Home Hygiene The cat who conquered the Internet and hearts. Grumpy Cat has gone to a better world, but left memes behind.

The cat who conquered the Internet and hearts. Grumpy Cat has gone to a better world, but left memes behind.

Grumpy Cat is by far the most famous cat in the world, but not the richest. His income is, of course, stable. According to experts, his income can reach approximately 42 thousand dollars a year. This is exactly the amount the cat, whose nickname is Tartar Sauce, could receive by earning from views of the YouTube channel, souvenirs with her photo, a book, filming in a Friskies commercial, and on the set of the comedy “Grumpy Cat’s Worst Christmas.”
And what is the secret of popularity and love for this cat? Short legs, an incorrect bite and, as a result, a dissatisfied grin, did their job.

The story of this disgruntled, but already world-famous cat, officially began on September 22, 2012, when photos of a cat with a rather extraordinary appearance were first posted online. The cat's face expresses great dissatisfaction: the corners of its mouth are lowered, which, combined with its tired look, gives the cat an expression of complete disappointment and dissatisfaction with its life.
At first, quite naturally, netizens insisted in their comments that these photos were solely the result of Photoshop. But all suspicions disappeared when the owners posted full-fledged videos on the World Wide Web. The cat was immediately dubbed Grumpy Cat, which means angry cat, and the cat quickly became one of the most popular Internet memes.
By the way, the real name of the cat is Tartar Sauce (abbreviated as Tard), in consonance it is somewhat reminiscent of the English word “brake” or “inhibited”.

Grumpy Cat, or “grumpy cat” as he is called, celebrated his first birthday on April 5th.
In photographs posted on the Internet, an angry cat, dressed in a festive hat, sits in front of a cake with his image on it, but still looks angry.

Grumpy Cat became the main character in the feature film "Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas." The trailer for the film managed to gain more than a million views in a few days.
The film is about a twelve-year-old girl, Christy, who dreams of a real friend. She made this wish for Christmas. And then, by chance, in a pet store she meets Grumpy Cat, who attracts no one's attention. The most interesting thing is that Christy suddenly begins to hear all the cat’s thoughts and begins to communicate with her.

Grumpy Cat made a guest appearance on an Australian television morning show. Conducted an interview on Channel Nine.
For more than a minute, the host tried to find out from the cat how she felt about Mondays, whether she liked participating in such shows, giving interviews, and how she felt about the Prime Minister of Australia. Naturally, the presenter’s questions remained unanswered. The cat was silent and simply looked attentively at the presenter. This continued until the presenter, nevertheless, could not stand it and burst out laughing...

"Grumpy Cat. The most angry cat in the world." This is a book that was released this year and went on sale in many stores around the world. This book contains the best demotivators with the image of Grumpy Cat. For some, perhaps, such pictures will help them develop their own sullenness or anger... BUT!!! Of course, first of all, this book will wonderfully lift the spirits of any reader.

Friskies is going to make the famous surly cat the face of a new advertising campaign. It's unclear how this will boost sales, but it should be fun either way.

Friskies keeps popping up in cat news on the site not because it is the best cat food, but solely due to the creativity of its marketing team. What are the “Game house from Friskies” on facebook, ipad games for cats or an exhibition of cat sculptures made of cheese!

Grumpy cat became a favorite of the Internet audience quite unexpectedly after publishing one funny photo on Reddit. It was September 22, 2012. Many suggested that this was photoshopped - well, a cat cannot have such a face! Then the owners posted a video of the sullen cat on YouTube.

The first picture was followed by other cartoons, caricatures and “photographs” - fans worked tirelessly. And here it is - glory! The cat has his own website grumpycats.com, a registered trademark, products with a unique facial expression - T-shirts, mugs, coasters, magnets, which bring the owners a certain income, which they share with cat shelters. Now gloomy cat Tarde will have a chance to become famous among the television audience.

What breed is the sullen cat?

Let's start with the fact that Grumpy Cat is not a cat, but a cat!!! No matter how incredible it may be. This is an ordinary domestic cat (mixed cat, crossbreed, mongrel - it’s clear to everyone), but the owners believe that it vaguely resembles the Persian, Ragdoll and Snowshoe, which may have been among its ancestors.

This miracle's name is Tardar Sauce. She was born on April 4, 2012. Grumpy Cat is small for her age, because she has a rare disease among cats - dwarfism. This explains the unusual expression of the muzzle. When she walks, she is a little lame on her hind legs because they are slightly different lengths. The owners note that their pet is completely different from its parents - an ordinary male and female cat, of normal size, with a typical facial expression, having nothing to do with short-legged munchkins.

In fact, the “gloomy cat” is not gloomy at all. The owners consider her smart, very affectionate and sociable.

Our favorite pictures with the Gloomy Cat

One day I tried to have fun. It was terrible!

It's never a good morning!

Do you know what I like about walking outside? Nothing!

The end of the world is near. Fine!

“What a sad, dissatisfied cat,

Does he look angrily, as if he’s about to bite?

An extraordinary cat, born from completely ordinary mongrel parents, became popular throughout the world overnight. Why did this cat attract the attention of millions of people? We will tell you about an unusual cat that has become known to everyone under the name “Angry Cat” (Tarde) in this article.

Grumpy cat (sad cat) - who is it?

The sad cat whose photo you see is a cat. This cat has already died, but remains in the hearts of the entire Internet.

The cat was born in 2012. The cat's father and mother are ordinary mongrel domestic cats. Of all the kittens born that day, only 2 were anything special, including Tard. The second cat differed only in that it had short pedigree legs (like those of the decoy cat) and an appearance similar to the Burmese breed (like the Tard cat).

The unusual “facial features” of a cat (the corners of the muzzle are pulled down) are a congenital pathology that is associated with some other congenital problems of the animal. Due to the dwarfism gene, the cat has some physiological problems that do not have much impact on its existence. Some clumsiness (when walking, due to problems with the hind legs), fear of heights and a dissatisfied expression on the face - this is how the cat differs from its fellows.

It will be interesting:

When the cat was born, the owners were very concerned that the kitten was so unhappy, they even took him to the veterinarian. But the veterinarian dispelled their doubts, convincing them that the cat did not suffer from any depression. According to him, the cat’s facial expressions were passed on to him through his genes.

The cat's face has such an unusual displeased expression that it seems as if she is offended by the whole world.

That is why the nickname “Sad Cat” became her name. No matter what others try to do, the facial expressions of a dissatisfied cat remain unchanged. Although, if you are interested and want to see the angry cat in a more cheerful way, then watch the video below where she opens her mouth to play. There her expression is much more cheerful, you can say that she is laughing.

A cat with a dissatisfied face is quite happy with life and knows how to have fun. She knows how to cuddle, loves to play around and hide, loves when her tummy is stroked.

How did the popularity of the sad cat begin?

The dizzying career of an Internet star began for several reasons:

  1. The birth of an extraordinary cat with congenital pathologies, thanks to which she became popular. It turned out as in the famous saying (there would be no happiness, but misfortune would help).
  2. Photo of a cat. Interest in the most gloomy cat in the world appeared immediately when a photo of the cat appeared on the Internet (which was posted by the owner’s brother). Millions of users of the World Wide Web were “chained” to a photograph of an angry cat, dissatisfied with life. At first many people thought it was photoshop. The cat's owner did not like this accusation. He hastened to prove that the cat exists by posting a video on YouTube. That's when they started talking about her video plots, there was no trace of doubt left.
  3. News and filming on television. The cat was talked about in many news stories, videos of which can be seen on the Internet.
  4. Cat food commercial featuring Grumpy cat.
  5. Popularity on the Internet. The cat has its own pages on social networks, where the number of “likes” is growing daily. Choose yours too

Not long after this, the photo of the grumpiest cat was already featured on millions of “memes” with inscriptions in the style of “I had fun once.” It was horrible” (“Once I was cheerful. It was terrible”).

Indeed, the expression on the cat’s face convinces that he seems to hate everyone around him. And nothing can appease him: neither a portion of Whiskas, nor world domination.

In fact

The owners of the gloomy cat, concerned about his depressed face, even took him to the veterinarian.

According to doctors, it's all about an unusual mixture of genes. The parents of an angry cat are not particularly gloomy - they have the most ordinary cat faces.

But the grumpiest cat in the world is not alone in his misanthropic appearance - he has an equally gloomy brother, Pokey. So the cat doesn’t dream of killing all people, it’s his appearance that’s so special.

A cat named Sauce

In fact, Grumpy Cat (“Angry Cat”) is not even a cat, but a cat named “Tardar Sause” (by analogy with “tartar sauce”), and with a very peaceful character, as the owner claims, tenderly loving the famous pet.

Tard, as her family calls her, loves to be petted and hugged. She also loves to be held and is not aggressive at all.

And the cat’s gloomy appearance, which brought her a new name and world fame, is due to malocclusion and congenital dwarfism.

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