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The main directions of methodological work of a preschool educational organization. Educational program of preschool educational institution

System of methodological work of preschool educational institutions

In preschool educational institutions, qualified, experienced and creative teachers, specialists and employees create conditions for a favorable stay, development and health of children. Preschool teachers build the integrity of the pedagogical process, which ensures the full development of the child: physical, social-communicative, artistic-aesthetic, cognitive and speech in interrelation.

Methodological work in a preschool educational institution is a system of activities that are aimed at improving the skills of each teacher, at generalizing and developing creative potential team, to ensure the achievement of optimal results in the education, upbringing and development of children.

The purpose of methodological work in kindergarten is to create conditions for continuous improvement of the level of general and pedagogical culture of participants in the educational process. This is the creation of conditions for the professional development of teachers and provision of pedagogical education for parents for the continuous development of children.

Objectives of methodological work:

Organizational provision of continuity of professional development of teachers. Educational and methodological support for the effective implementation of the educational program in accordance with modern requirements. Study, generalize and disseminate the best practices of preschool teachers in ensuring the quality of education. Information support for pedagogical education of parents of preschool children.

Analyzing the methodological work of a preschool educational institution according to the main criteria of effectiveness and the characteristics of the methodological process itself, it can be characterized as a system. The forms and content of methodological work correspond to the set goals and objectives. Differentiation is implemented in individual and group forms of work with teachers, taking into account their level of professionalism, readiness for self-development and other indicators. In this case, three levels of pedagogical skill are taken into account: low (intuitive); medium (search); high (masterful). The phasing of methodological work is presented in the form of certain sequential stages:

Stage 1 – theoretical – awareness of the idea, study of advanced pedagogical experience;

Stage 2 – methodical – showing the best of the samples; building an individual methodological system;

Stage 3 – practical – implementation of the plan; independent testing by teachers of new technologies of teaching and education;

Stage 4 – analytical – identifying the effectiveness of work, analyzing the most typical difficulties and ways to eliminate them.

This sequence is not always maintained; sometimes some of the stages are missing.

One of the main directions of the methodological work of the preschool educational institution is the functioning of the methodological office. He plays a leading role in assisting teachers in organizing the educational process, ensuring their continuous self-development, summarizing best pedagogical experience, and increasing the competence of parents in matters of raising and educating children.

The organization of the activities of the methodological office is based on such principles as information content, accessibility, aesthetics, and content.

An information data bank has been formed in the methodological office, where the sources, content, and direction of information are determined.

The information data bank contains:

    regulatory documents Legislation Russian Federation; regulatory documents regulating the activities of preschool educational institutions; documents and materials:

On planning the activities of preschool educational institutions;

On the organization of methodological work in a preschool institution;

On the organization and management of educational activities of preschool educational institutions;

On control and regulation of educational activities of preschool educational institutions;

On the development of the child in the educational space of preschool educational institutions;

On organizing the interaction of preschool educational institutions with family, school, and society;

    methodological, didactic, psychological literature; audio, video materials, media library; visual and didactic material; bank of methodological developments, periodicals of preschool education.

Timely informing teachers about new developments in psychological and pedagogical science and best practices, methodological support in the system preschool education an important condition for the high effectiveness of the educational process. Increasing the awareness of teachers contributes to the adoption and implementation of a unified pedagogical strategy for the development of a kindergarten, which is discussed and approved by the pedagogical council and serves as the main resource for the development of the team in the preschool educational institution.

The teaching staff is characterized by:

Of Education

Based on qualification category

According to the age

By teaching experience

According to the presence of certificates, awards, titles, etc.

To improve the professional level of teachers, such forms as training in educational institutions of higher professional education, advanced training courses, and professional retraining are used; participation in meetings methodological associations and in the work of creative groups of municipal resource centers, etc.

Internal professional development of preschool teachers occurs through various forms of methodological work. When choosing forms and methods, we are guided by: the goals and objectives of the preschool educational institution; quantitative and qualitative composition of the team; features of the educational process; material and technical conditions of the preschool educational institution; real opportunities; best practices and scientific recommendations. Both group and individual forms of methodological work are used.

Table 1

Forms of methodological work used

Consultations on the following topics:

    Requirements for maintaining documentation for teachers. Introducing children to healthy image life through the creation of a developmental environment. A variety of types of hardening activities. We design and decorate winter areas. "Portfolio of the preschool educational institution group." The main problems in working with families in difficult situations life situation. Planning summer recreational work with children. Compliance with occupational safety, health and safety, protection of life and health of children.

Auction of pedagogical projects

The goal is to identify and disseminate advanced pedagogical experience.

Create conditions for personal and professional self-realization;

Increase the creative activity of teachers;

Improve the practical skills of a teacher’s professional activity.

Each of the teachers shared their ideas, plans, their experience in implementing these ideas, their impressions of their own activities, and also adopted the experience of other teachers.

Open viewings (mutual visits) of forms of joint activities with children as part of the use of gaming technologies by teachers (TRIZ, socio-game technology, educational games, logical blocks of E. Dienesh, etc.). Thanks to this form of work, teachers see how their colleagues work and realize their shortcomings. In addition, they can use the positive experience of colleagues in their teaching activities.

The work of the creative team. The teachers who were part of the creative group developed a plan for preparing and conducting festive events, scenarios, provisions of competitions that are held in the preschool educational institution, a sketch of the design of the premises and territory of the preschool educational institution.

The activities of the working group for the development of the Educational Program of the Preschool Educational Institution can be divided into the following stages:

Development of sections of the preschool educational program;

Discussion and acceptance of the developed sections;

Document preparation " Educational program DOW";

Presentation of the document to the preschool educational institution team.

In order to assist educators in their professional development in preschool educational institutions, this academic year a form of work such as mentoring has been organized. The trainee teacher conducts activities aimed at:

Promoting successful adaptation of newly hired teachers to corporate culture, rules of conduct in an educational institution,

Development of the teacher’s abilities to independently and efficiently perform the job duties assigned to him,

Formation of interest among newly hired teachers in teaching activities.

In the course of implementing the assigned tasks, the teacher-mentor, together with the newly hired teacher, performs the following activities:

Studying the content of the Basic General Education Program of the Preschool Educational Institution,

Study of pedagogical technologies and their application in working with children,

Familiarization of the teacher with the organization of the subject-developmental environment in the group in accordance with modern requirements,

Visiting special moments, joint activities with children, with further suggestions for choosing the most effective methods working with children

Consultations on general issues of organizing work with parents,

Consultations on teacher self-education, etc.

Based on the results of the activity, the teacher-mentor analyzes the work, and the teacher conducts a demonstration of an open event.

Thanks to this activity, we plan to improve the quality of the educational process of preschool educational institutions and accelerate the process of professional development of a newly hired teacher. At the same time, the teacher, working together with the teacher-mentor, gains the opportunity for personal and professional growth.

The work of teachers on self-education is organized, which helps to choose a topic, priorities in forms and means, and predict the result.

Teachers independently acquire knowledge from various sources, taking into account their interests and inclinations. Self-education helps them quickly adapt to changes in the social environment, get acquainted with innovations in the field of education in a timely manner, regularly replenish their stock of theoretical knowledge of pedagogical science, and also improve their skills and abilities. The work report on the topics of self-education for preschool teachers included speeches, exhibitions, projects, and master classes.

The study, generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience is an integral part of methodological work in preschool educational institutions, as it decides specific goals with the least amount of time, using optimal forms and methods of work, helps to achieve better results.

Generalization and dissemination of pedagogical experience takes place in the form of speeches at pedagogical councils, workshops, master classes, in the form of presentation of materials in the methodological classroom, in the form of publications, etc.

Separately, we note such a form as the participation of teaching staff in professional competitions. Despite numerous offers to participate in professional competitions at the municipal and regional levels, not all of our teachers participate in them. This form in the system of methodological work of preschool educational institutions is represented by a limited range of teachers and activities.

One of the core conditions for the life of a kindergarten is the methodological support of the educational process. The program and methodological complex in the preschool educational institution is selected taking into account the focus on state requirements, legal status, characteristics and laws of mental development of children, the specifics of teaching and children's teams, which determine the feasibility and feasibility of each program and technology.

The preschool educational institution is working to create conditions for the implementation of an effective educational process in the following areas:

1. Organization of a subject-developmental environment in a preschool educational institution that corresponds to the content of the program, interests and needs of children of different ages:

    development of methodological recommendations for organizing a subject-development environment; ensuring the selection of toys, games, and manuals for working with children according to the program, taking into account modern requirements; activation of teachers in the development of attributes and teaching aids.

2. Correlation of the content of the educational process with the selected program and requirements for the content and methods of raising and teaching children preschool age:

    formation of a data bank on the implementation of the program and its individual sections; analysis of the content and methods of education and training; analysis of implementation of decisions of teachers' councils.

3. Updating the content of methodological support (technologies, methods) in accordance with modern requirements.

4. Development of a daily routine, class schedule, work schedule for clubs for each age group and so on.

5. Monitoring the performance and effectiveness of motor and intellectual, organized and independent activity pupils.

As you can see, the system of methodological work of preschool educational institutions uses a fairly wide range of traditional events. Teachers take part in methodological activities other preschool educational institutions in the area. The content of teachers’ methodological work corresponds modern requirements: modern educational technologies, requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, etc. are studied.

The concept of methodological work in preschool educational institutions Methodological work is an important educational component of the educational infrastructure, along with scientific support, training and retraining of personnel, the formation of an educational environment, designed to maintain the normal course of the educational process and promote its renewal (K.Yu. Belaya). Methodological work is understood as “a holistic system of interrelated measures based on the achievements of science and advanced pedagogical experience aimed at improving the professional skills of each teacher, improving quality and efficiency educational process(K.Yu. Belaya). Methodological work is a systematic, purposeful, collective and individual activity of teaching staff to improve the scientific and theoretical level, methodological training and professional skills (A.N. Morozova).

The purpose of methodological work in preschool educational institutions is Methodological support for educational educational process(T.I. Shamova. G.M. Tyulyu, E.V. Litvinenko). Mastering the most rational methods and techniques for teaching and educating preschoolers. Increasing the level of general didactic and methodological preparedness of a teacher for organizing and conducting educational work. Exchange of experience between members of the teaching staff, identification and promotion of current teaching experience (K.Yu. Belaya).

Objectives of methodological work in preschool educational institutions According to K.Yu. Belaya 1. In relation to a specific teacher (enriching the knowledge of teachers, developing motives for creative activity, developing teaching techniques, performing arts). 2. In relation to the teaching staff (formation of a team of like-minded people, development of a pedagogical credo, traditions, organization of self-diagnosis, identification, generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience, involvement of the team in scientific and experimental work. 3. In relation to the general system continuing education(comprehension of regulatory documents, implementation of scientific achievements and best practices). By. L.N. Builova, S.V. Kochneva 1. Study of the educational needs of society. 2.Analysis of the state of educational educational work at the preschool educational institution. 3. Providing teachers with information on the development of education. 4. Introduction of new generation programs, new pedagogical technologies of education and training. 5.Identification, study and evaluation of the effectiveness of teaching experience in preschool educational institutions. Generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience. 6.Forecasting, planning and work to improve the qualifications of teaching staff, providing them with methodological assistance. 7. Providing support in innovative activities, organizing and conducting experimental work, assistance in preparing for certification.

Directions of methodological work in preschool educational institutions 1.Improving teaching activities. 2.Updating the software of the educational process (changing the content of preschool education). 3.Introduction into the practice of preschool educational institutions of scientific research and achievements of advanced pedagogical experience. 4.Organization of work to improve the qualifications of teaching staff. 5. Familiarization of teaching staff with regulatory documents, achievements of modern science and practice. 6. Study of the level of professional training of teachers, their professional needs and problems.

Contents of methodological work in preschool educational institutions 1. Regulatory documents that provide a general target orientation for all methodological work. 2. Improved programs and technologies that help expand and update the traditional content of methodological work. 3. Achievements of scientific and technological progress, new results of psychological and pedagogical research that increase scientific level methodological work. 4. Instructional and methodological letters that provide specific recommendations and instructions for selecting the content of work with teachers and students. 5.Information about innovative teaching experiences that provide examples of working in a new way.

Directions for the content of methodological work in preschool educational institutions 1. Worldview and methodological preparation. 2.Private methodological training. 3.Didactic preparation. 4. Educational preparation. 5.Psychological and physiological preparation. 6. Ethical training. 7. General cultural training. 8.Technical training.

Functions of methodological work in preschool educational institutions 1. Information - collecting and processing information on the problems of preschool education, identifying and creating a data bank. 2. Analytical - study of the actual state of teaching activities, justification for the use of methods, means, influences to achieve goals, objective assessment of the results obtained and the development of regulatory mechanisms. 3.Planning and prognostication – selection of goals, development of programs to achieve them. 4. Design – development of content and creation of projects for the activities of preschool educational institutions. 5.Organizational-coordination - based on data from problem-oriented analysis, taking into account a specific situation. 6. Educational – increasing the professional level of teachers, developing general erudition. 7.Control and diagnostic. According to L.N.Builova, S.V.Kochneva

Functions of methodological work in a preschool educational institution In relation to the national education system, pedagogical science and advanced pedagogical experience of FGT Implementation of the achievements of PPE Introduction and use of the achievements of psychological and pedagogical science Promotion of the best pedagogical experience of a preschool educational institution In relation to a specific teacher Improving pedagogical skills Development of worldview, professional and value orientations and beliefs Development of motives for increasing creativity in teaching activities Development of stable ideological and moral qualities of the individual Development of a modern style of pedagogical thinking, performing skills Development of a culture of emotions, self-regulation of activity Formation of readiness for professional self-education According to P.N. Losev In relation to the teaching staff Unity of the teaching staff Development of a pedagogical credo, common values, traditions Analysis of the educational process and its results Analysis of the dynamics in the level of students’ knowledge of learning Preventing and overcoming shortcomings and difficulties in professional activity teachers Identification, generalization and dissemination of educational programs, exchange of experience Involving teachers in research, experimental activities

Forms of organizing methodological work in preschool educational institutions COLLECTIVE Work on a single methodological topic (problem) Methodological associations Seminar, workshop Open events Consultations Scientific and practical conferences and pedagogical readings Methodological exhibitions Master class Work in creative microgroups Council of teachers INDIVIDUAL Self-education Pedagogical experience Consultation Conversation

Criteria for evaluating methodological work According to K.Yu. Belaya 1. Effectiveness - growth in children's development results, achieving the optimal level of development of each child without overloading children. 2. Rational expenditure of time - a reasonable expenditure of time and effort on methodological work and self-education without overloading teachers. 3. Stimulation – improvement of the psychological climate in the team, increase in the creative activity of teachers, their satisfaction with the results of their work. According to V.M. Lizinsky 1. Psychological criteria: 1.1. The authority of the preschool educational institution among parents. 1.2.High professional level of teachers. 1.3. General positive tone of relations in the preschool educational institution. 1.4. Respectful attitude on the part of parents. 1.5. Willingness of pupils, teachers, parents to help preschool educational institutions. 1.6.Creative attitude of teachers and parents. 1.7.Teachers’ desire to strive for excellence. 2. Educational criteria: 2.1. Ability to use a differentiated approach to students and parents. 2.2.Teachers’ ability to apply modern teaching methods. According to T.I. Shamova, T.M. Davydenko, N.A. Rogacheva 1. Increased satisfaction of teachers with their activities 2. Positive psychological-pedagogical climate. 3.High interest of teachers in creativity and innovation. 4. Mastery modern methods training and education. 5. Well-organized process of training and education. 6. Positive dynamics of the quality of training and education. 7.High level of professional activity of teachers. 8. Timely distribution of software. 9. Constant attention of the administration to the activities of teachers, the presence of an incentive system.

Recommended reading 1. Belaya K.Yu. Methodological work in a preschool educational institution. – M.: Moscow Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers, Belaya K.Yu. Preschool educational institution management: control and diagnostic function. – M.: Sphere shopping center, Belaya K.Yu. Planning the work of a preschool educational institution. / Methodological recommendations for heads of preschool educational institutions. - M.: Moscow Institute for Advanced Training of Education Workers Builova L.N., Kochneva S.V. Organization of methodological services in institutions of additional education for children. – M.: VLADOS, Volobueva L.M. Senior's work preschool teacher with teachers. – M.: Sphere shopping center, Dubrova V.P., Milashevich E.P. Organization of methodological work in a preschool educational institution. – M.: New School, Ilyenko L.P. New models of methodological service in educational institutions. - M.: ARKTI, Ilyenko L.P. Theory and practice of managing methodological work in educational institutions. – M.: ARKTI, Lizinsky V.M. Methodological work at school: organization and management. – M.: Center “Pedagogical Search”, Lizinsky V.M. About methodological work at school. – M.: Center “Pedagogical Search”, Morozova A.N. Management of methodological work in a preschool educational institution on a diagnostic basis. Abstract. – M., Teachers’ Council: ideas, methods, forms. – M.: Center “Pedagogical Search”, Pozdnyak L.V. Special course: basics of managing a preschool educational institution. – M., Pozdnyak L.V., Lyashchenko N.N. Management of preschool education. – M., Tretyakov P.I., Belaya K.Yu. Preschool educational institution: education management based on results. – M.: New School, Safonova O.A. Program-targeted management of the development of a preschool institution. – N. Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod Humanitarian Center, Falyushina L.I. Quality management of the educational process in a preschool educational institution. – M.: ARKTI, Kolodyazhnaya G.P. Management of a modern preschool educational institution. - Publishing house “Teacher”, Shamova T.I., Davydenko T.M., Rogacheva N.A. Management of an adaptive school: problems and prospects. – Vologda: Publishing House of the Vologda Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Pedagogical Personnel, Shamova T.I., Tyulyu G.M., Litvinenko E.V. Assessment of the managerial activities of the school leader. - Vologda: Publishing house of the Vologda Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Teaching Staff, 1995.

Organization of methodological work in preschool educational institutions

The organizer of methodological work in a preschool educational institution is the senior teacher, therefore in everyday communication he is also called a methodologist. Just as a person’s name initially has a certain meaning, so does the name of a profession. It is in the word “methodologist”, in each letter – the direction, content, essence of our work.

A missionary must convince others to believe in what he believes in, be able to captivate and lead.

Like-minded person. The main desire of the senior educator is to make sure that the entire team thinks in a single impulse and is focused on work.

The creator is constantly in creative search.

The organizer is the creation of a rational structure of the preschool educational institution, which is aimed at ensuring the quality of the educational process.

Diplomat. You cannot effectively lead people if you cannot find an approach to a person, if you are not capable of compromise. We must try to manage our feelings, experiences and behavior, and be able to respect others. As diplomats, we have no right to be rude and irritable, inattentive and indecisive. We must be wise, flexible and highly professional.

An inventor is an innovator, a source of ideas and information.

Strategist. The senior educator must master the art of leadership planning based on correct and far-reaching forecasts.

Tactician - in our work it is necessary to develop techniques, ways to achieve the goal.

The senior teacher is a strategist and tactician

educational process.

Built in a preschool educational institution next system work

senior teacher:

The main directions in the activities of the senior educator, aimed at improving the quality of the educational process.


The senior teacher plans:

- annual plan of the preschool educational institution;

Long-term plan for sections of the program;

Long-term plan for various areas of activity of the preschool educational institution;

Perspective and calendar plan for the activities of the senior teacher.

One of the conditions for full planning is monitoring the activities of a preschool institution and includes the following information:

Children’s implementation and assimilation of program material in all areas;

Children's readiness level preparatory groups to schooling;

Monitoring the participation of teachers in methodological activities;

Creating conditions for a comfortable stay for children, etc.

Organization of educational process


Distribution of activities according to age characteristics children;

Organization of work of teachers;

Ensuring program implementation;

Constant analysis of the state of educational, methodological and educational work and the adoption on its basis of specific measures to increase the effectiveness of methodological work.

Working with teachers

Working with a team is varied and includes the following areas:


Consultations of various forms: individual, group;

Pedagogical councils, seminars, workshops and other forms of organizational and methodological events;

Open viewings of GCDs, mutual visits;

Exchange of experience (mentoring, teaching practice);

Organization of the work of the “School for Young Educators”;

Participation of teachers in the work of methodological associations;

Improvement of teachers' qualifications.


The senior teacher supervises the work of teachers:

Systematically checks plans for educational work;

Visits NOD in groups according to schedule;

Monitors the implementation of the annual work plan and decisions made at meetings of the teachers' council. And, of course, each control has a logical conclusion in the form of discussion, recommendations, encouragement, implementation and identification of experience.

Working with parents and society is an important direction in the activities of a senior educator, which consists of the following:

- informing parents at parent-teacher meetings about the content of work with children in the sections of the program;

Preparation of stands, moving folders dedicated to family education, etc.;

Establishing contacts with sociocultural institutions.

Creating a subject-development environment

Organization of the teaching room space;

Purchase of manuals, methodological literature, toys;

Design of stands and exhibitions.

The creative atmosphere in a preschool institution is facilitated by the active, scientifically based activities of the senior teacher. It is he who should set an example in the desire to acquire new knowledge, in the use of non-standard techniques in working with children and teachers. The senior educator must get to know each teacher well and choose those forms and methods of work that will ultimately contribute to the creation of a team of like-minded people, the main goal of which is to care for the well-being and development of the youngest members of society.


The teaching room in kindergarten is a center for collecting pedagogical information. For teachers, this is a “Treasury of Pedagogical Information”. The methodological office also contains the following documents:

- pedagogical literature;
- methodological literature;
- children's literature;
- advanced pedagogical experience;
- partial programs for kindergarten teachers.

The methodological office has mandatory documentation.

Annual work plan for the kindergarten:
- Methodological work with personnel.
- Notebook of minutes of meetings of the Council of Teachers.
- Personal plan for working with personnel for the month.
- Journal of receipt and accounting of literature, manuals.
- Documentation on the state of educational work.
- Journal of recording the use of manuals, literature, and methodological developments by teachers.

The function of the methodologist is not controlling, but directing. The main activity of the methodologist is prompt, individualized assistance to each teacher and especially young specialists in:

$1· Solution current problems, fulfilling the needs arising in the educational process,

$1· Adaptation to new conditions of the educational process,

$1· Planning and organizing professional development and improvement.

The help of the methodologist consists in effectively conveying information about new conditions to the education worker in the form of texts with the necessary links (usually posted on the Internet, as well as in paper form), mass conversations, and discussions. It is fundamental that the methodologist responds to all questions that arise in connection with new conditions. These questions are asked at discussions and teacher councils. An individual lesson between a methodologist and an education worker is the most valuable and scarce resource of methodological activity.

When planning individual lessons The methodologist and the worker present a list of areas and issues in which he expects progress during the lesson, this list is adjusted and supplemented by the methodologist. The methodologist formulates an individual task for the teacher, which must be completed before the lesson, receives a report on the result of the task, conducts the lesson itself, formulates a task to be completed after the lesson, records the result of the lesson immediately after it and the delayed one.
The methodologist selects the necessary literature at the request of the teacher and helps in preparing for the lesson.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Karaganda State University them. E.A. Buketova

Department of Pedagogy and Psychology


Discipline: “Preschool pedagogy”

On the topic: “Organization of methodological work in kindergarten”

Completed: Art. group DOiV – 12

Kushnerenko O.


Associate Professor Mikhalkova O.A.

Karaganda 2008


1.1 The importance of methodological work in a preschool institution



Nowadays, the importance of such business qualities as competence, a sense of the new, initiative, courage and willingness to take responsibility is increasingly increasing; the ability to pose a problem and complete its solution. A skilled methodologist clearly defines the tasks of the teaching staff and clearly outlines ways to solve them.

A preschool methodologist deals not with mechanisms, but with living people who themselves manage the process of formation and development of personality. That is why the management of a preschool institution should be considered as a targeted active interaction between the methodologist and all participants in the pedagogical process to streamline it and transfer it to a new qualitative state.

The effectiveness of the work of the entire team of a preschool institution depends on the correct choice and use by the methodologist of various forms of methodological work in the preschool institution. All areas of methodological work contribute to the development of a unified line of action for the teaching staff.

The purpose of the study is to consider the system of methodological work in a preschool institution, ensuring the efficiency of the preschool institution.

The object of the study is the management process of a preschool institution.

The subject of the study is the forms of methodological work.

Research objectives:

Study pedagogical literature on this topic;

Explore the organizational and theoretical foundations of the work of a methodologist

Determine the main forms of organizing methodological work in a preschool institution.

Practical significance: this work can be used by methodologists of preschool institutions.

Chapter 1. Organizational and theoretical foundations of the work of a methodologist

1.1 The importance of methodological work in a preschool institution

One of the significant features of the education system of the last decade is the variability of the work of preschool institutions. Polyprogramming and variability are the conditions in which preschool institutions currently operate.

An indisputable advantage is that the variability of modern preschool education allows it to respond to the needs of society. The variety of pedagogical services offered by the preschool institution meets the increased demands of parents. The main thing is that the priorities of education are preserved: promoting health, ensuring favorable conditions for the development of all children, respecting the child’s right to preserve his individuality.

The humanization of modern education is associated, first of all, with a change in attitude towards education, the center of which is the child.

The issue of choosing a program has been and remains very relevant. In this regard, the methodologist of a kindergarten or educational complex faces a rather responsible task - to choose a program of work with children that not only can be successfully implemented by the teaching staff, but will also contribute to the effective development and upbringing of children. Therefore, teaching staff of preschool educational institutions should be oriented in the main trends of the programmatic and methodological flow.

The work of preschool educational institutions in conditions of polyprogramming and variability of technologies ensures self-determination and self-organization of participants in the educational process: preschool educational institutions model programs, projects, participate in experimental testing and implementation of new software - teaching materials, and parents are given the opportunity to choose one or another type and type of preschool educational institution for their child. The process of creating general developmental and specialized educational programs and innovative pedagogical technologies continues. The introduction of various approaches to the organization of the educational process is very promising for the preschool education system as a whole. In this regard, the question arises about the role and significance of methodological work for the effectiveness of the educational process.

Improving the skills of teachers, replenishing their theoretical and practical knowledge is carried out in a preschool institution through various forms of methodological work. All areas of methodological work contribute to the development of a unified line of action for the teaching staff.

The work of the director is made easier if the child care institution has a teacher-methodologist on staff. The head is obliged to lead and direct the educational work in the children's institution, the methodologist is his first assistant.

1.2 Directions of work of the methodological office

The main directions of the methodologist’s work are organizing the methodological work of the team, improving the qualifications of educators, studying, generalizing and disseminating advanced pedagogical experience, and improving the level of work of educators. In accordance with these directions, the main forms of work of the methodologist are determined.

In order for methodological work to be effective, the methodologist needs to know how things are in the preschool institution: what conditions have been created for raising children, what is the level pedagogical work in kindergarten, what are the relationships in the team, etc.

The real center for organizing methodological work in a preschool institution is the methodological office. The room designated for this purpose is equipped necessary materials and manuals for all sections of educational work with children.

Methodological office in accordance with the tasks assigned to it: work as a methodologist in a preschool kindergarten

Maintains personal records of teaching staff who improve their qualifications in courses and seminars, in institutes for advanced training of teachers, in faculties for training and advanced training of educational organizers and students in correspondence and evening departments of higher and secondary special education educational institutions.

Coordinates and directs methodological work with teaching staff; organizes seminars, workshops, lectures, consultations on the most complex and topical issue am training and education. Uses a variety of active forms in the practice of working with teaching staff: interviews, debates, conferences, business games, analysis of pedagogical situations.

Conducts group and individual consultations; provides assistance in self-education of teaching skills.

In the methodological office it is necessary to have materials on best pedagogical experience, diary entries of the methodologist, reports for teachers of a child care institution, calendar plans for educational work with children, materials that clearly illustrate best practices: photographs, sketches, tape recordings and electronic recording, children's work, manuals made by the teacher.

It is very important that all materials available in the teaching room are correctly selected and placed. Their placement can be carried out in a different order: either according to the types of children’s activities (organizing the life and upbringing of children, learning in the classroom, holidays and entertainment, games, work), or according to the tasks of education (physical, mental, moral, aesthetic, labor).

If the placement is by type of activity, then within each section there should be material allocated for each age group; if for educational purposes, then the materials are allocated both by type of activity and by age group. When systematizing materials, one should take into account the principle of construction of the “Program of education and training in kindergarten”.

For example, materials on play activity arranged by type of game; for labor education - by types and forms of labor organization, etc. All sections must contain instructional and methodological documents, methodological recommendations, material from work experience, visual and illustrative materials.

Instructional and regulatory documents on preschool education are located in a separate folder. Materials on organizational and other issues (for example, on managing a kindergarten, equipping an institution, working with personnel, etc.) are also presented in a specific place.

Care should be taken to ensure that the classroom has sufficient materials on early childhood education for group teachers special purpose, music directors.

One of the key issues in improving the system of public preschool education is improving the management of educational, administrative and economic activities of children's institutions. Therefore, in the methodological room it is necessary to equip a special section “Management of preschool institutions”, in which legislative and instructional documents, methodological recommendations, and materials from work experience would be concentrated.

The methodologist also organizes various shapes methodological assistance to educators, for example: consultations, thematic conversations with educators. Some problems of raising children require a longer conversation and discussion, and if they concern several educators, then it is advisable to organize a collective form of methodological assistance, which is a seminar.

Considerable effort is required from the methodologist to study, generalize and implement best practices, which is a set of knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired by the educator in the process of practical educational work. The platform of pedagogical experience is the teachers' council, which is called upon to be an exponent of collective pedagogical thought, a body of collegial management of educational work.

Chapter 2. Forms of methodological work

2.1 Leading forms of methodological work in a preschool institution

One of the leading forms is pedagogical council, which is called upon to be an exponent of collective pedagogical thought, a body of collegial management of educational work, a school of excellence and a tribune of pedagogical experience. The head, being the chairman of the pedagogical council, organizes its work on the basis of the “Regulations on the pedagogical council of a preschool institution.”

During the year, at least 6 meetings of the teachers' council are held, at which topical issues of the work of this kindergarten are discussed, aimed at increasing the professional level of teachers' work, at eradicating shortcomings in the educational process.

Meetings of the teachers' council can be devoted to general issues of improving children's health, reducing morbidity, and preparing children for school.

The preparation of the teachers' council includes the selection of topical issues, the discussion of which is dictated by the educational program in the kindergarten and the actual state of affairs in the kindergarten, which are included in the annual work plan.

Already at the beginning of the school year, the entire teaching staff knows what issues will be discussed, who speaks at the teachers’ council and when, each speaker must prepare in advance for the teachers’ council: develop a specific plan of events on their topic.

The effectiveness of pedagogical councils depends mainly on the work of the methodologist aimed at implementing the decisions made.

Consultations- a permanent form of assistance to educators. In a children's institution, consultations are held for teachers of one group, parallel groups, individual and general (for all teachers). Group consultations are planned throughout the year. Individual consultations are not planned, since their conduct is dictated by the need of educators to obtain certain information on a specific issue.

However, not all questions can be answered comprehensively in a short period of time. Some problems of raising children require a longer conversation and discussion, and if they concern several educators, then it is advisable to organize such a collective form of methodological assistance, which is seminar .

Experienced educators who have good results in working on a particular problem can also be appointed to lead the seminar. At the beginning of the school year, the methodologist determines the topic of the seminar and appoints a leader. The duration of classes depends on the topic: they can take place over a month, six months or a year. Attendance at the seminar is voluntary.

Preschool workers can reinforce the theoretical knowledge acquired at the seminar with practical skills, which they consolidate and improve by participating in seminar-workshop. How to make a hare so that it looks like a real one, how to show a puppet theater so that the characters bring joy to children and make them think, how to teach children to read a poem expressively, how to make didactic games with your own hands, how to decorate a group room for the holiday. Educators can get answers to these and other questions from an experienced teacher - methodologist.

In order to organize special practical lessons, the head studies the needs of teachers to acquire certain practical skills and abilities. Teachers can use the teaching aids produced during the workshops in their further work with children, and some of them remain in the teacher’s office as samples - standards.

A common form of methodological work is conversations with teachers. The methodologist uses this method when summing up the results of testing pedagogical work, when studying, summarizing best practices, and in a number of other cases.

Before starting a conversation, you need to think about its purpose and questions for discussion. A casual conversation encourages the teacher to be frank.

This form of methodological work requires great tact from the methodologist. The ability to listen carefully to your interlocutor, maintain a dialogue, accept criticism kindly, and act in such a way as to influence them, primarily through your behavior.

Talking with the teacher, the methodologist finds out his mood, interests, difficulties in work, learns about the reasons for failures (if they occur), and strives to provide effective assistance.

An effective form of improving the qualifications of educators and providing them with methodological assistance are collective viewings of the work of experienced teachers. Depending on the topic discussed at the teachers' meeting, it is advisable to conduct such screenings for the purpose of demonstrating, illustrating the theoretical positions expressed in the reports, and for the purpose of studying and introducing advanced methods into the work practice of other employees.

When discussing such a lesson, the methodologist must emphasize that the teacher did a lot of multifaceted work and was able to generalize the knowledge and ideas of the children, based on their impressions, forced them to think, reflect, and draw independent conclusions.

Those teachers who already have it should show their work experience. Analyzing the experience of colleagues, teachers should gradually develop their own successful techniques. The methodologist is obliged to see this in the work of every educator. Having noticed certain successes of the teacher in any section of the program, he plans its further development: selects certain literature, advises, and observes the practical actions of this employee. Collective viewings are held no more than once a quarter. This allows everyone to be well prepared for them: both those who demonstrate their experience and those who adopt it. Preparations should include: right choice topic (its relevance, the need for all teachers in it, connection with the topics of teacher councils, etc.), assistance to the teacher-methodologist in formulating the main goal of the lesson (or in the process of any other activity of children), drawing up a summary of activities indicating educational tasks, methods and techniques, material used.

In order for all educators to watch an open lesson (or a game, work, conducting routine moments), it is necessary to duplicate it for those employees who were working with children in groups at that time. In this case, it is advisable to show a similar activity, but not a copy of the previous one.

In order to study and borrow the best experience, such a form of improving pedagogical skills is organized as mutual visits to workplaces. In this case, the role of the methodologist is to recommend that the teacher attend a lesson with a partner to develop uniform requirements for children or a lesson with a teacher in a parallel group to compare the results of work. The methodologist must give this work a purposeful, meaningful character. For this purpose, mentoring is organized. When a new, novice teacher appears in the team, at first he has many questions and needs help.

Due to his busy schedule, the manager cannot always provide such assistance. Therefore, he appoints a mentor from among the more experienced teachers, taking into account that mentoring must be voluntary on both sides.

The mentor's candidacy is approved by the teachers' council, and his report is also heard there. The mentor should help the new employee establish the necessary business and personal contacts, get acquainted with the traditions of the team, its successes, as well as difficulties in work.

The methodologist also supervises the self-education of educators. First of all, he creates the necessary conditions: together with teachers, he selects literature that interests them, materials highlighting best practices, advises on the choice of topic, form of self-education, and presentation of the results of improving knowledge and pedagogical skills in working with children. When recommending topics for self-education, the methodologist proceeds from the interests of each teacher and his need for education.

Considerable effort is required from the methodologist to study, generalize and implement best practices, which is a set of knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired by the educator in the process of practical educational work. Only such experience can be considered advanced if, as a result of creative search, it opens up new opportunities for raising children and contributes to the improvement of accepted forms, methods and techniques of pedagogical work.

An indicator of best practice is the sustainability of positive, methodologically sound results in the upbringing and education of children.

There are certain stages and methods in the methodologist’s guide to identifying, summarizing and implementing pedagogical experience.

The first step is to identify best practices. For example, the head or methodologist, in the process of systematic observation of the work of the teacher and the behavior of children in the older group, saw that everyone was constantly busy with interesting things. The guys clean the rabbit cages and work in the garden.

Children's games are meaningful, long-lasting, and reflect the work and relationships of the people around them. Much has been done for games by the children themselves and the teacher, etc.

The head or methodologist, in a conversation with the teacher, finds out how and by what methods he achieves good results. The main thing is that the teacher himself loves nature and work, reads a lot of special natural history literature.

Having received a general idea of ​​the interested, thoughtful, systematic work to familiarize children with the work of livestock farmers, the methodologist invites the teacher to describe his experience: how he started the work, what manuals he used, methodological literature, whose experience was an example for him, how a set of methods was developed and techniques for instilling hard work in children, respect for the work of adults, what was new in this work, etc.

Combination various methods allows children to be raised on a positive emotional background, which is very important quality personality as a social activity.

The methodologist recommends keeping records of children's games, taking photographs, sketches of children's buildings, preparing games for open viewing, and classes to familiarize children with the work of collective farmers. The methodologist involves a substitute teacher and parents to help the teacher.

Thus, the methodologist leads the teacher to the second stage - generalization of his best experience. At this stage, the teacher needs to provide assistance in selecting and describing the most significant moments of development in children positive qualities, identifying the dynamics of their development.

A teacher who has summarized his experience in the form of a report can present it at a teachers’ council, methodological associations, or at a conference. This is already the third stage - dissemination of best practices and promotion of them with the aim of using them by other educators in their work. It happens that there is no systematized experience yet, there are only individual finds, successful methods of working with children. In this case, it is necessary to clearly define the problem, the main pedagogical idea, according to which experience will gradually be accumulated and generalized. At the same time, the methodologist should not forget about a very significant indicator of best practice - its efficiency, which involves achieving positive results with the least amount of time and effort for the teacher and his students. An experience that cultivates one aspect of education at the expense of other sections of the program and to the detriment of them cannot be considered advanced.

The essence of using advanced teaching experience is to compensate for the weaknesses of one employee with the strengths of another. Therefore, the leader must constantly look for talented people in the team who love their work, who willingly and skillfully transfer all their knowledge and experience to their colleagues: strive to concentrate and direct the efforts of all team members to improve pedagogical work.

In order to provide educators with methodological assistance and more effectively implement the requirements of the program for raising and educating children, a pedagogical office is being created, where each employee can find the necessary material, get advice from the head, senior teacher, and consult with colleagues.

The head or methodologist selects literature and teaching aids for all sections of the program, systematizes materials on the upbringing and teaching of preschool children, compiles annotations and recommendations for their use, summarizes the work experience of the best kindergarten teachers, develops and designs stands, folders, exhibitions and other materials to help teachers in accordance with the objectives of the annual plan and the topics of teachers' councils.

The methodologist involves all educators in the equipment of the teacher's office: some are responsible for the timely change of materials in folders or on the information stand, others monitor the issuance and accounting of benefits, others - for the timely production, repair or write-off of materials that have become unusable, etc.

It is necessary to teach employees how to work properly with benefits, not to lose them, to take them in advance and return them in a timely manner, to put them back in place, to repair equipment on their own or to involve parents and bosses in this work. If these rules are followed, all manuals, books and teaching aids will serve the kindergarten for a long time, financial resources and teacher time will be saved, and most importantly, they will teach everyone to strict order. However, this should not prevent their active use in working with children.

All material in the teaching room should be divided into sections, and each section, in turn, into age groups. In order to save time in preparing for classes, a card index is created to help quickly navigate the abundance of information. Each program section should include instructional and directive documents corresponding to the topic of the section, methodological literature, lesson plans, recommendations, notes, descriptions of the work experience of the best educators, visual aids that meet all pedagogical and aesthetic requirements. The methodologist promptly replenishes the cabinet with newly published manuals.

The head and methodologist advise teachers on the effective use of visual material and the creation of additional aids. In the teaching office, all conditions must be created for a friendly exchange of opinions, experiences, creative work every employee.

2.2 Methods for activating educators in methodological work

How can we ensure that every teacher is an active, interested participant in the work at teacher councils, consultations, and seminars? How to get rid of the passivity of individual teachers?

These questions are of particular concern to directors of preschool institutions today.

There are methods for activating teachers when conducting methodological activities that help the methodologist in working with personnel.

Practice has shown that the final result of any methodological event will be high and the impact will be effective if a variety of methods of inclusion in active work were used during preparation and implementation. The choice of methods for each event should be determined by its goals and objectives, the characteristics of the content, the contingent of teachers, and the specific state of the educational process. Some of the methods described below, in combination with standard methods of methodological work organizations, will allow, by selecting specific situations of the educational process, taking into account the gradual complication of complexity, to achieve the greatest interest and activity of educators.

Illustrative situations describe simple cases from practice, and a solution is given here.

Situations - exercises need to be solved by doing some exercises (drawing up a note plan, filling out a table of how children have mastered a section of the program, etc.).

In assessment situations, the problem has already been solved, but teachers are required to analyze it and justify the decision made, and evaluate it.

The most complex activation method is problem situations, where a specific example from practice is presented as an existing problem that needs to be solved. Several questions are given to help educators.

Dialogue and discussion have become a true sign of our time. However, not everyone masters the art of collective discussion of issues in the form of dialogue or argument.

Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people, their conversation. Each participant in the conversation expresses his point of view.

Discussion – consideration, research, discussion of a controversial issue, problem. This is a method of discussion in which it is necessary to arrive at common positions.

Discussion of two opposing points of view. The methodologist offers two points of view on the same problem for discussion. The teacher must express his attitude and justify it.

Practical skills training. This method is very effective, but it must be thought through in advance, and it must be decided which teacher can be entrusted with it. It is better to provide a learning element from work experience.

A method of simulating a teacher’s working day. The teacher gives a description of the children’s age group, forms goals and objectives that need to be solved, and is asked to model their working day. In conclusion, the methodologist organizes a discussion of all the proposed models.

Solving pedagogical crosswords and punch cards helps clarify teachers’ knowledge on a specific topic, develops their horizons, and therefore affects the quality of work with children.

Working with instructive and directive documents. Educators are invited to familiarize themselves with this or that document in advance, apply it to their work, and highlight one of the areas, think over a work plan to eliminate their shortcomings. Everyone does this work independently, and at the teachers' council different approaches to solving the same problem are discussed.

Analysis of children's statements, behavior, creativity. The methodologist prepares the material. Educators get acquainted with it, analyze it, assess the children’s skills and development, and formulate several specific proposals to help the educator working with these children.

The game modeling method increases interest, causes high activity, and improves skills in solving real pedagogical problems.

Generalizations by scientists and specialists make it possible to highlight the qualities that are required today by a methodologist or manager.

1. The erosion of traditional values ​​has led to a serious breakdown of personal beliefs and values. Therefore, the methodologist must clarify his personal values.

2. There is a wide range of choices. Therefore, the manager (methodologist) is obliged to determine the goals of the work being performed, his own goals.

3. Organizational systems are unable to provide all the learning opportunities required by the modern teacher. Therefore, each manager must support his own constant growth and development.

4. Problems often snowball, and the means to solve them are limited. Therefore, the ability to solve problems quickly and effectively is becoming an increasingly important part of management skills.

5. Competition in the services market makes it necessary to put forward new promising ideas. Therefore, methodologists must be creative and able to respond flexibly to changing situations.

6. Many management methods are outdated. Therefore, new, more modern techniques management, and the manager must master different approaches in relation to his subordinates.

7. Large costs are associated with the use of personnel. Therefore, methodologists must skillfully use the available labor resources.

8. New approaches are required to combat the possibility of one’s own “obsolescence.” Therefore, the methodologist is required to be able to help others quickly learn new methods and master practical skills.

9. The methodologist must be able to create and improve groups that can quickly become inventive and effective.

A methodologist with the above qualities will be able to most effectively organize the work of a preschool educational institution.


The success of the pedagogical process, the work of the entire teaching staff of a preschool institution depends not only on the level of preparedness of teachers, but also on proper organization methodological work in a preschool institution, since all areas of methodological work contribute to the development of a unified line of action for the teaching staff.

As conclusions from the course work, you can determine the main provisions about the work of a methodologist in preschool education. The methodologist organizes the work of the preschool educational institution in order to improve the upbringing and education of preschool children. He provides methodological assistance to teachers and the head of a preschool institution in improving the pedagogical process, in improving the quality of upbringing and education of children. The main task of the methodologist is to organize and carry out methodological work.

The directions of the methodologist's work are: study, generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience, development of recommendations for the introduction of pedagogical experience into the practice of a preschool institution. Another form of methodological work is carrying out work to improve the qualifications of teaching staff, conducting courses and seminars.

The methodologist must promptly equip the methodological room with the necessary educational visual aids and methodological literature.

The methodologist in his work must be guided by the decisions, orders and instructions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, regulatory documents higher education authorities.


1. Atamanchuk G.V. General theory of control M., 1994

2. Bondarenko A.K. Head of a preschool institution: M.: Prosveshchenie, 1984

3. Vasilyeva A.I., Bakhturina L.A., Kobitina I.I. Kindergarten teacher-methodologist, Minsk, 1975

4. Public administration and public service abroad. Ed. V.V. Chubinsky S.P., 1998

5. Izergina K.P., Presnyakova L.S., Inshakova T.V. Our "adult" kindergarten-M.: Enlightenment, 1991

6. Kalmykova V.A. Management of public preschool education in the region, M.: Education, 1988

7. Kovalev A.G. Team and socio-psychological problems of management - M, 1978

8. Loginova V.I., Samorukova P.G. and others. Laboratory workshop on preschool pedagogy and methods. M.: Education, 1981

9. Malshakova V. Search for new approaches // Preschool education No. 11 for 1990

10. Omarov A.M. Social management. Some questions of theory and practice of Almaty. “Zheti-zhargy”, 1996

11. Organization of the work of a rural kindergarten, M., Education, 1988

12. Sukhomlinsky V.A. One hundred tips for teachers. M.: 1984

13. Chikanova L.A. Civil servants M., 1998


Forms of methodological work in preschool educational institutions……………………………………..

Methods for organizing methodological work in preschool educational institutions…………………………………………………………………

Non-traditional forms of work in preschool educational institutions. Mentoring…………………………………………………………




Appendix 1. Business game for preschool teachers to study the Federal State Educational Standard

preschool education “New Federal State Educational Standard – new opportunities”……….

Appendix 2. Pedagogical council on the topic “Project method in the activities of a preschool institution”…………………………………


Methodological work in a preschool educational institution is holistic, based on the achievements of science, advanced pedagogical experience, specific analysis educational process, a system of interrelated measures, actions and activities aimed at comprehensively improving the qualifications and professional skills of each teacher, developing the creative potential of the teaching staff, improving the educational process, achieving the optimal level of education and development of students.

The goal of methodological work in preschool educational institutions is to constantly improve the level of professional skills of teachers and teaching staff. The primary task of methodological work is to provide real assistance to teachers in developing their skills as an alloy professional knowledge, abilities and skills and personality traits and qualities necessary for a modern teacher.

Thus, methodological work significantly influences the quality and effectiveness of training and education, and the final results of the work of a preschool institution.

The main role of methodological work is manifested in the activation of the human factor - the personality and creative activity of teachers. Hence, the main guidelines for methodological work in kindergarten are:

  • serious controlled qualitative growth of the professional skills of each teacher;

Increased integration capabilities of the entire team.

The purpose of the work is to study the forms and methods of methodological work in preschool educational institutions

Object of study: forms andmethods of methodological work of preschool educational institutions.

During the study, the following questions were raised: tasks :

  1. Reveal the essence of the forms of methodological work in preschool educational institutions;
  2. Consider the classification of methods and their main components;
  3. Explore a non-traditional form of work in a preschool educational institution - mentoring;

Research methods: studying psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem.

I. Forms of methodological work

There are various forms of methodological work for the successful implementation of the annual tasks facing the teaching staff.

The main ones are:

Teachers' councils


Methodological associations

One of the most important forms of methodological work is the pedagogical council. In a preschool institution, the pedagogical council is the highest governing body of the entire educational process.

According to the forms of organization, the pedagogical council can be traditional, non-traditional and using separate methods of activating teachers. Different forms of pedagogical councils are defined in the works of Volobueva L.M., Gazin O.M., Fokin V.P. Let's consider non-traditional forms of pedagogical councils that have proven themselves in the practice of preschool educational institutions.

Volobueva L.M. defines the pedagogical council as “a permanent body of self-government, an exponent of collective pedagogical thought, a kind of school of excellence and a tribune of pedagogical experience.”

Belaya K.Yu., considering the forms of methodological work, gives the following characterization to the pedagogical councils of an educational institution: the pedagogical council is a permanent body for collegial review of the activities of a preschool institution, a tribune of advanced pedagogical experience. He discusses and resolves issues related to the main activities of the preschool institution.

The pedagogical council approves organizational structure educational institution, participates in the development of the Charter of the educational institution, the concept of its development; formulates the main goals and objectives of the activity, selects educational programs, forms and methods of organizing the educational process, determines the directions of experimental work; conducts analysis and monitors educational activities, approves the composition of the methodological council of the certification commission; considers issues of personnel selection, advanced training, conducts methodological seminars, establishes connections between the teaching staff and scientific and methodological institutions, etc.

This could be a pedagogical council - a discussion or debate, a round table, a creative report from methodological associations or an initiative group of teachers, a business game, a festival, etc.

Pedagogical meetings are an element of the management activities of the leadership of a preschool educational institution, the most common form of management, which allows the use of the collective wisdom, knowledge and experience of specialists to solve complex problems. social problems; organize the exchange of information and accumulated experience between individual employees and structural divisions of the educational institution; promptly communicate specific tasks to the immediate executors.

Pedagogical meetings provide an opportunity for subordinates, employees of an educational institution, to acquire the ability to decide difficult questions, and its managers - to receive the necessary information. In this regard, there are several types of meetings:

  • informational - a type of meeting, the purpose of which is to summarize certain information and study by the management of an educational institution various points of view on emerging problems;
  • operational - a type of meeting whose purpose is to obtain information from the head of the kindergarten about current state affairs in an educational institution, developing operational decisions and setting appropriate tasks for performers - employees of the educational institution;
  • problem-based - a type of meeting, the purpose of which is to develop collegial decisions on emerging common acute and complex problems related to the management of the educational process and cooperation with parents of students;
  • explanatory - a type of meeting, the purpose of which is to explain and convince employees of an educational institution of the correctness of new strategic objectives and (or) a change in priorities;
  • educational and instructive - a type of meeting whose purpose is to promote certain knowledge, innovative technologies and advanced training for teachers of preschool educational institutions.

An equally common form of methodological work in an educational institution for preschool children is consultation.

The topic of group, subgroup and individual consultation can be suggested by questions from teachers or determined by a senior educator, depending on what difficulties educators experience in their work. At the same time, modern practice of working with teachers often requires the choice of non-standard forms of consultation.

Thus, in the works of N.S. Golitsina we find a description of such a form of methodological work asconsultation-dialogue. Such a consultation is carried out by two teachers who have different points of view on the issue under discussion. When considering topics, they can present their arguments for each thesis, and listeners can choose the point of view that corresponds to their pedagogical views.

Consultation-paradox, or consultation with planned errors, is aimed at drawing the attention of teachers to the most complex aspects of the problem being presented and increasing their activity. The methodologist names the number of mistakes he will make during the two-hour consultation. Listeners are asked to distribute the material on a sheet of paper into two columns: on the left - reliable, on the right - erroneous, which is then analyzed.

Seminars like separate form methodological work is played important role in increasing the scientific and theoretical level of educators and in improving their professional competence. Seminars can be prepared and conducted in different ways depending on the content of the topic and the purpose of the lesson.

Before the seminar, teachers are offered special tasks, the completion of which will allow everyone to actively participate in the seminar. In this regard, it often turns out that preparing for a seminar involves reading additional literature, studying primary sources, and taking notes. Teachers learn to critically evaluate what they read and select the information they need. They must understand the essence of the material being studied in order to assimilate and use it in their practical activities. Therefore, during the seminars, such forms of organization as open classes or events, the use of video materials and multimedia presentations, analysis of the results of children's activities and products of children's creativity, etc. are actively used.

Seminars perform a multifaceted role: they stimulate teachers’ regular study of primary sources and other literature, as well as attentive attention to methodological work; consolidate the knowledge acquired by listening to lectures in courses and independent work over literature; expand the circle of knowledge thanks to the speeches of comrades and seminar presenters; allow teachers to check the correctness of previously acquired knowledge, to isolate the most important, essential ones; contribute to the transformation of knowledge into firm personal beliefs, dispel doubts that could arise during lectures and when studying literature, which is especially well achieved as a result of a clash of opinions and discussion; instill the skills of independent thinking, oral presentation theoretical issues, sharpen their thoughts, teach teachers to freely operate with terminology, basic concepts and categories; provide an opportunity for managers to systematically monitor the level of professionalism of teachers and the degree of their attentiveness during methodological events; allow you to study the opinions and interests of teachers, serve as a means of monitoring your own work as a methodologist and seminar leader, consultant, etc.

On seminars and workshopsConsisting of theoretical (seminar) and practical (workshop) parts, educators generalize and systematize best practices, show in action the necessary techniques and methods of work, which are then analyzed and discussed. This form also involves practicing certain methods of work without the participation of students. For example, in a kindergarten, a senior teacher or educator shows techniques for guiding the actions of educators - participants in a workshop.

Briefing seminar differs in that it allows participants to become as active as possible both in the process of preparing for the seminar and during the lesson itself: the group is divided into subgroups in accordance with the number of questions proposed for discussion. In this case, the number of participants in subgroups can be arbitrary. Since the entire subgroup answers the question, and repetitions are not allowed, then, naturally, the participant finds himself in a situation where it is necessary to answer thoroughly and to the point. After each member of the subgroup has spoken, the discussion begins; At the same time, additions, clarifications, and questions to each other are possible.

Another form of methodological work with teachers is training, which involves preliminary and final diagnostics, at least using the method of questioning and expert assessments, professional skills of teachers in a certain area of ​​their teaching activity, selection practical tasks And game exercises, aimed at developing missing or insufficiently developed professional skills, which are performed in situations of programmed success, and then transferred to situations of real practical activity of teachers of an educational institution. Therefore, the training can be short-term, if we are talking about the formation of highly specialized skills, for example, the use of physical education minutes in the process of conducting classes with children, or long-term, if we are talking about the formation of a whole complex of professional operations and actions related to the organization of an integral educational process, and not its individual elements.

Creative groups are the next form of methodological work with teachers of a preschool educational institution. It involves the implementation of such an approach to the implementation of methodological work in an educational institution, which allows teachers to be involved in experimental and research activities. The work of the creative group is based on the following algorithm:

  • identifying problems and justifying the relevance of their solution for the practice of an educational institution, diagnostic and analytical stage;
  • development of an extensive program of experimental work or research activities, prognostic stage;
  • organizational stage, creating conditions for the implementation of the program;
  • implementation of the program, practical stage, adjustment of the used methods and technologies, control “cuts”;
  • registration and description of the results of experimental or research work, generalizing stage;
  • dissemination of teaching experience, introduction of innovations into the activities of an educational institution.

The logical conclusion and result of the creative group are creative reports from teachers who talk about the results of the implementation of the program of experimental, research and scientific-methodological work, share their experience, talk about problems arising in the practice of an educational institution, and propose to introduce innovations.

One of the most important aspects of methodological work with teachers is the organization of studyadvanced pedagogical experience,because This is one of the ways to improve teaching skills.

In the literature, pedagogical experience is defined as a set of knowledge, abilities, skills acquired by a teacher in the process of practical work, as the basis of pedagogical skill, as one of the important sources of development of pedagogical science. Pedagogical experience includes certain interconnected elements: a teacher who teaches and educates; the child who is the subject of education, the goals and objectives of education and training; forms and methods and techniques of teaching; an environment that significantly influences the entire process of formation of the child’s personality. The essence of best pedagogical practice is to find the most effective connection between these structural elements.

accepted forms, methods and techniques of educational work.

When identifying, studying and implementing advanced pedagogical experience, it is necessary to clearly understand the entire scope of this work and its main stages. Here we can study both the entire system of the teacher’s work, where the totality of pedagogical techniques and methods with which he achieves good results will be revealed, as well as individual aspects of the teacher’s activity, any one relevant pedagogical topic.

At the first stage of this work, it is necessary to identify the best pedagogical experience available in the preschool institution. In this case, they are used following methods: observation of the pedagogical process, conversations with the teacher, children and their parents, assistance in the selection of methodological, pedagogical and psychological literature, related to the topic of best practices, recommendations for studying the work of master educators in order to compare the techniques and methods used in their work with the experience of the best teachers, for the educator himself to comprehend his innovations in his work, his methods that give high results.

At the second stage, which consists of generalizing experience, the following methods are used: to help the teacher deeply analyze the accumulated facts, penetrate into the essence of the observed phenomena, separate the essential from the unimportant, the main from the secondary; assists the teacher in describing the pedagogical process, showing achievements and failures, so that the dynamics of the described pedagogical experience are visible.

It is necessary to interest educators in new experiences, to arouse in them the desire and creative readiness to master them.

Each teacher has his own teaching experience and teaching skills. Highlight the work of a teacher who achieves the best

results, his experience is called advanced, he is studied, he is “looked up to.” According to Turbovsky Ya.S. “Advanced pedagogical experience is a means of purposefully improving the teaching and educational process, satisfying the current needs of teaching and educational practice!”

Advanced pedagogical experience helps educators explore new approaches to working with children and distinguish them from mass practice. At the same time, it awakens initiative, creativity, and improvement of professional skills. Best practices are the fastest, most efficient form of resolving contradictions that have arisen in practice, quickly responding to public demands and a changing situation.

An open screening makes it possible to establish direct contact with the teacher during a lesson and get answers to your questions. The show helps to penetrate into a kind of creative laboratory of the teacher, to become a witness to the process of pedagogical creativity. The manager organizing an open display must set several goals:

Promotion of experience;

Training teachers in methods and techniques of working with children.

The forms of organizing an open display may be different. For example, before the viewing begins, the leader himself can talk about the topic of the teacher’s work and suggest questions to which special attention should be paid. Sometimes it is advisable to distribute questions, one teacher to calculate the children’s activity, another to calculate a combination different methods and techniques used by the teacher, rational use benefits, assess whether children are comfortable.

Such preparation for an open lesson will help the leader organize an interesting discussion of what he saw and develop a common opinion of the team. It must be remembered that the first word in a discussion

provided to the teacher demonstrating his work with children. Based on the results of the open review, a decision is made: for example, to introduce this experience into one’s work, submit the notes to the methodological office, or continue to generalize the teacher’s work experience in order to present it at district pedagogical readings.

Thus, when planning methodological work, it is necessary to use all types of generalization of pedagogical experience. In addition, there are various forms of sharing experience: open display, work in pairs, author’s seminars and workshops, conferences, pedagogical readings, weeks of pedagogical excellence, open days, master classes, etc.

Practice shows that the study, generalization and implementation of pedagogical experience is the most important function methodological work that permeates the content and all its forms and methods. The importance of pedagogical experience can hardly be overestimated; it trains, educates, and develops teachers. Being essentially closely connected with the progressive ideas of pedagogy and psychology, based on the achievements and laws of science, this experience serves as the most reliable conductor of advanced ideas and technologies into practice.

As L.M. Volobueva notes, collective viewing of the educational process of practice is often not differentiated from viewing open classes with children. In the latter case, we are most often talking about the form of certification of kindergarten teachers, so their task is to demonstrate their own success and level of pedagogical competence. In the case of collective viewing, the task is different: to show the most effective conditions, forms or methods and techniques of working with children and their parents. Particular importance is attached to the implementation of methodological principles that determine the optimal impact of upbringing and teaching factors (formation of motivation in children, change of activities, dynamic perception, development of higher mental functions, productive processing of information, repetition educational material, ensuring the transfer of methods of activity, a playful form of conducting classes, etc.) At the same time, the collective demonstration concerns not only the conduct of classes with children, but also the organization of free types of children's activities and routine moments.

Collective screenings are organized once every 3 months so that all teachers can attend. At the same time, each of them receives a questionnaire for observation with a set of phrases-statements and phrases-questions in a constructive form.

During the collective viewing process, teachers make notes on them.

After the viewing, a discussion is organized: first, the teacher talks about the goals and objectives that he set for himself, the methods and techniques that he used during the demonstration of the educational process, then the audience asks questions, and he answers them. At the same time, he is encouraged to explain the reasons for choosing a particular method or technique of working with children, his behavior during the organization of a collective viewing, and give reflection on his own activities and the activities of the children. The senior teacher continues this line, thanks the teacher for the work done, analyzes its advantages (and not disadvantages), and highlights those forms and methods that, in his opinion, could be used in the work of the entire teaching staff.

Round table - this is one of the forms of communication between teachers. When discussing any issues of education and training of preschoolers, circular pedagogical forms of placing participants allow

make the team self-governing, allows you to put all participants in an equal position, ensures interaction and openness. The role of the round table organizer is to think through and prepare questions for discussion aimed at achieving a specific goal.

Some preschool educational institutions use an interesting form of work that brings together employees. This is a creationliterary or pedagogical newspaper.Purpose: to show the development of creative abilities of adults, as well as children and parents. Teachers write articles, stories, compose poems, and are evaluated personal qualities, professional qualities required in working with children - writing, mastery of speech skills - imagery of statements, etc.

Belaya K.Yu. believes that a system of continuousadvanced training (self-education)each teacher, which involves different forms: training in courses, self-education, participation in the methodological work of the city, district, kindergarten. During the inter-course period of active teaching activity, there is a constant process of restructuring knowledge, i.e. there is a progressive development of the subject himself. This is why self-education between courses is necessary. It performs the following functions: expands and deepens the knowledge acquired in previous course training; contributes to the understanding of best practices at a higher theoretical level, improves professional skills.

Self-education- this is the independent acquisition of knowledge from various sources, taking into account the interests and inclinations of each specific teacher.

As a process of acquiring knowledge, it is closely related to self-education and is considered its integral part.

In the process of self-education, a person develops the ability to independently organize his activities to acquire new knowledge.

Why does a teacher need to constantly work on himself, replenish and expand his knowledge? Pedagogy, like all sciences, does not stand still, but is constantly developing and improving. The volume of scientific knowledge increases every year. Scientists say that the knowledge that humanity has doubles every ten years.

This obliges every specialist, regardless of the education received, to engage in self-education.

Self-education is the first step to improving professional skills. In the methodological office, the necessary conditions are created for this: the library fund is constantly updated and replenished with reference and methodological literature, and teachers’ work experience.

Methodological journals are not just studied and systematized by year, but are used to compile thematic catalogs and help the teacher who has chosen the topic of self-education to get acquainted with the different views of scientists and practitioners on the problem. A library catalog is a list of books available in a library and located in a specific system.

To summarize what has been said, we emphasize that the forms of self-education are diverse:

Working in libraries with periodicals, monographs, catalogues;

Participation in scientific and practical seminars, conferences, trainings;

Receiving consultations from specialists, practical centers, departments of psychology and pedagogy of higher educational institutions;

Work with a bank of diagnostic and correctional development programs, etc.

The result of these and other types of teacher work is a process of reflection on the experience gained and, on its basis, the construction of a new experience.

II. Methods for organizing methodological work

Modern educational organizations also use methods for organizing methodological work.

A method is a way of interaction between a methodologist and teachers.

The most common classification of methods is as follows.

1. By the method of presenting information: verbal (oral, printed), visual (illustration methods and demonstration method), practical (workshops, trainings).

2. According to the degree of independence in acquiring knowledge: reproductive, partially search, search, research.

3. By the method of obtaining knowledge: explanatory-illustrated, programmed, heuristic, problem-based, model..

In the first option, methods similar to those used when working with students are more often used.

However, for organizing activities to improve the professional competence of educators, the methods identified in the second and third paragraphs are most adequate.

At the same time, new ones that differ from traditional ones are increasingly being used, interactive methods of working with the teaching staff of an educational institution: they make it possible to simultaneously solve educational, cognitive, communicative and orientation tasks due to the fact that

  • allow you to organize an educational communication space;
  • allow you to adequately present the new content of education through analysis and solution of specific pedagogical situations and tasks;
  • thereby facilitating the acquisition of professional knowledge, skills and abilities.

A method in which participants directly discuss business situations and problems taken from real practice is a method of analyzing and solving pedagogical situations.

Problematic pedagogical situations are divided into three groups:

  1. A group of problem situations, including conditions in which the need to master actions that affect the effectiveness of pedagogical interaction between the teacher and children is specified;
  2. A group of problem situations aimed at mastering actions that generalize practical and theoretical actions that are familiar or well known to the teacher. They relate to the choice of technologies for raising and teaching children. At the same time, technologies can be subject-oriented and person-oriented.
  3. A group of problem situations that encourages you to independently set goals for raising and educating children and plan their implementation.

When analyzing situations, it is necessary, firstly, to determine what type it belongs to.

Then you need to choose a method to justify the way to solve the pedagogical situation. This can be done using the following methods:

  • Information method (quoting the provisions of famous teachers and scientists who tried to solve this problem);
  • Method of expert assessments (assessment of the situation from different points of view, most often psychological, pedagogical and social);
  • The reference comparison method (consists of searching for a standard, most often, the age norm of development and comparing it with the given example);
  • Analogy method (giving an example from practice);
  • Anticipation method (consists in anticipating the positive and negative results of modeling the pedagogical process for the teacher, child, parents).

The next method of organizing methodological work is conversation. Conversation - independent species or additional method pedagogical research in order to obtain the necessary information or clarification about what was not clear enough during observation. In this regard, conversation refers to oral (verbal) research methods. On the other hand, conversation can also be a teaching method. In that case, it is a dialogue aimed at discussing or clarifying an issue or exchanging opinions. Therefore, as a teaching method characterized by the presence of questions and answers, conversation helps to plan or support a conversation between the head or senior teacher and teachers on a specific topic. In kindergarten, when working with the teaching staff, reproducing, generalizing and problem conversations are mainly used. For other qualifications - introductory, heuristic, final and generalizing conversations. Exactly the same types of conversation are used when working with preschool children, which makes it easy to transfer pedagogical attitudes from one situation (communication with colleagues and heads of an educational institution) to another (pedagogical interaction with students). Thus, the conversation is used by the teacher with the aim of activating the child’s mental activity in the process of forming an attitude towards acquiring new knowledge (introductory conversation), their “discovery” (heuristic conversation), repetition and consolidation of previously acquired knowledge (final conversation and generalizing conversation).

Business game is also one of the methods for organizing methodological work, because Thisa form of recreating the substantive and social content of professional activity, modeling a system of relationships characteristic of a given type of practice, i.e. for the development, education and training of children and the organization of interaction with their parents when it comes to the use of business games in the work of teachers of a preschool educational institution. Belaya K.Yu. distinguishes the conduct of a business game from the method of game simulation.

Conducting a business game involves the deployment of special (game) activities of participating teachers within the framework of a simulation model that recreates the conditions and dynamics of the educational process or cooperation with parents of students. There are also games associated with simulating the interaction and relationships of members of the teaching staff with each other and with the leadership of a preschool educational institution, with members of the certification commission, etc. One way or another, depending on what type of human practice is recreated and what the goals of the participants are, educational , research, management, certification business games.

Most often, however, business games are used for educational purposes - educational games. Among them are:

  • Imitation business games are a type of games associated with abstract concepts and topics that cannot be played out in other ways, for example, teachers are required to play with the concepts of “development”, “game”, “education”, “training” using micro-sketches.
  • Positional business games are a type of games in which the interaction between the participants in the game is structured as a clarification of positions on known, traditional and non-traditional methods, technologies, programs through a clash of views and pedagogical attitudes, a struggle of opinions. At the same time, the team of teachers is divided into teams, microgroups, one of which seeks and defends the advantages of the programs and methods under discussion, the second - their shortcomings.
  • Role-playing business games are a type of games in which the characteristics of the roles and positions of interaction participants regarding a particular issue or problem are determined. They are similar to the previous type of games, but teachers must practice not a specific position, but a social role: for example, the role of a project manager, the role of a leader, the role of a Flatterer, the role of an Idea Generator, the role of a Buffer, the role of an Oppositionist, the role of Touch-No-One. don't-touch-me, etc.
  • Situational business games are a type of games in which the roles and positions of the participants in the interaction are determined, but the leading component is the situation, i.e. intense action in a relatively short time. Situational games are associated with playing out illustration situations, exercise situations, assessment situations, and problematic pedagogical situations.
  • Plot-based business games are a type of games in which the roles and positions of interaction participants in a certain plot are determined. Storylines can be traced by presenting various documents on a particular issue.
  • Organizational and activity business games are the most complex look business games associated with the development of theoretical concepts and practical recommendations within the framework of the problem, collective writing of recommendations, methodological developments. In this case, the leader first determines the problem that the team will work on, then roles are distributed, they are united in microgroups and discuss the problem, develop a common point of view on it, and present the results. Discussion of the results of work in micro groups and development of a draft solution to methodological recommendations.

Functional business games are a type of business games that are associated with the work of proactive creative groups of a preschool educational institution that operate over a long period of time. For example, they may concern the development of game techniques for working with children in classes using health-saving technologies.

According to Belaya K.Yu. There are theoretically substantiated methods for designing and conducting business games. Knowing them is necessary to avoid mistakes that could ruin your work. If a business game is used for educational purposes, then it must be remembered that it cannot precede seminars, special courses, or practical exercises. It should be carried out at the end of training.

Direct development of business game materials includes the following stages:

Creation of a business game project;

Description of the sequence of actions;

Description of the organization of the game;

Preparation of assignments for participants;

Preparation of equipment.

Combining forms and methods of working with personnel into unified system, the manager must take into account their optimal combination with each other.

III. Non-traditional forms of work in preschool educational institutions. Mentoring

Currently, given the increased active position of educators, non-traditional active forms are increasingly being used in methodological work with teaching staff in preschool institutions. These include round table meetings, debates, pedagogical rings, business games, brainstorming, KVN, solving situational and pedagogical problems, crossword puzzles on the topic of preschool pedagogy, etc.

One should also mention such a recognized form of assistance as mentoring. A young, novice teacher can always seek advice from his mentor, come to his group, and see how he works with children. And the mentor, in turn, is always ready to help, show, tell. He becomes an older friend, an adviser both in personal matters and in matters of relationships in the team. Mentoring can be the subject of study, synthesis and implementation of best practices. Such an experience should be described and made available to everyone.

The most important factor in professional adaptation, successful personal and professional development of beginning teachers is schoolyoung teacher.

Various forms of work with young specialists contribute to the development of his cognitive interest in the profession, the active development of techniques for working with children and their parents, and have a positive impact on the growth of his professional significance.

Carrying out systematic work throughout the academic year to develop mentoring traditions allows:

  • Practice the content and methods learned during your studies at the university pedagogical support child development, interaction between parents and teachers in practice;
  • Master techniques aimed at uniting the teaching staff and transferring teaching experience from one generation of teachers to another.

Then comes the time for independent teaching activity, and here it is important to provide assistance to the young specialist, to make sure that the work becomes a joyful event for him, and not a serious test. Solving this problem is considered a priority for the senior teacher and teaching staff.

The senior teacher orients the teacher towards constant replenishment of knowledge, mastery advanced methods and techniques for working with children, understanding the secrets of education.

The senior educator builds his work with young specialists taking into account three aspects of his activity:

  • “Senior educator - young specialist” - creating conditions for easy adaptation of a young specialist to work, providing him with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities;
  • “Young specialist - a child and his parent” - the formation of the teacher’s authority, respect, and interest in him among children and their parents;
  • “Young specialist - colleague” - providing all possible assistance and support from colleagues.

Meanwhile, the main task is to develop special attention to the skills of practical application of the theoretical knowledge acquired by the teacher.

In this context, we can recall the statement of A.S. Makarenko. “Dozens of young teachers worked with me. I became convinced that no matter how successfully a person graduates from a pedagogical university, no matter how talented he is, and if he does not learn from experience, he will never be good teacher, I myself studied with more senior teachers...”

For this purpose, a “Young Teacher School” is being organized, the purpose of which is to help beginning teachers improve their professional competence. Experienced, creative specialists are involved in the work, and the planning of the work of the “Young Teacher’s School” is drawn up taking into account the requests and difficulties of novice teachers. Discussions in which they discuss controversial issues pedagogical theory and practice. Each teacher expresses his opinion and defends it. Open classes are actively used, followed by a discussion of what was seen, and workshops, where theoretical material is supported by examples from practice, showing individual techniques and ways of working.

When conducting classes at the “School of a Young Teacher”, various techniques are used: solving pedagogical situations, a method of simulating a teacher’s working day, “brainstorming”, solving crossword puzzles. All this allows you to clarify your knowledge on a specific topic and broaden your horizons.

In the theory of organizing methodological work, there are stages of scientific and methodological work that correlate with the forms used.

For example, on theoretical stageIn carrying out methodological work, priority is given to such forms as lectures, consultations, research conferences, debates, theoretical seminars, testing the professional preparedness of teachers, an auction of pedagogical knowledge, etc.

On methodological stageMethodological consultation, conducting a methodological week, a methodological colloquium, a psychological-pedagogical or methodological seminar, a scientific and methodological conference, a pedagogical lounge, psychological training, a pedagogical ring, an operational meeting, etc. come to the fore.

On practical stage, mainly business games, round tables, mutual visits are used, teaching hour, open classes, workshops, creative reports, scientific and practical conferences etc.

On analytical stageIt becomes necessary to hold pedagogical councils based on the results of thematic inspections, control “snapshots”, summarizing the results of the academic year, organizing relay races of teaching experience and professional skills competitions, auctions of pedagogical ideas, etc.


The identified forms and methods of methodological work are interconnected, interdependent and require their mandatory differentiation according to significance and continuity:

  • the principle of significance is implemented through the selection of the most appropriate forms and methods of work for each stage in the development of professional competence and its compliance with the leading type of activity of the teacher;
  • the principle of continuity is that each subsequent form of work is a logical continuation of the previous one.

It is possible to build a system of methodological work based on an analysis of the achieved results of the preschool educational institution: the results of the educational process, the level of pedagogical skills and qualifications of teachers, the maturity and cohesion of the teaching staff, the specific interests, needs and requests of educators. The search and selection of the optimal methodological work option is always relevant for the manager. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the versatile nature of its content and the variety of forms and methods of working with personnel.

In a preschool educational institution, it is very important to raise the question of the quality and effectiveness of methodological work. The results of methodological work should be considered in accordance with the dynamics of the final results of the entire pedagogical process in kindergarten, the level of education and upbringing and development of children, and the positive dynamics of the level of these indicators.

The main criteria for the optimality of the final results of methodological work in preschool educational institutions are:

  • performance criterion; is achieved if the results of education, upbringing and development of pupils increase to the optimal level (or approach it) within the allotted time without overload;
  • criteria for rational expenditure of time, cost-effectiveness of methodological work; is achieved where the improvement of teachers’ skills in order to optimize training and education takes place with a reasonable investment of time and effort by teachers on methodological work and self-education, in any case, without overloading teachers with these types of activities. The presence of this criterion stimulates a scientific, optimization approach to the organization of methodological work;
  • criterion for increasing teacher satisfactionby your labor; can be considered achieved ifThe team has seen an improvement in the psychological microclimate, an increase in the creative activity of teachers, and teachers’ satisfaction with the process and results of their work.

A holistic system of methodological work inkindergarten should develop in accordance with a number of the most important fundamental requirements, namely:

  • connection with life, practical implementation of tasks for restructuring the education system in kindergarten, relevance, which obliges the organizers of methodological workfully take into account the modern social order of society in the context of changes in the country;
  • scientific, so that the entire system of advanced training for teachers corresponds to modern scientific achievements in a wide variety of areas. At the same time, the scientific nature of methodological work should not be transformed V deliberate scientificism, which sometimes causes teachers to have a negative attitude towards the very concept of “scientificness”;
  • systematicity, i.e. systematicity of all methodological work;
  • complexity , which provides for the unity and interconnection of all areas of advanced training;
  • systematicity, consistency, continuity, which ensures the employment of teachers in different forms methodological work throughout the entire academic year;
  • unity of theory and practice; the general focus on solving practical problems allows the correct use of theory as a means of such a solution;
  • efficiency, flexibility, mobility; the creative essence of methodological work in conditions of dynamic growth of preschool life, constant change of environment, complication of problems being solved requires the ability to quickly and flexibly respond to changes in it, and rebuild the system of methodological work if necessary;
  • collective nature with a reasonable combination of general preschool, group and individual, formal and informal, mandatory and voluntary forms and types of methodological work and self-education of teachers;
  • creating favorable conditions for effective methodological work and creative search for teachers.

Thus, the implementation of the complex of the above requirements in the methodological work system ensures optimal results, which are indicators of the effectiveness of methodological work in modern DOW.


1. Belaya K.Yu. Methodological work in preschool educational institutions: Analysis, planning, forms and methods [text]: methodological manual / K.Yu. Belaya-M: TC Sfera, 2007. – 96 p.

2. Belaya K.Yu. Methodological work in a preschool educational institution [text]: methodological manual / K.Yu. Belaya-M: MIPKRO, 2000.- 81 p.

3. Belaya K. Yu. Business games in the methodological service system [text]: methodological manual / K. Yu. White - M: Education, 1994.- 84 p.

4. Belaya K.Yu. Pedagogical council in a preschool educational institution: Preparation and implementation [text]: methodological manual / K.Yu. White - M: Sphere, 2009.- 48 p.

5. Volobueva L.M. Work of a senior preschool teacher with teachers [text]: methodological manual / L.M. Volobueva - M: Sphere shopping center, 2009. – 96 p.

6. Vinogradova N.A., Miklyaeva N.V., Rodionova Yu.N. Methodological work in preschool educational institutions. Effective forms and methods [text]: methodological manual / N.A. Vinogradova, N.V. Miklyaeva, Yu.N. Rodionova – M: Iris-press, 2008.-192 p.

Annex 1.

Business game for preschool teachers to study the Federal State Educational Standard

preschool education

“New Federal State Educational Standard – new opportunities”


  1. To intensify the mental activity of teachers in knowledge of the basic provisions, concepts and principles of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.
  2. To identify the level of professional preparedness of teachers for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  3. Develop the ability to argue your point of view.
  4. Clarifying the knowledge and skills of teachers on the problem of implementing the educational field “Cognitive Development” in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Equipment: cards with questions, signal cards for assessing the speaker: green - “you are well versed in the aspects of the Federal State Educational Standard”, red - “you need to pay attention to the main provisions of the document.”

Presenter: (senior teacher): As it has been noted more than once that the leading type of children’s activity is play, we invite you to play the business game “New Federal State Educational Standard – New Opportunities”

Progress of the game.

Divided into two teams

Before the start of the game, the senior teacher offers each participant (or group of participants) from the pack one ticket with a question. Time is given to prepare. The answer is assessed by colleagues using signal cards. If the answer is correct, teachers raise a green card; if the answer is incomplete or incorrect, they raise a red card.


1. Theoretical block “BRAINSTORMING”

Questions for teams: (questions are asked in order)

  1. When the Federal State Educational Standard for Education was adopted - October 17, 2013 No. 1155.
  2. In what year did it come into force? – January 1, 2015.
  3. A document ensuring the child’s rights to high-quality and accessible preschool education in the country:


Family code;

Education Act";

Convention on the Rights of the Child;

4.What is the leading activity in preschool childhood? (a game)

5. What educational area includes the study of FEMP in the program for preschool children? (“cognitive development”)

  1. What type of work does skill development begin with? labor activity in children. (self-service)
  2. What is the amount of time for implementing the part of the program formed by the participants of the educational institution - 40%
  3. What are the areas of child development? – There are 5 of them: cognitive, speech, physical, social-communicative and artistic-aesthetic.
  4. In which educational area is the task of developing a cautious attitude towards potentially dangerous situations for humans and the surrounding natural world? (Social and communicative development)
  5. In which educational area is the problem of developing children's play activity solved? - “in all five.”
  6. Which educational institution solves the problem of practical mastery of speech norms by students? – “Speech development.”

8. What educational area does the development of communication and interaction of a child with adults and peers relate to?

(socio-communicative development)

9. Determine the implementation time of OOP BEFORE:

a) from 65% to 80% of the time children are in kindergarten;

b) only during classes;

c) can be implemented during the entire period of children’s stay in the organization.

10. What educational area does acquaintance with book culture and children's literature belong to?

b) cognitive development;

c) speech development;

e) physical development.

11. What educational area does the perception of music, fiction, and folklore belong to?

a) social and communicative development;

b) cognitive development;

c) speech development;

d) artistic and aesthetic development;

e) physical development.

12. What is the DO Standard aimed at?

a) formation of knowledge, skills and abilities;

b) formation of integrative personality qualities;

c) targets for preschool education.

Task 2. The Standard specifies the requirements for the results of mastering the Program - these are target guidelines. Let's consider the target guidelines, highlighting those characteristics that are closely related to the NGO “Cognitive Development”. The Auction of Pedagogical Ideas will help us with this.

Here are the criteria (targets). List the conditions that contribute to their successful, full achievement.



Shows curiosity;

Asks questions to adults and peers;

Interested in cause-and-effect relationships;

Tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and human actions;

Tends to observe and experiment;

Has basic knowledge about himself, about the natural and social world...;

Capable of making his own decisions.



search and practical activities,

project method...

Game problem situations, observations, ...

Developmental environment:

Ecological trail, experimentation area, …

Practical block:

3. “From theory to practice”

Material: cards - types and forms of organizing children's activities.

Assignment: determine the forms of work with children by type of children's activities:


Perception of fiction and folklore


Cognitive and research





Self-care and household work

Time: 7 minutes.

Evaluation criterion: 5 points – complete, detailed correct answer;

3 points – the answer is partially correct, but incomplete;

0 points – no answer to the question.

Presentation form: oral message from one of the team members.

Presentation time: 2 minutes.

Musical competition

4. “Musical improvisations on the theme of integration”

they take out a card with a certain “Educational Area” and topic, and in 3 minutes the team selects as many musical excerpts from songs on the topic of this area as possible. The team that provides the audience and jury with the largest number of musical excerpts wins.

5. “Integration of educational areas”

They take out a card with a specific GCD topic and in 3 minutes the team selects integration with other areas. The participant must tell what integration can be used, what forms and methods of joint activity are used to address this topic.


So, today, during the business game, we have intensified your knowledge and skills in the field of Federal State Educational Standards of preschool education; determined the pedagogical conditions for successful and fulfilling cognitive development preschool children.
I invite each teacher to evaluate his contribution to the work of the group: red - not happy, did not do everything he could;

yellow – could have done better;

Green – did everything in my power for the success of the group.

The leaves are pasted onto a poster with a picture of a traffic light.
- Let's discuss your impression of the business game.

Appendix 2.

Pedagogical advice on the topic

“Project method in the activities of a preschool institution”

Goal: introduction of design technology into the activities of a preschool institution.

Form of implementation: pedagogical council.


  1. Bliznetsova V.S. Management of project activities of preschool teachers // Directory of a senior teacher of a preschool institution. 2009. No. 9. P.33-40.
  2. Vinogradova O.V. Research project activities in preschool educational institutions // Management of preschool educational institutions. Scientific and practical journal. 2009. No. 1. P.63-65.
  3. Volkova M.S. Project “School of Preschool Sciences” // Directory of a senior teacher of a preschool institution. 2010. No. 9. P.6-9.
  4. Evdokimova E.S., Kudryavtseva E.A. Design summer holiday preschoolers with their families // Preschool educational institution management. Scientific and practical journal. 2004 No. 2.P.40-56.
  5. Zukau E.F. Project method in patriotic education preschoolers // Preschool educational institution management. Scientific and practical journal. 2009. No. 1. P.96-98.
  6. Kukhlinskaya V.V. Project method in organizing role-playing games // Preschool educational institution management. Scientific and practical journal. 2009. No. 1. P.52-62.
  7. Website materialswww.pedsovet.ru , www.dosvozrast.ru
  8. Timofeeva G.E. Project activities in nurturing love for one’s hometown // Preschool Education Management. Scientific and practical journal. 2009. No. 1. P.83-85.

Plan for the teachers' meeting:

  1. The relevance of the topic of the teachers' council.
  2. Pedagogical improvisation “Who wants to become an expert in the project method?”
  3. Making a decision of the teachers' council.

Progress of the teachers' council:

  1. The relevance of the topic of the teachers' council.

At the present stage of development of preschool education becomes relevant the issue of creating a system of work to introduce preschool educational institutions into the educational processproject method.

A project (literally “thrown forward”) is a prototype, a prototype of an object or type of activity, and design is the process of creating a project.

Project method as educational technology- this is a set of research, search, problem-based methods, techniques and actions of a teacher in a certain sequence to achieve the task - solving a problem that is personally significant for the teacher, formalized in the form of a certain final product. In other words, the project method is the implementation of a plan from the moment of its inception to its completion with the passage of certain stages of activity.

The design technology assumes:

  • the presence of a problem that requires integrated knowledge and a research search for its solution;
  • practical, theoretical, cognitive significance of the expected results;
  • independent activity of the pupil;
  • structuring the content of the project indicating phased results;
  • use of research methods, e.g. defining the problem, the research tasks arising from it, putting forward a hypothesis for their solution. Discussion of research methods, presentation of final results, analysis of the data obtained, summing up, adjustments, conclusions.

The main purpose of the project method is to provide children with the opportunity to independently acquire knowledge when solving practical problems or problems that require the integration of knowledge from various subject areas. As a result, project activity makes it possible to educate a “doer” rather than a “performer”, to develop strong-willed personality traits and partnership interaction skills.

Advantages of the project method:

  • is one of the methods of developmental education, because it is based on the development of children’s cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, and navigate the information space;
  • improves the quality of the educational process;
  • serves the development of critical and creative thinking.
  • contributes to increasing the competence of teachers.

Thus, mastering design technology by teachers will improve the level of their professional skills and create conditions for effective educational work in preschool educational institutions.

  1. Variability in the use of the design method.

Project activity is a type of knowledge acquisition that provides numerous opportunities, their use in various combinations, integration various types activities.

The transition of a preschool institution to a project-based method of activity is usually carried out in the following stages:

  • classes that include problem situations of children's experimentation, etc.;
  • complex block-thematic classes;
  • integration:
  • partial integration (integration of fiction and artistic activities);
  • full integration ( environmental education With fiction, fine arts, music education, physical development);
  • project method:
  • form of organization of educational space;
  • method of developing creative cognitive thinking.
  1. Types of projects used in the work of a preschool institution.

The following types of projects are used in the practice of modern preschool institutions:

  • research-creative: completely subordinated to the logic of research and have a structure that approximates or completely coincides with genuine scientific research;
  • role-playing, gaming (participants take on certain roles determined by the nature and content of the project);
  • introductory and orientation (information) (collection of information about some object, phenomenon; project participants are expected to familiarize themselves with this information, analyze it and summarize the facts);
  • practice-oriented (applied) (the result is necessarily focused on the social interests of the participants themselves);
  • creative (imply appropriate presentation of results in the form children's party, children's design).

The leading activity of a preschooler is play, therefore, starting from younger age, role-playing, gaming and creative projects are used, for example, “Favorite Toys”, “ABC of Health”, etc.

Other types of projects are also significant, including:

  • complex: “World of Theater”, “Hello, Pushkin!”, “Echo of Centuries”, “Book Week”;
  • intergroup: “Mathematical collages”, “The world of animals and birds”, “Seasons”;
  • creative: “My Friends”, “We Love Fairy Tales”, “The World of Nature”, etc.;
  • group: "Tales of Love", "Know Yourself", " Undersea world", "Fun Astronomy";
  • individual: "I and my family", " Family tree", "Secrets of Grandma's Chest";
  • research:“Underwater world”, “Breath and health”, “Nutrition and health”.

They can be short-term in duration (one or several lessons), average duration, long-term (for example, “The Work of Pushkin” - for the academic year).

Project topics may concern the problems of creating a culture of family life, taking into account the interests and abilities of students. Sometimes the topic of projects is proposed by the students themselves, while the latter are guided by their own creative, applied interests. But most often, the topic of projects is determined by the practical significance of the issue, its relevance, as well as the possibility of solving it by involving the knowledge of students from different fields of science. That is, knowledge integration is practically achieved.

  1. Planning work to prepare the project.

Work on the project takes place in several stages:

Stage I – organizational and preparatory:

  • selection of software and methodological support for project implementation;
  • studying the experience of innovative teachers on the project topic;
  • replenishment of the subject-development environment;
  • selection of diagnostic tools to identify children's knowledge.

Stage II - reflective-diagnostic:

  • analysis by the teacher of the reserve of his professional capabilities and expected difficulties, as well as the interest of colleagues in the topic of the project;
  • identifying the interest and level of knowledge of children on the topic of the project;
  • formation of a data bank on the level of parental competence in matters of the designated topic.

Stage II - practical:

  • correction individual plans teachers participating in the project;
  • determining the content of the work as a basic component in the priority area of ​​the teacher’s activity;
  • implementation of the project through interaction with colleagues and parents, active introduction of non-traditional forms of work with children, including project and play activities of the child;
  • generalization and dissemination of work experience;
  • defense of the project at the second stage of certification of preschool teachers;
  • participation in the city competition of pedagogical projects.

Stage IV - final:

  • analysis of the achievement of goals and results obtained;
  • determination of further directions for the implementation of the problem considered in the project in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.
  1. Pedagogical improvisation “Who wants to become an expert in the project method”

Goal: to provide conditions for the development of creativity and professional activity of teachers in their mastery of design technologies through interactive forms of methodological work.

Equipment: multifunctional pyramid, cards indicating the stages of the project, prize for the winner.

Game algorithm:

  • introductory information from the game host;
  • “playground” equipment;
  • familiarizing participants with the rules of the game;
  • playing a game;
  • reflection.

Host: Dear colleagues, I invite you to the fantasy playground. Today, the owner of this site will be the well-known design method. Our communication will take place in the form of a game “Who wants to become an expert in the design method?” IN qualifying round Three teachers will take part. They will need to arrange the project phases in the correct sequence. Whoever does this first will take a place in the player’s chair. The player will be asked nine questions. Each question has three answers, you must choose one answer. The player can use only two tips: help from the hall and calling a friend. If he successfully completes the tasks, he is awarded the title “Expert in the Design Method”.

Questions for the player:

1. What is instructional design?

  • tribute to fashion;
  • dogma of the professional activity of a teacher;
  • type of teaching activity.

2. Place of the epigraph in the project structure:

  • at first;
  • middle;
  • they can finish the project.

3. Which of the three definitions emphasizes project types by dominant activity?

  • collective;
  • research;
  • long-term.

4. What is a hypothesis?

  • short summary of the project;
  • the teacher’s concern about the unsuccessful implementation of the project;
  • an assumption that requires explanation and confirmation.

5. Who is the founder of the design method?

  • American educator Democrat John Dewey;
  • great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky;
  • French psychologist J. Piaget, about whom they say: “He was the first among equals.”

6. What content of teaching activity is not typical for the practical (research) stage?

  • implementation of project activities in the interaction of the teacher with colleagues and parents;
  • putting forward a hypothesis;
  • open display of activities on the project topic.

7. What type of activity should be excluded from the final (control and regulatory) stage of the project?

  • comparison of the goals and results of the project;
  • reflective evaluation of the project;
  • selection of content and forms project activities to each stage of the project.

8. What nature of teaching activity is not an indicator of a teacher’s high level of proficiency in design technology?

  • reproductive;
  • search;
  • creative.

9. When presenting the project, the teacher must:

  • show your superiority over your colleagues in solving the problem identified in the project;
  • prove yourself as a teacher who has the skills to develop a project as a teaching aid that will provide practical assistance to colleagues;
  • attract the attention of listeners and direct colleagues to the indispensable use of the presented project in the practice of their work.
  1. Making a decision of the teachers' council.

The decision of the teachers' council:

  1. To improve the quality of the educational process, introduce the project method into the pedagogical process.
  1. To improve the professional skills of teachers in organizing project activities through various forms of methodological work.

Responsible: senior teacher. Time frame: within a year.

  1. At the end of the school year, in order to intensify the efforts of the teaching staff in developing non-standard forms of work with children and analyzing the work of teachers using the project method, organize a presentation of group projects.

Responsible: senior teacher, group teachers. Dates: April.

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