Home Orthopedics What is another name for the Scottish Shepherd? Collie or Scottish Sheepdog - a dog with self-esteem

What is another name for the Scottish Shepherd? Collie or Scottish Sheepdog - a dog with self-esteem

The Scottish Sheepdog is a dog that once herded flocks in the highlands of Scotland, today it has become an excellent companion and the star of the most famous exhibitions. Indeed, collies have an amazing character and gorgeous appearance. What do future owners of this beautiful dog need to know?

Scotland is considered the homeland of these dogs, where they quite successfully herded flocks of sheep. Their ancestors were more modest in size and most often had black fur. According to experts, they came to southern England along with nomadic tribes. Subsequently, breeding activities were aimed at further developing their herding abilities. They managed not only sheep, but also goats and pigs.

Collies received their further development thanks to the fact that Queen Victoria turned her attention to the dogs, and she brought several representatives of the breed to England. Here they quickly gained popularity, and many dog ​​breeders became interested in breeding them.

In 1860, this dog was presented at an exhibition as a universal Scottish Sheepdog. In the late 80s, collies came to the United States, and in 1986, the first club for fans of this breed was opened here.

Description of the collie breed

The Scottish Sheepdog is strong, active, beautiful dog with a harmonious physique. The body should not be rough or loose, and the standard pays special attention to the ratio of proportions:

  • Head the collie's is elongated, dry, narrowed; when viewed in profile, it is wedge-shaped. If it resembles the head of a greyhound, then this is considered a defect. The occipital tubercle and brow ridges are weakly defined.
  • The skull is flattened, with flat cheekbones and a weakly defined transition from the frontal region to the muzzle.
  • Back The nose is rounded, the lobe is large, with black pigmentation.
  • The mouth is equipped with large, white teeth that create a scissor bite.
  • Eyes small, almond-shaped, set slightly slanting. The expression “sweetish” is tricky. The iris is dark brown; in marbled collies, heterochromia is possible; the iris may have bluish or white inclusions.

The dog of this breed moves softly and gracefully. The coat is abundant, with a luxurious collar and feathering. In general, Scottish Shepherds look elegant and pleasant.

According to the standard, height males at the withers range from 56 to 61 cm, and females - from 51 to 56 cm. Body weight is not strictly regulated, but the minimum weight dogs 18 kg, maximum – 30 kg. Among the different varieties of collies, the long-haired representatives are the most common.

Coat and colors of the Scots

The collie's coat has two layers, the guard hair is elongated, straight, and hard. And the undercoat is abundant and dense. In the area of ​​the muzzle, tips of the ears and limbs, the coat is very short. There are three types of colors in Scottish Sheepdogs:

Collie character

Scottish Sheepdogs long time They lived side by side with humans, but for a long time they fully performed shepherd’s work. Today this is not required of them, and collies have quickly retrained as companion dogs and excellent family dogs.

Like other shepherds, Scots are extremely intelligent and responsive; very often they understand immediately what their owner expects from them. Collies are on the list of the most trainable breeds, and if a person needs an intelligent four-legged friend who will perfectly follow commands, then collie- this is what you need.

Collies are not aggressive, they are people-oriented. Therefore, if the owner is not ready to shower his pet with attention and affection, then you should not get a collie. Due to lack of communication, dogs of this breed can develop destructive behavior.

Longhaired Scots need stability and do not like noisy events. When excited, dogs can bark loudly for a long time. All herding breeds, including collies, cannot live without intense exercise. physical activity, therefore, for their walking, spacious areas are needed where the pet could frolic without a leash.

A collie can be taken into a family with children; the dog will not harm the baby, and the grown-up child will become a friend and playmate for him. Scots also find a common language with other pets, including cats.

How to train a collie?

High intelligence, quick wit and curiosity are the qualities that are necessary for excellent learning ability; the collie has all this to the fullest. They are very inquisitive and observant. But the dog's abilities alone are not enough to get good results. The owner will be required proper organization process, he must become a leader and friend for the pet, find an approach.

The dog can learn the basic basic commands - “ ”, “ ”, etc. at home, and even a teenager can teach him. It is recommended to begin training, raising your pet, and accustoming it to hygiene procedures as soon as the puppy gets comfortable in its new home. But usually the baby gets used to new conditions within 2-3 days.

It is important for a collie to constantly learn and be challenged, otherwise the pet may become uncontrollable, capricious and stubborn for any reason. As soon as new pet adapts, gets used to its name, it is necessary to start socializing it. The puppy must communicate with its own kind, participate in joint games, and learn proper behavior in outdoor conditions. This will help avoid further difficulties when the dog grows up.

For training, it is advisable to select a separate area; the environment should be calm and familiar. If an inexperienced owner wants to participate in competitions with his four-legged friend or wants to teach him more complex skills, in addition to basic commands, then it is better to seek help from professionals for these purposes.

The main rule of training is consistency; you cannot give your pet many commands at once. You always need to be persistent, patient, it is important to encourage your pet in a timely manner and not be stingy with praise if he deserves it. The Scots do not tolerate pressure, so rough treatment and physical punishment will not only fail, but will make them worse.

Caring for Longhaired Collies

The first thing that future owners think about is the difficulty of caring for the luxurious coat of a collie. But the owners refute this opinion - their coat needs attention, but no more than that of other long-haired herding breeds.

These dogs shed, and this process usually occurs in the spring. In addition, the coat of shepherd dogs is an indicator of health: increased shedding can begin due to stress, after childbirth, against the background various diseases, during the rut, with poor nutrition.

The Scotsman will have to be brushed regularly, and during seasonal shedding, this should be done daily. Otherwise, tangles may appear. But such a dog does not require haircuts, trimming and other hairdressing services. At proper care The dog will not shed except once a year. For this, the pet must be properly fed, combed and walked for a long time.

Collies are clean, their fur repels dirt. Therefore, dogs are not bathed often - 2-3 times a year. Dogs take a long time to dry, so it is advisable to blot the fur with a terry towel and you can use a hair dryer. It is important to avoid leaving a pet with wet fur in a draft.

If the dog belongs to the show class, and the owner is determined to exhibit his pet, then he will have to learn some grooming skills. You can seek advice or the services of a professional. Good advice can be given by the breeder from whom the puppy was purchased.

How to feed a collie?

Scottish Shepherds are not fussy eaters, but owners need to pay attention to what their dog eats. The following schedule should be applied to puppies:

  • babies up to 2 months are fed 5-6 times a day;
  • 3-4 month old puppies are fed 4-5 meals a day;
  • by 8 months the puppy should eat 3 times;
  • By the age of one and a half years, the pet eats like an adult - 2 times.

The owner has two options - feed the pet commercial food or natural food. In the first case, it is important to choose an appropriate high-quality diet suitable for large or medium-sized breeds. It is necessary to take into account that collies are long-haired dogs, which means that all the necessary additives must be present in the food.

When feeding naturally, the owner needs to select the right products, meeting the needs of the dog’s body. The following products should not be on the menu:

  • potato;
  • raw eggs, especially whites;
  • raw river fish;
  • high fat foods;
  • chicken and pork bones;
  • pasta;
  • bakery.

The basis of a dog’s diet is meat, it should be lean veal, beef, rabbit, turkey. Your pet will get the most benefit from a raw product. The dog is given fish no more than 2 times a week; it should be sea fish, boiled or steamed. Cereals are given daily, mixed with meat and vegetable ingredients. Fresh herbs and vegetable oil can be used as additives.

Small puppies can be given milk, but from 3 months it should be replaced with dairy products– cottage cheese, curdled milk, fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt. Important - this food should not contain sugar or artificial additives. You cannot give your puppy food from your table! The dog quickly turns into a beggar. In addition, such food will harm the animal’s body.

Health Features of Scottish Sheepdogs

If you look at the overall picture, collies have excellent health. However, among them there are individuals suffering from serious genetic ailments:

  • deafness;
  • blindness (representatives of the breed with a marbled color suffer);
  • eye abnormalities.

In addition, Scottish Shepherds are quite large dogs, therefore, there is a risk of developing joint and bone diseases - dysplasia, chronic dislocations, subluxations, loss of joint mobility. Collies suffer from intolerance to certain medications, so if they need to be taken, the veterinarian must order a series of tests.

Collie photo

Video about collie

How much does a longhaired collie puppy cost?

First of all, the owner needs to decide - does he need an elite puppy with excellent standard qualities, who can be a champion of exhibitions and an enviable producer, or is a companion dog and friend enough? Naturally, in the first case the price tag will be significantly higher.

But even when choosing a four-legged friend who does not claim a title, you should take into account that scammers often sell funny mixed-breed toddlers, passing them off as purebred Scottish Shepherds. No, a dog of unclean blood can become a wonderful pet, but you can buy such a baby for free.

When purchasing a puppy with a pedigree, you should know that the price can vary from 12,000 to 30,000 rubles - depending on the class to which the baby belongs, the title of his parents and other characteristics.

The Scottish Shepherd is not just a beautiful dog with a proud posture and a chic fur coat. Such a pet very quickly becomes the favorite of the whole family, finds a common language with everyone, and responds with devotion and love to a kind attitude. But collies are not for the lazy; if such a dog appears in the house, then it is necessary to give it what it needs.

Collie kennels

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Collie breeds have long had a reputation as good-natured and obedient beauties. Magnificent breed collie, the breed description of which indicates the presence of a large number positive qualities in these dogs, it is characterized by activity, flexibility, significant strength, speed and grace.

These dogs have a light and fast gait, but at the same time the animal can change its speed, as well as the direction of movement, with lightning speed, as all herding dogs do.

The coat can be of different types, but they all have a soft and thick undercoat. The outer layer, depending on the variety, can be short, hard, smooth or straight, hard, thick and long.

The appearance of a dog acts as a significant sign of the breed; it depends on indicators such as the shape and balance of the head, and the characteristics of the ears and eyes. Individuals of this breed are very bright, agile, and intelligent. And all this is complemented by an exquisite head position.

Collie is an affectionate, devoted, gentle companion for absolutely any person. The dog received from its shepherd ancestors such a quality as hard work, for this reason it needs constant mental and physical exercise. These animals are very sensitive, intelligent, cheerful, although they are characterized by slight stubbornness.

History of the Scottish Sheepdog

The popular collie dog breed has Scottish roots. These dogs most likely got their name from the Anglo-Saxon word meaning “black.” At the same time, a number of researchers suggest that the name of this breed comes from collie. This is what black Scottish sheep are called. And also from dogs that were used to guard such sheep, which over time received the name collie.

The original individuals of the breed were similar in size and shape to modern Border Collies and were primarily black in color. At the same time, it was not the appearance of the dogs that was significant, but their ability to perform shepherd work.

According to one of existing versions, the progenitor of this breed is the Icelandic dog, whose ancestors were brought to Iceland by the Vikings.

According to another version, back in the Stone Age, dogs characterized by a sharp mind and significant endurance also arrived in the southern part of England with nomads. They were used to protect sheep herds and other livestock.

There are also scientists who claim that the ancestors of this breed came to the territory of the British Isles due to the Roman conquerors about 2000 years ago.

The long-haired collie became famous thanks to Queen Victoria. Having visited her own Scottish possessions in 1860, she first saw and immediately fell in love with the cute appearance and affectionate temperament of these dogs. The queen brought the collie to England, where the popularity of this breed began to grow.

This happened shortly before the public saw individuals of this breed. After this, these dogs began to be actively bred, focusing on appearance. For the first time, representatives of the breed were exhibited in 1860 in the “Scottish Shepherd” class.

Character specifics

A properly raised dog is a sweet, affectionate, friendly creature. These pets act as a shining example family dogs who like to be part of the family's everyday life. Representatives of the breed adore children, protect them, and protect them.

If these qualities of a dog have not been sufficiently developed, the animal, with its level of intelligence, develops them independently. These dogs are very smart, they learn instantly and easily learn all their lessons.

Much can be written about the devotion of individuals of this breed and, quite likely, many people know about it. It is only necessary to note that the collie is ready to sacrifice itself without hesitation to save its owner.

The following factors influence the character of an animal:

  • heredity;
  • upbringing;
  • external environment, etc.

Puppies really like to play, they are very curious, and willingly engage in dialogue with other people. When choosing a puppy, you need to pay special attention to the leader, who is not aggressive, and not to the animal that is trying to hide somewhere.

The famous collie dog, whose breed description indicates that this animal will fit perfectly into any family, needs interaction with external environment. The actions of different people, all kinds of sounds, experiences give the pet the opportunity to develop.

The playful animal is famous for its immense love for small children, even unfamiliar babies. The dog protects the child in the family and watches over him. However, regardless of this, the baby needs to know a number of rules of behavior with a pet. The child needs to know that the dog cannot be pulled by the ears or tail, that the animal cannot be touched while eating, etc.

Individuals of this breed are also known for their friendly attitude towards other pets. The collie is an affectionate, gentle guardian who will carefully monitor and protect small animals.


Representatives of the breed can be kept in the city, but only if there is a sufficient amount of physical activity. Daily walks and entertainment in the park or in the yard will be enough. For this breed, the main thing is to be surrounded by family; a yard lifestyle is not suitable for it.

If you don't pay any attention to your pet for a long time, it may start to vocalize. Although for such a dog to bark is quite normal phenomenon, because this is how this dog used to warn about the approach of a wolf. However, currently the animal voices solely out of boredom and loneliness. For this reason, to prevent such a situation, it is necessary to allow the pet to participate in various family activities. You also need to keep the dog in good physical and mental shape.

In general, the Shorthaired Collie is very clean, with virtually no odor. Fur care depends on the type of pet. Long-haired dogs need thorough brushing twice a week, bearded dogs - once a week.

Bathe the animal as needed. Basically, bathing occurs once every 7 weeks, and nails are trimmed once a month. You need to carefully monitor your pet's ears; they should be cleaned once every 7 days to prevent infection.

Representatives of the breed also need to brush their teeth, approximately 2-3 times every 7 days to remove the accumulation of bacteria and tartar. In order to prevent the occurrence of gum disease and unpleasant odor, brushing your teeth can be done every day.

It is imperative to check the animal for the presence of ulcers and rashes, as well as other infectious signs. You need to keep your eyes clean. The owner’s caution will make it possible not only to identify problems at an early stage, but also to prevent them.

Regarding the diet of individuals of this breed, it must be said that it must be balanced. The pet can be fed prepared food or natural food. But in any case, the dog should receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and nutrients.

In general, the Smooth Collie is a kind, gentle and affectionate dog that will become an irreplaceable friend, an excellent protector and a loyal companion for every family member.

An amazing breed of dog is the collie, which gained its world fame after the famous TV series “Lassie”. But the collie breed, or as it is also called the Scottish Shepherd, has a centuries-old history - glorious and touching, and we’ll talk about it further.

The collie dog breed comes from the mountainous regions of Scotland, and the name itself means coal or black. In the circles of experienced dog breeders, there is a position that the name itself comes from the breed of Scottish sheep - colley, which has a black muzzle, and it was they who were guarded by collies.

As research shows, the Scottish Shepherd was brought to the territory of modern England by nomads who came to its southern regions from the British Isles. The collie breed came to the islands thanks to the ancient Roman conquerors 2,000 years ago, and in England the collie owes its existence to Queen Victoria - in 1860 she saw her and simply fell in love, and since that year she has been bred at a professional level. 21 years later, the first breed standard was formed - the first dogs had a black and white coat color, but selective selection eventually created great amount her colors.

At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, the collie as a breed was in demand in many countries, and it was at this time that it was taken to the territory of America and Russia, European countries, and was used not only in sheep farms, but also in rescue work, as well as in war - in as sappers and orderlies.

Collie appearance

In its standard, the collie is either a long-haired or a short-haired breed.

  • There are 3 types of coat color:
    1. Sable with white different shades from light to dark
    2. Tricoat - usually black, red and white
    3. Blue merle - silvery blue with black spots; red spots are also possible.
  • the ears are triangular in shape, and the eyes are small, almond-shaped.
  • the tail is in the form of a saber, lowered to the bottom.
  • at the withers height of males: 56 – 61 cm, weight: 23 – 34 kg.
  • height at the withers of females: 51 – 56 cm, their weight: 18-25 kg.
  • The collie's body is muscular, with a wedge-shaped head, a powerful neck and straight limbs.

In addition to the standard collie breed, there is also a so-called American subspecies - it is noted for its larger size, wide muzzle, and a wide variety of coat colors.

Collie character

Collie is a balanced, good-natured dog breed with excessive shyness of a puppy. It is easy to train, but if you give it a minimum of attention, it becomes disobedient and prone to excessive pranks in the house. The main attractive feature of this breed is that it can adapt to the lifestyle and rhythm of life of its owner. By its nature, the collie is unobtrusive and delicate, and will not require constant attention. But the owners themselves should not forget that this is an active and temperamental breed. This feature of her character will persist throughout her life; she is in dire need of movement and new impressions and games.

An indisputable advantage of the Scottish Shepherd's character is that it will not run away from its owner - its behavior does not imply an irresistible interest in what is happening behind the walls of an apartment or private house. She is attached to her family, which is perceived as a pack, to her children and will not leave them even if she has such an opportunity.

The only disadvantage of this breed, which is noted by experienced dog breeders and everyone who has a collie, is that it loves to bark, and does so both when excited and simply out of boredom. Collies adore children - they will not only be a participant in their games and pranks, but also a reliable protector, while they cannot tolerate excessive noise in the house and quarrels, will not take sides in a conflict, but idolizes their owner.

By its nature, the Scottish Shepherd is suitable as a companion for everyone - both a pensioner and a schoolchild, who loves going out into nature and is a homebody. A collie can live in an apartment, but the best place for it would be a country house, where it has the opportunity to roam around. As experienced dog breeders note, this particular breed is perfect for the role of a first dog, because it is easy to train, does not conflict, is not aggressive, and even a beginner can cope with it.

Scottish Sheepdog training

Collie is a dog with high intelligence, is easy to train, and will always willingly follow all the commands of its owner. The Scottish Shepherd needs constant and gentle handling - with aggression from the owner and lack of attention, it will become disobedient and noisy. It is enough attention and training that will make it an ideal dog, but its nervous system She is easily excitable and therefore from the very first months she should be accustomed to extraneous noise.

During the training process, every owner, whether a beginner or an experienced dog breeder, must gain the animal’s trust from the very beginning - here it is important not to shout, but to be confident in your commands. It is optimal to train a collie in a game format - this way you will teach the dog basic commands and give an outlet for its energy, since initially it is a shepherd breed, accustomed to chasing sheep through the fields and being on the move.

The Scottish Shepherd is sensitive to its owner - you should not start training in a bad mood or irritated state. This will not have the best effect on the training process and the dog is unlikely to learn the lesson you want to teach it. Never use force or roughness in the training process - the animal’s psyche will suffer, making it nervous and fearful. Experienced dog handlers recommend starting the training process itself from 4-5 months, teaching basic commands such as “Fu”, “Come to me”, “Lie down” and “Place”, gradually moving on to new ones. When it comes to rewarding a dog for correctly executed commands, this could be a kind word, stroking or a treat. The main thing in this case is to build a relationship between a correctly executed command and a treat, and also that you should not get hung up on monotonous rewards for your pet.

How to choose a puppy

If you have decided for yourself that a collie is your dog, then the question naturally arises of how to choose the right puppy.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a show puppy or a pet class puppy, you should initially pay attention to his health condition. In any case, it must be a healthy puppy, which can be removed from the litter 8-9 weeks after birth.

A healthy pet at this age should have a flat back and strong paws, a rounded but not narrow muzzle, a long neck and forward-protruding ears. The puppy's body has a square shape and a well-developed coat.

When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to its mobility - it should not be overly timid, nervous or constantly lie down, its eyes and ears should be clean, without any discharge. Also pay attention to the living conditions of not only the puppy, but also the bitch. It is impossible to raise a healthy litter in cramped conditions and dirt.

The cost of a collie puppy is from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles, depending on the pedigree, place and purpose of purchase.

The collie's coat is a luxury and a subject of special care, since long-haired collies should be brushed 2-3 times a week, while short-haired breeds only need grooming once every 7-10 days. The Scottish Shepherd is bathed once every 1.5-2 months.

Also special attention require the eyes, ears and teeth of the animal - every day it is worth checking them, cleaning them with a cotton pad soaked in special pharmaceutical products or clean water. It is worth having your teeth cleaned by a veterinarian to prevent the formation of tartar, gum disease and tooth loss. If this is not possible, give your dog cartilage and apples, carrots, foods that will mechanically clean the teeth and, due to fruit acids, prevent the formation of stones on the teeth.

In matters of nutrition, the Scottish Shepherd can be fed either ready-made dry or wet food, so translate to natural diet. If with regard to ready-made food there is no problem of choice, then when feeding a Scottish Shepherd natural products owners should know what can be given to collies and what foods to exclude from the menu.

Allowed products for collies are:

  • boiled beef;
  • liver;
  • sea ​​fish served boiled;
  • dairy products;
  • eggs.

Be sure to give your collie porridge - wheat, buckwheat, adding dry brewer's yeast, which serves as a supplier of B vitamins, and, if possible, seaweed, which supplies vitamins to his body. Among the prohibited products:

  • river fish, served raw;
  • tubular bones;
  • raw pork;
  • pearl barley porridge;
  • sweets;
  • peas.

Health and illness.

The life expectancy of a Scottish Shepherd is from 12 to 15 years - for the most part, these dogs are in good health, but there are a number of diseases that are inherent in this breed. Most often she is worried about:

  • skin diseases caused by allergies;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • predisposition to dislocations;
  • hip dysplasia.

Collies are also susceptible to eye problems - this is an infectious lesion and an anomaly in their structure. Most often, veterinarians diagnose hearing problems in the merle variety of collie, the so-called “double merle”, in which the animal’s color becomes almost white and problems with hearing and vision are accompanied by a malfunction of one or another internal organ or systems.

Collie photo

To summarize, we can say that in the person of such a breed as a collie you acquire a friend, a companion and an undeniably brave defender.

Collie or Scottish Sheepdog (English: rough collie) is a breed herding dogs, whose homeland is England and Scotland. Originally working dogs, now they are a companion dog and just a friend.

Collies come in long-haired and short-haired varieties. In most countries, these two variations are considered separate breeds and cannot be crossed, but in the USA they are considered one and crossbreeding is allowed.

Adding to the confusion is the fact that many purebreds, mestizos, aboriginal dogs. Using the term Scottish Shepherd, cynologists try to separate it from other breeds and clarify it.


  • She is smart, obedient, faithful dog. Infinitely devoted to family.
  • They come in long-haired and short-haired varieties, both variations require care, but the long-haired variety requires more care.
  • Many people are sensitive to medical drugs, which veterinarians are usually aware of. However, it is better to warn, since the reaction is unpredictable, up to anaphylactic shock and death.
  • They love children and play with them, they are a good nanny and friend.
  • Clean, they nevertheless collect small debris with their fur during walks.
  • They treat strangers with caution, but not aggressively. With proper socialization they are friendly, without it they are shy and timid.

History of the breed

Despite many theories, almost nothing can be said for sure about the history of the breed before the beginning of the 18th century. They appeared at a time when not only did they not write down anything about dogs, they did not write down anything in principle.

Even the origin of the name is controversial. The most common belief is that the word collie comes from the Anglo-Saxon “col” or black. The fact is that the traditional breeds of sheep in Scotland have a black mask on their faces, and they are called: coleys, coallies, and coalleys.

And the shepherd dogs that guarded these sheep were first called “Coallie Dogs,” and then the phrase was shortened.

There is another theory, according to which it is said that the name comes from cailean or coilean, and means dog.

These dogs have lived in England for centuries, if not millennia. They were especially common in Scotland, Northern England, and Wales, where they guarded and herded sheep.

Like the name of the breed, its origins are vague, but it is clear that it is ancient. They are believed to be descended from the herding dogs of the ancient Romans, who invaded Britain in 43 BC. e. The Romans were experienced dog lovers; they bred more than one breed, including herding dogs.

This theory is also supported by the fact that Scottish Shepherds are similar to their companions in Europe, for example.

Other experts believe that the breed is much older and was used as a herding dog by the Celts. They claim that the dogs arrived with the Celts thousands of years ago, suggesting a date of origin for the breed ranging from several hundred to several thousand years before Christ.

This explains why this type of dog is so common in regions with Celtic heritage and less common in English regions.

However, she does not take into account that many other breeds were introduced into the UK, and they certainly influenced the purebred collie.

No matter where or when these dogs appeared, they had one task - to herd sheep. For hundreds of years, they helped their owners gather sheep into a flock and guide them to grazing, collecting stragglers along the way.

They were valued for their working qualities, although intelligence and trainability were not inferior in value. But the peasants were very little interested in the appearance. This was the case until the mid-18th century.

Until that time, collies were not one breed, they simply designated a type of dog. There were dozens of different appearance dogs are mostly native. Although they were similar in body shape, size and temperament, they differed significantly in color, ear and muzzle shape.

They were especially common in Wales, Scotland and Northern England. The collies that lived in Scotland today we know as Scottish Sheepdogs. They have existed in longhaired and shorthaired variations since at least the 16th century.

At the end of the 17th century, the first kennel clubs appeared in England, which began to keep stud books. They are followed by exhibitions as a way to find out whose dog is better. These shows are held mainly among hunting dogs, which are popular among the middle and upper classes.

They avoid collies, since the owners are completely uninterested in any show, unless it concerns herding qualities. The first dogs entered the exhibition only in 1860, as Scottish Cattle Dogs.

They would have remained a disparate selection of aboriginal breeds if not for one woman - Queen Victoria. One of the most influential representatives of the monarchy, she becomes a trendsetter of fashion and taste.

Whatever she chooses, it becomes immediately popular. During a visit to Barmolar Castle, she is given puppies.

Fascinated, she becomes not only the owner, but also the breeder and keeps many dogs. A large number of followers appear, and not farmers, who want to standardize the breed and participate in the show.

By the end of the century, they create a dog that falls under the standard and is a purebred, capable of living not only in the village, but also in the city. Its size also increases, but its performance decreases significantly. But real popularity comes to the breed in America.

These dogs have been in it for a long time, but just like in England, they work for their intended purpose. But the fashion for dog shows also comes there and purebred collies are increasingly valued.

American importers import dogs for the rich and famous. Since the beginning of the 20th century, they have become popular among millionaires, including Morgan.

And since the beginning of 1930, ordinary Americans also adore them. Between 1920 and 1930, American breeder Albert Payson Terhune published a series of short stories and novellas, most of which were about his dogs. These books are very popular and do a lot to increase the number of fans of the breed.

However, the influence of these books does not compare with Eric Knight's book. In 1938 he published short story and faithful and smart dog, entitled "Lassie Comes Home", which becomes popular and develops into a novella. In 1943, a film was made based on it.

Starring a long-haired collie, the film's popularity is incredible. The released television show lasted 19 seasons, in most episodes the long-haired collie saves people from trouble.

Lassie becomes an icon, a symbol of loyalty and courage. Although according to the script Lassie is a girl, she was always played by males, since they have longer and more beautiful hair.

No breed in the United States is more associated with a fictional character than the Longhaired Collie. Americans don't even call them Scottish Shepherds, but Lassie. Thanks to films, from the 1930s to the 1970s it was one of the most popular breeds in America, popular companions and the most common urban dog.

Until recently, both short-haired and long-haired collies were considered the same breed. Although rarely crossed, they are now considered different breeds in most countries. This happened relatively recently, for example in the UK in 1993.

But in America they are considered one breed, regardless of coat length, and will not be separated in the near future.

Description of the breed

Due to Lassie's incredible fame, few in the older generation do not recognize the long-haired collie. Because of this, they are more famous than shorthaired ones.

These variations differ in appearance, but are actually identical in everything except the length of the coat. Modern Scottish Sheepdogs are somewhat larger than their ancestors. Males reach 56-61 cm at the withers, and females 51-56 cm.

They weigh from 18 to 30 kg. Although most of the body is hidden under thick fur, it graceful dogs, proportional, no part of the body should stand out in size.

The tail is long, the tip is slightly curved upward. When relaxed, the dog holds it low, but raises it when excited.

Head and muzzle shape important characteristic, since it highlights Scottish collies among other similar breeds.

It is proportional to the body and quite narrow, in the form of a blunt wedge with a very smooth stop.

The eyes are almond-shaped, medium, sometimes small in size, obliquely set.

Most dogs have them dark colors, but in the blue merle blue color or odd eyes are acceptable.

The ears are small and narrow, very expressive. When the dog is relaxed, they are directed back and slightly to the side.

When she's attentive Bottom part The ear rises, the tip is freely tilted forward. General impression of the dog: kindness, intelligence and attentiveness.

Collies come in long-haired and short-haired varieties. They have a double coat and a short and dense undercoat.

In the much less common shorthair, the outer coat is short, stiff, dense and smooth. The popular longhair is straight and hard to the touch, very thick.

There is a luxurious mane on the neck, and plumes on the back of the paws and tail. Short and smooth hair only on the face, ears and front of the paws.

Both variations come in three colors: sable (shades of light gold to dark, or dark sable), tri-color (black with tan markings on the legs and head) and blue merle (silver-blue with black spots and streaks). .


These are true and loving dogs, incredibly people-oriented. They prefer to spend most of their time with their family, and suffer incredibly without communication.

They are not well suited to being kept on a chain or even in a yard; even those who are away from home for a long time should think carefully before getting one.

Because of their attachment to their family, collies are wary of strangers. Although they are unfriendly, they extremely rarely show aggression towards humans, and with proper socialization they can be quite friendly. If they shy away from strangers, it is not out of aggression, but out of timidity.

Sensitive and watchful, they make good bells to report strangers. But, as a guard dog, they are weak; some of the representatives of the breed will welcome strangers, while others will run away in fear.

This family dog, with proper socialization, she gets along great with children. They are gentle and playful with them, the only thing is that they can (like all herding dogs) nip children in order to control them. This is what instinct tells them, because this is how they control stupid sheep.

But this is a rare case, and if this happens, it can be easily eliminated with the help of training. They do not get along well in families where there are often scandals or fights; they are so emotionally sensitive that they get sick if they constantly get into family squabbles.

Collies also get along well with other animals, including dogs. They work together, and a low level of aggression towards congeners is the norm for this breed. Moreover, most are happy with other dogs, especially their own breed.

And centuries of shepherding life taught them to get along with other animals. Although they need socialization, they learn quickly and are not inclined to offend their neighbors. True, they have an instinct to control other creatures, which can seriously irritate cats.

Scottish Shepherds are incredibly smart and trainable. Although modern collies have lost some of their working abilities, the breed remains intelligent and quick-witted. Moreover, they are highly motivated to please people. If we exclude the elements of protective guard service, for which the breed does not have the ability, then there are no tasks that are impossible for it.

Harsh training methods and aggression are not only unnecessary, but also counterproductive. Sensitive, they do not know how to react to them, because they already want to please. Praise works several times better, and collies will do anything for a treat.

Even those dogs that have a stubborn nature become great dogs with patience.

Although most herding dogs are extremely energetic and need a lot of exercise (and better job), but not collie. They are even called couch potatoes, as most are relaxed.

However, this is a herding dog and one or two walks a week does not suit it. A daily walk, or better yet, a jog will suit them just fine. In fact, this is not a big problem, for most citizens, the requirements for physical activity quite doable.

Moreover, it is extremely important to satisfy these requirements, otherwise the dog may become destructive, hyperactive or bark. When the dog finds an outlet for its energy, it remains relaxed and calm.

They are no longer workaholics, but even modern collies prefer work such as agility or herding. These are versatile dogs, suitable for both active families and busy city dwellers.

Known for their manners and cleanliness, most collies hate dirt and are quite clean. Although this does happen, it is not in the breed's nature to run around in the mud and bring it home. True, this does not save them from small debris, which they collect with their fur like a broom.

In addition, they are not inclined to chew objects and do it gently. Even toys they chew and carry in their mouths rather than gnawing.

There is one common problem - they love and know how to bark. Even the most obedient and trained ones bark more than other breeds. In all respects they are good for city dwellers, but the noise can annoy neighbors.

As for the difference in character between the long-haired and smooth-haired collies, there is not much of it. Especially for American dogs where they are crossed. The owners say that the difference is only in temperament.

Shorthairs are friendlier and more cheerful, while longhairs are timid and introverted.

However, the differences between them are minimal and most owners simply will not see them.


It's easy to guess that the biggest differences between variations are in care. While short-haired collies need brushing a couple of times a week, for long-haired collies it is advisable to brush them every day, which takes time.

Rarely, they are even trimmed, often so that the dog can withstand the summer heat. However, this is bad for the coat and it may not grow back to its previous state. In castrated male dogs, the coat becomes softer, but also more prone to matting.

They shed a lot, both variations. Wool can cover floors, furniture and carpets, but it is more noticeable in long-haired dogs.

They shed throughout the year, but heavily during the changing seasons. For people suffering from allergies and those who do not like dog hair, this breed is not suitable.


It is considered a healthy breed, even very healthy. They suffer from fewer hereditary genetic diseases than other purebred breeds. They were bred to work, and there was no place for sick dogs.

Because of this, they are classified as long-lived dogs, whose lifespan is 12-14 years, but often 15-16.

They have a specific disease, collie eye anomaly or CEA (Collie Eye Anomaly). Although it still occurs, efforts by breeders have greatly reduced its prevalence.

Severity varies, from minimal changes in the blood vessels of the eyes to retinal detachment, but most cases are mild or moderate. The disease is diagnosed at 6 weeks of age and does not progress as the child grows older.

Collies and several related breeds are very sensitive to certain medications. While this sensitivity is known to veterinarians, it's best to make sure yours is too.

As with people, reactions can range from vomiting and diarrhea to anaphylactic shock and death.

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Collie is the personification of canine beauty, devotion, intelligence and goodwill. This interesting breed has become a symbol of sincere friendship between man and dog.

Security qualities
Protective qualities
Attitude towards children

History of the breed

The history of the collie or Scottish shepherd is replete with reliable facts, and at the same time, it has not been possible to find out for certain the origin of this dog.

The first mention of the Scottish Sheepdog dates back to the 14th century and belongs to the poet J. Chaucer. Then representatives of this breed were described in the books “English Dogs”, “History of Quadrupeds” and in the “Encyclopedia Britannica of Dogs”. Everywhere they talk about collies as a herding breed with long hair of black or black and white color.

The origin of the collie has at least two opposing versions. According to one of them, the ancestors of collies were brought to Northern Europe by Roman legionnaires; according to another, Britain already had its own herding dogs by that time. Most likely, both Old English Sheepdogs and dogs of conquerors and migrating peoples were involved in the formation of the breed.

Herding dogs were especially common in the Highlands, a mountainous region between England and Scotland. An interesting difference between collies and other herding dogs - the lack of aggression - is explained by the fact that wolves were exterminated in the British Isles long ago. Therefore, the main task of the collie was the ability to herd sheep so that they did not stray from the flock.

This skill is so entrenched in the breed that even modern collies really don’t like it when people walking with them move away from each other. According to their concepts, everyone should walk together in a “pack,” and they vigilantly monitor this, driving everyone together by barking.

Interestingly, the first popularizer of the breed was Queen Victoria of England. She took notice of herding dogs in 1860 and brought them to Windsor Castle. From this moment on, the development of the collie as a companion dog can be traced. For this purpose, the most spectacular representatives with thick hair were selected. Dogs that continued to be used as shepherds were called .

The collie breed was first presented at an exhibition in 1860, and 21 years later an official breed standard was published. The first collies were black and black and white, and only thanks to targeted breeding work a variety of colors appeared: red, sable and harlequin. The first collies were distinguished by a rougher physique and head structure. Modern elegance comes from the addition of Russian greyhound blood.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, collies became popular dogs in other countries: they were exported to the USA, Russia, Australia and New Zealand. At the same time, breed clubs were created in the USA and Europe that were actively involved in breeding work, and in Australia the collie was mainly used as a shepherd on sheep farms. In Russia, and then in the Soviet Union, collies gained enormous popularity as dogs; they participated in hostilities during the Russo-Japanese War as orderlies. During the Great Patriotic War collies delivered secret messages and looked for mines.

Collie General
During the war years, Collie Dick helped discover 12,000 mines, including a huge landmine near the Pavlovsk Palace in Leningrad. He was wounded three times, lived to an old age and was buried with military honors.

Cheerful disposition and kind heart

The versatile abilities are explained by the character of the Scottish Shepherd. These good-natured dogs are devoted to their owner and adapt to his lifestyle. With athletes, they become active participants in competitions and fast runners. With them you can participate in various active species sports In families with children, collies take on the functions of a caring nanny, a cheerful friend and a protector for children. For people leading a quiet lifestyle, they become excellent walking companions and understanding friends.

Collies try to avoid conflicts with strangers and other animals, but if necessary they can give a worthy rebuff to the enemy. Modern collies exhibit excellent guarding, detection and herding abilities, and are an excellent companion for humans. After a special course, training becomes professional for the blind.

Collies have an active temperament, they are always ready to play and run, they react vividly to everything that happens around them, they are inquisitive, intelligent, quick-witted, easy to train and have an excellent memory. The breed also became famous thanks to its acting talent.

Who played the role of Lassie
The famous film about Lassie, based on the book by Eric Knight, created the image of a smart and devoted dog in the hearts of millions of people. Female role Lassie was always played by collie boys. The first of them was called Pel, which translates as friend. Subsequent film adaptations about Lassie, of which there are 11 in total, starred Pal's descendants.

Breed standard: main characteristics

The Shetland Sheepdog has two varieties: long-haired collies and short-haired collies.

In our country, collies with long hair are better known. They are characterized by the following parameters:

  • harmonious addition
  • dry strong type of constitution
  • light noble movements
  • long narrow head
  • scissor bite
  • the eyes are almond-shaped, giving the expression of the muzzle a special cunning expression.

Coat colors come in: tricolor, red: from light to sable and merle. Particular importance is attached to white markings: for any color, a white collar is required, white socks or socks on the paws, a white tip of the tail, and a white blaze on the muzzle are desirable.

Collie ears are small triangular shape, at the end approximately 1/3 of the ear is bent forward. The tail is saber-shaped, calm state lowered down.


The height of a male dog at the withers is from 56 to 61 centimeters. The height of the bitch at the withers ranges from 51 to 56 centimeters. Male weight ranges from 20 and a half kilograms to 29. The weight of the bitch is from 18 to 25 kilograms.

There is also the so-called American collie type. In America, dogs of this breed are larger in size, including a wider muzzle. There are many more colors recognized here, there are even white collies with small spots of any color on the body and head.

American albino
US President Calvin Coolidge had a completely white collie named Rob Roy.

Short-haired collies had their own standard much later: in 1974. This dog has common ancestors with its “furry” brothers, so they are similar to them in many ways. The FCI does not recognize the Shorthaired Collie as a separate breed, so the only hallmark The standard is considered to be a short, straight, close-lying coat.

How to choose a collie puppy

If you have already decided that you only need a collie, then you need to decide on the purpose of purchasing it. If you want to make a friend for the soul, then you first need to pay attention to the health and character of the puppy.

If you have ambitious plans and are planning a show career for your pet, then you need to strictly evaluate compliance with the standard for identifying the slightest defect and study the pedigree of the puppy’s parents.

The main thing is health

In the first case, you can completely cope on your own. A healthy collie puppy at 8 weeks of life looks like this:

  • straight back
  • strong, even paws
  • the muzzle is not narrow, but rounded
  • Long neck
  • ears hang forward
  • the body has a roughly square format
  • scissor bite
  • developed coat

In 1904, when this breed was making waves all over the world, millionaire J.P. Morgan bought a US show champion collie for as much as $10,000. In today's money that's about $250,000.

Collies live well in an apartment if they are walked well and for a long time every day. Despite their thick coat, they tolerate heat well. Wool traps air under the fur and helps keep the dog cool. Collies have few health problems. They are susceptible to joint dysplasia and progressive retinal atrophy.

Under no circumstances should she be given medicine for skin diseases called evermectin. The collie has a very high sensitivity to this medicine. Collies are loving and instinctively protective of children.

It is important for people to remember that the collie is a herding dog. Many herding dogs have problems with playing fetch and biting. This needs to be monitored.

Choosing the character of the Scottish Shepherd to your liking

It is known that even littermates can differ significantly from each other in character. There are puppies that are more fearful, more active, some have been distrustful of strangers since childhood, while others have friends all around them.

Of course, the formation of character largely depends on the patience and perseverance of the future owner, but still, many habits and habits are already laid down at the genetic level. There are a lot of methods and tests for choosing a puppy based on its character.

Experts have found that by 49 days of life, a dog’s intelligence is already sufficiently developed to be able to determine its future abilities. Therefore, from this age, tests can be carried out, which reveal the puppy’s ability to communicate with a person, follow him, dominate or obey. Already at this age, you can determine the ability to train, and also find out whether your dog will be afraid of heights and react painfully to every sound and touch, or whether this is a real Spartan who is not easily scared by anything.

Testing should be carried out in a calm environment, before eating, against the backdrop of impeccable health of the puppy. Tests for determining the personality of a collie puppy are the same as for other breeds. Put them into practice and you will learn a lot about the personalities of the puppies on offer.

Assessing the puppy's appearance

It is very advisable to look at both parents of the puppies, especially if you are purchasing a pet without a pedigree. It should be noted here that collie children are not at all similar to adult dogs of this breed, therefore, without deep knowledge of the standard, you can quite easily purchase a mixed breed or even a puppy that has the most distant relationship with a collie.

If you decide to buy a puppy for breeding, then it is better to take with you a specialist who is familiar with the slightest nuances of this breed. He will help you choose the future champion. Another option is to find a nursery with an impeccable reputation. A real breeder will never deceive the future owners of his puppies, because he is interested in ensuring that the best puppies from his dogs end up in show hands and continue the glory of their parents.

If you are very serious about finding a promising puppy, then you need to act purposefully: study the history of collie nurseries, visit exhibitions and look for future owners for your dog, and reserve in advance the right to choose the first puppy in the litter.

How to care for a collie's coat

The first thing that comes to mind when looking at a collie is its gorgeous coat. And immediately everyone has a question: caring for it probably requires a lot of time and effort from the owner. This guess is not far from the truth. Of course, wool requires special attention before exhibitions, but also during Everyday life it must be carefully looked after. To do this, you need to purchase several combs at once: with fine teeth and a standard brush for combing wool.

Long hair needs to be combed, lifting it to reach the roots. Particular attention is paid to the areas behind the ears, chest, pants and tail, where tangles most often form. It is better to devote 15-20 minutes to this procedure every day than to then cut out clumps of hair that cannot be combed.

Therapeutic collie wool
Collie wool is unique in its properties, so it is actively used to create socks, hats, and belts. Products made from collie wool not only provide warmth, but also heal illnesses and relieve pain and tension.

Feeding Basics

You can feed your collie according to one of two schemes: ready-made dry and wet food or home-cooked food. The first option is preferable for busy people, but you need to remember that later it will not be easy to transfer the collie to another menu.

Many people unknowingly perceive feeding home-cooked food as a more economical option, because they think that scraps from their own table are suitable for this. But you need to think through the collie’s menu and prepare her nutritious food from quality products. Waste from slaughterhouses and unsold products from markets can pose serious dangers.

Of course, every owner can find an option that is acceptable to them by creating a more economical, but at the same time nutritious menu. For this, knowledge about and healthy products for collie.

List of useful products:

  • boiled beef meat
  • liver
  • boiled fish without bones, preferably sea fish
  • dairy
  • grain crops
  • vegetables
  • seaweed
  • herbal supplements from medicinal plants
  • yeast

List of harmful products:

  • raw river fish
  • tubular bones
  • raw pork and lard
  • peas
  • pearl barley
  • fried potatoes
  • sweets
  • flour products

Guided by these lists, you can create a complete menu for your dog yourself, which must include vitamins.

Where to buy a collie puppy. Price

Collies are no longer so often seen on the streets of cities in our country, but this does not mean that purchasing a puppy of this breed is associated with serious problems. There are a lot of options for where to buy a collie. Of course, the simplest answer to this question is to contact one of the nurseries, find out about the availability of puppies in it and discuss with the breeders the possibility of purchasing them. All well-known nurseries, the number of which amounts to several dozen in our country, have their own websites where you will find out all the details of interest. You can also send a request to a foreign collie nursery.

Less famous representatives of the breed can also be purchased from non-professional breeders who simply love collies. This option is known to everyone as a dog for the soul, and should not be discounted. After all, not all collie lovers want to participate in exhibitions, so they buy a puppy without a pedigree. Of course, there is some risk in this, and you need to adhere to the rules for choosing a puppy.

How much does a collie puppy cost?

The price of a puppy largely depends on the purpose of your purchase. A collie without a pedigree is worth from 6,000 to 10,000 rubles. Puppies from kennels usually cost from 15,000 and above. Even in the same litter, puppies often differ in price: some are defective in standard, which affects the price; others, on the contrary, have a rare color or other obvious advantages, which means they will be more expensive. Puppies that have been stranded without owners are also usually cheaper. There are also cases when a purebred puppy is given away for a nominal fee because it was bought and the child developed an allergy or there were other compelling reasons for urgent resale.

In any case, remember that collies are too trusting and loving heart, to treat him only as a prestigious dog for exhibitions and sell him if he is no longer needed. Buy a collie when you are sure that you are ready to devote a lot of time to your dog and give love and care.

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