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Archeology. Archeology Historical and cultural research of cultural heritage sites

State historical and cultural examination within the framework of comprehensive engineering surveys

As is known, in the process of preparing a technical report on engineering and environmental surveys, requests are sent and subsequent receipt of information about the presence/absence of historical objects cultural heritage in the research area.

If the body for the protection of cultural heritage objects does not have data on the absence of identified objects on land plots, forest lands or within the boundaries of water bodies or parts thereof subject to the impact of excavation, construction, reclamation, and economic works, cultural heritage objects included in the register cultural heritage or objects that have signs of a cultural heritage object, it is necessary to conduct a historical and cultural examination (Article 30 of the Federal Law of June 25, 2002 No. 73-FZ “On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of peoples Russian Federation», the federal law dated October 22, 2014 N 315-FZ “On amendments to the Federal Law “On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation” and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”).

- Due to latest changes In the legislation, the state examination has the right to demand not only a certificate of the absence of objects of historical and cultural heritage and a report on historical and cultural research, but also the conclusion of this examination.

- If the body for the protection of cultural heritage objects issues a certificate of absence of objects to the historian and cultural heritage and the futility of the land plot subject to economic development from the point of view of inclusion in the register, a historical and cultural examination is not required.

Historical and cultural examination is carried out within the framework of the Federal Law of June 25, 2002 No. 73-FZ “On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation” with the aim of searching for objects of cultural heritage in the areas of proposed construction, assessing the construction area from the point of view in terms of the presence and distribution of historical and cultural heritage objects.

In relation to the oil and gas industry, the objects of historical and cultural examination are land plots subject to economic development.

The procedure for conducting state historical and cultural examination, integral part which is an archaeological survey, is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 15, 2009 N 569.

Archaeological surveys on the territory of the Russian Federation are carried out by specialized organizations whose statutory purpose is to conduct archaeological field work. A researcher conducting an archaeological survey receives a permit (open sheet) for the right to carry out work of a certain type at an archaeological heritage site in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The work is regulated by the following documents:
- Federal Law of June 25, 2002 No. 73-FZ “On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation”;
- Order Federal service on supervision of compliance with legislation in the field of cultural heritage protection dated 02/03/2009 No. 15 “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for issuing permits (open) sheets for the right to carry out work to identify and study objects of archaeological heritage”;
- Regulations on the procedure for conducting archaeological field work. M.: Institute of Archeology RAS, 2007;
- Instructions on the procedure for compiling a report on archaeological research. Structure and design rules. Kh-M., 2002;
- Legislative or other acts of regional and local significance.

An archaeological survey is carried out before the start of economic development; the work period is seasonal.

In case of identification of objects of historical and cultural heritage (or security zones), all activities on a land plot subject to economic development must be coordinated with the relevant body for the protection of cultural heritage sites in the prescribed manner.

In general, the procedure for obtaining a historical and cultural expert opinion is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to find out about the need for it to be carried out in the relevant body for the protection of cultural heritage sites, decide on the contractor and the timing of the archaeological survey, and then the implementation of the project will not be delayed.


Moscow City Committee for pricing policy in construction

and state examination of projects


Collection 8.1



Collection 8.1 “Historical cultural studies. MRR-8.1-16" (hereinafter referred to as the Collection) was developed by specialists from the State Autonomous Institution "NIAC" (S.V. Lakhaev, E.A. Igoshin, A.V. Tarasova) with the participation of specialists from the State Unitary Enterprise "NIiPI General Plan of Moscow" (S.N. Vaskina, M.S. Kuzmina).

The collection was approved and put into effect on January 9, 2017 by order of the Moscow City Committee on pricing policy in construction and state examination of projects dated December 29, 2016 No. MKE-OD/16-75.

The collection is an integral part of the United regulatory framework MRR.

The collection was developed to replace MRR- (section 4.1).


1. General provisions

2. Methodology for determining the cost of work

3. Basic prices

Application. Examples of calculating the cost of work


This Collection 8.1 “Historical and cultural research. MRR-8.1-16" (hereinafter referred to as the Collection) was developed by specialists in accordance with state assignments.

This Collection is intended for use by government customers, design and other interested organizations when calculating the initial (maximum) prices of contracts and determining the cost of conducting comprehensive historical and cultural research carried out with the involvement of funds from the budget of the city of Moscow.

When developing the Collection, the following normative and methodological documents were used:

Federal Law of June 25, 2002 No. 73-FZ “On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 12, 2015 No. 972 “On approval of the Regulations on zones for the protection of cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation and on the recognition as invalid of certain provisions of regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation”;

Decree of the Moscow Government of December 16, 1997 No. 881 “On approval of protection zones in the central part of Moscow (within the Garden Ring)”;

Decree of the Moscow Government of July 7, 1998 No. 545 “On approval of protection zones of the central part of Moscow (within the Kamer-Kollezhsky Val)”;

Decree of the Moscow Government of December 28, 1999 No. 1215 “On approval of zones for the protection of historical and cultural monuments of Moscow (in the territory between Kamer-Kollezhsky Val and the administrative border of the city)”;

Collection 8.3 “Visual landscape analysis. MRR-8.3-16";

Collection 8.4 “Research and design work on the restoration of historical and cultural monuments. MRR-8.4-16";

Collection 1.1 “General guidelines for the application of Moscow regional recommendations. MRR-1.1-16";

Collection 9.1 “Methodology for calculating the cost of scientific, normative, methodological, design and other types of work (services) based on standardized labor costs. МРР-9.1-16".


1.1. This Collection is a methodological basis for determining the cost of conducting comprehensive historical and cultural studies of neighborhoods, microdistricts, and the territories of individual households in the city of Moscow.

1.2. When determining the cost of work based on this Collection, you should also be guided by the provisions of Collection 1. 1 “General guidelines for the application of Moscow regional recommendations. MRR-1.1-16".

1.3. Bringing the base cost of work, determined in accordance with this Collection, to the current price level is carried out by applying a conversion factor (inflationary change), approved in the prescribed manner.

1.4. This Collection presents basic prices for the following works:

Preliminary work historical and cultural research at the pre-project stage;

Comprehensive research work:

a) historical and cultural works, bibliographic research;

b) field studies;

1.5. The basic prices of the Collection take into account and do not require additional payment the costs of performing the work listed in paragraphs 3.3-3.5 of the MRR-1.1-16.

1.6. The following works are not taken into account by the basic prices of the Collection:

Carrying out engineering surveys of the territory;

Building measurements;

Archaeological research;

Development of a draft boundary for the protection area of ​​a cultural heritage site.

1.7. The cost of work not taken into account in this Collection is determined according to the relevant MRR collections, taking into account the coefficient for the composition of work or labor costs based on Collection 9.1 “Methodology for calculating the cost of scientific, normative, methodological, design and other types of work (services) based on standardized labor costs. МРР-9.1-16".

1.8. The development of technical specifications and the collection of initial and reference data are the functions of the customer and, when entrusting this work to a design organization, their cost is determined in addition to the cost design work and is paid for at the expense of the customer’s maintenance funds.

1.9. The basic prices of the Collection also do not take into account the associated costs given in paragraph 3.6 of the MRR-1.1-16.


2.1. The basic cost of performing work to determine complex historical and cultural research is calculated on the basis of basic prices using the formula:

C (b)- basic cost of work for one object (RUB);

C (b)- base price of work (RUB);

The product of all coefficients K i , except for the coefficient taking into account the reduction in design time, should not exceed 2.0;

By Wed- correction factor taking into account the degree of completeness of work.

2.3. The base prices given in tables 3.1, 3.4, 3.9 with natural indicators “ha” can be used when determining the cost of developing the section “Historical and urban assessment of the territory” as part of the planning project and territorial schemes.

2.4. The cost of research is determined depending on the category of complexity of the objects being examined. The Collection contains a system of categories of complexity of historical and cultural research for various objects of examination.

2.5. When performing field studies and photographic recordings during an unfavorable period of the year (from October 20 to March 31), a coefficient of 1.15 is applied to the cost of work.


3.1. Preliminary work

Table 3.1

Base price (RUB)

Territory area in hectares up to:

Table 3.2

Scope of preliminary work

Name of works

Familiarization with the customer’s assignment and the documentation presented by him

Familiarization with design, security, and research documentation in organizations of the relevant profile

Preliminary analysis of the surveyed area

Collection and preliminary study of literary and graphic sources

Development of a program for the composition of documentation for comprehensive examination

Preparation of geological basis for historical and cultural surveys (unloading)

3.2. Comprehensive research work

Historical, archival, bibliographic research

Table 3.3

Number of buildings in a household up to:

Base price (RUB)

Time of formation of home ownership

XVII century and earlier


1. Percentage of work stages:

a) compilation of a bibliographic list and inventory of archival files - 20%;

b) extracts from archival and bibliographic sources, viewing museum and archival funds, engravings, watercolors, etc. - 80%.

2. When working in several archives, repositories and libraries, a coefficient of 1.2 is applied.

3. If the number of buildings in households exceeds 8, a coefficient of 1.1 is applied for every 3 subsequent buildings.

4. When simultaneously conducting historical, archival and bibliographic research on an ensemble or complex of monuments belonging to the same historical period, a correction factor is applied (depending on the number of objects in the ensemble or complex of monuments):

Up to 5 objects K=0.8;

Up to 10 objects K=0.6;

More than 10 objects K=0.4.

When determining the number of historical buildings, technical inventory data is used.

Field studies

Table 3.4

Neighborhood survey

Table 3.5

Home ownership survey

Table 3.6

Building inspection

Basic prices (RUB)

Volume of the building in thousand m 3 up to:

Note: a building is considered as an independent object of research only in the case when historical and cultural research is carried out in order to determine the protective status of a real estate object and when developing the subject of protection of a cultural heritage object.

Table 3.7

Difficulty Characteristics

Buildings with a simple construction history and no alterations

Buildings with a simple construction history, with minor alterations and minor losses of the original appearance

Buildings with a complex construction history and significant losses of their original appearance

Buildings with a complex construction history, a large number of alterations, significant loss of the original appearance

Scientific and analytical work

Table 3.8

Job title

Base price (RUB)

Volume of the building in thousand m up to:

For every subsequent 5.0 thousand m 3 add

Preparation of floor plans of surveyed buildings for conducting a historical and cultural survey

Development of a construction periodization scheme for the building (based on floor plans). Scale 1:200

Zoning of the building (based on floor plans) according to historical and architectural value and the degree of preservation of the layout and architectural and artistic design of the interiors (for cultural heritage sites and especially valuable elements of historical buildings). Scale 1:200

Table 3.9

Name of works

Base price (RUB)

for every subsequent 5.0 hectares add

Development of a scheme for the preservation of the compositional and planning structure of the survey area. Scale 1:2000

Development of a scheme for reconstructing the compositional and planning structure of the survey area (based on Moscow plans). Scale 1:2000

Development of diagrams of the historical stages of the formation of the planning and development of households (based on archival materials). Scale 1:2000

Development of a periodization scheme (chronological characteristics) for the development of the survey area. Scale 1:2000

Development of a scheme for the conservation status and historical and cultural value of the development of the survey area. Scale 1:2000

Note: if it is necessary to develop diagrams at a scale of 1:500, a coefficient of 1.2 is applied to the base prices.

Table 3.10

Development of text material

Note: printed sheet - 24 pages, A-4 format, 1.5 intervals.

3.3. Development reference plan and requirements for ensuring the preservation and regeneration of the historical and urban environment

Table 3.11

Job title

Base price (RUB)

Area of ​​study territory in hectares up to:

for every subsequent 5.0 hectares add

Development of a historical and urban planning reference plan

Development of requirements for ensuring the preservation and regeneration of the historical and urban environment

Table 3.12

The value of coefficients taking into account the location of the territory in the city

Note: coefficient values ​​apply to tables 3.9 and 3.11.

Table 3.13

Drawing up information cards

Table 3.14

Photographic recording, exhibition (demonstration) materials

Job title

Base price (RUB)

Determination of photographic recording points, organization and conduct of photography, photographic recording of valuable elements and materials, taking into account computer processing of photo-illustrative materials; installation of panoramas (number of photo illustrations or panoramas up to 30)

Computer construction of full-scale photo recording schemes

Album compilation

Preparation of exhibition (demonstration) materials (1 A0 tablet)

Note: when increasing the number of photo illustrations or panoramas, the following coefficients are applied to the base price of item 1 of the table:

Up to 50 photos or panoramas K = 1.15;

Up to 70 photos or panoramas K = 1.3;

Over 70 photos or panoramas K = 1.5.


Examples of calculating the cost of work

Example 1. Calculation of the cost of conducting a historical and cultural survey (cultural heritage site) of an area of ​​2 hectares of a household with 3 buildings of the 19th century (II category of complexity):

Building No. 1: V=5000 m 3

Building No. 2: V=17000 m 3

Building No. 2: V=3000 m 3

Name of works


Base price


Preliminary work:

v. 3.2, pp. 2-6

Historical, archival, bibliographic research

approx. 4 part 3.3

Home ownership survey

Inspection of a building 5 thousand m 3

Inspection of a building 17 thousand m 3

v. 3.6, paragraph 2 “d”, “f”

Inspection of a building 3 thousand m 3

Preparation of floor plans of inspected buildings 5 ​​thousand m 3

Preparation of floor plans of inspected buildings 17 thousand m 3

t. 3.8 "d", "f"

Preparation of floor plans of inspected buildings 3 thousand m 3

Development of a construction periodization scheme for a building of 5 thousand m 3

Development of a construction periodization scheme for a building of 17 thousand m 3

v. 3.8, “d”, “e”

Development of a construction periodization scheme for a building of 3 thousand m 3

Zoning of the building according to historical and architectural value 5 thousand m 2

Zoning of the building according to historical and architectural value 7 thousand m 3

v. 3.8, “d”, “e”

Zoning of the building according to historical and architectural value 3 thousand m 3

Historical and archival information

Preparation of a conclusion with conclusions

Photo recording

Computer construction of photographic recording schemes

Album compilation

Preparation of demonstration materials

Total base cost:

Example 2. Calculation of the cost of conducting a historical and cultural survey (cultural heritage site) of an area of ​​1 hectare of household with 2 buildings of the 20th century (I category of complexity):

Building No. 1: V=800 m 3

Building No. 2: V=2300 m 3

Name of works


Base price


Preliminary work:

Familiarization with the documentation;

Preliminary field survey

v. 3.2, pp. 1-6

Home ownership survey

Inspection of the structure 0.8 thousand m 3

v. 3.6, art. "b"

Inspection of a building 2.3 thousand m 3

Preparation of floor plans for inspected buildings 0.8 thousand m

v. 3.8, art. "G"

Preparation of floor plans for inspected buildings 2.3 thousand m 3

Development of a construction periodization scheme for a structure of 0.8 thousand m 3

Development of a construction periodization scheme for a building of 2.3 thousand m 3

Scheme of the current position of the object in question and the adjacent territory

Drawing up a building information card

Photo recording

Album compilation

Total base cost:

The cost of design at current prices is determined by formula (4.1) of the “General guidelines for the application of Moscow regional recommendations. MRR-1.1-16" and amounts to:

C (t) = 103,117.85x3.533 = 364,315.36 rub.

where K per = 3.533 is the conversion factor (inflationary change) of the base cost of design work at the current price level in the fourth quarter of 2016 to prices in 2000 (according to the order of Moskomekspertiza dated January 21, 2016 No. MKE-OD/16-1).


Moscow City Committee on Pricing Policy in Construction and State Expertise of Projects


Collection 8.1


Collection 8.1 “Historical and cultural studies. MRR-8.1-16" (hereinafter referred to as the Collection) was developed by specialists from the State Autonomous Institution "NIAC" (S.V. Lakhaev, E.A. Igoshin, A.V. Tarasova) with the participation of specialists from the State Unitary Enterprise "NIiPI General Plan of Moscow" (S.N. Vaskina, M.S. Kuzmina).

The collection was approved and put into effect on January 9, 2017 by order of the Moscow City Committee on pricing policy in construction and state examination of projects dated December 29, 2016 No. MKE-OD" 16-75.

The collection is an integral part of the Unified Regulatory Framework of the Ministry of Regional Development.

The collection was developed to replace MRR- (section 4.1).

Building inspection

Table 3.6



Basic prices (RUB)

Volume of the building in thousand m* up to:

For every subsequent 5.0 thousand m 3 add

Note: a building is considered as an independent object of research only in the case when historical and cultural research is carried out in order to determine the protective status of a real estate object and when developing the subject of protection of a cultural heritage object.

Table 3.7


Difficulty Characteristics

Buildings with a downtime construction history and no alterations

Buildings with a simple construction history, having

minor alterations and minor losses of the original appearance

Buildings with a complex construction history and significant losses of their original appearance

Buildings with a complex construction history, a large number of alterations, significant loss of the original appearance

Scientific and analytical work

Table 3.8

Base price (RUB)

Volume of the building in thousand m 1 to:

Job title

For every subsequent 5.0 thousand m 3 add

Preparation of floor plans of surveyed buildings for conducting a historical and cultural survey

Continuation of Table 3.8

Base price (r\6.)

Volume of the building in thousand m’ up to:

Job title

For every subsequent 5.0 thousand m add

Development of a construction periodization scheme for the building (based on floor plans). Scale 1:200

Zoning of a building (based on floor plans) according to historical and architectural value and degree of preservation of the layout and architectural and artistic design of interiors (for cultural heritage sites and especially valuable elements of historical buildings). Scale 1:200

Table 3.9

Name of works

Base price (r\b.)

Area of ​​study territory in hectares up to:

Development of a scheme for the preservation of the compositional and planning structure of the survey area. Scale 1:2000

Development of a scheme for reconstructing the compositional and planning structure of the survey area (based on Moscow plans). Scale 1:2000

Development of diagrams of the historical stages of the formation of the planning and development of households (based on archival materials). Scale 1:2000

Development of a periodization scheme (chronological characteristics) for the development of the survey area. Scale 1:2000

Note: if it is necessary to develop diagrams at a scale of 1:500, a coefficient of 1.2 is applied to the base prices.

Note: printed sheet - 24 pages, A-4 format, 1.5 intervals.

3.3. Development of a reference plan and requirements for ensuring the conservation and regeneration of ns goriko-i radio roi gelnon environment

Table 3.11

Job title

Basic tssna (rub-)

Area of ​​study territory

ries in ha to:

for every subsequent 5.0 hectares add

Development of a historical and urban planning reference plan

Development of requirements for ensuring the preservation and regeneration of the historical and urban environment

The value of coefficients taking into account the location of the territory in the city

Note: coefficient values ​​apply to tables 3.9 and 3.11.

Photography, exhibition (demonstration) materials

Note: when increasing the number of photo illustrations or panoramas, the following coefficients are applied to the base price of item 1 of the table:

Up to 50 photos or panoramas K = 1.15;

Up to 70 photos or panoramas K = 1.3;

Over 70 photos or panoramas K = 1.5.


Examples of calculating the cost of work

Example 1. Calculation of the cost of conducting a historical and cultural survey (cultural heritage site) of a territory in a 2-hectare household with 3 buildings from the 19th century (II category of complexity):

Building Jfel: V=5000 m 1 Building No. 2: V=17000 m 1 Building No. 2: V=3000 m 1



Familiarization with the documentation;

Preliminary field survey

v. 3.2, pp. 2-6

Historical archival and bibliographic research

Home ownership survey

Inspection of a building 5 thousand m 3

Inspection of the building 17 thousand m

Inspection of a building 3 thousand m 3

Preparation of floor plans for inspected buildings 5 ​​thousand m

Preparation of floor plans of inspected buildings 17 thousand m 3

t. 3.8 "d", "f"

Preparation of floor plans of inspected buildings 3 thousand m 3

Development of a construction periodization scheme for a building of 5 thousand m 1

Introduction........................................................ ...................................... 4

1. General Provisions.............................................. ........................... 6

2. Methodology for determining the cost of work................................................... 8

3. Basic prices......................................................... .................................. 9

Application. Examples of calculating the cost of work................................... 16 1


This Collection 8.1 “Historical and cultural research. MRR-8.1-16" (hereinafter referred to as the Collection) was developed by specialists in accordance with state assignments.

This Collection is intended for use by government customers, design and other interested organizations when calculating the initial (maximum) prices of contracts and determining the cost of conducting comprehensive historical and cultural research carried out with the involvement of funds from the budget of the city of Moscow.

When developing the Collection, the following normative and methodological documents were used:

Federal Law of June 25, 2002 No. 73-FZ “On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 12, 2015 No. 972 “On approval of the Regulations on zones for the protection of cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation and on the recognition as invalid of certain provisions of regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation”;

Decree of the Moscow Government of December 16, 1997 No. 881 “On approval of protection zones in the central part of Moscow (within the Garden Ring)”;

Decree of the Moscow Government of July 7, 1998 No. 545 “On approval of protection zones of the central part of Moscow (within the Kamer-Kollezhsky Val)”;

Decree of the Moscow Government of December 28, 1999 No. 1215 “On approval of zones for the protection of historical and cultural monuments of Moscow (in the territory between Kamer-Kollezhsky Val and the administrative border of the city)”;

Collection 8.3 “Visual landscape analysis. MRR-8.3-16";

Collection 8.4 “Research and design work on the restoration of historical and cultural monuments. MRR-8.4-16";

Collection 1.1 “General guidelines for the application of Moscow regional recommendations. MRR-1.1-16";

Collection 9.1 “Methodology for calculating the cost of scientific, normative, methodological, design and other types of work (services) based on standardized labor costs. МРР-9.1-16".


1.1. This Collection is methodological basis to determine the cost of conducting comprehensive historical and cultural studies of neighborhoods, microdistricts, and territories of individual households in the city of Moscow.

1.2. When determining the cost of work based on this Collection, you should also be guided by the provisions of Collection 1.1 “General guidelines for the application of Moscow regional recommendations. MRR-1.1-16".

1.3. Bringing the base cost of work, determined in accordance with this Collection, to the current price level is carried out by applying a conversion factor (inflationary change), approved in the prescribed manner.

1.4. This Collection presents basic prices for the following works:

Preliminary work of historical and cultural research at the pre-project stage;

Comprehensive research work:

a) historical and cultural works, bibliographic research;

b) field studies;

1.5. The basic prices of the Collection take into account and do not require additional payment the costs of performing the work listed in paragraphs 3.3-3.5 of the MRR-1.1-16.

1.6. The following works are not taken into account by the basic prices of the Collection:

Carrying out engineering surveys of the territory;

Building measurements;

Archaeological research;

Development of a project for the boundaries of the territory for the protection of a cultural object


1.7. The cost of work not taken into account in this Collection is determined according to the relevant MRR collections, taking into account the coefficient for the composition of work or labor costs based on Collection 9.1 “Methodology for calculating the cost of scientific, normative, methodological, design and other types of work (services) based on standardized labor costs. МРР-9.1-16".

1.8. The development of technical specifications and the collection of initial and reference data are the functions of the customer and, when entrusting this work to a design organization, their cost is determined in addition to the cost of design work and is paid from the funds for the maintenance of the customer.

1.9. The basic prices of the Collection also do not take into account the associated costs given in paragraph 3.6 of the MRR-1.1-16.


2.1. The basic cost of performing work to determine complex historical and cultural research is calculated on the basis of basic prices using the formula:

С = 11 xIIKiXK , (2.1)

(b) (b) " cf

C(b) - basic cost of work for one object (rub.);

C<б>- base price of work (RUB);

p[ K - the product of all coefficients K*, except for the coefficient i=i taking into account the reduction in design time, should not

exceed values ​​of 2.0;

Kcf is a correction factor that takes into account the degree of completeness of the work.

2.3. Basic prices given in tables 3.1, 3.4, 3.9 with natural

“ha” indicators can be used to determine the cost of development

section “Historical and urban assessment of the territory” as part of the project

planning and territorial schemes.

2.4. The cost of research is determined depending on the category of complexity of the objects being examined. The Collection contains a system of categories of complexity of historical and cultural research for various objects of examination.

2.5. When performing field research and photographic recording during an unfavorable period of the year (from October 20 to March 31), a coefficient of 1.15 is applied to the cost of work.

3.1. Preliminary work

Scope of preliminary work

Table 3.2

Name of works

Familiarization with the customer’s assignment and the documentation presented by him

Familiarization with design, security, and research documentation in organizations of the relevant profile

Preliminary analysis of the surveyed area

Collection and preliminary study of literary and graphic sources

Development of a program for the composition of documentation for a comprehensive survey

Preparation of geological basis for historical and cultural surveys (unloading)

3.2. Comprehensive research work Historical, archival, bibliographical 1pyskanpya

Table 3.3

Number of buildings in a household up to:

Basic central tax (r\b.)

time of formation of homeownership

XVII century and earlier


1. Percentage of work stages:

a) compilation of a bibliographic list and inventory of archival files - 20%;

b) extracts from archival and bibliographic sources, viewing museum and archival funds, engravings, watercolors, etc. - 80%.

2. When working in several archives, repositories and libraries, a coefficient of 1.2 is applied.

3. If the number of buildings in households exceeds 8, a coefficient of 1.1 is applied for every 3 subsequent buildings.

4. When simultaneously conducting historical, archival and bibliographic research on an ensemble or complex of monuments belonging to the same historical period, a correction factor is applied (depending on the number of objects in the ensemble or complex of monuments):

Up to 5 objects K=0.8;

Up to 10 objects K=0.6;

More than 10 objects K=0.4.

When determining the number of historical buildings, technical inventory data is used.

Field studies






Collection 8.1 "Historical and cultural research. MRR-8.1-16" (hereinafter referred to as the Collection) was developed by specialists from the State Institution "NIAC" (S.V. Lakhaev, E.A. Igoshin, A.V. Tarasova) with the participation of specialists from the State Unitary Enterprise "NIiPI" General Plan of Moscow" (S.N. Vaskina, M.S. Kuzmina).

The collection was approved and put into effect on January 9, 2017 by order of the Moscow City Committee on pricing policy in construction and state examination of projects dated December 29, 2016 No. MKE-OD/16-75.

The collection is an integral part of the Unified Regulatory Framework of the Ministry of Regional Development.

The collection was developed to replace MRR- (section 4.1).


This Collection 8.1 "Historical and cultural research. MRR-8.1-16" (hereinafter referred to as the Collection) was developed by specialists in accordance with the state assignment.

This Collection is intended for use by government customers, design and other interested organizations when calculating the initial (maximum) prices of contracts and determining the cost of conducting comprehensive historical and cultural research carried out with the involvement of funds from the budget of the city of Moscow.

When developing the Collection, the following normative and methodological documents were used:

Federal Law of June 25, 2002 N 73-FZ “On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation”;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 12, 2015 N 972 “On approval of the Regulations on zones for the protection of cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation and on the recognition as invalid of certain provisions of regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation”;

Decree of the Moscow Government of December 16, 1997 N 881 “On approval of protection zones of the central part of Moscow (within the Garden Ring)”;

Decree of the Moscow Government of July 7, 1998 N 545 “On approval of protection zones of the central part of Moscow (within the Kamer-Kollezhsky Val)”;

Decree of the Moscow Government of December 28, 1999 N 1215 “On approval of zones for the protection of historical and cultural monuments of Moscow (in the territory between Kamer-Kollezhsky Val and the administrative border of the city)”;

Collection 8.3 "Visual landscape analysis. MRR-8.3-16";

Collection 8.4 "Scientific and design work on the restoration of historical and cultural monuments. MRR-8.4-16";

Collection 1.1 "General guidelines for the application of Moscow regional recommendations. MRR-1.1-16";

Collection 9.1 "Methodology for calculating the cost of scientific, normative, methodological, design and other types of work (services) based on standardized labor costs. MRR-9.1-16."

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Collection is a methodological basis for determining the cost of conducting comprehensive historical and cultural studies of neighborhoods, microdistricts, and the territories of individual households in the city of Moscow.

1.2. When determining the cost of work based on this Collection, you should also be guided by the provisions of Collection 1.1 “General guidelines for the application of the Moscow regional recommendations. MRR-1.1-16”.

1.3. Bringing the base cost of work, determined in accordance with this Collection, to the current price level is carried out by applying a conversion factor (inflationary change), approved in the prescribed manner.

1.4. This Collection presents basic prices for the following works:

Preliminary work of historical and cultural research at the pre-project stage;

Comprehensive research work:

a) historical and cultural works, bibliographic research;

b) field studies;

1.5. The basic prices of the Collection take into account and do not require additional payment the costs of performing the work listed in paragraphs 3.3-3.5 of the MRR-1.1-16.

1.6. The following works are not taken into account by the basic prices of the Collection:

Carrying out engineering surveys of the territory;

Building measurements;

Archaeological research;

Development of a draft boundary for the protection area of ​​a cultural heritage site.

1.7. The cost of work not taken into account by this Collection is determined according to the relevant MRR collections, taking into account the coefficient for the composition of work or labor costs based on Collection 9.1 "Methodology for calculating the cost of scientific, normative, methodological, design and other types of work (services) based on standardized labor costs. MRR -9.1-16".

1.8. The development of technical specifications and the collection of initial and reference data are the functions of the customer, and when this work is entrusted to a design organization, its cost is determined in addition to the cost of design work and is paid from the funds for the maintenance of the customer.

1.9. The basic prices of the Collection also do not take into account the associated costs given in paragraph 3.6 of the MRR-1.1-16.

2. Methodology for determining the cost of work

2.1. The basic cost of performing work to determine complex historical and cultural research is calculated on the basis of basic prices using the formula:

C (b) - basic cost of work for one object (rub.);

C (b) - base price of work (RUB);

- the product of all coefficients K i , except for the coefficient taking into account the reduction in design time, should not exceed the value of 2.0;

Kcf is a correction factor that takes into account the degree of completeness of the work.

2.3. The base prices given in tables 3.1, 3.4, 3.9 with natural indicators “ha” can be used when determining the cost of developing the section “Historical and urban assessment of the territory” as part of the planning project and territorial schemes.

2.4. The cost of research is determined depending on the category of complexity of the objects being examined. The Collection contains a system of categories of complexity of historical and cultural research for various objects of examination.

2.5. When performing field studies and photographic recordings during an unfavorable period of the year (from October 20 to March 31), a coefficient of 1.15 is applied to the cost of work.

3. Basic prices

3.1. Preliminary work

Table 3.1

Base price (RUB)

Territory area in hectares up to:

Table 3.2


Name of works

Familiarization with the customer’s assignment and the documentation presented by him

Familiarization with design, security, and research documentation in organizations of the relevant profile

Preliminary analysis of the surveyed area

Collection and preliminary study of literary and graphic sources

Development of a program for the composition of documentation for a comprehensive survey

Preparation of geological basis for historical and cultural surveys (unloading)

3.2. Comprehensive research work Historical, archival, bibliographic research

Table 3.3

Number of buildings in a household up to:

Base price (RUB)

Time of formation of home ownership

XVII century and earlier


1. Percentage of work stages:

a) compilation of a bibliographic list and inventory of archival files - 20%;

b) extracts from archival and bibliographic sources, viewing museum and archival funds, engravings, watercolors, etc. - 80%.

2. When working in several archives, repositories and libraries, a coefficient of 1, 2 is applied.

3. When the number of buildings in households exceeds 8, a coefficient of 1 is applied, 1 for every 3 subsequent buildings.

4. When simultaneously conducting historical, archival and bibliographic research on an ensemble or complex of monuments belonging to the same historical period, a correction factor is applied (depending on the number of objects in the ensemble or complex of monuments):

Up to 5 objects K = 0.8;

Up to 10 objects K = 0.6;

More than 10 objects K = 0.4.

When determining the number of historical buildings, technical inventory data is used.

Field studies

Table 3.4


Table 3.5


Table 3.6


Basic prices (RUB)

Volume of the building in thousand m3 up to:

Note: a building is considered as an independent object of research only in the case when historical and cultural research is carried out in order to determine the protective status of a real estate object and when developing the subject of protection of a cultural heritage object.

Table 3.7

Difficulty Characteristics

Buildings with a simple construction history and no alterations

Buildings with a simple construction history, with minor alterations and minor losses of the original appearance

Buildings with a complex construction history and significant losses of their original appearance

Buildings with a complex construction history, a large number of alterations, significant loss of the original appearance

Scientific and analytical work

Table 3.8

Job title

Base price (RUB)

Volume of the building in thousand m3 up to:

For every subsequent 5.0 thousand m 3 add

Preparation of floor plans of surveyed buildings for conducting a historical and cultural survey

Development of a construction periodization scheme for the building (based on floor plans). Scale 1:200

Zoning of the building (based on floor plans) according to historical and architectural value and the degree of preservation of the layout and architectural and artistic design of the interiors (for cultural heritage sites and especially valuable elements of historical buildings). Scale 1:200

Table 3.9

Name of works

Base price (RUB)

for every subsequent 5.0 hectares add

Development of a scheme for the preservation of the compositional and planning structure of the survey area. Scale 1:2000

Development of a scheme for reconstructing the compositional and planning structure of the survey area (based on Moscow plans). Scale 1:2000

Development of diagrams of the historical stages of the formation of the planning and development of households (based on archival materials). Scale 1:2000

Development of a periodization scheme (chronological characteristics) for the development of the survey area. Scale 1:2000

Development of a scheme for the conservation status and historical and cultural value of the development of the survey area. Scale 1:2000

Note: if it is necessary to develop diagrams at a scale of 1:500, a coefficient of 1, 2 is applied to the base prices.

Table 3.10


Note: printed sheet - 24 pages, A-4 format, 1.5 intervals.

3.3. Development of a reference plan and requirements for ensuring the preservation and regeneration of the historical and urban environment

Table 3.11

Job title

Base price (RUB)

Area of ​​study territory in hectares up to:

for every subsequent 5.0 hectares add

Development of a historical and urban planning reference plan

Development of requirements for ensuring the preservation and regeneration of the historical and urban environment

Table 3.12


Note: coefficient values ​​apply to tables 3.9 and 3.11.

Table 3.13


Table 3.14


Name of works

Base price (RUB)

Determination of photographic recording points, organization and conduct of photography, photographic recording of valuable elements and materials, taking into account computer processing of photo-illustrative materials; installation of panoramas (number of photo illustrations or panoramas up to 30)

Computer construction of full-scale photo recording schemes

Album compilation

Preparation of exhibition (demonstration) materials (1 A0 tablet)

Note: when increasing the number of photo illustrations or panoramas, the following coefficients are applied to the base price of item 1 of the table:

Up to 50 photos or panoramas K = 1.15;

Up to 70 photos or panoramas K = 1, 3;

Over 70 photos or panoramas K = 1.5.


to the Collection


Example 1. Calculation of the cost of conducting a historical and cultural survey (cultural heritage site) of an area of ​​2 hectares of a household with 3 buildings of the 19th century (II category of complexity):

Building N 1: V = 5000 m 3

Building N 2: V = 17000 m 3

Building N 2: V = 3000 m 3

Name of works


Base price


Preliminary work:

v. 3.2, pp. 2-6

Historical, archival, bibliographic research

approx. 4 part 3.3

Home ownership survey

Inspection of a building 5 thousand m 3

Inspection of a building 17 thousand m 3

v. 3.6, paragraph 2 "d", "f"

Inspection of a building 3 thousand m 3

Preparation of floor plans of inspected buildings 5 ​​thousand m 3

Preparation of floor plans of inspected buildings 17 thousand m 3

v. 3.8, "d", "f"

Preparation of floor plans of inspected buildings 3 thousand m 3

Development of a construction periodization scheme for a building of 5 thousand m 3

Development of a construction periodization scheme for a building of 17 thousand m 3

v. 3.8, "d", "f"

Development of a construction periodization scheme for a building of 3 thousand m 3

Zoning of the building according to historical and architectural value 5 thousand m 3

Zoning of the building according to historical and architectural value 7 thousand m 3

v. 3.8, "d", "f"

Zoning of the building according to historical and architectural value 3 thousand m 3

Historical and archival information

Preparation of a conclusion with conclusions

Photo recording

Computer construction of photographic recording schemes

Album compilation

Preparation of demonstration materials

Total base cost:

C (T) = 103117, 85 x 3, 533 = 364315, 36 rubles.

Example 2. Calculation of the cost of conducting a historical and cultural survey (cultural heritage site) of an area of ​​1 hectare of household with 2 buildings of the 20th century (I category of complexity):

Building N 1: V = 800 m 3

Building N 2: V = 2300 m 3

Name of works


Base price


Preliminary work:

Familiarization with the documentation;

Preliminary field survey

v. 3.2, pp. 1-6

Home ownership survey

Inspection of a building 0.8 thousand m3

v. 3.6, art. "b"

Inspection of building 2, 3 thousand m 3

Preparation of floor plans for inspected buildings 0.8 thousand m3

v. 3.8, art. "G"

Preparation of floor plans for inspected buildings 2, 3 thousand m 3

Development of a construction periodization scheme for a building 0.8 thousand m 3

Development of a construction periodization scheme for buildings 2.3 thousand m 3

Scheme of the current position of the object in question and the adjacent territory

Drawing up a building information card

Photo recording

Album compilation

Total base cost:

The cost of design at current prices is determined by formula (4.1) of the General guidelines for the application of Moscow regional recommendations. MRR-1.1-16 and amounts to:

C (t) = 103117, 85 x 3, 533 = 364315, 36 rub.

where K per = 3.533 is the conversion factor (inflationary change) of the base cost of design work to the current price level of the fourth quarter of 2016 to prices in 2000 (according to the order of Moskomekspertiza dated January 21, 2016 N MKE-OD/16-1).

Objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) on the territory of the Russian Federation represent a unique value not only for the historical and cultural heritage of our country, but are also an integral part of the global cultural heritage. In the Russian Federation, objects of cultural heritage, which include objects of archaeological heritage , are under state protection.

Therefore, any construction and reconstruction of new objects and buildings should begin only after conducting archaeological research and obtaining approval (permission) for the work from the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Culture for the protection of monuments and cultural heritage sites.

Work on conducting historical, cultural and archaeological research is part of engineering and environmental surveys for the development of pre-project documentation. Engineering surveys for construction are a type of construction activity that provides a comprehensive study of the natural and man-made conditions of the territory (region, district, site, site, route) of construction projects , making forecasts for the interaction of these objects with environment, justification for their engineering protection and safe living conditions for the population for making basic technical decisions.

Types and scope of work during historical, cultural and field archaeological research (reconnaissance):

  • Collection and comprehensive analysis of literary, archival and museum materials relating to historical and cultural monuments and territories where research is expected to be conducted. Inventory of archaeological heritage sites
  • Field archaeological reconnaissance - a scientific survey of a territory and/or water area with the aim of identifying and initial field study of new archaeological monuments, as well as obtaining new data on previously identified archaeological monuments
  • Archaeological exploration sites are recorded on maps at a scale of at least 1:200,000
  • Determining the presence (identification) of cultural heritage objects
  • Laying exploration pits, clearing outcrops or probing, followed by reclamation;
  • Photographic recording of the work, fully and accurately conveying the relief features and topographic situation
  • Collection of excavated material indicating the location of finds (clusters) and drawing up an inventory indicating data about each find
  • Office work, including writing a report on historical and cultural research and archaeological exploration
  • Development of the section “Protection of cultural heritage sites” as part of the Volume “Engineering and environmental research”
  • Coordination with federal and territorial authorities for the protection of cultural objects
  • When objects of cultural and archaeological heritage are discovered, carrying out a full range of rescue operations of cultural heritage objects I.

Basic legal and technical documentation used when carrying out historical, cultural and field archaeological work:

  • Federal Law “On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation” No. 73-FZ dated June 25, 2002 (as amended on March 9, 2016).
  • Order of the Federal Service for Supervision of Compliance with Legislation in the Field of the Protection of Cultural Heritage dated February 3, 2009 No. 15 “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for issuing permits (open sheets) for the right to carry out work to identify and study objects of archaeological heritage.”
  • “Regulations on the procedure for conducting field archaeological work (archaeological excavations and exploration) and drawing up scientific reporting documentation”, approved by a resolution of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences Russian Academy Sciences dated January 30, 2013 No. 17
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 15, 2009 No. 569 (as amended on June 9, 2015) “On approval of the Regulations on state historical and cultural expertise.”
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 12, 2015 No. 972 “Regulations on zones for the protection of cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation.”
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 20, 2014 No. 127 “On approval of the rules for issuing, suspending and terminating the validity of permits (open sheets) for carrying out work to identify and study objects of archaeological heritage.”
  • “Regulations on the procedure for conducting archaeological field work and drawing up scientific reporting documentation”, approved by the Decree of the Bureau of the Department of Historical and Philological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences dated November 27, 2013 No. 85. Order of the USSR Ministry of Culture dated May 13, 1986 No. 203 “Instructions on the procedure for recording, ensuring the safety, maintenance, use and restoration of immovable historical and cultural monuments.”
  • Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated September 16, 1982 No. 865 (as amended on December 29, 1989, as amended on June 25, 2002) Regulations “On the protection and use of historical and cultural monuments.”
  • Guidelines for carrying out archaeological design work in areas of national economic construction. M., Institute of Archeology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1990. Federal Law of the Russian Federation On amendments to the Federal Law “On objects of cultural heritage (cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation” dated October 22, 2014 No. 315 - Federal Law

Features of the Department of Historical and Cultural Research:

  • Experience in more than 50 projects to survey the territories of the Russian Federation (Priority areas for field archaeological work are Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Komi Republic and other territories).
  • All work is carried out on the basis of licenses and “Open Sheets” issued by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.
  • The presence of three certified experts from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation on staff

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