Home Stomatitis Asthma causes. Bronchial asthma: symptoms and treatment in adults

Asthma causes. Bronchial asthma: symptoms and treatment in adults

204 10/03/2019 7 min.

An increasing number of adults are suffering from bronchial asthma. Doctors attribute this surge to the deteriorating environmental situation. The number of patients is growing rapidly, even though timely diagnosis and innovative treatments. According to statistics, more than 160 million people suffer from asthma in the world. What is the insidiousness of this disease? How to treat asthma?

Definition of disease

Bronchial asthma- it's chronic inflammatory disease respiratory tract, which causes bronchial hyperactivity. As a result, increased sensitivity of the bronchi to various environmental influences develops, manifested in the form of asthmatic spasm.

Due to excess mucus production, edema and spasm, the bronchial wall thickens and the lumen narrows. As a result of this narrowing, there is no sufficient gas exchange with the environment, which leads to repeated attacks of suffocation, wheezing, shortness of breath and coughing.

The attacks go away on their own or under the influence of medications.


Bronchial asthma occurs due to hypersensitivity to irritants. This disease can develop due to a hereditary predisposition or be associated with environmental factors (allergic factors, frequent respiratory tract infections).

An asthma attack is usually triggered by the following factors:


TO early signs Asthma includes such manifestations as:

The first signal of increased sensitivity of the bronchi can be only some of the above symptoms. They can appear very a short time, most often at night, go away on its own and do not disturb the patient again for a long time. However, over time, symptoms progress. It is very important not to miss this period imaginary well-being and contact specialists in a timely manner.

Bronchial asthma in initial stages its development does not cause general disorders in the body. But over time, they inevitably arise, manifesting themselves in the form of the following symptoms:

Possible complications

Complications of bronchial asthma are classified into several types:

    Respiratory: pneumonia, spontaneous pneumothorax, acute respiratory failure. Asthmatics are susceptible frequent inflammation lungs; this is due to damage to the lung tissue and weakened immunity. Spontaneous pneumothorax accompanied by a rupture lung tissue, which leads to air entering pleural cavity, where it accumulates and compresses organs. This complication requires immediate surgical intervention. Acute respiratory failure is manifested by insufficient oxygen supply and requires emergency medical care, including drugs to dilate the bronchi and artificial pulmonary ventilation.

  • Chronic respiratory: hyperinflation of the lungs, pneumosclerosis, emphysema,. Chronic respiratory complications are less aggressive in nature, but appear more often. They affect asthmatics who suffer from the disease for several years. Hyperinflation of the lungs is accompanied by dysfunction of the lung tissues and cannot be controlled complete cure. Pneumosclerosis occurs most often in asthmatics who have had bronchitis or pneumonia. Signs of pneumosclerosis are a constant dry cough and shortness of breath, lethargy, weight loss and dull pain in the chest area. Emphysema is irreversible and cannot be treated, so it is only possible to relieve its symptoms. Obstructive bronchitis occurs more often than others chronic complications, characterized by swelling and thickening of the walls bronchial tree. The disease has an irreversible process.
  • Cardiac complications: heart failure, myocardial dystrophy, hypotension, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction. The consequences are due to the fact that at the time of the attack there occurs oxygen starvation throughout the body and is observed high pressure V chest. Oxygen starvation can lead to dystrophy of the heart muscle (myocardium). Promotion blood pressure V thoracic region due to damage to the pulmonary vessels, it leads to the formation of a pulmonary heart. The cor pulmonale does not pump blood well, resulting in hypotension.
  • Gastrointestinal complications: are the result of exposure to medications that are used in the treatment of bronchial asthma. The drugs affect the gastrointestinal mucosa and cause ulcers. duodenum or stomach. Gastrointestinal complications in advanced form can lead to internal bleeding.
  • Brain: neuropsychiatric disorders, respiratory encephalopathy, fainting, bettolepsy. Oxygen starvation of the brain leads to disruption of the normal functioning of higher nervous activity. The patient becomes irritable or, conversely, apathetic. Often observed depressive states, asthenia; Respiratory encephalopathy (dementia) may develop.

One of the most serious complications is status asthmaticus, which is life-threatening. Accompanied by swelling of the bronchioles, in which sputum accumulates. The patient experiences increasing suffocation and oxygen starvation. If he's in as soon as possible will not be provided health care, then death may occur.


An asthma attack usually occurs violently. The patient must immediately lean on the back of the chair, pull himself together and normalize his breathing. You need to exhale all the air in your lungs. Be sure to open the window to ensure air flow. In addition, the patient must immediately use short acting(Salbutamol, Terbutaline, Fenoterol), taking a couple of inhalations. These medications can be called “first aid” for an asthmatic. If the condition improves, it is necessary to perform 2 more inhalations.

By medication

Bronchial asthma requires treatment medicines, the action of which is aimed not only at alleviating attacks of suffocation, but also at treating the disease. Such drugs dilate the bronchi and reduce inflammation.

Doctors have developed step-by-step therapy that helps control the course of the disease:

Folk remedies

Drug treatment asthma can be supplemented by the use of traditional medicine. For example, rye pollen helps treat this disease well. It needs to be collected during flowering before sunrise and stocked up for the whole year. Pollen is infused in alcohol or strong moonshine. A glass of pollen is filled with 0.5 liters of alcohol and infused for 20 days in a dark place. Take 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals in the morning and evening.

In the treatment of asthma. Its root must be ground in a coffee grinder, then 400 g of powder is infused in 1 liter of alcohol for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally, and then filtered. The tincture is taken 2 times a day, 1 teaspoon. The product strengthens the bronchi, improves digestion and supports the kidneys.

Treatment with propolis is also useful for asthma. Pour 20 g of propolis into 80 g of alcohol, leave for a week, then strain. Take 20 drops with water or milk half an hour before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment should be continued for 3 months. Propolis is also used mixed with honey for inhalation.

Instead of tea ethnoscience advises drinking a decoction of nettle leaves (1 teaspoon per glass of water). If you have difficulty breathing, hawthorn infusion is useful (1 tablespoon of fruit per glass of water). This infusion should be drunk 3 times a day.

Infusions, herbal infusions, healing teas provide additional healing effect, however, before using it, it is better to consult not only a doctor, but also an experienced herbalist.


For preventive purposes, one should actively and systematically engage in physical education and swimming. In order to cope with the disease, you need to inflate balloons.

An effective measure is.

It is very important to walk a lot outdoors and, if possible, avoid contact with allergens such as pollen, dust, and animal fur. Inflammation of the respiratory tract should be avoided and treatment should be carried out promptly.



Bronchial asthma is a very insidious disease. If you treat it irresponsibly, then irreversible consequences will not keep you waiting long, even death is possible during an attack. Adults need to learn to live with this disease, react correctly to attacks and always have medications on hand. Asthma is not something to joke about. You must always be on alert and respond in a timely manner.

Also read what you can do if your child has asthma without suspicion.

It’s easy to miss if they occur simultaneously with a cold or acute viral infection. But a cold goes away in one or two weeks, but bronchial asthma remains for life. The sooner treatment is started, the greater success can be achieved, so it is important to know the first signs of this chronic disease.

  • An allergic reaction accompanied by cough and shortness of breath. An attack of dry coughing is usually preceded by active discharge of fluid from the nose, reminiscent of a runny nose. Liquid mucus clogs Airways, preventing deep breathing through the nose. Physical contact with the allergen may result in an itchy rash on the skin.
  • Increased fatigue after physical activity. If a child already knows how to walk, and especially run, he does it with pleasure. But cough and shortness of breath, which the baby cannot yet talk about normally, force the child to give up risky body movements and become more passive. An attentive parent who knows how asthma begins will not miss these first symptoms and will return the child to the opportunity to move actively without suffering.
  • Complaints about the inability to breathe normally, a feeling of tightness in the chest. From about 6 years of age, a child is able to independently describe the reasons for his anxiety. Breathing problems are often ignored by adults as insignificant, especially if they are not accompanied by clear observable manifestations. Remember that asthma is... Don’t go to extremes, take your child to the doctor - this way you will prevent the chronic condition from getting worse.

On early stages Disease symptoms of bronchial asthma in children are similar to the manifestations of numerous other childhood diseases. Because of this, the concept of “false asthma” is common among pediatricians - a non-chronic condition in which the baby suffers from regular attacks of shortness of breath or suffocation. Unlike real asthma, it is successfully treated if treated in a timely manner, and less than a year after the start of therapy, the child is able to stop using the inhaler forever.


Now you know how asthma manifests itself in the early stages, and you can easily distinguish an asthmatic attack from ordinary shortness of breath or an attack of dry cough. Share this article with your friends and family so that no one misses the first symptoms of this dangerous chronic condition!

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Bronchial asthma. Causes of asthma
Bronchial asthma is an inflammatory process that occurs in chronic form and localized in the respiratory organs. The disease causes incomplete and reversible blockage of the bronchi, attacks of suffocation and coughing, as well as increased reactivity of the bronchi.
This disease is very common in children. The factors that cause it are very diverse. In this case, the disease is serious and can provoke fatal outcome. Moreover fatal Almost any attack of suffocation can result. Therefore, if you suspect asthma, you should consult a physician.
The following will outline the most common factors that cause asthma and the principles of its development. Such information can be very important both for parents whose children have asthma and for preventing this disease in children. healthy babies and adults.

What kind of disease is bronchial asthma?

This is an inflammatory process localized in the respiratory tract and occurring in a chronic form. The disease affects almost only the bronchi. If for such common ailments as bronchiolitis or bronchitis main reason development is a pathogenic infection that enters the respiratory system, then this cause is secondary in the occurrence of asthma. The main reason is an increase in bronchial reactivity, which is an allergic manifestation. The main mechanism of the disease is a decrease in the lumen of the bronchi during asthma attacks. The principles of the development of the disease, as well as its causes, will be outlined below.

How common is asthma?

In children, this disease is one of the most common. In the United States of America, this disease affects between five and twelve percent of children. Interestingly, among the youngest, boys are more susceptible to asthma. Among teenagers, the percentage of girls and boys is equal.
At the same time, the disease is more often observed in residents of megacities - seven percent or more. But among rural residents no more than five percent are sick.

Why and how does this disease occur?

The factors that provoke this disease are varied; the processes occurring in the body during asthma are quite complex. The main impetus for the development of the disease is an increase in bronchial reactivity, which begins against the background of allergic manifestations.

If we consider the disease based on the factors that cause it, there are two forms of the disease: infectious-allergic And atopic. The primary processes in the body in these two forms of the disease are completely different. But then the phases of the disease proceed similarly.

Atopic variety- This is a disease of purely allergic origin. Just as with other allergic manifestations, the body’s reaction to interaction with one or more allergens is of primary importance during the course of the disease. The body's response and the development of asthma proceeds as follows: as soon as the allergen affects the body, the immune system detects the allergen and releases a certain amount of substances that subsequently interact with the allergen.

The presence of these substances in the body indicates sensitization. These substances are antibodies or specially targeted cells protective system. People constantly interact with a huge number of a wide variety of allergens, but not everyone triggers the asthma mechanism. A genetic predisposition or other factors play a very important role in the formation of this type of asthma. physiological characteristics buildings. Thus, the body of people suffering from bronchial asthma responds very powerfully to the effects of allergens, and allergic manifestations at the same time very destructive and strong.

If the body interacts with the same allergen a second time, a response develops, the result of which is a decrease in the internal diameter of the bronchi, as well as respiratory failure - these are symptoms of an approaching attack of suffocation. For allergic form Asthma is characterized by an immediate worsening of the condition when interacting with an allergen. The rest of the time, the patient does not experience any painful manifestations.

The most common allergens are house dust, flower pollen, cat and dog hair, household chemicals, and some food. And by and large, almost any chemical can act in this capacity.
This form of asthma is quite common in children. It is usually combined with allergic manifestations such as eczema, urticaria, and nutritional allergies. It should be noted that all these ailments are interconnected, since they represent a malfunction of the immune system.

If the disease continues for many years and is not treated, processes occur in the bronchi that disrupt their function and increase the risk of developing infections. In this case, the principles of development atopic form are already beginning to resemble the principles of development infectious-allergic form. Therefore, if you have asthma, it is necessary to visit a therapist or allergist from time to time.

Infectious-allergic form at the first stages it proceeds according to different laws. So, the first impetus in the process is the presence chronic infection in the respiratory organs. In this regard, this form of asthma develops more often in patients mature age and it happens quite rarely in children. Influenced pathogenic microflora and the inflammatory process, the anatomy of the bronchi and their reactivity are disrupted: the amount of muscle tissue increases, connective tissue, the bronchi become very sensitive to irritating factors. The reaction to the interaction of stimuli is a decrease in the internal diameter of the bronchi, which causes breathing problems. Later, allergic manifestations come into play - this is the result of a change in local immunity; in asthma, this mechanism begins to work autonomously and is not regulated by the body.

This form of the disease lasts a long time, and its exacerbations are usually combined with respiratory diseases. This type of asthma is often combined with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease And chronic bronchitis.

Drug-induced asthma

Medicinal form of the disease- This special shape bronchial asthma, which appears due to the use of certain medications. Sometimes the disease is purely allergic in nature, then the allergen is the medicine. Sometimes long-term use of any drugs changes some body functions, which leads to the development of asthma. This happens, for example, when long-term use aspirin. Certain substances accumulate in the tissues, causing a powerful reduction in the lumen of the bronchi. The main thing with this form of the disease is to understand which particular drug provoked the disease. Therefore, consultation with an allergist is necessary. Once the drug stops entering the body, the disease usually goes away on its own.

Is there a hereditary form of asthma?

It was said a little earlier that during the atopic form of the disease, genetic predisposition plays a role. This statement has already been proven by a sufficiently large number of clinical experiences. This form of asthma often develops among members of the same family; for example, mothers and fathers who suffer from this disease, children also often suffer from it. The development of asthma in a child can be prevented if special preventive measures are taken.

Cardiac asthma

Name " cardiac asthma"used to identify asthma attacks that occur in heart failure. Thus, the cardiac form of the disease has nothing to do with atopic or other varieties of this disease. The change in breathing that occurs with the cardiac form of the disease develops due to deterioration of the heart, but not because the lumen of the bronchi has decreased, as happens with other forms of the disease.

The worst condition for an asthmatic is an attack in which it becomes difficult for a person to breathe. At this moment, dangerous suffocation occurs. If you don't provide prompt assistance, the patient may lose consciousness, fall into a coma, and even die. Every asthmatic should know how to relieve an asthma attack at home, without waiting for medical help, because ambulance Doesn't always respond to calls within a few minutes.

There are several effective ways, allowing you to independently eliminate or temporarily stop a dangerous symptom before doctors arrive. In our article we will look at these options and give some recommendations to reduce the risks of complications.

Anti-asthmatic treatment:

To begin with, let's look at the method of basic treatment of the disease. Correctly selected course and compliance preventive measures, will minimize the risk of an asthma attack. Each person suffering from this disease will be able to independently determine the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment according to the following scheme:

*asthma is controlled, there is no need for regular use of bronchodilators;

*there is practically no need for emergency care;

*a person leads an active life, has no significant limitations, easily performs physical exercise;

*gradually, the need to use anti-asthmatic drugs disappears.

With this course of the disease, we can draw the appropriate conclusion - the treatment of an asthma attack is carried out correctly, which eliminates risks dangerous complications. If a person regularly experiences asthmatic attacks, there is a constant need for the use of bronchodilators and basic medications, asthma treatment is not carried out effectively enough, so in such cases there is a real threat to the life and health of the patient.

How to eliminate an attack of bronchial asthma at home?

As a rule, an asthma attack occurs suddenly. A person experiences wild fear, so he cannot always take effective measures in a timely manner to save his own life. People living with an asthmatic must monitor the patient’s condition and, at the slightest deterioration in his health, take adequate measures!

To ease difficulty breathing during an attack, you need to use the muscles of the body. Experts recommend sitting on a chair facing the back of a piece of furniture, and placing a small pillow under your chest. Naturally, during dangerous symptom, it will be difficult for a person to orient himself and take the appropriate position, so loved ones are obliged to help the patient to alleviate his condition at this dangerous moment. Asthmatics need to mentally prepare for possible exacerbations. During an attack, you should not panic, which will increase the effect of suffocation. An adequate response to this condition will minimize the risks of complications.

Folk remedies to relieve an asthma attack:

Many healers who use medicinal herbs for the treatment of various diseases, it is strongly recommended to take certain herbal drugs during an attack.

Every adult who wants to take advantage of any suggestions to eliminate a dangerous symptom sometimes makes a serious mistake! Do not take herbs of medicinal origin during an attack of suffocation! Such a remedy will not give positive results, but on the contrary, it can worsen the progressive process, leading to a critical state.

How to remove acute attack asthma - only knows experienced doctor! Healing decoctions and tinctures, help only when used for preventive purposes, however, even in this case, take herbal teas This is possible only after the approval of the treating doctor.

For prophylactic use for bronchial asthma, the following types can be used medicinal plants:

*decoction of viburnum berries (thin sputum, eliminate cough);

*liquorice root;

*yarrow (anti-allergic effect);

*chopped coltsfoot leaves;

*garden turnip decoction;

*elderberry flowers.

Before you start treatment traditional methods, be sure to consult your doctor!

How to relieve an attack of bronchial asthma if you don’t have the necessary medications at hand?

This question worries people very much, because a dangerous symptom can happen at an unexpected moment, in any situation. To prevent serious consequences, a person needs to take the following measures:

*try to calm down, eliminate panic and fear;

*take a comfortable position;

*remove tight clothing that makes breathing difficult (ties, sweaters with a large collar, etc.);

*if the attack occurred in a closed room, it is necessary to urgently open all windows and doors to create a draft;

*remove items from the room that may cause allergic reaction(including pets and plants).

If you don’t have an inhaler at hand, you can prepare the following mixture to relieve an asthmatic attack: in a glass hot water stir 2 tsp. soda and iodine (2-3 drops). The hot solution produces steam that needs to be inhaled. This method is effective only in the event of a mild asthma attack.

Another method for relieving a dangerous symptom: chop the onion on a grater, place the resulting mass in plastic bag and apply a compress to the patient’s back, in the area between the shoulder blades. Similar action provides a compress of garlic pulp with the addition of vegetable oil. This composition should be applied to the patient’s chest, wrapped in a warm scarf.

If an asthma attack progresses and is serious, it will unfortunately not be possible to eliminate suffocation without medication. In such cases, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance to provide qualified assistance using effective medications.

Symptoms of status asthmaticus need to be relieved in a hospital setting.

Before the ambulance team arrives, the patient also needs help, but it must be provided with extreme caution, since it involves taking medications with a large number of contraindications.

First aid during an attack of bronchial asthma may include the administration of the following medications:

  1. Administration of Eufillin 10 ml of 2.4% solution intravenously.
  2. Reception antihistamine at the beginning of the attack: Suprastin, Tavegil, Erius, Ketotifen.
  3. Oral administration of Prednisolone - 1 tablet or 90-120 mg intravenously.
  4. Administration of 8-16 mg of Dexamethasone intravenously or intramuscularly, 1 ampoule.

Use any medicine It is necessary with extreme caution, strictly observing the recommended doses that are prescribed in the instructions or were previously prescribed by a doctor.

If you don’t have an inhaler or it doesn’t give desired result, you can use hormonal drugs: Dexamethasone or Prednisolone, which will also help reduce the symptoms of bronchial asthma. Upon arrival of the Ambulance, the doctor needs to tell in detail what measures were taken before their arrival.

If the attack is successfully stopped, its symptoms will disappear within 10 to 20 minutes. A person will have wet cough with the release of sputum, breathing stabilizes, shortness of breath and other signs of the disease disappear. In severe cases, the attack can last several hours, but in this case the patient must be hospitalized.

First aid for bronchial asthma is very important, since the further dynamics of the disease and the prognosis for recovery depend on its quality.


The frequency, as well as the intensity, of bronchial asthma attacks directly depends on the cause, contact with the provoking factor.

In order to reduce the frequency of attacks, you need to follow some rules of prevention:

* Eliminate contact with the allergen or factor that may cause an attack.

*Avoid hypothermia.

*Perform breathing exercises regularly.

*Proper and balanced nutrition.

*Rejection of bad habits.

*Treat all concomitant diseases in a timely manner.

*Periodically consult an allergist and pulmonologist.

*Walks in the open air.

Compliance with all the rules will help significantly reduce the risk of developing an attack. Important in cupping this state presence near the patient is considered pocket inhaler with a bronchodilator effect, which will help to relieve an asthma attack in time, to exclude the development of status asthmaticus or anaphylactic shock.

Bronchial asthma - chronic illness, which is repeated attacks of suffocation caused by spasms of the bronchi and swelling of their mucous membrane. When an asthma attack occurs, the muscles surrounding the airways spasm and the lining of the airways swells. Due to this, the bronchi narrow, which reduces the amount of air that passes through them, and suffocation occurs.
The basis of bronchial asthma is allergic nature- increased sensitivity of the body, and especially bronchial tissues, to various, usually harmless substances - so-called allergens and triggers. But acute mental shocks and fears can also provoke coughing and choking.

Common allergens and asthma triggers:

Animals, more precisely pet hair and dander contained in it;
- Dust and dust mites contained in it
- Weather conditions such as sudden changes in temperature, cold air, windy days, heat, humidity;
- Chemical substances in the air or in food;
- Food products containing sulfites such as sodium bisulfite, potassium bisulfite, bisulfite, sodium metabisulfite, potassium metabisulfite and sodium sulfate, widely used in the food industry;
- Mold;
- Pollen;
- Certain medications and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including aspirin and ibuprofen;
- Respiratory infections, such as colds;
- Strong emotions and stress;
- Tobacco smoke;
- Air pollution;
- Microorganisms inhabiting the upper respiratory tract
- Cold and flu viruses are a common cause of asthma.
- Exercise stress;
- Personal or family history of allergies such as hay fever ( allergic rhinitis) or eczema.
Increased risk factors for asthma are people whose daily or professional activity associated with conditions that promote respiratory irritation and daily exposure to potential allergens.

The following professions are more susceptible to occupational asthma:

Painters and plasterers
- Pastry bakers
- Nurses
- Chemical industry workers
- Livestock workers
- Welders
- Food industry workers
- Workers in the woodworking industry

Symptoms of bronchial asthma

Asthma symptoms can range from mild to severe. When asthma symptoms worsen, it is known as an asthma attack.

Most people with asthma experience asthma attacks separated by symptom-free periods. An asthma attack can last minutes to several days, and may become life-threatening, If air flow limited for a long time.
A severe asthma attack usually develops slowly, over 6 to 48 hours, called status asthmaticus, however, in some people, asthma symptoms can worsen quite quickly. During status asthmaticus, the patient's life is exposed to real threat. It is especially difficult for older people and children.

The main symptoms of asthma include:

Cough with or without phlegm;
- Retraction of the skin between the ribs during breathing (intercostal retractions);

Dark bags under the eyes;
- Difficulty breathing, which gets worse with exercise physical exercise or vigorous activity;
- Shortness of breath, which occurs during asymptomatic periods and worsens at night or in the early morning;
- Difficulty breathing in cold air;
- Chronic dry cough;
- Wheezing;
- Relief of the condition after taking drugs that dilate the bronchi.

Asthma attack different people develops differently. When asthma attacks last longer than usual, and medications that previously helped suddenly lose their effectiveness, the onset of status asthmaticus can be suspected.

Symptoms of an asthma attack include:

Blue lips and face;
- Decreased activity level, drowsiness or confusion during an asthma attack;
- Difficulty breathing, with especially difficulty exhaling;
- Increased heart rate;
- Severe anxiety due to shortness of breath;
- Sweating;
- Temporary cessation of breathing;
- Pain and tightness in the chest
- Dry wheezing;
- Expansion of the chest;
- Swelling of the neck veins.

Urgent help for an asthma attack

If you witness someone having an attack of bronchial asthma, you should make efforts to provide assistance to the patient until the ambulance arrives. It should be understood, however, that before the doctors arrive you can only slightly improve his condition. It is unlikely that the attack will be completely relieved.

First of all you should:

Unbutton the shirt collar;

Loosen the tie;

Eliminate anything that may interfere with the patient’s free breathing, including by providing access fresh air, if you are in transport or a confined space.

We need to help the patient accept correct position: standing or sitting, spread your elbows to the sides to engage respiratory muscles. Help the patient calm down, if he is close to panic, persuade him to breathe evenly.

In case of a mild attack, you can help by giving the patient a bath with hot water for arms and legs. If this is not possible, vigorously rub his hands until the ambulance arrives.

Help the patient find and use an inhaler if he or she has one. Help him apply this aerosol. To do this, remove the cap, shake the inhaler several times, and make 1-2 injections as the patient inhales. The inhaler must be held upside down, so that the drug stream is injected from top to bottom. This will ensure more efficient delivery of the substance into the respiratory tract. Remember that the effect of the drug does not begin instantly, but usually after a few minutes, in some cases up to half an hour. In less than 20 minutes, the aerosol injection should not be repeated, because this may cause unwanted side effects from the cardiovascular system.

As soon as the ambulance arrives, you need to tell the doctors what the patient was taking before their arrival.

If the attack cannot be stopped, the patient must be urgently hospitalized.

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