Home Gums A set of breathing exercises for children of senior preschool age. Let's play with the nose

A set of breathing exercises for children of senior preschool age. Let's play with the nose

Complex No. 1

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

Sipping. IP - lying on your back. Raise your hands up and lower them onto the bed behind your head, eyes closed. Alternately pull the right and left hand, right and left leg(That toe, then heel), you can stretch your arms and legs at the same time, stretching your spine. (3-4 times)

Game "Winter and Summer" (muscle tension and relaxation). I.p. - lying on your back, to the signal “ Winter“Children should curl up into a ball, pretending to be cold. On the signal " Summer"! children open up, relax their body muscles, showing that they are warm. (3-4 times)

- Self-massage of palms ("It's very cold in winter, so we'll get fire, to keep warm"") I.p. - sitting in bed, legs crossed. Fast rub your palms until warm, then “wash” your face with warm palms. (3-4 times)

Walking barefoot along corrective paths. Walking on toes, heels, on the outside of the foot.

IP - sitting on chairs. "Let's warm our feet" Stretch your legs forward, clench and unclench your toes. (6-8 times)

I. p. - sitting on chairs. Stretch your legs forward, pull your legs first with your toes, then with your heels. (6-8 times)

I.p. - sitting on chairs. Stretch your legs forward and connect, draw different shapes with your legs in the air geometric figures(circle, square, triangle). (6-8 times) - I.p. - the same, legs - feet on the floor. Raise your toes up without lifting your feet from the floor (6-8 times).

“My back is straight” I.p. - narrow stance, hands behind the back, clasped.

  • “My back is straight, I’m not afraid of bending” (bending forward)
  • “I straighten, I bend, I turn” (
  • “One, two. three, four, three, four, one, two!” ( turns of the torso-arms on the belt).
  • “I walk with a proud posture, holding my head straight” (walking in place)
  • "One, two, three, four, three, four, one, two" ( body turns)
  • "I can sit down and stand up, sit down again and stand up again" ( actions in accordance with the text)
  • “I’ll bend over here and there!” Oh, straight back! "(torso bends, hands slide over hips).

4. Water procedures

Complex No. 2

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

IP: - lying on your back, arms along your body. 1- Press your chin to your chest (without raising your head), pull your socks towards you; 2-i.p. (3-4 times)

IP - lying on your stomach, arms up, head resting on your forehead, heels together, toes pointed out. 1- stretch your head and arms in one direction, legs in the opposite direction; 2- I.p. (3-4 times)

Game “Winter and Summer” IP: lying on your back. On the signal " Winter"- children should curl up into a ball, pretending that they are cold. On the signal " Summer! - open up and relax.

2. Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)

Walking one after another (barefoot)

“We’ll go to our garden.

We’ll pick up vegetables there.”

- (Walking on toes)

“The road is short and narrow.

Let's go, we step on our toes!

- (Additional step sideways with a “spring”)

"We're walking along the curb

We squat on it"

- (Walking with a heel-to-toe roll, keeping your torso straight and looking forward)

"Tired legs

We walked along the path."

- (Sitting on a chair, raise and lower your toes without lifting your heels from the floor. (6-8 times)

“We sat down on a pebble,

Sit down and sit."

(Stroke the muscles of the legs and feet)

"Legs are resting,

Muscles relax"

3. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

"Sunflower" - In the middle of the courtyard there is a golden head.

I.p. - o.s.1 - raise your arms up through your sides, stand on your toes; 2- return to the starting position.

"Carrot" - Behind curly braid

I drag her out of the hole. I.p. - kneeling. 1- bend forward, arms forward-down; 2- return to IP.

“Turnip” - “Round side, yellow side,

The bun is sitting in the garden bed.”

IP - with straight legs, arms in front, below, 1 - raise your arms up through the sides, 2 - return to IP.

"Potato" -

The bush grew green and thick in the garden bed.

Dig a little - there are potatoes under the bush.

I.p. - lying on your back. I - raise your arms and legs at an angle of 45° upward; 2- return to IP.

"Cabbage" -

Shred upon shred - green patch,

1- bend your knees upward, place your hands on your back; 2- return to IP.


"Who stands on a stick

With a beard made from a washcloth

The wind blows - it makes noise,

He twitches his legs and creaks."

Jumping on two legs, arms to the sides, down, alternating with walking.

5. Water treatments(washing, dousing with cool water).

Complex No. 3

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

- (Children lie down on the bed, “curled up”)

And our kittens are sleeping. Mur-mur, pur-mur!

They don't want to wake up. Mur-mur, pur-mur!

They sleep quietly back to back and purr in their sleep:

- (Turn on your back and do rotational exercises with your arms and legs)

Everyone lay down on their backs. Mur-mur, pur-mur!

They all got crazy. Mur-mur, pur-mur!

Paws up, and everything in a row, everyone purrs and plays pranks.

Mur-mur, pur-mur! .pur-pur-pur!

2. Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)

- (Silent tiptoeing)

“We’ll show you a little,

How a cat walks softly

Barely audible - thump, thump, thump,

Ponytail from below: op-op-op"

– (High, easy jumps from foot to foot in a circle)

“But, raising your fluffy tail,

A cat can be fast"

- (Jumping on two legs in place, as high as possible).

“He rushes upward bravely.

Jump and jump, jump again."

- (Meow loudly and run away to the chairs)

“And then “Meow” meows!

I’m running away to my house!”

Self-massage of feet

IP - sitting on chairs, cross your legs. On right hand bend the fingers, making a “pinch”, and move them vigorously along the foot of the left foot; repeat everything on the right leg.

3. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

  • "Pose angry cat» IP - kneel down, then place your arms and hips perpendicular to the floor and parallel to each other. Lower your head and gently arch your back upward. Focus on the spine. (10-15 seconds)
  • "Pose good cat» I.p. - Same. Raise your head, smoothly bend at the waist as much as possible (10-15 seconds)
  • " Tail" AND.P. - Same. Move your hips left and right, like a “cat” twirling its tail,” first at a slow pace, then gradually accelerating.
  • "Cat is a scratcher." I. p. - standing, arms extended forward. Inhale through the nose - hands to the shoulders, moving the elbows back and clenching the fingers into fists; The shoulder blades should come together. Exhale sharply through the mouth (f-f-f-..). - Throw your arms forward with your fingers widely spaced, making energetic movements, as if scratching the space in front of you.
  • Back massage “Rain”

The rain runs on the roof - Bom-bom, bom-bom!

On the cheerful ringing roof - Bom-bom, bom-bom! (stand behind each other train and pat each other on the back)

At home, sit at home - Bom-bom, bom-bom!

Don't go out anywhere - Bom-bom, bom-bom!( finger tapping)

Read, play - Bom-bom, bom-bom!

If I leave, then go for a walk... Bom-bom, bom-bom!( fist pumping)

Repeat 1 verse( stroking with palms)

4. Water procedures(washing, dousing with cool water)

Complex No. 4

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

Sipping The Snow Queen said magic words, and children began to grow in my sleep")

IP - lying on your back, raise your arms up and lower them onto the bed behind your head, eyes closed. Alternately pull your right and left arm, right and left leg away from you (either with your toe or your heel), you can stretch with your arms and legs at the same time.

A game " Winter and summer." (muscle tension and relaxation")

IP - lying on your back. On signal " Winter!" children should curl up into a ball and shake all over, pretending to be cold. On signal " Summer!" children open up, relax their body muscles, showing that they are warm.

2 . Prevention of flat feet(2-3 min.)

Game for attention " Path". At the teacher's command "path", the children stand one after another, put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front, squat, lowering their heads slightly down. On command " "Hummock", children go to the center of the circle, raising their joined hands up. On the word “Humps”, children squat with their hands on their heads.

  • Raise your legs with your knees bent, hold them suspended for a few seconds, then lower them (4-5 times)
  • “Jolly legs”: put one foot forward on the heel, then on the toe and put it under the chair (4-5 times)

3. Prevention of postural disorders(2-3 min.)

Jumping in place on two legs, arms slightly bent (“paws”). “Grey balls of hares are jumping and jumping in the forest.” – Jumping back and forth “Jump-jump, jump-jump- - Stand up straight, lower your arms. “The little bunny stood on the stump. He lined everyone up in order. He began to show exercises - Step on the spot,” once, everyone walks on the spot. - With your hands in front of you, perform the “scissors” movement “Two!” They wave their hands together. Sit down. Stand up. "Three!" We sat down and stood up together! - Scratch behind the ear. “Everyone scratched behind the ear” - Straighten up. “Stretched for four” - Bend over, lean forward “Five!” Bend over and bend over” “Six! Everyone stood in a row again” - Marching in a circle. “We walked like a squad”

4. Water procedures

Complex No. 5

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

Sipping. I.p. - lying on your back, arms along your body. Alternately raise your right and left hand up, stretch, and release. (the same thing alternately with the left hand, right and left foot)

- “We’re resting” I.p. - lying on your stomach with support on your elbows, gently supporting your chin with your palms. Alternately bend and straighten your knees.

2. Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)

Exercise with hoops.

Children stand in a circle. Everyone holds onto their own hoop and the other child’s hoop. It turns out to be a vicious circle - a “carousel”. To the words “Barely

The carousel was barely spinning” - everyone begins to move at a slow pace. Then, to the words “And then, then, then, everyone run, run, run!” - everyone runs, to the words “Hush!, hush, don’t rush, stop the carousel!” - the children start walking. The teacher suggests disassembling the carousel and doing exercises with the hoop.

3. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

The children are walking happily, they are carrying hoops.

(walk one after another, holding a hoop on your shoulder)

They began to raise the hoop, they began to lower the hoop ( lift the hoop up and lower down)

We looked out the window,

And everyone sat down together( sit down, stretching your arms with the hoop forward)

Let's tilt together,

And we’ll all bend our backs( bend forward, stretching your arms with the hoop in front of you)

Let's turn the hoop to the right, turn the hoop to the left ( turns right, left with a hoop)

We don’t let go of the hoop, we crawl through the hoop (pass the hoop from top to bottom)

Let's take it with our hands and step over it with our feet.(keep your hands close and take the hoop with both hands and step over it forward and backward, raising your legs high)

We lower the hoop to the floor and we begin jumping.( jumping on two legs in a hoop and stepping over it)

4. Back massage

The rain runs on the roof - Stand behind each other like a train,

Bom! Bom! Bom! and pat each other on the back cheerful ringing roof

Bom! Bom! Bromine!

At home, at home, sit- Finger tapping

Bom! Bom! Bom! Don't go out anywhere - Bom! Bom! Bom!

Read, play - Fist pounding

Bom! Bom! Bom! And if I leave - then go for a walk - Bom! Bom! Bom!

Rain running on the roof - Stroking palms Bom! Bom! Bom! On the cheerful ringing roof Bom! Bom! Bom!

5. Water treatments(washing, pouring cool water over hands)

Complex No. 6

1. Gymnastics in bed.

I.p. - the child lies on his back, arms along the body: press his chin to his chest (without raising his head), pull his socks towards himself; stretch, aiming the top of your head in one direction, heels in the opposite direction, return to the starting position.

IP - lying on your stomach, arms up, head resting on your forehead, heels together, toes pointed out: stretch your head and arms in one direction, legs in the opposite direction, relax.

2. Self-massage to prevent colds (2-3 min.)

Educator: It snowed, but it’s a shame - We’re not ready for winter. We don’t need to catch a cold. Let’s give ourselves a massage!

(Children make themselves acupressure biologically active zones, preventing colds):

The duck quacks, calling all the ducklings with him,

(Stroke your neck with your palms from top to bottom)

And the cat follows them, as if to a watering hole.

(Rub the wings of the nose with your index fingers)

The cat looks cunning and dreams of catching them!

(He strokes his forehead from the middle to his temples with his fingers)

Don't look at the ducklings -

You can't swim!

(Spread your index and middle fingers, make a “fork” and massage the points near the ear)

3. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

  • “Skier”: simulation of skiing for 1.5 minutes
  • “Tree”: the legs and torso stand motionless, and the hands and fingers imitate the swaying of branches in the wind. The trees stand in the frost

Either white or blue.

  • “Bird”: the arm is brought forward 45 degrees from the body, thumb down. Then it is pulled up and to the side.

Look at the trees

The bullfinches have arrived.

  • “There will be firewood for the winter”: stand in pairs, holding your right hands, hide your left hand behind your back and imitate the movements of your fingers.


We are now sawing the log, sawing, sawing, sawing, sawing

One-two, One-two!

There will be firewood for the winter"

4. Finger game “Snowman”

Come on my friend, be brave my friend,

Roll your snowball in the snow

(Show snowballs flying)

It will turn into a thick lump.

(Show your hands in front of you with a large lump of)

And the lump will become a Snowman.

(Put your hands on your belt, shake your head and smile)

- His smile is so bright (smile)

Two eyes, a hat, a nose... a broom...

(Use your hands to point to your eyes, head, nose, raise one hand up, spreading your fingers (“broom”)

But the sun will be a little hot -

Alas, there is no Snowman.

(Spread your arms to the sides)

5. Water procedures.(washing, pouring cool water over hands)

Complex No. 7

1. Gymnastics in bed(2-Zmin.)

I. p. - lying on your back, head, torso, legs in one straight line, arms along the body, press your chin to your chest. Socks for yourself; stretch first with one heel, then with the other; the crown of the head should tend in the opposite direction; return to the starting position.

IP - lying on your stomach, arms up. The head rests on the forehead: stretch, with the top of the head aiming in one direction, and with your hands press the pelvis, pulling it in the opposite direction, return to the position.

2. Corrective physical exercise. “Walk in the winter forest” to improve vision (2-3 min.)

We came to the winter forest. (Walking in circles)

There are so many miracles around here! (Spread your arms to the sides)

On the right is a birch tree in a fur coat( Move your arms to the right and look at her). - On the left the tree is looking at us(Take awayhand to the left and follow it with your gaze) - Snowflakes are spinning in the sky, ( "Flashlights" twice and look up)- They lie beautifully on the ground.( While spinning, sit down).- So the bunny galloped, he ran away from the fox ( Jumping on 2 legs in place).-This Gray wolf prowls, he is looking for prey!( Hands on the belt, bending to the sides) - We will all hide now, then he won’t find us! (Slowly crouch down, hiding) - Only a bear sleeps in a den, so he will sleep all winter (Imitate dream)- Bullfinches are arriving, wow, they are beautiful! ( Imitate the flight of birds) - There is beauty and peace in the forest (Spread your arms to the sides) - It's just cold in winter (Wrap your arms around your shoulders)

3 . Wellness full body massage(2-3 min.) (make quick, frequent claps on the corresponding words):- To avoid yawning from boredom,

They stood up and rubbed their hands,

And then with a palm to the forehead -


Are your cheeks bored too?

We can clap them too.

Come on, come on together, don’t yawn:

One two three four five.

Here's the neck. Come on, lively

Let's move on to the scruff.

And now, look,

We got to the chest.

Let's knock on it for glory:

Top, bottom, left, right.

Let's knock here and there,

And a little on the sides.

Don't get bored and don't be lazy!

We moved to the lower back.

We bend down a little and breathe evenly.

Clap as high as possible.

4. Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)

  • Fulfill circular movements in one direction and the other with your big toes.
  • Children must take the handkerchief from the teacher with their toes and hold it in weight.
  • Children spread a handkerchief on the floor and first collect it with the fingers of their right foot and lift it, holding it with their toes; then do the same with the toes of the left foot.

5. Water treatments(washing, pouring cool water over hands)

Complex No. 8

1. Gymnastics in bed (2-3 min.)

Stretching. - I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Alternately raise your right (left) hand up, stretch, release (the same alternately with your left hand, right and left leg).

Let's relax! - I.p. - lying on your stomach with support on your elbows, gently supporting your chin with your palms. Alternately bend and straighten your knees.

The children are given a riddle: He is grazing in the meadow

Eats green grass.

Just tell him: “But!”

He will carry on easily. (Horse)

2. Physical exercise “Tsok-tsok-tsok”(2-3min)

Hooves clatter loudly (Walking in place)

A horse races across the bridge (Straight canter)

Clack-clack-clack! Jumping after her

Foal and boy(Jump one after another)

Clack - the hooves of a foal ( Stomp right foot) The click of the heel on the boards is loud (Stamp your left foot) We rushed, only the floor swirled (“ Winder" by hand)Everyone had to step aside(Step back on your heels)

3. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

  • "Leaf buds" IP - raise your arms forward. Clench your fingers into a fist - unclench the “buds” with your fists - “leaves bloom.” Raise your hands up and repeat the same thing;
  • Tilts to the sides;
  • “Bush tree” I.p. - standing, arms to the sides; on 1 - sit down, arms forward; 2- return to IP; 3- stand on your toes, arms up; 4- return to i. P;
  • “Where is the birch, where is the rowan?” I.p. - legs are spaced shoulder-width apart, arms below are turned to the sides, arms are moved in the same direction;
  • “Get a twig”: high jumps with clapping overhead, alternating with walking.

4. Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)

  • Walk on your toes, maintaining good posture.
  • Walking with different provisions stop - on the outside of the foot, with the toes together, the heels apart, with the toes strongly spread.
  • Walking sideways on a thick cord.
  • Walk in place without lifting your toes off the floor.

5. Water procedures (washing, dousing hands with cool water)

Complex No. 9

1. Gymnastics in bed(2-3 min.)

Sipping. I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Alternately raise your right (left) hand up, stretch, lower (the same thing - alternately with your left hand, right and left leg).

- “Resting” I.p. - lying on your stomach with support on your elbows, gently supporting your chin with your palms. Alternately bend and straighten your knees.

2. Prevention of postural disorders (2-3 min.)

  • Let's go on a hike

How many discoveries await us! (Walking in circles)

  • We follow each other, Summer and spring meadow.

We walk on our toes.( Walking on your toes with your arms up)

  • We walk on our heels, so we checked our posture and brought our shoulder blades together. ( Walking on your heels with your hands behind your back)
  • Motley wings flicker, butterflies fly in the field. ( Easy running on your toes, making smooth swings with your arms)
  • One, two, three, four, they flew and spun. (Spin on your toes in place).
  • There is silence all around

We are now out in the meadow.( walking with high knees)

  • We grow, we grow, we bloom, we bloom. (Take a flower in each hand, lift them up and lower them to chest level)
  • Swish the flower back and forth, do it once and do it twice. (Turns left and right with the flower moving to the side)
  • You need to sit down carefully so as not to touch the flowers. (Deep squat, stretching your arms with flowers forward, put flowers in a vase)
  • We quickly went down to the river, bent down and washed ourselves. (Tilts down)
  • And now everyone lies down together, you need to do this with your hands. (Lying on your stomach, lift top part torso, and make circular movements with their hands, as when swimming)
  • We see two funny frogs jumping at the edge of the forest. Jump-jump, jump-jump,

You need to jump on your toes. ( Jumping on toes)

  • Like soldiers on parade

We walk row by row.

Left - once, left - once,

Look at us all. (March step)

3. Prevention of flat feet (2-3 min.)

  • Raise your legs with your knees bent, hold them suspended for a few seconds, then lower them (4-5 times)
  • “Jolly legs”: put one foot forward on the heel, then on the toe and put it under the chair (4-5 times)

4. Water procedures(washing, pouring cool water over hands)


1. Kartushina M.Yu. Green light of health. - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 2005.

2. Kozyreva O.A. Physiotherapy for preschoolers. - Moscow: Education, 2006.

3. Tulchinskaya V.D. Healthy child. - Moscow: ANMI, 1998.

4. Game recreational gymnastics after nap. – Preschool education. 2007.

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at the rate: Theoretical basis preschool education

" Finger gymnastics for older children up to school age "

Teacher E.V. Levina

Student V.A. Tenzin

Seversk 2013


1. Introduction to finger games

3. Finger gymnastics for children 5-6 years old


What happens when a child does finger gymnastics? Performing exercises and rhythmic movements with the fingers inductively leads to excitation in the speech centers of the brain and a sharp increase in the coordinated activity of speech zones, which ultimately stimulates the development of speech. Finger games create a favorable emotional background, develop the ability to imitate an adult, teach them to listen attentively and understand the meaning of speech, and increase the child’s speech activity. The child develops cognitive mental processes(memory, imagination, thinking). As a result of mastering all the exercises, the hands and fingers will gain strength, good mobility and flexibility, and this will make it easier in the future to master the skill of writing.

1. ABOUThnAfinger play

Finger games develop a child's brain, stimulate speech development, creativity, and imagination.

Simple movements help to remove tension not only from the hands themselves, but also to relax the muscles of the whole body. They can improve the pronunciation of many sounds. In general, the better the fingers and the entire hand work, the better baby speaks. Why is this so? The fact is that the hand has the largest “representation” in the cerebral cortex, therefore the development of the hand belongs important role in the formation of the brain and the development of speech. And that is why the child’s verbal speech begins when the movements of his fingers achieve sufficient accuracy. The child’s hands, as it were, prepare the ground for the subsequent development of speech.

In addition, the goal of classes to develop dexterity and accuracy of the fingers is to develop the relationship between the hemispheres of the brain and the synchronization of their work. In the right hemisphere of the brain we have various images of objects and phenomena, and in the left they are verbalized, that is, they find verbal expression, and this process occurs thanks to the “bridge” between the right and left hemispheres. The stronger this bridge, the faster and more often nerve impulses travel along it, the more active thought processes, or rather attention, is higher than ability. If you want your child to speak well, learn quickly and easily, and deftly perform any, even the most delicate work, - with early age start developing his arms: fingers and hands.

At the most different nations finger games have been widespread for a long time. In China, exercises with stone and metal balls are common. Regular classes with them improve memory, cardiovascular activity and digestive systems, eliminate emotional stress, develop coordination of movements, strength and dexterity, and maintain vitality. And in Japan, exercises for palms and fingers with walnuts are widely used. Rolling a hexagonal pencil between your palms has an excellent effect. And from an early age, our children were taught to play “Ladushki”, “White-sided Magpie”, “Horned Goat”. Finger games - good helpers in order to prepare the child’s hand for writing and develop coordination. And in order for speech to develop at the same time, you can use small rhymes, counting rhymes, and songs for such games. In principle, any poetic works of this kind can be offered by teachers and parents themselves, i.e. come up with movements for the fingers that accompany speech - at first simple, uncomplicated, and then complicate these movements. Thanks to finger games, the child receives a variety of sensory impressions, he develops attentiveness and the ability to concentrate. Such games form good relationships between adults and children.

gymnastic finger preschooler agility

1) Before the game, discuss its content with your child, immediately practicing the necessary gestures, finger combinations, and movements. This will not only prepare the baby to perform the exercise correctly, but will also create the necessary emotional mood.

2) Before starting the exercises, children warm up their palms with light strokes until they feel pleasantly warm.

3) All exercises are performed at a slow pace, from 3 to 5 times, first with the right hand, then with the left, and then with both hands together.

4) Do the exercises with your child, while demonstrating your own passion for the game.

5) When performing exercises, it is necessary to involve, if possible, all fingers of the hand.

6) It is necessary to ensure the correct placement of the hand and precise switching from one movement to another.

7) It is necessary to ensure that all exercises are performed by the child easily, without excessive tension in the arm muscles, so that they bring him joy.

8) All instructions are given in a calm, friendly tone, clearly, without unnecessary words. If necessary, the child is provided with assistance.

9) Ideally: each lesson has its own name, lasts a few minutes and is repeated 2-3 times during the day.

10) When playing the game repeatedly, children often begin to pronounce the text partially (especially the beginning and ending of phrases). Gradually, the text is learned by heart, children pronounce it in its entirety, correlating the words with the movements.

11) Having chosen two or three exercises, gradually replace them with new ones.

You can keep the games you like most in your repertoire and return to them at your child’s request.

12) Do not give your child several complex tasks at once (for example, showing movements and pronouncing text). Children have a limited attention span, and an impossible task can “discourage” interest in the game.

13) Never force. Try to understand the reasons for the refusal, if possible, eliminate them (for example, by changing the task) or change the game.

As an example, we offer you some finger games for different age groups.

3. Finger gymnastics for children 5-6 years old

Gymnastics for the fingers is divided into passive and active. Passive gymnastics is recommended as a preliminary stage before active gymnastics for children with low level development fine motor skills. Then you should move on to active finger gymnastics exercises.

All exercises are carried out in a playful way. You should choose their complexity depending on the level of development of fine motor skills of your child’s hands. It is better to perform the massage with one hand, while the other holds the child’s hand.

Table - Exercises

There lived one burbot in the river,

Two ruffs were friends with him.

Three ducks flew to them

Four times a day,

One two three four five.

Slow movements with joined palms, simulating swimming.

Movements with palms on both sides.

Swing your palms.

Bend your fists.

Extend your fingers from your fists, starting with the big ones.

2. "Goat"

The goat came out of the door,

He arched his neck:

"Give me some bread quickly!"

"Give me some pie!"

He extended his hoof:

"Give me some water to drink!

The left hand depicts a goat: the middle and ring fingers are bent, the thumb, little finger and forefinger straightened, this position is maintained throughout the game.

The right hand is clenched into a fist, bent at the wrist, and the horns are pointed out.

The right hand is clenched into a fist, middle finger straightened.

The right hand is folded into a boat.

One two three four five,

Let's collect leaves

Birch leaves, rowan leaves,

Poplar and aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves,

We'll collect an autumn bouquet for mom.

The child bends his fingers one by one, starting with the thumb.

The child clenches and unclenches his fists.

The child bends his fingers, starting with the little finger.

4. "Cat Chef"

Snow was falling on the threshold,

The cat baked himself a pie

In the meantime, I sculpted and baked,

The pie flowed away like a stream.

Bake your own pies

Not from snow, but from flour.

The child raises his hands up and then slowly lowers his palms onto the table.

A child imitates making a pie.

The child “runs” the fingers of both hands along the table.

The child again pretends to make a pie.

5. "Needle and Thimble"

Embroiders, sews with a needle.

It stings my finger, it hurts my finger,

And the thimble at the same moment

To (child's name) on the finger Jump!

He says to the needle: - Shay!

Don't you dare inject yourself.

The child’s left palm is open, in his right hand there is an imaginary needle; the needle sews and touches the index finger on the left hand.

With your right hand, perform the same movement as if you were putting a thimble on the index finger of your left hand.

The child’s left palm is open, in his right hand there is an imaginary needle, the child is sewing.

6. "Mouse and Clock"

A mouse crawled in one day

See what time it is.

Suddenly the clock said: “Bang!”

The mouse rolled head over heels,

The mouse climbed in a second time

See what time it is.

Suddenly the clock said: “Bom, bom!”

The mouse rolled head over heels.

The mouse climbed for the third time

See what time it is.

Suddenly the clock said: “Bom, bom, bom!”

The mouse rolled head over heels.

The child sits on the floor on his knees and “runs” with his fingers from the floor along the body to the top of the head.

The child claps his hands above his head.

The child claps his hands above his head twice.

The child “rolls” his hands to the floor.

The child “rolls” his hands to the floor.

7. "The Cuckoo Was Walking"

A cuckoo walked past the market

She had a basket.

Suddenly the basket hits the floor - boom,

Ten flies flew!

The child “walks” along the table on straightened index and middle fingers, the remaining fingers are tucked.

The child connects his palms with a “bucket”.

The child hits his knees with his closed palms and separates his hands.

The child spreads his arms to the sides and moves his fingers.

Finger gymnastics - finger riddles

You show the figure with your fingers, and the children guess what kind of object it is and repeat your movement. First you show the figures, and then the children. You can come up with your own figures. The figures should be understandable and recognizable to children.

Finger gymnastics - shadow finger theater

Shadow finger theater is also very useful for the development of fine motor skills.

Posted on Allbest.ru

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Gymnastics for children It has great value, especially for harmonious physical development and child growth. The earlier children are introduced to sports and physical education, the greater the guarantee that the younger generation will grow up strong and healthy. Modern child He spends more and more time watching TV or at the computer, so physical education is vital for him.

The undeniable benefits of gymnastics.

The body is hardening. Strengthens immunity and endurance. It is recommended to conduct classes on fresh air or in a well-ventilated area.

The skill of breathing correctly is developed. Improves during rhythmic movements general technology breathing, the depth of inspiration increases.

Coordination of movements and the ability to “feel” your body in space develop. The child’s movements become more “harmonious”.

All organs are strengthened young body. Gymnastics is especially useful for children for the development of the musculoskeletal system. During physical exercise it is produced correct posture. Trained abdominal muscles ensure the proper functioning of the digestive organs. Are becoming more active metabolic processes, helping to cleanse the body of toxins. Blood flow accelerates, work improves nervous system.

Gaining new cognitive skills. When doing gymnastics, a child learns and remembers geometric shapes (walking in a circle, square), determines sides (turns to the right or left on command), learns to march to music, and develops the necessary rhythm of movements.

Types of gymnastics for children.

  1. Basic gymnastics. This type is based on general developmental, drill and basic movements. Gymnastic and sports equipment can be used - balls, jump ropes, hoops. The selection of exercises and dosage is carried out individually.
  2. Gymnastics. This type is more sporty and has distinctive feature– obligatory elements of dance to music. Classes have an emotional “coloring”, contribute to aesthetic education, the development of harmony, beauty and grace of movements. Exercises with objects are widely used: ribbons, flags, ball, hoop.
  3. Hygienic gymnastics. Physical exercise combined with hardening water and air procedures, massage. This gymnastics for children is useful for strengthening health and immunity.
  4. Acrobatic gymnastics. Includes some elements of acrobatics that the child performs with the help of adults. Stretching and tumbling exercises require special care.
  5. Applied gymnastics. This applies to physiotherapy or physical education that helps restore health through special complex exercises. Posture is corrected, the state of the nervous system improves, and the child’s general behavior and mood are normalized.
  6. Rhythmic gymnastics. In principle, this is basic gymnastics performed with musical accompaniment. Helps children develop a sense of rhythm, muscle freedom, and expressiveness of movements.

Exercises for children of primary preschool age (up to five years old).

At this age, kids are just getting acquainted with the basics of gymnastics for children with the help of game elements. Repeat the following exercises with your child five to six times. To avoid fatigue, take breaks periodically.


The child stands straight, with his arms down and his legs slightly apart. Then he begins to move his hands alternately, one forward, the other back, and vice versa, saying “Tick-tock.”

"Reach Up"

The baby stands with his feet shoulder-width apart. When entering, he raises his hands up, and when exiting slowly, he lowers them, saying “Uh-uh.”


Starting position: put your legs apart, raise your arms and join them together. Leaning forward as you exit, place your joined hands between your legs. Rise as you inhale, arms up in the opposite position.


The child lies on the floor, arms at his sides, legs extended together. While inhaling, the baby raises his arms above his head and lowers them behind his head to the floor. Exhaling, he moves them in the opposite direction and slowly says “In-iii-iz.”


The baby lies with his back on the mat, folding his hands on his stomach, and imagines that he has an inflated balloon inside. The child, slowly inhaling air through the nose, inflates the “airy” tummy, then the breath must be held for 1-3 seconds. When you exhale slowly through your mouth, your tummy deflates. To make it more interesting for your baby, you can put a small pillow or soft toy on his stomach.

Exercises for children of senior preschool age (five to seven years old).

The main goal of gymnastics for children of this age is to prepare for school physical activities. Children can complete tasks on their own, gradually making them more difficult: using a gymnastic stick, homogeneous objects (for example, two flags).


The child stands with his feet shoulder-width apart. Hands down. When inhaling, he spreads them wide to the sides, and when exiting, lowers them, saying, stretching “Carrr”.


The child stands straight, arms down. Then, bending your arms at the elbows, makes circular movements with them, like a train. You can simultaneously add slow running in place.

"Turns right, left"

Feet shoulder-width apart, stick held with both hands behind your back. Turn the body at an average pace to the right, then to the left. Breathing is even.

"Steps through a stick"

The child stands leaning forward. The stick is held in front in hands down. You need to step over the stick back and forth at a slow pace.


The child lies on his stomach, with his arms outstretched in front of him on the floor. Raising your shoulders and arms, you need to reach up. Exercise helps to develop correct posture.

Classes gymnastics for children are unique in that they can be practiced not only in a specially equipped room, but also while walking or on the sports ground. The important thing is to simply choose your exercises accordingly. If your child is interested in sports and enjoys activities, then the best a useful gift he will need to purchase a ready-made sports corner or a children's sports complex.

Sets of exercises for morning exercises for children of senior preschool age

Prepared by: Varentsova Marina Vladislavovna physical education instructor at MADOU d/s No. 39 in Tyumen
This complex will be useful for physical education instructors, educators and teachers.


Complex No. 1
(without items)

1. Walking in a column one at a time, at a signal - change of direction, with tasks for the hands.
2. Normal running, change direction at a signal.

4. Scattered formation.
5. Outdoor switchgear without items:
I.p.: o.s.
1-tilt the head to the right (left) shoulder
2-p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: o.s.
1-2 hands through the sides up, rise on the toes
3-4-p. (8-10 times)
IP: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides.
1-turn to the right (left), right (left) hand behind the back, left (right) behind the head
2-p. (6-8 times)

1-tilt to the right (left), draw an arc with your left (right) hand
2-p. (6-8 times)
I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.
1-turn the body to the right (left), right (left) arm to the side with palm up
2-p. (6-8 times)
I.p.: sitting, arms supported behind.
1-raise your torso, bend over, look back
2-p. (8-10 times)

1-raise up your right (left) leg, left (right) arm
2-p. (6-8 times)
I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt.
Jumping alternately on one and the other leg. Alternate with walking (2-3 times)

Complex No. 2
(with a ball)

1. Walking in a column one at a time, scattered, on your heels, “Dwarfs and Giants”, “Polar Bears”.
2. Run as usual, on the spot when given a signal.
3. Walking while restoring breathing.
4. Form in a column of two (according to a guideline).
5. ORU with a ball:
I.p.: feet width apart, hands with the ball below.
1-ball on chest
2-with force up
3-on chest
4-p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: sitting, legs together, ball in front of the chest.
1-3-lean forward, touch the toes with the ball
4-p. (8 times)
IP: feet shoulder-width apart, arms forward.
1-turn right (left)
2-p. (8 times each)
I.p.: sitting on your heels, the ball at your chest.
1-kneel, raise your hands up, look at the ball
2-p. (10 times)
I.p.: lying on your back, hands with the ball above your head.
1-2-ball forward, sit down
3-4-p. (6-8 times)
IP: lying on your stomach, ball in outstretched arms.
1-2-raise your hands, look at the ball
3-4-p. (6-8 times)
I.p.: o.s.
1-sit down, arms forward
2-p. (8 times)
I.p.: the ball is held in the knees, hands on the belt.
Alternate jumping with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Relaxation – week 3

Complex No. 3
(without items)

1. Walk with small and wide steps, with high knees.
2. Run, side gallop, at the signal - sit down.
3. Walking while restoring breathing.
4. Scattered formation.
5. Outdoor switchgear without items:
I.p.: legs apart, hands on the belt.
1-turn the head to the right (left)
2-p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: o.s.
1-arms to the sides,
2 hands up
3-hands forward,
4-p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: legs apart, hands on shoulders
1-turn right (left), arms to the sides, fingers apart,
2-p. (6-8 times)
I.p.: sitting, emphasis on forearms.
1-raise straight legs,
2-spread to the sides,
4-p. (6-8 times)
IP: standing on your hands and knees.
1-swing left (right) leg back
2-p. (6-8 times)
I.p.: o.s.
1-sit down, cover your face with your palms
2-p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt.
Jumping legs together, legs apart, alternate with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Self-massage – 1 week
8. Relaxation – week 2
Complex No. 4
(with a handkerchief)

1.Walking in place, on your toes, on your heels, on the outside of your feet, with your knees raised high.
2. Normal running, at the signal - stand up like “Herons”, sit down like “Frogs”.
3. Walking while restoring breathing.
4. Formation in a circle.
5. Outdoor switchgear with a handkerchief:
I.p.: legs hip-width apart, hands with handkerchiefs behind the back.
1-arms to the sides
4-p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: feet width apart, right hand at the top, left hand at the bottom.
1-lower your right hand across the sides and raise your left hand
2-p. (6-8 times)
IP: feet shoulder-width apart, right hand with a handkerchief at the top, left hand on the belt.
1-3-tilt left
4-change hands (8-10 times)
IP: legs wider than shoulders, arms in front.
1-3-tilt, touch the floor with a handkerchief
4-p. (6-8 times)
IP: sitting on your heels, hands on your knees.
1-kneel, raise your hands up
2-p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: o.s.
1-half squat, handkerchief swing forward
2-p. (8 times)
I.p.: o.s.
Jumping legs and arms to the sides, alternate with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.

Complex No. 5
(without items)

1. Walking with a change of direction along a landmark, stopping at a signal.
2. Run, throwing straight legs forward, running with small and wide steps.
3. Walking while restoring breathing.
4. Scattered formation.
5. Outdoor switchgear without items:
I.p.: o.s.
1-hands through the sides behind the head,
2-p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: o.s.
1-step right (left), arms to the sides
2-p. (8-10 times)
IP: feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of the chest.
1-turn right (left), arms to the sides
2-p. (6-8 times)
I.p.: feet wider than shoulders, hands below.
1-arms to the sides
2-bend over, touch the toes of your right (left) foot with your fingers
3-straighten up, arms to the sides
4-p. (6-8 times)
I.p.: sitting on the floor, arms supported behind.
1-bend your knees
2-i.p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: o.s.
1-hands behind your head, sit down
2-p. (6-8 times)
I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt.
Jumping legs apart, legs crossed, alternate with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Finger gymnastics – 1 week
8. Eye exercises – week 2
Complex No. 6
(with flat ring)

1. Walking in a column, gymnastic step, in a half squat.
2.Running at an average pace, snake-like, scattered.
3. Walking while restoring breathing.
4. Formation in a column of two through the middle in motion.
5. Outdoor switchgear with a flat ring:
I.p.: o.s.
1-hands forward,
4-p. (8-10 times)
IP: feet shoulder-width apart, hands below.
1-hands forward,
2-turn right (left)
3-hands forward,
4-p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: sitting, legs extended forward and to the sides, hands at the chest.
1-3-tilt to the right (left) leg, grab the foot with a ring
4-p. (6-8 times)
I.p.: lying on your back, hands with a ring above your head
1-raise your legs and arms up
2-3- grab the feet with a ring, hold
4-p. (6-8 times)
IP: lying on your stomach, hands in front
1-lift the ring up, look into it
2-p. (6-8 times)
I.p.: o.s.
1-sit down, arms forward
2-i.p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt, ring on the floor in front of the feet.
Jumping through the ring back and forth, alternating with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Relaxation – week 3
8. Articulation gymnastics – week 4
Complex No. 7
(without items)

1. Walking on toes, on heels, in a cross step.
2. Run, run in all directions, at the signal - form a column one at a time.
3. Walking while restoring breathing.
4. Scattered formation.
5. Outdoor switchgear without items:
IP: feet shoulder-width apart, hands to shoulders.
1-4 - rotation of arms forward (backward) (6-8 times)
I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands locked behind.
1-tilt right (left)
2-p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: sitting, legs wide apart, hands on the belt.
1-lean towards the right (left) leg, touch your toes with your hands
2-p. (6-8 times)

1-raise straight legs at an angle of 90o
2-p. (8 times)
IP: lying on your stomach, hands under your chin.
1-rise up, arms to the side
2-p. (8-10 times)
IP: legs slightly apart, arms to the sides.
1-touch the elbow of the right (left) hand to the left (right) knee
2-p. (6-8 times)
I.p.: one leg in front, hands on the belt.
Jumping with alternating legs, alternating with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Self-massage – 1 week
8. Relaxation – week 2
Complex No. 8
(with ribbon)

1. Walking on toes, on the outside of the foot, on the heels, in pairs, scattered.
2. Normal running, in pairs, scattered.
3. Walking while restoring breathing.
4. Form in a column of two (through the middle in pairs).
5. Outdoor switchgear with ribbon:
I.p.: o.s.
1-2 hands through the sides up, transfer the ribbon to the other hand
3-4-p. (8-10 times)

1-raise the knee, transfer the ribbon to the other hand under the knee
2-p. (6-8 times)
I.p.: legs wider than shoulders, arms to the sides.
1-bend to the right (left) leg, transfer the ribbon behind the leg to the other hand
2-p. (6-8 times)

1-2-raise your right (left) leg, transfer the ribbon to the other hand
3-4-p. (8 times)
I.p.: sitting, legs apart, hands to the chest
1-2-lean forward, touch the floor with your hands
3-4-p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: o.s.
1-spring, hand forward
2-p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: o.s.
Jumping on two legs with a turn around, alternating with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Prevention of flat feet – 3 weeks
8. Finger gymnastics – week 4
Complex No. 9
(without items)

1. Walking with an extended step forward, backward, on your toes, rolling from heel to toe.
2. Running in a column one at a time, with a change of guide, with a change of direction, side gallop.
3. Walking while restoring breathing.
4. Scattered formation.
5. Outdoor switchgear without items:
I.p.: feet hip-width apart, arms to the sides.
1-bend arms to shoulders
2-p. (10 times)
I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt.
Place 1 right (left) leg to the side on the toe, arms up
2-p. (8-10 times)
IP: legs together, arms at chest level, slightly apart.
1-swing with the right (left) leg, reach the palm of the left (right) hand
2-p. (6-8 times)
IP: lying on your back, arms along your body.
1-4 - raise your legs, try to touch them to the floor
5-8 - smoothly lower your legs (6-8 times)
IP: lying on your stomach, arms extended forward.
1-2-raise your arms and legs, bend your back
3-4-i.p. (6-8 times)
I.p.: o.s.
1-right (left) hand forward, left (right) leg back
2-p. (6-8 times)
I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt.
Jumping legs apart and together, alternating with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Finger gymnastics – 1 week
8. Eye exercises – week 2
Complex No. 10
(with rope)

1. Walking in a column one at a time, with an extra step to the right (left), on the toes, on the heels, on the outside of the foot.
2. Normal running, with a change of direction, diagonally.
3. Walking while restoring breathing.
4. Formation in a column of three (according to a guideline).
5. Outdoor switchgear with a rope:
I.p.: o.s., hold the rope by the ends.
1-rising on your toes, raise your arms up
2-p. (10 times)
I.p.: feet hip-width apart, rope in both hands in front of you.
1-lean down, touch the floor
2-p. (6-8 times);
I.p.: kneeling, hands with a rope below.
1- arms forward, turn right (left)
2-p. (6-8 times)
I.p.: sitting, the rope lies on the legs, hands resting behind.
1-raise straight legs
2-p. (8-10 times)
IP: sitting on your heels, hands with a rope on your knees.
1-lean forward, reach for the rope
2-p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: o.s.
1-sit down, put a rope in front of your feet
3-sit down, take the rope
4-p. (6-8 times)
I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt, the rope lies on the floor to the right.
Jumping over a rope sideways on two legs, alternating with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Relaxation – week 3
8. Articulation gymnastics – week 4
Complex No. 11
(without items)

1. Walk with small and wide steps, backwards.
2. Normal run, at the signal - sit down.
3. Walking while restoring breathing.
4. Scattered formation.
5. Outdoor switchgear without items:
I.p.: feet hip-width apart, hands on the belt.
1- clasp your shoulders with your hands
2-p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: legs wider than shoulders, hands on shoulders.
1-lean forward, pat knees
2-p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: o.s.
1-sit down, clasp your knees with your hands
2-p. (6-8 times)
I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.
1-turn right (left)
2-p. (6-8 times)
I.p.: legs together, hands on the belt.
1-raise the right (left) leg bent at the knee
2-p. (6-8 times)
IP: feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped above your head.
1-tilt down, hands in lock
2-p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt.
Jumping alternately on one leg, alternating with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Self-massage – 1 week
8. Relaxation – week 2
Complex No. 12
(with dumbbells)

2. Running, alternating with running in wide strides.
3. Walking while restoring breathing.

5. Outdoor switchgear with dumbbells:
I.p.: legs feet-width apart, hands with dumbbells below.
1-arms to the sides
4-p. (8-10 times)

1-bring your right (left) hand forward
2-p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.
1-tilt to the right (left), lower the right (left) hand down
2-p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: sitting, legs apart, hands on the waist.
1-lean forward, hands touch the floor
2-p. (6-8 times)
IP: lying on your back, arms above your head.
1-2-raise your arms and legs up
3-4-p. (6-8 times)

1-squat, arms with dumbbells up
2-p. (6-8 times)
I.p.: o.s.
Jumping arms and legs to the sides, alternating with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Prevention of flat feet – 3 weeks
8. Finger gymnastics – week 4
Complex No. 13
(in pairs)

1. Walking on your toes, on your heels, diagonally.
2. Run as usual, on a signal - like a snake.
3. Walking while restoring breathing.
4. Scattered formation.
5. Outdoor switchgear in pairs:
IP: back to each other, hold hands.
1-3-stand on your toes, arms out to your sides
4-p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: standing facing each other, feet wider than shoulders, hands clasped above
1-tilt clasped hands to the right (left)
2-p. (6-8 times)
IP: standing with your back to each other, hands on your belt.
1-3-half squat, turn your head to the right (left), smile at each other
4-p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: standing with your back, feet wider than shoulders, hands on your belt.
1-3-lean forward - down, look at each other through your legs
4-p. (6-8 times)
IP: stand shoulder to shoulder, one hand on the waist, feet together.
1-foot forward
2- to the side
4-p. (6-8 times)
IP: standing facing each other, place your hands on your partner’s shoulders.
1-bend the right (left) leg at the knee
2-p. (8-10 times)
IP: standing facing each other and holding hands.
Jumps are performed arbitrarily, alternating with walking (2-3 times).
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Finger gymnastics – 1 week
8. Eye exercises – week 2
Complex No. 14
(with a small ball)

1. Walking in a column one at a time with tasks for the arms and legs.
2. Running at an average pace, with acceleration, in a snake.
3. Walking while restoring breathing.
4. Formation in a column of four (according to a guideline).
5. Open switchgear with a small ball:

1-2 hands through the sides up, transfer the ball to the other hand
3-4-lower your arms down (8-10 times)
I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, ball in the right hand.
1-arms to the sides
2-lean forward - down, transfer the ball to the other hand
3-straighten up, arms to the sides
4-p. (6-8 times)
I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, right hand with the ball at the top, left hand on
1-3-tilt left
4-p. (6-8 times)
I.p.: o.s., ball in the right hand.
1-arms to the sides
2-sit down, transfer the ball to the other hand
3-stand up, arms to the sides
4-p. (8-10 times)
IP: kneeling, ball in right hand.
1-4-roll the ball to the right (left) around you, keeping an eye on the ball
With your eyes (6-8 times)
I.p.: lying on your back, the ball in both hands behind your head.
1-2- raise your right (left) straight leg, touch the ball
foot sock
3-4-slowly lower the leg (6-8 times)
I.p.: o.s., ball on the floor in front of the feet.
Jumping around the ball on 2 legs to the right - to the left, alternating with
walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Relaxation – week 3
8. Articulation gymnastics – week 4
Complex No. 15
(without items)

1. Walk in a cross step, in a half-squat, at the signal - sit down.
2. Run, with the shin sweeping back, side gallop, at the signal - sit down.
3. Walking while restoring breathing.
4. Scattered formation.
5. Outdoor switchgear without “Toys” items:
“Airplane” I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.
1-arms to the sides
2-p. (8-10 times)
“Doll” I.p.: the same
1-lean forward, arms to the sides
2-p. (8-10 times)
“Soldier” I.p.: o.s.
1-right (left) straight leg forward
2-p. (8-10 times)
“Tumbler” I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.
1-tilt right (left)
2-p. (8-10 times)
“Cockerel” I.p.: o.s.
1-4-raise your right (left) leg, bent at the knee, wave your arms with the words “ku-ka-re-ku!” (8-10 times)
“Clockwork Parsley” I.p.: legs together, hands on the belt.
2-p. (8-10 times)
“Balls” I.p.: legs together, hands on the belt.
Jumping with turns around yourself, alternating with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Self-massage – 1 week
8. Relaxation – week 2
Complex No. 16
(with a flat linoleum flower or plate)

1. Walking by rolling from heel to toe, alternating walking in pairs in a circle with walking in all directions.
2. Run, stop at the signal - spin around.
3. Walking while restoring breathing.
4. Formation in a column of three.
5. Outdoor switchgear with a flat flower:
I.p.: feet hip-width apart, hands below.
1-hands up, right (left) leg back on the toe
2-p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands at the chest.
1-raise your hands up
2-tilt right-left
3-hands up
4-p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: legs wider than shoulders, hands near the chest.
1-lean forward, put the flower on the floor
3-lean forward, lift the flower
4-p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: sitting, place the flower on your feet, hands supported behind your back.
1-raise straight legs at an angle of 450
2-p. (6-8 times)
IP: lying on your back, arms above your head.
1-2 arms swing, sit down
3-4-p. (6-8 times)
I.p.: feet hip-width apart, hands below.
1-sit down, hands with flower up
2-p. (8-10 times)
I.p.: o.s., flower on the floor in front of the feet, hands arbitrarily.
Jumping over a flower, alternating with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Prevention of flat feet – 3 weeks
8. Finger gymnastics – week 4
Complex No. 17
(without items)

1. Walking with high knees, mincing steps.
2. Run, run in all directions, at the signal - find your place in the column.
3. Walking while restoring breathing.
4. Scattered formation.
5. Outdoor switchgear without “Spring” items:
“The trees are swinging” I.p.: o.s.
1-hands up
2-3 - slight bends to the sides
4-p. (8-10 times)
“Streams are murmuring” I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.
1-lean forward, arms down, move your fingers
2-p. (8-10 times)
“Windmill” I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.
1-turn the body to the right (left)
2-p. (8-10 times)
“Swing” I.p.: feet hip-width apart, hands on shoulders.
1-tilt right (left)
2-p. (8-10 times)
“Wind” I.p.: o.s.
1-sit down, arms forward
2-p. (8-10 times)
“Rain” I.p.: o.s.
1-spring with legs, arms through sides up, folded
2-p. (8-10 times)
“Sparrows rejoice in spring” I.p.: o.s.
Jumping on one leg, on two with a turn, alternating with walking
(2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Finger gymnastics – 1 week
8. Eye exercises – week 2
Complex No. 18
(without items)

1. Walking backwards, with tasks for arms and legs.
2. Run, at the signal - jump on two legs in place.
3. Walking while restoring breathing.
4. Formation in two columns.
5. Outdoor switchgear without subjects “Athletes”:
“Swimmers” I.p.: o.s.
1-hands forward
2-arms to the sides
3-4-p. (8-10 times)
“Weightlifters” I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down
1-lean forward, arms down
2-straighten up, arms up
3-4-p. (8-10 times)
“Boxers” I.p.: legs hip-width apart, arms bent at the elbows, in a fist at the chest.
1-forcefully straighten your right (left) arm forward
2-p. (8-10 times)
“Warm-up for athletes” I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.
1-4 circular rotation of the body to the right and left (6-8 times)
“Gymnasts” I.p.: o.s.
1-raise your straight right (left) leg forward with your hands
touch your toes
2-p. (6-8 times)
“Dumbbells” I.p.: feet hip-width apart, hands to shoulders.
1-turn to the right (left), arms with force to the sides
2-p. (8-10 times)
“Jumpers” I.p.: o.s., hands on the belt
Free jumps alternating with walking (2-3 times)
6. Exercise to restore breathing.
7. Relaxation – week 3
8. Articulation gymnastics – week 4

morning exercise complexes


1 week, 2 week

1 input part Walking and running in a column one at a time, walking on toes, heels, on a full foot; running in all directions, forming in 3 columns with the purpose of the leaders - to monitor posture and breathing.

2 main part O.R.U. (without items)

1.I.p. : feet hip-width apart, hands below. Raise your arms up to your sides and clap your hands. Lower your arms through your sides, return to IP. (5-6 times)

2.ip. - stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist. Turn to the right, move your right hand to the side, return to the I.P.. Also in the other direction (3 times each) 3.I.P. - stand with your feet the width of a mortar, arms down. Sit down, bring your arms forward, clap your hands in front of you, return to the standing position. (5-6 times)

4.I.p. - stand with legs apart, hands behind your back. Raise your arms to the sides: bend forward and touch the floor between your toes. Straighten up, arms to the sides, return to standing position. (5 times).

5.I.p. - stand with your feet as wide as your feet, hands on your waist. Jumping on two legs in place, alternating with walking (3 times).

3 final part


3 week, 4 week

1 input part Walking and running in a column one at a time, walking on toes, heels, on a full foot; running in a scattered formation, forming in 3 columns with the purpose of the leaders - to monitor posture and breathing.

2 main part O.R.U. (without items).

1.i.p. - stand with your feet at the width of your feet, hands on your waist. 1- arms to the sides; 2- arms up, rising on your toes; 3-arms to the sides; 4-vern. in i.p. (5-6 times)

2.I.p. - stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head. 1- turn the body to the right, arms to the sides; 2- ver. in and. p. Also to the left. (6 times).

3. I.p. - stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. 1- arms to the sides; 2-tilt to the right (left) leg, touch. fingers and toes; 3-straighten up; 4-vern. in and. p. (6 times)

4.I.p. -o.s. hands on the belt. 1-2 sit down, bring your arms forward; 3-4 - return to the starting position (5-6 times).

5.I.p. - basic stand with heels together, toes apart, hands down. 1- right leg to the side, arms to the sides, 2-, return to IP. Also to the left. (5-6 times).

6.I.p. - basic hand position on the belt. 1- jump legs apart, arms to the sides; 2- return to the origin. position (3-4 times).

3 final part Walking calmly helps restore children's breathing. Focus on breathing.


1 week, 2 week

1 introduction part. Walking and running between blocks, walking on toes, heels, running in all directions, walking on the entire foot. Formation in 3 columns.

2 main part. O.R.U. with a cube.

1. I.p. - stand at foot width, cube in right hand. Raise your arms up through your sides, transfer the cube to your left hand, lower your arms. Raise your arms across the sides and pass the cube from your left to your right hand and return to the same position (4-5 times).

2.I.p. - stand with your feet as wide as your feet, holding a cube in your right hand. Sit down, place the cube on the floor, hands on your belt. Squat down, take a cube, straighten up, return to standing position. (5-6 times).

3.I.p. - kneeling position, cube in right hand. Turn to the right (left), place the cube at the toes, straighten up, return to the i.p. (3 times in each direction).

4.I.p. - sitting, legs apart, cube in the right hand. Lean forward, place the cube at the toe of your right (left) leg, straighten up, hands on your waist. Lean forward, take the cube, return to the i.p. (5-8 times).

5. I.p. - legs slightly apart, arms at random, cube on the floor. Jumping on two legs around the cube in both directions, alternating with a short pause.

3 Final part


3 week, 4 week

1.Input part. Walking in a column one at a time, change direction at the teacher’s signal; walking in a column one at a time, raising your knees high, hands on your belt; transition to normal walking, running in all directions, formation in 3 columns.

2.main part. O.R.U. with a gymnastic stick.

1.I.p. - main stance, stick down. 1 - stick forward; 2-turn the stick vertically, lowering the right hand down, raising the left hand up; 3- stick horizontally. Also to the left; 5 - horizontal stick, 6 - return to IP. (5-6 times).

2.I.p. -basic stand stick down with an overhand grip. 1 - step with the right foot to the right, stick up; 2nd. n. Also to the left (5-6 times).

3.I.p. - basics stand, stick on chest, elbows bent. 1-2 - sit down, bring the stick forward; 3-4 - return to IP (6 times).

4.I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, stick behind the head, on the shoulders; 1- turn the body to the right; 2-outcome. position. Also to the left (5-6 times). 5.I.p.-basics stand, stick vertically, one end on the floor, grip with both hands. 1-swing right leg forward; 2 - swing the right leg back; 3-swing forward; 4-p. Also with the left foot. (3 rubles each)

6.I.p. -basic stand, hands freely, stick on the floor to the right. Jumping on two legs over a stick to the right and left (2-3 times).

3 Final part. Walking in a column one at a time. Breathing exercise. Relaxation.


1 week, 2 week

1.Input part. Walking in a column one at a time, with high knees, walking on toes and heels. Formation in 3 columns.

2.main part. O.R.U. no items.

1.I.p. - basic stance, hands on the waist. 1 - right leg back on the toe, hands behind the head; 2- return to i. p., also with the left foot (5-6 times).

2.I.p. - stand with your legs apart, hands on your waist. 1- turn to the right, right hand to the right; 2- ver. in and. n. Also to the left (5-6 times).

3.I.p. -basic hand position along the body. 1 - lunge forward with the right foot. 2-3 springy swings; 4- return to i.p. Also with the left foot (3 times each)

4.I.p. - stand on your knees, hands on your belt. 1-2 - slowly sit on the right thigh, bring your arms forward; 3-4 - return to IP. Also to the left (5-6 times).

5.I.p. - stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. 1-arms to the sides; 2- bend forward, touch the toes of your left foot with your fingers; 3 - straighten up, arms to the sides; 4- ver. in and. p. (5-6 times). 6.I.p.-basics hand position along the body. Jumping on two legs - left forward, right backward (3-4 times)

3 Final part. Walking in a column one at a time. Breathing exercise. Relaxation.


3 week, 4 week

1.Input part. Walking in a column one at a time, walking while stepping over objects. Running in all directions throughout the hall. Alternating walking and running exercises. Formation in 3 columns.

2 main part. O.R.U. no items.

1.I.p. - basic stand, hands on the belt. 1-2 - step to the right, arms up through the sides, return to IP. Also to the left (3-4 times).

2.I.p. - stand with legs apart, hands to shoulders. 1-2 - turn the body to the right, arms to the sides; 3-4 - starting position. Also to the left. (5-6 times).

3.I.p. - basic stance, hands down. 1- arms to the sides; 2- swing the right leg forward, clap under the knee; 3- lower your leg, arms to the sides; 4-outcome. position. Also with the left foot (5-6 times).

4.IP - stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms down 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - forward tilt, touch. fingers of the right sock; 3- straighten up, arms to the sides; 4-outcome. put. Also with the left foot. (5-6 times).

5.I.p. - stand with legs slightly apart, arms along the body at random. Jumping on two legs in place (3-4 times).

3 Final part. Walking in a column one at a time. Breathing exercise. Relaxation.


1 week, 2 week

1.Input part. Walking and running in a column one at a time. Walking and running in all directions, walking on toes and heels, with high knees. Formation in 3 columns.

2.main part. O.R.U. with a ball.

1.I.p.-basic stand, ball in right hand. 1-2 - arms through the sides up, transfer the ball to the left hand; 3-4-p. Also with the left hand (5-6 times).

2.I.p. - stand with your feet apart, the ball in your right hand. 1- lean forward, pass the ball behind the shin of the left leg; 2-arms to the sides, straighten up; 3- bend to the right leg, pass the ball behind the shin; 4-i.p. (3-4 times).

3.I.p. - foot stance with the width of the foot, ball in the right hand 1 - squat, ball forward, pass to the left hand; 2- ver. in and. p..(5-6 times).

4.I.p. - stand on your knees, sit on your heels, ball in your right hand. 1-4 - tilt to the right, roll the ball away from you (in a straight line) 5-8 - back. in and. n. Also to the left (5-6 times).

5.I.p. -basic stand, ball in the right hand.. Jumping on the right and left legs alternately, alternating with walking in place. (2-3 times).

3 Final part. Walking in a column one at a time. Breathing exercise. Relaxation.


3 week, 4 week

1.Input part. Walking and running in a column one at a time. Walking and running in all directions, walking on toes and heels, with a change of direction. Formation in 3 columns.

2 main part. O.R.U. no items.

1.I.p.-basic hand position on the belt. 1-arms to the sides; 2- hands behind the head; 3- arms to the sides; 4-i.p. (5-6 times) 2.I. p.-stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist. 1-turn to the right, arms to the sides; 2-i. n. Also to the left (5-6 times)

3.I.p. - basic hand position behind the head. 1-2-sit down, arms forward; 3-4. p..(5-6 times).

4.I.p. - sitting, legs apart, hands on the waist. 1- arms to the sides; 2-tilt to the right leg, touch. toes; 3- straighten up, arms to the sides; 4-p. Also to the left (6 times).

5.I.p. - legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. Jumping on two legs (legs together - legs apart), alternating with walking in place (3 times).

3 Final part. Walking in a column one at a time. Breathing exercise. Relaxation.


morning exercises for children of senior preschool age


1 week 2 week

1 input. Part. Walking in a column one at a time, walking and running between objects, walking on toes, heels, running in all directions, walking on a full foot. Formation in 3 columns - monitor the posture and breathing of children.

2 basics Part. O.R.U. with a hoop

1.I.p. - stand with legs slightly apart, hoop in the right hand. 1 - Hoop forward; 2-hoop back; 3-hoop forward, while simultaneously passing it to the left hand, also with the left hand. (5-6 times)

2I.p.Main. stand, hoop at the chest. 1-sit down, bring the hoop forward; 2-p. . (5-6 times)

3.I.p. stand with legs apart, hoop down. 1-raise the hoop up; 2-tilt to the right; 3-straighten up, hoop up; 4-p. Also to the left (6 times)

4.I.p. sitting, legs apart, hoop in bent arms near the chest. 1-lean forward, touch the rim to the floor; 2-i.p. (5-6 times)

5.I. p.Basic stand in a hoop, arms along the body. Jumping on two legs in a hoop, alternating with walking. (2-3 times)

6.I.p.-Basic stand, hoop down. 1-2-hoop up, bend over, right leg back on toe; 3-4-rev. in i.p. Also with the left foot (5-6 times)

3rd part. Walking in a column one at a time. Relaxation.


3 week, 4 week

1Enter. Part. Walking in a column, one at a time, in a “snake” pattern, between objects; walking and stepping over objects; running in all directions, formation in 3 columns.

2 basics Part. O.R.U. with checkboxes

1.I.p.Basic stand, flags down. 1-flags forward; 2- flags up; 3 flags to the sides; 4-return to i. p.. (6-8 times)

2.I.p.Main. stand, flags down. 1-step with the right foot to the right, flags to the sides; 2- return to i. n. Also to the left (6-8 times)

3.I.p. sitting on the floor, legs apart, flags at the chest. 1-2-lean forward to the right leg, touch. toe sticks; 3-4-i.p. Also to the left leg. (6-8 times)

4.I.p.-stand on the knees, flags at the chest. 1- turn to the right, flags to the sides; 2-i. p. Also to the left (6-8 times) 5.I.p.-basic. stand flags down. 1-2-sit down, flags forward; 3-4. p.(6-8 times)

6.I.p.bas. stand with flags down. 1- jump legs apart, flags to the sides; 2- jump your legs together, return to standing position. (2-3 times)

3rd book Part. Walking in a column one at a time. breathing exercises. Relaxation.


1 week 2 week

1 Enter. Part. walking and running in a column one at a time, walking on toes, heels, with high knees, running in a snake, formation in 3 columns.

2 Main part. O.R.U. without items

1. I.p. basic hand position on the belt. 1-arms to the sides; 2- rising on your toes, arms up through your sides; 3- lower your entire foot, arms to the sides; 4-i. P. . (6-8 times)

2.I.p.bas. hand position on the belt. 1-2 - sit down slowly, arms forward; 3-4- return to IP. . (6 times)

3.I.p. stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist. 1- arms to the sides; 2- tilt to the right, right hand down, left hand up; 3- straighten up, arms to the sides; 4th. p. Also to the left (6-8 times)

4. I.p. stand on your knees, hands supported on the floor. 1- take the right leg back, up; 2- ver. in and. p. Also with the left foot (6-8 times) 5.I.p. lying on your stomach, arms straight. 1-2 - bend over, arms up; 3-4 -i.p. (5-6 times)

6.I.p. stand with your feet together, arms randomly along your body. Jumping on two legs (legs apart - together) (3-4 times)

3rd book Part


3 week, 4 week

1 Enter. Part 2 Basics Part. O.R.U. with a cube

1. I.p.bas. stand, cube in right hand. 1- arms to the sides; 2- hands up, transfer the cube to your left hand; 3-arms to the sides; 4- return to i.p. . (6-8 times)

2.I.p. stand with feet shoulder-width apart, cube in right hand. 1- arms to the sides; 2- bend forward, place the cube on the floor (between the feet); 3- straighten up, hands on your waist, 4- bend over, take the cube, return to i. n. Also with the left hand. (5-6 times)

3.I.p. stand in support on the knees, cube in the right hand. 1 - turn to the right, touch the heel of the right foot with the cube; 2- return to i. p., transfer the cube to your left hand. Also to the left. (6-8 times)

4.I.p. lying on your back, a cube in both hands behind your head. 1-2 - raise straight legs up forward, touch the toes with the cube; 3-4- return to IP. (6 times)

5.I.p basic stand, cube in right hand. 1-2 - sit down, bring the cube forward; 3-4- return to i. p.. (6-8 times) 6. I.p. basic stand, hands freely, cube on the floor. Jump around the cube to the right and left. (2-3 times)

3rd part. Calm walking. Relaxation.


1 week 2 week

1 Enter. Part. Walking and running in a column one at a time, walking on toes, hands behind the head, normal walking, hands to the sides; transition to running in all directions. Walking and running alternate, forming in 3 columns. 2 Basics Part. O.R.U. with gymnastics stick

1. I.p. basic stand, stick down, grip shoulder-width apart. 1- stick up, take the right leg back onto the toe; 2- return to i. n. Also with the left foot (6-8 times)

2.I.p. basic stand, stick down. 1-2 - sit down, bring the stick forward, arms straight; 3-4-p. (6-8 times)

3.I.p. stand shoulder-width apart, stick on shoulder blades, overhand grip; 1- turn the body to the right; 2-i. p. Also to the left (6-8 times)

4.I.p. - sitting, legs apart, stick on hips. 1-stick up; 2- bend forward to the right leg, touch the toe; 3- straighten up, stick up; 4-i.p. Also to the left leg (6-8 times) 5.I. n. - basic stand stick down. 1- step to the right, stick up; 2-i.p. Also to the left (6-8 times)

6.I.p. basic stand, stick on shoulders, overhand grip. 1- jump legs apart; 2- jump legs together.. (2-3 times)

3rd part. Calm walking. Relaxation.


3 week, 4 week

1 Enter. Part 2 Basics Part. O.R.U. no items.

1. I.p. basic stand, arms along the body. 1- step with the right foot to the right, arms to the sides; 2-return to i. p. Also to the left. (6-8 times)

2.I.p. legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. Count 1-3: spring squats, arms forward; 4-vern. in i.p. (6 times)

3.I.p. stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. 1-hands in front of the chest; 2- turn to the right, arms to the sides; 3- hands in front of the chest; 4 - ver. in and. n. Also to the left (6-8 times)

4.I.p.-basic stand, hands on the belt. 1 -raise your right leg straight, clap your hands under the knee; 2 - ver. in i.p. Also with the left foot (6-8 times) 5.I. p.-stand on your knees, hands on your belt. 1-2- sit on the right right thigh, straight arms forward; 3-4-rev. in i.p. Also to the left (6-8 times)

6.I.p. basic stand, hands freely. Jumping on the right and left legs alternately. (3-4 times)

3rd part. Calm walking. Relaxation.


1 week, 2 week

1 Enter. Part. Walking in a column one at a time, transition to walking in a circle. Walking and running like a snake. Walking on toes and heels. Formation in 3 columns. 2 Basics Part. O.R.U. no items.

1. I.p.bas. stand, arms bent in front of the chest. 1-3-three jerks with your arms to the sides; 4-vern. in and. p. (6-8 times)

2.I.p. stand with your legs apart, hands on your waist. 1 - tilt to the right; 2 - straighten up; 3- tilt to the left; 4-p. (6-8 times).

3.I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent, feet on the floor, arms along the body, with support on the floor. 1- raise the pelvis, bend over; 2- ver. in and. p. (6 times)

4.I.p sitting on the floor, legs apart, hands on the waist; 1- arms to the sides; 2- bend forward to the right leg, touch the toes; 3- straighten up, arms to the sides; 4- ver. in i.p. Also to the left leg (6-8 times) 5.I.p. - basic. stand, arms along the body. Jumping on two legs alternating with walking (3-4 times)

6.I.p. -basic hand position along the body. 1-2 - rising on your toes, arms up through your sides, bend over; 3-4-rev. in and. p.. (5-6 times)

3rd part. Calm walking. Relaxation.


3 week, 4 week

1 Enter. Part. Walking in a column one at a time, transition to walking in a circle. Walking and running like a snake. Walking on toes and heels. Formation in 3 columns. 2 Basics Part. O.R.U. with cubes.

1. I.p. stand with legs apart, cube in right hand. 1-2 hands through the sides up, transfer the cube to the left hand; 3-4-rev. in and. p. (6-8 times)

2.I.p. stand with feet shoulder-width apart, cube in both hands. 1- cube up; 2- bend forward, put the cube on the floor; 3- straighten up, hands on your waist; 4- lean forward, take the cube, return. in i.p. (6-8 times)

3.I.p. stand on your knees, cube in your right hand. 1- turn to the right, place the cube at the toes; 2- straighten up, hands on your waist; 3-turn right, take the cube; 4-i.p. (6-8 times)

4.I.p. - sitting on the floor, holding the cube with the soles of your feet, arms supported behind you. 1-2 - raise straight legs up; 3-4-i.p. (6-8 times)

5.I.p. -basic stand, hands freely. Jumping on two legs around a cube (3-4 times)

3rd part. Calm walking. Breathing exercises. Relaxation.

1 week, 2 week

1 introduction part. Walking and running between objects, walking on toes, heels, running in all directions, walking on the entire foot. Formation in 3 columns.

2 main part. O.R.U. with a hoop.

1. I.p. -basic stand inside the hoop. 1- sit down; 2- take the hoop with a side grip and straighten up, the hoop is on the belt line; 3-sit down, put the hoop on the floor; 4-p. (6-8 times).

2.I.p. - stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hoop vertically behind your back, grab your hands from the sides; 1-turn the body to the right; 2-p. Also to the left (6-8 times).

3.I.p. -basic stand the hoop vertically on the floor, grip with your hands from above. 1-2-leaning on the rim of the hoop with your hands, move your right (left) leg back and up; 3-4-rev. in IP (6-8 times).

4.I.p. - leg stand at the width of the foot, parallel, hoop in bent arms in front of the chest.. 1-2 - sit down, bring the hoop forward; 3-4-rev. in i.p. (6-8 times).

5. I.p. - standing in a hoop, hands freely. Jump from hoop to hoop (3-4 times)

3 Final part. Walking in a column one at a time. Breathing exercise. Relaxation.

3 week, 4 week

1 Enter. Part. Walking in a column one at a time, transition to walking in a circle. Walking and running like a snake. Walking on toes and heels. Formation in 3 columns. 2 Basics Part. O.R.U. no items.

1. I.p.bas. stand, arms along the body. 1- arms to the sides; 2- hands to shoulders; 3- arms to the sides; 4-i.p. . (6-8 times)

2.I.p.bas. stand, hands on the belt. 1- step with the right foot to the right; 2- tilt to the right; 3-straighten up; 4-p.. ​​(6-8 times)

3.I.p. stand with your feet apart, hands behind your head. 1- arms to the sides; 2- bend forward, touch the floor with your fingers; 3- arms to the sides; 4-i. p. (6-8 times)

4.I.p. lying on your stomach, arms bent at the elbows in front of you. 1 right leg back and up; 2-i. n. Also with the left foot. (6-8 times) 5.I.p. lying on your back, arms along your body. 1-4-alternating rotations with bent legs, pause, repeat (2-3 times)

6.I.p. basic stand, hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs, right and left alternately. (6-8 times)

3rd part. Calm walking. Relaxation.

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