Home Removal Zakharyin Ged's zone is responsible for the lumbar region. Diagnostics by zones of Zakharyin-Ged

Zakharyin Ged's zone is responsible for the lumbar region. Diagnostics by zones of Zakharyin-Ged

During application they come into direct contact with human skin. But we are talking about the fact that the healing effect also appears on internal organs.

This occurs due to the presence of Zakharyin-Ged zones on the skin.

ZAKHARINA-GEDA zones- limited areas of the skin, in which, due to diseases of the internal organs, reflected pain often appears, as well as changes in sensitivity in the form of pain and temperature hyperesthesia (hypersensitivity).

The appearance of zones is explained by the spread of excitation from the pathological focus to the segmental apparatus spinal cord, which causes cutaneous projections in the area innervated by this segment. Zones can have both diagnostic and therapeutic value.

Zones of hyperalgesia (abnormally high sensitivity body to painful stimuli) are primarily of auxiliary value for diagnosis: by establishing zones of pain and hyperesthesia and comparing their boundaries with the diagram of the location of Zakharyin-Ged zones, one can make an assumption about which internal organ is in in this case amazed.

It is extremely important and interesting for diagnosis that changes in the projection zones of the skin are often observed long before the appearance of pronounced signs of the disease.

The anatomical and physiological basis for the emergence of such zones is the metameric structure of the segmental apparatus of the spinal cord, which has a constant anatomical connection with both certain areas of the skin (dermatomes) and internal organs (splanchnotomes).

In progress embryonic development, the relative position of the internal organ and the segment of the spinal cord innervating it changes significantly, but their nerve connections are preserved. For example, the ovary in an embryo is laid at the level of the neck, and during the process of fetal maturation it moves into the pelvic cavity, while maintaining autonomic nerve connections with the cervical part of the spinal cord. Therefore, with inflammation of the ovary, reflected pain (aching, dull) is often localized in the neck and shoulder girdle (Lapinsky syndrome).

When an internal organ is damaged, pathological impulses are transmitted along sensitive nerve fibers to the segment of the spinal cord innervating it and cause excitation of the segmental apparatus, including second neurons skin sensitivity and motor neurons (innervating muscles). Prolonged excitation leads to neuronal depletion, which is manifested by hyperesthesia associated with a decrease in the threshold of pain and temperature sensitivity in the corresponding area of ​​the skin (dermatome).

Pathological impulses are carried through sensory conductors to the thalamus and the cerebral cortex, forming a sensation of pain localized within the corresponding dermatome.

Zakharyin-Ged zones are also used for therapeutic purposes. The possibility of influencing the corresponding internal organs from the integument of the body in the area of ​​projection zones is primarily widely used in physiotherapy.

Medical experience has shown that some of the acupuncture points coincide with the zones of skin hyperesthesia of Zakharyin-Ged, which is taken into account and used in acupressure, acupuncture and punctuation (point) reflexology.

When you feel your body, you can find those places (zones) that will be painful and especially sensitive.

Pay attention to the table of Zakharyin-Ged zones. Which organ or group of organs does this painful area belong to?

Next you should think about additional diagnostics of this body. For example, if there is increased sensitivity of the inner surface of the left hand, you should pay attention to the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, etc.

To identify Zakharyin-Ged zones, several methods are used: light pin pricks are made in the area of ​​the skin projection of the affected internal organ (to determine hyperesthesia); lightly pinch between the thumb and forefinger and slightly lift the skin with subcutaneous tissue (if the corresponding internal organ is pathological, more or less intense pain occurs); touch a test tube with warm water or a warm wet sponge to the skin in the area of ​​​​the Zakharyin-Ged zones (in the presence of pathology of the corresponding internal organ, burning and pain are noted).

Detection of pain and hyperesthesia, comparison of its boundaries with the diagrams of Zakharyin-Ged zones, suggests damage to any internal organ.

However, it should be remembered that hyperesthesia of the same areas of the skin can occur due to diseases various organs.

Zakharyin-Ged zones are used in reflex therapy of diseases of internal organs, as a place of application of influence. Use acupuncture, moxibustion, acupressure and etc.

Thus, we came to the conclusion that by acting on the pain zones of Zakharyin-Ged, it is possible to treat internal organs by acting on the skin.

By using Lyapko application devices in these areas, it is possible to indirectly influence internal organs, normalizing their activity.

They asked me about DENAS. I started rummaging through the archives and came across an old letter to Fido. I consider it necessary to familiarize the general public with it. I would be grateful if subscribers with the appropriate qualifications would inform me if the interlocutor is mistaken in something.
From: Gleb Gavrilov Subject: Questions about reflexology Message-Id:<[email protected]> Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 23:02:12 +0300
Greetings, O Mike!

What exactly did Zakharyin and Ged discover and do the points (zones) named after them really exist? What is so special about these points, how do they differ from other places on the skin?

I’ll tell you right away that I’m a therapist; it’s better for a neurologist to explain this issue, but in general outline the situation is this: the Zakharyin-Ged zones really take place. This is a projection of reflex sensitivity from each internal organ to certain areas of the skin surface (the so-called autonomic nerve connections). We use them in diagnostics. So, for example, with angina pain, the little finger of the left hand may ache; similarly, there are areas of pathology of the gallbladder, pancreas, etc. (with pathology of the corresponding internal organs, pain may, but not necessarily, radiate to them). However, these zones have exclusively diagnostic, but not therapeutic value, which medical charlatans are trying to attribute to them.

Can these points really be connected to internal organs? For example, can a point on the ear (on the arm) be connected by some kind of “meridian” (channel), for example, with the kidneys or heart?

That's the whole point. Adherents of charlatology preach the thesis, which has not yet been proven by anyone, that by acting on these zones, an organ can be cured. This is a deeply outdated empirical view, because... Medicine has advanced very far in the study of the etiology and pathogenesis of diseases, and preaching nonsense about some mythical meridians and channels that no one has seen means generally being devoid of a sense of logic. Me after receiving my reflexologist certification
I tried to understand the mechanism of the concepts being preached, I read almost all the fundamental literature in Russian, you know, for a normal physician with critical thinking, medical knowledge is complete nonsense. Although I have done a lot of practical acupuncture and still often do not shy away from it. But I clearly understand that this is mainly a psychotherapeutic method of influence. It’s even interesting to watch how my patients, while receiving the necessary drug therapy, they say that they clearly feel a significant improvement from acupuncture, and sometimes I intentionally use not a “recipe compiled according to the canons of the recommendations of the ancient Chinese,” but from the bullshit, I prick any points - the effect is the same, but I don’t tell them this :)

For an honest researcher, the main thing is to constantly doubt a miracle and look for modern scientific justifications for it. And then it will either be logically explained, or it will not be confirmed, and then it is not worth wasting time on it. Yes, sometimes it happens (especially earlier) that discoveries are ahead of explanations, but in 5 thousand years it was possible to build something more acceptable than ridiculous from the point of view of a mentally healthy modern doctor empirical pseudo-revelations of the ancient Chinese.

What do these “meridians” consist of? From nerve tissue or something else?

Not from anything (see above) - they do not exist, all the authors I have read only assume their existence, no one has seen them.

Can theoretically influencing a point (with a needle, heat, electricity, etc.) have an effect on the corresponding organ?

No, it hasn't been proven.

Can this effect be therapeutic?

Definitely not, randomized studies either did not prove this or were not correct enough.

Is it possible Feedback: for example, can we understand from the temperature of the “point” that something is wrong with the organ?

I heard a story about how a person was injected with some kind of liquid (harmless and possibly containing isotopes) into these points. Then the examination showed that the liquid spread through special channels that did not coincide with blood vessels or nervous tissue. Those. The paths along which it spread, they say, are the Chinese “meridians”. Could this be true, and what are these channels?

Naturally, it’s nonsense, let the one who speaks show it. Moreover, in this case it would be proven very easily, it is enough to introduce contrast into these channels and take radiography - alas, nope.

Has anyone heard of a device called “SQUID”, which supposedly allows diagnosing the body based on the difference in radiation (for example, temperature) in the Zakharyin-Ged zones?

I haven’t heard of him, but a lot of crap like this is now being produced and advertised.

from the books of Ogulov A.T.

In 1893-1896. the famous English neuropathologist Henry Ged described in detail certain areas of the skin in which, due to diseases of the internal organs, reflected pain appears, as well as pain and temperature hyperesthesia (hyperpathy). Such areas of the skin are called Zakharyin-Ged zones. since the outstanding Russian clinician-therapist G.A. Zakharyin appreciated them for the first time (1889) diagnostic value.
Sometimes, even without touching, a part of the body (skin, muscle, periosteum, vessel, fascia), which is a representative of an internal organ, begins to hurt on its own, and the magnitude of the pain is often proportional to the pathological state of this organ.
The condition of the internal organs also changes the appearance of the projection zones. An example would be reappearing or increasing with chronic pathology moles, papillomas, keratomas. condylomas, etc. The appearance of a vascular pattern on the skin of the face, redness or blueness of the lips, nails, changes appearance body, that is, the development of stoop or scoliosis, is all a reaction of the peripheral projection zones to the internal pathologies present.
Sensations associated with the receptors of the internal organs on the surface of the body and extremely important for regulating the functioning of the internal organs rarely reach the level of consciousness. They carry out reflex regulation of the functions of internal organs through reflex centers in the thalamus. in the medulla oblongata or midbrain. Some impulses from these receptors, however, reach the cerebral cortex and cause sensations such as thirst, hunger, nausea, and pain on the surface of the skin.
The localization of irritation, as well as the ability to distinguish between their various qualities, depends on the specific connections between the sensory organ and the brain. The importance of the brain in the occurrence of sensations is clearly evident in the observed phenomenon of “referred pain.” Okay famous example serve the feelings of people who suffer from heart disease, but complain of pain in the left shoulder. In reality, of course, the stimulus originates in the heart and the corresponding nerve impulse arrives in the same part of the brain as the impulses that actually originate in the shoulder, chest or arm.
Pathological processes in the integument of the body and the musculoskeletal system can reflexively influence the internal organs and their relationships. For example, scoliosis of the lumbar spine, resulting from a forced position of the body, with the development of unilateral muscle hypertonicity, contributes to a change in the position of the internal organs, and this in turn leads to a disruption of their functional relationships. There is also an inverse relationship: with pathology of internal organs, the position of the body changes. As an example, we can point to the fact that chronic illness The kidneys are caused by a raised shoulder on the same side of the body.
Chronic lung diseases are often accompanied by the occurrence of kyphosis in thoracic region spine and the appearance of chest stiffness.
The absence of sensitive and other connections between the projections of correspondence and the internal organs, with already existing disturbances in them, indicates a serious danger present in the body.
When the skin or muscle is wounded in the area of ​​the diseased organ on the human body, long-term non-healing of the resulting wound is observed.
Correspondence zones can be used in diagnosing pathologies and monitoring the progress of treatment, as well as for stimulating an organ or system.
With a successfully chosen form of treatment, representative zones react by shrinking in area with a decrease in pain sensitivity, while their external manifestation changes (smell, color, sensation, discharge, etc.). If, on the contrary, the area of ​​the representations increases and their sensitivity increases, then it can be argued that the treatment method was not chosen entirely correctly and the treatment process may be delayed or worsened.
Projections of organs are located on the skin, muscles, bones, periosteum, and ligaments.
Skin lesions may include swelling, itching, redness, psoriatic plaques, skin rashes, etc.
On the muscles, projections are expressed by compactions, nodules, and soreness.
Projections on the periosteum also manifest as pain, hypersensitivity or inflammatory process.
On the vessels, the representations are expressed by pain along the vessel, swelling of the intima of the vessel, and compaction.
Each internal organ has projections of almost all organs and systems. For example, throughout the large intestine there are representations of the head, kidneys, liver, hand, face, facial nerve and so on.

1. Rectum. On the face it is represented by a projection zone on the surface of the skin of the upper left forehead. Functional impairment can manifest itself as skin pigmentation, acne, redness, and the growth of moles.
2. Sigmoid colon. Its representation is located on the surface of the skin of the left upper lateral area of ​​the forehead. Functional impairment may manifest as skin pigmentation, pimples, redness, and moles.
3.Liver. The representation is located between the eyebrows, in the space between the base of the bridge of the nose and the line connecting the brow ridges on the skin of the forehead. Liver pathology is accompanied by skin irritation, acne, pigmentation, and moles.
4.Small intestine. Its projection is located in the middle part of the forehead, and with intestinal pathology it is manifested by skin disorders (pigments, pimples, redness).
5. Descending part of the colon. Its representation is located on the left lateral surface of the skin of the forehead. Functional disorders manifest themselves on the skin (pigmentation, dryness of the area, increased porosity, acne).
6.Left adrenal gland. The projection is located in the medial superciliary region of the left half of the face. With a functional disorder of the adrenal gland, pain in the periosteum of the superciliary region appears, and the skin reacts with irritation.
7. Area of ​​the left kidney pelvis. It is projected onto the skin of the inner surface of the corner of the left eye and the tear duct. The pathological process in the area of ​​the renal pelvis is sometimes expressed by a skin reaction in this area (darkening, pigmentation, redness, enlarged pores, growth of papillomas, wen). Sometimes the problem contributes to the formation of a blockage of the tear duct, an inflammatory process in it, and excessive lacrimation.
8.Upper pole of the left kidney. It is projected onto the brow ridge and the skin of the upper part of the eyelid. The disorder is manifested by a vascular pattern (swelling), pimples, redness, and porosity on the skin.
9.Left lobe of the liver. Projected onto the white membrane of the eye. A disorder in the liver is manifested by a red vascular pattern on the white of the eye.
10.Body of the gallbladder, spleen. The projection is located on the skin and on the periosteum temporal bone left side of the face. With the pathology of the bladder, redness, pimples appear on the skin, dark spots, its porosity and venous pattern increase. The periosteum of the temporal bone also reacts; it becomes painful upon palpation.
11.Left side transverse colon. The representation is located in the lower medial part of the corner of the left eye. Its dysfunction is manifested by bulging of the skin from the inner corner of the eye under the lower eyelid to the outside of the face, sometimes with redness or pigmentation.
12. Pancreas. Its representation is located on the lower part of the bridge of the nose, at the border of the connection with the tip of the nose. The pathology is manifested by skin irritation, pigmentation, and sometimes a venous vascular pattern.
13.Bile ducts of the liver and gallbladder. The projection is located in the lower part of the temporal bone of the left half of the face. With their pathology, redness, pigmentation, pimples and a vascular pattern are observed on the skin, with long-term pathology - porosity. The periosteum of the temporal region becomes painful. Often the pathology is accompanied by headaches of temporal localization. Additionally, it can be noted that sometimes when there is a blockage bile ducts yellowness of the skin in this area of ​​the face is noted.
14.Left kidney. The projection is represented by the left auricle (skin and cartilaginous base). The auditory canal is a projection of the ureter, inner ear- projection of the bladder. In pathological conditions of the kidney, hearing decreases and inflammation occurs inner ear, vestibular disorders appear. In some cases, hardening of the cartilage base is observed. Sometimes it softens, and sulfur secretion from the ear canal increases.
15. Cardiac pathologies. The projection is presented in the upper left part of the left cheek at the junction with the orbit. Pathologies are expressed by swelling of the skin, redness, pigmentation, and a vascular pattern in the infraorbital region.
16.Ureter of the left kidney. It is projected onto the skin of the face by a line running from the corner of the eye along the cheek to the bottom of the chin. When it is irritated by sand, small stones or when there is inflammation in it, a pattern of a line or part of a line of white or red color appears on the skin (depending on which part of the autonomic nervous system prevails - sympathetic or parasympathetic).
17.Left lobe of the liver. Its representation is located on the left side of the face, in the area of ​​the muscles of the jaw joint. Appears involuntary increased tone muscle group, development of arthrosis of the joint. Occasionally, the disorder is projected onto the skin in the form of pigment or irritation.
18.Left mammary gland. The projection is located on the skin of the left cheek at the intersection of a vertical line coming from the outer part of the corner of the eye and a horizontal line passing through the upper pole of the wings of the nose. The diameter of the projection of the mammary gland on the cheek will be approximately equal to the distance from the corner of the eye to its iris. The pathology is manifested by pigmentation, redness, increased porosity, and swelling of the skin.
19.Left lung. It is projected onto the skin of the left cheek, covering the cheekbone. The pathology may manifest itself as redness, an angiopathic pattern, porosity, pigmentation, pimples, dryness, unevenness or roughness of the skin surface.
20.Heart disorders (more often - rhythm disturbances). They are projected on the skin of the tip of the nose in the form of redness, angiopathy, and pimples.
21.Bronchi of the left lung. Projected on the skin of the wing of the left half of the nose. Violations are expressed by a vascular pattern, redness, pimples, and pigmentation.
22.Diaphragm, costal arch. They are projected on the skin along the nasolabial fold. Violations are manifested by redness of the fold, dry skin in it.
23.Lesser curvature of the stomach. Projected onto the skin and mucous membrane of the upper lip. The pathology is manifested by transverse cracks on the lip, herpetic eruptions, peeling of the skin, loss of lip color, and the appearance of lip wrinkling.
24.Onion of twelve duodenum, pyloric section of the stomach. The projection zone is located on the skin outside the corner of the mouth. Disturbances are manifested by pigmentation, redness of the skin, jams and cracks in the corners of the mouth, and in degenerative processes - the growth of moles.
25.Adrenal gland of the left kidney. It is projected onto the skin and muscles of the upper compartment on the left lateral axillary line, as well as to the left and right of it along the muscular lateral surface. The pathology is manifested by muscle pain upon palpation; on the skin it sometimes manifests itself as irritation, pigmentation, and papillomomatosis.
26.Left inguinal fold and area of ​​the pupart ligament. The projection is on the left outer surface skin of the chin. Violations are manifested by redness of the skin, acne, age spots.
27.Left ovary in women, left testicle in men. The representation is located on the skin of the chin on the left side, near the left mental fold. The pathology is manifested by redness of the skin, pimples, dryness and flaking of the skin, and the growth of moles during degenerative processes.
28.Left mammary gland. It is projected on the chin on the left side under the lower lip on the bony tuberosity. The pathology is manifested by increased pain sensitivity, redness, pigmentation or pimples on the skin, growing moles.
29.Pubic symphysis. Its representation on the face is on the chin, in the mental fossa. The pathology is manifested by soreness of the periosteum of the chin upon palpation examination.
30.Left kidney. It is projected onto the skin and muscles of the lateral surface of the neck (along the left lateral axel line), as well as to the left and right of it along the muscular surface. The pathology manifests itself as muscle pain upon palpation. Pigmentation, redness appear on the skin, and papillomas grow.
31. Greater curvature of the stomach. The projection is the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the left side of the head. The disorder is manifested by increased tone and pain on palpation. The place of attachment of the muscle to the skull is projected onto the upper part of the stomach and the esophagus entering into it. The place of attachment to the clavicle is the projection of the pylorus.
32.Left appendage with ovary, left lobe prostate gland with an egg. Projected on the upper third carotid artery left. It manifests itself as swelling and pain, enlarged lymph nodes in this area.
33. Bladder. Projected onto the skin from the chin to the epiglottis of the neck. Dysfunction is manifested by redness, pigmentation, growth of moles or pimples on the skin.
34.Pelvis of the left kidney. The projection is located on the left side of the neck, on the muscles of the lateral surface towards the base of the neck (along the lateral axelline). It manifests itself as pain upon palpation with irradiation to different parts of the body and head, on the skin - papillomas (infection of the pelvis), dryness, roughness.
35. Pancreas. The representation is located at the base of the neck on the left side, between the collarbone and the sternocleidomastoid muscle. It manifests itself during palpation examination as muscle pain, radiating to the shoulder, arm, scapula, hand, fingers, breast area, and sometimes to the pancreas area.
36.Left lobe thyroid gland. Projected onto bottom part neck along the esophagus, into the supraclavicular region and the region of the jugular notch. It is manifested by muscle soreness of these areas, tissue swelling, the skin is manifested by an angiopathic pattern (redness), papillomas.
37.Left ureter. The representation is located on the left side of the neck along the lateral axillary line from the projection of the pelvis of the left kidney to shoulder joint. In pathological conditions, upon palpation examination, the muscle projection is painful. On the skin, the disorder manifests itself as pigment spots, papillomas;
38.and 41. Pyloric section of the stomach. It is projected onto the area of ​​attachment of the sternocleidomastoid muscle to the clavicle. The pathology is manifested by pain in the attachment area.
39.Uterus, prostate lobes, perineum. The representation is located in the central lower part of the chin. The disorder is manifested by soreness of the periosteum upon palpation, on the skin - redness, pigmentation, pimples, and in degenerative processes in organs it is characterized by the growth of moles.
40.Right mammary gland. It is projected on the chin on the right side under the lower lip on the bony tuberosity. It manifests itself as increased pain sensitivity, on the skin above it is expressed by redness, pimples, pigmentation, moles during degenerative processes.
41.and 38. Pyloric section of the stomach. The projection is located on the right at the base of the neck in the area of ​​attachment of the sternocleidomastoid muscle to the collarbone. With functional disorders of the department and during palpation examination, the projection is painful.
42. Right ureter. The representation is located on the right side of the neck along the lateral axelar line, from the projection of the pelvis of the left kidney to the shoulder joint. In pathological conditions of the ureter and during palpation examination, the muscular projection is painful; on the skin, the disorder manifests itself as pigment spots and papillomas.
43.Gallbladder. The projection is located on the right side of the base of the neck, in the area of ​​the angle formed by the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the right clavicle. Depending on the pathological condition bubble, when pressing on its projection zone, pain irradiates to the right temporal region of the head, right shoulder, hand and fingers of this hand, shoulder blade, chest, face, teeth, thyroid gland, skin of the neck, body of the gallbladder.
44.Right lobe thyroid gland. It is projected onto the lower third of the neck in the supraclavicular region on the right side along the esophagus. It manifests itself as muscle soreness in this area, tissue swelling. In pathological conditions of the gland, the skin in this place is manifested by porosity, redness, and papillomas.
45.Pelvis of the right kidney. The projection is located on the right side, on the muscles of the lateral surface of the base of the neck, along the lateral axel line. With pathology of the renal pelvis, pain occurs during palpation of the muscles with irradiation to different parts of the body and head. On the skin, the disorder is manifested by papillomas (infection of the pelvis), dryness, roughness, and moles.
46. ​​Gynecology, right appendage with ovary, right lobe of the prostate gland with testicle. Projected on the upper third of the carotid artery on the right. The disorder is manifested by swelling and pain of the artery, and enlargement of the lymph nodes in this area.
47.Lesser curvature of the stomach. The projection is the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the left side of the neck. The upper part of the stomach and the esophagus entering the stomach are projected to the place of attachment of the muscle to the skull, and the pylorus of the stomach is projected to the place of attachment of the muscle to the clavicle. Stomach upset manifests itself as increased muscle tone and pain on palpation.
48.Right kidney. It is projected on the right side of the neck, on the muscles located on the lateral axelline. Pathology in the kidney manifests itself as pain upon palpation examination of the lateral muscular surface, sometimes with irradiation to various areas of the head, arm and upper shoulder girdle, neck. With deep pathology, during pressure, irradiation goes to the right kidney. On the skin, disorders are expressed by papillomomatosis, redness, dryness and roughness.
49.The right ovary in women, the right testicle in men. The representation is located on the skin of the chin on the right side, near the right mental fold. The pathology is manifested by redness, dryness and flaking of the skin, acne, and the growth of moles during degenerative processes.
50.Lymphatic system iliac region. On the face, the iliac region (inguinal fold) is projected as a fold going to lower jaw from the corners of the mouth as a continuation of the nasolabial fold. At pathological processes in the groin, the problem can manifest itself as skin irritation, pigmentation, and acne.
51.Adrenal gland of the right kidney. It is projected on the skin and muscles of the upper neck on the right, on the lateral axillary line, as well as in front and behind it along the muscle surface. With a functional disorder, muscle pain sensitivity is present, sometimes radiating to various areas of the head and neck. The skin reacts with irritation and the growth of papillomas.
52.Small intestine. The representation is located under the base of the lower lip. In pathology, it manifests itself on the skin as irritation, pigmentation, and the growth of moles.
53. Greater curvature of the stomach. Projected onto the skin and mucous membrane of the lower lip. The disorder is manifested by cracks, herpetic eruptions, peeling, loss of color, and the appearance of the lip wrinkling effect.
54. Hormonal system. The projection area is the space on the face between the nose and upper lip. When the system is disrupted, acne, irritation, pigmentation appear on the skin, and hair growth occurs.
55. Signs of scleroderma. The skin becomes deeply wrinkled. Sometimes there is an increase hairline(among women).
56.Small intestine. The projection is located in the lower part of the cheek under the cheekbone of the face. Disturbances in the small intestine result in skin irritation, pimples, unevenness or roughness.
57. Xiphoid process. The projection is located under the base of the nose. When it is injured or a pathological condition occurs, increased pain sensitivity, pimples, and redness appear at the base of the nose.
58. Greater curvature of the stomach. The projection area is the inner area of ​​the left nostril. In case of indigestion, the nasal mucosa reacts with the formation of inflammation, swelling, and herpetic eruptions.
59.Lesser curvature of the stomach. The projection area is the inner area of ​​the right nostril. In case of indigestion, the nasal mucosa reacts with the formation of inflammation, swelling, and herpetic eruptions.
60. Bladder, ureter of the right kidney. Projected onto the ear canal and inner ear. With inflammatory processes in organs, pain appears in ear canal, sometimes inflammation occurs, increased sulfur secretion, and hearing loss.
61.Bronchi right lung. Projected on the skin of the wing of the right half of the nose. Violations are expressed by a vascular pattern at the base of the wing of the nose, redness, and pigmentation.
62.Right mammary gland. The projection is located on the skin right cheek at the intersection of the vertical line coming from the outer part of the corner of the eye and the horizontal line passing through the upper pole of the wings of the nose. The problem is manifested by redness, pigmentation, acne, growth of moles, and skin swelling.
63. Right lobe of the liver. The projection is located on the area of ​​the muscles of the jaw joint. It manifests itself as an involuntary increased tone of the muscle group, the development of arthrosis of the joint, and occasionally the disorder is projected onto the skin in the form of pigment or irritation.
64.Ureter of the right kidney. It is projected on the face by a line running from the inner corner of the right eye to the outer part of the chin. When it is irritated by sand, small stones or inflammation moving through the ureter, a white or red line pattern appears on the skin (depending on which part of the autonomic nervous system predominates - sympathetic or parasympathetic).
65. Right lung. It is projected on the skin of the cheek of the right half of the face, covering the cheekbone. Lung pathology can manifest itself as redness, an angiopathic pattern, porous skin, pigmentation, pimples, dryness, unevenness, and roughness of the surface.
66.Right kidney. Projected on the right ear. The size of the ear is proportional to the size of the kidney: a large ear means a large kidney. Kidney damage manifests itself on a cartilaginous basis. It becomes painful and denser, in some cases, on the contrary, too soft.
67. Stagnation in renal structures. Projected onto the orbital area. It appears on the skin in the form of wen, papillomas, dark spots.
68. Right part of the transverse colon. The representation is located in the lower medial part of the corner of the left eye. Dysfunction is manifested by swelling of the skin from the inner corner of the eye under the lower eyelid to the outer side of the eyelid, sometimes with redness or pigmentation.
69. Kidney infection. The information zone is the conjunctiva of the eye. External manifestation infectious disease- conjunctivitis, blepharitis, stye, eyelid edema.
70.Right kidney. The projection zone is located on the skin of the right orbit (periorbicular region). At functional disorders kidneys, the skin of the orbit is expressed by swelling, redness, darkening, the appearance of fatty plaques, and the growth of papillomas.
71.Body of the gallbladder with ducts. The projection area of ​​the gallbladder is the temporal region of the head. With its functional disorders, the skin of the temporal region reacts, on which acne, age spots, and porosity appear. The periosteum of the temporal bone also reacts; it becomes painful upon palpation.
72. Right lobe of the liver. Projected onto the white membrane of the right eye. A disorder in the liver is expressed by a red vascular pattern on the membrane of the eye.
73.Pelvis of the right kidney. The projection zone is located in the inner corner of the eye in the area of ​​the tear duct. Inflammation or irritation of the pelvis is expressed by blockage of the tear duct, an inflammatory process in it, lacrimation, as well as skin irritation.
74. Right adrenal gland. The projection zone is located above the right eyebrow on the inside. Its disorder is expressed by soreness of the periosteum of the superciliary region and skin irritation.
75.Ascending colon (ileocecal angle). The projection area is the upper right corner of the frontal area on the skin. The pathology is manifested by pigmentation, acne, skin irritation, and the growth of moles.
76.Transverse colon. Its projection is located in the lower part of the forehead above the brow ridges. With her functional impairment a skin reaction occurs (acne, age spots, porosity, redness, growth of moles).
77.Appendix. Its projection zone is located on the skin on the upper right side of the forehead. When it becomes inflamed, the skin reacts with redness, dryness, and pigmentation.
78. Stomach. The projection is located on the skin of the cartilaginous part of the bridge of the nose (middle region of the nose). The greater curvature of the stomach is projected on the left side of the nose, and the lesser curvature, the pyloric part of the stomach and the duodenum, is projected on the right side. With pathology, the skin reacts with irritation and pigmentation.
79. Bladder. The projection zone is located in the upper part of the forehead (the place where hair growth begins). With pathology, pigmentation, skin irritation, hair loss, dandruff in this area of ​​the head, and psoriatic plaques are observed.
80.Uterus in women, genital organ in men. The projection area is located in the upper part of the forehead, under the projection of the bladder. In pathology, the skin becomes irritated.

1. Option. Immerse yourself in a turpentine bath, excluding your head and upper neck. You should feel which part skin(there may be several zones) the most severe tingling or burning sensation prevails. The degree of this burning sensation will indicate how strongly a particular disease develops in the body.

Option 2. Give a 10-minute uniform hydromassage with an Alekseev shower with cool water from the extremities to the center of the body.
If it happens to you rash(rash) or persistent redness of certain areas after a hydromassage procedure, this may be of diagnostic value. Look at the diagram to see what the location of the rash indicates.

Compare your data with the proposed scheme and determine the nature of your disease to determine the causes.

Diagnostic projection zones of internal organs on the head and neck

1. Rectum. 2. Sieve. 3. Liver. 4. Small intestine. 5. Descending part of the colon. 6. Left adrenal gland. 7. Area of ​​the left kidney pelvis. 8. Upper pole of the left kidney. 9. Left lobe of the liver. 10. Body of the gallbladder. 11. Left part of the transverse colon. 12. Pancreas. 13. Biliary ducts of the liver and gallbladder. 14. Left kidney. 15. Cardiac pathologies. 16. Ureter of the left kidney. 17. Left lobe of the liver. 18. Left mammary gland. 19. Left lung. 20. Heart disorders. 21. Bronchus of the left lung. 22. Diaphragm, costal arch. 23. Lesser curvature of the stomach. 24. Bulb of the duodenum. 25. Adrenal gland of the left kidney. 26. Left inguinal fold, pupart ligament. 27. Left ovary in women, left testicle in men. 28. Left mammary gland. 29. Pubic symphysis. 30. Left kidney. 31. Stomach is more curvature. 32. Left appendage with ovary, left lobe of prostate gland with testicle. 33. Bladder. 34. Pelvis of the left kidney. 35. Pancreas. 36. Left lobe of the thyroid gland. 37. Left ureter. 38 and 41. Pyloric section of the stomach. 39. Uterus, prostate lobes, perineum. 40. Right mammary gland. 42. Right ureter. 43. Gallbladder. 44. Right lobe of the thyroid gland. 45. Pelvis of the right kidney. 46. ​​Gynecology, right appendage with ovary, right lobe of the prostate gland with testicle. 47. Stomach lesser curvature. 46. ​​Right kidney. 49. Right ovary in women, right testicle in men. 50. Lymphatic system of the iliac region. 51. Adrenal gland of the right kidney. 52. Small intestine. 53. Greater curvature of the stomach. 54. Hormonal system. 55. Signs of scleroderma. 56. Small intestine. 57. Xiphoid process. 5V. Lesser curvature of the stomach. 59. Greater curvature of the stomach. 60. Ureter of the right kidney, bladder. 61. Bronchius of the right lung. 62. Right mammary gland. 63. Right lobe of the liver. 64. Ureter of the right kidney. 65. Right lung. 66. Right kidney. 67. Stones, sand, congestion in the renal structures. 68. Right part of the transverse colon. 69. Kidney infection. 70. Right kidney. 71. Body of the gallbladder with ducts. 72. Right lobe of the liver. 73. Pelvis of the right kidney. 74. Right adrenal gland. 75. Ascending colon (ileocecal angle). 76. Transverse colon. 77. Appendix. 76. Stomach. 79. Bladder. 60. Genitals.

Diagnostic projection zones of internal organs on the human body

1. Thyroid disorders. 2. Stomach (greater curvature). 3. Onion duodenum. 4. Angina syndrome. 5. Pancreas. 6. Decreased immunity. 7. Heart failure. 8. Splenic capsule, humeroscapular periarthritis. 9. Valvular heart disorders. 10. Impaired blood supply to the shoulder joint. 11. Cardiac ischemia. 12. Heart rhythm. 13. Parenchyma of the spleen. 14. Stomach, 15. Pancreas. 16. Left kidney. 17. Zones: A, E-ovaries, B, D-tubes, C-uterus (F.); A, E - testicles, B, C, D - prostate (M.). 18. Descending colon. 19. Radial nerve (cervical osteochondrosis). 20. Parenchyma of the left kidney. 21. Median nerve (cervical osteochondrosis). 22. Radial nerve (cervical osteochondrosis). 23. Area of ​​functional weakening of organs. 24. Left lung. 25. Arthrosis of the left hip joint. 26. Uterus, prostate. 27. Poor circulation of the left leg, arthrosis of the hip joint. 28. Arthrosis of the left hip joint. 29. Sexual disorders. 30. Arthrosis of the left knee joint. 31. Tail part and body of the pancreas. 32. Arthrosis of the left knee joint. 33. Stomach (greater curvature). 34. Impaired blood supply to the left leg. 35. Bottom of the gallbladder. 36. Duodenal bulb. 37. Body of the gallbladder. 38. Duct of the gallbladder. 39. Arthrosis of the left ankle joint. 40. Left kidney disorder. 41. Bladder. 42. Gallbladder. 43. Stomach (greater curvature). 44. Pancreas. 45. Genitals. 46. ​​Arthrosis of the ankle joint. 47. Bladder. 48. Liver. 49. Corns (gallbladder stone). 50. Stomach (lesser curvature). 51. Gallbladder. 52. Right half of the bladder. 53. Right kidney. 54. Arthrosis of the right ankle joint. 55. Bile ducts. 56. Body of the gallbladder. 57. Duodenal bulb. 58. Bottom of the gallbladder. 59. Blood circulation of the right leg. 60. Stomach (lesser curvature). 61. Arthrosis of the right knee joint. 62. Head and body of the pancreas. 63. Arthrosis of the right knee joint. 64. Poor circulation of the right leg, arthrosis of the hip joint. 65. Sexual disorders. 66. Uterus, prostate. 67.68. Arthrosis of the right hip joint. 69. Right lung. 70. Area of ​​functional weakening of organs. 71. Radial nerve (radicular ischemia cervical region). 72. Parenchyma of the right kidney. 73.74. Ascending colon. 75. Ulnar nerve (radicular ischemia of the cervical spine). 76. Median nerve (radicular ischemia of the cervical spine). 77. Poor circulation of the pelvis. 78. Small intestine. 79. Disorders of the right kidney. 80. Stomach (lesser curvature). 81. Gallbladder. 82. Liver parenchyma. 83. Automatic breathing. 84. Poor circulation of the right shoulder joint. 85. Gastritis, stomach. 86. Liver capsule. 87. Respiratory failure. 88. Gallbladder. 89. Duodenal bulb. 90. Stomach (lesser curvature).

Diagnostic projection zones of internal organs on the body

1. Disorders in the skeletal system. 2. Head of the pancreas. 3. Basilar insufficiency. 4. Upper pole of the right kidney. 5. Lower pole of the right kidney. 6. Ureter of the right kidney. 7. The bottom of the gallbladder. 8. Right part of the transverse colon. 9. Gallbladder duct. 10. Representation of the right mammary gland. 11. Liver capsule, humeroscapular periarthritis. 12. Energy imbalance in the lung. 13. Right kidney with bladder. 14. Right lobe of the liver. 15, 16. Right kidney. 17. Right adrenal gland. 18. Poor circulation pelvic organs on right. 19. Ascending colon. 20. Small intestine on the right. 21. Inflammation elbow joint. 22. Parenchyma of the kidney. 23. Head and body of the pancreas. 24. Ascending colon. 25. Bladder (right half). 26. Small intestine. 27. Small intestine ( Right side). 28. Right ovary in women and right testicle in men. 29. Ligaments of the right hip joint. 30. Sex organ ( right part). 31. Right lung. 32. Ascending colon. 33. Nervous system. 34. Small intestine. 35. Pinched sciatic nerve. 36. Arthrosis of the right hip joint. 37. Arthrosis of the right knee joint. 38. Right kidney. 39. Ligamentous apparatus of the right knee joint. 40. Right ureter. 41. Bottom of the gallbladder. 42. Body of the gallbladder. 43. Ducts of the gallbladder. 44. Ligaments of the right ankle joint. 45. Tenosynovitis. 46. ​​Large intestine. 47. Ligaments of the left ankle joint. 48. Duct of the gallbladder. 49. Body of the gallbladder. 50. Bottom of the gallbladder. 51. Ureter of the left kidney. 52. Ligamentous apparatus of the left knee joint. 53. Left kidney. 54. Arthrosis of the left knee joint. 55. Arthrosis of the left hip joint. 56. Sexual organ (left side). 57. Pinched sciatic nerve. 58. Small intestine ( left-hand side). 59. Heart, small intestine. 60. Nervous system. 61. Descending colon. 62. Left lung. 63. Heart disorders. 64. Ligaments of the left hip joint. 65. Left ovary in women and left testicle in men. 66. Disorder of the genital organs. 67. Small intestine. 68. Left half of the bladder. 69. Body and tail of the pancreas. 70. Descending colon. 71. Heart disorders. 72. Parenchyma of the left kidney. 73. Small intestine on the left. 74. Large intestine on the left. 75. Stomach. 76. Poor circulation of the pelvic organs on the left. 77. Left adrenal gland. 78. Pancreas. 79.80. Left kidney. 81. Left kidney with bladder. 82. Energy Center hearts. 83. Splenic capsule, humeroscapular periarthritis. 84. Mammary gland. 85. A - heart failure, B - valvular heart disorders, C - ischemia, angina pectoris, D - cardiac arrhythmia. 86. Left part of the large intestine. 87. Left ureter. 88. Lower pole of the left kidney. 89. Upper pole of the left kidney. 90. Basilar insufficiency. 91. Tail part and body of the pancreas. 92. Subluxation at the base of the skull. 93. Lymphatic and renal imbalance.

Diagram of the location of the Zakharyin-Ged zones, in which referred pain may appear in a number of diseases of the internal organs:

Zakharyin-Ged zones are certain areas of the skin in which, with diseases of the internal organs, referred pain often appears, as well as pain and temperature hyperesthesia.

1 - lungs and bronchi
2 - hearts
3 - intestines
4 - bladder
5 - ureter
6 - kidney
7 and 8 - liver
9 - stomach, pancreas
10 - genitourinary system

For the first time, the diagnostic value of these zones was assessed by G. A. Zakharyin (1889), and a detailed description was given by G. Ged (1893 - 1896). The boundaries of these zones correspond, according to G. Ged, to dermatomes - the radicular distribution of skin sensitivity. The emergence of Zakharyin-Ged zones is associated with the irradiation of irritations received from the affected internal organ and conducted through the nerve fibers coming from it to special centers in which these fibers end. The excitation of spinal centers that arises in this way is manifested by the projection of pain (and hyperesthesia) into those skin areas that are innervated by the roots corresponding to these centers.

So, for example, a disease of the rectum causes irritation in the vegetative fibers ending in the region of the II-IV sacral segments of the spinal cord; irritation of the gray matter of these segments is manifested by the projection of pain (and hyperesthesia) into the skin areas innervated by the II-IV sacral roots, i.e. in the perineal area.

The question of the mechanism of origin of the Zakharyin-Ged zones cannot be considered finally resolved. Apparently, in addition to spinal mechanisms, the higher levels of the central nervous system, including the cerebral cortex, as well as axon-reflex mechanisms also play a significant role here.
To identify the Zakharyin-Ged zones and to establish their boundaries, several methods are used:

1. The examiner lightly pinches the skin between the thumb and forefinger and slightly lifts it upward. subcutaneous tissue in the study area; in the absence of pathology of the corresponding internal organ, this manipulation is painless; in the presence of pathology, more or less strong pain.

2. Apply light prick with a pin, enter the area of ​​the Zakharyin-Ged zones corresponding to the affected internal organ, and this occurs painful sensation.

3. Touch the skin in the area of ​​the Zakharyin-Ged zones with a warm, wet sponge or a test tube filled with warm water; if there is pathology of the corresponding organ, pain and burning are noted.

The relationships between internal organs and segments of skin innervation have been established: lung - III-IV cervical, as well as II-V thoracic segments; heart - III-V cervical, I-VIII thoracic, mainly on the left, sometimes on both sides; esophagus - mainly V, as well as VI - VIII thoracic; mammary gland - IV and V mammary glands; stomach, pancreas - VII - IX thoracic, usually on both sides; intestines - IX - XII thoracic on both sides or only on the left; liver - III - IV cervical, VIII - X thoracic on the right, gall bladder - mainly VIII and IX thoracic, as well as V - VII thoracic; kidney - mainly X thoracic, as well as XI and XII thoracic, I lumbar; ureter - XI and XII thoracic, I lumbar; testicles - X thoracic; epididymis - XI and XII pectoral; bladder - XI and XII thoracic, I lumbar, and III - IV sacral; prostate - X and XI thoracic, as well as I - III and V sacral; ovary - X thoracic; fallopian tube - XI and XII thoracic; cervix - XI and XII thoracic and I - IV sacral; body of the uterus - X thoracic, I lumbar.
Zakharyin-Ged zones in diseases of internal organs are also found in the head area. Pain in the frontonasal region - damage to the lungs, perhaps the heart (V-VI thoracic segments); in the temporal region - correspond to damage to the apices of the lungs, stomach, liver, aorta (corresponding spinal zones: III and IV cervical segments); pain in the mid-orbital region - damage to the lungs, heart, ascending aorta (II, III, IV thoracic segments); in the frontotemporal region - damage to the lower lobes of the lungs, heart, cardiac part of the stomach (VII thoracic segment); pain in the parietal region - damage to the pylorus and upper intestine (IX thoracic segment); pain in the occipital region - damage to the liver, colon, ovaries, testicles, fallopian tubes, uterus, bladder (X, XI, XII thoracic segments).

By establishing pain zones and hyperesthesia, and comparing their boundaries with the given diagram of Zakharyin-Ged zones, we can make an assumption about which internal organ is affected in this case. However, the patient's testimony is subjective. And hyperesthesia of the same zones can occur in diseases of various organs. Great difficulties are caused by the so-called generalization of visceral irritations, noted by G. Guesde and often violating the rigor of his scheme: pain as a result of a disease of a given internal organ can, under certain conditions, be localized in a zone corresponding to a completely different organ. In this regard, the method is purely auxiliary.

Of significant interest are attempts to use the Zakharyin-Ged zones not only for diagnostic purposes, but also for therapeutic purposes by influencing the condition of the corresponding internal organs from these zones - reflexology.

Big medical encyclopedia, volume 8, p. 342. Edition: Moscow, 1978 I. N. Filimonov
I wish you excellent health and good mood!

1. Diagnostic projection zones of internal organs on the head and neck

1. Rectum. 2. Sieve. 3. Liver. 4. Small intestine. 5. Descending part of the colon. 6. Left adrenal gland. 7. Area of ​​the left kidney pelvis. 8. Upper pole of the left kidney. 9. Left lobe of the liver. 10. Body of the gallbladder. 11. Left part of the transverse colon. 12. Pancreas. 13. Biliary ducts of the liver and gallbladder. 14. Left kidney. 15. Cardiac pathologies. 16. Ureter of the left kidney. 17. Left lobe of the liver. 18. Left mammary gland. 19. Left lung. 20. Heart disorders. 21. Bronchus of the left lung. 22. Diaphragm, costal arch. 23. Lesser curvature of the stomach. 24. Bulb of the duodenum. 25. Adrenal gland of the left kidney. 26. Left inguinal fold, pupart ligament. 27. Left ovary in women, left testicle in men. 28. Left mammary gland. 29. Pubic symphysis. 30. Left kidney. 31. Stomach is more curvature. 32. Left appendage with ovary, left lobe of prostate gland with testicle. 33. Bladder. 34. Pelvis of the left kidney. 35. Pancreas. 36. Left lobe of the thyroid gland. 37. Left ureter. 38 and 41. Pyloric section of the stomach. 39. Uterus, prostate lobes, perineum. 40. Right mammary gland. 42. Right ureter. 43. Gallbladder. 44. Right lobe of the thyroid gland. 45. Pelvis of the right kidney. 46. ​​Gynecology, right appendage with ovary, right lobe of the prostate gland with testicle. 47. Stomach lesser curvature. 46. ​​Right kidney. 49. Right ovary in women, right testicle in men. 50. Lymphatic system of the iliac region. 51. Adrenal gland of the right kidney. 52. Small intestine. 53. Greater curvature of the stomach. 54. Hormonal system. 55. Signs of scleroderma. 56. Small intestine. 57. Xiphoid process. 5V. Lesser curvature of the stomach. 59. Greater curvature of the stomach. 60. Ureter of the right kidney, bladder. 61. Bronchius of the right lung. 62. Right mammary gland. 63. Right lobe of the liver. 64. Ureter of the right kidney. 65. Right lung. 66. Right kidney. 67. Stones, sand, congestion in the renal structures. 68. Right part of the transverse colon. 69. Kidney infection. 70. Right kidney. 71. Body of the gallbladder with ducts. 72. Right lobe of the liver. 73. Pelvis of the right kidney. 74. Right adrenal gland. 75. Ascending colon (ileocecal angle). 76. Transverse colon. 77. Appendix. 76. Stomach. 79. Bladder. 80. Genitals.

2. Diagnostic projection zones of internal organs on the human body

1. Thyroid disorders. 2. Stomach (greater curvature). 3. Duodenal bulb. 4. Angina syndrome. 5. Pancreas. 6. Decreased immunity. 7. Heart failure. 8. Splenic capsule, humeroscapular periarthritis. 9. Valvular heart disorders. 10. Impaired blood supply to the shoulder joint. 11. Cardiac ischemia. 12. Heart rhythm. 13. Parenchyma of the spleen. 14. Stomach, 15. Pancreas. 16. Left kidney. 17. Zones: A, E-ovaries, B, D-tubes, C-uterus (F.); A, E - testicles, B, C, D - prostate (M.). 18. Descending colon. 19. Radial nerve (cervical osteochondrosis). 20. Parenchyma of the left kidney. 21. Median nerve (cervical osteochondrosis). 22. Radial nerve (cervical osteochondrosis). 23. Area of ​​functional weakening of organs. 24. Left lung. 25. Arthrosis of the left hip joint. 26. Uterus, prostate. 27. Poor circulation of the left leg, arthrosis of the hip joint. 28. Arthrosis of the left hip joint. 29. Sexual disorders. 30. Arthrosis of the left knee joint. 31. Tail part and body of the pancreas. 32. Arthrosis of the left knee joint. 33. Stomach (greater curvature). 34. Impaired blood supply to the left leg. 35. Bottom of the gallbladder. 36. Duodenal bulb. 37. Body of the gallbladder. 38. Duct of the gallbladder. 39. Arthrosis of the left ankle joint. 40. Left kidney disorder. 41. Bladder. 42. Gallbladder. 43. Stomach (greater curvature). 44. Pancreas. 45. Genitals. 46. ​​Arthrosis of the ankle joint. 47. Bladder. 48. Liver. 49. Corns (gallbladder stone). 50. Stomach (lesser curvature). 51. Gallbladder. 52. Right half of the bladder. 53. Right kidney. 54. Arthrosis of the right ankle joint. 55. Bile ducts. 56. Body of the gallbladder. 57. Duodenal bulb. 58. Bottom of the gallbladder. 59. Blood circulation of the right leg. 60. Stomach (lesser curvature). 61. Arthrosis of the right knee joint. 62. Head and body of the pancreas. 63. Arthrosis of the right knee joint. 64. Poor circulation of the right leg, arthrosis of the hip joint. 65. Sexual disorders. 66. Uterus, prostate. 67.68. Arthrosis of the right hip joint. 69. Right lung. 70. Area of ​​functional weakening of organs. 71. Radial nerve (radicular ischemia of the cervical spine). 72. Parenchyma of the right kidney. 73.74. Ascending colon. 75. Ulnar nerve (radicular ischemia of the cervical spine). 76. Median nerve (radicular ischemia of the cervical spine). 77. Poor circulation of the pelvis. 78. Small intestine. 79. Disorders of the right kidney. 80. Stomach (lesser curvature). 81. Gallbladder. 82. Liver parenchyma. 83. Automatic breathing. 84. Poor circulation of the right shoulder joint. 85. Gastritis, stomach. 86. Liver capsule. 87. Respiratory failure. 88. Gallbladder. 89. Duodenal bulb. 90. Stomach (lesser curvature).

3. Diagnostic projection zones of internal organs on the body

1. Disorders in the skeletal system. 2. Head of the pancreas. 3. Basilar insufficiency. 4. Upper pole of the right kidney. 5. Lower pole of the right kidney. 6. Ureter of the right kidney. 7. The bottom of the gallbladder. 8. Right part of the transverse colon. 9. Gallbladder duct. 10. Representation of the right mammary gland. 11. Liver capsule, humeroscapular periarthritis. 12. Energy imbalance in the lung. 13. Right kidney with bladder. 14. Right lobe of the liver. 15, 16. Right kidney. 17. Right adrenal gland. 18. Poor circulation of the pelvic organs on the right. 19. Ascending colon. 20. Small intestine on the right. 21. Inflammation of the elbow joint. 22. Parenchyma of the kidney. 23. Head and body of the pancreas. 24. Ascending colon. 25. Bladder (right half). 26. Small intestine. 27. Small intestine (right side). 28. Right ovary in women and right testicle in men. 29. Ligaments of the right hip joint. 30. Sexual organ (right side). 31. Right lung. 32. Ascending colon. 33. Nervous system. 34. Small intestine. 35. Pinched sciatic nerve. 36. Arthrosis of the right hip joint. 37. Arthrosis of the right knee joint. 38. Right kidney. 39. Ligamentous apparatus of the right knee joint. 40. Right ureter. 41. Bottom of the gallbladder. 42. Body of the gallbladder. 43. Ducts of the gallbladder. 44. Ligaments of the right ankle joint. 45. Tenosynovitis. 46. ​​Large intestine. 47. Ligaments of the left ankle joint. 48. Duct of the gallbladder. 49. Body of the gallbladder. 50. Bottom of the gallbladder. 51. Ureter of the left kidney. 52. Ligamentous apparatus of the left knee joint. 53. Left kidney. 54. Arthrosis of the left knee joint. 55. Arthrosis of the left hip joint. 56. Sexual organ (left side). 57. Pinched sciatic nerve. 58. Small intestine (left side). 59. Heart, small intestine. 60. Nervous system. 61. Descending colon. 62. Left lung. 63. Heart disorders. 64. Ligaments of the left hip joint. 65. Left ovary in women and left testicle in men. 66. Disorder of the genital organs. 67. Small intestine. 68. Left half of the bladder. 69. Body and tail of the pancreas. 70. Descending colon. 71. Heart disorders. 72. Parenchyma of the left kidney. 73. Small intestine on the left. 74. Large intestine on the left. 75. Stomach. 76. Poor circulation of the pelvic organs on the left. 77. Left adrenal gland. 78. Pancreas. 79.80. Left kidney. 81. Left kidney with bladder. 82. Energy center of the heart. 83. Splenic capsule, humeroscapular periarthritis. 84. Mammary gland. 85. A - heart failure, B - valvular heart disorders, C - ischemia, angina pectoris, D - cardiac arrhythmia. 86. Left part of the large intestine. 87. Left ureter. 88. Lower pole of the left kidney. 89. Upper pole of the left kidney. 90. Basilar insufficiency. 91. Tail part and body of the pancreas. 92. Subluxation at the base of the skull. 93. Lymphatic and renal imbalance.

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