Home Children's dentistry Original script for March 8th for high school students. Sample questions for the competition “The Smartest”

Original script for March 8th for high school students. Sample questions for the competition “The Smartest”

This scenario for March 8 is intended specifically for modern high school students, and is written in their slang, so when you stage it, you do not need to replace the “wrong” words with the correct ones. Before the start of the holiday, attach signs (leaflets) with numbers to the chairs and seats in the hall where spectators will sit. This will be useful for the lottery.

2 presenters come out. They are dressed as usual (not festively).

Presenter 1 (reads in the form of a turnip):
Hello Stas,
Do you want me to tell you a story?
About how in the modern world,
We have forgotten about previous values!

Presenter 2 (as well as presenter 1 raps):
Diman, I don’t understand you,
But I pay close attention
What kind of values ​​are these?
Which ones have you forgotten?

Presenter 1:
Look closely, Stas,
And delve into the circumstances!

The presenters leave.

2 guys come out. Which go towards each other. Both have phones and are doing something. They walk without raising their eyes and collide with each other.

1 guy:
Watch where you're going! (raises his head) Oh, Mich, what are you doing? Healthy.

2nd guy:
Hey, Kolyan!

They stand next to each other and put their phones in their pockets. They stand silently for a minute, looking around.

1 guy:
How are you doing?

2 presenter:
There’s something I don’t understand, Diman
Maybe I'm missing something?

1 presenter:
Stas, are you completely blind?
There is no communication between them!

2 presenter:
So what's the big deal?
Why is there no conversation between them?

1 presenter:
Okay, don't interrupt,
Keep watching!

2nd guy:
By the way, I completed Diablo (here you can name any popular computer game) to end!

1 guy:
Come on? And what's there at the end?

2 guy opens his mouth to start telling how the girl comes out. And both guys fall silent. A girl passes by.

1 guy:
Hello Lenka!

The girl looks at the guys with a dissatisfied look, “grunts” and leaves.

2nd guy:
What is she?

1 guy:
Yes, I was offended.

2nd guy:
For what?

1 guy:
Who the hell knows! You won't understand these girls!

2nd guy:
You may have offended her.

1 guy:
Yes, when? I haven’t gone outside for a week now, I’m always on the computer.

2nd guy:

The guys freeze again. The presenters come out again. Presenter 2 is typing something on the phone.

1 presenter:
Do you understand now?
Do you delve into anything at all?

2 presenter (looking up from the phone):
Sorry Diman, just a minute,
I'm tweeting something right now!

1 presenter slaps himself on the head. And he leaves.

2 presenter:
I'm done. Hey Diman,
Continue your novel!

1 presenter:
Well, in general, you are Stas!
Not a novel, but a story!

The presenters leave, the guys “come to life”

1 guy:
Listen, Mich, it seems to me that there is someone else here! Don't you think so?

2nd guy:
Yeah, it seems!

The guys look around.

2nd guy:
So, why was Lenka offended after all?

1 guy:
I tell you “I don’t know”! I need to ask Katyukha in contact!

2nd guy:

1 guy takes out his phone and types something on it. Then a sound is heard (like notifications in contact), the guy reads:
Look at the calendar.

2nd guy:

1 guy:
Look at the calendar, I wrote. Where can I get a calendar?

2nd guy:
So look on your phone!

1 guy:

1 guy looks at the phone, 2 guy also looks at his phone.

The guys freeze again, the 2nd presenter runs out.

2 presenter:
Diman! Diman!
Well, what's there?
What did you find in the calendar?
Why did they say

1 presenter:
And look for yourself,
And then tell me!

Here you can take out a “telephone calendar” drawn on whatman paper; there should be the month of March and the number 8 highlighted in red.

2 presenter:
I'm in trouble!!
How could I forget?
It was necessary to score during the holidays!

Here the guys suddenly “come to life”

1 guy:
Who are you anyway?

2nd guy:
And how did you end up here?

1 presenter:
We came from afar
To help you correct your mistakes!

1 guy:
Why are you saying this in poetry? Is it normal that you can’t say?

2nd guy:
And in general, we don’t need helpers! We can handle it ourselves! (pushes the 1st guy in the side with his elbow)

1 presenter:
Oh well!

The guys leave.

2 presenter:
Listen, Diman, why are you and I, and it’s true that we either read rap or chat in poetry! Here we go again!

1 presenter:
Yes, I don’t even know, Stas!

The 3rd presenter (girl) comes out.

3rd presenter:
You guys can’t do anything without us! I asked to start a holiday in honor of International Women's Day - March 8, what do you mean?

2 presenter:
What are we?

3rd presenter:
Not “WHAT”, but what! What kind of slang do you have anyway? We have a women's holiday here, you understand?! And you: “Diman”, “get into it”! how should they even understand you!!

1 presenter:
Don't get angry Light.

3rd presenter:
Boil?!! Here we go again!! You'll ruin the whole holiday!!!

The girl presenter runs away.

1 presenter:
Need to do something.

2 presenter:
It is necessary, but what?

Both emcees walk back and forth across the stage, deep in thought.

1 presenter:

2 presenter:

1 presenter whispers something in the ear of the 2nd presenter, then they both simultaneously nod their heads and leave.

Solemn music is playing. The presenters appear in suits.

1 presenter:
Beautiful, sweet girls!
Our smart girls are beautiful!

2 presenter:
Today we congratulate you,
We wish you good study!

1 presenter:
Be the most beautiful
Or better yet, the happiest!

Here you can make flower petals from colorful foil or buy petals or confetti, and at the end of the phrase, both presenters throw petals into the hall.

1 presenter:
And for you now,
We'll sing a romance.

A romance is being performed.

2 presenter:
And now we listen to congratulations,
From our director the best!

Congratulations from the director. If the director is a woman, then at the end of her speech, the presenters also congratulate the director and give her a gift.

1 presenter:
You are our dear classmates,
And we haven’t forgotten your gifts!

2 presenter:
We'll just hand them to you in class,
In the meantime, let's watch the dance!

A dance is being performed.

1 presenter:
Now let's go with you
We will play interesting games.

You can hold competitions here. At the end of the competitions, the leading girl comes out.

Female presenter:
We have also prepared the following entertainment for you! It's a "lucky number" lottery! and a festive disco!

Next is the lottery " Lucky number" First, 8 numbers are taken in turn from a bag or drum (the main thing is that the number 8 is not there), and those who sit on chairs with these numbers are awarded prizes. And then the one who sits in place number 8 receives a separate prize.
Then all the girls and women are given flowers (one rose is possible, if there are not enough funds, then only female teachers are allowed).
In the end everything characters go on stage and say together:

Key tags:

In 2019, many schools are holding festive evenings for International Women's Day. We offer one of the options for holding such a holiday in honor of International Women's Day for high school students.

Scenario March 8, 2019 for high school students

The holiday will begin with a speech by the presenter. He will congratulate teachers and schoolgirls on the holiday.

- Dear girls, kind, faithful!
Happy new spring to you, with the first drops!
Peaceful sky to you, radiant sun,
Cherished, purest happiness!
There is a lot of affection, warmth, kindness in you, -
Let your dreams come true!

Then, according to the scenario of the March 8 celebration, a skit will be performed for high school students. Three young men will appear on stage.

- Guys, which of you did something good today in honor of Women's Day? - asks one.

They answer him:

– I put on a new suit, tie and... washed my hands!

– I solved the physics problem myself, and didn’t copy it from my neighbor’s desk!

“And I didn’t push a single girl at recess today!”

– Indeed, what kind of deeds and sacrifices do we make for the sake of the fair sex!

They say in chorus:
- We are all ready to praise you
Today, at this festive hour!
We are ready to bend our knees
Before you, girls,
And live together in class.

One continues:
– If you help with your studies:
Give me some hints and let me write them off!

The scene ends here, the guys bow and leave, and the presenter continues:
– Today we have to reveal the talents of our girls, appreciate their attractiveness and charm, humor and resourcefulness.

A competition will begin, the participants of which will need to sing a song, perform a dance, talk on the phone for 3 minutes without a break, invite a gentleman on a date without words - using only pantomime, determine by touch, with eyes closed, the types of cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, semolina cereals, etc.).

You can hold a quiz, the participants of which need to answer the questions: “How much does a liter of milk, a kilogram of doctor’s sausage, a loaf of bread, a pack of washing powder, children’s tights cost? and so on.".

You can also hold competitions: “Guess the movie”, “Guess the song”, “Guess the artist”, etc.

The holiday scenario for March 8 for high school students may also include a competition for expectant mothers: girls will need to swaddle a doll, unfold a transforming stroller, feed the “baby” and sing a lullaby to him.

All performances are assessed on a ten-point system, with the jury awarding first, second and third places to the best participants. After summing up the results, the winners will be awarded, the audience award and memorable gifts will be presented to all participants.

Then the boys take the stage again.

– How many talented girls we have, how many stars! They are not only among the winners.

- The rest of the stars are here,
There are too many of them to count.
Here are housewives, craftswomen,
There is a lot to learn from them.

- Oh, girls! The stars are ours!
Next to you we are more beautiful!
And slimmer and braver,
Every hour it gets smarter.

The event is held on the eve of the Eighth of March and is a kind of gift and a somewhat unusual surprise for the girls (the entire preparatory and organizational part of the event rests entirely with the boys).

Such a disco is quite appropriate on Valentine's Day. You just need to adjust the script and make small changes.

The main objective of the event- organization of free leisure for young people, development of their aesthetic worldview, education of ethical standards of behavior.

Preparatory work

High school students are preparing a place for a disco. If the event is held for several, say, parallel classes, then gym schools.

Sports equipment and accessories are taken out and hung up Balloons, Entrance door decorated with garlands of artificial flowers; Comfortable banquettes are placed along the walls, etc. Before entering the hall, painted flowers are attached to the wall, with photographs of high school girls pasted into the centers (you need to find out in advance which flower corresponds to the horoscope of a particular girl). Each girl’s photo should be pasted into “her” flower. Above the flowers there is an inscription with words of congratulations on the spring holiday or Happy Valentine's Day.

Girls come to the disco in clothes of the color that is inherent in their flower according to the horoscope (or choose any flower according to their taste and desire). For example, if a girl was born in September, her outfit, as well as various accessories, should be as close as possible to the tones of the autumn aster flower, etc. Imagination and invention in hairstyle and makeup are encouraged.

Technical means, attributes: tape recorder, cassette with dance music, color music installation; microphone, speakers for sound amplification; postcards with images of flowers, cut in half (according to the number of participants in the evening), artificial flowers.

To obtain a special special effect (if the technical equipment of the school allows), you will need a projector and slides with images of different colors, and a white screen that is attached to the central wall of the room.

Costumes for speakers: two headbands made of red material for those on duty, a daisy hat for playing “daisy”, flowers cut out of paper for the game “Flower Path”; “Flower Encyclopedia”, artificial flowers (forfeits) for players. A large baby doll, a cradle for her (for the scene “Don’t drink water from your face”); flower-themed souvenirs.


Presenters (two young men).

Iris, Astra, Lilac, Forget-me-not (all roles are played by young men).

Narcissus's mother.

"Admirers of Narcissus."

Nemesis is the goddess of justice.


Progress of the event

Dance music is playing. The organizers of the holiday party hand out postcards with pictures of flowers, cut in half, to all guests, with a request to save the postcards until the game attractions. The presenters come out, the music is muffled.

1st presenter. Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen! Ladies and gentlemen! Signoras and senoritas, as well as signorinas...

2nd presenter(pushing his friend in the side, he hurriedly pushes him aside, not allowing him to finish). In a word - hello!

The audience responds to the greeting with friendly applause. The presenters ceremoniously bow in different directions. The greeting ceremony is somewhat delayed, the presenters pretend that they forgot the next line. They “secretly, imperceptibly” push each other, then simultaneously blurt out:

Everybody dance!

The overhead lights are removed, the color and music system is turned on, and rhythmic dance music is played.

2nd presenter. And it is dedicated to the spring holiday of the Eighth of March...

Together. Happy holiday, girls!

All the young men present at the evening shout with one voice: “Congratulations!” Slow music plays, boys invite girls to slow dance. After the music ends, the partners are taken to their places.

1st presenter(dreamy, turning to the second presenter). I look into the hall and enjoy, inhale (closes my eyes and takes a deep breath) and enjoy...

2nd presenter. Maybe you can share with us what it is that you enjoy so much?

1st presenter. I look into the hall and enjoy the beauty of our lovely girls. I inhale the aromas of their perfume and enjoy again... (rolls eyes).

2nd presenter. Yes, a real flower garden, and what a fragrance! (He also rolls his eyes.)

Everyone dances to live, rhythmic music.

1st presenter(to the second presenter). Look, look, what a flower!..

2nd presenter(looks around at the girls present at the evening). Where where?

1st presenter(with annoyance). Look, eyes the color of violet, lips like a rosebud, and a blush the color of peony...

2nd presenter. Some kind of hybrid!

1st presenter(with offense). You yourself are a hybrid, you can’t even dream of it! This may be the girl of my dreams, and you are a hybrid, a hybrid!

2nd presenter. Come on, then will you dream about what we have planned there?

Together. Game "Guess Me!"

Game "Guess Me!"

A girl comes out into the middle. Based on her outfit, various accessories (if she has any), hairstyle, and makeup, those present must guess what kind of flower she represents. If the players find it difficult to answer, they can ask the flower girl leading questions. Based on her answers, they guess the name of the flower. Then the next flower girl comes out, the game repeats. The person who guesses correctly is given one flower and asked to keep it until the points are counted at the end of the evening.

The presenters come out, one of them has a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

2nd presenter. Who wants flowers? Just don't tell the girl of your dreams.

1st presenter. I won’t say - I’m mute (shows with his hand how he zips his lips together), but they (points to a bouquet of flowers) will say everything for me...

2nd presenter(perplexed). How is this possible?

1st presenter. Very simple. Previously, there was a symbolism of floral greetings, in which, with the help of bouquets of flowers, lovers resolved various issues: declared their love, made dates, etc.

The “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​from P. I. Tchaikovsky’s ballet “The Nutcracker” sounds. “Flowers” ​​appear: Iris, Lilac, Aster, Forget-me-not. An improvisational dance is performed. The music gradually becomes muted, the “flowers” ​​freeze in place in the position they took at the moment the music ended. First to accept normal position Iris. He's dressed all in blue, with a half-mask on his face. of blue color. Iris, with a sharp movement of her hand, tears off her mask and throws it into the hall with dignity.

Iris. Your hypocritical feelings will pass, so that not a trace will remain!

He leaves with his head held high. Lilac in a lilac suit or white(in the hands of a fan of the same color, above upper lip a large lilac “mole”), “come to life”, flirtatiously playing with a fan, languidly pronounces his words.

Lilac. Every expression on your face and every word you say speaks of the beauty of your soul!

Sends a “fiery” air kiss to the first presenter and, playing with his fan, leaves.

2nd presenter. Wow! This is a flower, I understand!

Presses his hands to his heart and rolls his eyes, thereby expressing last stage of your admiration. Astra comes to life next. She approaches one of the presenters and pronounces her line in a tragic voice full of pathos.

Aster. Oh my love! Love of my life! How unhappy I am with my unrequited love for you! But your sincere friendship softens the torment of my misfortune!

He begins to “cry uncontrollably,” stretching out his hands to the leader. He, fighting her off, asks for help. Two tall fellows with red bands on their sleeves come out, with difficulty pull away the sobbing Astra and take her away. It's Forget-Me-Not's turn. On her head is an elegant hat with a thin veil. Through pantomime she shows that her heart belongs to her beloved.

Forget-me-not. Three words publicize my life's desire: don't forget me!

The “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​sounds again, Forget-me-not makes a few dance moves and leaves. The presenters reappear.

1st presenter(addressing the second). Now do you understand how with the help of flowers you can not only express your feelings, but also convey your secret message?

2nd presenter. Still would! Don't you think that the guests of our carnival have been motionless for too long? If only they didn't wilt! Turn out the lights, turn on the music!..

Temperamental music sounds. The lights turn off, and images of various colors appear on the improvised screen (projector, slides). The second presenter appears with a chamomile in his hand. The first presenter comes out behind him.

1st presenter(humming).

Chamomile, chamomile, wildflower,

A blue bell grew next to the chamomile.

He wanted to give love to the chamomile,

He wanted to protect the chamomile from evil...

But people came and picked the flower.

The bell threw a farewell nod:

“Don’t forget, daisy, don’t forget me,

Don’t forget, chamomile, don’t forget me!”


He loves, he doesn’t love, he will press you to the heart,

He will spit, kiss and tell you to hell.

The daisy doesn't care who it stands next to,

It doesn't matter to the chamomile whose tears it accepts...

2nd presenter(shreds a chamomile). Insidious!

He begins to trample the flower with his feet.

1st presenter. What are you doing? It’s just a song, I didn’t think you were so sensitive!

2nd presenter(with ardor). Such a bell died without experiencing the fullness of happiness from the reciprocity of feelings!

1st presenter(shaking his head). Oh, how everything is running! (Addresses the audience.) We need to do something urgently!.. (Turns to a friend.) Why trample the daisy, we will find it best use. Listen, friend, help, enter into the image of this very daisy.

2nd presenter(indignantly). I? No way! What should you do?

1st presenter. Well, that's a different conversation. Here, try on this hat. (Puts a daisy hat on his friend’s head. It is necessary to make it so that the petals come off easily. On each petal with inside a task has been written for the players. For example, perform an impromptu dance to modern music, tell funny joke etc. The most active players receive r/branches. After the game everyone dances.)

"Flower Parade"

2nd presenter. In addition to the symbolism of floral greetings, there is a certain “language of flowers.” Just listen (opens the book “Flower Encyclopedia” and reads to the muffled sounds of “Waltz of the Flowers”):

“Snow-white flowers in Russia symbolize purity and fidelity. It’s not for nothing that on her wedding day, the bride, according to tradition, holds in her hands a bouquet of white flowers...”

The sound intensifies, a “flower” girl appears, for example Chrysanthemum, in a snow-white robe. After parading around the makeshift stage, she leaves. Next, according to the presenter, a girl in red appears, and so on.

“Red, fiery red, bloody symbolizes love, freedom, thirst for life, celebration. In the East, it is associated with the element of fire. Orange brings warmth and sunshine, symbolizing life, joy and light. The color blue is a symbol of faith, and blue is a symbol of infinity, sadness, fidelity and trust. Purple color is a symbol of greatness, dignity, luxury and friendship. Green is the color of peace and hope..."

The sounds of the waltz intensify. To the applause of those present, the “flower” girls reappear. They hold hands, gather in a circle, disperse (imitation of an opening flower); After performing a few dance moves, they leave.

A small comic scene is played out about the mythical origin of the narcissus flower. The narrator comes out, dressed in white loose clothes.

Sketch-joke “Don’t drink water from your face...”

Narrator. In popularity, the daffodil is second only to the rose. Many poets of all times and peoples have sung the praises of this unusually beautiful flower. For a long time, the name of the flower was considered a common noun, meaning a person in love with himself. Why? Now we will find out about it...

A young woman comes out with a child (doll) in her arms - Narcissus's mother (dressed in simple flowing clothes). She puts him in a cradle and asks the gods to predict. what future awaits her son.

Narcissus's mother(extending hands to the sky).

Heavenly powers, omnipotent gods,

A woman-mother is addressing you!

What do you know about the baby’s fate?

You are unreasonable in your wish.

Earthly beings are not supposed to know

What is already destined by fate

They are not allowed to change that...

Mother of Narcissus (begging the gods).

Have pity, oh gods, on your mother's feelings!

I will try to save the child...

Freezes in place with his arms raised high to the sky. The narrator continues his story.

Narrator. For a long time and passionately, the young woman begged the gods to tell her what fate was destined from above for her only and beloved son. Finally, the gods yielded to the mother’s pleas and predicted to her that Narcissus would live to a ripe old age if he did not see his face.

Narcissus's mother runs up to the "sleeping child", carefully takes him in her arms and, holding him tightly to herself, leaves. The “grown-up” Narcissus comes out, dressed in a white tunic and sandals, with golden curled hair, a bow and arrows over his shoulders.

Narrator. Years have passed. The baby grew up and turned into a young man of extraordinary beauty. The mother, remembering the prophecy from above, surrounded her son with love and affection, denying him nothing and protecting him in every possible way. Many beautiful girls fell in love with Narcissus. He was indifferent to everyone...

Narcissus walks around the stage, peering into the distance and looking for “game” with his eyes. He takes out a bow and arrows from behind his back and prepares to shoot at the target, but suddenly there is a noise and a crowd of fans appears. They see Narcissus and exclaim joyfully. Narcissus retreats in fear, the girls resolutely head in his direction. With cries of “Mom!” Narcissus runs away. The fans stop in confusion and begin to talk to each other. The goddess of justice Nemesis appears, dressed in appropriate clothing.

The girls rush to meet her and ask her for something. Nemesis listens to the request and nods her head in agreement. The girls surround the goddess in a tight ring, thank her and leave together.

Narrator. ...Indignant and rejected fans demanded that the goddess of vengeance Nemesis punish the proud and unapproachable Narcissus. The goddess heeded their pleas.

Narcissus appears again, he looks around in fear. Seeing that the danger has passed and he has been left alone, he assumes a smug look and approaches the “source.” Leaning over him, she suddenly freezes and assumes the pose of a flower.

Narrator. One day, returning from a hunt, Narcissus looked into an unclouded spring and fell in love with his reflection. The young man could not take his eyes off his face. So he died near the source. And in its place grew a beautiful fragrant flower, which was called “narcissus”...

The moral of this story is this: dear girls, look smaller at your reflection in the mirror. Who knows, what if the admirer you rejected demanded retribution from Nemesis for his defeat? Can you imagine what he could wish for?!

The music sounds again, the color and music installation is turned on, and slides of colors are shown to the dancers. There are various game attractions.

Game rides

"Flower Path"

The players are divided into two teams: “Daisies” and “Cornflowers”. Each of them receives three Flowers cut out of paper, corresponding to the names of the teams. The first players place them on the floor in front of them and take one step along them; Having stopped on the third flower, they pick up the other two from the floor and place them in front of them. Thus, they reach the goal, run back to their team and pass the flowers to the next players. Game continues. The winner is the team whose members “walk” along the “flower path” faster.

"Find your soul mate"

The presenter pronounces the name of the flower depicted on the postcard cut in half. Those present at the evening compare their postcards. If a couple has formed - a boy and a girl, they go to the center of the hall. The presenters attach a flower to each pair. Fast rhythmic music is playing and couples are dancing. The presenter says the name of the flower. Those present express their sympathy for one or another couple with applause.

The task becomes more difficult. Dancing couples are given an apple. The couple, pressing the apple with their foreheads to each other, must perform a slow dance without dropping the apple. The couple who did not finish the dance and dropped the apple is eliminated.

Next, a small competition is held among the remaining couples. This could be a flower quiz (see below) or a comic competition like: draw on paper with your eyes closed a heart pierced by an arrow, with one of the pair drawing a heart and the other an arrow. Etc.

In the end, there should be only one pair left. They are proclaimed the King and Queen of Flowers to the sounds of solemn music and wear crowns woven from artificial flowers. The hosts take a souvenir photograph of the King and Queen and ask them to make a short welcoming speech to their subjects - the residents of the Flower Kingdom.

A dance is announced in honor of the “crowned heads.” The King and Queen award memorable souvenirs to the most active participants in gaming attractions who have collected the largest number of forfeits (flowers).

The disco continues in free form.

Additional material Flower quiz

1. Remember the names of people denoting a flower (Rose, Rosalia, Narcissus, Dahlia, Lily, Margarita, Anyuta, Cornflower, etc.)

2. Guess the flower based on the description.

This is a delicate spring flower. On Latin its name sounds like this: “violare”. Mention of this flower is often found in a variety of traditions and legends (among European peoples). The ancient Romans drank wine infused with these flowers. (Violet.)

The name of this flower is translated from Latin as “mouse ear”, as its fleecy leaves are similar to it. Since time immemorial, it has been a symbol of constancy and fidelity in love.

Clue: remember V. Rybnik’s song from “Juno and Avos” - “...I will never see you, I will never forget you...” (Forget-me-not.)

This flower is rightly called the queen of all flowers. For Christians, it symbolizes the love, patience, and martyrdom of the Mother of God. And Indian myths say that the goddess Lakshmi was born from the bud of this flower. You can make surprisingly tasty and aromatic jam from its petals, and, according to ancient legends, they can be used to incriminate witches and werewolves if this flower is white and not red. (Rose.)

Is a faithful companion of the grain field. It was brought to Europe along with rye back in the time of Pliny the Elder. The same Pliny spoke of it as a flower for weaving wreaths. In the old days, high-quality blue paint was extracted from it, and then they began to make vinegar.

Clue: the name of this flower is present in male name(diminutive). (Cornflower.)

It is called wild rose. Thanks to its numerous sharp thorns, it got its name. (Rose hip.)

This flower has healing properties and delicate aroma, he himself is perfection and beauty. According to Russian custom, this is an invariable part of the Trinity bouquet. Traditions say that the burning tears of the Mother of God for her crucified son fell to the ground and in their place white flowers grew, from which red fruits, like drops of Christ’s blood, were then formed.

Clue: the name of the flower is present in the title of the feature film (“silver”). (Lily of the valley.)

The flower is bright, large, and was once considered an emblem of fiery love. In ancient times it was believed that it had miraculous, magical powers: evil spirits disappear from the place where it grows.

Clue: it usually begins to bloom in late May - early June, and is always present in bouquets of school graduates. (Peony.)

This flower usually begins to bloom in late August - early September. He dispels sadness and despondency with his cheerful disposition.

Clue: the name of the flower has only five letters; it is always present in the bouquets of first-graders. (Aster.)

It is a symbol of purity, youth, purity and charm. In Antiquity, the flower was attributed to divine origin and it was believed that it grew in paradise. The names of the French kings are associated with the name of this flower; it was featured on their banner. The flower is considered healing and is included in many ointments and creams.

Clue: The name of the flower is present in a woman's name. (Lily.)

3. Come up with words in which the name of the flower is “hidden”. For example: spy - peony; Astrakhan - aster; surprised - flax; frosts - roses; shoe - poppy; pioneer - peony, scorpio; and so on.

4. Remember cartoons or feature films that included flowers in the title. For example: “Dunno in the Flower City”; "The Scarlet Flower"; "Fan-Fan - Tulip"; "War of the Roses"; "Seven-flowered flower"; “Violet Seller” and so on.

5. Remember the famous, previously popular songs with “flowery” titles. For example: “The daisies hid, the buttercups drooped...”, “Lilies of the valley”, “A million scarlet roses”, “Yellow tulips”, “White roses”, “Snowdrop”, “Bouquet”, “Don’t pick the flowers”, “Lavender” etc.

6. Which famous writers and poets sang flowers in their works?

A. Pushkin: poem “Flowers”.

N. Ryleev: poem “Jasmine”.

A. Fet: poems “The Nightingale and the Rose”, “With a basket full of flowers on his head...”, “The first lily of the valley”, “Bellbell”, “Autumn Rose”. Story "Cactus".

B. Pasternak: poem “Lilac”.

S. Yesenin: poems “Under a wreath of daisies”, “Flowers tell me - goodbye...”.

A. Akhmatova: poems “Lilies”, “Flowers, cold from the growth...”, “...For the lily of the valley paradise...”, etc.

7. What musical works of famous composers are devoted to floral themes?

P. I. Tchaikovsky: from “The Seasons” - the play “Snowdrop”; from the ballet “The Nutcracker” - “Waltz of the Flowers”.

B.-A. Mozart: romance “Violet”;

A. Alyabyev: romance “Forget-me-not”.

R. Schumann: play “Lotus”.

S. Rachmaninov: romance “Lilac”.

The hall is elegantly decorated. Music is playing

Ved: Good afternoon, dear mothers and grandmothers, guests!

Spring has come again,

Again she brought a holiday.

Happy holiday, light and gentle

Holiday all our dear women!

So that you all smile today -

Your children did their best for you.

Please accept our congratulations,

Watch our performance!

Children coming out.

(To the soundtrack of the song "Five February Roses" Boys enter the hall and dance, then girls).


With wonderful spring holiday

Today we congratulate mothers,

With a wonderful good mood

We're starting our big concert!

Child: The sun is shining joyfully,

Marvelous, wonderful beauty!

Flowers are blooming.

From smiles, congratulations.

Everything around is getting better!

May luck smile

And the circle of happiness will close!

Eighth March is a wonderful day,

Ring, joyful songs,

Today holiday of our mothers.

WITH happy holiday, the beginning of spring

We congratulate our dear loved ones.

To our women on spring day

Spring itself sends greetings.

The sound of a stream and birdsong

Gives to she's celebrating the holiday.

Child: The drops are ringing cheerfully, calling for spring,

They tap out a song about my mommy.

And the sparrows chirp, poems about grandma,

And this joyful holiday, we congratulate you too.

We want "Thank you" tell you

For your kindness and patience

And with this song to lift

The mood is sky high.

Song "Spring drops".

1. What kind of music can you hear on the street?

It's spring singing in the yard again,

Bird trills whistled,

And the drops rang,

The whole street is full of bright music.


Open the doors wider

Wake up birds, animals,

The evil winter has retreated,

We forgot about the cold,

We don't need them at all,

Cold and silent silence

Winter cold and silent silence.

2. What kind of music do I hear outside the window?

Everything that was a winter's dream has melted away,

And the sound of icicles dripped loudly like a spring waterfall

Everything around laughed and began to sound. ,

3. This music is like spring water,

We will never be bored with her,

That melody is everywhere

I will sing with her,

I will remember this music forever.

Child. Our kindergarten I'm glad to congratulate you

All mothers on the whole planet.

"Thank you" they tell moms

Both adults and children.

WITH spring holiday!

Let it pour everywhere

Loud fun!

Let the sun shine!

Let the frost go away!

Let the winter go away

Mimosa sprig!

It's early in the morning, I'll get up early

And I'll run to the kitchen.

I'll stand next to the stove

And I'll bake pancakes.

I'll put everything on plates,

I'll put the forks nearby.

I'll hurry my mother.

Child: – I’ll wipe the dust myself,

I'll wash the handkerchiefs,

Mom will be happy -

My daughter has grown up!

I am today and always

I help my mother -

All the toys, after playing,

I'll clean it up quickly!

Presenter: And now we'll play,

Let's amuse our grandmothers and mothers.

May their bright smiles

It will make us happier!

The game is being played "Cleaning". (Spread out the trash (candy wrappers) on the floor, and 2 children sweep with dustpans to the music. Play - 3 times).

Child. There is a mimosa on the table

On a good spring day:

May all mothers on earth

They don't know grief.

Child. On a spring, sunny day

We congratulate mom.

Long and joyful life

We wish from the bottom of our hearts.

Listen to our song

Mommy's beloved,

Always be healthy

Be always happy!

Child. Let the songs ring everywhere

About our beloved mothers.

We are grateful to you for everything.

You are dearer to us all, dearer to us!

The song “Mom, there is one word on the planet - “mother”!

There is no word in the world

More dear and dearer.

We meet the dawn with him,

And we go to bed too.

There is life in this word,

There is a song in this word,

We can't live without him!


Mom, there is only one word on the planet - “mother”!

Mom, your love shines like the sun, mom!

Mom, a breath of joy and light - mom!

Mom, the earth is warmed with your warmth!

Mother Mother Mother!

Today all the flowers

They will bloom for mom!

Today all dreams

About good things and about the main thing!

The warmth of beloved eyes,

And the light of your smile

More important than anything else for us!

Child: Eighth March is a wonderful day,

Came with spring sun to us.

Ring, joyful songs,

Today holiday of our mothers.

Leading: And now our boys will say a few words for the girls.

Boy: Dear girls, congratulations to you,

A sea of ​​smiles, sunshine!

Be kinder, be gentler.

The boys send you spring greetings!

Boy: IN we have a group of girls -

Smart girls, beauties!

And confess, to us boys,

Love this!

Boy: You dance, you sing,

We promise you girls

We won't offend you!

Boy: Listen everyone, we want to tell you

That we won’t hurt you, we will always protect you.

And if we have offended you at times,

Now we will become a mountain for the girls.

Boy: And what eyes! What eyelashes!

It’s impossible not to fall in love with you, dear ones.

We sincerely congratulate you

We wish you all good health!

The game is called "Congratulate your girlfriend".

(Let three girls stand opposite the chairs, and three boys near the chairs with objects. On the count of 1,2, 3 - run - each boy takes an apron and runs to the girl and puts it on her, returns, takes the scarf, runs again to tie it gives the girl a scarf, returns for the flower, runs again, hands it to her, says "Congratulations!")

Congratulations! Congratulations!

Our dear women -

After all, today we all know

The best day for them.

Presenter: And our girls so want to be like their own mommies and sometimes this happens.

Girl: Why, why?

Why is everything wrong?

Why does mom wear high heels?

I'll put them on quickly

And across the floor, knock-knock-knock.

Now it's a different matter

This heel suits me.

Girls dance "Fashionistas".

Child. I am my mother's daughter, my beloved child,

AND mommy next to me from the cradle.

And he will wipe away the tears and laugh with me,

We're great with lives as a dear mommy.

I really want to be like my mother

And even though I can be stubborn at times,

All the pranks mommy will forgive you right away

AND "Sun" speaks to me kindly.

Boy: We will grow up strong and brave,

Let's help our mothers at home.

We'll help you all dear mother,

See for yourself.

On command we will stand together,

All laundry needs to be hung.

Boys' relay "Hang up the laundry"

Ved: The wind blew as hard as it could,

I dried all the handkerchiefs!

I just see a cloud, I need to take off my underwear, friends!

Girls' relay "Take off your underwear"

Exit of Baba Yaga (to music).

Baba Yaga: Don't be surprised and don't be afraid! After all, I am the most beautiful and charming woman from a fairy tale, so today my holiday.

(looks in the mirror and asks)

My light, mirror, tell me,

Tell me the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

You are beautiful, no doubt

But in the world there is a mother -

It's impossible to take your eyes off!

Everyone is cute and everyone is beautiful

And they are also hardworking,

Everyone is sitting in front of you.

They pet their children!

Baba Yaga: Oh you stupid glass

It can not be! You're lying out of spite!

___(He sits down next to his mothers. Looking in the mirror, he compares himself with them)

Baba Yaga: Oh, really, everyone is beautiful!

And everyone is kind! And loved!

But now I’ll reduce their kindness!

I’ll call Zmey Gorynych, he’ll help me!

___(picks up the phone and calls)

Baba Yaga: Hello! Dragon? Hello dear! This is Baba Yaga.

The problem came out. It turns out ladies - mommies, having painted me, they will.

Well, yes! It's just a shame! So I tell them to reduce their kindness...What?

(slowly hangs up the phone)

Baba Yaga: Doesn’t want to help, says that today he is a gallant gentleman and in honor holiday gives all women a musical gift. But where is this gift?

Presenter: Yes, there he is - look!

Song « Mommy» .

The sun is shining in the sky,

The whole family is gathered.

WITH holiday, darling,

My mommy!

White snowdrops,

I'm giving it to you.

And a gentle song in your ear I'll sing:

Chorus (2 times):

You are my beloved one,

You are dearer to me than everyone else.

There is no one in the world

Better and kinder.

I'll reveal it to you now,

Your big secret:

Better my mommy,

Not in this world!

Chorus (2 times).

Let the sun shine.

Together you and me -

The most beautiful

My mommy!

Baba Yaga: Well, that’s okay, I’ll call Koshchei now, he’ll definitely help!

___(picks up the phone and calls)

Baba Yaga: Hello! Koscheyushka? Hello dear! This is Baba Yaga. Can you imagine, it turns out ladies - mommies, having painted me, they will. So I tell them to reduce their kindness...What?

___(slowly hangs up the phone)

Baba Yaga:: Doesn't want to help. I, he says, today is jelly. Zhen. Gentleman, here! He admires the beauty and kindness of mothers. And tells me to listen to poems about loved ones mommies.

Presenter: Now our children will tell you how much they love their mothers.

Child. Mommy, dear one,

You are my beauty,

I hasten to congratulate you

I'm with spring holiday.

You are tender and nice

You are the main one in our house,

For your kindness and patience

Thank you.

How can I please you?

I don't need to guess

You only value attention

It doesn't matter what I give.

Baba Yaga: Oh guys, what great guys you are. I can’t keep up with your mothers. I don't have such wonderful and loving children. But I wonder if it’s easy to be mom?

Presenter: Our girls will show you skit and you will understand how hard it is to be mom!


1 girl: Doll, Masha is a daughter,

Mom Dasha is me.

at me from under a handkerchief,

My Mashenka is looking.

I have a lot of troubles -

I need to cook compote

Mashenka needs to be washed.

And drink some compote!

I need to be on time everywhere,

Do the laundry, wash the dishes,

You need to iron, you need to sew,

We need to put Masha to bed.

How stubborn she is!

He doesn't want to sleep for anything!

It's hard to be in the world mom,

If you don't help her!

2 girl: Doll, Roma is a son!

He is the only one in our family.

He's as handsome as Apollo

He will be the president!

Romka needs to be bathed,

Swaddle in a warm blanket,

Tell a bedtime story

And rock in the crib.

Tomorrow we'll take the alphabet

Let's teach letters.

Romka needs to be educated,

To study better.

All day I'm spinning like a spinning top,

Wait, Chamomile! (waves his hand at him)

I need to call Dasha,

Chat a little.

(They talk on the phone, imagine in front of each other)

Hello Friend,

How are you?

I'm busy and tired!

1 girl: (answers the phone)

And I didn't sleep all night,

Rocked Mashenka!

2 girl: Let's put the kids to bed

And let's go for a walk in the yard!

1 girl: We won’t waste time,

Let Masha wait! (throws the doll)

2 girl: I’ll hide Romka in the closet,

Let him live there now (throws the doll)

1 girl: Oh, how difficult it is to be a mother,

Why so much trouble?

Wash and sew and swaddle!

2 girl: Cook compote in the morning!

1 girl: Teach, educate, treat!

2 girl: Check your lessons!

1 girl: After all, you can just in the yard,

Walk with friends!

Presenter: Oh, how difficult it is to be a mother,

How difficult it is to manage everything!

Let's help mothers

And always take care of them.

Baba Yaga: Yes, I agree, It’s very difficult to be mom.

And also, I know that children have grandmothers. Will you congratulate them?

Presenter: Of course, the children have not forgotten about their grandmothers.

Child. I congratulate grandma

With the feminine spring holiday!

I love grandma

People need grandmothers!

Child. Closer to the wonderful grandmother,

I don't have a girlfriend!

I'm interested in grandma

We can't live another day apart!

Child. With Grandma my two,

We live very friendly!

We go for walks together,

Together we go to bed,

Together we wash the dishes -

True true! I will not lie!

We don't like to be sad

We can sing and dance.

Grandma will clap for me

Well, I’ll spin and stomp!

I try not to be capricious,

I don’t shed tears, but I smile -

We are great friends with her,

Because we are FAMILY!

Mom has a job

Dad has a job

They have for me -

Saturday remains

and grandma is always at home!

She never scolds me!

Will seat you, feed you:

“Don’t rush!

Well, what happened to you?


I say, and grandma,

Doesn't interrupt.

Buckwheat grain by grain,

Sits and fidgets...

We feel good like this, together,

and a house without a grandmother is not a home.

Presenter: Visit us today holiday,

Grandmothers have arrived.

Dance: "Old Grandmothers".

Child. We read a book together

We walk together in the park

Grandma is my best friend

Everyone around knows this.

I congratulate grandma

With the feminine spring holiday!

I love grandma

People need grandmothers.

Child: Let the sun shine tenderly.

Let the birds sing today.

About grandma cute. Beloved

Today we will sing a song.

Song: “Oh grandma, grandma, you are my best friend”.

Mom has everything to do, everything to do

But I'm not offended

My life is very nice

Granny got it

Grandma and I are friends

And there are no secrets between us

You can tell her about it

What don't you tell your mom?

Ah, grandma-granny

You are my best friend

Ah, grandma-granny

I whisper in her ear

Give me your wise advice

And don't look strictly

Dispel my sorrow, my misfortune

Spread your hands

I have a lot of girlfriends

And I trust them

But if trouble comes

I rush to my grandmother

Let's sit in the corner in the kitchen

Feed you with pies

You can tell her about it

What don't you tell your mom?

Ah, grandma-granny

You are my best friend

Ah, grandma-granny

I whisper in her ear

Give me your wise advice

And don't look strictly

Dispel my sorrow, my misfortune

Spread your hands

Ah, grandma-granny

You are my best friend

Ah, grandma-granny

I whisper in her ear

Give me your wise advice

And don't look strictly

Dispel my sorrow, my misfortune

Spread your hands

Ah, grandma-granny

You are my best friend

Ah, grandma-granny

I whisper in her ear

Give me your wise advice

And don't look strictly

Dispel my sorrow, my misfortune

Spread your hands

Child. I'm helping my grandmother. I'm already big.

The grandmother smiled and became young.

- Young grandmother! - people says.

I am very, very happy for our grandmother.

We will help our grandmothers with you!

Smile grandma, always be young

Child. Dear Grandmother,

The most beautiful!

Golden hands

The eyes are young.

Be always happy

Wise and beautiful.

WITH holiday, dear!

Congratulations again!

Baba Yaga:: Well, I’ve been staying here with you for a long time, it’s time to go home, maybe Leshy has prepared a surprise for me too?

The departure of Baba Yaga (to music).

On the best day of the year

I'll go quietly to my mother,

I will kiss, hug,

I'll take your hand gently.

“Mom, honey, wake up,

Look around and be surprised.

I got up early today

I picked up all the toys

I put the books in their places,

I wiped off the dust and composed a poem,

Hastened to make the bed

And I came to congratulate you.

To my dear mother

I would like to wish

Be with me at home more often,

So that I don't get bored alone.

So that we can read books

We sewed a hat for a bear,

Near my mother makes me feel bright

Both cozy and warm!

Go around the whole world

Just know in advance:

You won't find warmer hands,

And more tender than my mother’s.

You won't find eyes in the world

More affectionate and stricter.

Mother to each of us,

All people are more valuable.

A hundred paths, roads around,

Go around the world:

Mom is the best friend

There is no better mother!

HOST: Our dear mothers and grandmothers, this is our festive the concert came to an end. I would like to congratulate you on the upcoming holiday, wish you health, female happiness, joy and good luck.

Department of Education of the Yakovlevsky District Administration

Municipal educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 2, Builder, Belgorod Region"

Let's give the girls the whole world,

Mysterious, big.

Let girls always be friends

With you and with me!

And we won't offend

Never girls

Who suddenly dares to offend

Streams gurgle, rays blind

And the ice melts, and the heart melts.

And even a tree stump on a spring day

He dreams of becoming a birch tree again.

A cheerful bumblebee sounds the spring alarm.

Perky cheerful starlings scream.

The starlings are screaming in all directions:

"Spring is coming! Make way for spring!"

Leading : Good afternoon, Dear Guys, today we have gathered on the eve of the international Women's Day– March 8, today our girls will fight for the titles of the most beautiful and charming, dexterous and skillful.

As you know, times of economic crisis are very difficult, and the easiest way to live rural residents, today our girls will plunge into a village idyll. And the task for them will also be unusual - our girls will act as milkmaids.

Well, we’ll see how our participants know how to milk a cow. (In the role of a cow - a glove filled with water. Make small holes on the fingers). Who will need more?

Well done girls, we can say that you have already mastered the profession of a milkmaid, well, we are moving on to the next competition

Leading : Life sometimes puts us in the most unimaginable situations, and we somehow have to cope with them. How would you behave in the following circumstances:

1. They brought it to the store " fashionable dress", the cost of which is equal to 3 salaries of your father. How do you persuade your dad to give you such a gift?

The participants gave wonderful answers, so let’s find out how our beauties will behave in the following situation:

2. Your boyfriend arrives for a coffee date 40 minutes late wearing burrs and traces of lipstick. Your actions?

Well, none of those present probably doubted that our girls would cope with this task.

Leading : And now the blitz tournament!

How much does a loaf of bread cost?

A liter of milk?

How much does a kilogram of nails cost?

A dozen eggs?

Washing powder?


A liter of gasoline?

Were you trying to get to our bachelorette party?

Our girls are excellent at navigating modern prices, thunderous applause for them!

Well, it's time for an intellectual competition!

(Questions are asked to the participants one by one)

    A type of tableware painted with blue patterns only. (Gzhel).

    The most noble type of glass. (Crystal).

    A vessel designed to hold flowers. (Vase).

    Paper or linen squares for wiping hands and lips after eating. (Napkins).

    A set of dishes for tea, coffee or lunch. (Service).

    A flat stand on which a lot of dishes are placed at once to serve them to the table. (Tray).

    It can be kitchen, it can also be pirate. (Knife).

    Bottle stopper. (Cork).

    Dishes for salt. (Salt shaker).

    A napkin that is placed on the table. (Tablecloth).

    What epithet is invariably added to the name of the Russian Tsarina Catherine II? (Great).

    What was the first and last name of D’Artagnan’s beloved? (Constance Bonacieux).

    What names of the months of the year can become female names? (March - Martha, May - Maya, July - Julia, August - Augusta).

    Which flower names are also feminine names? (Rose - Rose, lily - Lily, daisy - Margarita).

    Whose portrait is this?

    Eyes like the sky are blue,

    Which heroine of Leo Tolstoy felt her eyes glow in the dark? (Anna Karenina).

    On what bird did Thumbelina fly to warmer climes? (On a swallow).
    10. What is the name of the old investigator from the novels of the writer Agatha Christie? (Miss Marple).

    First and last name of the world's first female astronaut. (Valentina Tereshkova).

    What was the name of Chekhov's "lady with a dog"? (Anna Sergeyevna).

    What eye color did Natasha Rostova have? (Black).

    The name of the main character of one of A. N. Ostrovsky’s plays is translated as “seagull.” What is the name of the heroine and the play? (Larissa. “Dowry”).

    What flowers did the heroine of M. A. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” carry in her hands? (Mimosa).

    What poet said about a Russian woman: “She will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut”? (N.A. Nekrasov).

    The heroine of which novel was affectionately called by her patronymic - Nilovna? (“Mother” by A.M. Gorky).

    The heroine of the book by writer P. P. Bazhov “ Ural tales" (Mistress of Copper Mountain).

    In the book of the writer Alexander Belyaev “Amphibian Man” main character bore the name Ichthyander. What was the name of the girl he fell in love with? (Guttiere).

    The name of the girl that Tom Sawyer really liked at first sight. (Becky Thatcher).

Leading : Our girls made us happy! Well done, our strict jury recorded all the correct answers, and we move on to the next competition.

Competition "Smak"

Blindfolded, identify the vegetable by touch and list what dishes can be prepared from it.

That's how our housewives are, they have a wonderful knowledge of food products even blindfolded!

Now the time has come for the next competition, which is called “The Princess and the Pea.” Our wonderful team captains need to determine by touch the number of peas lying on the chair (the peas are covered with a napkin) by the “5th” point.

Host: It’s time to check how our beauties are ready for family life. Now the girls will have to play the role of a mother who needs to feed “her child,” but first put a cap and bib on the “child” and feed the “baby” milk from a baby bottle.

Host: Yes, the competition turned out to be not so easy, it was especially difficult for the “babies” who had to suck 250 ml of milk through a pacifier! Well with that the final stage The girls completed our event 100%! Well done, let's give the floor to our strict but fair jury!

We were preparing gifts

For dear girls

And we want to congratulate them!

(speech by the jury, awarding the winners, then the boys give flowers and gifts to the girls).

Day of joy and beauty.

All over the earth he gives to women

Your smiles and flowers!

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