Home Prosthetics and implantation Ox and Snake - harmony in relationships. Are men and women born in the year of the snake and ox compatible in love?

Ox and Snake - harmony in relationships. Are men and women born in the year of the snake and ox compatible in love?

Larisa Tsareva June 13, 2018, 00:58

Despite the significant difference in the real animal world, in the astrological Chinese horoscope the compatibility of the Snake and the Ox is at a high level. The signs have very similar fundamental views on life, which predicts a strong union for them at any level of relationship, be it romance, marriage or friendship. In the year of the Snake, according to the eastern horoscope, self-sufficient, calm people are born. The same applies to representatives of the year of the Ox.

Compatibility horoscope for Ox and Snake in love according to the eastern horoscope

Meeting each other, the Snake and the Ox can fall in love instantly and feel the kinship of souls. Coinciding in energy and psychological damage, the signs of the Zodiac reach a level of trust from the first meetings. The question of the seriousness of their relationship does not even arise between them.

An astrological forecast does not exclude some difficulties and contradictions that may arise in such a couple. But usually partners quickly find ways out of difficult situations and do not allow the union to collapse over trifles.

Love relationships between these signs are built not on violent passion and all-consuming romance, but on such basic qualities as reliability, dedication, mutual support. Both partners approach the choice of their halves rationally and do not rush to conclusions. The habit of taking off the “rose-colored glasses” in time, weighing and thinking about everything, allows them to better examine a person and most accurately determine whether he is suitable for living together.

In the astrological horoscope, the compatibility of the Snake and the Ox is at a high level

The Snake woman according to the Chinese horoscope is very wise, she has well-developed intuition, she often has extrasensory abilities. When making decisions, she is guided not only by reason, but also by her heart.

A person of this sign is unlikely to be the ringleader in the company and a “generator” of unbridled fun. In society, he is reserved and prefers to remain unnoticeable, especially if this is a Snake girl. But if a conflict or other unpleasant situation arises between people in her presence, she will skillfully resolve the problem, giving effective advice.

Snakes are often promoted to leadership positions; they easily gain the trust and sympathy of people, they listen to them, believe them, and follow them

The Ox is also not known for its gambling, impulsiveness and joking behavior. He is serious, insightful and quite capable of playing the role of a “gray eminence”. In life he often achieves high career position and financial wealth. The sign always strives for stability and well-being in all areas.

The Snake and the Ox are brought together by certain qualities common to both of them:

  • practicality, prudence,
  • purposefulness, strong-willed character,
  • hard work,
  • justice, honesty,
  • tactfulness, diplomacy,
  • conservatism,
  • restraint.
  • devotion, fidelity,
  • life values: family, children, home.

Zodiac couple lacks charisma and from the outside, the relationship between the Ox and the Snake may seem boring. But the couple is quite happy with this, moreover, this is the kind of union they have been looking for all their lives. Romances between these zodiac signs rarely last long - partners quickly realize that they are made for each other and get married without any hesitation.

From the outside, the relationship between the Ox and the Snake may seem boring

Possible problems in a love union between Ox and Snake

Even such a harmonious couple may have difficulties in their relationship. The Ox can be very stubborn, which infuriates the flexible and plastic Snake. The Ox guy loves to control and subjugate everything, and the girls of this Zodiac can be strong jealous people.

The negative quality of Snakes is the ability to sting painfully. But a person inflicts a “poisonous bite” only in situations where he was unfairly offended or intentionally caused harm.

To achieve harmony in the union, The Ox should learn to be more flexible and condescension towards your soul mate, and the Snake needs to carefully watch its tongue during quarrels and other disagreements.

Sexual compatibility

Compatibility by year of birth Snake-Ox is also ideal in that both are not particularly sensual and emotional in life. They rarely show tenderness in public, although they experience it fully inside. But it is in bed that they open up to each other from a completely different perspective.

The snake can turn carnal pleasures into a real paradise on earth

The bull is a very passionate lover, for this person it is more important to please his soul mate, from which he himself feels satisfaction. A snake is able to envelop her beloved in bed with boundless tenderness and affection, turning carnal pleasures into a real paradise on earth. In case of minor quarrels, sex becomes an excellent option for reconciliation. In intercourse they dissolve all grievances against each other. The sexual idyll further strengthens their union, and the passion between them remains for many years.

Oxen women are more reserved and modest in bed. Warmth, affection, respect and trust from a partner help them to relax

Marriage compatibility of couples born in the years of the Ox and Snake

The Ox-Snake couple looks mediocre from the outside. But among those who know them better, there are many envious people, because the family’s life really is almost perfect.

The Ox man treats his home as his fortress. For him this is the most important thing in life. He does everything to ensure a comfortable existence for his family and protects his wife and children from adversity.

He prefers to spend holidays and other events close to his family and always happily rushes home, knowing that his beloved wife is waiting for him.

The compatibility of the Ox woman and the Snake man is almost perfect. The Ox Woman is a brilliant housewife who knows how to create a cozy family nest. Her children and husband are always deliciously fed, washed and ironed. She becomes a reliable support for her chosen one, a source of strength and inspiration.

When a Snake husband is married, he makes his wife a reliable partner and faithful comrade. Resourcefulness and flexibility allow such a man to maintain peace in the family, even if he has seriously messed up.

The Snake woman has a balanced character and knows how to balance and defuse tense situations in the home. The husband always listens to his wife, her wise advice and opinion.

The Ox Woman knows how to build a cozy family nest

The Ox and Snake compatibility horoscope states that the couple can make a decent fortune and will peacefully enjoy their property, a cozy home, well-mannered children and each other, protecting their quiet family happiness from prying eyes.

Astral and psychological compatibility in the work of the Ox and the Snake is also high. They often create family businesses that can thrive for generations.

The Ox does not like change; he can sometimes be frightened and alarmed by the Snake’s impulses to bring something new into his life

The Ox should not stop his soul mate in such situations, otherwise life may turn into a gray routine, and then both will get bored.

Friendship between Ox and Snake according to the Chinese calendar

Just like in a love story, In the friendship between the Snake and the Ox, everything is going well. The Snake guy and the Ox girl can go through life like water in a friendly union. The snake becomes a wise mentor for a friend, and the Ox lady shows him the care that he may need.

If friendship strikes up between an Ox woman and a Snake man, then people become so close that they cannot imagine life without each other. Equally strong friendships develop between people of the same sex.

The Ox and the Snake become so close that they cannot imagine life without each other

Compatibility of Ox man and Snake woman

Love relationships in which he is an Ox and she is a Snake are more successful. The snake is very feminine, it has refined taste, innate grace and natural charm. Man Ox “head over heels” falls in love with his chosen one, never tired of admiring her beauty and soft character traits.

The compatibility of the Ox man and the Snake woman remains in question if the stronger half of the union does not understand that the Snake is smart and cunning, she will quietly wrap her rings around the neck of her loved one and strangle him in an instant if she finds out about the betrayal.

However, the Ox man is noble by nature and is unlikely to commit treason or meanness, so serious conflicts in such a couple occur very rarely. The Snake greatly values ​​the Ox’s loyalty and feels calm, protected, and confident with him.

The Ox man falls head over heels in love with the Snake, never tired of admiring her beauty

Compatibility of Ox woman and Snake man

The Snake man will receive from his soul mate everything that is valuable and necessary for him: love, care, affection, fidelity, support. The Ox woman is stubborn, but in the name of great love he can give in and even renounce his desires for the good of the union. She is ready to give up her career or forget about any of her dreams if she feels that this will harm her love relationships.

The serpent values ​​sacrifice, but a woman should not forget about herself. When she switches her entire focus to her chosen one, she does not notice how she loses her feminine attractiveness and begins to invade the personal space of her beloved. Excessive sacrifice on the part of a lady is fraught with discord. A man wants to see an equal life partner next to him, not a subordinate.

In a love union where she is the Ox and he is the Snake, conflicts occur more often. Astrologers advise women to learn to accept their man for who he is and not to suppress him with groundless jealousy.

More often, conflicts occur in a pair of Ox woman and Snake man

The snake wants to see trust from its soul mate, to feel important and needed, but without loud emotions and hysterics, but in calmness. Conflicts usually arise at first during the “grinding in” stage. Possessing sufficient wisdom and self-control, the couple reaches a different, harmonious level.

The compatibility of a pair of Snake man and Ox woman can be called almost ideal. Each spouse is confident that they made the right choice, despite a number of minor shortcomings in each other.

The Snake man and the similarity of temperament, prudence and closeness of life aspirations, which allows them to effectively use the talents given by nature to achieve heights professionally, achieve good material well-being and create a strong family home.

Both spouses are caring, responsible, practical, value family and home, easily solve various difficulties and are ready to do anything for the benefit of the children. Under various life circumstances, they can completely rely on each other. Together they can make a successful career and withstand all troubles and challenges.

Snake man and Ox woman – compatibility

And the Ox woman, having decided to start a family, can be sure that their union will be secure and calm, and even a little predictable. By creating comfortable conditions for their existence, spouses can develop. They are strongly united on a spiritual level and their relationship will be very stable, but not exciting. There will be few unexpected, bright moments in this couple, but for them this is not the main thing. Vivid emotions, impressions, changes in mood - all this is not typical of their temperament.

But in this relationship there is stability and balance, which is brought by the Ox woman and wisdom from the Snake man. These partners have mutual respect and know how to control themselves and their interests, which is also important for a harmonious relationship. In this union, the Snake man learns from the Ox woman greater trust and openness, and the Ox woman learns more relaxed communication. In general, the Snake man and the Ox woman are comfortable in each other’s company and they have similar ideological positions and interests. They are always “on the same wavelength” and find a common language on various issues.

Both spouses are responsible, caring, and practical. For both, the highest value is family and home. Both are ready to do anything to make their children and loved ones happy. The Snake has a lot in common, but the most important thing in their relationship is that they understand each other well and can easily find a compromise. Even in the most difficult life situations, they together come to the right decisions.

The Snake Man and the Ox Woman equally believe that the most important thing in a partner is his devotion and reliability. Any passion fades over time, but constancy in love and respect remain priorities in the existence of a couple. Spouses are ready to study each other all their lives in order to make their union as happy and harmonious as possible.

The tenacity and dexterity of the Snake man harmonizes with the accuracy and discipline of the Ox woman. In this pair, the Snake man provides the Ox woman with the opportunity to feel like the head of the family. And that’s exactly what she needs. With gratitude, she will surround her lover with warmth and care, and the Snake man really needs this.

The Snake man and the Ox woman do not like noisy societies. Both find it much more pleasant to be in each other’s company and surrounded by numerous children. By the way, in matters of education, both will give their 100%. Children of such parents grow up to be responsible, educated, intelligent people. And if a couple suddenly decides to diversify their leisure time and go out, they will not go unnoticed. They will shine and the naked eye will see how harmonious their union is.

Despite the excellent compatibility, conflicts are also possible in a pair of Snake man and Ox woman. The Snake man is very jealous and will try to limit the freedom of the Ox woman as much as possible. He will do everything to ensure that she is always by his side. And the Ox woman is powerful and stubborn, and she will really want to have complete power over the Snake man, despite the fact that he already agrees to almost everything. It is also worth noting that the external humility of the Snake man does not reflect the real state of affairs. He wraps himself in a tight ring around his wife and deprives her of the opportunity to move freely.

The Ox woman is assertive, active, and is in no hurry to listen to the opinions of others. She has a huge supply of energy, and she will be able to achieve high career growth and run an excellent household. And for a man born in is his own personal growth. In order to pursue a career and provide material income for his family, he needs super motivation. The Snake Man is like a free artist, a creative, searching nature. If the Ox woman understands this and provides her husband with the opportunity to improve himself and realize his plans, then the marriage will work out in the best possible way.

The Snake man, due to his character, can be too straightforward and overly frank in his judgments, which provokes conflicts. In turn, the Ox woman cannot understand her partner in terms of his instability. She will definitely want to explain to him how wrong he is living and how great it is to keep a routine in everything. But the Snake man will not tolerate interference in his wonderful disorganized life, and even with reading out lectures.

Another problem may be that in this family the entire burden of responsibility falls on the shoulders of the Ox woman. At first she likes it, but soon she becomes dissatisfied with the fact that she has to solve all the issues on her own. Yes, she is active, energetic and very assertive, but still, she wants to feel like a real woman, weak and defenseless. Trying to talk with her husband on this topic, she may encounter his indifference, since with a low level of spiritual development, this man in a given couple can show all his worst qualities. He can be cunning, shrewd, selfish. He easily fantasizes and comes up with fables in order to get what he wants. And it works out well for him. Many believe him and fall for his tricks. And the Ox woman can’t stand it when someone lies, fantasizes or doesn’t say enough.

Snake man and Ox woman – compatibility in love

Due to the similarity of characters, for both spouses intimate intimacy is perceived as something pleasant, but not a necessary addition to feelings. Here everything is simple, and even a little boring. The fact is that they are not aimed at novelty, brightness, and therefore are content with the simplest feelings and actions. For a Snake man, it is generally important to simply feel his beloved nearby. But the main thing is that both are happy with everything.

Advice from “Moon Today” for the Snake Man and Ox Woman couple

The family union between the Snake man and the Ox woman is developing very well. Quarrels rarely break out between them, since mutual understanding and mutual respect are at their best. But, despite the ideality, compromises will still have to be sought. Also, the Ox woman will have to accept the serpentine nature of her husband. Only by accepting your partner for who he is can you influence those character traits that you don’t quite like.

The eastern horoscope recommends that these signs unite to achieve common goals. Both the Snake man and the Ox woman are excellent organizers with unbending willpower. When they are together, there is nothing that they cannot achieve.

So, they met - the Bull and the snake. Man and woman. How will their relationships in love and marriage develop? A very interesting question, considering how different the characters of these signs are. However, both of them are self-sufficient individuals and incredibly stubborn, which allows them to find worthy interlocutors and good friends in each other. But if they decide to start a family, quarrels and conflicts cannot be avoided.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the compatibility of the Ox and the snake is extremely low. Let's see why. The brilliant serpent attracts many people. His bright personality and charisma will not go unnoticed by the Ox. At the same time, constant fun can tire the snake, and then he will pay attention to the sedate Ox. For some time they will swim in a sea of ​​passion and love, plunging into a completely dizzying romance that will remain in their memory for the rest of their lives. The intensity of passions will be so strong that over time both will understand that this cannot last long and will part with a feeling of regret, but gratitude for the vivid experiences and emotional fireworks.

The Snake prefers variety in all its manifestations, and for him this is more important than the most established way of life. The Ox, on the contrary, creates a reliable shield around itself from a system of rules and regulations. The Snake will always strive for change, while the Ox is a stable and resilient person. This is their main difference. Stormy quarrels and violent scandals become regular.

Snake Man and Ox Woman

Let's consider the marriage compatibility of a snake man and an Ox woman. Due to their nature, snakes are often too straightforward and overly frank in their judgments, which provokes conflicts. In turn, the Ox woman cannot understand her partner in terms of his instability. She will definitely want to explain to him how wrong he is living and how great it is to keep a routine in everything. From this moment on, their life together becomes almost impossible, because the snake man will not tolerate interference in his wonderful disorganized life, and even with reading out lectures.

But let’s say that the snake man and the Ox woman decide to get married. What should they do to preserve the fire of love and passion? Seek compromise in conflict situations! In this case, their compatibility increases, although, of course, living together and not interfering in each other’s affairs is not an easy task. But sometimes you can give up your beliefs in order to save your family. This will be easier for an Ox woman to do, since she has a stronger character and is able to face problems head on. A strong lady who knows how to create a reliable fortress is certainly needed by a snake man. And here he either accepts her as she is or leaves her. Unfortunately, it is possible that life with the Ox woman will seem extremely dull to the snake, and he will rush to look for a simpler partner.

Ox Man and Snake Woman

In this union, the organized Ox will certainly want his snake wife to pay more attention to family and home. Considering that in love and sexual relationships these two experience enchanting emotions, and on the physical level their compatibility resembles a raging fire, it is worth making certain concessions to each other. For example, a woman may refuse to go to a nightclub with friends, and a man will cook dinner. Despite the fact that the Snake woman is extremely freedom-loving and selfish and, in general, cannot stand the heavy Ox, she still wants to feel defenseless next to a strong, reliable man. In this case, the Ox is the one who can let the snake wife experience the power of his love and fidelity.

Is it possible to increase the compatibility of Ox and Snake?

Undoubtedly, the union of the Ox and the snake is extremely contradictory. However, it is quite possible for representatives of these two signs to build a marriage relationship throughout their lives, since we are talking about a union of extraordinary personalities who can ignite incredible passion in each other and give their loved one blessed, happy years. The compatibility of these horoscope representatives can be increased to an unattainable level. It is important to value your partner, maintaining mutual respect, and also try to find a common language in conflict situations. Knowing the characteristics of their characters and the disposition of their partner, finding compromises, and also taking a break from each other from time to time, a man and a woman, personifying two such different signs as the snake and the Ox, will be able to achieve a lot together.

The eastern horoscope indicates the main personality traits that will help strengthen the union or destroy a shaky relationship. The compatibility of the Ox and the Snake is ambiguous; their relationship is built on disputes. Conflicts arise due to differences in worldviews.

Love and partnerships are based on mutual interests and a combination of characters - partners develop and improve. The height of the spouses will ensure good compatibility of the signs.

Characteristics of the Snake

Such insightful people know how to build strong relationships, they adapt to their partner and look for compromises. The sign doesn't give a damn. Lacking aggression, he is demanding of his surroundings. Picky people show a little stinginess and selfishness: a defensive reaction allows them to gain stability.

The Eastern sign follows a big goal - success is built on daily work. Minor troubles do not affect the self-esteem of measured individuals - they do not waste time on trifles.

The influence of the elements

The year of birth will help the individual acquire the necessary qualities. Characteristics of the sign by element:

  • The wooden sign (1965) has the best qualities: cheerful and witty people quickly find a common language with others.
  • The active element - Fire (1977) - characterizes brave people.
  • The earth element (1929, 1989) gives people the ability to focus and concentrate.
  • The metal sign (1941, 2001) is distinguished by its emotional closeness.
  • The water element (1953, 2013) gives intelligence and intuition. Individuals under the influence of the element of Water achieve fame in work and social activities.

Detachment, if it manifests itself in the behavior of a sign, helps to achieve the desired result. The elements strengthen the strong-willed character and innate flexibility of the sign.

Characteristics of the Ox

The ox is a diligent and warlike sign. People under his leadership achieve their goals, but at little cost. The sign does not know how to harm others. He is patient and non-aggressive.

Vola is distinguished by good mental and physical shape. He is a leader who leads his colleagues and partners. Such a person can be sweet and gentle if he feels protected next to his lover. The sign distances itself from lying partners.

The influence of the elements

The personality develops under the protective element.

  • Born under the auspices of the element of Wood (1925, 1985) - a born, noble, self-confident, responsible leader.
  • The fire sign (1937, 1997) conquers peaks, accomplishes feats, but does not demand reward. Morally strong people show excessive concern for loved ones.
  • The active element - Earth (1949, 2009) - gives a person the ability to reason soberly. Such a person is not used to giving in to the will of feelings.
  • The metal sign (1961) is distinguished by its unbending character.
  • The element of Water (1973) forces a person to emotionally close himself off from his partners.

Snake Man and Ox Woman

Ox woman and Snake man create a calm union.

This is a balanced, adult relationship. Friendship, sex, passion - the couple has enough acute and measured feelings. An obstinate girl builds relationships that are beneficial for her to maintain: she is busy with her career and values ​​freedom. The partner is loyal to the ambitions of the chosen one.

At work, lovers are true professionals. For the Ox man and the Snake woman, harmony is important: constant strife is destructive for the couple.

Compatibility in love

The compatibility of signs in love depends on the accommodating nature of the partners.

The Ox and the Snake strive to change the chosen one, change his behavior and thinking. In bed, lovers give themselves over to passion, they are open to new sexual experiments.

The compatibility horoscope of signs is based on the following qualities:

  • the woman takes responsibility for the future of the couple;
  • a man shows flexibility, cares about peace in relationships;
  • the chosen one is despotic and demanding, her partner has to adapt;
  • the chosen one does not seek to take the place of leader.

Love is the main factor that unites self-sufficient partners. Good compatibility in love among people who do not overlap in the professional sphere. A careerist woman does not worry about household chores, and a man turns a blind eye to his chosen one’s lack of housekeeping.

Poor love compatibility in a couple where the man has not found his place in life. An unemployed partner is a constant irritant for a business lady. The eastern horoscope gives the signs great potential, the development of which lovers need to work on.

Marriage Compatibility

A flexible husband and a purposeful woman create a special marriage. They converge in sex, leisure and everyday life. A woman is a breadwinner, she is busy making money. Monetary stability falls entirely on her shoulders. Marriage to a lazy, apathetic man is not equal.

Unequal relationships, where the wife performs male duties, are based on feelings. Love forces a woman to tolerate the weakness of her chosen one.

In courtship, the partner is a real skill. He is a romantic who surrounds his beloved with care and tenderness. Compatibility improves for a couple where the chosen one finds additional income.

Relationship problems

Compatibility in the love relationship of Ox and Snake depends on the partner. The husband's selfishness is expressed in pressure: the wife ensures stability in the family and expects well-deserved praise. For harmony, spouses need:

  • distribute the family budget;
  • avoid controversial issues;
  • distribute the role of each family member.

Hidden resentment ruins a marriage. An unfulfilled man drowns in everyday life: he feels like a hostage. Such relationships do not make the wife obsolete. A woman gets tired of solving complex male issues.

Love does not save relationships in which partners take the lead. A man expects support from his wife and, not receiving motivation, takes out aggression on his beloved.

Ox Man and Snake Woman

The horoscope compatibility of the Ox and the Snake improves with accommodating partners.

They do not determine who is stronger, but calmly distribute responsibilities. The Ox and the Snake are a planned union. Winning a partner for the reserved Ox is a matter of principle. A resourceful woman resists for a long time, increasing her worth.

Partners and friends and lovers and advisors to each other. The chosen one does not need advice, but he listens to the opinion of his beloved. For good compatibility between Snake and Ox, a woman demonstrates the best qualities: softness, calmness, tenderness. The Ox man and the Snake woman manage to find a buffer zone and eliminate conflicts.

Compatibility in love

Ox man and Snake woman in love are elements that support each other. In a relationship, you can immediately see who is stronger and who is weaker. A courageous partner sets the overall direction. He is a leader, not a despot.

Compatibility between Ox and Snake is based on:

  • on the confidence of the chosen one;
  • on the weakness of a woman who is not afraid to open up to her lover;
  • on the flexibility of partners - conflicts in a couple do not drag on.

The Ox man and the Snake woman lead an active life. They like to explore the world. Curious and open-minded, they choose active hobbies and recreation.

The compatibility horoscope for Snake and Ox is based on the patience of the latter. He does not criticize the chosen one, but gently guides her.

Marriage Compatibility

The Ox and Snake together are the classic “patron and servant” model.

The wife is malleable, like plasticine, from which you can mold a real masterpiece. A man likes to dominate, to manage even small everyday processes.

The marriage of representatives of the sign is characterized by harmony. Spouses rarely quarrel; they have no time to waste time on conflicts.

Relationship problems

Woman year of the ox

It’s hard for such families in times of financial crisis. A man loses authority in the eyes of his wife, becomes aggressive and angry.


For good compatibility, partners need common goals. Inspired partners are distracted from interpersonal confrontation and direct energy in a peaceful direction.

The eastern horoscope warns spouses against protracted conflicts: quarrels alienate lovers who are unable to get along. There are no temporary breaks in a couple; if partners separate, then once and for all.

The opinion of astrologers helps young couples understand whether they are suitable for each other or not. And if they don’t fit, then what to do next. In this article we will tell you about the relationship between the Snake and the Ox in marriage.

Compatibility of Ox and Snake according to the horoscope

Compatibility of Ox man and Snake woman

The animal bull is associated with stubbornness, perseverance, and iron will. You were not mistaken, a man born in the year of the Ox has the same qualities. He is a person who can easily achieve his goals; he will go to the end, despite the fact that someone does not believe in him.

You can't call him an iron man. The bull man is very good at communication. She will always support you in difficult times and help you. You can rely on him and all his comrades, friends, colleagues and even his boss at work know this. According to the horoscope of compatibility in love, his qualities will be the basis for creating a successful marriage. He is a real man who will lend his masculine shoulder at the most difficult moment. He will cherish, do good to his woman, love and deeply respect.

A woman who was born in the year of the Snake is so gentle and timid, and at the same time a strong and independent woman. She knows what she wants from life. She has noble goals, just like the bull man. It seems that they are completely unsuited to each other, because both are strong personalities. But this only seems to calm the horoscope for compatibility in love. They are ideal for each other to create a happy marriage.

A woman born in the year of the Snake is strong and independent

The snake woman is a real keeper of the hearth, and also a mystery woman, in the good sense of the word. Desperate housewife - this is not said about her. She's still such a beauty. Manages to take care of himself. She loves and respects herself. And it is right! After all, if you want to be loved, you must love yourself and accept yourself for who you are. This is the trait that will attract the Ox man.

There is complete interaction between them. They practically do everything together. The snake woman gives her husband wise and valuable advice, and he is a real support and support for her and the children. They are able to compromise and turn a blind eye to their views. In this regard, there are no particular problems here. Their views and priorities on life are the same, namely to bring something new and useful to the world. In marriage, they both strive to be sensitive and respectful to each other. And they do it well!

Love compatibility between Snake man and Ox woman

The compatibility horoscope in love is ambiguous regarding this combination. This couple will have a lot of quarrels, disagreements and conflicts. A collision cannot be avoided. A man who was born in the year of the Snake will never disappear, no matter what the circumstances. After all, he is very cunning, insightful, and sometimes selfish. Still a visionary. He is willing to talk nonsense to get what he wants. And it works out well for him. Many believe him and fall for his tricks.

In marriage, these character traits will not leave him. He will be just as resourceful and crafty. It's not bad, and it's not good. His wife just won’t like it, especially the one who was born in the year of the Ox. She simply cannot stand it when someone lies, fantasizes, or leaves something unsaid.

The Ox Woman is Stubborn

The Ox woman is stubborn, but not as much as she might seem at first glance. Yes, she has this trait, but she also has sensitivity, sensitivity. Loves when everything is fair and honest. Now it’s clear why she can’t stand it when someone lies.

The snake man is also not impressed by such a trait in women as a heightened sense of justice. Collisions cannot be avoided here. Already they both don’t like something about each other. What then to do in such a situation? Break up? This is not at all necessary. The compatibility horoscope in love recommends to you.

  • Accept your partner for who he is. You shouldn't change it to suit your needs. You yourself understand perfectly well that this is impossible. Put yourself in the shoes of your other half. Would you change your priorities yourself? I doubt your positive answer.
  • Love is not when you change yourself and your character to avoid conflict. Love is when you are able to compromise and look for a way out of any current situation. They are unlikely to want to love someone who is completely spineless. No one is telling you to give up your values ​​and priorities. Just give in to them sometimes for the sake of preserving the relationship. Understand that just because this is your opinion does not mean it is correct.
  • Get to know your loved one. This does not apply to knowing what lipstick your spouse likes or what computer game your husband prefers. Get to know your partner's inner world. What he thinks about, what worries him, what he feels.

According to the compatibility horoscope, if you both can follow these tips, then a good relationship can be saved. Well, if not, then “there is no trial.”

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