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Organization of motor activity in the second junior group. All-Russian interactive educational portal "axiom"

Subject: « Formation of physical activity through the use of health-saving technologies in the organization of the educational process in the second junior group"

Full name of the teacher : Borovkova Larisa Anatolyevna

Specialty b: teacher

Education : secondary vocational

Teaching experience : 3 years

Start date of work on the topic : 09/01/2014

Estimated completion date : 05/31/2015

Target: increasing professional competence, creating psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of motor activity in the organization of the educational process,introduction and use of technology in working with children


    Create conditions for their timely and full mental development;

    To ensure that every child has the opportunity to live the preschool period joyfully and meaningfully.

The content of the work


    1. The use of health-saving technologies in the process of physical development and education of preschool children.


2.1.Stages of self-education

2.2.Work with teachers and families.Non-traditional forms of organization

communication between teachers and parents

2.3. Effectiveness of the program for protecting children’s health in

educational process.

2.4. Level of physical fitness of children - 2014 - 2015.




This work is devoted to the development of the formationphysical activity through the use of health-saving technologies in the organization of the educational process in the second junior group, which determines the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.The health-saving direction involves the formation of meaningfulattitudes towards health as an important value,creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for developmentmotor sphere and children's health based on their creative activity.

The work consists of studying health-saving technologies used in organizing the educational process: breathing exercises, breathing exercises, finger games, training, psycho-gymnastics, play massages; non-traditional forms of interaction with parents and teachers. Determining the effectiveness of the program.

The program is intended for children of the 2nd junior group to develop the formation of motor activity in the educational process (NOD).

Chapter 1. Health-saving technologies.

    1. Health-saving technologies in the organization of the educational process.

Protection and promotion of children's health. Forming healthy lifestyle habits has been and remains the task of kindergartens.

Based on the tasks of protecting and strengthening the health of children set in the Concept of Preschool Education, I set myself three main tasks:

    Create conditions for their timely and full mental development;

    To ensure that every child has the opportunity to live the preschool period joyfully and meaningfully.

Systematic preservation and development of health is carried out in several directions:

    Ensuring the psychological safety of the child’s personality (psychologically comfortable organization of routine moments, optimal motor mode, proper distribution of physical and intellectual stress, a friendly style of communication between an adult and children, the use of relaxation techniques in the daily routine, the use of necessary means and methods)

    Health-improving orientation of the educational process (taking into account hygienic requirements for the maximum load on preschool children in organized forms of education, creating conditions for health-improving regimes, caring for the child’s nervous system: taking into account his individual characteristics and interests; orientation to the child’s zone of proximal development, etc. .P.)

Physical education classes are aimed at mastering a certain amount of motor skills and contribute little to improving health and even less to preserving health; in this regard, the question arose about finding ways to prevent violations of physical and psychological health. Based on this problem, I have identified tasks that can be solved by any health-saving technology in the process of conducting physical education classes:

    strengthening the physical and psychological health of children;

    harmonious development of all parts of the musculoskeletal system and the child’s personality;

    formation of correct posture and emotional stability;

    forming habits for a healthy lifestyle and optimizing the process of education and training.

To achieve my goals, I use a set of special exercises. It is based on the developments of such researchers as Averina E.I., Kartushina M.Yu., Kozlova S.A., Margunova O.N.

Movements of the body and fingers, or bodily exercises. The content of the classes also includes physical exercises, games aimed at developing fine motor skills of the hands, training, elements of yoga, breathing exercises, self-massage, the ABC of the body, oriental gymnastics, psycho-gymnastics, etc.

When they are performed, interhemispheric interaction develops, synkinesis (involuntary, unintentional movements) and muscle tension are relieved. There is an enrichment and differentiation of sensory information coming from sensory organs, muscle and motor receptors.

    1. Use of health-saving technologies

in the educational process

Breathing exercises . They improve the rhythm of functioning of the body's functional systems, develop self-control and volition. Disturbances in the body's rhythms can lead to disruption of the child's mental development. The ability to voluntarily control breathing and develop self-control over behavior.

Communication exercises. They come in three types:

    individual exercises are aimed at restoring and further deepening contacts with one’s own body, non-verbal expression of states and relationships;

    pair exercises promote “openness” towards your partner, i.e. the ability to feel, understand and accept it;

    group exercises give the child the skills to interact in a team through the organization of joint activities.

Exercises for relaxation. They can be carried out both at the beginning of the lesson - for the purpose of setting up, and at the end - for the purpose of integrating what has been acquired into

during the lesson experience. They promote relaxation, introspection, recollection of events and sensations and are a single process.

Finger games

What are finger games? Everyone remembers a poem from childhood: “we wrote, we wrote, our fingers were tired...”. This is how teachers conducted physical education sessions during kindergarten classes. This poem is the prototype of finger games. At its core, finger games are massage and gymnastics for the hands, and sometimes for the feet. These are active physical education sessions right at the table, funny poems that help children become kinder. For better comprehension, poems must be read by heart. Nothing should stop children from listening.

Organized games, including finger games, accompanied by speech, turn into unique small performances. They captivate kids so much and bring them so much benefit. Children can remember and reproduce a lot from the words of adults; they just need to repeat the text several times. Of course, if you follow all the rules, you need to teach children to press the right points on their wrists and palms, but this is so boring. And kids are active people. They need every physical education session to be fun, so that they can imagine themselves as a little pig warming their belly in the sun, or a cheerful little gray mouse who will celebrate her birthday on Sunday. Don't forget that all children are dreamers. They easily transform themselves and freely accept all the conventions of theatrical performance.

In addition, finger games themselves give children health, since this affects the skin of the hands, where there are many points associated with one or another organ.

The main goal of finger games is to switch attention, improve coordination and fine motor skills, which directly affects the mental development of the child. A unique combination of good poems and simple massage techniques gives an amazing effect of active mental and physical development. Any techniques - tapping with the pads of the fingers, rubbing, stroking the base of the fingers, circular movements on the palms, light massage of the forearm - bring only health to the child.

Fun training

Children need additional physical activity for certain muscle groups. In the proposed system, at each lesson, after the basic movements, game exercises are performed on the carpet together with the teacher for 2 minutes. Exercises help develop coordination of movements and provide stress to special muscle groups. Each exercise for a child is his small victory in his physical improvement. Observing the performance of exercises allows the teacher to assess each child’s level of physical sensitivity to certain muscle loads, and, thereby, individualize the volume and number of repetitions. However, a number of exercises require physical exertion over a period of time, which can make children feel like exercise is routine. Therefore, all exercises have names that symbolize, during its use, the imitation of any actions of various characters from famous works and fairy tales, as well as objects, birds, fish, animals, trees, etc. This allows children to remember better and perform exercises better. At the same time, the implementation of exercises and, especially, repetitions should be accompanied by phrases and expressions of the teacher, stimulating in the child’s mind the maintenance of the image of the object of imitation. Each exercise is performed for two weeks, that is, 8 times, proceeding from easier to more difficult. All of them contribute to the development of either flexibility or joint mobility, or strengthening of certain muscles of the neck, arms, legs, back, abdomen; improve blood circulation and promote the development of coordination and posture. The whole complex, along with the drawings, can be presented in the form of a consultation for parents, and they can be invited to perform these exercises at home with their children, which will undoubtedly help increase the interest of children and parents in physical education activities.

Breathing exercises

Breathing is the most important physiological process that occurs automatically as a reflex. At the same time, breathing can be influenced by regulating it, making it shallow and rare, holding it for a while. The respiratory system of children is imperfect, and the smaller the child, the narrower all the respiratory tracts are, and the mucous membrane lining them is very delicate, easily inflamed, even under the influence of dust particles. At the same time, the already narrow passages become even narrower, and it is difficult for the child to breathe. Therefore, the room in which children are located should always be well ventilated. Clean air has fewer germs and reduces the risk of disease. The vital capacity of the lungs is smaller, the smaller the child, and the need for oxygen is high, so the child breathes frequently and shallowly. That is why it is necessary to include breathing exercises in a complex of physical education and health exercises.

To successfully master breathing exercises, you must follow the following basic rules::

    you need to breathe with pleasure, since positive emotions in themselves have a significant effect.

    It is necessary to concentrate on the breathing exercise. Which increases its positive effect.

    You need to breathe slowly, this is necessary to saturate the body with oxygen.

    You should perform each exercise no longer than it gives you pleasure.

You need to breathe through your nose.


Psycho-gymnastics according to the method of M.I. Chistyakova is primarily aimed at teaching the elements of the technique of expressive movements, the use of expressive movements in the education of emotions and higher feelings, and the acquisition of skills in self-relaxation.

Children study various emotions and learn to manage them, master the ABC of expressing emotions. First of all, such classes are indicated for children with excessive fatigue, mild mental retardation and other disorders that border between health and illness. It is equally important to use psychogymnastics in psychoprophylactic work with practically healthy children for the purpose of psychophysical relaxation. Psycho-gymnastics helps children overcome barriers in communication, better understand themselves and others, relieve mental stress, and provides an opportunity for self-expression. In psycho-gymnastics, each etude is repeated several times so that all children can take part in it.

Main problems that can be solved

with the help of psychogymnastics:

    Teaching children expressive movements.

    Training for recognizing emotions by external signs.

    Formation of moral ideas in children.

    Behavior correction using role-playing games.

    Relieving emotional stress.

    6.Teaching self-relaxation.

Any physical movement in psycho-gymnastics expresses some kind of fantasy image, saturated with emotional content, thereby uniting the activity of mental functions - thinking, emotions, mobility, and with the help of the teacher’s comments, children’s internal attention to these processes is also connected.

It is very difficult to master all phases and parts of psycho-gymnastics at once, so you can start, for example, with gymnastics. By including it as part of a physical education class, or instead of morning exercises. Individual stages can be mastered in different types of classes, such as physical education, games and training, as well as while walking.

In psychogymnastics classes, all children are successful, everything they do is correct, doing everything in their own way, as best they can. This is the fundamental difference between physical exercises in psychogymnastics and physical education. Classes are conducted in subgroups of 6 - 7 people and last from 26 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes.

It is advisable for teachers to perform all exercises and games on themselves. Please note that all classes are based only on imaginary material, therefore the use of real hats for gnomes, for example, is extremely inappropriate, since it distracts children’s attention to the paraphernalia and turns psycho-gymnastics into a game, which should only be its basis.

Play massage

Massage is one of the most amazing ways to influence the human body. A short, just a few minutes, and seemingly insignificant impact on the surface of the body affects the functioning of many organs. Of course, massage is useful at any age, but it is especially important for children. Massage has a versatile, extremely beneficial effect on the child’s body. Under the influence of massage, countless streams of impulses are sent from the skin along the nerve pathways, which reach the cerebral cortex and have a tonic effect on the central nervous system, which improves its main function - control over the work of all organs and systems. A powerful tactile stimulus, such as play massage, has a significant impact on the development of positive emotions and the formation of motor reactions.

Play massage uses all the techniques of classical massage: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration, light percussion techniques, and some acupressure techniques.

Different massage techniques have different effects on the nervous system: stroking, gentle rubbing and kneading calm the nervous system. Tapping and pinching have a stimulating effect.

By massaging this or that part of the body, we massage points that are directly connected with certain organs. When performing a play massage on the nose, you should know that the nose is the most important reflexogenic zone of the face. It is associated with the stomach, small and large intestines, spleen, and nervous system. Massage the nose to stimulate brain activity. Intense pressure on the fingertips stimulates blood flow to the hands. This promotes psycho-emotional stability and physical health. Increases the functional activity of the brain, tones the entire body. Game massage of the magic points of the ears is based on the stimulation of biologically active points located on the auricle and reflexively connected with almost all organs of the body. Massaging these points is useful, in particular, for improving the functioning of the respiratory system and protecting the body from colds. For hardening women, sole massage as an effective type of hardening is recommended for children of all ages. It is based on stimulation of active points located on the soles of the feet. Foot massage is done daily. For this purpose, health paths, all kinds of irritants on which children walk barefoot, rolling pins, etc. are used. This is an excellent hardening agent for children with poor health. Increases the child’s body’s resistance to sudden temperature fluctuations and hypothermia. By using play massage in our work, we raise healthy children.

ABC of the body

The ABCs of the body are exercises that increase
motor activity of children, speech correction is carried out, development
flexibility. Children hear and visually perceive the names of birds, animals and
using muscle feeling and muscle pressure, depict them.
And vice versa, when analyzing a particular pose, the character being portrayed is named. IN
In this case, the abstract representation of an object is combined with muscular
sensations, due to which conditioned connections in the cerebral cortex
movements are strengthened and subsequently easily reproduced
are performed when showing a particular bird or animal. These exercises

used in the final part of physical education classes and morning exercises.

Chapter 2. Formation of healthy lifestyle skills in children of the 2nd youngest


The issue of teaching a child in kindergarten to be conscious of their health is an important problem. To solve it, it is necessary to work on the part of adults to familiarize children with their body, organism, its capabilities and characteristics of functioning. In this case, a detailed study of human anatomy and physiology with children is not expected. The main task is to support children’s interest in their own body, its structure and functioning, teach them to help themselves, take care of their body and health. It is important to teach a child to love himself, his body, to cultivate in him an optimistic sense of self and worldview, which will ensure an easier, painless entry of the child into society and, as a result, high vital activity. In the modern situation, the child should be placed in the position of a subject, the creator of his own life, the guardian of his own health.

Stages of self-education

Non-traditional forms of organizing communication between teachers and parents

Familiarization of parents with the work of a preschool institution and the features of raising children. Formation of knowledge among parents about the upbringing and development of children

Information brochures for parents, organization of open days (weeks), open viewings of classes and other activities for children. Publishing newspapers, organizing mini-libraries

Long-term teacher self-education plan:

Celebrating Health Day

Organization of outdoor games (daily)

Conducting physical education classes (during the year)

Teach children to protect and improve their health

Develop the emotional sphere. Form a harmonious personality.

Form the need for physical activity.

To develop the need for physical activity and health-saving skills.

Photo report

Photo report

Working with parents

Individual conversations with parents on the topic “Sportswear and shoes for physical education”

Folder moving


Continued study of the program in the educational field of “health”


Work with children

Carrying out dynamic breaks during classes (during the year)

To prevent fatigue

To prevent disproportionate load on muscles

To strengthen the body

As a development of motor skills

Reveals the level of physical development of children. Data collection and processing

Photo report, monitoring

Relaxation sessions (during the year)

Carrying out morning exercises

(every day)

Carrying out finger exercises (daily)

Holding an autumn festival

Diagnosis of the level of physical fitness of children

Working with parents

Consultation for parents “Take care of your eyes”

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic



Working with the book Tkachenko T.A. “Developing fine motor skills”

Increasing knowledge, collecting material


Work with children

Carrying out a themed event "Mother's Day"

Develop the emotional-volitional sphere and play activity

Holiday with parents

Working with parents

Consultation for parents “Child hits children”

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic



Updating the physical education corner

Continuation of work with the book by Tkachenko T.A. “Developing fine motor skills”

Creating conditions for maintaining health

Increasing knowledge, collecting material


Work with children

Carrying out a New Year's party

Develop the emotional-volitional sphere and play activity

Photo report

Working with parents

Consultation for parents

“Celebrating the New Year with your child”

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic

Folder - moving


Analysis of morbidity in winter

Collection of analytical information


Work with children

Carrying out thematic days of the New Year holidays

Form the need for physical activity, develop the ability to consciously develop useful habits.

Snow town

Working with parents

Consultation for parents “My child is left-handed”

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic



Continued study of the program in the educational field “Physical Education”

Increasing knowledge, collecting material


Work with children

Carrying out a matinee for Defender of the Fatherland Day

Develop the emotional-volitional sphere and play activity


Working with parents

Consultation “Father as Educator”

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic



(g-l “Preschool education”)

Increasing knowledge, collecting material


Work with children

Develop the emotional-volitional sphere and play activity

Celebration with parents

Working with parents

Consultation "Vitaminka"

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic



Working with methodological literature

(zh-l “Health of a preschooler”)

Speech at the teachers' meeting "Games with clothespins"

Increasing knowledge, collecting material



Work with children

Earth Day Entertainment


Develop the emotional-volitional sphere and play activity

Summing up the effectiveness of using modern health-saving technologies

Photo report

Working with parents

Round table “I will help myself and save my health” - results of the project

Participation in the All-Russian competition “Star in the Palm” - a joint activity of children and parents

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic

Presentation, exhibition of works “Spring Days”


Continuing the study of the main example program "Rainbow" in the educational field "Health"

Increasing knowledge, collecting material


Work with children

Celebration of the Victory Day holiday

Develop the emotional-volitional sphere and play activity

Photo report

Working with parents

Consultation “What is patriotic education”


Workdays “Hello, sunshine” - planting flowers in a flowerbed

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic

Summing up the work. Analysis of the results of joint activities



Continuing the study of the basic exemplary program “Rainbow” in the educational field “Physical Education”

Collection of information

Increasing knowledge, collecting material

Replenishment of the methodological piggy bank


health activities"

Last name, first name of the child

Date of completion

1. Do you consider carrying out work on children’s health to be the most important component in the program of upbringing and education of preschool children?

    I don't put it first

2. Do you agree that you lack experience and knowledge on children’s health issues?


3. Do you use any methods at home to improve the health of yourself and your
child? Which?

4.3 Do you do physical education at home?

5.What kind of hardening of the child was carried out from birth to admission to
kindergarten: early swimming, wet wiping, dousing, sleeping in the air,
Massage, gymnastics? (underline what you need or write something else)

b What kind of medical and pedagogical assistance would you like to receive at the preschool educational institution?

7. Would you like special recreational activities to be introduced in the group?


Last name, first name of the child

Date of completion

1. Do you feel that special health improvement classes are being conducted?

2.Did the child use the acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities at home?

3. did the classes affect the child’s health?


4.Are you satisfied with the result?

5. Do you want to continue in-depth work on improving your health?

b.What are your suggestions for improving the health of children in preschool educational institutions?

Summary sheet for parents' questionnaires

“Would you like to see additional activities in kindergarten? health activities."

Number of Answers YES

Number of Answers NO

Number of Answers sometimes


L.F.I.O. education, number of children in the family.

2.Which parent is or has been involved in sports? Which one?

Z. Is there sports equipment in the house? Which?

4. Does your child attend a sports section? Which one?

5.Is there a daily routine established for your child? (Not really)

6.Does the child follow this regimen? (Not really)

7. Do you do morning exercises at home?

    Mom (yes, no)

    Dad (yes, no)

    Children (yes, no)

    Adults with a child (yes, no)

    Regularly or not regularly.

8.Does your child follow the rules of personal hygiene at home (washes hands before
eating, after using the toilet, washing, brushing teeth, etc.)?

9.3 Do you know the basic principles and methods of hardening? Which?

10. Do you carry out hardening activities at home with your children? (Not really) -

11.What prevents you from hardening your children at home?

12.Which family member most often walks with the child?

13. Do you go for walks with your child after kindergarten? (yes, no, sometimes). -

14.Does your child walk alone, without adults? (yes, no, sometimes).

15.Types of activities of the child after returning from kindergarten and on weekends:

    Outdoor games

    Sport games

    Board games

    Role-playing games

    Musical and rhythmic activity

    Watching TV


    Reading books

Parent survey results“What place does physical education occupy in your family?”

______ questionnaires were distributed.

_______ people responded to the questionnaires.

The person (___________) played sports.

__________ people (_________) have sports equipment at home.

They would like to attend the sports section, but do not attend due to the fact that there are no early age sections.

_________ person (_______) has a daily routine, but only _____ people follow it.

A person (_________) is doing morning exercises at home.

Person (__________) know the methods and techniques of hardening, ______ person

(_____) carry out hardening activities at home.

2.3. The effectiveness of the children's health program.

Orientation towards success, high emotional intensity of classes, constant reliance on interest, instilling a sense of responsibility for one’s health - all this gives a positive effect in our work: most children have a tendency to have a conscious attitude towards their health and use available means of strengthening it, striving for expansion motor experience.

Children show a high level of development of physical qualities, individual qualitative aspects of human motor capabilities: speed, strength, flexibility, balance, endurance and agility, a sufficient level of development of basic movements in children. They also acquired basic knowledge about their body, the benefits and harms of food for the body.


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    Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten: A book for kindergarten teachers. M., 1991.

    Bochkareva O.I. System of work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Senior group, Volgograd: ITD "Corypheus"

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    Derkunskaya V. A. Project activities of preschoolers, M.: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2012.

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Software tasks:

  • To improve children's running in a column one at a time, on their toes, walking with wide strides, and in a half-squat.
  • Strengthen children's skills in jumping from hoop to hoop, landing on their toes; in crawling under the arc.
  • To develop dexterity, attention, and speed of reaction in children.
  • Arouse interest and desire to engage in physical education.
  • Cultivate kindness, responsiveness, and a desire to help others.

Material and equipment: gymnastic sticks for jumping - 3 pcs., ribbed board, balls for each child, arch for climbing, paths for the prevention of flat feet, “magic stump” with a surprise. Toys: hare, wolf, bear, fox.

1. Introductory part.(Children enter the hall).

Educator: Guys, I know an interesting fairy tale. Do you want to visit it? Then we hit the road.

We ran along the path and were not at all tired.

We walk one after another.

Come on, let's have more fun, that's how we do it.

Here we will walk on pebbles

Let's go straight into a fairy tale.

Educator: Here we are in a fairy tale.

There lived a woman and there lived a grandfather.

They were many years old.

The grandfather asks the old lady:

“I want to eat a little

Bake me a bun.”

That's what grandma did

Broomed along the bottom of the barrel,

And I put it in the oven.

Speckle cones

I gave it to all the kids ( Take!)

(Massage balls lie in a circle in sockets, and in the center there is a large bun)

2. O.R.U.

How did the bun rise in the oven? (ball up - down)

How ruddy did the bun become? (the ball is rolled on the cheeks).

How did grandma get the kolobok out of the oven? (put the ball on the floor)

How did you roll it in sour cream? (rolling the ball in the palms)

I put it on the window so that it cooled a little (there is a ball on the palm, the children are blowing on it)


The bun lay down

And he ran out the window.

Rolled out of the gate

I hit the road.

And we'll go get the kolobok.

And beyond the river on the hill

I met a hare near a hole.

Hare: .

Kolobok: Don't eat me, bunny, I'm as agile as you, and I can jump high, high. Look how.

1. Jumping on two legs over gymnastic sticks, landing on your toes

(Walking on a path to prevent flat feet)

Educator: The hare did not eat the kolobok. He let him go and our bun rolled on.

How far is the path?

The little boy keeps running.

And in the ravine I met a wolf...

Wolf:"Kolobok, Kolobok, I'll eat you"

Kolobok: Don't eat me, wolf. I am very fast and I will roll far away from you, and you will not catch me.

2. Climbing under the arc.

3. Walking on a path to prevent flat feet

Educator: This is how the bun ran away from the wolf.

How far is the path?

The little boy keeps running.

Here we go along the road

The bear wandered towards his den.

(Walking along the massage path - bear tracks).

Bear: Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you"

Kolobok: Bear, don't eat me, bear. Let's play!

Outdoor game"Bear"

“The clubfoot bear beckons the children with its paw

Invites everyone to go for a walk

Play catch-up"


The bun rolled faster

So that the bear does not dig into the side.

At the edge of the forest

I met a red fox.

Fox:"Kolobok, Kolobok, I'll eat you"

Kolobok: No, don't eat me, little fox. Let's play with you!

Final part.

Low mobility game “Catch the Kolobok”. (Children stand on the floor in a circle, holding the ball in an outstretched hand. The fox walks in a circle and wants to catch the bun, the children hide the ball behind their backs).

Fox: How clever you are

Educator: Guys, let's show the fox how dexterous we are (rolling the ball with your foot).

Fox: We played well and became friends. And for my friends I have a magic stump, which always contains gifts (the stump rolls out on wheels, and there are candies in it).

Educator: Let's say thank you and goodbye to the fox . Guys, did you enjoy the journey into a fairy tale? What fairy tale were we in? But it's time for us to go home.

Our legs walked, stomping, stomping, stomping.

Straight along the path, top - top - top.

“Report on physical activity in the younger group”

It is well known that properly organized physical activity is the most important factor in creating a healthy lifestyle and strengthening a person’s health, regardless of his age. This is especially true for children, for whom the processes of growth and development are fundamental.

Children differ in their level of motor activity: some are very active, others are calm. In general, children with high motor activity are much better developed. In the process of active motor activity, children get to know themselves, their body, get acquainted with its structure, properties, capabilities, learn ways to move in the spatio-temporal environment

Due to the fact that physical activity- This is a natural need of preschool children; when organizing it, it is necessary to pay great attention to planning.

I try to organize the physical education of children in my group in such a way as to maximally satisfy the need for active movements necessary for the healthy physical condition of the child.

I carry out the physical development of children not only in the process of specific physical education and sports games, exercises and activities, but also in organizing all types of children's activities through physical education minutes, didactic games with elements of movement, outdoor games with elements of speech development, design, etc.

Throughout the year, health-improving, therapeutic and preventive work was carried out in my group, and hardening activities were carried out. Every day the group carried out and continues to carry out: morning exercises, health-improving exercises after sleep, air procedures, breathing exercises.

During the day, I make sure to provide time for a variety of outdoor games, and provide the opportunity for children to join together to play or exercise on their own.

During the break between classes, I do motor warm-ups. They allow children to actively relax and relieve emotional stress after mental stress and forced static posture. I offer children exercises such as “Ring throw”, “Recognize by voice”, “Roll a ball into the hole”, “Fishing rod”, “Knock down the pin”, as well as voluntary movements of children using a variety of physical education aids. I also pay great attention to organizing the physical activity of children during walks. I try to organize the space in such a way that there is an opportunity for multi-variant games. At the site we use a variety of outdoor materials to increase children’s physical activity. These are toys and small physical education aids (buckets, sandboxes, balls).

When walking with my children, I play games with elements of sports games. These games prepare children to learn the rules of these games and play sports.
To stimulate the motor activity of children in the area, I offer them role-playing games ("Run to the tree", "Sports competitions", etc.) thereby creating conditions so that children can perform various motor tasks (walk along paths, jump from a hummock to bump, crawl into a tunnel, climb a fire escape).

I also pay attention to children’s independent motor activity during the day. When studying independently, the child focuses his attention on actions leading to the achievement of a goal that captivates him. Outdoor games with rules occupy a large place in the independent activities of children in our group: they develop creative initiative, organizational skills, and bring children together.

All the varied motor activities of children during the day take place in our group under the guidance of a teacher. The creation of a calm environment, maintaining the cheerful mood of children, and the appropriate employment of each child depend on this.

I try to ensure that children are able to learn something new every day, improve what they already know, enrich their knowledge and feelings, and, when they go home, have an interesting prospect for tomorrow - to play the promised interesting game.
We work actively and fruitfully with parents. Consultations were provided for parents

Card index

outdoor games and play exercises while walking

in the second junior group


The leading place during the walk is given to outdoor games.They develop basic movements, relieve mental stress from classes, and develop moral qualities.This materialis a card index of outdoor games and play exercises during walks for children of the second junior group for the month of September.

The form of the card index is convenient for use and reflects all the necessary structural components of the motor activity of children during a walk: outdoor games, play exercises, individual work on the development of basic types of movement.

The card index is made up of games of different mobility: games of low, medium and high mobility; plot and plotless games.A special group consists of round dance games. They are performed to the accompaniment of a song or poem, which gives a specific flavor to the movements.

First week


1. Outdoor game “Sun and Rain”

Tasks: friend,teach them to act quickly on the teacher’s signal.

2. Round dance game “We walked in the forest”

Objectives: to strengthen children’s ability to walk in circles and imitate the habits of famous animals.

3. Game exercise “Roll the ball”

4. Individual work « Mice, chickens"

Climbing under the cord (cord height 40-50 cm).


Physical education lesson.

On a walk.

1. Outdoor game “Run to me”

2. Game exercise “Carry it without dropping it”

Each child holds one object (cube, ball, etc.) in his hands. At the teacher’s signal, everyone simultaneously goes to the baskets on the other side of the playground, puts their objects in them and returns back. After a pause, the children run for their objects.

3. Individual work “Let's jump like bunnies”


1. Outdoor game “Sparrows and a car”

Tasks: to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, to start moving and change it at the teacher’s signal, to find their place.

2. Outdoor game "Get in the circle"

Tasks:throw objects in a certain direction with both hands,

3. Game exercise “Let’s walk along the bridge”

Objectives: practice balance.

(walking and running between two lines, distance between cords 20 cm).

4. Individual work “Get the ball to the flag”


Physical education lesson.

On a walk

1. Outdoor game with running “Sunshine and Rain”

Tasks: teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on the teacher’s signal.

2. Game exercise “Through the stream”

Raising your knees high, step over the cords laid out on the ground in a chaotic manner (the distance between the “streams” is 50-60 cm, the width of the “streams” is 10-15 cm).

3. Individual work “Naughty ball”

The child throws the ball forward, brings it back and gives it to a friend.


1. Outdoor game "Take care of the object"

Objectives: to teach how to act and navigate according to a signal, intravel, develop dexterity.

2. Running in a flock for a distance of up to 10 m.

3. Outdoor game “My funny ringing ball”

Objectives: to develop in children the ability to jump rhythmically, in accordance with the text of the poem, perform movements on a signal, practice running, jumping on 2 legs.

4. Individual work “Pass through the gate”

September Second a week


1. Outdoor game “Train”

Tasks: teach children to walk and run in a column one at a time, speed up and slow down, stop at a signal; to teach children to find their place in the column, not to push their comrades, and to be attentive.

2. Outdoor game “Walk wider”

Objectives: develop coordination of movements, orientation in space,practice stepping from hoop to hoop.

3. Game exercise “Catch a mosquito”

Objectives: to develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with a visual signal, to train children in jumping (bouncing on the spot).

4. Individual work

Rolling balls to each other in a standing position (distance 1.5 m).


Physical education lesson

On a walk

1. Outdoor game "Find your house"


2. Game exercise “Beetles”

Crawling on a log.

3.Individual work with the ball “Get to the pin”


1. Outdoor game " Run to me"

Objectives: teach children to act on a signal, practice walking and running in a straight direction.

2. Outdoor game “Bubble”

Objectives: to develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with words, move rhythmically, practice squatting and forming in a circle, and running in different directions.

3. Game exercise "Take the ball"


4. Individual work "On the Bridge"

Walking and running alternate between two cords (20 cm wide). The pace of the exercises is average.


Physical education lesson

On a walk

1. Outdoor game: “Catch the ball”

Tasks:develop hand-eye coordination, reaction speed, exercise children in running, cause joy in the child, encourage independence.

2. Game exercise "Spring"

The children stand in a semicircle, the teacher is opposite. As the teacher counts (claps), they rhythmically squat and straighten up, rise on their toes, and jump.

3 . Individual work " Who will throw next?


1. Outdoor game "Find your house »

Tasks: develop children's spatial orientation, attentiveness, and speed of reaction; the ability to perform movements on a signal, to practice running.

2. Outdoor game "Through the Swamp"

Objectives: develop dexterity, coordination of movement, exercise balance.

3. Game exercise

Rolling balls to each other (distance 1.5 m).

4. Individual work “Ride and catch up”

The child rolls the ball forward, and then catches up with it and lifts it above his head.

Second junior group September

Third a week


1. Outdoor game “Bear and Children”

Tasks: teach children to run in one direction, act in accordance with the words of an adult, create pleasure from joint actions, and encourage children’s independence.

2. Outdoor game “Bunny”

Objectives: to teach children to listen to singing, to understand the content of the song and perform movements in accordance with its text, to evoke imitation of an adult.

3. Game exercise with the ball "Slide down the hill"

There is a board on the cube, children (5 people each) with balls or balls in their hands approach the board, roll them down and, having caught up, return to their place.

4. Individual work “Let’s jump over the ditch”

Jumping over a cord placed on the ground.


Physical education lesson

On a walk

1. Outdoor game “Sparrows”


2. Game exercise "Pass the ball"

Children stand in a circle, the teacher takes a ball (diameter 12-15 cm) and offers to pass it with both hands to the right(left) side of the child standing next to him ku.

3. Individual work

Rolling a ball to each other(distance 2m).


1. Outdoor game “Sparrows and a car”

Objectives: to develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, to practice running in different directions and jumping.

2. Outdoor game "Get in the circle"

Tasks:improve the ability to operate with different objects,develop the ability to throw objects in a certain direction with both hands;develop eye, coordination, dexterity.

3. Game exercise with a ball “Slide down the hill”

There is a board on the cube, children(5 people each) with balls or shariKami in hands approach the board, raysthey chase them down and, having caught up, return to place.

4. Training track No. 1

Obstacle course (stumps, boom, tires).


Physical education lesson

On a walk

1. Outdoor game “Cloud and Sun”

Tasks: learn to walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other friend, to teach to act quickly on a signal from the teacher,practice walking and running.

2.Running in a circle holding on to a rope

3. Game exercise “Ride and knock down”

Knock down the pins from a distance of 2 m.

4. Individual work “I’m for you, you’re for me”

Playing ball with the teacher.


1. Outdoor game with running “Catch up” ball"

Tasks: withimprove running in different directions; cause excitement and joy in the child; encourage independence.

2. Outdoor game " Sparrows and the cat"

Tasks: teach to jump gently, bending your knees;run without touching each other, dodge the driver.
3 . Game exercise “Let’s go along bridge"

Walking on the boom (width 25 cm).

4.Individual work “Girls and boys jumping like bunnies”

Second junior group September

Fourth a week


1. Outdoor game “Crows”

Objectives: practice running, develop attention, ability to imitate; learn to act in accordance with the text; evoke a feeling of joy from joint actions.

2. Outdoor game " "From bump to bump"

Tasks: continue to teach how to hop on two legs;jump from low objects, land softly, bending legs at the knees; improve jumping skills.

3. Game exercise “Hit the goalposts”

Rolling the ball into the goal (width 60-50 cm) from a distance of 1.5 m,

4.Individual work “throw further”

Throwing a bag (ball) into the distance.


Physical education lesson

On a walk

1. Outdoor game with running “Run to me” »

Objectives: teach children to act on a signal, practice walking and running in a straight direction.

2. Game exercise “Obstacle Course” »

(stumps, boom, tires).

3. Individual work “I’m for you, you’re for me”

Playing ball with the teacher.


1. Outdoor game with running “Bird and chicks"

Objectives: to develop in children the execution of movements on a signal, to practice running in different directions without touching each other.

2. Outdoor game “From bump to bump”

Tasks: teach children to jump from circle to circle.

3. Game exercise “Let’s go along bridge"

Walking along the path (width 25 cm).

4.Individual work “Beetles”

Crawling on all fours along the boom.


Physical education lesson

On a walk

1. Outdoor game “Cars”

Tasks: p develop children's attention, the ability to distinguish colors and act on a visual signal, exercise children in running and walking.

2. Game exercise “Catch and ride”

Children line up in a semicircle, the teacher standing oppositethrows the ball. Having caught the ball, the child crouches and rolls it back to the teacher (if he doesn’t catch it, he runs after the ball).

3.Individual work “Who will throw next?”

Throwing a bag or ball into the distance with the right and left hands.


1. Outdoor game with running “Find your house"

Tasks: develop children's spatial orientation, attentiveness, and speed of reaction; the ability to perform movements on a signal, to practice running.

2. Outdoor game “Take care of the object”

Objectives: learn to act and navigate by signal, in space, develop dexterity.

3. Game exercise “Crawl to cube"

Crawling on all fours withresting on your palms and knees on a log.

4.Individual work “Obstacle course”

( hemp tires, logs).

Inna Goncharova

Tasks: To provide the pupil with the opportunity to maintain health while he is in kindergarten, to develop in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle and to teach him to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Preschool age is considered the most important for the physical, mental and mental development of a child. During this period, the foundations of his health are laid. Among the many factors that influence the growth, development and health of a child, motor activity plays almost the main role. The development of the child largely depends on the degree of development of the child’s natural need for movement. motor skills, memory, perception, emotions, thinking.

Moving, children learn about the world around them, learn to love and purposefully act in it. Movements, even the simplest ones, provide food for children's imagination, develop creativity, which is the highest component in the structure of personality, and represents one of the most meaningful forms of mental child activity. In addition, in the process motor activity forms self-esteem preschoolers: the child evaluates his “I” by the direct efforts he made to achieve his goal.

Stillness for little ones children are tiring, it leads to growth retardation, mental retardation and decreased resistance to infectious diseases. In a huge number of movements of the child, a natural desire for physical and mental improvement is manifested.

Another indicator is the duration motor activity of preschoolers. Children should move at least 45-50% of the entire period of wakefulness, which allows you to fully meet the biological need of the child’s body for movement.

Depending on the degree of mobility children they can be divided into three main subgroups(high, medium, low mobility) .

Children of average mobility are distinguished by the most even and calm behavior, uniform mobility throughout the day. Movements are usually confident, clear, and purposeful.

Children with high mobility are characterized by unbalanced behavior and more often than others find themselves in conflict situations. Due to excessive mobility, these children do not have time to understand the essence of the activity, as a result of which they develop “low degree of her awareness”. Among the types of movements, they choose running, jumping, and avoid movements that require precision and restraint. Their movements are fast, abrupt, and often aimless. The main attention in the development of greater mobility should be given to the development of purposefulness, controllability of movements, and improvement of the ability to engage in more or less calm types of movements.

Children with low mobility are often lethargic, passive, and get tired quickly. Volume their physical activity is low. They try to go to the side so as not to disturb anyone; they choose activities that do not require a lot of space and movement. In sedentary children it is necessary to cultivate interest in movements, the need for active activities. Pay special attention to the development motor skills.

Creating conditions for walk based on age and individual characteristics children of our group.

The child begins to master basic movements, discovering a desire for goal setting when performing physical exercises (run quickly, jump further, accurately reproduce the movement, etc.). 3-4 years is also a favorable age for starting targeted work on the formation of physical qualities (speed, strength, coordination, flexibility, endurance).

Organizing we take the walk into account, what activities preceded it. If they were of an active nature (physical education, music, then walk we start with observation or independent activity children. If children were limited in their movements during classes, then walk We start with outdoor games, gaming or sports exercises.

Winter provided an opportunity to create new conditions for physical activity of children. Therefore, we equipped our site with snow buildings. Around them they played a good game of hide and seek or simply ran from one building to another. Joy at children called labyrinths, fortresses, and a ship made of snow. A Christmas tree around which on New Year's holidays children willingly danced in a circle.

We widely use games in our work. Games develop not only physically, in the process of mastering various movements in children the ability to show determination, dexterity is formed (Mice and the cat, attention (Find your color, imagination (\Catch a snowflake, act confidently in a team) (One, two, three - run).

Logorhythmic exercises (to coordinate speech and movement) n

-R: “The gray bunny washes himself”, "We Stomp Our Feet", "Bubble".

We pay attention to orientation in space through exercises "Run to me", "Find Your Place".

During walks We work individually with children, all exercises are carried out in a playful way.

For example: jumping on two legs in place, exercises are carried out "From bump to bump", "Through the Stream", and etc.

The main individual work is carried out with children with a low level of development (Timofey, Sasha, Tolya, Aziz) in all directions.

A special place in walks occupied by independent play activities children, which consolidates the knowledge gained in the lesson. It is envisaged to develop relationships between children: bringing them together for joint games, nurturing a caring attitude towards toys, teaching them order in the play space.

Children themselves choose what to do, while the teacher plays the role of guiding the children’s activities. IN younger At preschool age, a child cannot yet occupy himself for a long time, so independent activity at this age is short-lived, periodic and requires constant direction from a teacher.

We have been working for 9 months at the beginning of the school year, and the dynamics are already visible. For example: Children who previously refused physical activities began to show interest and play outdoor games with great enthusiasm along with the rest of the children (Tolya, Azizbek, Timofey).

Thus, every child should be in the fresh air as much as possible - this is absolutely necessary for his health.

Walk- this is a wonderful time when an adult can create conditions for children's active activities, use non-standard equipment, natural conditions, external equipment that contributes to the development of the physical qualities of the body. In addition to its developmental and educational value, properly organized and interesting walk makes an invaluable contribution to the health of our students.


1. Vavilova E. N. Strengthen your health children. [Text]: A manual for kindergarten teachers / E. N. Vavilova. - M.: Education, 1986.- 128 p.

2. Zmanovsky Yu. Educational and health work in preschool institutions //Preschool education. - No. 9.- 1993.- p. 23-25.

3. Ivashchenko O. N. General principles of organization motor activity of children during a walk. //Preschool education. - No. 11.- 2007.- p. 56-59

4. Runova M. Formation of optimal motor activity. //Preschool education. - No. 6.- 2000.- p. 30-37.

5. Teplyuk S. Working with children on walk//Preschool education. - No. 1.- 1990.- p. 34-42.

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