Home Gums The tallest dog in the world. The largest dog in the world (photo): Zeus and his “colleagues”

The tallest dog in the world. The largest dog in the world (photo): Zeus and his “colleagues”

The question of what is the largest dog in the world is asked by many lovers of these animals. However, large breeds are known to be friendly. They get along well with children and love to cuddle and play outside. Rarely a passerby will not pay attention to the shaggy animal.

The question of what is the largest dog in the world is asked by many lovers of these animals.

The concept of “the largest dog breed” cannot imply one variety of these animals. The fact is that the size of a person’s tailed friends is determined by the combination of height at the withers and weight. Often, some individuals violate the standards of their breed, competing in size with those who theoretically should be larger. Therefore, giant dogs are often included in ratings. Below you will find information about which breed resembles a horse and is the leader in the number of large representatives.

The Newfoundland has thick, dark-colored fur; unlike other dogs, it is absolutely not afraid of transport. This majestic dog swims well, carries heavy loads, and thanks to his calm disposition he can look after children. The breed originates in one of the provinces of Canada. Average height Newfoundland reaches 70 cm and weighs 68 kg. However, there was a real record holder in this family, he weighed 126 kg, and his height when standing on his hind legs was 198 cm. This is the largest dog in Great Britain, named Samson.

Newfoundland is the owner of thick, dark-colored fur; unlike other dogs, it is absolutely not afraid of transport.

Large dogs include the Scottish Deerhound, also called the Deerhound. She reaches 50 kg in weight and 76 cm in height. It is these elongated, muscular beauties that have constantly accompanied hunters since the Middle Ages. And for good reason: this type dogs have a subtle sense of smell and amazing reactions. Therefore, previously animals belonged only to influential families who considered hunting the best entertainment. Today, the Deerhound is a comfort for the home. They capture the mood of their owners, are attentive to children, but they are bad guards: they rarely bark and are almost indifferent to strangers.

Large dogs include the Scottish Deerhound

Another bright, powerful and impressively sized breed is the Leonberger. Its name comes from the German town of the same name, the symbol of which is considered this dog. It is the result of crossing several large breeds, and therefore itself has an impressive size. On average, Leonbergers weigh 75-76 kg. Can be an ideal guide, sociable, obedient, and kind to children. That's why this shaggy fellow is called the "family dog."

Another bright, powerful and impressively sized breed is the Leonberger.

The most gigantic dogs in the world (video)

Gallery: the largest dogs in the world (25 photos)

Guard dogs

Among the furry giants, the Russian black terrier also occupies a special place. This service breed, which was bred by crossing several breeds in the second half of the 20th century in the USSR. The height of the male dog at the withers is 72-76 cm and weighs 60 kg. This one is big fluffy dog self-confident, if necessary, immediately takes a defensive position, but can quickly return to calm state. She is unpretentious, smart and friendly.

Among the furry giants, the Russian Black Terrier also occupies a special place.

The next representative of large dogs is the Russian greyhound. It has been known since the 17th century. It was popular at court and was considered a worthy gift for important guests. This giant dog is designed to hunt wolves. The height of a male dog at the withers according to standards is 82 cm, but the weight rarely exceeds 50 kg.

Russian greyhound

Among the huge dogs is the Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai). This breed is more than 4 thousand years old, it contains blood oldest dogs Asia and dogs of shepherds of nomadic tribes. Such shepherds were subjected to serious natural selection, the best were used to guard livestock and the houses of their owners, and to escort caravans. Being in constant battle with predators, these shaggy animals became stronger, more resilient, and stopped feeling fear. The height of the dog at the withers is from 70 cm, weight is from 40 to 80 kg. The largest Central Asian Shepherd is a dog named Bulldozer. He weighs more than 125 kg and is 2 meters tall. This strong guy lives in the Stavropol region; for several years he was listed as the largest dog in the CIS.

Among the huge dogs is the Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai)

Record dogs

One of man's longest-legged friends is the Irish Wolfhound. Growing up to 80 cm, it has a strong, muscular body. The first written mention of this breed dates back to 391 AD. e. In the Middle Ages, wolfhounds were present in every kingdom to protect livestock from attacks by wolves. Today these dogs are of great interest as living evidence of Irish culture and a legacy of the Celtic past.

One of man's longest-legged friends is the Irish Wolfhound.

Saint Bernard looks very defiant. This is the heaviest dog in the world. She can weigh 120 kg, which makes her incredibly strong and resilient. A striking example This is the record recorded in 1978. Then an adult dog moved a load weighing 3000 kg in a minute and a half. This breed is characterized by stubbornness, kindness and playfulness, but obedience must be trained.

Saint Bernard looks very defiant

George, Zeus and Major

German dog– the most tall dog in the world. Refers to giant size breeds. Males grow to 80 cm or more and weigh between 55 and 90 kg, which is why this breed is called a horse-sized dog. Representatives of this species are friendly, balanced, love to watch others and play. This is dangerous for people, because animals are not aware of their size and can easily knock a person to the ground. With proper upbringing, Great Danes grow up not only as reliable protectors, but also as true friends of the entire family.

Great Dane is the tallest dog in the world

For a long time, the title of world giant belonged to Great Dane George. By the fourth year of his life, this huge dog had grown to 110 cm, and when he climbed hind legs– exceeded a 2-meter tree. In 2010, representatives of the Guinness Book of Records named him the most huge dog in the world, in 2013, this title began to be held by the Great Dane Zeus, who beat George by only 1 cm. He was so strong that, if he accidentally touched someone’s hand, he could leave a bruise on it. Funny photographs of Zeus with his owners spread all over the world. Against his background, they looked like kids from the story about Gulliver. Now another representative of this breed, a Briton named Major, is vying for the title of “The Largest Dog on Earth.” When he stands on his hind legs, his height is 213 cm. This giant lives in South Wales. His diet consists mainly of chicken and rice, and his schedule includes games and long sleep.

Neapolitan Mastiff

The Neapolitan Mastiff is a descendant of fighting dogs that took part in battles and performed in the arenas of Ancient Rome. This is the best watchdog in the world. He has good reactions and powerful muscles. It reaches 75 cm in size and weighs 70 kg. Its constitution makes it easy to scare unwanted guests, but with familiar people the mastiff is sociable and friendly. At the same time, he has a strong sense of affection, so other pets can make him jealous.

The Tibetan Mastiff is of greatest interest to dog handlers. This is a dog that looks like a lion. Incredible strength, power, intelligence - these are his main features. The neck and shoulders are covered with long, thick hair that resembles a mane. Even Aristotle wrote about the Tibetan mastiff, which indicates the antiquity of the breed. According to legend, such a furry friend belonged to the Buddha himself. Previously, these animals guarded the monasteries of Tibet and helped nomads; today they are rightfully considered the most expensive dogs in the world. The price for a puppy varies from 2 thousand dollars to 10 thousand euros. If we talk about size, then most often representatives of the Tibetan Mastiff breed grow up to 85 cm with a weight of 80 kg. However, among them there is a real giant - he weighed 120 kg.

The Tibetan Mastiff is of greatest interest to dog handlers.

The English Mastiff is the most large dog in the world. It grows to almost 80 cm with a maximum weight of 100 kg. Among this variety, Aikama Zorba is recognized as the largest, weighing up to 155 kg. This is a large animal with a strong body. Despite their menacing appearance, these dogs are quite docile and friendly.

Those who want to get such a pet need to know that giant dogs are a huge responsibility. Due to their physique, they need dietary nutrition. Often the left side of animals swells, which indicates problems with the stomach. Therefore, large breeds more often than others need to be examined by specialists. The largest dogs in the world, although friendly, love freedom both in their care and in their lifestyle. Therefore, you cannot keep them in an apartment: it will be cramped and uncomfortable for them there.

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Among dog lovers, preferences are usually divided between large and small breeds. Some animal owners believe that a dog must certainly be of impressive size and they get it. Well, to each his own, but the majesty and serious appearance of huge four-legged animals cannot be taken away. What dog breeds are considered the largest? Our material will answer this question.

Tallest dog in the world

There are different gradations of parameters. Some build their rankings starting by weight, others by height. The latter would be more correct, since the weight of these animals varies greatly, both between breeds and within the same breed group. The growth of the animal is more indicative.

The tallest dog in the world (the record was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records) passed away in 2010. The size of this beauty is simply amazing. This title was borne by a dog of the breed (photo above), who lived in an American family in Arizona for almost 8 years. Its name was George, it was 110 cm tall, the giant’s body length was 2 meters 20 centimeters, and its weight was 111 kg. Impressive size, isn't it?

Nowadays, the palm has been taken over by another representative of the same breed - the Great Dane, who has the formidable nickname Zeus.

Great Dane: history of the breed

The origins of the Great Dane dog breed take us back centuries, to the gray mountains of Tibet. The ancient people who lived in those days were forced to tame wild Tibetan dogs so that they would help them herd cattle. From them the breed group of Great Danes began its history, which became the progenitors modern dogs of this type.

Somewhat later, the ancient Great Danes began to be used as fighting dogs. This was facilitated by its enormous size and evil disposition. They fought in the army "shoulder to shoulder" with soldiers. This contributed to the spread of the breed around the world; some dogs settled in the conquered territories.

As a result of a number of those historical events Most of the Great Danes concentrated in Germany, allowing the Great Dane breed to finally form (photos confirm the enormous size of these dogs).

The Germans perfected the breed by crossing Great Danes with other dogs for baiting from the mid-19th century. By this time, two breed branches had formed there: the southern Ulm Great Danes and the northern Danish.

The norms of a single standard for Great Danes were reached in 1890, when this breed was officially recognized and described. In Russia, until the mid-sixties of the last century, this tallest dog in the world was not widespread. Today Great Danes are loved in our country, bred, and taken to international exhibitions.

Great Dane breed standards

Currently, the standard classifies Great Danes as companion dogs, and also considers them as guards and watchmen. The dog should have a noble appearance combined with large stature and a harmoniously built body.

Dog handlers consider the Great Dane to be a dog of ideal appearance, worthy of being immortalized in a statue. The following colors are fixed by the standard: white with black spots (harlequin), red, brindle, black and blue. The height of the dog at the withers for females is from 72 cm, for males - from 80.

Character and temperament of Great Danes

The Great Dane's character matches his majestic appearance. These dogs are calm and always behave with dignity. IN extreme situations They show restraint, while at the same time being devoted defenders of their owner and his family members.

Great Danes have significant intelligence and are considered by many to be more than a dog. In many homes, the Great Dane is a real family member and a great friend. Of course, you can ruin this dog’s character and make it evil, but only improper upbringing and bad treatment, which Great Danes will not tolerate. You shouldn’t once again provoke someone who has powerful jaws and huge, strong teeth. The tallest dog in the world will be able to confidently stand up for itself and those it loves.

Irish Wolfhounds

If you ask yourself what breeds of dogs are considered the largest in the world, one cannot help but recall Representatives of this breed occupy an honorable second place on this list. The height of individual males can reach up to 87 centimeters at the withers, which is not inferior to Great Danes. These dogs touch everyone who sees them with their “beard” and devoted, complacent look.

The Irish Wolfhound is comfortable in home care, does not make unnecessary noise and fuss, but during walks it can show its hunter instinct and move quickly.

These dogs tend to be friendly and sensitive. They greet strangers calmly, but always remain alert. Probably, loyal fans of the breed just like the combination of large size with sociability and devotion.

English Mastiff

The English Mastiff is the last dog breed in the top three giants. The Great Dane predominates in height, while the Mastiff predominates in weight. A massive large body, a huge wide head - these are the striking breed characteristics of this dog.

Today, the largest representative of this breed can be called a dog named Hercules. He receives natural nutrition without additives for growth (some owners do not disdain unnatural ways to add weight to their pets), and his weight is 128 kg.

In height, males reach a maximum of 75 centimeters, females - 70. Despite their heavy and powerful appearance, mastiffs are harmoniously built.

These dogs have well-developed muscles on the face, thanks to which it has the ability to look very expressive. By looking at a dog’s features, you can literally read the pet’s mood and, it seems, even guess his train of thought. A dog can have a sad, thoughtful, perky look with cunning in his eyes - it looks very funny.

During the many years of development of this breed, as well as the breeds of other large dogs, breeders tried to smooth out such qualities as aggression and excitability so that the dog became suitable for keeping in a family in a city apartment.

On this moment they are very good-natured and obedient dogs who love children and take care of them in every possible way. These dogs are in great need of their owner's attention and get bored in his absence. If necessary, they easily become formidable and fearless defenders.

There are quite a lot of other large breed dogs, we only looked at three. The main thing to remember when making such a friend is that this is not for one day or even for a month. The dog will live in your family for years, and you need to weigh your financial capabilities. Can you provide for such a large pet? good nutrition? It is also necessary to evaluate how much your living space allows you to accept a large dog without harm to all residents, so that your life together brings only joy.

The largest dog breeds in the world are, first of all, excellent hunters, protectors and guards for their owner. They are calm and confident, can stand up for themselves and very rarely bark, considering it beneath their dignity.

Many breeds of large dogs have a centuries-old history, during which they developed and improved best qualities. Among these animals there are real giants! Want to know what is the largest dog breed? Then we present to you the top 23 largest dogs in the world!

    • Height at withers – 56-68 cm
    • Weight – 45-50 kg

    The dog, whose origin story is shrouded in mystery, deserves attention among representatives of guard breeds. Bordeaux are fanatically devoted to their owner and have a hard time with even the shortest separation from him. Despite its intimidating appearance, the Dogue de Bordeaux is a very intelligent and friendly dog. He will not attack people or his relatives without reason. Only in case real threat the owner will show a fighting spirit.

    1. Boerboel

    • Height at withers – up to 75 cm
    • Weight – more than 80 kg

    • Height at withers - up to 68 cm
    • Weight - up to 59 kg

    Unlike other fighting dogs, bullmastiffs are not characterized by causeless aggression and anger. “English” blood flows in their veins. They are smart, reserved, and have a stable psyche. They get along well with children and are very devoted to their owner. One of his most valuable qualities is his ability to learn. Having received the command, the dog does not bite the offender, but presses him tightly to the ground with strong paws and waits for further instructions from the owner.

    • Height at withers - up to 72 cm
    • Weight - up to 70 kg

    The American Akita is descended from one of the oldest dog breeds in Japan, which is the national symbol of the country. significantly larger than their Japanese relatives. They are born hunters and devoted defenders. Distinctive feature breed is that Akita barks extremely rarely.

    1. Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

    • Height – up to 72 cm
    • Weight – up to 64 kg

    The Mountain Dog breed is represented by four varieties of dogs, originally from Switzerland. The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is one of the largest and oldest representatives of the breed. His calling is to serve people. These are kind and hardworking shepherds, fearless and self-confident defenders. Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs are bred to work and were formerly used as draft dogs.

    • Height – up to 75 cm at the withers
    • Weight – up to 70 kg

    Large, teddy bear-like dogs have proven themselves well as guards and shepherds. These are formidable, but at the same time obedient and devoted animals. If they think that the owner or his family is in danger, they will react immediately. The main thing is early training and socialization. They are aggressive towards strangers, and can perceive small domestic animals as objects of hunting. Caucasians spend their energy very sparingly, so in urban areas they seem a little slow.

    • Height – up to 75 cm
    • Weight – up to 70 kg

    Newfoundland is one of the largest and most good dogs. This ancient breed, which originated on the island of the same name about two thousand years ago. There is absolutely no aggression in him. gets along well with children and animals, and is also a wonderful guard and rescuer. These are slow and lazy animals, but they will not miss the opportunity to walk with their owner or swim. They love and treat all family members and pets equally well.

    • Height – 65-68 cm
    • Weight – up to 80 kg

    Or the Central Asian Shepherd - fearless and powerful dog, which can stand up for itself and its owner. An excellent guard and shepherd, the blood of fighting breeds and the Tibetan wolf flows in his veins. Its character is very similar to the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. Reacts aggressively towards its relatives and strangers. But with proper training, it will never attack a person without a real threat.

    • Height – 80 cm
    • Weight – about 100 kg

    The Deerhound or Scottish Deerhound is a breed that was specially bred for hunting deer. Their birthplace is Britain. At home, these dogs like to lie around and are not very active. However, they require regular physical activity to maintain proper shape. Very friendly to people, but small animals, including dogs, can be perceived as prey.

    • Height – 70-77 cm
    • Weight - about 45 kg.

    These “white bears” are excellent guards, hunters and shepherds. Hungarian kuvas began to enjoy great popularity during the reign of the Hungarian king Matthias Corvinus in the 15th century. They accompanied him everywhere. This breed is very freedom-loving, calm and balanced. But if you put such a dog on a chain, it can become aggressive and uncontrollable.

    • Height at withers – up to 75 cm
    • Weight – up to 65 kg

    A fairly young breed that was bred in the USSR specifically for service in the Russian army and police. This smart dogs, who were raised as guards and companions. very attached to people, so it can follow its owner from room to room. He gets along great with children, plays with them, and can even sleep in the children's room.

    • Height at withers 75 cm
    • Weight – 70 kg

    Mastino Neapolitan or is a fierce and faithful guard who only with his appearance may deter intruders. The breed was created by Italian breeders in order to scare and they did it very well. Despite their size, Neapolitan Mastiffs are very friendly and affectionate, love children and are good with other animals. A little lazy and clumsy, they behave like real slobs: they throw food everywhere and slobber all around.

    • Height at withers – 71-90 cm
    • Weight – 40-69 kg

    - a dog of enormous height, with a graceful physique and long legs. This breed was used as home guards and hunters of wolves and large animals. This giant appeared more than two thousand years ago in Ireland. Possesses high intelligence, independent and independent, therefore requires education from the very beginning early age. He is very attached to a person and is faithful to him, loves children. The Irish Wolfhound has one peculiarity - it becomes an adult dog late.

    • Height – on average 75 cm
    • Weight – up to 75 kg

    A large and massive dog, whose appearance resembles a lion, appeared in Germany, in the small town of Leonberg. If we characterize this breed in a few words, it would be nobility, power and poise. Even if disorder and chaos reign around, he will remain unperturbed. But at the slightest danger for him or the owner, the dog will instantly react. They are loyal and always ready to serve the owner and his family members.

    • Height – up to 87 cm
    • Weight – up to 70 kg

    Or the Anatolian Shepherd - a born shepherd, fast and powerful, can easily strangle a wolf. A faithful and obedient dog, he will never rush or bark at a stranger if he is forbidden to do so. Kangal will happily spend time with children, believing that this is his “herd” that he must protect. Since this is a freedom-loving breed, the owner must train the dog from childhood and show who is in charge.

    • Height at withers – more than 80 cm
    • Weight – up to 60 kg

    The Hungarian Shepherd Dog or Komondor is one of the most amazing herding dogs and is considered the heritage of Hungary. At first glance, it resembles a huge mop, as adult dog has very long wool, which consists of separate cords and weighs more than seven kilograms! First of all, the Komondor is a protector who protects his owner and the territory entrusted to him. These dogs are not very attached to humans and can work without his presence. Therefore, it is necessary to train a Hungarian Shepherd as early as possible in order to tame the dog’s freedom-loving nature.

    • Height – up to 83 cm
    • Weight – up to 55 kg

    A large snow-white dog, similar to a northern bear, was bred in the southwest of France, where it performed a special service - protecting livestock from predators. The Pyrenees Mountain Dog was born to work and can easily do without human attention. She is very willful, capable of making her own decisions and very difficult to train. Pyrenean Mountain Dogs are nocturnal, so don't be surprised if they sleep during the day and become vigilant guards at night.

    • Height at withers – from 66 cm
    • Weight – 80 kg

    The Tibetan Mastiff is a very ancient breed that previously guarded monasteries and entire villages. Today, these dogs still remain unsurpassed guards: they herd herds and guard people's homes. Despite her terrifying size, she is kind, balanced and affectionate breed. Will never bark over trifles, show nervousness and cowardice, which are typical for small dogs.

    • Height at withers – up to 110 cm
    • Weight – up to 90 kg

    It is difficult to imagine a more majestic and graceful breed, how . These are giants among dogs. Throughout its existence, this breed has experienced a lot - Great Danes were hunters, protectors and companions of humans. Dogs of this breed grow very slowly, so at three years old they are still considered puppies. Great Danes have a special mindset and high intelligence. They are a little lazy and love to lie on the couch.

    • Height – 70-77 cm
    • Weight – 55-80 kg

    The Pyrenean Mastiff, like most large dogs, is a good bodyguard, guard and shepherd. Incredibly strong and resilient, these animals could easily cope with predators such as wolves and bears. Although they give the impression of a stern dog, in the family, as in “their herd,” Pyrenean Mastiffs are affectionate and kind with all family members, especially with small children.

    • Height – up to 80 cm
    • Weight – up to 70 kg

    A truly gigantic dog that is intimidating in its size. Spanish Mastiffs are devoted and faithful guards. Like many mastiffs, this breed is a herding breed, so the habit of guarding livestock and protecting weaker animals from danger is in their blood. In this regard, the Spanish Mastiff is a good nanny even for the smallest children. And the dog’s stable psyche allows him to quickly socialize and respond adequately to any life situations.

    1. Saint Bernard

    • Height at withers – 65-90 cm
    • Weight – up to 90 kg

    A brave and majestic dog native to the Swiss Alps, known for its heroism. Initially, St. Bernards were used to save people. Now these are companion dogs, loyal and good friends. Aggression is alien to them. ready to greet all strangers with a slight wag of their tail. They get along well with other animals and love children. These are not one of the cleanest dogs, they love to run around in the snow and mud, and also constantly drool and snore.

    • Height – 70-76 cm
    • Weight – 80-86 kg

    The English Mastiff is the largest dog breed in the world. Ancestors of this noble dog participated in military battles, they were used in hunting large animals - bulls, lions and bears. Modern ones are good-natured giants, very smart and self-confident dogs. Great for protecting your home and family. It is necessary to approach animal training as early as possible, since the breed is prone to isolation and suspicion. They are a little lazy and willful, accustomed to a measured lifestyle.

These dogs are not just big, they are huge! Each of them had the honor of being included in the top 10 largest dogs in the world, which means these giants are not only the largest, but also the most strong breeds dogs on the planet!

10. Akita

This is a powerful, independent and dominant breed, aggressive towards strangers and kind with family members. Akita is considered the largest breed of Japanese dogs!

It is known that even in ancient times, her ancestors went hunting with their owners. large animal, right down to the bear. Adult males reach 71 cm at the withers and weigh up to 60 kg.

9. Anatolian shepherd dog (Kangal)

Kangal is a brave shepherd originally from Turkey. This breed is distinguished by lightning-fast reactions and vigilance. The Anatolian Shepherd has a distrustful but very balanced character. This large breed weighs up to 68 kg, and their height is up to 79 cm!

Although most often described as a herding dog, the Kangal is actually a guard dog, protecting the herd from jackals and wolves, and even bears.

8. Central Asian shepherd (Alabai)

Although it is not the largest breed in the world, it is a very large dog. Males at the withers reach 70 cm and weight up to 80 kg! Alabai's ancestors were ancient herding dogs, which served man thousands of years ago in the territory Central Asia. U Central Asian Shepherd complete absence aggressiveness towards children.

7. (Leonberger)

One of largest breeds dogs in the world, bred in Leonberg, Germany. Leonbergers have a very strong and well-balanced body. Their height is 66-82 cm, and their weight is between 45 and 77 kilograms. First of all, this is family dog.

6. Tibetan Mastiff

A very ancient breed of dog, and the first written mentions of them date back to 1000 BC. This is a working dog breed bred in Tibet for herding and guarding domestic animals.

Considered one of the most expensive dogs in the world. The weight of an adult Tibetan Mastiff ranges from 45 to 72 kg, and the height is 60–77 cm.

5. Newfoundland

A breed of working dogs native to the island of Newfoundland in Canada. These diver dogs swim and dive very well. They are even-tempered and alert, courageous and resourceful, and easy to train.

The average height at the withers of an adult Newfoundland is 71 cm, and the weight is about 68 kg. As far as I know, some dogs of this breed weighed more than 90 kg, and the largest Newfoundland record holder weighed 120.

4. The Irish wolfhound

The tallest greyhound breed. They range in height from 71 to 89 cm, and weigh from 53 to 84 kg. Initially, they served in wars and hunting, where they were most often used in wolf baiting.

Their legs are long and strong, thanks to which Irish Wolfhounds achieve great speed while hunting. And although they are used to bait wolves, these giants cannot be great guard dog/ And all because they don't bark and aren't very aggressive.

3. St. Bernard

St. Bernards standing on average have a height of 68-90 cm and a weight of 64-91 kg. The Saint Bernard is truly a giant breed. They were originally bred for rescue missions in the Alps.

Is a must for this breed to keep them in good health physical condition. Saint Bernards are also good observers. These large dogs can be a big threat to burglars.

2. Great Dane Dog

Great Dane breed giant size. Height up to 92 cm, and weight up to 90 kg! Great Dane, originally bred as hunting dog. They are also depicted on Egyptian artifacts, dating back to 3000 BC.

In 2012, the Great Dane named Zeus was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest dog in the world, which had 112 cm at the withers.

1. English Mastiff

The English Mastiff is rightfully recognized as the largest breed of dog in the world, if we take into account only the weight of the animal. Even Julius Caesar saw the mastiff for the first time and was surprised by their endurance and strength.

Mastiffs even took part in gladiator fights in ancient Rome. This breed has an average weight of 68 to 110 kg, and a shoulder height of up to 84 cm. Look, in this photo the mastiff is next to the pony. And this is not photoshop.

You found out the 10 largest dogs in the world, saw photos of these huge and rare breeds pets. Now watch a video about them.

These dogs are not just big, they are huge! Each of them had the honor of being included in the top 10 largest dogs in the world, which means these giants are not only the largest, but also the strongest dog breeds on the planet. They require biologically appropriate dog foods.

From this article, you will find out which dog is the largest in the world. Go!

10. Akita

This is a powerful, independent and dominant breed, aggressive towards strangers and kind with family members. Akita is considered the largest breed of Japanese dogs! It is known that even in ancient times, her ancestors went with their owners to hunt large animals, even bears. Adult males reach 71 cm at the withers and weigh up to 60 kg.

9. Anatolian shepherd dog (Kangal)

A brave shepherd originally from Turkey, he is distinguished by his lightning-fast reaction and vigilance. He has a distrustful but very balanced character. This large breed weighs up to 68 kg, and their height is up to 79 cm! Although Kangals are most often described as herding dogs, they are actually guard dogs, protecting the herd from jackals and wolves, and even bears.

8. Central Asian shepherd (Alabai)

Although it is not the largest breed in the world, it is a very large dog. Males at the withers reach 70 cm and weight up to 80 kg! Alabai's ancestors were ancient herding dogs that served man thousands of years ago in Central Asia. The Central Asian Shepherd has a complete lack of aggressiveness towards children.

7. (Leonberger)

One of the largest dog breeds in the world, bred in Leonberg, Germany. Leonbergers have a very strong and well-balanced body. Their height is 66-82 cm, and their weight is between 45 and 77 kilograms. First of all, this is a family dog.

6. Tibetan Mastiff

A very ancient breed of dog, and the first written mentions of them date back to 1000 BC. This is a working dog breed bred in Tibet for herding and guarding domestic animals. Considered one of the most expensive dogs in the world. The weight of an adult Tibetan Mastiff ranges from 45 to 72 kg, and the height is 60–77 cm. The photo on the right seems unreal.

5. Newfoundland

A breed of working dogs native to the island of Newfoundland in Canada. These are diver dogs, they swim and dive very well. They are even-tempered and alert, courageous and resourceful, and easy to train. The average height at the withers of an adult Newfoundland is 71 cm, and the weight is about 68 kg. As far as I know, some dogs of this breed weighed more than 90 kg, and the largest Newfoundland record holder weighed 120.

4. The Irish wolfhound

The tallest greyhound breed. They range in height from 71 to 89 cm, and weigh from 53 to 84 kg. Initially, they served in wars and hunting, where they were most often used in wolf baiting. Their legs are long and strong, which allowed the Irish Wolfhound to gain great speed while hunting. This giant may not be an excellent guard dog, because they do not bark and are not very aggressive.

3. St. Bernard

Standing, on average they have a height of 68-90 cm and a weight of 64-91 kg! The Saint Bernard is truly a giant breed. They were originally bred for rescue missions in the Alps. Daily walking is a must for this breed to keep them in good physical condition. St. Bernard dogs are also good observers. These large dogs can be a big threat to burglars.

2. Great Dane Dog

Giant size dog breed. Height up to 92 cm, and weight up to 90 kg! The Great Dane was originally bred as a hunting dog. They are also depicted on Egyptian artifacts, dating back to 3000 BC! In 2012, the Great Dane named Zeus was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest dog in the world, which had 112 cm at the withers.

1. English Mastiff

It is the largest dog breed in the world based on the animal's weight alone. Even Julius Caesar saw these dogs for the first time and was surprised by their endurance and strength. Mastiffs even took part in gladiator fights in ancient Rome. This breed has an average weight of 68 to 110 kg, and a shoulder height of up to 84 cm.

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