Home Dental treatment Analysis of the methodological association of educators for the year. Analysis of the work of the city methodological association for the academic year with a presentation

Analysis of the methodological association of educators for the year. Analysis of the work of the city methodological association for the academic year with a presentation

state-owned special (correctional) educational institution

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra

for students, pupils with disabilities health

Nizhnevartovsk special (correctional) comprehensive school I, II types

work of the methodological association
preschool teachers for the 2013/14 academic year


Methodological association:

L.V. Ogireva

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The methodological association of preschool teachers consists of 9 people. Seven teachers have higher pedagogical education, two have specialized secondary education. Seven teachers have 1 qualification category, one teacher - highest category, one has no category.

This school year we had subject: " Development of teacher professionalism as a condition for improving the quality of education at the stage of mastering FGT.

Target: Diverse development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main directions - physical, social-personal, cognitive-speech and artistic-aesthetic.

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The tasks of the Ministry of Education for this academic year were:

2. Continue work to improve the quality of education for children based on the analysis of monitoring results developed in accordance with the FGT.

3. Continue work on developing cognitive skills and abilities in preschoolers with hearing impairments through design technology.

4. To form the communicative function of speech of preschoolers who have undergone cochlear education


5. Improve the professional skills of teachers through self-education, obtaining special education, methodological literature, mutual attendance at classes, generalization of experience within the Moscow Region, schools, participation in city conferences, active use of the Internet.

The tasks assigned to M.O. were carried out through meetings of the M.O., open classes, visits to pedagogical councils, methodological councils, participation in a school project, and participation in school and city competitions.

First task , in terms of work, is always of paramount importance to us. Throughout the year, preschool teachers actively tried to promote among parents the importance healthy image family life. We regularly updated information in the corners for parents on this topic. We conducted oral consultations and gave advice to parents on how to properly dress their child for a walk or to be in a group. Mainly attention is paid to this in younger groups, when the child begins to attend an educational institution.

With the onset of the cold season, teachers informed parents about the importance of preventive vaccinations against colds(flu). We talked with parents about how necessary walks with children are on weekends. Forms of work such as conversations, oral and written consultations are effective for all parents, especially for young parents who have only their first child.

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To preserve and strengthen the health of their pupils, teachers of each group regularly conduct physical education classes, daily iodine-salt hardening, walks in the fresh air, morning exercises, dynamic and relaxation breaks during the lesson, finger gymnastics, gymnastics for the eyes, outdoor games, non-traditional forms of conducting classes.

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Teacher M.V. Bakieva conducted an open lesson in physical education in a group of 2nd year of study using non-traditional forms of conducting classes. All teachers took into their pedagogical piggy bank effective methods conducting physical education classes with children.

Every month, teachers keep records of colds in the group. The number of cold cases this academic year has increased by 2, there is an explanation for this.(newly arrived children - 6 people, some children with chronic diseases), but in general, we believe that work to preserve and strengthen the health of children is being carried out in the right direction.

Second task. Continue work to improve the quality of children's education based on analysis of monitoring results developed in accordance with FGT.

The quality of knowledge children receive depends on many aspects. This includes the qualifications of the teacher, and the ability to interestingly present the material necessary for children to learn, and methodological equipment, and the teacher’s ability to identify shortcomings, gaps in the child’s knowledge and eliminate them in a timely manner, as well as the child’s psychophysical capabilities.

To identify the levelGroup teachers monitor children’s progress and mastery of program material at the beginning of the school year, in the middle and at the end. For each section of the program, survey forms have been developed for children to master the necessary skills and abilities and the criteria by which these abilities and skills are assessed. For each child, the percentage of mastery of program material in all sections is displayed,strong and weak sides educational process. A contingent of students experiencing difficulties in mastering the educational program is identified, and on the basis of this, teachers determine corrective measures.

In September, children in each group were examined to determine the retention of knowledge, skills and abilities at the beginning of the school year. It was found that children lose up to 20% of the knowledge acquired during the year over the summer period.

To replenish children's knowledge base, educators conduct individual sessions with children, repeat the material during routine moments, give tasks to parents so that they repeat the necessary material with their children at home in a playful way, try to conduct classes with children in a non-traditional form.Educational and visual support is systematically replenished and updated.

Analyzing the monitoring at the end of the school year for preschool groups, we can conclude that children most fully mastered skills and abilities according to their age in visual arts and design, play, cultural and hygienic skills, labor, and physical education.

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Levels of mastery of skills and abilities

Getting to know the world around you

Physical education

Fine art and design

A game

KGN and labor




The largest percentage of low levels of mastery of skills and abilities falls on the section of familiarization with the outside world, so all teachers need to pay more attention in this area. ( individual work with children, involving parents in activities with the child at home, using game techniques in teaching as much as possible, experiments, observations, experimental activities, so that the child himself gains knowledge in the course of this activity). Then the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by children will be at a higher quality level. It is necessary to structure your work programs in such a way that they take into account the psychophysical capabilities of the child, but in no case underestimate the program requirements.

Last academic year, educators at the Moscow Region developed a program for the social and personal development of preschoolers with hearing impairment. The head of the Moscow Region, L.V., presented a report on the implementation of this program at the school’s methodological council in January. Ogireva. In the speech, it was noted that the tasks set in the program: the formation of interaction and communication of a child with adults, the development of communication of a child with peers, the development of interpersonal relationships, the development of the sphere of self-awareness, the formation of self-image, the formation of moral feelings and moral ideas, the development of positive skills and habits and behavior in a team are implemented by educators in routine moments, in classes, and joint activities of the educator and children.

During the year, teachers used the following methods of work to implement the above tasks: organizing children's activities, teaching, observing, setting an example for an adult or other children, demonstrating actions, persuasion, conversations, reading and storytelling, viewing and discussing paintings, illustrations, filmstrips.

All group teachers conducted monitoring at the end of the school year to identify the level of mastery of program material by children. The monitoring showed that the assimilation of program material at a high level was 22.5% (4 children), at an average level - 63% (14 children), at a low level - 14.5% (3 children). From the data obtained, it is clear that educators have something to work on. It is necessary to continue working oncreating conditions for the social and personal development of preschool children with impaired hearing, for the formation personal qualities that determine relationships with other children and adults, the development of self-awareness and awareness of one’s place in society.

Third task. Continue work on developing cognitive skills and abilities in preschoolers with hearing impairments through design technology.

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This school year, the preschool department worked on the school-wide project “Sport is Life.” At the beginning of the year, an information stand was set up in the hall of the 1st floor. In all groups at parent meetings, teachers and parents chose the name of the subproject, for example, “If you want to be healthy...”, “We are little Olympians,” “Path to Health,” “Kinds of Sports.” The goals of the projects echoed the first goal of our plan - to preserve and strengthen the health of children, increase the performance of children through the organization of outdoor games and games with elements of sports; to form the basis of a healthy lifestyle for preschool children with hearing impairment, to involve parents in joint active work in matters of physical education.

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In the first-year group, teachers and children looked at illustrations about sports, conducted outdoor games, and periodically provided consultations on healthy lifestyle topics in the corner for parents. The parents of each child made albums about how they got involved in sports.

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Children and parents of the 2nd year group made a diary “My Active Day Off!”, in which they recorded their sports days off, an exhibition of methodological literature on a healthy lifestyle was organized, a screen folder “Healthy Family Lifestyle” was organized, a competition was held for making a holiday card for the Olympics, exhibition of drawings. To make the children more interested, material was selected that was close to their life experience. Speech material was carefully selected.

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Teachers of the 3rd year group together with the children produced a mini-encyclopedia “Olympiad 2014”. In April, parents together with their children presented their projects; they talked about how their weekends were spent, how they walked, went to camp sites, and played different sports. The Kiryanov family called their project “Grandma, Dad, Mom, I am a sports family.” The Valeev family called their project “My Good Morning”.

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A group of 4 years of study in December held an excursion for children as part of the project to sports complex"Triumph". The children received an unforgettable experience and saw with their own eyes a variety of Sport halls, training athletes, met sports equipment and shells. The group teachers held open event for parents “Health is fine - thanks to exercise” (morning exercises), as well as a lesson on familiarization with the outside world “If you want to be healthy...”. An album was prepared - “Outdoor Games of the Peoples of Russia”.

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As part of the project, a child-parent competition “Nimble, Strong and Brave” was held in February. Parents, children and teachers received a charge of cheerfulness and optimism from the event. Such events bring parents and children together and give children more confidence in their abilities.

The work on the project left no one indifferent; everyone took an active part in it. Participation of parents in the project helps to find a more complete understanding with teachers and devote more time to their child at home (while searching for information and making albums for the project). As a result of working on the project, children’s vocabulary increases, introducing new terms and definitions into it, and children also receive the necessary knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, a variety of different types sports Children learn with the help of their parents to obtain the necessary information. Work on the project contributes to increasing the theoretical level and professionalism of teachers, increasing the competence of parents in issues physical development and children's health.

Although working on the project took a lot of effort and time, it brought all its participants a feeling of satisfaction from the work done. We will continue to organize in our work joint events with parents, to involve them in participation in the life of the preschool department.

Fourth task.To form the communicative function of speech in preschool children who have undergone cochlear implantation.

The number of children who have undergone cochlear implantation increases every year. Therefore, educators study special literature on this topic in order to work more effectively with such children, and also work closely with teachers of the deaf in preschool groups. In March, teachers of the deaf: Rychkova I.E., Belokopytova L.V., Pashnina I.V., Artemova L.L. conducted consultations for teachers on the following topics:

1. “Features of speech development of children in preoperative and initial period rehabilitation after cochlear implantation."

2. “Organization of the work of teachers of preschool groups with children after a CI with their families.”

The information was provided at an accessible level, very interesting. Such consultations with teachers of the deaf help improve the professional competence of preschool teachers. I think that cooperation with teachers of the deaf will continue next year.

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In March, all teachers of preschool groups watched an open lesson on familiarization with the outside world in a group of 3 years of study from N.N. Pukhova. All children in the group have a cochlear implant. The teacher showed techniques for working with children who have undergone cochlear implantation. The children in the group have good speech activity. The lesson was useful for all teachers.

The task of developing the communicative function of speech is carried out by us every day in the process of routine moments (washing, preparing for breakfast, lunch, dinner, for a walk, classes), in the joint activities of the teacher with the children, independent activity children. In implementing the task, we concluded that it is necessary to actively carry out information work with parents about how to work with a child outside the preschool group after cochlear implantation. Organize consultations on this topic, one of the “University for Parents” classes.

Fifth task. Increasing the professional competence and skill of teachers through various shapes methodological work.

Solving the problem of increasing your professional excellence and competence, educators carry it out through various forms of methodological work: self-education, work in the pedagogical and methodological councils of the school, work in the preschool department, mutual attendance at classes. This year, six teachers will undergo professional retraining at NSGU in the direction of “correctional pedagogy.” In the middle of the 2014/15 school year, three teachers will undergo certification for the qualification category.

At the May meeting of the Moscow Region, reports were heard on the self-education of teachers Chernaya I.Yu. and Garkusha I.N., in which the main directions in which they carry out their work were outlined, literature was offered to teachers for familiarization by topic. Preschool teachers actively use the Internet, providing their teaching experience and participating in various distance competitions.

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Teachers showed open classes within the Moscow Region and shared their experiences and innovations. Ogireva L.V. showed a lesson on social personal development“Etiquette”, Bobanova S.V. – acquaintance with the surrounding world, Chernaya I.Yu. – visual activity (application), Egorova I.M. – familiarization with the outside world. Mutual visits to classes between teachers are always productive, each time they reveal to educators some new techniques in working with our children, and also show gaps and shortcomings in GCD. By conducting an open lesson for his colleagues, each teacher learns to analyze it, as a result of which his professional skills and competence develop.

One of the effective forms of working with parents is the “Open Day”, which is held at school. On this day, parents watched open classes in their groups. All parents were interested to see their child in class, to see what he could do, and also to get acquainted with the life of our school, since in the future their children will study here.

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All group teachers actively took part in the school competition “I love you, my native land” and city competitions held by libraries. For example: the correspondence district competition “My World: Family, Ugra and Me.” Nemontov Oleg became the winner of this competition in the category “Amateur artistic creativity", taking 3rd place.

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The “Do it yourself book” competition held by the city library “Zhuravushka”, where our children took prizes.

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City Library No. 14 held a newspaper competition on the theme “Fabulous New Year" We invite parents to participate in competitions. Cooperation between parents, teachers and children always brings positive aspects; it helps parents devote more time to their child, engage in joint activities with him, and live in his interests. Participation in competitions brings teachers and parents together and promotes the development of mutual understanding.

Preschool groups participated in a school-wide competition for the best classroom. The classroom of teachers of the 2nd year group (I.N. Garkusha, M.V. Bakieva) took 1st place among the preschool department.

Teacher Bobanova S.V. represented our school in the city of Surgut at a seminar held there on the topic: “ Contemporary issues correction and rehabilitation of patients with hearing impairment.”She shared her experience of working on the topic: “Non-traditional forms of conducting classes to familiarize themselves with the outside world as a means of speech development for preschoolers with hearing impairment.”

The development of the basic general education program for preschool education for children with hearing impairments, the basis for which wasbasic general education program of preschool education “From birth to school”Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva and the Education and Training Program for hearing-impaired children, authors -Golovchits L.A., Noskova L.P., Shmatko N.D., Salakhova A.D., Korotkova G.V., Kataeva A.A., Trofimova T.V. As a result of working on the preparation of the program, teachers refreshed their knowledge of regulatory documents in education.

Summing up the work of the Ministry of Education over the past year, we can say that all the teachers worked fruitfully, with enthusiasm, actively collaborated with the parents of their groups, always finding their support, and the need to include parents in preschool life is enormous, so in the next school year it should also be included in work plan for MO activities with parents.

To diversify the methodological work within the Moscow Region, I offer such forms of work for educators as business games, round tables, development and analysis of competition tasks

In the next academic year, tasks such as: maintaining and strengthening the health of children, with the involvement of parents in cooperation, require their continuation; formation of cognitive skills and abilities in preschoolers with hearing impairments through design technology.

Since the number of children who have undergone cochlear implantation is growing, we set a goal for the next school year - to form the oral speech of children in the initial period of rehabilitation after cochlear implantation.

Objectives for the next academic year:

1. Preserve and strengthen the health of preschool children by intensifying work with parents to create a healthy lifestyle for their children.

2. Continue work on developing cognitive skills and abilities in preschoolers with hearing impairments through design technology.

3. Form the oral speech of children in the initial period of rehabilitation after cochlear implantation.

4. Improve the professional skills of teachers through the use of new generation programs and technologies, self-education, receiving special education, methodological literature, mutual attendance at classes, generalization of experience within the framework of educational institutions, schools, participation in city conferences, active use of the Internet.

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7 2 Higher pedagogical education Secondary specialized pedagogical education The methodological association consists of 9 people

The tasks of the Ministry of Education for this school year were: Preserve and strengthen the health of preschoolers, intensifying work with parents to create a healthy lifestyle for their children; Continue work to improve the quality of education for children based on analysis of monitoring results; Continue work to develop cognitive skills and abilities in preschoolers with hearing impairments through design technology To form the communicative function of speech of preschoolers who have undergone cochlear implantation To improve the professional skills of teachers through self-education, receiving special education, methodological literature, mutual attendance at classes, generalization of experience within the framework of educational institutions, schools, participation in city conferences, active use of the Internet

Physical education classes, iodine-salt hardening, walks in the fresh air, morning exercises, dynamic pauses during classes, finger exercises, eye exercises, prevention of flat feet, outdoor games

Sports games for walks

Physical education class in a group of 2 years of study

Results of monitoring the assimilation of program material by children Levels of mastery of skills Familiarization with the surrounding world Physical education Visual activities and design Game KGN and labor high 29% 48% 52% 43% 50.4% average 38% 42% 24% 57% 49.6 % low 33% 10% 24% 0% 0%

Albums made by parents of the 1st year group

Consultations for parents

Exhibition of methodological literature on a healthy lifestyle, screen folder “Healthy family lifestyle” Group 2 years of study Exhibition with symbols and attributes of the Olympic Games

Presentation of projects by parents and children

Group 3 years of study Teachers together with children produced a mini-encyclopedia “Olympiad - 2014”

Parents and children presented their projects

Excursion to the Triumph sports complex

Lesson from the “Health” series in a group of 4 years of study

Children-parent competitions “Dexterous, strong and brave”

Formation of communicative speech in classes on familiarization with the outside world

Open classes within the framework of the Moscow Region

Participation in city competitions, correspondence district competition “My World: Family, Ugra and Me”

Competition "Do-it-yourself book" - city library "Zhuravushka"

Newspaper competition “Fabulous New Year” in library No. 14 Library visiting preschoolers

Objectives of the methodological association for the next academic year: 1. Preserve and strengthen the health of preschoolers, intensifying work with parents to create a healthy lifestyle for their children 2. Continue work on developing cognitive skills and abilities in preschoolers with impaired hearing through design technology 3. Form oral speech children in the initial period of rehabilitation after cochlear implantation 4. Improve the professional skills of teachers through the use of new generation programs and technologies, self-education, receiving special education, methodological literature, mutual attendance at classes, generalization of experience within the framework of educational institutions, schools, participation in city conferences, active use of the network Internet

Job Analysis

MO of educators for the 2013 – 2014 academic year.

The methodological association of boarding school educators included 22 educators. Of these, five educators have the first category (E.V. Zvychaynaya, E.A. Malysheva, L.N. Vezorgina, O.V. Kravets, G.I. Kravchenko), four educators have the second qualification category (T.N. Kostrubina ., Kravets Yu.T., Molchanova G.A.).

In the past academic year, the educational organization of teachers worked according to a plan that was drawn up on the basis of an analysis of the work of the educational organization for 2012-2013, an analysis of the level of education of students, taking into account the problem that our school is working on. The plan was reviewed at a meeting of the Ministry of Defense and agreed with the deputy. director for VR and approved by the school director.

The following goals and objectives were set for the educational organizations of educators:

Goal: to provide students with the opportunity to maintain health while studying at school, developing and forming a culture of health among students in the process of education.


1. Continue work on creating a system of educational work aimed at preparing students for life and work in groups 7–9.

The educational organization of educators worked on the problem: “Formation of practical and socially significant knowledge, skills and abilities among students and pupils necessary for independent life.”

Over the course of the year, 5 scheduled meetings of the teacher education organization were prepared and held: an orientation meeting in August and one each quarter. Meetings of the Ministry of Defense were recorded in a timely manner. On the issues discussed at the meeting, decisions and recommendations were made, the implementation of which contributed to the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the Ministry of Defense.

The following topics were considered and studied: “Moral education is a means of developing a value-based attitude towards each other among students,” the report was prepared by Larisa Vladimirovna Panchenko. Issues of moral development, education, and human improvement have always worried society at all times. Especially now, when cruelty and violence can be encountered more and more often, the problem of moral education is becoming increasingly relevant. It is the educator who has the opportunity to influence the child’s upbringing who should pay attention to this problem. vital role in its activities. We heard a message from Bondarenko L.I. “Moral education of children with disabilities in extracurricular activities.” Lyubov Ivanovna shared her work experience that great attention In her extracurricular activities, she focuses on developing in her group’s students such aesthetic and moral concepts as kindness, respect, attention, and the ability to see the beautiful around them and preserve it. She told me how they conduct conversations and play role-playing games. Kudryashova R.L. conducted a thematic consultation for teachers of groups 1-4 “The meaning and development fine motor skills for the correction of speech disorders."

the speeches of these educators were informative, aroused interest among listeners, as they were based on a rich personal experience The teacher’s work was supported by examples from everyday work with children. Very interesting messages were prepared by teachers: Yaroslavtseva G.I. on the topic “Formation of a healthy lifestyle in a teenager,” which was accompanied by a presentation by T.N. Kostrubina. “The influence of health-saving technologies on improving the physical health of pupils”, as well as Kravchenko G.I., Morozova S.N. introduced us to the latest methodological, pedagogical and defectological literature.

In the period between meetings of the Moscow Region, teachers independently worked according to the calendar plan: they developed scenarios for school-wide holidays, such as “Birthday Day”, which were held by S.A. Avtomonova, E.I. Myasoutova, E.A. Malysheva, “Valentine’s Day” - Kravets Yu.T., Kravchenko G.I., “Maslenitsa”, which was prepared by Kravets Yu.T., Kravets O.V., Malysheva E.A., Zvychaynaya E.V., Morozova T.A. Children love these holidays very much and always take an active part in the preparation and celebration. Also, each group with its teacher took part in school exhibitions and in the exhibition of the regional festival of children's creativity in the city of Rostov-on-Don.

In February there was a sports and health month. Throughout the month, we carried out as planned sport competitions. The teachers approached this work creatively; each competition was varied, with the use of TSO (music, karaoke). But the main thing is that the children showed activity in them, there was a spirit of competition, healthy excitement, mutual assistance and friendly support; in a word, they fully opened up. The most active educators were: Yaroslavtseva G.I., Kravchenko G.I., Kravets O.V., Kravets Yu.T., Malysheva E.A., Firsova T.D., Myasoutova E.I.

A lot of work was done by middle-level educators in preparation for the psychology seminar. Bondarenko L.I. prepared a report on the topic: “Organization and implementation of the educational process using health-saving technologies contributes to the development of the student as a subject of educational, social and personal life.” A folder “Use of health-saving technologies during the educational process” was created. I would like to mention the following educators who provided material for creating the folder from their accumulated work experience: Yaroslavtseva G.I., Morozova S.N., Kravchenko G.I. Malysheva E.A. prepared a presentation of the results “Organization and implementation of the educational process using health-saving technologies contributes to the development of the student as a subject of educational, social and personal life” and presented it at a seminar on psychology.

At the career guidance lesson “World of Professions”, teacher S.N. Morozova. The pupils were offered various situations from life. When deciding which they needed to put themselves in the shoes of others and make the right decision. The material was provided more openly for this category of children.

Classes conducted by educators show that systematic, purposeful work is being carried out in groups in given areas and that educators are capable and ready to master and implement everything new that exists in the practice of educational work.

Through the joint efforts of older children and teachers, the school yard was skillfully decorated. Teachers: Morozova T.A., Avtomonov V.I., Pismensky A.I. took an active part in making crafts in the schoolyard.

Analyzing the work of educators on the topics of self-education, it should be noted that the greatest interest is generated by the speeches of teachers Yaroslavtseva G.I., Vezorgina L.N., Zvychaina E.V., Kravchenko G.I., which represent not only theoretical material, but also necessarily share their work experience. Therefore, young teachers Morozova T.A., Gorbaneva N.A., Toryanik E.A. It was recommended to pay more attention to the practical part of your presentation, so that others could apply the experience of colleagues in their work.

During the school year, the level of educational work in groups was studied, students were surveyed, extracurricular activities were visited and analyzed, and reminders were developed. When organizing open KTD, educators learned to analyze their work, correctly evaluate its results, and eliminate shortcomings.

Developing the creative abilities of children, each teacher carried out a variety of work, where children expanded their vocabulary, developed their horizons, worked on correcting fine motor skills, developed aesthetic taste, etc.

For the effectiveness of educational work, the MO was offered methodological assistance, educators shared their work experience, provided support to each other, and mutually attended self-training and extracurricular activities. In the lesson “Rules” traffic» Firsova T.D. I used a dynamic pause, physical education minutes, and eye gymnastics; during self-preparation, Tatyana Dmitrievna used relaxation minutes and finger exercises. G.I. Kravchenko had good self-training, where he used a dynamic pause and physical exercises. We visited special moments, S.A. Avtomonova, who has a lot of work experience, showed how she does morning exercises in her group. It includes a traditional set of exercises to develop attention and accuracy in performing actions. The main goal of morning exercises is to improve the child’s mood and muscle tone, as well as to prevent poor posture. Yaroslavtseva G.I. shared her experience from her work that maintaining and strengthening health is impossible without observing the rules of personal hygiene - a set of measures to care for the skin of the body, hair, and oral cavity. Hygiene habits become strong when they are continually reinforced. The walk into nature was interesting and exciting. Teachers Molchanova G.I., Kravets O.V. from their work experience they told us what walks in the fresh air are for. The Ministry of Education also paid attention to working with young teachers and teachers with little work experience. Young specialist Gorbaneva N.A. was mentored by E.V. Zvychaynaya, who has extensive work experience, and E.A. Toryanik. - mentor G.I. Yaroslavtsev I would like young teachers to show more initiative, to get involved in creative activities, so that planned events are carried out on time. The planned event “Bird Day” was not carried out by teacher N.A. Gorbaneva.

At all meetings of the methodological association of educators, the deputy director for VR Olifer L.P. was always present. She provided pedagogical and methodological assistance to educators, talked about the methods and forms of educational activities, about the organization of educational work with students outside school hours, and helped to choose one form or another work for classes with high school students. Lyudmila Pavlovna recommended new teaching materials to educators and provided assistance to young specialists.

Teachers: Toryanik E.A., Zvychaynaya E.V., Panchenko L.V., Myasoutova E.I., Gorbaneva N.A., Kravets O.V., Malysheva E.A., Kostrubina T.N., Yaroslavtseva G.I., Morozova T.A. pass correspondence form training in the program “Psychology: applied aspects of special psychology and correctional pedagogy.”

The active work of educational organizations of educators, thoughtful, expedient, self-educational work contributed to the improvement of the activities of the teaching staff in the development and implementation of the potential capabilities of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities, their social adaptation and rehabilitation.

Speaking about the work of the methodological association as a whole, we can note the effectiveness of this work. Goals set for the Moscow Region for the 2012 – 2013 academic year. year, were completed, the professional level increased, the creative activity of teachers increased, more effective forms working with students. We plan to correct individual shortcomings in our work (lessons conducted not according to plan, insufficient promotion of healthy lifestyle ideas among older pupils, cooperate more with specialists: psychologist, speech therapist, social educator,) next year and constantly increase the level of efficiency and effectiveness of educational work at school. Work carried out by the Ministry of Defense for the 2012-2013 academic year. year, contributed to increasing the theoretical, methodological level of training of educators on issues of pedagogy, theory and practice of educational work; testing modern forms and working methods.

When planning the work of the educational organization of educators for the next year, more attention should be paid to the accumulation and generalization of advanced teaching experience (present your work experience at a meeting of the educational organization); application of new technologies and their elements. In addition, every teacher should strive to master information technology, use the Internet to prepare and conduct events, and search for Internet resources.

For active participation in the work of the Ministry of Education and good indicators of the education of children, the Ministry of Education offers teachers to improve their qualifications to the following educators: Yaroslavtseva G.I., Kravchenko G.I., Kostrubina T.N., Malysheva E.A., Zvychaina E.V., Vezorgina L.N.

These and other issues will be reflected in the methodological plan for next year.

In this regard, the main objectives of methodological work in organizing the educational process in the new academic year are:

1. Continue work on creating a system of educational work aimed at preparing students for life and work in groups 7–9.

2. Continue working to preserve the health of students and promote a healthy lifestyle.

3. Active inclusion of educators in the methodological, experimental and pedagogical activities of the school.

4. Strengthen children’s health through daily routine and sports and recreational activities.

In general, the tasks facing educators have been completed; the level of education has increased by 3% compared to last year. If that year there were 0 students of a high level, 12 students of a good level, 64 students of an average level, 34 students of a low level, then this year 4 students have a high level of education, 21 students have a good level of education, 50 students have an average level and low level education of 28 students.

Analysis of the work of the city methodological association “Variability of the educational process” for the 2014 - 2015 academic year

Machulina T.N. - head of the city methodological association “Variability of the educational process” in the city of Gaya, Orenburg region.
Description: The publication presents an analysis of the year's work of the city methodological association "Variability of the educational process." A presentation has also been created where you can see a photo report of each meeting of the methodological association. This publication will be of interest to senior preschool teachers and managers of GMOs.

Analysis of the work of the city methodological association “Variability of the educational process” for the 2014-2014 academic year

In the 2014-2015 academic year, the city methodological association was tasked with “Variability of the educational process”
Target:“Improving the quality of preschool education through improving the professional skills of teachers.”
To achieve the goal, the following were decided tasks:
1. To activate teachers in using professional activity information and communication technologies.
2. To optimize the conditions for the personal growth of the teacher, through familiarization with the experience of his work.

3. Create conditions for the exchange of best practices.
Throughout the 2014-2015 academic year, 4 meetings were held; teacher training was carried out through such forms as messages, consultations, reports and open views of educational activities in the form of a circle, in the form role-playing game(according to the annual plan).

The first meeting of the city methodological association - “Variability of the educational process”, took place on October 23, 2014 on the basis of the MADOU “Kindergarten No. 14 “Malyshok”, the meeting was attended by the chief specialist in preschool education and 11 teachers.
In the theoretical part of the meeting, the teacher of the MADOU “Kindergarten No. 14” Kiseleva Galina Vasilievna, presented a message on the topic “Acquaintance with the origins of Russian folk art"As part of the additional educational program on patriotic education "My Motherland is Russia."
In the practical part, organized educational activities in the senior group “Visiting Grandmother Matryona” were presented to the attention of teachers. This educational activity is aimed at implementing the program additional education preschoolers by patriotic education"Russia is my homeland".
Educational activities organized in accordance with new requirements for the construction of the educational process. Open viewing was integral part certification work for the first qualification category of teacher: Kiseleva Galina Vasilievna. The teacher showed how, with the help of fine arts, children are introduced to the origins of Russian culture.
The event was held at the highest level, there was a huge preliminary work, the quality of tasks performed by children and the professional competence of the teacher.

The second meeting of the city methodological association - “Variability of the educational process”, took place on November 6, 2014. at the MADOU “Kindergarten No. 20 “Thumbelina”, 13 teachers were present at the meeting.
In the theoretical part of the meeting, the teacher of the MADOU “Kindergarten No. 20” Lapochkina Elena Alekseevna, presented a consultation on the topic: “Introducing children to the art of origami during club activities”
The practical part of the productive (constructive) activity in the preparatory group for school in the form of circle work on the topic: “Paper miracle” was also presented by Elena Alekseevna Lapochkina. Educational activities were aimed at developing the productive activities of preschoolers as part of the implementation of the program of additional education for preschoolers in the artistic and aesthetic direction “Steps of Creativity”.
In an entertaining way, the children mastered the basic techniques of origami and answered with interest the problematic questions proposed by the teacher. During educational activities, children took a lively, interested part, showed interest in various tasks, and created interesting forms for crafts using diagrams. Colleagues highly appreciated the teacher’s training, the level of organization and implementation of organized educational activities.

The third meeting of the city methodological association - “Variability of the educational process”, took place on November 25, 2014. at MADOU “Kindergarten No. 19 “Rucheyok”, 12 teachers were present at the meeting.
In the theoretical part of the meeting, Zoya Aleksandrovna Nikolaeva presented her consultation on the topic: “Development of coherent speech through experimental work with children before school age».
Zoya Aleksandrovna Nikolaeva, in the practical part of the methodological association, organized and conducted direct educational activities in the preparatory group on the topic: “What do we know about water?” Cognitive and research activities always attract children, especially if they are organized by a teacher who knows advanced technologies. The teacher and the children introduced interesting experiments with water, while discussing the importance of water on Earth. Wonderful musical accompaniment, physical exercises “At the watering hole”, as well as experimental activities enriched the educational activity and made it interesting for both children and teachers. The children's delight was limitless!

The fourth meeting of the city methodological association - “Variability of the educational process”, took place on March 19, 2015. at MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 15 “Teremok”, the meeting was attended by a methodologist from the education department of 12 teachers.
The theoretical part was presented by the teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 15”: Natalya Petrovna Chekanova, she read a report on the topic: “Small folklore genres as a means of developing correct sound pronunciation.” The practical part of the methodological association was organized interestingly and meaningfully...
Direct educational activities on organizing a role-playing game with children of the early age group “Bear is sick” were presented by teacher Natalya Petrovna Chekanova, the activity was organized in the form of a game situation. The introductory part of the educational activity was organized very interestingly, to create the mood for the upcoming activity, the teacher invited the children to put on medical clothes (gowns, caps), in the main part the teacher used artistic expression to attract the attention of the children, and in order to increase interest in productive activities, The children were asked to fill a jar with vitamins for the bear. Children participated in play activities with interest and pleasure, answered questions, and solved problem situations.

Summing up the results of the work, we can confidently say that all meetings of the city methodological association “Variability of the educational process” were held at a high methodological level, they were interesting, meaningful, and the issues discussed at them were relevant. A positive point is that there is a tendency towards stability in attendance at our meetings. The average attendance is 12 people, this suggests that the methodological association, “Variability of the educational process,” is an interesting and useful form of work, it is an exchange of experience, its generalization, presentation and implementation in the work of colleagues. Not one of our methodological associations passes without a trace, because Educators are trying to implement into their work what they have learned that is new, useful, and interesting; I would also like to note that the work plan has been completed in full. Work in the methodological association is structured in such a way that each teacher has the opportunity to systematically and fully demonstrate his intellectual and creative potential, this encourages teachers to reveal professional secrets, which they generously share with colleagues.
Conclusion: GMO activities during the 2014-2015 academic year were varied and multifaceted. The achieved work results, in general, correspond to the goals and objectives set at the beginning of the school year.

Presentation on the topic: Analysis of the work of the city methodological association

1. Subject: social and communicative development of preschool children

2. Head: Dementyeva G.N., senior teacher of the MDOBU kindergarten №1

3. Number of MO members: 13 people

4. Planning:

Analysis ( Yes /No) _________

Passport of members of the Moscow Region indicating the methodological topic ( Yes /No) ______

Tasks ( Yes /No) ____________

5. Number of meetings (% completion): 5 out of five planned - 100%

Availability of a single topic for the meeting ( Yes/ no) “Interpersonal relationships of children in a group”

6. Forms of holding meetings (the number of forms should not exceed the number of meetings): lecture, direct educational activity, workshop, analysis of specific situations, training exercises

7. Study and implementation of modern educational technologies at meetings of the Moscow Region

8. Screen of teachers’ creative activity at MO meetings.

Ivanova E.I.- “Characteristic features of children of different social status” - lecture

Ivanova O.B. - “Game methods for determining the sociometric status of a child in a group” - video clips practical classes with kids

Ivanova A.D.- “Strategies for gaming techniques for correcting alienated attitudes towards peers” - presentation, memo

Ivanova M.T.- “Game techniques for correcting alienated attitudes towards peers” - video clips of practical classes with children.

Ivanova S. A.- “Game techniques for correcting alienated attitudes towards peers” - workshop with teachers.

Ivanova V.L.- demonstration of direct educational activities.

To activity = ---------- = 2.3

9. Availability of the MO website (indicating the address) and the number of posts posted during the 2012-2013 academic year teaching materials from work experience:


Signature of the head of the Moscow Region _______ / Dementyev G.N.

Passport of participants of the methodological association

In our methodological association there are 12 educators and one educational psychologist, of whom have

  • highest category - 3 people
  • first - 6 people
  • suitability of the position - 1 person
  • no - 2 people
  • raise children of early age group - 5 people
  • junior preschool age - 3 people
  • senior preschool age - 4 people

Teachers work on various methodological topics:

  • “Project activities in teaching children the rules fire safety»
  • “Relieving anxiety in children of senior preschool age”
  • “Mastered ways of communicating with children and adults”
  • “Introducing preschool children to inanimate nature through experimental activities”
  • “Development of sensory abilities of young children through object-based activities”
  • “Non-traditional forms of speech development in children”

Meeting plan of the methodological association




carrying out



“Diagnostics of the social status of preschool children”

Direct educational activity “Game - journey”

kindergarten No. 1

“The phenomenon of leadership. Summing up the work"

kindergarten No. 1


Currently Special attention is devoted to the problem of social and personal development and education of preschool children, which is one of the components State standard on preschool education. Increased attention to the problems of socialization is associated with changes in socio-political and socio-economic living conditions, with instability in society.

That's why important tasks state and society in relation to children are to provide optimal conditions for the development of their individual abilities, self-regulation, the formation of the foundations of respectful attitude towards others, and familiarization with universal human values.

The specificity of preschool age is that the child develops socially under the influence of an adult who introduces the child into society. The latter cooperates with competent adults; as a member of society, he is included in the system of human relations with a dialogue of individuals and value systems. The development of patterns and norms of behavior and the search for correct life attitudes occurs in preschoolers in interaction with peers, teachers, and parents. Adults open up the future for children, act as mediators and accomplices in relation to children’s activities in order to help them gain their own experience.

One of the most important indicators successful adaptation a child in society is his position in the system of interpersonal relations and the measure of his psychological influence on group members. That's why main theme the work of our methodological association has become « Interpersonal relationships of children in a group."





  1. summarize the experience of teachers on the problem of organizing interaction with leaders.

While working on the topic, teachers:

  1. got acquainted with methods for determining the sociometric status of a child in a group, created a file cabinet of psychological and gaming diagnostic methods;
  2. allocated characteristics children of different social backgrounds
  3. status;
  4. outlined the main strategies for psychological and pedagogical assistance to unpopular children;
  5. formed a card index of game methods for correcting alienated attitudes towards peers;
  6. developed methods of interaction with positive and negative leaders;
  7. adjusted the content of the activities of the methodological association in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

During the work, the following tasks were also solved:

  1. to increase the competence of teachers on the problem of social and communicative development of preschool children;
  2. develop a sense of belonging to a group through games, exercises and joint activities;
  3. identify requests from MO participants;
  4. determine a general theme for the school year.
  1. update your image of a teacher in the minds of your colleagues;
  2. develop the ability to reflect;
  3. identify the theme of activities for the new academic year.

The result of solving these problems was:

  1. increasing the competence of teachers on the problem of social and communicative development of preschool children within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education;
  2. determining the general topics of meetings;
  3. formation of reflection skills (orally and in writing);
  4. determining the topics of meetings for the new academic year.

The structure of the meetings included:

  1. Organizing time. Games and exercises for group unity.
  2. Analysis of homework completion (work in groups, workshop).
  3. Work on the topic of the lesson
  4. Reflection
  5. Homework

First meeting

Subject:“Socio-personal development: content and problems”

Target: introducing participants to each other, determining the topics of classes for the academic year.

1 . Organizational stage. Exercise "Good morning". Goal: relieving emotional stress. Method: psycho-gymnastics

2. Exercise “I know” Purpose: formation of group cohesion. Method: psycho-gymnastics

3. Updating the knowledge of teachers on the problem of social and personal development of preschool children. Method: round table

4 . Theoretical part . Contents and problems of social and personal development of preschool children. Goal: increasing the competence of teachers. Method: conversation (presentation).

5. Game “Rag Doll and Soldier” Goal: removal muscle tension. Method: relaxation

  1. Work in groups. Goal: determining the topics of the meetings. Method: practical activity
  2. Filling out the form. Goal: compiling a passport of the participants of the method association.
  3. Breathing exercise “Hug yourself.” Method: breathing exercises
  4. Reflection. Purpose: retrospective assessment of the lesson. Method: syncwine based on impressions of methodological unification

Second meeting

Subject: “Diagnostics of the social status of preschool children”

Target: familiarization of educators with psychological and pedagogical techniques for determining the social status of a child in a group


  • characterize children of different social status;
  • introduce diagnostics for determining social status;
  • develop the ability to determine the child’s position in the group in the process play activity.

1. Organizational stage. Exercise “Name and movement”

Goals: Children find it easier to feel like they belong to a group when they can use their bodies. This is exactly the opportunity they are given in this game. It also gives you the opportunity to introduce yourself to the group in an unusual and fantastic way. Method: psycho-gymnastics

2. Introduction. The concept of sociometric status and its features for preschool children. Method: story

  1. “Characteristic features of children of different social status” Method: lecture.
  2. "Diagnostics of a child's social status." Method: story
  3. “Game methods for determining the sociometric status of a child in a group” Method: practical work on analyzing video fragments of children’s play activities.
  4. Homework - pick up and carry out(preferably on your methodological topic) observation games for the child's social status. Try to do this in different types of activities (cognitive, playful, productive). Try to identify the reasons for the popularity and isolation of children.
  5. Reflection. Exercise "Microphone". Purpose: to express your impressions of the lesson from a practical point of view.

Meeting three

Subject:“How to help your child win the favor of their peers”

Target: developing the competence of teachers on the issue of organizing work with children rejected by their peers.


  • highlight the characteristics of the rejected child’s behavior;
  • introduce game methods for correcting alienated attitudes towards peers;
  • outline the main strategies for psychological and pedagogical assistance to unpopular children.
  1. Warm-up exercise “Counting with your eyes” Purpose: inclusion in work, training attention, relieving accumulated tension, unity, creating a feeling of trust and acceptance in the group. Method: game
  2. Analysis of homework completion: identifying the reasons for the popularity and unpopularity of children. Method: work in groups.
  3. “Strategies for gaming techniques for correcting alienated attitudes towards peers” Method: story, presentation.
  4. “Game techniques for correcting alienated attitudes towards peers.” Methods: gaming, analysis of video fragments.
  5. “Game techniques for correcting alienated attitudes towards peers.” Method: workshop with teachers.
  6. Homework. Adapt or select one game for each stage of working with an unpopular child.
  7. Reflection. Feedback. Determine the quality of the material offered to you according to three criteria: interesting, practical, understandable. We evaluate using a three-point system: everything is wonderful - red; it can be better - yellow; somehow not very purple. Method: color painting.
For the full text of the material, see the downloadable file for the analysis of the work of the methodological association of educators on the social and communicative development of preschool children.
The page contains a fragment.

Analysis of the work of educational organizations of educators
Shakhty boarding school No. 16
for the 2016-2017 academic year.
In order to improve methodological and professional skills, generalization,
systematization and dissemination of advanced techniques, methods of educational work in
boarding school there is a methodological association of educators, which includes:
23 teachers.
According to the level of professional skills of educators, the following can be noted:

18 teachers (78%) have a qualification category;
13 teachers (56%) have the highest qualification category
(Sidorova O.R., Babenko V.A., Verenikina M.G., Golubenko L.Ya., Kamynina T.B.,
Manokhina O.N., Myakinchenko N.V., Samarina G.V., Spichak G.E., Redko V.I. Yuvchenko M.V.,
Chukhryaeva A.A., Burakova L.Ya.);

First qualification category 5 teachers (22%)
(Arzhenovskaya L.Yu., Nebozhenko L.V., Kozhanova V.A., Galatova Y.S., Galotina E.V.)

Do not have a qualification category – 5 teachers (22%)
(Mashieva L.S., Lukina O.G., Pustovit M.Yu. Teplinskaya V., Zlepko N.P.)
Completed advanced training courses under the “Special (correctional)” program
education" in the state budgetary educational institution of additional
professional education GBOU DPO RO "Rostov Institute for Advanced Studies"
qualifications and professional retraining of education workers" on the issue:
“An activity-based, competence-based approach to teaching and raising children with disabilities in conditions
introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard" 7 teachers (Samarina G.V., Spichak G.E., Redko V.I. Chukhryaeva A.A.,
Sidorova O.R., Babenko V.A., Manokhina O.N.)
Methodological work was based on an analysis of the activities of educational work for
elapsed period. The purpose and objectives of methodological work were determined accordingly by the objectives
our institution.
During the school year, the teacher education department worked on the methodological topic: “Increasing
professional skills of educators through the use of an active approach to
education within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard"
Purpose of work: improvement of forms and methods of correctional developmental education
through improving the pedagogical skills of the teacher.

To achieve the above goal, the Education Ministry worked to resolve the following
 To increase the competence of educators on the implementation of the Federal
state educational standard students with disabilities.
 Improve quality modern occupation, increase its efficiency and
focus on preserving the health of pupils and forming life
 Continue the development and implementation of modern educational technologies,
methods and techniques aimed at developing the personality of a student with disabilities.
 Continue to generalize and disseminate your own teaching experience to
regional, regional level (open classes, master classes, seminars and
In accordance with the assigned tasks, this work was carried out according to the following
areas of activity:
 group methodological activity;
 individual – methodological activity;
 advanced training, pedagogical skills.
When planning methodological work, the Ministry of Defense sought to select those forms that
would really allow us to solve problems and problems
. Forms of methodological work:
 Conducting open classes according to the work plan of the methodological association.
 Reading reports at MO meetings.
 Take part in school-wide events and competitions.
 The use of correctional developmental technologies, conversations, questioning,
 Use of ICT in the classroom.
 Participation in a regional seminar.

 Pedagogical readings and self-education of educators.
 Exchange methodological ideas.
The solution to the assigned tasks was carried out thanks to the existing
teaching staff, which is distinguished by high professionalism and
During the year, 5 scheduled meetings were prepared and held, which took place at
fairly good working level.
1st meeting of the MO “Organizational-installation”.
On the first issue, the head teacher Safarova E.V. made a report. She voiced
planning educational work for the 2016-2017 school year, listed goals, objectives and
main directions of educational activities of the teaching staff. By
to the second question, senior teacher Sidorova O.R. listed uniform requirements
maintaining documentation for teachers, and also voiced the mission of the teacher in
special boarding school. On the third question, the head of the educational organization of educators
Samarina G.V. introduced the work plan of the methodological association for 2016-2017
uch. year, forms of educational work, preparation for thematic months, and so on
the same dates for open classes and responsible persons. Topics were clarified
self-education. Psychologist Suchkova M.A. familiarized teachers with the work plan with
a team of teachers, in which she announced the time, days of the week and the topic of psychological
pedagogical relief for the new 2016-2017 academic year.
2nd meeting of the Moscow Region “Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for children with disabilities.”
On the first question Chukhryaeva A.A. analyzed the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the structure,
conditions and results of mastering the program. highlighted the general position, outlined
main goals and objectives, listed the regulatory framework. On the second question
a report by L.Ya. Burakova was heard. which listed the psychophysical
characteristics and capabilities of children with disabilities at different stages of development. Were heard
teachers' reports on the open classes on the following topics:
“You went out into the street” Spichak G.E., “Green opens the way for us” Nebozhenko L.V.,
“How we know the rules of the road” Kozhanova V.A. Head of the Ministry of Defense
teachers Samarina G.V. described the basic concepts of “monitoring”,
“diagnosis”, “socialization”, explained their significance, goals and objectives stages, as well as

spent comparative analysis all groups for September 2016-2017 academic year
monitoring of education and diagnostics of social adaptation.
3rd meeting of the Ministry of Education “Development of communication skills in children with disabilities
On the first issue, E.V. Galotina made a report. she highlighted communication - how
most important factor general psychological development child, gave a definition and
a brief description of the following concepts: communication, thinking, speech, intelligence.
She shared her experience of working in a group. Golubenko L.Ya. stated in her report
the main means of communication and their characteristics, highlighted the influence of speech on
social adaptation of children. She told me how in her work, through conversations, games,
walks, correctional hours helps adolescents in their development
communication skills and speech. Verenikina M.G. characterized the main
concepts: aggression, aggressiveness, aggressive behavior. Sharing your experience
pedagogical activities, proposed correction methods, outlined the rules
elimination behavior aggressive behavior in children with disabilities. According to the conducted
classes for December January teachers - Arzhenovskaya L.Yu., Golubenko L.Ya.,
Myakinchenko N.V., Babenko V.A. and Burakova L.Ya. shared their experiences and
innovative technologies, as well as difficulties arising during preparation and
conducting classes. The Deputy Director spoke on organizational issues
according to VR Safarova E.V. with the introduction of the following proposals:
1. Changes in the preparation of reports for teachers’ education: based on personal
pedagogical experience and age characteristics of children in their group;
2. Holding a competition for best group(April May) in the following nominations:
“Group photo collage”, “Craft”, “Group squad corner” and “Best squad
place" .
4th meeting of the Ministry of Education “Correctional hour as one of the forms of work of a teacher
special school."
Samarina G.V. made a report “The essence of the concept of “correction hour”. V
which voiced the basic concepts, goals, objectives, directions and ways of implementation
correction hour. And also put forward the basic forms correctionally
educational work that underlies the work. Were viewed and
analyzed the correctional hours of teachers Manokhina O.N., Redko V.I.,

Golubenko L.Ya., Chukhryaeva A.A. Deputy Director for V.R. Safarova E.V.
substantiated the relevance of this problem and revealed positive dynamics in
conducting correctional hours. She proposed the creation of a creative group for
development of methodological recommendations for conducting correctional hours in the face of
Samarina G.V., Manokhina O.N. and Verenikina M.G. for efficiency
pedagogical process made a proposal to create for each teacher
program for your group in any of the areas of correctional education
5th meeting Final, final. It summed up the work of the Ministry of Defense in
2016-2017 academic year, and preliminary planning was also presented
work of the Moscow Region for the next academic year. It should be noted that preliminary
planning of the work of the educational organization took place during interviews with teachers,
allowing us to identify teachers’ requests and problems that arise during work with
Self-education of educators is a necessary condition for professional
activities of the teacher. Organization of work on the topic of self-education is one of
component of the system of continuous education of teachers and plays a significant role in
improving content and increasing effectiveness. In the 2016-2017 academic year
Teachers of the methodological association worked on the following topics:
Self-education topics
Spichak Galina
Socialization and adaptation of primary school children
age in a boarding school.
1 Formation of healthy lifestyle skills among schoolchildren.
with disabilities.

Marina Yurievna
Galotina Elena
Golubenko Liliya
Methods and forms of education tolerant attitude To
to others as an integral part of communicative
personality culture.
Social adaptation of children in a boarding school
Modern concepts of education and personality development
Social adaptation of children with disabilities.
Cultivating tolerance in high school children
age with disabilities in a boarding school

Liliya Yurievna
Chukhryaeva Anna
10. Yuvchenko Maria
Manokhina Olga
Babenko Vera
Lukina Oksana
Teplinskaya V.S.
Burakova Larisa
Zlepko Natalia
Galatova Yulia
Mashieva Larisa
Education of healthy lifestyle in children with disabilities.
Development and correction of communication skills
children with disabilities
Social adaptation in high school children
age in a boarding school
Basic forms and methods of education that promote
formation of moral values ​​in children with disabilities
Formation of communication skills of juniors
schoolchildren with disabilities
Development of a socially adaptive personality in conditions
special correctional school
Personality development of boarding school students in
the process of moral education
Development of creative thinking in children with disabilities
Formation of cultural behavior skills in children
primary and secondary school age with disabilities
"A didactic game is one of
forms correctional work teacher."
Formation of emotional communication skills
junior schoolchildren with disabilities as prevention for children
Civic-patriotic education of junior schoolchildren with
Implementation of the educational potential of literature in
working with children with disabilities
Formation of positive motivation for a healthy lifestyle
life in children with disabilities
Spiritual and moral development and education of children with disabilities
Education of moral principles of etiquette in children with disabilities
One of the ways to increase self-education is mutual visitation.
There were regular visits and mutual visits to classes, extracurricular activities,
correctional hours were analyzed and recommendations were developed. Analysis

conducted classes showed that teachers creatively implement the knowledge acquired in
process of self-education, clearly demonstrate their professionalism, knowledge in
areas of correctional pedagogy, the ability to analyze, as well as one’s personal
During the year, teachers conducted open classes:
Month “Safe Road”

Nebozhenko L.V.
“Green opens the way for us”
Spichak G.E.
"You went outside"
Kozhanova V.A.
“As we know the rules of the road
Krainikova E.Yu.
“Know the traffic rules like a table
Month of anti-drug propaganda “Healthy Generation”
Events during the month
Educational classes according to plan
Arzhenovskaya L.Yu.
"Dangerous misconceptions, or what we
thinking about drugs.”
Galatova Yu.S.
"We are against drugs"
Kozhanova V.A.
Burakova L.Ya
"From lack of spirituality to drugs"
"Autumn time is the charm of the eyes"
Kamynina T.B.
"Do we need drugs"
Month “We Choose Life”.
Events during the month
Educational classes according to plan
Yuvchenko M.V.
"Parade of Bad Habits"
Myakinchenko N.V.
“Bad habits and the fight against them”
Surmina Yu.A.
Golubenko L.Ya.
“I will save my health - I am my own
"We choose life"
I’ll help!”
Babenko V.A.
"Living at peace with yourself"
Month “Merry New Year”
Events during the month
Educational classes according to plan

Samarina G.V.
"Miracles for the New Year"
Pustovit M.Yu.
Korol V.A.
Shchitkovskaya E.Yu.
"Winter's Tale"
Arzhenovskaya L.Yu.
"The history of the December
Verenikina M.G.
"White Book of Winter"
Month of Moral Education “Hurry to Do Good.”
Events during the month
Educational classes according to plan
Golubenko L.Ya.
Myakinchenko N.V.
"Tolerant attitude towards the world"
“If we frown in the morning, it will help us
Babenko V.A.
Yuvchenko M.V.
"In a world of goodness"
"My deeds and actions"
Month of heroic-patriatic education “Patriots of Russia”
Events during the month
Educational classes according to plan
Redko V.I.
"Duty, honor and courage."
Galotina E.V.
“Through the pages of history. book of memory”
Krainikova E.Yu.
"Our Army".
Nebozhenko L.V.
"Our Army is dear"
Ecological month “Blossom the Earth”
Events during the month
Educational classes according to plan
Manokhina O.N.
"The earth is our common home"
Burdylenko E.N.
"Song of the Earth"
Redko V.I.
"In the world of flora and fauna"
Chukhryaeva A.A.
“My mother is the best.”
Month of moral and spiritual education “Cossack Don”
Events during the month
Educational classes according to plan

Burakova L.Ya.
“The native land of the Don”
Samarina G.V.
“Cossack is not just a title,
and the state of mind""
Galotina E.V.
Manokhina O.N.
"Visiting the Cossacks"
"Cossack Tales"
Month of heroic-patriotic education “The glory of these days will not fade”
Chukhryaeva A.A.
Burdylenko E.N.
“These days the glory will not fade”
"The ABC of Movement"
Verenikina M.G.
“We are faithful to this memory”
Spichak G.E.
“My city is Shakhty”
Their participation in various competitions is of great importance in the work of a teacher.
The past year has shown positive dynamics in this direction. Educators
themselves participate in All-Russian and International competitions and involve in participation in
creative competitions for their students. One of the effective ways
allowing the dissemination of pedagogical experience is the participation of teachers in
competitions, publications of methodological developments.
During the 2016-2017 academic year
educators, published on websites
pedagogical communities own methodological developments extracurricular activities,
information about educational process,
photo reports,
school-wide events, etc.
The Ministry of Education also paid attention to working with young specialists and teachers with
short work experience. This is N.P. Zlepko, V.S. Teplinskaya. They were given assistance in
drawing up a plan of educational work, filling out a group journal, conducting
diagnostics of pupils.
It has become a tradition to invite psychologist M.A. Suchkova to meetings of the Moscow Region. which conducts
psychological and pedagogical workshops, trainings aimed at preserving and
strengthening psychological health, increasing the psychological culture of teachers
using non-traditional interactive forms of work, safety engineer G.V. Glushchenko.
conducting labor safety briefings.
In December, the boarding school held a competition for the best teacher of the year.
All teachers responded responsibly to the task.
Deputy Director for Educational Work Safarova E.V., Senior Teacher
Sidorova O.R., teachers Manokhina O.N., Myakinchenko N.V. and Burakova L.Ya. accepted

participation in a regional seminar for a group of students from State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education RO RIPC and PPRO on
topic: “Innovative technologies in educational work of the State Budgetary Educational Institution RO Shakhtinskaya
special boarding school No. 16."
In the period between meetings of the Ministry of Education, teachers independently work according to the plan
This school year, teachers worked on thematic planning, during
necessary adjustments were made. A new plan was drawn up and approved
educational work. Taking into account the age characteristics of the pupils, teachers
paid attention to various forms of educational activities in their planning.
Educational work was carried out in accordance with approved plans
correctional and educational work, and was carried out in the following areas:

Corrective developmental creation of conditions for the development of constructive
communication skills in children with disabilities.

Sports and recreational creation of conditions for enriching knowledge, development
skills and abilities that will help students to carry out
responsible behavior regarding one's own health and personal well-being in
throughout life, forming the foundations of a healthy and safe lifestyle.

Moral pedagogical support and familiarization of students with basic
national values Russian society, universal human values ​​in the context
formation of their moral feelings, moral consciousness and behavior.

General cultural formation of students’ knowledge about the world around them,
through the development of cognitive interest in nature, the ability to see the beauty around
yourself, the desire to love and protect nature.

Socialization education of hard work, frugality, accuracy,
purposefulness, entrepreneurship, responsibility for the results of one’s
activities, respectful attitude towards people of various professions and the results of their

Leisure activities creating conditions for social development
the personality of each child, through his involvement in socially useful activities
and his positive motivation, interests and needs, realized in various types
Studying the level of education of students in a boarding school
is one of the most important components of monitoring educational work. In 2016

In the 2017 academic year, diagnostics of the level of education were carried out twice according to
long-term plan of educational work for the 2016-2017 academic year: in September 2016.
and in May 2017
The main purpose of studying the level of education was to assess personal
pupils, assessment of the level of knowledge and socially significant qualities,
characterizing the system of relations of a person to society and to the team.
Achieving this goal involved solving the following tasks:
 determination of the level of education of students;
analysis of aspects affecting the level of child upbringing;
preparation of decisions and implementation of measures aimed at improving
educational work carried out by educators.
Level of education of junior and middle levels 2016-2017 school year. year
1 group
6 group
7 group
8 group
9 group
11 group
1 group
6 group
7 group
8 group
9 group
11 group
Level of education of senior management
for 2016-2017 academic year year.
2nd group
3 group
4 group
5 group
12 group

2nd group
3 group
4 group
5 group
12 group
Conclusion: Thus, based on the results of studying the level of education, it was established that
as of September 2016-2017 academic year, the level of education of special education students
boarding school No. 16 was 64%, and as of May 2016-2017 academic year it was
Having analyzed the work of teachers’ educational organizations over the past academic year,
The positive aspects of the work should be noted:
1. The tasks assigned to the Ministry of Defense were completed.
2. The professional level has increased.
3. The activity of educators and their desire for creativity has increased
(participation in competitions).
4. More effective forms of working with
pupils. Conducted thematic educational hours,
have a diversified focus.
5. In the extracurricular activities of teachers with children, it is noted
a wide variety of forms of events, activities with
the use of computer technology.
However, despite the comprehensive work of the Ministry of Defense during the year,
some points in the work of the methodological association of educators
not fully worked out. Please pay attention to the following
shortcomings in planning work for the next academic year:
1. Insufficient promotion of healthy lifestyle ideas among
pupils of middle and high school age.

2. Conduct a variety of work with the families of pupils. Listen at meetings
MO results of teachers' work
topics of self-education.
Based on the above, the methodological association of educators
2017-2018 academic year decided to organize its work on the implementation
Improving the forms and methods of correctional developmental education through
improving the teacher’s pedagogical skills.”
To achieve this goal, the Ministry of Education of educators plans the main
areas of educational work:
1.Improve teaching skills and improve the qualifications of educators
through the use of modern forms of educational interaction and application
innovative technologies.
2. Develop scientific, methodological and legal support for the educational process;
3Pay special attention to the work of educators on self-education topics.
4.Create conditions for the professional growth of educators.
5.Continue cooperation with specialists working at the boarding school with
with the aim of expanding and deepening knowledge on the organization of correctional work in
group, improving pedagogical
6. Provide methodological support in working with young specialists.
Head of the educational organization of teachers Samarina G.V.

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