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Life hacks: useful tips and ideas for an interesting life. Best tips for life

There are many things in life various situations, which perceive everything in their own way. But you can find out how you acted in this situation before and, looking at the result, do more right choice. Where can you find such a result? You don’t need to look for it, it’s all around you, it’s your grandparents, older people you come across but don’t ask them questions. Advice that people who have lived for 80 years or more can give you.

Here are some useful tips for life:

1) Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, you learn from them. You will commit big mistake, which you will never forgive yourself - having lived your life passively without doing anything. If you are offered to do something, do it, if you are interested in it, but you don’t know how to do it, no one has canceled the book yet.

2) Do what you love. If I were 18 now, I would say to myself: “I need a profession that would bring me joy and pleasure, and not one that pays more.” – and develop it. Do not be afraid of difficulties, but at the same time do not deceive yourself, if you know your business, then difficulties will be solved very simply.

3) Plan your every day, allocating time by hour. Many people plan their day, but not many follow it. If you have planned it, do it without being distracted by anything. If you do this, you will soon gain good quality, such as being organized. Following the plan, you save about 80% of your time, which you can use at your discretion, but don’t forget about self-development. Self-development is the most valuable investment you can make in your life.

4) Strive to become a master of your craft. People are designed in such a way that they value only professionals, but no one notices the average ones. Spend more time on one area to perfect it.

5) Don't deceive yourself and others. Honesty is an excellent quality that has been valued at all times. If you are an honest person, then the people who surround you will appreciate you.

6) Make decisions quickly and change them with caution. Decision in most cases true. Don’t rush to change it if something goes wrong, maybe soon everything will change in your favor.

7) Don’t worry about what others say and think about you. There is one good quote: “No one can hurt you unless you allow it yourself.” Yes this is true. We all experience and get upset of our own free will. Don't follow the crowd that will lead you nowhere. Be special, because the main thing is what you think about yourself and what your goal is.

8) Live according to your capabilities. If you live from paycheck to paycheck, then after a few years you will realize that you should have saved 15% of your income. Don't spend money to show off in front of others. You are the master of your own money.

9) No matter what you do, do it well. If something doesn’t work out for you, don’t make a “blunder”, find the answer to the question: “How can I do this better.”

10) Spend 15 minutes a day in silence and solitude. Give yourself 15 minutes a day to think and dream about life. Silence helps you concentrate and think about all your problems. Many problems can be solved on their own, you just have to find the right solution.

11) Ask questions. When you ask questions, you show interest in the subject. If you are still a student, ask questions to your teachers, understand all the details. As they say, people are known through communication. Share your thoughts with friends and colleagues and monitor their reactions, but don't forget about tip 7.

This small part useful tips for life. But if you follow them, your life will begin to change dramatically. better side, you will begin to live with pleasure and joy, appreciate every minute of your life, and in old age you will have something to remember.

1. The world wants you to remain dumb. The dumber you are, the easier it is for you to sell products and services. The size of the TV diagonal is inversely proportional to IQ.

2. Don’t blindly believe in educational system. Training program out of date on the first day of your training. (The exception is fundamental programs, but only in exact sciences; the question of applying fundamental knowledge in everyday life remains open.)

3. Read non-stop, read as much as possible. You never know when new knowledge and concepts will come in handy, but you will be much better prepared for life's surprises.

4. Learn to communicate with others. Avoiding people, considering them unworthy of your communication, means not finding clients, friends or work in the future.

5. Being shy is a waste of time. Don't let emotions rule your decision-making processes.

6. If you don’t like something in a relationship with another person, in the event of your breakup, this “something” will be the reason.

7. Communicate as much as possible with people older than you. Try to understand their value system, their outlook and the logical connections between the situation and the decisions made.

8. Find people to admire and try to surpass them.

9. Over time, people become more conservative. If you want to do risky things, do them while you are young. I came to the conclusion long ago that reformism is a consequence of lack of knowledge, not of focus.

10. Don’t waste money on nonsense: save it for something serious (including your startup). This will also teach you how to spend money in business: wisely and for the purpose.

11. When choosing between spending money on things or experiences, choose experiences. The joy from impressions and memories is higher.

12. After you have learned to save, learn to earn money.

13. Learn to program. It's easier to make a prototype yourself than to waste time and money explaining it to someone else. If you don’t want to program, learn to do something with your hands so that you can produce something useful.

14. Don't dial excess weight in young age. This will shorten your active life by 10-20 years.

15. Learn to cook. Best time to think about something - when you are cutting ingredients for a salad or soup.

16. Get enough sleep at night. Lack of sleep greatly affects the quality of decision making.

17. Write down your activities. Memory is not enough, no matter how fantastic it is.

18. Have a big dream. Being flexible is great, but without a dream it can turn into running in circles.

19. Become an expert in your field before changing your field of activity. This has to do with the 10,000-hour rule and the fact that a good generalist must have been a good specialist in the past.

20. Don't try to correct people. Look for those who are not yet corrupted.

But you really shouldn’t forget about it!

    • People always say: " Good job one that you enjoy every day.” This is an FALSE STATEMENT.
    • A good job is one that you can tolerate most workdays and still pays all your expenses. Almost no one has a job that they can adore every second of. The years pass in the blink of an eye. Don't marry young. Live life to the fullest. TRAVEL. Take action.
    • It doesn't matter whether you have money or not. Pack your bag and go where you can afford. Until you have children, don't spend money on things. For any things. See the world. Point to a point on the map. And go ahead! Don't take everything too seriously.
    • Even if at some moments life seems hopeless and hopeless, try to laugh at all this ass and at how you got into this. A friend is someone who will come to the rescue, even if you call him at two in the morning.
    • The rest are just acquaintances. Most important person in your life is a person who agrees to share his life with you.
    • Think of it this way. You won't notice how your children grow up.
    • So spend as much time with them as possible. No one has ever died with the regret of not working enough in their life.
    • Be hardworking, but don't put work before family, friends and, ultimately, yourself! You can live long life, and maybe even a short one - no one knows.
    • But be that as it may, you need to take care of your health when you are young.
    • If you are tired of your life, just stop, think about the present moment, enjoy everything that is beautiful and truly important. Take a deep breath, relax. And understand that everything is relative.
    • Eat and exercise like you're a diabetic with a heart condition - you'll never become one. We only have one life.
    • Don't wake up one day and realize that you're already 60 and haven't achieved anything you've dreamed of your whole life.
    • This may not be as deep advice as others, but still: brush your teeth regularly, dental problems are terrible. Don't follow all advice as biblical commandments
    • . You can ask someone you respect for advice, then re-evaluate your situation and make your OWN decision. Things are just things
    • . Don't hold on to material objects, hold on to time and events. The damage you received today will make itself felt in old age.
    • . Even if you think you have completely healed them. BELIEVE IT!. When you're young, you always want everything at once. But why not appreciate every little moment? We are not on this planet forever, and the greatest pleasure we can afford is to enjoy every moment. Instead of typing messages, pick up the phone and talk to someone in person. Visit your mom, for absolutely no reason, just like that. Soak up every moment.
    • Pay all your bills and stay out of debt.
    • Jealousy destroys relationships. Trust your soulmate. If not her, then who can you trust?
    • If you have an impossible dream, you should still at least try to get closer to achieving it.. Because with age it will become even more impossible.
    • When you meet someone for the first time, realize that you KNOW NOTHING about that person.. You see his nationality, gender, age, clothes. Forget all this. You don't know anything. Those stereotypes that are shoved into your head because our brain loves to categorize everything limit your life.

According to materials -

Written by Regina Brett, 90, Cleveland, Ohio
Wanting to celebrate my 45th birthday, I compiled
45 lessons that life taught me.

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. When in doubt, take another step forward.
3. Life is too short to waste it on hatred.
4. Work won't take care of you when you're sick. Your friends and parents will do this. Take care of this!
5. Pay off your credit card debts every month.
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree or disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. It is acceptable to be angry with God. He will understand.
9. Save for retirement from your first salary.
10. When it comes to chocolate, there is no point in resisting.
11. Make peace with your past so that it does not spoil your present.
12. You can allow yourself to cry in front of your children.
13. Don't compare your life to someone else's. You have no idea what they are really going through.
14. If the relationship is supposed to be secret, you shouldn't be involved in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry: God never blinks.
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17. Get rid of everything that cannot be called useful, beautiful or funny.
18. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. However, your second childhood depends entirely on you..
20. When the time comes to pursue what you truly love in this life, don't say no.
21. Burn candles, use nice sheets, wear nice underwear. Save nothing for a special occasion. This a special case- Today.
22. Prepare abundantly, and then come what may.
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait until you're old to wear bright red clothes.
24. The most important organ in sex is the brain.
25. No one but you is responsible for your happiness.
26. For any so-called disaster, ask the question: Will it matter in five years?
27. Always choose life.
28. Forgive everything and everyone.
29. What others think of you should not worry you.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give it time.
31. It doesn’t matter whether the situation is good or bad, it will change.
32. Don't take yourself seriously. Nobody does this.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because he is God, not because of what you have done or not.
35. There is no need to study life. You appear in it and do as much as you can.
36. Growing old is a better alternative than dying young.
37. Your children have only one future.
38. All that matters in the end is that you experienced love.
39. Go out for a walk every day. Miracles happen everywhere.
40. If we put all our problems in a pile and compared them with other people’s, we would quickly take ours away.
41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have everything you need.
42. However, the best is yet to come.
43. No matter how you feel, get up, get dressed and go out in public.
44. Give in.
45. Even though life isn’t tied up with a bow, it’s still a gift. Share these lines with your friends!!!

Toilet air freshener

There may be more in the bathroom exquisite aroma than the one that bursts out of bottles labeled “Air Freshener.”
All you need is a few drops of aromatic oil. You can choose a refreshing grapefruit, or you can choose a delightfully tantalizing flair of ylang-ylang.
Just apply a few drops inside the roll toilet paper. And - voila! A sophisticated atmosphere almost in the main room of the house)
Note to the home handyman

. Smell oil paint It will disappear faster in the apartment if you place plates of salt in several places.
. Take a small brush, soak it in a weak iodine solution and rub the scratch on the furniture. As a result, not only will the paint match the color, but the scratch will become barely noticeable. This method is used mainly for oak, walnut and mahogany.
. You can repair a non-removable plug with a broken wire at the junction with it in a simple way. It is necessary to cut the plug along the plane of the pins, remove the remaining wires and solder the freshly stripped ends. Then glue the fork and apply a thread bandage.
. The key for the electric drill chuck will always be at hand if you drill it and secure it to the power cord with a key ring.
. To remove the plastic insulation from the wire without damaging it, you can use an aluminum clothespin. Two grooves are cut into its jaws, the tip of the wire is inserted into them, the clothespin is squeezed with your fingers and the wire is pulled out with force.
. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have insulating tape on hand when repairing electrical wiring. Wrap the wire with plastic film tape, melt it with the fire of a match and insulate the connection with the heated mixture.
4 ways to reduce dust in your home

Dust that accumulates on the floor and furniture spoils not only appearance your house. The main harm is caused by dust mites - they can provoke asthma, allergies, atopic dermatitis and other diseases. To avoid these unpleasant consequences, we offer several effective ways quickly deal with a harmful domestic enemy.
1. Place blankets, cushions, soft toys and curtains in the washing machine, turning on the dryer for 15 minutes (it’s great if your machine has a program for drying down items). To kill dust mites, wash items at a temperature of at least 60°C, if the fabric allows.
2. Forget about using a feather duster. This accessory looks very nice, but is useless for dust collection, as it spreads dust around the room.
3. A clean paint brush will work well to remove caked-on dust from lampshades, wooden chairs, handrails or picture frames.
Rubber gloves dampened with water will quickly remove pet hair from sofas and chairs.
A clean white sock is suitable for removing dust from horizontal blinds.
4. Dust tends to settle, so you need to start from the highest surfaces, gradually moving down. You can vacuum the floors at the end of cleaning (modern models of vacuum cleaners catch particles house dust, so don’t be afraid that it will end up on the shelves again).
Salt and soda

Regular salt and soda are indispensable in the household, not only for cooking.
. For example, in salt water You can put freshly washed terry towels for a quarter of an hour - they will become soft and fluffy.
. If you spill ink on a carpet or rug, immediately sprinkle the stain with a thick layer of salt: it will absorb the ink and the stain will come off.
. Do you have a stove or fireplace in your house or country house? To make wet firewood burn faster, you can sprinkle it with a pinch of coarse salt.
. Salt removes well bad smell fish, onions, garlic: to get rid of it, rub your hands with salt and then wash with soap.
. Is it time to sharpen your knives, scissors, and garden tools? Pre-place them for half an hour in a weak brine and sharpen without wiping. The effect will exceed your expectations!
. There are three types of soda: baking soda, washing soda, and caustic soda. Their difference is in alkaline activity. Baking soda is considered the weakest. As a rule, it is put into dough, confectionery and some other food products. But it is sometimes used for other purposes. For example, for washing wool and silk items that cannot withstand exposure to strong alkalis.
. To prevent milk from curdling in the summer heat, add a little soda when boiling (1/4 teaspoon per 1 liter of milk)
. The strips of paper on the windows can be easily removed if you first moisten them with a warm solution of baking soda (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of warm water).
. A pan in which something is burnt can be easily cleaned by boiling water in it with baking soda(1-2 tablespoons).
. Sediment from the spout of the teapot can be removed by pouring hot water into it for 2-3 hours. soda solution(1 teaspoon per glass of water). Then rinse three times hot water.
. Iron marks on silk can be removed with soda slurry. It is applied to the stain, allowed to dry and brushed off.
. Itching from mosquito bites It will go away if you wipe them with a soda solution (0.5 teaspoon per 1 glass of water).
. Calluses on the hands can be removed using warm soda baths if done 2-3 times a week (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).
. The yellowness on your teeth from smoking will be reduced if, when brushing them, you put a little baking soda and a drop or two of lemon juice on the brush.
. Freckles and dark spots will become less noticeable if you wipe them with a soda solution (6-7 teaspoons per 1 glass of water).
To prevent clothes from getting wrinkled

To prevent clothes from becoming wrinkled, do not fold them, but roll them with a roller
Recipe notes

If you stick sheets of cork on the reverse side, you can attach all kinds of recipe notes to it with pins.
Organic bonding

They say to keep broken dishes at home - Bad sign. And what's the use of broken dishes? But sometimes there are objects that constitute not material, but spiritual value - the memory of a loved one. And even if they are old, unusable and broken, it is still a pity to throw them away. For such commemorative cups, plates or figurines, we suggest you try the method of organic gluing, or rather even splicing the dishes. With this method, parts of the dishes do not even stick together, but grow together like a broken bone.
1. Wash the split areas thoroughly and connect the two halves.
2. Secure them with an elastic band, or wrap them with thread.
3. Place in a suitable container that will fit the entire broken part of the cup, and pour in unboiled milk so as to completely cover the broken part to be glued, and leave for 3-4 days at room temperature. The milk will naturally turn sour, which is what we need.
4. If the cup has been left in a cracked state for a long time, the seam will absorb dust and darken, but when gluing it will lighten a little. If you glue a broken thing back together right away, there will be practically no trace of the break.



Ideas for a summer residence

How to save space in your dresser

Recipe for a miracle solution for the most hopeless flowers

Recipe for the miracle solution:
Pour 5-6 egg whites into 1 liter of warm water and leave for a week, then dilute this in 10 liters of water and pour over it.
I must say the smell from the solution is not very pleasant, so I reduced all the ingredients by 5 times and diluted them in plastic bottle 2.5 l.
I took a bottle, poured in 1 protein and 200 ml of warm water, and a week later I added 2 liters and watered the flowers from the bottle.
How to remove odor from the refrigerator

It is important to remember that any refrigerator must be washed at least twice a year.
Then you need to ventilate and dry the refrigerator. Place one of the adsorbents of your choice:
crust of stale black bread (if the smell is persistent, then half a loaf is cut into slices and laid out throughout the chamber); pieces of raw potatoes (it is advisable to make a fresh cut daily, for example: cut the potatoes in half and put them in the refrigerator); halves of an apple (the same as for potatoes); lemon slices or peel of any citrus fruit; an open pack of soda; rice (both raw and boiled); Activated carbon(two or three packages are poured onto a saucer or poured into a box with holes; the properties of coal can be restored by calcining it in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius); you can use zeolite (pour 200-400 g into a container with an open top); a glass of 9% vinegar is left in the refrigerator for up to a day; ground coffee or beans (pour 50 grams onto a saucer); You can buy a special filter for the refrigerator. When preparing food and storing it further, use utensils made of high-quality materials, and cover containers with food placed in the refrigerator with a lid.
For those who knit

Coffee - unusual application

1. Insect creatures are extremely stupid and stupid - they do not appreciate this divine drink at all, they can’t even stand it! By scattering dry coffee grounds in places favored by ants, you can easily get rid of their proximity - they will leave to look for a quieter place. And if you set fire to used coffee, that is, coffee grounds, such smoke will repel flies and wasps.
2. Used coffee will also save you from cat chaos. If your mustachioed pet understands the meaning of the word “toilet” in a way that is more convenient for him, you can wean the scoundrel from messing around in the wrong place with the help of coffee grounds, which need to be mixed with dried and ground orange peel. Sprinkle this fragrant mixture in secluded places that the cat has chosen as a toilet, and enjoy the puzzled look of the mustachioed sly one.
3. Coffee grounds are also used as flea shampoo. First, wash your pet with regular flea shampoo, and then wipe its fur. coffee grounds mixed with water. Rinse your pet thoroughly and he will not only get rid of fleas, but his fur will also become soft, silky and... fragrant. With a short-haired dog, this procedure is not difficult to do, but if the hair is long, you must rinse it thoroughly.
4. Coffee is an excellent ingredient for sachets.
It is enough to put such a fragrant bag in the closet with clothes or linen,
and your things will not only smell pleasant, but will also be protected from uninvited insects, for example, moths.
It’s not difficult to prepare such a coffee sachet - just pour a little
freshly ground coffee into a linen bag.
5. Used coffee good helper in cleaning a fireplace or stove.
Before you start cleaning the stove or fireplace, you need to throw wet coffee grounds there,
this will protect you from ash dust.
6. Coffee can be used to remove scratches from dark wooden furniture.
To do this, you need to dilute the coffee grounds with hot water to the consistency of gruel and rub it into the scratches.
Coffee, of course, should be the finest grind.
7. By rubbing dark leather items, such as handbags or gloves, with coffee grounds and glycerin, you can refresh the product and give it a beautiful shine. You can simply wipe the leather surface with a soft cloth or cotton wool moistened with very strong coffee.
8. Sometimes a new leather bag has a rather unpleasant smell. You can get rid of it by sprinkling your handbag with ground coffee and leaving it like that for several hours, or even better, for the whole day. Of course, this option is only suitable for dark leather handbags.
9. Used coffee is an excellent fertilizer for plants that love acidic soil. These include rose bushes, azaleas, rhododendrons, lilies, as well as many evergreen shrubs. Feed them coffee grounds, they love it very much.
10. Coffee is great for cleaning ashtrays, eliminating unpleasant odors.
Pour some coffee into a dirty ashtray, wipe with a damp cloth and rinse.
How to clean the hood

1. Take a large pan that is the size of your hood filters, fill the pan with water and bring the water to a boil.
2.Now add half a cup of regular soda to the water little by little. Add it slowly, one teaspoon at a time.
3. Place the filters in boiling water. All fat and all dirt will dissolve very quickly.
After a few minutes, remove the pan from the heat.
For very dirty and clogged filters, repeat the procedure with new water.
4.If the fat is not completely removed, place the filters in hot water With ammonia(1/2 cup of ammonia per 3.5 liters of water).
Be sure to open the kitchen windows and use a mask to protect yourself from the strong smell of ammonia.
Secrets cell phone

There are several hidden features in your cell phone that you might not know about! Here are some features...
especially for emergency cases
1 case:
112 is a number that can be dialed from a mobile phone in case of an emergency. Valid worldwide. If you are outside the coverage area of ​​your network, in the event of an emergency, you can dial 112, and the phone will search for an emergency number within the networks available in your region.
Another interesting point: this number can be dialed even when the keypad of your phone is locked. Try it (just don't connect).
Case 2:
Are your keys left inside a locked car? Does the car have a remote key? The following advice may prove very useful someday.
Another argument in favor of purchasing a cell phone: if the keys are inside a locked car, and you have spare keys at home, call someone at home from your cell phone. Hold your cell phone about 30 cm away from the car door while the person at home presses the unlock button on the spare key after holding it close to their cell phone. Your car will open.
A great opportunity to save time, because the person will not have to bring you spare keys. Distance in in this case doesn't matter. Even if you are hundreds of kilometers away, if you can get through to a person with spare keys, you will be able to open the car (or the trunk).
Editor's note: It really works! We were able to open the car doors by transmitting a signal via mobile phone!
Case 3:
How to block a STOLEN phone? In order to find out the serial number of your cell phone, dial the following combination: *#06#
A 15-digit code will be displayed on the screen. This code is unique for each phone. Write it down and store it in safe place. If your phone is stolen, call your mobile operator and provide this code. The operator will be able to block your phone. Now, even if you change the SIM card, it will be impossible to use the phone. You probably won't be able to get your phone back, but at least you'll know that the person who stole your phone won't be able to use it.

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