Home Orthopedics Class hour on the topic of health. Open class hour on the topic "Healthy lifestyle" class hour (8th grade) on the topic

Class hour on the topic of health. Open class hour on the topic "Healthy lifestyle" class hour (8th grade) on the topic

Goals: To form a stable rejection among students of alcohol, drug addiction, and smoking. Promote a healthy lifestyle.

Form: Competition program.

Participants: Class students, teacher.

Preparatory stage: When preparing for class, you can prepare a photo exhibition “In a healthy body - healthy mind”, “The world of my hobbies”, “Healthy children should be on the planet”, etc., and also invite students to answer questions in an anonymous questionnaire that will help the teacher determine their attitude to the problem under discussion.

Opposite the statement with which students agree, it is necessary to put a “+” sign; if they disagree, they must put a “-” sign.

Alcohol. Cigarettes. Drugs:

They lift your spirits.

Gives confidence.

Promotes communication.

Relieves boredom.

They lose control over their actions.

They shorten life.

Lead to serious illnesses.

They weaken the offspring.

They harm the family, society, and the state.

Gives a feeling of freedom.

Promotes growing up.

It is also necessary to select a jury, which may include a biology teacher, psychologist, parents or students from other classes.

Class progress

Considering that high school students have certain information about the harmfulness of bad habits to human health, the teacher invites them to explain the relevance of the class topic.

Summarizing the students' answers, the teacher draws their attention to the fact that a healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular among young people, but a lot depends on the person himself, on how he feels about himself and his future.

You can discuss the problem in groups. After discussion, students conclude that the main components of a healthy lifestyle are:

To give up smoking.

Refusal of alcoholic beverages.

Quitting drugs.

Physical education and sports, physical activity.

Social poster competition on the theme “No to bad habits!”

Poster evaluation criteria:

The relevance and importance of the depicted situation within the given topic.

Match the text to the depicted situation.

Conciseness and literacy of the text.

Compositional solution for the poster.

The quality of the poster.

The jury has the right to reward originality in the approach to the competition work with additional points.

Erudite competition

1. A.P. Chekhov said: “Kiss smoking woman it’s like...” (...kissing an ashtray).

2. One of the fire safety rules in Bulgarian is: “Don’t push into the fire!” Translate it into Russian. (Don't smoke in bed.)

3. What would the ancient Greeks call a person suffering from numbness? (Addict, from the Greek nark - numbness, mania - attraction.)

4. In December 2000, the city authorities of this city, for the first time in the world, adopted the strictest smoking law, prohibiting smoking in public places, at work, in cafes, bars, and restaurants. Smoking in a public place is punishable by one year in prison or a fine of $1,000. Where was this law passed? (This law was passed by the authorities of New York.)

5. Finish the English proverb: “A smoker lets into his mouth an enemy who kidnaps...”. (Brain.)

6. The famous doctor P. Bragg said that there are 9 doctors. Starting from the fourth it is natural nutrition, fasting, sports, rest, good posture and mind. Name the first three doctors mentioned by Bragg. (Sun, air and water.)

Competition "The most compelling argument"

Team captains need to make the most convincing argument for the need for a healthy lifestyle within a minute.

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Information lecture

1. Components of a healthy lifestyle

a) Correct breathing.

It is very important to always breathe through your nose. In the nasal passages, the air is purified, warmed, and moistened. In health-improving gymnastics called “yoga,” it is generally accepted that “just one generation of people breathing correctly will revive humanity and make diseases so a rare occurrence that they will be looked at as something extraordinary.”

Of course, it is also important that the air we breathe is clean.

b) Balanced nutrition.

Famous Russian publicist and literary critic D.I. Pisarev assured: “Change a person’s food, and the whole person will change little by little.” Human health is largely determined by the quantity and quality of food and diet. The modern diet of most people is characterized by a high consumption of foods containing a lot of carbohydrates. The result is overeating and obesity. “Moderation is nature’s ally,” said the ancient Greek physician, father of medicine, Hippocrates. Yes, nutrition should be moderate, but varied and nutritious.

Food must contain vitamins! Fresh vegetables and fruits, honey, dried apricots, nuts, raisins, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet - these are products that increase the vital activity of the body. You need to include them in your diet. And bread made from finely ground flour, pasta, sausages, sausages, fried potatoes are mostly deprived of biological active substances. Such a diet reduces the vital activity of the body. It is also important to remember that products that contain various preservatives, sweeteners and dyes are not healthy and even dangerous to health.

c) Physical activity, physical education and sports, positive emotions and hardening.

It should be added that components of a healthy lifestyle also include physical activity (at least 30 minutes a day). It improves the functioning of all vital organs. Without physical activity there can be no health. “If you don’t run while you’re healthy, you’ll have to run when you’re sick,” said the Roman poet Horace.

The most useful and accessible sports: swimming, cycling, gymnastics, hiking.

Positive emotions are also necessary for a healthy lifestyle: joy, happiness, life satisfaction, kindness.

Negative emotions that destroy health: anger, fear, resentment, anxiety, melancholy, suspiciousness, greed. Try to avoid such emotions and protect the people around you from them.

2. Factors negatively affecting human health

a) Tobacco smoking.

It is often classified as a bad habit, but it is one of the dangerous diseases called chemical dependency. According to global statistics, about 2.5 million people die prematurely from smokers every year. IN tobacco smoke about 400 components, 40 of which have a carcinogenic effect, i.e. capable of causing cancer diseases. The most dangerous radioactive polonium-210.

Smoking has a particularly detrimental effect on a woman’s body. If a woman smokes during pregnancy, the likelihood of miscarriage increases, the weight of the fetus decreases, and premature birth may occur. The child of such a woman gets sick more often. If a woman smokes while breastfeeding, the child becomes weak, sickly, and lags behind in development. Smoking is very harmful for children and adolescents, boys and girls. After all, it is in adolescence The body is finally formed, which must serve for the rest of its life. Smoking is dangerous not only for the smoker himself, but also for the people around him. So-called “passive smoking,” when a person is forced to inhale smoke while in a smoky room, has the same negative effect on the body as smoking itself.

b) Alcoholism.

“Alcoholism causes more devastation than the three historical scourges combined: famine, plague, war.”

W. Gladstone

In ancient times, people became acquainted with the unusual, cheerful effect of certain drinks. The most common milk, honey, fruit juices, after standing in the sun, changed not only their appearance, taste, but also acquired the ability to excite, instill a feeling of lightness, carelessness, and well-being. It didn’t take long for people to notice that the next day a person was paying with a headache, fatigue, and a bad mood. Our distant ancestors had no idea what a terrible enemy they had acquired.

The main constituent of most alcoholic drinks is ethanol. Taken orally, after 5-10 minutes it is absorbed into the blood and distributed throughout the body. Alcohol is poison for any living cell. Burning quickly, it deprives tissues and organs of oxygen and water. Under the influence of alcohol, almost all physiological processes in the body are disrupted, and this can lead to serious illnesses. Alcohol has the fastest and most destructive effect on brain cells; the tissue of the kidneys, heart, blood vessels, and liver is degenerated.

Under the influence of alcohol, blood vessels first dilate, and blood saturated with alcohol rapidly rushes to the brain, causing a sharp excitation of the nerve centers - this is where the overly cheerful mood and swagger of a drunken person come from. Following the increasing excitation in the cerebral cortex, a sharp weakening of the inhibition processes occurs. The cortex ceases to control the functioning of the (lower) subcortical parts of the brain. Therefore, an intoxicated person loses control over himself and a critical attitude towards his behavior. Losing his restraint and modesty, he says and does things that he would not say or do in a sober state. Each new portion of alcohol becomes more paralyzing nerve centers, as if connecting them and not allowing them to interfere with the chaotic activity of the sharply excited lower parts of the brain.

The famous Russian psychiatrist S.S. Korsanov described this state as follows: “An intoxicated person does not think about the consequences of his words and actions and treats them extremely frivolously... Passions and bad impulses appear without any cover and encourage more or less wild actions. But in a normal state, the same person can be well-mannered, and modest, even shy. Everything in his personality that is restrained by his upbringing, his habits of decency, seems to come out. In a state of intoxication, a person can tell any secret, loses vigilance, and ceases to be careful. It’s not without reason that they say: “What’s on a sober man’s mind is on the drunken man’s tongue.”

Beer is not as harmless as it sometimes seems. It is made from a healthy product - barley. This drink contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats and even vitamins. But in the process of making beer, fermentation microbes destroy all useful components, so there is little benefit from it, to put it mildly. In addition, 0.5 liters of beer corresponds to 60-80 g of vodka. According to the observations of the German psychotherapist E. Kraepelin, 45% of his patients became alcoholics as a result of drinking beer regularly and a lot. In addition, do not forget that this is a very high-calorie drink. Regular beer consumers quickly get fat.

c) Drug addiction.

Often the first step towards drugs is made out of curiosity. Up to 60% of drug addicts “tried” drugs this way. Drug addiction develops very quickly, its process is so rapid that at the age of 30-40 a drug addict is already a very old man. It only takes 2-3 months from psychological addiction to physical dependence.

Drugs have an extremely pronounced effect on the human body. Nerve cells seem to burn out, decline sharply protective functions body. The defenseless body is attacked by many diseases. All organs and systems of the body suffer: the heart muscle is affected, gastritis occurs, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis, cholelithiasis and kidney stones, pneumonia, pleurisy, hepatitis, AIDS.

All types of metabolism are disrupted: protein, carbohydrate, fat. Personality changes are expressed in progressive degradation, often turning into dementia.


  • find out what “health” is;
  • make students think about the need to be healthy, introducing a healthy lifestyle;
  • to achieve the formation of students active position on this issue;
  • identify factors influencing health and derive a “health formula”;
  • create conditions for the development of students’ communication skills in the process of group work.

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or injury.”
“Health is the only precious thing.”

  1. Introduction (topic, purpose, epigraph)
  2. Determining your health status (practical work)
  3. Health factors (conversation, research activities)
  4. Conclusion (drawing up a syncwine)

Equipment: presentation (Annex 1)


"Hello!" We say when we meet each other, wishing, first of all, health, and only then everything else. We can change our costumes and hairstyles, but we cannot change ourselves. We are given one body for life. It is very important to remember this and take care of it. Human health is the foundation of his entire life. When a person is healthy, he is active, productive, self-sufficient and, finally, happy.

Today we have a class hour on the topic “Health is the only precious thing.” We will not just find out what health is, but we will also learn to determine the parameters of our health, learn the rules for maintaining health and the factors influencing it. We have to independently deduce the formula for health.

The work will be carried out in 4 groups.

Let's do a little warm-up.

Game “Collect a proverb”.

You need to collect proverbs within 1 minute:

  1. In a healthy body healthy mind)
  2. Keep your head cold (and your feet warm)
  3. Fast and agile (the disease will not catch up with you)
  4. The heat dries the earth, people (diseases)
  5. To the weak and disease (sticks)
  6. He who loves cleanliness - (will be healthy)
  7. You will ruin your health (you can’t buy a new one).
  8. There would be health (and there would be happiness).
  9. I’m not happy about the patient and the (golden bed).
  10. You will be healthy - (you will get everything).
  11. Where there is health, (there is beauty)
  12. Take care of your dress again, and (health from a young age).

Q: What proverbs or sayings do you know about health?

– You see that people thought about health in ancient times, because proverbs are folk wisdom.

Q: So what is health? And what meaning do you give to the concept of “health”?

(Students' answers.)

– health is the absence of diseases;

– health is a person’s ability to realize his needs and satisfy them.

Thank you for the interesting definitions, it feels like the health problem is in your field of attention. The World Health Organization wrote in its Constitution back in 1946 that “... health should be understood as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just as the absence of disease or physical defects.”

Determining your health status.

In the modern world, people are more concerned about financial wealth, the presence of expensive things, computers and cars. But health is the most precious thing a person has. There are many methods for determining your health status. Let's take the two simplest of them.

Method 1 (funny quiz).


  1. Exercise is a source of vigor and health (Yes).
  2. Chewing gum saves teeth (No).
  3. Cacti remove radiation from a computer (No).
  4. Smoking kills more than 10 thousand people every year (Yes).
  5. Bananas lift your spirits (Yes).
  6. Carrots slow down the aging process of the body (Yes).
  7. There are harmless drugs (No).
  8. Quitting smoking is easy (No).
  9. Milk is healthier than yogurt (No).
  10. Adults are more likely than children to break their legs and arms (Yes).
  11. Lack of sun causes depression (Yes).
  12. In summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year (No).
  13. You should drink two glasses of milk every day (Yes).
  14. Children under 15 years old should not engage in weightlifting (Yes).
  15. It is enough for a child to sleep 8 hours at night (No).

Results: If you answered YES 8 times, that’s an excellent result. For the rest of you who didn’t get the required number of correct answers, don’t be upset, you have everything ahead of you.

Method 2 (scientific)

Russian doctor N.M. Amosov proposed determining the size of health - this is a conditional parameter that does not give an answer about the state of health, but allows you to think about it: You have tokens on the tables of three colors: red, yellow, blue.

– If you have not been sick during the whole school year– you have the highest level of health (red token).
– If the disease occurred during an epidemic – average health level (yellow token).
– If you get sick during normal training loads, your health level is the lowest (blue token).

Conclusion: analyze your health, hand over a token of the corresponding color to the group leader, who will draw conclusions. ( Classroom teacher draws a conclusion about the health of the class as a whole).

Health factors.

Health is formed under the influence of a complex complex internal factors and external influences. Scientists conducted a study and concluded: what our health depends on. We will try to summarize these data in the form of a health formula.

Q: What components do you think the health formula will consist of? what affects human health?

Student answers:

Quality of medical services

Health formula (100%) = (10%) medicine + (20%) heredity + (20%) environment + (50%) lifestyle.

Q: Which of the components of this formula do you think depends on the person himself?


We will not discuss with you factors beyond our control. Let's talk about lifestyle.

Q: What is your definition of a healthy lifestyle? What lifestyle factors affect your health?

Lifestyle factors (to be completed together with students):

Now I invite you to listen to the section "This is interesting".

1st student. Russian doctors have developed the “Will you live to be 70?” test, which makes it possible to assess risk factors various types human lifestyle. Scientists have collected a large amount of factual material and made conclusions regarding the influence of certain features of a person’s lifestyle on his longevity. It turned out that physical labor, unlike mental labor, adds several years to life. Sport also increases its duration. It has been found that people who play sports 5 times a week live 4 years longer than those who ignore physical activity or turn to sports only occasionally.

2nd student. Long-term sleep (more than 10 hours a day) negatively affects life expectancy, reducing it by 4 years compared to 7-8 hours of sleep, which is explained by a decrease in motor activity, and therefore a deterioration in blood circulation. It has been proven that aggressive people with outbursts of anger they shorten their lives, while calm ones lengthen them thanks to their own poise. The difference in life expectancy between these two categories of persons is six years. Life expectancy is negatively affected by smoking, drug use, and alcohol, while education has a positive effect: secondary education extends it by a year, higher education by two. Education develops intelligence and culture, which influence the entire organization of human life.

Generalization of answers and conclusions.

1. Clear and correct daily routine. Thanks to a clear regimen, the body experiences less stress, and the expended strength is restored faster and more fully.

A person’s inability to force himself to adhere to a specific and clear regime is a sign of lack of will, disorganization, and weak character.

2. High physical activity, sufficient physical activity. The body cannot develop without sufficient physical activity (this was fixed in the process of evolution). Physical inactivity - what is it? Why do we move so little?

3. Constant stay in nature, using its beneficial factors - fresh air, water, sun.

4. Correct. Balanced diet.

5. Quitting bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs).

Learning to be healthy is our task.

Teacher:Proper nutrition– the first step to health.

Now you are invited to play the role of nutritionists. IN last years this profession is becoming fashionable and highly paid. And who knows, maybe one of you will choose this profession in the future and become famous as a famous nutritionist.

On the table, each group has an envelope containing images of different products (meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, mushrooms, honey, chocolate, baked goods, milk, cheese, berries, apples, bananas, oranges, lemons and others). (Appendix 2)

Tasks For 1st group: select products necessary for a preschool and younger child school age.

2nd group– necessary products for middle and high school students.

3rd group– makes selections for older people.

4th group– products that must be included in the diet with caution, and the presence of which must be mandatory.

Time to complete the task: 5–7 minutes.

After completing the task, students from one of the groups express their opinion and justify their choice. Other groups complete the answer.


Indeed, the human diet at different ages different.

The diet must include dairy products, lean meats, fish, vegetables and fruits, and natural juices.

Before three years It is better not to give your child chocolate or chocolate candies at all.

School-age children should not eat spicy, fatty, carbonated lemonade, chips, or hamburgers. Cocoa should be consumed with caution. The diet should contain enough vegetables and fruits, natural juices.

In adults, depending on the type of activity, the daily need for calorie foods is different. It depends on whether a person works physically or mentally, and whether he has chronic diseases.

In the absence of allergies and contraindications, all foods can and should be consumed in moderation.

To strengthen bones, older people need calcium, the source of which is dairy products, fish, and meat. It is better to limit your intake of sweets. Eat more vegetables and fruits, natural juices.

Thus, the diet must correspond to the energy needs of the body at a given age, contain a sufficient amount of nutrients with a certain - balanced - ratio between them.

Q: Do you think the color of foods matters for maintaining and strengthening our health?

Teacher: The color of products can not only create good mood, but also to maintain health.

Exercise: find out how the color of foods affects the state of the human body.

1st group – orange color.
2nd group – green color.
3rd group – red color.
4th group – yellow color.

Students from each group complete the task.

To complete the task: 5 minutes

Teacher: Now I suggest you exchange the information received. In my opinion, interesting and little-known facts were revealed.

If today we are talking about proper nutrition, then we cannot ignore the topic of vitamins. to you as homework was to prepare a speech on the topic “ Vitamins. What is the reason for their lack? Harm and benefit”

1st group – Vitamin A
Group 2 – Vitamin D
Group 3 – Vitamin B1, B2
4th group – Vitamin C, E

Name What does deficiency lead to? What does it contain?
Vitamin C Decreased immunity, gum inflammation, skin lesions Cabbage, black currants, new potatoes, sweet peppers, oranges, unripe walnuts
B 1 (thiamine) Fast fatiguability, loss of appetite and weight, absent-mindedness, leg pain, shortness of breath Wheat bran, strawberries, liver, kidneys
B 2 (riboflavin) Weakness, pain in the eyes, damage to the oral mucosa Milk, green vegetables, liver, mushrooms, cheeses
B 2 (pyridoxine) Disorders of protein metabolism and fat synthesis, fatigue Rice bran, wheat germ, meat, milk, cod, cheeses, mushrooms
AT 12 Anemia Liver, kidneys
RR ( a nicotinic acid) Skin lesions, digestive disorders, mental disorders Bran, wheat germ, liver, kidneys
Vitamin A Impaired immunity, growth, vision impairment Lettuce, spinach, green onions, carrots, butter, fish oil
Vitamin E Cholesterol accumulation, blood clots, heart failure Greens, cereal germs, cabbage, beans

Teacher: Do you think that only the listed knowledge is enough for a person to eat properly?

Maybe we missed something important in the conversation?

Students express their guesses.

Teacher: It is very important not only what a person eats, but also at what time, in what portions and how many times he eats.

Assignment: Each group needs to develop a short reminder containing tips on diet.

You are offered 5-7 minutes to work.

Students from each group complete the task. After completion, a discussion of the draft memo takes place, and the teacher sums it up.

Teacher: I also want to offer you one of the options for such a reminder.

  1. Eat regularly, 3-4 times a day and at the same time.
  2. Do not eat food at night.
  3. Take your time; eating should take at least 15 minutes.
  4. At overweight eat low-calorie foods and arrange fasting days (necessarily after consulting a doctor).
  5. Be sure to have breakfast.
  6. Eat a variety of plant and animal foods.

Diet mode means a certain time of eating, its distribution throughout the day according to calorie content, set of products and volume.

An ancient Indian parable says: “At the birth of each person, God measures out to him the amount of food that he should eat. The one who does it too quickly will die faster, the one who eats little and slowly will live long.” Each of us is recommended 4 one meal by calorie content - 30% for breakfast, 40% for lunch, 10% for afternoon snack, 20% for dinner.

Assignment: Each group has a white circle on the table. Imagine that the circle symbolizes the daily calorie intake, write down what foods you propose to include in the teenager’s diet for:

1st group – breakfast.
2nd group – lunch.
3rd group – afternoon snack.
4th group – dinner.

To complete the task: 5–6 minutes.

Students from each group complete the task and offer their own options for breaking up the circle.

Teacher: displays the option on the board and invites students to draw a conclusion about the correctness of the assumptions made.

Scientists at the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, having studied the effect of food on brain performance, made a number of important conclusions. The activity of brain cells can be stimulated with the help of food, and the most ordinary one! The main thing is to know WHAT IS and in which set. In order to human brain, this complex mechanism functioned normally; its cells, of which there are over one hundred billion!) need to receive a large amount of energy. The brain is known to take 20% of all energy received from food.

For dinner, 2 hours before bedtime, dairy, fruit and vegetable, cereal and other dishes are recommended that do not overload the digestive system. Spicy seasonings, coffee, cocoa, tea, chocolate and other products that excite the nervous system are excluded. Overeating and hunger impair sleep.

It is better to start the meal with appetizers (salad, vinaigrette, cheese, smoked sausages, etc.) that stimulate the appetite. Food needs to be chewed well. Poorly chewed food increases the formation of mucus in the stomach, reduces acidity and digestive properties gastric juice. Unpleasant conversations, reading newspapers and other distractions also inhibit the secretion of the digestive organs and worsen appetite.

Eat at the same time every day. Irregular and disorderly eating disrupts the functioning of the glands of the digestive organs, impairs the absorption of food and contributes to the development of various diseases.

Overeating causes a feeling of heaviness, drowsiness, and decreased ability to work. Long-term overeating leads to obesity and early old age.

Each of us has flaws in our health. We must learn to see them and get rid of them. You need to learn to hear yourself, understanding yourself is not only an interesting process, but also one that gives happiness.


Compiling a syncwine on the topic “Health”.

Rules for writing syncwine

A cinquain is a “poem” consisting of five lines in which the author expresses his attitude to the problem:

1st line – one keyword, which determines the content of syncwine;
2nd line – two adjectives characterizing the keyword;
3rd line – three verbs showing the actions of the concept;
4th line – a short sentence that reflects the author’s attitude to the concept;
5th line – summary: one word, usually a noun, through which a person expresses his feelings and associations associated with the concept.

At the end of the class, I would like to draw your attention to the drawing “Healthy Lifestyle”.

The leaves of this tree are the days of a person’s life. Each leaf will be fresh and green if the crown is supported by equal branches: “I can, I want, I must.” These branches support the “Healthy Lifestyle” trunk, fed by the roots that form the basis of a healthy lifestyle:

  • correct breathing;
  • proper balanced nutrition;
  • physical activity;
  • positive emotions;
  • hardening;
  • love of nature and its conservation;
  • preventing the formation of bad habits.

I really want you to take a fresh look at yourself, your body, which is so perfect and unique, so that you appreciate the precious gift of life even more and lead a healthy lifestyle.

(At the end of the class hour, each student is given an apple on a piece of paper on which the rules of proper nutrition are written.)

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Average comprehensive school № 21

Open class hour


teacher classes

Getikova O.A.

December 2013

Explanatory note

Getikova Olga Andreevna

Position (indicating the subject taught)*

Teacher primary classes

Educational institution

MBOU Secondary School No. 21 in Bolotny

Material name*

Class hour “If you ruin your health, you can’t buy new ones”

Class *

4 Class

Number of students

1 8 Human

Academic subject *

Classroom hour ( educational work)

Name teaching aid, educational program(UMK) indicating the authors to which the resource belongs


Type of resource (presentation, video, Text Document and others)*

Test document, presentation, clarity

Technical equipment (computer, interactive board and others.)*

Computer, projector


Objectives of the material*

Target: repeat in a playful way and allow students to learn more about maintaining natural health.

Short description working with the resource

(at what stage is it supposed to be used, form of use: individual, group, etc., at the discretion of the author).*

The class hour is dedicated to a healthy lifestyle. It takes place in a playful way. The teacher only leads the children to the topic of the lesson, the children themselves reason, draw conclusions, communicate, work in groups and collectively, and conduct research work.

List of used literature.

Class hour “If you ruin your health, you can’t buy new ones”


1. Promotion of healthy lifestyle

2. Formation of working in a team

3. Formation of an active position on this issue among students

Students are divided into teams, teams earn a special currency -healthy.

The results are summed up and active participants and the best team are awarded.

Progress of the event

Leading . Hello, Dear friends, guests, teachers! I say hello to you. This means that I wish everyone health! Have you ever thought about why greeting people involves wishing each other health? Probably because health is the most important value for a person. But, unfortunately, we start talking about health only when we lose it.

Guys, you are especially beautiful today, and I want this beauty to remain with you for a long time. To do this, you need to maintain your health. How do you think it can be preserved?

(children's answers are listened to)

Well done! Our class hour is dedicated to a healthy lifestyle.

Let's read the name of our class hour.Slide1 . What do you think you should learn today?

Our class hour will be unusual. Now we will divide you into teams and hold a competition.

I have petals in my hand different colors. Each of you come and choose any of them. Now go to the flower whose color is in your hands and take your seats. (divided into 2 teams).

There will be 7 rounds in our competition. In them you will earn a special currency - healthy kopecks. Whoever earns the most healthiest people at the end of the competition will win.

And our guests will evaluate you.

Shall we begin?

1 round command presentation.

You need to, in 1 minute, after consulting, come up with a team name and motto.

(2 healthy ones)

Round 2 “Q&A”

Leading. Please name the main health factors. ( The main factors of health are movement, hardening, nutrition, daily routine. Factors that worsen health are the use of alcohol, drugs, smoking.

Now the teams will take part in a mini-quiz. They have to give two answers “Yes” or “No”. For the correct answer - 1 healthy woman

    Do you agree that exercise is a source of vigor and health? (Yes)

    Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth? (No)

    Is it true that cacti remove radiation from a computer? (No)

    Is it true that smoking kills more than 10,000 people? (Yes)

    Is it true that bananas lift your spirits? (Yes)

    Is it easy to quit smoking? (No)

    Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year? (No)

    Is it true that lack of sun causes depression? (Yes)

Round 3 “Bow of seven ailments”

Leading. Each team prepared proverbs and sayings about healthy lifestyle. Let's remember them. You can't repeat yourself. For each proverb -1 healthy person.

Sample answers.

    In a healthy body healthy mind

    Smoking is harmful to health

    Health is more valuable than anything else

    Take care of your dress again, and your health from a young age

    If you're healthy, you'll get everything

    If you ruin your health, you can’t buy a new one

    Wine is not a friend to the craft

    The hops are noisy - the mind is silent

    Drinking to the bottom - no good in sight

    What's on a sober person's mind is on the drunken person's tongue

Round 4 “Medical”


















































Leading. You are offered a table in which the names of various medical supplies. The teams will have to decipher the table and use broken curves to choose medical terms and name them.

Answers: pipette, iodine, adhesive plaster, ammonia, brilliant green, heating pad, tourniquet.

Round 5 “If you ruin your health, you can’t buy new ones”

Leading. The next competition is for ingenuity and ingenuity. I invite team representatives to come up to me and take envelopes. Each envelope contains the same set of words. You have to make up the saying “If you ruin your health, you can’t buy new ones” from a set of suggested words. Whoever composes a saying faster and sticks it on a piece of paper will be the winner of this competition.

Round 6 Proper nutrition is the key to health"

Arrange the words in two columns into groups “ Healthy foods ”, slide 7“Unhealthy foods”: apples, Pepsi-Cola, rolled oats, Fanta, chips, kefir, cabbage, carrots.

(Children distribute words into columns one card at a time).

Healthy foods: apples, rolled oats, kefir, cabbage, carrots. Are they always beneficial?

Harmful products: Pepsi-Cola, Fanta, chips. Why are they harmful? We do not store these products in the refrigerator, but they for a long time do not spoil. Whereby? They have nutritional supplements. Group E supplements, when used frequently, cause harm to the body. Here's a look at your favorites on the slideslide8 candy bon- bet. In themThere isE 102, E 124 - cause asthma attacks, E 110 - cause allergies and nausea.

Slide 9.SKITTLES. Dragee in sugar glaze - contains E 171 - can lead to liver and kidney diseases.

Slide 10.SKELETONS.Yogurt, vanilla - E 104 – causes skin diseases, E 110 – allergic reactions, nausea, E 124 – provokes asthma attacks.

Asthma - attacks of suffocation of various origins.

Allergy is a complex of symptoms (swelling, itching, runny nose, sneezing and many others) caused pathologically high sensitivity immune system organism previously sensitized by a foreign substance (allergen). Sometimes there is an allergy to the body’s own tissues, which can cause severe autoimmune disorders (rheumatism, sympathetic ophthalmia, etc.

I hope you understand that there are products that are produced in a chemical factory. You should not eat them often.

Round 7

Leading. Guys, I have a chamomile flower in my hands. Questions are written on the petals of the daisy. I tear off the petal and read the question. Behindthe correct answer is 1 healthy person.

    Sweet stone melts in water (sugar)

    Liquid, not water, white, not snow (Milk)

    There is food in the house, but the door is locked (egg)

    Born in water, but afraid of water (salt)

    These plants are good remedy in the prevention of colds (onions, garlic)

    The simplest rule to avoid “dirty hand disease” is... (wash your hands before eating)

    The lack of this element in the body contributes to the occurrence of caries (fluoride)

Round 8

Leading. And now, At the end of our class hour, I propose to conduct an anti-tobacco quiz.

Quiz questions :

    When, by whom and where was tobacco first brought to Europe?

A) In the 16th century by the Spaniards from America

B) in the 17th century by the Chinese

C) in the 18th century by the British from India

    Are there cigarettes that are not harmful?

A) filter cigarettes

B) low nicotine cigarettes

IN) No

    How many substances are contained in tobacco smoke?

A) 20-30


IN) over 3000

    How does smoking affect the functioning of the heart?

A) slows down his work

B) makes your heart beat faster

C) does not affect its operation

    What diseases are considered most associated with smoking?

A) allergies

B) lung cancer

B) gastritis

    What happens to physical capabilities a person who smokes?

A) they rise

B) they are going down

B) do not change

    Does the ability to quit smoking depend on smoking history?

A) experience doesn’t matter

b) The longer you smoke, the harder it is to quit

c) the longer you smoke, the easier it is to quit

    Is it true that smoking is fashionable in most countries?

A) smoking has never been fashionable

B) smoking is fashionable

IN) the fashion for smoking has passed

    What is passive smoking?

A) being in a room where people smoke

B) when you smoke for company

C) when you don’t take too long

    Which is more harmful?

A) cigarette smoke

B) smoke from a gas burner

B) exhaust gases

"Web of Health"

At the end of our lesson, let's remember what it means to be healthy, what health is. To do this, let’s stand in a circle and, passing the ball, we will “weave a web of health” We pass the ball, but not to the person standing next to us, answering the question “What is health?” For example, health is beauty. The more words you remember, the longer the threads of our web will be. (Finally, cut the thread from the ball )

Example answers:

Health is beauty.

Health is wealth that cannot be bought.

Health – us and nature.

Health is something that needs to be protected.

Health is strength and intelligence.

Health is movement.

Health is a good mood.

Health is kindness

Health is happiness, etc.

Now, carefully fold the web and put it in an envelope (on the envelope there is an inscription “Health” ) and keep this envelope in our class so that we are all healthy, healthy and strong.

Open class hour on the topic “ Healthy image life"

Goals : expand children’s understanding of a healthy lifestyle;

promote the formation of a positive attitude towards health as the greatest value; encourage children to adhere to healthy lifestyle habits; to promote in children a sense of responsibility for their own health, the health of their family and society.


  1. Mini-lecture “What is health?”
  2. Drawing up a table “Healthy lifestyle”
  3. Speech by students on the topic “Bad habits”
  4. Game "Lucky Chance"
  5. Final word.
  6. Summarizing.

Progress of the class hour.

  1. Interactive conversation “We don’t keep what we have; when we lose it, we cry”

The theme of our class is a healthy lifestyle.

Every adult will tell you that health is the greatest value, but for some reason today’s youth name money, career, love, fame among their main values, but only rank health in 7th-8th place.

A wise proverb says: “We don’t keep what we have; when we lose it, we cry.” What do you think this proverb has to do with the topic of our conversation?

We know how to store money, how to save things. Do you know how to stay healthy?

Today we will talk about what you need to do so as not to regret your lost health.

2. Mini-lecture “What is health?”

So today we are talking about health. For many years, health was understood as the absence of disease and physical disabilities. But in our time, a different point of view has been established. According to this point of view, health is physical, mental and social.

Physical health- This is a state of proper functioning of the whole organism. If a person is physically healthy, then he can perform all his current duties without excessive fatigue. He has enough energy to do well in school and do all the necessary things at home.

Mental healthmanifests itself in the fact that a person is satisfied with himself, likes himself as he is, he is satisfied with his achievements and can draw conclusions from his mistakes. For supporting mental health you need to relax, get new impressions, communicate with friends.

Social healthmanifests itself in relationships with other people. Socially healthy people know how to get along with others. They respect other people's rights and can defend their own. They maintain good relationships with relatives, know how to find new friends, and are able to express their needs and wants so that they become clear to others.

Only a person who has all three types of health can be called healthy.

  1. Drawing up a table “Healthy image of a person”

So, health is a great value, but many begin to understand this when they get sick. Scientists say that the human body is designed for 150-200 years of life. And now our people live 2-3 times less. What prevents people from living long?

The main thing for health is a person’s ability to work on himself, on his health. All scientists agree on one thing: to be healthy, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

But we will find out what a healthy lifestyle consists of when compiling a table. I will ask 5 riddles, each of which is a health factor.

1.Even alternation of work and rest throughout the day. (Daily regime)

2. Constantly training your physical endurance, resistance to cold and disease. (Hardening)

3. Activities aimed at maintaining cleanliness and health. (Hygiene)

4. The order of food intake, its nature and quantity (Proper nutrition)

5. Active actions in which they participate different groups muscles. (Movement, sport)

So, what did we get? What makes up a healthy lifestyle that gives a person health and longevity?

I propose to add one more item to this list - the absence of bad habits. You agree with me?

Indeed, a person can fulfill all the points of a healthy lifestyle, but one bad habit, for example, smoking or alcoholism, will negate all his efforts. What other ones? bad habits does the person have? Let's listen to our classmates.

4. Speech by students on the topic “Bad habits”

Smoking, Alcoholism, Drug addiction, Gambling addiction, foul language.

These bad habits can ruin a person’s health and cause colossal harm to the body.

5. Game “Lucky Chance”

I have prepared a game for you. We have 2 teams in the game.

1st round “Yes, no, I don’t know.»

1. Do you agree that exercise is a source of vigor and health? Yes

1. Is it true that lack of sun causes depression in people? Yes

2. Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth? No

2. Is it true that in summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year? No

3. Is it true that chocolate bars are among the top 5 harmful products food? Yes

3. Is it true that you should drink 2 glasses of milk every day? Yes

4 Is it true that bananas lift your spirits? Yes

4Is it true that sugary drinks are among the 5 most unhealthy foods? Yes

5. Is it true that more than 10,000 people die from smoking every year? Yes

5. Is it true that a minute of laughter is equal to 45 minutes of passive rest? Yes

6. Is it possible that carrots slow down the aging process of the body? Yes

6. Do you agree that stress is good for your health? No

7. Is it true that there are harmless drugs? No

7. Do you agree that potato chips are healthy? No

8. Is it easy to quit smoking? No.

8 Is it true that one injection can make you a drug addict? Yes

9. Is it true that most people don’t smoke? Yes

9. Is it true that a young growing body requires 30 types of different foods every week? Yes

10. Is it true that night owls like to work in the morning? No

10. Is it true that sausages are good for health? No

2 round "Troubles from a barrel»

1.Name a houseplant that: firstly, is edible - you can put 1-2 leaves in a salad or eat it just like that, without seasoning; secondly, it heals the throat, vocal cords, heals wounds, and its juice improves digestion (Kalanchoe)

2.What medicinal animal was promoted by Duremar, a character in Alexei Tolstoy’s fairy tale? (Medical leech. They suck blood, lower blood pressure, produce hirudin, which prevents blood clotting)

3.Why you can’t pick berries, mushrooms and medicinal plants along highways? (Harmful substances accumulate in them)

4. In the Arctic and Antarctica, despite the cold, people rarely get sick colds, and in the middle zone - often. Why? (The air there is practically sterile, since pathogenic bacteria and viruses die. In the middle zone there are many viruses in the air that cause diseases)

6. Final word.

Guys, today we talked about the fact that health is the greatest value for a person. Our health is influenced by many factors: climate, politics, economics, and much more. There are some things we can't change. But a lot depends on us. To be healthy, to live happily ever after, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. And every person can do this


Smoking tobacco dates back to ancient times. Having landed on the shores of America, Columbus and his companions saw the natives holding bunches of smoking grass in their mouths.
Tobacco came to France from Spain; it was brought by Ambassador Jean Nicot as a gift to Queen Catherine de Medici. The word "nicotine" comes from the name "Niko".


  • In China, a student caught smoking will face a grueling punishment - training on an exercise bike;
  • At the end of the 16th century in England people were executed for smoking, and the heads of those executed with a pipe in their mouth were displayed in the square;
  • In Turkey, smokers were impaled;
  • During the reign of Mikhail Romanov, smoking was punishable by death. Anyone found with tobacco “must be tortured and beaten on a goat with a whip until he admits where he got it from...”

In our humane society there are no such punishments, but smoking tobacco is equated to drug addiction. Thanks to nicotine, a person experiences a peculiar euphoric state and a decrease in hunger. In any case, this is an anomaly. Let's think about this terrible figure: smoking and the diseases caused by it annually cause the death of at least one million citizens of our country.

According to WHO, 90% of deaths worldwide are from lung cancer, 75% from chronic bronchitis and 25% from coronary disease hearts are caused by smoking. Smoking negatively affects:

On the nervous system

Adrenal medulla

Arterial pressure

Respiratory center


Malnutrition of the subcutaneous vessels leads to premature aging and yellowing of the facial skin. The mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchi becomes inflamed. Stagnation of mucus forms in the lungs, which leads to constant cough. Smokers have a weakened immune system.

Since teenagers' lungs are not yet formed, they are especially affected by smoking. Young smokers experience poorer memory and attention. Performance, vision, hearing, and smell are impaired.


A chronic disease caused by systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages. Manifests itself as physical and mental dependence on alcohol, mental and social degradation, pathology of internal organs, metabolism, central and peripheral nervous system. Alcoholic psychoses often occur.

There is a myth thatmoderate consumption quantity of alcoholic drinks does not cause serious physical and psychological problems and even good for health. But often even moderate drinking ends in the development of alcoholism.

Drinking alcohol is extremely dangerous for children and teenagers. Childhood alcoholism develops much faster than in adults. A teenager's liver decomposes faster than an adult's. The development of the body stops, memory, vision, and the condition of the whole organism deteriorate. The incidence of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension increases.

How is alcoholism treated?

The first step to treatment for an alcoholic is admitting that he has an alcohol addiction problem. Next step– receiving help from a public or private institution specializing in the treatment of alcoholism.


Official statistics regarding drug addiction are very alarming. Over the past 6 years, the prevalence of drug addiction among adolescents has increased 10-fold. The term “drug addiction” itself is associated with the concept of “drug” (from the Greek narkotikos - soporific).

According to the internationally accepted definition, drug addiction is a mental disorder consisting of a strong desire to take a certain substance to the detriment of other activities and persistent continuation of the use of the substance despite the harmful consequences. A synonym for the term drug addiction is the concept of “dependence”.

When we talk about drug addiction, we mean substances that form a mental dependence on their consumption. Thus, at present, the term “narcotic substance” (drug) is used in relation to those poisons or substances that can cause a euphoric, hypnotic, analgesic or stimulant effect.

A novice drug addict simply does not have any thoughts about harm, but there is an idea that he will be able to apply all his effort, gather all his will into a fist and quit this addiction when he wants. However, this is the biggest mistake.

The harm of drug addiction does not manifest itself spontaneously. Initially, in the early stages, it seems to a person that all the “tales” about danger are too exaggerated, while in fact the brain is in a pleasant prostration, and the body seems to be in weightlessness. Such a belief becomes so firmly fixed in the mind of the drug addict that he does not listen to all the reasonable arguments of loved ones and doctors.


form psychological dependence manifested in obsessive passion

Computer games are often the target of criticism. A number of scientists believe that they cause addiction, along with alcohol and drugs, although such statements are largely controversial. Many people are interested in computer games, but not everyone becomes a gaming addict.

Causes and symptoms of gambling addiction

Among the main reasons for the development gaming addiction highlight:

  • lack of bright moments in real life;
  • unformed psyche (fixation in childhood or adolescence);

The following symptoms indicate the presence of gambling addiction:

  • reluctance of the addicted person to be distracted from computer game, the appearance of pronounced irritation during forced removal from the game; when resuming the computer game, an emotional upsurge is observed;
  • inability to predict the end time of a computer session, postponing this moment for a long time;
  • constant conversations of an addicted person about his favorite computer game;
  • lack of interest in food (eating any food without leaving the computer);
  • Irrational daily routine, reducing sleep time in order to lengthen the computer session;
  • forgetting about official and household chores, lack of interest in them;
  • neglect of personal hygiene.


Profanity is speech filled with obscene expressions, obscene words, and swearing. This phenomenon has many definitions: obscene language, unprintable expressions, obscene language, etc.

In adolescence, the problem of obscene language becomes especially acute, because in the eyes of a teenager, foul language is a manifestation of independence, the ability to disobey prohibitions, that is, a symbol of adulthood. In addition, it is a sign of linguistic belonging to a peer group and speech fashion. Sometimes this is imitation of youth idols, for example, popular TV presenters, actors, singers.

But few of the guys realize that foul language, like rudeness, is a weapon of insecure people. Rudeness allows them to hide their own vulnerability and protects them, because discovering weakness and uncertainty at this age is tantamount to complete defeat. In addition, teenagers try swear words to hurt your parents, to shock them, to piss them off in order to measure your power over them and confirm your own emotional independence from them.

Swearing is not just a collection of obscenities. Such vocabulary indicates a person’s spiritual illness. After all, a word is not just a set of sounds expressing a thought. It can tell a lot about our state of mind. Socrates said: “As a man is, so is his speech.”

Class hour on the topic “Health Secrets”

Goals - update and develop students’ knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle; - developing a sense of personal responsibility for a healthy lifestyle;- discuss various options attitude towards your health and possible ways its preservation;- to instill in students a negative attitude towards bad habits, Attentive attitude to your health.
Equipment used: computer, projector, screen, drawing of the sea, boatsShort description: This class hour is dedicated to talking about a healthy lifestyle, bad habits, and what is necessary to modern man to maintain your health.

Hello guys!

I say “hello” to you, which means that I wish you all health. Have you ever thought about why greeting people involves wishing each other health?

Probably because health is the most important value for a person.

Today's class hour is dedicated to human health and is called “Health Secrets”

Let's clarify - what is health? Until 1940, it was believed that health was the absence of disease. Do you agree with this? (children’s answers) I’ll give you this example: a person doesn’t have any pain. But he has a bad memory. Can he be considered healthy?

Or another example: smoking man, who also doesn’t have any pain. Can he be considered healthy?(Children's answers) So what is health, a healthy lifestyle? (children's answers) Now I will try to summarize your idea.Health is the most priceless gift a person has receivedfrom nature. And he must protect and strengthen it.The Constitution of the World Health Organization states that health is not simply the absence of disease, but a state of physical, mental and social well-being.

Please raise your hands, who has never been sick?

Who was sick once?

Who got sick twice?

Look, we are used to the fact that it is natural for a person to get sick! But this is an incorrect setting!

Let's change our attitude and remember: it is natural for a person to be healthy! Scientists believe that a person should live 150-200 years (as the ancient Greeks believed that to die at 70 years old means to die in the cradle).

Today doctors say that our health depends on our lifestyle: our habits, on our efforts to strengthen it.

And now we will go on a boat trip on the sea of ​​​​a Healthy Lifestyle.But it happens that typhoons, tsunamis, storms pass through the sea -these are our vices and bad habits. They are like hurricanes.cause shipwreck in a person's destiny. Let's talk about them. Guys, what are the most bad habits you know?(children's answers) It is true that our society is currently plagued by 3 major evils. These are: smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction.- Guys, what can you say about smoking?SMOKING- the most common bad habit. When a person smokes, the tobacco burns slowly and smoke is produced. Smoke consists of many harmful substances, this is nicotine, carbon monoxide and tobacco resins.- What organs do you think suffer from cigarette smoke?(children's answers: teeth, tongue, lungs, heart, brain)What harm does smoking cause to the human body? (Children's answers)This is what you need to remember:*Smoking pollutes the lungs*Smoking makes it difficult for the heart to function properly* Smoking makes it difficult for air to enter the body*Smoking causes yellow teeth and bad breath*One smoked cigarette takes 15 minutes of life *Arguing and smoking are incompatible.What can you say about the dangers of alcohol?(Children's answers) No less harmful ALCOHOL, Everyone suffers from it too internal organs, and especially the brain. Poisoning of the brain leads to the fact that a person simply becomes stupid, his memory deteriorates, and it is more difficult for him to learn new things.- About drugs? DRUGS, they are very dangerous to health. Drug addiction is very difficult to recover from. Remember - drugs are a disease and death of a person.- Guys, why do you think people start smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs?(Children's answers) SLIDE  Out of curiosity  Out of boredom  To raise authority among friends For company  To feel like an adult- What can replace bad habits: Sports  Dancing  Handicrafts  Reading  Any interesting and feasible activity- Tell me what rules need to be followed , to be healthy? (children's answers) /For the teacher: sanitary and hygienic requirements: always and everywhere keep clean, brush your teeth morning and evening, go to the bathhouse weekly, take care of your hair, nails, and skin. Always dress for the season. Exercise daily, wash your face cold water. Notdrink alcoholic beverages, do not smoke. Play sports...etc./- Now let's look at this Magic word"HEALTH". And let’s come up with words related to health for each letter of this word: Z - exercise D - diet, O - rest R - daily routine, work, warm-up O – vegetables B – vitamins, air, water L E - food

Here, guys, you see how many good ones there are, useful words contains the word "health"

- And in conclusion, we will try to compile the main secrets of health. - What does health give us? Physical comfort. Possibilities: o Study o Work o Explore the world o Possess material and spiritual values. -And in the end, let's secure:What can and should be done, and what cannot be done in order to be healthy?(Children's answers) Reminders NEED TO: o Eat fish, vegetables, and fruits more often. o Drink water, milk, juices, tea. o Play sports. o Walk as much as possible. o Breathe fresh air. o Get enough sleep. o Show kindness. o Smile more often. o Love life. And what IT IS FORBIDDEN: o Overeat. o Eat a lot of fatty, sweet and salty foods. o Drink alcohol. o Watch TV for hours. o Stay at home. o Smoking. o Go to bed and wake up late. o Be irritable. o Lose your sense of humor. o Be depressed, angry, offended.- Try to follow this health formula and you will be good long years preserve youth and beauty.

As we said at the beginning, when people say hello, they wish you health. And wishes will come true sooner or later. Let's all say together:

- I want to be healthy!

- I can be healthy!

- I'll be healthy!

Me: Be healthy!!!

- And as a souvenir, I want to give you reminders with health secrets, made with my students. So that you follow these rules and lead a healthy lifestyle.Thanks for a great hour!

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