Home Wisdom teeth Nicotinic acid for hair how to use reviews. Nicotinic acid in tablets for hair growth: how to use correctly

Nicotinic acid for hair how to use reviews. Nicotinic acid in tablets for hair growth: how to use correctly

A nicotinic acid- an important element for health and beauty. It has other names - niacin, nicotinamide, vitamin PP, vitamin B3. This component enters our body with food, but sometimes this is not enough. In this case, the hair is the first to suffer. Then you can not only reconsider your diet, but also use nicotinic acid externally, especially since it is available for purchase at any pharmacy. And from this article you will learn about the benefits of vitamin B3 for hair and simple ways its use at home.

Benefits of nicotinic acid for hair

If your hair has become dull and brittle, this is a sure sign that it needs additional nutrition. Nicotinic acid is one of the essential elements, responsible for the healthy, vibrant shine of your hair and its thickness. Having applied it in full, you will be able to notice improvements in various areas. In particular, hair growth will accelerate, hair loss will stop, and the damaged structure will be restored.

All this can be achieved by using nicotinic acid in liquid form externally. It is sold in ampoules in every pharmacy. In addition, there is a tablet form that is used for internal administration. But it should not be purchased without a doctor’s recommendation. Nicotinic acid tablets have a number of special instructions and contraindications. Therefore, to replenish internal reserves of vitamin B3, it is better to enrich your diet with appropriate foods.

The use of nicotinic acid for hair care

Rules for the use of nicotinic acid

Liquid nicotinic acid has more than one method of application for hair. It doesn’t matter which one you prefer, in any case it is important to follow certain rules. First of all, take care of the regularity of procedures. On average, the course of treatment for damaged hair is 14 - 30 days, followed by a mandatory break of at least a month. Procedures are best carried out 2 - 3 times a week.

If you notice irritation on the scalp or itching, this indicates an allergy or individual intolerance. In this case, you need to find out which component caused this and stop using it. Nicotinic acid itself can cause such a reaction, so be especially careful when using it for the first time.

Another important point- liquid vitamin B3 can quickly disappear, so the opened ampoule should be used immediately. It is for this same reason that masks and balms containing niacin should not be prepared in advance.

Nicotinic acid for rubbing

The easiest way to use nicotinic acid is in pure form. To do this, you don’t have to make any special efforts or waste time. All you need to do is open the ampoule, apply a little liquid to your fingertips and gradually wipe the entire surface of your head. There is no need to rinse off the product. The liquid vitamin is odorless and leaves no residue.

It is important to keep your hair dry and clean. Otherwise active substances will not be fully absorbed. Just one ampoule is enough for the entire surface of the head. For convenience, the liquid can be drawn into a syringe or pipette and dripped along the partings, then massage the application areas with your fingers.

Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3, vitamin PP): added in liquid form to hair masks

Enrichment of shampoo and conditioner with nicotinic acid

It will be just as easy to enrich with nicotinic acid usual means care So, you can add the contents of one ampoule to a standard portion of shampoo or conditioner. Such measures will help prevent hair loss and give your hair extra shine. It is best to carry out such courses of care in the spring and autumn, when the body requires additional vitamins.

Folk hair remedies with nicotinic acid

If your hair is severely damaged, falls out profusely, and looks lifeless, then it is best to choose one of the home remedies based on the use of natural products. The mask recipes below will provide comprehensive care and nutrition.

Vitamin cocktail for hair

As a basis in in this case you can take any natural one nourishing mask or a separate product. Cosmetic fatty oil, egg, honey, sour cream are suitable. Add a vitamin cocktail to the base in the following composition:

  1. A nicotinic acid;
  2. Ascorbic acid;
  3. Vitamin A;
  4. Vitamin E.

As for the quantity, one ampoule of each substance will be enough. Vitamins A and E are also available in capsule form. In this case, you need to take the contents of 1 - 2 pieces. Distribute the mask over your hair, wrap it up and remain in this position for 15 to 40 minutes, depending on the specific composition and condition of the hair.

Oil mask

  1. Flaxseed oil - 2 tbsp;
  2. Yolk - 1 pc.

Mix all the ingredients and apply to slightly damp hair, thoroughly treating the root system and distributing the product along the length. It is good to add vitamins A and E to this composition. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes. Wash it off with warm water and mild shampoo.

Egg mask with nicotinic acid

  1. Chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  2. Liquid honey - 1 tsp;
  3. Nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule;
  4. Vitamin E - 1 ampoule.

Mix all the ingredients of the mask thoroughly. Apply it to clean, dry hair and distribute over the entire length. After half an hour, rinse with warm water. As a rule, there is no need to use shampoo.

You can use nicotinic acid for hair care different ways. But best effect Natural homemade masks are different, to which it is best to add not just one vitamin, but a whole complex. This way you will receive comprehensive care and nutrition.

The content of the article:

Nicotinic acid is a well-known vitamin (PP or B3), which is used in the form of injections in the treatment of neurological and systemic ailments. Due to its restorative properties, it is often included in balms, shampoos and masks for weak and dry hair. But it is not necessary to purchase these products; you can prepare them yourself.

Indications for use of nicotinic acid for hair

This vitamin was first produced in the nineteenth century, when doctors were looking for a way to combat pellagra. Scientists have found that with a lack of vitamin B3, redox reactions in the body are weak, and the functioning of the stomach and intestines is disrupted. Nutrients are poorly absorbed. But nicotinic acid began to be used in cosmetology quite recently.

Indications for using vitamin PP for hair:

  • . Vitamin B3 expands capillaries, improving blood circulation. It revives “dormant” follicles and stimulates hair growth in them.
  • Dull and brittle strands. This is especially true after coloring. In this case, nicotinic acid “seals” the damaged hairs into a durable film, forming a kind of frame that weighs down the curls, making them heavier and shiny.
  • Split ends. Vitamin B3 saturates split hairs with moisture and prevents them from drying out. The number of split ends decreases over time.
  • Very oily skin heads. The consistency of nicotinic acid is similar to plain water without smell. The product is not sticky to the touch. After using niacin, the skin becomes oily faster, but after a while the work of the sebaceous glands normalizes.

Contraindications of nicotinic acid for hair growth

Niacin penetrates perfectly into the blood through the skin, as it promotes vasodilation. Accordingly, all decomposition products of this substance will be excreted through the internal organs.

List of contraindications to the use of nicotinic acid for hair:

  1. . It is worth noting that vitamin B3 can irritate the gastric mucosa, therefore it is contraindicated for ulcers and gastritis.
  2. Liver disorders. Cleaning the blood of acid breakdown products can cause excessive stress on the liver. You should not use vitamin PP for chronic and acute liver diseases.
  3. Sensitivity to nicotinic acid. If you are allergic to vitamin B3, then you should not use it for hair treatment.
  4. Hypertension. Since this substance dilates blood vessels and enhances arterial pressure, it should not be used for hypertension.

Features of using nicotinic acid for hair

Vitamin PP is introduced into shampoos, conditioners and hair masks. But, in addition, it can be used in the form of injections. Niacin will not only help improve hair growth, but also relieve excessive dryness.

Instructions for administering nicotinic acid injections for hair

Niacin penetrates the blood most quickly through intravenous administration. However, such injections can only be carried out in a clinic setting. nurse, since niacin can cause severe allergic reaction when administered in this manner. Accordingly, vitamin PP is used intramuscularly and subcutaneously to treat hair at home.

Methods of administering nicotinic acid injections:

  • Intramuscularly. This is the most acceptable and simplest option. You can give the injection yourself or arrange with a nurse. Used to administer vitamin PP muscle. The injection site is selected depending on the amount of adipose tissue. Most often, the drug is injected into the arm. It is imperative to get into the muscle. It is worth adhering to a certain scheme. The first five days the drug is administered once a day. Moreover, the amount of medicine increases gradually from 1 to 5 ml. On the sixth day, 5 ml is administered again. Next, the amount of substance is reduced to 1 ml. It turns out that the entire course is 10 days. The drug concentration is 1%.
  • Subcutaneously. The injection is performed using a needle from a five-cc syringe. In this case, it is inserted at an angle of 30 degrees. It is necessary to insert it 15 mm deep into the forearm area. If there is a small amount of fatty tissue, the injection can be given in the buttock, leg or abdomen. The tissue under the skin is enriched with lymph, and the medicine is absorbed very quickly. Injections are administered in an amount of 1-2 ml per day. The concentration of the solution is 1-2.5%.
It is worth noting that the solution must be introduced gradually, in a thin stream. Before and after the procedure, the injection site is wiped with an antiseptic.

Recipes for masks with nicotinic acid

The easiest way is to rub nicotinic acid into the hair roots. This is done daily before bed. The solution is not washed off from the curls. But this option for using vitamin PP for hair is not the most suitable. Masks for curls with vitamin B3 are often used, which is mixed with other nutritious and healthy products.

Recipes for masks for curls with nicotinic acid:

  1. With ginger. Ginger root increases blood circulation, so it is used with nicotinic acid to prevent and treat hair loss. Combine a spoon in a bowl ground root with a little warm water. It is necessary to make a paste. Add the contents of two niacin ampoules into the mixture. Mix the mixture again and apply to the roots. Stretch the remaining product through the strands. Leave under the towel for 30-40 minutes. Rinse with warm chamomile infusion.
  2. With herbs. Mix a tablespoon of dried herbs calendula, chamomile and mint in a saucepan. Pour all 240 ml of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Remove debris from the broth and add 5 ml of nicotinic acid to it. Pour the liquid over your hair and cover with cellophane. Wrap your curls in a towel and leave for 45 minutes. If the broth is sufficiently cleared of debris, the mask does not need to be washed off.
  3. With olive oil. Take 50 ml olive oil and pour into a ceramic bowl. Immerse it in a pan of boiling water. It is necessary that the oil warms up and becomes warm. Add 4 ampoules of vitamin B3. Rub the oily product into the hair roots. Distribute the remainder over the entire length of the curls. Wrap your head in cellophane and a towel. Application time is 45 minutes. Since oil is difficult to wash off from hair, it is necessary to remove the product using shampoo.
  4. With yolk and vitamins. Pour 30 ml of olive oil into the bowl and add the yolk. Turn the paste into a smooth emulsion and add lemon juice. After this, cut three capsules with vitamins A and E and add to the mixture. Open the ampoule with a 2.5% solution of nicotinic acid and pour into the mixture. Distribute evenly throughout hair. The product is applied to the roots and ends. Wrap your head in film or a bag and leave for 40 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.
  5. WITH linseed oil . This product is ideal if you have very dry strands. This mask saturates with moisture. It is necessary to pour 30 ml of flaxseed oil into the vessel and add the contents of 3 capsules with vitamin E. After this, add warm bee nectar in an amount of 30 ml. Add liquid from one ampoule of vitamin B3. Apply the mixture to your curls and leave for 30 minutes. Wrap your head in a towel. You need to wash off the substance with shampoo, since linseed oil is difficult to wash out.
  6. With aloe. This mixture helps get rid of dandruff and relieves irritation. It is necessary to peel three aloe leaves and mix with 3 ampoules of niacin. Next, pour the mixture onto your head and rub the mixture into your scalp. Wrap your head in a cap and towel. Leave for 35 minutes.
  7. With propolis. Combine 5 ml of niacin and propolis tincture in alcohol in a container. Add the yolk and a little almond oil. Grind the mixture into a smooth paste. Apply to the roots and wrap in cellophane. Leave for 45 minutes. Wrap your head in a towel. Leave to act for 45 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.
  8. With peach. Peel one fruit and remove the pit. Turn the pulp into a puree and add 30 ml of olive oil. Add the contents of one ampoule of vitamin PP. Pour the mixture onto your head and massage your skin. Cover your hair with plastic and wrap it with a towel. Leave for 45 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.
  9. With grapes. This product is used to eliminate split ends. It is necessary to peel a handful of grapes and chop them using a blender. Add two ampoules of niacin to the porridge and add honey. Cut two vitamin E capsules and pour the contents into a bowl. Carefully average the mass and apply to the roots. Leave under cellophane and a towel for 40 minutes.
  10. With avocado. This mask is suitable for very dry hair. It will help get rid of dandruff. You need to grind a spoonful of avocado pulp in a blender. Add chamomile decoction to the resulting puree to make gruel like semolina. Add 3 ml of nicotinic acid with a concentration of 1-2%. Stir and apply to scalp. Distribute the rest of the product on your hair. Leave for 50 minutes under a shower cap and a turban of towels.
  11. With cucumber and lemon. This mask perfectly removes excess oily skin. It is necessary to peel one large fruit and grate it on a fine grater. Add a spoonful of fresh lemon juice to the pasta. Add two ampoules of niacin and average. Distribute throughout your curls. Put on a cellophane cap and leave for 30 minutes.
  12. With pepper. This product stimulates blood circulation and prevents hair loss. It is necessary to pour 5 ml into the vessel pepper tincture and introduce 3 ml of nicotinic acid into it. Stir and rub the solution into the roots with your fingertips. Leave for 30 minutes. Rinse with warm chamomile infusion.
  13. With banana. Peel the fruit and chop with a fork. Add 4 ml of nicotinic acid to the fruit puree. Add the beaten egg. Stir again. Apply to hair before washing. Put on the cap and leave for 40 minutes. Wash your hair as usual.

Other ways to use nicotinic acid for hair

Niacin is often added to shampoos and conditioners. But it is important not to overdo it, since a large amount of product can cause increased oiliness in the curls.

Instructions for using niacin for hair:

  • In shampoos. To improve the health of your curls, you can use shampoo with niacin. It is necessary to add two ampoules of niacin to a bottle of detergent and shake the contents. Apply shampoo as usual. Make sure that the product does not contain vitamins B1, B6 and B12. These substances are incompatible with nicotinic acid and are poorly absorbed. An allergic reaction may occur.
  • In balms. It is worth noting that niacin can only be added to balms that do not contain antibacterial components. You should not add vitamin PP to products that are used against dandruff and contain antifungal drugs. For mixing, you can use a herbal balm. 2 ampoules with nicotinic acid are introduced into it. The product is used after washing the hair.
  • By rubbing method. The easiest way to use vitamin PP is in the form of a solution by rubbing it into the roots. To do this, 2-3 ampoules of the substance are opened and rubbed into the roots. This is done after washing the curls. Hair should not be dried with a hairdryer. Nicotinic acid is applied daily to dry skin. There may be a slight oiliness in the hair. But over time it disappears. The course of treatment is 30 days.
How to use nicotinic acid for hair - watch the video:

Vitamin PP - excellent remedy to strengthen and heal curls. It can be used as an injection or added when preparing masks. In just a month, your hair will shine with health.

Vitamin PP or B3 - pharmaceutical product, which is designed to normalize metabolism and dilate blood vessels. In addition, it is in great demand among girls who want to stimulate hair growth and make it strong. Nicotinic acid is used to prepare various masks, the regular use of which can eliminate dandruff, activate the growth of strands and prevent hair loss.

Composition and properties of nicotinic acid

The drug in question is available in the form of a soluble vitamin, which is also called vitamin PP or B3. The vitamin promotes the normal course of all redox biochemical processes in different organs and tissues, it is actively used to improve hair growth.

If your hair begins to fade and break, then this is a sure sign that it needs additional nutrition. Nicotinic acid is one of the most important components that is responsible for the healthy shine of hair and its thickness. If you take the drug in full course, you will see improvements in various areas:

  • hair growth accelerates;
  • the loss stops;
  • damaged hair structure is restored.

This result can be achieved if you use nicotinic acid in the form liquid solution externally. It is sold in pharmacies in ampoules. There is also a tablet form that is intended for oral administration. But before this, you need to consult a doctor, since the product has a number of instructions and contraindications. To replenish internal reserves of nicotinic acid, it is also necessary to saturate the diet with appropriate foods (beef, chicken, turkey, duck, liver, sea ​​fish, rice, potatoes, carrots, broccoli, kale, tomatoes, avocado, mango, fresh champignons).

Benefits for hair

Nicotinka- inexpensive medicinal product, which is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. For external use, the medicine is used in ampoules containing clear solution without smell. Nicotinic acid has unique properties and saturates hair with beauty and health.

Positive qualities of the drug for hair:

  • Activation of blood circulation. This allows beneficial components to enter directly into the hair follicles. As a result, hair growth accelerates, and its former shine and strength returns.
  • Cell regeneration. Nicotinic acid starts the process of cell renewal in the dermis of the head and hair, which has a beneficial effect on the structure and appearance hair.
  • Hydration. Vitamin B3 fully moisturizes the scalp and hair, resulting in brittleness and dullness. In addition, you can get rid of peeling skin.
  • Strengthening the roots. The main cause of hair loss is weak roots and various diseases of the scalp dermis. Nicotinic acid regenerates damaged bulbs and makes roots strong.
  • Production of pigments. After the vitamin, strands become silky, glossy, the color becomes richer and the appearance of gray hairs slows down. This effect is achieved through the production of special pigments.


Nicotinka - safe drug for hair growth, but only subject to the norm and duration of the course. Despite this, there are means absolute contraindications for use:

  • allergy;
  • hypertension;
  • migraine.

There are also relative contraindications for external use of vitamin B3 - pregnancy and breastfeeding. breast milk. The use of the drug during this period is possible only with the permission of a doctor.

Nicotine improves hair condition and skin heads. Its application may vary. Except internal use, the drug can be rubbed into the scalp, added to shampoo and conditioner. The product is also the main ingredient in homemade masks for hair and scalp. The course of therapy with nicotinic acid is 7-10 days.

In order for the use of nicotinic acid through external use to bring maximum benefit, you must follow minor recommendations:

  • During the first use, you need to apply a small amount of nicotinic acid to your hair. If no rash or other symptoms occur within 24 hours side symptoms, then the second time you can use it in full dosage.
  • With daily use of nicotine, headaches and decreased blood pressure occur. Therefore, it is allowed to use no more than 2-3 times a week.
  • If after 2-3 sessions of scalp massage with vitamin B3 dandruff occurs, then it is better to stop using the drug.
  • The product must be used immediately after opening the ampoule. After just 2 minutes of contact with air, it loses all its healing properties.
  • For a head massage to give a good result, it is best to use an oil complex. To do this, after rubbing nicotinic acid into the skin, you need to wrap your head in a warm scarf.
  • If vitamin B3 is used in ampoules for head massage, a feeling of warmth and burning occurs. This phenomenon is considered normal. But when the burning becomes unbearable, you need to immediately remove the composition and wash your hair with shampoo.

The use of nicotinic acid is permissible not only in its pure form, but it can also be added to various cosmetic products, which will improve its effect on the hair. For example, the contents of one ampoule can be added to the usual dosage of shampoo or conditioner. Use the product 2 times a week. This will prevent hair loss and give additional volume and shine. It is best to conduct these courses in spring and autumn, since at this time the body needs additional vitamins.

Nicotinic acid is one of the effective and proven drugs for strengthening and accelerating hair growth. It is suitable for both women and men who want to prevent or stop hair loss. You can use nicotine in its pure form for massage or add it to balms, shampoos, ready-made masks and homemade formulations. If you use the product correctly and regularly, you can get good results in just a couple of weeks.

Nicotinic acid is one of the products that can help grow hair.

Girls tend to constantly change their hairstyle preferences. We want to cut off our long hair, but after a while we get bored with the short length, and we again start looking for ways to grow our curls faster. About methods of using nicotinic acid, how to use it in ampoules, how to apply it correctly to hair and about effective masks with nicotine and we'll talk in the article.

Nicotine is a vitamin PP and has nothing to do with nicotine, its use is safe and gives noticeable results. This vitamin is completely natural. In pharmacies you can buy nicotinic acid in the form of ampoules, which makes its use a simple and time-consuming procedure.

Benefits of nicotinic acid for hair

  1. This product quickly supplies the hair and its roots with vitamins. They are strengthened and restored, becoming healthier, stronger and softer.
  2. It dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation. More oxygen and nutrients reach the hair follicles.
  3. Helps moisturize the scalp.
  4. The main property of Niktotinka, as it is commonly called, is the stimulation of hair growth. The growth rate of curls can reach up to 4 cm per month, depending on their initial condition.
  5. After just two or three uses, hair loss stops in most cases.
  6. Gradual drying oily hair. After completing a course of procedures, they will remain clean longer.

Nicotinic acid has a double effect: it improves the supply of the scalp with necessary microelements due to its warming property, and nourishes them with vitamin PP (niacin). This is an excellent remedy for solving problems of hair loss or slow growth.

Before you start using it, you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances, recommendations and contraindications.

Trichologist about nicotinic acid (vitamin PP or B3):

Nicotinic acid for hair: methods of use

You can only use nicotine in ampoules for hair growth externally. There are 2 ways to use niacin for hair: rubbing into the scalp in pure form and as part of homemade or store-bought masks.

You can combine them to achieve a better result, but it is undesirable not to use both on the same day to avoid oversaturation of the scalp and the appearance of side effects. The course of rubbing lasts 1 month, then a break must be taken for at least 2 weeks. After this, it is permissible to repeat the course.

There is also a way to use nicotine for eyebrows - it will make them thicker and fuller. Natural eyebrows, not thinned by plucking, are now becoming more and more popular. The fashion for natural beauty is gradually returning - long, silky hair, well-groomed thick eyebrows that highlight the eyes.

After opening the ampoule beneficial features nicotinic acid disappears in 10-15 minutes, so it cannot be stored open. After using it on your hair, it makes sense to apply the remaining nicotine to your eyebrows.

How to apply nicotinic acid to hair

Method 1: nicotine is used in its pure form

In this case, it is applied to the roots of the hair and rubbed in thoroughly.

This is done correctly as follows:

  1. Rubbing is carried out daily for 30 days. You should take this recommendation seriously and do not skip procedures, otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved.
  2. Apply to freshly washed, dried in a natural way hair. It is better not to use a hairdryer so as not to further dry out the skin.
  3. During the entire course, do not use the balm at all or apply it only to the ends. The roots should remain clean.
  4. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the evening before going to bed.
  5. Apply the product with your fingertips. You can wear medical gloves.
  6. The curls are divided into partings. The distance between partings is no more than 4 cm, so that nicotinic acid is distributed throughout the scalp. To separate parts, it is convenient to use a flat thin comb.
  7. First, rub the nicotine into the crown and temples, and lastly, into the back of the head.
  8. There is no need to distribute the vitamin along the length.
  9. Massage your head for 5 minutes to warm up and further enhance blood circulation.
  10. Comb your hair. There is no need to rinse off the product.

This method is convenient because it does not require rinsing. Simply apply the vitamin to the roots of your hair and then you can go about your business. The procedure takes very little time; it is suitable even for very busy girls and women.

Method 2: nicotinic acid is used in masks

  1. Choose a mask based on your hair type, whether it’s a store-bought product or a homemade recipe.
  2. In this case, the mixture is applied not only to the roots, but also to the entire length of the curls.
  3. Nicotinic acid for hair in masks works best if you wrap your head in cellophane and then insulate it with something like a towel.
  4. The holding time depends on the additional components, but usually it should not be less than 20 minutes.
  5. Since masks usually contain a lot of nutrients or oil, they should be applied before washing your hair.
  6. When you try new recipe, check first to see if it causes allergies. Apply the mixture to the crook of your elbow and rub in, rinse off any remaining residue after 15 minutes. There should be no itching, runny nose or nasal congestion. But a little redness is a normal reaction, because nicotinic acid stimulates blood circulation.
  7. Wash off the masks with shampoo. If necessary, use conditioner, but only on the ends of your hair.
  8. It is advisable to replace the balm herbal infusion- chamomile, calendula, nettle, hibiscus, mint or lemon balm. Fresh or dried herbs from the pharmacy will do. You can also add a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice or 6 percent apple cider vinegar to this rinse.

Nicotine for hair: what results can you expect?

The result always depends on individual characteristics body, nutrition, emotional state and hormonal balance. If the problem of hair loss or slow growth is caused by insufficient care, then in most cases nicotinic acid for hair growth in ampoules will have a noticeable positive effect if used correctly.

Even before the end of the course you may notice:

  • The appearance of the so-called “undercoat” - short new hairs that have grown from previously dormant hairs hair follicles. Nicotine awakens them.
  • Stopping the loss. Some girls notice that their curls begin to fall out less after using masks or rubbing vitamin into their roots several times.
  • If the hair follicles receive enough microelements and vitamins from the diet, then nicotinic acid accelerates their growth by 1-3 cm per month. Curls that previously grew only 1 cm in 30 days can grow at a speed of up to 4 cm.

But if you have health problems, even this strong remedy, like nicotine, will not help. Hair loss may be caused by hormonal disorders and a lack of vitamins, as often happens when you restrict yourself in nutrition, during stress, as well as after the birth of a child and during feeding. Analyze what the problem is, and if necessary, consult a doctor.


Nicotinic acid is still a drug, and it has contraindications. Be sure to consider this before deciding to use it.

The use of nicotine is prohibited in the following cases:

  • During pregnancy at any stage and throughout the lactation period.
  • For cuts, very dry and sensitive scalp, otherwise nicotinic acid will cause dandruff, itching or flaking.
  • For glaucoma, high blood pressure and migraines.
  • Atherosclerosis also makes it impossible to use this remedy.

Apply no more than 1 ampoule at a time

Often girls strive to further accelerate hair growth and rub several ampoules of medication into their hair at once. Such an overdose can provoke headache, weakness, severe itching. But even if only 1 ampoule is applied, and Negative consequences, you should immediately wash off the product with shampoo and plenty of water. This will indicate individual intolerance - choose another product for hair growth.

Hair masks with nicotinic acid

Try homemade masks with niacin for hair growth. They will stimulate the roots and nourish the length of the curls. Below are the recipes for different types hair. For short hair, the total volume of the mask should be reduced, and for very long hair, increased.

Nicotine with essential oils and argan

Essential oils will allow nicotinic acid and argan oil to penetrate as deeply as possible, bringing the greatest benefits.


  • Argan oil - 15 ml.
  • Em. cinnamon - 3 drops.
  • Em. jasmine - 2 drops.


  1. Combine nicotine with oils and mix.
  2. Apply 1 hour before washing your hair. Rub into the roots, distribute the remainder to the ends.
  3. Wrap in cellophane and insulate.
  4. Wash off 1-2 times with a mild shampoo, do not forget about rinsing.

Warming mask with mustard for oily hair

Mustard powder will additionally dry the scalp and improve blood circulation. Please note that you can keep it on your head for no more than 5 minutes.


  • Mustard powder - 2 tablespoons.
  • Nettle infusion - 20 grams.
  • Burdock oil - 1 tablespoon.
  • Nicotine - 1 ampoule.


  1. Prepare nettle infusion in advance. It is better to make it in a thermos. Pour 1 teaspoon of dry herb with a glass of boiling water, close the thermos and leave for 2 hours. Then strain.
  2. Dilute mustard powder with infusion, add burdock oil and nicotinic acid. Mix.
  3. Apply to unwashed hair, rubbing into the roots. There is no need to wrap your head in a towel.
  4. After 5 minutes, rinse with cool water and shampoo. Rinse with water containing the remaining nettle infusion.

Moisturizing and promoting hair growth for dry hair

Aloe is a universal moisturizer. Glycerin will complement its properties and create a protective film on the curls.


  • Aloe gel - 1 tablespoon.
  • Glycerin - 10 ml.
  • Nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule.


  1. Cut an aloe leaf, scrape out the pulp and mash it. If you don’t have homemade aloe, a store-bought gel will do.
  2. Mix aloe, nicotine and glycerin.
  3. Apply for 45 minutes before washing your hair. Wrap in plastic.
  4. Rinse with organic shampoo, rinse your hair with water acidified with any herbal vinegar.

Mask with onion juice and nicotine against hair loss for normal hair

Juice onions has a strong smell, but it's still worth trying this recipe because of the onion's powerful ability to stop hair loss. Cinnamon will reduce the unpleasant aroma. With prolonged exposure, such a mask can slightly lighten the curls.


  1. Onion juice - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Nicotine - 1 ampoule.
  3. Ground cinnamon - half a teaspoon.


  1. Squeeze out the onion juice. If you don't have the equipment for this, use a blender and make onion puree.
  2. Combine nicotinic acid, onion and cinnamon. Stir.
  3. Immediately rub into the roots and distribute the remainder throughout your hair. Wrap them in film.
  4. Wash off with shampoo after 30 minutes. Rinse with herbs.

Mask with nicotine and clay to strengthen weak hair

Clay is rich wide range valuable microelements that thicken curls and make them more voluminous and dense. Apply to washed, damp hair.


  • White, green or blue clay - 30 grams.
  • Nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule.
  • Mineral water - 20 ml.


  1. Pour mineral water over the clay and mix.
  2. Add medicine.
  3. Apply to roots and lengths, be sure to wrap with film.
  4. Leave for at least an hour.
  5. Wash off without detergents, for rinsing, use water with 3 tablespoons of lemon juice.

Anti-dandruff mask with nicotinic acid, flaxseed oil and egg

The egg and oil will prevent the nicotine from drying out the scalp. Hair will grow faster while remaining hydrated and shiny.


  • Nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Flaxseed oil - 30 ml.


  1. Beat the egg with a blender or mixer.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients and beat again.
  3. Apply to curls under a cap for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Wash off with shampoo without SLS. Instead of rinsing, you can simply lubricate the ends with a drop of linseed oil.

Shampoo mask with nicotine, colorless henna and vinegar

At the same time it accelerates hair growth, washes, nourishes and conditions it.


  • Nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule.
  • Colorless henna - 50 grams.
  • Apple cider vinegar - 5 ml.
  • Filtered water - 30 ml.


  1. Boil water, pour henna into it, cover with a saucer or lid.
  2. After 20 minutes, add vinegar and nicotine, stir.
  3. Apply to unwashed hair, without missing a strand.
  4. After 30-40 minutes, rinse with warm running water. You don’t have to rinse, your curls will still be soft and smooth.

How much does nicotinic acid cost?

The price depends on the manufacturer and purpose of the drug. Today, some companies make ampoules with nicotinic acid specifically for cosmetic purposes, adding other useful ingredients. For example, these could be vitamins or oils. Such products are more expensive than standard nicotine ampoules. The buyer decides for himself whether to purchase this vitamin without additives, or in the form of a finished cosmetic product.

Nicotinic acid for hair in ampoules in its pure form can cost from 30 rubles to several hundred rubles for a package of 10 ampoules. One course requires 3 such packages. Medicines are sold in different pharmacies various manufacturers, somewhere a more expensive product may be sold. It is convenient to order it online and pick it up at the nearest pharmacy - then you can be sure in advance of an acceptable price.


When using nicotinic acid for hair growth, do not forget about precautions, do not exceed the permissible amount and take breaks. In addition to rubbing nicotine into the roots, take comprehensive care of your curls, try different homemade recipes and ready-made ones. cosmetical tools. Regular care for hair will definitely give excellent results!

Nicotinic acid for hair growth: reviews

I study and work, leaving very little time for self-care. But you want to be well-groomed and have long hair! With my constant state of stress, my hair almost stopped growing. The doctor advised me to take vitamins, and at the same time I decided to take a course of using nicotine. With this integrated approach The situation quickly changed, the hair began to grow faster and generally looked healthier!

I used a course of 30 ampoules (2-3 months). First you need to wash your hair, then rub it into the roots of your hair and massage your head. 1 ampoule is enough for 1 session. Personally, I used this product not for hair growth, but against hair loss in the autumn-winter period. I was pleased with the result. More details in the video:

Immediately after termination breastfeeding I started using nicotinic acid. After pregnancy and the birth of the child, the hair thinned very much, but it was necessary to wait until the end of the feeding period so as not to accidentally harm the baby. And a miracle! After a couple of weeks, many new hairs appeared and the volume returned. I’ll take the course, take a break and repeat it again!

There were certain changes in my life, after which I suddenly wanted to change appearance. I cut my hair, but after a month I regretted it. I can no longer do my usual hairstyles, I don’t have enough length. I started looking for ways to grow my hair - I found a trick. No wonder there is so much about her good reviews! I have already completed 2 courses, my hair has grown by 9 cm in 3 months (including a month break)! This is a lot for me!

I was afraid to use nicotinic acid for hair because of its name; I had the wrong associations) It turns out that it’s just a vitamin, and of natural origin. As soon as I found out about it, I immediately purchased it and started testing it. Hair growth broke all records - 4 cm in a month. I have dyed hair, so the changes are very noticeable. I'll let my hair rest and continue in a couple of weeks.


See my experience of growing hair using vitamin PP in the video:

Recently I changed my style to a more feminine one, I wear dresses and skirts. AND short hair They don’t look very harmonious with them. I read about nicotine, rub it into the roots and make different masks 2 times a week. It seems that you can do no more than 2 courses every six months, but I don’t need more. While using nicotinic acid, my hair began to grow faster, and to my surprise, it maintained this speed for another 1 month after. Now the length is almost optimal)

I am not a fan of homemade hair treatments and folk remedies, because the beauty industry does not stand still, they spend millions of dollars on research and produce special high-quality hair products. While studying information about the treatment of hair loss, I often came across reviews about nicotinic acid. But, I understood that I would not solve my problem with ampoules of nicotinic acid alone, and therefore I turned to a trichologist, we found out that I have diffuse hair loss against the background of hidden iron deficiency anemia. The trichologist prescribed me iron supplements, vitamin C, as well as Bion complex vitamins, and for my hair I took a course of plasmolifting of the scalp (this is an injection of platelet-enriched blood that is taken from the patient), this procedure is one of the most effective for any type of hair loss (and absolutely she is not scary as she seems at first glance).

Hair loss has decreased significantly, but to stimulate growth in order to restore the previous thickness, the trichologist prescribed me a course of nicotinic acid using the drug (a very cool thing). The course consisted of thirty procedures that had to be done every other day, first rubbing an ampoule of nicotinic acid onto clean, damp hair, and then darsonval for another 20 minutes. At first I was surprised that the doctor prescribed me nicotinic acid (a prescription from the Internet), but she explained everything to me in great detail, so I will try to convey this information to you today.

Beneficial properties of nicotinic acid for hair

Nicotinic acid belongs to the B vitamins, it is water soluble vitamins, which do not accumulate in the body. This vitamin is involved in the oxidative processes of most living cells in our body.

In the instructions for the drug, you will not find information about the use of nicotinic acid for hair, or anything at all about the effect of the drug on hair growth or hair loss, since it is not intended for this. Although it turns out that many manufacturers add nicotinic acid to hair loss products and to stimulate growth.

The main task of nicotinic acid is to stimulate the growth of hair follicles, but let’s consider all the beneficial properties of nicotinic acid:

  1. Improves blood circulation in the scalp, as a result, everything nutrients better reach the hair roots, hair grows stronger and healthier.
  2. Dilates blood vessels and increases their elasticity, the condition of blood vessels expands and strengthens, oxygen and vitamins necessary for hair growth are better supplied to the hair follicles.
  3. Promotes cell renewal of the scalp, strengthens hair roots, which prevents hair loss.
  4. Nicotinic acid helps normalize oily scalp, but does not dry out dry hair.
  5. Nicotinic acid is suitable for all hair types, leaves no greasy or sticky residue and does not require rinsing.

It is clear that nicotinic acid cannot cope with all the problems that may arise with hair, and besides, if you use only nicotinic acid, and do not do everything in combination, then the result will not be so noticeable. For example, if you want to grow your hair, then you need not only to use nicotinic acid, but also take care of a special shampoo, take good care of your hair length (use masks, balms, leave-in products) so that your hair is healthy and long, and does not look like washcloth, but they were long. If you want to grow your hair, then first get a haircut or, which will remove all the split ends, and then start a course of nicotinic acid and carefully care for the length of your hair. You can also take hair vitamins, because nicotinic acid promotes the penetration of beneficial substances to the hair roots, and that’s all useful material(vitamins, minerals) reach the hair roots along with the blood, so you need to eat well and take vitamins. In addition, our body supplies all nutrients first to vital organs, and then at the very end they go to the hair (((((

The effect of nicotinic acid is due to the fact that it improves blood circulation, dilates blood vessels and thereby improves and enhances nutrition hair follicles, stimulating hair growth and reducing hair loss, and not the substance itself as a vitamin!

It is worth paying attention to nicotinic acid if you notice that your hair:

  • grow poorly (already for a long time);
  • fall out more than usual and long time;
  • look exhausted, dull and dry;
  • split ends very quickly after cutting;
  • lacking thickness and volume.

How to use nicotinic acid for hair growth?

Nicotinic acid ampoules can be bought at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription and are not at all expensive. One ampoule contains 1 ml of vitamin B3 liquid (nicotinic acid) and this is enough for one application, but if necessary, you can use two ampoules.

Most effective way Using nicotinic acid for hair growth is to rub it into the scalp after washing (on clean, damp hair) and do light massage 3-5 minutes. The course consists of 30 procedures, you can rub in nicotinic acid every day or every other day.

Stage 1. We wash our hair with shampoo, it is important to use a deep cleansing shampoo once a week, it thoroughly cleanses all impurities from the hair and scalp (silicon, sebum, styling products), and then all substances penetrate better into the scalp.

Stage 2. After shampoo, apply a mask or conditioner to the length of the hair, rinse everything thoroughly and wrap the hair in a towel to remove excess moisture.

Stage 3. We open the ampoule of nicotinic acid (if one is not enough, you can take two), draw it up using a syringe, then transfer it to a container with a dispenser, or you can leave it in the syringe and apply it using it (only without a needle).

Stage 4. Nicotinic acid is applied to the scalp in partings (4-5 cm apart) and a light massage (3-5 minutes) should be done, as if rubbing it into the scalp. Then you can style your hair as usual. After drying my hair, I also use Darsonval, it allows nicotinic acid to penetrate better into the scalp.


At correct use nicotinic acid cannot harm the hair, scalp and our body. Contraindications to the use of nicotinic acid are:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • high blood pressure
  • frequent headaches;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • sensitive scalp;
  • damage and wounds on the scalp;
  • individual intolerance to the drug.


  • use nicotinic acid only on clean hair;
  • do not use nicotinic acid more than the prescribed course;
  • do not use more than two ampoules at a time;
  • Use the ampoule immediately after opening it.

Recipes for masks with nicotinic acid

And so, we already know that nicotinic acid should be used only on clean, damp hair, and accordingly, we also make masks on clean, damp hair. Let's consider best recipes masks with nicotinic acid for hair growth and hair loss.

The course of such homemade masks consists of ten procedures.

Recipe No. 1

  • 2 ampoules of nicotinic acid;
  • 2 tablespoons of aloe juice (can be bought at a pharmacy or squeezed from a flowerpot);
  • 2 tablespoons of propolis tincture.

Mix all the ingredients and apply to the scalp along the partings. We insulate the mask, keep it on for 40-60 minutes and then wash it off.

Recipe No. 2

  • 2 tablespoons of castor or mustard oil;
  • 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid;
  • 5 drops of vitamin A and E in oil.

Mix all the ingredients and apply to the scalp along the partings, warm and leave for 1-2 hours.

Recipe No. 3

  • 2 ampoules of nicotinic acid;
  • 4 tablespoons of a strong warm decoction of nettle or calamus.

Mix nicotinic acid with a decoction of herbs and apply to the scalp, doing a light massage; the remainder can be distributed along the length of the hair. Wrap the mask and hold it for 40-60 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with water.

It seems like everything I wanted to tell you, nicotinic acid is a rather interesting product that deserves attention.

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