Home Smell from the mouth What is better than Panavir, instructions for use. Panavir - instructions for use and dosage, composition, indications, release form and price

What is better than Panavir, instructions for use. Panavir - instructions for use and dosage, composition, indications, release form and price


Group name: Polysaccharides of Solanum tuberosum shoots

DOSAGE FORM: Solution for intravenous administration.

Composition (for 1 ampoule/bottle):
active substance - Panavir® (polysaccharides of Solanum tuberosum shoots) - 200 mcg;
Excipients: sodium chloride - 0.045 g, water for injection up to 5 ml.

Transparent or slightly opalescent, colorless or light brown liquid, odorless.

Antiviral and immunomodulatory agent.



Panavir® - purified extract of shoots of the Solanum tuberosum plant; basic active substance- hexose glycoside consisting of glucose, rhamnose, arabinose, mannose, xylose, galactose, uronic acids.
The drug Panavir® is an antiviral and immunomodulatory agent. Increases the body's nonspecific resistance to various infections and promotes the induction of alpha and gamma interferons by blood leukocytes.
In therapeutic doses, the drug is well tolerated.
Tests have shown the absence of mutagenic, teratogenic, carcinogenic, allergenic and embryotoxic effects. In preclinical studies on laboratory animals, there was a negative effect on reproductive function and fetal development has not been established.
It has anti-inflammatory properties in experimental models of exudative edema, chronic proliferative inflammation and in the pseudoallergic inflammatory reaction test to concanavalin A.
An analgesic effect has been shown in models of neurogenic pain and pain caused by inflammatory process and thermal irritation.
Has an antipyretic effect.
In a model of parkinsonian syndrome caused by systemic administration of the neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine, neuroprotective properties were shown.
Has the ability to improve the functions of the retina and optic nerve.
It has wound-healing properties in a gastric ulcer model.
When administered intravenously, polysaccharides are detected in the blood within 5 minutes after administration and are captured by the cells of the reticuloendothelial system of the liver and spleen. Elimination begins quickly; after 20-30 minutes, polysaccharides are found in the urine and exhaled air.


Herpes viral infections various localizations(including recurrent genital herpes, herpes zoster and ophthalmic herpes).
Secondary immunodeficiency states due to infectious diseases.
Cytomegalovirus infection, including in patients with recurrent miscarriage.
It is used in women with chronic viral infection and interferon deficiency in preparation for pregnancy.
Chronic cytomegalovirus infection in the acute stage in pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimester in the composition complex therapy.
Human papillomavirus infection (anogenital warts) as part of complex therapy.
Gastric ulcer and duodenum in patients with long-term scarring ulcers and symptomatic ulcers of the gastroduodenal zone as part of complex therapy.
Tick-borne encephalitis to reduce the viral load and relieve neurological symptoms (anisoreflexia, decreased reflexes, pain at exit points of cranial nerves, nystagmus) as part of complex therapy.
Rheumatoid arthritis combined with herpesvirus infection in immunocompromised patients (to enhance the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect of the main therapy) as part of complex therapy.
ARVI and influenza as part of complex therapy.
Panavir® is used in complex therapy of chronic bacterial prostatitis.


Individual intolerance. Panavir® should not be used by patients who are allergic to the constituent components of the drug: glucose, mannose, rhamnose, arabinose, xylose.
Lactation period.
Childhood up to 12 years old.


Use is possible in the 2nd and 3rd trimester according to the indication of chronic cytomegalovirus infection in the acute stage as part of complex therapy. In other cases, use is possible only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. If necessary, use the drug during lactation breast-feeding The drug should be discontinued during the period of taking the drug.


Panavir® should be administered intravenously in a slow stream.
The therapeutic dose of the drug is 200 mcg of active substance (contents of one ampoule or bottle).
For the treatment of herpes virus infections and tick-borne encephalitis apply twice with an interval of 48 or 24 hours. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated after 1 month.
For the treatment of cytomegalovirus and human papillomavirus infections, it is used three times during the first week with an interval of 48 hours and twice during the second week with an interval of 72 hours.
For the treatment of chronic cytomegalovirus infection in the acute stage in pregnant women in the second and third trimester, apply three times during the first week with an interval of 48 hours and twice during the second week with an interval of 72 hours.
For treatment peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum in the acute phase and symptomatic ulcers of the gastroduodenal zone, 5 are used intravenous injections every other day for 10 days.
For treatment rheumatoid arthritis, combined with herpesvirus infection in immunocompromised patients, use 5 intravenous injections with an interval of 24-48 hours, if necessary, repeat the course after 2 months.
For the treatment of ARVI and influenza, 2 intravenous injections are used with an interval of 18-24 hours.
For the treatment of patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis, 5 intravenous injections are used with an interval of 48 hours.
Use in pediatrics
Panavir® is prescribed to children over 12 years of age at a dose of 100 mcg intravenously once a day.
For the treatment of herpes virus infections and tick-borne encephalitis, it is used twice with an interval of 48 or 24 hours. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated after 1 month.
For the treatment of cytomegalovirus and human papillomavirus infections, it is used three times during the first week with an interval of 48 hours and twice during the second week with an interval of 72 hours.


The drug is well tolerated possible complications may be associated with individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
However, if any unwanted side effects you must stop administering the drug and consult your doctor.
If you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.


No cases of overdose have been reported. results preclinical studies indicate low toxicity of the drug.


Not registered.


When used in preparation for pregnancy, it helps reduce the frequency of reproductive losses due to cytomegalovirus and herpesvirus infections.
If the solution becomes cloudy, the drug is considered unsuitable for use.


Data on the possibility of a negative effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and carrying out potentially hazardous activities that require special attention and speed of psychomotor reactions are absent.

Solution for intravenous administration 0.04 mg/ml.
5 ml of solution in ampoules or neutral glass bottles with a capacity of 5 ml, sealed with rubber stoppers with rolled aluminum caps.
2 or 5 ampoules in a blister pack, 1 blister pack of 2 or 5 ampoules, 2 blister packs of 5 ampoules each, along with instructions for use and an ampoule knife or scarifier in a cardboard pack.
When packaging in ampoules with a colored dot and a cut or a colored break ring on the ampoule, a scarifier or ampoule knife is not inserted.
2 or 5 bottles in a blister pack, 1 blister pack of 2 or 5 bottles, 2 blister packs of 5 bottles each, along with instructions for use in a cardboard pack.

Panavir: instructions for use and reviews

Panavir – medicine, which has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects.

Release form and composition

Panavir is available in the following dosage forms:

  • Rectal suppositories: from white with a yellowish tint to white, cylindrical or cone-shaped, odorless; The presence of yellowish-gray inclusions is allowed (in blister packs of 5 pcs., 1 or 2 packs in a cardboard box);
  • Vaginal suppositories: translucent, grayish-white, cylindrical or cone-shaped (in blister packs of 5 pcs., 1 pack in a cardboard box);
  • Gel for external and local application: white, homogeneous, has a slight specific odor (in aluminum tubes with an internal varnish coating of 3, 5, 10 or 30 g, 1 tube in a cardboard box);
  • Solution for intravenous (IV) administration: slightly opalescent or transparent, with a light brown tint or colorless, odorless (in neutral glass ampoules or bottles, sealed with rubber stoppers with rolled aluminum caps, 5 ml, 2 or 5 ampoules or vials in blister packs, 1 or 2 packs in a cardboard box (for ampoules - complete with or without an ampoule knife or scarifier)).

The active substance is a purified extract of Solanum tuberosum shoots - a hexose glycoside consisting of uronic acids, rhamnose, glucose, galactose, arabinose, xylose, mannose (Panavir).

Composition of 1 rectal suppository:

  • Additional components: paraffin - 90 mg, solid or confectionery fat - 1019.8 mg, T-2 emulsifier - 90 mg.

Composition of 1 vaginal suppository:

  • Active substance: Panavir – 0.2 mg;
  • Additional components: macrogol 1500 (polyethylene oxide 1500) – 1259.9 mg, macrogol 400 (polyethylene oxide 400) – 139.9 mg.

Composition of 10 mg gel for external and local use:

  • Active substance: Panavir – 0.0002 mg;
  • Additional components: 95% ethanol - 0.1 mg, sodium hydroxide -0.04 mg, lanthanum nitrate hexahydrate - 0.22 mg, macrogol 4000 - 1.5 mg, macrogol 400 - 3.8 mg, glycerol - 3 mg, water – up to 10 mg.

Composition of 1 bottle or ampoule of solution for intravenous administration:

  • Active substance: Panavir – 0.2 mg;
  • Additional components: sodium chloride – 45 mg, water for injection – up to 5 ml.

Pharmacological properties


Panavir is a purified extract of shoots of the Solanum tuberosum plant. Its main active component is a hexose glycoside, which includes uronic acids, glucose, galactose, xylose, mannose, arabinose. This determines its antiviral and immunomodulatory properties.

The drug enhances the body's nonspecific resistance to pathogens of various infections and promotes the production of alpha and gamma interferons by blood leukocytes. At recommended doses, the drug is usually well tolerated. Studies prove the absence of embryotoxic, teratogenic, allergenic and carcinogenic effects. Before clinical researches laboratory animals did not reveal any negative effects on reproductive function and prenatal development of the fetus. Studies of a model of experimental exudative edema confirmed the presence of anti-inflammatory properties in the drug.


When the solution is administered intravenously, polysaccharides are detected in the blood approximately 5 minutes after administration of the drug. Subsequently, they are captured by the cells of the reticuloendothelial system of the liver and spleen. These compounds are eliminated primarily through the lungs and kidneys quite quickly. Polysaccharides are detected in the urine and air exhaled by a person within 20-30 minutes after administration.

Indications for use

Rectal suppositories

  • Cytomegalovirus infection, including recurrent miscarriage (the use of Panavir is possible during preparation for pregnancy in women with interferon deficiency and chronic viral infection);
  • Anogenital warts (human papillomavirus infections) (in combination with other drugs);
  • Secondary immunodeficiency conditions developed against the background of infectious diseases;
  • Tick-borne encephalitis (in combination with other drugs to reduce the viral load and the severity of neurological symptoms, manifested as anisoreflexia, decreased reflexes, nystagmus, pain in the exit points of the cranial nerves).

Vaginal suppositories

Indication for use is genital herpes in women (in combination with other drugs).


Indicated for use in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes and/or skin caused by a virus herpes simplex types I and II, including genital herpes.

Solution for intravenous administration

  • Secondary immunodeficiency conditions developed against the background of infectious diseases;
  • Infections caused by herpes simplex virus of various localizations, including herpes zoster, ophthalmic herpes, recurrent genital herpes;
  • Influenza and acute respiratory viral infections (in combination with other drugs);
  • Anogenital warts (human papillomavirus infection) (in combination with other drugs);
  • Cytomegalovirus infections, including recurrent miscarriage (the use of Panavir is possible during preparation for pregnancy in women with interferon deficiency and chronic viral infection);
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum with long-term non-scarring ulcers and symptomatic ulcers of the gastroduodenal zone (in combination with other drugs);
  • Rheumatoid arthritis accompanied by herpesvirus infection in immunocompromised patients (in combination with other drugs to enhance the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect of the main therapy);
  • Chronic bacterial prostatitis (in combination with other drugs);
  • Tick-borne encephalitis (in combination with other drugs to reduce the viral load and the severity of neurological symptoms, manifested by anisoreflexia, nystagmus, decreased reflexes, pain at the exit points of the cranial nerves).


  • Severe diseases of the kidneys and spleen (for vaginal suppositories);
  • Age up to 12 years (for solution for intravenous administration) or 18 years (for other dosage forms of the drug);
  • Pregnancy (for vaginal and rectal suppositories; for solution for intravenous administration - the prescription of Panavir is possible only after assessing the balance of benefits with risks for the health of the woman and the fetus, with the exception of the use of the drug in the II-III trimester as part of complex treatment for exacerbation of chronic cytomegalovirus infection ; for gel - prescription is possible only after assessing the balance of benefits and risks for the health of the woman and the fetus);
  • Lactation period;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Instructions for use of Panavir: method and dosage

Rectal suppositories

Directions for use: rectally.

Directions for use (1 suppository – single dose):

  • Influenza and acute respiratory viral infections: 5 doses with an interval of 24 hours;
  • Herpesvirus infections and tick-borne encephalitis: 2 doses with an interval of 24 or 48 hours. After 30 days, the course can be repeated.

Vaginal suppositories

Method of administration: intravaginally, in evening time. The suppositories should be inserted as deeply as possible (in a supine position with slightly bent legs).

Panavir is administered daily in a course of 5 days, 1 suppository. The doctor may prescribe a repeat treatment course.


Panavir gel should be applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin and/or mucous membranes.

  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes and/or skin caused by herpes simplex virus types I and II (including genital herpes): 5 times a day for a course of 4-5 days (extension possible up to 10 days);
  • Human papillomavirus infections: 2 times a day for a course of 15 days (5 days before and 10 days after laser removal condylomas).

Solution for intravenous administration

Method of administration: intravenously in a slow stream.

One-time adult dose– 0.2 mg of active ingredient (contents of 1 bottle or ampoule).

  • Cytomegalovirus and human papillomavirus infections: first week - 3 doses with an interval of 48 hours, second week - 2 doses with an interval of 72 hours;
  • Tick-borne encephalitis and herpesvirus infections: 2 doses with an interval of 24 or 48 hours. After 1 month, the treatment course can be repeated;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis occurring with herpesvirus infection in immunocompromised patients: 5 doses with an interval of 24-48 hours, repeating the course is possible after 2 months;
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (exacerbation), symptomatic ulcers of the gastroduodenal zone: 5 doses with an interval of 48 hours;
  • Bacterial chronic prostatitis: 5 doses at 48 hour intervals;
  • Influenza and acute respiratory viral infections: 2 doses with an interval of 18-24 hours.

For children over 12 years of age, Panavir is prescribed 0.1 mg once a day.

  • Cytomegalovirus and human papillomavirus infections: first week - 3 doses with an interval of 48 hours, second week - 2 doses with an interval of 72 hours;
  • Tick-borne encephalitis and herpesvirus infections: 2 doses with an interval of 24 or 48 hours, the course can be repeated after 1 month.

Side effects

Vaginal suppositories

Allergic reactions may develop.

If any undesirable disturbances occur, you should interrupt therapy and consult a specialist.


At the site of application of Panavir, short-term redness and itching of the skin and/or mucous membranes may be observed.

Rectal suppositories, solution for intravenous administration

Panavir is generally well tolerated by patients.

Possible disorders may be associated with hypersensitivity to the components of Panavir.


Cases of overdose of Panavir have not been registered. The results of preclinical studies show a low probability toxic damage the body as a result of using the drug.

special instructions

Vaginal suppositories

In order to prevent the development of urogenital reinfection, simultaneous treatment of sexual partners is recommended. If there is no effect or insufficient effectiveness of Panavir, the diagnosis should be confirmed.


According to the instructions, Panavir is not used in ophthalmology.

When applying the gel to the face area, you should avoid getting it into the eyes.

Solution for intravenous administration

For cytomegalovirus and herpesvirus infections, the use of Panavir during preparation for pregnancy helps reduce the frequency of reproductive losses.

The introduction of a cloudy solution is prohibited.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms

Reliable data indicating the negative impact of Panavir on the ability to drive a car and potentially perform dangerous species There are no jobs that require increased concentration and immediate psychomotor reactions.

Drug interactions

No significant interactions of Panavir with other drugs have been recorded.


Analogs of Panavir are: Arbidol, Yodantipirin, Detoxopirol, Ferrovil.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a dry, dark place, out of reach of children.

Best before date:

  • Rectal suppositories – 3 years at a temperature of 2-8 °C;
  • Vaginal suppositories, gel – 3 years at a temperature of 2-25 °C;
  • Solution for intravenous administration – 5 years at a temperature of 2-25 °C.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Rectal and vaginal suppositories, as well as a solution, are available with a prescription, gel - without a prescription.

Antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs are traditionally used in the treatment of warts and human papillomavirus. Excellent results from turning recipes traditional medicine in a decent pharmaceutical became the drug Panavir. Instructions for use of the drug Panavir include detailed information about the indications, properties and methods of treatment with various dosage forms of this drug.

Latin name of the drug

Panavir is registered only in some countries former USSR— Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Georgia, Uzbekistan. But, despite some similarities in languages, the drug was assigned international name- Panavirum.

Sometimes Panavir is called by the name of the main substance of the drug - Solanum tuberosum.

Pharmacological group

Panavir belongs to the group of antiviral drugs.

ATC classification (anatomical-therapeutic-chemical classification) – J05AX

The group of antiviral drugs is intended for:

  1. destruction of various viruses in the human body;
  2. treatment of viral diseases;
  3. stimulation of antibody production;
  4. comprehensive strengthening of the immune system.

Within the group there are two classifications:

  • by class of active substance;
  • for use in the treatment of certain viral diseases.

Panavir belongs to antiviral drugs created on a natural plant basis.

pharmachologic effect

The drug Panavir has a pronounced antiviral and immunomodulatory effect when the course of treatment is started in a timely manner.

These effects are achieved by blocking the formation of proteins of a viral nature, that is, stopping the reproduction of viruses in the body. Increases and stimulates the production of interferon, a protein that protects body cells from the penetration of viruses.

The anti-inflammatory effect of Panavir treatment has been proven.

The drug Panavir is created in various dosage forms, their competent use allows you to achieve the expected effect of treatment.

Composition and release form

Panavir is produced in the form of suppositories, gel, spray and as an injection solution.

This variety of dosage forms has been developed for ease of use of the drug and to obtain optimal results from treatment.

The main active ingredient of all forms of Panavir is a hexose glycoside, which contains many organic matter(rhamnose, glucose, mannose, uranium acids, arabinose, galactose, xylose). This glycoside is obtained on the basis of potato shoot extract, that is, in fact, Panavir is a carefully processed, chemically improved potato extract (Solanum tuberosum).

To give the drug the necessary medicinal form, auxiliary components are used.

Indications for use

Among the main indications for use and treatment with Panavir are:

  • infections caused by the herpes virus
  • complex treatment for human papillomavirus and its clinical manifestations – warts
  • treatment of tick-borne encephalitis
  • cytomegalovirus infection
  • states of immunodeficiency arising from various viral infections

Rectal suppositories and Panavir injection solution are used for systemic, complex treatment, since these routes of drug administration have a general effect on the body. Used for arthritis caused by the herpes virus, cytomegalovirus, secondary immunodeficiency, tick-borne encephalitis, acute respiratory viral infection, complex treatment human papilloma virus.

Gel spray and gel ointment, due to the local application and local action of the drugs, are used in the treatment of herpes, warts, and herpetic lesions of the mucous membranes.


The drug Panavir is well tolerated by patients, rarely causing side effects. To avoid negative reactions to the drug, read the short list of contraindications and do not violate them. If you have contraindications to the use of Panavir, about replacing the medication and selecting an antiviral drug that is suitable for you.

Panavir in the form of a systemic drug ( injection solution and rectal suppositories) is prohibited for use in people with acute or chronic renal and heart failure, a history of surgery or severe chronic diseases spleen.

Children's age up to 12 years It is also a contraindication for prescribing injections or suppositories with Panavir.

All dosage forms Panavir should not be used for treatment in people who have had allergic reactions and the phenomenon of intolerance to substances that make up the hexose glycoside - glucose, rhamnose, xylose, mannose, arabinose.

Side effects

Subject to indications, contraindications and recommended therapeutic dosages, side effects from the use of a drug such as Panavir are not observed.

As systemic reactions, when used for treatment of injectable and rectal forms, it is theoretically possible that mild nausea, dyspepsia, and headache may occur. If these symptoms occur as a reaction to the drug, use of Panavir should be discontinued.

When applying the drug topically to skin and mucous membranes, patients occasionally report a feeling of itching, burning, and local redness. Panavir is discontinued or replaced with another dosage form.

If you notice any individual reactions to the use of the drug Panavir, be sure to inform your doctor.

Panavir during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, a decrease in immunity occurs in order to preserve and successfully bear the fetus.

Pregnant women often become victims of viral infections due to the deterioration of protective reactions.

Often, it is during pregnancy that a woman learns about the presence of the human papillomavirus in her body by the appearance of warts. Against the background of weakened immunity, the herpes virus can become more active.

Some viral infections suffered during pregnancy can have an extremely negative impact on intrauterine development child and even provoke a frozen pregnancy. Such diseases include cytomegalovirus and tick-borne encephalitis.

Treatment of pregnant women is a difficult task, since not everyone medications available for use in such a vulnerable situation.

Despite the lack of data on harmful influence for fruit, Panavir not recommended for use in pregnant women under 12 weeks, during active formation the fetus and the anlage of all organs and systems.

Use of the drug at a later date is possible when the expected benefit of treatment outweighs the potential risk. Panavir is prescribed to pregnant women with cytomegalovirus and tick-borne encephalitis. Treatment with this drug is also used before childbirth to prevent the child from becoming infected with the human papillomavirus.

The drug Panavir is not recommended for the treatment of women during lactation. If there is an urgent need for treatment, breastfeeding is stopped and the baby is transferred to formula.

Panavir for children

Clinical studies on the use of Panavir in children have practically not been conducted, so reliable data on the possibility or impossibility of its use for treatment in early age are missing.

According to public experience, external forms of application are used to treat herpetic rashes or warts in children over 1 year of age.

Gel spray Panavir Inlight received wide application for treating mucous membranes during respiratory viral infections.

Panavir injections are approved for use in children over 12 years old, while making dosage adjustments.

The daily dose of the active substance for patients 12-18 years old is administered in one injection and is 100 mcg.

The use of rectal suppositories is permitted in adolescence in the treatment of severe acute respiratory viral infections.

Good results have been noted from treating rashes caused by Panavir ointment chicken pox– papules dry out quickly, the child is not tormented by itching.

Directions for use and doses

The dosage of the drug and the method of its use depend on the disease, treatment tactics and the chosen form of release of Panavir.


The solution is suitable only for intravenous slow injection of the drug. Single dose application is 200 mcg of active substance - 1 ampoule with a dosage of 0.2 mg/ml.

The number and frequency of injections is selected depending on the diagnosis:

  • Herpesvirus infection - mild - twice with an interval of 2 days, severe - in the first week 3 times with an interval of 2 days, in the second week - 2 times with an interval of 72 hours.
  • Cytomegalovirus - the course of treatment includes 5 injections of Panavir with an interval of 48 hours (two days).
  • human papillomavirus, secondary immunodeficiency– the regimen repeats the regimen for Panavir treatment of severe herpes virus infection.
  • For tick-borne encephalitis, 2 injections of the drug are given with an interval of 48 hours.
  • ARVI - twice, the interval between injections is 18 hours.

Rectal Suppositories

One suppository is inserted into the rectum using a finger or applicator to a depth of 3-5 cm. You must first empty your bowels.

It is important to relax during the treatment procedure, so it is more convenient to administer suppositories in a supine position.

The treatment regimen for viral diseases with Panavir rectal suppositories repeats the regimen for intravenous administration of the drug. The dosage capacity of one suppository is equal to one ampoule of Panavir 0.2 mg/ml.

When treating influenza and ARVI, the following scheme is used for suppositories:

  • 1 candle per day, at night, 5 days.

Gel (ointment)

Panavir Gel (ointment) is approved for application to the skin, mucous membranes of the oral and nasal cavities. The drug is distributed in a thin layer over the affected surface, slightly extending healthy areas.

There is no need to rub in Panavir gel.

The treatment procedure is repeated 5-6 times a day, at equal intervals.

External treatment course – up to 10 days, extension of the course of treatment is possible after consultation with your doctor.


Panavir Inlight spray must be shaken before use. The set includes two attachments for different purposes:

  • for irrigation of the oral and nasal cavities;
  • for treating the vagina.

Treatment regimen for viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract:

  1. point the nozzle at the throat or nostril;
  2. hold your breath;
  3. press the valve 2 times;
  4. exhale.

The procedure must be carried out 2 times a day until the symptoms of the disease disappear, after which the course of treatment is extended for another week.

For intravaginal use of Panavir, the woman lies on her back, inserts the vaginal nozzle deep into the vagina and presses the valve 2-3 times. After this, you must maintain a supine position for at least 10 minutes.

All attachments must be disinfected after use. Lending an individual attachment for treatment to other people is not permitted.

Treatment regimens can be adjusted by the attending physician. The effectiveness of the drug will be much higher if treatment begins with the appearance of the first signs of the disease; on the 4-5th day of the disease, treatment may be ineffective and the use of the drug is inappropriate.

Shelf life and storage conditions of the drug Panavir

The effectiveness and safety of the drug directly depends on compliance with the expiration dates and conditions of storage and transportation of the drug.

  1. Ampoules with injection solution are stored in a dark place at a temperature of 4-25 o. Best before date closed ampoule subject to temperature and light storage parameters - 5 years.
  2. Rectal suppositories stored in a temperature range of 2-25 o for three years. Hitting straight sun rays and overheating of the drug make the medicine ineffective in treatment.
  3. Gel and gel spray should be stored at room temperature, possible fluctuations are 5-25 o, valid for 3 years. From the moment of opening – 1 year.

Alcohol and Panavir

Alcoholic drinks react negatively with interferons, proteins whose production is stimulated by the use of the drug.

When administering Panavir by injection, alcohol consumption is contraindicated throughout the entire course of treatment; when administered rectally - highly undesirable.

External treatment of viral diseases with the drug is not a contraindication to the use of alcoholic beverages, but alcohol has a negative effect on the body in the presence of any viral disease.


Panavir does not have similar drugs according to the active substance. Many analogs have been developed with a completely different composition, but with the same indications for treatment, properties and release forms.

Among the most common analogues are:

  1. amizon;
  2. arbidol;
  3. groprinosin;
  4. oxolinic ointment;
  5. rectal suppositories with hyporamin;
  6. ferrovir.


Antiviral drugs have never been very cheap. Comparative table of prices for various dosage forms of the drug.

Panavir solution for intravenous administration 1 amp.
Panavir(purified extract of shoots of the Solanum tuberosum plant, the main active ingredient is a hexose glycoside consisting of glucose, rhamnose, arabinose, mannose, xylose, galactose, uronic acids) 0.2 mg per 1 amp.
excipients: 0.9% sodium chloride solution
in ampoules of 5 ml with a concentration of 0.04 mg/ml, in blister packs 2 or 5 ampoules (with an ampoule knife); in a cardboard pack 1 package.

Gel Panavir for external and local use 1 tube
Panavir (purified extract of shoots of the Solanum tuberosum plant, the main active ingredient is a hexose glycoside consisting of glucose, rhamnose, arabinose, mannose, xylose, galactose, uronic acids) 0.002 g per 100 g
excipients: glycerin; polyethylene oxide 400; polyethylene oxide 4000; ethanol; sodium hydroxide; lanthanum nitrate; purified water
in aluminum or polymer tubes of 3 and 30 g; in a cardboard pack 1 tube.

Suppositories Panavir rectal 1 sup.
Panavir(purified extract of shoots of the Solanum tuberosum plant, the main active ingredient is a hexose glycoside consisting of glucose, rhamnose, arabinose, mannose, xylose, galactose, uronic acids) 200 mcg
excipients: suppository weight 1.2 g - solid confectionery fat based on plasticized lard or solid fat - 80-90%; paraffin - 5-10%; emulsifier T-2 - 5-10%
in a blister pack 5 pcs.; in a cardboard pack 1 package.

Panavir Inlight spray gel 1 bottle 40 ml.
A new generation preventive agent with antiviral, bactericidal, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects, designed to protect and restore the epithelium of the skin and mucous membranes.
The composition includes: polyethylene glycol, lanthanum salts, biologically active heteroglycoside, water. Does not contain alcohol, dyes, aromatics or hormonal substances. pH - neutral.

Description of the dosage form

Solution for intravenous administration: clear, colorless liquid, odorless, salty taste.
homogeneous white mass with a weak specific odor.
Rectal suppositories: white with a yellowish tint, with a specific odor, cone-shaped or cylindrical; The presence of yellowish-gray inclusions is allowed.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- antiviral, immunomodulatory.


Solution for intravenous administration: with intravenous administration, polysaccharides are detected in the blood within 5 minutes after administration and are captured by the cells of the reticuloendothelial system of the liver and spleen. Elimination begins quickly; after 20-30 minutes, polysaccharides are found in the urine and exhaled air.

Panavir is antiviral (against Herpes simplex I et II, Herpes Zoster, Epstein-Barr, Cytomegalovirus, Human papillomavirus, tick-borne encephalitis, influenza viruses) and immunomodulatory agent. The viral effect is due to the blockade of viral protein synthesis. Increases the body's nonspecific resistance to various infections, promotes the induction of the synthesis of interferon alpha and correction of the level of interferon-gamma. In an experiment on a model of exudative edema, the anti-inflammatory effect of the drug was established.
In therapeutic doses, the drug is well tolerated.
Tests have shown the absence of mutagenic, teratogenic, carcinogenic, allergenic and embryotoxic effects.

Indications for the drug Panavir

Solution for intravenous administration and rectal suppositories:
- herpes viral infections of various localizations (including recurrent genital herpes, herpes zoster and ophthalmic herpes);
- rheumatoid arthritis in immunocompromised patients with herpes viral infection - in complex treatment to enhance the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect of concomitant therapy;
- secondary immunodeficiency states due to infectious diseases;
- cytomegalovirus infection, incl. in patients with recurrent miscarriage;
- can be used in women with chronic viral infection and interferon deficiency during preparation for pregnancy;
- papillomavirus infection (anogenital warts) - in complex therapy;
- treatment of tick-borne encephalitis in order to reduce the viral load and relieve neurological symptoms (anisoreflexia, decreased reflexes, pain in the exit points of the cranial nerves, nystagmus) - in complex therapy.

Gel for external and local use:
infectious and inflammatory skin diseases caused by the herpes simplex virus types I and II (including genital herpes) and Herpes Zoster (shingles);
papillomavirus infection (applied to the sites of destruction of papillomas until complete healing) - in complex therapy.


Solution for intravenous administration and rectal suppositories:
individual intolerance;
presence of allergies to the constituent components of the drug: glucose, mannose, rhamnose, arabinose, xylose;
severe pathology of the kidneys and spleen;
children up to 12 years of age.

Gel for external and local use:
presence of allergies to the constituent components of the drug: glucose, mannose, rhamnose, arabinose, xylose.

Panavir Inlight:
Individual intolerance to individual components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Solution for intravenous administration and rectal suppositories: use during pregnancy is possible only if the expected benefit to the mother and fetus outweighs the potential risk of adverse events.

In the second trimester Panavir used to prevent infection of the fetus with cytomegalovirus, and in the third trimester - to prevent infection of the fetus with human papillomavirus. If it is necessary to use the drug during lactation, breastfeeding should be stopped.

Experimental studies on animals have not established a negative effect on reproductive function and fetal development.

Side effects of the drug

Panavir Solution for intravenous administration and rectal suppositories: the drug is well tolerated, possible complications may be associated with individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

However, if any unwanted side effects occur, you should stop administering the drug and consult your doctor. Gel for external and local use: rapid redness and itching of the skin or mucous membrane in the area where the gel is applied may occur.


Not found.


Solution for intravenous administration: in case of overdose, reversible dysfunction of the kidneys and spleen is possible.

Rectal suppositories: overdose is unlikely. Reversible dysfunction of the kidneys and spleen is possible.

Directions for use and doses

Solution for intravenous administration: intravenously in a slow stream - 200 mcg (contents of 1 amp.).
For mild relapse herpes viral infection- 2 injections with an interval of 48 hours.
For severe clinical manifestations relapse of herpes viral infection or primary episode - three times during the first week with an interval of 48 hours and twice during the second week with an interval of 72 hours.
For the treatment of ophthalmoherpes - 3 injections with an interval of 48 hours.
For the treatment of herpes zoster and cytomegalovirus infection - 5 injections with an interval of 48 hours.
For the treatment of diseases caused by Epstein-Barr virus (Infectious mononucleosis, syndrome chronic fatigue), human papillomavirus, in case of secondary immunodeficiency states due to infectious diseases - three times during the first week with an interval of 48 hours and twice during the second week with an interval of 72 hours.
For the treatment of ARVI - 2 injections with an interval of 18 hours.
For the treatment of tick-borne encephalitis - twice with an interval of 48 or 24 hours. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated after a month.

Gel for external and local use: apply a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin or mucous membrane without rubbing 5 times a day. Duration of treatment is 4-5 days. The course of treatment can be extended up to 10 days.
Intravaginally. A small amount of gel is inserted vaginally and evenly distributed in a thin layer along the vaginal walls. Treatment is continued until clinical manifestations disappear completely.

Rectal suppositories: rectally, the dosing regimen is similar to the dosing regimen of the solution for intravenous administration (in the ratio of 1 supp. - 1 amp.).

Use in pediatrics: Panavir is prescribed to children over 12 years of age at a dose of 100 mcg (half the contents of 1 amp.), IV slowly.

Panavir Inlight for external use, apply to the entire affected surface with 1-2 valve presses, which is the optimal dose.

For intravaginal use of the drug, a special nozzle is included. It is a hollow tube 7 cm long, at one end of which there is a sprayer, and at the other end there is a valve. Place the valve of the long nozzle onto the bottle. Then the woman inserts a long nozzle into the vagina while lying on her back, the gel is injected by pressing the nozzle 1-2 times, which is the optimal dose.

If the gel is not used regularly and/or is not used for long periods of time, the spray head may dry out. In this case, remove the protective cap and lower the bottle with the remaining gel for a while (spray head down) into a container with hot water. Then pump the head several times by vigorously pressing it.

special instructions

Solution for intravenous administration: if the solution becomes cloudy, the drug is considered unsuitable for use.

Gel for external and local use: it is recommended to start treatment at the earliest possible stage of the disease, at the first signs (itching, tingling, redness, feeling of tension), in this case the development of the vesicular stage of the disease can be completely prevented.

Gel Panavir cannot be used in ophthalmology. When applying the gel to the face, avoid getting it into the eyes.

Panavir Inlight used for the prevention and relief of symptoms of infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi.

Main settings

ATX code: J05AX -

The drug Panavir is an effective antiviral and immunomodulatory agent in the fight against various diseases. This remedy is prescribed by specialists and is quite often used for home treatment. This is facilitated by accessibility and ease of use.

Release forms

The drug is produced in the following forms:

  • injection;
  • candles;
  • spray;
  • gel.

The most common form of the drug is an injection solution.

Composition of Panavir for injection

The injection liquid is a clear or slightly opalescent, discolored or light brown liquid with no odor.

Panavir is available as a solution in bottles. Ampoules with liquid for intramuscular injection may contain one, two or five milliliters, which are placed in a polymer cell and packaged in a cardboard box. One box can contain two, five or ten bottles.

Important. Most often, the medicine is used in a box with five bottles of five milliliters each.

One ampoule of the medicine contains:

  • as the main active element: polysaccharides of the shoots of Solanum tuberosum (Panavir®), in the amount of two hundred micrograms;
  • sodium chloride (in the amount of 0.045 grams) and liquid for injection, within five milliliters, are used as additional elements.

Indications for use

Panavir in the form of a liquid in vials for therapy involving the administration of Panavir intramuscularly is indicated when observing the following infectious lesions:

  • manifestations of herpes (genital, oral, zoster): infection accompanied by inflammatory lesions of the skin;
  • HPV (human papillomavirus): a pathology that affects the genital canals of men and women;
  • infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • secondary immunodeficiency: inability of immune activity to respond with an adequate response to damage to the body by various harmful viruses;
  • gastritis, ulcerative pathologies gastrointestinal tract: inflammatory reactions, contributing to the disruption of the gastric mucosa;
  • chronic infectious prostatitis;
  • CMV (cytomegalovirus infection), the causative agent is DNA containing cytomegalovirus;
  • tick-borne encephalitis;
  • arthritis complicated by the herpes virus;
  • lack of interferons or a chronic bacterial virus during pregnancy.


Panavir administered intravenously is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • children under twelve years of age.


The medicinal substance consists of a purified extract of the shoots of the Solanum tuberosum plant. This medicine increases the body's nonspecific ability to resist numerous viruses and promotes the stimulation of interferons with the help of blood leukocytes.

Conducted clinical studies and experiments have proven the absence of destructive effects on the cells of the hereditary apparatus. There are also no harmful effects on reproductive ability and fetal formation, tested on experimental animals (during preclinical trials).

The following effects of the drug are also noted:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • pain reliever;
  • antipyretic;
  • neuroprotective;
  • has a positive effect on the performance of the retina and optic nerves eye;
  • healing.


When injected into the body, the main active component is detected within five minutes. Next they enter the cells of the liver and spleen.

The components of the drug are removed from the body along with urine and in the process of exhaling air. After twenty to thirty minutes from the moment of injection, the removal of the active component from the body begins.

Panavir injections: instructions for use

Carrying out injections with Panavir solution, if you have experience, will not be difficult. The packaging with the medicinal substance includes instructions for use and injections.

The injection is performed with a medical syringe with the appropriate volume, while one ampoule with the solution is intended for one intramuscular injection into the body of a sick person. It is also not recommended to combine this solution with other medicinal elements.

Important. Panavir should be administered intravenously rather slowly, in a stream.

Dosage and technique of injection therapy

Even the presence of instructions for use in each package is not an indicator for establishing the required treatment regimen. The course of injection therapy is determined by the attending physician.

For one injection, use one bottle with a dosage of two hundred micrograms.

The treatment regimen used depends on the type of pathology and the degree of its development:

  1. Human papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus infection and secondary immunodeficiency. The duration of treatment is fourteen days. In the first seven days, injections are carried out according to following diagram: three injections, in the amount of one ampoule, with a break of forty-eight hours. In the next seven days: two injections per ampoule with a break of seventy-two hours.
  2. Damage to the upper respiratory tract (acute respiratory viral infections, adenovirus, influenza). Two injections are performed with a break for a period of time from eighteen to twenty-four hours.
  3. Gastritis, ulcerative pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. The solution is administered intravenously five times with a break of twenty-four hours.
  4. Chronic infectious prostatitis. To treat this pathology, five intramuscular injections with a break of forty-eight hours.
  5. Arthritis complicated by the herpes virus. Five injections are performed with a break for a period of time from twenty-four to forty-eight hours.
  6. Various manifestations of herpes. When observing such diseases, injections are performed twice a day with a break of twenty-four to forty-eight hours. Repeated therapy is periodically required after a month.

Use in pediatrics

For children, injection therapy uses a similar treatment regimen. The dosage should be reduced by half - one hundred micrograms. Treatment can be carried out when the child reaches the age of twelve.

Side effects

The drug does not have significant, negative effects on the body. The likelihood of side effects may be due to hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

In case of negative effects on the body and side effects, immediately stop the course of treatment and consult your doctor.


In rare cases of using Panavir solution for injection, an overdose is observed. This is manifested by a temporary disruption of the normal functioning of the kidneys or spleen.

special instructions

Injections using this solution should be carried out as prescribed by the attending physician and under his supervision.

The medicinal liquid should not be used if it becomes cloudy.

Interaction with other drugs

There were no significant interactions of Panavir solution for injection with other drugs.

Lactation, pregnancy

When observing an exacerbation of cytomegalovirus infection during pregnancy, it is possible to use Panavir solution. The following factors must be taken into account:

  • solution for intramuscular administration can only be used in the second and third trimester of pregnancy;
  • Comprehensive treatment should be used.

The use of Panavir in the early stages of pregnancy is prescribed only if the expected benefit for expectant mother exceeds the potential danger to fetal development.

If the drug is used during lactation, it is necessary to stop breastfeeding until the end of the course of therapy.

Compatibility of drugs and alcohol

Drinking alcoholic beverages during the course of therapy with Panavir solution for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, tick-borne encephalitis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is strictly prohibited.

With such diagnoses, simply drinking alcohol contributes to the development of complications. And drinking alcoholic beverages while undergoing Panavir therapy can lead to:

  • to sharp general deterioration condition, this is due to toxic poisoning of liver cells;
  • to exacerbation of allergies and the formation of hypersensitivity;
  • to side effects from the immunomodulator.

Impact on the ability to drive a car and other vehicles

Cases negative impact on the ability to drive vehicles and carry out potentially dangerous types of work, during which increased attention, concentration and speed of decision-making are required - not recorded.

Cost of solution for injection

Price for medicinal substance may vary depending on the region, availability and demand for the drug, the number of bottles in the package and their volume.

Based on these factors, the cost of the medicine can range from one and a half to five thousand rubles.

Analogue substances

There are no structural analogues of the drug based on the main active substance.

Analogue medications are selected by specialists based on an identical mechanism of action on the disease. There are a sufficient number of such drugs, among them: Arbidol, Detoxopirol, Acyclovir, Isoprinosine, Gerpevir.

Storage conditions

The product should be stored in a dry place, protected from light, at an ambient temperature of two to twenty-five degrees. The drug should be kept out of the reach of children.

Best before date

It is valid for three years from the date of manufacture, subject to storage conditions. After the expiration date, use is prohibited.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Dispensed with a doctor's prescription.

Who makes the medicine

Panavir is a drug Russian production, the developer is National Research Company LLC.

The rights to issue the product belong to the following companies:

  • OJSC "Moskhimfarmpreparaty" (Moscow);
  • LLC MC "Ellara" (Pokrov, Vladimir region);
  • LLC "Lanapharm" (Moscow).

Reviews about therapy

Reviews from patients in the treatment of various manifestations of herpes:

  • Anatoly, Vladivostok. I used this medicine in the treatment of genital herpes. Before the injections were prescribed, I tried various ointments. There was an effect, but after the herpes healed and passed, the disease manifested itself again after three months. After two independent attempts at cure, I decided to turn to specialists. The doctor prescribed a solution for intravenous administration of Panavir consisting of five injections. The result of the course of therapy was the disappearance of the pathology. More than a year has passed since therapy.
  • Elizaveta, St. Petersburg. Constant torment with herpes on the lips continued every year. Once you get a little cold, herpes on the lips immediately begins to appear. I tried to help my body by taking various vitamin complexes, used a healthy diet, but there was no effect. One day, a friend advised me to take a course of treatment with Panavir. I decided to consult my doctor. He prescribed a drug for injection. After a course of treatment for a year there is no herpes, the number of colds, but I didn’t have the flu at all. A very effective remedy.

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