Home Coated tongue Chinese horoscope dragon. full characteristics of the sign

Chinese horoscope dragon. full characteristics of the sign

This is an animal that belongs to the Yang group. The Dragon sign ranks fifth in Chinese horoscope. It controls the time interval from 7 to 9 am. The season that brings luck to the Dragon in everything is spring, the peak period of this season is April. In the European zodiac sign, Dragon corresponds to Aries. Its element is Wood. The colors that bring him prosperity and happiness are yellow and black, and the plants that bring him good luck are sage, mandrake, lotus. The best countries for its habitat are Spain, Nepal, Kenya, Bolivia, Finland, Ceylon.

Years of the Dragon in our century

  • 1904 February 16 - element of the year tree
  • 1916 February 3 - element of the year fire
  • 1928 January 23 - element of the year earth
  • 1940 February 8 - element of the year metal
  • 1952 January 27 - element of the year water
  • 1964 February 13 - element of the year tree
  • 1976 January 31st - element of the year fire
  • 1988 February 17 - element of the year earth
  • 2000 February 5 - element of the year metal
  • 2012 January 23 - element of the year water


Frederick the Great, Immanuel Swedenborg, Jean Gabin, Jacques Rousseau, Joan Baze, Roald Amundsen, Kenneth Stark, Count Basie, Salvador Dalí, Bing Crosby, Prince Edward, Neil Diamond, Joan of Arc, Che Guevara, Yehudi Menuhin, John Lennon, Florence Nightingale , Francois Mitterrand, Cliff Richard, Gregory Peck, Harold Wilson, Bernard Shaw, Mary Pickford, Sarah Bernhardt, Sigmund Freud, Bros Tito, Lewis Carroll, George Balanchine, Marlene Dietrich, Imanuel Kant, Alexander Eiffel, Julia Christie, Franco Braamonde, Graham Green, Harry Grant, Andre Maurois, Edouard Manet, Napoleon III, Charles Louis Montesquieu, Friedrich Nietzsch, Nicholas II Romanov, Philippe Pétain, Robert Oppenheimer, Nikolai Rimsky, Francesco Petrarca, Emile Gilels, Edmond Rostand, Dmitry Kabalevsky, Vitaly Ginzburg, Olga Lepeshinskaya, Luis Corvalan, Marcello Mastroianni, Nina Makarova, Victor Moreau, Vasily Merkuriev, Tatyana Peltzer, Edson Pele, Ineko Sata, Anna Saxe, Eduard Shevardnadze, Evgenia Svetlanov, Guillaume Apollinaire.

In the West, it is generally accepted that if you call someone a Dragon, this will not mean that you were given a compliment, but rather that they emphasized your impatience, inflexibility and disobedience. The Dragon holds several advantages within itself, it has shiny scales and represents mighty strength. For his residence, he always chooses inaccessible caves on high peaks or soaring in the sky. In these gloomy and dark places, heroes from mythical fairy tales fight him to the death, because Dragons do not forgive those who disturbed their peace. It is capable of spewing jets of fire and the ground beneath it trembles when it begins to move. The Dragon sign unites all the elements at once: it can live underground and is in the air, for this it has wings. He swims well and is not afraid of fire.

A person often associates his rich imagination and fear of destruction or the chaos of non-existence with this mystical animal. The dragon makes you tremble and fascinates. Since ancient times, people have depicted the Dragon on the walls of temples, this is a kind of tribute to the ruler of the underworld and it is also a spell from evil spirits. In Ancient China, images of Dragons were placed on the roofs of houses as a symbol of protection and patronage.

In the countries of the East, during the New Year celebration, large paper Dragons are carried through the streets, they represent the past year, and at the end they are burned so that, like the Phoenix bird, they are reborn from the ashes. At all times, Dragons have been looked upon with great respect and a great sense of horror, since they are an echo of mystery, human soul and his inner world.

The dragon has always symbolized the last obstacle and test, the decisive stage at the end of the path before the discovery of treasures - it is a symbol of insight and wisdom. A dragon slain by an Archangel can easily turn into a handsome prince. This Dragon is no longer scary at all, but on the contrary, it is too attractive. Dragons are often depicted with a large number of heads, this personifies the diversity of his passions that live in the human psyche, a persistent desire that is present in the depths of the subconscious. For example, if you cut off one head of a Dragon, another will certainly grow in its place, so you shouldn’t pay much attention to them. To defeat the Dragon, you need to get right into his heart, it is their life root. The victory of the Dragon means curbing one's own passions; its death gives a person immortality and invulnerability.

In Indian mythology, the Dragon is often depicted as half-animal and half-man, and is considered the ancestor of the people of Kashmir. He is distinguished by his unusual beauty and is very brave; in order to appease him, you need to hang more different decorations on him, because the Dragon loves glitter and gold.

The European Dragon lives in underground world, there he has no restrictions in space. He has luxurious palaces, fortresses and magical gardens. He often walks on earth, he does not always sympathize with people and is an enemy of the gods.

In Legends you can find stories about marriages between Dragons and people; the Druids call it Totem. To this day, Dragons are revered in Kashmir and India. In Christian culture, there is also an idea of ​​the Seraphim; he shares an important place in the hierarchy of the ranks of Christianity, appearing around the throne of the Lord, in the form of various monsters, and very similar to the Dragon. He also personifies the threshold, the border, he is the guardian of the Absolute and he loves when people turn to him in the most hopeless situations.

IN ancient China Dragons are believed to hold truth and good fortune within themselves. He brings wealth and benefits to those who approach him very politely and invite him into their home, only in this case he patronizes people.


People born during a thunderstorm under the sign of the Dragon are considered happy; they cannot imagine their life without their beloved freedom, air, and space. In the first half of their life, they may experience various difficulties because these people demand too much from others. Childhood for Dragon people does not always go smoothly; they encounter many difficulties and must establish themselves; their integrity and intransigence create constant problems for them. The Dragon man constantly experiences dissatisfaction due to the discrepancy between his ideals and his actual reality.

In the second part of life, they are often hampered by their artistic nature, they realize that they are higher than their surroundings, and because of this they suffer if they are not understood. But, for the most part, everyone admires them, and often the successes of people under the sign of the Dragon are so great that other troubles against the general background seem simply insignificant. Dragons in old age will definitely be happy if they have achieved what they were striving for, life is gradually finding balance.


In Eastern countries, Dragons are considered a sign of good luck, it is a symbol of life and symbolizes limitless heavenly power. The dragon represents wisdom, but not actions. They charm, go forward and are capable of anything, it seems that they are successful in everything. Dragon people are filled vitality, and easily endure difficulties and are used to hanging out in circumstances as if they were playing cards. When meeting them, it is impossible not to smile. They always have a lot of fans who believe in their infallibility.

People born in the year of the Dragon are gifted individuals. They are generous, persistent and intelligent, they are capable of much. And they are used to doing everything very efficiently; these people rarely live in need. And unlike the Rabbit, Dragons can only be recognized in exceptional situations; they are not at all naive like Pigs (Boars), because they have firm and strong convictions, so they are difficult to deceive. Their weakness is everyday life, they easily lose their shine from it, or vice versa - they are transformed into grace. They are straightforward and strong, incapable of scandals, hypocrisy and duplicity, and often lack a little diplomacy and tact.

People born under the sign of the Dragon have many different positive qualities, they are distinguished by their liveliness of character, charged with enthusiasm and very energetic. These people are very pure and scrupulous, they try to do everything right, and, as a rule, they are very successful in doing so. They are not afraid of defeat, because Dragons have been endowed with good health.

But if the combination of circumstances turns out to be unfavorable, people of the Dragon sign can become irritable and impatient if they do not overcome this vice, which is why they are so demanding of relatives and friends. Such Dragon people have no patience, and do not know how to circumvent difficulties, to be tactful, even if their life depends on it all. They are overly confident in themselves and do not tolerate any doubts, so they cannot understand why others doubt them, because of all this they have difficulties. People born under the sign of the Dragon are idealists and often strive for perfection; they can give up a lot in order to achieve even greater goals. Wanting a lot, these people give a lot.

People under the sign of the Dragon can be irritable and unyielding; they can promise a lot, but often their thoughts precede their intentions. Although they may speak out very harshly, it is worth listening to his opinion. People are accustomed to listening to their advice, which is why their influence is great. It happens that they do not know how to admit their mistakes and are simply rude, but this does not cause protest among those around them. On the contrary, they are full of different admirers who sing their praises. Even if you refuse them, they immediately become categorical and do not back down anyway.

Dragon people are enthusiastic and very proud, their brilliance is blinding. They are irresistible seducers due to the warmth of their inner nature, without them the world would be gray. People under the sign of the Dragon surround their lives with wit, often after the bright euphoria that the Dragon created, it can burn out in the glow of its fire.

It is not easy to organize a fight with people under the sign of the Dragon; it is better when he gives you advice and patronizes you. It's more enjoyable and easier for everyone. It is better to follow his advice unquestioningly, because they are often correct; people of the Dragon sign are almost soothsayers. Many people tend to consider their advice absurd, but even then they can be brilliant.

Everything will go well if this person has a sober mind, but unfortunately, this is not always the case. After all, these people do not use the advice of others that they themselves give to everyone. They warn their friends and loved ones about troubles and danger, but they themselves rush into the pool, without often thinking about the consequences. A person born in the year of the Dragon must remember that he is not a real Dragon, but a mythical animal from fairy tales and legends, and a person is a person. Dragons never manage to achieve complete balance, and many of them try to escape reality and hide.

People born under the sign of the Dragon are smart and know how to benefit society, often flaunting their achievements. In fact, they are not so cultured and educated, but they can be very interesting storytellers. They are not satisfied with minor roles, they were created for the main primary positions and probably because of this they are often dissatisfied with something.

In the East, the Dragon patronizes: wealth, harmony, charity and long life. But every medal also has a downside, and there is some deception here: people know about these qualities of Dragons and therefore believe them, but in fact they believe them because they are Dragons.

During the day they shine and sparkle, but the shine is often superficial, their strength of the Dragon people is illusory. In fact, the Dragon has a rather hidden character; it is a very disguised creature. An animal that exists for carnivals and holidays, they look quite strong. They can be made to release water, fire and even gold. But after the holiday, paper Dragons are necessarily burned, and they must be reborn like the Phoenix in the next holiday.

Years: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

In the east, the Dragon is considered a symbol of joy and luck, life and growth. This is a sign of heavenly power and the most favorable astronomical influence.

A magnificent animal gives a person wealth, virtue, harmony and longevity, which, however, does not mean a calm, easy, comfortable life. The dragon shimmers and shines, but cannot blind: often its benefits are just an illusion, however, like the strength of personality. This bizarre beast both exists and does not exist at the same time. Born from the imagination of the people, serene and powerful, he will spew out fire, gold and water, but he himself will be burned after the holiday, and from the ashes, like a phoenix, a new Dragon will be reborn...

An unstoppable enthusiast, the Dragon is born under the sign of good luck. This is a bright and extraordinary personality. The representative of the sign has a lively character, he is proud, very self-confident and vain, irritable and stubborn, but at the same time intelligent, generous, incapable of pettiness, hypocrisy and slander. Many Dragons are endowed high intelligence and succeed in almost all endeavors.

In communication, the Dragon is categorical and is not very diplomatic, but is very trusting (not to be confused with naivety!). Despite the manifestations of excessive demands on others, he has many friends, because he gives much more. This person is always in the spotlight, his views and judgments are highly valued, since he always has an original opinion on each specific issue.

The dragon is distinguished by good health, great vitality and incredible energy. He is ready to work days and nights to achieve what he wants, although he is quite impulsive and does not always imagine the consequences of his own actions. He prefers to live for today, and nothing irritates him more than waiting.

The Dragon has varied interests. He is interested in sports. He is possessed by the spirit of adventurism and adventure. If he has the means, he will not miss the opportunity to travel, preferring little-known places rather than beaten tourist routes.

In general, representatives of this sign are sensitive and demanding, full of activity and endurance. Dragons are born to win - that is why they will not need anything (for example, billionaire Paul Getty is). Having certain leadership qualities, they achieve good results where they can implement their ideas, and are especially successful in those areas where contact with funds is necessary mass media. However, will the Dragon choose a career as an artist (Gina Lollobrigida, Patrick Swayze), singer (Tom Jones, John Lennon, Placido Domingo), warrior (Joan of Arc), priest, athlete (Arvydas Sabonis, Pele), doctor (Fedor Uglov) or politics (Vladimir Putin, Sergei Stepashin, Eduard Shevardnadze, Josip Broz Tito, Che Guevara) - he will shine everywhere.

There are the following varieties of Dragon.

Years of birth according to the Dragon sign: 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

Dragon Woman - Personality Characteristics

People born in the year of the Dragon, both women and men, inherited many of its mythological qualities, fairy-tale properties and characteristics. Their most characteristic features are inner freedom, looseness, craving for creativity, for flight and reluctance to bind oneself to any contracts and obligations.

The Dragon Woman makes a strong impression on those around her. Everywhere and everywhere she feels like a queen, although she is sometimes prone to delusions of grandeur. And this is not surprising, since wisdom is in action. But, despite these character traits, the Dragon woman is internally condescending towards her environment and is able to easily forgive insults and insults if they take a step towards her.

The Dragon Woman is very attractive and charming, cheerful and sexy, captivating and attractive, and at the same time endowed with a sharp mind. From early childhood she was surrounded by increased attention. In general, in the East the most beautiful women those born in the years of the Dragon and Tiger are considered. For this woman, a well-groomed appearance is considered a sacred matter. As a rule, the Dragon woman knows how to take care of herself and retains her attractiveness until old age. She knows secret anti-wrinkle masks, and with the help physical exercise and nutrition keeps you in great shape. She also strictly follows fashion and social events. She says with all her appearance: “I know what I want, and I know how to achieve it.” And for the energetic and ambitious nature of the Dragon woman, all paths are truly open.

The Dragon Woman stands out from the crowd with her chic, impeccable taste and incredible self-confidence. With her magnificence, she literally outshines other people, and she takes admiration for her person for granted.

In addition to physical beauty, the Dragon woman also has charm, mystery, some kind of inner steel shine and serene calm. She has an amazing sense of humor and resourcefulness that appeals to both women and men. This spectacular and independent woman simply loves attention and fame. Modesty is not her trait. On the contrary, she believes that everything revolves around her and the whole world should lie at her feet. This woman is made for beautiful life filled with champagne and caviar!

Another one characteristic for the Dragon woman it is emancipation, independence, independence. She always advocates gender equality, and, having noticed discrimination, does not hesitate to prove her position. She believes that she can handle any task as well as any man. And she is really capable of a lot. The Dragon Woman should not be underestimated. She is so talented and energetic, she is ready to do anything to win and therefore rarely loses. IN family life she will never be just a housewife. She always needs to be busy and in the spotlight. She is very demanding of herself and others and hates deception. This is an honest, frank woman who expresses her opinion even in controversial issues. She is very active, hates injustice, and is capable of much if she believes in an idea. But he cannot stand criticism directed at himself. She takes it very painfully and goes on the defensive.

To tell the truth, the Dragon woman is purely business man. She even shows it in the way she dresses. No frills, unnecessary laces, buttons or flounces, minimum complications. Clothes that are easy to put on and allow her maximum freedom of movement are her choice. She hates restrictions. She may even secretly prefer uniforms if she has military inclinations.

The Dragon Woman is a maximalist and divides everything in life into black and white. And she even divides all people into two categories: winners and losers. She does not like indecisive, always hesitant people. She likes bright and extraordinary personalities. And she makes friends, most often with those who have some additional benefits, privileges or power.

The Dragon Woman is quite creative and often has creative hobbies. She can express herself in one of the fields of art, draw, sing, play music, dance, etc.

When it comes to money, the Dragon woman is generous and loves to give pleasant gifts to her relatives and numerous friends. And, of course, she does not regret anything for herself. As a rule, when buying a product, this woman never looks at the price tag. She takes something simply because she likes it. Therefore, it is better not to trust her with responsibility for the finances of the family. She values ​​her family and friends very much and will never leave them in trouble. The Dragon Woman considers herself simply obligated to help all those who need help. She is ready to give everything that is required and help in any way she can, but, however, she will not forget to give a lecture on morals and values.

True, there is something cold and inexplicable about the Dragon woman. It happens that she pushes people away either with her arrogance, or her inability to listen, or her indifference.

In general, the Dragon woman is lucky and everything goes well for her thanks to her ability to be in the right place at the right time and not advertise her failures.

Dragon Woman of the Year - love and family

The Dragon Woman is considered the most unusual sign in the entire eastern horoscope. Often she is even able to act as the empress of the ideas of matriarchy. She is sufficiently emancipated and can express the interests of a large number of women fighting for equality with men. Moreover, she is able to do the same as a man, and even better. Therefore, such a woman cannot be outplayed or defeated. In any business, she demonstrates self-confidence, high intelligence and business skills that will help make a career for any man. Love for a Dragon woman is not all she needs. She easily achieves success in social life, science or sports. She will never agree to the role of a housewife. Sooner or later, her rebellious soul, thirsty for new adventures, breaks out of the four walls like a bird. And if it meets resistance, the ending of the relationship can be impressive. She will leave, leaving behind ashes...

According to her worldview, the Dragon woman would prefer to live in ancient castle in a picturesque corner of the planet. But, since the majority do not have such an opportunity, she creates in her apartment or house special conditions for life. The monotonous layout and dull interior make her bored. Therefore, she tries to bring something exotic into her home and constantly changes the decor. As a rule, her house is always clean and luxuriously furnished with the maximum level of comfort. She loves to surround herself with works of art, good music and books, as she constantly improves herself. The Dragon Woman can easily create a favorable atmosphere at home, but it is important for her that this be noticed and appreciated, otherwise she will not hesitate to break off the relationship.

And many people dream of achieving her favor. But anyone who has succumbed to her charms must be prepared for the fact that he will have to fight with many rivals throughout his life. Even after getting married, she continues to flirt, although she will never go beyond what is permitted.

To win a Dragon woman, you need to flatter her pride, never put her in second roles and in no way hurt her pride. She is not shy to speak out, is straightforward in her assessments, self-confident and courageous. Men relentlessly follow her, and she tests a person’s character with her impudent remarks and selects those on whom she would not mind spending her energy. It should also be remembered that this woman cannot stand complaints, gossip and criticism, even with the best intentions. A woman born in the year of the Dragon loves to be pampered and sometimes she may seem like a capricious princess, but she has a good heart. And even if the Dragon woman does not dig in the garden so as not to get her nails dirty, she is a master at telling stories and making people laugh.

The Dragon Woman is not one of those women who sit and wait for the man they like to make the first move or for the employer to offer a good position. She takes everything into her own hands and begins to act. Most often, in family relationships The Dragon woman takes a dominant position and many men agree to this, because they understand perfectly well that they will never find such an interesting partner again. All relationships of the Dragon woman are filled with enthusiasm, passion, and cause a real storm of emotions. But, there must be a considerable amount of independence in them, because this woman does not intend to allow anyone to tie her too closely.

In family life, many Dragon women do not show their best qualities. And, as a rule, many people get married a second time. Moreover, it is worth noting that marriage is not an end in itself for them, it is only an additional support point for the implementation of their plans. The Dragon woman has high hopes for her husband, because for his sake she sacrificed her precious freedom! There is no question of her adapting to someone - on the contrary, the Dragon woman is always on top, and the people around must accept everything unconditionally, or leave the circle of her close associates.

Dragon woman horoscope – career

The Dragon Woman is a purely business person. Thanks to such qualities as energy, responsibility, intelligence and steely will, she is able to achieve success in almost any field of activity. She works hard, distributes skillfully work time and takes any matter seriously and responsibly, be it business negotiations or cooking borscht. An organized and rational Dragon woman looks at her watch and remembers what she needs to do today. She wastes no time and is indignant when they bother her with little things. For her, time is money. Very often, the Dragon woman, along with the Dragon man, sets herself tasks that seem impossible for most people. And this applies to work, love, career and life in general. If you tell her that this is impossible and no one has done this, it means awakening the spirit of the discoverer in her. A woman of this type has a creative nature and a real talent for achieving success, so it often seems that prosperity and interesting life she gets it without much difficulty

It is important for the Dragon Woman to be the center of attention, but she does not strive for power. But thanks to luck and intelligence, he achieves great success in his professional life. She is noticed in her youth, and even then she knows what she will strive for in the future. A woman born in the year of the Dragon will never do boring, monotonous work. And she brings creativity and inspiration to everything she does.

Women born under this energetic sign make excellent teachers, nutritionists, professors, lawyers, lawyers, doctors, speakers, architects, industrialists, shopkeepers, actors, artists, volcanologists, meteorologists, ambassadors, politicians, directors.

The Dragon Woman is also talented as a leader. She is the type of boss who talks a lot and who never sits idle. She will not tolerate unpunctuality and parasitism from employees. She herself strives for perfection and demands the same from others. She is not easy to work with. She is always convinced that she is right and is not ready to compromise.

Horoscope compilers are convinced that personal qualities A person and even his fate is determined by the time of his birth, or rather, the signs of the Western and Eastern zodiacs that were active at that time. One of the most controversial and prominent representatives Chinese zodiac is the Dragon, and therefore it is not surprising that people born during his reign are also extraordinary.

General information

Years of birth: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012.

The Dragon is the fifth of the twelve zodiac signs according to Chinese calendar.

Corresponding Western Zodiac Sign: Aries.

Talisman stones:

  • green peridot,
  • iridescent opal,
  • chalcedony,
  • sapphire,
  • amber,
  • all synthetic stones.


  • lotus,
  • sage,
  • mandrake.

Time of year: spring.

Best month: April.


  • gold,
  • yellow,
  • blue,
  • blue,
  • black.

Lucky numbers: 1, 6 and 7.

Best days in Chinese lunar calendar: 1st and 16th day of every month.

Direction: North, West, East.

What are Dragons like?

According to the Chinese calendar, each year corresponds not only to a certain sign eastern zodiac, but also one of the five elements. In addition, each element has its own color, which is acquired by the Dragon ruling that year.

Metallic or White

Years: 1940, 2000.

People born in these years are distinguished by their brightness, as well as strong will. In addition, they are energetic and vain, but sometimes overly harsh. Representatives of this Dragon sign always say what they think, without taking into account the feelings of others and without trying to be objective in relationships with other people. If others do not support their ideas, then Metal Dragons are not very upset. They continue to go their own way, even alone. These are usually people of high moral principles who are respected by both friends and colleagues.

Water or Black

Year: 1952, 2012.

The Water Dragon is easy to communicate with and is also friendly. These character traits make him easy and pleasant to deal with. Natural wit and the ability to feel all the nuances of a situation, as well as the moods of the people around him, make this person an excellent conversationalist and the soul of any company. The main drawback of people born under the sign of the Water Dragon is their tendency to jump from one idea to another, that is, the inability to concentrate on one goal.

Wooden or Blue-green

Years: 1904, 1964.

People born in the year of the Wood Dragon are natural businessmen. They know how to build theories and put them into practice. The inquisitive mind of these people delves into all the details of any business. In addition, Wooden Dragons always have plenty of interesting ideas which they strive to implement in reality. The unconditional advantages of their character are generosity and generosity.

Fiery or Red

Years: 1916, 1976.

Dragon people, belonging to the fire element, amaze everyone with their ability to work. They usually try to achieve success in any business they take on. Colleagues respect them for their directness and honesty. In addition, those born in the year of the Fire Dragon have innate leadership qualities and strong will. They tend to rely only on their own perception of the situation and only on their judgments. These people often do not take the considerations and interests of those around them into account at all. The isolation characteristic of representatives of this sign prevents them from living life to the fullest. However, they are big fans of music and art.

Positive and negative qualities

Each person has his own positive and negative character traits, which partly depend on the Chinese zodiac sign that ruled in the year of his birth.

The positive traits of the Dragon are:

Negative character traits Representatives of this sign of the Chinese horoscope are the following:

Character of men and women

According to astrologers, all people are one zodiac sign have certain common features character, but the influence of the ruler of the year of birth on men and women varies. This statement is also true for those born in the year of the Dragon.

Characteristics of a man

Dragon Man- a bright and extraordinary personality. He is either self-centered and eccentric, or always demanding of attention and sometimes unreasonable. In addition, a man of this sign is characterized by pride, aristocracy, self-confidence, vanity, irritability and stubbornness. All this is balanced by high intelligence, intelligence, generosity and complete absence tendency towards pettiness and hypocrisy.

Such a man is often loved by ladies, although he rarely loves himself. He is an individualist and thinker, distinguished by excellent health, incredible vitality and enormous energy, characteristic of all those born in the year of the Dragon.

Characteristics of a woman

Feature of the Dragon Woman is her outer coldness, behind which is hidden kind heart. Nevertheless, she is a good family man and friend, and values ​​constant and clear relationships. Both in love and in life, this lady always strives to win, and at the same time she really likes to impress others. If he fails to do this, he becomes very upset. A woman born in the year of the Dragon can achieve great success, because she is smart and practical.

This lady is popular with men. But it is worth considering that she does not like indecisive and always hesitant people.

Combination of Western zodiac signs and the Year of the Dragon

Those born in the year of the Dragon reign different signs Western zodiacs are different from each other. Constellations strengthen some personal qualities in them and weaken others.

Aries, born in the year of the mythical animal, can be called the Dragon squared, since this sign is closest in spirit to the eastern ruler of the year. It is not easy for him to reach his goal, but he flies towards it as if he had grown wings. But due to their stubbornness and straightforwardness, Aries may face many difficulties on the path to success.

Taurus significantly softens the temper eastern sign, making the formidable ruler an esthete and connoisseur of beauty. Basically, this combination of signs makes people good family men. In addition, such Taurus are very attentive to their appearance and are fans of various accessories.

Twins convey their duality to the formidable sign of the Chinese horoscope, which leads to the fact that a person can, at the most unexpected moment, move from extreme good nature to extreme anger. It should be noted that people born with this combination of signs love to be showy, even if it harms themselves or their loved ones.

Under the influence of Cancer The dragon becomes a builder of wonderful castles in the air. He clearly knows how what he has in mind should look like, but does not bother himself to think about the little things, or what he personally thinks are little things.

a lion in combination with the same majestic sign, it turns, oddly enough, into endless suspiciousness, accompanied by constant doubts about oneself and one’s strengths. It seems that the best thing for such a person is to find a quiet place away from people, letting all the uncertainty disappear, but no, the Leo cannot live without spectators. He strives to perform and be the center of attention.

Virgo, with its inherent realism and practicality, under the influence of the dreamy Dragon becomes very interesting person. Such a Virgo will be able to convince anyone of anything, because her reasoning seems logical and completely justified. The problem is that Virgo’s plans may subsequently turn out to be ill-conceived and unrealistic.

The eternal problem of the Dragon-Libra is the blues. It seems that he is bored and fed up with everything. He is disappointed in the opposite sex. He sees work as a hopeless routine. Libra can be saved from this condition by travel, extreme sports, or work that requires the ability to risk oneself.

Scorpio Those born in the year of the Dragon certainly need something large-scale. If he wants to have his own business, then only the oil one, but if he wants to lead, then only the country. It is better for those close to you to keep an eye on such a Scorpio, since even the obvious illegality of the activity in which he is engaged will not stop him.

Sagittarius, perhaps the calmest and most reasonable of all the signs of the Western zodiac born in the year of the reign of the Chinese Dragon. He always values ​​sincere friendship, and he himself is very decent. He is not particularly interested in fame and does not have a strong need to be the center of attention. Having chosen a business to his liking, such a person engages in it absolutely unselfishly and devotedly.

Capricorn similar to Sagittarius in that he does not feel the need for excessive pomp and veneration of the crowd. He prefers a decent income and stability. Nevertheless, the irrepressible essence of the Dragon takes its toll and, succumbing to it, Capricorn often chooses an extraordinary field of activity, for example, breeding crocodiles.

Aquarius-Dragon cannot accept imperfection either in himself or in others. Any failure that representatives of other signs would not pay attention to special attention, will make him feel uncomfortable for weeks. Aquarius will spend a lot of useful energy on these experiences, and may also lose some of their future success.

Fish under the influence of the Dragon they are always prudent, intelligent and also have a sense of beauty. Such a person will make an excellent science fiction writer, but, unfortunately, the combination of signs gives him low self-esteem. Because of this, it would hardly even occur to him to think about literary creativity.

Every person at birth falls under the influence of the Western and Eastern zodiac signs. It is so great that once you know what signs a person was born under, you can say a lot about his character, tastes and even interests. The dragon is truly one of the most brilliant signs of the Chinese zodiac, which simply cannot but be reflected in people born in its year.

Attention, TODAY only!

Many people characterize the dragon as an evil character in fairy tales who only shows his negative sides. But according to the Chinese horoscope, this animal, on the contrary, is positive with a small set negative traits. For the Chinese, the animal is personified with the highest spiritual power.

Distinctive features:




In general, this person is a bright personality who remains in people’s memory for a long time. It is not difficult to single out a dragon from a large number of people. They are the life of the party and they have a good sense of morale.

The Dragon is a very versatile personality, and, as a rule, he has an abundance of interests and hobbies. The same work may seem boring and uninteresting to them, they cannot sit still, the animal needs to constantly move forward and do something new.

Since the dragon likes to do several things, he is a good conversationalist, and there is always something to talk about with him. That is why he is lucky in life, and he can achieve his goals in a matter of seconds.

They are not hidden personalities; they are ready to talk about their plans right and left. But in general, these animals are accustomed to living in the present, without looking ahead.

Horoscope for the dragon

The personality of the animal as a whole can be described as a stormy character ready for any action, especially for men. Wherever a dragon appears, it is able to attract attention. People born in the year of the dragon love to brag about their successes. But, as a rule, a lot of people gather around this character who are ready to listen to him constantly and be inspired by his ideas.

For dragons, surprise is important. They are not afraid to take risks and take on any business that comes their way.

But a representative of this sign can be very hot-tempered; those people who try to anger him will have no luck. It's best not to mess with a dragon when he's angry.

But in fact, according to the eastern horoscope, the dragon is a dreamy person who can be very naive and believe people who are trying to deceive him - but this characteristic especially suitable for women.

But, despite all the charm of the animal, his relationships with other people are often tense. But this is not the fault of the dragons; this often happens due to the envy of others and deception. But in some situations, the sign manifests itself as an unrestrained and hot-tempered person, and is capable of offending people around him. But, despite this attitude from others, the animal often manages to build a good career and live a long life with money.

Individuals of this sign know how to live full life and they are able to realize seemingly the most dreamy ideas. This makes the animal’s characteristics somewhat unusual.

Dragon and compatibility

If we talk about compatibility, then the best friend can be a monkey, which understands the dragon like no one else and is inspired by its ideas. The animal also feels confident next to a rat, which, although small, is capable of protecting even such a large animal.

Astrology interprets that it is unlikely that you will be able to have a good relationship with a snake or a bull, since the dragon is simply afraid of these animals. But the worst way for an animal to get along with a dog is because they are completely different animals.

In general, this sign can be called positive. There are often naive and good people capable of helping others. But a dragon can be kind for the time being, until he is angered and offended.

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