Winter-winter” Purpose: Consolidation of knowledge.

Goal: Creating conditions for expanding children's ideas about transport. Objectives: Expand and consolidate children's ideas about transport.

Purpose of the lesson: To identify children’s skills and abilities in all types of musical activities under the section “Musical education”. Program content.

Summary of an integrated lesson in the senior group on the topic “Winter, what it’s like.” Goal: Creating conditions for the formation of ideas about.

Goals of the educational event:

To consolidate children's knowledge about winter and winter fun;

- clarify the signs of winter;

- develop vocabulary, memory, thinking, cognitive interest of children;

To develop the artistic and aesthetic taste of children.

Progress of the lesson:

Hello guys! Listen to the poem.

The sorceress winter is coming.

She came and fell apart;

Hanged in clumps on the branches of oak trees;

Lay down in wavy carpets

Among the fields, around the hills.

Brega with a still river

She leveled it with a plump veil;

Frost flashed.

And we are glad

To the pranks of Mother Winter.

Guys, let's remember what time of year it is? Are you excited about winter? Now we will talk to you about this magical time of year! Who can tell how many months winter lasts? Let's name them.

Guys, what natural phenomena can be observed in winter? Snowfall, blizzard, blizzard.

What words can you say about winter, what is it like? - Snowy, blizzard, frosty, cold, beautiful, magical...

How do you think animals live in the forest in winter? Children talk about hares, foxes, squirrels, bears, etc.

Have the birds all flown south? Tell us what birds winter and what they eat, who helps them survive in winter. 2-3 stories are heard. Where did the insects go? (Children's answers.)

“A dark forest that covered itself with a wonderful hat and fell asleep under it quietly, soundly.”

What trees are in the forest in winter? - They stand bare, without leaves, only green pine and spruce. The forest is quiet, but sometimes you can hear a woodpecker knocking on a tree trunk, looking for sleeping insects.

Guys, do you know poems about winter? (Children read poetry.)

Do you know any winter signs?

Smoke in a column means frost.

If there was frost at night, snow will not fall during the day.

The cat is in the stove - the cold is in the yard.

You know a lot about winter, which means you can guess the riddles.

The tablecloth is white, covering the whole earth. (Snow.)

Not a beast, but howling. (Wind.)

There is a mountain in the yard, and water in the hut. (Snow.)

The white blanket is not made by hand

not woven or cut

fell from the sky to earth. (Snow.)

Invisible, carefully,

he comes to me.

And he draws like an artist

he patterns on the window. (Freezing.)

Troika, troika has arrived,

the horses in that trio are white.

And the queen sits in the sleigh,

white-haired, white-faced.

How she waved her sleeve,

Everything was covered in silver. (Winter.)

What kind of stars are through?

on the coat and on the scarf.

All through, cut-out,

and if you take it, it’s water.

Well, guys, are you a little tired? Let's warm up a little!

A physical session is held to the song “Warming”

And now I invite you to play a game "Get a Word"

Well done boys! We have been waiting for the winter for a long time also because at this time of year it is time for winter fun!

A game “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.”.

Children agree to demonstrate some action that reflects winter fun children. They show him. The rest guess and discuss them.

Now close your eyes and imagine winter: with white fluffy snow, frozen rivers, flying snowflakes, frosty patterns on the glass, a blizzard, a blizzard. Have you imagined winter?

What's winter like? (cold, white, cheerful).

Sun (it lights up, but doesn’t heat, it’s cold).

Sky (gray, blue, cloudy, cloudy).

Clouds (white, gray, large, small, low).

Wind (strong, cold, weak, northern, warm).

The trees are standing (naked, covered with snow).

Birds (fly away to warmer climes, sparrows, pigeons, crows remain).

Animals (bear, hedgehog are sleeping; squirrel, hare, fox have changed their skins).

People put on winter clothes , children sledding, skating, skiing.

Well done boys! You know a lot about the winter sorceress! And as you already said, there is no winter without beautiful, carved, lace snowflakes! I suggest you make snowflakes with your own hands. (The guys cut out snowflakes and decorate the group with them.)

Tatiana Derevyanko
Summary of an integrated lesson in the senior group “Winter-Winter”

Target: expanding and systematizing children's knowledge about winter.


Educational: clarify children’s understanding of the weather conditions in winter; about the life of animals in the cold season; consolidate knowledge geometric shapes, the ability to make a whole from parts; consolidate knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the river in winter.

Developmental: develop the ability to maintain a conversation, select words and adjectives; develop attention, observation, fine motor skills.

Educational: cultivate love and careful attitude to nature, a sense of kindness, empathy for everything living and beautiful, to cultivate the ability to work in pairs.

Vocabulary work: snowfall, flakes, snow-covered, snow pellets, blizzard, wintering, ice.

Preliminary work: conversation about the signs of winter; viewing winter landscapes, pictures of animals and birds; guessing riddles, reading poems, stories and fairy tales on a winter theme; production of colored ice floes; artistic creativity-drawing on the theme: “Hello, Zimushka-winter”, modeling of salt dough “Snowman”, applique “Christmas tree”, “Snowflake”, origami “Bunny”; creation of a mini-museum “Birds”, didactic games“Whose house?”, “Name the bird”, “Find the same snowflake”, learning physical education minutes

Preparation for the lesson: snowflakes - big and small, snowflakes with funny and sad faces; cards “Find out whose trace”, “Change the bunny’s fur coat”; bunny diagram, set of geometric shapes white; "magic wand", blue material.

Slides: Winter forest, snowflakes, animals in the winter forest and their traces, Vologda River in winter

Integration educational areas: cognition, socialization, communication, safety, artistic creativity, physical education.

Progress of the lesson: Pay attention to the snowflake.

Educator: Guys, look, a snowflake flew into our group. Where did she come from? How did you join our group? (children's assumptions). You know, this is not a simple snowflake, but a magical one. Why do you think? (children's answers). A simple snowflake would melt because it is made of snow. There is something written on the snowflake, listen (reading):

“Hello, my name is Snowflake. I was flying with my sisters, rejoicing at the arrival of winter, but suddenly a strong wind blew and blew all the snowflakes. The wind brought me to your group, but I don’t know where my snowflake sisters are. Help me find them, Mother Cloud is waiting for us home. Guys, let's help Snowflake. How can we help her? Where can we look for snowflakes? (on the street, in the forest, on the river). Let's go to the forest first. What's the weather like in winter? What should we do before the walk? (get dressed). What clothes do we need? (imitation of dressing).

Look, I have a magic wand, with its help we will go wherever we want (close your eyes).

One, two, three, turn around and you will find yourself in the forest!

Here we are in the winter forest. (on the screen there is a winter forest). Look, guys, how beautiful it is around, how quiet, only the snow creaks under your feet (use a rustling bag).

Listen to what wonderful words the Russian poet Surikov wrote about winter:

White fluffy snow swirls in the air

And he quietly falls to the ground and lies down.

And in the morning the field turned white with snow,

It was as if everything had covered him with a shroud.

Dark forest that covered itself with a wonderful cap

And he fell asleep under her soundly, soundly (the child reads).

Guys, what else can you compare snow on trees and bushes with? (With hats, felt boots, fur coats).

Where does snow come from? (in winter, water drops freeze in the clouds and turn into snowflakes). The shape of the snow depends on the weather.

On a windless frosty day, snow flies in large snowflakes that look like stars. Snowflakes fly slowly and you can see them. - What is the name of the phenomenon when snow falls? (snowfall).

In mild frost, snowflakes look like small balls; they say snow pellets are coming.

When there is no frost, snow falls in flakes. What are flakes? (lots of sticky snowflakes).

When there is a strong wind, snow dust flies because the wind breaks off the beautiful rays of the snowflakes. What is this phenomenon called? (blizzard). How is a blizzard different from a blizzard? (a blizzard blows, and a blizzard sweeps and howls). Is there still drifting snow? What it is? (when a snowstorm spreads across the ground).

Guys, come out into the clearing and let’s show you how a snowball blows.

Physical education minute

Snow-snowball, snow-snowball creeps along the road,

Snow-snow, snow-snow, white blizzard.

Snow - snowball, snow - snowball, snowy paths,

Snow - snowball, snow - snowball melts on the palm of your hand.

We'll make snowballs and play together

And we happily throw snowballs at each other.

Now let's sit on the stumps (sit on chairs).

Guys, what is snow for? How does he help animals? Look, there are some footprints in the snow. Whose do you think it is? What animals live in the forest? (slide show). Why can't you see the bear and the hedgehog here? Let us guess which animal the tracks belong to (they sit down at the tables).

Game “Recognize the animal by its tracks”(working with a card)

Let's check whether you completed the task correctly or not (take a card and stand in front of the screen). Whose footprints are these? (fox, wolf, squirrel). Whose footprints are similar?

How do animals prepare for winter? (changed fur coats, prepared supplies). Why are they doing that? Look, is everything correct in our picture? (gray bunny)

You know, all the animals changed their coats, but the hare didn’t have time. What color should his fur coat be in winter? Why? Let's help the bunny. Take the trays under the chairs and go to the tables.

Working with cards: “Change the bunny’s fur coat”

Our hare is not simple, but mathematical. Look, what geometric shapes does the hare consist of? How many squares, circles, ovals are there in the diagram? What shape of our bunny's paws? Change his fur coat (work with cards - lay out a bunny from geometric shapes).

Guys, you helped the bunny, now he will be warm, and neither the wolf nor the fox will notice him in the snow.

Physical education lesson about a bunny:

Someone's ears peeked out from a snowdrift at the edge of the forest (show the ears on the head

And the little white animal rushed off, hop-hop, hop-off. (jumping)

The wind swirls around the birch trees, moving the bunny’s ears. (wave in front of you)

Wind, wind, play, you can’t catch up with the dashing bunny! (claps)

They sat on the stumps.

Pay attention to the screen. Guys, look at the snowflakes in the forest. Do they look like our snowflake? No.

Let's look for snowflakes on the river.

One, two, three, turn around and find yourself on the river. (Magic wand).

Slide river Vologda in winter.

Guys, what is the name of the river that flows in our city? What is the river covered with in winter? Why does the river need ice? Who does he help? The inhabitants of the river are grateful to the frost for the ice roof, which protects them from the cold. Guys, what can you do on the river in winter? What dangers can a person expect on the river in winter? Let's see what snowflakes landed on the river? Do they look like our snowflake? (No).

Children, the snowflake wants to play with you, she wants you to say what she is like.

Game “Tell me about the snowflake”(Children pass a snowflake to each other and name adjectives).

We didn’t find a snowflake on the river, it’s time to go back to kindergarten.

Ra, two, three, turn around, you’ll find yourself in kindergarten! Let's take off our clothes so we don't get hot.

We did not find sisters - snowflakes either in the forest or on the river. What should we do to help the snowflake? (children's assumptions).

Look how many little snowflakes I have. I propose to make snowflakes out of them, similar to ours. We will work in pairs. Come to our blue carpet, we will place snowflakes on it. Look at the snowflake and compare it with the ones we posted. Well done boys!

We helped our snowflake find sisters. And our journey is over. Did you like it? What did you like and what didn’t? I have a lot of snowflakes on my table, if you liked the trip, then take yourself a cheerful snowflake, and if not, take a sad one. Thanks everyone.

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