Home Smell from the mouth How to store the ampoule after opening. Proper use of medications: how to store dioxidin

How to store the ampoule after opening. Proper use of medications: how to store dioxidin

How correctly most medications are stored determines their further effectiveness in curing diseases. Incorrect conditions storage can negate all the benefits of the active components in the composition of the medicine. What can we say about the use of expired medications. I take my health very seriously, which is what I advise you to do. Therefore, today I want to talk about a drug such as dioxidin and protect you from mistakes associated with its storage.

Dioxidin is antibacterial drug, used in the treatment of complex inflammatory processes. The medicine is effective in the fight against various microorganisms. It is also used in the treatment of purulent infections, to avoid postoperative complications and many pathological processes:

  • cystitis;
  • gum diseases;
  • meningitis;
  • burns;
  • bites.

Dioxidine therapy can be carried out intravenously or intracavitarily.

Dioxidin is also prescribed for the treatment of otitis media, in cases where other drugs have proven ineffective. Prolonged runny nose, sinusitis and rhinitis can also be cured through the use of this substance.

It is important to understand that haphazard use of the drug can be addictive, so when using it, be sure to follow the recommendations of your doctor and undergo timely examination.

Storing a closed ampoule of dioxidine

There is a strong opinion that it is best to store medications in a cool place, in particular in the refrigerator. However, it is worth understanding here that not all medications fall into this category. Including dioxidin.

According to the instructions for use of the drug dioxidin in the form of ampoules, it is not recommended to keep the drug in a cold place. The comfortable temperature for storing a solution of this drug is at least 18 degrees Celsius.

The air temperature in the refrigerator does not correspond to this value, so a crystalline precipitate may form in the solution, which represents the active substance. This leads to the fact that the concentration of dioxidin itself in the liquid decreases, and, consequently, the treatment becomes less effective.

If it turns out that a sediment has formed in the ampoule, do not rush to throw it away, the drug can still be revived. The ampoule with the substance is heated in a water bath until the crystals are completely dissolved. To speed up the recrystallization process, you can periodically shake the ampoule.

After the crystals have dissolved, the ampoule must be cooled to body temperature and then inspected. If after performing the above operations no precipitate is formed, the substance can be used for its intended purpose. Otherwise, it is recommended to purchase new ampoules.

Do not forget that the place where dioxidine is stored must be protected from direct sun rays, in order to avoid changes in the pharmacological activity of the drug.

The shelf life of a closed ampoule of dioxidine is 2 years at temperatures from 18 to 25 degrees Celsius. After the recommended shelf life has expired, it is strictly prohibited to use the drug, since changes occur in the active substance that can harm the body.

Is it worth storing an opened ampoule?

The question often arises, what to do if the ampoule is opened, but after use there is still some amount of substance left in it? Should it be eliminated or left for future use? And if you store an opened ampoule, then for how long?

If after using dioxidin there is a small amount of solution left in the ampoule, according to the instructions for use, it is not advisable to leave it until the next time. Only in exceptional cases can the neck of the ampoule be closed with cotton wool and placed in the refrigerator. Alternatively, you can draw the solution into a disposable syringe.

It is worth remembering that you can use the remains of the drug no later than the next day after opening it.

Your little brownie

The drug, which demonstrates high effectiveness in the treatment of sore throat and sinusitis, is valuable for patients. Every doctor knows that dioxidin is a powerful antibiotic that can cope with many types of dangerous microbes and bacteria. Due to its wide spectrum of action, the substance is considered universal. Dioxidin in the nose is prescribed for a wide variety of ENT diseases. Intense pharmacological effects require extreme caution when used. If your doctor prescribes this drug, you should find out what it is for and what forms Dioxidine comes in.

Instructions for use of Dioxidin in ampoules

This remedy is usually prescribed in inpatient conditions, because it is dangerous for mucous membranes. If you need to instill Dioxidin into the nose of an adult, the dosage should be agreed with the attending physician. In the absence of contraindications, three-time use is allowed. Before each instillation, you need to clear your nose of accumulated mucus so that the effect of the drug does not dissipate. Maximum single dose– 3 drops of a solution of 0.5% concentration.

According to official instructions, V childhood this antibiotic is contraindicated, but in some cases doctors make exceptions. In pediatrics, this remedy can be used if chronic purulent processes occur. First of all, doctors prescribe gentle medications. If they do not have the desired effect, you have to use a children's solution with a concentration of no more than 0.3%. It is used twice a day, a couple of drops in each sinus.

How to dilute for the nose

Before you begin treatment, find out how to dilute dioxidin for nasal rinsing. Learn to maintain proper concentration and no complications will arise. For an adult, a medicine with a concentration of 0.5% is practically harmless. One percent dioxidine will have to be mixed with water in equal proportions. If you have to treat a child, dilute the 0.5% antibiotic with water in a 2:1 ratio. To prepare a solution of a medicine with a concentration of 1% for 1 part of the medicine, use 3-4 parts of water.

How to put it in your nose

The procedure for instilling dioxidin into the nose is no different from the intracavitary use of conventional remedies against the runny nose or sinusitis. To ensure maximum effectiveness of the drug, follow a simple sequence of actions:

  • clear your nostrils of mucus and dried crusts;
  • throw your head back;
  • using a pipette, drop three drops (for a child – 2 drops) into each nostril;
  • within 10-15 seconds the drug will spread throughout the nasopharynx, and this will end the procedure.

Inhalation with a nebulizer

Inhalations with dioxidine for children and adults demonstrate amazing effectiveness. Such procedures are prescribed for therapeutic purposes to combat purulent nasopharyngeal diseases. To properly prepare a solution for inhalation, you need to monitor the proportion of the drug. If you are prescribed dioxidin for sinusitis or sore throat, use a solution of 0.25% concentration. To do this, mix one part of 0.5% medicine with two parts of water. Dioxidin with a concentration of 1% is diluted in double the volume of liquid. For one inhalation, no more than 4 ml of solution is used.

If we are talking about treating a child, when preparing the solution for inhalation, use one and a half times more water(3:1 for 0.5% drug and 6:1 for 1% drug). The maximum volume of solution for one inhalation procedure is 3 ml. Calculate the concentration with extreme care, otherwise you may damage the mucous membranes.

How to rinse your nose

Such procedures are not prescribed to women during pregnancy and children under 16 years of age. Rinsing the nose with dioxidine is an extreme measure that doctors resort to to avoid puncture and direct puncture maxillary sinus. Such procedures are carried out in a hospital setting under the supervision of the attending physician. To rinse the nose with dioxidine, use a weak solution with the addition of furatsilin. The antibiotic ensures complete disinfection of the sinuses. It effectively fights the most persistent strains of bacteria, immune to even the strongest modern drugs.

How to store an open ampoule

If you purchased a large ampoule, the contents of which will last for several days, make sure that the medicine is reliably protected from environment. To do this you can do the following:

  • after use, tightly seal the ampoule with adhesive tape in several layers;
  • store the drug in a container containing regular nasal drops;
  • pour the medicine into a jar with a rubber lid.
  • draw the antibiotic into a large syringe and measure the required amount through the needle each time.

Any of the options listed above will help you preserve the drug for several weeks or even months. The main thing you need to remember is that dioxidine is incredibly toxic, so you need to store it in a place where children cannot reach it. For better preservation, it is recommended to keep the container with the remaining drug in a cool, shaded place.

Doctor Komarovsky about Dioxidin in the nose of children

A respected Russian doctor speaks about the intracavitary use of the drug for children as follows: under the age of 16 years, unless absolutely necessary, using this antibiotic is highly not recommended. According to the official instructions, the medicine is contraindicated. However, in extreme cases, when other means do not help cope with purulent complications, the doctor may prescribe this antibiotic and use it under strict supervision in a hospital setting.


Arina, 27 years old: When the doctor prescribed dioxidine to my 12-year-old Misha, I was surprised, because the antibiotic is toxic and is prescribed for ages 16 and up. We were treated for two weeks by usual means, but they didn't help. I talked to other specialists about whether dioxidin is dripped into the nose. It turned out that in extreme cases this is acceptable. We tried the remedy, and after 4 days Misha recovered.

Valentina, 34 years old: Doctors diagnosed sinusitis. I was worried, but the doctor reassured me that if I used complex dioxidin nasal drops correctly, everything would be okay. And so it happened. For 5 days I instilled a 0.5% solution into my sinuses. Repeated examination showed significant improvement. The antibiotic was stopped. The course of treatment ends. I feel much better.

Victor, 38 years old: When a sore throat appeared, I did not go to the doctors. Two weeks later complications began. The hospital found otitis and prescribed treatment with dioxidine in the nose. I instilled a solution with a concentration of 0.5% for three days. The condition has improved. After the washing procedures, all symptoms disappeared as if by hand. I heard about this antibiotic that it is toxic and dangerous, but this time it saved me.

Irina, 33 years old: I treated my daughter’s sore throat with the usual medications, but the condition did not improve. A week and a half later, the hospital diagnosed sinusitis. Dioxidin was prescribed in a 0.5% release form - ampoules. I wanted to give up the toxic antibiotic, but there was no choice. I had to bury it 2 times a day. I must say it helped. The daughter recovered quickly.


Rules for the use and storage of medicines.

1. Never use expired medications!

2. Always pay attention to temperature regime indicated on the packaging! Transport and store medications in accordance with it! The temperature of a working household refrigerator is usually from +2 to +8. The bottom of the refrigerator is colder, the top shelves are warmer, and the door is even warmer. Over the years, cold is produced and retained worse, so it is worth measuring the temperature in your refrigerator. In hot weather, if there is no air conditioning in the house, drugs marked no higher than +25 should be placed in the refrigerator. There are a number of drugs with a narrower range of storage temperatures, for example, from +15 to +25. It’s more difficult with them in the heat; you have to store them in a thermal container with ice.

3. When storing drugs, pay attention to them physical properties: color, transparency, smell, etc. Acceptable properties are always described in the instructions for the drug.

4. Drugs in ampoules. Having opened the ampoule, draw its contents into a sterile syringe, expel the air, and close the cap. Take the required amount from the syringe each time, maintaining sterility. Store as directed. Keep an eye on physical properties.

5. Medicines in bottles. Only the tin bottom on the lid is opened. The rubber cap is treated with alcohol and through this cap each time the required amount of the drug is drawn with a sterile syringe. If the bottle cap is punctured, the seal will be broken, so the bottle cap should be tied with a sterile bandage folded in several layers, or better yet, a piece of sterile cotton wool should be placed between the layers of the bandage. We periodically moisten this bandage with alcohol (vodka). We store the bottles in this form at the appropriate temperature and carefully monitor their physical properties.

6. Solutions for oral and external use. Boiled, cooled water is used to prepare solutions. It is preferable to prepare a fresh solution each time, but short-term storage of some solutions is allowed. The shelf life of different solutions varies. Ask consultants.

7. Conditions and periods of storage of opened drugs and their solutions. AAmoxiclav (in aqueous solution) - 5-7 days, in a syringe, in the refrigerator, until it turns yellow. Dexamethasone (undiluted) - 5-6 days, in a syringe in the refrigerator. Dexamethasone (in aqueous solution) - no more than a day. Dioxidine - solution after opening the ampoule not stored. Dicinone (not diluted) - 1-2 days, in the refrigerator, in a syringe. Doxycycline (in aqueous solution) - no more than 12 hours. Imunofan (not diluted) - at +2 - +10, for 120 hours. Imunofan (in aqueous solution) - Calcium gluconate 10% - at +20 - +35, for 120 hours. We observe its transparency. It is unacceptable to use in case of crystallization. Calcium gluconate 10% (in aqueous solution) - RRegidron (in aqueous solution) - at +4 - +5, for 3 days. Regidron (with water in the drinking bowl) - change 2 times a day day, in hot weather 2 - 3 times a day. Roncoleukin (not diluted) - at +4 - +10, for 72 hours, then activity is lost. Roncoleukin (in solution) -FFurosemide amp. (not diluted) - 5-6 days. Furosemide amp. (in solution) - up to 24 hours.

Tablets, capsules, suspensions diluted with water: Ornidazole - 5 days. Metronidazole - 12 hours. Pimafucin - 5 days. Tetracycline - diluted is stored in a syringe in the dark for 12 hours. Ciprofloxacin - 3 days in a syringe in the refrigerator. Norfloxacin - 3 days. Sumamed - 5 days. Ceftriaxone por. for in. - diluted with water for injection and lidocaine (do not open the ampoule bottle! Inject everything through a rubber cap wiped with alcohol with a sterile syringe) - in the refrigerator, good until it turns yellow and red, when it becomes bright red and begins to turn brown - it has deteriorated. This is approximately 5 days. Methionine - 12 hours. The maximum is 2 days. But-spa - 5 days. Mezim, Pancreatin, Creon - not stored.

More on the topic:

Preparations for small animals - immunomodulators, hormonal - http://biocor.spb.ru/prepar/mrazn/immunomodul/

Veterinary Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia veterinary drugs- http://www.webvet.ru


Dioxidin how to store an open ampoule

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Dioxidin - instructions, use, indications

Prices in online pharmacies:

Dioxidin is an antibacterial drug from the group of quinoxaline derivatives. It has wide range actions, providing an antibacterial, bactericidal effect on various pathogens - staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, pathogenic anaerobes, and on some strains of bacteria that are resistant to other antibiotics.

pharmachologic effect

The active ingredient is hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide. Dioxidin is used in the treatment of various purulent-inflammatory processes caused by Salmonella, Klebsiella, staphylococci, Proteus vulgaris, dysentery bacillus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococci, and pathogenic anaerobes. Promotes rapid cleansing and healing of wound surfaces. Also stimulates reparative regeneration. Widely used in pediatrics for the treatment of rhinitis of various origins.

Release form

The drug Dioxidin is produced in the form of a solution and ointment for external use.

  • Dioxidine in ampoules of 0.5% and 1% solution. For local and intracavitary use. 10 ml and 20 ml in an ampoule. 10 pieces per pack;
  • Ointment for external use 5%. In tubes of 25 mg, 30 mg, 30 mg, 50 mg, 60 mg, 100 mg.

Indications for use of Dioxidin

Dioxidin is used in the treatment purulent diseases caused by various bacterial infections.

Externally used for:

Intracavitary administration of Dioxidin in ampoules is used for:

  • Purulent processes in the chest and abdominal cavity;
  • Lung abscesses;
  • Peritonitis;
  • For purulent pleurisy and pleural empyema;
  • Cystitis;
  • Wounds with deep purulent cavities. These may be pelvic cellulitis, soft tissue abscesses, purulent mastitis, postoperative wounds urinary and biliary tract.


According to the instructions, Dioxidin is contraindicated in hypersensitivity To active substance– hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide, and for adrenal insufficiency.

The drug is not used during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in childhood.

Dioksidin is prescribed with caution according to the instructions when renal failure. If necessary, the dose of the drug can be reduced.

In pediatrics, nasal drops with Dioxidin are often used in the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis. Being an antibiotic, the drug successfully treats these diseases of almost any origin, providing anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and decongestant effects. To use Dioxidin in the nose, use a 0.5% solution of the drug and instill it into each nostril 4-5 times. Before use, you should consult an ENT doctor.

Found some interesting articles in the vastness of the Internet on this topic, so as not to lose it, I’ll copy it here. Especially when there is a child in the house, this question is of keen interest. Glory to the Almighty, we don’t get sick often, but it happens. And since last time, i.e. more than 6 months ago, there was a rather small arsenal of drugs left. I gave it to the baby for one day - zero results, and then I started looking for the truth from Uncle Google.

(And I gutted the first-aid kit, threw out everything that raised doubts. I took the doctor’s prescription and bought everything new, it was a lot of money, I’ll be smarter in the future - I started writing down the date of opening on the package.)

If it is useful to anyone, I will be glad, and maybe someone will add their information.

The text was written by a lady involved in the industrial production of medicines, so...

So, point one is the expiration date.

The date that appears on your medicine packaging applies exclusively to unopened medicines or to tablets packaged in blisters (plates with individually sealed tablets). I'll tell you a secret - absolutely in most cases to this period (if we are talking about tablets) you can safely add a year or two, and to aspirin for a quarter of a century. But there are some drugs that really become unusable very quickly after the specified date., that yes, then yes.

But what if the medicine has already been printed and started to be used?

Always write down the date, when you open the container, it is very important information. Below I give the time frame during which you can safely use the medicine you have started.

Tablets and capsules - 1 year from the moment the package is opened.
Liquids for external use - 6 months
Liquids for internal use(including syrups) - 3 months
Ointments in tubes - 6 months
Ointments in jars - 3 months
Creams in any type of packaging - 1 month
Custom-made ointments and creams - 1 month
Candles - see expiration date on packaging
Ear drops - 1 month from the moment of opening, unopened packaging must be destroyed after the expiration date
Eye drops and ointments - 28 days, unopened packaging must be destroyed after expiration date

Insulin - 1 month
Injectable medications - see manufacturer's instructions. Opened ampoule destroy immediately after use.

The inscriptions on the packaging mean:

Use by - end of month (if not specified) exact date, but only a month)
Use before - beginning of the month
Expiry date - end of month

Point two - why so strict?

The fact is that after opening the package, your medicine comes into contact with air, and accordingly, it begins chemical reaction oxidation and/or decomposition of chemicals contained in drugs. In addition, any drugs, except tablets, contain antimicrobial preservatives, which also begin to decompose in the air; accordingly, the rapid growth of bacteria in the drug begins, first of all, coli, salmonella, staphylococcus and their other relatives.
Bacteria also multiply on tablets, but more slowly. But at the same time, you must remember that you should take the tablets out of the jar with a dry, clean spoon; in extreme cases, shake out the strictly required number of tablets into your palm. And under no circumstances should you pour back any excess that accidentally fell onto your hand. Otherwise, you yourself will contaminate your medicine.
Within the time frame that I indicated, the content of the active ingredient in the medicine remains within acceptable limits, the amount of decomposition products also does not exceed the permissible norm and does not cause significant harm, and the number of bacteria in the medicine is also within acceptable limits.
If the specified period is exceeded, the first risk factor is bacterial infection, and the medicine can become a source of digestive or skin problems.
The second risk factor is a decrease in the content active component below the permissible norm, therefore reducing the effectiveness of the drug.
The third factor is an increase in the concentration of breakdown products of the main ingredient, which, in principle, can lead to delayed problems with the kidneys, liver and bladder.

There are some interesting statistics here: according to researchers who covered hundreds of the most popular V North America and Europe drugs, 84% of drugs remain valid for another 5 - 25 years after the expiration date, provided that the packaging has not been opened. For the remaining 16%, the active ingredient content is reduced to 50 - 70% of the amount stated on the label. That. the drug becomes less effective, but not completely useless. None of the unopened drugs, analyzed many years after the expiration date, contained decomposition products of the main components that reached a level dangerous to the health of patients.

Point three - how to store?

All of the above applies to situations where the drug is stored in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Those. "dry cool place" simply means a room. Only those medications that require “refrigeration after opening” should be placed in the refrigerator. Two more places that should be strictly avoided are the bathroom and the top surface of the refrigerator and/or near the stove.
It’s too hot for the tablets in the refrigerator, and in the bathroom it’s not only hot, but also humid. Accordingly, in these places your medications will deteriorate even faster. This can, in fact, be harmful to your health, since the tablets/capsules can, depending on their properties, either dry out or, on the contrary, absorb moisture from the air, and this affects how the medicine is then absorbed in the body.
And all the films showing first aid kits in the bathroom simply follow a long-established tradition, because just about 15 years ago, even most specialists did not really know what I talked about here, and accordingly, household tradition is still far behind safety requirements.
By the way, now a lot of European and some American medical and cosmetic products are already marked with a special symbol “Expiration date after opening”, depicting open jar with numbers printed on it. It seems that in Europe such labeling has already received mandatory status.

How to properly store medications

Each of us has a first aid kit in our apartment with a supply of medicine. Medicines for treatment are usually kept at home chronic diseases, as well as the funds necessary for immediate assistance. In addition, in first aid kits you can find antipyretic and painkillers, medications for vomiting, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal disorders, as well as drugs that help with injuries. We often keep leftover medications that were once prescribed by the doctor, but were not used.

But it is important not to forget that the effectiveness of most medicines depends on how correctly they were stored. If this process is not carried out properly, the medicine may lose its effectiveness long before the end of the warranty period. At best, it will lose all its properties, and at worst, it will harm the body. Therefore, storing medications should not be taken lightly. Our tips will help you organize your first aid kit correctly so that it helps protect your health, and not the other way around..

It is very important to store medications at the correct temperature. Ideally, this should be the temperature indicated in the package for the drug, but minor deviations are possible. Most drug manufacturers try to make it easier for us to store them, so the permissible temperature range is quite wide. Moreover, almost all drugs are designed for storage at room temperature from about 15 to 22 degrees Celsius; for some drugs the temperature can be even higher. Many modern refrigerators have special compartments for medicines. This greatly simplifies the selection of a place to store them. Almost all solid and aerosol medications are placed at room temperature in a dark place. If the instructions indicate that the medicine should be stored in a cool, dark place, then it is better to place it in the refrigerator.
Medicines that require a specific temperature for preservation must be placed in the refrigerator on different shelves. For example, it is recommended to store preparations in the form of candles on shelves next to the freezer. Some ointments or plasters are placed on the middle shelves. Medicines that need to be kept in cool places are placed on shelves away from the freezer along with fruit. Before storing medications in the refrigerator, you must protect them from moisture by placing them in a box or plastic bag. Under no circumstances should medications be kept at too high or low temperatures. If the drug has been frozen, it is strictly prohibited to use it, since it is unknown how the pharmacoholic properties could change as a result. Protecting medications from dampness and light Exposure to direct sunlight is detrimental to many medications. It can change their properties beyond recognition.
How to protect medical supplies from harmful rays? Most often, the manufacturer of the drug takes care of this by placing it in an opaque container - for example, a plastic jar or a dark glass bottle. It is also very important to store medications in special medicine boxes or locked cabinets. An excellent solution for storing medications is a special factory-made pencil case. It not only protects them from light and moisture, but also makes it possible to arrange everything neatly and protects from scattering and spilling. It is equally important to protect medications from moisture. Many tablets and powders, patches, bandages and cotton wool are hygroscopic and perfectly absorb moisture. At the same time, they lose their usefulness. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to keep medications in the bathroom, kitchen or other places with high humidity. The place to store the medicine should be dry, clean and cool. Is the air harmful? Everyone has seen that most medications are sold in sealed packages, but few people pay attention to this fact. In fact, many products need to be protected from oxygen. After the package is opened, the ingress of oxygen provokes the onset of the oxidation process. After some time, the medicine becomes unsuitable for use and even harmful to the human body. These drugs include, in particular, resorcinol and adrenaline. Sometimes doctors injectable drugs that cannot be stored open, they offer this option: take the medicine into a syringe and inject it a little every day, and put a cap on the syringe with the remaining liquid. But this option is also undesirable, especially for long-term use.
There is also a group of drugs that begin to evaporate very quickly in air. Such medications should also be kept in a tightly closed container. Typically, such drugs are packaged in ampoules or special bottles that prevent evaporation. How long can you store medications and what to do with expired ones? The shelf life of the drug is usually indicated on its packaging. Some medications can be stored for years in a closed bottle, but once opened they become unusable within a week or two. Other drugs can be kept open. Before you put the medicine in your medicine cabinet, you need to find out this. If it begins to deteriorate after opening, you must write on the package the date it was opened. Regarding expiration dates, people often use expired medications, believing that the manufacturer deliberately advertises a shorter expiration date in order to increase sales. Is it so? Most likely not, but this moment still remains on the conscience of the manufacturer. Another question is that the packaging indicates the shelf life at optimal conditions. If the conditions do not meet the required ones, then the shelf life can be significantly reduced. Least of all hold on liquid forms medicines. Therefore, if you notice that sediment, flakes or cloudiness has appeared in the drug, it is better to throw away this medicine.

This is how we came to the question of what to do with expired medications. After the expiration date of storage or use, no one can guarantee that the drug has the same properties and has not become a real poison. Therefore, such medicine must be thrown away immediately. It is better to store preparations for internal and external use separately. It is also worth separating medications according to their intended purpose - drugs that are used more often should be located closer so that you do not have to turn everything over every time when looking for them. Throwing away medications also has its own characteristics. Do not flush medications down the toilet, as they may end up in the natural water cycle. In many major cities the concentration of drugs in rivers exceeds all acceptable standards. Also, do not throw away medications in their original packaging. The tablets must be taken out of the box and wrapped in paper, and then put in the trash can, or at least tear off the paper with the name of the medicine from the jar. You can pre-mix the medicine with something unattractive to children and animals to protect them from accidental ingestion. Rules for a safe first aid kit To ensure that your first aid kit always has everything you need, you need to systematically review its contents and monitor the expiration dates of all medications. Medicines should be stored in their original containers, preferably with instructions. Before taking the medicine, you should review the instructions again and make sure that you are doing everything correctly. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the list of contraindications and possible drug interactions. To always control the contents of your first aid kit, you can make a list of medications and indicate in it the date until which each drug can be stored. Such a sheet will help you always know what medications are in your first aid kit and how long you can store them.

It is very important to keep your first aid kit in order. All medications must be kept in closed containers so that nothing gets spoiled, spills, or spills. Separately, we need to remember the place where medications are stored. The first aid kit should be within the reach of an adult, but absolutely inaccessible to a child. You should not store medications high on the cabinet - a person with dizziness or injury may simply not be able to reach it. But the cabinet where the medications are kept must close well.

Any antibacterial agent shows its effectiveness only if the right approach to its storage and use. That is why you need to know how to store Dioxidin - medicinal product, which has an impressive list of therapeutic properties.

This product can not only effectively combat inflammatory processes and inhibit the activity of common microorganisms. It can help with purulent infections, prevent possible complications after operations, resist pathogens that have become resistant to antibiotics and chemicals.

With all this, Dimexidine, if used incorrectly or uncontrolled, can cause the development side effects. Same unpleasant consequences There is a risk of using a product that has been improperly stored after opening.

What is Dioxidin, and in what cases is it used?

Regardless of the release form (solution in ampoules or ointment), the drug Dioxidin acts on the DNA of the pathogenic bacterium, destroying it from the inside. Thanks to this, the process of suppressing inflammation is accelerated, and the affected tissues are rapidly restored.

The ampoule form of the product can be used for the following conditions:

  • Purulent-inflammatory pathological processes caused by bacterial activity (sepsis, peritonitis).
  • Inflammatory processes of the bladder.
  • Purulent meningitis, lung abscess.
  • Gum diseases (stomatitis) and skin lesions (abscesses, burns, bite sites, carbuncle, phlegmon).
  • Dioxidin is often used for otitis, in case of lack of effectiveness from traditional treatment. In this case, after the ear canal is cleared of wax and pus (with difficult cases), a solution is instilled into it or an ointment is placed.
  • Rinsing the nasal passages with Dioxidin solution helps eliminate signs of complicated rhinitis, sinusitis, and prolonged runny nose. Despite its effectiveness, the product acts very gently without disturbing the integrity of the mucous membrane.

Dioxidin in the form of an ointment or solution from an ampoule can be used after operations to treat scars, wounds and sutures that cannot be provided with quality care and there is a risk of suppuration.

How to properly use and store the drug in ampoules?

The solution of the drug Dioxidin is available in two concentrations, and working with it depends on the percentage active substance indicated on the packaging. If it is 0.5%, then there is no need to dilute the product, it is ready for use. The 1% saturated product is pre-diluted with water for injection or hydrocortisone. You can do this yourself, you just need to maintain the proportions.

Advice: Despite the obvious effectiveness and mildness of the effect, Dioxidin, produced in ampoules, must be used only under the supervision of a doctor. Abuse of the product, especially with intravenous and intracavitary administration, can cause addiction, which is not at all easy to get rid of.

It is very easy to store Dioxidin in the form of closed ampoules; it is not too demanding on conditions. The shelf life of the product is 24 months. It is best to place it in a dark place, out of reach of children, where the temperature is maintained from 5 to 25ºC. Before using the product, the ampoule must be examined in the light; small crystals may form in the solution. In this case, it must be heated in a steam bath, holding it for as long as it takes to completely dissolve the particles.

It is better not to use the opened ampoule in the future. In extreme cases (for example, if there is a shortage of product), it can be left for the next day, after sealing the hole hermetically with sterile cotton wool. There is another convenient way to store an opened product - simply draw it into a syringe until next time.

How to store the composition in the form of an ointment?

The requirements for storing the ointment in a closed tube are exactly the same. Once the product is opened, it must be used within the stated therapy period. If the treatment is completed, and the composition still remains, it can be carefully closed and put away for further storage. Regardless of how much time passes after this, before the next use, Dioxidin should be checked for changes in color, texture, and the appearance of a specific odor. If any of the above is detected, it is better not to use the product in the future.

Side effects from using an expired product

Negative consequences can be very different, but most often these are the same reactions that are identified by specialists as side effects from therapy. For intravenous and intracavitary administration it is:

  • Headache accompanied by chills.
  • Dyspeptic disorders in the form of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Feverish conditions.
  • The appearance of convulsive twitching of individual muscles or entire groups.
  • Formation on skin age spots as a result direct impact ultraviolet.
  • Various allergic reactions.

Topical application of expired Dioxidine usually leads to itching or the development of dermatitis on the treated surface. If at least one of the listed conditions develops, even if the manifestations are mild and well tolerated by the patient, you must immediately consult a doctor for advice.

1. Never use expired medications!

2. Always pay attention to the temperature indicated on the packaging! Transport and store medications in accordance with it!
The temperature of a working household refrigerator is usually from +2 to +8. The bottom of the refrigerator is colder, the top shelves are warmer, and the door is even warmer. Over the years, cold is produced and retained worse, so it is worth measuring the temperature in your refrigerator.
In hot weather, if the house does not have air conditioning, drugs marked no higher than +25 should be placed in the refrigerator.
There are a number of drugs with a narrower range of storage temperatures, for example, from +15 to +25. It’s more difficult with them in the heat; you have to store them in a thermal container with ice.

3. When storing drugs, pay attention to their physical properties: color, transparency, smell, etc.!
Acceptable properties are always described in the instructions for the drug.

4. Drugs in ampoules.
Having opened the ampoule, draw its contents into a sterile syringe, expel the air, and close the cap. Take the required amount from the syringe each time, maintaining sterility. Store as directed. Keep an eye on physical properties.

5. Drugs in bottles.
Only the tin bottom on the lid is opened. The rubber cap is treated with alcohol and the required amount of the drug is drawn through this cap each time with a sterile syringe.
If the bottle cap is punctured, the seal will be broken, so the bottle cap should be tied with a sterile bandage folded in several layers, or better yet, a piece of sterile cotton wool should be placed between the layers of the bandage. We periodically moisten this bandage with alcohol (vodka). We store the bottles in this form at the appropriate temperature and carefully monitor their physical properties.

6. Solutions for oral and external use.
To prepare solutions, boiled and cooled water is used.
It is preferable to prepare a fresh solution each time, but short-term storage of some solutions is also allowed. The shelf life of different solutions varies. Ask consultants.

7. Conditions and periods of storage of opened drugs and their solutions.

Amoxiclav (in aqueous solution) - 5-7 days, in a syringe, in the refrigerator until it turns yellow.
Dexamethasone(not diluted) - 5-6 days, in a syringe in the refrigerator.
Dexamethasone (in aqueous solution) - no more than a day.
Dioxidin - after opening the ampoule, the solution is not stored.
Dicinone (not diluted) - 1-2 days, in the refrigerator, in a syringe.
Doxycycline (in aqueous solution) - no more than 12 hours.
Imunofan (not diluted) - at +2 - +10, for 120 hours.
Imunofan (in aqueous solution) -
Calcium gluconate 10% - at +20 - +35, for 120 hours. We observe its transparency. It is unacceptable to use in case of crystallization.
Calcium gluconate 10% (in aqueous solution) -
Rehydron (in aqueous solution) - at +4 - +5, for 3 days.
Rehydron (with water in the drinking bowl) - change 2 times a day, in hot weather 2 - 3 times a day.
Roncoleukin (not diluted) - at +4 - +10, for 72 hours, then activity is lost.
Roncoleukin (in solution) -
Furosemide amp. (not diluted) - 5-6 days.
Furosemide amp. (in solution) - up to 24 hours.

Tablets, capsules, suspensions diluted with water:
Ornidazole - 5 days.
Metronidazole - 12 hours.
Pimafucin - 5 days.
Tetracycline - diluted is stored in a syringe in the dark for 12 hours.
Ciprofloxacin - 3 days in a syringe in the refrigerator.
Norfloxacin - 3 days.
Sumamed - 5 days.
Ceftriaxone por. for in. - diluted with water for injection and lidocaine (do not open the ampoule bottle! Inject everything through a rubber cap wiped with alcohol with a sterile syringe) - in the refrigerator, good until it turns yellow and red, when it becomes bright red and begins to turn brown - it has deteriorated. This is approximately 5 days.
Methionine - 12 hours. The maximum is 2 days.
No-spa - 5 days.
Mezim, Pancreatin, Creon - not stored.

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