Home Prevention Continuing medical education receiving 50 points annually. Explanation of the functioning of the CME system and educational points

Continuing medical education receiving 50 points annually. Explanation of the functioning of the CME system and educational points

What is a CME system?

CME, - continuous medical education, - new form advanced training medical workers. CME is characterized by continuity, use innovative technologies(distance, electronic, simulation technologies), as well as the ability to build a personal learning path, which ensures the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competencies that meet the needs of specialists. As part of the development of the CME system, the Russian Ministry of Health, together with professional NGOs, launched a model for developing the basic principles of CME (see orders 837,).

How to apply accumulated points (credits)

Points (hours, credits) accumulated by medical workers when participating in educational events and studying electronic educational materials can ONLY be used within the framework of the Model for developing the basic principles of CME.

Why participate in the implementation of the model

Currently, medical workers are required to improve their qualifications at least once every five years - undergo training in the amount of 144 hours (4 weeks) to extend the right to carry out professional activities.

In the implementation model for developing the basic principles of CME, doctors are invited to undergo training in a new program in which 108 academic hours are implemented educational organization(at least 50% using distance technologies), and 36 hours - through educational activities provided by medical professional non-profit organizations in their specialties. Of the specified 36 hours, 16 hours are gained through participation in classroom (conferences, seminars, master classes, etc.) or online (webinars, online lectures) training events, and 20 hours - when self-study electronic training modules.

Doctors participate in the Model on a voluntary basis.

Upon completion of training, the doctor submits a report on educational activities within the framework of CME to the educational organization.

How to take part in the implementation of the model

The doctor needs:

  1. select a further education program in an educational organization (the list of organizations is available in the Organizations section)
  2. conclude an agreement with an educational organization for training according to the chosen program
  3. Register on the website www.sovetnmo.ru in the “Training Plan” section (this is your “personal account” on the website) and start planning educational activities
  4. select the events and electronic modules of interest published on the website sovetnmo.ru in the “Events” and “Modules” sections, respectively

How to keep records of educational activity

Based on the results of training events secured by loans, all students are issued a CME Certificate of the established form indicating an individual confirmation code. When you enter (activate) this code in a special field in the “Training Plan” section (your “personal account” on the site), a record of the completion of the training event appears.

Information about the successful study of electronic educational modules posted on the website is added to the “Learning Plan” section automatically.

CME Certificate

CME certificates are issued by organizers (providers) of training events. Information emails information about the accrual of credits is sent to registered users at the email address specified during registration, after activating individual codes or upon completion of the electronic training module. Users must ensure the safety of the specified documents and information to confirm, if necessary, the accumulated credits.

Individual confirmation code (IKP)

The individual confirmation code is an alphanumeric combination consisting of 13 characters and looks like XXXX-XXXXXXXX. The code uses letters(except "O") and numbers. To activate the code, you must enter the code without taking into account the input case, additional spaces and symbols. ATTENTION: The letter "O" is not used in the code, you must enter "zero"!

Cannot activate ICP

If you are unable to activate the IKP specified in the CME Certificate or when activating the IKP the message “The code has not been activated. The code may be incorrect or has already been activated” appears, you must send a letter to [email protected] with the following information:

  1. event title
  2. the date of the
  3. Location
  4. ICP that needs to be activated.

When will training events and/or electronic training modules in the specialty appear?

Information about new training activities and e-learning modules secured by loans is posted on the Commission's website as applications for assessment for CME are received from providers of activities and e-learning modules. That is, the availability of training events and electronic modules depends only on the activity of providers. Please note that the Commission itself does NOT create electronic training modules or conduct training events.

After participating in the training event, I did not receive a CME Certificate

For questions regarding the issuance of a CME Certificate, you must contact the Provider (organizer) of the training event. The Commission does NOT issue CME Certificates.

Can points (credits) obtained at foreign educational and scientific events be taken into account?

Points received for educational activities in the system of continuing medical education (continuing professional development) of the EU, USA and other countries cannot be taken into account in the CME system in Russian Federation. Points will be taken into account in the future, subject to the implementation of the agreement reached on the intention to harmonize the CME system of the Russian Federation and the European Union (taking into account all activities carried out in countries that are accepted for credit in the EU).

Portal of continuing medical and pharmaceutical education of the Russian Ministry of Health http://edu.rosminzdrav.ru

A portal for healthcare professionals that ensures the organization and recording of educational activities within the framework of continuing medical and pharmaceutical education. On the portal you can:

  • Receive general information about the system of continuing medical and pharmaceutical education;
  • Enter into a five-year cycle of training in your specialty, plan and take into account your educational activity;
  • Select training programs within the framework of the model of developing the basic principles of continuing medical education and/or using an educational certificate outside the five-year training cycles in the specialty.

Why do you need to synchronize accounts on the portals http://edu.rosminzdrav.ru and www.sovetnmo.ru

Synchronization of accounts is necessary to ensure that educational activity through various educational events (conferences, seminars, master classes, etc., including those conducted using distance learning technologies (webinars), distance interactive educational modules), which the specialist keeps records of on the website www.sovetnmo.ru was displayed in the Personal Account on the portal http://edu.rosminzdrav.ru

How to synchronize accounts on the portal http://edu.rosminzdrav.ru and www.sovetnmo.ru

The procedure for synchronizing accounts is described in your Personal Account on the portal http://edu.rosminzdrav.ru, in the Personal Information section. Synchronization is carried out once and takes a certain time.

I have a Personal Account at http://edu.rosminzdrav.ru and www.sovetnmo.ru. Where should I activate the ICP received as a result of educational events?

ICPs received as a result of participation in educational events and for studying educational modules must be activated in your Personal Account on the website www.sovetnmo.ru.

ATTENTION!! Training events and electronic training modules that are not posted on the website www.sovetnmo.ru are not provided with educational credits within the framework of the Model for developing the basic principles of CME. The presence of information about educational credits in course materials or electronic modules does not guarantee that credits will be awarded. Check this information on our website.


How to prepare nurses for accreditation under the new rules

S.A. Palevskaya

In order for your employees to receive a certificate of accreditation, they must participate in a continuing medical education (CME) program. Make sure they register on the portal Coordination Council CME and received annually 50 hours of educational activity, also known as points or credits.

The nurse performs practical task during accreditation.

How to confirm your qualifications now?

Instead of a specialist certificate, from January 1, 2016, nurses can receive a certificate of accreditation. It confirms the knowledge and qualifications of nurses. If an employee has several specialties, he can confirm all of them, but for each he will have to undergo accreditation separately.

Until 2021 inclusive, nurses have the right to renew their specialist certificate. It will be in effect until 2026. This rule is established by the articles of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation.”

Example: What laws govern CME?

CME regulates several federal laws and orders of the Ministry of Health.

Each event is designed for a major and several additional specialties. A nurse can indicate his specialty and receive a code for it - it will be counted in his personal account on the CME website.

As of June 1, 2018, only two specialties are registered in the CME system: “nursing” and “management.” nursing activities" The latter is for employees with higher nursing education.

How to register on the site sovetnmo.ru

How to register on the website edu.rosminzdrav.ru

How to create a portfolio

A report from a nurse’s portfolio in your personal account is generated automatically after you have entered the ICP there. The report, which is automatically generated in the specialist’s personal account, contains a list of events, dates, ICP and points that he received. An employee can use them for internal assessment if such a system is used in the medical organization.

What events can you participate in?

You can find out about events accredited for the CME system on the website of the Coordination Council. On the main page of the site, in the menu on the left, select “Events”, “Modules” or “Universities” to see which organizations are participating in the program and what courses you can take.

To find out what accredited events are offered in your region, go to the appropriate tab, select your specialty, region and the dates on which you would like to study.

On the “Modules” tab, you can view the remote modules that are available for a specific nursing specialty. Russian Association nurses prepared 14 electronic educational modules.

Advanced training courses are developed by higher and secondary educational establishments in every region. These are short programs that last 16–36 hours. Information about them can be found on the website http://edu.rosminzdrav.ru.

To work on the portal, nurses must also register in their personal account. When registering, the system will ask you to enter SNILS data, which will become the main identifier, last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth.

After registering in your personal account, you will have access to the following main tabs:

· general information;

· personal information;

· for admission to accreditation;

· for admission to certification;

· individual schedule;

· educational portfolio;

· Additional Information.

We explained the rules for working on the portal in the instructions.

Home page of the CME portal.

Attention: advanced training courses may take place in simulation centers of educational institutions.

There, nurses not only learn theory, but also practice practical skills.

How to count points for participation in a conference

What documents are needed for accreditation

If nurses undergo primary or primary specialized accreditation, they personally submit documents to the accreditation commission. In this case, you must bring an application and copies of your passport, documents on education and qualifications, and an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance.

If nurses undergo periodic accreditation, they can submit documents in person or send by registered mail. In this case, you need to prepare an application, a copy of your passport, specialist certificate or accreditation certificate, education and qualification documents, work book, insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance.

Before undergoing initial specialized or periodic accreditation, nurses must first submit to the commission a portfolio that they have collected over the past five years. It should contain information about training events and advanced training courses.

What does accreditation consist of?

Primary and primary specialized accreditation consist of three stages: testing, examination and solving situational problems. They must be completed in order: if your employee does not pass one stage of accreditation, the commission will not allow him to proceed to the next. Each stage can be taken three times, if the third time does not work, the nurse has not passed accreditation.

Testing takes place at the accreditation center. The stage is given 60 minutes. The nurse passed the test if she answered 80 percent of the questions correctly.

Attention: during the test, the organizers install video cameras, and the identity of the test takers is encrypted so that the assessment is objective.

Check if you are ready for testing. Pass the first accreditation test from the Ministry of Health.

At the second stage you need to pass a practical exam. For health workers with higher education it consists of five tasks, each of which takes 10 minutes. Nurses with secondary education must complete one task in 30 minutes. These rules are stated in the order of the Ministry of Health dated April 26, 2018 No. 192n.

The board conducts the practical exam in special rooms, each of which tests a specific type of skill. Then the commission evaluates in what sequence and how correctly the nurse completed the tasks. To get a pass, you need to complete 80 percent of the tasks.

Attention: in the Methodological Accreditation Center at Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov teachers observe this stage from behind glass - this contributes to an objective assessment of the situation.

The third stage is solving situational problems. Here, nurses must answer five questions correctly in each of three tasks. Examinees have 60 minutes to prepare and no more than 30 minutes to answer.

Periodic accreditation consists of two stages - nurses submit a portfolio and undergo testing.

The commission issues an extract from the minutes of the meeting within three days after accreditation. All information about specialists who passed the exam is entered into the unified federal register of health workers. If you do not agree with the decision of the commission, you can challenge it within two days from the date of publication of the results.

If a nurse does not pass one of the stages of accreditation, she can try again. To do this, she needs to submit an application within five days after the commission announced the results. If she doesn’t make it in time, the commission will admit that the nurse has not passed accreditation. The Ministry of Health indicated this period in

Currently, I work as a senior lecturer at a university, and very often I have to answer questions that arise from students related to their future profession, including those related to accreditation. So that my knowledge was not purely theoretical, I decided to conduct an experiment and test from my own experience how the process of crediting points in the system of continuing pharmaceutical education goes. That's what came out of it.

The implementation of a system of continuous medical and pharmaceutical education is in full swing. Pharmacists who already have a valid specialist certificate can undergo the recertification procedure at any time before 2021. And for now, the issue of gaining points, or credits, or credit units (ZET) is not relevant for them. Another thing is for pharmacists who received a university diploma in 2016 or later. They should start gaining points in the CME system this year.

The first step, without which there can be no talk of any points, is registration on the portal for healthcare professionals Portal www. edu.rosminzdrav.ru provides organization and recording of educational activities within the framework of continuing medical and pharmaceutical education.

The second step is registration on another portal www.sovetnmo.ru. This is the website of the coordinating council for the development of continuing medical and pharmaceutical education. Through a simple procedure, both sites are synchronized in your personal account.

An important point is that only events accredited on the second site provide credits to specialists who have mastered them. A list of planned events can be found there.

I found out about a suitable event that earned me as many as six credits by chance, from colleagues, literally a day before it started. It was face-to-face scientific-practical conference“Organization of good pharmacy practice by subjects of retail trade in pharmaceutical products.” It was probably possible to plan participation in advance, but for this it was necessary, as I now understand, to regularly monitor the information on the site yourself.

The training conference held in Moscow attracted the interest of pharmacy managers, and the hall was full. Among the advantages, I would like to note the relevant material and good presentation (thanks to speaker Elena Nevolina, executive director of the Pharmacy Guild NP). Also, pharmacy managers had the opportunity to ask questions that interested them and get answers to them. The slides had a lot of information related to regulatory documentation, which was not possible to write down completely by hand without turning the conference into a dictation. Therefore, the organizers’ promise to provide materials received approval from their colleagues. A few days later I received the presentations to my email address.

It was necessary to check whether the audience had assimilated the conference information. Listeners were offered test tasks on the topic under discussion. In my subjective opinion, the questions were not difficult. A personalized participant certificate with a code for credits was issued in paper form at the end of the event. The organizers have attached instructions on how to complete the process of crediting points. Judging by the fact that the points are visible in my personal account, I, following the recommendations, successfully added this event to my portfolio and received six points.

Was there anything I didn’t like or raised questions about? Based on the results of the first event, I can only note one significant drawback - the mechanism for informing about them. I found out by chance about the upcoming conference in my specialty, for participation in which you can get as many as six points (there are events that give only 1-3 points). It would be nice to receive a newsletter about an upcoming educational seminar if you have already registered on the CME website and indicated the specialty for which you have a certificate. Perhaps there is such a function, but so far I have not learned about a single accredited event from the mailing list.

My experience of getting points didn’t end there. As a teacher, I need new, up-to-date information, so I also participate in distance learning events - online seminars. I did not find information about them either on the website of the National Chamber of Pharmacy, or on the resource of the Coordination Council for the Development of Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education. I receive information about online seminars from regular mailings, choose a topic that interests me and a time convenient for me, and then listen to video lectures broadcast via the Internet for an hour.

Moreover, a day before the start of the event, I receive an SMS notification plus an e-mail stating that I have registered for it. The same thing happens just before the start of the seminar. Of the three online seminars, I did not miss a single one only thanks to reminders. At the end of the seminar, a control test is offered, successful completion which plus presence at the seminar for at least 45 minutes guarantees receipt of a link to the participant’s certificate, which contains a code for awarding points. Online seminars are worth 1 to 3 credits. The lecturer's presentation is also available on your personal page.

Not without problems. Listened presentations do not always open correctly. But the main thing is that I was not able to accrue points on the CME website, despite compliance with the specialty, the presence of instructions, a unique code on the certificate and registration on all possible resources related to continuing medical and pharmaceutical education. It’s quite possible that I did something wrong... In my opinion, if a confident PC user cannot add information to the portfolio within an hour, this is a signal for developers software. Or perhaps the event is not accredited on the website listed above...

In any case, in this moment Technical details are still being worked out, and I would like to believe that by the time all medical and pharmacy specialists without exception completely transition to accreditation, these problems will remain a thing of the past.

On June 6, the article “From certification to accreditation: what was, what will be” was published on our portal. The publication caused a flurry of discussions in the Russian Doctors community, and we decided to publish the most interesting reviews(names and nicknames of users have been changed).

Ahead of time

Health workers who clearly welcome new system accreditation, a little. Basically, doctors are just getting used to the new conditions and hoping that everything will work out somehow.

Victor Ch. writes: “Once again we are running ahead of the horse - there are no orders.”

Stepan M.: “All that has been said are just projections for CME. If there is a document, there will be something to think about. In the meantime, don’t burden yourself with unrealistic projects.”

Some people are confident that the new rules and procedures will be revised many times. “By 2021, everything will change many times. There’s no need to worry too much right now,” says user L.

Someone, on the contrary, convinces that the system is already working and there is no turning back. “5 days ago I listened to the report of the director of the Kazan State medical academy“, writes doctor N. “They asked him whether it is necessary to register in the CME system and earn points for those who completed the certification cycle in 2015. He replied that everyone is required to participate in the “collection of points” and he does not know anything else.”

It's not clear why

Discussion in the medical community showed that not all medical workers understood the goals of the reforms being carried out. Many people ask why reforms in the CME system are needed at all?

Alexander N.: “It’s not clear why this is? Improve the quality of care? This is not how it should be done...”

Many doctors believe that the previous training system was better.

“All these reforms destroyed the entire Soviet healthcare system. I am personally against all reforms. Universities need to train doctors who know their specialty. I observed new doctors and became convinced that their knowledge was still insufficient. The Soviet ZO system was high level, and now they’ve turned everything upside down, but haven’t brought it to fruition. And all this affects the health of our Russians,” Vasily Z. is convinced.

What will it be like in practice?

Representatives of the medical community have a lot of questions regarding how the new rules will be implemented. Denis G.: “There are still no regulatory documents at the federal level. And the question immediately arises: those who do not have time to score their 50 points for 2016 while this confusion is going on, or in any other year of the five-year plan, what will they do in 2021? Will they be suspended from work?

“The article states that the previously existing certification system will remain in place until January 1, 2021. It is planned to completely switch to the accreditation procedure in 2026. And from 2021 to 2026. What will happen?"

There are many comments from those who have already encountered the new rules.

Elena Z.: “A very inconvenient type of training. I can’t even attend webinars - there’s a problem with my computer. It doesn’t work either from a tablet or from a desktop computer. Fuck them, these bells and whistles. I hope to take the certification courses the same way in 2020.”

“We are not guided at all, the courses are 36 hours without interruption from production. A lecturer will come for 2 days and give lectures (and I have a reception at this time). And then you can do it yourself, whenever you want, on the Internet...”, complains Alina I.

However, those who have already had the opportunity to try out the new CME system appreciated its advantages.

“I registered and entered into this system, which really scared and stressed me. And you know, it turned out that this site is not so scary. At first, of course, I had to dig around, since I have gynecology, there were plenty of modules. I calmly scored 14 zetas, I have no idea what will happen with 36 zetas, but so far everything is fine,” notes Olga.

Not good with IT

Some doctors complain about the imperfections of distance learning programs. For others - use modern means communication is a real problem.

Daniil L. is perplexed: “I wonder what to do for people who are not computer friendly or simply do not have the Internet? This is quite a large contingent..."

But there are also those who emphasize that you can learn to work on a computer at any age, if you have the desire.

“The issue is periodically discussed that a doctor without knowledge in English- almost not a doctor, - notes Nina R. - But without the ability to work on a computer modern world It’s definitely not possible anymore. When we installed computers at the reception, two pensioners categorically refused to work on them and had to quit. The other two, also pensioners, have mastered the programs and continue to work safely. So, whoever wants to, works.”

She is supported by a doctor under the nickname Z: “Our current retirees have been working on computers for more than 15 years, and even some recent non-retirees wrote programs, but the fact that many doctors at medical institutions know computers better than our IT staff is not even discussed here, it’s obvious! There is a doctor over 80 who works very well in the program.”

Paid education

Many are especially outraged by the need to pay for CME. Thus, doctor Anna writes: “I saw the minimum cost of 5 thousand. Does your employer pay you? I don’t, but pay every year out of my own pocket and take vacations at my own expense - sorry, but then it’s cheaper not to work in budget organizations.”

Olga K. answers: “That’s why I finally moved to the medical center. My 36 hour courses cost about 4-5 thousand. I think I can handle it even if my employer doesn’t pay me and they let me go for a week, but what should I do?”

Thinking about leaving

Innovations in the CME system sometimes cause such stress that some fear mass departure from the profession.

Nadezhda K. reasons: “What will happen is this: doctors who are now receiving certificates will work for the last 5 years and that’s it! As many people say at our work: enough, we’ll leave! So, in 5 years, most retirees will leave.”

Maria shares these concerns. “We work without raising our heads. We recycle. There's definitely no desire to start one personal accounts and poke around in them. I don’t have the strength to even read light reading. So it’s warming to think that due to age it will be possible to turn around and leave…” she writes.

What to do?

Among the participants in the discussion there are many who not only criticize, but also make suggestions.

Victor R. Suggests not to rush: “The transition to CME should be gradual and voluntary. This will be a fair vote. And now only points sellers are in favor.”

“Every institution needs to create a computer class and allocate time for doctors to work in CME programs,” says a doctor under the nickname Svetlana.

“The very inconvenient thing about CME is that you have to study something at home on your computer and then take an exam. There are no conditions and no time. The best option It would be possible to stop studying once every five years, as now, and hold conferences in specialties with the issuance of certificates. And make the Internet resource more convenient, with the placement of basic and latest educational materials. It is better not to introduce a point system for now, because... all doctors are very different conditions- time, finances, availability of technical capabilities, distance from event venues,” writes Natalya.

“In any case, a doctor should not be a “point hunter”! For this humiliating procedure. Ideally, you should leave cycles of 144 hours every 5 years, but devote these classes only to new methods and treatment regimens + analysis of the “jambs” encountered in medical practice“, - user AG is sure.

"Very convenient option for lifelong learning– these are lectures and conferences held by professors and other leading figures in medicine. This is convenient for all doctors, very effective in gaining knowledge... There is no need to complicate, twist, or torment doctors...” writes a doctor under the nickname GS.


As we can see, the upcoming accreditation is causing not only misunderstanding and wariness. But it is obvious that without a clear organization of the entire procedure, it is difficult to expect understanding from the medical community and active involvement in the learning process.

How and what CME points are awarded? medical specialists who have entered the system of continuing medical education? We'll talk about this in the article.

The publication is relevant for medical and pharmaceutical workers who are improving their skills and mastering professional retraining programs in the field of

When should I start earning CME credits?

Many specialists ask questions about the timing of entry into the continuing medical education system. Situations are different. Let's list some of them.

Is it necessary or not to switch to a CME system?

  • Received your certificate after January 1, 2016?

If a specialist received a certificate after January 1, 2016, then he must transfer to the CME system.

  • Will I still receive a certificate in 2019, 2020, 2021?

Those specialists who can still be certified under the old system (before January 1, 2021) can defer the issue of accumulating CME points until they receive their certificate.

  • Received your certificate after January 1, 2016, and went on maternity leave?

In relation to this category of specialists there are general rules. That is, you need to accumulate CME points. Not for today judicial practice in such situations when a citizen was on maternity leave and missed deadlines for accreditation.

  • I have several specializations. Get CME points for each?

Some medical workers have professional training in several specialties: for example, obstetrician-gynecologist + ultrasound + oncology. Will they really have to score points for each specialty separately?

Answer: Yes. The specialist will have to score points in each area. But there is a small nuance that allows you to save both time and money. To do this, you need to try to choose advanced training courses or educational cycles that cover the maximum number of specializations. For example, at the CHTA Academy there are cycles that are designed for several specialties.

Having a certificate of a radiologist, a specialist in computer and magnetic resonance imaging, a doctor ultrasound diagnostics, an otorhinolaryngologist, you can get points in each of the specialties for 1 educational cycle.

Advice: look for cycles where you can get points in 2-3 of your specializations.

What types of CME points are there?

In the CME system, you need to accumulate at least 250 points over 5 years. There were rumors in the medical community that the number would be reduced. But for now this is at the level of rumors.

Each code requires a specialist to score 50 points. But among these 250 points there are 2 types:

  • Points for in-person events. In-person events include conferences and webinars. Yes, webinars are also face-to-face events. Full-time education in the law is defined as a form of education where communication takes place between the teacher and the listener (student).
  • Points for educational cycles (their old name is certification cycles). These cycles can take place either directly on site educational institution, and remotely in the form of a webinar.

How many CME points do you need for each type, and where can you get them?

Points for in-person events– 14 hours per year x 5 years = 70 CME points

Points for educational cycles– 36 hours per year x 5 years = 180 CME points

Total: 250 points over 5 years.

As for points for educational cycles, here you can receive 36 points at a time for 1 course, you can also look for two different courses of 18 hours each, where you will be awarded 18 points each.

To receive points for in-person events (14 points per year), you need to be registered on the Coordination Council portal.

To receive points for educational cycles, you must register

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