Home Prevention Chronic prostatitis and its consequences for men. Signs of chronic prostatitis: diagnosis of the disease in men What causes chronic prostatitis

Chronic prostatitis and its consequences for men. Signs of chronic prostatitis: diagnosis of the disease in men What causes chronic prostatitis

According to the latest data, the incidence of chronic prostatitis among the population has reached 35%. Moreover, if 15 years ago the disease was found among men over 45 years old, then, as of 2015, the disease is diagnosed even in young people aged 20-25 years. Most often, chronic prostatitis occurs in men over 30 years of age. The reasons for the pathology, methods of diagnosing it and characteristic symptoms will be discussed in the article. For ease of perception, the material contains photos and videos on the topic.

Causes and mechanism of development of chronic prostatitis

What is this, chronic prostatitis? This is the medical term for prolonged inflammation. prostate gland. The form of the disease occurs in the absence of treatment acute course, is aggravated by the rapid development of pathogenic microflora in the prostate.

In 90% of cases, the cause of inflammation of the prostate gland is microorganisms. For nonspecific prostatitis, the cause is causing disease, is a common pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microflora. Bacteria of this type are constantly present on the body and in the body of a man, but their concentration is insufficient to infect the prostate.

Specific microflora (Trichomonas, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, etc.) is the cause of infectious chronic prostatitis.

In the mechanism of development of the disease, urologists distinguish two routes of infection.

Ascending or urinogenic

Microorganisms enter the prostate gland through urethra. Normally, the secretion of the prostate is sterile, that is, there are no bacteria in the fluid. When microflora penetrates the prostate, infection occurs and the inflammatory process begins.

Another danger is the lymphogenous route, in which microorganisms enter the prostate gland with lymph. This usually occurs when organs adjacent to the gland become infected (cystitis, hemorrhoids).

Hematogenous infection

This pathway is characterized by the presence of a pathogen in the body that enters the prostate gland through the bloodstream. Diseases that provoke the development of prostatitis in men are varied: from dental caries to influenza. Prerequisite for the development of inflammation - venous congestion in the prostate.

Predisposing factors are divided into two groups:

  1. Congenital - associated with anatomical features prostate gland (circulatory system and muscle tissue structure).
  2. Purchased – previously transferred infectious diseases, organ injuries, alcohol abuse, smoking, hypothermia and so on.

Separately or in combination, these causes cause acute inflammation of the prostate gland. At this stage, men, as a rule, do not pay due attention to treatment, or use folk remedies without visiting a urologist. As a result, the disease goes into remission (with the absence of pronounced symptoms). The sick man stops treatment, the microflora continues to develop in the gland, and chronic prostatitis occurs.

Classification of chronic prostatitis

In Russian urology, to classify chronic prostatitis, they use the scheme proposed National Institute US health in 1995. Urologists in other countries also adhere to the same scheme, due to its convenience.

Stages of chronic prostatitis:

  • 1st degree – acute bacterial prostatitis;
  • 2nd degree – chronic bacterial;
  • 3rd degree – abacterial prostatitis in chronic form or chronic pelvic pain syndrome CPPS. There are two subcategories: A – inflammatory chronic prostatitis, B – non-inflammatory;
  • Grade 4 – chronic prostatitis without symptoms (histological).

Russian doctors sometimes replace the word “stage” with “category”. Uninformed men have confusion in classification, so know that these words are identical.

If there is a constant inflammatory process in the tissues of the prostate gland, this is chronic prostatitis. It is widespread. Doctors say that this disease is present in most men. Most common cause illness is bacterial infection. It ensures the constant presence of inflammation in the tissues of the prostate gland.

The bacterial form of prostatitis develops due to the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Most often doctors identify coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterococcus and some other pathogens inflammatory process.

Getting into the gland tissue, they provoke acute prostatitis. If a person ignores dangerous symptoms inflammation, then acute stage may turn into a chronic disease.

The main signs of chronic prostatitis:

  • difficult, painful and frequent urination;
  • burning when urinating;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the perineum and rectal area;
  • pain in the perineum and pelvis (the most severe pain occurs in the suprapubic region);
  • pain in the groin that worsens during sexual intercourse;
  • painful ejaculation;
  • erection problems;
  • lack of orgasm, premature ejaculation;
  • reducing the duration of sexual intercourse;
  • decreased performance, fast fatiguability, irritability.

The listed symptoms can occur in combination or separately. Sometimes prostatitis occurs without any symptoms. It is only detected during examination.

Dangerous consequences

Chronic prostatitis may develop into an acute form. In this case it happens purulent tissue damage(abscess). Many men are in no hurry to see a urologist. But if your body temperature rises to 40 degrees, you should immediately consult a doctor.

High fever may give way to chills. At the same time, the person experiences very severe pain in the groin area. Sometimes painful sensations interfere with bowel movements and urination. After this, swelling of the gland develops, which leads to urinary retention.

On early stages development of the disease can be used traditional treatment prostatitis. But the advanced form of the disease should only be treated by a doctor. Otherwise, you can get big complications.

Character traits

Chronic prostatitis is considered a complex disease, as it is accompanied by symptoms neurasthenia and sexual dysfunction. The disease may develop gradually over a period of time long period time. Symptoms may be very mild. They can be erased or completely absent. Chronic prostatitis is quite difficult to cure. Frequent relapses they say that inflammation is present in the tissues of the prostate gland.

The chronic form of the disease can manifest itself periodically. Dullness painful sensations creates the appearance of health. This lulls the vigilance of some men. As a result, they postpone visiting a specialist. But the disease does not disappear anywhere. At the slightest discomfort, she will immediately make herself known.

Wave-like character- This hallmark chronic prostatitis. Each subsequent period of exacerbation of the disease provokes an increase in the inflamed area. Spreading in the genitourinary system, bacteria cause pyelonephritis and cystitis. Great danger is an inflammation of the vesicles (seminal vesicles). In this case, there is a risk of infertility. Inflammatory processes in the testicles are also dangerous. If the result is infertility, it will be difficult to cure. Be attentive to the symptoms and signs of exacerbation of chronic prostatitis.

The listed symptoms refer to chronic prostatitis of various etiologies. If the disease develops as a result of a sexually transmitted infection, then the symptoms will be the same.

The infection enters the prostate gland in the following ways:

  • if there are foci of infection in the body (caries, sinusitis, pneumonia, etc.), then the pathogens are carried by the blood;
  • pathogens of sexual diseases can penetrate through an infected urethra;
  • with the help of lymph from foci of inflammation (dysbacteriosis).

To create the correct treatment regimen, it is necessary to determine the causes of prostatitis. The treatment regimen and choice of drugs depend on this. During the period of exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, intimate contacts should be avoided. In addition, you should not drink alcohol or spicy foods.

Chronic inflammation of the prostate gland occurs in men of any age. In most cases, the catalyst is an infectious factor: Trichomonas, staphylococci and gonococci. Bacteria that enter the body provoke inflammation of the urethral canal, the prostate gland itself.

The chronic form of prostatitis is often asymptomatic. The disease itself is determined only after the transition to an acute form. Late diagnosis is also explained by the fact that the first symptoms of chronic prostatitis in men are often ignored.

Statistics show a constant “rejuvenation” of the disease. Increasingly, patients aged 30 years are turning to urologists.

Chronic prostatitis - what is it?

The prostate gland is located under bladder. The main functions are reduced to protecting the vesica urinaria from the ingress of seminal fluid, as well as the production of prostate secretion, a necessary component of male semen. Inflammation of the gland tissue, provoked by infection, congestion and other factors, gradually becomes permanent.

Chronic prostatitis leads to degenerative changes. The structure of the tissues gradually deforms. Often, against the background of inflammation, stones appear in the ducts. Some types of prostatitis cause the development of cancer.

Was developed international system classifications that facilitate differentiation between various diseases prostate gland.

Chronic prostatitis - causes

It is generally accepted that inflammation of the prostate gland is caused by two main factors: bacterial and abacterial.

The first is associated with the entry of pathogens and infections into the patient’s body. Most often, the catalyst is sexually transmitted bacteria.

The second cause of occurrence is not associated with an infectious agent. The catalyst for inflammation can be:

  • Hypothermia of the body.
  • Hormonal imbalances associated with aging and irregular sex life.
  • Bad habits.
  • Injury to the pelvic organs.
  • Stagnation caused by metabolic disorders and a sedentary lifestyle.
After diagnosing prostatitis, the root cause of chronic prostatitis must be determined. The course of therapy is prescribed based on what exactly caused the inflammation. Bacterial and non-infectious prostatitis are treated differently.

Urologists name several additional factors that aggravate the situation and influence the severe course of the disease:

  • Sexual abstinence.
  • Inferior ejaculation (choosing interrupted sexual intercourse as a method of contraception).
  • Stress.
  • Bad habits – alcohol abuse and smoking.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Inflammatory diseases suffered in the past. They often act as a cause of prostatitis in chronic form.
Inflammation is accompanied destructive changes in the prostate gland, which makes it possible to classify the disease into several categories.

Classification of chronic inflammation of the prostate

Varieties of prostatitis received their own ICD-10 code - N41. To clarify the diagnosis and differentiate the infection of the catalyst, a separate classification B95-B97 is used. The symptom rating scale divides the disease into several groups and subgroups:
  • I - acute inflammation, accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature and fever.
  • II - chronic prostatitis, provoked by an infectious factor.
  • III - class includes a disease in which pelvic pain syndrome begins to manifest itself. It is customary to distinguish two subgroups:
    1. IIIA - there are signs of an inflammatory process. Supported low-grade fever.
    2. IIIB - no inflammation.
  • IV - prostatitis in which there are no symptomatic manifestations. Deviations from the norm are detected exclusively by instrumental diagnostic methods.
According to the ICD code:

How does chronic prostatitis manifest itself - its symptoms

The first signs of chronic prostatitis in men appear at an advanced stage of the disease. Often, early development does not have clinical manifestations. Symptoms, even if present, are temporary, short-term and of low intensity.

According to clinical manifestations, three stages of prostatitis development are distinguished:

  • Initial indirect signs chronic prostatitis - as already noted, the onset of the disease is not expressed by clearly distinguishable symptoms. Manifestations are subtle or absent altogether.
    Signs you should pay attention to: burning sensation during ejaculation, decreased potency, painful urination.
  • Secondary signs chronic inflammation prostate - at this stage occur pathological changes in the tissue structure, the appearance of scar-like formations, decreased genitourinary function.
    The stage is characterized by a sharp deterioration in potency and urination, excessive sweating, severe pain in the pelvic area, lumbar region spine, scrotum.
  • Signs of an advanced disease - the prostate ceases to function normally. Healthy tissue begin to metamorphose. The gland increases in size. Blood and pus appear in the urine, leaving a constant feeling incomplete emptying Bladder, night trips to the toilet become more frequent. Erectile function decreases so much that we can talk about complete sexual impotence.
In addition to symptoms characteristic of each stage of development, there are general signs manifested throughout the course of the disease.

Pain syndrome

Chronic prostatitis in late stage development has pronounced symptoms. Characteristic clinical manifestations are pain of severe intensity that does not go away on its own and requires the use of analgesics and antispasmodics.

Pain syndrome accompanies the entire period of development of the disease. During the primary signs of prostatitis, discomfort and burning in the urethral canal are of low intensity and are therefore often ignored. Pain is often falsely attributed to radiculitis or fatigue. After pain relief or taking an antispasmodic such as No-Shpa, the symptom usually goes away.

Over time, the clinical picture becomes more intense. The pain syndrome manifests itself more intensely and remains after taking analgesics. Unpleasant sensations accompany every act of urination, defecation and ejaculation.

The pain radiates from the spine to the scrotum, sometimes to the limbs, and is accompanied by cramps and numbness. Skin rashes, itching and burning of tissue in the prostate and genital area is a normal reaction of the body to internal inflammation.

Temperature increase

Chronic inflammation of the prostate gland acute form accompanied by fever and fever. Observed sharp increase temperatures reaching 39-40°. The indicators are stable. Body temperature does not decrease even after taking antipyretics.

Sluggish prostatitis is characterized by a low-grade fever. Constant indicators of chronic inflammation, within 37-37.2°.

Reduce the temperature and take it yourself medicines to reduce external manifestations is strictly prohibited!


The first signs of chronic prostatitis appear in various urination disorders. Over time, the symptoms become more intense, which helps to identify the disease. Manifestations of dysuria:
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet at night.
  • Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.
  • Hematuria (blood in urine), purulent discharge.
  • Pain during urination.

Clinical signs and the intensity of their manifestation directly affect the diagnosis and require mandatory additional research. Symptoms may indicate other inflammatory diseases genitourinary system, And .

Disorders of the genital organs

Chronic prostatitis leads to the appearance of scar formations that impair blood supply. Lack of nutrients leads to the following manifestations:
  • Decreased potency - with chronic prostatitis, sexual disorders are observed. One of characteristic symptoms– normal erection, sharply decreasing during sexual intercourse. In the advanced stage, stable potency occurs.
  • Infertility - after the appearance of scars in the seminal ducts, the viability of sperm decreases. Inflammation changes the structure and composition of the ejaculate. In the advanced stage, the sperm thickens and lumps appear.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse - discharge from the urethral canal is observed. During sexual relations, discomfort and painful symptoms are felt, especially during ejaculation. Often psychosomatic reasons lead to persistent impotence of the patient.

The main symptoms of chronic prostatitis: pain, increased body temperature, dysuria, dysfunction of the genital organs. When making a diagnosis, the intensity and duration of the period from the onset of appearance are taken into account. clinical signs, as well as related symptoms.

How can chronic inflammation of the prostate be detected?

Prostatitis has no symptoms that can accurately differentiate the disease. Some disorders of the genitourinary system have similar symptoms. An accurate diagnosis can only be made after full examination patient including lab tests and methods for instrumental detection of the disease.

Having suspected the presence of disturbances in the functioning of the pelvic organs, the urologist will prescribe a mandatory rectal examination. If tissue changes are detected upon palpation, several laboratory tests are prescribed.

Laboratory research methods

Clinical blood and urine tests differentiate the presence of an inflammatory process and can often explain the catalyst for the development of the disease. When making a diagnosis you will need Additional Information, obtained from the results of the following laboratory tests:
  • Cytological and bacteriological analysis urine. The PSA level is established. Protein levels increase sharply with inflammation of the gland tissue.
  • Taking a smear from the urethra.
  • Microscopy of prostate secretions - based on the results, malfunctions in the prostate gland are determined. Differentiate cancer from chronic tissue inflammation.
    Culture of prostate secretions is prohibited during acute period disease accompanied high temperature body, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, fissures in the anus.
  • Tests for STIs (sexually transmitted infections) - one of the common catalysts for inflammation of the prostate gland is pathogenic microorganisms.
    Trichomonas, staphylococci and gonococci can all cause the disease. Prostatitis develops during the active phase of bacterial proliferation, and after the infection has already been cured.

Laboratory tests are an obligatory component of the diagnosis of prostatitis and the subsequent choice of treatment method.

Instrumental detection of the disease

There are three main methods of testing for prostatitis. Every way instrumental diagnostics provides information about changes in the structure of gland tissue, has its own indications and contraindications:
  • Tomography - MRI is often prescribed to diagnose chronic prostatitis. The study allows you to obtain a layer-by-layer image of the prostate. MRI signs accurately indicate chronic inflammation, and also indicate the beginning of tissue degeneration into a malignant formation.
    Magnetic resonance technology is absolutely harmless, but has contraindications due to the inability to study patients with pacemakers, metal staples and shunts (left during surgical operations).
  • Transrectal TRUS is an informative method that reliably indicates the presence of inflammation. Sonographic signs structural changes prostate gland according to the type of chronic prostatitis include: deviations from the norm in volume and size, structure, and the presence of pathological formations.
    Ultrasound techniques are not prescribed for acute inflammation of the rectum, the presence of cracks in the anus, or hemorrhoids.
  • Ultrasound - transabdominal technique has no contraindications. The method is less informative compared to TRUS and MRI. Sonographic signs make it difficult to determine space abdominal cavity. Diagnostic results are often controversial and require clarification. The advantage of ultrasound is the simplicity and speed of the study.

The accuracy of the echographic picture largely depends on the experience of the doctor conducting the study.

Differential search for disease

After receiving the results of clinical and biochemical studies, the symptoms of chronic inflammation of the prostate gland are assessed. Common diagnostic standards have been developed that are valid throughout the world.

To facilitate the task of the urologist, the NIH-CPSI symptom index has been invented, made in the form of a questionnaire or questionnaire. The doctor fills out the fields in the document and then makes a diagnosis.

There are computer programs based on the NIH-CPSI index. The doctor is required to fill out a questionnaire, and the system will independently conduct a summary assessment of symptoms for chronic prostatitis. The effectiveness of the technique has been proven all over the world.

After calculating the results of the questionnaire, when making a diagnosis, the assessment of instrumental and clinical trials: presence of echo signs of chronic prostatitis, increased PSA level, identification of an infectious marker by microscopy of secretions. The more data the urologist has, the more accurate the result will be.

What is dangerous about chronic prostatitis - its consequences

The consequences of chronic prostatitis in men are disorders in the functioning of the genitourinary system. These include:
  • Impotence.
  • Acute urinary retention.
  • Infertility.
Fibrous changes that accompany advanced disease cause the development of oncology. Normal tissues degenerate into malignant ones. Therefore, avoiding functional changes in the prostate gland in order to prevent the development of cancer is extremely important task standing in front of a urologist.

When making a diagnosis, the presence of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, a harbinger of oncology and fibrous changes, is taken into account. Advanced disease often leads to the need for surgery: prostatectomy.

Diagnosis of prostatitis and differentiation of the disease from related disorders of the pelvic organs is an important task for doctors and patients. Detection of the first symptoms depends entirely on the man himself. If any discomfort when urinating, decreased erection, constant low-grade fever - reasons to immediately seek professional help medical care. Delay is dangerous!

The prostate gland is the most vulnerable organ in male body. Prostate diseases occur in every third man over the age of 20. Moreover, prostate hyperplasia and adenoma, leading to erection problems, are most often a consequence of chronic prostatitis. This is why you should know characteristic features chronic prostatitis and how to treat it.

Chronic prostatitis - what is it?

Chronic prostatitis is a long-term inflammatory process in the prostate gland. The term combines several forms of the disease, manifested by similar clinical symptoms.

  1. Infectious - provoked by bacteria, fungus or virus;
  2. Non-infectious (stagnant) - otherwise called chronic pelvic pain syndrome, occurs with or without signs of inflammation;
  3. Asymptomatic - in the complete absence of clinical manifestations, inflammation is detected only with a thorough examination of the prostate.

In 95% of cases, non-infectious chronic prostatitis is diagnosed. At the same time, inflammation comes to the fore in the development of congestion in the prostate - its secretion or blood circulation in the veins.

The risk of chronic prostatitis is increased in people:

  • leading irregular sex life who regularly practice interruption of sexual intercourse to avoid pregnancy of their partner;
  • office employees and drivers (sedentary work provokes stagnation of blood in the pelvis);
  • those who prefer to wear tight underwear;
  • alcohol and smoking abusers.

Chronic prostatitis: signs of exacerbation

Chronic prostatitis develops gradually and may not cause concern for many years. From time to time a man may notice:

  1. Unpleasant sensations in the perineal area;
  2. Pain of minimal intensity with characteristic irradiation to the sacrum, rectum, genitals;
  3. Some increase in urination with pain and minor pathological discharge from the urethral canal, a weak stream of urine;
  4. Pain in the glans penis after ejaculation (disappears within 30 minutes);
  5. Burning in the urethra, pain during intercourse.

Stress, hypothermia, previous infection leading to weakened immunity, and consumption of spicy food/alcohol can trigger an exacerbation of chronic prostatitis. At the same time, the intensity of painful manifestations increases and resembles acute inflammation.

With the development of the disease and the involvement of nerves in the pathological process, erectile dysfunction intensifies, which significantly affects psychological state sick.

However, chronic prostatitis is fraught not only with impaired potency - weak erection, decreased sensations during orgasm or their complete absence, premature ejaculation.

Often the disease leads to the development of cystitis, pyelonephritis and inflammation of the testicles, aggravating the course of the underlying pathology. In addition, the risk of formation of prostate stones, adenomas, or the appearance of malignant tumor. With a long course of chronic prostatitis, infertility develops.

Symptoms of chronic prostatitis by forms and stages

Symptoms of chronic prostatitis depend on the form of the disease and the stage of the disease (exacerbation or remission).

Bacterial chronic prostatitis

Signs of chronic prostatitis caused by pathogenic microflora, periodically occur with varying intensity. During an exacerbation, the symptoms of inflammation are most pronounced. Infectious, chronic prostatitis manifests itself:

  • Common signs of inflammation in the body are fever, weakness, chills, muscle pain (occurs during exacerbation);
  • local inflammation syndrome - pain in the lower abdomen, increasing during sexual intercourse, after defecation and urination, with prolonged absence of intimacy;
  • Disorders of the genitourinary system - intermittent urination, impaired erectility;
  • Deviations in laboratory research- detection of bacteria/fungi in prostate secretions and urine analysis, signs of inflammation in blood analysis (leukocytosis, increased ESR) and urine (leukocyturia, protein).

Without exacerbation of inflammation, the signs of chronic prostatitis are erased. The patient's complaints are more indicative of impaired urination, decreased sexual desire and other erectile disorders that cause severe nervousness.

Non-infectious chronic prostatitis: chronic pelvic pain syndrome

The name itself indicates the symptom that predominates in this type of chronic prostatitis - painful sensations. Due to the low intensity of pain, chronic prostatitis of a non-infectious nature is often ignored.

Over time, the pain intensifies somewhat, and in clinical picture symptoms of sexual dysfunction appear due to the progression of congestion and a decrease in muscle tone pelvic floor and urinary sphincter.

Often the disease is completely asymptomatic. The diagnosis of chronic prostatitis is made when signs of inflammation of the prostate and its hyperplasia are detected during diagnostic studies. A urine test may periodically detect leukocyturia.

Treatment methods for chronic prostatitis

In each case, treatment of chronic prostatitis requires individual selection of a therapeutic regimen. This takes into account the cause of the disease (infection, stagnation of secretions or venous blood), duration of the course and the presence of aggravating pathology.

Drug therapy:

  • Antibacterial drugs - treatment with antibiotics (Ciprofloxacin, Amoxicillin, Azithromycin, Levofloxacin, Clarithromycin) is indicated only for severe inflammation, identification of a bacterial agent in the urine or prostate secretion. Antibiotic therapy lasts 2-8 weeks. At the end of the course, the symptoms of the disease often remain in full, although the infectious factor is completely eliminated.
  • Alpha-adrenergic blockers (Terazonin, Tramsulosin, Alfuzosin) - are prescribed for increased intraurethral pressure, hypertonicity of the bladder muscles. Their use has no effect in cases of impaired innervation of muscles and pelvic floor myodystrophy.
  • Symptomatic treatment of chronic prostatitis - for relief pain syndrome apply NSAID drugs(Diclofenac, Ketorolac) often in tablets; to eliminate anxiety, it is recommended to take selective antidepressants (Imipramine, Fluoxetine).
    Hormone therapy- treatment with antiandrogens and androgens is carried out in accordance with deviations in hormonal levels.
  • Immunostimulants are prescribed only for laboratory-proven immunodeficiency.
  • Level control agents uric acid, - are advisable only when stones are detected in the prostate. Most often, the doctor prescribes Allopurinol. However, the drug is effective only against urates.
  • Vitamin therapy - the means of choice in the treatment of chronic prostatitis - vitamin-mineral complexes are becoming available. Replacing them with advertised dietary supplements does not bring any therapeutic results, except for unnecessary waste of money.

Surgical treatment of prostatitis

Depending on the pathological process which provoked chronic prostatitis, transurethral resection of the prostate is used (often replaces open surgery), endoscopic drainage of a formed prostate cyst, surgical correction seminal vesicles with impaired secretion outflow.

For widespread sclerosis, prostatectomy is performed. For prostate hyperplasia, ablative methods are effective - microwave thermotherapy and laser ablation.

Other treatments for chronic prostatitis

Some doctors actively prescribe to patients with chronic prostatitis various methods physical effects on the prostate. However, most of them have a number of contraindications and are prescribed only in certain cases:

  • Massage of the prostate (only a small part of the gland is accessible) with hyperplastic changes in the organ can provoke acute urinary retention and contributes to the spread of the inflammatory process (up to the development of sepsis). Also, massage should not be performed with prostate stones and cysts, severe venous stagnation. The best way to free the prostate from stagnant secretions is through natural ejaculation.
  • Gymnastics for the bladder - special exercises for lengthening the intervals between urination to 4-5 hours are effective in cases of impaired muscle tone of the bladder and its sphincter. However, their effectiveness is noticeably reduced in myofascial syndrome caused by neurodystrophic changes.
  • Instillation - deep infusion medicines into the urethra is very painful and fraught with complications.
  • Electrical stimulation, transrectal ultrasound and phonophoresis, magnetic therapy and other methods of muscle stimulation are advisable to use only with reduced tone of the pelvic floor muscles. Physiotherapy provides only temporary relief, and a lasting effect is achieved by eliminating the cause of the disease.
  • Traditional methods - home recipes (pumpkin seeds with honey, alcoholic infusion of aspen bark and others) are used only with the approval of the treating andrologist and in no way replace drug therapy.

Prognosis: can chronic prostatitis be cured?

The prognosis for chronic prostatitis directly depends on the timeliness of the patient’s treatment for qualified help. As you may have noticed, the symptoms and treatment of chronic prostatitis in men are closely related - in the absence of hyperplastic changes in the gland and neurodystrophy, provided complex treatment, you can achieve lasting improvement in your condition.

It is also important to radically reconsider your life: eliminate factors that provoke stagnation, get rid of bad habits and eat well.

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