Home Hygiene Treatment of hydrocele with folk remedies. Methods for treating hydrocele with folk remedies

Treatment of hydrocele with folk remedies. Methods for treating hydrocele with folk remedies

On modern stage With the development of medical science, hydrocele is often treated without surgery. It is necessary to consider specifically what this disease is, the causes and main symptoms, the latest and time-tested methods of its non-surgical treatment.

Hydrocele of the testicles in men

Hydrocele of the testicle in males is a disease in which, due to various reasons fluid accumulates between the membranes of the testis in the scrotal cavity. Fluid refers to inflammatory or non-inflammatory effusions and blood. This disease also has another name - hydrocele.

The size of the testicle in this disease will depend on the amount of fluid accumulated in the scrotal cavity. In severe cases, its volume can reach 1 liter.

There are 2 types of hydrocele:

  • communicating;
  • isolated.

With communicating dropsy, which is often congenital, the fluid moves freely through the vaginal process to the peritoneum and back. This type The disease can occur in young boys. As the child develops and his vaginal process heals, the hydrocele heals spontaneously.

Isolated dropsy of this organ is more common in adult men, is acquired in nature and requires special treatment. In most cases, the localization of the source of the disease is one-sided.

When studying the dynamics of the development of hydrocele, the causes of its occurrence in men can be considered:

  • various sexually transmitted infections;
  • testicular injuries;
  • postoperative period for inguinal hernia;
  • radiation therapy;
  • benign or malignant testicular tumors;
  • operations on the perineal organs;
  • serious cardiovascular diseases;
  • ascites;
  • swelling of the lower extremities.

The listed reasons lead to an acute course of the disease, which without effective treatment will become chronic.

Factors contributing to the appearance of hydrocele are the following:

  • heredity;
  • hard physical work;
  • intense sports activities with strength loads;
  • poor nutrition.

In all of these conditions, blockage of the fluid ducts in the scrotum may occur, which will lead to its excess and stagnation.

Symptoms of the disease

With a small amount of dropsy, symptoms do not appear. The scrotum accumulates fluid painlessly, gradually increasing in size.

When the testicles reach a certain size, some signs of the disease begin to appear, which will only progress over time. Advanced dropsy appears clearly severe symptoms. These include the following:

Features of the disease in boys early age is the appearance of swelling of the scrotum during the day while awake and the sudden disappearance of the manifestations of this disease at night, at rest.

Hydrocele of the testicle is dangerous due to its complications:

  1. Without timely treatment, the accumulated fluid in the testicle can suppurate and develop an inflammatory disease - pyocele.
  2. An increase in testicular size may cause compression blood vessels, which is fraught complete atrophy organ and infertility.
  3. With a large accumulation of fluid in the scrotum, rupture of the membranes can occur with the formation of a hematocele.
  4. With communicating dropsy, a scrotal hernia may occur with strangulation, which is life-threatening.
  5. In rare cases, testicular hydrocele develops into cancer.

If signs of this disease are detected, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

Diagnostics and non-surgical treatment

Despite the pronounced clinical picture of the disease, with hydrocele it is necessary to conduct a high-quality diagnosis. This is due to the distinction between this disease and other diseases with similar symptoms: inguinal hernia, tumors of various etiologies, epididymal cysts.

Diagnostic measures may include:

  • palpation of the diseased testicle;
  • diaphanoscopy;
  • CT organs genitourinary system;
  • blood and urine tests.

Specialists in diagnosing hydrocele are urologists and andrologists. When setting accurate diagnosis Treatment is prescribed aimed at eliminating the causes and preventing dangerous complications of the disease.

If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, effective treatment of hydrocele with the following modern non-surgical methods is possible:

  • aspiration;
  • sclerosis.

The basis of aspiration of testicular hydrocele (puncture) is the removal of fluid accumulated in the scrotum using a puncture and its suction with a special needle. The procedure is simple and can be performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. Aspiration has a quick positive effect, significantly alleviating the patient’s condition.

Its disadvantage is the repeated accumulation of fluid in the testicle, because the main cause of the disease is not eliminated. This treatment method is used to treat people for whom radical surgery is contraindicated for some reason.

A popular method of treating fluid accumulation in the testicle is sclerotherapy. The first half of the procedure is performed in the same order as aspiration. Under local anesthesia, puncture and suction of excess fluid from the testicular cavity are performed. Then sclerosants, which are special medications, under the influence of which the production of fluid in the scrotum is reduced, are injected into the problem area. These include the following:

  • Tetracycline;
  • Phenol;
  • ethanol;
  • Doxycycline.

To completely get rid of dropsy, the sclerotherapy procedure should be repeated several times. The contraindications for its implementation are as follows:

  • childhood;
  • reported type of disease.

With the reported type of dropsy, there is real opportunity penetration of sclerosants into the abdominal cavity with further development serious complications.

Other treatments

Additional methods of treating dropsy in men include:

  • drug therapy;
  • use of folk remedies.

Drug therapy is aimed at reducing the inflammatory process, eliminating stagnation and narrowing of the bile ducts. Sulfonamides and antibiotics are prescribed as anti-inflammatory drugs. To normalize the outflow of fluid, herbal diuretics are used. The goal of drug therapy should be to eliminate the cause of edema.

Treatment of hydrocele folk remedies is carried out only after agreement with the attending physician. It should be aimed at relieving swelling of the organ and improving the removal of excess fluid from the body. To do this, the patient's diet should include cucumbers, raw cabbage, pumpkin, eggplant, parsley, lemon and honey.

Easy-to-prepare vegetable infusions should be consumed instead of tea. Infusions of watermelon rinds, black radish with honey, and lingonberries are good for this.

You can make a compress from steamed peas and apply it 3-4 times a day to the sore spot. This compress relieves swelling well. A natural anti-inflammatory remedy is an infusion of crushed chamomile flowers. Used as warm compresses.

Their beneficial features Traditional medicine begins to manifest itself with systematic and long-term use.

The main preventive measures to prevent testicular hydrocele are the following:

  • correct fractional meals, corresponding treatment table No. 5 according to Pevzner;
  • physical activity;
  • wearing special tight underwear;
  • timely detection and treatment of various sexually transmitted infections.

Only A complex approach in the treatment of testicular hydrocele in men under the professional supervision of a specialist will help defeat the disease in the shortest possible time.

If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, non-surgical treatment is possible of this disease. Modern methods fighting the disease is painless and safe. Compliance preventive measures will help avoid the occurrence of this unpleasant disease.

Hydrocele, hydrocele of the testicle, or more precisely, its membranes, is detected both in children and in an average of 1.5% - 4% of men of any age. The disease is sometimes combined with hydrocele of the spermatic cord. In men of reproductive age, hydrocele, depending on its severity and/or sometimes occurring complications, quite often becomes the cause of temporary or permanent male infertility.

The results of a study of ejaculate (spermogram) in such patients often determine quantitative and qualitative violations sperm composition in the form of a decrease in its volume, teratozoospermia and even. This is explained by the deterioration of lymphatic outflow and circulatory disorders in the reproductive organs that often develop with this disease, which negatively affects them. secretory function. Especially often, infertility accompanies bilateral localization of hydrocele of the testicular membranes.

Mechanisms and causes of pathology

Hydrocele encysted (terminology in accordance with the coding according to the 10th International Classification of Diseases) is an accumulation of serous fluid between the layers of the testicular membranes with a subsequent increase in the volume of the scrotal cavity. Because of this, it is sometimes misinterpreted as a “scrotal hydrocele.”

Dropsy of the testicular membranes is distinguished:

  1. Congenital.
  2. Acquired.

Depending on the location, it is divided into:

  • one-sided;
  • bilateral.

Congenital hydrocele of the testicles

One of the walls of the testicle is the so-called tunica vaginalis, which is formed from the peritoneum. This formation occurs in the abdominal cavity of the fetus simultaneously with the testicle. Even before the full development of the gonads (at the 3rd month of intrauterine development), protrusion of sections of the peritoneum into the inguinal canal of the fetus on each side occurs, resembling a diverticulum.

Under the influence of the “Hunter’s” cord and hormones, the testicle descends into the scrotum, dragging the peritoneum along with it. The “diverticulum” gradually lengthens, forms a fold and turns into a cavitary (vaginal) process. At the 7th month of intrauterine development of the fetus, this section of the peritoneum, together with the testicle, passes through the inguinal canal and by the 9th month they completely descend to the bottom of the scrotum, after which the complex hormonal-dependent process of overgrowth (obliteration) of the cavity of the vaginal process and its transformation into a testicular ligament begins.

As a result of obliteration, the connection between the abdominal cavity and the process ceases. At the same time, his distal sections, which are in the scrotum, do not heal. The albuginea and parietal (outer) membranes of the testicles are formed from their walls.

The processus vaginalis, being a derivative of the peritoneum, like it produces serous fluid, the composition and quantity of which remain constant due to reabsorption. An increase in the production of this fluid and/or disruption of resorption (reabsorption) processes leads to its accumulation between the tunica albuginea and parietal membrane and the development of dropsy.

Thus, the mechanisms of development of congenital hydrocele are:

  • the remaining communication with the abdominal cavity is a communicating hydrocele;
  • violation of the suction ability of the wall of the vaginal process;
  • impaired outflow of lymphatic fluid due to insufficient development of the lymphatic system in the groin areas.

The congenital form occurs on average in 10% of boys, but in the vast majority of them it is physiological and by 18 months of age resolves independently as a result of the completion of obliteration of the appendix, the final formation of blood microcirculation systems and lymphatic flow paths, and an increase in the reabsorption capabilities of the membranes. In the absence of overgrowth of the vaginal process, a unilateral hydrocele develops on one side, and a bilateral hydrocele develops on both sides.

Acquired dropsy

It develops in older boys and men. Depending on the causative factor, there are different forms:

  1. Primary, or idiopathic (independent), when other causes have not been identified. Most often this occurs as a result of sclerotic processes in the membranes and overgrowth of the lymphatic vessels of the testicles, which leads to a disruption of the resorptive ability of the membranes.
  2. Secondary, or symptomatic.

Secondary hydrocele can develop as a result of:

Clinical course

Signs of the pathological process depend on the nature of the clinical course, which can be:

  1. Spicy.
  2. Chronic.

Acute course

It is observed in acute inflammatory processes of the testicles and their appendages (orchitis, orchiepididymitis), in acute respiratory diseases that can cause these complications, in scrotal injuries, and hemorrhagic diathesis. Symptoms of hydrocele in these cases increase quickly and are expressed in:

  • enlargement of the scrotum;
  • swelling, hyperemia or its cyanotic color (with post-traumatic hematoma);
  • dense elastic consistency of the scrotum;
  • fluctuations;
  • soreness of the testicle and its appendage, sharply increasing upon palpation;
  • increased body temperature if the cause is an inflammatory process.

In some cases, an acute process can become chronic. It is also possible for a chronic process to develop even 2-3 months after the end of acute inflammation.

Chronic course

Among adults, 70% are between 20 and 30 years of age; among children, 50% are under 5 years of age. This form develops mainly slowly and imperceptibly, since the accumulation of fluid occurs gradually (very rarely - “intermittently”) over several weeks and sometimes years, and can reach significant volumes.

For a long time the pathology does not cause any subjective feelings and proceeds with satisfactory health and without an increase in temperature, in contrast to acute course associated with the inflammatory process. An increase in temperature against the background of a hydrocele already indicates the development of pyocele - a complication of edema of the membranes associated with infection of the fluid and the development of a purulent inflammatory process.

As the amount of fluid increases, a feeling of discomfort appears when walking and during sexual intercourse, an unpleasant feeling of pressure, heaviness or slight pain in the groin area and the scrotum along the spermatic cord, painful urination is possible.

Enlargement of the scrotum becomes noticeable already with a relatively significant accumulation of fluid between the membranes of the testicle. On examination, asymmetry of the scrotum is noted due to an increase in the corresponding half of it, or a uniform increase in case of bilateral dropsy. In this regard, the main complaint of the patient when visiting a doctor is a change in the contours and sometimes the size of the scrotum. In case of very big size dropsy, the skin of the scrotum above it is stretched, and the penis is “retracted” under the skin. In this case, its maceration is noted as a result of the constant ingress of urine during urination.

When palpating the contents of the scrotum, an isolated hydrocele is defined as a painless swelling with a smooth surface of dense elastic consistency, in the lower parts of which the testicle is located. Very often the latter cannot be palpated, but a fluctuation is detected.

Communicating dropsy on palpation has a pear-shaped shape with a wide base at the bottom and an apex limited by the outer ring inguinal canal. Sometimes the upper part of the formation penetrates the inguinal canal, and it takes on an hourglass shape or becomes multi-chambered.

With a communicating form of hydrocele of the testicle and spermatic cord with the abdominal cavity, the volume of fluid between the membranes may change throughout the day, which depends on physical activity and preferred body position. At the same time, when the patient retains air or “strains,” the formation increases and its density increases significantly. In a horizontal position or pressure on the scrotum, the fluid easily moves into the abdominal cavity, as a result of which the first decreases or its swelling disappears altogether.

Possible complications

  1. Various disorders of spermatogenesis, ejaculation, due to high sensitivity testicles and epididymis to changes in their environment and deterioration of blood flow.
  2. Atrophy of the testicle, which can occur as a result of severe circulatory disorders with tense dropsy of the membranes.
  3. Orchitis, orchiepididymitis or pyocele (purulent), which develop when a secondary infection is attached.
  4. Difficulty urinating (with large accumulation of fluid).
  5. Increased risk of scrotal injury even with minor impact.
  6. Functional and cosmetic inconveniences.


Ultrasound is the most reliable instrumental method for diagnosing testicular hydrocele

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out on the basis of:

  • Questioning the patient and the specifics of the clinical course.
  • External examination and palpation of the formation, during which attention is drawn to changes in the shape, size, consistency of the scrotum and its contents.
  • Diaphanoscopy, which is the transillumination of the scrotum with a directed intense beam of light. If there is serous fluid between the membranes, the light beam passes through them unhindered, uniformly coloring the scrotum in an intense pink color. This is important in differential diagnosis, since transillumination will be insufficient, uneven or completely absent in case of hematocele (presence of blood in the fluid), tumor, hernia elements or significant thickening of the membranes after resolution of the inflammatory process.
  • Ultrasound examination, which is the most reliable instrumental method, allows one to establish the presence of fluid, its nature and volume, assess the blood flow in the testicle and the degree of changes in the latter, identify the presence of a communicating form of pathology, carry out differential diagnosis with a tumor and an inguinoscrotal hernia.

Treatment of hydrocele

In the presence of a communicating hydrocele of the testicular membranes and spermatic cord in children under the age of 2 years, a wait-and-see approach is recommended, since a self-healing process cannot be ruled out due to the complete completion of obliteration of the vaginal process. None medications, and even more so the “medicines” of traditional medicine, are not able to lead to a cure or a decrease in the severity of this pathological condition. In its chronic forms in children over 2 years of age and in adults, only planned surgical treatment is indicated, which is the only pathogenetically substantiated and radical method.

Conservative therapy

An exception is hydrocele of the testicular membranes, the cause of which is an acute inflammatory process (orchitis, orchiepididymitis), allergic edema or “fresh” injury with the presence of a hematoma. In these cases, it is possible to treat hydrocele without surgery, mostly at home. Conservative treatment includes rest, use of a suspension, taking anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs.

In case of acute tension dropsy, including with a hematoma, after confirming the diagnosis in an outpatient setting, the hydrocele (or hematocele) is first punctured and the liquid contents are removed, followed by the application of a pressure bandage and/or a suspensor. In addition, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy is prescribed. In case of relapses, the puncture can be repeated up to 3 times. In the absence of a clear effect and recurrence of tense fluid accumulation, the patient should be recommended surgical treatment.

Surgery for hydrocele

There are several types surgical treatment dropsy of the testicular membranes.

With a reported form of pathology

An operation is used according to the Ross technique, the meaning of which is to separate the abdominal cavity and the cavity of the vaginal process. For these purposes, the vaginal process at the internal ring of the inguinal canal is mobilized and ligated using laparotomy access through an incision in the groin area.

Then the process is partially removed so that a hole remains in the testicular membranes. It is intended for the free outflow of hydrocele into the surrounding tissues, from which it is further absorbed.

If technical capabilities and trained personnel are available, the operation can be performed laparoscopically.

With an isolated form of pathology

The essence of surgical treatment is to eliminate the vaginal membrane. This can be done in one of three ways:

  1. Winkelmann operation - the testicular membrane is dissected along the anterior surface, everted and in this position sutured behind it.
  2. Bergman's operation is carried out via scrotal access - the outer layer of the processus vaginalis is excised and removed, and the remaining membranes, after careful hemostasis, are sheathed in order to create a tightness for the testicle. Then the latter is immersed in the scrotum, which is sutured tightly.
  3. During Lord's surgery, reducing the degree of damage to blood vessels and surrounding tissues is achieved by eliminating the “dislocation” of the reproductive organ into the wound. The membranes are dissected, the hydrocele is evacuated, and the membranes are sutured around the testicle with a “crimped” suture.

Rare possible complications after surgery - recurrence of dropsy, high localization of the testicle, which sometimes requires its reduction and fixation surgically(after six months), hematocele, pyocele, failure of the scrotal sutures due to the peculiarities of its blood supply.

The postoperative period consists of staying at home, limiting physical activity for 1 - 1.5 weeks and excluding physical exercise for 1 month, taking anti-inflammatory, analgesic and desensitizing drugs. If necessary, a weekly course of antibacterial drugs is prescribed.

Post-operative care consists of: daily processing surgical suture antiseptic solutions and changing antiseptic dressings for 10 - 12 days (before removing the surgical sutures), wearing special supporting suspensions.

The dangers of self-medication

How to treat this pathological condition at home and will a salt compress help with testicular hydrocele?

In articles on the treatment of this pathology on many Internet sites you can easily find recommendations for use. various ointments, compositions for oral administration (with honey and radish), lotions with pea infusion, compresses, including salt ones, with chamomile infusion, onion juice, paste of flowers of various plants, etc.

We should pay tribute to some of the authors of such articles - they made a reservation that treatment with folk remedies is possible with a “weak (?) form” of the disease. However, traditional medicine methods pathological condition Not only do they not help, but they lead to loss of time and, moreover, can contribute to faster fluid accumulation, the development of male infertility and other complications.

A delicate pathology of the stronger half, called hydrocele (dropsy of the testicle), is often detected in men who were unlucky enough to survive a scrotal injury or a disease of the genitourinary system. IN childhood, dropsy is a congenital pathology. In this article, the topic of hydrocele will be fully discussed, from etiology to treatment and rehabilitation.

What is a hydrocele

In the medical literature, the term hydrocele (dropsy of the testicle or testicular membranes) is characterized as an andrological pathology that occurs with a massive collection of fluid in the scrotal cavity, which entails reproductive dysfunction and severe complications.

Considering etiological factors, which affect the development of the disease, excess fluid can be represented by blood, pus, lymph, fluid effusion after excision of a hernia, effusion after varicocele surgery, etc. Basically, this disease is diagnosed in newborn boys, as well as in men aged 20 to 30 years.

Video on the topic

Mechanism of disease development

The functional ability of one of the testicular membranes lies in the synthesis of fluid, which is necessary for the free movement of the organ inside the scrotum. There is a clear balance between secretion synthesis and absorption into the body. If this balance is upset, fluid will accumulate massively in the membranes, causing the development of a hydrocele of one of the paired organs.

During intrauterine development, the gland descends into the lower genital organs. Together with it, the so-called vaginal process also moves. Its hole closes over time. If this does not happen in time, the liquid will accumulate. This mechanism of development of dropsy is typical for newborns.

In older men, dropsy develops completely differently, and basically it is acquired. Its occurrence is preceded by trauma to the groin area, excessive radiation, and an infectious disease.

During the 19th century, hydrocele was often diagnosed in patients with gonorrhea. Today, the main cause of illness is injury. The mechanical effect can be so minimal that a man will not even feel any special changes in his health, but after a few days he will experience swelling. The first thing that appears is a slight lump that does not hurt. Later, it begins to grow and only in this case do men begin to see a doctor.

Etiology of the disease

Congenital dropsy

This type of disease often develops for one single reason - incomplete fusion of the hole through which the testicle descended into the scrotum from the abdominal cavity in the prenatal period. As a rule, it should close in the first year after birth. Through this hole, fluid from the abdominal cavity enters the scrotum, causing dropsy.

Acquired dropsy

This type of disease can occur due to many reasons, including:

  1. Inflammation of the testicle and epididymis, due to the accumulation of inflammatory exudate.
  2. In case of injury to the scrotum.
  3. Due to impaired lymph outflow.
  4. Due to surgery on the perineum.
  5. Against the background of infection with gonorrhea, tuberculosis.
  6. After radiation or chemotherapy.

Risk factors that contribute to the development of the disease in adults

Provocateurs for the appearance of testicular hydrocele are:

  1. Disorder of lymph circulation in the groin area due to injury to the lymph nodes.
  2. Heart failure.
  3. Varicocele or surgery to remove an inguinal hernia.
  4. Kick to the groin.
  5. Excessive physical activity.

Main types of disease

Hydrocele is classified into the following subtypes:

  • Encapsulated.
  • Shingles.
  • Infected.
  • Unspecified.

According to location, testicular hydrocele is divided into:

  • Non-communicating hydrocele is an isolated process in which fluid accumulates only near the right or left testicle.
  • Communicating hydrocele - hydrocele extends into the abdominal cavity.
  • Hydrocele of the spermatic cord – the focus of pathology is located in the area of ​​this cord.

Considering the main cause of the disease, hydrocele is divided into:

  • Idiopathic - the primary type of hydrocele, without the possibility of identifying the underlying cause.
  • Symptomatic – dropsy is a complication primary disease or one of its signs.

In addition, doctors distinguish acute and chronic forms of the course, unilateral and bilateral dropsy.

Clinical picture

The main signs of hydrocele:

  • Noticeable enlargement of one half of the scrotum.
  • Body hyperthermia.

If the disease is congenital, then throughout the day the fluid will increase, and after sleep it will decline. Because of this, people suffering from a chronic form of the disease may not be aware of their problem for a long time.

Often, hydrocele develops without pain or secondary manifestations; fluid increases almost imperceptibly. Of course, the diameter of the scrotum can be quite small, but sometimes it reaches the diameter of a goose egg.

That is why, if there is clinical picture dropsy, it is not recommended to delay visiting a doctor for long term. Nowadays, specialists use safe and painless diagnostic methods, for example, diaphanoscopy - transillumination of the scrotal cavity with ordinary light. For this, a standard light bulb from a cystoscope is used, the beam from which is directed to the back wall of the organ. The presence or absence of testicular enlargement is clearly visible in the light.

Symptoms of the acquired form of hydrocele

Signs of acute hydrocele

Acute inflammation often occurs with fluid effusion, which can lead to the formation of an acute form of hydrocele. The disease is accompanied by sharp attacks of pain and significant swelling of the scrotum. Also, it is possible that there is swelling and hyperemia on one side of the organ, from which the testicle moves to the back and bottom.

Signs of chronic hydrocele


First of all, men suffering from problems with the scrotum should consult a doctor for consultation and examination. The doctor collects anamnesis, examines and palpates the problem area in a standing and lying position, assessing changes.

Since the skin in the scrotum area is very thin, in medicine there is a certain examination method called Diaphanoscopy. The essence of the procedure is to illuminate the scrotum with a special lamp. Thanks to this simple diagnostic method, it is possible to identify not only dropsy, but also to determine the composition of the fluid inside the scrotum: pus, blood, inflammatory exudate.

If the doctor suspects the infectious nature of the disease, the patient is referred for blood and urine tests.

One of the main and mandatory diagnostic methods is an ultrasound of the scrotum, which can show the presence of secondary diseases.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of hydrocele is carried out by a urologist, with whom the initial consultation should take place, and who should refer the patient to specific diagnostic procedures. Only after receiving the results, the doctor will be able to determine the type of disease, its stage and select the appropriate course of treatment. Only dropsy in newborns can go away on its own due to physiological changes; in all other cases, therapy cannot be avoided.

Indications for surgery include attacks of pain and possible risk testicular atrophy. The operation that doctors perform to correct dropsy is called hydrocelectomy by surgeons, which is performed in several ways.

Many men believe that only surgery will help get rid of hydrocele. But experts assure that some methods conservative therapy, will help eliminate pathology without harming the body and the genitourinary system in particular.

To use methods for treating hydrocele without surgery, you need to identify the exact type and stage of the pathological process. Very often, men who have detected an enlarged scrotum do not rush to see a urologist, trying to find a diagnosis on their own and self-medicate. This is a gross mistake that can harm your health and only worsen the condition. The best solution is to go to a urologist and trust a professional.

Treatment of testicular hydrocele in men without surgery with medications

Before using methods of non-surgical treatment of fluid from hydrocele, a good doctor will advise you to first undergo a course of anti-inflammatory therapy using drugs that will help remove the main cause of swelling. After completing the therapeutic course, most of the liquid disappears on its own. If the volume of the scrotum does not return to its original state, the patient is admitted to the hospital and undergoes a puncture or sclerosis procedure under local anesthesia:

  • The puncture is not medical procedure, but it helps relieve a man’s condition for a while. The essence of the procedure is to pump out excess fluid from the space between the shells. After some time, dropsy may return again.
  • Sclerotherapy is in many ways similar to puncture, but after pumping out the contents from the scrotum, a special medicinal solution, which reduces the degree of production of pathological fluid. To obtain a long-term effect, sclerotherapy is performed several times (2-3 procedures).

Treatment of hydrocele with folk remedies

The simplest and most accessible folk remedy for treating dropsy is drinking fruit and vegetable juices with a diuretic effect. They accelerate the outflow of fluid, improve the patient’s well-being, and fill the body with vitamins and microelements. It is recommended to consume about 500-700 milliliters of fresh juice with pulp per day.

Juices made from fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, watermelon, carrots, cabbage, pumpkin, beets and apples are excellent at removing excess fluid. You can mix the ingredients, add vegetable oil and natural cream. Fresh juices are best consumed 30-40 minutes before meals, dividing the daily dose into 3-4 doses.

To strengthen the immune system, freshly squeezed viburnum juice mixed with honey (1 teaspoon per 0.5 cup of juice) will help. The mixture is slightly warmed and drunk on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning.

A decoction of flaxseed shows a good effect. 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials are poured with 1 glass of boiling water and heated for about 10 minutes over low heat. Cover the finished broth with a lid and leave for 1 hour. After straining, the product should be drunk in small portions throughout the day. Course 3-4 days.

Will help strengthen the effect of decoctions and juices light massage scrotum using Kalanchoe infusion. Several fresh leaves are passed through a meat grinder or blender and poured with a glass of water or medical alcohol. The container is placed in a dark place for 2 weeks. When the tincture is ready, it is filtered and used for rubbing.

For one massage, 2 teaspoons of the product are enough. Rubbing is carried out clockwise, without pressing hard, so as not to cause pain. You can also request a massage with other homemade preparations (1 teaspoon of baby cream with 0.5 teaspoon of calendula alcohol tincture).

Another traditional medicine recipe is calendula-based ointment. To prepare it, you should take baby cream and calendula tincture. The components are mixed in equal proportions, and the resulting ointment is rubbed in before going to bed at night. If you perform the procedure daily for 3 months, the pain will go away without a trace.

Surgical treatment

Surgical therapy is carried out in several ways:

Operation according to Bergman - this method involves opening the hydrocele, and the parietal layer is completely excised. In this way, the cavity itself in which the liquid accumulates is removed.

Operation according to Winkelmann and Lord - these methods differ from the above in that after opening the hydrocele, the parietal layer is not completely cut off. It is turned outward, stitching the edges, or gathered around the testicle and sutured.

Each of these operations shows high rates of effectiveness in treating dropsy, with a minimal likelihood of relapse. All of them are carried out under local anesthesia or light mask or intravenous anesthesia. After the operation, the patient can go home after a few hours, or stay for a day for observation.

Dressings are carried out daily. The stitches are removed after 7-10 days. For several weeks after the operation, the patient is recommended to wear tight swimming trunks or bandages, avoid any hypothermia or overheating, do not lift heavy objects and do not play sports.

The endoscopic method of surgery is considered the easiest for patients. Excision of the membranes is carried out using a surgical endoscope, without a skin incision, through a small puncture of the wall. Local anesthesia, the postoperative period is smoothed. There will be no traces of the operation left on the scrotum.

Treatment for dropsy will not cause any problems in the future if you visit the doctor's office on time.

Complications and consequences of testicular hydrocele

Refusal to carry out treatment or delay in seeing a doctor can cause the formation of very serious complications:

  • An aesthetic defect in which the scrotum becomes so large that it is noticeable even through clothing.
  • The testicles are constantly under fluid pressure, which impairs blood circulation and leads to atrophy.
  • Erectile function decreases.
  • The process of ejaculation accelerates.
  • Necrosis and necrosis of testicular tissue - in this case, the testicles will have to be removed.

Complications after surgery can be associated with both features male body, as well as with the methods of carrying out therapeutic activities.

  • Early complications of hydrocele include any inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the postoperative wound, infection of the wound. Also, complications after surgery include suture dehiscence if the patient does not comply with the motor regimen.
  • Also, complications include prolonged swelling, excessive accumulation of lymph with the formation of a secondary lymphocele.
  • Some patients may develop a negative reaction to suture material, which manifests itself in the form of inflammation.
  • In isolated cases, if the body is inclined, pathological scarring with the appearance of a keloid is possible.
  • After surgery, testicular hydrocele in a man can cause long-term complications. This also includes recurrent hydrocele, in which the accumulation of fluid between the membranes of the testicle reoccurs after treatment. There is a change in the shape and appearance of the scrotum; in rare cases, men are affected by infertility, especially if the spermatic cord is damaged.

Do they take you into the army with a hydrocele?

Many guys suffering from hydrocele ask questions about military service. Doctors say that guys with this disease qualify for prizes in the “B-3” category. The conditions for establishing the fitness category for hydrocele or spermatic cord are described in Article 73 of the Schedule of Diseases. To be exempt from compulsory conscription, the pathology must be accompanied by relapses, and the amount of fluid in the scrotum must be more than 100 milliliters.

Rehabilitation after treatment of hydrocele

As mentioned above, patients do not necessarily need to remain in the hospital after treatment. It is quite enough to stay there for a day. Many men are discharged home within a few hours after the procedure. Doctors prohibit you from driving right away so that there is no tension on the postoperative sutures and there is no stress on the wound.

As the anesthesia is eliminated through natural pathways, minor pain may be observed. Usually it is not too intense, but if it is difficult for the patient to endure, you can take painkillers (exactly which ones you need to find out from your doctor). Under no circumstances should you take aspirin, because it thins the blood and leads to bleeding.

For the first 4 days after surgery, you need to stay in bed. You can walk, but only for short distances. Sitting is contraindicated! Wound treatment should only be done in a hospital when visiting a doctor for an examination. At the first appointment after surgery, the doctor removes the drainage. After a week, the stitches can be removed.

Wound care is carried out by washing with a solution of Chlorhexidine. Dressings can be done at home by treating the wound with brilliant green. Sometimes the doctor advises applying Levomekol ointment.

Over the next 3-4 weeks, you need to avoid heavy physical activity, do not play sports, and do not lift weights. You can't run or ride a bike.

Sex after hydrocele treatment

Doctors advise abstaining from sexual intercourse after surgical treatment hydrocele. The recommended rest period is 4-5 weeks. It is during this period that the wound undergoes active healing processes.

Since the operation to remove fluid from the scrotal cavity is a surgical intervention, a suture is placed on the wound. Any physical activity after the procedure can cause complications, so the patient must remain calm.

After completing the rehabilitation period, you can gradually return to your usual sex life. But even in this case, you should not engage in the matter vigorously. As a rule, even a month after treatment, active physical exercise may lead to a number of complications.


Hydrocele is quite treatable and preventable. To avoid problems, you need to take precautions: avoid injuries and treat in time infectious processes genitals.

We must remember that hydrocele can resolve even without surgery, using only medications. This is possible with precise diagnostic work And adequate treatment. If dropsy is widespread, then surviving a puncture or operation is much easier for a man than remaining infertile.

Video on the topic

Testicular hydrocele, popularly known as dropsy, is a moderately serious pathology of the lining of the testicles and the entire part of the scrotum, characterized by the accumulation of a certain amount of serous fluid in connective tissue. In men mature age hydrocele can develop as a result of bruises, injuries, as well as diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems. In childhood, dropsy is a congenital defect.

Hydrocele, in the absence of timely intervention, can lead to serious complications and reduced fertility in men of all ages.

Hydrocele of the testicular membranes is a pathology in which the membrane of the testicular membrane and scrotum is filled with fluid of a different nature:

  • lymphatic fluid;
  • blood;
  • effusion resulting from removal of an inguinal hernia;
  • exudate containing pus as a result of serious inflammatory processes;
  • effusion after surgery with varicocele (malnutrition of the testicles due to venous dilatation spermatic cord).

In most cases, testicular hydrocele is diagnosed in mature men aged 20 to 35 years, as well as in newborn infants.

In medicine, there are several types of classification of scrotal hydrocele:

According to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), hydrocele pathology is assigned the number N43.

The disease is classified in the following way:

  • encysted hydrocele: the scrotal cavity increases in volume due to the formation of a reservoir with serous fluid inside the cavities of the membrane membrane of the testicles;
  • circumscribed hydrocele: excess fluid in the tissue connecting part of the scrotum and testes;
  • infected hydrocele: accumulation of fluid caused by various infections of the genitourinary system;
  • unspecified hydrocele: the accumulation of fluid has no particular localization.

By determining the exact location of dropsy, the disease is divided into the following types:

  • non-communicating hydrocele: excess fluid forms around only one testicle;
  • communicating hydrocele: a liquid substance fills the scrotum and passes into the peritoneal cavity;
  • hydrocele of the spermatic cord: exudate fills the space around the junction of the testicles and testes.

Classification of dropsy based on the causes of its occurrence:

  • idiopathic hydrocele: without the ability to determine the exact cause of the disease;
  • symptomatic hydrocele: pathology is a symptom or consequence of other diseases of the reproductive and urinary systems.

When making a diagnosis, the following classifications of hydrocele are also used: acute and chronic hydrocele, unilateral and bilateral.

The cause of testicular hydrocele in infants is the development of the fetus in the womb. In mature men, dropsy develops either as a result of injuries, bruises and other types of impact on a sensitive organ, or as a background pathology of another disease.

In a word, dropsy is not diagnosed as an independent pathology, but only as a consequence of other diseases.

Hydrocele of the scrotum as an acquired disease occurs in only 5% of men.

The causes of the disease may be the following:

  • injuries and bruises of the scrotum;
  • various infectious diseases of the relevant body systems;
  • pathology of the lymph nodes in the pelvis and groin as a result of delayed outflow of lymphatic fluid;
  • cardiovascular failure;
  • complications in the postoperative period;
  • tumor formations in the testicles;
  • sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmitted infections such as STDs (gonorrhoea, syphilis, gonorrhea and others);
  • Excessive exercise and heavy lifting.

It is extremely rare that a testicular hydrocele may develop as a result of treatment. oncological diseases through radiation and chemotherapy.

In 1 out of 10 newborn boys, congenital hydrocele of the testicles, also known as physiological, is diagnosed at birth. This type of hydrocele is the result of some disturbances while in the womb.

The testicles begin to form during development at the embryonic stage, and this happens as follows:

  • the formation of testicles occurs inside the peritoneal cavity of the unborn boy;
  • immediately before the baby is born, the testicles, covered with the abdominal membrane, descend into the scrotum;
  • after birth, the duct between the abdominal cavity and top part scrotum;
  • if the fusion process is not completed by 1 year, a hernia in the scrotum or the above-described testicular hydrocele may form.

In newborn boys, the only cause of dropsy is the absence of a septum between the cavity of the peritoneum and the upper part of the scrotum, from where fluid can be pumped into the membrane of the testicular membrane.

In the 1st year of the baby’s life, this problem can be solved without radical medical intervention through late overgrowth of the septum.

The main symptom of all forms and types of hydrocele is a significant increase in the size of the testicles and scrotum as a result of the accumulation of serous fluid in them. But at the same time, acute and chronic forms of dropsy have a different set of accompanying characteristics.

In children, the size of testicular hydrocele during the day and at night can vary greatly. A strong increase in the scrotum is observed during the day, and at night the swelling subsides without causing any discomfort to the baby.

Symptoms of chronic hydrocele:

  • the size of the scrotum changes very slowly;
  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • painful sensations pulling character;
  • discomfort when walking and other physical activities.

With hydrocele, the volume of fluid filled can vary from a small amount to several liters. In this case, a man may have problems with bowel movements. Bladder and impotence (sexual dysfunction).

Symptoms of acute hydrocele:

  • a sharp change in the size of the testicles and scrotum;
  • high fever;
  • pulsation and sharp pain in the scrotum;
  • inability to identify the testicle by palpation.

Depending on where exactly the fluid accumulates, the scrotum can take on different shapes. If the swelling resembles an hourglass shape, then the fluid is localized in the groin area.

With dropsy, the skin of the scrotum smooths out under tension, and the swelling itself is elastic and smooth to the touch. In this case, the testicles themselves can be felt very faintly.

If the occurrence of hydrocele was not caused by trauma, bruises or infections, there is a favorable prognosis for treating the disease. The chronic form of dropsy is dangerous due to the complete death of the testicles.

The diagnosis is determined through the results of a medical examination and medical history, as well as indicators of various diagnostic measures:

  1. During the examination, the specialist palpates the testicles and scrotum while standing and lying on his back.
  2. Taking an anamnesis includes an oral questioning of the patient regarding his well-being, at what point in time the first changes were noticed, what kind of discomfort the patient is experiencing.
  3. The specialist performs diaphanoscopy (examination of the affected areas using a special lamp). Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to determine the nature of the fluid filling the scrotum: lymphatic fluid, pus or blood clots.
  4. Ultrasound examination allows you to determine the exact volume of fluid located in the membrane, as well as the condition of the testicles.
  5. The patient passes the general and chemical tests blood, as well as a urine sample to detect infectious diseases.
  6. If hydrocele is severely developed, an MRI and puncture of a liquid substance may be prescribed.

At the diagnostic stage, all background diseases are also identified that may be the suspected cause of the development of hydrocele of the testicular membrane.

For dropsy in newborns, specialists do not take radical treatment measures. Special medical supervision is established over the child and changes in the hydrocele are observed over time. Within a year, the problem may well resolve itself. However, if the space between the peritoneum and the scrotum does not heal within one year, surgical intervention is necessary.

In adult men with an acquired form of the disease, hydrocele is treated through surgery.

The exception is the case of an acute course of the disease against the background infectious infection. In this case, the patient first undergoes a course of antibiotics.

In cases where it is not possible to perform an operation to remove a hydrocele (for example, a number of medical contraindications to anesthesia), specialists prescribe a puncture of the fluid and extraction of the entire cavity. However this method treatment is not a priority, as it is associated with risks of complications.

In other cases, surgical intervention is performed complete removal hydrocele.

There are several types of such operations:

  1. Winkelmann. This operation consists of pumping out pathological fluid through a small incision in the lining of the testicles. All layers of sheets are examined one by one for the presence of fluid, after which the doctor examines the testicle itself, and if its condition is satisfactory, he turns the shell inside out and stitches it.
  2. Lord. The operation is performed in such a way that the cavity with fluid is removed entirely, without releasing the testicle from the layers of tissue.
  3. Bergman. The pathological fluid is removed, after which part of the membrane tissue is removed.

During the postoperative period, the patient is put on a special tissue drainage to maintain the shape of the scrotum and reduce the load on the spermatic cord. It is very important that the drainage be made of cotton, it is necessary to ensure good oxygen circulation for better healing of the sutures. In addition, the attending physician prescribes a regimen of anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs.

If you ignore the symptoms of testicular hydrocele and put off contacting a specialist until later, a negligent attitude towards your own health will manifest itself in the form of serious, sometimes irreversible complications:

  • under fluid pressure, the testicle can become deformed, lose its functions or even atrophy;
  • disturbance not only of urination, but also of erection, ejaculation with the subsequent development of male infertility;
  • psychological problems against the background of a man’s decreased self-esteem are a consequence of constant physical and moral discomfort.

Testicular hydrocele is not considered a particularly serious and dangerous disease for a man’s health. Timely treatment in almost 100% of cases leads to complete elimination of the problem.

Statistics show that only in 12% can a relapse of the disease occur and the reasons for this may be non-compliance with medical instructions during the rehabilitation period, as well as the development of the underlying disease, against which the formation of testicular hydrocele occurred.

Ignoring the symptoms of the disease and refusing the help of a specialist can lead to a decrease in the size of the testicles, thinning of the tissues of the spermatic cord and impaired spermatogenesis.

Disease prevention

Preventive measures To prevent the occurrence of hydrocele are very simple:

  • avoid injuries to the groin area;
  • avoid hypothermia or overheating of the scrotum;
  • use protection during sexual intercourse to avoid sexually transmitted infections;
  • periodically take tests and undergo a medical examination for timely detection various diseases, against which a hydrocele may develop.

It is very important to be attentive to your health in general to prevent the development of various serious diseases and pathologies that can arise against the background of underlying problems.

In modern medical practice, a disease such as hydrocele in men is often recorded. Treatment without surgery is possible, but only in some cases. Sometimes surgery is simply necessary.

Naturally, patients faced with a similar diagnosis are interested in any additional information. What is the disease? Why does hydrocele develop in men? Symptoms, treatment, surgery and rehabilitation period - all this important points, which under no circumstances should be ignored.

What is pathology? brief information

What symptoms are accompanied by testicular hydrocele in men? What it is? Causes, signs, possible complications - this is without a doubt important questions. But first, it’s worth understanding the basic data.

Hydrocele of the testicle (in medicine, the term “hydrocele” is often used to describe the disease) is a pathology that is accompanied by the accumulation of excess fluid between the visceral and parietal layers of the testicular membrane.

It is worth noting that this disease can develop in different periods a man's life. For example, congenital forms of hydrocele are often diagnosed using ultrasound during fetal development. In such cases, the pathology is usually associated with abnormal testicular descent and other abnormalities in anatomical development.

In boys, swelling is often caused by sudden changes in hormonal levels, which happens, for example, during puberty. In adult men, testicular hydrocele develops, as a rule, as a result of inflammatory processes. Of course, these forms of the disease are acquired.

The main reasons for the development of congenital hydrocele

As already mentioned, quite often this pathology is congenital. The reasons for this may lie in the following:

  • during intrauterine development, the testicle descends into the scrotum, but the lumen of the processus vaginalis remains open;
  • if the processus vaginalis remains connected to the abdominal cavity, then the fluid continues to circulate through this canal, accumulating between the layers of the testicle;
  • disruption of the normal development of the lymphatic system in the groin area can also lead to fluid accumulation.

Acquired dropsy: causes

If we are talking about the formation of testicular swelling in adulthood, then the list of reasons looks completely different:

  • testicular torsion;
  • disruption of the normal drainage of lymph from the scrotum;
  • injuries to the scrotum, genitals and perineal tissue;
  • inflammatory diseases of the scrotum, including those caused by sexually transmitted infections (according to statistics, chlamydia is quite often the cause of the development of dropsy in adult patients).

It is also worth noting that during diagnosis it is extremely important to determine not only the presence of edema and its severity, but also the reasons for its appearance - the success of treatment directly depends on this.

Acute form of dropsy and its symptoms

What is it like in men? Causes, treatment, possible complications are important information, but first it’s worth studying the symptoms. The fact is that the sooner the patient seeks help, the easier the therapy process will be.

The clinical picture of the acute form of hydrocele is in many ways similar to the symptoms inflammatory diseases. Patients often complain about severe weakness, body aches, fever. The volume of the scrotum increases sharply, and during palpation the testicle itself usually cannot be felt. Some men complain about sharp pain. The scrotum is quite dense to the touch. The skin becomes smooth and often acquires a reddish tint.

Features of the clinical picture in the chronic form of the disease

If we talk about the chronic form of the disease, then the symptoms in this case are not so pronounced. The scrotum increases in size, but there is no fever or other symptoms of intoxication. Patients complain about nagging pain. Discomfort may also occur during walking, sexual intercourse, or urination.

This form of the disease is very dangerous. Without treatment, the skin on the penis and scrotum gradually changes, which is associated with the onset of maceration. If the disease is advanced, it is possible that the penis may be pulled under the stretched skin of the scrotum.

What complications can the disease lead to?

Many men ask questions about whether hydrocele affects reproductive functions. Hydrocele of the testicle has virtually no effect on the quality and quantity of sperm produced. However, the disease can cause dangerous complications. Edema, which constantly increases in size, can lead to compression of blood vessels. Trophic disturbances sometimes lead to testicular atrophy.

Dropsy may be accompanied by a hematocele - in this case, not only fluid, but also blood accumulates between the sheets. As a rule, such a complication is associated with direct trauma to the scrotum. Complications include pyocele - an accumulation of purulent masses with further spread of the inflammatory process.

Hydrocele rupture is a complication that is recorded extremely rarely in medical practice. Sometimes, against the background of an inflammatory process, small mineral formations (stones) begin to form between the membranes of the testicle.

Drug treatment: how effective is it?

Many men ask whether it is possible to treat testicular hydrocele without surgery. As practice and statistics show, quite often you can get rid of edema by eliminating the cause. Of course, a thorough diagnosis is first required, which necessarily includes ultrasound, blood and urine tests, as well as some additional instrumental procedures (for example, puncture of edema).

If dropsy is caused by an infection or is accompanied by the formation of purulent masses, it is mandatory to take antibiotics. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will help relieve inflammation. In some cases, it is advisable to take medications that improve blood flow and normalize lymph outflow.

Dropsy puncture

In some cases, medications are not able to cope with the disease, especially when it comes to idiopathic forms of the disease, when the exact cause is not known. And sometimes doctors prescribe hydrocele puncture.

This is a fairly simple and quick procedure that is performed under local anesthesia. Using a syringe and special equipment, the doctor makes a puncture and then removes the accumulated fluid.

By the way, this procedure is also diagnostic in nature - the resulting liquid is carefully examined in the laboratory, the presence of blood elements, purulent masses, bacterial microorganisms, etc. is determined in it.

It should be said right away that in most cases, puncture gives only a temporary effect, as the fluid begins to accumulate again. This procedure is carried out as an emergency measure.


Sometimes puncture does not help to cope with a disease such as hydrocele in men. How to cure the disease? There is another one, namely sclerosis. By the way, this modern procedure, which is popular in European countries. During the operation, the doctor first removes the accumulated fluid, after which he introduces a special sclerosant substance, which reduces the amount of fluid produced in the testicular membranes.

This procedure is usually prescribed to older people, as well as to patients who, for one reason or another, are categorically contraindicated for full surgery or general anesthesia.

Folk remedies: effective recipes

Is it possible to treat hydrocele with folk remedies? Alternative medicine offers several recipes. For example, to relieve swelling on the scrotum, you need to apply a compress prepared from a decoction of agrimony herb (pour 100 g of dry herb with a liter of natural wine and bring to a boil).

For compresses in acute forms of the disease, you can also use a decoction of medicinal chamomile, since this plant has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, some traditional healers also use crushed fresh chamomile herbs.

It is useful to take decoctions of clover and coltsfoot inside. It is worth understanding that only a doctor can authorize such measures for a disease such as hydrocele in men. Treatment without surgery is possible only in some cases, and even traditional medicines are used, as a rule, only as auxiliary means.

Features of surgical intervention

What to do if a man is diagnosed with hydrocele? Treatment without surgery, unfortunately, is not always possible. Moreover, not in every case, taking medications or minimally invasive procedures provide the desired effect.

Today, there are many techniques that allow you to get rid of hydrocele surgically.

If there is open dropsy (fluid circulation is observed between the testicles and the abdominal cavity), then a Ross operation is performed. During the procedure, the doctor carefully removes the peritoneal process from the spermatic cord.

There is another procedure that is often used to eliminate pathology such as hydrocele in men. Effective treatment The isolated form of hydrocele involves partial removal of the inner membranes of the testicle and, accordingly, the accumulated fluid.

It’s worth saying right away that the decision about what kind of procedure will be performed is made by the attending physician, since it depends on many factors, in particular the cause of the swelling. Surgery rarely accompanied by any complications or relapses - the technique for such operations is quite simple. Some procedures are even performed under local anesthesia.

As a rule, rehabilitation is quick. Within 10 days, the sutures dissolve and the drainage (if any) is removed. The patient can return to a normal, familiar lifestyle. However, doctors recommend that men avoid heavy physical activity and sexual intercourse for 1-2 months.

Preventive measures and forecasts

In modern medical practice, a disease such as hydrocele in men is quite often recorded. Treatment without surgery is not always effective, and surgical intervention is associated with some difficulties. Sometimes it is much easier to prevent the development of a disease.

Something specific prophylactic drug does not exist. Nevertheless, doctors recommend that men avoid any groin injuries (use protective pads during sports, wear fairly loose underwear made of soft, natural fabrics). All inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genital organs (especially when it comes to sexually transmitted diseases) must be treated in a timely manner. If any abnormalities occur, you should consult a doctor. These are the rules that should be followed if there is a risk of developing a disease such as hydrocele in men. Treatment with folk remedies (for example, compresses, sitz baths, restorative decoctions), by the way, is sometimes used for prevention.

The prognosis for patients is positive. In almost every individual case, with the help of properly selected treatment, you can achieve full recovery body. Relapses happen, although not very often.

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