Home Hygiene The strongest man in all of history. The strongest man in Russia: name, achievements, history and interesting facts

The strongest man in all of history. The strongest man in Russia: name, achievements, history and interesting facts

Who is the most strong man in the world it is impossible to say for sure. Every country has a huge number of successful and worthy athletes who show stunning results. IN different periods different heroes stand on the podium.

But there is still an unspoken and generally accepted ranking of the most powerful people on the planet. Here are some of them.

Zydrunas Savickas

World's Strongest Man 2009.

Zydrunas was born in the Lithuanian city of Birzai on July 15, 1975. And even as a little boy, he stood out from the crowd with his height and strength. At the age of 14, he watched strongman competitions on TV and decided to become like them. Zydrunas began training in powerlifting and participating in competitions.

Already at the second competition in his life he improved the Lithuanian records. Savickas is the first and only strongman from Lithuania to squat a 400-kilogram barbell and gain 1,000 kilograms in eventing. In 2000, at the World Championships, he improved his own result and gained 1020 kilograms. Then he lost to the champion by only 2.5 kilograms. A year later, at the Strongest Men series tournament, the athlete received severe injuries to both knees. Few believed that he would return to the sport. But after 9 months, Zydrunas won the national eventing championship.

Speech by Zydrunas Savickas

He trained very hard and even became a vice-champion in his sport, and then a leader, that is, he received the title of the strongest man on the planet. Zydrunas Savickas is the first person to win the Arnold Classic Strongest Men tournament two times in a row. As a prize, he received an off-road Hummer and 16 thousand dollars. The winner was honored both times by Arnold Schwarzenegger himself.

Winner of the prestigious title “The Strongest Man in the World”, as well as a multiple world champion in all-around strength.

Vasily Virastyuk was born in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. Already at the age of 10 he began to engage in weightlifting. He was putting shots. I decided to connect my life with sports, entered and graduated from the Technical College of Physical Education in my native Ivano-Frankivsk. After the army he began working as a coach at the sports club “Ukraine”. He worked there until 2000.

And until this year he was a member of the Ukrainian track and field athletics team. But back in 1995 he became a Master of Sports, and three years later a Master of Sports of international class. After finishing work at the sports club, I took up the all-around strength competition “Strongest Men”. At the same time as participating in various competitions, he worked as a security guard and driver at the Lviv Galnaftogaz Concern. In 2004 and 2007 he was recognized as the strongest man on the planet.

Visiting Vasily Virastyuk

During his career, Vasily Virastyuk pulled five tram cars with a total weight of 101.5 tons, pulled a couple of cars weighing 16.5 tons (covered 18.5 meters in a minute), moved seven cars weighing 11 tons by 25 meters. In addition, in one minute, he lifted and placed four ice cubes, weighing 150 kilograms each, on 130-centimeter stands. Before Vasily, no one had worked with ice.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

At one time, the world-famous Terminator was also on the podium. Seven-time winner of the Mr. Olympia title. Arnold Schwarzenegger was born in the village of Tal near the capital of Styria. He started bodybuilding at the age of 15. He remembers how tired he was after the first workout that he couldn’t even lift a cup of tea. And at the initial stage of his sports career he recalls with bitterness the lack of knowledge and experience. It took Arnold only five years to receive his first Mr. Olympia title. And this at a time when others conquer it only after 10 years. He does not deny that he took anabolic steroids. Copy the link below to the desired location in the Material Editor.

In 1967, Schwarzenegger became the youngest Mr. Universe ever. Then the Terminator’s height was 188 centimeters, chest volume 145 centimeters, biceps 54, and waist 79. A year later he won all possible European bodybuilding championships, and then decided to continue his career in the USA. Hard work and training helped to achieve considerable success and win numerous awards. However, in 1980, Arnold Schwarzenegger decided to leave the sport, but disseminate his experience in magazines and books. In 1988, he organized the Arnold Classic competition. Despite the fact that the athlete became a politician, for the inhabitants of the entire planet he remained the strongest of the athletes.

Vasily Alekseev

Famous Soviet weightlifter, Olympic champion, world champion. Vasily Alekseev was born in the village of Pokrovo-Shishkino near Ryazan on January 7, 1942. He died in Munich on November 25, 2011 after suffering a heart attack.

During his career, Vasily Alekseev set 81 USSR records and 80 world records in the prestigious super-heavy weight category. To this day, no one can repeat his achievements. Weightlifting competitions are no longer held. The current record for the amount of exercise is 645 kilograms. Two-time Olympic champion and eight-time world champion, as well as eight-time world champion and seven-time USSR champion.

Soviet superhero Vasily Alekseev

He bore the unofficial title of the most powerful man on the planet. Since 1966, he lived in the Rostov city of Shakhty, where he was the director of the Children's and Youth Weightlifting School.

Becca Swenson

In the minds of many, the most powerful and strong person should be a man. However, there are women in the world who can leave far behind and surpass a man in strength. But for promotion physical qualities Regular work is necessary both on oneself and on one’s willpower, especially for the weaker half of humanity. American Becca Swanson bears the proud title of “The Most Strong woman on the planet". She has set more than one world record that even strong men cannot break.

One of Becky Swenson’s latest records is lifting about 400 kilograms from a standing position in a squat, 387 to be precise. At the same time, the athlete herself weighs more than three times less - 110 kilograms, with a height of 178 centimeters. The American is the only woman to lift 270 kilograms in the bench press, as well as 310 kilograms in the deadlift. Becca started playing sports and, in particular, weightlifting in 1996. After the fashion for women in bodybuilding passed, she easily began a career in powerlifting. In 2002 she began performing at international competitions"The strongest woman." Now Becca continues to play professional sports, but plans to leave soon due to her age. The girl is 34 years old and, according to her, it’s time to switch her attention to her family.
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The strength and power of mere mortals makes many people admire them again and again. Strongmen are exactly those people who evoke respect and justified envy in us, because each of us wants to be as strong. The girls watch these giants with bated breath, wanting to feel the mighty shoulder next to them.

Who is the strongest man in the world?

There is no definite answer to this question, since there were and are many famous strongmen. So, the most powerful people in the world photo is attached.

Joe Rollino

Baby Dundee (in the world Joe Rollino) has every right is at the very first place on this list. Remarkably, this man was the oldest strongman on the entire planet. He didn't live until his 105th birthday just a couple of days. Joe was a staunch vegetarian and did not drink a drop of alcohol, perhaps this was the secret of his remarkable strength. Dundee was a winner in all sorts of boxing matches, including the illegal ones that were popular in the last century. With a very modest height of 165 cm and a weight of 68 kg, he successfully knocked out opponents of a different weight category.

Joe held a weight of three hundred kilograms with one finger, and world fame overtook him after he lifted half a ton from the ground in 1920. Seeing this man, no one believed that he was more than a hundred years old. On his 104th birthday, the Kid easily demonstrated the trick of bending a coin. By the way, he did not die a natural death - the strongest man died tragically, falling under the wheels of a car.

Alexander Zass

The world first learned about Iron Samson in 1938. This happened in England in Sheffield. It was he who went down in history as the man who, having been under the wheels of a truck loaded with coal, survived. Like Little Dundee, Alexander's body was not marked with superparameters. At 167 cm tall, he weighed a little more - about 80 kg.

Samson's whole life was spent in the circus, where he carried a piano with girls across the stage, lifted a horse, hammered nails with his hand and caught cannonballs. During the First World War, Alexander carried out wounded soldiers more than once and even once carried out a horse. After the end of the war, Iron Samson showed the audience an incredible trick - he carried an iron beam in his teeth to the very top of the building.

Yakub Chekhovskaya

This Russian strongman received an honorary gold belt for carrying six adult men - guardsmen - on one arm. Moreover, his program included performances on holding a platform with an orchestra of 30 people and an I-beam pressed on both sides by 20 people on his chest. But the most impressive moments for the public were when three trucks carrying everyone drove across Yakuba’s chest.

The most famous strongman of our time and the idols of millions of boys of the 90s generation is Iron Arnie. Already at the age of 15, he began to win numerous awards. Among his honorary titles are not only Mr. Universe, but also the seven-time title of Mr. Olympia. Since the 70s, Schwarzenegger has successfully acted in films. Although Arnold's strength career ended 10 years after his film debut, not many were upset about it. After all, now it’s difficult to imagine someone else in the images of the Terminator and Conan.

After working as the governor of California, Iron Arnie returned to his acting career - and we see that, having thrown off his formal suit, the strongest man in the world of cinema in the photo is still in excellent shape.

Zydrunas Savickas

Even as a child, Zydrunas was stronger and taller than everyone else, and later began to engage in triathlon. To begin with, he broke Lithuanian records, and later took up world records. Participation in the Strongest championship almost became fatal for his career. Having received severe knee injuries, he almost finished the sport. But, thanks to self-confidence and intensive training, a year later another victory followed, albeit in the national championship. Zydrunas did not stop there and continued to win. Now the Lithuanian hero is generally recognized as the strongest man in the world - his strength achievements are recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.

Vasily Virastyuk

IN early age Having decided to connect his life with sports, Vasily began weightlifting at the age of 10. After graduating from a physical education college and serving in the army, he becomes a coach in a sports club. Having subsequently received the title of Master of Sports, Virastyuk confirmed it at the international level three years later. In 2004, he received the title “the strongest man on earth,” which he won again three years later.

Vasily demonstrated his strength by pulling 5 tram cars, with a total weight of about a hundred tons, and also by moving cars like toy ones.

Vasily Alekseev

Soviet weightlifter Vasily Alekseev has 81 USSR records and 80 world records. Eight-time world champion for a long time unofficially had the title of the most powerful man on the planet. After finishing his career and moving to the city of Shakhty, he became the director of a children's and youth weightlifting school.

Bruce Wilhelm, Raivis Widzis, Mariusz Pudzianowski

All three became famous for winning the title of “the strongest man in the world” twice in a row. In 1977, Bruce Wilhelm won this title for the first time, and later, the following year, he confirmed it. Subsequently, he was directly involved in organizing these competitions and was a judge. The next two-time Strongman Cup champion was Raivis Vidzis in 2004 and 2005, and in subsequent 2006 and 2007 the most strong man Mariusz Pudzianowski became the world champion (according to the Strongman Cup).

Bruce Khlebnikov

The youngest on our list, despite the fact that he is only 25 years old, Bruce managed to set more than 30 world records. Already at an early age he demonstrated incredible results. For example, at the age of 8, he tore apart a book seven hundred pages thick without much difficulty. At the age of 11, he moved a 38-ton crane and moved a fighter plane. Khlebnikov also moved a steamship with his hair, pulled two tram cars, and moved a 17-ton bus. All these incredible records have long been recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. Many have seen Bruce Klebnikov on television - the strongest man in Russia does not have the credentials of a bodybuilder, but his strength makes one wonder.

Becca Swenson

The only girl on our list is the unique Becca Swanson. This representative of the fair sex cannot be considered as the weaker sex - she alone can compete with several men.

Becky has not only the title of the strongest woman on the planet, but also several records of truly world significance. In her life, she managed to do both bodybuilding and powerlifting, so Becky has huge biceps with real power.

Naturally this is not full list famous strongmen - many characters have memorable achievements, and world records for strength indicators are periodically updated. However, each participant on our list is an excellent example to follow, proof that perseverance and training allow you to achieve the highest goals.

Everyone knows the Olympic motto: “Faster! Higher! Stronger!" Sometimes athletes achieve unimaginable records in speed, endurance and physical strength. Such people always attract public attention and inspire admiration. Who are these incredible strongmen? What is the secret of their success?

1. Joe Rollino (1905-2010). Let's skip ahead and let the famous centenarian of the 20th century, Joe Rollino, open the ranking of world strongmen. He died just a couple of months before his 105th birthday, and then by tragic accident - he was hit by a car. During his lifetime, “Baby Dundee,” as he was called, participated in boxing matches and, with his modest height of 165 cm and weight of 68 kg, defeated all his opponents, incl. from more significant categories.

In 1920, he was awarded the title "The Strongest Man in the World." In addition to victories in the ring, Joe had other achievements: he could hold a weight of 290 kg with his fingers, and he could hold up to 215 kg with his teeth. On his 104th birthday, Rollino bent a thick coin with his fingers. From his youth, Joe was a vegetarian, did not smoke, did not drink alcohol at all, and adhered to a sports regime.

2. Zydrunas Savickas (born 1975) This person can squat 400kg, bench press 285kg, and deadlift 407kg. And all this without special equipment! Lithuanian athlete Zydrunas Savickas, nicknamed “Big Z,” won all the strength tournaments in which he participated.

He was awarded the title of the strongest on the planet four times: in 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2014. Zydrunas has won the Arnold Classic eight times. In the entire history of these competitions, no one else has achieved such a result.

6. Bill Kazmaier (born 1953)“Big Kaz” won the title of the strongest man on the planet for three years in a row (from 1980 to 1982), for which he was suspended from participation in competitions in 1983 - the organizers believed that he simply did not give other athletes a chance.

For a long time no one could beat his bench press record with a weight of 300 kg. Surprisingly, he set another record on the same day: in a raw powerlifting competition, he lifted a total of 1100 kg (squat + deadlift + bench press).

7. Mariusz Pudzianowski (born 1977) The only 5-time holder of the title of the strongest man on the planet (in competitions from 2002 to 2008). And in those years when he did not win, the athlete took second place.

The Polish powerlifter has been training since he was 13 years old. Now Mariusz lifts 290 kg in the bench, 379 kg in the squat and 415 kg in the deadlift.

8. Bruce Khlebnikov (born 1989) The TOP 10 strongest people will continue with the youngest living athlete - Bruce Khlebnikov. It may seem that the strength of this young man is in his hair, because with the help of it he performs his tricks.

At the age of 11, he moved a 38-ton crane, which was tied to his hair, by 10 cm, and a year later he moved a 4-ton Albatross aircraft by 1.5 m. At the age of 12, the boy installed, moving two combat aircraft - a fighter weighing 4 tons by 142 cm using hair and a bomber weighing 12 tons by 68 cm using shoulder straps.

9. (1942-2011) The Soviet weightlifter managed to set 80 world records and 81 USSR records.

Alekseev became a 2-time Olympic winner, 8-time world champion (from 1970 to 1977) and 8-time European champion. He set a record for the sum of three exercises - 645 kg, which was never broken by anyone.

10. (born 1966) Tyson is one of the most famous athletes in the history of world boxing, the person with the strongest punch (about 800 kg).

The “King of Knockouts” has a lot of regalia: the absolute world champion in the heavy weight category among professionals, the world champion according to WBC, WBA, IBF and The Ring. Tyson's name is included in the Guinness Book of Records for having the most fastest knockouts and for becoming the youngest world heavyweight champion.

The most powerful people in Russia

The Russian land has always been famous for its strongmen. Starting from the history of the three heroes to the present day, one can give a lot of examples of the strongest people in the country. In Russia, a special competition is held to determine the strongest person in the country.

For 4 years in a row, this title was held by a native of Bashkiria, Elbrus Nigmatullin. During his participation in the competition, he set many world records, but especially amazed fans when in 2006 he first pulled the 186-ton motor ship Ivan Kalita along the Moscow River for 10 meters, and then a ship weighing 760 tons for 20 m.

In 2010, Nigmatullin refused to participate in the competition, and Sergei Kharlamov received the title of the strongest. To win the victory, he had to squeeze weights, lift logs, run a relay race with a 100-kilogram stone and turn over tires that weighed more than 320 kg.

Two years later, the honorary title went to the athlete Alexei Zolotukhin. To do this, he had to complete the “Yok” relay with a weight of 380 kg, the “Farmer’s Walk” exercise with a double weight of 140 kg, as well as the “Shield” relay with a 200 kg load over 10 m and carry out 8 flips of a 350 kg tire. The point in determining the winner was set when Alexey turned and threw a stone weighing 160 kg 7 times in just 73 seconds.

Among powerlifters in 2017, the palm is held by Mikhail Koklyaev, an 8-time champion of Russia in weightlifting. The athlete set an absolute record for deadlift - 417.5 kg.

In second place is Konstantin Pozdeev, his record is 404 kg. The athlete is also the absolute world, European and Russian record holder for deadlift without equipment in the category up to 110 kg.

Vladimir Bondarenko closes the top three with a record of 400 kg. The athlete was a member of the “golden” Russian team, which won for 8 years in a row.

Photos of all these athletes often adorn the covers of the best sports magazines, and some of them can be seen on television and in films. All of the above men really belong to the “stronger sex” in the literal sense of the word. Their records seem impossible, they will forever remain in people's memory. But with every decade, athletes appear who set new world records and turn out to be stronger than the previous ones.

Strong people have always awakened a burning interest in the hearts of people and fascinated them. Suffice it to recall circus strongmen and athletes who are loved by the public. Today in the world there are several people who differ in their abilities. To determine the leaders, competitions and championships, both state and world, are held. Who is the most resilient person in the world?

First, let's figure out what endurance is. This is one of several definition parameters physical condition person. If speak about Everyday life, then indicators of endurance are the ability to do some kind of work for a long time and continuously or physical exercise. Some people decided to connect their lives with the development of this particular skill.

This 52-year-old Briton, a former airborne soldier, was able to deliver great amount records in various disciplines. More than fifty of his achievements were included in the Guinness Book of Records, as a result of which Paddy is clearly the most enduring person in the world. Outwardly, one cannot say that he is such an outstanding strongman, but his sports awards speak for themselves. For example, he did four thousand push-ups a day for a whole year, which is an absolute record. In an hour he could do 1,860 push-ups on one arm. In addition, he did the maximum number of squats with a 20 kg load in his hands and the maximum number of lifts with a 20 kg backpack on his back. And with a 15-kilogram backpack, Doyle overtook all his rivals in cross-country running.

Peddy Doyle: “I am grateful to the army for teaching me discipline and a healthy lifestyle”

In 2014 alone, Paddy set more than thirty records in the field of sports, achieving particular success in running with various loads. In addition to the records included in the Guinness Book, Doyle has another one and a half hundred records recorded in local authoritative sources of information. He left military service back in 1986 and since then has become a fitness fanatic, completely devoting himself to hard training.

Already in May 1987, he tested his strength in the following way: he did 4,100 push-ups from the floor with a load of twenty kilograms on his back. It took him 4.5 hours. From then until today, Paddy has trained six days a week for about two hours. He built it for himself gym in your own garden. Workouts may vary depending on the current situation. this moment goals - for example, jogging with a load, walking, push-ups different types, as well as workout and the use of different exercise equipment. Man complements physical exercise proper nutrition: Most often eats rice and white meat, lots of fruits and vegetables, and drinks exclusively water.

The most enduring person in Russia is a native of the Chelyabinsk region. Bogatyr was born in 1974. He had someone to be strong in: his father worked as a blacksmith, but, of course, no one expected that the boy would grow into a record holder. Elbrus began to actively engage in sports at the age of 12, but it was not easy in a small village where there are no gyms or modern exercise equipment. Then the guy built his own training machines from iron found in the yard. In addition, he played basketball for some time until he came to the conclusion that his true calling was weightlifting and wrestling.

After graduating from school, he took up arm wrestling seriously, while simultaneously studying at the Institute physical culture

Knowing a lot about sports from magazines, Nigmatullin firmly decided, against the will of his parents, to devote his life to it. It may seem surprising, but the guy was not accepted into the army: it turned out that he had high blood pressure. Doctors even predicted that he had a maximum of 30 years to live. This news shocked the guy, but he pulled himself together, took up powerlifting intensively and at the age of 19 already became the champion of Russia.

And by the age of 21, all that was left was to remember the disease with a grin. Career was rapidly going uphill, high pressure no longer made itself felt. Today, Elbrus has several honorary titles, is happily married and is raising his wife’s daughter from his first marriage.

Elbrus Nigmatulin – man-mountain

This Kenyan is considered the most enduring runner in the world, because not everyone can overcome the huge marathon distance of 42,000 kilometers. The athlete started running at the age of 18. This sport is generally very popular in Kenya, so every child from childhood sees the victories of marathon runners and is imbued with their spirit. Patrick, for example, was inspired by his namesake and fellow countryman Patrick Ivuti, who won several major marathons. Under the guidance of his coach, Makau was ready for his international debut by 2005 and won a landslide victory. The heyday of the athlete’s career began in 2007. In 2013, due to an injured knee, he was forced to interrupt running, but in 2014 he returned to it again and took fourth place in his first competition. Patrick is happily married: he is married and has a daughter.

You need to enjoy running - one of the secrets of Patrick Makau's successful career

It is impossible not to mention among the hardy people this famous athlete from Tsarist Russia. We can say that he is the pride of our people, who glorified the country regardless of the political situation. Ivan was born into a large family, where not only he, but also his brother was strong. However, the rest of the children were also distinguished by healthy energy.

Since childhood, Ivan trained with dumbbells and weights, ran, did gymnastics, and from his adolescence began performing in the circus as an athlete. Then fame came to him, because he defeated almost all the strongmen of the country with whom he fought.

As the doctor of the wrestling club where Poddubny was a member notes, his strength and endurance were also distinguished by his unusual ability to become active at the right moment, and until that time to doze off like a sleeping animal.

Ivan Poddubny was remembered as unusually charismatic and smart person. By 1903, he was already known not only in the Russian Empire, but also in neighboring countries. Then his fate galloped at full speed: the death of his bride, depression, recovery from it, championships - all this against the backdrop of political vicissitudes, wars and revolutions. In 1925, already under the Soviets, he left for the USA and continued his career, but returned back two years later. Poddubny died in 1949 from a heart attack. This Russian hero will be remembered forever not only for his physical endurance, but also for his breadth of soul.

Ivan Poddubny had an excellent reaction, was decisive and did not seem to know at all what confusion was

Unusual endurance records

“Anti-cyclist” from the USA A. Furman in 1994 rode a bicycle more than eighty kilometers, pedaling in reverse side. Moreover, setting this record did not reassure him, and three years later he rode 37 kilometers in 12 hours, holding a stick with a horse’s head.

Ten people from Poland set a goal to experience the hardships of Sisyphean labor and rolled a barrel weighing 60 kg for 24 hours. They were enough for a distance of 200 kilometers.

Since ancient times, people have dreamed of superhuman abilities that would bring them closer to the gods and allow them to rise above nature. This desire has survived to this day, and the heroes of this top are proof of this.

Limits physical capabilities humans are not limited by practically anything. Year after year, incredible athletes defy their natures and produce results that may be hard to believe unless you've seen them with your own eyes.

In this article we will talk about who deserves the title “the strongest man in the world.” It is worth noting that in the history of almost every country there is at least one phenomenal strongman who will remain in people’s memory for a long time.

The strongest people alive

Obviously, strongmen capable of lifting tons of weight have existed throughout human history, and it is almost impossible to compile a complete list of them. Therefore, we will present to you the most powerful people living in different parts of the world.

Vasily Virastyuk - strongman from Ukraine

As a child, Ukrainian Vasily Virastyuk was involved in athletics and shot put, and after serving in the army he decided to continue playing sports. His main specialty remained Athletics(Vasily even received the title of international master of sports and was a member of the national team). However, the remarkable strength of the Ukrainian hero made him interested in other types of physical exercises.

Since 2000, Virastyuk has been successfully involved in strength all-around competitions as part of the “World’s Strongest Man” competition. In 2004, based on the results of international competitions, he received the title of the strongest man in the world. It is capable of pulling a train with its own resources, the total weight of which is 101.5 tons.

Arnold Schwarzenegger - American bodybuilder

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a strongman who needs no introduction. Those who remember the Austrian actor young and full of energy imagine him as a real “mountain of muscles.” Schwarzenegger began his bodybuilding career at the age of fifteen, and in a short time managed to achieve impressive results.

In just five years, Arnold achieved a form that allowed him to receive the prestigious title of Mr. Olympia (other athletes worked on this for about ten years). Over the course of a year he increased his muscle mass by 9 kilograms. And in 1967, Schwarzenegger became the youngest ever winner of the Mr. Universe title. The actor also wrote many works on bodybuilding and made a great contribution to its popularization, ending his sports career in 1980.

Zydrunas Savickas - the strongest man on the planet

This Lithuanian is one of the most titled strongmen in the world today. He received the status of the most powerful man on the planet four times: in 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2014. He also repeatedly became the winner of the Arnold Classic competition, organized by the above-mentioned Arnold Schwarzenegger in 1988.

With a height of 191 cm, this weightlifter weighs 180 kg. In 2014, at the Arnold Classic tournament, he lifted a barbell weighing 523 kg. When not visiting gymŽydrunas Savickas amuses himself by rolling cars around the yard with ropes tied to them. One of his cars weighs more than two tons.

Mariusz Zbigniew Pudzianowski – tough powerlifter from Poland

This strongman was born into the family of Wojtech Pudzianowski, a famous Polish weightlifter. Therefore, it is not surprising that Mariusz began playing sports from childhood. At first he preferred Kyokushinkai karate, and then became interested in powerlifting and boxing. In 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2008, Pudzianowski became the winner of the World Strongman Championship. In addition, he set several records during these competitions.

Mariusz is also a successful weightlifter, rugby player, Kyokushin karate and MMA fighter. He is also known for spending more than a year and a half in prison in the early 2000s after being convicted of robbery and assault. According to the strongman himself, he tried to save young man from being beaten by local mafiosi. A few years after his release, Pudzianowski held a meeting for other former prisoners of the prison in Łowicz, where he served his sentence.

Bruce Wilhelm - famous American strongman of the 20th century

Speaking about the strongest people in the world, one cannot help but recall this strongman and weightlifter, who turned 71 in 2017. American Bruce Wilhelm started with running disciplines athletics, then took up shot put and discus throwing, and during his university years he became interested in freestyle wrestling (Wilhelm competed in the heavyweight division).

Bruce subsequently took up weightlifting and came second at the 1975 Pan American Games, as well as fifth at Olympic Games 1976. In 1977, when the first “World’s Strongest Man” tournament in the history of our world was organized, it was Wilhelm who became its winner. He repeated this result in 1978. After retiring from big-time sports, the American strongman began writing books and articles on weightlifting, helping with competitions, and also working on various sports committees.

Raivis Vidzis – the strongest powerlifter from Latvia

Once upon a time, Raivis Vidzis was a frail boy suffering from asthma. To improve his well-being, he began swimming, then powerlifting, and then became so fit and physically strong that he turned his attention to powerlifting. He even became a master of sports, and then one day he saw a strongman competition on TV.

Having no passion for “posing in underpants” (that is, bodybuilding), Raivis decided to compete for victory with other strongmen of the world. He has several successful performances at the World’s Strongest Man and the World StrongMan Cup Federation behind him, and Vidzis is not going to stop there.

Becca Swanson is the world's strongest woman

The strongest people in the world are not always men. For example, American Becca Swanson is currently considered the strongest woman on the planet, as well as one of the ten most powerful people in the whole world (of both sexes). Becca has been involved in powerlifting for almost thirty years.

The strongest woman in the world is able to lift a barbell weighing 270 kg in the bench press, 310 kg in the deadlift, and 387 kg in the squat. Not every male powerlifter can boast of such results.

List of the strongest of all time

When talking about the strongest people on the planet, we cannot fail to mention several strongmen who, unfortunately, are no longer alive. However, their phenomenal abilities turned them into true legends who remain widely known to this day.

Joe Rollino - a real superhero of the 20th century

Joe Rollino, who tragically died under the wheels of a car in 2010, when he was 104 years old, was a truly unique person. He was not involved in bodybuilding or bodybuilding, but he had incredible strength: with just one finger he could lift a weight of 290 kg. In 1920, Joe Rollino lifted 1,454 kilograms, gaining the status of the strongest man. In addition, he was invincible in the boxing ring, although he weighed only 68 kg with a height of 165 cm.

Rollino is also known for being a vegetarian, not smoking, not drinking alcohol, and driving healthy image life and almost lived to be 105 years old. If it were not for the accident, he quite possibly would have lived for many more years.

Alexander Zass - circus strongman from the Russian Empire

Alexander Zass was born in Russian Empire V late XIX century, and demonstrated impressive strength from a young age. In 1908, he first performed in the circus arena in Orenburg. Alexander did not have a large physique, but he developed a unique training system that allowed him to become one of the strongest people of our time.

For his abilities, Zass, who survived after a truck drove over him, received the nickname “Iron Samson.” During World War I, he took part in hostilities, and in peacetime he performed in the circus. For example, it cost him nothing to carry a horse across the arena, catch a cannonball weighing 90 kg, hold a huge cobblestone, and so on. Alexander also trained various animals.

Yakub Chekhovskaya - famous Russian hero

Not too much is known about Yakuba Chekhovsky, who also lived at the end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. They said that from a young age he was distinguished by phenomenal strength, but the general public learned about this almost by accident.

One day Yakuba attended a performance by the Ciniselli Circus in Warsaw. The presenter offered any interested viewer a good prize if he could endure at least 5 minutes of sparring with a circus strongman. Chekhovskoy not only withstood 5 minutes, but defeated his opponent in just 3 minutes, becoming a real sensation. Subsequently, Yakuba, capable of holding six big men, performed in front of amazed spectators in the circus arena.

Vasily Alekseev was a Soviet athlete specializing in weightlifting. Already at the age of 28, he set a world record: he gained 600 kg in triathlon total. Subsequently, Vasily Ivanovich became the champion of the Olympic Games twice, won the title of European champion eight times, and also became an Honored Master of Sports and an Honored Trainer of the USSR.

Having completed his sports career, he took up coaching and passed on his experience to the younger generation. Under his leadership, the CIS national weightlifting team became first in the team competition at the 1992 Olympic Games. Vasily Alekseev died in 2011 due to heart problems, he was 69 years old.

Our Top 10 most powerful people in history

To form an extremely accurate rating of the strongest people who have ever lived on our planet is a difficult and unlikely task. However, we offer you our TOP 10 most worthy, from our point of view, strongmen in the entire history of mankind.

Name Height Date of Birth Date of death A country
1. Joe Rollino 165 cm 19.03.1905 11.01.2010 USA
2. Alexander Zass 167.5 cm 1888 26.09.1962 Russian empire
3. Yakub Chekhovskaya 180 cm 30.12.1879 31.07.1941 Russian empire
4. Vasily Alekseev 186 cm 07.01.1942 25.11.2011 USSR
5. Arnold Schwarzenegger 188 cm 30.07.1947 Austria, USA
6. Vasily Virastyuk 191 cm 22.04.1974 Ukraine
7. Zydrunas Savickas 191 cm 15.07.1975 Lithuania
8. Mariusz Pudzianowski 186 cm 07.02.1977 Poland
9. Bruce Wilhelm 188 cm 13.07.1945 USA
10. Raivis Vidzis 184 cm 22.03.1976 Latvia

Video on the topic

You can see some of the above strongmen in action in the video below. The video will show you how the strongest people in the world pull trucks, carry enormous weights and otherwise demonstrate their extraordinary abilities.

All information used to write this article was taken from free sources (including the free encyclopedia Wikipedia).

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