Home Orthopedics Crafts from toothpaste tubes. Unusual uses of toothpaste

Crafts from toothpaste tubes. Unusual uses of toothpaste

Landscaping of the playground

What is a garden plot or cottage without a children's playground? Naturally, you arranged it for your children. All that remains is to complete the project: decorate the site beautifully with plants. This work is not as simple as it seems to you at first glance. Many plants that have long been known and familiar to us turn out to be poisonous and pose a rather serious threat to the health of the child. Such plants include aconite, periwinkle, lily of the valley, foxglove, bulbous and many other plants. Plants that have thorns are dangerous for a child: all types of roses, barberry, hawthorn, rose hips, raspberries and blackberries. Marigolds, chrysanthemum, carnations, phlox, jasmine, bird cherry and lilies can cause asthma attacks in children prone to allergies. Therefore, before you start landscaping the playground, you need to carefully study the characteristics of the plants that you are going to plant.


Squeezing great benefit even from a small, squeezed out and useless one, very little hands are offered to consider as an inexhaustible source of benefit - an exhausted tube of toothpaste.
Benefit 1. The tail part of the internally emptied tube is cut off or unbent, after which it is straightened and washed. After filling the tube with thick lubricant (from a large can), its “tail” is brought with pliers to its original curved and clamped form - as a result of which the tube becomes a wonderful grease can, and you are its owner.

Benefit 2. From the “dressed skin” of a soft metal tube, you can make unique embossed miniatures by squeezing out the image with an ordinary ballpoint pen. The resulting coins can be beautifully toned (smoked) over a candle. If necessary, highlight some

their areas should be carefully cleaned of soot using a piece of cotton wool. For better preservation, it is advisable to coat the finished coins with hairspray.

Benefit 3. The aluminum foil from which the tube is made is an excellent material for making stainless tags.

Indelible inscriptions are pressed onto them in the same way as on coinage. Such “eternal” tags are useful for marking everything that should constantly remind you of yourself (garden plants, the contents of cellars, etc.).

Benefit 4. By squeezing out your phone number and address on the foil and attaching such a sign to the collar of your “lost” friend (a watch strap is very suitable as a collar for a cat), you will help him find and meet you again.

Benefit 5. Rings cut from a tube can be useful for attaching wires to the wall. The method is shown in the figure. If one such ring, slightly bending its upper edge inward, is put on the end of the candle, the melted paraffin will not flow onto your hands, and the burning time of the candle will increase significantly.

Benefit 6. The thread and near-threaded part of the tube can serve as a small funnel or an additional attachment to the neck of a funnel made from a plastic bottle.

Benefit 7. The threaded part of the tube and its cap can act as a assembled handle for a lid or a small door. To do this, into the hole made with inside the threaded part is inserted. And from the outside, a cap is screwed onto it. By screwing such handles to the bottom of a small box, you will turn them into legs and the box into a cabinet.
Benefit 8.

If you make several holes in the detachable bottom of a plastic bottle and insert straightened tubes there (as shown in the picture), securing them on the inside with caps, you will have an ultra-modern stand for pencils or toothbrushes.

A flashlight tube is made from a metal tube filled with batteries, to which the near-threaded part of the same tube is attached as a reflector. The glass for the flashlight is cut from a plastic bottle* and secured by lightly bending the edges of the flashlight body. The design of the switch is extremely simple: it is melted or glued into the tube cap

a screw, the head of which does not pass through the neck of the tube, and the threaded part does not touch the walls of the neck.

When screwing on such a modernized cap, the screw with its “nose” rests on the battery, and its cap, pressed against the neck of the tube, closes an electrical circuit through the body of the flashlight, and the light bulb lights up. It is very important to ensure that between the reflector into which it is screwed
light bulb, and the body had a reliable electrical contact. The spring that presses the batteries together can be wound from a large paper clip.

Very skillful hands hope that light image The design of this flashlight will forever remain in your memory and you will bring this project to life more than once.

Very skillful hands

Andrey Bakhmetyev, Timur Kizyakov

In this material we will present to your attention a review of the video, the author of which presents interesting way reusing a tube of used toothpaste. It can be used to make fun of a friend or brother, because you can pour mayonnaise or something else into an empty tube.

For this we need:
- food foil;
- empty tube;
- iron;
- filler.

According to the author, this method can be useful on a hike, when it is important to save space in your backpack. This way you can fill a small tube with shampoo and not have to carry around a bottle of shampoo. There are many applications for this method. You just have to use your own imagination. Let's get started.

First, cut off bottom part tube and rinse it thoroughly from the inside.

Next, fill the tube with any filler, for example, shampoo, leaving about 3-4 cm from the edge.

Bend the edge one or more times.

Wrap the resulting bend with food foil. This is necessary so that the iron does not stick to the plastic.

Place the tube on a wooden block and iron it thoroughly. At the same time, the iron should have been turned on at maximum temperature.

You need to iron it until the plastic is completely stuck to each other.

After successful ironing, wait until the plastic and foil cool down, then remove the foil.

The tube is ready for reuse.

Toothpaste protects teeth and the entire oral cavity from unwanted diseases, replenishment and other unnecessary nonsense. But the use of toothpaste does not end there. Toothpaste has many others useful properties, which will certainly find application in everyday life.

For example, toothpaste can very easily repair holes or chips in drywall.

Let's say you're in rented apartment We accidentally made a small chip in the drywall and the owner is about to come. Well, just a drop of toothpaste and not a hole. For camouflage, you can paint over it with a felt-tip pen of a similar color.

Toothpaste will protect not only your teeth, but also your sneakers.

White sneakers or sneakers with white soles get dirty very easily. Especially annoying are these black lines that can’t be washed off. But still, I found a remedy - toothpaste! And we will also need an old (or new) toothbrush. Apply the paste to the brush and back - rub these lines with progressive movements (just like brushing your teeth). Voila - the line disappeared without any difficulty.

Toothpaste perfectly cleans and polishes metal surfaces.

This is perhaps the most effective and common method of using toothpaste (after brushing your teeth, of course). I became acquainted with this method when I served in our valiant Armed Forces. A soldier's belt plaque should shine like a cat's bowl. Simple polishing with felt and goya paste is a labor-intensive and not particularly pleasant task. We used to have brass plaques and when we received them from the warehouse it would be dull or sometimes even greenish. We took the old one toothbrush, applied a little toothpaste to it and cleaned the plaque. A minute and the plaque sparkled.

Where is the application in everyday life?! Here's where: burnt particles have formed on the sole of the iron - they can be removed with toothpaste, while polishing the surface of the iron sole.

Toothpaste perfectly polishes chrome surfaces. If you have chrome surfaces, such as the pipes and mufflers on your motorcycle, take some toothpaste, apply a soft cloth, and buff the chrome surface by hand.

Watches and bracelets, rings and jewelry, chains and other items - everything can shine again with the help of toothpaste! Use a toothbrush in hard-to-reach places, and a soft cloth in easily accessible places.

Toothpaste is a cleaning agent.

Toothpaste is an excellent cleaner for sinks, faucets, bathtubs, and pools. A little paste and your bathroom will sparkle like new!

Toothpaste revives old CDs.

With prolonged use of CDs, they will inevitably begin to appear. small scratches. And then the time comes when the CD becomes “unreadable”. Trouble? No! We'll fix everything. Apply some toothpaste to the surface of the disc. Using a soft towel, spread the paste over the entire scratched surface and in a circular motion“sand” the surface. Rinse off the paste and check the disc. In this procedure, the main thing is not to overdo it, because some toothpastes contain very effective abrasives and granules, which, if used incorrectly, can damage your CD.

An iron, a toothpaste tube and aluminum foil are all you need to make your life a little more comfortable. The most banal, but also the simplest and fastest thing that can come to mind is to use a toothpaste tube for its intended purpose, that is, as a storage container various means. You can stuff not only liquid substances or mixtures into it, but also thicker ones if you take the bottom apart and re-glue it after filling the tube. The video below shows how to fill a tube for one useful idea.

What is the use for this idea? Its author suggests making fun of someone by filling a tube with mayonnaise. The idea is fun, if a little dubious. It’s better to fill it with something more useful, for example, shampoo if you’re going on a business trip, grease and use it in the garage.

First, we cut off the bottom of the tube, then fill it with the desired composition, leaving approximately 3-4 cm from the edge. Bend the edge one or more times. We wrap the resulting bend in foil to prevent the hot iron from sticking to the tube material. Using an iron as hot as possible, carefully iron the surface of the fold through the foil laid on it. We do this until the plastic sticks. After cooling, remove the foil.

The refilled tube is ready to use!

Reusing waste silicone sealant tubes

A good idea for a second life for a tube.


ed Shukhov
2 years ago
And also, for the glue and remaining silicone, I placed thin polyethylene and twisted it with a spout. The mass did not freeze. There was no evaporation. And the criticism! What kind of criticism is there when these discarded tubes are lying around all the trash heaps. Here we need to give an award for the environment. Once again - WELL DONE.

Vadim Antizlov
A year ago
Gluing foam tiles to the ceilings in your home is in itself creating hemorrhoids for yourself. Firstly (most importantly): a phenol-formaldehyde atmosphere created voluntarily at home is a blow to the immune system of yourself and your family (hello oncology). Secondly: sooner or later the day of a new renovation will come and you will gnaw your elbows and tell yourself THANK YOU BOOK for filling the ceiling with TITANIUM glue and the opportunity to spend time tearing off the tiles (and you will have to tear them off, believe me). And thirdly: does anyone really think such ceilings are BEAUTIFUL? Of course, I was a little off topic... And as for using empty tubes for lubricants and paste mixtures, that's GOOD!

Andrey Andreev
Similarly, using a gun is very convenient for filling cracks in walls or a thick layer of plaster with a solution, and using nickels of hardened silicone taken from a tube you can make plumbing gaskets (if thick ones are needed). The gaskets are cut out using pieces of tubes sharpened in a circle.

The idea of ​​using a tube of sealant


Sergey Moiseev
8 months ago
Change the ground - Cool idea for a homemade product. - write something like: a new home-made product or just a home-made product, otherwise you look all cool, and the ideas are cool, right now you’ll get wrapped up in Yulia, you’ll become, and not a home-made master.

Nina Bareeva
6 months ago
Glory to our Fatherland, where such Kulibins are able to make something useful and smart out of nothing. My dad was the same master who could make a lot of things from improvised means (everything was in short supply back then). It's a pity you can't give many likes.

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