Home Smell from the mouth Review of the musical night light book Azbukvarik “Sweet Dreams. Don't put it down: books that can be read in one night Read something interesting before bed

Review of the musical night light book Azbukvarik “Sweet Dreams. Don't put it down: books that can be read in one night Read something interesting before bed

Even the busiest person can find time to read - after waking up, on the minibus, before bed, on the weekend. Reading will never go out of fashion - this is another reason why you should accustom yourself to this useful activity. Other benefits of reading include: expanding vocabulary, improving memory, improving analytical skills, developing imagination, increasing concentration, etc. We'll tell you why reading before bed is a great idea.

Reading before bed is a habit of successful people

Reading before bed is a good thing, and here's why:

  1. You'll sleep better

Reading helps you fall asleep. Remember how, as a child, you asked your parents to read a book to you to make it easier and more pleasant to fall asleep. Immersion in an imaginary world helps you tune in to the wave of sleep, relieve stress and truly sleep peacefully. It’s a shame that many people outgrow this childhood habit.

  1. You will be less stressed

British scientists have proven that reading, especially before bed, helps to significantly reduce stress levels - by as much as 68%. Therefore, a good book is a cheap, effective and safe way to deal with stress. And the less stress hits the body, the lower the likelihood of developing diseases provoked by it, including problems with the heart and mental disorders.

  1. You will become much more creative

Do you think successful entrepreneurs read practical guides to increasing profits before going to bed? In fact, what exactly you read is not so important. Research shows that the creativity that involuntarily develops when you immerse yourself in interesting reading helps to generate interesting ideas. The brain needs exercise - both physically and mentally, and reading before bed is a great way to exercise the mind.

  1. Your concentration will improve

Thousands of messages, notifications on social networks, working on a project, constant calls on a mobile phone and a number of other distractions constantly reduce a person’s ability to concentrate on the main task and complete it as efficiently as possible and in the shortest possible time. However, reading before bed literally forces us to process information without being distracted by entertaining and not very important activities on the computer and smartphone. Train your brain to concentrate: an hour or two before bedtime, turn off all gadgets and sit down with a book. When this becomes a habit, you will notice how much your concentration will improve.

  1. You will become a more empathetic person

Sensitive is a person who is able to look at the world through the eyes of another person and put himself in his place in order to understand the train of thought and the reasons for the person’s actions. In this case, reading is a great way to develop this skill. When we read, we often put ourselves in the shoes of the main character in the book and wonder what we would do in a given situation. We learn to better understand the actions of people, even fictional ones. However, this skill does not go anywhere - it helps us build relationships in real life. Such conclusions are supported by psychologists from Canada who conducted relevant research on this topic.

  1. You will have the opportunity to enjoy peace and serenity

Reading before bed allows you to distance yourself from the violence and bad news that fill the headlines of articles on the Internet and in the press. The ability to create a quiet and peaceful space, which we develop through reading, helps calm the nerves and prepare the mind for sleep, in contrast to the blue light from screens (one of the causes of circadian rhythm disruption). By the way, paper books are read 25% faster than information from the screens of various devices.

We hope we have convinced you that reading before bed is a habit that everyone can benefit from and can benefit from in their daily lives.

All modern parents know how important it is to invent and observe the notorious bedtime ritual. In the average family, it includes anger, denial, bargaining, bathing, choosing pajamas and reading a story. If suddenly you and your child have already read the entire collected works of Camus, then we suggest that you switch to other books that are more suitable for the sleepy ritual.

Rabbit who wants to sleep
This book helps thousands of babies around the world fall asleep. The author is professional psychologist Karl-Johan Forssen Erlin. The book relieves tension and smoothly puts the child into sleep thanks to special techniques based on Erickson's method of hypnosis. Psychologists confirm: the book is completely safe, and the effect of reading depends on the characteristics of the child. Most children fall asleep already in the middle of the story. We hope that the book will help your family too.

Baby elephant who wants to sleep
For those who were not helped by "Rabbit". The second book by the author of the world bestseller “The Rabbit Who Wants to Sleep.” The same techniques are used here as in the previous fairy tale, but the child will go on a sleepy journey with another hero - the little elephant Sonya. The book will help relieve tension, calm and put the baby into bed without whims.

I'm not afraid of darkness
One of the reasons for reluctance to fall asleep is fear of the dark. This book simply and clearly explains to a child: what seems so scary in the dark, when the light is on, turns out to be the most common and not scary at all. The book has movable elements: they allow you to “turn on the light” right on the book page! And then the terrible monsters turn into a pile of clothes, into a cat or a dog, and maybe even into a dad.

Llama Red pajamas
Classic poems by Anna Dewdney about a little Lama who for some reason can’t sleep and decides to panic and throw a tantrum about this. Mom Lama drops everything she’s doing and flies to her child, but everything is not as simple as it seems. She clearly explains to him that there was no need to strain himself so much and that mother’s love is always there, even if the mother herself has things to do besides the baby. A story in which “mama” rhymes with “llama” is doomed to success with the child. Be careful: if you are full of oxytocin, you will feel sorry for Llama and you will cry. And take note: Career-Press, which published Lama, has a whole series of filler books.

Night book
Wimmelbuch Rotraut by Susanne Berner is suitable for a child of any age (even those children who already have children, yes). It’s interesting to look at the book, write your own stories based on it, follow certain characters, look for Easter eggs that the artist hid (for example, in the gallery you can see illustrations for Julia Donaldson’s books).

The Gruffalo's daughter
And here she is, Julia Donaldson. One of the best children's books translated into Russian. Moreover, the ending of the Russian version of “The Gruffalo’s Daughter” is much more touching than in the original. The story is about Father Gruffalo, whose daughter refused to go to bed and rushed off into the dark forest, despite her father's warning. Spoiler: dad was already snoring at this time.

Sleepy book
This children's book was drawn by Il Sun Na, a Korean artist who now lives and works in the United States. The book has very unusual, bright, but at the same time calm illustrations. Suitable for both the tiniest children and toddlers, many of whom, by the age of three, stop listening to reading in fascination and simply demand to look at the pictures and describe their plots together.

Even the busiest person can find time to read - after waking up, on the minibus, before bed, on the weekend. Reading will never go out of fashion - this is another reason why you should accustom yourself to this useful activity. Other benefits of reading include: expanding vocabulary, improving memory, improving analytical skills, developing imagination, increasing concentration, etc. We'll tell you why reading before bed is a great idea.

Reading before bed is a habit of successful people

Reading before bed is a good thing, and here's why:

  1. You'll sleep better

Reading helps you fall asleep. Remember how, as a child, you asked your parents to read a book to you to make it easier and more pleasant to fall asleep. Immersion in an imaginary world helps you tune in to the wave of sleep, relieve stress and truly sleep peacefully. It’s a shame that many people outgrow this childhood habit.

  1. You will be less stressed

British scientists have proven that reading, especially before bed, helps to significantly reduce stress levels - by as much as 68%. Therefore, a good book is a cheap, effective and safe way to deal with stress. And the less stress hits the body, the lower the likelihood of developing diseases provoked by it, including problems with the heart and mental disorders.

  1. You will become much more creative

Do you think successful entrepreneurs read practical guides to increasing profits before going to bed? In fact, what exactly you read is not so important. Research shows that the creativity that involuntarily develops when you immerse yourself in interesting reading helps to generate interesting ideas. The brain needs exercise - both physically and mentally, and reading before bed is a great way to exercise the mind.

  1. Your concentration will improve

Thousands of messages, notifications on social networks, working on a project, constant calls on a mobile phone and a number of other distractions constantly reduce a person’s ability to concentrate on the main task and complete it as efficiently as possible and in the shortest possible time. However, reading before bed literally forces us to process information without being distracted by entertaining and not very important activities on the computer and smartphone. Train your brain to concentrate: an hour or two before bedtime, turn off all gadgets and sit down with a book. When this becomes a habit, you will notice how much your concentration will improve.

  1. You will become a more empathetic person

Sensitive is a person who is able to look at the world through the eyes of another person and put himself in his place in order to understand the train of thought and the reasons for the person’s actions. In this case, reading is a great way to develop this skill. When we read, we often put ourselves in the shoes of the main character in the book and wonder what we would do in a given situation. We learn to better understand the actions of people, even fictional ones. However, this skill does not go anywhere - it helps us build relationships in real life. Such conclusions are supported by psychologists from Canada who conducted relevant research on this topic.

  1. You will have the opportunity to enjoy peace and serenity

Reading before bed allows you to distance yourself from the violence and bad news that fill the headlines of articles on the Internet and in the press. The ability to create a quiet and peaceful space, which we develop through reading, helps calm the nerves and prepare the mind for sleep, in contrast to the blue light from screens (one of the causes of circadian rhythm disruption). By the way, paper books are read 25% faster than information from the screens of various devices.

We hope we have convinced you that reading before bed is a habit that everyone can benefit from and can benefit from in their daily lives.

Finding time to read a book in today's tight schedule is a very difficult task. That's why most often it is only a few minutes before bedtime. To spend this time with pleasure and read a book that will give you good feelings and vivid dreams, you need to choose it correctly . Therefore, we have created a selection in which every reader can find a suitable book.

Books for adults

L. Boussenard “Diamond Thieves”

Adventures in South Africa can lead not only to deadly dangers, encounters with wild animals, diseases, poisonous insect bites, but also to the discovery of incredible riches. Three friends thought so:

  • Alexander Shoni,
  • Albert de Villeroges
  • Joseph de Villeroges

However, on the way to huge diamonds, they will have to experience not only the shocking nature of Africa, but also the treachery of its population.. It is noteworthy that the novel very accurately described nature, as well as the ethnographic characteristics of different tribes.

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