Home Pulpitis Anaferon for children and adults - instructions, dosages, application features. Facts and misconceptions, real opportunities

Anaferon for children and adults - instructions, dosages, application features. Facts and misconceptions, real opportunities

What is Anaferon really? Is its widespread use justified? Can he do any harm? The famous children's doctor Evgeniy Komarovsky quite often has to answer these questions.


Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky - pediatrician highest category, born in Ukraine. Gained widespread fame after a series of publications and books for adults about children's health. He has a rare talent for doctors - to explain to parents who are far from medicine in simple language complicated things. This was noticed by representatives of the media space, now Komarovsky is a famous TV presenter, the author of the program “Doctor Komarovsky’s School” and the author of a column about health on Russian Radio. Lives in Ukraine. The doctor is extremely popular among millions of mothers and fathers in Russia and the CIS countries, as well as abroad.

About the drug

"Anaferon" - homeopathic remedy. The doses of active substances in solutions in it are presented in negligible quantities.

Like any other homeopathic remedy, Anaferon has almost no side effects and contraindications, in any case, this is what the instructions for use say.

Pharmacies sell lozenges or chewable tablets “Anaferon” and “Anaferon for children”. You don’t have to be a great detective and have an incredible method of deduction to understand that the division into adult and children’s dosages is nothing more than a marketing ploy, since the concentration of the main active substance They contain absolutely the same amount - 3 mg. This is written on the packages.

The instructions indicate that Anaferon has an immunomodulatory effect and an immunostimulating effect against viruses. In addition, it is emphasized that the drug enhances the immune response at the cellular level, however, the mechanism of such an effect is not indicated at all, as is done in the instructions in official pharmaceutical preparations.

Manufacturers recommend starting to take the drug as early as possible - at the first signs of the onset of influenza or acute respiratory viral infection according to a special scheme - the first 2 hours - every half hour, a tablet, then three more doses at equal time intervals, and then - a tablet three times a day until recovery.

For the purpose of prevention, “Anaferon” is recommended to be taken twice a year for 1-6 months, 1 tablet per day during periods of increased incidence of acute respiratory infections.


It should be noted that everyone antiviral drugs with proven in clinical settings efficiency is a big problem. And for homeopathic remedies it is twice as much. If you believe the information posted on the website of the manufacturer "Anaferon", the drug was still clinically tested, despite the fact that homeopathic remedies are usually not studied in the laboratory, since they contain minimal doses of active substances, and such a study becomes simply impossible for this reason .

So, there is data on tests of Anaferon on a group of children by doctors in St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk. But in both cases, the number of subjects and the exact age range of the experiment are not indicated, and therefore the test reports do not contain specific statistical figures, resemble an essay on the topic “How Anaferon reduced the incidence of disease,” and cannot be taken seriously by scientists and fundamental physicians.

Komarovsky about “Anaferon”

Evgeniy Komarovsky treats Anaferon rather ironically, emphasizing that the demand for the drug rests not on its effectiveness, but on customer demand. Evgeniy Olegovich considers this homeopathic remedy to be completely useless. This is not a categorical denial, but a statement of facts - Komarovsky is sure that his pediatrician colleagues prescribe Anaferon so often because they are well aware of its uselessness, and therefore complete harmlessness.

As a result, the doctor is calm, because, as they say, “there is no harm and no benefit,” and the parents are calm - the baby is receiving “treatment.” The placebo effect is triggered. As a result, the child’s immune system copes with viruses on its own, as would be expected, and the positive outcome is attributed to the sweetish Anaferon tablets.

And here is the actual release of Dr. Komarovsky where pediatrician will tell us everything about children's antiviral drugs.

If you believe the reviews of those mothers whose children were helped by Anaferon, their viral infection subsided within 4-5 days. Komarovsky confirms that this is exactly the amount of time a child’s immunity needs to cope with a pathogenic invasion from the outside. If immune defense The baby is weak, then the disease drags on, and about such cases on the Internet, parents write that Anaferon did not help. In other words, the same effect would have occurred if the parents had not given the child any medications at all.

About prophylactic use Komarovsky generally protests the drug, since no remedy, including homeopathic, can be taken for six months.

The famous doctor emphasizes that the amount of active ingredient is extremely small to cure anything, but the sugar content in each tablet is quite high. It seems that the producers of Anaferon are trying to treat the child with sugar. And this is complete absurdity.

We invite all parents to watch Dr. Komarovsky’s episode about self-medication.

    Refusal to use Anaferon, including its children's version. This is a waste of money, says the doctor. It is better to spend this amount (about 150 rubles) on fruits for a sick child; the benefits from them will be much greater.

    Refusal of other homeopathic remedies. Their effectiveness for children and adults has not been proven; the Ministry of Health is not responsible for the results that arise during use. Tests initiated by the manufacturer are usually carried out in violation of all criteria important for testing a medicinal product.

    If a child gets sick with the flu or ARVI, the best thing parents can do for him is to create favorable conditions for recovery. Give warm compotes, tea, decoctions more often, ensure sufficient air humidity in the children's room, and provide the baby with bed rest. In case of severe illness, be sure to invite a pediatrician to your home.

The drug anaferon is used as an antiviral and immunostimulating agent. It is aimed at causing an active increase in the number of antibodies and strengthening the functioning of certain parts of the immune system. Thanks to this, the patient experiences improvements in eliminating the symptoms of runny nose, cough, elevated temperature body, migraine, etc.

In order to clearly draw a line of difference in the use of children's and adults' anaferon, and also to inform people on the topic of interest to them - how acceptable is it to give adult form children in smaller quantities, let's look at them separately.

They are round lozenges with a white or whitish-cream tint; the active substance is present in an amount of 3 mg per 1 tablet.

Indications for use:

  • Acute viral infections, in particular influenza (treatment and prevention)
  • Treatment of infections that were caused by herpes viruses such as chicken pox, genital herpes, Infectious mononucleosis etc.
  • Treatment and prevention of other acute or chronic infections caused by a virus tick-borne encephalitis, coronavirus, rotavirus, etc.
  • Assigned as a component complex therapy in the fight against bacterial infections.
  • Treatment and prevention of complicated forms of infections (viral and bacterial)

Contraindications include personal intolerance to the constituent components of the drug, age under one month, autoimmune diseases.

Required dosage

The drug is taken orally, during one dose no more than 1 tablet, which is retained in oral cavity until dissolved (do not combine with food). If the drug was prescribed to an infant aged 1 to 3 months, then the tablet should be dissolved in a tablespoon (15 ml) of water, the temperature should be room temperature.

In the case of ARVI, intestinal, herpesvirus and neuroinfections, treatment should be started as soon as possible in order to prevent a more serious form from developing, the drug is taken once every half hour for the first two hours, after which it is necessary to take 3 more doses at equal intervals of time. In the following days the drug is taken until full recovery about 3 times a day. Anaferon is not prohibited from being used with other drugs.

It has an identical release form and purpose. Contraindications again include personal intolerance to the components
components of the drug, period of breastfeeding/pregnancy, there is an age limit of 18 years and a recommendation to bias towards anaferon for children. Also, the dosage method is no different and good interaction of the drug with other drugs has been noted.


Now let's talk about the differences we noticed and write them down in the form of a small list:

  • There is a slight difference in the release form: adult Anaferon is produced exclusively in a package of 20 pieces, while the children's form exists in both 20 and 40 pieces.
  • Taking into account the severity of the disease, adults should be obliged to take from 3 to 6 tablets per day; after improvement occurs, they should take 1 tablet once a day as a preventative measure for another 8-10 days.
  • For children under 3 years of age, it is recommended to dissolve the drug in a tablespoon of water. It can also be prescribed for prophylaxis for a period of 1-3 months - 1 tablet daily.
  • Anaferon for children also differs in composition: it contains a mixture of such homeopathic dilutions as C12, C30 and C50 (in adults - C12, C30 and C200), and also contains lactose, aerosil, calcium stearate and microcrystalline

Let's still answer main question, which constantly flashes on all kinds of forums: how acceptable is it to give children adult Anaferon, if they have been noticed positive results? The effectiveness of the drug for adults will be significantly less, since the children's form contains other accompanying substances that are acceptable to the child's body.

Latin name: Anaferon
ATX code: L03/J05AX
Active substance: Antibodies
to human interferon gamma
Manufacturer: NPF MATERIA
Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy: Over the counter
Price: from 180 to 230 rub.

“Anaferon” refers to immunomodulatory medicines. Presented in tablet form. Effective in fighting viruses.

Indications for use

“Anaferon” can be used for complex therapy and prevention of influenza, acute respiratory infections and others viral diseases. It is taken in cases of infection by the virus, when the disease is severe. As for the treatment of children, the child can be given "Anaferon for children", there is also an analogue - "Aflubin".

“Anaferon” adult, its active substance – antibodies to interferon gamma, are effective in preventing damage by herpes viruses.

It is recommended to take Anaferon tablets if you are infected with influenza, rotavirus, or tick-borne encephalitis. The drug is effective against enterovirus, coronavirus. Active substance The drug, antibodies to interferon gamma, is quite effective in the treatment of secondary immunodeficiency conditions. The drug is used to prevent and treat complications caused by viral and bacterial infections.


The main substance in 1 tablet of “Anaferon” is affinity-purified antibodies to human interferon gamma: a mixture of homeopathic dilutions C12, C30 and C200 – 3 mg.

Excipients are:

  • Lactose monohydrate
  • Microcrystalline cellulose
  • Magnesium stearate.

“Anaferon” for children has the same composition as for adults. The main difference is in the concentration of antibodies. The optimal concentration for adults and children has been identified based on numerous experiments and studies. Therefore, each form of the drug is more effective for the corresponding age category.

Medicinal properties

“Anaferon” is drunk when they want to prevent or cure a cold, if any. heat, and also against influenza. The antiviral effect of the drug begins to appear immediately after resorption. It reduces the concentration of viruses and increases the body's immune strength.

“Anaferon” for children can be used by children from one month to fourteen years to combat viral diseases.

The average price is from 200 to 230 rubles.

“Anaferon” adult

Anaferon is a flat-cylindrical tablet. They are white, sometimes with shades close to it. The manufacturer's name is printed on one side (divided by a notch). with Latin letters, on the other flat side you can read the name of the drug.

The package contains 20 tablets. Sold in a cardboard box, complete with instructions for use.

Mode of application

The tablet can be taken orally. Dosage: 1 tablet. in 30 min. after or before eating. The drug must be kept in the mouth, it must not be chewed or swallowed until it is absorbed.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on the time of start of use - the earlier the symptoms of the disease were noticed (the temperature rose, for example), the sooner you need to start taking it.

Should be taken every day according to the following schedule: the first 2-3 hours of tablets with an interval of 30 minutes. This is done before or after meals. After taking the first few days, 3 tablets. at equal intervals (8 tablets on the first day or two).

After taking, on the 2nd day “Anaferon” you should drink the dosage: 1 tablet. quantity – 3 times a day until recovery.

If no effect is observed on the third day of treatment, it is better to consult a doctor.

As a method of prevention, the drug should be taken in the following dosage: 1 tablet. quantity – once a day for several months.

For herpes disease and chickenpox, you should drink according to the following scheme: 1 tablet. quantity – 8 times a day for the first few days. Then reduce the dose to 4 tablets. quantity – per day (for 7 days).

To prevent infection by herpes viruses, you should drink “Anaferon” according to the following scheme: 1 tablet. once a day for a trimester or two.

It is forbidden to take it to a child; for these purposes you can give “Anaferon” for children (or “Aflubin”).

Average price from 180 to 210 rubles.

Tablets are flat, round. They are used for the same purposes as simple Anaferon, namely: to treat and have a preventive effect on viral diseases. They are white, sometimes with a gray or yellow tint. They produce 20 tablets per package.

Mode of application

It is necessary to dissolve one tablet at a time (this method is recommended for prevention various diseases- 1 tablet 1 time per day). If the drug is prescribed to children aged 1 month to 3 years, then the medicine should first be diluted in a spoon with boiled water.

For acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and herpes - the dosage regimen is identical to the adult “Anaferon”


Some patients may experience sensitivity to some components of the drug. It is prohibited to use “Anaferon” against viruses during pregnancy and lactation. It is also prohibited for children under 1 month (they should be given “Anaferon for children”, instructions for use of which are presented above).

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

See the article to know how to safely and quickly get rid of a cough during pregnancy.

Cross-drug interactions

Anaferon tablets have full compatibility with other drugs.

Alcohol and Anaferon are conditionally compatible. It should be remembered that alcohol reduces immunity, which can worsen the effect of the drug.

Side effects

Negative side reactions of the body to the drug may include allergies, such as itching, urticaria, swelling and redness of the skin, difficulty swallowing and some others. In such cases, you can use analogues (“Viferon”, “Kagocel”, “Amiksin”, “Ergoferon”).


There are no data on cases of overdose with Anaferon. If the recommended daily dose has been exceeded, then dyspeptic symptoms are possible, which can be caused by the components that are part of the drug.

Storage conditions and period

The drug is valid for up to 3 years. Do not use if the expiration date indicated on the box has expired. Anaferon tablets should be stored out of the reach of children, at a temperature that does not exceed 25 °C.


“Anaferon” has analogues. They can perform in different dosage form: drops, tablets, suspension, suppositories. They are also effective against viruses. The most common among them:

Nearmedic plus, Russia
Price from 220 to 270 rub.

A drug with an antiviral effect. Available in tablet form. It can be used by both adults and children (from 3 years old).


  • “Kagocel” is much stronger than other analogues
  • The spectrum of action is wider - “Kagocel” strengthens the immune system, helps against diseases, stimulates the production of antibodies to fight viruses


  • More expensive than Anaferon
  • Characterized by the appearance of very strong allergic reactions
  • “Kagocel” is strictly prohibited for use against influenza by pregnant women and during lactation.

Materia Medica, Russia
Price from 280 to 350 rub.

Ergoferon is best suited for the treatment of viral and colds, flu.


  • “Ergoferon” tastes good
  • “Ergoferon” helps in the fight against runny nose and cough, because its components restore the nasopharyngeal mucosa


  • Relatively high cost for course admission
  • “Ergoferon” and alcohol are not recommended to be consumed together - the effectiveness of treatment is reduced.

Bittner, Austria
Price from 250 to 350 rub.

Homeopathic remedy. The drug is presented in tablets and syrup form.


  • “Aflubin” effectively counteracts inflammatory processes
  • Pediatricians often replace it with “Anaferon for children”


  • Insufficiently strong antiviral agent
  • The drug contains ethyl alcohol.

Feron, Russia
Price from 250 to 850 rub.

"Viferon" is available in the form of suppositories and ointments. "Viferon" improves human immunity. They also recommend Viferon to those who not only suffer from colds and flu, but also hepatitis, plasmosis, herpes, and chickenpox.


  • An effective and fast-acting remedy
  • The composition contains vitamins C and E, which enhance the effect of interferon (the main active ingredient)


  • Can only be stored in the refrigerator
  • “Viferon” and alcohol are not recommended to be consumed, as the effect of treatment is sharply reduced.

Pharmstandard, Russia
Price from 550 to 700 rub.

Available in the form of orange tablets, which are specially coated. “Amiksin” is indicated for viral hepatitis A, B, C.


  • Wide spectrum of action
  • One package is enough for a course of treatment


  • High cost
  • The drug “Amiksin” is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation, and “Amiksin” cannot be used by a child under the age of 7 years.

Every parent is worried when their child gets sick. The natural desire during this period is the desire to make the child feel better, and even better, to prevent the disease itself. Today this can be done with the help of children's immunomodulators, which are sold in pharmacies. In this article we will talk about the drug anaferon, which has a stimulating effect on the child’s immunity, as well as about the features of taking this drug.

Composition and release form children's anaferon

The active substance of anaferon is gamma globulins. They are the ones who force the body to actively produce interferon. Thanks to this principle of action, the condition of a sick child is alleviated or his resistance to various viruses is increased.

Anaferon contains lactose, aerosil, calcium stearate and MCC as excipients.

Anaferon for children is not available in suppositories or syrup, and for both children and adults, the only form of release of the drug is tablets. They taste sweet white, sometimes with a yellowish or grayish tint.

How to take Anaferon for children?

Taking anaferon does not depend on food intake. The tablets are intended for resorption. If the child is still small and cannot do this on his own, the anaferon tablet is dissolved in one tablespoon of boiled water.

The dosage of children's anaferon depends on the desired effect.

Taking anaferon during illness

If it is necessary to quickly relieve the symptoms of an acute viral disease, anaferon is prescribed to children according to the following scheme:

  • the first day, 8 tablets are taken, five of them are drunk every half hour, and the remaining three are drunk during the same day, dividing the time between doses by equal intervals;
  • the following days, the dosage of children's anaferon is one tablet three times a day;
  • after complete relief of the symptoms of the disease, anaferon is taken for one to two weeks, one tablet per day. This is necessary in order to avoid complications that may be caused by the virus.

If, three days after starting to take Anaferon, the symptoms of the disease remain unchanged or worsen, it is imperative to consult a specialist about the advisability of further taking the drug.

Taking anaferon for children for prevention

As a prophylaxis against viral diseases during an epidemic, Anaferon is prescribed one tablet per day for 1 to 3 months.

When chronic disease caused by the herpes virus, anaferon is taken one tablet per day for the period specified by the specialist. The maximum period of daily use of the drug is six months.

At what age do children take Anaferon?

The difference between children's anaferon and the adult analogue of the drug is the concentration of antibodies to interferon gamma. Anaferon for adults, children should not be given, as its effectiveness will be reduced.


Contraindications to taking anaferon are sensitivity to any of its components, lactose intolerance, and age under 1 month.

Anaferon for children can be taken together with antipyretic or anti-inflammatory drugs.

Ksenia 11/22/2019

It is written to give 10 drops every 30 minutes for the first two hours. This works out 4 times and then for the remaining time 3 times at equal intervals. Right now it’s 4 pm I gave it then I can give it at 6 and at 8 it works out?

Good afternoon Ksenia! On the first day you need to take the drug 8 times (the first two hours - every 30 minutes - 5 times (for example -4.00-4.30-5.00-5.30-6.00), then at regular intervals 3 more times). The minimum interval between meals is 30 minutes. You can further give the drug at 7.00, 8.00 and 9.00 before bedtime.
We wish you a speedy recovery!

lan anh 11/14/2019

Anaferon for children in drops, is there? prophylactic dose? If so, what is the prevention schedule?

Good afternoon Anaferon for children is recommended for children from 1 month. For the treatment of ARVI in children under 3 years of age, it is more convenient to use the drop form. For prophylaxis, Anaferon for children is recommended only in tablets (for children from 1 month to 3 years, it is recommended to dilute the tablet in a tablespoon of water), regardless of age. Preventive intake - 1 tablet. in a day. For patients of health group 1, 40 days (2 packs) during the epidemic season are sufficient. For patients prone to frequent illnesses and in patients with chronic pathology It is recommended to conduct repeated courses of 40 days each with an interval of 1 month or 90 days without a break and repeat after a month.

Maxim 05.11.2019

Hello, I have searched the entire Internet, but have not found any studies on the effectiveness of the drug. Are there any studies by independent laboratories on the effectiveness of the drug Anaferon?

Good afternoon Maxim! This information You can find it on the State Register website medicines, In chapter clinical researches https://grls.rosminzdrav.ru/

Andrey 10/31/2019

Tell me to give anaferon for prevention, 1 tablet once a day. Better give in the morning or evening.

Good afternoon Andrey! This is not important, of personal experience I can recommend the morning hours.

Alexandra 10/29/2019

Hello, can Anaferon drops for children be given for prevention?

Good afternoon Alexandra! For prevention, Anaferon for children is recommended only in tablets, regardless of age. Preventive intake - 1 tablet. in a day. For patients of health group 1, 40 days (2 packs) during the epidemic season are sufficient. For patients prone to frequent illnesses and in patients with chronic pathology, it is recommended to conduct repeated courses of 40 days each with an interval of 1 month or 90 days without a break and repeat every month.

Olga 10/27/2019

Hello, for preventive purposes I give my daughter Anaferon, we are 3 years and 5 months old. Is it still possible to add the dietary supplement Shark Oil? Or should Anaferon be discontinued?

Good afternoon Olga! To date, there have been no cases of incompatibility of Anaferon for children with other drugs.

Yulia 10/24/2019

Hello! Please tell me, is it possible to switch the child to Anaferon after the antibiotic Sumamed?

Good afternoon Yulia! The question is not entirely clear. Sumamed is an antibiotic, if you have taken a course of Sumamed and then you need to start taking Anaferon? You can take Anaferon after Sumamed and even together, but the question arises for what? It may be better for you to consult a doctor.

Dina 10/19/2019

Hello. On Sunday the child fell ill. There was a red throat. And conjunctivitis before the eyes. We bought Anaferon in tablets. They gave it as per instructions. The last appointment was October 16th. Today I have a fever and a red throat. Can I give my child anaferon again? And according to what scheme? Baby 9 months old

Good afternoon Dina! On this moment You need to call a pediatrician and only after an examination the doctor will prescribe therapy.

Hayk 10/16/2019

Anaferon drops whenever possible

Elena 10/06/2019

How many times a day and in what quantity should I give in drops to prevent the disease Anaferon 3 to a year old child, and how long?

Good afternoon Elena! Anaferon for children is recommended for children from 1 month. Anaferon for children is available in two medicinal forms forms - tablets and drops. For the treatment of ARVI in children under 3 years of age, it is more convenient to use the drop form. For prevention, Anaferon for children is recommended only in tablets, regardless of age. Preventive dose - 1 tablet. in a day. For patients of health group 1, 40 days (2 packs) during the epidemic season are sufficient. For patients prone to frequent illnesses and in patients with chronic pathology, it is recommended to conduct repeated courses of 40 days each with an interval of 1 month or 90 days without a break and repeat every month.

Diana 09/30/2019

Hello, how often can a child take anaferon for prophylaxis? My husband was sick, I gave my daughter 10 drops on day 3, now I’m sick, can I give Anaferon again? And how many drops is better to give?

Diana Good morning! For the prevention of ARVI and influenza, Anaferon for children is recommended only in tablet dosage form. Drops are recommended for the treatment of ARVI in children under 3 years of age. Preventive intake - 1 tablet. per day, for children under 3 years of age, the tablet must be dissolved in a tablespoon of water at room temperature. For patients of health group 1, 40 days (2 packs) during the epidemic season are sufficient. For patients prone to frequent illnesses and in patients with chronic pathology, it is recommended to conduct repeated courses of 40 days each with an interval of 1 month or 90 days without a break and repeat every month. You can start taking Anaferon again, but it is advisable to take a course of treatment.

Elena 09/30/2019

An 8-year-old child has had stomach pain for a week after every meal and a temperature of 37.4. No runny nose or cough!

Elena good morning! YOU should consult a doctor immediately. The child needs examination and examination.

Karlygash 09.29.2019

Hello.. the child is 6 months old and she has wheezing, the mucus does not go away.. can I give Anaferon?

Good afternoon Karlygash! You need to call a pediatrician and after the examination the doctor will prescribe therapy. Anaferon is an immunomodulator with antiviral activity, how much your child needs it now will be determined by your attending physician.

Elena 09.29.2019

Is it possible to take the drug for prevention and what is the regimen for a 7-month-old child?

Good day, Elena! For the prevention of ARVI and influenza, Anaferon for children is recommended only in tablets, regardless of the child’s age. Preventive dose - 1 tablet. per day (which must be dissolved in a tablespoon of water at room temperature). For patients of health group 1, 40 days (2 packs) during the epidemic season are sufficient. For patients prone to frequent illnesses and in patients with chronic pathology, it is recommended to conduct repeated courses of 40 days each with an interval of 1 month or 90 days without a break and repeat every month.

Alexandra 09/26/2019

Hello, I wanted to know if Anaferon lowers your temperature?

Good afternoon Alexandra! The drug Anaferon is not an antipyretic, it belongs to the group of immunomodulators, and has a pronounced antiviral and immunomodulatory effect. Results of studies in the treatment of acute respiratory infections with Anaferon viral infections(ARVI) revealed in patients a significant reduction in the duration and severity of manifestations of the main symptoms of the disease (fever, intoxication, catarrhal symptoms). The use of antipyretic drugs makes sense when the temperature rises above 38°C

Marina 09/22/2019

Anaferon for a 2 year old child dosage

Good afternoon Marina! Anaferon for children is recommended for children from 1 month. For the treatment of ARVI in children under 3 years of age, it is better to use a drop form. For prevention, Anaferon for children in tablets is recommended, regardless of age. Scheme therapeutic appointment Anaferon: on the first day - 8 doses, the first 5 doses in 2 hours, the next 3 - at regular intervals. Per dose: 1 tablet, which must be diluted in a tablespoon of water at room temperature (or 10 drops), preferably taken 15-30 minutes before meals, or an hour after meals, or outside meals. From the 2nd day of treatment until complete recovery - 3 doses per day. Preventive dose - 1 tablet. in a day. For patients of health group 1, 40 days (2 packs) during the epidemic season are sufficient. For patients prone to frequent illnesses and in patients with chronic pathology, it is recommended to conduct repeated courses of 40 days each with an interval of 1 month or 90 days without a break and repeat every month.

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