Home Pulpitis Diagnostic work of biology 7.

Diagnostic work of biology 7.


Annex 1

Appendix 2

diagnostic work in biology for 7th grade students

The following conventions are used:

Type of task: VO - task with a choice of answers, KO - task with a short answer.

Job no. Checkable Content Elements Task type Max. point
Biology in the modern natural science picture of the world and in the practical activities of people IN
Methods for studying plants IN
Methods for studying animals IN
Features of structure and life activity plant cell IN
General characteristics of organisms IN
Diversity of organisms IN
Meaningful connection between biological concepts (using the example of plants and animals) IN
Features of the structure and life of a plant cell KO
General characteristics of organisms KO
Diversity of organisms KO
Working with biological text KO
Life activity of plants KO
Plant care, methods of growing and propagating them KO
General information about animals KO
General information about animals KO
Adaptation of organisms to different environmental factors KO
Proper use special terms in writing (in context) KO

Demonstration version of diagnostic work in BIOLOGY for grade 7

Comparison is

1) studying the structure of a dandelion leaf using a magnifying glass

2) finding out the size of the dandelion inflorescence

3) comparison of leaf sizes on the same plant

4) elucidation of the influence of watering regime on dandelion growth

Look at the cell shown in the figure and indicate which number indicates the nucleus. Which statements are true?

A. Animal organisms are not capable of creating organic matter from inorganic.

B. Single-celled animals have a dense cell wall.

1) only A 2) only B 3) both A and B 4) neither A nor B

They lead an attached lifestyle.

2) They have locomotion organs, including wings.

3) During reproduction, eggs are laid.

4) They reproduce using spores.

5) Photosynthesis is characteristic.

6) Able to move in search of food.

During the excursion “Animal Covers” at the State Biological Museum. K.A. Timiryazev students learned that the main problem of warm-blooded animals - birds and mammals - is not only the preservation of heat, but also the fight against overheating. Establish a correspondence between the mammal’s device and what it is intended for: for each position from the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column, indicated by a number.


A) store water 1) vacuoles



D) create organic substances

D) release oxygen during photosynthesis

Write down the numbers of the selected answers under the corresponding letters in the table.

Answer: Write down the letters in the correct sequence in the table. Answer: Write down the action numbers in the correct order in the table. Answer:

Select animals that have radial (radial) body symmetry. List three elements of the correct answer.

insectsAnswer: jawsAnswer: Write down the numbers of the selected answers under the appropriate letters in the table.
(the endings of these words may change).

According to the method of nutrition, all fungi are divided into (A), consuming organic residues or secretions of other organisms, and (B), using organic substances of living organisms. But there are no autotrophs, that is, organisms capable of synthesizing organic substances from inorganic ones, among fungi. All fungi (B) that perform a role in the ecosystem

after flowering they begin to bloom (G) on bushes (G) - decomposers of organic matter until

hazel Nuts are formed from pistillate pollinated flowers, and the bracts surrounding the ovary grow into a green plus that covers the nut.

Words to choose from:

1. monoecious

2. dioecious

6. staminate

Write down the corresponding number in the table under each letter. Answer: 1 option

A1. In animal taxonomy, classes are grouped into





A2 . Single-celled organisms include:


    smallpox virus



A3. The tissue has contractility and excitability :





A4. Who from multicellular organisms has an intestinal cavity appeared?

A5. The organism shown in the figure belongs to the type:





A6 . The most complexly organized protozoa are :





A7. The type of coelenterates includes:


    sea ​​anemone


    all listed

A8. Regeneration in hydra is carried out due to the following ectoderm cells :





A9. The medusoid generation predominates in the development cycle:

    marine hydroid polyps

    coral polyps

    scyphoid jellyfish

    all of the above

A10 . The development cycle of which organism is shown in the figure?

    bull tapeworm


    liver fluke


A11. Freshwater hydra belong to the phylum Coelenterates?

    lives in fresh water bodies

A12 An animal whose cell performs the functions of an organism is –

    freshwater polyp hydra

    ciliate slipper

    aurelia jellyfish

    white planaria

A13. The shell plays a role in the body of a mollusk

    absorption of atmospheric oxygen

    special sense organ


    water filtration

A14 Circulatory system closed type first appeared:

    toothless bivalve mollusk

    human roundworm

    freshwater polyp hydra


    pike and perch

    hermit crab and sea anemone

    human roundworm and man

    spruce and birch trees

A16 An example of what factor is the trampling of plants on paths leading to a watering hole by animals?





A17 .Coelenterates are characterized by the presence

1. anus

2.diffuse nervous system

3.radial symmetry


5.vegetative propagation


1.lack of circulatory system


3.high fertility

4.development with an intermediate host

5.ability to breathe oxygen-free

6. body articulation

A19 Establish a correspondence between the function of hydra cells and their type.

Cell functions

A) defeat of the victim

B) the body's response to irritation

D) formation of cover

D) movement

Cell type




Write down the corresponding numbers in the table.

A20 Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of the environment and its factors.


Environmental factors

A) Constancy of the gas composition of the atmosphere.

1) biotic

B) Change in the thickness of the ozone screen.

2) abiotic

B) Change in air humidity.

For answers to tasks (C1-C4), use a separate sheet

    Body bovine tapeworm consists of a head, segments and tail. 2. Antennae and eyes are located on the head. 3. The outside of the body is covered with a layer of chitin. 4. They live in the intestines of the host organism, where there are many nutrients. 5. Digestive system is absent, nutrition occurs through the absorption of substances over the entire surface of the body.

Once in the water, microscopic larvae equipped with cilia develop from the eggs. They penetrate the body of the small pond snail mollusk, in which they grow, multiply, and tail larvae appear. These larvae leave the mollusk, actively swim in the water, then attach to plants, cast off their tail, and become covered with a thick shell - a cyst is formed. With grass or water, the cyst enters the cow's intestines, where it develops into an adult worm. A person can become infected with liver fluke if he drinks water from a dirty pond.

    Which harmful effects What effect does the liver fluke have on the human body?

    How can a person become infected with liver fluke?

C3. . You can sometimes see a large number of earthworms on the soil surface. Explain under what meteorological conditions this occurs and why. Give a detailed answer.

Option 2

A1. In animal taxonomy, families are grouped into





A2. Coelenterates include:

    sea ​​anemone




A3. The integument of the body is made up of tissue:





A4. Under the number 8 in the figure it is shown:


    contractile vacuole



A5.What type of animals are shown in the picture?





A6. What classes of animals are classified in the phylum mollusks:

    gastropods, cephalopods, bivalves

    sarcodaceae, cephalopods, bivalves

    gastropods, nematodes, bivalves

    gastropods, cephalopods, scyphoids

A7. The phylum Mollusca includes:


    sea ​​anemone


    all listed

A8. The ectoderm of the hydra body does not include:

    stinging cells

    epithelial muscle cells

    glandular cells

    nerve cells

A9. In the sexual process of ciliates, the main role is played by:

    small core

    big core

    both cores


A10. The development cycle of which organism is shown in the figure?

    bull tapeworm


    liver fluke


A11. The grape snail is classified as a Mollusca type, so what is it?

    an unsegmented secondary cavity animal, the body consists of a head, trunk and legs, a manitial cavity is formed.

    according to the method of nutrition - a heterotrophic organism

    responds to changes in the environment

    contains two layers of cells: ectoderm and endoderm

A12. An animal whose cell performs the functions of an organism is -

    freshwater polyp hydra

    green euglena

    aurelia jellyfish

    white planaria

A13. In mollusks, the excretory function is performed by:

    malpighian vessels

    green glands


    the entire surface of the body.

A14. Gas exchange is a process that results in:

    atmospheric oxygen enters the body

    oxygen enters the body or cells from the environment and is released into environment carbon dioxide

    carbon dioxide enters the body or cells from the environment, and oxygen is released into the environment

    Carbon dioxide is removed from the body.

    pike and perch

    hermit crab and sea anemone

    liver fluke and humans

    birches and boletus

A16. An example of which factor is the flooding of animal burrows during spring floods?

    biotic 2) abiotic 3) anthropogenic

In task 17,18, choose three correct answers out of six.

Write down the selected numbers in ascending order.

A17. Mollusks are characterized by the presence of:

1.bilaterally symmetrical animals, some have asymmetrical symmetry

2.diffuse nervous system

3.mineral shell

4.closed circulatory system

5.vegetative propagation

6.mantle cavity

A18.For flatworms characterized by the presence of:


2.radial symmetry



5.two nerve trunks connected by jumpers


A19. Establish a correspondence between the function of hydra cells and their type.

Cell functions

A) movement

B) protecting the body from enemies

B) regeneration

D) formation of cover

D) defeat of the victim

Cell type




Write down the corresponding numbers in the table.

A20. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of the environment and its factors.


Environmental factors

A) Fertilizer application

1) biotic

B) Deforestation.

2) anthropogenic

C) Pollen transfer by bees

D) Change in the number of consumers.

For answers to tasks (C1-C4), use a separate sheet. Write it down

C1. Read the text and find sentences in the text that contain biological errors. First write down the numbers of these sentences, and then formulate them correctly.

Read the text and complete task C2.

The family of earthworms (Lumbricidae) from the class Oligochaeta consists of almost 170 species, and belongs to the phylum annelids– Annelides ( ).
For the first time on vital importance Earthworms in the formation of soil were indicated by Charles Darwin in his classic work “The Formation of the Vegetative Layer of the Earth by the Activity of Earthworms and Observations on Their Lifestyle.”
Darwin was the first to establish the biogenic nature of soils and was the first to show the significant role of animal organisms, primarily earthworms, in the process of soil formation. He was also the first to show, using the example of earthworms, how great value Ordinary and little noticeable phenomena play a role in the processes of soil formation, how enormous is the work performed in nature by insignificant organisms, if this work is carried out by them day after day for centuries and millennia.
Earthworms make up from half to three quarters of the total biomass of soil invertebrates and do a tremendous job of improving the health and fertility of the soil. Earthworms pass a large mass of dead plant matter through their intestines, in which the plant tissues are finally destroyed, digested and then mixed with the soil. Thanks to the activity of earthworms, compost “matures” faster, turning after their processing into free-flowing, friable, consisting almost exclusively of granular excrement of worms, environmentally friendly and extremely useful substance(humus), which is easily absorbed by plants.

C2. Using the content of the text “Class of Flukes”, answer the questions:

    What is the significance of earthworms?

    How do earthworms improve soil fertility?

C3. Describe the significance of bivalves in nature and human life? Give a detailed answer.

Diagnostic test

in biology 7th grade.


For each correct answer in a partA - 1 point

partsIN -2 points

C1 -maximum amount - 3 points

C2 and C3 – 2 points each.

Grading scale

Number of points


0-15 b

16-21 b


28-31 b


Part "A"

Option 1

Option 2

































Part "B"

Option 1

Option 2

IN 1


IN 1


AT 2


AT 2


AT 3


AT 3


AT 4


AT 4


Part "C"

Option 1

Option 2


Response elements:

Errors were made in sentences: 1,2,3.

    The body of the bovine tapeworm consists of a head,cervix and joints

    Located on the headsuction cups and hooks.

    The outside of the body is coveredskin-muscle bag.

3 points


Response elements:

Errors were made in sentences: 1,4,5.

    Euglena green leadsfree-living Lifestyle.

    Mixotroph (capable of heterotrophic and autotrophic nutrition).

    Reproduces longitudinal dividing in two.

3 points


Response elements:

Question 2: A person can become infected with liver fluke if he drinks water from a dirty pond.

2 points


Response elements:

1 question : Participate in the processes of soil formation, healing and improving soil fertility.

Question 2. Earthworms pass a large mass of dead plant debris through their intestines, in which plant tissues are finally destroyed, digested and then mixed with soil, forming a useful substance (humus), which is easily absorbed by plants.

2 points


Response elements:

    Massive crawling of earthworms to the soil surface is observed after heavy rain, and the earthworm tunnels are filled with water.

    The oxygen content decreases, the breathing of worms in the soil becomes difficult and they migrate.

2 points


Response elements:

    Bivalves filter water; some aquatic animals feed on toothless mollusks.

    Humans eat shellfish and extract pearls and mother-of-pearl from them.

2 points

Biology 7th grade. December 2012. Option 1.

Instructions for performing the work

in biology

7th grade

1 option

To perform diagnostic work in biology, you are given 2 hours(120min ). The work consists of 3 parts, including 23 tasks

Part 1 contains 16 tasks (A1-A16). For each task there are four possible answers, of which only one is correct. When completing tasks in Part 1, circle the number of the selected answer in the exam paper.If you circled the wrong number, cross out the circled number and then circle the new answer number.

Part 2 contains 4 tasks with short answer (B1-B4). For tasks in Part 2, the answer is written down in the exam paper in the space provided. If you write down an incorrect answer, cross it out and write a new one next to it.

Part 3 contains 3 tasks (C1-SZ.)Tasks are completed on a separate sheet.

When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Please note that entries in the draft will not be taken into account when grading the work.

We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. If after completing all the work you have time left, you can return to the missed tasks.

The points you receive for all completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score the most points.

We wish you success!



Surname ________________________________________________


Part 1

When completing multiple-choice tasks (A1-A24), circle the number of the correct answer in the exam paper.

A1. In animal taxonomy, classes are grouped into

  1. Types
  2. Childbirth
  3. Families
  4. Units

A2. Single-celled organisms include:

  1. bacteria
  2. smallpox virus
  3. Volvox
  4. hydra

A3. The tissue has contractility and excitability:

  1. nervous
  2. cover
  3. connecting
  4. muscular

A4. Which multicellular organism developed an intestinal cavity?

A5. The organism shown in the figure belongs to the type:

  1. protozoa
  2. roundworms
  3. coelenterates
  4. shellfish

A6 . The most complexly organized protozoa are:

  1. ciliates
  2. Sporozoans
  3. sarcode
  4. flagellar

A7. The type of coelenterates includes:

  1. aurelia
  2. sea ​​anemone
  3. obelia
  4. all listed

A8. Regeneration in hydra is carried out due to the following ectoderm cells:

  1. skin-muscular
  2. stinging
  3. intermediate
  4. sensitive

A9. The medusoid generation predominates in the development cycle:

  1. marine hydroid polyps
  2. coral polyps
  3. scyphoid jellyfish
  4. all of the above

A10. The development cycle of which organism is shown in the figure?

  1. bull tapeworm
  2. roundworm
  3. liver fluke
  4. pinworm

A11. Is freshwater hydra a member of the phylum Coelenterata?

  1. lives in fresh water bodies
  2. according to the method of nutrition - a heterotrophic organism
  3. responds to changes in the environment
  4. contains two layers of cells: ectoderm and endoderm

A12 An animal whose cell performs the functions of an organism is -

  1. freshwater polyp hydra
  2. ciliate slipper
  3. aurelia jellyfish
  4. white planaria

A13. The shell plays a role in the body of a mollusk

  1. absorption of atmospheric oxygen
  2. special sense organ
  3. exoskeleton
  4. water filtration

A14 The closed circulatory system first appeared:

  1. toothless bivalve mollusk
  2. human roundworm
  3. freshwater polyp hydra
  4. earthworm
  1. pike and perch
  2. hermit crab and sea anemone
  3. human roundworm and man
  4. spruce and birch trees

A16 An example of what factor is the trampling of plants on paths leading to a watering hole by animals?

  1. biotic
  2. anthropogenic
  3. abiotic
  4. seasonal

Part 2

When completing tasks with a short answer (B1-B5), write down the answer as indicated in the text of the task.

In task B1, B2, choose three correct answers out of six. Write down the selected numbers in ascending order.

IN 1. Coelenterates are characterized by the presence

  1. anus
  2. diffuse nervous system
  3. radial symmetry
  4. gills
  5. vegetative propagation
  6. hermaphroditism


AT 3. Establish a correspondence between the function of hydra cells and their type.

Write down the corresponding numbers in the table.

AT 4. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of the environment and its factors.

Write down the corresponding numbers in the table.

Part 3 (C)

For answers to tasks (C1-C4), use a separate sheet. First write down the number of the task (C1, etc.), and then the answer to it.

C1. Read the text and find sentences in the text that contain biological errors. First write down the numbers of these sentences, and then formulate them correctly.

  1. The body of the bovine tapeworm consists of a head, segments and a tail. 2. Antennae and eyes are located on the head. 3. The outside of the body is covered with a layer of chitin. 4. They live in the intestines of the host organism, where there are many nutrients. 5. There is no digestive system; nutrition occurs by absorbing substances throughout the entire surface of the body.

Read the text and complete task C2

Once in the water, microscopic larvae equipped with cilia develop from the eggs. They penetrate the body of the small pond snail mollusk, in which they grow, multiply, and tail larvae appear. These larvae leave the mollusk, actively swim in the water, then attach to plants, cast off their tail, and become covered with a thick shell—a cyst is formed. With grass or water, the cyst enters the cow's intestines, where it develops into an adult worm. A person can become infected with liver fluke if he drinks water from a dirty pond.

C2. Using the content of the text “Class of Flukes”, answer the questions:

  1. What harmful effects does the liver fluke have on the human body?
  2. How can a person become infected with liver fluke?

C3. . You can sometimes see a large number of earthworms on the soil surface. Explain under what meteorological conditions this occurs and why. Give a detailed answer.

Answer sheet for part C assignments


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