Home Tooth pain Teleseven magazine for next week. Telesem magazine: I can’t bear to get married

Teleseven magazine for next week. Telesem magazine: I can’t bear to get married

I met the Antenna-Telesem magazine about ten years ago, and at first I bought it only because of the program. And then, I liked it because it is a magazine about everything that women talk about in the kitchen, or in their “circle”. From the pages of the publication, you can find topics about show business stars, fashion, recipes, television, TV series, travel and, of course, men.

IN latest magazine dated December 13, 2017 L. Guzeeva became the guest editor-in-chief. In this issue, a “surprise” awaited me in the form of a frank conversation by the actress about her life, and filming in the talk show: “Let’s get married,” where in some programs very interesting stories associated with program participants.

The invited guest gave frank advice to women on what should not be allowed in relationships with men, and what mistakes are fatal. This was a revelation for me, and I did not expect such a turn.

Leafing through the next issue of the magazine, readers are waiting for topics with the participation of: popular TV presenter Maxim Galkin and the program “Older than All”, “Olympics 2018”, Original recipes for the holiday New Year's table, TV program, horoscope, crosswords, and much more.

What is interesting about the magazine "Antenna-Telesem"?

The magazine "Telesem" attracts readers every week with its "duty" competition with the opportunity to win valuable prizes, subject to completing a simple task that is posted on social networks. I don't always have this opportunity, but last time, I took part in the competition: " The best recipe pancakes" and posted a photo on her profile with baked pancakes and her signature recipe. The purpose of holding competitions is directly related to:

    Attracting the audience to the magazine.

    The territory of the competition is divided into regions (cities).

    Anyone in the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 18 can take part in the competition.

    Employees of the publication and professional freelancers are not allowed to participate in the competition.

    The organizer informs readers in advance about the competition by posting advertising and information materials.

    The names and surnames of the winners of the competition are published in the magazine after its completion.

If you look at the magazine’s website, in the news archive section you can find all the information about all the ongoing competitions in Russian cities, and festive events which were organized. Such information is of interest to all people who did not have the opportunity to participate in this, but they are interested in knowing what happened at the holiday.

P.S. I recommend taking a closer look at the magazine, if only because its pages contain not only the latest news, but also a lot useful information about cooperation, and its circulation allows you to buy the magazine at every kiosk.


Announcement of the 7th issue of the Antenna-Telesem TV guide

Read in the latest issue of the Antenna-Telesem newspaper

ALLA PUGACHEVA went on a diet. She is preparing for her first solo concert in 10 years.

VICTORIA LOPIREVA at the age of 35 gave birth to a son in a Miami clinic. “Antenna-Telesem” found out how much the star birth cost.

KONSTANTIN KHABENSKY became a father for the third time.


YULIA BARANOVSKAYA: “A man can be anything, just not greedy!” "I absolutely happy man. “I have children, work and friends,” the TV presenter shares with Antenna-Telesem. “If ANDREY ARSHAVIN returned, it was only into the lives of the children, but not into mine.” The TV presenter told how her daughter and son are growing up, the ideal image of a companion, how she takes care of herself and her role in the “Living Life” project.

Actor ALEXANDER LYKOV answered questions from Antenna-Telesem readers. He talked about filming the film “Seven Dinners”, what he built with his own hands, what skills from life were useful in the cinema and about behind the scenes.

On February 8, the wonderful artist SERGEY YURSKY passed away. He did not live a little more than a month before his 84th birthday. Last December, Antenna-Telesem talked with Sergei Yuryevich. We planned to publish the interview for my birthday...

“Antenna-Telesem” met with the host of the ONT TV channel SERGEY LAPANITSYN and learned about his work on television, theater and cinema.

Your own shade of red! Scarlet, crimson, ruby ​​– which lipstick to choose? And what do you need to consider to find yours?

According to statistics, a quarter of the world's population suffers from mycoses (fungus). But given that the disease sometimes occurs hidden or in mild form, every fifth person may be infected. How to recognize and what to do?

What to cook for your loved ones on Valentine's Day? "Antenna-Telesem" offers to create sweet gifts in the shape of hearts yourself.

How to avoid children's tears? Clinical and social psychologist, candidate psychological sciences LUTSIA SULEIMANOVA offers 9 tips on how not to raise a crybaby child.

The famous building of the Belarusian State Circus was built 60 years ago. “Antenna-Telesem” recalled 5 facts from the history of the arena.
In addition, in the new issue of the Antenna-Telesem TV guide: posters of concerts, performances, shows, as well as a fresh horoscope, interesting crossword puzzles and funny jokes!

And, of course, the most detailed TV program for next week!

"Antenna"- this is the most convenient TV program, news from the lives of stars, great amount prizes for readers, crosswords and puzzles, tips on housekeeping.

Information about the TV guide "Antenna":
Release dayTuesday
FormatNewspaper, B4
General audience291 000
Circulation110 000
Geographical coverageAll Belarus

Nastasya Samburskaya:“I am a self-sufficient person. If I needed a guy, I would find him. I think that this period without love was given to me in order to pursue a career. Since I am an ambitious, vain infection, I will never be the wife of a Decembrist. I can do a lot for loved one, but when the choice arises: he or his profession, I will choose the second. There are few men who will agree to such conditions.” Read the interview with the actress in the magazine “Antenna – Telesem. Southern Region" No. 9.

Egor Konchalovsky:“Love makes you unfree. I'm not sure I want to fall in love with someone blindly, fiercely. I’ve never experienced anything like this, I’m not sure I want this or am capable of this.” A director who recently ended many years family relationships with actress Lyubov Tolkalina, gives his explanation to the family.

Tina Kandelaki:“WHO IS THE MAIN MAN IN THE FAMILY? According to the classic Georgian cliché, I must answer that the husband. But still, we are a non-trivial couple. We were partners in business. There are areas in which the spouse is interested in making decisions. And there are those in which he is happy to delegate this right to me. We are still partners, although in marriage this word is dangerous: such a relationship can end badly ... " Continuation in the printed version of the magazine “Antenna – Telesem. South Region".

Lolita:“If I had been so smart at 27 years old, I would not have had so many marriages, unnecessary connections, which are now even inconvenient to remember... I have never been so persistent, I came to this at a “big” age. Self-sufficiency – a rare event and extremely necessary." The singer and TV presenter answers readers' questions in each issue of the magazine. You can ask your question by writing a letter to [email protected]

What else to read?

  • Gift ideas for March 8th from psychologist Pavel Rakov, author of the famous training “I am a Girl, and I want a lot of gifts.” You can choose a gift taking into account your temperament.
  • How stars pamper their furry pets. On the eve of Cat Day, we get to know the stars’ pets and are amazed at their living conditions.
  • "Attention, scammers!" In a crisis, criminals show miracles of ingenuity. They keep up with the times, coming up with more and more advanced deception schemes. In the magazine “Antenna – Telesem. Southern Region” lawyer gives recommendations on how to avoid the tricks of scammers.
  • “He’s a nice guy, but a pedant.” Your husband is obsessed with order and rules. What is this - a gift of fate or a real punishment? It turns out that getting along with a neat-minded spouse is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Advice from a psychologist in the printed version of the magazine “Antenna – Telesem. Southern Region" No. 9.
- Previously, we bought everything all the time, but now everything is on the Internet.

Disadvantages: No

Yes, how quickly time flies and everything does not stand still and changes are constantly going through, the same can be noted with all the familiar newspapers and magazines that everyone used to try to buy and purchase in Rospechat or Soyuzpechat at a bus stop while going to work or return from it, also while taking the children to kindergarten, school and other ways to purchase this magazine.

Yes, the magazine is called Telesem Antenna, now, of course, you can order it and receive it via the Internet for an advance payment, but what has changed in this magazine itself, nothing, it’s just for those people who are used to seeing and watching everything not through their computer screens , tablets and phones, but in the usual depot way, through a magazine in which the main channels and the hours of broadcasts on them are printed.

And also, of course, as without useful information, biting the stars of the Russian and foreign generation and time, that is, all the latest and interesting news is hidden in the latest issues of the magazine, which now goes on sale once a week.

If we promise the news of the already arrived and new magazine of the current 2018, then we can say on the cover of the eternally ageless Lera Kudryavtseva, and everyone will probably agree with me that she looks good for her age, when she works so much and is filmed on various federal channels , and maybe not only. But the point is that in this issue the topic of Lera Kudryavtseva and her husband was raised. The way she says that they are crazy at work and calm seals at home, of course sounds funny, but sometimes this is really true and one can agree with this statement. The TV presenter really works a lot and perhaps any high-profile and social event will not pass her by, she looks great, has makeup, hairstyle, dress, manicure and other subtleties that we viewers watch and comment on from the screen. But she has been married to her husband for 5 years. And the program that she hosts, Secret to a Million, entered the final and became a finalist on the channel and almost became the winner. However, they were given more time so that they could do this. Smart and beautiful, of course such successful women should be put on the cover of magazines.

For fans of the first channel, there is also information on one television project, which is called “The Voice”, already number 6, the whole truth and information about their participants and the winners of the project, stars of other projects and countries actually participated there, and there was also a participant in the position and expecting a baby. In a word, an interesting release for those who like to go through life with a song.

They will tell you in the January issue and about even more interesting information, which concerns Nikas Safronov’s apartment, Napoleon’s table and even Marie Antoinette’s bed.

There is also information about the artist’s home at the world level, which is included in the ratings according to the best houses peace. According to information from it, it consists of 3 floors and 17 different rooms and premises; it contains ancient furniture.

Thus, to summarize, if you have time and, most importantly, the desire to buy a new issue of the newspaper tele seven antenna with a cover by Lera Kudryavtseva, then feel free to do it, read, watch and be interested in useful and secular information, just to be in the know with everyone latest news in the world of show business and keep up with modern generation and topics that interest many in Russia, as well as abroad.
became real opportunity and order the latest numbers and via the Internet website a TV antenna, without just standing up from a sofa or armchair, but it’s mobile, convenient and simple.

Telesem magazine read the latest issue 2018 online, probably available on the website of the section sponsor:

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