Home Dental treatment How to treat psychogenic cough in a child. Psychogenic (habitual) cough

How to treat psychogenic cough in a child. Psychogenic (habitual) cough

A cough is not always a sign of a cold or viral disease. Sometimes this reflex phenomenon is neurotic in nature. If your baby has coughing attacks in various stressful situations, and in calm state do not manifest themselves, this type of cough is called neurological, psychogenic or neurogenic. How to cope with such a symptom and how dangerous is such a cough considered?

A cough is not always associated with a cold or allergic reactions(we recommend reading:)

What is the reason?

Cough is one of the most common symptoms, with which the baby’s parents contact the pediatrician. It happens that the problem is difficult to cope with, and the usual therapy does not produce results. If the child’s cough is tormenting him quite a long period, the doctor is looking for alternative ways therapy. However, during the examination, listening, and also on the basis of other examinations, the pediatrician can conclude that there are no deviations in the work respiratory organs there is no small patient.

According to recent studies, coughing can be caused by rhythmic contractions of the vocal muscles, that is, it can be a type of tic. In this regard, the second name for neurological cough is vocal tic.

To date the reasons different types tics (including vocal ones) have not been thoroughly studied. Experts studying this phenomenon are divided into two camps. One group of scientists believes that tic is caused by genetic mutations, another - psychological disorders. The second option involves the influence of external traumatic factors on the patient, that is, stress may be the cause of the problem.

To confirm the assumption about the stressful nature of psychogenic cough in children, one can take into account its following manifestations. This theory is supported by a cough that begins:

A child may become nervous on the eve of an important exam, test, or other important day.
  • in a tense atmosphere at home, which is provoked by parents striving to achieve ideal behavior in their offspring;
  • at the time of stressful events: fright, watching an emotional movie, quarrel with a friend;
  • while communicating with a person whom a son or daughter is afraid of: a strict teacher, a doctor.

Experts note that if a child suffers from a neurotic type of cough, look for and eliminate somatic reasons useless. It is important to get to the root of the problem, to find all the diseases that could cause the cough. If the causes are eliminated, but the problem remains, it is psychological in nature.

Main features

Speaking about neurological cough, we can highlight several of its main symptoms. Typically, patients have two or more of the following symptoms:

  • the cough torments the child regularly, it is annoying and unproductive;
  • the attack begins without a reason, other symptoms of the disease of the upper respiratory tract not visible;
  • Coughing almost always accompanies a baby in moments of fear or stress;
  • the intensity of the attack decreases, or it goes away altogether when the child is passionate about something or interested;
  • the onset of the disease is almost always observed in children aged 3-4 years;
  • during sports or during active play the cough does not become more intense, it may even decrease;

When the child is focused or active, the nervous cough usually goes away.
  • drug therapy does not bring results - antibiotics, mucolytic drugs, cough suppressants do not help;
  • the baby does not cough in his sleep - only when he is awake;
  • the cough does not change throughout the entire period of the disease - it does not become deeper or more irritating;
  • Almost all parents of child patients note that the intensity of attacks depends on the time of day and season, in most cases it increases in the mornings and evenings, in autumn and winter.

There is another feature of psychogenic cough. In almost all cases, it goes away on its own before the patient turns 18 years old. However, you shouldn’t wait that long; it’s better to try to help the baby and save him from suffering as early as possible.

Methods of therapy

Treatment of psychogenic cough is not an easy task. Most experts note the importance of creating a calm atmosphere in the child’s home, as well as conducting psychotherapy sessions. It is very important to try to protect your baby from stressful situations in a child care facility. The treatment regimen for this disease should involve outpatient procedures. Such patients are not admitted to the hospital, since a change in usual conditions can cause the problem to worsen.

Working with a psychologist should be part of the treatment for nervous cough

Treatment with medications

To begin with, it is worth determining the advisability of treating the child with medications. Doctors try to avoid such prescriptions whenever possible. In particular, Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend coping with the problem with medications at all. Treat cough medicines indicated if it prevents the child from establishing communication with peers, finding friends and adapting socially in general.

If the doctor decides to prescribe any pharmacological preparations, it is better to stick to minimal doses of medications. Practice shows that antipsychotic drugs are the most effective; they cope well with the symptoms of vocal tics. At the same time, parents should be informed that antipsychotic drugs have a number of side effects. If you take them long time, possible headaches, anxiety states, attention disorder, sleep disorder, increased tone muscles.

Doctors also prescribe general health-improving drugs, nootropics, which enhance concentration, improve memory, and increase the brain’s resistance to negative factors. However, unlike antipsychotics, whose effectiveness in these circumstances is close to 80%, the benefit of nootropics for vocal tics has not been proven.

Psychotherapeutic treatment

Psychotherapy sessions have a powerful therapeutic effect in the treatment of neurogenic cough. Behavioral, family, and individual psychotherapy sessions are conducted with children. When treating young patients, specialists practice conducting distracting sessions - for example, treating the problem using special breathing techniques.

Sometimes specially selected breathing exercises

How can parents help?

Parents' help in the treatment of psychogenic cough is invaluable. In addition to creating a benevolent and calm atmosphere at home, their actions should be coordinated and aimed at maintaining the general tone of the baby’s body and strengthening his nervous system:

  • You should try not to focus on your child's vocal tics. A mistake would be to pull back or punish the baby during an attack. It’s better to distract the baby, give him an interesting task so that he forgets about the problem.
  • Experts recommend writing down the identified causes that led to the attack. For example, if a child coughed during a visit to relatives or heard a quarrel between mom and dad.
  • It is worth paying attention to the baby's routine. You need to put him to bed at the same time, and be sure to walk him outside (see also:). The advantage will be physical exercise, but watching TV and doing computer work should be limited.
  • It is advisable to remove products that contain caffeine from the child’s diet. This is cocoa, tea, chocolate, some carbonated drinks. At the same time, make sure that the menu contains dishes containing magnesium - nuts, peas, greens.

Home treatments

Having decided to fight a vocal tic, you should not neglect traditional methods treatment. Most of them are aimed at relaxation and calming the nervous system. There are external and internal methods of influence. External ones include baths, which it is advisable to take 2-3 times a week, and internal ones include taking soothing decoctions and tinctures.

Relaxing baths help nervous children well


Relaxing baths will allow the child to calm down, get positive emotions, and play in the water. It is better to take a warm bath before bed - after this procedure, the process of falling asleep will be easy, and sleep will be calm and deep. To enhance the effect, you can add bath salts to the water, and also make herbal infusions:

  • a decoction of chamomile flowers has an antiseptic effect, soothes, and also relieves the symptoms of the problem;
  • valerian tincture also calms and relieves cramps;
  • Lavender infusion or oil will help strengthen the nervous system and improve blood circulation.

Soothing decoctions

Herbal infusions are sold at any pharmacy; you do not need a prescription to purchase them. Calming tea will help a child over 3 years old relax before bed, cope with stress, strengthen the nervous system, and relieve tension. In addition, herbal tea can be offered to your child in the middle of the day. General recommendations The instructions for brewing herbs are simple: pour 15 g of herbs into a glass of boiling water and leave in a water bath, covered, for about 40 minutes. Then cool, strain and dilute boiled water up to a volume of 200 ml. The following fees are suitable for a child:

  • to relieve a cough attack - valerian, heather, motherwort;

Herbal tea with the addition of valerian helps calm and relax
  • peony tincture calms, relieves anxiety, helps to sleep;
  • thyme also relieves tension and strengthens the nervous system.

Alcohol tinctures

Herbal tinctures in alcohol can also be given to children after 12 years of age, strictly observing the dosage. It is even better to consult a doctor before starting the course. The following drugs are suitable:

  • tincture of Eleutherococcus, which not only increases the overall tone of the body, but is also indicated for neurogenic diseases;
  • hawthorn extract is recommended to be taken to improve blood circulation in the brain, as well as to reduce nervous excitability, treatment of neuroses;
  • angelica extract is indicated for the treatment of seizures, as well as hysterical conditions;
  • Motherwort tincture effectively restores the nervous system, relieves coughing attacks nervous soil;
  • sleep-herb is good at relieving hysteria and attacks of vocal tics;
  • nettle leaves improve blood formula, raise tone, give vigor;
  • tincture of peony roots is indicated for neurasthenia; it can be used to relieve convulsions and calm the child;
  • Aralia Manchurian tincture is indicated for depression and asthenia; taking it relieves signs of fatigue, treats neuroses, improves tone, and calms the nervous system.

It is difficult to cure an annoying and debilitating cough caused by stressful conditions, but if you approach the issue comprehensively, the result will certainly be achieved. You should not expect quick results from treating vocal tics; it is better to arm yourself with patience and act consistently and persistently.

wrote that one of the main causes of psychogenic cough in children is stress.

What is a psychogenic cough?

This cough may be one of the types of tics ( obsessive movements, obsessive muscle contractions), namely vocal tics. It is called a psychogenic cough or “malinger cough.” And it occurs under the influence of stress, difficult psycho-emotional situations, and in children who are in a state of increased anxiety.

Which children are characterized by psychogenic cough?

  • As a rule, these are smart and intelligent children, with many hobbies and interests. They have a lot of workloads at school and after school activities.
  • These children are emotionally sensitive, vulnerable, and react painfully to criticism.
  • They may have problems with peers in a group and appear stubborn and proud to others.

Causes contributing to the occurrence of psychogenic cough

  • The main role in the occurrence of tics (cough, among other things) belongs to an unfavorable, traumatic environment in the family. Among these factors is cruel treatment of the child or people close to him (usually the mother). Also, among the reasons are watching horror films, stress due to attending kindergarten or school.
  • School exams, conflicts with peers and teachers can contribute to the intensification of tics. It has been noticed that the cough intensifies in the presence of parents, doctors, and teachers.
  • A contributing factor in the occurrence of tics is the complicated course of pregnancy and childbirth.
  • A cough can also occur as a result of copying a coughing close relative who has a chronic lung disease.
  • If during an illness (bronchitis, acute respiratory infections, etc.), the child was surrounded by worried relatives who paid a lot of attention to the illness, the cough reflex can take hold and persist for a long time, becoming worse during subsequent illnesses.

Features of cough

  • The cough may begin in early age(3-4 years), most often occurs in children aged 4-8 years.
  • The cough is dry, obsessive, and constant. The nature of the cough does not change for a long time.
  • Happens only during the daytime and never during sleep. The cough worsens in the evening and worsens in autumn and winter.
  • Not accompanied by other symptoms of respiratory damage. There is never phlegm with this cough.
  • When talking quickly or reading poetry, the cough decreases or disappears.
  • Does not increase with physical activity.
  • There is no effect from taking expectorants, antitussives, or antibiotics.
  • IN adolescence may intensify.
  • Rarely lasts more than a year.
  • In most cases, it goes away on its own before the age of 18.

Treatment of psychogenic cough:

  • Creating a psychologically comfortable environment at home and in kindergarten (school).
  • You should not focus on coughing, scold or punish your child for it. This can only make the cough worse in the future. On the contrary, you need to pay attention to what factors provoke coughing attacks in a child in order to avoid them.
  • Rationalize the child’s daily routine: normalize night and nap, eliminate or significantly reduce the time spent in front of the TV and at the computer.
  • Regular physical activity is recommended: physiotherapy, visiting sports sections.
  • It is advisable to limit foods containing caffeine (tea, coffee, chocolate, etc.), and consume foods that contain magnesium (green vegetables, nuts, etc.).

A cough is not always a sign of a respiratory illness. Sometimes it is neurotic in nature and appears due to irritation of the cerebral cortex area. Nervous cough in a child it is characterized by the fact that it does not occur in a calm state, but becomes more frequent during times of stress.

The causes of coughing are caused by nervous experiences in a child. Psychogenic bronchospasm occurs due to contractions of the vocal muscles and is a type of tic (vocal tic is the second name). One group of experts believes that it occurs due to genetic mutations, the other – due to psychological disorders.

The stressful nature of the cough is indicated by the fact that it begins during:

  • Communication with a strict teacher, doctor (a person who is afraid of);
  • An important event: a matinee at school, a concert, an exam;
  • Quarrels, fear, watching an exciting movie (moments of stressful events);
  • Intense communication with parents when they try to achieve ideal behavior for their son or daughter.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://mykashel.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/nervnyj-kashel-u-rebenka.jpg" alt="nervous child's cough" width="660" height="300" srcset="" data-srcset="https://mykashel.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/nervnyj-kashel-u-rebenka..jpg 300w" sizes="(max-width: 660px) 100vw, 660px">!}

Provoke irritation cough center negative emotions, strong joyful feelings.

Sometimes a nervous cough develops “out of habit” after a severe lung disease. With its help, the patient evokes sympathy from those around him, and the conscious simulation is reflexively recorded in the brain.

Important: with a nervous cough in children, it is useless to eliminate somatic causes. Eliminate the causes that cause the painful phenomenon.


Coughing in children is a kind of defensive reaction to a certain event. Voluntary manifestation is an artificial symptom that helps the baby attract attention. The unconscious is a fixed reflex after suffering pulmonary disease. Both types indicate mental experiences on a subconscious level.

Nervous cough in children is compared to the barking of a dog or the cry of a goose due to the specific sound. However, this is not the only response to stimuli: twitching of individual muscle groups occurs: shrugging, blinking.

The following symptoms indicate the psychogenic nature of the phenomenon:

  • A nervous cough in a child often begins at 3–4 years of age;
  • For a long time, the cough remains dry and does not change;
  • It occurs without a reason; there are no other signs of infectious diseases. Does not increase with physical activity;
  • When reading poetry, quick conversation, it disappears or decreases;
  • Pharmacological drugs do not help;
  • Sleep and appetite are not disturbed;
  • Frequent coughing appears in moments of excitement;
  • When a nervous child is interested (game moments, physical education), the intensity of bronchospasm becomes less;
  • The disease appears seasonally: it becomes stronger in winter and autumn;
  • At night there is no nervous cough.

Important: a cough that appears due to nervousness in children goes away before the age of 18.

But it is necessary to start treatment and rid children of nervous cough as early as possible.


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Nervous cough in children is recognized based on complaints from parents, examination by a pediatrician, differential diagnosis. Only after excluding similar diseases ( bronchial asthma) diagnosis is made. Diagnosis is carried out by: allergist, pulmonologist, psychotherapist, neurologist, otolaryngologist.

In 10% of children suffering from cough, the neurogenic nature of the disease is revealed: in addition to bronchospasm, symptoms are present mental disorders: tics, loss of voice, tendency to hysteria.

This is interesting: a nervous cough occurs in smart children with many interests who are overly busy at school and after school. They are vulnerable, sensitive, and seem stubborn and proud to others.


Bronchospasm, which arose due to psychogenic factors, drug treatment does not lend itself. The therapy is based on a set of procedures and measures that are aimed at finding the causes and eliminating stress factors. For the recovery of the nervous system, conditions must be created.

Treatment is carried out at home, since changes in habitual living conditions provoke a worsening of the problem.

There are several treatment methods:

Psychotherapy sessions

The psychotherapist plays the main role in getting rid of the problem. He establishes the cause of the irritant, teaches the patient to relax, and talks with the parents. Sometimes conducts sessions of individual behavioral psychotherapy. For young patients - distracting sessions that include special breathing techniques.


Preparations made from natural ingredients are prescribed by a homeopathic doctor after diagnosis. It is recommended to take it in accordance with the recommendations for the specified period. The range of such drugs allows the doctor to select in each specific case effective remedy.

Pharmacological drugs

Treatment with pharmacological agents is allowed if it is difficult for a child to build interpersonal relationships due to a nervous cough. As sedatives apply pharmaceutical drugs in the minimum dosage prescribed only by a doctor:

  1. Antidepressants;
  2. Sedative tinctures.

Traditional methods

Most techniques are aimed at relaxing the nervous system, which is achieved internally (taking sedative tinctures, decoctions) and by external means influences (baths, therapeutic massage).

Soothing decoctions

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Pharmacies sell fees medicinal herbs(purchased without a prescription). Help relieve tension before bed and calm you down during the day. Accept Herb tea three times a day. General recommendations for brewing are as follows: 15 g (tablespoon) is poured with boiling water (1 glass) and infused in a water bath for 40 - 45 minutes. Afterwards it is diluted with water (boiled) to 200 ml.

To remove painful symptoms Suitable mixtures include heather, thyme, motherwort, and valerian.

Alcohol tinctures

Children over 12 years of age (after consulting a doctor) are recommended to be given alcohol tinctures. The dosage must be observed. One dose should contain the number of drops appropriate for the age. The following drugs are suitable for treatment:

  • Hawthorn treats neuroses and circulatory disorders;
  • Sleep-herb relieves a nervous cough in a child;
  • Aralia Manchurian is indicated for overwork, asthenia, depression;
  • Nettle leaves give vigor and improve blood count;
  • Motherwort is calming;
  • Eleutherococcus increases tone;
  • Peony roots relieve cramps;
  • Angelica treats hysterical conditions.


Relaxing baths are good for colds with coughs and for the treatment of bronchospasm of a neurological nature. They allow the baby to play in the water, get positive emotions, and calm down. For greater effect, add to the bath sea ​​salt or herbal infusions from:

  • Chamomile flowers (relaxes, relieves nervousness);
  • Valerian rhizome (prevents seizures);
  • Lavender (restores the functions of the nervous system).

The procedure is carried out before bed for a quarter of an hour (60 - 70 minutes after dinner, 3 times a week). After the bath, the baby will relax and fall asleep faster.

Parental help if the child has a nervous cough (neurological)

A cough that occurs due to nervousness in a child cannot be cured without the help of parents. In addition to creating a calm environment in the house, their actions should be aimed at strengthening the body and maintaining general tone.

To do this you need:

  • Walk with your son or daughter outside more often, put them to bed at the same time. Sleep should last at least 8 - 9 hours, and for children preschool age daytime sleep is indicated. But computer activities and TV watching will have to be limited;
  • Avoid products that contain caffeine: coffee, cocoa, tea, chocolate. Replace them with products that contain large quantities of magnesium: green vegetables, nuts;
  • Reduce the demands placed on your daughter (son) at home and at school. on his mental condition the high demands of parents and teachers are negatively affected;
  • Do relaxation exercises together, setting an example: jump, work your muscles, and then relax them;
  • Do not punish your daughter (son) when they start coughing, do not correct them, do not focus attention on the problem. You need to try to distract the baby. For example, take on an interesting task;
  • Doctors advise writing down the reasons that led to: whether the cough was due to nervousness due to a quarrel between parents, while visiting relatives or speaking in public;
  • Moderate physical activity is beneficial. It is advisable to visit the sports section;
  • Monitor your psychophysical condition. Is your daughter (son) embarrassed when he coughs in public? Surround them with love and care. Protect from unnecessary attention.

Important: the main task is not to stop attacks, but to create conditions for a comfortable existence for the patient (following the recommendations).

An annoying and debilitating nervous cough in children caused by stress is difficult to cure. But positive result It will certainly happen if you approach treatment comprehensively. Don’t expect quick results, arm yourself with patience, act persistently and consistently.

A cough is not always a sign of a cold or viral disease. Sometimes this reflex phenomenon is neurotic in nature. If a baby has coughing attacks in various stressful situations, but does not appear in a calm state, this type of cough is called neurological, psychogenic or neurogenic. How to cope with such a symptom and how dangerous is such a cough considered?

A cough is not always associated with a cold or allergic reactions ( allergic cough in a child: symptoms, treatment and rapid suppression)

What is the reason?

Cough is one of the most common symptoms with which parents of a baby consult a pediatrician. It happens that the problem is difficult to cope with, and the usual therapy does not produce results. If a child’s cough plagues him for quite a long period, the doctor looks for alternative methods of therapy. However, during the examination, listening, and also on the basis of other examinations, the pediatrician can conclude that there are no abnormalities in the functioning of the little patient’s respiratory organs.

According to recent studies, coughing can be caused by rhythmic contractions of the vocal muscles, that is, it can be a type of tic. In this regard, the second name for neurological cough is vocal tic.

To date, the causes of different types of tics (including vocal ones) have not been thoroughly studied. Experts studying this phenomenon are divided into two camps. One group of scientists believes that tics are caused by genetic mutations, while another group believes that tics are caused by psychological disorders. The second option involves the influence of external traumatic factors on the patient, that is, stress may be the cause of the problem.

To confirm the assumption about the stressful nature of psychogenic cough in children, one can take into account its following manifestations. This theory is supported by a cough that begins:

  • before a particularly important event in the child’s life: an exam, a concert, a matinee in kindergarten;

A child may become nervous on the eve of an important exam, test, or other important day.

  • in a tense atmosphere at home, which is provoked by parents striving to achieve ideal behavior in their offspring;
  • at the time of stressful events: fright, watching an emotional movie, quarrel with a friend;
  • while communicating with a person whom a son or daughter is afraid of: a strict teacher, a doctor.

Experts note that if a child suffers from a neurotic type of cough, it is useless to look for and eliminate somatic causes. It is important to get to the root of the problem, to find all the diseases that could cause the cough. If the causes are eliminated, but the problem remains, it is psychological in nature.

Main features

Speaking about neurological cough, we can highlight several of its main symptoms. Typically, patients have two or more of the following symptoms:

  • the cough torments the child regularly, it is annoying and unproductive;
  • the attack begins for no reason, no other symptoms of upper respiratory tract disease are observed;
  • Coughing almost always accompanies a baby in moments of fear or stress;
  • the intensity of the attack decreases, or it goes away altogether when the child is passionate about something or interested;
  • the onset of the disease is almost always observed in children aged 3-4 years;
  • during sports or during active play, the cough does not become more intense, it may even decrease;

When the child is focused or active, the nervous cough usually goes away.

  • drug therapy does not bring results - antibiotics, mucolytic drugs, cough suppressants do not help;
  • the baby does not cough in his sleep - only when he is awake;
  • the cough does not change throughout the entire period of the disease - it does not become deeper or more irritating;
  • Almost all parents of child patients note that the intensity of attacks depends on the time of day and season, in most cases it increases in the mornings and evenings, in autumn and winter.

There is another feature of psychogenic cough. In almost all cases, it goes away on its own before the patient turns 18 years old. However, you shouldn’t wait that long; it’s better to try to help the baby and save him from suffering as early as possible.

Methods of therapy

Treatment of psychogenic cough is not an easy task. Most experts note the importance of creating a calm atmosphere in the child’s home, as well as conducting psychotherapy sessions. It is very important to try to protect your baby from stressful situations in a child care facility. The treatment regimen for this disease should involve outpatient procedures. Such patients are not admitted to the hospital, since a change in usual conditions can cause the problem to worsen.

Working with a psychologist should be part of the treatment of nervous coughTreatment with medications

To begin with, it is worth determining the advisability of treating the child with medications. Doctors try to avoid such prescriptions whenever possible. In particular, Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend coping with the problem with medications at all. Treating a cough with medications is indicated if it interferes with the child’s ability to communicate with peers, find friends, and adapt socially in general.

If the doctor decides to prescribe any pharmacological drugs to a small patient, it is better to stick to the minimum doses of drugs. Practice shows that antipsychotic drugs are the most effective; they cope well with the symptoms of vocal tics. At the same time, parents should be informed that antipsychotic drugs have a number of side effects. If you take them for a long time, headaches, anxiety, impaired attention, sleep disorders, and increased muscle tone are possible.

Doctors also prescribe general health-improving drugs, nootropics, which enhance concentration, improve memory, and increase the brain’s resistance to negative factors. However, unlike antipsychotics, whose effectiveness in these circumstances is close to 80%, the benefit of nootropics for vocal tics has not been proven.

Psychotherapeutic treatment

Psychotherapy sessions have a powerful therapeutic effect in the treatment of neurogenic cough. Behavioral, family, and individual psychotherapy sessions are conducted with children. When treating young patients, specialists practice conducting distracting sessions - for example, treating the problem using special breathing techniques.

Sometimes specially selected breathing exercises are used in treatment. How can parents help?

Parents' help in the treatment of psychogenic cough is invaluable. In addition to creating a benevolent and calm atmosphere at home, their actions should be coordinated and aimed at maintaining the general tone of the baby’s body and strengthening his nervous system:

  • You should try not to focus on your child's vocal tics. A mistake would be to pull back or punish the baby during an attack. It’s better to distract the baby, give him an interesting task so that he forgets about the problem.
  • Experts recommend writing down the identified causes that led to the attack. For example, if a child coughed during a visit to relatives or heard a quarrel between mom and dad.
  • It is worth paying attention to the baby's routine. You need to put him to bed at the same time, and be sure to take him for a walk outside. Physical activity will be a plus, but watching TV and doing computer work should be limited.
  • It is advisable to remove products that contain caffeine from the child’s diet. This is cocoa, tea, chocolate, some carbonated drinks. At the same time, make sure that the menu contains dishes containing magnesium - nuts, peas, greens.

Home treatments

Having decided to fight vocal tics, you should not neglect traditional methods of treatment. Most of them are aimed at relaxation and calming the nervous system. There are external and internal methods of influence. External ones include baths, which it is advisable to take 2-3 times a week, and internal ones include taking soothing decoctions and tinctures.

Relaxing baths help nervous children well.

Relaxing baths will allow the child to calm down, get positive emotions, and play in the water. It is better to take a warm bath before bed - after this procedure, the process of falling asleep will be easy, and sleep will be calm and deep. To enhance the effect, you can add bath salts to the water, and also make herbal infusions:

  • a decoction of chamomile flowers has an antiseptic effect, soothes, and also relieves the symptoms of the problem;
  • valerian tincture also calms and relieves cramps;
  • Lavender infusion or oil will help strengthen the nervous system and improve blood circulation.

Soothing decoctions

Herbal infusions are sold at any pharmacy; you do not need a prescription to purchase them. Calming tea will help a child over 3 years old relax before bed, cope with stress, strengthen the nervous system, and relieve tension. In addition, herbal tea can be offered to your child in the middle of the day. General recommendations for brewing herbs are simple: pour 15 g of herbs into a glass of boiling water and leave in a water bath, covered, for about 40 minutes. Then cool, strain and dilute with boiled water to a volume of 200 ml. The following fees are suitable for a child:

  • to relieve a cough attack - valerian, heather, motherwort;

Herbal tea with the addition of valerian helps calm and relax

  • peony tincture calms, relieves anxiety, helps to sleep;
  • thyme also relieves tension and strengthens the nervous system.

Alcohol tinctures

Herbal tinctures in alcohol can also be given to children after 12 years of age, strictly observing the dosage. It is even better to consult a doctor before starting the course. The following drugs are suitable:

  • tincture of Eleutherococcus, which not only increases the overall tone of the body, but is also indicated for neurogenic diseases;
  • Hawthorn extract is recommended to be taken to improve blood circulation in the brain, as well as to reduce nervous excitability and treat neuroses;
  • angelica extract is indicated for the treatment of seizures, as well as hysterical conditions;
  • motherwort tincture effectively restores the nervous system, relieves coughing attacks caused by nervousness;
  • sleep-herb is good at relieving hysteria and attacks of vocal tics;
  • nettle leaves improve blood formula, raise tone, give vigor;
  • tincture of peony roots is indicated for neurasthenia; it can be used to relieve convulsions and calm the child;
  • Aralia Manchurian tincture is indicated for depression and asthenia; taking it relieves signs of fatigue, treats neuroses, improves tone, and calms the nervous system.

It is difficult to cure an annoying and debilitating cough caused by stressful conditions, but if you approach the issue comprehensively, the result will certainly be achieved. You should not expect quick results from treating vocal tics; it is better to arm yourself with patience and act consistently and persistently.

A cough is not always a sign of a respiratory illness. Sometimes it is neurotic in nature and appears due to irritation of the cerebral cortex area. A nervous cough in a child is characterized by the fact that it does not occur in a calm state, but becomes more frequent during times of stress.

The causes of coughing are caused by nervous experiences in a child. Psychogenic bronchospasm occurs due to contractions of the vocal muscles and is a type of tic (vocal tic is the second name). One group of experts believes that it occurs due to genetic mutations, another – due to psychological disorders.

The stressful nature of the cough is indicated by the fact that it begins during:

  • Communication with a strict teacher, doctor (a person who is afraid of);
  • An important event: a matinee at school, a concert, an exam;
  • Quarrels, fear, watching an exciting movie (moments of stressful events);
  • Intense communication with parents when they try to achieve ideal behavior for their son or daughter.

Negative emotions and strong joyful sensations provoke irritation of the cough center.

Sometimes a nervous cough develops “out of habit” after a severe lung disease. With its help, the patient evokes sympathy from those around him, and the conscious simulation is reflexively recorded in the brain.

Important: with a nervous cough in children, it is useless to eliminate somatic causes. Eliminate the causes that cause the painful phenomenon.


Coughing in children is a kind of defensive reaction to a certain event. Voluntary manifestation is an artificial symptom that helps the baby attract attention. Unconsciousness is a fixed reflex after suffering a pulmonary illness. Both types indicate mental experiences on a subconscious level.

Nervous cough in children is compared to the barking of a dog or the cry of a goose due to the specific sound. However, this is not the only response to stimuli: twitching of individual muscle groups occurs: shrugging, blinking.

The following symptoms indicate the psychogenic nature of the phenomenon:

  • A nervous cough in a child often begins at 3–4 years of age;
  • For a long time, the cough remains dry and does not change;
  • It occurs without a reason; there are no other signs of infectious diseases. Does not increase with physical activity;
  • When reading poetry, quick conversation, it disappears or decreases;
  • Pharmacological drugs do not help;
  • Sleep and appetite are not disturbed;
  • Frequent coughing appears in moments of excitement;
  • When a nervous child is interested (game moments, physical education), the intensity of bronchospasm becomes less;
  • The disease appears seasonally: it becomes stronger in winter and autumn;
  • At night there is no nervous cough.

Important: a cough that appears due to nervousness in children goes away before the age of 18.

But it is necessary to start treatment and rid children of nervous cough as early as possible.


Nervous cough in children is recognized based on complaints from parents, examination by a pediatrician, and differential diagnosis. Only after excluding similar diseases (bronchial asthma) is a diagnosis made. Diagnosis is carried out by: allergist, pulmonologist, psychotherapist, neurologist, otolaryngologist.

In 10% of children suffering from cough, the neurogenic nature of the disease is revealed: in addition to bronchospasm, there are symptoms of mental disorders: tics, loss of voice, tendency to hysteria.

This is interesting: a nervous cough occurs in smart children with many interests who are overly busy at school and after school. They are vulnerable, sensitive, and seem stubborn and proud to others.


Bronchospasm, which arose due to psychogenic factors, cannot be treated with medication. The therapy is based on a set of procedures and measures that are aimed at finding the causes and eliminating stress factors. For the recovery of the nervous system, conditions must be created.

Treatment is carried out at home, since changes in habitual living conditions provoke a worsening of the problem.

There are several treatment methods:

Psychotherapy sessions

The psychotherapist plays the main role in getting rid of the problem. He establishes the cause of the irritant, teaches the patient to relax, and talks with the parents. Sometimes conducts sessions of individual behavioral psychotherapy. For young patients - distracting sessions that include special breathing techniques.


Preparations made from natural ingredients are prescribed by a homeopathic doctor after diagnosis. It is recommended to take it in accordance with the recommendations for the specified period. The range of such medications allows the doctor to select an effective remedy in each specific case.

Pharmacological drugs

Treatment with pharmacological agents is allowed if it is difficult for a child to build interpersonal relationships due to a nervous cough. As sedatives, pharmaceutical drugs are used in minimal dosages, which are prescribed only by a doctor:

  1. Antidepressants;
  2. Sedative tinctures.

Traditional methods

Most techniques are aimed at relaxing the nervous system, which is achieved by internal (taking sedative tinctures, decoctions) and external methods of influence (baths, therapeutic massage).

Soothing decoctions

Pharmacies sell herbal teas (purchased without a prescription). Help relieve tension before bed and calm you down during the day. Take herbal tea three times a day. General recommendations for brewing are as follows: 15 g (tablespoon) is poured with boiling water (1 glass) and infused in a water bath for 40 - 45 minutes. Afterwards it is diluted with water (boiled) to 200 ml.

To relieve painful symptoms, infusions made from heather, thyme, motherwort, and valerian are suitable.

Alcohol tinctures

Children over 12 years of age (after consulting a doctor) are recommended to be given alcohol tinctures. The dosage must be observed. One dose should contain the number of drops appropriate for the age. The following drugs are suitable for treatment:

  • Hawthorn treats neuroses and circulatory disorders;
  • Sleep-herb relieves a nervous cough in a child;
  • Aralia Manchurian is indicated for overwork, asthenia, depression;
  • Nettle leaves give vigor and improve blood count;
  • Motherwort is calming;
  • Eleutherococcus increases tone;
  • Peony roots relieve cramps;
  • Angelica treats hysterical conditions.


Relaxing baths are good for colds with coughs and for the treatment of bronchospasm of a neurological nature. They allow the baby to play in the water, get positive emotions, and calm down. For greater effect, add sea salt or herbal decoctions from:

  • Chamomile flowers (relaxes, relieves nervousness);
  • Valerian rhizome (prevents seizures);
  • Lavender (restores the functions of the nervous system).

The procedure is carried out before bed for a quarter of an hour (60 - 70 minutes after dinner, 3 times a week). After the bath, the baby will relax and fall asleep faster.

Parental help if the child has a nervous cough (neurological)

A cough that occurs due to nervousness in a child cannot be cured without the help of parents. In addition to creating a calm environment in the house, their actions should be aimed at strengthening the body and maintaining general tone.

To do this you need:

  • Walk with your son or daughter outside more often, put them to bed at the same time. Sleep should last at least 8–9 hours, and daytime naps are recommended for preschool children. But computer activities and TV watching will have to be limited;
  • Avoid products that contain caffeine: coffee, cocoa, tea, chocolate. Replace them with products that contain large quantities of magnesium: green vegetables, nuts;
  • Reduce the demands placed on your daughter (son) at home and at school. His mental state is negatively affected by the high demands of his parents and teachers;
  • Do relaxation exercises together, setting an example: jump, work your muscles, and then relax them;
  • Do not punish your daughter (son) when they start coughing, do not correct them, do not focus attention on the problem. You need to try to distract the baby. For example, take on an interesting task;
  • Doctors advise writing down the reasons that led to: whether the cough was due to nervousness due to a quarrel between parents, while visiting relatives or speaking in public;
  • Moderate physical activity is beneficial. It is advisable to visit the sports section;
  • Monitor your psychophysical condition. Is your daughter (son) embarrassed when he coughs in public? Surround them with love and care. Protect from unnecessary attention.

Important: the main task is not to stop attacks, but to create conditions for a comfortable existence for the patient (following the recommendations).

An annoying and debilitating nervous cough in children caused by stress is difficult to cure. But there will certainly be a positive result if you approach treatment comprehensively. Don’t expect quick results, arm yourself with patience, act persistently and consistently.

The basis of a nervous cough is psychological reasons. The disease only looks like inflammation of the respiratory tract, but has nothing in common with it. A neurological cough in a child, the symptoms and treatment of which is assessed and carried out by a neurologist, may first appear at the age of 3-8 years. A teenager will cough more intensely than a preschooler. By the age of 18, the disease can go away on its own, since nervous system The child will get stronger and learn to adapt to various external factors.

Why does neurogenic cough occur?

Stress, fear and anxiety in any form are the main causes of a nervous cough. The child may worry about studying, relationships with peers, going to the doctor, or communicating with unfamiliar people. Some children start coughing because they are afraid of being punished or upsetting their parents. Too strict upbringing, as well as bad relationship in the family between parents they also cause attacks of neurological cough.

Very rarely, a neurogenic cough remains as a habit after serious illness with a real cough. Sometimes a neurological cough is an attempt to attract attention, a subconscious desire for sympathy or attention, as well as an attempt to avoid unpleasant responsibilities, affairs, and procedures.

A coughing attack is also provoked by its anticipation. Being in a stuffy room also contributes to an attack, which is accompanied by yawning and rapid breathing. It affects the appearance of a nervous cough and the behavior of parents who pay too much unreasonable attention to any manifestations of respiratory diseases. In this case, coughing becomes a powerful means of attracting attention.

Signs of a nervous cough

Despite the fact that cough accompanies many different diseases, it is still possible to establish its true cause. A complex of symptoms has been identified that characterizes a neurotic cough, which is also called a simple vocal tic:

  • other signs infectious disease absent;
  • the child’s illness manifests itself only during the day, and at night he does not cough;
  • cough appears at a time of stress or after it, and intensifies in the evening due to accumulated daytime stress;
  • symptoms do not progress or disappear;
  • antitussives do not have the desired effect;
  • the nature of the cough is dry and intrusive;
  • the child may complain of shortness of breath during an attack.

A psychogenic cough is sometimes demonstrative in nature and can be deliberately loud. In parallel with the attack, there may be complaints of heart pain, changes in heart rate, the appearance of panic or unreasonable fear. It is extremely rare that children even manage to secrete a sputum-like substance, but this happens only with serious hysteria.

Diagnosis of the disease

A nervous cough can be recognized based on parental complaints, examination by a doctor, and differential diagnosis. The diagnosis is made only after exclusion in children similar diseases, especially bronchial asthma. At the diagnostic stage, an otolaryngologist, pulmonologist, neurologist, allergist, and psychotherapist work with the child.

For three months, the cough is considered chronic. Doctors are examining psychogenic cause after this period, and in 10% of children a neurotic component is actually detected.

Treatment and prevention of nervous cough

In children, the disease is treated only after diagnosis and all other ailments have been excluded. The main means for recovery is to identify and eliminate the cause of fear, stress or anxiety. At this stage, a consultation with a psychotherapist is required. Having identified the problem, the doctor gradually corrects the child’s behavior. Perhaps parents need behavior correction, for example, when they are overprotective.

Treatment is supplemented by taking mild sedatives plant origin. Purchased medications, home-prepared sedative teas, infusions, and herbal decoctions are used. The doctor may prescribe massage sessions. It is mandatory to adhere to a daily routine, reduce time spent at the computer or TV, regular walks, and exercise.

Medicines are prescribed when treatment is ineffective natural preparations or with diagnosed damage to certain areas of the brain.

Prevention of disease in a child includes creating a normal psychological environment at home, helping the child adapt among peers, instilling self-control skills, and setting up a positive attitude towards life. Reception vitamin complexes, proper nutrition and daily routine will help reduce stress levels.

Herbs and baths

In agreement with the doctor, sedatives are used, herbal teas, decoctions and infusions of herbs. Mint, valerian, motherwort, peony, and thyme have a sedative effect. The tea is drunk several times a day, but it is mandatory to take it at night to relieve tension. A tablespoon of the collection or herb should be brewed with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain and give to the child.

It is useful to take a bath before going to bed. Sea salt, soothing herbs, and pine extract are added to the water. The temperature should not be too hot. The procedure takes 15 minutes. Baths are carried out 3-4 times a week, an hour after dinner, but not on an empty stomach.

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Psychogenic cough occurs due to irritation of the area of ​​the cerebral cortex responsible for the cough reflex. A child’s psychogenic cough appears during stressful situation, in a calm state the child does not have a cough!

As a rule, children suffering from this neurological disorder are smart, responsible, and they react emotionally to comments and criticism. People around them and close to them call them stubborn and proud.

The debut of psychogenic cough occurs at the age of 3-7 years.

Causes contributing to cough:

1.Unfavorable family environment. Often the parents of such children are very demanding. In case of failure, instead of support and encouragement, the child is criticized and condemned by the parents. Abuse is not uncommon in such families.

2. Stressful situations: conflict with peers, watching horror films, performing at a matinee, sports competition.

3.Presence of an authoritative person: a teacher, a teacher, or before a doctor’s examination. As a rule, children begin to actively cough before being examined by a doctor, and then the cough disappears on its own when the child understands that nothing terrible will be done to him.

4.To attract the attention of parents or relatives.

This could be copying a coughing relative from chronic disease lungs, which is cared for and given a lot of attention.

Or the second option, when during a serious illness the baby was surrounded by excessive care of worried parents who focused on his special condition. Remembering attention and care at the time of illness, the child develops a cough reflex, which can persist for a long time and worsen during subsequent illnesses.

How to recognize a psychogenic cough?

1. Cough first appears at 3-4 summer age, for no apparent infectious reason.

2. Psychogenic cough is always dry, obsessive, and constant. The child never coughs up mucus. The nature of the cough does not change for a long time.

3. The child coughs only during the daytime; there is no cough during sleep.

4.Cough gets worse in evening time. Calms down in the summer.

5. The cough disappears or subsides when talking quickly or reading poetry.

6.Physical activity does not affect the intensity of cough in any way, unlike coughs due to respiratory diseases.

7.Cough does not change or disappear when taken medicines, traditionally prescribed to treat cough.

8. The cough worsens in a stressful environment, with excitement.

The diagnosis is a psychogenic cough; your child can only be diagnosed by a neurologist, after the pediatrician has ruled out the rest. possible reasons occurrence of cough.

Treatment of this cough should include a set of measures:

1. Normalization of the daily routine. The child must get enough sleep. Goes to bed no later than 21.00 – 21.30. Sleep at least 10 hours a day.

2. Limit TV viewing, computer games. Avoid watching horror films.

3. Create a psychologically comfortable environment at home. Give sufficient attention and care to the child from parents and relatives.

4. Don't focus on your cough. Do not scold or punish your child for coughing. Pay attention to what exactly triggers coughing and try to avoid repeated situations.

5. Spend enough time with your child fresh air the whole family. Depending on the baby’s temperament, you can limit yourself to ordinary walking, or you can organize bike rides, jogging, outdoor games, scooter riding, in winter, ice skating, skiing or fun downhill rides on a cheesecake or sled.

6. Follow a diet. Eliminate carbonated drinks, chocolate, coffee and strong tea from your child’s diet. Include magnesium-rich foods (greens, nuts, peas) in your child's menu.

7. In some cases, the help of a child psychologist may be needed.

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