Home Children's dentistry Mantra against black magic. Magic mantras: practice and classification

Mantra against black magic. Magic mantras: practice and classification

There is enormous power in the sounds of mantras. But it would be wrong to hope that after repeating them just a few times, a person will get everything he wants. Mantras will definitely work, but this will not happen without effort.

What are mantras

Mantra translated from Sanskrit means “verse” or “spell”. The main difficulty of working with this system is that you need to turn to this complex and ancient language.

Reading mantras can be compared to casting spells, prayer, etc. All these interpretations are in some sense justified, since these verbal formulas are essentially magic spells that have incredible power.

Initially, in ancient times, mantras were sounds, combinations of sounds, phrases from the texts of the Vedas, which had a sacred cleansing or inspiring effect. Somewhat later, the Hindu and Buddhist traditions began to call any sounds that were endowed with special properties as mantram. Through the magical power of sound, communication took place with the supernatural, with higher beings and forces.

Hinduism and Buddhism know a huge number of diverse mantras. They all have their own special functions and sounds. The most common verbal formulas for meditation.

An example of such a mantra is the common Hindu sacred syllable AUM (om). Its utterance, according to tradition, cleanses the soul for sacred reflections, strengthens clarity of consciousness, calls upon benevolent gods for help, and provides protection higher powers etc.

The most common Buddhist mantra is “OM MA NI PAD ME HUM.” It has in fact become a standard and daily prayer for both laymen and monks.

Mantras are part cultural heritage Hinduism and Buddhism in general, but they have a special meaning in the esoteric branches of these religions. Thus, the term “secret mantra” is synonymous with the occult movement of Buddhism, Tantrism. The idea is to hasten the attainment of Buddhahood by believers.

In modern India, the custom is to write mantric phrases appropriate to the occasion on pieces of parchment or lay them out in mosaics in front of the entrance to the house.


All mantras can be divided into three main categories:

  • men's,
  • women's,
  • neuter.

Men's ones are also called solar ones. They are easily distinguished by the endings “um”, “phat”.

Women's ones are often called lunar ones. Their endings are “tham”, “matchmaker”.

Neuters are essentially neutral, which is why they are often called that. Such mantras are especially good to use when there is a lack of vital energy in a person of any gender.

Mantras can also be classified according to the nature of their impact:

  • magical,
  • spiritual.

Magical are those combinations of sounds that have the power to cause changes outside a person, in the world around him.

Spiritual formulas are such verbal formulas, the impact of which extends only to the speaker: his consciousness and inner world.

When the Consequences Show Up

Mantras have the ability to fulfill deep desires. They can help a person when difficulties arise and can protect them from dangers.

The secret of the power of these verbal formulas is that their sound vibration carries a powerful charge of energy. The magnitude of this force is incomparable, since it belongs to the Universe.

The strength of a mantra is determined by the efforts of the practitioner. The more correct the technique for performing them, the more pronounced the result will be obtained. Sometimes it takes 100-200 or more repetitions for a mantra to “sound” and take effect.

The effects of chanting magical and spiritual mantras appear at different times. Changes from magical formulas in the world around us can occur quite quickly. In relation to spiritual mantras, the waiting period for results increases, since consciousness cannot be transformed immediately. Before change occurs, processes of purification and preparation for accepting the new must go through.

Where can you say mantras?

Ideally, the place where sacred magical formulas are pronounced should be quiet, and its atmosphere should bring peace. The main thing is that the place is pleasant, and no one can interfere there.

It does not matter where exactly it will be located: in the house or outdoors. If possible, before pronouncing magic phrases, it is better to light a candle, incense stick or other incense.

Before starting the ritual, you need to close your eyes and imagine yourself in a stream of dazzling white and pure light. You can take deep breaths and exhales, imagining how radiant light and grace penetrates through your lungs. After this, the problem is mentally spoken out, or an intention or request is expressed. And only after this should you begin to directly pronounce the mantra.

In general, the question of where to pronounce one’s special words can be decided by the practitioner at his own discretion. The choice of options is huge: sitting, lying down, standing, with eyes open or closed, alone or in company, in the morning or evening, etc. Usually, an understanding of the appropriateness and correctness of performing a ritual comes to a person intuitively - some time after the start of classes he simply stops thinking and does what he feels is right.

With the development of abilities comes the ability to repeat mantras unconsciously, while doing other things or even in a dream. For some, the best option may be to join the mantric system through the use of modern technology. It is not forbidden to turn on audio recordings with mantras and simultaneously pronounce or sing along.

How to chant mantras

The choice of how to pronounce the mantra is extremely important. Getting the desired result depends on it.

If the words are spoken in a whisper, the effect will be on the etheric body.

When mantras are pronounced not out loud, but mentally, they are directed to the consciousness of the person himself - his mental body.

A simple rule should apply to mantras: those who perform them should not think hard about the meaning of the words, or try to understand what they mean in translation. The correct thing to do would be to simply repeat these combinations of sounds in a detached manner.

The skill of repeating mantras can be divided into levels:

  • the first is concentration only on sound,
  • the second is awareness of the deeper meaning,
  • the third is the transformation of the mantra into the general background, a constant presence in consciousness.

Increasing the level of mantra practice allows you to achieve more serious spiritual transformations. This is achieved by regular meditation and entering a trance state. The goal is to achieve a state of impersonality. At the same time, the practitioner ceases to be aware of himself and merges with the idea of ​​the mantra.

It is not recommended to repeat several different mantras at once. It is better to choose one or two that are best suited to solve pressing problems. When positive changes have been achieved and the issue is closed, you can begin the mantras of the next direction. When there are problems in all areas of life - health, love, wealth, etc. are required, it makes sense to turn to mantras of a universal nature.

Number of repetitions of mantras

There is no single rule for how many times you need to pronounce this or that mantra. The practitioner must focus on his inner voice. But one thing always works important rule repetition of mantras: whatever the total number of pronunciations, it should always be a multiple of three.

The minimum number of times needed to get the result is three. Mantras can also be recited 6, 9, 15, etc. times. The greatest effect will be achieved if you repeat 108 times (or more).

The number "108" is sacred. Its decoding:

“1” - Highest energy, Divinity.

"0" - Perfection.

“8” - Eternity and Infinity.

Some mantras, in order for them to manifest themselves and “come to life”, need to be repeated thousands of times, without being distracted by eating or drinking water.

It is very difficult to concentrate on the sound of the mantra and at the same time count the number of repetitions at the same time. Therefore, practitioners usually take with them to meditation a rosary with 108 beads. When pronounced, they make counting easier, and later, after some time, they become an excellent individual talisman, because their beads are charged with powerful energy during rituals.

Everyone has it modern man there are desires that he would like to realize. These desires concern not only monetary and material aspects, but also health, love, favor from the boss, and so on.

To materialize our desires, we sometimes need to spend a lot of effort, but not all of them lead to positive results. Buddhist monks recommend regularly using mantras that help you quickly achieve your goal.

Magic mantras are not just a set special words, symbols and sounds. It is in these Buddhist prayers that there is special magical power and strength.

Many people assume that by saying a magical prayer once, he will immediately achieve success, but this is not entirely true. In fact, it is necessary to regularly say magical prayers over a certain period of time, and in no case hope for an instant result. Faith in this matter is especially necessary; without it there is no hope for success.

How to Practice Mantra

For beginners, it is recommended to practice only one mantra. You need to feel it, understand how it works, achieve results, and only after that can you put the following prayer into practice. When reading a prayer, you need to merge with it. This result is very difficult to achieve, but the result is worth it.

It can take a lot of time for the mantra to take effect and for the first result to be visible (at least a hundred sessions, maybe more). People who regularly practice magical prayers claim that using the mantra for several years in a row can achieve excellent results.

Mantras that have magical properties, have the ability to perform cherished desires. They protect and defend a person if he is in danger. Their main difficulty is the language in which they must be pronounced - Sanskrit. This is the so-called magic formula, which has enormous power and carries a fairly powerful charge of energy. Such energy is concentrated with the help of sound vibrations that emanate from the person practicing the magical text.

In order to pronounce correctly, first, you need to learn one main and basic rule. The most important thing in pronouncing a mantra is not knowing the literal translation of the magic words, but its correct pronunciation in compliance with the required frequency.

Basic classification of magical mantras

Everything existing on this moment mantras are divided into three so-called categories:

  • Men's mantras of the sun.
  • Women's mantras of the moon.
  • Neutral (genderless).

To determine which category a particular mantra belongs to, you need to pay attention to its ending.

Feminine (lunar) prayers end in “tham” or “svaha”. The male mantras of the sun are “mind” and “phat”. Neutral ones end in “pamah”, “namah”.

If a person lacks his vital energy, he should use neutral prayers. In this case, they will be most effective.

The mantra must be repeated a number of times that is a multiple of three. Best effect has the ability to read a magical text exactly one hundred and eight times in a row. In Buddhism, this number is considered sacred, and symbolizes Deity and Higher Energy. Moreover, eight is a symbol of infinity, and zero is perfection.

In order not to lose count and read the mantra a sufficient number of times, Buddhists recommend using special beads for this purpose. Their peculiarity is that they must be made only from natural materials (stone, wood, glass, and so on). Under no circumstances use plastic rosaries that are filled with various chemicals.

Mantra of happiness

The ritual must be carried out for one week, every day in a row. Be sure to fast not only during the day, but also at night. Before going to bed, perform a meditation ritual, and in the morning melodiously chant the following spell:


When pronouncing magical sounds, think about pleasant things, and in no case about negative things. Within a week you will notice the first results from pronouncing the mantra.

Mantra of love

This ritual is performed three evenings in a row. You need to tune in to what you love and are ready to love. Magic words will not work immediately, so you need to apply the ritual for a month (at least). It is best to carry out the ceremony on full moon. Say the following words:


Health mantra

If you feel that your health is losing strength, use this mantra. It must be repeated ten days in a row, every morning the following words:


Throughout the entire period, you need to conduct a ritual of meditation, and be sure to fast. By the eleventh day you will feel the rush vitality, energy, your health will noticeably improve.

Money prayer

The magic money mantra is a one-day ritual. It is necessary to fast and meditate throughout the day. There should be such thoughts in your head, for example, how you got rich and where, to what good purposes you will direct your finances, who you can help in difficult situation. Exactly at twelve o'clock at night you need to raise your hands to the sky and say:


This needs to be done for three months in a row, every week. It is necessary to pronounce the magic text with vibration of the voice on the vowels. You will definitely feel the result soon.

Healing mantra

This is one of the most famous universal (neutral) protective prayers. By repeating it regularly, a person can become less vulnerable to various troubles and adversities. It is pronounced as follows:


Mantra of success

This is a woman's prayer. It is unique in its own way. Only this prayer can be repeated twice a month, but no more. To achieve the desired success in your business, you need to work with magic words once a month.


If you chant the text of the prayer when receiving medicines, then they “come to life” and enhance their magical effect.

Magic mantras were created by Buddhists on a subconscious level. They seem to come from the soul, and do not come from logical thinking. Therefore, in order to achieve unity with prayer, you need to feel it with your whole soul and feel it with your body. Only in this case will you be able to achieve complete harmony with magical prayer and achieve one hundred percent success in your affairs.

Basics of magic. Principles of magical interaction with the world Dunn Patrick
From the book Magic in Theory and Practice by Crowley Aleister

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Mantras - like magical formulas Many people have probably heard about the verbal healing formulas of Tibetan lamas, which are sometimes perceived as something like a spell. Let's try to understand this issue. According to Eastern philosophy, mantras are indeed akin to magical ones.

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To Chapter 8. Mantras: Formulas of Power Select a mantra. Let it sound somewhere in the background of your consciousness for as long as possible throughout the day. See if it helps you maintain a certain state of consciousness. The results may surprise you: for example, as you cleanse

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Runic formulas There are formulas made up of runes. They help in achieving various goals and are endowed with greater energy and magical power than individual runes. Formulas from runes can be drawn on various objects related to money, carried with you,

I want to tell you a little about Magic Mantras.
In magic, mantras occupy one of the dominant positions; they are given great value. Mantras concentrate a precise and verified technique for activating certain facets of the Force, which allows the Magician to achieve success in one or another action.
The magic mantra does not begin to act immediately, but depending on the level of personal training of the practitioner, depending on the degree of solidity of the foundation that you have laid in yourself. It is necessary to persistently and naturally, in the rhythm of your everyday life, practice its pronunciation again and again. The mantra should sound inside you. You yourself will feel this from the state of your energy centers. The practitioner must become one with the mantra, and only in this state inner harmony it will begin to function with maximum strength. This usually takes a couple of hundred lessons while completing the Human Strength Course. For students and for all of you, let me remind you that the use of any techniques, rituals and chanting of mantras is MANDATORY in a state of flooded tonal. I offer you the most common mantras.


Mantra of Great Knowledge. The most famous universal protective mantra. Its repetition makes a person invulnerable to any negative impacts. At any difficult situation You can repeat this mantra and at the same time apply the technique of setting up a defense.
Mobilizes the body's defenses, improves immunity and promotes quick recovery. To enhance the impact of the mantra, I recommend combining it with exercises from the topic on the study of Shamanism as part of the Human Power Course.
Gives health, protects against diseases and accidents. Brings a joyful mood, happiness, love, improves relationships. Helps you find a life partner. It is also useful to repeat it on your birthday for healing.
Heals and opens the solar plexus chakra and related organs, treats thrombophlebitis.
Tibetan mantra for weight loss and body beauty. Read these mantras in multiples of three - from 3 to 108 times (maximum)
Mantra for cleansing negativity
Mantra for health and strengthening the body
The Shiva-Rudra mantra "Mahamrityunjaya Mantra" relieves physical, mental and nagual-caused ailments. It can be called the highest healing mantra. It is usually recommended by astrologers, Ayurvedic doctors and tantricists.
Its approximate translation: “We honor the Three-Eyed One (Shiva), the Fragrant One, the Bringer of Good. May we free ourselves from the shackles of death, like a cucumber from its stem, for the sake of immortality.”

Here are a few more short, but no less effective mantras:
IM - protects from enemies and failures.
SI - relieves stress and fear, heals mental disorders.
CHEN - cheers the heart and brings joy.
DON - gives eloquence.
AUM - clears the mind, enhances vital energy.
AUMRAKE - enhances vital energy, leads to victory and achievement of goals, harmonizes a person with the world.
AIM - gives learning abilities, develops memory, intelligence.
GAM - brings wealth and high position.
RAM - will reward you with the patronage of high-ranking persons.
HRIM - cleanses the body.
HUM - removes damage and the evil eye.
SHREAM - develops creative abilities.

Actually Magical mantras.

A-NIM-AH-OH - mantra of mental development.
OM-LAM - call on the energy of the earth element.
VAGRAN-KORISTON-MONESTON - mantra purifies water
OM-VITHAM - connection of higher and lower forms thinking.
ALAUM-RAUM-OM - this mantra allows you to destroy aggressive structures in the human energy field.

Mantras for invoking fire energy:

Mantras that allow you to connect with a single information universe:
OM-SRI-GURU-NAMAST-OM - allow the practitioner to come into contact with the Great Teacher.
OM-SRI-KALI-NAMAH is a mantra that causes the destruction of all evil.
OM-SRI-NAMAH-SHWAYA is a mantra that allows you to cleanse the body.

Very often in magic, mantras are used that help protect the magician from all aggressive external manifestations. For example:
IAD-HA-AKHU-VAIRIO is a mantra that purifies the magic circle in which the magician is located.

Mantras of unity with the elements:
In order to connect with the elements, you should recite the elemental mantra 12 times, connecting it with the OM mantra.
OM-LAM is a mantra for the element of earth.
OM-VAM - for the element of water.
OM-PAM - for the element of air.
OM-RAM - for the element of fire.
Having united with the element, the magician speaks on its behalf (provided that he has achieved the “sounding” of the mantra).

HARE-OM-MANI-PADME-HUM is a mantra that invokes the power of Buddha.
OM-SHRI-GURU-NAMASTEE-OM - this mantra is a call of power from the Guru. It must be handled very carefully. Has gigantic strength. To work with it, you yourself need to have great energy potential and certain knowledge. This is the only way you can cope with the power you receive.
Some mantras have dual meanings. For example, the mantra that causes the destruction of all evil OM-SRI-KALI-NAMAH can be used to cleanse the body of toxins. It is necessary to chant the mantra backwards 33 times before a glass of water, after which the water is drunk. The body begins to cleanse itself very intensively, so this mantra can only be used for these purposes strong people with sufficient inner strength. And even they may experience severe vomiting, intestinal upset, and fever.

For students of the Human Strength Course.

A few words about the finds of our time from the ancient strata of Buddhism. In the second half of the 19th century, the Chinese archaeologist Kan-Chang explored a Buddhist monastery in Tibet... On its ruins, the scientist discovered huge slabs with inscriptions and spells carved on them. Obviously, the monks passed on their secret from generation to generation. In 1011 the monastery was destroyed and the monks buried the slabs deep into the ground at the foot of the altar. They hid their secret from prying eyes. In addition to the slabs, archaeologists discovered in the monastery written evidence of miracles that happened to people who cast spells, as well as drawings that clearly illustrate these same miracles. Chinese scientists from the University of Kian-Chsi managed to decipher ancient writings and even conduct a number of experiments on volunteers. It turned out that spells really have incredible power and radically change the life of the person who uses them. I invite you to experience the power of the ancient spells of Buddhist monks. I present four different spells: for happiness, for love, for health, for money. Once again, I remind you that you MUST have a certain foundation to apply everything discussed in this article. For those of you who are studying the Human Strength Course and are my students, in the second half of the training there will be no difficulty in using everything that is discussed here efficiently and as effectively as possible. You yourself are free to choose what you want to achieve in life. I recommend learning all spells by heart. It's not difficult, the texts are very simple and easy to remember. General rule: Each spell must be repeated as a mantra for 20 minutes before going to bed.

These are the spells.
For luck:
The ritual must be repeated every day for a week.
or so
Fast all day and night. Before you go to bed, meditate and be in the Flow for five to ten minutes. The next morning, as soon as you wake up, begin, melodiously drawing out the words, to read the spell:
While reading, it is necessary to arouse in yourself pleasant, dear feelings with memories. The ritual must be repeated every day for a week.

For love:
This ritual must be performed over three evenings. Try to tune in to your readiness to love and be loved. Open yourself to this opportunity. DON'T WAIT, just ALLOW yourself for it all. Remember that the spell requires practice, so to achieve effective results, it is advisable to arrange such evenings several times a month. You need to start the cycle of spells on the full moon.

For your health:
Repeat this ritual morning and evening for 10 days and already on the eleventh day you will feel that your strength and health have tripled.
or so
Fast, flood your tonal and meditate all day until evening. At the same time, think about how your body is filled with health, you become more cheerful, stronger, more cheerful. The next morning, before sunrise, say slowly:

For money:
During a one-day fast and meditation, think about those good deeds the things you would do if you had enough money, the noble goals you could achieve with wealth, the people you could help. Feel a sense of uplift and GRATITUDE. At the stroke of midnight, raise your hands above your head and say clearly:
Repeat this spell once a week for three months. I think the results will not be long in coming. And yet, VERY IMPORTANT, all spells without exception must be read in such a way that the vowels vibrate and pulsation is felt in all your energy centers.

Supernatural abilities of people Lukovkina Aurika

Mantras - like magic formulas

Mantras - like magic formulas

Probably, many have heard about the verbal healing formulas of Tibetan lamas, which are sometimes perceived as something like a spell. Let's try to understand this issue. According to the ideas of Eastern philosophy, mantras are indeed akin to magical spells that should bring a person to a state of peace and tranquility. Their healing magical effect is based on the influence of sound, sound vibrations on a person. Through the head chakra Sahasrara, mantras help connect any person with the Cosmos, thereby helping to cleanse oneself from disease and evil. And although mantras are a combination of word and sound, the dominant position in this union belongs to sound. It’s not for nothing that lamas think very important point voice vibration. After all, mantras were originally chanted, not pronounced. And singing in those days was considered a reflection of pure joy. It has been proven that the reproduction of vowel sounds affects the condition of the tonsils and glands, stimulating them to cleanse the body of various kinds garbage. Thus, mantras are a special series of vowel sounds selected to cause a oscillatory effect, as in human body in general, and in its individual parts (brain, endocrine glands or in nervous system). Breathing is also considered an important factor in pronouncing a mantra. It should be full and energetic, helping to recharge the entire body with energy.

From the book Magic in Theory and Practice by Crowley Aleister

Chapter II. ELEMENTAL WEAPON FORMULAS? Before starting a detailed discussion of magical formulas, it should be noted that, as a rule, a ritual is complex in its composition and contains several formulas that must be harmonized into one. The first formula is

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Chapter IV. FORMULAS ALCHEM AND ALIM? "ALHIM" (Elohim) is the exoteric name for God. This is the masculine plural form of a feminine noun; but the essence of this name remains feminine. This is the perfect hieroglyph for the number 5. More about

From the book Runes and Nordic Magic by Karlsson Thomas

2. Clarifying commentary on Sun Light’s book “Money Formulas”. Which, by the way, is very rightly pointed out by Sun Light in his book “Money Formulas”. An extremely interesting book, which is a typical product of the pseudo-cultural false tradition of Atlantis. The latter is easy

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Galdras and formulas When Odin hangs on the world tree, he receives songs of power. They are called "galdrs" and are an important part of the Nordic magical tradition. The word "galdr" is related to the words "gala" (to croak) and "galen" (mad). Galdras are supposed to be able to heal wounds,

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Appendix 1. Derivation of the formula for intraspecific self-regulation Habitat - the surface area occupied by a population of a given species - can support a certain number of animals (n), without disturbance ecological balance. Changes in terms and conditions habitat,

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Appendix 2. Derivation of the formula for the ecological system Let's consider what natural factors influence the formation and complexity of the ecological system. Plant organisms absorbing part of the falling sunlight to the area on which they grow, through

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Appendix 3. Obtaining the formula for the system of matrix spaces The condition for the balance stability of our matrix space is the balance between the matter synthesized in the matrix space and the matter flowing through the closure zones of the matrix spaces. This

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From the book The Basics of Magic. Principles of magical interaction with the world by Dunn Patrick

[The meaning of the Teaching formula “love Me”] You write that there are people who are indignant at the statement “love Me” found in the first book, and consider it some kind of imposition. I will answer this - probably the hearts of such people are petrified, and they do not know that there is combustion

From the book 150 rituals to attract money author Romanova Olga Nikolaevna

Chapter 7: Prosperity Spells and Formulas Now that you have an understanding of the principles of prosperity, such as place, time, divine and natural forces, you are ready to perform the corresponding magic. Prosperity requires hard work. Even when you are not focused on money, From the author's book

To Chapter 8. Mantras: Formulas of Power Select a mantra. Let it sound somewhere in the background of your consciousness for as long as possible throughout the day. See if it helps you maintain a certain state of consciousness. The results may surprise you: for example, as you cleanse

From the author's book

Runic formulas There are formulas made up of runes. They help in achieving various goals and are endowed with greater energy and magical power than individual runes. Formulas from runes can be drawn on various objects related to money, carried with you,

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