Home Prevention Who should you pray to in difficult situations? Who's going to mow? Prayer of the holy righteous John of Kronstadt, protecting from despondency

Who should you pray to in difficult situations? Who's going to mow? Prayer of the holy righteous John of Kronstadt, protecting from despondency

Since ancient times, the Church has had the custom of turning in prayer, not only to the Lord Himself, but also to the Mother of God and the Saints. Do we not offend the greatness of God by this? The great prayer book, holy righteous John of Krondstadt, writes about it this way: “Today I doubted, of course, because the evil one instigated me, about one turn in one prayer, namely: “You alone have the power to forgive sins through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all the saints.” thought: “How does God have the power to forgive sins through the prayers of His Most Pure Mother and saints, and not Himself independently?” And without the prayers of others He has power, of course He alone has power; but in order to honor the high virtues of the saints, especially His most pure Mother, who are His friends, who pleased Him to the last strength in earthly life; He accepts their prayerful intercessions for us, the unworthy, for us who often must stop our lips because of our great and frequent falls into sin. Remember Moses, who interceded for the Jewish people and interceded for their life from the angry Lord. Who will not say that even without Moses the Lord could have spared His people, but then the Lord would have been, so to speak, unjust, giving them life, unworthy of life, when He Himself determined to kill them. And when Moses began to intercede - a righteous, meek and humble man - then the eyes of the just God rested on the righteous man, on his love for God and for his people, and for the sake of his merits the Lord had mercy on the unworthy, and for the sake of the righteous on the unrighteous. So now, through the prayer of His Most Pure Mother, He has mercy on us, who in themselves, for their great and frequent sins and iniquities, would be unworthy of His mercy.” “The saints fulfilled the word of the Lord; The Lord fulfills their word; They did for Him - He did for them. That is why the Lord quickly fulfills the prayers of the saints for us.”

While living on earth, the saints pleased God by fulfilling His commandments about love for God and neighbors. Out of this great love, they prayed for other people, asking God for what they needed. Moreover, after their death, when they have moved into eternity and stand before the face of God, they pray for us. You just need to clearly understand that, as the righteous John of Kronstadt writes, the prayers of the saints and Holy Mother of God have the power of intercession solely by the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, by virtue of the great intercessory sacrifice of the Son of God on the cross. This is a reward from the Lord according to the merits of the saints. And, in addition, Father John warns: “The Lord accepts the intercessions of saints for sinful people when the sins of these latter do not exceed the measure of God’s forbearance.”

Resorting to the help of saints in our troubles, sorrows and illnesses, let us not forget that The best way to get rid of great troubles and grave sorrows in life - to avoid sin, to live according to the will of God, according to His commandments, and the best spiritual medicine for any illness is repentance of sins, unction, communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

It is no coincidence, by the way, that there are no prayers for protection from all kinds of sorcerers, sorcerers, and magicians in church books. Such prayers began to be composed independently only in last years. According to the unanimous opinion of the holy fathers, a person who tries to live according to the commandments of God, who sincerely repents of his sins and partakes of the Body and Blood of Christ, “no enchantment or sorcery can harm” (the answer of St. Athanasius of Athos, given in his life) .

Of course, we need the help of the saints. According to Father John of Krondstadt, “the saints of God are great merchants, enriched with all spiritual treasures, all virtues, meekness, self-control, humility, patience, rich faith, hope and love. That is why we ask their holy prayers, as rich beggars, so that they help us in our spiritual poverty, so that they teach us to pray and succeed in Christian virtues, so that they, as those who have boldness before God, pray for the remission of our sins and protect us from new ones "

Unfortunately, in Lately in the minds of some people, the host of Orthodox saints began to resemble a collection of pagan gods; this one is the god of fishing, this one is the patron of trade, this one is responsible for the eyes, this one is responsible for the stomach. Sometimes this even looks insulting towards the saint: he did not live for this, he lived for the sake of God, performed great feats, endured great suffering, often death, out of love for God, and we belittle the greatness of his life. In addition, it would be wrong to tie a saint to any specific private needs. Without a doubt, ANY SAINT IS POWERFUL TO HELP US IN ANY OF OUR NEEDS. And to that saint for whom we have a special love, a special heartfelt disposition, we can turn for help in any matter, with childlike simplicity and undoubted faith.

What, for example, do they pray to St. Seraphim of Sarov or Blessed Matrona of Moscow? Yes about everything. But, of course, there is also a tradition of prayer in front of some icons Mother of God and appeals to certain saints in certain circumstances, often based on real facts from the lives of saints, as well as from the centuries-old prayer experience of the Church. For example, the names of the icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Seeking the Lost,” “Education,” “Adding the Mind,” “Healer,” speak for themselves.

The icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa” became famous for its miraculous help in severe, incurable diseases, in particular cancer.

The Great Martyr Panteleimon studied medicine, and when he believed in Christ and was baptized, he healed people by invoking the name of Christ and prayer. Therefore, of course, when they are sick, people turn to him in prayer.

Both the Monk Agapit of Kiev-Pechersk and the holy unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian were unpaid doctors in earthly life.

In Illness, the Special Canon to the Lord and the Mother of God about the sick person is also read.

In prayer to righteous Martha and Mary, the holy sisters of righteous Lazarus, whom the Lord Jesus Christ loved, help is asked in acquiring those virtues that a Christian woman should have in order to please Christ.

Wanting to acquire humility, they most often pray St. Sergius Radonezh and Saint Mitrofan of Voronezh, who were extremely humble.

They pray to the holy spouses, Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom, for a blessing for marriage.

In front of the “Unexpected Joy” icon, people often pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for marriage, as well as for many other needs, for example, granting repentance to those who live in grave sins and do not repent. This icon depicts a repentant sinner who changed his life after a miracle from the image of the Mother of God and received from God the “unexpected joy” of forgiveness of sins through the prayers of the Mother of God.

It is natural for holy wives who have pleased God in marriage to pray for the granting of the virtues necessary for a Christian wife, for the ability to build a family life. These are the faithful princesses Anna Kashinskaya, Anna Novgorodskaya, Evdokia of Moscow, Olga Equal-to-the-Apostles, Juliania Lazarevskaya.

For the preservation of love they pray to the Apostle John the Theologian, who wrote so much about Christian love. To the holy spouses and martyrs Adrian and Natalia, who had not earthly affection for each other, but high Divine love.

They pray to the holy martyrs Guria, Samona and Aviv for a successful marriage, since their most famous miracle is the deliverance from imprisonment and death of a young woman whom a certain warrior tricked into marriage and tortured her.

They pray to the righteous saints Joachim and Anna for the gift of children, who did not have children for a very long time, until the Lord finally consoled them with the birth of the Blessed Virgin. You can also pray to these saints that your marriage will be truly Christian, because they pleased God precisely in marriage.

Traditionally, they pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for a successful birth in front of her Feodorovskaya icon, and they also pray to her for the gift of a long-awaited child.

Nursing mothers ask for help from the Mother of God in front of the Mammal image.

In the lives of St. Sergius of Radonezh and righteous John Kronstadsky describes how in childhood it was difficult for them to learn, they prayed with sorrow and the Lord miraculously enlightened their minds. Therefore, of course, mothers pray to these saints for their student children. There is also a request for help for children in their studies in the prayer to Saints Cosmas and Damian of Asia.

There are also petitions for children in prayers to the holy infant martyr Gabriel of Bialystok and the holy seven youths of Ephesus. According to tradition, they pray for children, for the arrangement of their future fate, and to St. Mitrophan of Voronezh.

For the upbringing of children they pray to the holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov, who themselves were little girls and their mother, Saint Sophia, who managed to raise three saints. It is natural to prayerfully seek help in family life and in raising children to St. Cyril and Mary, parents of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

The holy warriors, the Great Martyrs George the Victorious and Demetrius of Thessaloniki, pray for help to those who perform military service.

There is a tradition of praying to the Holy Great Martyr Barbara for deliverance from sudden death without repentance and communion.

People usually pray for those imprisoned to the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker and St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra. The Holy Great Martyr dedicated her life to easing the lot of Christians imprisoned: she brought them food, drink, clothing, bandaged their wounds, and with money bought for them some relief from the severity of their imprisonment. And after prayer to St. Nicholas, three governors, unjustly imprisoned, were released.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra, probably the most famous saint in the whole world. Based on facts from his life, they pray to him for help at sea, for those traveling, for the marriage of daughters, for extreme poverty, and for many other needs.

It is appropriate to ask the holy Angels for protection for yourself and your loved ones.

Traditionally, they pray to the righteous Philaret the Merciful for the arrangement of the family life of children, to whom the Lord helped arrange the fate of the children, despite the fact that the saint’s family fell into extreme poverty because of his extreme mercy. One of the saint’s daughters even married the emperor.

They turn to the holy martyr Charalampios for help in agriculture on the basis of his dying prayer. And for the preservation of livestock from diseases and other disasters they pray both to the Great Martyr George the Victorious and to the Hieromartyr Blasius, who asked that God send help to those who pray for help to man or livestock, remembering the name of God’s servant Blasius. In addition, one day, through the prayers of the saint, the wolf returned the piglet that had been stolen from the widow.

Based on their lives, they pray to the Holy Prophet Elijah and Saint Spyridon of Trimifunt for food for the family. There is also a tradition of turning to St. Spyridon in case of difficulties with housing.

The lives of Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg and Matrona of Moscow describe cases of their miraculous help in starting a family, when looking for work, and in many other cases.

The prayer of St. Paisius was so strong before God. that he was able to beg Him for forgiveness of the monks who had renounced Christ. Therefore, they pray to the monk for forgiveness of the grave sins of the living and for deliverance from the eternal torment of the dead.

In prayers to the saints there are often no petitions that correspond to our needs. In such cases, you can glorify the saint by reading an akathist, canon or troparion, and then express your request in your own words.

Saint of the "wide profile"

Everyone knows the miracle worker and ambulance Nicholas. Many drivers, even those who do not go to church regularly, know by heart the troparion to the saint, “The Rule of Faith and the Image of Meekness,” and read it every time they get behind the wheel. I do this myself. Saint Nicholas of Myra is considered the patron saint of travelers, because during the days of his earthly life he helped a lot to those in need along the way. They also pray to St. Nicholas for the marriage of their daughters, because at one time he took pity on the three daughters of an impoverished man and helped with their marriage. For the same reason, they pray to him for family well-being. They also pray to Saint Nicholas to save him from all sorts of troubles, since his life describes how he rescued the governors who were unjustly sentenced to execution. There are also other reasons (according to the expanded prayer book) because of which one should turn in prayer first of all to this saint.

Recently one of my parishioners lost mobile phone. He came up to me and asked me to read an akathist to St. John the Warrior. I was surprised to ask why to him. The answer was cheerful: “Who else should we pray to in this case?” I didn’t have an akathist to John the Warrior, so I suggested reading the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. He is, after all, a “wide-profile” saint.

It turns out that many saints have a fairly narrow specialization. From this point of view, it is indeed customary to pray to the martyr John the Warrior for the return of stolen goods, and, say, before an exhibition of bees - to the Monk Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky, going into the forest - to King Solomon, and so on. The general logic of this distribution is clear. We take the life of a saint, read about what he endured in life - that’s why he can help, what miracle he performed in his body, the same thing can be performed by those in Heaven. The narrowness of this approach is obvious. The Apostle Paul writes: “For we know in part, and we prophesy in part; But when that which is perfect comes, then that which is in part will cease. When I was a baby, I spoke like a child, thought like a child, reasoned like a child; and when he became a husband, he left behind his children. Now we see as if through a dark glass, fortune-telling, but then face to face; Now I know in part, but then I will know, even as I am known” (1 Cor. 13:9-12). Here the holy apostle speaks of the mystery of the future age, when the gifts of everyone will be revealed to perfection, and God will fill and perfect what is incomplete and imperfect. Surely the saints in Heaven are already on the threshold of this glory, and their gifts have been multiplied and expanded many times over. We try on our earthly shirt on them, and glue a label on each one.

Many modern preachers say that such a utilitarian attitude towards saints is echoes of our pagan past. But I also see something else. In paganism it was not quite like that. There were many gods, each of whom was responsible for his own field of human activity. “The Golden Calf” immediately comes to mind: “We were 50 children of Lieutenant Schmidt and we divided the entire Union...”. Also in the pagan pantheon there is no competition between the gods. Artemis is the patroness of hunting, Aphrodite - love, Aesculapius - medicine, and so on. The pagan mind understood that if you fell ill, you need to make a request to a higher being. But it could never have occurred to any Roman of the 1st century BC that if his leg hurt, he should pray to one god, if his throat hurt, he should pray to another, and his stomach, to a third. This was because at that time there were practically no divisions of doctors into narrow specialties. The healer was a healer for the whole body. The god Aesculapius was the same super healer for the whole body.

But in our time, medicine has developed extraordinary. We cannot imagine a gynecologist treating teeth or a surgeon treating the flu. We are always looking for a specific specialist in a narrow field. And we transfer these same relationships to the spiritual world. Therefore, we are no longer satisfied with the fact that there are generally recognized “free doctors and healers” to whom the Church turns, say, during unction. The mind, fragmented by sin, begins to look for in the life of each saint something to cling to. And it begins: for toothache, pray to the martyr Tryphon, the righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye - for eye diseases, St. Seraphim of Sarov - for leg diseases and the like. It's like a heavenly clinic! Room 20 - dentist martyr Tryphon, room 21 - ophthalmologist righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye... May the holy saints forgive me!

I’m not at all against praying to the martyr Tryphon when I have an unbearable toothache, but I’m wondering: if I change the signs on the offices, it won’t work? Let's say St. Seraphim can't, perhaps, help with toothache? And Simeon of Verkhoturye? As they like to write in some modern prayer books: “The saint (name) was given the grace to heal such and such.” Why does the martyr Tryphon help with toothache? Of course, not because during his execution the saint prayed, as it is written in the prayer book, that he would be given the grace to heal dental diseases (by the way, I never found these words in any of his life). He helps because he is a HOLY and can intercede before the Throne of the Most High for us. But Nicholas the Wonderworker, John the Baptist, and others can also intercede in exactly the same way. Martyr Tryphon helps with toothache, for he hears our prayers and has mercy on us. It would also help with travel and with finding the lost... When we “drive” the saints into the framework of a certain “specialization,” we humiliate the grace given to them. All our saints are “general profile” saints.

Yes, each of us, to one degree or another, is captive of these stereotypes. After all, I said at the beginning of the article that I myself read a prayer to St. Nicholas before starting the car. But at the same time, I know that if I pray, say, to St. Sergius of Radonezh, he will also try to guide my path kindly, just like St. Nicholas.

Figurine of St. Joseph, “patron saint of real estate dealers.” The inscription on the label: “Sell your house!”

It is easy to imagine what the distribution of saints according to duties by extracting certain fragments from their lives could lead to. To complete absurdity. You can pray to the prophet Elijah if you can’t light a fire, you can appeal to the prophet Moses if you are going to climb the mountains, you can turn to the Great Martyr Barbara if you are going to build a bathhouse... You can successfully declare Noah the patron saint of shipbuilding, St. Spyridon the patron saint of manufacturers of building materials and, in particular, brick, the prophet Elijah, the patron of runners (he ran in front of Ahab’s chariot for about 30 kilometers)…

The funny thing is that after this article is published, Internet search engines will index this page. And when some person who rarely goes to church types into Google: “Who to pray to when building a bathhouse,” it will come up short description this article mentioning the name of Saint Barbara and my wretched person. And it may happen that, without enough time to read the entire text, a person will pray to Saint Barbara, thinking that this priest has given his blessing to do so. And what is most absurd in this situation is that Saint Barbara will respond with her mercy if a person prays as needed.

So what am I indignant against? Against the humiliation of saints. Any saint can help us in any matter. If only we pray with attention, reverence and contrition. If only we asked for a good cause, thought about “the only thing needed” and sought the Kingdom of Heaven.

Yes, the Church has legislated in certain cases to turn to a specific saint. For example, to the prophet Elijah - during a rainless period. But even in the priestly Breviary there are only a few such prayers. The main body of prayers has a single addressee - the Lord God. I, of course, do not suggest going to the opposite extreme and praying only to God. This is clearly overkill. We need to follow the “royal path.”

It should be understood that the saint helps us not with his own power, but with the power of God. Therefore, a certain hierarchy should be observed in prayers. Most of our prayers should be addressed to the Perfecter of saints - God, then to the Most Holy Theotokos, and only then to the saints. This will be the “royal path”.

We address the saints not as little gods of the “Orthodox pantheon,” but as Christ’s closest friends. Just as the servants of the king of the earth, who are in close relationships with him, can say a word and decide someone’s fate, so the saints say a word of prayer for us before the Throne of the Lord, unite their holy prayer with our weak one, so that something will change in our lives .

So what is the criterion for choosing a saint to address? After all, praying to the saints is the same natural need of the Orthodox heart as praying to God. This criterion is our love for the holy. We must read the lives of the saints, study their works. From this, a special love for certain saints and a desire to pray to them is born in the soul. And such a saint, whom we honor as a father, will help us both in sorrow and in illness.

A similar situation prevails in the area of ​​veneration of icons. An icon is often torn away from its prototype and endowed with power in itself. Any icon helps a person insofar as the one who is depicted on it helps. Therefore, the desire to find an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “for every need” seems a little naive: the “Burning Bush” icon will protect the house from fire, the “Helper in Childbirth” icon will help women in labor, the “Mammal” icon – for nursing mothers, the “Inexhaustible Chalice” – for alcoholics, etc. .d. Again, I don't mind. Of course it will help. Only not an icon, but the Blessed Virgin Mary. And if a nursing mother prays before the Kazan icon, or a drinker prays before the Vladimir icon, the Mother of God will help them in the same way, because she will take pity on the mourners. Even if at the same time you read not the corresponding akathists, but the usual canon of the Mother of God (“Creation of Theostiriktus the monk”), which is in any prayer book. Because “with God no word will fail” (Luke 1:37), as Archangel Gabriel said to the Holy Virgin.

Let us, brothers and sisters, always seek an Orthodox understanding of certain things. Let us compare our understanding of Orthodoxy with the understanding of the holy fathers. Let us pray to the original source of miracles - the Lord God, His Most Pure Mother and all the saints who have pleased Him from the ages, may He have mercy and confirm us in the holy Orthodox faith. Amen.

Priest Sergius Begiyan

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The most powerful prayer for the health of a sick person is a prayer said with deep faith, sincerity and sincerity. Such prayer works even at a distance, often works real miracles, sometimes proving stronger than the most expensive medications.

It is allowed to read a prayer for the health of the sick both within the walls of the temple and at home, in front of the icons of saints. You can ask for health and healing from illness both for yourself and for your family and friends (parents, children, husband, wife, other relatives and friends). However, before turning to the saints with a request, you must make sure that the sick person was baptized in the church. Of course, nothing and no one forbids praying for the health of a person who has not been baptized, but in this case the effectiveness can be significantly reduced.

Not only the most powerful prayer text, but also a church prayer service for health can help a patient recover from his illness. It is pronounced by clergy within the limits of liturgical health at the prior request of the customer. You can order a prayer service daily, or for a month, or for 40 days. In any case, it significantly increases the chances of recovery for a person defeated by the disease.

Any prayer is a positive energy message that has great power and gives faith in healing and hope for a bright future. It allows you to convey a positive attitude to the patient, during which his health begins to gradually improve, and his illness gradually recedes.

Often the course of the disease worsens due to the patient’s lack of peace of mind- you can say that a person is sick at heart. Prayer for health, in this case, improves the mental state of the sick person, restores lost peace to him, and helps him cope with tormenting fears and doubts.

With words of prayer for the health of the sick, believers most often turn to the Lord himself, to the Most Holy Theotokos, to the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow and to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The reason why people pray to the Almighty and the Mother of God for health is clear even without explanation: in the hierarchical ladder of the Higher Powers they occupy the highest positions. The fate of all life on Earth, including humanity, is concentrated in the hands of the Lord. The Most Holy Theotokos, who gave this sinful world a Savior, has always been the intercessor of the weak, covering them with her reliable maternal wing.

Believers turn their requests to Matronushka and Nicholas the Pleasant because these saints are among the most beloved and revered in Orthodox Christianity. Even during their earthly life, Blessed Matrona and the Wonderworker became famous for their gift of healing, and helped a considerable number of people find a miracle of healing. Evidence of this is thousands of stories recorded in church books and on Orthodox websites (Matrona of Moscow), preserved in ancient manuscripts, in Christian legends and traditions (Nikolai Ugodnik).

The most powerful Orthodox prayers for the health of the patient

To higher powers for healing

The peculiarity of this prayer is that it refers not to any specific representative of the Higher Powers, but to everyone: to the Lord himself, to the Mother of God, to all the saints and angels. That is why it is considered one of the most powerful prayers. If possible, it is better to read it within the walls of the temple. Instead of parentheses, it is necessary to mention the name of the patient who needs to be cured of the disease. The text is as follows:

To the Lord

Prayers asking for healing and health addressed to the Lord God should be read in front of the icon of the Savior, with lit candles. This can be done both in church and at home, if for some reason there is no opportunity to visit the temple yet.

First prayer the text of which is presented below can be read both for yourself and for your loved one or loved one. The phrases “God’s servant” can be replaced with “God’s servant,” and instead of parentheses, the name of the ill person can be given. Words:

Another prayer addressed to God, is also considered one of the most powerful. It asks for recovery. Strength can be increased many times over by ordering a magpie for health in the temple. Text:

Holy Mother of God

The first prayer addressed to Holy Virgin Maria, gives good health. It is also permitted to read it both in church and at home, and it is obligatory to read it in front of the holy image of the Mother of God. You can say prayer words for yourself, for your family and friends. Text:

Prayer Rule second prayer for health addressed to the Mother of God, similar to prayer rule first. To pronounce this text required condition- so that the patient is baptized. It is advisable to read this sacred text in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow.”

Matrona of Moscow

You can ask Blessed Elder Matrona for health and healing with the help of a universal prayer known to every deeply religious person. Its text has already appeared on our website several times, but we will present it again:

There is another special prayer with which they ask Matronushka for health. The words in it are:

Prayers to the Blessed Matrona must also be read before her face. But not in every church you can find the icon of Matronushka. But you can easily get out of the situation if you buy an icon with the image of the holy old woman for your home and begin to pray at home. Matrona usually does not refuse help to anyone, because she made a promise to help people even after her death.

To increase effectiveness, the Church recommends that before pronouncing it, surround yourself with good deeds: give alms, help everyone in need, make donations to the temple. Matrona of Moscow will definitely appreciate your mercy and generosity.

Nikolai Ugodnik

Those who want to get rid of ailments and gain health pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker. The prayer is read before the image of the holy elder (both in the temple and at home). You are allowed to read the prayer text both for yourself and for your relatives and loved ones, substituting the name of the sick person instead of brackets. Text:


When turning to representatives of Higher powers about healing and health, you cannot refuse drug treatment and all necessary medical examinations. It must be remembered that Higher power sometimes they help us through other people. Therefore, saying prayers and medical treatment should go in parallel, complement each other, and not oppose.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Each of us has moments in our lives when we simply need help from Above. In many everyday situations: in illnesses and illnesses; when applying for a job and at the beginning of any business; at a loss as to what to do and at a decision important issues; to preserve the family and when searching for our soul mate, we ask the Lord, the Mother of God and the saints to save, bless, preserve, protect and help us.

In a special need, it is best, in addition to lighting a candle and praying for what you ask, to order a prayer service and submit a note of health (repose) to the altar.

Which saints should we pray to for certain needs?

Turn to the Lord, especially if it concerns the correction of your life, repentance, recovery from addictions, passions. The closest Intercessor to us is the Most Pure Mother of God Who will always hear and bring your prayers to the Lord.

Of course, sometimes it is difficult for us to turn to the Lord Himself because we do not know how to do it correctly. But we have saints who always hear us, who will always bring your prayers to the Throne of God. They were once people too and understand all the sorrows of our earthly life. Therefore, it is often easy to contact them. In them we often find the most real faithful assistants and intercessors for our souls. You can ask any saint for any of your requests., especially if you have a special admiration for a certain saint. Many Orthodox Christians love St. Matronushka and ask her in every need and are heard. Some prefer St. Seraphim of Sarov, others prefer St. Sebastian of Karaganda. It is important that you believe that the saint you are turning to hears you.

Some saints during their lifetime especially helped in certain situations. For example, Saint Luke Voino-Yasenetsky was a surgeon and he especially helps in prayer about operations and making the correct diagnosis. The Icon of the Kazan Mother of God once showed a miracle of healing a blind man, and now people often pray to her for sight and healing of blindness. During his lifetime, Saint Boniface, being a simple man, loved to drink, but then, as we know from his life, he suffered a martyr’s death for Christ. And who, no matter how he, should pray for deliverance from this passion. After all, he knew what it was, what kind of torment it was. That is why some saints have a kind of “specialization”.

It is very good to read his life about the saint you are addressing. Then, believe me, it will become much closer and clearer to you, and the prayer will be more sincere.

I would like to say very briefly here about one negative phenomenon that is associated with the veneration of saints. The fact is that some perceive saints approximately the same way the pagans perceived their gods - according to the principle “which saint helps with what.” Such people come into church and ask: “Which saint should I light a candle to get an apartment?”, “Which saint should I pray for for a toothache?” etc.

We must remember that saints are not some gods from whom you can get something, and from each to their own. Saints are not experts in issuing apartments, stopping toothaches, or other similar things. There are, of course, saints who were doctors during their lifetime, and we turn to them with a request for healing, for example, the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon. Indeed, through the prayers of such saints, many healings occur. But in no case should you use a prayer to a saint as if it were some kind of idol that is needed only because you can get specific help from him.

Saints are first of all our heavenly friends who can help us in our progress on the path to salvation, on the path to God. And only secondarily saints are those who help us with specific everyday things.

So pray, the main thing is that your prayer comes from the depths of a warm heart and does not go against God’s will.

THOSE ICONS THAT ARE IN OUR TEMPLE WILL BE IN BOLD, AND A SMALL OR LARGE CHAIR IS INDICATED IN BRACKETS, by clicking on which you will follow a link and see where this or that icon is located in this chapel.

When deciding on any important matter and before starting it, they ask for help from the Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos, the Guardian Angel, and all the saints.

You can order a prayer service “for a good cause” or a prayer service “to the icon of the Mother of God of Abalatskaya”.

About healing from illnesses:

Icon of the Mother of God "Healer"

Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon,

to the unmercenaries and miracle workers Kosma and Damian,

Venerable Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth,

Saint Luke Voino-Yasenetsky (especially during operations);

Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan,

Saint Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow (eye disease);

to the holy prophet Moses (speech defects);
Blessed Matrona of Moscow (leg disease);
Holy Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John (head disease);
Icon of the Mother of God "Three Hands",

Saint Saint John of Damascus (hand disease);
Holy Hieromartyr Antipas (dental diseases);
the icon of the Mother of God "Vsetsaritsa" (oncological diseases);
Saint Agapit of Pechersk (women's diseases);
icon of the Mother of God "Mammal" (when children are sick).

For infertility:

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Semipalatinsk-Abalatskaya"

Saint Luke Voino-Yasenetsky
holy righteous Joachim and Anna;
to the holy prophet Zechariah and righteous Elizabeth.

To ensure a good pregnancy and successful delivery of the pregnancy:
icons of the Mother of God "Feodorovskaya", "Helper in Childbirth".

When breastfeeding:
Icon of the Mother of God "Mammal".

About a successful marriage:
Holy Mother of God;
Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.

To find a good bride:
To your patron saint.

About children and their improvement in life, so that they can find Good work:

Saint Mitrofan of Voronezh

On resolving problems in marriage and reconciling husband and wife:
holy martyrs and confessors Guria, Samon and Aviv;

Holy Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia.

About help in raising children:
icons of the Mother of God "Nursing" and "Mammal";
patron saints of their children.

For assistance in studying, for successfully passing exams (coursework, diplomas, tests, etc.):
Icon of the Mother of God "Addition of Mind";
Saint Venerable Sergius of Radonezh.

On resolving housing problems:
Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg;
Holy Blessed Matrona of Moscow.

About assistance in construction:
Holy Kiev-Pechersk architect.

About help in poverty and need and all sorts of everyday problems:

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Semipalatinsk-Abalatskaya",

Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky;
Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker;
Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg;
holy righteous Philaret the Merciful.

About returning lost items:
Holy Martyr Tryphon.

About travelers:
Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.

About assistance in trade matters (successful business, entrepreneurship):
Holy Great Martyr John the New of Sochava.

About getting rid of drunkenness, drug addiction, addiction to gambling and slot machines:
icons of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”, “Seeking the Lost”, “Support of Sinners”;
Holy Martyr Boniface;
Saint Righteous John of Kronstadt.

On deliverance from fornication:
Holy Martyr Boniface;
Saint Saint John the Long-Suffering of Pechersk;
Holy Venerable Mary of Egypt.

About help in court cases and about prisoners:
Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker.

For help getting a job:

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Semipalatinsk-Abalatskaya",

Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg;
Holy Martyr Tryphon.

About military personnel:
Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George, Holy Martyr John the Warrior (these saints are prayed for military personnel and soldiers in all branches of the military);
Saint Archangel Michael (patron of pilots and astronauts);
Saint Apostle Andrew the First-Called (patron of sailors);
Holy Prophet Elijah (patron of the Airborne Forces).

About successful medical practice:
Saint Luke Voino-Yasenetsky.

On eradicating anger between loved ones, friends, colleagues, neighbors:
Icon of the Mother of God "Softening Evil Hearts".

From demonic misfortunes, about protection from sorcerers and witchcraft:
holy martyr Cyprian and martyr Justinia;
Holy Great Martyr Nikita;
Holy Martyr Tryphon.

About relatives and close people, lost, who do not go to the Orthodox Church:
icons of the Mother of God “Support of Sinners”, “Seeking of the Lost”.

In despondency, sadness and depression:
Icon of the Mother of God “Quiet My Sorrows”, “Deliverance from the Troubles of the Suffering”.

Anyone who wants to receive anything from the Lord or from the saints must not only pray to them, but also build his life according to the commandments. Through the Gospel, God appeals to everyone with a request to be kind, loving, humble, etc., but people often do not want to listen to this, but themselves ask Him to help them in business.

For prayers to be successful, you must pray with words coming from the heart, with faith and hope for God’s help. And it should be remembered that not everything that a person asks from the Lord is useful for him. The Lord is not a machine that fulfills all desires, you just have to press the right button, that everything He sends is aimed at the benefit and salvation of the soul, although sometimes people think this is unfair.

Greetings to all readers. All more people they go to churches, buy icons, but few know which saint to pray to. I will try to help you in this matter.

The main prayer is for children

No one will argue with this, so find prayers for children and pray for them every day. Every need will have its own saint.

About the gift of a child

If you really want a baby, but God does not give you such joy, kneel before the righteous Saints Joachim and Anna.

The couple, righteous Joachim and righteous Anna, did not have children until they were very old, but they always grieved about it. In those days, childlessness was considered a special shame, so they were subjected to ridicule and merciless contempt. But the couple did not grumble, but only fervently prayed to God.

Because of human contempt, righteous Joachim settled in the desert completely alone, where he began to pray to God for a child. His wife, having learned about this, began to ask even more earnestly for the gift of a child.

God heard the couple’s prayer. Soon an Angel announced that they would have a Daughter, blessed by the entire human race.

The couple met in Jerusalem, where they had a daughter, who was named Mary. Follow their example, and God will reward you with a child.

About giving children pray to the prophet Zechariah and Elizabeth, as well as Reverend Roman.

It happens that only girls are born to spouses, but they passionately dream of a son. Rev. Alexander Svirsky will help you.

Turning to this saint helps not only to give birth to a son, but also to become pregnant. Buy an icon of this righteous man, read prayers unceasingly, and also observe fasting.

Which saint should a pregnant woman pray to?

Pregnant woman dreams of being safely relieved of his burden, of giving birth to healthy baby. Stand reverently before the image of the Most Holy Theotokos “Quick to Hear”, or “Healer” or “Feodorovskaya”, and also send your prayers to the Venerable Melania of Rome. Your requests will be heard.

Many mothers experience a lack of milk to feed their child, then kneel at the face of the Most Holy Theotokos “Mammal-Nurser”.

Prayers for children

You can pray for children of all ages before the image of St. Theotokos “Seeking the Lost” or the Great Martyr Barbara.

A particularly powerful prayer is said to the Baptist John the Baptist. Every person knows about this Saint, and all believers treat him with special reverence. There was a lot in the life of this bright man major events associated with Jesus Christ.

A request to John the Baptist exalted by those people who want to get rid of sinful thoughts, cleanse their minds, and calm their soul. He is the last prophet to foretell the coming of Jesus Christ. A bright and righteous man helped people return to the true path through repentance.

Many parents want to raise their children to be obedient, righteous people who honor their parents. A petition to the Martyr Sophia to raise your children in Christian piety will help you.

Prayers to Sergius of Radonezh

But not only this worries parents, but also that their children grow up smart and developed. You can resort to the help of St. Cosmas and Damian or St. Sergius of Radonezh.

Sergius of Radonezh helps in all difficulties:

  • Get good marks for passing exams;
  • Get rid of pride;
  • It will help heal the body in case of illness, as well as cleanse the soul;
  • Find a good job with a decent salary.

No matter what trouble or request you make, His Holiness will not leave you alone with ailments and various troubles. Find your prayer for every occasion. You don’t know what prayers to read! Contact a priest for help. You will see how your request will be heard if you asked and prayed with complete humility - with all your heart.

Sergius of Radonezh never leaves people in trouble, especially helping students. Because the teaching was not easy for him, but after reading the prayer, a true miracle happened to him. He began to study with great desire. But if you don’t know the material, then asking will not help you. Turning to His Holiness before an exam gives confidence and strength.

On the welfare of children in society

Visit the relics of St. Mitrophan of Voronezh about mercy and the well-being of children in society. He always helped the infirm, sick in soul and body, weak, obsessed. He is also asked to create a family for his children. Asking Mitrofan for a job more than once helped people find decent work, as well as shelter in life.

Woe to those parents who have lost their child, but do not lose hope of finding him alive and unharmed. Buy an icon of St. George the Victorious and pray. Prayers to the Great Martyr help in any struggle. Once people asked Jesus to free them from grief, because they had to sacrifice their children to be eaten by a snake. Then George came and defeated the snake, slaying it with a spear.

Today, danger awaits us everywhere in the form of attack or. To protect yourself from damage, when setting out on a journey, read the prayer to the Great Martyr several times, he will certainly help.

For sleep disturbances in newborns, read a prayer over them - to the Holy Seven Youths of Ephesus. If your infants are sick, contact the medical center. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, ask for rights for protection of children. Simeon the God-Receiver, St. Gabriel Belostokkov.

Which saint should I pray for family and marriage?

Kazan Most Holy Theotokos

Before marriage pray before the face of the Mother of God “Kazan”, Book. Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom. Ask for patronage from Saints Cosmas and Damian.

If there is no happiness in marriage, then kneel at the images of St. Apostle Simon the Zealot, Archangel Barachiel, the Most Holy Theotokos.

If you notice that in your marriage there has been a cooling, then ask for help from the Holy Apostle John the Theologian, martyr. Adrian and Natalia, so that there will be harmony in their personal lives again. These righteous people provided real help to many families.

Many girls dream of marriage, but cannot meet their betrothed. Send prayers for marriage and chastity to St. ap. Andrew the First-Called, Great Catherine, St. Nicholas of Myra. Pray to St. Athanasia for prosperity in your second marriage.

If you can’t cope with family troubles, buy an icon of the Martyr. Guria, Samon and Aviv. It should be in every family where there is no agreement and endless quarrels reign.

You are worried about your husband, that he has been away from home for a long time, pray to the 40 Martyrs of Sebaste, you will immediately feel that you are not alone, that these saints will come to your aid.

About a prosperous life

Everyone dreams of finding their own home, which is especially true nowadays. Pray tirelessly to the Lord. Book Daniil Moskovsky. Your prayer from the very heart will certainly reach him.

Send prayers to Blessed Ksenia of St. Petersburg for family and household needs, she will certainly hear you.

In times of need, contact St. John the Merciful, and ask for help in everyday affairs from the holy martyr. Blaise of Sebastia.

About health

You have to leave work at night, you are afraid of violence. Take the MCC icon with you. Thomaida of Egypt.

Women often feel weak and unwell. Sometimes it becomes intolerable. Which icon should I pray to? Stand before the face of St. David of Gareji or priest Hypatius of Gangar, pray with zeal, the pain will gradually subside.

Life is not sweet for orphans and widows. But you have a patron - St. Dmitry of Rostov. Send your petitions to him, he will protect you.

At various diseases all people turn to Panteleimon the Healer, or St. Luke of Crimea, Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, they pray for health at the face of the Mother of God “Joy to all who mourn.”

We hear every now and then about how cancer eats people up in a matter of weeks. Kneel day and night before the face of the Virgin Mary “Quick to Hear” or “Goalkeeper”, Saint Nektarios of Aegina and believe that they will hear you.

Drunkenness breaks not only families, but also the souls of people. In a family where there is drinking man, there must be something called the “Inexhaustible Chalice”. Pray, ask for a day or two to be heard.

Petition for protection and assistance

Many people steadfastly endure insults, but sometimes they do not have the strength to endure it, pray before the icon of the martyr. John the warrior, he will bring relief, protect from the attacks of the offender or the first person. Stefan.

Trouble, sadness destroys a person’s health, martyr’s prayer. Tryphon will help get rid of this scourge, his soul will become lighter and calmer. Don't let sadness eat you up from the inside, remove it through prayer!

Sometimes people quarrel so much that it seems there is no end to it. It’s especially annoying to watch relatives quarrel. Buy an icon of St. Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts”, read a prayer before her until the warring people make peace. You can also ask St. for the reconciliation of loved ones. Boris and Gleb.

Against quarrels and strife, pray to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Have you ever found yourself in despair or despondency? Ask saints John Chrysostom or Tikhon of Voronezh or Ephraim the Syrian to remove this sin from their souls.

Today many people start their own business. For profit requests please contact. Every businessman should have an icon of this Saint.

Ask for prosperity in your family by first reading the “Our Father” prayer, and then a prayer for protection from poverty.

Dear friends! Before asking for what you need, first sincerely repent of your sins in church or at home, and then ask the saints to fulfill your needs.

Without repentance, it will be difficult to wait for your requests to be fulfilled. If you have not found the name of the saint you would like to contact, go to the priest or ask the trading store to give you the right prayer. Don’t be discouraged, God will always help you, because it is through the Saints that your prayer reaches the Almighty.

Strong prayers help bring prosperity and well-being back to your home. Situations often arise when you urgently need money, but for some reason you are unlucky in financial matters. In this case, prayer will help, namely prayer to attract money and prosperity to the family. Correct prayers not only help to attract money to the family, but also improve health and ward off trouble.

The most powerful prayers to attract money

This page contains the texts of the most effective and powerful prayers for attracting money. If you are sincere in your request and stop wishing others harm, your prayers will be heard, and financial well-being will become an integral part of your life.

Before standing up for a prayer service, you need to seriously tune in and specifically comprehend your wishes. There should be no anger, guile or pretense in your thoughts. You should read the text of the prayer to attract money and prosperity with your soul and faith in the good goals of your petitions. In this case, the prayer will certainly be heard by the holy saints of God, and by their intercession before the Lord, the desires of the one asking will be fulfilled...

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for help with money

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for money begins with mandatory repentance. In general, all Orthodox rituals always begin with the Angel Fast and Confession. To get your requests met, you must first cleanse yourself, show the Lord your readiness and zeal, and then pray for money

I appeal to you, angel of Christ. You protected me and protected me, and kept me, for I have not sinned before and will not sin in the future against faith. So respond now, come down on me and help me. I worked very hard, and now you see my honest hands with which I worked. So let it be, as Scripture teaches, that labor will be rewarded. Reward me according to my labors, holy one, so that my hand, weary with labor, may be filled, and I may live comfortably and serve God. Fulfill the will of the Almighty and bless me with earthly bounties according to my labors. Amen.

The prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky for money can be read both in church and at home at any time of the day or night, although it is best to bow before the image of the saint in the evening. The reading ritual must be repeated daily until financial problems leave you.

O blessed Saint Spyridon! Beg the mercy of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us for our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy. Ask us, God's servants (names), from Christ and God for our peaceful, serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all spiritual and physical troubles, from all yearnings and the devil’s slander. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant us forgiveness for many of our sins, grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future, so that we may continually send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Spirit Holy, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen!

Everyone knows that Matronushka helps everyone who comes to bow to her. But you don’t have to go to Moscow; it’s enough to buy a small icon for your home and read a prayer in front of a lit candle.

Matronushka-mother, I trust in you with all my heart and soul. You are the one who helps those in need and stands up for the poor. Send prosperity and abundance to my house, but deliver me from greed and all kinds of sins. I pray for your help and ask for abundance of money so that there is no sorrow and poverty in my life. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, I pray for your help. Please be strict with me, but fair. Send me prosperity and abundance according to my faith and protect me from mistakes. Give me the wisdom to manage my money wisely and attract opportunities that will give me financial freedom. I trust in you, for you help everyone who asks. May your name be glorified forever and ever. Amen.

When turning to patron saints with requests for well-being and money, it is necessary to remember the true purpose of prayer texts. Each prayer, just like any church Sacrament, contributes to cleansing human soul and helps to build a dialogue with the Almighty. Therefore, the attitude of the person praying must be serious; pride and greed are categorically denied.

The Almighty will support the one who sincerely reads or listens to the prayer addressed to him. Powerful Prayer with money is a reliable means by resorting to which every true believer can attract money if he really needs it at the moment.

When praying for attracting money to the family, you should know that money for the sake of money has no meaning or value. The meaning and purpose of money is good deeds and helping others. For this purpose, the saints are asked to increase the amount of money - not out of simple greed and money-grubbing. Money cannot be a goal, it is always only a means...

Who can benefit from prayer to attract money?

Prayer will help those who material goods necessary to satisfy their immediate needs. For those people who dream of easy money or who are haunted by the dream of becoming a billionaire, pray for financial well-being not worth it. Similar goals and thoughts in Orthodox Church are a sin.

When praying to attract money, it is worth understanding why it is needed. In this case, it is not difficult to guess whether the requests will be fulfilled or not. And sometimes it is more important to understand yourself, your thoughts, feelings and understand what is more important: financial wealth or getting rid of mental anxiety.

Remember that the heavenly father hears all prayer requests, but only satisfies real needs.

Although there is an opinion that happiness is not in money, but without it there is modern world it is impossible to be healthy, beautiful, educated and happy man. Therefore, with a lack of funds, we are forced to pray before the Lord, the saints, miracle workers and guardian angels. However, remember: in order for your requests to be heard, you do not need to sit at home and wait for inspiration. Move towards your goal, even if in small steps. This is the only way you can get what you want. While relying on the Lord, do not lose faith in yourself!

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