Home Dental treatment How to make a pillow from herbs. Useful handmade gift

How to make a pillow from herbs. Useful handmade gift

Delight your child - make him such a “Splyushka”!

The sleeping pillow is made on the basis of the Russian folk doll “Kubishka”. Inside the pillow there is a collection of herbs, the aroma of which can soothe the baby and will be beneficial for his health.

These are herbs such as: lemon balm leaves, hop cones, lavender flowers, St. John's wort, dill, hops, mint, motherwort, oregano, etc.

When exposed to heat from the body, herbs release essential oils, soothing and have a beneficial effect on sleep.

You can place the sleep pillow in the crib, on a pillow, or hang it above the crib.

Babies often cannot fall asleep: they are worried, they are cutting teeth, their tummy is bothering them, etc. A scented pillow helps a lot in such cases.

In addition, if a child has a cold, you can put appropriate herbs (sage, eucalyptus, thyme, chamomile, pine, birch buds, etc.) in such a toy, the aroma of which has a healing effect.

This cat pillow can become an invariable attribute of a place for a baby to sleep, and also become an irreplaceable friend, next to whom it is so pleasant to fall asleep.

When a child is stubborn and doesn’t want to go to sleep, you can interest him: “Who’s waiting for you in the crib? Look what a kitty! She’s bored without you, she’s still waiting for (child’s name) to come to her to fall asleep!”

We have always had such receptions with a bang :)

And now a master class on a baby sleep pillow with herbs

You will need some white cotton fabric (preferably calico), and some colored fabric. A little more beautiful braid and a ribbon.

From white fabric we sew a rectangular bag, slightly larger than the palm of your hand. One short side of the bag is folded (this will be the cat's head), the other is open.

We tie the corners of the bag, where the head will be, with threads - these are the ears.

Fill the bag halfway with synthetic padding and tie it with thread. We fill the second half with grass, alternating with padding polyester: a layer of grass, padding polyester; a layer of grass, padding poly... This is necessary so that the grass does not wrinkle and the pad is soft.

Now our sleep pillow looks like this.

We also sew a bag from colored fabric, which will be approximately 2/3 in height of the white bag.

Sew the braid along the top edge.

Attach the ribbon.

We put the colored bag on top of the white one and tie a ribbon.

All that remains is to design the face. It can be embroidered, or drawn with a special felt-tip pen for fabric.

That's all! 🙂

A wonderful sleeping pillow is ready! Place this cute kitty in your baby's bed - he will definitely love it!

Here are examples of collecting herbs for a herb pad:

1. Sweet clover (aerial part) 20 g

Melissa leaves 20 g

Orange flowers 15 g

Chamomile flowers 15 g

Lavender flowers 15 g

Rose flowers 15 g

2. Sage

3. Mint

P.S. The pillow idea was not my idea, but my friend's. But my friend doesn’t have a website yet. And such wonderful ideas deserve to be known as much as possible. more people, is not it?

So that as many children as possible receive such “Splyushki” in their cribs :)

Sleep is the most important part of human life. At this time, the body rests and recovers, so choosing the right pillow is the key to good health.

The classic variation is rectangular or square pillows for adults, measuring 50 cm by 70 cm or 70 by 70. Orthopedic products are designed to support the head and neck in the correct anatomical position. As a rule, the dimensions of such a pillow are 40 cm by 50 cm. The height is selected individually, depending on what position a person prefers to sleep: on the back, on the side or on the stomach.

For children, the parameters are different - a product 40x60 in width and length and about 4 cm in height is suitable. Infants under 1.5 years of age are recommended to sleep without a pillow, but if the pediatrician advised parents to purchase one, they should listen to the advice of a specialist. Doctors usually prescribe orthopedic sleep aids for newborns with birth injuries. cervical region spine or bone tissue cranium, disorders muscular system, deviations in the structure of the hip apparatus.

Decorative accessories, for example, in the form of toys, numbers, are not suitable for babies to sleep on, but children will enjoy playing with them.

Pillow fillings can be natural or artificial. Natural ones include:

  • bird down and feathers;
  • wool;
  • herbal ingredients;
  • silk;
  • natural rubber latex;
  • cotton wool

It is important to know! Sleeping pillows made from herbs are good for health. The therapeutic effect is based on the effect of aromatherapy.

Artificial filling is used for both orthopedic and classically shaped products. It is made from the following materials:

  • padding polyester;
  • holofiber;
  • gel or microgel;
  • silicone;
  • comfort.

The advantages of such sleep accessories are hypoallergenic, easy to care for and maintain cleanliness, and low price.

Features of using a herbal pillow

Herbal pillow filling has been used since time immemorial. This product can be made to order in any size - from standard to small. It is a bag of natural fabric, stuffed with dried plants.

Herbs for filling

It is important to choose a component that helps cope with a specific ailment.

Purpose of the accessory

A herbal sleep pillow is recommended for relieving insomnia. In addition to sleep disorders, this environmentally friendly accessory eliminates chronic fatigue, makes breathing easier, destroys germs, helps work of cardio-vascular system. Aromatherapy as a treatment method has long been recognized and official medicine- doctors speak positively about herbs, their medicinal properties and effects on the body.

Precautions When Using Herbal Sleeping Pillows

The main rule for those who want to make a sleeping accessory with herbs with their own hands or buy a ready-made one: the aroma of the plants in the composition should be pleasant and not cause discomfort. Otherwise, irritability and other reactions may increase nervous system.

Attention! Pregnant and breastfeeding women are advised to avoid aromatherapy. Some herbs can cause uterine spasms, intense inhalation of their smell, especially on early will lead to miscarriage. Children can only put a scented pillow in their crib with the approval of a doctor. This measure is justified when frequent colds, problems with the nervous system.

Allergy sufferers should consult a doctor before using the product. Child younger age, may become interested in what is rustling inside the product and get to its contents, and this is fraught with life-threatening consequences for the baby - poisoning or suffocation.

Making your own herbal pillow

An aromatic sleeping accessory can be purchased in online stores or departments with eco-products. However, the price for such products is high, since it is handmade and natural raw materials. It is much more economical to make a pillow of herbs with your own hands. Already during production you can feel healing effect plant aromas. When sewing, take into account the following recommendations:

  • The cover (bag) must be tight, otherwise the plant filler will split. Linen or cotton are suitable, as well as teak. You should not use any synthetic fabric: in addition to distorting the aroma, it can cause allergic reactions, skin rashes. Replaceable pillowcases are placed on top of the cover; they can be sewn from calico or poplin.
  • The grass must be completely dry. Under-dried raw materials can begin to rot and mold, and inhaling mold spores and other fungi is dangerous to health. So that the pillow does not lose its shape longer, in addition to medicinal herbs Hay or straw is added to it, which helps maintain a voluminous appearance.

You can sew a main sleeping accessory or a small pillow that is placed at the head of the bed.

You can buy all the necessary raw materials at the pharmacy. Below are the proportions of herbal mixtures that help with sleep disorders.

Insomnia mixture:

  • hops - 150 g;
  • lavender - 100-150 g;
  • verbena - the same;
  • orris root powder - 2 tbsp. l.

Getting rid of snoring:

  • tea tree essential oil - no more than 5 drops;
  • hops - 100 g;
  • eucalyptus essential oil - 2 drops;
  • chopped orris root - 2 tbsp.

Basic criteria for healthy sleep

In order for the body to rest and gain strength while a person sleeps, some prerequisites are necessary:

  • Before going to bed, you should calm down and not engage in strenuous physical or mental activity.
  • IN evening time, at 17-19 hours, it is useful to take a bath. This ancient Russian method perfectly relaxes and gives healthy sleep.
  • Bed linen and sleepwear should consist of natural, breathable materials.
  • The optimal temperature in the bedroom is 20°C.

For proper rest, you need at least 6 hours of sleep at night. A shorter duration is harmful to health.

Aromatherapy using herbal pillows - proven over centuries healing agent. It copes with insomnia and nervous system disorders no worse than synthetic medications. The use of this accessory harmonizes your mood and helps you feel at one with nature.

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Selecting the ideal orthopedic pillow: what to look for

The first thing to do is choose the fabric for the pillow.

1. The fabric must be dense so that the grass does not prick.

2. The fabric must be natural - linen, cotton, wool, silk. Hay smells wonderful, and it is best to fill it with a linen pillow, which will allow the aroma to pass through and soften the harshness of the grass. If you don’t have flax on hand, you can take any cotton pillowcase and carefully sew it up after stuffing it so that the straw doesn’t fall apart. If after all this there is still a charge of energy left for further exploits, the pillow can be decorated. For example, make a funny rustic pillowcase for her from some colorful fabric or decorate it in your own way. And their colors are very diverse.

Blue color helps dispel feelings of anxiety, tension and stress. The heavenly ringing transparency of the color helps calm muscle vibrations, direct your thoughts to a calm rhythm, promotes complete relaxation, relaxation and smooth recovery for the next day. Orange color has the ability to relieve stress after a hard day at work, while simultaneously charging you with new emotions. Orange color brings joy and easily lifts your spirits. It is not for nothing that a bright sunny color or a rich orange color evokes in Us a surge of energy, enthusiasm, as if vitality pour into Us with renewed vigor. A feeling of life-giving freshness, harmonious peace of mind and youthful enthusiasm inevitably arise in Us with bedding sparkling pistachio shade. Relaxed, pure color, like the rustle of young leaves, envelops your dreams with romance and carefreeness. Pure wool, like pure silk, is not easy to find in our area, and sometimes they are expensive. In addition, silk is often too thin, which may look beautiful, but such a pillow

a) will inject
b) can tear quickly.

The second and most important thing is herbs. Herbs for filler are selected according to desires and needs.

Herbs must be well dried and in addition they must be fresh.
Ideally, herbs should be grown without the use of chemical fertilizers. But, at a minimum, we need to find out suddenly, God forbid, they were sprayed with all sorts of rubbish.
In this case, you can immediately throw out the herbs, unless, of course, you want to develop allergies or problems respiratory tract or dermatitis...
Herbs must be crushed and mixed before use.

Peculiarity herbal pillow The problem is that the herbs cake quickly. Therefore, the basis for the pillow should be grass, which “keeps its shape.” And preferably neutral - sedge, straw, Ivan-Chaya fluff.

However, I love heather. But it is not suitable for all fees.
The pillow doesn't last long. A year or two is the maximum.
Then you need to change. In addition, a huge danger for such a pillow is dampness.
If the pillow is damp, throw it away without regret, otherwise it will do more harm than good. Fungi, mold - they are not even good for health.

When you are not using the pillow, it is advisable to put it away plastic bag, this is necessary so that odors do not disappear too quickly.

You can make a fairly large pillow of herbs and sleep on it, or you can make a smaller pillow and place it under your regular pillow.
The pad can also be placed on the radiator, then its aroma will spread throughout the room.
Remember to shake the pillow every time before using it. However, it should be remembered that long-term use of some herbs can lead to various bad disorders.

For example, Hops is a very common filling for pillows, but it has unpleasant side effects- sweating, agitation, fear, fever, pain in the heart, shortness of breath, phenomena of chronic eczema may occur. Fragrances are also medicines and must be taken correctly!

Naturally, depending on the herbs, the properties of the pillow will be different. Just as certain smells (such as fresh bread or fragrant roses) awaken pleasant memories in Us, herbs also awaken associations in memory.
For example, the smell of Thyme calms and relaxes, Clover - relieves fatigue, Mint - enlightens the mind.
The aromas of Rosemary and Thyme have a calming effect - they relieve nervous tension well. Good smell At Burdock, the aroma of which has an antiviral effect and is recommended during epidemics of influenza and acute respiratory infections.
The scent of Melissa improves metabolism and has an anticonvulsant effect.
A pillow with the scent of Lemon has a refreshing and invigorating effect.
A pillow with the scent of Rose has a harmonizing effect. You can make a pillow for insomnia, you can make a pillow for certain dreams.
If you distribute herbs by properties, then in a simplified form it will look something like this (the following information is taken from various sources):

Chamomile – brings restful sleep
Hops (cones) – helps cure insomnia, induces sleep, relieves headache, calms
Peppermint – relieves headaches, calms, adds caution and clarity. It should be borne in mind that the smell of Mint invigorates, relieves fatigue, but does not relieve stress.
Heather - treats insomnia and increased nervous excitability, has a fairly strong effect, you should be careful with it.
Laurel - we give pleasant dreams, and sometimes prophetic dreams
Thyme - helps to look into the future and past through a dream, will bring a happy mood overnight
Saffron - clairvoyance
Cinnamon – helps to see the future and communicate with the right perfume in a dream
Lavender lasts a long time, drives away moths, has a calming effect, and relieves stress. Useful for insomnia, helps to communicate in a dream with the necessary spirits (according to other sources, it wards off evil spirits)
Willow - brings the blessing of the moon
Cinquefoil - will help you gain wisdom in your sleep
Muscat - will help you see the future in your dreams
Melissa – refreshes and soothes, relieves headaches and other pains, gives deep sleep. Help you see the future in your dreams
Wormwood - brings vivid dreams, amenable to reflexive analysis, protects. Has a mild hypnotic effect. Wormwood defeats fatigue and depression, speeds up metabolism.
Nettle – protection during sleep, removes fears during dreams
Marjoram – clears dreams of unnecessary energies, influences, relieves depression
Rose - helps restore strength during sleep, brings prophetic, peaceful, calm dreams, often of romantic content.
Valerian - relieves tension before bed, calms you down, puts you into deep sleep.
Anise – emotionally dulls nightmares, promotes rejuvenation during sleep
Sage – Can be used for tonic purposes, helps heal during sleep, promotes the ability to calmly, rationally evaluate a dream
Marshmallow – helps heal during sleep
Yarrow – brings dreams of family and loved ones
Orange – brings dreams about loved ones and relatives
Basil – helps to remember astral flights, cleanses during sleep, protects
Sunflower – helps remember dreams after waking up
Cloves – helps remember dreams, use in small quantities due to the strong smell; restores forgotten memories
Rosemary - tones, relieves headaches, use in small quantities due to its strong aroma; helps avoid nightmares. Clears consciousness and awakens memories.
Fern - will help with lumbago and sciatica
Hyssop - tones,
Oregano - tones, Meadowsweet - induces sleep, relieves headaches, calms
Angelica – brings prophetic dreams and visions
Fir – relaxation, calmness
Cedar - from unpleasant dreams
Geranium - induces sleep, relieves headaches, calms
Camphor – awakens memories of past lives, prophecy in a dream
Citrus fruits – refresh and tone, can act as an aphrodisiac.
Coniferous smells of cedar, juniper or pine - act as antiseptics, relieve obsessive thoughts, soften mood swings, relieve heart pain.
branches of Tansy, Chamomile, Blackcurrant and Yarrow - will help get rid of mental fatigue.
Oregano, Strawberry, Mimosa, Jasmine - enhance the effects of all herbs. You should also be careful with Jasmine, because it can provoke nightmares.
Laurel, sweet clover and wormwood - will help muscles relax
Rosemary, birch and eucalyptus leaves improve bronchial function. Clover will moderately reduce blood pressure.
Dill - helps you sleep
White Sage – to tune into the spirit world
Chernobyl (wormwood) - brings visions, prophetic dreams, helps to remember dreams.
Mullein – gets rid of bad dreams
St. John's wort - drives out spirits
Cumin - brings restful sleep, psychic powers, attracts fairies Daffodils, Lilies, Lilies of the Valley and Bird Cherry - can cause headaches and nightmares.

Some options herbal infusions for pillows I found on the Internet:

For insomnia
Lavender - 150 g
Verbena - 150 g
Hops - 150 g

Hops herb - 100 g
Leaves tea tree- 100 g
Orris root powder - 2 tbsp. spoons
Eucalyptus oil - 1-2 drops

dried lemon and orange peels,
Melissa leaves,
essential oils Lemon 2 parts, Orange 1 part. Tangerine 1 part.

Good dream

You can mix Melissa, Lemon Thyme and a little Valerian.

Harmony, sleep
rose petals,
Melissa leaves,
Lavender grass,
essential oils Roses 4 parts. Lavender 1 part.

rose petals, mint
clove powder.

A pillow with the scent of Cloves cleanses the air well in the room: Spicy Cloves,
Lavender herb, essential oils Roses 8 k., Cloves 3 k., Lavender 2 k. Schisandra 1 k.

A pillow with the aroma of fragrant herbs has a refreshing and strengthening effect: Rosemary, Thyme, Wormwood,
Melissa leaves, Lavender,
essential oils: Rosemary 3 parts, Melissa 2 parts, Thyme 2 parts, Sage 1 part. Wormwood 1 part.

Insomnia pads

1) 1 cup Verbena, 1 cup Lavender, 1 cup Hops, 2 tablespoons Orris root powder

2) Laurel and Fern (1:1)

3) Laurel, Fern, Hops (1: 2: 3)

4) Fern, Hops, Laurel, Mint (3: 2: 2: 1)

5) Lavender - 150 g, Verbena - 150 g, Hops - 150 g, Orris root powder - 2 tbsp. spoons

6) for babies (they also recommend for newborns, but have an idea!), when they sleep poorly, are capricious or sick, you can make a pillow with hops - 1 tbsp. spoon, tea tree leaves - 1 tbsp. spoon, Orris root powder - 1 tsp, Chamomile flowers 1 tbsp. spoon, Lavender essential oil - 1-2 drops (the use of essential oils for children under one year of age is a controversial issue!)

7) Immortelle, Pine needles, Hops cones, Mint, Geranium, Oregano, Rose petals, Bay leaf

8) sleeping pillow Geogra III: leaves of Peppermint, Trefoil, Hop cones, Valerian root and rhizomes, St. John's wort and Heather herbs, Buckthorn bark, Chamomile flowers, Lavender and primrose flowers (IMHO, royally a lot and wasteful)

9) 1 part – Fern, 2 parts – Hops, 1 part – Geranium

10) 2 parts - Pine needles, 1 part - Mint leaves, 1 part - Oregano herbs, 2 parts - Hazel leaves

11) 2 parts – Thyme, 1 part – Mint, 1 part – Sage, 1 part – Lavender

12) 2 parts Wormwood, 1 each Mint, Melissa and Meadowsweet, 1/2 part Chamomile

13) 1 part Tansy and Sweet Clover, ½ part Lavender

14) 3 parts Chamomile, 1 each Rosemary and Yarrow

15) Oregano, Nettle, Hops, Birch leaves and Calendula flowers

Herbal pillows

Sleep is one of the most important parts of our life. At this time, a person regains his strength, so any sleep disturbances affect his mood and performance. What to do when night sleep bypasses? will help you pillow with herbs for sleep and rest. Inside such a herbal pillow, bag or cushion, dried herbs are sewn in a special way; the healthy sleep pillow has a calming and bactericidal effect.

Fragrant sleep pillows with herbs

The fragrant aroma not only pleases the sense of smell, it also has an effect on the central nervous system. Healing buy herbal pillows which are available in our store, are indicated for insomnia, hysteria, migraines, anxiety, neuroses and other conditions when the human brain is unbalanced by stress. Also, such a pad will help with frequent colds, because many herbs have the property of destroying pathogenic microbes. Collected in different pillows different compositions plants aimed at one or another action, but they all provide healthy sleep and wellness in the morning.

In our store buy sleeping pillows possible on your own best price. At the same time, we monitor high quality products. All plants are grown in environmentally friendly places, collected and dried according to all the rules to maximize the preservation of their beneficial properties. Such folk way much more useful than synthetic drugs, which often have side effects.

  • Before going to bed, shake your pillow or pillow to loosen the herbs inside.
  • Recommended pillows with herbs place it near your head during sleep, or place it under the main pillow.
  • When you are not using the pad, store it in a plastic bag to useful material did not evaporate.
  • If you want to fill the whole room with a fragrant smell, place the bag on the radiator.

It often happens that children are capricious, do not want to go to bed on time, or wake up in the middle of the night. This indicates strong stimulation of the nervous system. Helps calm the baby down baby sleep pillow with soothing herbs. It is absolutely harmless and, like all other products, is made from environmentally friendly materials. The composition includes such famous and time-tested plants as sage, lavender, chamomile and others (you can read more on the product page).

Today buy pillows with herbs for sleep can be done easily, quickly and inexpensively. Provide yourself and your loved ones with rest and sweet sleep - the key to a cheerful and fruitful day!

Plant materials have long been used to fill pillows. The aroma of summer herbs promotes good sleep, strengthening health, restoring lost strength and lifting mood. It is not difficult to make such a pillow yourself. And so that it not only becomes a decoration for the sleeping place, but also provides therapeutic effect, it is necessary to properly collect and dry the plants with your hands.

How to make a pillow from herbs with your own hands

To fill such a pillow, one type of plant or herbal mixture is used. A fragrant pillow makes you sleep soundly, improves your health and gives you good spirits. But the filler may contain grass that can cause an allergic reaction.

Medicinal herbs for filling the pillow are chosen according to desires and needs

You should like the smell of the herb, and when composing your infusions, you should take into account the compatibility of their aromas.

Which herbs to choose

It is necessary to know the effect of plants on the body and choose certain types:

  • A pillow filled with hop cones will help you calm down and get a good night's sleep. A lavender-scented pillow will also solve problems with falling asleep.

    The smell of lavender has a calming effect and induces sleep.

  • Thyme, rosemary, and chamomile will help you calm down.
  • Fragrances of flowers red clover, geraniums will relieve annoying headaches.

    A pillow filled with the scent of clover will relieve headaches

  • Valerian, lemon balm, and meadowsweet will drive away heavy thoughts and speed up falling asleep.
  • Linden, mint, and motherwort flowers have a calming effect on humans.

    The aromas of natural herbs (linden, motherwort), clean and carefully dried, relax, give a feeling of comfort and coziness.

  • A herbal pillow with the scent of agrimony, which has an antiviral effect, helps increase the body's resistance to infections.
  • Cornflower is recommended to be used for heart disease, and chamomile will bring restful sleep.

The herbs in the pillow quickly cake, so to add volume it is usually filled with straw, heather, sedge, fern and some fragrant plants are added. This also avoids overdose of aromatic substances, which can cause headaches or allergies.

To make it comfortable to lie down and sleep soundly, straw is used for the base of the pillow.

How to properly collect and dry plants

Dry herbs for filling pillows can be purchased at pharmacies or prepared yourself. There is a rule - everything medicinal plants collect by hand. And definitely away from the city and highways.

Choose environmentally friendly places for harvesting herbs

Collection time depends on the type of medicinal raw material. Flowers for medicinal purposes are collected when they fully bloom, herbs - during the flowering period, rhizomes - in early spring or autumn.

They must be dried in a dry place at a temperature of no more than +30 degrees - this is the only way to preserve aromatic oils. It is best to place the plants on paper in the room, turning them over periodically. Or hang with stems up. The finished plant material becomes brittle and rustles when touched.

Herbs are dried in the shade, in a well-ventilated place

Dried aromatic plants are broken or cut into pieces of about 1 cm. Straw and other herbs used as the main filler for volumetric pillows do not need to be chopped.

Video: collecting and drying herbs for a pillow

What should the shape of the pillow be?

The grass cushion can be different shapes and sizes. Doctors advise doing it in the form of a roller, which helps relax the neck muscles and help you fall asleep better.

The bolster pillow, as if massaging the neck muscles, relaxes them and speeds up falling asleep

You can sew a fragrant pillow regular format or make a small one and place it under a large pillow. It is more convenient to have several tiny pads with different scents and use them to solve certain problems. The main thing is that the cover is made of natural and dense materials - linen, cotton.

Herbal pillows can be any size, but must be made from breathable fabrics

After the night, it is better to put the herbal pillow in a plastic bag and tie it tightly - this way the essential oils will evaporate less. Be sure to shake the pillow before use to enhance the aroma.

How to sew a pillow

Having selected a natural material and decided on the shape of the pillow, we begin sewing.

  1. Cut out a square or any other shape.

    Cut 2 squares of the same size

  2. Then they sew the edges from the wrong side, leaving a small gap, and turn them right side out.

    Sew the fabric around the edges, leaving space for filling with grass.

  3. Fill the case with herbs.

    The case is filled with plant materials

  4. The unstitched hole is stitched and the cover is inserted into a removable pillowcase made of calico or poplin, which can be changed for washing.

    How long can you use a pillow with vegetable filling?

    A scented pillow can be used for no more than a year, and if it becomes damp, it is better to throw it away. And try not to sleep on it all the time, so as not to exceed the norms for the effect of aromatic oils on the human body. It is recommended to alternate: 2 weeks - sleeping on a grass pillow, 2 weeks - on a regular one.

    To ensure that herbal pillows only bring benefits, it is not recommended to sleep on them all the time

    If, when using a herbal pillow, headaches, ailments, or allergic reactions occur, it is necessary to abandon it.

    You can make herbal pillows with a pleasant fragrance with your own hands. Fresh herbs are not suitable - they will quickly spoil. Dry plants are used as filler, making sure to take them into account. beneficial features and contraindications.

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