Home Tooth pain The dimple on the right cheek meaning. Kiss from Cupid - miracles where people believe in them

The dimple on the right cheek meaning. Kiss from Cupid - miracles where people believe in them

There are many folk beliefs and signs associated with the cheeks. Their appearance is often associated with the legend of Cupid's kiss. Popular belief says that if the God of Love kisses a child at birth, then he will definitely have one or two marks on his cheeks.

Some peoples consider dimples to be a sign of special attractiveness. Moreover, this nuance is often paid attention to during matchmaking.

In addition to a beautiful story, there are many things associated with dimples. folk signs. Main meaning all statements - a person with such marks must be happy and incredibly lucky. If the owner of the pits is a guy, then he must have a strong character, be purposeful and self-confident.

Dimples on the cheeks in psychology and physiognomy

Experts in psychology and physiognomy attribute to the owners of dimples such qualities as cheerfulness, a cheerful character, independence and a penchant for an active lifestyle. Women with dimples are romantic, amorous, and cheerful. Moreover, psychologists say that such persons are extremely popular among members of the opposite sex.

Physiognomists note not only the positive qualities of the owners of dimples, but also point out the main shortcomings - selfishness and narcissism.

To determine the character of the owner of dimples on the cheeks, you should pay attention to their location. If the hollow on the left cheek is more pronounced, then such a person is distinguished by constancy, the ability to quickly adapt to new conditions, and likes to stand out in any company. The brighter depression on right cheek, on the contrary, symbolizes impermanence, mobility and originality. Main feature all owners of this distinctive sign are loving and friendly.

Scientific explanation

WITH scientific point From a visual perspective, the appearance of dimples on the cheeks is explained by the special structure of the facial muscles. The fact is that those with small depressions in the corners of the mouth have significantly shortened facial muscles. Because of this feature, when a smile appears, the skin tightens, fat layer rises slightly, and in place of the short facial muscle, the familiar “dimple” is formed.

It is noteworthy that dimples on the cheeks are inherited. This is primarily due to the fact that shortened facial muscles are a genetically determined feature. With age, dimples may appear or, conversely, disappear. This is also due to the structural features facial muscles and fat layer.

It is noteworthy that this “defect” is so popular in society that many men and women turn to plastic surgeons so that the “sign of Cupid” appears on their face. This operation does not last long and is not difficult. Specialists make small incisions in the corners of the mouth, remove a small amount of fat deposits and tighten the skin with surgical thread. As a result, the patient receives the coveted dimples on his cheeks. The shape of the depressions can also be adjusted - making them barely noticeable, in the form of butterfly wings or curls.

It is also worth noting that pits can appear not only on the cheeks, but also on the chin, in the corners of the nose or eyes. The reasons for their appearance are similar.

Dimples on the cheeks are given to a person by nature. They are noticeable depressions at the corners of the mouth, round or elongated vertically. As a rule, when the muscles are relaxed, they are not visible and only reveal themselves when you smile. They can be various shapes, size and depth. Typically, dimples appear on both cheeks, but in some cases, dimples appear on only one side.

The dimples on the cheeks, which many people find so attractive, with physiological point vision are nothing more than a rare genetic defect caused by the structure of that large zygomatic muscle, which is also called the “laughing muscle”. In addition, dimples are often found in young children with chubby cheeks, whose zygomatic muscle is not yet sufficiently developed.

The zygomatic major muscle is responsible for the formation of dimples, which, when contracted, raises the corners of the mouth, forming a smile. A small bundle of this muscle, which has a bifurcated structure, moves to the side in 30% of people and grows into the dermis of the cheek. In this case, when the muscle contracts when smiling, the welded area of ​​the cheek is pulled inward, resulting in the formation of a depression on it.

This effect is especially noticeable on chubby cheeks, since the fat layer additionally lifts the segment of skin around the site of muscle growth. As a person gets older and the zygomatic muscle stretches, the fat layer of the cheek becomes thinner and the dimple disappears or appears less noticeable.

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Why do people like dimples on their cheeks?

According to statistics, most people associate cavities on the cheeks with a romantic nature, playfulness and a somewhat childish image that evokes trust and sympathy. After all, children often have dimples, which disappear with age, making the face more serious and mature.

In some Asian countries, the presence of dimples increases a person's sexual attractiveness

Many would like to return sincerity, openness, attractiveness and touching to the image. Moreover, it is believed that those with such a “zest” are happier in life, and most men prefer girls with dimples.

Some people like hollows on their cheeks, some don’t, but there are few people who would be completely indifferent to them.

Popularity of dimpleectomy

As mentioned above, dimples are not typical for all people. And those people who want to become owners of such cavities go to clinics plastic surgery with a request to perform a dimple-ectomy operation on them.

Artificial dimples on the cheeks are the latest trend in plastic surgery. American and English women en masse sign up for the dimpleectomy procedure and transform their faces in just a few hours, seducing others with a charming smile in the style of Aishwarya Rai or Kate Middleton. In Russia, this procedure is not yet very common, but in America it has long become commonplace, since it is quite inexpensive and very simple.

How is the operation performed?

Before the dimpleectomy procedure, the plastic surgeon will discuss with you exactly where the dimple will be located, what its shape, depth, and size are. This operation has no restrictions on the type of skin and face, the thickness of the fat layer - we can say that it is almost universal. However, it is important to remember: the result of such a procedure is irreversible. Subsequently, it will not be possible to remove the dimple; you can only reduce its depth with repeated surgery.

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If the patient wishes, it is possible to perform a dimpleectomy procedure under general anesthesia.

The dimpleectomy procedure is performed in the following sequence:

  1. a marker marks the exact place on the cheek where the dimple will be located
  2. a pain-relieving injection is given (local anesthesia)
  3. With inside cheeks, using a special instrument, a small incision is made in the mucous membrane
  4. Fatty lumps are removed at the incision site
  5. using surgical thread soft fabrics in the treated area they are pulled together with a surgical thread, which forms a dimple

This operation lasts approximately 30 minutes, maximum 1 hour. After the procedure, the patient does not need to stay in the hospital; he can go home immediately. There will be swelling in the cheek area, but it will be minor. There is no need to miss work, school, or change your usual lifestyle in any way.

Postoperative period

Visually, the dimples will become noticeable immediately after the operation. At first they will be visible all the time, even when the patient is not smiling. This period different people can last from several days to a month, as it depends on individual characteristics body and volume surgical intervention. Over time, the thread will dissolve, the surface of the skin will level out, and dimples will begin to appear only when you smile.

In the postoperative period it is possible painful sensations, but they are minor and can be easily relieved with a painkiller recommended by a doctor. The doctor will also prescribe you antibiotics, which you will need to take during the first days after surgery.

For the first 2–4 days after dimpleectomy, it is not recommended to eat hard foods that require careful and long chewing. In addition, be sure to rinse every time after eating. oral cavity special antibacterial solutions to prevent infection from entering the wound.

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One of the aphorisms says: “Many people fall in love with dimples and mistakenly marry the whole girl.” People call them “angel kisses”, “Cupid’s kisses” and are not at all perceived as something strange and unusual, but on the contrary - they are drawn to their owners. What do dimples on the cheeks mean?

Special magic

Surely many people paid attention to the dimples of film actors, singers and ordinary people around us and noted that this only adds to their visual appeal and drives fans crazy. Do dimples on the cheeks really have such an attractive force, and what is the reason? Why do some of us have them and others don't?

What are dimples?

These are small depressions in the skin on each cheek, resulting from its tension in a special way: the subcutaneous fat of the cheek “grows” to the facial muscle responsible for the smile, which causes the appearance of an oblong pit.

Despite the fact that this is, in essence, a violation of the structure skin, dimples look pleasant from an aesthetic point of view, because they are usually located symmetrically.

Cause of occurrence

So why do only some people have dimples on their cheeks and not everyone? Scientists say that this is also determined genetically, like eye color or mouth shape. Paradoxically, dimples on the cheeks of both girls and boys are an object of envy and admiration, but at the same time are considered a defect.

The tissue in the cheeks that connects the skin and bones is not well developed, and the inner layers are bonded in a special way with muscle fibers, forming a small depression - a dimple, which has been driving people crazy for hundreds of years and is considered one of the cutest features of the face.

The secret of charm

Perhaps we find dimples so attractive because they only become visible when we smile. This puts the interlocutor at ease. Subconsciously, girls with dimples, like men, are more attractive to people.

It is also known that such depressions appear in children in early age, although subsequently the facial features are finally formed, and they disappear without a trace on their own. So, perhaps, dimples make people dizzy also because they are associated with childish purity, spontaneity, enthusiasm and simplicity; with them, a person visually looks younger.

The meaning of dimples on the cheeks

Many folk beliefs and signs are associated with these depressions. What do dimples mean other than the crazy imagination of Mother Nature and her genetic combinations?

There is an opinion that the presence of such depressions is a sign of future happiness in life and lack of worries. Luck will accompany the owners of dimples throughout their lives, and any of their endeavors will be successful.

This can also be explained from a psychological point of view: people with such “decoration” often smile, and, as you know, a smile is an irreplaceable attribute successful person, which wins over future business partners and simply helps you make new good friends.

A bright smile is both a consequence and a cause of sociability, mobility, activity, stormy temperament and cheerful disposition. It is these features that physiognomists attribute to people with dimples on their cheeks, which subconsciously indicates to us kind person, open to the world and ready to help.

A little dimple for everyone

In connection with the external beauty and unusualness of dimples, it is not at all surprising that the happy owners of such a feature are not at all eager to get rid of it (which, in principle, is possible). However, at the same time, there are a lot of people who want to purchase them for themselves through plastic surgery, which is called dimpleectomy (from the English dimple - “dimple on the cheek”).

After a conversation with the surgeon, the operation itself is performed: internal incisions are made in such a way that when you smile, an obstacle appears from soft tissues, pulled together by a thread. Unfortunately, this is short-lived: even if the dimples on the cheeks are visible for the first few weeks even without a smile, after a while the tissues tend to heal, and the cheeks return to their previous state even without new surgical intervention.

So, opinions about dimples can be completely different, despite the interesting nature of their occurrence. Therefore, it is important to accept each other as nature created us, and to love ourselves, no matter what. After all, facial features are primarily what distinguishes us from others. What we don’t like now may soon become our calling card.

In addition, it is important to remember that many famous people can boast of dimples on their cheeks: for example, singer Maxim, Lindsey Wixson, Kirsten Dunst, Audrey Tautou. It’s impossible not to mention the dimples of Canadian actress Rachel McAdams, who captivated the viewer in “The Notebook.” To the delight of the female half of the population, among famous men there are also wonderful owners of dimples: the lead singer of the group Avenged Sevenfold, Josh Holloway from Lost, Adam Levine from Maroon 5 and film actor Brad Pitt.

WITH There are many popular beliefs and signs associated with dimples on the cheeks. Their appearance is often associated with the legend of Cupid's kiss. Popular belief says that if the God of Love kisses a child at birth, then he will definitely have one or two marks on his cheeks.

U Some peoples consider dimples on the cheeks to be a sign of special attractiveness. Moreover, this nuance is often paid attention to during matchmaking.

P In addition to the beautiful history, there are many folk signs associated with dimples. The main meaning of all statements is that a person with such marks must be happy and incredibly lucky. If the owner of the pits is a guy, then he must have a strong character, be purposeful and self-confident.

Dimples on the cheeks in psychology and physiognomy

WITH Experts in psychology and physiognomy attribute to the owners of dimples such qualities as cheerfulness, a cheerful character, independence and a penchant for an active lifestyle. Women with dimples are romantic, amorous, and cheerful. Moreover, psychologists say that such persons are extremely popular among members of the opposite sex.

F Isiognomists note not only the positive qualities of the owners of dimples, but also point out the main shortcomings - selfishness and narcissism.

D To determine the character of the owner of dimples on the cheeks, you should pay attention to their location. If the hollow on the left cheek is more pronounced, then such a person is distinguished by constancy, the ability to quickly adapt to new conditions, and likes to stand out in any company. The brighter hollow on the right cheek, on the contrary, symbolizes impermanence, mobility and originality. The main feature of all owners of this distinctive sign is love and friendliness.

Scientific explanation

WITH From a scientific point of view, the appearance of dimples on the cheeks is explained by the special structure of the facial muscles. The fact is that those with small depressions in the corners of the mouth have significantly shortened facial muscles. Because of this feature, during the appearance of a smile, the skin tightens, the fat layer rises slightly, and in place of the short facial muscle, the familiar “dimple” is formed.

P It is noteworthy that dimples on the cheeks are inherited. This is primarily due to the fact that shortened facial muscles are a genetically determined feature. With age, dimples may appear or, conversely, disappear. This is also due to the structural features of the facial muscles and fat layer.

P It is noteworthy that this “defect” is so popular in society that many men and women turn to plastic surgeons for help so that the “Cupid sign” appears on their face. This operation does not last long and is not difficult. Specialists make small incisions in the corners of the mouth, remove a small amount of fat deposits and tighten the skin with surgical thread. As a result, the patient receives the coveted dimples on his cheeks. The shape of the depressions can also be adjusted - making them barely noticeable, in the form of butterfly wings or curls.

WITH It is also worth noting that pits can appear not only on the cheeks, but also on the chin, in the corners of the nose or eyes. The reasons for their appearance are similar.

Here's an educational story about dimples.

It is said that Cupid kisses young children on the cheek at birth, resulting in marks called dimples.
I also had dimples as a child. Two. True, I was very young then and I don’t remember this. I only know that there was always a big hole on my left cheek! Some even kiss me on this cheek, because... she is marked, so to speak.
But just recently I discovered that a dimple is appearing on my right cheek. She is still so small, barely noticeable. Maybe it will remain like this, or maybe again I will be like in childhood, with dimples on each cheek.

Here's what else they write about dimples:
Dimples on the cheeks mean a happy fate and extraordinary luck of a person. Those with dimples are cheerful and positive people. Dimples on the cheeks mean coquetry, secret sins and good nature. Dimples on the cheeks are a serious tool in conquering the opposite sex. Dimples on the cheeks are a sign of Venus.
The most attractive dimples that give a person a special charm and make his face more friendly and pretty are the dimples on the cheeks. Such signs indicate sensuality, increased emotionality and a “mad” temperament, although outwardly this may not manifest itself too strongly. Along with this, dimples on the cheeks indicate vital activity, the desire for independence, low susceptibility to external impulses, and integrity of perception.
If only the dimple on the right cheek is clearly visible, and is barely noticeable on the left, such a person is distinguished by mobility, contact, the ability to quickly switch from one thing to another, the ability to simultaneously keep several things in the field of attention, and the desire to interact.
When, on the contrary, the dimple on the left cheek is better visible, a person has high receptivity, sensitivity, mental plasticity, and the ability to quickly adapt to new conditions. He is constant in his affections, immersed in the world of his imagination and experiences.
Some cultural studies have noted a tendency to prefer people with dimples; they are considered more sincere and open.
In general, people who have dimples show off their feelings. self-esteem, have some creative power; they are proud, artistic, authoritative, generous, prone to patronage, and always ready to help. They love luxury, pleasure, entertainment.
TO negative qualities Such people include vanity, despotism, authoritarianism, a penchant for tinsel and external pretentiousness, pomp, ceremony, pomposity.
Physiognomy experts believe: “Dimples on the cheeks mean good luck in love, this is very good sign over!"

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