Home Smell from the mouth Technological processes for providing sanatorium and resort services. Modern forms and methods of organizing services for tourists in sanatorium and resort complexes

Technological processes for providing sanatorium and resort services. Modern forms and methods of organizing services for tourists in sanatorium and resort complexes

hotel service tourist sanatorium

In order to quickly and efficiently provide clients with the declared range of services, the sanatorium-resort complex must have a well-functioning mechanism for providing them.

Sanatorium-resort complexes of different sizes and the nature of their specialization will undoubtedly have features in their organizational structure, but still, with any specific form of organization, the most important functions must be guaranteed to be performed. Besides, important factor is harmony in the activities of all structural divisions complex.

The structure of each sanatorium-resort complex has main services (reception and accommodation, reservation service, maintenance service, room management and service provision service, catering service, security service, marketing and public relations department), auxiliary and additional services (engineering and technical, service, repair, etc.).

1. Reception and accommodation service.

2. Reservation service.

3. Room maintenance service.

4. Rooms maintenance service.

5. Food service.

6. Security service.

7. Marketing and public relations department.

8) Purchasing department.

9) Engineering service [40, p. 113].

These services perform their specific functions (provide certain services) aimed at meeting the needs of guests (tourists) to the maximum possible extent, i.e. with maximum service.

The work of sanatorium-resort complexes is organized, as a rule, according to a continuous schedule of arrivals throughout the year with a stay of 24 calendar days. The duration of treatment in a sanatorium is established by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Extension of stay in a sanatorium beyond the established period, re-referral to the specified institution and issuance discounted voucher at the expense of social insurance funds, the same person during the year may be allowed, as an exception, by decision of the commission (authorized) for social insurance of the enterprise in the presence of the conclusions of the chief physician of the sanatorium and the attending physician of the health care institution. Admission for treatment to a sanatorium-preventorium is carried out on vouchers and courses, if you have a sanatorium-resort card. Treatment of patients in the sanatorium is carried out in accordance with treatment methods approved and permitted by the Russian Ministry of Health. Organization of meals for persons undergoing sanatorium and preventive treatment in a sanatorium-preventorium, is carried out in accordance with recommendations for organizing rational and dietary nutrition in sanatoriums approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

The complex of sanatorium and resort services includes accommodation facilities, the tourism services sector, the catering sector, the retail services sector, the transport sector, the entertainment, leisure, sports sector, etc.

Ensuring a culture of service in sanatorium-resort complexes is impossible without having highly professional employees on their staff who are knowledgeable about the issues of culture of service and focused on the needs of the guest and tourist. Such specialists must master all components of service culture (psychological, ethical, aesthetic, organizational, economic, etc.), know how service culture influences the concept (ideology) of a sanatorium-resort complex, the strategy and tactics of its behavior in the market, and be able to contrast services of its sanatorium-resort complex of competitors' products. All employees of sanatorium-resort complexes must be able to make decisions that are directly related to guests and tourists.

The culture of service in sanatorium-resort complexes also aims to implement various measures to “win” its consumers and “retain” them for a long time.

Modern consumers can be divided into five categories:

Potential buyers are people who may be interested in staying at this particular resort complex;

Visitors are people who have been here at least once before, but have not yet lived there;

Buyers are those who have already lived in this sanatorium-resort complex at least once;

Clients are people who regularly use the services of this sanatorium-resort complex;

Adherents are those who constantly use the services of the sanatorium-resort complex and at the same time strongly recommend it to everyone.

Potential buyer

The goal of any hotel is to attract as many potential buyers as possible. This group of consumers is mainly attracted in three ways:

Work through intermediaries (travel agencies, corporate clients).


Visitors are by nature skeptical. For the hotel services market, this category, generally speaking, is quite rare, since the hotel is mainly inhabited by nonresident people. Therefore, three categories of people enter the hotel as visitors:

Representatives of intermediaries (to study the hotel that they will resell);

Friends of potential buyers (at their request);

Residents of the city who, for some reason, needed to rent a hotel.


The purchase of a hotel service is based on satisfying the guest's needs for accommodation and additional services and obtaining pleasure from these services. The most difficult thing is to make sure that the guest is truly satisfied with the services. The fact is that, according to American hotel market researchers, about 70% of guests who were dissatisfied with something at the hotel do not express any complaints to the staff - they simply do not come again.

Clients are people who regularly use hotel services. These are the same 20% of consumers who make 80% of any company’s turnover. If you paraphrase the phrase from the film “Give me a book of complaints”: “You need to know your boss by sight,” then it will turn out: “You need to know your clients by sight.” The client base must be specially registered. As a rule, these people prefer to come to a small hotel and see exactly the employee they are used to. Clients rarely abuse their position. One of the main reasons for losing clients is lack of attention to their person.


Adherents are people who tell all their friends and even strangers who are interested in hotel services about the hotel. This “word of mouth” is the most effective advertising hotel.(0

Thus, knowing the preferences of modern consumers of travel services, you can remain competitive.

A hotel's competitiveness is possible if it offers the consumer the best service (services with the best, from the consumer's point of view, quality, price and other parameters) or, in other words, a service that best solves the buyer's problem. Therefore, the task of any hotel is to create this best service. Often a hotel's problem when trying to create such financial and material resources is the ineffective management of these resources and the process of creating and selling this service.

Such a service is impossible without the following factors:

Modern means of providing services,

Constant analysis of competitors and the market;

Competitive technological process;

Best staff;

Competitive price;

Active sales promotion.

Until now, the ideas of E. Statler play an important role in the hotel business, who at the beginning of the 20th century developed and implemented all sorts of innovations to make the stay of guests in his establishment comfortable and enjoyable. He was the first to create a database of his guests, in particular, in order to order newspapers and magazines published in their hometowns for them.

Part of his policy was intra-corporate marketing aimed at hotel employees. Statler’s attitude towards guests was formulated in the “Statler Employee Code”, the main ideas of which are still relevant today:

For any good hotel, good customer service is its main purpose. The Statler Hotel proclaims that its main goal is to serve its guests better than any other hotel in the world;

Each employee must perform his duties in such a way that each guest feels that the hotel staff is sincerely committed to serving him in a way that no other hotel can;

No one can tolerate insolence or disrespect towards guests. From the money of the guests, everyone receives their salary, therefore every guest is our patron-benefactor;

Hotel service means the extremely attentive, polite attitude of each specific employee towards each specific guest;

No employee is allowed to dispute any of the customer's demands. Bickering has no place at Statler's hotel;

In all, even the smallest misunderstandings that arise between hotel employees and guests, the employee is always absolutely wrong, not only from the point of view of the guest, but also from the point of view of the hotel administration;

Any of the Statler hotel employees is smart and efficient enough to deserve his “tip”, but he must just as smartly and efficiently provide the guest with the appropriate service, regardless of whether he receives his “tip” or not;

Any Statler hotel employee who fails to provide the required service or fails to adequately thank the guest does not meet Statler standards.

At the same time, the management of hotel (tourist) enterprises must develop a culture of service not only through the introduction of high and strict standards of staff behavior. A high service culture presupposes the formation of an effective corporate culture, which represents a system of values ​​and beliefs common to the personnel of a given enterprise. The system of corporate values ​​gives the company's employees an idea of ​​its mission and goals, and defines a set of norms and rules for their behavior.

For hotel and tourism enterprises with a high service culture, it is also important to have an optimal organizational structure, which is built not only with a focus on clients, but also on the employees of the State Customs Committee itself.

For example, in many hotels that pay great attention to service culture, complaints are considered an important criterion for the quality of services. Proper handling of customer complaints allows you to assess which of the three components of service quality has the most complaints and take appropriate measures. The management of the State Customs Committee should not formally treat customer complaints, since their presence indicates failures in its work. But if there are no complaints, this does not mean that the quality of services and service culture are ideal.

Ethical principles require the employee of the sanatorium-resort complex to develop such relationships with clients that are considered desirable, approved in our society, stimulated by modern service practices and thereby facilitate the service process, making it pleasant and effective for both parties.

What ethical principles and moral categories should be recognized as key for serving tourists in health resort complexes? We list the most important among them:

Honesty and decency towards others;

Conscientiousness and openness in relations with consumers;

Respect for their dignity;

Awareness of one’s professional duty (responsibilities) in interaction with them.

These forms of service constitute the moral foundation, without which it makes no sense to take up work in the service sector. Of course, many service workers are able to think much more deeply about the ethical basis of their profession: to see in it aspects that provide the opportunity for self-development, bring them satisfaction, and endow their work with moral potential.

At the same time, not the entire arsenal of general ethical principles and norms can be used in the activities of a sanatorium-resort complex, but only those that are associated with the essence of service as a complex professional, economic and social phenomenon. Thus, it is not at all necessary for staff to interact with clients on the basis of personal affection, love, absolute trust, i.e. those principles that are appropriate in family or friendly relationships. In the relationship between employee and client, a certain distance must always be maintained, determined by their social and functional roles in the space of market exchange. Service workers select ethical principles in the process of their relationships with clients based on the imperatives of professional and service ethics.

Professional and service ethics of activities in a sanatorium-resort complex is understood as a set of requirements and moral standards in relation to employees of service companies who mandatory must be implemented in the process of performing their official duties. Professional ethics allows us to specify the general ethical principles that were indicated above. Thus, the adoption of the principles of honesty and decency makes it impossible to deceive consumers and neglect their interests; reliance on conscientiousness will prevent actions that cause harm or trouble to clients; awareness of his professional duty leads to the fact that the employee clearly understands his job responsibilities, being ready at any time to provide professional assistance to the consumer.

Below we list the basic standards of work ethics that should be inherent to all employees of sanatorium and resort complexes:

Attentiveness, politeness;

Endurance, patience, self-control;

Good manners and culture of speech;

Ability to Avoid conflict situations, and if they arise, successfully resolve them, respecting the interests of both parties.

Contact zone workers, in addition to the ethical standards listed, must also demonstrate:

Courtesy, courtesy;

Cordiality, goodwill;

Tactfulness, restraint, care for the consumer;

Self-criticism towards oneself;

Willingness to respond quickly, keeping several people or various operations that are carried out during the service process in the area of ​​attention at once;

Ability to remain calm and friendly even after serving a capricious client or a stressful shift;

Ability to avoid customer dissatisfaction and conflicts.

Summary of Chapter 1

Thus, the legislative framework regulating the activities of the hotel industry in Russia includes: Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 1997 No. 490 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation”, Federal Law of November 24, 1996 No. 132-FZ “On the fundamentals of tourism activities in the Russian Federation” and other legal acts.

For certification of hotels (motels), GOST R 50645-94 “Tourist and excursion services” is used. Hotel classification". The list of classification requirements is compiled taking into account SNiP 2.08.02, SanPiN 42-123-5774.

The quality of a hotel or tourism service is understood as a set of characteristics of the service that give it the ability to satisfy conditional or expected needs. TO the most important characteristics services that ensure its ability to satisfy certain needs include: reliability; courtesy; trust; availability; communication; Attentive attitude.

Ensuring a culture of service in sanatorium-resort complexes is impossible without having highly professional employees on their staff who are knowledgeable about the issues of culture of service and focused on the needs of the guest and tourist. Basic standards of work ethics that should be inherent to all employees of sanatorium and resort complexes: attentiveness, politeness; endurance, patience, self-control; good manners and culture of speech; the ability to avoid conflict situations, and if they arise, to successfully resolve them, respecting the interests of both parties.

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1. Theoretical question. Place and role health resort services in the sphere of providing services to the population of the Russian Federation

2. Task. Evaluate the SCM of Karelia according to the following groups of criteria: a) main treatment programs, indications for treatment; b) accommodation conditions; c) leisure activity programs; d) main differences from neighboring SCCs

List of sources used

Theoretical question. The place and role of sanatorium and resort services in the provision of services to the population of the Russian Federation

Service sector - part economy, which includes all types commercial And non-profit services; a consolidated general category that includes the reproduction of various types of services provided enterprises, organizations, individuals. Or the service sector is a product of labor, acting for the most part in the form of a process of achieving a result, and not just the result itself, characterized by the presence of interaction in this process between the seller and the buyer, which has specific properties - intangibility, inseparability from the source, non-storability and variability of quality.

Sanatorium-resort services can be fully characterized using the above definitions.

In a narrower sense, sanatorium-resort services are services provided by accommodation enterprises located in resort areas to vacationers in order to satisfy their needs for sanatorium treatment and resort recreation. Then this type of service is part of recreational, and to a greater extent, tourism (Fig. 1.1) Zhuravleva L.B. Resort business with the basics of balneology. - Sochi.: Publishing house Sochi GUTKD, 2008. - P.20.. Sanatorium and resort services traditionally played vital role in the development of domestic tourism, provides more than 50% of the total volume of tourism services sold.

In identifying the place and role of these services at the state level, it is worth noting that the modern economy of Russia, like many other countries, is characterized by the growing importance of the service sector. The only thing is that if in the USA the share of employment in this area exceeds 80%, and the volume in GDP is more than 70%, then in Russia the role of services is lower, but with a trend of stable growth. So, the increase in volume paid services population in 2012 was 3.2%.

Figure 1.1 - Place of health resort services in the service system

Based on the results of 2013, an increase of 4% is expected according to forecasts of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and 2.2% according to forecasts of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia Information from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 18, 2013 “Main directions of budget policy for 2014 and the planning period of 2015 and 2016.” Directly in the structure of services by type, a significant place is given to sanatorium and resort services (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1 - Dynamics of physical volumes of paid services to the population (% compared to the previous year) “Forecast of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for 2014 and for the planning period 2015 and 2016.” (developed by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation)

At the same time, both forecasts indicate that the highest growth rates will continue to be demonstrated by the types of services that are leaders in the population’s demand for them. First of all, this is the tourism services market. Entry and domestic tourism in Russia it is represented by a wide variety of its species.

The most actively developing are environmental, sports, extreme, skiing, educational, business, medical and recreational, and cruise types of tourism. Considering that Russia has enormous potential in the tourism sector, which, according to various estimates, is used by 10-12 percent. - 2011. - No. 9. - P.22. . To correct the situation, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Resolution No. 644 of August 2, 2011 on the Federal Target Program “Development of Domestic and Inbound Tourism in the Russian Federation for 2011 - 2018.” Based on the results of its implementation, it is expected that by 2016 the volume of the tourism services market will increase by 41.6% compared to 2012.

Sanatorium and resort services are largely due to the development of tourism and healthcare (also showing positive dynamics). Actually, because of this dual focus, the growth rate of sanatorium and resort services exceeds the growth rate of paid services on average in total volume.

The low rate of expansion of the market for sanatorium and resort services in previous years is due to the lack of a full-fledged structure of health improvement and entertainment that meets modern requirements. But the ongoing state policy aimed at preserving and developing resorts, rational use of natural medicinal resources, strengthening the material and technical base of sanatorium and resort institutions has made it possible to increase the availability and efficiency of the development of this type of service.

In 2012, compared to 2011, the volume of provision of sanatorium and resort services increased by more than 2 times than the increase in 2011.

Such rates are due to the following.

Firstly, there are the necessary natural resource prerequisites (deposits of mineral waters and medicinal mud, picturesque landscapes, favorable geographical location);

Secondly, there is a gradual change in investment and innovation factors (special infrastructure, marketing promotion activities, effective personnel management, an expanded list of additional services, etc.) within the sanatorium and resort industry;

Thirdly, Russian health resorts are gradually integrating into the system of the international tourism market, exporting sanatorium and resort tourism products to the markets of neighboring countries;

Fourthly, the possibilities for the functioning of sanatorium and resort institutions at the legislative level are expanding, which presupposes the establishment of balance in the development of the country's sanatorium and resort complex. As an example - creation legal framework(Federal Law No. 116 of July 22, 2005) of the functioning of special economic zones of the tourist and recreational type.

Another aspect that should not be overlooked is social. The Russian health resort complex plays a vital role in solving social problems to preserve and strengthen the health of the country's population. Due to the need for state regulation of social processes in society, a certain share of sanatorium-resort complexes should remain under the jurisdiction of the state, departments and in the form of municipal ownership, or in the form of state participation in joint-stock companies.

Combining the above, let us clarify that the new management structure in health resort sector, corresponding to the market economic system, has not yet taken final shape, but the main directions for its formation are: reducing the role of the state in the management and development of the sanatorium and resort complex; fragmented structure of sources of its financing; carrying out economic activities by sanatorium and resort institutions using the market mechanism; sanatorium and resort institutions are subordinate to various ministries and departments.

Task. Evaluate the SCM of Karelia according to the following groups of criteria: a) main treatment programs, indications for treatment; b) accommodation conditions; c) leisure activity programs; d) main differences from neighboring SCMs.

sanatorium resort service Karelian

The Karelian region is one of the most environmentally friendly and attractive areas for treatment and recreation in Russia. Karelian forests are often called " lungs of Europe", which is indeed plausible.

The sanatorium-resort appearance of the Karelian region has a unique character due to its mineral resources. Some of the largest deposits of shungite were found here, a material that can ideally purify water and also participate in various body cleansing procedures. Also, the land of Karelia is rich in mineral springs of ferruginous waters and deposits of Gabozero mud. In this natural region, the sanatorium-resort complex was formed precisely due to the harmonious combination of earthen subsoil, advanced medical technologies, as well as a temperate climate that is suitable for everyone.

The Karelian region has several sanatorium and resort institutions where you can get qualified assistance, having undergone a deep and accurate examination. The most famous sanatorium and resort institutions are: Marcial Waters, White Keys, Palaces. Kivach is currently designated as a clinic, not a SCC.

Their programs are designed to treat the most various diseases:

Ї treatment of gynecological diseases (White Keys);

Ї treatment of diseases of cardio-vascular system(Marcial Waters, White Springs, Palaces);

Ї treatment bronchial asthma(White Keys, Palaces);

Ї treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (Marcial Waters, White Keys, Palaces);

Ї treatment of kidney diseases (White Keys, Palaces);

Ї treatment diabetes mellitus various stages(Martial waters);

Ї treatment of various blood diseases (Palaces);

Ї treatment genitourinary system(White Keys, Palaces);

Ї treatment of ENT diseases (White Keys, Palaces);

Ї treatment of diseases of the nervous system (White Keys, Palaces).

We will consider accommodation conditions, leisure time and differences using the example of each SCC separately.

One of the oldest resorts in Karelia is “Marcial Waters”. It was formed by decree of Peter the Great and still preserves the history and traditions of that time. In addition, there is a whole range of measures to restore the body’s strength, relieve stress, post-operative recovery They will offer acupuncture and chiropractor services. In addition, tourists always have the opportunity to visit local attractions and get acquainted with the amazing nature of Karelia, which inspired many famous artists and poets to create real masterpieces of art.

Figure 2.1 - Sanatorium “Marcial Waters”

Every year the resort receives many vacationers not only from Russia, but also from neighboring countries. The sanatorium offers its clients a European level of service and wide range medical services. The programs developed by the staff of the sanatorium are used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the nervous system, respiratory and genitourinary systems, and cardiovascular diseases.


Five buildings - two of them are medical.

The sanatorium has a convenient layout. The well-appointed rooms of the building are connected by passages to the dining room and medical buildings. The sanatorium has a well-developed infrastructure, which includes the following elements: post office and pharmacy, shop and cafe-bar, sauna, swimming pool, hairdresser, fitness center, winter garden.

There are “standard” and “luxury” rooms.

"Standard" is:

double rooms with amenities in the block: shower, toilet, TV, refrigerator,

double rooms with partial amenities, in the room: hot and cold water, TV, refrigerator. Showers and toilets on the floor,

double rooms with all amenities: shower, toilet, TV, refrigerator.

Suites are superior rooms with a jacuzzi.

Offered various options 4 meals a day according to the custom menu system. In particular, they apply different kinds diets

active recreation: fishing, boating, beach, picnic in the fresh air, excellent Russian bath;

children's room - classes are aimed at children from 6 to 12 years old. Professional teachers work with children. As part of the developmental activities, children will be offered: drawing, making toys with their own hands, origami, classes at the Zvezdochka theater studio, appliqué, arts and crafts classes, and watching the educational video “I Want to Know Everything.” The room is open from 12 to 17 hours (lunch break from 14 to 15 hours);

holding conferences - the sanatorium has excellent conditions not only for relaxation, but also for holding on-site conferences, seminars, meetings, business meetings: a conference hall with 150 seats, cozy bars, a meeting room for 20-30 seats, a dining room, coffee facilities -breaks and banquets;

entertainment - music salon, which has received recognition from many of our guests for long years; cinema hall;

excursions - Kivach - the second largest flat waterfall in Europe, Svyatotroitsky monastery Alexander Svirsky, Vazhezersky Monastery, House-Museum and Church of the Apostle Peter (Martial Waters), Kizhi Island.

The leisure center will offer a vocal and dance program. There is a karaoke cafe and a hobby club “Hostess”.

Differences of the sanatorium: “Marcial Waters” is located at a considerable distance from large cities in a picturesque place in Karelia, surrounded by several lakes.

The developed infrastructure of the sanatorium, the high level of service and medicine will allow you to spend your weekend or vacation with health benefits.

Sanatorium "Martialnye Vody" offers a huge selection individual programs, aimed at restoring the body, much attention is paid to rehabilitation. Much attention is paid non-drug methods treatments such as: baths, showers, swimming pools, dry carbon dioxide baths, physiotherapy, psychotherapy and herbal medicine. All programs are based on individual approach to every guest.

Next to the “Martial Waters” there is the “Palaces” sanatorium, offering everyone who wants to improve their body health with the help of physiotherapeutic and balneological procedures. Built in 2003, the hospital is today rapidly gaining popularity among tourists from all over the world. The sanatorium offers various accommodation options and a large selection of additional services, which means that in the “Palaces” you can not only improve your body’s health, but also take a break from the bustle of the city.

Figure 2.2 - Sanatorium “White Keys”


Prevention of treatment of the musculoskeletal system,

Prevention of the digestive system,

Prevention of iron deficiency anemia,

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases,

Respiratory prevention,

Prevention of nervous system diseases,

General health.


The Dvortsy sanatorium provides its guests with accommodation in a 2-storey dormitory building in comfortable rooms with all amenities. The sanatorium has a capacity of 108 rooms.

58 comfortable rooms will delight vacationers with a cozy atmosphere:

26 standard double rooms without balcony;

5 superior double rooms without balcony;

7 standard double rooms with balcony-terrace;

2 superior double rooms with balcony-terrace;

6 standard single rooms;

1 combined standard rooms without balcony (double + double);

1 combined standard room without balcony (single + double);

1 combined superior room without balcony (single + double);

1 combined superior room without balcony (double + double);

2 two-room suites (living room and bedroom);

Leisure: excursions, bathhouse, Gym. You can rent skis and barbecue.

Features of the sanatorium:

High standard of comfort and service. Most of the customer reviews express gratitude for the constant care of the staff, excellent cuisine, truly homely comfort and attention to each guest.

Compactness. The fact that “Palaces” is a small sanatorium is a definite advantage. Fund of 58 rooms. Residential buildings, medical Center and the restaurant are a single complex of buildings and getting from one end to the other is not difficult even for older people. The work of all services and the mode of provision of services are organized in such a way that even when fully loaded, there are no large crowds of people in the sanatorium; it is always quiet here. This contributes to more comfortable rest and recuperation, which is appreciated by regular customers;

Unique nature. It combines special energy and a healing climate, formed over thousands of years under the influence of unique factors.

Sanatorium "Belye Klyuchi" is another popular health center located in the suburbs of Petrozavodsk. At the initial stage of construction, it was decided to place a balneotherapy hospital in the building, but over time the plans changed, and today “White Keys” offers many wellness programs that, together with advanced treatment methods, help patients overcome diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory system and normalize metabolism.

Sanatorium-resort treatment is carried out in the following areas:

cardiovascular diseases,

diseases of the musculoskeletal system,

diseases of the peripheral nervous system,

diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,

respiratory diseases,

kidney diseases,

metabolic diseases,

gynecological diseases.

In addition to undergoing a course of treatment in the sanatorium, you can also hold a business meeting or relax with your family on the weekend. Comfortable rooms, a large selection of additional services and excursion programs will leave only pleasant impressions in the memories of the sanatorium’s clients.


"White Keys" operates as a business center and hotel, inviting conferences of the most different levels. You can choose from: superior rooms, standard double rooms and affordable rooms with amenities per block at a low price.

At the same time, the hospitality of the owners extends to all guests. Particularly popular with business people Those arriving for negotiations and events use double rooms with private amenities, where discounts are provided for corporate clients.

For travel agencies - preferential offers for group accommodation.

Features of the sanatorium: the secret of the attractiveness of “White Keys” is its versatility. It is of interest to organizers of visiting business seminars, business meetings, and trainings. The hotel maintains exemplary cleanliness and a homely atmosphere.

The main and undoubted advantage of “White Keys” compared to other complexes is the choice of additional services: sports and fitness center, saunas, billiards, bar, dance hall.

Qualified hotel staff will provide guests with safety, friendly attitude and hospitality.

List of sources used

Egorov V.E. State legal regulation of organized tourism. - Pskov: “LOGOS Plus”, 2011. - 112 p.

Zhuravleva L.B. Resort business with the basics of balneology. - Sochi.: Publishing house Sochi GUTKD, 2008. - 628 p.

Information from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 18, 2013 “Main directions of budget policy for 2014 and the planning period of 2015 and 2016.”

Kiselev V.V. Specifics of modern Russian market recreational services// UEX. - 2011. - No. 9. - P.22.

Magomedov M.A. Regional sanatorium-resort complex: today and tomorrow // Sociology of power. - 2007. - No. 1. - pp. 165-172.

“Forecast of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for 2014 and for the planning period 2015 and 2016.” (developed by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation)

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Annotation. The article discusses the features of sanatorium and resort organizations that increase their demand among tourists and vacationers. The processes of state regulation of pricing are shown, which make it possible to increase the volume of services provided and increase the liquidity and competitiveness of sanatorium and resort organizations. Measures for the development of domestic resorts are proposed.

Keywords: sanatorium and resort organization; health resort; health resort services; recreation; recreational product.

A sanatorium-resort organization (in practice, the term “health resort” is widely used) is an enterprise providing sanatorium-resort and recreational activities of any departmental affiliation and form of ownership. In addition to accommodation services, such structures provide health and medical services, sanatorium and resort services, tourism, sports, etc., in accordance with their focus.

Entrepreneurship in the field of health resort services reflects a combination of organizational, economic, personal, social relations related to production, organization, promotion of services and making a profit. It is inextricably linked with the system of social, economic, financial relations that objectively arise between organizations with consumers, with each other, suppliers, banks and other market entities, with staff and, finally, with the state.

Entrepreneurship in the field of health resort services is of a commercial nature. Another specific feature is that it is not the product that is delivered to the consumer, but rather the consumer to the product.

Attracting vacationers

The consumer of sanatorium and resort services makes his own contribution to the achievement of final results; he is directly involved in the process of their formation. Thus, the consumption of health resort services is to a greater extent a process not of influence, but of interaction, and a complex of natural and man-made resources, as a source of recreation and the main motive for purchasing services, are combined with the activities of health resorts.

Organizations of the sanatorium and resort sector can consider almost the entire population as their potential clients, since they can offer anyone their services, both health-improving and restorative effects (this is the basis for the high level of competition between them in the market).

The main task of the sanatorium-resort organization is to attract as many vacationers as possible.

The activities of these organizations are characterized by a high level of capital intensity, low payback periods on capital investments, a high share of fixed assets in the asset structure, and a high share of costs in the cost structure. This is aggravated by the seasonality of occupancy of accommodation facilities, inherent not only in the consumption process, but also in the process of production of health resort services.

Seasonality is also related to employment. The sector is characterized by the involvement of low-skilled labor on a large scale and limited opportunities its automation. A significant problem is the problem of “hidden unemployment” (transfer to part-time work, the system of applying long leaves without pay).

Related economic results of activity are taken into account outside the sanatorium-resort complex and consist of an increase in production volume and national income due to an increase in the working time fund associated with a decrease in morbidity and an increase in labor productivity. Significant developments are taking place in this area government regulation pricing through fixed subsidies for sanatorium vouchers, changes in the terms of purchase of the Social Insurance Fund, fluctuations in tax benefits.

Value of services

There is a time gap between the moment prices are set, the moment of purchase and sale and the actual consumption of the recreational product. In this regard, intermediaries and buyers do not share with producers the risks associated with price fluctuations on the market. At the same time, the production and consumption of health resort services coincides in time and space, which determines the dependence of the state of the market on the demand for them that has developed at a given point in time.

The complex nature of services does not allow one to directly feel their value in the eyes of the consumer and determine the monetary equivalent of the share of labor spent on its provision. Unlike ordinary goods, these services cannot be produced into stock (unused space, and the sanatorium becomes gratuitously lost for the organization for the entire period of downtime).

For more promising development, health resort organizations should introduce modern technologies. This is necessary both for more convenient accommodation of vacationers and their stay in general (comfortable, cozy rooms, conditions for good rest, proximity to beach areas, entertainment and excursion programs, places for secure parking of vehicles, high-quality and highly qualified medical care, etc. .d.).

Today we are introducing a new pricing policy, systems of discounts, accommodation of vacationers according to schedule (booking rooms, booking tickets for return departure), for entrepreneurs - concluding agreements with health resorts and sanatoriums for undergoing a course of treatment for vacationers.


For effective development For sanatorium and resort organizations, it is important not only to attract private capital and investment (including foreign), but also the intervention of government bodies. This may have an impact on keeping it in proper condition and cleanliness. settlements, sea ​​beaches and the sea in general. The implementation of these events will lead to prosperity and attract tourists to the Black Sea coast of Russia, and not to Turkey, Bulgaria and other well-known and popular foreign resorts.

Thus, entrepreneurial activity in the sanatorium and resort sector is associated with the production and sale of a complex of sanatorium and health services, as well as any other related services, based on market principles of management through the implementation of organizational, general economic, innovative, resource and social functions in order to obtain various types of benefits.

I would like to note that the activities of sanatorium and resort organizations are an integral part of the development of the regional economy and a source of income for local and regional budgets.

Due to the functioning of sanatorium and resort organizations, unemployment is reduced, since this industry requires not only highly qualified personnel, but also workers without high professional qualifications. And most importantly, the prosperity of the health resort business entails attracting external and internal investments to expand and improve this industry, which will lead to prosperity and improvement of the region as a whole.


2. Internet portal of the Krasnodar region [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. – Access mode: http://www.yuga.ru/. - Cap. from the screen.
3. Russian Federation. Laws. On natural healing resources, medical and recreational areas and resorts: federal law: dated February 23, 1995, 26-FZ.

Ponamarev O.I. Sanatorium and resort organization: features, challenges, problems and solutions

Abstract. This article discusses the features of sanatorium organizations increasing their demand among tourists and holidaymakers. Showed the processes of state regulation of prices, allowing for increased service delivery and enhance the liquidity and competitiveness of sanatorium organizations. We propose measures to promote domestic resorts.

Keywords: health resort organization; health-resort; recreation; recreational products.

1. Study the content of the educational material of the module using the texts of lectures, textbooks, and periodical materials.

2. Complete tasks according to the independent work schedule for full-time students

3. Perform intermediate testing according to the rating plan

Independent work is mandatory for all students during the semester.

The final scoring is carried out during the test week. At the final lesson, the results of studying the discipline in the group are summarized, the best students in the group as a whole are noted, and the best students are also noted according to the following criteria: the best performance of individual classes, the most efficient execution, creative approach, completeness and breadth of additional information sources, etc. This approach will increase motivation and introduce an element of competition, encouraging students to engage more actively. extracurricular work by discipline.

5. Sample questions for the exam for full-time and correspondence forms training

1. Directions of sanatorium and resort activities as an integral part of the hospitality industry.

2. The origin and development of resorts in the world. Scientific and health resort stage of development of the resort business and its features

3. Commercial period of development of the resort business

4. Historical stages of development of the resort business in Russia. Features of each stage.

5. Features modern stage development of resort business in Russia

6. Sanatorium-resort service, its features and place among tourist services

7. Characteristics and main functions of the organizational structure of a sanatorium and resort organization.

8. Features of the sanatorium. Basic services of sanatorium-resort institutions, technological schemes for life support, health improvement, entertainment.

9. Organization of leisure and entertainment at the resort.

10. Balneological resorts. Types of balneological resorts. Geography of balneological resorts.

11. Resorts with carbon dioxide mineral waters. Balneological properties, indications and contraindications for the use of carbon dioxide mineral waters.

12. Resorts with sulfide mineral waters. Balneological properties, indications and contraindications for the use of sulfide mineral waters.

13. Resorts with radon mineral waters. Balneological properties, indications and contraindications for the use of radon mineral waters.

14. Seaside climatic resorts. Sea water as a balneological factor. Thalassotherapy, mechanisms of action and methods.

15. Mud resorts. Methods of mud therapy at resorts. Indications and contraindications

16. Resorts with sulfide silt mud. Medicinal properties, indications and contraindications for the use of sulfide sludge mud.

17. Documents regulating sanatorium and resort activities in Russia.

18. Features of modern management of a sanatorium and resort organization.

19. Medical, recreational and tourist institutions at resorts.

20. Characteristics of active recreation at resorts

21. The essence and typology of animation activities at the resort.

22. Types and technologies of animation programs at the resort.

23. Concept, principles and classification of SPA.

24. SPA technologies in programs of medical and health tours. -

25. Famous SPA centers and their treatment and health programs.

26. Main trends in the development of the modern spa services market

27. Classification of medical and health tourism, highlighting its main directions and forms.

28. Western European and Russian models of organizing medical and health tourism. General and special features.

29. Medical clinical tourism – design features.

30. Main centers of clinical tourism and main groups of diseases for treatment abroad.

31. Resort medical tours and features of their design.

32. Positioning of medical tours and resort enterprises.

33. Development of a health resort service program.

34. Licensing, standardization and certification of sanatorium and resort services.

35. Marketing in the resort business: concept, features.

36. Specifics of marketing the market for medical and health services.

37. Elements marketing strategy market of health services.

38. Marketing service in a sanatorium. Structure. Functions.

39. Characteristics of a medicinal tourism product.

40. Features and problems of marketing medical tours.

41. Organization of promotion of medical and health tours.

42. Characteristics and management functions of the organizational structure of a sanatorium and resort organization.

43. Forms of resort activities in Russia.

44. Requirements for organizing and conducting marketing of sanatorium and resort services.

45. Provisions of a model agreement between a health resort enterprise and a consumer in Russia.

46. ​​Provisions of a model agreement between a health resort enterprise and a consumer of resort services abroad.

47. Conditions and factors affecting the industry of medical and health services.

48. Geography of outbound medical and health tourism in the European direction. Specific features of resorts in Western, Eastern and Southern Europe

49. Geography of outbound medical and health tourism in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. Specific features of resorts in India, Vietnam, Thailand, resorts in China, and South Asian countries.

50. Geography of outbound medical and health tourism in the Americas. Specific features of resorts in the USA, Canada, Cuba, and Caribbean countries.

51. Geography of outbound medical and health tourism in the countries of the Middle East. Specific features of the resorts.

52. Geography of outbound medical and health tourism in North African countries. Specific features of the resorts.

53. Geography of medical and health tourism in Russia.

54. Service providers in servicing tourists on medical and health tours of a commercial class of service

55. Features of catering in institutions of various forms of resort activities (ski, seaside climatic, balneological and mud resorts).

56. Organizational structure catering services from the sanatorium.


1. Barchukov I.S. Sanatorium and resort business. Tutorial for university students / I.S. Barchukov – M.: Unity, 2006.– 298 p.

2. Vetitnev A.M., Zhuravleva L.B. Resort business. Textbook for university students / A.M. Vetitnev, L.B. Zhuravleva - M.: Knorus, 2006. - 524 p.

3. Vetitnev A.M., Kuskov A.S. Medical tourism / A.M. Vetitnev, A.S. Kuskov – M.: Forum, 2010, – 592 p.

4. Vetitnev A.M. Marketing of sanatorium and resort services / A.M. Vetitnev. – M.: Academy, 2008.

5. Dracheva E.L. Special types of tourism. Medical tourism / E.L. Dracheva. – M.: KnoRus, 2008.

6. Resorts of Russia and the world: reference book / comp. A.N. Razumov, E.A. Turova, V.S. Shinkarenko. M.: Directorate of Vseros. Forums "Health resort", 2003.

7. Kuskov A.S., Lysikova O.V. Resortology and health tourism. Textbook / A.S. Kuskov, O.V. Lysikova – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2004.– 278 p.

8. Panin E.L., Bovtun V.S. Fundamentals of resort business. Textbook / E.L. Panin, V.S. Bovtun – Barnaul: Alt GTU Publishing House, 2003. – 320 p.

9. Ponomarenko G.N. One hundred best resorts peace. – St. Petersburg: IIC Baltika, 2006. – 230 p.

10. Sukharev E.E. Resort business. Textbook / E.E. Sukharev - M.: Omega, 2009. - 224 p.

additional literature

1. Babkin A.V. Special types of tourism / A.V.Babkin. – Rostov n/a ¨Phoenix, 2008.

2. Bovtun V.S., Panin E.L. History of the resort business / V.S.Bovtun, E.L.Panin. – Barnaul: AltSTU, 2003.

3. Bovtun V.S., Panin E.L. Health technologies in resort business and tourism / V.S. Bovtun, E.L. Panin. – Barnaul: AltSTU, 2004.

4. Bykov A.T., Vinokurov B.L., Yakovenko G.V. Technology of management of enterprises of resort and tourist services / A.T. Bykov, B.L. Vinokurov, G.V. Yakovenko. – Sochi: SGUTiLV, 1997.

5. Vetitnev A.M., Bokov M.A., Popkov V.P., Ugryumov E.S., Shapovalov V.I. Management of sanatorium and resort organizations: at 3 o'clock / A.M. Vetitnev, M.A. Bokov, V.P. Popkov, E.S., Ugryumov V.I. Shapovalov. – St. Petersburg. : SPbGUEiF, 2001.

6. Geography of international tourism. Foreign countries // under. Ed. L.M. Gaidukevich. - Mn. Aversev, 2004.

7. Resort business: reference book / Association of Resorts of the North-West of Russia. St. Petersburg, 1999.

8. Resort and tourist complex as an object of management / ed. G.A. Karpova. SPbGUEF, 2006.

9. Manshina N.V. Resortology for everyone / N.V. Manshina - M.: Veche, 2007.

10. Technologies and methods of health services // under. Ed. E.A. Sigida. – M.: INFRA-M, 2009.

11. Khodorkov L.F. World hotel industry. Textbook / L.F. Khodorkov - M.: Omega, 2001.

12. Health tourism, sanatoriums [Electronic resource]: travel company “Sunton-tours”: 2007. - Access mode: http//www. sunton-tours.ru.

13. Sanatorium and resort business: textbook / G.I.Molchanov, N.G. Bondarenko, I.N. Degtyareva, I.N. Degtyareva, L.M. Kubalova, A.A., Molchanov; edited by Prof. G.I. Molchanov. – M.: Alfa-M, 2010. – 400 p.


– Resort Gazette

– Tourist information

– Tourist business

– Resort business

Development of measures to improve the areas of the sanatorium and resort industry in the region, using the example of Sanatorium Ural LLC


Tourism and recreation

The goal is graduation qualifying work is the development of measures to improve the directions of the sanatorium and resort industry in the region using the example of Sanatorium Ural LLC. The main tasks that need to be solved to achieve this goal: consider the concept of the health resort industry.....

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