Home Tooth pain Orthodox attitude to sleep and dreams. Prophetic dreams

Orthodox attitude to sleep and dreams. Prophetic dreams



To the one who dwells inside us and gives us dreams - the Holy Spirit, who gives every person a direct, constantly accessible connection with the living God.

“… listen to My words: if there is a prophet of the Lord among you, then I reveal myself to him in a vision, and I talk to him about a dream.”(Num. 12:6)

People skilled in dream interpretation, such as Daniel and Joseph, were treated with respect.

Those who understood the revelations given to them from the Lord, such as Abraham or Solomon, became great and wise.

Those who listened to their inner experiences, such as the Apostle Paul or Ezekiel, became great missionaries and prophets.

I will bless the Lord, who gave me understanding; even at night my inner being teaches me.”(Ps. 15:7).

On a note: Through dreams, God gives us advice every night.

II. Introduction.

Gift of Dreams

God, by His grace, brought Hermann Riffel into my life to teach me the Christian approach to dream interpretation. This was another topic in the Bible that I had never seriously considered, perhaps because dreams are not the focus of our rational culture. So she looks at them with her nose in the air and believes that they are simply the result of spicy food eaten at night. Naturally, such a view will not be found in Scripture, moreover, the Bible unconditionally repeats again and again that it is God who speaks to us through dreams (Num. 12:6; Acts 2:17), and what it is God who teaches us through dreams (Ps. 15:7).

It would seem that with such serious assurances and such a magnificent opportunity to receive advice from God every night and completely free of charge, we should all joyfully rush to write down our dreams and then ask God for an interpretation. However, most likely, even among 10,000 Christians, there will not be a single person who has ever been formally taught to interpret dreams. This is simply amazing!

Hermann Riffel taught me to hear what God says through my dreams. He helped me search the Scriptures and discover how God deals with and interprets dreams so that I could learn to interpret my dreams and the dreams of those I counsel. What a blessed gift!

I first met Herman Riffel near Toronto in the Canadian province of Ontario. I conducted a seminar “How to Hear the Voice of God” in one city, and Herman conducted a seminar “Christian Interpretation of Dreams” in the same city. Since my seminar ended a little early, I went to listen to the end of his seminar and meet him in person. This meeting was the beginning of a wonderful relationship, and we were later able to invite him to our church Bible school and videotape 12 hours of principle teaching Christian interpretation dreams The tapes record him asking students questions and interpreting their dreams. This is impressive! Daniel is alive. We recorded this man's teachings on audio and video tapes in order to convey to the Church his accumulated knowledge of Christian dream interpretation. This is a great blessing for the Body of Christ!

Now I can put my journal next to my bed and write down my dreams when I wake up. Then I ask God to give me an interpretation of these dreams. When I calm down and listen to His voice, I use the same four keys that I discovered when I first learned to hear the voice of God. I calm down, remember the images from the dream, tune in to spontaneity and ask God to help me understand the symbols with which the dream tells me something. The following pages list several excellent biblical principles that Herman teaches that have been of great help to me in understanding how to view dreams.

Conclusions about the importance of our dreams

God chose dreams as one of the ways to communicate with man. He guides and instructs us through our dreams. He confirms covenants with us through our dreams. He gives us gifts in our dreams. He uses dreams throughout history, from Genesis to Revelation, and claims that he will continue to use them in last days. If you add up all the dreams and visions in the Bible, as well as all the events and actions that followed as a result of the dreams and visions, you get about a third of the Bible, a part equal to the size of the New Testament! Dreams are one of the main ways that God has chosen to communicate with us, and we must give them appropriate attention!

Dreams about the future

In a sense, many dreams predict the future. Some dreams may simply show what will happen in the near future if a person does not repent and change their ways. Some dreams may speak of a very distant future, as is the case with some biblical dreams. Perhaps people with more developed prophetic gifts may notice that their dreams go further into the future and further from themselves, and people who do not have special prophetic gifts see dreams that are closer to themselves (that is, dreams relating to their personal difficulties and questions).

Additional Thoughts on Dreams

1. Dreams are credible messages. They show both the condition of a person's heart (Dan. 2:30) and the voice of God in a person's heart (Acts 2:17). Sometimes they can show a direct attack on the heart by the devil or demons (Job 4:12-21 may be an example of a case where a demon brings accusations, leading to loss of hope and death - this is the only possible biblical example of a demon speaking to a person in a dream ). In my own life, I have only had one dream that the Lord told me to ignore because it was satanic. Thus, referring to the biblical testimony, and to my own life experience, I can say that there cannot be many dreams from the devil or demons.

2. In the Bible, when people woke up from sleep, they acted according to what the dream told them. Put into practice the advice of your dreams!

3. Do not pretend to be an expert in interpreting other people's dreams until you have acquired at least five years of experience in interpreting your own dreams. You can offer advice or ideas for interpreting other people's dreams, but don't pretend to be an expert.

4. As with prophecy, the information and warning in dreams are conditional on the person's response (Ezek. 33:13-16). The dream calls you to action or change so that you can avoid some kind of misfortune. If you react correctly, trouble will not happen.

5.Dreams of sexual meaning should also be viewed symbolically. Sexual intercourse is a symbol of togetherness, so ask the question: “What in me or in my life is coming together right now?” This may be a combination of what was previously at war within you (for example, the fusion of your excessive dedication to work and your ability to relax and not stress can be reflected in a dream in the image of sexual intercourse). Or if you have had to cultivate the gift of hospitality, you may have a dream in which there will be a sexual relationship between you and a person who is known to you for his gift of hospitality.

6. Dreams can be repeated because you did not listen and act on what the dream told you the first time.

7. Nightmares are the cries of an unhealed heart asking you to use prayer for inner healing and release in the appropriate areas within you. In my own life, a nightmare that had been recurring periodically for 15 years disappeared completely and forever after the demon driving the very fear depicted in the nightmare was exorcised from me.

8. The most natural interpretation will most likely be correct.

9. Several dreams in a row in one night can usually relate to the same issue, depicting different approaches to him, and offering the right solution to the dilemma.

10. The dream calls the dreamer to action.

11. When considering someone else’s dream, remember that you yourself know nothing about the dream. The dream itself and the dreamer's heart will have to suggest the meaning.

12. Religion tries to reach God through the development of various theological approaches, through arousal of emotions, through efforts of will. God comes to man, speaking directly to his heart and spirit through His voice, prophecy, dream, vision and anointing.

13. Dreams release inspired ingenuity and creativity. Many inventions and discoveries came through dreams. The placement of the needle hook in the sewing machine came through a dream. The discovery of the round structure of the benzene molecule came through a dream. And these are just two of thousands of possible examples.

Warnings about dreams???

1. There are no warnings in the Bible to beware of your own dreams, with the exception of Ecclesiastes 5:6, which most likely refers to fantasy, since all other references to dreams in the Bible are positive.

2. The only warning in the Bible regarding dreams is when we listen to strangers dream They may try to lead you the wrong way, to follow other gods (Jer. 14:14; 23:16,26,32; Ezek. 13:1,7; 12:24).

Examples of dream interpretation

On next night after that day I learned to hear God's voice, see God's visions, and journal (write down what God tells me). Just because I put a diary next to my bed and asked God to speak to me, on the very first night I was able to have two important dreams.

Dream No. 1: I got a new job as a house cleaner. I was in this house and climbed the stairs to the second floor, but I was riding a horse. On the second floor I went to the bathroom and took some cleaning products there.

Interpretation: Question: “What in my life is like a new job right now?” Answer: “Just today I started hearing God’s voice, seeing visions and journaling?”

Question: “What makes me feel as if I were trying to climb stairs while sitting on a horse?” Answer: “I feel very awkward tuning into the flow of God's Spirit, receiving visions, writing in my journal. This lifestyle is a skill that I will have to practice until it comes easy to me. Now I feel so clumsy, like a bull in a china shop.”

Question: “How will this path take me up the ladder?” Answer: “By hearing God's voice, receiving visions from God and writing them down, I will rise higher in my fellowship and life with God.”

Question: “How will I get cleaning supplies?” Answer: “Hearing God's voice will cleanse some areas of my life.”

Dream No. 2 (same night as the previous one): I pulled the car into the parking lot and turned off the ignition. However, the engine did not stop; backfires occurred.

Interpretation: Question: “What am I trying to turn off, but it won’t turn off?” Answer: “My analytical thinking, so that I can tune in to the wave of intuition and hear the voice of God.”

So, these two dreams are subjective (concerning the processes that are happening within me), and they give me advice and encouragement, saying: “Even though I feel awkward in this new direction of my life (in hearing God's voice, receiving visions, in the diary), if I don’t give up, it will raise me to a new level in God, and clear some areas of my life. Indeed, it will take effort to learn to turn off the analytical thinking processes that have ruled me and been my god for many years of my life.”

Mike Bastian's Dream: I once taught a seminar on “Communication with God” in a week-long course for 35 pastors at the Toronto Airport Christian Center. Towards the end of the week, one of the listeners, named Mike Bastin, began to express concern that he was not able to absorb all the information that I was trying to convey in a very condensed form in a matter of hours. I assured him that this was nothing unusual, and it was not scary, because he could take home the book “Communication with God” and the audio and video tapes with recordings of lectures, and watch everything again at home in a calm environment. However, Mike did not heed this advice to the end, because a day or two later he sent me email, preoccupied with a dream he had. With Mike's permission, I am sharing with you our correspondence over the next few days.

Description of the dream according to Mike: I was the age of a schoolboy. The school bus was already approaching my house. I was late and started to run, at that time I saw my father-in-law (Fred) getting on the bus, but as soon as I ran up to him, the door closed and the bus drove away. I was a little upset that they didn't wait for me. I tried to see who was driving the bus, and it seemed to me that it was George. (I meet George sometimes, and he actually was a bus driver when I was in school.)

Soon I saw another bus approaching. I knew that he was going to school in the same city, and I asked the driver to give me a ride. I was allowed and I got on the bus. I don't remember how I drove. But then suddenly I'm talking to my father-in-law and asking why George didn't wait for me. He answered something vaguely that seemed completely nonsensical, and I can’t even remember what it was.

This was the dream. What concerns me is that my father-in-law already died last December at the age of 61.

My first answer: I want to invite you to think about some questions and assumptions.

In the dream there were the following symbols:

*school = a place where we receive education and study;

*bus = transport to the place of study;

* didn’t wait = fear of falling behind or being abandoned.

Therefore, it is worth asking yourself the question: “Where in my life am I getting my education? this moment, and I’m afraid to fall behind in this?”

I assume that you are studying the topic “Communication with God”, and somewhere inside you are afraid that you will fall behind (that is, you will not be able to learn everything). These are exactly the concerns you expressed in class. I think that this fear in your heart was reflected in the dream.

But God showed you in a dream that there is hope. Another bus arrived and was able to take you. So you don't have to worry about missing something on your first listen. There will still be an opportunity to learn everything. For example, you can read the book “Communication with God” in its entirety; or take a three-month course on “Communication with God” at the Christian Leadership University where I teach; buy video cassettes with recordings of lectures; buy audio cassettes with the full course; purchase a teacher’s guide for the course “Communication with God”; find several spiritual mentors in your church or city with whom you can share your journaling and who can become your cover in this matter; etc.

Don't worry that the person you saw in your dream died a year ago. People in our dreams most often symbolize some characteristic of us. Ask yourself the question: “Which main characteristic this man?" Usually in such cases we have dreams about our character. This dream is not about you going to die soon.

Mike's second letter: Thank you, Mark, for answering me. To be honest, this was not the explanation I expected. Everything seems to be fine, but I still have a big question... why exactly was my father-in-law in this dream, and why was his image so expressive? Is he somehow connected with this dream?

My second answer: When you think about Fred, your father-in-law, what aspect of his character seems most striking to you? That's the point. When you can determine this, you will understand what characteristic of you was discussed in the dream. Your heart paints pictures and images to make you understand something.

The part of you that Fred symbolizes accepts the teaching of “Communication with God” and does a good job of internalizing it (as evidenced by him getting on the bus on time). But there is still some part of you that is having difficulty learning the material, and you are afraid that you will fall behind.

Maybe Fred relied more on his heart than his head in life?

My guess is that your heart is learning everything about “Communication with God,” but your left brain is sending warning signals that it hasn't memorized everything yet (and that's true - it hasn't yet). However, as I said before, your head does not have to have time to absorb all four morning lectures with my teaching, because you will have the opportunity to receive books, audio and video tapes that you can carefully watch at home.

I think that your left brain (your analytical, thinking tendencies) is stressed, but your heart (which was probably symbolized by “good-natured Fred”) is calm, accepting the teaching of “Communication with God”.

What do you think about it?

Last letter from Mike: Mark, this is amazing! That's exactly what my father-in-law was like. Good-natured. Soft and calm. God bless you. Mike.

Another example of dream interpretation - from my employee: One day a woman who used to edit my works and attended my classes at Bible school came up to me and told me the following dream.

In her dream, she entered her house and smelled smoke. She went up to the second floor, looking for what was burning, but could not find anything. Then I looked on the first floor and also found nothing. Then I went into the kitchen, and the smell of smoke intensified. She opened the upper kitchen cabinets, but there was no fire, but when she opened the lower cabinets, flames came out of them and she woke up.

At that time, she could not understand what the dream was saying. Two months after this dream, she went to the doctor complaining of pain in her intestines. And she was diagnosed with intestinal inflammation. This illness was caused by stress, and doctors prescribed her medications for inflammation.

Do you see that the dream warned her about this disease two months before the doctor made the diagnosis?

Her dream said: “There is fire in her house.” Her home is where she lives - her body.

There was a fire in the kitchen. The kitchen is the place where we eat, which symbolizes its digestive system.

There was no fire in the upper cabinets, which symbolized top part digestive system or her stomach.

The fire was in the lower cabinets, which symbolized bottom part its digestive tract, that is, the intestines.

The dream said “There is a fire in your intestines” two months before the doctor’s intervention.

A year later, the dream repeated itself again. She immediately realized that if she didn't rest and relax, the stress she was experiencing would force her to go to the doctor again. She found an opportunity to rest and avoided another attack. Great advice! It was worth listening to it and putting it into practice. This is an example of a subjective dream concerning processes within a person himself. The dream conveyed to her advice from God, warning her of what disaster might happen if she did not mend her ways. Impressive, right?

The art of dream interpretation

The best way to see the biblical value of dreams is to examine the 220 occurrences of dreams and visions in the Bible. Many of these references describe the entire history of the dream, and tell what revelations and actions followed it. Next, we will examine nearly 1,000 verses of Scripture in an effort to determine the biblical approach to dreams. We will go from Genesis to Revelation, examining the words: dream, dreamer and vision. By prayerfully reflecting on each dream story, we can come to a balanced and complete biblical view of dreams.

We learn how God speaks through dreams. We explore the language of dreams: symbols, literal meaning, or both.

The Bible records many dreams that use symbolic language. In some cases, the dream is followed by the interpretation of these symbols. We explore these interpretations to overcome our wariness of symbols in our own dreams.

Some symbols have a universal interpretation, while other symbols are associated only with a specific dream. This applies not only to biblical accounts of dreams, but also to dreams today.

We learn that “God gives interpretation”; so we will learn to bring our dreams to God, and trust that He will reveal the meaning of the dream through communication and journaling.

It is obvious that God spoke through dreams at all times from Genesis to Revelation, and nowhere did He warn that He would stop doing so. Therefore, it is time for the Church to open Her ears and listen to what God says this way.

As we do our research, we will ask in prayer, “Lord, show us what You desire regarding dreams and their interpretation.”

This research guide is designed to be done in a classroom setting under the guidance of a tutor, for which the Tutor Guide (Part 2) has been written.

While reading, look biblical principles, relating to dreams and visions.

God not only communicates with us when we are awake, He also instructs us at night through our dreams.

“I will bless the Lord, who gave me understanding; even at night my inner being teaches me” (Ps. 15:7).

Student, Fish and Agassiz

Before studying the Scriptures in this book, read the following article. “The Student, the Fish, and Agassiz” deals with the issues of careful and thoughtful examination of passages that you need to ponder.

More than fifteen years ago, I walked into Professor Agassiz's laboratory and told him that I had signed up for scientific studies as a natural history researcher. He asked me several questions about the purpose of my coming, about my background in general, in what direction I was going to use the acquired knowledge subsequently, and, in the end, whether I wanted to have a thorough knowledge of all branches of zoology. I intended to devote myself especially to the study of insects.

“When do you want to start?” - he asked.

“Right now,” I replied.

He seemed to like it, and cheerfully saying “Very good,” he took a large jar of samples preserved in alcohol from the shelf.

“Take this fish,” he said, “and examine it; we call it Hemulon; From time to time I will ask you what you saw.”

At this point he left, but returned a moment later and gave me extensive instructions on how to handle the object entrusted to me.

“A man cannot be a naturalist,” he said, “unless he knows how to take care of specimens.”

I had to place the fish in front of me on a tin tray, and periodically moisten the surface with alcohol from a jar, not forgetting to then tightly close the jar with a lid. At that time there were no frosted glass stoppers or elegantly shaped display flasks; students of that time remember huge necklace glass bottles with wet, waxed specimens that were half eaten by insects and stained with basement dust. Entomology was a purer science than ichthyology, but the example of the professor, who did not hesitate to “dive” his hand to the bottom of the bottle to get a fish, was infectious. And although his alcohol reeked of an “ancient and fishy smell,” I did not dare show the slightest disgust while on this sacred territory, and treated the alcohol as if it were pure water. However, I felt a sense of frustration coming over me, since looking at the fish was not unlike an ardent entomologist.

Ten minutes later I had examined everything I could about this fish and went in search of the professor, who, as it turned out, had left the museum; and when, after gawking at some of the scattered animals kept in the upper hall, I returned to the laboratory, my specimen was completely dry. I splashed the liquid on the fish, as if trying to bring it back to consciousness, and anxiously awaited the return of its normal slimy appearance. At the end of this small exciting episode, there was nothing else to do but return to looking at my silent companion. Half an hour passed, an hour, another hour; the fish began to disgust me. I turned it to the other side, twisted it back and forth; looked into her face - a terrible sight! I was in despair; I had already come to the conclusion that it was time to have lunch, so with great relief I carefully returned the fish to the jar, and was free for the whole hour.

When I returned, I learned that Professor Agassiz had been at the museum, but had left again and would not return for at least a few hours. My classmates were too busy to be distracted by constant conversations. Slowly I pulled out the nasty fish again. It was forbidden to use any tools. My two hands, two eyes and a fish; it seemed that the field for research was extremely limited. I stuck my fingers into her mouth to test the sharpness of her teeth. Then I began to count the scales in different rows until I was convinced that this was a useless exercise. Finally, a happy idea struck me - I will draw this fish; and then, to my surprise, I began to discover new features of this creature. And it was at this time that the professor returned.

He listened carefully to my short report about the structure of parts whose names were not yet known to me; about the fringed edges of the gills and movable tires; about pores on the head, fleshy lips and eyes without lids; about transverse stripes, a spike-like fin and a forked tail; about a compressed and curved torso. When I finished, he was in no hurry to answer, as if waiting for me to continue, and then with a hint of frustration he said: “You didn’t look very carefully; why?” he continued, with great emphasis, “You have not noticed one of the most striking characteristics of the animal, which is right before your eyes, like the fish itself. Look again, take a closer look!” - and he left me to suffer further.

I was irritated and depressed. Still staring at this unfortunate fish? But now I forced myself to set to work with greater enthusiasm, and began to notice new features one after another, until I was convinced that the professor’s criticism was very sensible. Evening imperceptibly approached, and towards the end of the working day the professor asked:

“Well, have you found it yet?”

“No,” I replied, “I’m sure not yet. But I see how little I noticed at first.”

“This is already a great achievement,” he answered joyfully, “but I will not listen to you now; put your fish back and go home; I think that tomorrow morning your answer will sound better. I’ll check you before you fish.”

It was completely confusing; I not only had to think about my fish all night, studying, without the most visualization, what this unknown but obvious feature could be, but also, without re-examining my new discoveries, clearly state them the next day. I had a bad memory; so I walked home along the Charles River, embarrassed by my difficulties.

The next morning the professor's cordial greeting sounded rather comforting; in front of me was a man who, just like myself, seemed to want me to see what he saw.

“Perhaps you mean,” I asked, “that fish have symmetrical sides with paired organs?”

His clearly pleased “Of course, of course!” was a reward for sleepless hours of the night. After a short explanation, which he did, as always, with joy and enthusiasm, about the importance of this point, I decided to ask what I should do next.

“Oh, look at your fish!” - he said, and left me to my own discretion. A little less than an hour later he returned and listened to my new list.

"Good good!" - he answered. - "But that is not all; continue." And so three long days successively he placed the fish in front of me, forbidding me to look at anything else, or use artificial means. “Look, look, look,” the instructions were repeated.

This was the best entomological lesson ever taught to me—a lesson that influenced every detail of subsequent research; the legacy that the professor gave me, like many others, a legacy of immeasurable value that you cannot buy and which you will not part with.

A year later, several of my classmates and I were having fun drawing all sorts of strange animals on the blackboard with chalk. We drew jumping starfish, mercilessly fighting frogs; worms with hydra heads; fish slowly emerged, standing on their tails and carrying umbrellas, solemnly; cartoon fish with open mouths and bulging eyes. The professor just came up and laughed with us at these experiments. He took a closer look at the fish.

“Gemulon, every one of them,” he said. “Mr. _________ drew them.” And so it was; and to this day, when I try to draw fish, I still end up with hemulons.

On the fourth day, a second fish from the same group was placed next to the first, and I was asked to point out the similarities and differences between them; then another fish appeared, then another, until the whole family lay before me, and a multitude of jars filled the table and the shelves nearby; the smell became a pleasant aroma; and even now the sight of an old six-inch worm-eaten cork evokes fragrant memories.

Thus, the entire group of hemulons was submitted for consideration; and whatever I do: dissection internal organs, preparation and examination of the body structure or description different parts, the lesson taught by Agassiz in the method of examining facts and organizing them, which encouraged not to be satisfied with what has already been achieved, was always used.

“Facts are a stupid thing,” he used to say, “until you connect them with some general laws.”

At the end of eight months, somewhat reluctantly, I left these friends and turned to insects; but what I got thanks to these additional classes, had more value than years? further research in my favorite field.

Write down lessons you can draw from this story that you can apply to your future studies. And then apply them. I repeat: use them. Consciously use these principles until they become a natural and integral part of your meditation on the word of God.

Biblical Reflection: The principles that were portrayed in the story of “The Student, the Fish, and Agassiz” are principles that a person should follow when meditating on the Bible. Below is an overview of the principles of biblical reflection.

Biblical Model of Meditation

Biblical meditation results in insight, revealed knowledge, and anointed thinking..

Do not do that:

Left hemisphere

Study/rational humanism

1. Have an unconfessed sin

2. Have prejudices

3. Be independent: “I can do it myself...”

4. Read quickly

5. Rely on your thinking and logical analysis

7. Take praise for insightful insight personally.

Do this:

Participation of both hemispheres/heart

Reflection/Revelation from Above

1. Be washed in the blood of Jesus

2. Be willing to embrace new things and learn.

3. Pray: “Lord, show me”

4. Take your time, think about it, weigh everything

5. Connect anointed thinking, image flow, music and speech

6. Read with a specific purpose

7. Praise God for Understanding

A dream that gives protection

I have been paying attention to my dreams since I was very early age. I remember how, at the age of five, I was delighted with the adventures that I experienced during sleep. Also at that age, God influenced my life through my dreams. His protective hand was already on me, and He saved me from certain misfortune and wounds, warning me in a dream not to sled down the hill, near which there was a road below.

The day after this dream, I was playing with my friends, and when it was my turn to sled down the hill, the Holy Spirit reminded me of the dream. And I didn’t sit on the sled, but simply let it roll down the hill empty. When the sled reached the site, the slide met the road, a car suddenly drove out, hit the sled and dragged it a couple more meters before stopping. The memory of this dream never leaves me, and to this day my heart is filled with gratitude and delight at how God can communicate with us through dreams. /Johanna Thern/


One university mentor wrote about one of his observations: when students are given the task of keeping a diary of their dreams for six months, they often begin to become convinced on their own that the living God is trying to communicate with them through dreams. This opens up a whole new opportunity for evangelism. /Mark Weckler/

Interpretation of sleep

The first part of the dream caused me a lot of frustration for several years. I often woke up feeling completely desperate and helpless. I think that children being hit by a car symbolized, first of all, inner child in me, who was not given the necessary care and attention. These were also symbols of the ministry God placed me in to care for and nourish children to grow in their walk with God. The car symbolized the powerful destruction that Satan wants to bring upon us.

The boy who has grown into such a fine young man most likely symbolizes the Christ in me who wants to guide, protect, and lead me to full life. I am reminded of Philippians 2:12 and 13, where we are encouraged to “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you both to will and to work.” Because of my willingness to give Him my attention, He was able to respond by growing and guiding me into the fullness of God's abundant blessing. I remember verse 7 of Psalm 15, where it says: “I will bless the Lord, who gave me understanding; even at night my inner being teaches me.”

The three-headed monster that was lurking in the forest symbolizes the three areas of my life that God is dealing with. The monster seemed so huge to me because these spheres seemed completely insurmountable to me. But thanks to the dream, the words I saw in the dream, and the young man who fought for me, I have more confidence that God will win, has already won this battle, and He is always there to protect and guide me in every situation .

I felt confident that the Holy Spirit is always there to refresh us and heal our wounds.

I knew that every silver gift was a part of me that I had put aside and no longer gave it a place in my life. Because I neglected these gifts of God, they became abandoned places crying out for healing. Every gift was put aside because I was made to think it had no value, was not good for anything, or was not good enough to meet anyone's expectations. I once developed the gift of playing the clarinet over the course of eight years, but it seemed to me that I was not achieving sufficient success, so I abandoned this activity.

As the meaning of the dream unfolded to me more and more, I was blessed to know that my God cares for me, that He speaks to me not only during the day during prayer and journaling, but continues to bring healing and edification to my spirit even when I'm sleeping.

I am sure that the streams of water in this dream spoke to me about the need in my life to more often allow the Holy Spirit to refresh me, comfort me, and bring peace to my troubled soul. White clothes

they talked about my purity in Christ when I emerged from the waters of the Holy Spirit. The food that was prepared in front of us reminded me of the food I need to take every day from God's Word.

When the young man handed me a book and a pen, I realized that it was

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Remorse. Signals coming from the inner spiritual essence of a person, good spiritual impulses, the desire for purity and nobility. Elements of help, training, protection, guidance.

Dreaming of “hearing church bells” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You will hear happy news. How to improve the meaning of sleep? Imagine that you are the one ringing the bells. A melodious ringing echoes far across the area.

Interpretation of the dream Church bells

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Something nice awaits you.

Church bells in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Something pleasant is waiting for you.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Church bells?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Hear them - you will hear happy news. How to improve the meaning of a dream: Imagine that you are the one ringing the bells. A melodious ringing echoes far across the area.

How to interpret the dream “Flight”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Flying in a dream is not a very favorable sign. It promises an unhappy marriage if you dream that you are flying low above the ground - this promises you an illness or a difficult situation; floating on the surface of the water and seeing that the water is muddy portends...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a Candle?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing a candle burning with a bright flame in a dream promises good news, joy, and a long-awaited letter. Seeing a candle stub in a dream means losses or discord with loved ones. See in a dream church candles- to someone's help or support. See in...

What does the dream mean - Priest

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

It is considered most favorable to see in a dream that a priest has blessed you. Such a dream portends you success, prosperity and good income. Seeing him saying prayers in a dream is a sign of anxiety about loved ones. If you dream that he is dressed in elegant church clothes...

Seeing Singing in a dream (Music)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Hearing church chants in a dream means receiving good news. Hearing a choir in a dream means hypocrisy or deception of loved ones who want to take advantage of you in their own interests. The more pleasant their singing, the more sophisticated the lies they will surround you with. Sometimes …

Seeing the Dome in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing church domes in a dream is a sign that the matter will soon end. Burning domes in a dream mean that your business will burn out. Seeing huge domes very close means a successful and quick end to a profitable business. Shooting at domes in a dream means that your...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Swinging?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Regressive form of tranquilization. Associated with childhood. A womb, a happy childhood, perhaps, as opposed to real difficulties. Obsessive illusion of movement. An imposed program of action. Church bells, marriage, religion.

Dreaming of "Bells" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Happy news. Church - you will be able to avoid serious danger. Marine - for a long journey. Diver - the fulfillment of a cherished dream. Ringing the bells is a victory over an ill-wisher. How to improve the meaning of sleep? Imagine the bells are ringing. A melodious ringing echoes far across the area.

If you dream of Flight, what is it for?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In a dream, flying in the boundless expanse of heaven promises an unhappy marriage. If you dream that you are flying low above the ground, this promises you illness or a difficult situation. Soaring over the surface of the water and seeing that the water is cloudy portends you...

Why do you dream about Candles?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Lighting a candelabra with many candles means that in the upcoming task you should rely only on your own strength. One candle, scantily illuminating the room, foreshadows a failed meeting, because no one will come to it except you. A candle in the hands of a deceased person is a sign...

Why do you see Domes in your dreams?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing church domes portends disappointment in events that you have been expecting for a long time and with great hope. Seeing golden domes is a sign of an upcoming funeral loved one, painted domes foreshadow vague prospects and a streak of failures. Seeing yourself under the circus big top performing acrobatic...

Why do you see Ringing in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Hearing some kind of ringing means that in reality you will receive some important news that will call you to do something that will seem more than strange to you. The ringing of bells warns against excessive talkativeness. Hearing church bells ringing means the death of distant friends or disturbance caused by someone's treachery. ...

Dream - Candle - what to expect?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A burning candle symbolizes success and hope for the future. An extinguished, dim candle means disappointment and missed opportunities. Lighting a candle means marriage, unexpected service, profit. Carrying a candle means failure, loss of money, departure of a loved one. Burning candles - you will be invited to a party. ...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Dome?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Mean significant, important ideas and thoughts. Church domes are a reminder of eternal truths. The cross on them, seeing the church dome cracked or destroyed is a bad sign, saying that in some way you have crossed (or are about to cross) a forbidden line, and this threatens...

Prophetic dreams. Predictions. Interpretation of dreams in the Bible

    Hello, question about dreams. For the first time in my life, dreams manifest themselves in such a way that they somehow come true, or maybe I didn’t pay attention to it before? But feelings and premonitions rarely let me down, I have often had such phenomena for a very long time... I can’t understand what all this means and how to interpret dreams? If possible in detail. Thank you in advance.

Hello David!

I'm afraid my answer will not suit you. But you wrote to a believing Christian, and not to a psychic - an esotericist.

The main thing: there is good and evil in the world!

God, Jesus Christ, their Angels are good. Satan and his minions - the fallen angels - are the side of evil. The task of good is to change a person’s character and save him for happy life here, and then in Eternity! The devil wants in every way to lead a believer away from God, to interest him in any mystery, so that a person does not recognize the God of Love, His Son - Jesus Christ, who gave his life for the sins of mankind, and also so that believers do not study the Bible, do not analyze themselves for sins (in than the Bible good helper) and did not try to get rid of them...

For these purposes, the forces of evil use many methods, a large role of which belongs to mysticism, false miracles and false predictions.

The Bible teaches that only God knows the future:

“Thus says the Lord...there is no God besides Me, for who like me? ... let them announce the coming and the future ... has it not been for a long time I told you and predicted? (Isa. 44:6,7,8)

“Who among them predicted this? I, I am the Lord, and there is no Savior besides Me. I predicted and saved and proclaimed"(Isa. 43:9,11,12)

I declare from the beginning what will happen in the end, and from ancient times that which has not yet been made”(Isa. 46:10)

“If any prophet predicted peace, then only he was recognized as the prophet whom the Lord truly sent, when a word came true that prophet"(Jer. 28:9).

“If a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, but the word will not come true and it is not fulfilled, it was not the Lord who spoke this word, but the prophet who spoke it out of his boldness - do not be afraid of it.”(Deut. 18:22)

Here we clearly see that the Creator states that only He is God and no one knows the future except Him! It is thanks to the fulfilled predictions that one can believe that the messengers are broadcasting from the Creator!

“For the Lord God does nothing without revealing His secret to His servants the prophets.”(Amos 3:7)

The Bible makes many predictions that have come true. Read about Bible predictions in my book "Meet God." Chapter. But better book read the whole thing, it contains a lot of facts about the reliability of the Bible. You can also partially read about the fulfillment of prophecies in the material

Today it is widely believed that there are many predictors of the future - Nostrodamus, Vanga, etc. However, if you carefully examine the primary sources, and not the journalistic and literary work, you can see that they did not give specific predictions... Only common words, confusing, vague, vague formulations! Such “cunning” predictions can be adapted to many historical facts. In the Bible, the prophets never spoke like that when they proclaimed prophecies. They clearly predicted what was going to happen!

Satan can calculate the future by knowing the present! And he can tell it to a person by disguising himself as an Angel of God, a saint or a relative from the other world...! But he can't see far ahead!!! For example, Satan knew that Hitler was preparing a war, since he was present at all his councils. Satan knows that a person is sick, for example, with cancer, and can supposedly predict this... And so on...

If you believe that besides God, the forces of evil can also predict unpredictable future, then we must admit that Satan stronger than God. But the Bible teaches otherwise! If you believe that the devil’s minions crawl into God’s “plans, into his thoughts” for information about the future, then they are stealing - they are getting into the pocket of the Creator of the Universe, and God turns a blind eye to this or does not notice!? But this is not possible, since it contradicts the Bible and the character of God, who warned that only He knows the future and through fulfilled predictions one can recognize His prophets!

I specifically made an introduction about predictions, despite the fact that the question was about the interpretation of dreams. The fact is that the interpretation of dreams, that is, perceiving them as prophetic, and predictions - these topics are connected.

Now, I hope you understand that only the Creator knows the future and only God predicts it through the prophets.

In the Holy Scriptures the Creator declared that He appears to the prophets in a dream or vision:

“Hear My words: If there is a prophet of the Lord among you, I will reveal myself to him in a vision, in a dream I speak to him(Num. 12:6).

Knowing this, think about your dreams and premonitions!

There are two options:

1) You are a prophet, and God reveals the future to you in dreams.

2) Your dreams and premonitions are only the fruit of work nervous system and brain, which means there is no point in trying to interpret dreams.

God in the Bible said that dreams are prophetic, given by Him (dreams of Pharaoh, the Babylonian king, Joseph...). But there are also simple dreams, of which there are more!

"For the teraphim speak vain things, and the prophets see false things and dreams tell lies; they console with emptiness; therefore they wander like sheep, they are in poverty because there is no shepherd"(Zech. 10:2)

“For thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Do not let your prophets who are among you and your fortune tellers deceive you; do not listen to the dreams you have…" (Jer. 29:8)

"For in abundance dreams, as in many words, - a lot of fuss" (Eccl. 5:6)

You need to know that the dreams given by God are special. In the Bible, which describes the life of God's people over a period of several thousand years, they were very rare. At the same time, no one could interpret prophetic dreams, but only God’s prophets. Attention(!): God's prophets are not simple people, and the righteous, who always clearly honor the Law of God - His commandments, broadcasting reproofs, admonitions to the people, dreams and visions from the Creator and teaching people to believe only in the One Living God!

Are you one of these prophets? Compare your life with God's commandments as set out in the Bible! If you do not live according to God’s law, then your dreams and premonitions are vain, which means you don’t need to try to interpret them and pay attention to them. That is, these are your thoughts, experiences, deja vu (read about this material from Wikipedia “Deja vu”). Of course, some dreams may come true in whole or in part, but these options were played out in a dream or in reality by your brain, and this does not mean that you have become a prophet of God, no matter how much you would like to think so.

Valery Tatarkin

Hello! Blood and bleeding bad signs. You are in danger and may get sick. For traders, this dream promises bad trade, ruin for those on trial. If you are in love, then your boyfriend will cheat with your girlfriend and marry her,

Dream Interpretation - Dream Interpretation - Smiling Entity

There is no need to worry at all. Since you didn’t make anyone angry, it means everyone was kind. The image of a mother in a dream does not indicate your mother in reality. This is her projection, image. Your escape from a gang through the mud, in reality, means that you are avoiding negative emotions, and people who are provoked to such emotions. Your castle, your fortress, is communication with your friend and mother. The guy in the car, like the smiling entity, is your spirit, well, or an angel (they just look scary at the lower levels)

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

If some man close to you, one of your friends or relatives needs some kind of help, or will soon need it, it will be related to health. You will help him. 1. What should you do? Go to St. Matrona and ask him to help him. 2. Advise him to be patient and everything will be fine.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Orthodox cross...

Such a dream in which you dream of an Orthodox cross, an icon depicting a Holy, i.e. powerful religious symbols- represents consolation, healing, pain of loved ones and the need for protection; perhaps there is a guy who needs help and only you can help him.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Expectorate phlegm

Cleansing, relief. Dream Interpretation, if you use it constantly and it does not lie to you, you should not ignore it completely, then perhaps you will get rid of a person in time who could complicate your life in the future. All in all, spring-cleaning in all senses.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Expectorate phlegm

Your inner critic has raised its head. Considering that you don’t remember anything else and that any criticism, including yourself, is very harmful, we can only say one thing: you are not what you think you are, you are much better.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Pregnancy from an ex-boyfriend

Your dream belongs to the category of everyday dreams and fully reflects experiences and thoughts hidden in the subconscious; more than 90% of people have such dreams. So, by and large, you should not pay attention to dreams, even vivid ones, especially if interpretation is difficult or frightening. Old dream books are all aimed at confusing and intimidating people! This is an old energy paradigm. Here is an example from a new dream book that corresponds to energies New Era: Pregnancy · Reflection of readiness to give life to a new vision of the world (worldview), a new idea or a new relationship. · Need for implementation creative potential. · Possibility of birth of any new project. · Reflection of the desire or fear of becoming pregnant (having a child).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

IN Lately POP CULTURE has produced two notable images of God. The first was created by George Burns, helping John Denver in the film Oh My God!, and the second was James Earl Jones, giving special orders to Roma Downey and Della Reese in the television show Touched by an Angel. In the first case, God is presented as accessible and blessing; in the second, He becomes more edifying and powerful.

The image of God appears in dreams in different ways. Often God appears not in the form of a person, but as something endowed with a divine principle (for example, in the form of religious icons, the Bible, etc.). After all, sometimes in a dream there is simply a feeling of a divine presence. The appearance of such a divine element in our dreams opens the way to Providence and suggests a solution to the problem we encountered in a dream. It happens that a divine symbol, as if warning against mistakes, stops us. This happens especially often if we have a choice open to us that leads to a FORBIDDEN act or relationship.

In such dreams, it is important to evaluate the content of the revelation received. The very fact of the appearance of divine symbols deserves close attention. In the waking state, our EGO denies the supernatural power of God. But during sleep we are more open and inclined to communicate with the Almighty.

Try to decipher the information contained in this spiritual message. Does the deity that appears in a dream correspond to the ideas about him that you adhere to in reality?

In military affairs, there is a kind of identification code that helps determine how conscientiously the orders of the officers are carried out. You may want to try this identification method before you can determine for sure that you were visited by a Supreme Being in your dream.

Before you follow what is revealed to you, check its contents for consistency with the character and nature of God.

Did the divine symbol frighten you, did it threaten you? Try to find a reason for your feeling.

Was the Midnight Guest trying to tell you something? Review problematic aspects of your life before determining whether the dream was prescient.

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