Home Removal I dreamed that a man was holding his hand. Why do you dream of “walking by the hand”

I dreamed that a man was holding his hand. Why do you dream of “walking by the hand”

Dreams in which someone holds your hand or vice versa can be interpreted in different ways. Many people often have dreams of this nature, so the questions “Why do I dream that in a dream a man is holding my hand or I dreamed that I was walking hand in hand with a guy” are popular.

Miller's dream book - in a dream a guy holds his hand

For example, you had a dream in which a man holds your hand, you can decipher it depending on his status in relation to you. Thus, if you are single and you dream that unknown man holds your hand in a dream - it’s not very good good sign. Be on the lookout, because soon you may receive an offer of a dubious or indecent nature, which you did not expect at all and which will mislead you. If a man also kissed your hand, you should beware of surprises and be on alert all the time.

If in a dream your beloved man appears to you and holds your hand, you should take a closer look at him, perhaps he lacks support in something, and he is looking for it in you. If you are on the way to marriage, and you dream of a handsome man who touches your left hand, you will soon be offered a marriage proposal. The touch of a person you really like is not only pleasant to feel in a dream, but it also carries a positive meaning. Having such a dream means that a new step will soon appear in your relationship with this person, which will lead to reciprocity of feelings.

Holding hands with a girl or girl

Holding a girl's hand in a dream has an ambiguous meaning. If you dreamed that you were supporting a girl by the elbow, such a dream usually symbolizes the development of strong friendships, as well as the fact that you will have to become her support and support. On the other hand, it is possible to expect deception if this is a girl whose hand it is not customary to hold.

A dream in which a girl takes your hand and her touch pleases you means that you will meet an optimistic girl who will be interested in you and will awaken confidence and optimism in you. If a boy and a girl hold hands tightly, this is a harbinger of changes coming in their personal lives. If a girl holds your hand herself, she is not indifferent to you.

Dream Interpretation - what do you dream about when a guy holds your hand?

Holding the hand of a loved one in a dream means that a number of difficulties await you that you will have to go through together. If you saw in a dream how you take your loved one’s hand, it means that you feel a strong attachment to the person and are afraid of losing him. A dream where your husband grabs your hand predicts possible troubles in personal relationships.

Such a dream is a harbinger of good news. In a dream, holding hands with a guy means that in the near future you will have an unexpected pleasant acquaintance with a young man who will play a certain important role in your life. The meeting can become fateful.

If in a dream he holds your hand ex-boyfriend, most likely, you will soon have to remember a well-forgotten past, in addition, you are likely to meet people you have not seen for a long time. For a long time, having dreams in which a guy holds both of your hands means big trouble. Be careful and, if possible, postpone important matters until next month.

A dream in which you dreamed that you were walking hand in hand with a guy means that today you will be lucky in everything. You will receive a lot of good news. Today you will have a great chance to make the deal of the century or make a useful acquaintance. Leading someone by the hand means that a dark period awaits you, when it is very easy to make a mistake. Either walk your path very carefully, or forge a new direction.

Taking and holding hands with a handsome guy in a dream means that you will have the opportunity to gain valuable experience, and pulling a person’s hand means warning him that he is about to make serious changes in his life. The dream book also says that if a person you really like touches you in a dream, expect bright prospects. Be careful. You have a chance that needs to be seized.

If you dreamed that a dead person was holding your hand, this could lead to difficult experiences. Try to remember which hand he held you by. If to the left, the probability of success in overcoming challenges is very high. If you dream that a dead person is holding your hand and leading you along, it means death.

Video dream book - holding the hand of a loved one

Dream theme: ,

People in love often have to hold a man's hand in their night dreams. In explanations of what a handshake means in dreams, we are talking mainly about them. The dream book examines such details as the marital status of the dreamer and her companion, the location of the action, the situations and sensations that accompanied the dream.

Gustav Miller's forecast

According to Miller’s dream book, holding a stranger’s hand by the hand is alarm signal. If you dreamed of something like this, in reality you can hear an unacceptable invitation. If you grab an attractive stranger by the left wrist in a dream, a marriage will take place.

When it comes to your loved one, analyze the situation in reality. Perhaps this is a sign that he is waiting for your care and understanding.

Trust and sympathy

The sensations experienced in the dream will help you determine what you dream of touching. The emotions against which you happened to hold a man’s hand will be reproduced in reality. Have you dreamed of the touch of a handsome gentleman? The dream book promises that personal life will become brighter and take on new meaning.

If the dream hero is an interesting acquaintance from real life, a coincidence of circumstances will bring you closer to complete a certain task. Most likely, further communication will not be limited to purely business issues and similar hobbies.

If a touch from a dream instills a feeling of security, you can rely on the dreamer in reality.

Unwanted touches

When it is not comfortable to hold a man’s hand in a dream, the dream book offers the exact opposite interpretation of the dream. If you dreamed about something like this, the sorceress Medea advises you to refuse annoying or overly tempting services. A request in return will sound unexpected, confuse and upset the dreamer.

If a lady dreams of how she tries to free her hand under any pretext, in reality the union will not last long.

Who is he related to?

In order to more accurately interpret why you happened to hold a man’s hand, it is important to take into account the nature of the communications that unite the couple. The dream book is extremely attentive to the marital status and personalities of the dreamers.

  • Did you have to see yourself walking with your husband arm in arm? Ahead long years love;
  • Holding tightly to a lover in a dream happens on the eve of a test;
  • If you dreamed of shaking hands with a business partner, all agreements will be respected;
  • For a married woman, shaking hands with a stranger portends great temptation;
  • Holding on to your ex means that you will be lucky enough to see old friends;
  • Not seeing who you had to hold on to happens in anticipation of protection;
  • A gesture in a dream means a powerful, although not always mutual, attraction.

Leadership Presentation

It’s interesting to know why the lady dreams about how she had to lead the gentleman along. Such a non-standard distribution of roles suggests that in reality there is a high risk of slipping and making a mistake.

If in a dream such an initiative was successful, Yuri Longo’s dream book reminds that unreliable companions can be dangerous. The subconscious mind tries to protect you from an extremely unpleasant situation: for example, a partner, contrary to expectations, will show spinelessness.

When you happen to roughly grab a friend’s sleeve in a dream, his life will soon turn in an unexpected direction. A gentle touch signals the opportunity to bring a little positivity into the further biography of the dreamer.


Loff's dream book will tell you why you dream of walking through a picturesque landscape, admiring the scenery and holding the hand of a man whom you are not indifferent to in reality. The prognosis is very favorable: your relationship has brilliant prospects.

When the dreamed environment is not beautiful and even a little frightening, difficulties await the heroes of the dream. The dream book urges you not to be upset: overcoming it together will only bring you closer. A walk in complete darkness suggests that these two, alas, are not a couple.

Why do you dream about “holding hands?” Dream interpretation

A dream in which people hold hands is interpreted depending on the circumstances and atmosphere of the dream. It also matters who exactly is holding hands and what kind of hands you saw. If the atmosphere of the dream was positive, success, good luck in business and a quick increase in material well-being await you. If in a dream you felt uneasy, or it was unpleasant for you to hold a person’s hand, the dream is a harbinger of troubles that are associated with your ill-wishers. For a woman who dreams that a man was holding her hand, the dream is a warning about some dubious proposal that she will receive in the near future. In addition, a dream can serve as a reminder of the need to maintain good, friendly relationships with others and your loved ones.

In our dream book you can find out not only about what dreams about “holding hands” mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to hold hands in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.


According to the interpretations of the dream book, holding hands in a dream is a sign that can be interpreted in different ways. Very great importance has not only who is dreaming this dream, but also what kind of hands the person sees in the dream.

If in a dream you experience pleasant sensations while holding hands, then the dream is considered favorable and portends wealth and good luck in business. If you dreamed that you were holding hands with stranger, the dream can be interpreted as a subconscious desire to trust someone.

If a young woman dreams that a man is holding her hands in a dream, in reality she may receive a not entirely indecent proposal.


Dream Interpretation “walking by the hand” in a dream

Why do you dream of “walking by the hand?” Dream interpretation

A dream in which you are walking hand in hand with someone has different interpretations. If someone accompanies you in this way, then be prepared for the fact that this person will try to impose his will on you. Be careful and careful with the details, and you will be able to avoid becoming addicted. If you are walking hand in hand with your loved one, the dream symbolizes a tender and sincere relationship between you. Your loved one may not always be ready to show you his feelings in reality, but you can trust him. If you are walking hand in hand with a person and notice that your hands are dirty, the dream means that in real life you need to be more sensitive to your loved ones and not offend them. If your companion has dirty hands, then in reality you can expect such an attitude towards yourself.

In our dream book you can find out not only about what dreams about “walking by the hand” mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to walk by the hand in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.



Miller's Dream Book

If you dream beautiful hands - fame, quick mastery of your profession and a high position in your circle await you.

Ugly hands or hands that have ugly shapes- portends trouble.

Blood on my hands- promises temporary alienation among people close to you, unfair condemnation of a friend.

If you see that your hand is injured

Burn your hands in a dream- promises you a loss in the competition with fate: having put all your efforts into achieving wealth, you will miss out on something more valuable.

It promises you strong and courageous partners and competitors in your work. It is possible that such a dream warns you of the futility of intrigue against those who are truly loyal to you.

If your hands are larger than your natural size- rapid progress towards your brightest goal awaits you.

Too small hands- encourage you to be more active.

Dirt on your hands- a sign that you are capable of injustice towards people who love you.

The dream foretells that she will be able to conquer more than one sincere heart.

If she sees someone take her hand in theirs and kiss it- the dream warns her of greater caution in her behavior.

If you see fire in your hands that does not burn your fingers- success will take you to very great heights.

Tied hands - foreshadow future difficulties. Untying them in my sleep. In reality you will master the situation.

Amputated hand- to separation or mutual dissatisfaction between lovers (or spouses). The dream warns of possible deception or fraud.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

A healthy, clean hand, not even recognized- symbolizes someone’s help (the right hand is a symbol of a man, the left is a symbol of a woman).

Brush- the personification of physical stress.

Sick, broken arm- misfortune, decline in business.

Losing a hand- death of a loved one.

Dirt on your hands- infidelity in marriage, deception, unclean deeds.

To wash hands- to worries and troubles

Freud's Dream Book

Hand- is a phallic symbol, a substitute for the phallus.

Strong and beautiful hand- speaks of the dreamer’s good sexual shape.

Frail or dirty hand- symbolizes problems with the health of the genital organs.

Broken arm- symbolizes impotence.

Wounds, scars or ulcers on the hand- symbolize your craving for sex with elements of masochism.

Clothed or gloved hand- symbolizes your desire for safe sex, primarily the use of condoms.

Many hands- symbolizes an active and varied sex life.

Dream book of lovers

The girl who dreams that she admires her hands- in reality will charm many young people.

Dreaming of an amputated arm- portends separation from close and beloved people.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Hands in a dream- symbolize the strength and opportunity to carry out this or that business.

If in your dream you paid attention to your own or someone else’s hands- this speaks of pressing problems, as well as the possibility or impossibility of solving them.

See your hands strong and healthy- a sign that in the near future you will have to strain yourself, but you have every chance to successfully cope with current difficulties.

If in a dream you appreciated the strength of someone's hands- such a dream foreshadows an obstacle or difficulty that you most likely cannot cope with alone.

Weak hands- a sign of powerlessness. It looks like you are going to do things that are beyond your capabilities.

Seeing other people's hands weak and powerless in a dream- means that there will be no help for you.

Different parts of the hand- have their own meaning, described in detail in the relevant articles.

Shoulder- symbolizes help and support.

Seeing your shoulder wounded- means you won't be able to help to a loved one, and it will make you suffer.

Hands and palms- a symbol of dexterity and skill.

Wounds or ulcers on them- portend failures in business and quarrels with partners.

Fist in a dream- suggests that a difficult period awaits you, but you will be able to overcome any difficulties if you gather your will together and act together with your friends.

Dream book for the whole family

If you dream of someone's hands caring for you- expect warmth and care in reality from the person whose affection you have been looking for.

Seeing the arms separately from the body- means the death of someone close to you.

If in a dream you shake hands with a person who is upset about something- this means that you will either quarrel with your friend or he will die.

Dream book for a bitch

Hand- You may be in danger, be careful.

Tied hands- you will feel powerless in the face of the current situation.

New family dream book

Beautiful hands- dream of fame and high position.

Ugly hands- portend trouble.

Blood on my hands- promises temporary alienation among people close to you.

If you dreamed that your hand was injured- you will have to give up your most precious thing to someone.

Burnt my hands in a dream- be careful not to miss out on something more valuable in the struggle for wealth.

Hands seen in a dream, thickly covered with hair- portend strong partners and competitors in work.

If you dreamed that your hands were too big- you will soon achieve your goal.

Too small hands- call you to be more active.

Dirt on your hands- a sign that you are capable of injustice towards people who love you.

If a woman admires her hands in a dream- she will be able to win the hearts of many men.

If she dreamed that someone was kissing her hand

Tied hands- foreshadow future difficulties.

Untying them in a dream- you will master the situation in reality.

Amputated hand- dreams of separation or quarrels with your spouse. The dream also warns of possible deception or fraud.

Modern combined dream book

Seeing beautiful hands in a dream- predicts great achievements and quick fulfillment of your desires.

But ugly ugly hands- a symbol of need and disappointment. Blood on your hands means alienation from your family and unfair condemnation by those close to you.

If you dream of wounded hands- some person will achieve success in the business that you have long and persistently strived for.

Seeing the hand separately from the body- a sign of a lonely life: people will not be able to understand your thoughts and feelings.

Burn your hands in a dream- portends that you will cross the boundaries of reason in the pursuit of wealth and fame and thereby achieve neither one nor the other.

Seeing your hands covered with hair- means that you will not occupy a strong and prominent position in your circle.

If you dream that you have unnaturally large hands- such a dream predicts rapid progress in your affairs.

Seeing them as excessively small- this means that stagnation awaits you in business.

If you dream about dirty hands- in real life you will be overcome by envy and you will be unfair to other people.

To wash hands- a harbinger of your participation in a joyful celebration.

A woman admires her own hands in a dream- a sign that she will earn the sincere respect of the person she values ​​most.

Admire other people's hands- means that she will depend on the whims of a jealous man.

If a woman dreams that a man is holding her hands- in reality she will be seduced by obscene offers.

If she allows others to kiss her hands- there will be gossip about her reputation.

A woman dreams that she lit a fire and did not burn her hands- a sign that she will achieve power and a high social position.

Seeing yourself in a dream with your hands tied- portends that you will find yourself in a difficult situation.

If you managed to free your hands-You will force other people to submit to your authority.

Eastern women's dream book

Shake someone's hands- to the return of an old friend; see your hands dirty- participation in a dubious enterprise; arms crossed on chest- Unfortunately.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Hand- reflection of the relationship with life (the surrounding world).

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Hand- someone will covet your goods, be careful.

Clasp your hands in a dream- to unexpected news that will upset you.

Chapped hands- to eczema.

Hold something in your hand- have some secret from the family.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Hand- to encroachment.

Clasp your hands in a dream- to some surprise.

Winded hands- you have to do house repairs.

Hold something in your hand- to resist someone.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

See an unfamiliar hand- means receiving someone's help at the right time.

Seeing flabby arms in a dream- to idleness.

Clasp your hands- you will soon experience extreme amazement.

Winded hands- to low-paid work.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Left hand- treason; right- true friend; lose- funeral of a good friend; wash your hands- get protection; injured or dirty- incur losses; folded- have envious people; beautiful and strong - big success in business; small- Not faithful friends or employees.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Shake in a dream, as usual, right hand - a sign of true friendship and selflessness, left- treason and vile betrayal.

Seeing an armless man in a dream- means the loss of something dear to you.

If in a dream your arm is amputated- this portends separation for lovers due to the dissimilarity of characters and sexual temperament.

Wounded or broken arm- means that you will have to give in to the pressure of brute force; bandaged or encased in plaster- promises great success in the creative field.

Burnt hands- they warn you to be more careful and not rush into words.

See your hands stained with blood- portends a fatal set of circumstances that will prevent the implementation of a brilliantly developed plan in all details.

Hands stained with chalk or white paint- a sign of disappointment in love.

Bruises on the arms- on the contrary, a sign of complete success in everything related to love and sex.

Seeing warts on your hands- means that your enemies are not asleep, touch a toad with your hands- you will become the culprit of misfortune with your friend.

Seeing a watch on your hands in a dream- portends complete success in business life, bracelet- a sign of an early and happy marriage.

If the handcuffs snap on your hands- This is a dream foreshadowing dependence on creditors.

Hairy arms- portend an unexpected change in plans, big, strong and muscular- you will find a reliable patron and protector; thin and delicate- earn universal love for your cordial attitude and goodwill.

Women's dream book

If your hands are beautiful in a dream- you will quickly master your profession and occupy a high position in your circle.

Ugly or misshapen hands- portend trouble.

Seeing your hands thickly covered with hair in a dream- to the emergence of strong and reliable work partners and competitors. Perhaps such a dream warns of a more loyal attitude towards those who are truly devoted to you.

If your hands are unnaturally large- you will make significant progress towards your goal.

Too small hands- encourage you to be more active. Tied hands portend difficulties and obstacles.

Untying them in a dream- you will be able to master the situation in reality.

If you hurt your hand in a dream- you will have to give up part of what is very dear to you.

Burn your hands in a dream- portends defeat in a competition with fate: having put all your effort into achieving a fortune, you will miss out on something more valuable for your life.

If the fire you hold in your hands doesn't burn them- great success awaits you in all matters.

Amputated hand- portends separation or dissatisfaction between lovers (or spouses). The dream also warns of the possibility of deception or fraud.

Dirt on your hands- a sign that you are unfair to the people who love you.

Blood on my hands- portends temporary alienation among people close to you, undeserved condemnation of a friend.

If a woman admires her hands in a dream- she will be able to win many hearts.

If she sees someone take her hand and kiss her- She should be more careful in her behavior.

General dream book

If you dreamed that your hands were dirty- fate does not promise you anything good in the near future.

Clean hands- you will soon get a lot of money.

You dreamed that you had old, wrinkled hands- soon your life will change for the better.

Have you seen that you have young hands- you will lose a large amount of money, and your life may change for the worse.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Your hands- express your condition.

Raised hand- can talk about attention.

Hand placed on chest- expresses love, two hands clasped together- symbol of unity, hand, clenched into a fist- indicates anger, opportunity, determination and strength, open hand - can be a symbol of an open soul, openness in life and honesty.

Folded hands- may indicate that you are closing your options.

In Egyptian hieroglyphs the hand- symbolizes action and manifestation.

In America since Columbus, a hand- meant magnetic radiant force.

In Islam- the image of a hand was used in the manufacture of amulets.

Image of a hand- may say that we must direct the energy of our intuition to creative achievements.

Right hand- usually expresses the logical, rational, projective side of your nature, while the left hand symbolizes your intuitive, subjective, receptive side.

Dream book of the 21st century

Looking at your left hand in a dream- a warning received from a dishonest person, the right one - to meet a faithful friend.

Have clean hands- means everything good, long life, dirty hands- adultery in marriage, warning against evil tongues, trouble.

Hands in cold water wash- to fun.

Have hairy arms- to troubles, mental degradation.

Sore hand- means evil, a warning against an accident.

Broken arm- dreams unfortunately.

Have no hands- means a strange situation, a situation to which you do not know how to react.

Not being able to move your arms while you sleep- means disagreement between will and reason.

Have many hands - good dream, meaning hard but fruitful work.

Have warts on your hands- to trouble.

Waving your arms- means that you will be given an impossible task.

Having arms that are too long- means to show powerlessness, passivity, too short- a symbol of the fact that you can thoughtlessly get down to business, try to implement utopian plans.

If a girl dreams that she is shaking hands with some prominent figure (high-ranking official, ruler), it means that she will be entertained and worshiped by strangers, and if she takes advantage of this opportunity, she will earn the special favor of her friends.

If you need to reach up to shake someone's hand- this means that in life you will have to face competition; if the hand is in a glove- you will be able to overcome these obstacles.

Greet a person shorter than you in a dream- a sign that you will be loved for your kindness and benevolence.

If in a dream you feel like your hands are dirty- this means that in reality you will discover that not all of your friends are true.

If in a dream you are doing a manicure for yourself or someone is doing it for you- this means that you can achieve a positive solution to the issue or get what you want thanks to your intelligence, charm or charm. This dream is especially favorable for women.

Giving someone a manicure in a dream- a sign that in order to achieve your goal you will need to deceive someone, commit a forgery.

English dream book

Fold your arms or cross them on your chest in a dream- this is a bad omen, promising difficulties from which it will be very difficult for you to extricate yourself.

If in a dream you shake someone's hand- this means reconciliation after a quarrel or the return of a friend after a long absence.

If in a dream you suddenly discover that your hands are dirty- the dream predicts your participation in unworthy deeds that will humiliate you and bring suffering.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Have dark hands- to need.

Skinny arms- to ruin.

Thick or long arms- to success.

If they reach out to you- this foreshadows a leadership position.

Have exhausted arms- Unfortunately.

Have your hands bandaged or washed- to losses.

Have dirty hands- to sin or to losses.

To wash hands- portends deliverance from sins or that the heart will refrain from crimes.

Have your hands in jewelry- to poverty.

Wash your hands in clear water- for good.

Look at your hands- to a serious illness.

Have beautiful hands- to joy.

Italian dream book

Image of a hand- synonymous with “to do and act” and therefore has many meanings. It must be analyzed very carefully, taking into account the objects and characters present, as well as the circumstances.

Image of a hand without a body- always negative. This is a sign of some distorted situation or a stop in development, a sign of the creation of some inhibitory psychophysiological mechanisms.

Handshake- a symbol of friendship.

If you see hands folded as if in prayer- a person who folds his hands like this feels the need to solve it current problems or the need to resolve existing emotional conflicts, experiences a desire for good luck, happiness in one’s inner being. This person needs supernatural help in solving everyday difficulties and thanks someone for positive contributions to him.

Image of a hand grabbing (or snatching something)- a symbol of fear of death or fear that something important may escape a person.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

He can be calm about property and worldly goods; what will soon be sent down to him in reality will be enough for the rest of his life.

When someone dreams that their hands are tied- this means that he will be idle or lose faith.

If someone sees a dream in which his hands dry up or become powerless- his loved ones will leave him.

A dream sent down about how you have a lot of hands- means: in reality you will do good deeds, however, only on the condition that you already tend to lead a righteous lifestyle. Otherwise, you will only further increase your criminal and depraved acts.

Islamic dream book

Arm pain- indicate the test that the brothers of the dreaming person will undergo. If the pain covers the fingers, then this will affect their children.

If he sees himself as armless- he will be waiting for the money that he will ultimately receive.

If he sees himself one-armed- he will become a notorious liar. Seeing yourself with your right hand cut off in front of your eyes in a dream means acquiring wealth through your own efforts.

Any imperfections concerning the hands- indicate a lack of strength and help. It is possible that cutting off a hand indicates a refusal to do the work.

If the hand is cut off at the level of the palm- the author of the dream will make a profit, and if at the level of the wrist, then injustice awaits him on the part of a powerful person.

If the arm is cut off at shoulder level- he will receive news of the death of his brother.

Seeing in a dream how a government official cuts off the arms and legs of his subordinates- means that he will actually rob them and disturb their peace.

If he sees himself in a dream with his left hand cut off- his brother or sister will die or he will break off relations with them, or break family ties with his close relatives. He may also leave his companion or divorce one of his wives.

If he cuts off his hand before the ruler's door- he will lose satisfaction from his property.

If one of his arms is shorter than the other- such a dream foreshadows his failure in some goal he is pursuing, or his sexual impotence, or betrayal by his brothers and colleagues.

And vice versa, if they are long- it will be known that this is a brave, generous and skillful person.

Paralysis of the arms and their joints- usually says that the author of the dream will commit a grave sin. with his right hand, he will offend an innocent person and commit injustice to the weak.

If paralysis takes over him left hand - he will lose his brother or sister.

If thumb his hands become hard- he learns about the death of his father, if it is index, then his sister will die, and if it is middle, then his brother will die. If it concerns ring finger, then his daughter will die, little finger - his mother or the whole family will die.

twisted hand- talks about avoiding committing sins. However, they also claim that such a dream foreshadows a grave sin and punishment from the Almighty.

If someone sees themselves with their arms and legs cut off- he will commit violence and rebel against the authorities. However, one man, having seen a similar dream- came to the interpreter, and he predicted the disappearance of his brother, friend or companion. In fact, some time later, he was informed about the death of his friend.

Another man saw in a dream how a man he knew cut off his hand- the interpreter predicted that he would receive five thousand drachmas from this man, but only if he had nothing to reproach him with. Otherwise, he will commit a bad act, which the man he saw in his dream will push him to do.

If someone sees in a dream an unfamiliar woman with bare arms- can be calm about property and worldly goods.

If anyone sees that his hands are tied- this means that he will be idle, or will lose faith.

If someone sees in a dream that his hands have dried up or become powerless- his loved ones will leave him.

And if he sees that he has a lot of hands- will do good deeds, provided that the person is righteous: if he is wicked, he will further increase his criminal and depraved acts.

If someone sees that his hand is stained with “quinna”- he will be a participant in the killing of a person, and if he sees that both his hands are painted, it means that by worrying about everyday affairs, he will incur anxiety and grief.

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

Hands is a symbol of action and contact with the outside world. The condition of your hands indicates the health factor, and the sensations in them indicate your self-esteem when certain problems arise in your life.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Hand- plays a significant semantic role in the dream space.

Seeing your healthy hand in a dream- a sign of physical and mental balance, balance between external and internal.

If someone dreams strong hand - You can trust such a person.

Look closely at your own in a dream- try to see destiny, predetermine the future (path). The dream is favorable or unfavorable depending on the awareness of the dream and the dreamer’s actions in reality: the initial impetus for movement in the dream has been given, all that remains is to apply your mind, talent and strength.

Seeing a crippled hand- a state of imbalance and illness. This can result in business damage and physical injury when extreme situation It will also require the implementation of all abilities for perception, and some of the abilities have already been lost - loss is inevitable.

In addition, injured fingers in sleep- can warn of possible physical injury not only internal organs, but also external parts of the body.

Chinese dream book

Wash your hands or feet- indicates that an old illness is passing.

There is pus and blood on the arms and legs- to great luck.

You break your arm- portends illness.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Hands- phallus, also the ability to do something with one hand; creation.

Two hands, each holding different objects- conflict between what is in one hand and what is in the other hand. Ambivalence.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

A severed, burned or withered hand, seen in a dream- foreshadows the death of the best and most devoted servant; but to one who has no servants- such a dream foreshadows a great and inevitable misfortune, and to the artisan- lack of work and, therefore, poverty; if you have such a dream married woman - marks her death of her husband or eldest of children; have a hand covered in fur- foreshadows imprisonment; to wash hands- means work and worry; look at your hands- portends illness; have swollen hands- marks profit and benefit, especially for servants; to have white hands and much more beautiful than ordinary ones- foretells a happy and profitable ending to important affairs, the love of subordinates and the friendship of equals; have hands or fingers shorter than normal- is a sign of unfaithful servants and misused power of attorney; to have hands white and full to the rich- promises the conclusion of friendly relations, pleasant company and success in love affairs, and foreshadows poverty and sorrow for the poor; have many hands- means happiness, strength and increase in wealth; but for robbers, thieves and all kinds of idlers this dream- foreshadows the discovery of their crimes and severe punishment for them.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Hands- usually seen in some kind of gesture. For example, folded hands in prayer are a request for help or gratitude.

Handshake- talks about friendship.

Grasping hand- fear of the possible loss of something (or someone) very necessary and loved (many, apparently, will remember the obsessive dream with a predatory hand that haunted Mikhail Zoshchenko and described by him in the “book about the mind”).

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Hands in general- a symbol of some fateful power of the sleeping person; skill, assistants; the state of affairs; proposal for a woman.

In blood- scandal with relatives.

Dirty- vices, misconduct; infidelity; troubles.

Hairy- success, enrichment; protection.

Very big- fulfillment of desires.

Palms- nearby fateful events.

Wash- release or removal from business.

Right hand- male part (father, brother, husband...), left- female half (mother, sister, wife...).

Have many hands- great fruitful works; for thieves - punishment, prison.

Damaged, injured- great damage.

Losing a hand- death of a friend, brother, spouse; misfortune.

Children's hands- happiness.

Clumsy, unclean, stained, missing fingers- occupation symbols black magic(according to Castaneda) within the framework of the well-known dream technique of “viewing hands in a dream.”

Dream book of a gypsy

Hand extended to you- means help.

If a hand blocks your way- be careful, carefully consider your plans for the future.

Broken arm- means the death of a relative: the left one is for women, and the right one is for men.

Hairy hand- dreams about money.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Examine your left hand- a warning against a dishonest person.

Right- true friend.

Have clean hands- all good things, success, long life etc.

Have dirty hands- infidelity in marriage / warning against evil tongues / various troubles.

Wash your hands in cold water- fun.

Have hairy arms- misfortune / you are threatened by spiritual degradation.

Sore hand- evil, warning against an accident.

Broken- misfortune.

Lose a hand- death of a brother or close friend (quarrel).

Have no hands- a strange situation, a situation to which you don’t know how to react.

Not being able to move your arms in your sleep- serious disagreements between will and reason.

Have many hands- good sleep / fruitful but hard work.

Have a wart on your hands- trouble.

Swing- You will be given an impossible task.

Having arms that are too long- show powerlessness, passivity.

Have short arms - thoughtlessly take on the task / try to implement utopian, impossible plans.

See threatening fist- a warning from a powerful enemy.

See hands from the darkness that threaten you- feel a dangerous threat to your authority / feel jealous of an undefined object / someone’s unspoken irritation with you.

Unusually pliable hands to shake, touch- the consciousness that you are severely suppressing someone’s will and independence.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Hands- work, poverty; clean- freedom, good, conversation, profit, success in business; dirty- hard work, theft, crime; in blood- quarrel, separation from relatives; related- danger, difficulties, poverty; hairy- success in business, money; wash- liberation from worries / anxiety, labor; big- for good, profit; swollen- profit, benefit; have many hands- a lot of work, profit; lose a hand- earnings will be taken away, death; cut off your hand- someone will die or leave; if your hand hurt- close; but no- distant; someone's hand to lick- fall under someone's influence; wave your hand, threaten- argument; left work- misfortune; hand without body- damage.

Esoteric dream book

Examine your hands- to work and worries.

Wash- to rest.

Dirty- a matter that will leave an unpleasant aftertaste.

To shake hand- friendly relations will be established.

If to a stranger- find new friends.

Ukrainian dream book

Hands see clean- joy, help; to wash hands- free yourself from difficult troubles; hairy hands- success in business, money.

Give your hand- someone requires your help.

Lose a hand- death of a neighbor or person who assisted you.

Many hands- you make money dishonestly, through the work of others.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

See palms- sign of fate; beloved person (for a woman); wash- freedom from worries; hairy- success in business and money; right hand- liberation, left- worries; loss of arm- personal loss, possible death of someone nearby; right hand- assistant, servant, great love pleasures; children's- happiness; in blood- quarrel, separation from relatives.

Collection of dream books

Open hands- a symbol of openness and trust in life. By bringing your hands together, you are cutting yourself off from life.

Hands- can symbolize weapons. Do you want to protect yourself from something?

See palms- sign of fate; wash- freedom from worries; hairy- success in business, money.

Beautiful, well-groomed hands- to be in luxury; old, ugly- hardship, hard work; see yourself armless- loss of a friend; hairy arms- fragility of the situation.

Arms separate from the body- damage and danger; hands tied- poverty, powerlessness, difficulties; hands are dirty- to money.

Hand- sycophancy; disagreement; loss of a friend, workmate.

Very beautiful hands with graceful, sharpened fingers or very large- success in love.

If you dreamed of hands- the dream means that your friends will be faithful to you in bad times.

Broken arm- predicts the illness of your friend, adversity in the family.

swollen- promise unexpected enrichment.

Hairy arms- dreams of young women whose children will be very beautiful and happy.

If you dreamed that your hand was cut off- a dream predicts unlucky days.


Holding hands with a guy in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Holding hands with a guy. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by dream interpreters on our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to the dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter keyword from your dream to the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of Holding hands with a guy mean, or what it means in a dream to see Holding hands with a guy.

Holding hands in a dream

I had a dream today. It's like there's a party at my house, and my ex-MCH is also present.

And so he comes up to me, says something pleasant... And then we sit with him, holding hands, it turns out that my right palm is in his right, my left is in his left and... How can I explain this? I know, fingers in fingers... Or what)))

And I tell him, “You can’t hold on like this, we’ll fight,” and I try to remove my palm, but he doesn’t let me and says, “We won’t fight, we won’t fight anymore, even if we hold on like this.”

After some time, he leaves, and as I saw him off, the thought occurred to me, “I need to sprinkle sugar on him after. He’ll come back then” (on this moment We are not together, he is with someone else...)

And in the end, he leaves and I sprinkle sugar after him.... Why do you dream of holding hands in a dream?

Holding hands in a dream

In general, I had a dream about how I was holding the hand of a girl whom I had loved for a long time at school (but she didn’t seem to know about it). In reality, she said that I am not the guy of her heart, she does not love me in general. And I love her, but not so much after she offended me.

And the dream was like this: the two of us on the roof of some tower medieval castle together we celebrate the sunrise or sunset... She first put her hand on my right hand, then I put my hand on her other hand... An unforgettable feeling... My heart was literally ready to jump out of my chest...

P.S. I looked in the dream book but didn’t find an answer - it only said about hairy, dirty or wounded hands. I decided to contact here. And if details are required, then no one’s hands are hairy, dirty, or wounded... On the contrary, they are beautiful, both mine and hers)))

Holding hands in a dream

Today I had a dream. I'm in country house with a man. (In reality, our relationship with him ended 3 months ago). In the dream, we hold hands all the time, and then he confesses his feelings to me, says that he committed a great stupidity, that he allowed us to cut off all contacts, that he wants us to be together. I am incredibly happy, I feel like an incredible wave of happiness is sweeping me more and more. At the same time, there is a constant emphasis on the fact that we are holding hands, then we kiss and I wake up

Holding hands in a dream

I was holding hands with the guy I love, but we can't be together. At night we walked along the street and I showed him my grandmother’s house. Then we met my mother, I was a little embarrassed that we were holding hands. But he behaved confidently, said hello, we talked and I woke up.

Why would you dream about holding hands in a dream??

Holding hands in a dream

I had a dream with a young man whom I really like, we walked with him and held hands, while in life we ​​hardly communicate with him now, but in the dream he did not want to let go of my hand, he smiled and we we talked... And always when I dream about him, we hold hands.

Holding hands subway escalator in a dream

Today I dreamed that I was going down an escalator with a guy I knew and we were talking. Since he is tall, he stands in front of me, I don’t remember exactly who takes whom first by the hand, but we walk off the escalator holding hands as a couple. I feel that his hands are cold. We walk along the metro station platform. He accidentally hits a man who is familiar to him in a dream. But he doesn’t pay attention to him because K. This man starts saying all sorts of nasty things. I look at my friend and see that he is sad and thoughtful. We both understand that this man is telling the unpleasant truth (the past) about my friend, who didn’t want me to know about it and that’s why he’s sad. I also understand that my friend wants to be better with me, as in the quote: I love you not for who you are, but for who I am when I’m with you - Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Thank you))).

Holding hands in a dream

I dreamed that I took the hand of a guy I like (in real life we ​​are very good friends). From the beginning of the dream, I took him by the hand, then he took me.

We walked holding hands. The dream was filled with pleasant emotions. The dream was so real that for some time I believed that it was real, until I remembered that I had such a dream.

Hold in your arms in a dream

I dreamed that I was standing near the church at night and a young man whom I really liked came up to me, took me in his arms and carried me home to my grandmother and there he began to kiss me passionately, as if he was raping me, but I did not resist for a long time.. Please tell me what this dream could mean!!!

Holding hands in a dream

I’m walking down the street and accidentally meet the girl I met, she smiled at me and we went for a walk, then she took my hand and looked at it (as if she was looking for something on it), but she didn’t let her go and we continued to walk hand in hand . In the morning, when you remember this dream, there is joy in your heart.

Holding the hand of a deceased person in a dream

I dreamed that shelling was starting (and I now live in the Donbass and this happens here), I hid indoors, and then I remember that my father remained on the street, although I understand that he had long since died, and I shouted daddy, daddy come back, then on the way I see water gushing out, like a flood, then it’s like we’re being evacuated. And I’m already in a different place and I see dad, he’s walking ahead, I run up and say you’re here. I take him by the hand and let’s go. Then I ask him - why are you taking me away? And he laughingly says no, I’m saving you (or maybe helping you), then I’m already in the room that was provided to us. And I supposedly have my child in my arms for four years now. This seems to be where it all ends. And the next day I dream. That I’m riding in the village in my dead brother’s car, and he’s driving another and we’re driving. We drive around the village. Then I arrived somewhere in the store, I don’t remember anymore.... PLEASE HELP me explain, otherwise I’m already going crazy with thoughts that I dreamed about something bad...

I hold the hand of a dead man I know in a dream

In a dream, I dreamed of a dead man I knew, either he was holding my hand or I was his, but the point is that we are talking to him and he is so serious (although in life the person always smiled and was cheerful).

I ask him how everything is fine “there”, he shakes his head at me so seriously that I assess that it’s bad there and I’m riddled with pain in my back and don’t remember anymore.

I woke up with a strange feeling and constantly think about this conversation. Tell me what it means. I found many interpretations but different.

Falling from a height holding hands in a dream

From Tuesday to Wednesday I dreamed a strange dream. I dreamed about the person I love, I don’t know his feelings for me, we are only connected intimacy and friendship. At first we stood on the top of a rock and held hands, jumped down and flew, landed on the ground on our feet without pain or injury. Then they again jumped from a cliff, and then from some kind of iron structure like a bridge. And the whole time we held hands, silently, landing on our feet. I didn’t feel afraid, I just felt a little nervous for the first time. I would like to know what this all means and whether it is connected with this person or not.

Running away with your ex-boyfriend holding hands in a dream

In real life, I recently grew up with a guy, in the evening before going to bed we met and talked again. That same night I dreamed that we were walking together, joking and were very happy. But then they entered some room - government agency(ministry or police department) - then they began to run away somewhere together, laughing and holding hands. There were no other people in my dream and I don’t know who we were running away from, but we understood that we needed to run. We ran around the building, then moving away from it along the road - all the time together, not letting go of each other. I really wanted to see how our escape would end, but it lasted a long time and did not end. As a result, I woke up alarmed, but did not forget the dream, as often happens...

Please help me understand what this dream means, is it related to events in my real life and is there anything I need to watch out for. Thank you very much in advance for your answer!

Riding on a bus holding hands with your loved one in a dream

My loved one and I were traveling by bus in different directions. His parents were sitting in front of him, and mine was in front of me. The bus stopped for 10 minutes and we got off, I took him by the hand, then we entered the bus holding hands and sat down to carry him on. Then they rode holding hands, his parents rode in the seat in front

Hand in a dream

In a dream I look at my hands. I see back side hands, that is, not a palm. I look at the left one, there’s something I don’t like about it, I’m trying to fix it, and suddenly I realize that the skin on my hand is starting to tear, and meat is peeking out from under it, I’m trying to fix it all back again, the wound only gets bigger. There is no blood at all.

I touch my hand and realize that it is torn off. I take it in my hands. And I notice that my hands are in place. Both. Although initially it seemed to me that the left one was no longer there.

I didn’t see either the place where it was torn off or any troubles, except for pieces of meat on that hand.

At first there was fear, and then it felt smooth.


Why do you dream of holding a guy’s hand?


Erika ___

This is a sign that there will be a love affair between you...


In general, this is a good sign to hold hands. His decision should be in your favor!

Why do you dream of holding hands?



If in a dream you saw that someone covered your hand with his or took you by the hand, then someone will interfere with the implementation of your plans or will convict you of a dishonest or vile act.


The dream warns of possible deception or fraud.

m k

a dream that you are weaker than something and you need, if not protection, then at least support. something exhausts you either physically or psychologically in real life. sleep as an indicator of fatigue.

Why do you dream of holding hands with a friend?


Seeing People

nothing, just garbage of your imagination

mixail morozov

just nonsense

Why do you dream of Holding in your hands?

You can find out for free in the dream book, why do you dream of holding in your hands, having read below the interpretation of dreams from online dream books Houses of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see in a dream something other than Holding in your hands, use the search form online interpretations dreams

Why do you dream of holding in your hands?

Holding something in your hands in a dream means offense.

Hidden in every dream hidden meaning– even if sometimes it seems to us that the dream is completely insignificant. If you dreamed of hands – either your own or someone else’s, you should know that this is not without reason.

In general, the body and its individual parts are symbols in dreams, and often indicate something very important. And hands are no exception. Human hand, the hand is the most important part of the body, without which a person cannot live fully. How many sayings and proverbs are connected with hands, how many metaphors! And of course, in dreams they are also a metaphor. So, why do you dream about hands?

Having opened the dream book, we can see many interpretations. To get the right one, you need to remember the details - what exactly you dreamed about, whether it was your own hands or someone else’s, and other various nuances. There can be many of them, such as:

  • I dream about my own palm – left, right or both at once.
  • Hands are bloody or dirty.
  • Dreams of a fracture, amputation, severed, torn or severed hand.
  • A man's hairy arms or his own.
  • Wash dirty or black palms with soap and wash.
  • Give someone a hand, take, hold or walk by the hand.

These are not all options; you will find more in the dream book. And don’t be afraid even if you had a dream and dreamed of a fracture, amputation or severed hands. Remember, all this, even in nightmares- just metaphors. Their meaning may not be bad, and even on the contrary – very favorable. Let's find out why we dream about hands!

Just a vision

Did you do something, or did you just see the brushes in your dreams? If you have just seen it, then carefully scroll through the dream in your memory and remember the details. They will be your key to deciphering the dream.

As the dream book says, hands, precisely your own palms in dreams, are a symbol of the fact that in reality you will have a chance of success. Luck is nearby, pursuing you, and all you have to do is catch it by the tail. Don't miss out on chances and know that inaction will not lead to happiness.

If your hand and fingers were beautiful, clean and neat in a dream, prosperity and a lot of happiness await you. The dream book promises everything you dream of - you will get it, and in the most favorable and private way.

If you dreamed of a cut off hand, don’t be afraid, nothing threatens you. This is just a hint that you don't trust yourself (if the body part belonged to you and it was your amputation). Try to understand yourself! If she was a stranger, then you are tormented by mistrust of someone close to you, afraid to trust. Try to be more objective.

Have you seen men's hairy hands in your dreams? This is a wonderful symbol! In reality you are loved and protected, you can safely rely on your partner or friend - he is reliable, he will not let you down, so you can be calm. This man has bright intentions and is honest. What a score!

If the brushes were black, dirty, it doesn’t matter whether they were yours or a man’s, this indicates deception and evil intentions. Understand yourself - do you have plans and thoughts in your head that could harm someone?

Why do you dream about your hand and specifically your left hand? The dream book says that left palm- a symbol that you are afraid that you will be deceived, and do not want to trust people, perhaps close ones. Check, be objective, so as not to fall for deception. But don't be suspicious without reason!

Why do you dream about your right hand? This is a symbol of true, true friendship. You are really lucky! There are true friends next to you, whom there is no point in not trusting. You can rely on them! Maybe we are talking about your beloved - and believe me, there is no more faithful and devoted man in the world than him. You can go to the ends of the world with him, no doubt about it!

If your fingers were cold and insensitive, you are characterized by a cold mind and calculation in everything. This is not bad in general, but maybe you should be a little softer, give in to your feelings too? It’s boring to live in the world without emotions!

If your arms were hairy, don't be afraid - it's a wonderful dream. He promises you great wealth, fame and excellent position in society! You will be happy, and life will soon flow for the better.

What happened?

Let's see what you dream about a hand if you not only saw it, but also did something. For example, why dream of washing your hands with soap, or taking, holding and walking hand in hand with someone, and much more.

If your palms were itchy and itchy in your dreams, you are quite conflicted in your life. Lately, and your nerves are on edge. You urgently need to calm down so as not to provoke a big quarrel with your loved ones! Try to put your thoughts and emotions in order, rest a little. Maybe you're just tired of people and need to be alone?

Cut hands covered in blood are a symbol of your carelessness. Don't be rash, be careful! Watch your actions and take care of yourself, be more careful in your communication and the words you speak. But the dream book can easily tell you why you dream of a broken arm, the fracture itself. This indicates difficulties in matters for which you are not prepared. But you will overcome them, moreover, you will gain invaluable experience.

Let's see why you dream about washing your hands. As the dream book describes, washing your hands, especially with, is a sign of pleasant events and good news. Something very good awaits you!

And if you had no hands at all in the dream, then in reality you will feel confused. A situation may arise that you are not prepared for, and you will not know what to do. This does not mean that something bad will happen, not at all! You'll just be very surprised. Try to be prepared for anything.

Did you have many limbs, more than two? In reality, expect fruitful work, you will have to work hard, but it will lead to excellent results!

  • Giving someone a hand is a symbol that in reality someone close to you needs help or support, and you can give it. Do it!
  • And holding hands with someone in a dream is a good sign. You will have a very good, trusting relationship with someone, kind and honest. This is either a friend or a loved one.
  • Taking someone by the hand in a dream is a symbol of reconciliation and understanding. The conflict will be settled, you will be able to reach mutual understanding with someone in reality, and a period of happy and pleasant relationships will begin.

This symbol is complex and multifaceted; it cannot be clearly understood. Try to feel what they want to tell you higher power, what are they hinting at? And draw the right conclusion!

This dream means support, communication and the beginning of a relationship if you know this person, but do not communicate too closely. In general, walking hand in hand in a dream means business activity, activity and the desire to be together, reciprocity in feelings.

The dream has a positive meaning if you have just met and are planning relationships and common affairs and activities. However, walking hand in hand with a guy who responds to a passionate hug with a friendly handshake means a cooling of feelings and that the love will not be reciprocated.

Such a dream can be a hint for a girl that a man does not take her seriously. A guy may be infatuated with another person.

If you want to understand what such a dream means, the dream book interprets holding hands with a man as a sign of mutual support, flirting and the beginning of a relationship. Just pay attention to the nature of the touch: in the dream you just had to walk hand in hand with him, hold on and spin around, like on a swing as a child, or it was an attempt not to let someone go freely through life.

This will show what exactly connects two people or prevents one of them from leaving. This is how the dream book interprets holding a man’s hand in various situations.

Friendly touch

In this dream, hands and palms touch, love, affection and interest appear, even if in life a man and a woman are indifferent to each other. Just holding the hand of a friend and walking with him through the streets, taking a walk in the park is a good sign that promises you excellent health, reciprocity in feelings, as well as the beginning of a romance and sympathy for each other.

This is a very good sign, which means improved business activity and sociability, excellent relationships with the stronger sex, the location of important people and excellent relationships in the family and at work. For a girl, such a dream foreshadows men’s interest in her, support, as well as activity and a business proposal.

Pay attention to who in the dream was the one who extended his hand and held you. If this is just a classmate, peer and friend, you can safely count on his communication, support, and disposition towards you. It is possible that he is already beginning to show his interest and treat you just fine.

If this is an acquaintance with whom the girl maintains the usual warm, friendly relationship, then modern books on dream interpretation write that they will extend their hand to you difficult situation or you'll have to help someone out. If you have brothers, friends and sisters, you may need to help them in life.

A respectable man with whom you walk hand in hand speaks of a serious offer and support. Modern books they talk about what you can find Good work, make great money, or you will soon receive a marriage proposal.

Usually before marriage you dream that a man extends his hand to you and helps you cross the bridge and get to the other side. This ancient interpretation, known to many girls.

The modern dream book writes the same thing. Therefore, if strong and brave man simply takes you by the hand and does not let go, means any form of support and help in real life.

Walking hand in hand with a young man, a celebrity, a boss and a person who has achieved outstanding success in his life means good luck in a business that you like. The dream book writes that you have a chance to achieve good luck, to achieve a certain life goal. In addition, books on dream interpretation indicate that everything in life will turn out in the most favorable way and things may turn out that you didn’t even hope for if you show such masculine qualities as perseverance, activity and determination. Well, show your talent and promote its active manifestation.

Retain and Attract

This sign should be interpreted visually. Usually, a dream in which a girl begins to grab a guy’s hand, just so as not to lose love, means humiliation and the fact that she is actually afraid of losing him and losing him.

Modern books indicate that the young lady will be able to find a way to force him to marry her or simply be around through blackmail and other actions.

If the ex-boyfriend grabs her by the hands and does not let her go to someone else, then in reality he will not accept the refusal and can and will continue to have hope for something. It is possible that you will soon learn about his scandalous or stupid trick. The dream book writes that after such a dream you should expect bad news.

Transient personality disorder: a harmless diagnosis or a serious pathology?


Making potato soups