Home Prosthetics and implantation The story of the developer of a chip for people, which will be implanted on the forehead or right hand. Human Chip Developer Talks About Global Conspiracy Kol Sanderson

The story of the developer of a chip for people, which will be implanted on the forehead or right hand. Human Chip Developer Talks About Global Conspiracy Kol Sanderson

Col Sanderson, design engineer in the field computer chips(from a speech in Spokhan, Washington, summer 1993):

“And he will make sure that everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, will receive a mark on right hand them, or on their foreheads; and that no one will be able to buy or sell except he who has this mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. He who has understanding, count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man. Its number is six hundred and sixty-six." (Rev. 13; 16-18)

As a computer chip design engineer working on a large team, I worked on a project in Phoenix, Arizona. In parallel, work on this project took place in Boston, Massachusetts, as well as in Hanford, California.

We conducted experiments on one woman whose spinal cord had several microcircuits with radio signals inserted into her spinal cord. Before this, she was immobile, as all the functions of her body were impaired. After our intervention, her arms and legs began to move, her muscles became controllable. We continued to work on improving the microcircuits and were able to achieve control over the woman's behavior.

I should note that I am not a doctor, but an engineer, and my task was to create microcircuits, and not to influence her body - others were doing this. We also conducted experiments on prisoners. Gradually, the microcircuit became flat, ready for implantation, that is, for introduction into the body. We needed to create a very small chip that would fit into an epidemiological needle.

There were many people working on the project, and they were not privy to its ultimate goal.

This plate was tested in the cities of Sacramento and Los Angeles, California, on many animals. Millions of dollars have been spent to determine the point in the body where a microcircuit consisting of 250,000 elements should be implanted. We had to solve the problem of recharging, which requires a change in body temperature. It was necessary to find a place on the human body where the temperature would change quickly. Two such places were identified: the FOREHEAD and the RIGHT HAND of a person.

There were many people working on the project, and they were not privy to its ultimate goal, and often did not know what others were doing. I worked on battery life, that is, charging and recharging the power supply of the chip. At that time, I received a warning from God and began to search the Holy Scriptures. I read these lines: “And he will cause all, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads” (Rev. 13:16)

In the process of working on the project, its goal was visible - to mark all the people living on the planet. One day a government official came up to me and told me to keep the information that the record was ready to myself. There are already children in Florida childcare centers who have been given these plates.

I asked one doctor from medical center in Boston: What happens if a record fails? He replied that the body would instantly react: purulent wounds. Revelation 16:2: “The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the ground: and there were cruel and loathsome wounds of festering on the people who had the mark of the beast, and on them that worshiped his image.”

A little more about technology. There are 23 satellites that can read information even from such small objects as a postage stamp, for example. Such a satellite is able to read all the information embedded in your license (permission to do something); and he will do this every 19 minutes. There are satellites of the new LIO series that monitor everything from a low altitude. They are so sensitive that they detect changes in human body temperature with an accuracy of 0.4 degrees Celsius. It is impossible to hide from them anywhere.

Now they are looking to merge your credit card and debit card into one. We are moving quickly towards this. The US Vice President believes that every person in the country should be covered by this system and have a smart card with them. This is preparation for inserting the plates under the skin.

If they present you new system identification, do not accept it! 500 million dollars have already been allocated to introduce positive identification for the walfer system, that is, subcutaneous identification. There was a discussion in the government that asked the question directly: we cannot control all people if we do not identify them, that is, we do not tag them.

You can lose the card, borrow it from someone else, but the mark will always be with you. Already today there are thousands of children who had a subcutaneous plate inserted several years ago, and no side effect not visible. In Sweden, seven thousand people have subcutaneous plates, and everything works without problems. Soon it will cover the whole world. Holy Scripture speaks of one government and that all people will be marked with a mark, this is not only a problem in the United States.

It is no coincidence that the CIA has a program about Christians that is designed to discredit them through the New Age movement (“New Age” - literally: new Age/English/, new time, new era-- approx. ed.) It’s not shocking to you that today everything is taught in schools: Buddhism, Islam, whatever you want, but where have you heard that Christian morality is taught in schools?


They will persecute you too if you do not agree to a spiritual compromise.

Here's another example. President Clinton's health plan plans to issue a single national health card (identity card) that is created according to latest technology with a secret control system. Apparently, this means that the number will be placed on the forehead or hand, perhaps on another part of the body. No one will be allowed to receive treatment without this number.

WITH Today, a transition to a cashless society is taking place (cash will be withdrawn from circulation). First, the card will be used, and later - subcutaneous implantation of the number. The European Community has already developed a plan for this.

This Community began its official existence on January 1, 1993. It includes 12 European countries. This is the future center of global governance. We are on the threshold of the period when people will be given the mark of the beast. And the tragedy of some Christians will be that they will not see when the reign of the Antichrist begins. We need to sensibly assess the situation so as not to be drawn into the system of the Antichrist.


Col Sanderson.

Col Sanderson, computer chip design engineer (from a talk in Spokhan, Washington, summer 1993):

“And he will cause everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead; and that no one will be able to buy or sell except he who has this mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. He who has understanding, count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man. Its number is six hundred and sixty-six." (Rev. 13; 16-18)

As a computer chip design engineer working on a large team, I worked on a project in Phoenix, Arizona. In parallel, work on this project took place in Boston, Massachusetts, as well as in Hanford, California.

We conducted experiments on one woman whose spinal cord had several microcircuits with radio signals inserted into her spinal cord. Before this, she was immobile, as all the functions of her body were impaired. After our intervention, her arms and legs began to move, her muscles became controllable. We continued to work on improving the microcircuits and were able to achieve control over the woman's behavior.

I should note that I am not a doctor, but an engineer, and my task was to create microcircuits, and not to influence her body - others were doing this. We also conducted experiments on prisoners. Gradually, the microcircuit became flat, ready for implantation, that is, for introduction into the body. We needed to create a very small chip that would fit into an epidemiological needle.

There were many people working on the project, and they were not privy to its ultimate goal.

This plate was tested in the cities of Sacramento and Los Angeles, California, on many animals. Millions of dollars have been spent to determine the point in the body where a microcircuit consisting of 250,000 elements should be implanted. We had to solve the problem of recharging, which requires a change in body temperature. It was necessary to find a place on the human body where the temperature would change quickly. Two such places were identified: the FOREHEAD and the RIGHT HAND of a person.

There were many people working on the project, and they were not privy to its ultimate goal, and often did not know what others were doing. I worked on battery life, that is, charging and recharging the power supply of the chip. At that time, I received a warning from God and began to search the Holy Scriptures. I read these lines: “And he will cause all, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads” (Rev. 13:16)

In the process of working on the project, its goal was visible - to mark all the people living on the planet. One day a government official came up to me and told me to keep the information that the record was ready to myself. There are already children in Florida childcare centers who have been given these plates.

I asked a doctor at a medical center in Boston: what happens if the plate fails? He replied that the body would react instantly: purulent wounds would appear. Revelation 16:2: “The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the ground: and there were cruel and loathsome wounds of festering on the people who had the mark of the beast, and on them that worshiped his image.”

A little more about technology. There are 23 satellites that can read information even from such small objects as a postage stamp, for example. Such a satellite is able to read all the information embedded in your license (permission to do something); and he will do this every 19 minutes. There are satellites of the new LIO series that monitor everything from a low altitude. They are so sensitive that they detect changes in human body temperature with an accuracy of 0.4 degrees Celsius. It is impossible to hide from them anywhere.

Now they are looking to merge your credit card and debit card into one. We are moving quickly towards this. The US Vice President believes that every person in the country should be covered by this system and have a smart card with them. This is preparation for inserting the plates under the skin.

If you are presented with a new identification system, do not accept it! 500 million dollars have already been allocated to introduce positive identification for the walfer system, that is, subcutaneous identification. There was a discussion in the government that asked the question directly: we cannot control all people if we do not identify them, that is, we do not tag them.

You can lose the card, borrow it from someone else, but the mark will always be with you. Already today there are thousands of children who had a subcutaneous plate inserted several years ago, and no side effects have been observed. In Sweden, seven thousand people have subcutaneous plates, and everything works without problems. Soon it will cover the whole world. Holy Scripture speaks of one government and that all people will be marked with a mark, this is not only a problem in the United States.

It is no coincidence that the CIA has a program about Christians, which was created to discredit them through the New Age movement (“New Age” - literally: new century /English/, new time, new era - editor's note). It will not shock you , that today everyone is taught in schools: Buddhism, Islam, whatever you want, but where have you heard that Christian morality is taught in schools?


They will persecute you too if you do not agree to a spiritual compromise.
Here's another example. In President Clinton's health plan, it is planned to issue a single national medical card (identifying a person's identity), which is created using the latest technology with a classified management system. Apparently, this means that the number will be placed on the forehead or hand, perhaps on another part of the body. No one will be allowed to receive treatment without this number.

Today there is a transition to a cashless society (cash will be withdrawn from circulation). First, the card will be used, and later - subcutaneous implantation of the number. The European Community has already developed a plan for this.

This Community began its official existence on January 1, 1993. It includes 12 European countries. This is the future center of global governance. We are on the threshold of the period when people will be given the mark of the beast. And the tragedy of some Christians will be that they will not see when the reign of the Antichrist begins. We need to sensibly assess the situation so as not to be drawn into the system of the Antichrist.

Col Sanderson.

The microchip is the product of serious, well-funded research. The real capabilities of the microchip are much wider than those that are declared. Animals were not the ultimate goal of this technology...

Microchips for Pets

Some time ago, citizens of various countries were faced with the fact that when transporting their pets to other cities and countries, they were required to “chip” their pets, i.e. implant them with a special implant - a microchip. For many, this was a formality, some had never heard of such a system, but some believed that this was the beginning of total control, and in order to accustom the people to such innovations, they started with animals. The problem of animal identification did not arise today: the mark has been a constant companion of domesticated animals for hundreds of years. However, inexorable technological progress has offered a more advanced electronic identification system - AVID microchips. In Europe and North America Microchips have long been very popular.

Microchip operating principle

The microchip is implanted using a simple surgery: a special capsule made of biocompatible glass measuring 12-18 mm with a hermetically sealed electronic chip and microcrystal antenna is inserted under the skin of any animal. Each such microchip has a unique number, which is entered into the memory of the crystal during its manufacture. Special scanners are used to read information from the microchip. It is enough to hold such a scanner over a chipped animal, and the crystal code will be displayed in the device window, which, if desired, can be sent to a personal computer database to obtain more information. detailed information. Thus, for our cats and dogs, the microchip itself means nothing if its number is not entered into the appropriate database. The database is located on the Internet (http://www.tracer.com) The name and address of the owner, the name of the animal itself, vaccination dates, etc. are entered there.

Convenient, isn't it? Having such data, each district Vet clinic can track how they are carried out preventive actions in their area, and, if necessary, inform animal owners about the timing of the next vaccination. Using a microchip you can prove that you are the owner of your pet.

What is the purpose of introducing such a system? It is clear that every animal must have a veterinary passport, however, the question involuntarily arose: will this be limited to animals or at the next stage will there be a person, already using GPS navigation?

ADS company: microchip for humans

In fact, the use of microchips in animals should not have been limited. In the USA, chip implantation in domestic animals and livestock has been carried out since 1987. as an alternative to branding (about 6 million animals in America now carry microchips in their bodies). However, in 1999 Applied Digital Solutions (ADS) acquired Digital Angel Corporation with its VeriChip development and extended similar technology to people by implanting microchips in human body. Thus, microchip implantation technologies smoothly moved from animals to humans. How serious is this circumstance?

Implant chips began to be developed at the end of the 20th century, and one of the initial directions of these technologies was health care paralyzed people. The implantation of such a microchip into the body of a sick person made it possible to set previously inactive organs into motion. Therefore, the implantation of a chip in a person could in itself be justified. However, later the range of applications of these devices expanded greatly...

In 1995, Dr. Col Sanderson, a leading expert in the field of biomedical chip research, made a sensational statement: “$500 million was allocated to implement positive identification for the welfare education system (ie electronic identification under the skin). I spoke with some CIA employees who said that in the government, for example, Henry Kissinger, Lazenberg and others were discussing this. The problem was stated directly: we will not be able to control people if we do not mark them all, i.e. not identifiable." What dangerous thing did Col Sanderson see?

The experiment in which he participated was carried out in Phoenix, Arizona and set itself the task of developing a miniature implant chip that could work autonomously in the body. According to the scientist, the problem of recharging had to be solved, which requires a change in body temperature. As a result of research, it turned out that a person has only two suitable places: the forehead and the right hand. This circumstance involuntarily prompted the engineer to a text from the Bible, written down about 2000 years ago and speaking about the Antichrist (the world ruler - the servant of Satan, who should be born at the end of earthly history): “And he will do that to everyone, small and great, rich and the poor, free and slaves, will receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one will be able to buy or sell except the one who has this mark” (Rev. 13:16).

Given the ambitious plans of senior executives, Col Sanderson came to the conclusion that dangerous nature of this development. It would be possible not to attach significance to the doctor’s statements if they did not receive practical confirmation. Already in 2002 The first American family (Jeffrey, his wife Leslie and their son Derek Jacobs) were implanted with ADS microchips containing a telephone number and information about previous treatment. While our fellow veterinarians continue to consider implantable microchips for humans a fantasy, today every American can have a $200 VeriChip implanted into themselves by paying for the implantation procedure and paying $10 for maintaining a record in the database. In 2003 The chipization of Mexico has begun, where more than 10 thousand people already wear chip implants in their bodies. In 2004 identification microchips were implanted to the Prosecutor General Mexico Rafael Macedo de la Concha and 160 employees of the prosecutor's office. Rich residents of Brazil are also en masse implanting microchips into themselves for security purposes.

Many of us have heard of programs that convert audio to text. Such developments are already quite real for household computers, but just recently it looked like science fiction. But converting audio into text is only part of more global projects in which human thoughts were converted into text. Moreover, this problem was solved quite a long time ago. The only problem was the presence of a sensor on the human body, since without it, reading thoughts would not be possible. And this is where an implantable microchip turned out to be necessary, which cannot be removed like a clock...

Currently, there are more than 10 types of implant chips, and, interestingly, modern implantable ID cards are capable of payment transactions. However, developed in last years new types of microchips have significantly greater capabilities. In addition to medical and identification functions, they can perform others, including changing the behavior of implanted people and controlling their emotions. Thus, by increasing the production of adrenaline, implant chips will help, for example, soldiers achieve a state of complete fearlessness. Since 2007, the manufacturer VeriChip has been negotiating with the US Department of Defense to replace the metal tag with a microchip (RFID chip), and if these negotiations are successful, american army will receive cyborg soldiers.

For clarity, let's consider a biometric chip for a person, developed well-known company Motorola, which produces microchips for the Mondex Smartcard. Its dimensions are 7mm in length and 0.75mm in width, in other words, the size of one grain of rice. This microchip contains a transponder (a system for storing and reading information on microchips) and a rechargeable battery. The battery is recharged by fluctuations in the temperature of the human body. Information is read through radiation, as in a remote control.

The meaning of chipization is clearly revealed in the European Union document adopted in March 2005 (conclusion N20 of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies, section 5): “ Modern society came face to face with the changes to which the human essence must be subjected. Here is the next stage of progress - as a result of surveillance using video surveillance and biometrics, as well as through implemented human body various electronic devices, subcutaneous chips and smart tags, human personalities are changing to such an extent that they are increasingly becoming networked personalities. They must be constantly able to receive and transmit signals from time to time allowing movements, habits and contacts to be monitored and assessed. This should change the meaning and content of human autonomy. At the same time, the very concept of human dignity will change. Some violations of the fundamental, natural rights of the individual that occur to her as her body transforms do not detract from her dignity, as well as her constitutional rights and freedoms.”

In June 2008, a meeting of the elite international organization- Bilderberg Club. One of the items on the agenda was the issue of large-scale implantation of subcutaneous microchips in Americans under the pretext of fighting terrorism and the need to provide doctors with access to information about the condition of patients in emergency situations. It is expected that the process will be divided into two stages: in the first stage, implantation will be voluntary, in the second, as stated in one of the messages from the Franklin Center for the Study of Legislation, “after becoming familiar with the procedure and its advantages, it will be possible to move on to mandatory implantation.” .

Analyzing the information presented, the following conclusions can be drawn. The implant chip is the product of serious, well-funded research. Its real capabilities are much wider than those declared. Animals are not the end goal of this technology. Firstly, it makes it possible to have direct contact with nervous system person. Thus, it is possible to read signals from the brain with a fairly high degree of accuracy and provide feedback, sending response signals. It is on this principle that devices work that help “turn on” idle arms or legs, mentally control a computer, or enhance the natural capabilities of the body. Secondly, the microchip is capable of storing information and with the help of a scanner (which, by the way, reads information very quickly and at a distance of several meters) can be entered into a computer, where all the data relating to the owner of this implant will be displayed. It is enough for a microchip to store only an identification number - all information associated with it will be instantly recalled from the corresponding databases: passport or biometric data, driver's license and insurance, medical card and place of work, etc. (suffice it to recall the databases for animals that already exist in Ukraine). Thirdly, although the microchip is autonomous, equipped with a radio frequency identification system, it can be tracked using a satellite global positioning system at any time of the day, and controlled through a computer system. The issue under consideration has many facets and only a few of them were considered in this investigation. However, the facts presented are enough to draw attention to the scale and seriousness of the problem, which in the near future will affect everyone.


Col Sanderson, computer chip design engineer (from a talk in Spokhan, Washington, summer 1993):

“And he will cause everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead; and that no one will be able to buy or sell except he who has this mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. He who has understanding, count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man. Its number is six hundred and sixty-six." (Rev. 13; 16-18)

As a computer chip design engineer working on a large team, I worked on a project in Phoenix, Arizona. In parallel, work on this project took place in Boston, Massachusetts, as well as in Hanford, California.

We conducted experiments on one woman whose spinal cord had several microcircuits with radio signals inserted into her spinal cord. Before this, she was immobile, as all the functions of her body were impaired. After our intervention, her arms and legs began to move, her muscles became controllable. We continued to work on improving the microcircuits and were able to achieve control over the woman's behavior.

I should note that I am not a doctor, but an engineer, and my task was to create microcircuits, and not to influence her body - others were doing this. We also conducted experiments on prisoners. Gradually, the microcircuit became flat, ready for implantation, that is, for introduction into the body. We needed to create a very small chip that would fit into an epidemiological needle.

There were many people working on the project, and they were not privy to its ultimate goal.

This plate was tested in the cities of Sacramento and Los Angeles, California, on many animals. Millions of dollars have been spent to determine the point in the body where a microcircuit consisting of 250,000 elements should be implanted. We had to solve the problem of recharging, which requires a change in body temperature. It was necessary to find a place on the human body where the temperature would change quickly. Two such places were identified: the FOREHEAD and the RIGHT HAND of a person.

There were many people working on the project, and they were not privy to its ultimate goal, and often did not know what others were doing. I worked on battery life, that is, charging and recharging the power supply of the chip. At that time, I received a warning from God and began to search the Holy Scriptures. I read these lines: “And he will cause all, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads” (Rev. 13:16)

In the process of working on the project, its goal was visible - to mark all the people living on the planet. One day a government official came up to me and told me to keep the information that the record was ready to myself. There are already children in Florida childcare centers who have been given these plates.

I asked a doctor at a medical center in Boston: what happens if the plate fails? He replied that the body would react instantly: purulent wounds would appear. Revelation 16:2: “The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the ground: and there were cruel and disgusting wounds of purulent wounds on the people who had the mark of the beast, and on those who worshiped his image.”

A little more about technology. There are 23 satellites that can read information even from such small objects as a postage stamp, for example. Such a satellite is able to read all the information embedded in your license (permission to do something); and he will do this every 19 minutes. There are satellites of the new LIO series that monitor everything from a low altitude. They are so sensitive that they detect changes in human body temperature with an accuracy of 0.4 degrees Celsius. It is impossible to hide from them anywhere.

Now they are looking to merge your credit card and debit card into one. We are moving quickly towards this. The US Vice President believes that every person in the country should be covered by this system and have a smart card with them. This is preparation for inserting the plates under the skin.

If you are presented with a new identification system, do not accept it! 500 million dollars have already been allocated to introduce positive identification for the walfer system, that is, subcutaneous identification. There was a discussion in the government that asked the question directly: we cannot control all people if we do not identify them, that is, we do not tag them.

You can lose the card, borrow it from someone else, but the mark will always be with you. Already today there are thousands of children who had a subcutaneous plate inserted several years ago, and no side effects have been observed. In Sweden, seven thousand people have subcutaneous plates, and everything works without problems. Soon it will cover the whole world. Holy Scripture speaks of one government and that all people will be marked with a mark, this is not only a problem in the United States.

It is no coincidence that the CIA has a program about Christians, which was created to discredit them through the New Age movement (“New Age” - literally: new century /English/, new time, new era - editor's note). It will not shock you , that today everyone is taught in schools: Buddhism, Islam, whatever you want, but where have you heard that Christian morality is taught in schools?


They will persecute you too if you do not agree to a spiritual compromise.
Here's another example. In President Clinton's health plan, it is planned to issue a single national medical card (identifying a person's identity), which is created using the latest technology with a classified management system. Apparently, this means that the number will be placed on the forehead or hand, perhaps on another part of the body. No one will be allowed to receive treatment without this number.

Today there is a transition to a cashless society (cash will be withdrawn from circulation). First, the card will be used, and later - subcutaneous implantation of the number. The European Community has already developed a plan for this.

This Community began its official existence on January 1, 1993. It includes 12 European countries. This is the future center of global governance. We are on the threshold of the period when people will be given the mark of the beast. And the tragedy of some Christians will be that they will not see when the reign of the Antichrist begins. We need to sensibly assess the situation so as not to be drawn into the system of the Antichrist.

Col Sanderson.

Presentation by Dr. Col Sandersen (Computer Chip Design Engineer, Spokane, Washington, Summer 1993) Many years ago, I began working as a microchip engineer: I was part of a large group of specialists in the development of a project in Phoenix, Arizona. This project was associated with parallel developments in Boston, Massachusetts, and also in Hanford, California. Everyone was united by one common cause: the development of this project. In the process of work, we conducted experiments on a young woman who had implants sewn into her spinal cord some electronic circuits with radio signals. Before this, she was motionless, as everything in her body was disturbed. After our intervention, her arms and legs began to move, and her muscles became controllable. Our entire group began working on improving these microcircuits. We achieved an effect by controlling her behavior. Everything was taken into account: micronausea, allergies, acceptance or rejection of these elements. While working, we carried out experiments on prisoners, and gradually the microcircuit became flat, i.e. ready for implantation (introduction into the body). The goal was to create a very small microcircuit plate that would fit into an epidemic needle. This plate was tested on many animals in the cities of Sacramento and Los Angeles (California). A large number of animals were used in this study, and millions of dollars were spent in order to determine right place in the human body to accommodate this microcircuit, which consists of two hundred and fifty thousand components. And then the problem arose with providing power to the microcircuit, or rather, with recharging this flat, tiny plate. To recharge the plate, you need to change the body temperature. One and a half million dollars were spent to determine the place in the human body where the temperature would change rapidly. Mothers know that this is the child's forehead. Two places are installed: the forehead and the right hand of a person. But to be clear, the engineers who worked on the project did not control the entire project, since the work went in many directions, in which many people were involved. Some, at times, did not know what others were working on. I was working on battery life, that is, I was charging and recharging the power of the microcircuit. At that time, I received a warning from God and began to search the Holy Scriptures. Why? In the Revelation of the Apostle John the Theologian it is written: And he will cause all, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead (Rev. 13:16). The Lord showed me through the word what I was doing. While working on the project, its goal was clear: to celebrate all the people who live on the planet. After one meeting, at the end of it, a government worker approached me and told me to keep the information that the record was ready to myself. God told me: “Look at the number six hundred and sixty-six.” And I said, “Lord, I didn’t know about that.” I want to tell you that in Florida there are children in child care institutions (kindergartens and orphanages) who have already been introduced to these plates. The state, as well as the CIA, subsidized money for this. I asked a doctor at the Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts, "What would happen if this plate suddenly failed for some reason?" He replied that the body would react instantly and purulent wounds would appear. The first angel went and poured out his cup on the ground: and there were cruel and disgusting festering wounds on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped his image (Rev. 16: 2). I want to say a little more about technology. There are twenty-three satellites that can read any information, even from objects as small as a postage stamp. This satellite can read all the information from your license, and it can do this every nineteen minutes. There are also a new series of satellites called LUO, which monitor everything from a low altitude. They are so sensitive that they detect changes in human body temperature with an accuracy of 0.4 degrees Celsius. It is impossible to hide from them anywhere, to any height or depth. For Christians there is refuge in the Lord Jesus Christ. I also want to say: true Christians will be persecuted. Watch any cartoon: who's in it? bad person? This is a Christian. In the cartoon he is constantly being chased. They will persecute us too if we do not agree with them and agree to their sinful compromise. Currently, it turns out that in order to be a true Christian, the Church needs to be underground. We trust our government, and the government is committed to the global community. The time of world government is approaching very quickly. Now they are planning to merge our credit card and debit card into one. We are moving quickly towards this. At a meeting with US Vice President Al Gore, it was said: to cover all the people of the country with this system. He (Gore) said that every person in the US should carry a smart card. This is preparation for the plates, which in due course will be inserted under the skin. A smart card carries enormous comprehensive information about a person. The equipment necessary for their use is now being prepared for these cards. I want to tell everyone: don’t accept this! If someone comes and presents you with a new identification system, your answer should be: I don’t accept it! Five hundred million dollars have been allocated to introduce positive identification for the welfare education system (i.e. electronic identification under the skin). I spoke with some CIA employees who said that in the government, for example, Henry Kissinger, Lazenberg and others were discussing this. The problem was stated directly: we will not be able to control people if we do not mark them all, i.e. not identifiable. So we have five hundred million dollars for the welfar people to identify them. You may lose a card, lend it to someone, but the marking, i.e. subcutaneous plate, you cannot lose it. You can lose it, but only with your hand or head. For example, if someone steals your hand to go to a store to smoke something, the store employees will say, "Hey! There's something wrong with that person!.." So it will be impossible to buy or sell without having on yourself this mark. Seventeen thousand children had already had the subcutaneous strip inserted three years ago, with no side effects observed. In Sweden, seven thousand people have subcutaneous plates, and also without problems. The CIA has a program about fundamental Christians. It is designed to discredit Christians through the New Age movement. It won’t shock you that now everything is taught in schools: Buddhism, Islam, and whatever you want. But where have you heard Christian morality taught? You won't find it! The Federal Reserve System (financial system) has five banks that control all finance in the world: Rockefeller and others. The Rothschild family is directly related to this. 1750 Bauer, a Jew, was engaged in gold mining and lived in Frankfurt (Germany). The sign of his enterprise was a red shield. His son became a banker, changing his surname from Bauer to Rothschild, which means red shield. This banker Rothschild had five sons and he sent them one at a time to the cities: London, Naples, Vienna, Paris, Frankfurt, so that they could take control of these countries with the help of money. 1775 Rothschild, along with twelve other men, formed the "Council of Thirteen". They elected Adam Weishaupt to lead the Council. Adam Weishaupt, which means "White Head", belonged to the Jesuit order (one of the satanic organizations). This Council now controls not only the United States, but the entire European system. So the Federal Reserve money does not belong to any government. The Federal Reserves are barely replenished. And someday you will hear that this reserve has disappeared. Why? Everything is done secretly. To bring us under one goal: one world leadership. David Wilkerson, an American preacher, said: "You must have the testimony of the Spirit working in you. This is not just a request, it is a matter of life and death. If you do not have the testimony of the Spirit in these last days, then you will not resist. You will fall under the power of the coming spirit of the Antichrist." Here's an example. US President Clinton's health plan calls for the release of a single national medical card that would certify a person's identity and, ultimately, be created using the latest technology with a classified digital system management. Apparently, this means that the number will be placed on the person's forehead, hand or other part of the body. No one will be allowed to receive treatment without this number. We are also moving towards a cashless society (cash will be taken out of circulation). First, a credit card will be used, and later a subcutaneous implantation of the number.

The European society has already developed a plan for this. This society officially began its existence on January 1, 1993. It includes twelve European countries. This is the future center of global governance. We are on the verge of the period when the mark of the beast will be placed. And if we are not able to discern the beginning of this period, then we will become accomplices in a murderous state system.

Commentary on the speech of Dr. Col Sandersen (design engineer in the field of computer chips)

Anton Vladimirovich Panfilov, who has been heading the Tradition computer company for ten years, answers the correspondent's questions. Development Specialist information technologies, he worked at the information and computing center of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation, and has been involved in computer technology for about twenty years.

Anton Vladimirovich, the leaflet says that extremely small microcircuits have been developed that can fit in microscopic needles. Are such small chips possible? Is this a fantasy from movies about the future?

Today, such microcircuits are being developed as directions traditional technologies, based on silicon chips, as well as on biochips. The prospects for the second technology are more serious. With the size of the silicon chip itself being several tens or hundreds of microns, it passes freely through the needle hole, but the problem of providing electrical power at a sufficiently high voltage has not been solved. Therefore, at present, the ultimate goal of making the operation to implant a chip completely invisible, at the level of an injection with a regular needle, is unattainable. As for biochips, which can consume power based on the electrochemical processes of the body, this is a more real thing. If we are talking about them, then most likely we mean such technology.

The leaflet states that the most suitable places to place such a microchip are the forehead and right hand of a person...

I can’t say anything about biometrics: where, what temperature changes on the human body occur most quickly. This is probably how it really is. If we consider the issue of communication with external environment the face and hands are open, and especially in winter, these changes are probably the most severe. This is one of the simple schemes.

Creating electricity using temperature changes is the most well-known technology, the simplest and most obvious. This may be enough to power such a chip.

Means, modern technologies make it possible to implant such chips through which a person can be controlled, and not only within the same city, but also with the help satellite systems? In particular, the author of the leaflet claims that there are already satellites that can read any information even from objects of minimal size, for example, from a postage stamp. And he writes that they are so sensitive that they can determine body temperature with an accuracy of 0.4 degrees Celsius. In this regard, it is impossible to hide from them anywhere. How could you comment on this?

Indeed, such satellites exist, and intelligence services actively use them. Therefore, we can say that these parameters are probably quite realistic. I'm not close enough to these structures to be more specific, but such satellites do exist. There are systems that allow you to transmit and receive information in an encrypted format (not accessible to disclosure by supercomputer systems) for any micro-object significantly smaller than a postage stamp. There are microsensors and microrelays glued there, allowing you to localize any moving object anywhere, practically and underground. Indeed, this is a well-known technology.

Thus, these two technologies, being combined, can be the “carrier” of the prophecy spoken of in the Revelation of the Apostle John the Theologian?

According to a number of experts associated with the computer industry and the development of these technologies, there is a possibility of mass control of people. They confirm that the possibility of introducing universal control systems into the human population is not far off. It will be implemented practically somewhere in the period from 2010 to 2020, i.e. when it becomes guaranteed to be publicly available.

So this is a prospect for the near future? True, one can only hope that in Russia, as always, there will be no money to purchase these microcircuits and vaccinate the entire population of our country with these microcircuits, unless, of course, the West provides us with “humanitarian assistance” in this regard.

In general, a fairly realistic assessment!

The Revelation of the Apostle John the Theologian also speaks of the number six hundred and sixty-six. And many things associated with this number cause alarm among Orthodox man. To what extent are computer technologies related to this number, and is this not something decisive in the technology of computer production and programming itself? Or is the presence of these numbers in barcodes accidental?

From a technological point of view and a general mathematical basis computer equipment, from which everything comes, the use of this number is in no way mandatory. But its presence in all computer number systems (in particular, if we consider the coding system for various goods, the so-called “bar codes”) has already become a reality. This is not noticeable to the average consumer. For example, in any bar code or barcode on a package of milk or on any other product, this number is always present. If you look closely at any bar code, it is present in the form of three lines that limit the bar code itself. This was done, apparently, quite deliberately by those who created this coding system. But fundamentally, technologically, this is not determined. This is one of the simplest and bright examples deliberate introduction of the apocalyptic figure, this sign of the Antichrist.

Well, what goal did the developers themselves pursue? Are these ideological Satanists or maybe just a “genius joke”, hackers who make viruses for computer programs?

I believe that this has to do with people's mentality and their involvement in the dark world. This is really the style of work of hackers, the people who write these very viruses. They clearly have an unhealthy psyche, and these seemingly harmless jokes still have something behind them. It is no coincidence that some hackers associate themselves with all sorts of satanic names and symbols. There is no inevitability or necessity to use this number, but it is nevertheless present everywhere. Any technology is dictated primarily by people.

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