Home Oral cavity What you can and cannot do during the Nativity fast. What can you eat during the Nativity Fast - the best recipes for Lenten dishes

What you can and cannot do during the Nativity fast. What can you eat during the Nativity Fast - the best recipes for Lenten dishes

The Nativity Fast is considered not as strict as the Great and Dormition Fasts. However, in the last week of the Nativity Fast, especially during the pre-celebration period (from January 2 to January 6, 2020), dietary restrictions become more serious.

What can you eat during the last week of the Nativity Fast?

If at the beginning of Lent various relaxations in the diet are allowed for believers, then on the eve of the holiday the Fast becomes more strict. Not only meat and meat products, milk and all products based on it (cheese, butter, cream, etc.), eggs, but also fish are completely excluded from the menu.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday are dry eating days. This means that you can only eat food that has not been cooked: vegetables, fruits, nuts, honey. Bread is also allowed.

These days you should not only eat fish and wine, but even food with vegetable oil. On Tuesday and Thursday you can add it to your food.

The last day of the Nativity Fast is January 6, 2019

Particular attention should be given to how to fast on the last day of the Nativity Fast. The evening before the holiday is called Holy Evening or Christmas Eve - from the word “sochivo”, which is the name of a traditional ritual dish consisting of wheat grains soaked in water.

Before the first star appears in the sky on January 6 (December 24, old style), believers observe strict fasting or completely abstain from food. The Christmas Eve meal begins with wheat grains boiled in honey or boiled rice with raisins.

When compiling a menu for the last week of Advent, keep in mind that New Year is not a holiday according to the rules of the church.

Believers observe fasting on this day as strictly as on ordinary days. This does not mean that the diet at this time becomes too meager. After all, even from a small list of permitted products you can prepare varied and tasty dishes.

When talking about what you can eat during the last week of the Nativity Fast, it should be mentioned that not everyone can observe strict fasting. Such restrictions are not recommended for small children, pregnant and lactating women, and sick people.

And when deciding how to fast on the last day of the Nativity Fast, also keep in mind that those who have not done so before should not completely give up food, because fasting can cause health problems.

It is worth recalling that without fasting, spiritual restrictions in the diet become just a diet. Don’t forget that these days you need to go to church more often and devote more time to prayer.

During this period, believers also refuse to attend entertainment and entertainment events and watch TV.

During the Nativity Fast according to the church monastery charter You should abstain from animal products (meat, eggs, milk). Before St. Nicholas Memorial Day (December 19) on Monday you can eat hot food without oil, on Wednesday and Friday - strict fasting (dry eating - vegetables, fruits, bread). On Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday - fish, mushrooms, cereals with vegetable oil, etc.

Hot food without oil.

Fish is allowed.


Fish is allowed.


Fish is allowed.

Fish is allowed.

Fish is allowed.

Hot food without oil.

Fish is allowed.


Fish is allowed.


Fish is allowed.

Fish is allowed.

Food with vegetable oil.

Food with vegetable oil.


Food with vegetable oil.


Fish is allowed.

Fish is allowed.

Hot food without oil.

Food with vegetable oil.


Food with vegetable oil.


Fish is allowed.

Fish is allowed.

January 2, Monday, Right. John of Kronstadt, wonderworker


Hot food without oil.


Hot food without oil.

The longest 40-day fast of the year begins on November 28. The laity will observe it until January 6. On such days you will not be able to consume dairy products or eggs. Especially for those who will be fasting, we have compiled a daily nutrition calendar.

The main goal of the Nativity Fast 2018-2019 is to prepare the soul and body for the Nativity of Christ. A person who decides to fast must do so consciously, approach this issue consciously, and understand the meaning of religious abstinence.

When can you eat fish during the Nativity Fast 2018-2019

Eating fish is allowed on weekends and those on which fall church holidays(if it's Tuesday or Thursday). During the Nativity Fast you can eat it:

in November - on the 29th;

in December - 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 23, 29, 30.

What is possible and what is not allowed during the Nativity Fast

A few days before the Nativity Fast, you need to contact a clergyman for recommendations and find out how to fast correctly. You also need to repent, pray, ask for blessings.

You cannot allow negative thoughts, anger, conflict, despondency, or envy during the Nativity Fast. It is better not to fast if you understand that you cannot help but break all the prohibitions and rules. On fasting days, entertainment events, holidays, and festivities are prohibited. You also cannot join intimate relationships- this will be a great sin during the Nativity Fast.

On fasting days, food of animal origin is prohibited. Butter with cottage cheese, eggs with cheese, milk, and other dairy products should be excluded from the menu. You can and should eat a variety of cereals and soups during Lent, but you cannot add sugar or salt to them. During the Nativity Fast, you should forget about a variety of seasonings and pickled vegetables. Every day a person who fasts should eat fresh fruits and vegetables, rich in vitamins, nuts, and honey.

You cannot woo or get married during the Nativity Fast, and young people are also not married in church. It is unacceptable to drink alcoholic beverages.

Be sure to read prayers on fasting days.

The publican’s prayer: “God, be merciful to me, a sinner.” (Bow).

According to the Gospel of Luke, this is the prayer of repentance that the publican said in the parable of the publican and the Pharisee. In this parable, Christ cited the prayer of the publican as an example of repentance and forgiveness of God's mercy.

Initial prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother and all the Saints, have mercy on us. Amen. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.”

Observance of the Nativity fast by day

The Lenten menu should consist of raw, boiled, stewed, baked, salted dishes. They should be varied with salads, pickles, casseroles, stews, and pies. Tea and coffee should be replaced with juices, fruit drinks, jelly, and teas.

Fasting by day:

  1. November – 28 and 30, December – 3, 5, 7, 12, 14, 17, 21, 24, 31, January – 3: on these days it is necessary to prepare hot food, for example, buckwheat porridge, lean soups.
  2. November – 29, December – 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 13, 15, 16, 18, 22, 23, 29, 30: mostly “fish” days. You need to find fish dishes in advance. The fish itself can be eaten in any form.
  3. December – 10, 11, 19, 20, 25-28, January – 1, 5: food seasoned with vegetable oil.
  4. January – 2, 4, 6: dry eating. The menu should be made up of fruits, vegetables, nuts, honey, mushrooms.

For forty days before Christmas, from November 28, 2019 to January 6 next 2020, Orthodox believers will observe the Nativity Fast.

It is considered not as strict as the Great and Dormition fasts. “What can you eat during the Nativity Fast in 2019?” – those who decided to fast for the first time are interested.

It is known that fasting on the eve of the Nativity of Christ was observed by the first Christians. Over several centuries, rules and regulations have developed about what can and cannot be eaten during the Nativity Fast. They are determined by the church charter.

Which foods can and cannot be eaten during the Nativity fast? This is what our story will be about.

What can and cannot be eaten during the Nativity fast?

So, what can you eat during the Nativity Fast? These days you can include in your diet dishes from cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, barley, etc.), legumes (beans, peas, lentils), mushrooms (ceps, milk mushrooms, boletus, chanterelles, honey mushrooms), nuts, vegetables, fruits and herbs .

During this period, animal products - meat, eggs, milk, butter, cheese, etc. - are excluded from the diet.

However, you can eat fish on Saturdays and Sundays, as well as on great holidays, for example, on the Feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

When talking about what foods you can eat during the Nativity Fast, it should be noted that on the eve of the holiday, from January 2 to January 6, fasting becomes more strict. These days you cannot include fish in the menu.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday are dry eating days. This means that you can only eat food that has not been cooked: vegetables, fruits, nuts, honey; Bread is also allowed.

What else can’t you eat during the Nativity fast? On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays it is not recommended to consume not only fish and wine, but even food with vegetable oil. On Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday you can add it to your food.

If health problems arise, the fast can be weakened (with the blessing of the priest). So each person, depending on the conditions of his work and state of health, must determine for himself the measure of abstinence, preferably in consultation with a priest.

Like most Orthodox events, The Nativity Fast implies certain restrictions. It is necessary to follow them in order to avoid life's difficulties in the future.

On November 28, one of the most important Orthodox fasts will begin. Believers begin to prepare for the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ 40 days in advance, observing strict restrictions on food and performing godly deeds. Fasting is an ancient Christian tradition. Initially it lasted 7 days, but in 1166, during the reign of Patriarch Luke, its duration was significantly increased.

By the time of Christmas, we cleanse ourselves body and soul through fasting - this is precisely the main goal of the Nativity Fast. During this period, there are certain prohibitions and restrictions. By observing them, you will be able to achieve unity with God and in the future count on the protection and blessing of the Higher powers.

What can you do during the Nativity Fast?

During the Nativity Fast, it is necessary to visit churches and thank the Lord God for his help. You can ask for forgiveness of sins and pray for the health and happiness of your loved ones.

Do not forget about the godly deeds that you must perform within 40 days. Do charity work, do not refuse to help those in need, and pray that every non-believer can gain faith in a Higher Power.

On Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday you can add fish dishes to your diet. On weekends, drinking wine and cooking food are allowed. vegetable oil. It is not advisable to do this on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

IN holidays You are allowed to pamper yourself with fish dishes. However, the ban on meat dishes remains in force.

During the Nativity Fast there are no prohibitions on certain hobbies and activities if they do not harm others. However, clergy recommend reducing time spent in front of the TV or on the Internet.

People who cannot fully observe fasting and need relaxation should consult their spiritual mentor. For health reasons, you can fast with reduced requirements.

What not to do on Nativity Fast

During the Nativity Fast, the most important ban is imposed on meat and poultry products, as well as on dishes containing milk and eggs.

You cannot fast against your will. This measure is voluntary and will only benefit those people who are willing to take this step themselves.

During this period, you cannot use foul language, swear and offend other people, plot intrigues and commit sins. Any evil will turn against you.

During Lent it is necessary to abstain from bodily joys, therefore weddings and weddings are not held at this time. For the same reason, believers need to renounce physical contact with the opposite sex and marital intimacy.

Drunkenness is considered one of the most serious sins. Therefore, it is forbidden to abuse alcohol during the Nativity Fast. On holidays and weekends, you are allowed to drink red wine, but you must follow the limit.

Attending entertainment events is not advisable. Also, stop watching entertainment programs. During this period, you need to give up entertainment and earthly joys, because you have a great opportunity to engage in your spiritual development.

For most people, the main difficulty of the Nativity Fast is dietary restrictions. In winter, a person needs vitamins, so your daily menu should be varied and healthy. We wish you happiness and health, and don't forget to press the buttons and

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