Home Orthopedics Reset technique for reloading the facial muscles. Factory reset Wiko View

Reset technique for reloading the facial muscles. Factory reset Wiko View

REZET is an easy-to-learn and master energy method for balancing the jaw joint (JJ), painless and relaxing.

The essence of the method is extremely simple. The TMJ is the strongest, most precise joint in the human body (biting, chewing). It is this that is the “assembly” point of the whole body - when it is aligned and balanced, the whole body is balanced (neck, shoulders, hip joint, knees). Imagine that you are assembling a tent and you place one of the pegs incorrectly. At best, you will get a tent that is askew; at worst, it will collapse. So with the high-frequency joint, when working with problems in this area, we work with the whole body (through indirect muscle connections).

Here is an approximate list of problems that can be worked with using the REZET method:

  • malocclusion, wearing braces;
  • — dental problems (frequent oral infections, the period before and after visiting the dentist);
  • - bruxism (teeth grinding), jaw crunching;
  • - frequent headaches (tension pain), insomnia;
  • - pain in the neck, back, problems with posture;
  • - joint pain;
  • - speech therapy problems, stuttering;
  • - frequent sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis;
  • - acute and chronic stress, lack of sleep and rest;
  • - a lack of nutrients, poor absorption of water by the body;
  • - allergies;
  • - enuresis.

Important! The REZET method in no way cancels drug treatment(if there is one), but is an excellent addition to it.

Contraindications are any acute conditions(eg high temperature).

While working according to the REZET method, the whole body is also healed due to the consumption of additional water (removal of waste and toxins).

REZET is suitable for both children and adults. The duration of the procedure is 45 minutes, 6 sessions, 1 time per week.

Sessions using the REZET method provide a powerful and long-term effect that allows you to restore joint function, improve overall well-being and relax.

Procedures and work order


A kinesiologist does not seek to treat specific diseases. A kinesiologist substantively examines the facial muscles and the condition of the jaw joint, finds a way to restore balance in the human body and “turn on a self-healing program.” During the session, the kinesiologist’s task is to balance and relax the overloaded muscles of the jaw joint, relieve tension from the mandibular joint, thereby relieving tension from almost 90% of the muscles of the body.

Improvements in well-being are not always visible after the first session, but even after 45 minutes a big difference is visible between the condition of the facial muscles before and after the session. The task of including the body in the work of self-healing has been activated.


REZET - myomassage of special areas of the face and jaw joint.

A neuropsychologist and kinesiologist lightly touches certain points at the level of the temporomandibular joint. Each touch movement occurs in strict sequence. Work on one position takes 2-3 minutes. In this case, the client himself learns the movements and sequences.

The session can be accompanied by special musical accompaniment (at the client’s discretion).

Before and after the session you need to drink a small amount clean water to ensure the removal of toxins from the body that are released during and for some time after the session. The body will cope with them on its own, but for this you need to drink water, a little rest and calm.

The session lasts 45 minutes. The number of sessions is determined by the kinesiologist at the first visit/diagnosis.

REZET is a very powerful tool in the correction and correction of TMJ and requires a certain skill. It is conducted by a certified specialist neuropsychologist/kinesiologist Irina Viktorovna Khlebnikova. Moreover, everyone can learn this method and easily and simply apply it when working with a partner or independently for themselves.

Children's medical psychologist, neuropsychologist
Graduated from Moscow State University of Psychology and Education with a degree in psychology, teacher of psychology.
Additional education: Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (perinatal psychologist); MIOO – psychomotor developmental environment, psychomotor correction of preschool and younger children school age; RNIMU named after. Pirogov ( clinical psychologist); Research Center for Pediatric Neuropsychology named after. Luria (neuropsychological diagnostics and correction in childhood); Institute of Kinesiology – anti-stress kinesiology.
Main directions professional activity: Neuropsychological, pathopsychological and psychological-pedagogical diagnostics and correction of children and adolescents; Consultations for parents on issues of parent-child relationships.


As a result of the session, you will be freed from 70-80% of the stress associated with clenching your jaw (anger, hatred, resentment, grief... etc.). Normalized water exchange body!!!
As a result of using the Reset technique, after relaxing the jaw muscles, the following occurs:

  • relief from headaches/migraines;
  • balancing the emotional state;
  • improving learning ability in adults and children;
  • relieving tension in the body;
  • restoration of healthy and restful sleep;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive system;
  • solving sinus problems;
  • normalization natural processes detoxification of the body;
  • improvement of facial skin condition;
  • reduction of hyperactivity in children;
  • absorption of water, vitamins and minerals and many other positive changes.

RESET is perfect for correcting acute and chronic stress.
Has no contraindications! Can be used for pregnant women and children.

RESET is the Rafferty energy system (author of the Philip Rafferty method), created to balance the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).

RESET- an absolutely painless and relaxing method for the client. Sessions using the REZET method provide a powerful and long-term effect that allows you to restore the functioning of the ANS.

RESET is not medical procedure and can be offered as an alternative approach to VNS correction. IN difficult cases disorders of the temporomandibular joint REZET often becomes the number one way to quickly relax muscles without additional instrumental intervention and painful manipulations.

Possible symptoms of ANS imbalance:

There is no possibility to open the mouth fully or partially, pain in lower jaw, allergies, difficulty chewing, crunching when chewing, pain when closing and moving the lower jaw to the sides, discomfort in the ANS area, malocclusion, fatigue in the jaw after sleep, tightness in the shoulders, pain in the face, neck, head, eyes , ears, back, shoulders, hips, knees, ankles, feet, ear pressure, ringing in the ears, dizziness, blurred vision, difficulty swallowing, migraine, toothache and etc.

Possible reasons ANS imbalance:

Severe stress

Head or jaw injury

Dental intervention (mouth open too wide and too long, excessive force during tooth extraction, injection of anesthetic into the jaw muscles)

If you have ever had a jaw injury, prolonged overexertion, or any of the above, the ANS muscles may still be hypertonic and cause various ailments in the body.

How does REZET work?

The ANS affects all systems of the body, especially the musculoskeletal system, the muscular and nervous systems, as well as water balance and the meridian system.

Through relaxation of the jaw muscles, a powerful and at the same time gentle adjustment of the temporomandibular joint occurs. The state of the ANS significantly affects the quality feedback from the brain and muscular system. The slightest tension in the jaw muscles can disrupt the balance of the jaw joint, making it difficult for electrical impulses to pass through. nervous system in body.

The trigeminal nerve is one of the largest cranial nerves, spreads from its large sensory nucleus in the cerebral hemisphere, goes down to the second vertebra and then spreads throughout the body. It has many transport pathways and branches, and sends sensory signals to and from most areas of the skull, including the ANS. It also provides inflow from proprioceptive impulses and motor innervation to the temporalis, masseter, and pterygoid muscles, and is closely connected with the lateral pterygoid muscle and with the entire craniosacral system as a whole. Thus, any disturbance in the ANS will lead to significant consequences throughout the body. The trigeminal nucleus has numerous connections with the transport systems of the central nervous system. One such system is the Reticular Activating System (RAS). This is the body's primary defense and survival system, which is capable of activating tension masticatory muscles, dorsal and meninges and muscle fascia to hold the head, protect the head and spinal cord, stabilization of the sacroiliac joint and pelvic bones. At various injuries The jaw muscles are the first to react, they contract and activate the process of protecting the brain and spinal cord. Dr. Carl Ferreri called this phenomenon the “Protective Jaw.” Emotional stress, which accumulates over the years, leads to chronic overstrain of the temporomandibular joint. The REZET method not only relieves physical tension in the jaw muscles, but also allows you to dissipate negative emotions, long time held in the subconscious.

The flow of energy in the body is indicated by Meridians in accordance with Chinese Acupuncture. The meridians of the stomach, small and large intestines, gallbladder, and triple heater pass in the area of ​​the ANS muscles. The Healing Touch examines 42 major muscles that correspond to the 14 Meridians. 90% of these muscles can be successfully balanced with REZET.

A practical kinesiology test has shown that directing energy into the jaw muscle area balances the psoas and sartorius muscles, which are associated with the kidneys and adrenal glands. As a result, the process of water absorption by the body improves. Sufficient hydration affects the quality of nerve impulses and various biochemical reactions.

The dynamic interaction between the ANS, sphenoid bone and Atlas (C1) affects the entire body through various mechanisms. Any hypertonicity of the jaw muscle, especially the temporal and lateral pterygoid muscles, can provoke “compression” sphenoid bone. The sphenoid bone is a key bone in the microdynamics of cranial bones, since it is the only bone that is connected to all the bones of the skull, with the exception of two in the facial region of the skull. The sphenoid bone is a kind of “hanger” on which the balance of the entire skeleton depends.

Balancing the ANS has a beneficial and long-lasting effect on a number of problems such as headaches, back and neck pain, hiatus hernias, and disorders of the digestive tract. The ANS has a unique ability to adapt and recover!

Scheme of REZET:

For children:

10 minute sessions daily. The number of sessions for full balancing is determined individually by a specialist.

25 minute sessions once a week. A minimum of 3 sessions are carried out.

The choice of regimen is determined solely by a specialist depending on the disorders and diagnosis.

For adults:

To carry out full balancing, a minimum of 2 sessions of 50 minutes is required once a week. Then a break of 2 weeks. Repeat in the same sequence: 2 sessions of 50 minutes once a week. The total number of sessions most often ranges from 6 to 10.

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