Home Prosthetics and implantation Like using toothpaste. Unusual uses for toothpaste

Like using toothpaste. Unusual uses for toothpaste

Can you imagine how useful toothpaste? And not only from a dental point of view. NameWoman offers you 12 non-standard ways application of toothpaste, which will present you with this product as truly universal and irreplaceable (or more precisely, replacing many others).

beauty and health

1. Dissolve a small amount of toothpaste in boiled water and use as a mouth rinse. By the way, this composition is also suitable for gargling if you feel unwell while traveling and don’t have it with you. necessary medications for coughs, sore throats and sore tonsils.

2. Toothpaste is a well known folk remedy for acne, helping to dry out and speed up the healing of inflammation. Apply the paste directly to problem areas overnight. It is especially good for acne on the back and shoulders.

3. Using toothpaste as emergency remedy for a cold on the lip can give a good result due to its drying and antiseptic effect, a crust on the herpes forms faster and it will not grow.

Purity and beauty

4. Housewives who often cook fish, cut onions and chop garlic know very well how difficult it is sometimes to get rid of the specific smell of their hands. If you do not wash the dishes used when preparing fish in a timely manner, they will acquire a persistent and not very pleasant aroma. Sour milk in a bottle, saucepan or ladle is another annoying problem. Toothpaste will help get rid of persistent unwanted odor from food; simply rub a small amount between your hands and rinse, and also treat dishes and work surfaces with a soft sponge and toothpaste.

5. The composition of toothpastes makes them an ideal cleaning agent for getting rid of deposits, soot and rust on cast iron cookware.

6. Dark stripes and stains on light-colored shoes or handbags can be removed with toothpaste. Gently rub stubborn marks with an old toothbrush and toothpaste, and then wipe with a damp and dry cloth. This procedure is useful for products made of leatherette and genuine leather, which becomes like new.

7. Another popular way to use toothpaste at home is to clean jewelry. A small amount of paste is rubbed into the jewelry for a while, and then removed from the surface of the jewelry with a soft, dry cloth. This procedure will delight gold accessories and benefit diamonds, but do not use this product on jewelry with pearls; its delicate surface can be easily damaged.

8. Toothpaste is generally an excellent, universal cleaner, not allergy-causing and does not leave an unpleasant odor like many household chemicals. Among many other options, it will help get rid of traces of pencils, felt-tip pens, pens, lipstick on plastic, linoleum and fabric (use white toothpaste), and eliminate marks on plumbing fixtures and sink surfaces. In general, the scope of application is very wide, so much so that toothpaste in bulk can be purchased by a practical housewife for one family.

9. Using toothpaste, you can easily get rid of marks left by wet dishes on the table.

10. If you started general cleaning, but you completely forgot about the special composition for washing glass, then toothpaste will come in handy here too. It can be used in pure form or add to water to obtain liquid composition. Nice bonus using toothpaste on the bathroom mirror - now it will fog up less. Simply wipe the mirror with toothpaste and rub it with a dry cloth or paper.

Toothpaste is a mass similar in consistency to jelly, intended for cleaning teeth from plaque and food debris. And every person, from early childhood, actively uses this attribute at least once a day. But, did you know that in addition to its direct purpose, toothpaste can also be useful for other purposes? Do not know? Then remember.

Toothpaste - use in folk medicine

Toothpaste can easily replace a bunch medicines. It can be safely used as remedy

...from burns. If you accidentally get burned by touching a hot frying pan or iron, immediately apply a thin layer of toothpaste to the painful area. This measure will alleviate pain and avoid the formation of blisters in the affected area. After an hour, rinse off the remaining paste with warm water. But if a wound has formed from a burn, this method will not work;

...from bruises. To speed up the resorption of the hematoma, smear the glowing bruise with toothpaste;

...when calluses form from shoes. Surely everyone has had the experience of rubbing calluses with new or uncomfortable shoes, which develop into blisters - an unpleasant and painful thing, however. Apply a thin layer of toothpaste to the formed callus and after just a couple of minutes the pain will subside slightly, and the swollen blister will dry out and gradually decrease;

...from insect bites. If after being bitten by a mosquito or other bug you feel itching and your skin is red and swollen, apply a little paste to the affected area and you will immediately feel relief;

...for acne or herpes. Lubricate a pimple that appears on the skin of your face with a small amount of ordinary white toothpaste (without any additives) at night and it will evaporate by the morning. Just remember to wash off the paste in the morning with warm water. The same measure will prevent the growth of herpes on the lips. But only for very sensitive skin and if the body is prone to allergic manifestations such procedures are contraindicated;

Toothpaste - household use

...to remove yellow stains from nails. Since toothpaste can easily remove yellow plaque from our teeth, then it can easily eliminate yellowness from our nails. It is enough to rub your nails with a brush with paste applied to it.
But that's not all the wonders that toothpaste is capable of. It can also be used for household purposes. For example, using toothpaste you can easily...

...remove tea stains on a desk or computer desk. Who among us doesn’t like to drink tea while sitting at the computer? Of course, sometimes furniture suffers from such habits. If you accidentally spill tea on the table, rub the contaminated area with toothpaste, then wipe with a dampened napkin;

...to disguise scratches on computer disks and glass wristwatch and cell phone screens. Often, if these items are handled carelessly, they will develop defects in the form of scratches. Shallow scratches can be removed using the same toothpaste. Apply the composition in a thin layer to the affected surface and, using a soft cloth, carefully sand it with light movements from the middle to the edge;

...remove stains from clothes, carpet and furniture, including lipstick stains. Apply a small layer of paste to the contaminated area of ​​clothing and leave for fifteen minutes. Then rub thoroughly and rinse in warm water. If you are trying to clean a white item, then better effect use whitening paste. It will no longer be suitable for colored items, since it will certainly leave whitish marks. When furniture and carpet are dirty, in the same way, first lubricate the dirty area with toothpaste and scrub thoroughly using a brush, then wipe with a generously moistened napkin;

...restore the original whiteness of worn leather goods (bags, furniture, belts, shoes). Squeeze toothpaste (preferably whitening) onto the worn areas of the leather item and rub with a soft cloth. After about twenty minutes, wipe with a slightly damp cloth;

...clean up dark dirty spots on white shoe soles. It is enough to apply a little paste to the contaminated area of ​​the sole and rub it with a brush, and it will become white again. All that remains is to wipe it with a damp cloth or rinse with warm water;

...remove plaque from the keys of a piano, grand piano, accordion or button accordion. Apply a little paste to a damp (lint-free) cloth, rub the keys with it, then go over with a clean damp cloth and finish the process with a dry cloth;

...remove plaque from sink faucets. During your usual daily morning (or evening) exercise, scrub the faucet with your toothpaste, using a separate brush for this. You'll see, the plaque will disappear instantly;

...to erase traces of felt-tip pens and pencils on painted walls. If there is a young artist growing up in your house who shows his talent with drawings on the walls, then do not rush to run for new paint for re-painting walls. Apply toothpaste to a damp cloth and thoroughly rub the painted areas until they disappear;

...remove deposits on the soleplate of the iron. The silicon contained in the toothpaste can easily clean the smooth, shiny surface of the iron by rubbing the soleplate of the device. soft cloth with paste applied to it;

...remove dirt from the surface of the stove. If your milk escaped while boiling or you stained the stove while cooking, apply toothpaste to the stuck food residues and scrub with a damp washcloth. Then all you have to do is carry out the usual wet cleaning of the entire surface of the slab, and it will shine like new again;

...eliminate unpleasant odors. After fiddling with fish, onions and garlic, as a rule, hands for a long time are fragrant with the absorbed odors from such odorous products. Wash your hands with a small amount of toothpaste, and there will be no trace of odors left. In the same way, you can eliminate the smell of sour milk from baby bottles by washing them with a brush coated with paste;

...eliminate dark coating from products made of silver and cupronickel. For this purpose, dissolve toothpaste in water and place objects in this solution for a short time. Then rub the product with a soft cloth until shiny. If you have time, coat silver or cupronickel items with toothpaste and leave overnight. In the morning, rub them with a dry cloth and they will shine like new again.

These, in fact, are all the miracles that ordinary toothpaste, available in every home, is capable of. This is exactly what we wanted to tell you about. It’s up to each of you to believe it or not and how to use the information received. What prevents you from checking it through your own experiments?

I liked this article so much that I wanted to immediately translate it - and try to apply all these methods in life. Because they are funny - but really useful.

Toothpaste is a product that we all use every day. In the morning and evening we open the tube to brush our teeth. But why do we limit ourselves to just teeth? Why do we miss so many other amazing ways to use it?

Some people use toothpaste to clean their own home. Its insoluble particles help remove dirt in the same way that toothpaste removes plaque from our teeth. Let's find out the most interesting tricks!

1. Cleaning tea and coffee stains

The mugs never seem to stay clean for very long. They always have dirty brown rings on the inner surface that take a long time to wash - many of us are very familiar with this.

Trick: Instead of using dishwashing liquid, rub the cup with toothpaste and it will sparkle clean again!

P.S.: I personally tried this technique. This is something amazing! Cleans instantly! Even an old cup at the dacha. Just some kind of holiday! And how could I live without this before? I highly, highly recommend it.

2. Silver polishing

Are your cutlery and jewelry tarnished? Or maybe even covered with a black coating?

No need to buy expensive polishes! Just wipe them with a cloth and a little toothpaste and your silver will shine again.

P.S.: It starts to shine almost instantly. But the blackened areas need to be rubbed for several minutes. And then it’s truly like new. And the old one Toothbrush will help you get to the most inaccessible curved curls.

3. Remove crayon marks

All parents know this feeling. Pristine white walls. Beautiful smooth painted surface.

And suddenly, before you know it, there are painted flowers and bright green height markers with other marks. Oh you!...

You need a simple solution - toothpaste! Rub those damn crayons with a little toothpaste and everything will be as good as new again.

P.S. This, of course, does not work on wallpaper (it did not work for me). But for painted surfaces it’s an excellent solution!

4. Fix scratches on CDs

Nobody likes it when their favorite song fails. Or the entire disc is unreadable due to stupid scratches.

Toothpaste helps here too!

Apply some toothpaste to a cotton swab and rub the scratch until the scratch disappears. Wait a little for everything to dry - and enjoy your favorite music again! Or a game. Or these, as they call them, databases;).

P.S. I haven’t checked it personally; I don’t have such disks. But judging by the reviews, it’s an excellent solution, it helps a lot of people.

5. Deodorizes baby bottles

Many parents have to spend a fortune on new baby bottles that have to be replaced every few weeks because of the smell. sour milk, which remains in the bottles.

There is no need to spend money on new ones ahead of time. Squeeze some toothpaste into the bottle, add warm water, shake and pour - your bottles will come out clean with a great fresh minty smell.

6. Use as filler/putty

You have moved. The house is finally free of dirt and dust. But after removing old photographs, paintings and clocks, there were many small holes left on the walls throughout the apartment.

Do not worry. Take the toothpaste out of the case and apply a little to these same holes. Why go for expensive sealant when you have toothpaste?

P.S. And the most important thing is that it really always exists. You may run out of sealant, but you never run out of toothpaste.

7. Whitens piano keys

It becomes terribly sad when your favorite piano (or even grand piano) looks older than its age due to yellowed keys.

You already guessed it, right?

Toothpaste helps whiten your teeth - and it will do the same for your keys! Just a few minutes and your piano will be like new again.

P.S. Maestro, shorten the march!

8. Cleans shoes

Even recently purchased shoes never look new for very long. Especially if they have white edges. Sneakers, again.

Take an old toothbrush, go over the edges with toothpaste, and you will be surprised at how new your shoes will look!

9. Removes marks from a cup of tea or coffee

There's nothing worse than seeing a guest set up your new coffee table - WITHOUT a stand. Uh-uh...

STOP! There is no reason to panic. Nonsense, a matter of everyday life. And most importantly, it’s easy to fix.

Just apply a little toothpaste to the marks and the mark will gradually disappear.

P.S. Yes, and this doesn't just work for new tracks. And not just for the coffee table.

10. Cleans the iron

You urgently need to iron your shirt for an interview, but the iron still has those horrible black marks on it? And don't have time to clean it properly?

Rub in some toothpaste and voila! Happy ironing!

11. Cleans chrome

Chrome taps, heated towel rails, or even the chrome on a motorcycle—you want them to shine, not dull.

No need for expensive polishes. Take toothpaste, rub it on, and you can look at your reflection in no time.

P.S. Of all the methods listed in the article, cleaning chrome items is one of my favorites. It works very quickly. The old faucet in the kitchen, which could no longer be cleaned with conventional products like Cif-a, really became as good as new with the help of toothpaste!

And if all the listed methods and techniques are not enough for you, here are some tips on how to apply it for personal beauty:

12. Helps reduce blemishes

It's an old myth that contains truth - toothpaste is great for drying out those pesky pimples that always pop up before an important date or interview.

Definitely works for a plain white toothpaste, especially if you have sensitive skin.

P.S. There was no reason to check yet. As soon as I find out, I’ll write.

13. Strengthens nails

Considering that your nails and teeth are made of the same substance, it seems logical to clean your nails too.

Give your nails a little exfoliation with a toothbrush and toothpaste - this will strengthen them and give them shine.

14. Soothes pain from bites and burns

Minor burns and bites can be very painful when you don't have any medicine on hand and pharmacies are closed.

But toothpaste is always near you - so apply a small amount to the wound, and you will be surprised how well it soothes the pain.

P.S. And then, of course, don’t forget to go to the pharmacy.

15. Dye your hair

For those who color their hair, their worst nightmare is those stubborn spots along the hairline that remain after coloring and are difficult to remove.

Toothpaste will help remove these stains. Just rub in a little paste and the stains will disappear.

What's more, you can rub a little paste along your hairline before you start applying color. Then these spots will not just not appear, and you will be left with perfectly professionally colored hair.

Honestly, I couldn’t even imagine that simple toothpaste could be used in such different situations.

Moreover, I have a feeling that there are even more of these methods. You just need to think, experiment and practice.

Next time, instead of worrying about a scary stain or a less-than-shiny bike, you know what to do. Toothpaste can help us!

And if you know other ways and tricks with this blessed product, write in the comments. I'm looking forward to it ;).

— 15 Surprising Uses Of Toothpaste To Ease Your Life, Nicola Vaughan
— Featured photo credit:

1. Helps get rid of annoying odors. The smells of garlic, fish, onions and some other products are sometimes so corrosive that you are amazed. In fact, such odors can penetrate the skin cells of our hands. But it doesn’t matter: if soap doesn’t help (and it rarely helps in these cases), you just need to spend a little time scrubbing your palms and fingers with regular toothpaste - this will quickly get rid of the unpleasant odor.

2.Removes stains from carpets: It is necessary to apply toothpaste to the stain and rub the stained area for some time with a stiff brush. Then immediately rinse the stained area with water and shampoo.

3. Cleaning white shoes. For example, for cleaning white sneakers. White shoes with white soles often develop black streaks that can be easily removed with toothpaste. To do this you will need an old toothbrush and a small amount of toothpaste.

4. You can clean it using the same method. metal souvenirs and any other metal objects.

5.Cleans burnt metal and cast iron surfaces. One of the fastest and effective ways To clean such frying pans from the soot that has formed, simply apply a layer of toothpaste and scrub the surfaces until they shine. This is possible due to the fact that the toothpaste contains quartz compounds, which are an abrasive material.

6.Cleans silver jewelry to a shine. This happens in the following way: thoroughly rub toothpaste into the jewelry and leave it overnight. In the morning, wipe clean with a dry cloth.

7. You will also need toothpaste to restore a CD. Often numerous scratches interfere with high-quality sound reproduction. In this case, it is necessary to apply the paste at the location of the scratch using a soft rag and gently wipe the surface. But this action must be approached carefully so as not to cause new scratches.

8. Suitable for cleaning instrument keys. The fact is that the keys of the instruments retain the natural oil of human skin, and therefore very quickly become covered with dust and dirt. The keys must be cleaned with a damp cloth that does not leave lint. Apply a small amount of toothpaste to it and wipe the keys very gently; After cleaning them, take the same lint-free cloth and wipe the keys dry, removing any remaining toothpaste.

9. Removes n unpleasant smell from baby feeding bottles. It often happens that the remaining milk in baby feeding bottles turns sour, and then remove this bad smell almost impossible. Cleaning with toothpaste works great: apply the paste to a small bottle brush and rinse it a little. Then rinse the sides of the bottle thoroughly. This great way to remove the corrosive smell of sour milk!

10. If leather product lost its appearance, use toothpaste again. Apply the paste to the damaged area and rub in with a soft cloth. Then wipe with a damp cloth. Your leather item will become like new again.

11. Removes stains from colored pencils and markers on painted walls. Take a piece of cloth, wet it and gently rub toothpaste into the dirty areas on the walls until the drawings come off completely.

12.Removing ink or lipstick from fabric: Apply toothpaste to the stain and rub the cloth vigorously. Rinse with water. Does the spot seem to have faded? Great! Repeat the procedure several times until the stain is completely gone.

13. Toothpaste has an excellent use in the kitchen: toothpaste can easily remove stains from tea and coffee cups.

14. Toothpaste is great for hiding holes in walls. To fill small holes in the wall, put toothpaste there. Wait until it dries, then you can paint the walls.

15. As a toilet freshener. To do this, just buy the cheapest toothpaste and then poke a few small holes in the tube with a needle. The perforated tube must be placed in the drain tank.

16. From fogging of the bathroom mirror. Before showering, apply paste to the mirror and wipe off. When you leave, the mirror will be clean.

17. It happens, and unfortunately quite often, that on screens mobile phones small scratches appear. I had no idea that all you need to do is apply a little toothpaste to the screen, then wipe with a damp cloth and dry with a soft cloth. This method of removing scratches is also suitable for watch dials.

18. Washing the bathroom sink. Toothpaste - excellent remedy for cleaning the bathroom sink. Apply to the sink, sponge and rinse.

19. Removing water circles from furniture. To get rid of the telltale circles left by steamy glasses of drinks, gently rub toothpaste into the wood with a soft cloth. Then wipe it off with a damp cloth, let it dry and apply furniture polish.

Familiar things from our everyday life often have much wider functionality than we used to think. The most obvious examples are plastic bottles and cans, which we send to reuse in the household, be it a washbasin in the country, a bird feeder or a container for nails and screws.

Toothpaste also has a similar hidden reserve - the ingredients that whiten our teeth can, firstly, clean a bunch of things in the house - from taps and sinks to jewelry, and secondly, save even DVDs from damage, even a smartphone screen. Here are 15 types of items that you only need a tube of toothpaste to clean or repair.

Chrome products

Next time you brush your teeth, pay attention to the stains on your faucet. A small amount of toothpaste applied to the sponge will make it so shiny that you can see your own reflection. This works on anything chrome-plated, from dental crowns to car rims.


We are sure that each of you periodically drops a small amount of toothpaste directly onto the drain hole in the sink. Don’t just wash off this mass, rub it with a towel or rag and the drain will not only become clean, but also get rid of unpleasant odors.

Foggy safety glasses

Professional skiers and snowboarders probably know this trick. For those ski goggles that do not have an anti-fog coating, you can do the following: Gently apply a thin layer of toothpaste to the glass with inside. This will prevent them from fogging up as you drive down the mountain. The same works for swimming and motorcycle goggles.

Tarnished Silver

Refresh tarnished silver - be it cutlery, candelabra or jewelry - by polishing it with toothpaste and a soft cloth. Use an old toothbrush to clean crevices and curves. After the procedure, wipe the surface with a dry cloth.

Iron bottom

Sooner or later, a small coating will appear on the surface of your iron. It can be removed using toothpaste and a damp towel. The main thing is to make sure that the iron is unplugged. After cleaning, wipe the surface with another towel. The same can be done with hair straighteners.

Strongly smelling hands

This trick is known to professional chefs. Regular soap will not be able to eliminate the strong odor of fish, onions or other strong-smelling foods, but toothpaste will. Wash your hands with toothpaste just as you would with soap.

Scratched discs

Toothpaste is able to remove microdamage from the surface of discs. Squeeze a very small amount (overdoing it will only make the problem worse) of paste onto the disc and gently rub it from the center outwards with a cotton or microfiber cloth. The paste will polish the disc in this way. This is unlikely to remove deep scratches, but it's better to try than to throw away the disc right away.

Shower doors

If your shower stall has a glass door, then you know how quickly it can get dirty and stained. To keep it looking like new, brush it with toothpaste and a damp towel or sponge. If dirt or stains do not come off immediately, leave the paste on them for a few minutes. In the future, to keep your glass shower door clean, wipe it down with a rubber squeegee after every shower. This will take you no more than 30 seconds.

Minor damage to walls

This advice will be useful for those who want to get their deposit back after renting an apartment. Dental can even serve as a putty for minor damage on light walls, which, as a rule, are immediately noticed by eagle-eyed landlords. Just apply it to a hole or scratch and wipe off any excess with a flat, straight object.

Light shoes

Dark marks from dirt or shuffling greatly spoil appearance white or light-colored shoes. The fix is ​​easy - just rub the black marks with toothpaste. The technique works with both sports and leather shoes.

Car lights

Your car's headlights get dirty or scratched every now and then, thus reducing the brightness of the light. First, the surface must be washed with soap and water, and then polished with toothpaste. The result will pleasantly surprise you.


Toothpaste can remove a whole range of stains, from lipstick on a shirt to spaghetti on a tablecloth or juice on a T-shirt. Before throwing the item into the washing machine, squeeze the toothpaste directly onto the stain and rub thoroughly. If the item is colored, make sure that the paste you use does not have a bleaching effect.

Diamonds and gold

Few products make gold and diamonds sparkle quite like toothpaste. All you need is a very small amount of paste and a soft-bristled brush. Make sure that after cleaning you rinse off all the paste before it has a chance to harden. After this, polish the jewelry until shiny with a dry cloth. The main thing is not to do this with pearls, because the paste can scratch its surface.

Containers for water and food

Due to constant use, your favorite thermoses and plastic containers begin to smell unpleasant over time, and simply washing the dishes cannot remove this smell. What works great is using toothpaste to thoroughly clean the containers before you wash them or put them in the dishwasher. This method works well for baby bottles too.

Mobile device screens

The capabilities of toothpaste are constantly expanding - with the advent of smartphones, it has become capable of cleaning their screens, as well as the screens of any other mobile devices. Without a protective film, screens become scratched very quickly, and if the damage is shallow, you can get rid of it by applying a thin layer of toothpaste to the surface using a cotton rag. After this, wipe the screen with a second cloth.

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