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Find the dog breed by description. Dog breeds: names, descriptions and photographs

Dog breeds have been bred for many thousands of years. This process continues to this day. Other mammal species do not have as much genetic diversity as dogs. What's it worth? huge difference between Chihuahua and Great Dane.

There are different interpretations of what is called a "breed". Breeds are actually classified by the functional purpose for which the breed was bred. Most registered dog breeds are traditional breeds with a very long history. The origin of some dog breeds is associated with two or three countries at once. All traditional dog breeds are registered with the FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale), but some new breeds are still under development.

According to their functional purpose, all dog breeds are divided into such subcategories as working dogs, domestic (family) dogs, herding dogs, guard dogs, hunting and sled dogs. Working dogs are used, for example, for therapy or police service. Family dogs bred for home use and do not have a clear functional purpose. Herding dogs work with livestock. Guard dogs are supposed to protect property. They bark loudly when they smell an intruder, thus warning their owner. Hunting dog breeds help the owner during the hunt. Different types of dogs have special hunting skills. Sled dogs were bred to transport cargo in sleds to hard-to-reach regions.

Let's take a closer look at each type of dog breed:

    • Fighting dogs are dogs that by nature itself (often with human participation) are built in such a way as to inflict maximum damage on the enemy. Initially they were also used in dog fighting, but then, after this type banned all over the world, such dogs began to be used exclusively for security and protective purposes.
    • Hypoallergenic - dog breeds are not causing allergies, primarily due to the low content of certain substances that irritate the mucous membrane. But take into account the fact that allergies can be different, and if a person, for example, has asthma with an allergy to pet hair and fluff, then for him the hypoallergenicity of the dog will not make any difference. After all, the attack is caused by the fur itself, and the substances secreted by the dog’s skin are a secondary factor. Therefore, if you have one or another allergy, before purchasing four-legged friend It is better to consult with an allergist.
    • Decorative - as a rule, these are small dogs that have only one function - to be funny and cute companions to humans. Some of these breeds were previously used for hunting, but in modern world baiting of game with the help of such small dogs is extremely rare.
    • For children - this category includes those dogs that are good with children and can act as something of a nanny. For example, all dog lovers know that the Labrador Retriever breed is ideal for families with small children. In fact, even fighting dog may have a great love for children, good example that is a pit bull terrier.
    • For protection, this usually includes those dogs that naturally have high loyalty and good fighting qualities. Such dogs may not be suitable for guarding the territory of a private home, but when it comes to protection from an attack on the owner, they have no equal here. Of course, if you want to get such a dog, it is better to provide him with appropriate training from a professional trainer.
    • For an apartment - basically, these dogs include breeds that, due to their physique and adaptive psyche, are suitable for keeping in an apartment. In fact, although most of these animals are small or medium in size, this is not always the case. decisive factor. Eat large dogs, which get along well in an ordinary city apartment. And, on the contrary, there are medium-sized dogs that prefer to be outside, and therefore, even if they live in an apartment, they need long walks.
    • Sled dogs - despite the fact that traveling across the snowy plains with dogs is increasingly becoming a thing of the past, these animals are very popular. First of all, thanks to the spectacular appearance and developed intelligence. The most famous breeds are perhaps the Husky and Malamute.
    • Hunting dogs are, first of all, those dogs that have a genetic tendency to hunt, so to speak, a certain ancestral memory, and also a certain physique. As an example, you can bring the Pointer breed - thin, muscular, very hardy dogs with excellent hunting instincts. Another very famous breed is the greyhound, or greyhound.
    • Watchdogs - this group includes those animals that, due to their physique and mental characteristics, are ideal for protecting private lands. Typically, these dogs are very territorial, fearless, large in size, great strength and distrustful of strangers. The most striking example guard dog- alabai, or Central asian shepherd dog.

Choose your dog wisely.

As you probably already understood, each breed can simultaneously belong to several categories. For example, a fighting dog may be suitable for an apartment, and some decorative breed may well be hypoallergenic.

You should choose your four-legged friend wisely, having first weighed the pros and cons. Moreover, here you need to think not only about your own comfort and safety, but also about how suitable the living conditions that you can offer the animal are for it.

Not only your life over the next 10-15-20 years, but also the life of your four-legged friend, his health and well-being will depend on your choice. Therefore, you should not make a choice based on momentary desires.

The day when a pet appears in the house is like a real holiday. The dog is a devoted friend, a cheerful companion and a reliable protector. However, it happens that after a while a pet turns from a source of joy into a real burden. The reason for this is often not right choice breeds Things to consider before getting a pet:

  • additional expenses– any breed of dog requires good nutrition, care products, a visit to the veterinarian, buying toys and more. Evaluate your strengths sensibly - whether you can provide your pet with everything necessary;
  • time for the dog– any animal requires attention, this includes games with the dog, walks in the park, and time to care for its fur. Without the necessary attention, the dog's health will begin to deteriorate;
  • purpose of purchase– this parameter is perhaps the key when choosing a breed. Decide whether you just need a companion or a security guard, for example. If you plan to breed dogs, then you should choose a purebred pet with documents. If you are looking for a reliable friend, then it is not at all necessary to buy an expensive breed;
  • potential pranks– all dogs, to one degree or another, can cause trouble for the owner. Be it chewed shoes, damage to furniture or loud barking. Assess your self-control and poise;
  • changing your daily routine– buying a puppy will inevitably lead to adjustments to your usual lifestyle. After all, you will have to walk the chosen breed of dog, train it, and care for it;
  • living area– when looking at dog breeds with photographs and names, pay attention to the size of your home. After all, the dimensions of the pet should be commensurate with the square meters of the apartment;
  • Plan b– think in advance whether you can leave your pet with someone if you go on vacation or a business trip.

What will help you choose the right breed?

Do we have similar personalities?

The breed of the dog must match the temperament of its owner. If a lazy homebody gets himself active pet, then no one will receive joy from such a union. The same applies to the situation when an active athlete gets a decorative dog that needs only minimal physical exercise. And there are also breeds that only experienced owners with a strong-willed character can handle.

Dog breeds for various types of people:

  1. For calm and balanced people, dog breeds such as pugs and retrievers are suitable;
  2. Shepherds, Rottweilers and Dobermans are well suited for business people;
  3. if you are a sensual person who wants to give your love and attention in huge quantities, then you should pay attention to;
  4. for people analytical warehouse minds that require order everywhere and in everything, poodles, collies, spaniels, and schnauzers are well suited;
  5. For active people Those who devote a significant amount of time to walks and sports are well suited for huskies, setters, and greyhounds.

Breeds for home or apartment

Please note that they even require the same amount of attention from the owner as large representatives. When getting a Pekingese, for example, you will also have to walk him and take care of his fur. The option of purchasing a large breed puppy for an apartment is possible, but only if the area of ​​the house allows it. Getting a shepherd dog in a one-room apartment where a family with a child already lives is an extremely irrational decision.

Apartment maintenance has several important nuances. First of all, you should not let your pet go for a walk on his own, especially if we are talking about large breed. You should always be nearby and supervise the dog. Training and socialization are also a necessity for a four-legged city dweller, because he will come into contact with other animals and people.

Provided that all maintenance rules are followed, you can safely start and. Great option in this case are shepherd dogs, poodles, labradors, spaniels, boxers. These breeds have developed intelligence, a good level of socialization, good disposition and a tendency towards obedience.

Of course, the most acceptable option is miniature dogs. Take a closer look at pugs, Scotch terriers, toy terriers and Pekingese. These pets are extremely unpretentious in their choice of food and level of care. As a rule, they are not too intrusive, and some representatives are even quite independent.

When purchasing a puppy for your home, you have virtually no restrictions on your choice. Both large and small pets are suitable for you. The only question is the temperament of the breed and its compliance with your requirements.

What type of coat does the breed have?

An important factor is also the length of the pet's fur. Smooth-haired breeds are the preferred option in most cases. They do not require careful grooming and will not cause any particular trouble during the molting period.

Long-haired dogs have a very attractive appearance, but to maintain their condition you will have to regularly brush their coat, brush it, bathe your pet, use shampoos and conditioners, and visit a hairdresser.

The choice of breed is significantly limited if potential owners are allergic to wool. In this case, you need to pay attention to hypoallergenic breeds. The optimal candidate would be a poodle.

It is also important to make the right choice regarding the age of the puppy. The older he gets, the more difficult it will be to accustom him to your order in the house, teach him commands, and adjust him “to you.” Dogs in adolescence already have a formed character, and it will be difficult to influence them.

However, you can’t take a very small puppy either. In this case, you can seriously harm the health of your future pet. His immunity will be weak if he is taken away from his mother's milk too early. This will also entail psychological trauma.

What gender should I get a pet?

Having decided on the breed of the dog, a new question becomes on the agenda - what gender should you buy a puppy. Let's look at the characteristics of females and males. Bitches:

  • become attached to people more quickly;
  • are more amenable to education and training;
  • can be used for breeding puppies;
  • need more attention than males;
  • can cause inconvenience to the owner during heat, so if you do not plan to breed puppies, you should think about sterilization.

Males are emotionally more assertive and active. They are more consistent with dog breed standards and participate more often in exhibitions and competitions. Males have innate leadership abilities, so a strong character is needed to subordinate them. Also, “men” tend to show constant interest in the opposite sex, while females experience attraction only a few times a year.

A dog is one of the most beloved pets. A man who decides to start pet, sometimes gets lost in a huge number breeds A breed refers to a specific group of dogs that are similar in appearance. All individuals within a breed carry genetic characteristics from the parent animal. Breeds are not the result of evolution, but “the work of man,” who bred many breeds for his own purposes.

All dog breeds belong to the subspecies Canis lupus familiaris, which, in turn, stands out from the species of wolves of the canine family. Characteristics of each breed are obtained as a result of selection. It is worth noting that dog breeds are not recognized biological classification category.

Interesting! The concept of breed does not apply to wild animals. It is correlated with the concept of subspecies, race, population in the classification of wild relatives of dogs.

All dog breeds have the following traits:

  • the composition of each breed is a certain number of individual animals that pass on morphological and beneficial properties for humans from generation to generation;
  • dogs of the same breed are similar to each other in appearance and behavior, since they are descendants of the same set of ancestors, which were artificially selected by humans during the selection process;
  • A dog's belonging to its breed is confirmed through genetic analysis or through a written record of its origin. Stud books are the name given to records kept by organizations, dog lovers clubs or individuals;
  • A dog breed is the result of animal domestication by humans. By working on a breed, a person can change it in the desired direction.

There are about 400 dog breeds on the globe. The number of animals within the breed is very diverse. There are breeds with a huge number of dogs distributed throughout the world, for example, german shepherds, Yorkshire terriers, chihuahuas. There are breeds that can number several dozen individuals, or dogs that are popular only in a certain area. So, Tibetan mastiffs You rarely meet acquaintances or friends on the streets or as pets. These animals guard monasteries in Tibet. A Portuguese water dog rarely seen even in Portugal. At the beginning of the last century, this breed was even on the verge of extinction, but thanks to the enthusiasm of one Portuguese businessman, a breeding program began.

What is a native dog breed?

An important condition for identifying a breed is its recognition by any canine service or dog lovers club. But there are groups of dogs for which no targeted breeding work has been carried out. These are the so-called natural, native dog breeds.

The appearance of specific characteristics of their exterior and behavior became possible due to the action of specific conditions. external environment influencing over a long period of time. The difference between these breeds is that they are not officially registered and documented, and are identified only by external signs and functions. Some native breeds have been recognized by canine organizations over time. This happened with the breed " alabai": she ceased to be aboriginal when she was recognized by dog ​​handlers as “ Central asian shepherd dog" This is one of the most ancient breeds resulting from the unconscious natural selection folk selection. Alabai dogs appeared 4 thousand years ago and served to protect livestock and houses.

What distinguishes native dog breeds?

  • some experts note in similar breeds the absence of such traits as adaptation to urban conditions and sexual dimorphism (external anatomical differences between males and females);
  • the greatest genetic diversity and minimal corruption by human intervention is an advantage over selective breeds. The loss of genetic diversity has played a cruel joke on breeds that have been subjected to strong selection. Hereditary diseases and defects at the genetic level are one of their recognized problems.

Classification of breeds. Photos of dogs as evidence of the diversity of breeds

The classification of dog breeds is based on similarities in appearance and functions. After domestication, the first dogs helped humans in hunting and guarding homes. Guard and hunting breeds appeared earlier than decorative ones.

In modern times, the division into groups: guard, hunting and decorative is conditional. Yes, many hunting dogs They have long become pets, that is, they perform a decorative function. And some hunting breeds are used, for example, in social sphere or the police.

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale divides the existing 400 dog breeds into 10 groups. Specialists of the Russian Cynological Federation, which is a member of the IFF, adhere to the same principle.

  • Group 1. Sheepdogs and cattle dogs with the exception of Swiss cattle dogs

Representatives of these breeds are intended to guard livestock. The first herding dogs appeared in the nomadic tribes of Asia. Their main function was to protect livestock from wild animals. After dog breeds became known in Europe, residents of Western countries decided to improve the breeds. So, collie dogs provide assistance not only in pastures, but can also look after children.

  • Group 2. Pinscher, Schnauzer, Molosser, Swiss Cattle Dog

This is a large and diverse group that includes dogs that perform security and combat functions. Molossians (Mastiffs and Great Danes) were used as bodyguards.

  • Group 3. Terriers

The band's name comes from the Latin word terra, meaning "earth". It reflects the specificity of the breeds in this group: they are intended for hunting underground, in burrows. Conventionally, all breeds of the 3rd group can be divided into 4 sections:

  • toy terriers, literally toy terriers;
  • small bull terriers;
  • medium and large terriers.

Within one group there is a wide variety of sizes. Thus, Airedale terriers, not for nothing called the kings of terriers, have a height at the withers of up to 60 cm, and the Yorkshire terrier is distinguished by its tiny size, giving it a resemblance to house slippers.

All representatives of the Terrier group, despite their size, are characterized by incredible selflessness in the hunt, passion and perseverance in the face of opponents larger than them in size.

  • Group 4. Dachshunds

The word "dachshund" means "badger dog" in German. The breed began to be bred in the 16th century in Germany. Within the group, there are three sections of dachshunds: standard, miniature, and rabbit. According to the characteristics of the coat, short-haired, wire-haired and long-haired individuals are distinguished.

Brave, independent, with protective qualities– these are the exact epithets that can be applied to a dachshund. It is indispensable when hunting badgers, foxes and raccoons.

  • Group 5. Spitz and primitive breeds

The large group includes northern guard and herding dogs, northern hunting and sled dogs, Asian and European Spitz dogs. The group also includes 3 sections of primitive dogs, which are quite rare, for example, the Thai Ridgeback, the Podenco and the Canaan dog.

  • Group 6. Hounds and related breeds

The group includes a large number hunting breeds, the main purpose of which is to find the trail of game and pursue until the pursued object is exhausted and until the owner catches up with it.

Hounds are characterized by loyalty, persistence in pursuit, loud barking, good scent and obedience.

  • Group 7. Pointing dogs

The group includes:

  • island pointers, for example, English breeds: pointers, setters, Irish and Scottish setters;
  • continental. They are characterized by their origin in a specific country. Thus, in France there are 12 breeds of pointers, and in Germany – 8 breeds. In Russia, the most famous and widespread breeds are the German Shorthaired Pointer and Drathaar, the Hungarian Vizsla and Pointing Dog, and the Epaniol Breton.

The purpose of pointing dogs is to help in hunting and detecting game birds. All cops have a dry, strong constitution, have an average height of up to 70 cm, with drooping ears.

  • Group 8. Retrievers, spaniels and water dogs

One of the most famous retrievers in the world is the Labrador Retriever. He, along with the Golden Retriever, Flat-Coated Retriever, Chesabick Bay Retriever and Curly-Coated Retriever make up the 1st section of the group. The group also includes spaniels: German, American cocker, Clumber spaniel, Sussex spaniel (section 2). Section 3 consists of Lagotto Romagnolo (Italian water dog). It is worth noting that the Russian hunting spaniel is not recognized by the FCI.

Dogs of these breeds are designed to bring killed game from the water to their owners.

  • Group 9. Toy and companion dogs

It includes dogs of small stature and characterized by a strong attachment to humans. Among them: pugs, bichons, lapdogs, poodles, chihuahuas, Pekingese, Japanese chins. Each country can boast of breeds of decorative dogs bred there.

These breeds are not intended for official purposes; their main task is to brighten up the leisure time of their owners, delight them and give positive emotions.

  • Group 10. Greyhounds

Greyhound dog breeds include hunting hunting animals intended for unarmed hunting: Saluki, Afghan Hound, Irish Wolfhound, Spanish Greyhound, Polish Greyhound.

They are distinguished by dry muscles, thin legs, a long body, and a long sharp muzzle. They can pursue prey for a long time: ungulates, wolves, hares, foxes - in open areas due to their endurance and high speed running.

In modern times, when hound hunting is rare, greyhounds take part in competitions, for example, chasing mechanical hares.

In the photos of all dog breeds presented on the site, you can get acquainted with all the diversity amazing world dogs.

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Meet, all dog breeds with pictures!

Where does acquaintance begin? First of all, with visual contact. In order for you to become one step closer to your cherished dream, we have posted everything on the website photos of small dog breeds and large ones. Firstly, thanks to the pictures you will quickly determine the correspondence between what you want and what you actually want. Secondly, by clicking on the object you like, you will instantly find yourself in the very description of a particular breed of dog. Prompt selection of a future pet from a photograph - without magic and prejudice, but only here and now.

Looking for a dog breed with a name? All here!

By the name of the dog breed, you can quickly determine your choice: Australian Shepherd, Australian Heeler or American Pit Bull Terrier. Names specially structured in alphabetical order with selected pictures facilitate a thorough analysis of the selection of dogs for the purpose of their further breeding. Both private and legal entities Those who are engaged in professional breeding and breeding of new breeds of dogs will be able to familiarize themselves with the detailed characteristics of each breed presented on our website. This way, you minimize the time spent searching for the necessary information. All you need to do is select the appropriate breed name and click on it. The data will open in a logically structured way, with only specific information that will help you make a clear decision without hesitation. All dog breeds with descriptions and detailing the main important points, which all pet owners should know.

Here you can easily find dog breeds alphabetically

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There are more than 500 dog breeds in the world, and new ones appear every year. The selection from the site presents all dog breeds with names and photographs in alphabetical order. The list will be useful not only for those who want to know the name of a certain breed, but also for those who are seriously thinking about which dog to buy. Read descriptions of the breeds you like, learn about their main characteristics, history, features of education and care, diseases, tips for choosing a puppy, watch photos and videos of typical representatives. To make it easier to compare breeds with each other, use. By making choices with both your heart and mind, you long years You will get a furry friend that suits your temperament and living conditions.

Dogs are the most popular pets. Only cats can compete with them. Dogs have lived next to humans for centuries, never tired of proving their devotion and love to him. The whole variety of breeds can be divided into indigenous ones - those that appeared through natural selection, and cultivated ones - bred by breeders. Native species are quite independent, capable of accepting independent decisions, are not very trainable, while breeds that were created specifically are more human-oriented and prone to learning quickly. Depending on what kind of work a dog is capable of performing, there are service, hunting, guard, fighting, herding, and decorative breeds. It is difficult to overestimate the help of these animals to people, especially since many of them become faithful companions, ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their owner. And humanity knows how to be grateful: films are made about dogs, books are dedicated to them and monuments are erected. A striking example became the film “Hachiko: The Most true friend", based on real story Akita Inu dogs. The melodrama inspired millions of people - after watching, probably everyone wanted to have a similar dog.

Dog connoisseurs in quality cultural heritage different countries, may consider Russian, Japanese, German, English, American, Chinese and French breeds.

All dog breeds can be classified by size. Traditionally, breeds are divided into small, medium and large. At the same time, the group of small pets includes toys, dwarf and small breeds, and to big dogs include large and giant individuals. Size is one of the main criteria for whether a dog is suitable for an apartment. But not the only one: the pet’s character is no less important.

In the catalog of breeds you can choose dogs that have certain qualities: smart, calm, kind, evil, dangerous. Lovers of silence will appreciate non-barking breeds. Although external attractiveness is a subjective concept, we have selected beautiful and cute dog breeds based on the opinions of site users. Thanks to the filter, you can choose popular ones or, conversely, rare breeds, and also look at those dogs that appeared relatively recently.

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