Home Removal Rare types of cats. Standing out from the crowd: choosing the rarest cat breed

Rare types of cats. Standing out from the crowd: choosing the rarest cat breed

Cat lovers will be interested to know how many breeds of meowing felines there are. It is known that there are more than 250 of them and all types are different from each other in appearance and character. They have one thing in common - they are all amazingly graceful and beautiful.

Those who want to get a kitten of a rare breed turn to elite nurseries. Exotic cats are considered an expensive purchase. Documents are attached to them, and special care is required for them, according to the characteristics of a particular breed.

List of breeds with unusual colors

Rare breeds of cats are considered not only those that were recently bred by breeders, but also ancient purebred cats that appeared naturally. They have outstanding external data and a unique character. But, above all, they differ in color and quality of coat.


Also known as Burmese silver. Burmilla was first bred in the 80s. last century in Great Britain, crossing a Burmese cat and a Persian chinchilla. The breed was officially recognized 13 years later.

Distinctive external characteristics of the Burmilla: a short muzzle, expressive greenish or yellowish oval-shaped eyes, short cream-colored fur with a silvery tint and a dense snow-white undercoat. Friendly and balanced, sociable and loyal cats. At the same time, they easily experience loneliness without demanding increased attention to themselves.


A breed with an unusual name, which means “child of the fog.” It is believed that Nibelungs descended from Russian Blue cats. The Nibelungs first became known at the beginning of the last century, and the breed was officially recognized in 1987.

The Nibelung has luxurious, long, thin fur of a bluish tint, shimmering with silver. A small muzzle and large expressive eyes of an emerald hue. These are sociable and playful animals, distinguished by a special attachment to their owners and difficultly experiencing separation from them.

Brilliant Californian

Breeders developed this breed as a result of numerous attempts to cross representatives of various purebred cats. For 10 years, experts have been trying to get an animal that has a visual resemblance to the royal cheetah, only without the admixture of wild blood.

For crossbreeding, only domestic cats were used: Angora, American Shorthair, Siamese, British and Abyssinian breeds. The breeders achieved the desired result in the 80s. last century. The resulting individual is distinguished by large, slightly slanted eyes, the tips of the small ears are rounded, and the elongated tail towards the end has a darker shade.

The coat has a standard leopard (jaguar) color for the breed. Representatives of this breed are distinguished by their sociable and good-natured disposition. Active pets need regular walks in the fresh air.


The ancestors of this rare breed are outbred cats brought to America from Singapore. Breeders became interested in the interesting color and miniature size of Singapore cats. They began to try to cross them with Burmese cats.

The new breed was officially recognized in 1984. In its homeland, Singapore is considered a national symbol. Its export outside Singapore is strictly controlled.

Miniature cats are distinguished by their low weight (up to 3 kg). They have short, close-lying fur and an elongated tail. Slightly slanted and enough big eyes, slightly turned out large ears. A distinctive feature of the Singaporean is the ability to stand on its hind legs for a long time.


Mini version of a domesticated tiger. The breed was developed at the dawn of the 1990s. breeder Judy Sugden by crossing a Bengal domestic shorthair cat with an outdoor cat with an unusual striped head color. The cat was brought from Indian Kashmir and became involved in the appearance of descendants with a long body and fur decorated with circular, clear vertical stripes.

The upper part of the toyger's muscular body is orange, like a tiger's, and the inner part is white. Each individual has stripes that form a unique pattern. The weight of the animal is 3-7 kg. Toygers are easy to train and very smart. These are sociable pets with a balanced character.


A very rare species of cat, the ancestors of which were individuals from the Kenyan reserve. Sokoke has a tiger-like appearance. This is a wild-looking pet with a calm and friendly character.

The Sokoke has an exquisite golden coat with intricate patterns. Aborigines compare this coloring to the pattern of tree bark.


The breed was obtained by crossing a domestic cat with an Asian leopard cat. The peculiarity of Bengals is that they are not only not afraid of water, but even love to swim. In addition, despite their impressive size (up to 8 kg), they prefer to sit on the owner’s shoulder.

Valuable fluffy cats


The most expensive cat in the world is a young and quite rare breed – the Asher. Exotic cats were first introduced in 2015. The breed was named after the goddess Asherah, but has not yet been officially recognized.

Ashera was created by crossing a wild Asian leopard cat and a domestic cat with an African serval. Exotic cats weigh up to 14 kg and grow up to 1 meter in length.

The breed is valuable because it is hypoallergenic, and the representatives themselves are friendly and calm. These cats get along easily with kids and various pets.


The breed is in danger of extinction. Just a few years ago, the caracal turned from a wild predator into an exclusive and prestigious pet.

Therefore, purchasing a caracal kitten contributes to the conservation of this unique species.


The breed was created by crossing an African serval with a regular domestic cat. The result was impressively large cats, reaching a weight of 15 kg in adulthood. The height of such an individual is about 60 cm.

Savannah is noted high intellectual level, calm and inquisitive character. Wherein cats are active, favor water treatments, walks and outdoor fun.


A rare breed that appeared by crossing a domestic cat with a marsh lynx. The result of selection is a very sociable animal that cannot easily tolerate loneliness.


Mention of kao-mani dates back to the period from 1350 to 1767. In ancient Siam, only members of royal families could afford to keep such a cat. In the East, kao-mani was considered a talisman of good luck, promising its owners many years of comfortable life.


The rare breed was created by crossing a domestic cat and Geoffroy, a South American wild cat. These animals first appeared in the States in the 1970s. They were bred to study leukemia. Safaris are large pets; the average weight of an adult dog is 11 kg.


A unique breed that has existed since 1980. The curly laper is native to the USA. The second name of the breed is American Rex. It differs from other cats not only because it is curly hairline, but also with an extremely melodic voice timbre.

Laperm kittens are born bald or with straight hair; it acquires a curly and soft structure as the kitten grows. The breed is considered hypoallergenic. Most often, a laperm becomes attached to one person in the family.

Pets easily adapt to different conditions and are considered excellent hunters.

American Wirehair

The progenitor of the breed is considered to be an unusual curly-haired kitten from one of the American farms. Breeders managed to cross him and the American shorthair cat. To date, this breed of cats has been recognized only in their homeland and in Canada.

The peculiarity of cats is astrakhan fur: curly, hard and thin. The character is flexible and independent. They get along well with kids, as well as other animals under the same roof.


They appeared in the USA as descendants of a mongrel cat and an American ragdoll. Initially they were called “cherubs”. Officially, these charming cats were recognized as a separate breed relatively recently - at the dawn of the 21st century.

These are large cats, reaching up to 10 kg in weight. They are distinguished from ragdolls by a variety of coat colors. The character of the pets is playful and kind.

Ideal for large families with children.

Turkish van

A rare and quite ancient breed of cat, named after Lake Van, where it was first discovered. Breeders began breeding these cats in the last century, but they existed in Europe much earlier. For a long time the breed was not officially recognized. In Europe, representatives of the Turkish Van were registered only in the 70s of the 20th century.

Some individuals of this breed are distinguished by a feature - one eye is colored blue, and the other has a yellowish tint. According to the standard, both multi-colored and identical eye colors are allowed. The Turkish Van differs from other purebred cats in the large membranes between the toes on the forelimbs.

These are very active and characteristic animals that need increased attention and regular walks outside. They love water, fishing and swimming.


A short-legged species of the cat family. The Munchkin's ancestors are stray cats found in America. Shortened limbs are the result of a genetic mutation, and the appearance of these unusual kittens in a litter is influenced by the achondroplasia gene in the feline genotype. Munchkins were officially identified as a separate breed in the 80s of the 20th century.

Despite the unusually short paws, cats of this breed can easily climb onto objects located on a hill. They have a friendly character. The cutest kittens are delighted to interact with children and pets.


Rare and one of the youngest purebred cats. Adorable pussies are a cross between a Persian cat and a munchkin. The world owes their appearance to a dog breeder from the USA. For a long period, they did not want to officially recognize these exotic cats; only 10 years after their appearance, they were registered in the States.

Napoleon is a Persian dwarf cat with unusual shortened limbs. It weighs up to 2 kg. Cats of the Napoleon breed are divided into two types: with short and long legs (extreme and classic).

Animals also differ in the length of their fur. In some ways, the breed resembles Persian cats, but the muzzle is more flattened. Napoleons are endowed with an affectionate and patient character. Miniature relatives of the Persians easily adapt to any conditions.


Charming graceful and large pets, also called Silver Lakes, were obtained as a result of crossing two breeds: Siamese and American Shorthair. The selection of these muscular felines has been carried out since the 60s of the 20th century, but they were recognized in the USA only two decades later. In Europe, the breed was registered 30 years after its breeding. The peculiarity of the breed is the absence of undercoat.


Unusual and rare tailless cats have existed in the world for more than 200 years. The breed originated as a result of a genetic mutation, and was then improved by breeders. A distinctive feature of the Manx (besides the lack of a tail) is its elongated hind legs. This structure makes pets look like rabbits.

Manx cats have thick, dense and short fur, a round muzzle and large eyes. They are distinguished from other purebred cats by their rather weak vestibular apparatus. Therefore, they almost never climb to high places. At the same time, the breed is distinguished by a developed hunting instinct, playfulness and devotion.


Externally, this breed has a clear resemblance to the Burmese. Bombays have a strong physique and a wild appearance. Representatives of this breed have jet black fur and bright yellow eyes. The breed owes its appearance to a breeder from the USA.

Norwegian forest cat

The ancestors of this cat were bred by the Vikings 2000 years ago. Looks cute and fluffy cat able to withstand very cold weather conditions and is known for its excellent disposition.


This cat breed is very similar to the Persian, but differs in color blue eyes and color-point coat color. The breed was bred in the States in 1950. Himalayan cats are generous with affection, obedient and kind.

Scottish lop-eared

The hallmark of the breed is its cute floppy ears - consequences gene mutation. These smart animals are able to get along with every member of the family. Another difference between the breed and the rest is the ability to stand on its hind legs in order to see something interesting.

Maine Coon

One of the largest cat breeds in the world (5-15 kg, 1.23 cm). But behind the menacing appearance lies a gentle and playful character.


Large breed was developed in California in the late 90s. Adults, weighing about 12 kg, are strongly built, have large ears, spotted coloring and very long limbs.

American Curl

The breed was bred in California in 1981. Newborns differ little from ordinary cats in the first ten days of life. Their ears then take on an unusual, curled-back shape that resembles little horns.

The rarest short-haired and hairless species

The first mentions of cats without fur are found in history. Ancient Egypt, where they preferred to keep these animals in palaces. After this, for many centuries no information was received about them. Only in 1903, from a book by Francis Simpson, did readers learn about the hairless cats that he received in Mexico from the leader of one tribe. The author was delighted with their intelligence, ability to understand the owner’s speech and desire to swim.

Breeders in many countries strive to develop a unique breed of cats by crossing wild and domestic breeds. And, based on the desire of people to own something unique and in one single copy, rare breeds are quite expensive. There are cat breeds that have barely evolved over thousands of years. Unfortunately, the trend is that rare wild cats become extinct over time. They live in their natural environment: jungles and deserts. Outwardly, such animals resemble their domestic relatives. Most likely, over time, there will be no wild rare cats at all, and rare breeds of domestic cats will spread and cease to be small in number.

Munchkins are short-legged cats

One of the rarest cat breeds is the Munchkin. It is difficult to confuse them with representatives of another breed, since they are characterized by very short legs. The breed is not the result of selection, cats with extremely short legs appeared as a result of mutation. Their second names are “kangaroo cats” and “dachshund cats.” They can sit confidently on their hind legs, using their tail to maintain balance. Munchkins, like dogs, love to walk on a harness. These are gentle, intelligent and sociable cats. They easily find a common language with children, thanks to their equanimity and dog-like devotion.

Serengeti is a breed similar in appearance to the Serval

The rare Serengeti breed was created in 1994 by crossing an Oriental Shorthair and a Bengal cat. The breeders' goal was to create a pet that would look like an African serval, but without participating in the crossing of this wild breed. Serengetis are intelligent, sociable and loyal cats that love to be part of a family. They don't mind "talking", like Siamese cats. Of all domestic cats, the Serengeti has the longest legs.

Mekong Bobtail

Mekong Bobtails, bred in Southeast Asia, are distinguished from other cat breeds by a high degree of intelligence and a short tail with kinks. Among the breeders of this breed, people with a soft heart and a kind soul are noted. The Mekong itself accustoms them to order and decency, points out shortcomings in behavior and home. Bobtails? they are both nannies and dogs in cat form. And if the cat is really smart, then a short tail? dignity! On the GOLDEN TRUFFLE website you can purchase representatives of this beautiful cat species.

Caracal is a wild cat that resembles a lynx

The Caracal is considered one of the rarest cats in the world. Recently this breed was on the verge of extinction. Outwardly, its representatives resemble a slender lynx, their ears are decorated with long black tassels. The caracal is an inhabitant of the deserts and steppes of the Arabian Peninsula, Africa, Asia Minor and Central Asia, and India. Sometimes it can be found in Southern Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. This wild breed is easily tamed. In ancient times, they hunted small game with tamed Caracals in Persia and India, but now hunting with such cats is very rare.

Toyger - cats similar to tigers

The Toyger is one of the new, recently bred cat breeds. They first appeared in India in the eighties of the last century, and the breed standard was approved only in 2003. Outwardly, these cats look like small tigers, but by their nature, pets are ideally suited to living in an apartment. Toygers are unobtrusive, sociable and playful animals. The Toyger is an ideal domestic cat. There are currently few breeders of this breed. The breed began to actively develop in Australia, America and Canada. This breed is also among the TOP most expensive cats in the world. The website uznayvse.ru has an article about fabulously expensive cats.

Cat Elf - a cat with crooked ears

The Elf Cat resembles a fantastic creature with crooked ears. Its body is practically naked or covered with inconspicuous down; sparse hair is present only on the ears, some areas of the legs, on the muzzle and tail. This breed is extremely rare, with a population of only ten people in America. The weight of this active and sociable animal varies from three to six kilograms, and the curvature of the ears can be from ninety to one hundred and eighty degrees.

Ashera is a breed that does not exist

Cats of the Asher breed were sold for several years at incredible prices, and the registration of those wishing to get a kitten was carried out a year in advance. Ashera was declared as the largest domestic cat, its coloring very reminiscent of a leopard. This breed was developed by Lifestyle Pets. The fact that in reality there is no Asher breed, and that all the hype around this event is just a well-thought-out scam by scammers, became clear several years after the start of active sales of these individuals. The false creator of the Ashera breed at one time purchased kittens of the Savannah breed, after which he carried out a wide advertising campaign and came up with a legend that marked the beginning of hysteria. The deception was made possible due to the fact that Savannah cats themselves are very rare and little known.

The rarest cat breed in the world
There are several opinions about which cat breed is considered the rarest. One version is a domestic Serval, whose ancestors were wild animals.

The second rare breed, according to many experts, is the Savannah breed. This breed can be called one of the most memorable and spectacular. Representatives of the Savannah breed are graceful and quite large. What makes them unique is their high intellectual development and exotic coloration.

The third breed that claims to be the rarest is the Chausie. This breed was created by crossing an African Jungle Cat and a domestic Abyssinian cat. It is known that there are only ten cats of the Chausie breed in all of Russia. On average, the price of a kitten of the rarest breed is seventeen thousand dollars, which is due to their uniqueness.

Cats are very common animals all over the world. But there are only about a hundred officially registered breeds. However, there are the most common cats that are popular and known to many people.

TOP 10 rare cat breeds

But in this article we will tell you about the rarest breeds of such animals. They are so unfamiliar to the environment that even at exhibitions they may not be recognized due to their exclusivity. Therefore, we will introduce you to the ten most rare cats in the world.


The kitten looks like a wild tiger and can live quite calmly in a house with people. Fans of exotic animals are attracted by the appearance of this pet. The toyger has a muscular body and its coloring and stripes on its body completely resemble a tiger.

However, getting such a cute creature is not so easy, since it is one of the. The high price is due to the fact that such a breed, it turns out, is not so easy to breed. Therefore, not everyone can afford such beauty (see).

This cat was born not so long ago, only in 2000. However, the toy tiger has been in the works since the 1990s. One woman from the architects of the United States of America, a long time ago, drew the cat of her dreams (see in pencil). So she worked hard to achieve her goal.

As you can see, she achieved it, and indeed, created the sweetest and most beautiful homemade creature. The process was very lengthy because so many animals had to be crossed. The breed is based on the Bengal cat breed.

They mated with ordinary domestic cats, which have a similar color, or with other breeds, such as the Mao.


Bombay is very similar in appearance to Burmese. He has a very strong muscular physique and a wild appearance. Against the background of coal-black color, it sparkles very brightly yellow eyes. A breeder from the United States of America worked on this masterpiece by crossing American shorthair cats with Burmese cats.

This cat is a very good find for those who love calm, intelligent cats. They are very easy to get along with, even if there are children in the house. Bombay very easily gets used to the rules in the house and rarely messes with his owners. Keeping such a pet in your apartment is pure joy. By kinship with the Burmese, she adopted a devotion similar to that of a dog.


This is a very rare type of cat. Her ancestors were from a village in the Kenyan reserve. Sokoke herself is an emigrant from Africa, which is why she has a wild tiger-like appearance. Although this is considered a wild pet mix, it has a calm personality. The cat itself is very playful and friendly.

They have a very beautiful, refined coat: complex patterns are painted on the golden color with brown tassels. The natives called such a cat “Hadzonzo”, a word that means “like tree bark.” This type of pet was the result of tamed wild animals.


The cat straight from Africa is strewn with beautiful spots on its coat, and cat lovers will definitely like it. Very flexible, graceful and graceful breed, reminiscent of a wild cat, but completely domestically produced.

In appearance it is somewhat reminiscent of serval cats, but this type of pet has never bred with wild cats. A Californian breeder mixed the blood of Oriental, Bengal and Abyssinian cats. The Serengeti, just like the toyger, is one of the rare breeds.


It is unlikely that anyone will be able to ignore such an animal and pass by. Because Kao-Mani kittens have snow-white fur, against which their multi-colored eyes stand out very clearly. Because of this appearance, this cat seems like some kind of fairy-tale, fantastic creature.

Very fast and graceful cat will instantly run an unreal distance. She has very beautiful plasticity, which makes her look like a gymnast. The homeland of this beauty is Thailand, but even there this type of pet is very rare. She has a very interesting story occurrence.

Back in the 19th century, the ruler of Siam sent cats on a trip as a gift to one of the consuls. This gesture was made to avoid political conflict, since those cats were considered symbols of prosperity and peace. This is how kao-mani came to England. And today she continues to amaze her owners with unprecedented tricks, ridiculous situations or funny inventions.

This interesting breed is based on ordinary street pets. Since the basis of ragamuffin blood does not include any “royal” blood, the name was chosen appropriately. From the translation you can find out that the cat was nicknamed “ragamuffin”.

Therefore, such a pet is absolutely calm and does not have any wild habits, which allows it to easily get along among people with children. The Ragamuffin has a very beautiful long and fluffy coat. The United States of America became the birthplace of such a charming creature. And even there, such pets are considered exclusive and very rare, despite the fact that such breeds are generally no different from street cats.

They can have completely different colors and with different patterns on the coat. However, such a cat is, of course, larger in size than its street counterparts. But despite this, she does not inspire fear. On the contrary, kittens are very kind and friendly, although unobtrusive.

She loves to play, but if she does not have a companion, the Ragamuffin will behave quite quietly.


A very rare and, moreover, miniature breed of cat will surprise pet fans. She does not exaggerate the height of a four-month-old cat, and their weight does not exceed 3 kilograms. This is taking into account the fact that females are usually much lighter in weight than males.

In addition, the Singapura is a very dexterous animal, good-natured and very neat. They have beautiful, beautiful diamond-colored fur, the photograph of which clearly highlights its sparkling eyes. A very elegant, sweet face that always gives off a peaceful look.

The Singapore cat is considered one of the very expensive types of cats. In the process of crossing, such a cat took shiny wool from Abyssinian cats, and from Burmese cats - beautiful eyes and good nature, and from Singapore street cats he adopted his small stature and name.

La Perm

If you like long, curly hair, then this is the cat type for you. It's impossible to pass by this one beautiful lady, who seemed to have just left the beauty salon. The soft and wavy coat attracts the attention of all people, and most of them immediately want to touch it.

Such a fashionista appeared in a very complicated way, which was influenced by nature and mutation. Since the mother of such kittens had fur that was absolutely familiar to everyone, the kittens appeared similar to lambs. This is a very rare breed, so you rarely see it among cat lovers.

However, those who have the opportunity to acquire such beauty are satisfied not only with its appearance. Because la-perm are very friendly and kind creatures. If you think that such amazing wool requires special care and attention, then you are mistaken. Nature has taken care that, due to water or any other factors, the curls do not unravel and curl on their own.


In the United States of America in 2000, a miniature breed of Napoleon cat appeared. This cat is very reminiscent of a Persian cat in its fur, muzzle and eyes. And this is not just like that. Since Napoleon's parents had a Persian breed of cat and a short-legged munchkin.

Because of this, this type of cat has short legs, which makes it miniature. But, despite this, the cat has strong, developed muscles and broad bones as shown in the photo. The short-legged Napoleon is a rarer creation than the Singapura cat. Therefore, it can rightfully be called an exclusive animal.

In addition, kittens have a very calm and sweet disposition, they love to play with children, but their fluffy fur makes them difficult. She needs to be looked after and groomed regularly. But, if you love your furry friend, then this matter will not cause you much trouble.


The Elf breed originated not so long ago, only in 2007 in the United States of America. Some people consider these types of animals disgusting, and some, on the contrary, unusual. Because this breed is a completely bald, wrinkled cat. Cm.

It is not difficult to guess that the cat adopted this appearance from his Sphynx (Canadian) parents. The name apparently comes from their large and slightly curved back ears, which they adopted from the Curl. Like their relatives, sphinxes, elves are tame animals. They very quickly become attached to people and seek their warmth, which they so lack.

Therefore, purchasing a warm blanket for such pets is a mandatory rule. The bald elf adopted playfulness from his ancestor, the curl, for these reasons he is sometimes considered a clown, he likes to invent something and always finds himself in some ridiculous situations.

However, with wrinkled breeds, it is not always as easy as it seems. Some owners get such breeds, believing that hairless cats reduce the time required to care for them. But that's not true. Such animals develop fatty subcutaneous secretions that must be wiped off with a special cloth.

Ears and eyes also require special care. It is necessary to ensure that the cat does not get sunburned, since it has no fur and its skin is too sensitive. All this requires time, attention and effort. Therefore, before you get yourself an elf, you need to think and weigh everything.

Breeders in many countries strive to breed their dream breed, beautiful and unique. To do this, they carry out long-term selection work, crossing different cats: domestic purebreds with domestic outbreds, wild ones with domestic ones, cats of one breed with cats of another. Sometimes the results are quite unusual. On the other hand, there are people who hunt for curiosities, including in the world of cats, and are willing to pay any money for a strange and unusual breed.

“Rarity” of a cat breed - what is it, which breeds are rare

The concept of rarity is related to how difficult it is to obtain (meet) a particular item. The rarity of the cat breed is manifested in the fact that it is difficult (or simply not wanted) to buy due to:

  • small number of nurseries,
  • breeding difficulties,
  • instability of breed characteristics,
  • lack of recognition of the breed by the felinological world,
  • that it doesn't arouse people's interest,
  • etc.

In general, there are many factors due to which a breed can be considered rare.

Breed recognition is a complex process. A purebred cat must have the appropriate documents and be registered with one of the cat (feline) associations.

The rarest cat breeds are experimental ones that are in the process of becoming accepted by cat associations. For example, according to TICA (International Cat Association), such breeds include: Ruffle, Ragamuffin, Bambino and others. On the other hand, established and long-known breeds (Turkish Angora, Bengal, Laperm, etc.) are becoming rare simply because people are losing interest in them.

It is difficult to accurately determine the degree of demand for a particular breed; for this you will need to count all its representatives (registered and unregistered), the number of nurseries, conduct population surveys, etc. However, some organizations, for example CFA (Cat Fanciers Association), conduct such studies and submit their reports annually.

Table: breed popularity rating according to CFA in 2017

1 Exotic23 Selkirk Rex
2 Ragdoll24 Japanese Bobtail
3 British Shorthair25 Egyptian Mau
4 Persian26 RagaMuffin
5 Maine Coon Cat27 Somalia
6 American Shorthair28 Balinese/Oriental Longhair (Balinese/Javanese)
7 Scottish Fold29 Manx
8 Canadian Sphynx (Sphynx)30 Singapore
9 Devon Rex31 Bombay
10 Abyssinian32 Colorpoint Shorthair
11 Oriental33 Turkish Angora
12 Siamese34 American Bobtail
13 Cornish Rex35 European Burmese
14 Norwegian Forest Cat36 Carthusian cat (Chartreux)
15 Siberian37 Korat
16 Burma38 Havana Brown
17 Russian Blue39 Burmilla
18 Bengal40 LaPerm
19 Tonkinese41 Turkish Van
20 Burmese42 American Wirehair
21 Ocicat
22 American Curl

The difficulty in assessing popularity on a global scale also lies in the fact that some breeds are not recognized and registered by some cat organizations, but are recognized and registered by others, that is, some breeds are rare in some regions, while others are rare in others.

Table: recognition of some breeds by international cat organizations

Breed/association FIFe TICA CFA GCCF
+ + + +
- - - -
+ + + -
- + - -
Minuet- + - -
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Let's take a closer look at some rare breeds.

Despite the fact that the Turkish Van is recognized by many felinological organizations, it is rare and occupies the penultimate 41st place in the CFA ranking.

The Turkish Van is a breed of semi-long-haired domestic cat. It was bred in the mid-20th century from animals living in Central and Southeast Asia, including Turkey in the area of ​​​​the city of Van.

These are large and heavy cats weighing up to 9 kg, which are famous for their unique color - white cats with a bright red tail and the same bright spots on the head. The eyes are usually shades of red, but can also be blue. There are also odd-eyed cats that look very impressive. The classic coat color is basic white, the tail is colored with red rings, spots of red are also located on the muzzle below the base of the ears

The classic coat color of Turkish Vans is the so-called Van color, when the tail is colored red, as if in rings, and the same color spots on the muzzle below the base of the ears. The rest of the fur is snow-white. There must be at least 4/5 of the color white.

Cats of this breed are positive and active, are in good health, love walks, communicate with people and other animals, and also have an unusual feature - they love water and swimming. In their native region, they even received the name “swimming cats.”
Turkish Van cats are not only not afraid of water, but also swim with pleasure.

The price of a Turkish Van kitten starts from 7 thousand rubles. You can buy it, for example, in the Russian nursery “Tender Bayun” or directly in Turkey.

Elves are completely absent from the CFA rankings, since almost no one (except The Rare and Exotic Feline Registry) recognizes the breed. Breed standards have not yet been established; there are few breeders, breeding animals and kittens.

In Russia, the breeding of elf cats is carried out, in particular, by the Murmulet nursery. I decided to check with the nursery representatives whether the elf breed is registered in any cat association. Representatives of the Murmulet nursery responded that this moment This breed is considered experimental, for this reason it is not available anywhere.

Nevertheless, elves are a new breed of hairless (hairless) cats that appeared in the United States at the beginning of the 21st century as a result of crossing the American Curl and the Canadian Sphynx. The fairy-tale name of these cats is due to their specific appearance: the cats have unusually folded ears (a legacy of the Curl).

The weight of such a cat is 4–8 kg, the skin color can be any, the almond-shaped eyes are blue or light brown. Elves have a special hanging belly, consisting of numerous folds.
Large ears with tips curled back give the face a fairytale appearance

Since the breed is very young, not all the character traits of this animal have been studied. Owners and breeders note that elf cats have so far proven to be calm, affectionate and intelligent. They communicate well with all members of the household, even with small children. They love to participate in all the affairs of the owner. The lack of fur imposes some restrictions: cats love warmth. The owners also noticed that elves can be vindictive - they do not forget grievances.

You can buy an elf kitten in the USA or in Russia (Murmulet, Magnificent nurseries), the average price for it is from 60 thousand rubles.

Video: elf - a fabulous breed of cats

The appearance of the breed was helped by chance. As a result of the union of a Persian chinchilla cat and a lilac Burmese cat, beautiful cubs appeared, which gave rise to a new line.

The Burmilla is a medium-sized cat, weighing 4–7 kg, with greenish eyes. The coat can be either short or long. Burmillas are cats with an undercoat that has white-silver or warm gold as the main color with shaded orange variations. However, the tips of the hairs can be painted in different colors. The color of the fur on the belly is lighter than on the back, tail, and also on the muzzle. The eyes of these cats are large and widely spaced. Between them in the forehead area you can see a pattern similar to the letter “m”.
The main color of the Burmilla is white, and the tips of the hairs are colored cream.

The character of the Burmilla is calm and accommodating, but the cat will not refuse games. Owners note that these pets are “talkative.” Even the name of the breed is consonant with the purring. Burmillas are good companions who become very attached to their owners and love to go for walks.

A purebred Burmilla with a good pedigree can be bought in Russia, for example, at the Lambert nursery. The price of a kitten is from 30 thousand rubles.

The Khaomanee is now recognized only by TICA, so it is not surprising that the breed is considered rare. At the same time, the Khao Mani is a very ancient breed, whose homeland is Thailand. The first mentions of kao-mani are found in literary sources of the 14th century.

“White gem” is the translation from Thai for a cat of this breed. “White pearl”, “cat with silver and gold eyes”, “white jewel”, “diamond eye” - these are just some of the artistic comparisons that this delightful animal is rightfully awarded.

Kao-mani is in its infancy. The breeders of the breed can be listed on one hand: 4 official breeders are registered on the TICA website (and, for example, there are 24 registered breeders of Siberian cats).

An important point: the authenticity of the breed is confirmed only by a genetic blood test. Therefore, you need to understand that not all white shorthair cats are Khao Mani cats.

In general, representatives of the breed are distinguished by dazzling white short hair, shiny (diamond) eyes with a bright edging blue color(heterochromia also occurs, when one cat’s eye is blue and the other is yellow or green). The cat is small in size, weighing from 2.5 to 4 kg.
A distinctive feature of the kao-mani is its shiny eyes with a rim.

Kao-mani are prone to deafness, which also reduces the population of healthy animals involved in breeding.

There are few breeders of Khao Mani cats. There are a few in the USA and in European countries. In this regard, buying a cat for breeding is very difficult and expensive. Even animals of the “pet” class are an expensive pleasure, affordable to a few. The average price of a kitten is 30 thousand rubles. For well-born and exterior individuals, the price can reach 100 thousand rubles.

Video: kao-mani cat


Minuet (minuet, also known as Napoleon in the past) was recognized by TICA in 2016. From this moment on, Minuettes were able to take part in exhibitions, but there are still very few breeders of the breed, and accordingly, it is not easy to obtain a kitten with the appropriate documents. Other organizations are still ignoring the breed.

The minuet appeared in the USA in the early 90s. Breeders crossed representatives of the Persian breed with a Munchkin. The experimenters wanted to get a mini-cat with a cute kitten face, a toy-cat. There was no goal to breed a short-legged individual. But to the delight of breeders, unusual short-legged cats were born.

There may be irony hidden in the original name of the breed. Emperor Napoleon was short. In addition, as historical sources testify, a cat scared him as a child, and subsequently, when he saw cats, Napoleon felt extreme discomfort, a kind of neurosis.

The key feature of this breed is its small size: minuet almost 2 times smaller than a regular cat, the average weight of representatives is only 2 kg.

This cat's coat can be plush and short, but there can also be long-haired variants reminiscent of Persian cats. The coat color is very varied. These tiny cats are the embodiment of breeders' dreams of having the cutest cat pets.
Minuet Napoleon - a tiny cat with a cute kitten face

Napoleons are kind, affectionate, and devoid of any aggression. But these little ones are also the most vulnerable of the felines. Future owners need to remember that the breed is intended exclusively for home keeping. Outside the house, due to their small size and absolute non-hostility, animals can die.

For a minuet kitten you will have to pay from 40 thousand rubles.

Munchkin does not appear in the CFA rankings because the organization does not yet recognize him. And despite the fact that the breed is already actively used to create other breeds (they are crossed with Persian cats, sphinxes, etc.), munchkins are still rare and unclaimed among people.

This munchkin breed can be safely called short-legged cats, dachshund cats.

Munchkins appeared in the USA in the early 80s of the last century, but the first mention of them was made in the first half of the 20th century. In 1983, an American woman from Louisiana picked up a pregnant cat near her ranch that had unusually short legs. Such short legs were probably due to genetic changes. The cat's kittens were also born with short legs, and soon many short-legged cats appeared in the ranch area. And so a new breed arose.

Munchkin is a little man from a fairy tale about the land of Oz.

In September 1994, TICA accepted the breed into its New Breed Development Program. Munchkins received full recognition in 2003.

The Munchkin belongs to the category of breeds resulting from a genetic mutation. Breeding purebred individuals is a very difficult and risky activity, for which you need to be well versed in breeding issues. For example, if you breed a munchkin with a munchkin, then very often the kittens are born dead or die soon.

With an average body length, munchkins' paws are 2–3 times shorter than those of ordinary cats. This physical feature also leads to unusual behavior in cats. The Munchkin's favorite position is resting on its tail. Funny short legs hanging on the sides make the munchkin look like a kangaroo. In this position, the cat does not experience any discomfort and can sit for a long time, touching the owner.

Munchkins are medium-sized cats, weighing up to 6 kg. The coat can be either short or long. Different colors are allowed, as is eye color, which does not depend on color.
With an average body length, munchkins' paws are 2–3 times shorter than those of ordinary cats.

Munchkins are funny, playful cats. According to reviews from owners, they are not particularly talkative, meow little, and are very clean. Cats tolerate travel well and can accompany their owner everywhere.

The price of a munchkin kitten starts from 25 thousand rubles. Nurseries engaged in breeding the breed in Russia:

  • "Murmulet";
  • Super munchkin;
  • Sunny Fairies;
  • Puzzle Enjoy.

Video: munchkin - dachshund cat

The Ragamuffin breed has not yet taken a strong place in the world and is not recognized by all international associations. The Ragamuffin is classified as an experimental breed by TICA. The breed was registered with the CFA in 2003 and received full recognition in 2011.

Ragamuffin is ranked 26th in the CFA popularity rankings. Considering that the breed is registered only in organizations based in America and England, then 26th place means that there are few Ragamuffin cats in the world. Despite this, Ragamuffins successfully participate in exhibitions and are very popular with cat fans.

The name of the breed ragamuffin cat translates as “ragamuffin cat.” It appeared in the USA in the 60s of the last century. Obtained by crossing ragdolls with yard mongrel cats. The breeders wanted variety; they needed individuals with a wider range of colors and, moreover, a calm disposition. In the 70s of the last century, the experiment was continued, and breeders crossed with Persian and Himalayan cats. The resulting breed was initially called Cherub, but was later renamed.

Ragamuffins are large cats with an average weight of 5–8 kg. The color is varied. The coat is medium length, very soft, quite thick and smooth. The texture may vary depending on the color. The fur around the neck forms a hanging collar, it is also longer on the muzzle, and on the hind legs it forms so-called pants. Eye color is also very diverse.
Ragamuffin fur is longer around the neck, along the contour of the muzzle, and on the hind legs

Ragamuffins are melancholic and affectionate, but at the same time playful and smart. Easily adapt to any living conditions. They love to perch on their owner’s lap, allow themselves to be squeezed, are well trained, and can walk on a leash. They get along well with other pets, as these cats have poorly developed hunting instincts. Ragamuffins are not aggressive and do not know how to defend themselves. Their method of defense is to hide away.

This breed is not bred in Russia. If you want to purchase such a cute animal, you will have to contact foreign breeders and order a kitten from them. The price of a kitten starts from 30 thousand rubles. Like other breeds, the cost depends on the exterior characteristics of the baby or adult animal, as well as gender and pedigree.

According to the CFA report, Laperms take 40th place in the ranking, so we can say that there are few such cats in the world and the breed is rare.

The LaPerm breed appeared in the USA in 1982. An ordinary outbred cat gave birth to a completely hairless kitten, which over time acquired funny curly hair, apparently this was the result of a natural mutation.

The name has American roots: “perm” (from English perm) means “perm”, and “la” is an article of the Chinook Indian tribe, which the Indians used without purpose, adding to various words. The founder of the breed, Linda Koehl, called these strange cats this way with irony.

It is difficult to confuse a Laperm cat with a representative of another breed. Their curled fur resembles that of a lamb. This is due to the dominant curly hair gene. In size, these are small cats weighing from 3 to 5 kg. The color of the fur and eyes is the most varied without restrictions. Lapermas come in short-haired and long-haired varieties. Short-haired dogs have a coarser coat, while long-haired dogs have a silky coat.
A feature of the Laperm breed is its twisted, curly coat, reminiscent of a fur coat.

The main feature of the character of this breed of cats is that Laperms love to communicate with people, they get used to the owner, and not to the house, accompany him everywhere and are excellent comrades and companions. Cats love to talk, but they don’t scream, they purr more. Cats have hunter instincts, but lapermas, as a rule, do not attack other pets.

There are few breeders of the Laperm breed in Russia. You can buy a kitten, for example, at the Russicurl nursery. Prices for kittens vary from 30 thousand rubles and above, depending on breeding quality, gender, color, and purpose of purchase.

Video: laperm - curly cats

Serengeti cat is a cat breed created in the early 90s of the 20th century in America by crossing Oriental and Bengal cats. It has wild genes, since Bengals are a hybrid of a domestic and wild cat. The purpose of this crossing was to obtain an individual similar to the wild Serval cat, but at the same time tame and domestic.

The breed is named after national park Serengeti, where the serval lives.

The Serengeti is an experimental breed, with very few specimens and little statistics on them. The breed is very rare, registered with the international organization TICA as a preliminary new breed, but representatives are not yet allowed to participate in various exhibition events. There are currently very few Serengeti breeders. The appearance of the Serengeti is still unstable; there is no unity in the colors of cats. Few full-fledged kittens are born and they are highly valued.

Serengeti are short-haired cats. This animal can be classified as a large representative of the cat family, the weight of an adult cat is 8–12 kg. A distinctive feature of this breed is its long paws, much longer than those of other representatives of domestic cat pets. The Serengeti also has large ears, comparable in height to the length of the head. The Serengeti's eye color is golden, but a light green tone is also acceptable. Important Feature- the cat must have round or oval spots all over its body.
The Serengeti cat should have characteristic spots that are round or slightly elongated horizontally

Sarengeti are cheerful, playful, curious and fearless animals. Their unique property is talkativeness; the cat can purr, grunt, and make bass sounds. The pet loves communication and strives to be close to its owner all the time. Can accompany him on a walk both on a leash and without a leash, the cat will not run away anywhere. He does not stop communicating during walks, so he can make acquaintances with other animals. Serengeti love to be the boss among other pets. Cats are not afraid of new places and tolerate trips and exhibitions well.

A Serengeti kitten can be bought, for example, at the Russicats nursery at a price of 30 to 65 thousand rubles.

It is not entirely true to believe that all rare breeds of cats have appeared recently. Some have a long history and have survived to this day thanks to the efforts of breeders. But still, more often, rarities appear as a result of a long process of crossing different breeds of cats, both domestic and wild. It is not always the case that crossing one breed with another results in a new one. Breeding a new breed is a long and painstaking process that not every breeder is capable of. We can see the results of this work on the cat market as new, interesting, but expensive breeds.

A century and a half ago, people began classifying domestic cats into separate breeds, dividing them by coat type, color, build, size and other properties. But since the number of different cat species in the world is limited, the annual inclusion of new names and standards in the registers is carried out mainly due to animals bred through painstaking selection work. It is not surprising that fewer and fewer people want to keep an ordinary yard “Murzik” in their house, preferring to choose something more original. For those who want to stand out from the crowd thanks to their pet, our short review the rarest cat breeds.

Top 10 rarest cat breeds

Today you won’t surprise anyone with bald, tailless and fold-eared cats, but just recently such animals seemed like creatures from another planet. It is likely that our rating will not remain relevant for long, but today many will probably hear about most of the breeds included in it for the first time.


This breed is called "kangaroo cat" or "dachshund cat". A distinctive feature of the Munchkin is its disproportionately short legs.

The name of the breed has a literary origin. Those who read the original children's book “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” remember that munchkins (from the English “to munch” - chew and “kin” - genus) were called one of the people of this country. In “The Wizard of the Emerald City” - a Russian retelling of the book - A. Volkov translated the word “munchkin”, calling the corresponding people “munchkins”. In the 1939 Hollywood film adaptation, the Munchkins were played by Lilliputians.

Munchkins are very affectionate, sociable, clean and patient cats, which is especially important when there are small children in the house.

In 1983, a resident of Louisiana picked up a strange short-legged cat on the street, believing that the animal’s abnormal skeletal development was a consequence of malnutrition or a previous illness. But when the cat, who turned out to be pregnant, brought kittens some time later, their limbs were also much shorter than expected, although otherwise the babies seemed quite healthy.

Then the owner came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a new breed of short-legged cats, which she successfully accomplished by crossing her mother, nicknamed Blackberry, with her own son, named Toulouse in honor of the French post-impressionist artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. In addition to his creativity, he was known for the fact that his legs, due to several injuries received in childhood, stopped growing and were only 70 cm long.

As it turned out later, the new breed was based on achondroplasia, which was present in its ancestor and passed on to her children - a hereditary disease that disrupts the growth process of the long bones of the limbs. The cause of achondroplasia is a mutation in the growth hormone receptor gene, which, unfortunately, is inherited as a dominant trait. Achondroplasia is one of the causes of dwarfism (pathologically short stature) in humans.

Due to their abnormally short limbs, munchkins can stand on their hind legs for a long time, which is why they received the nickname kangaroo cats.

If we leave aside the moral aspect of purposefully breeding a breed based on hereditary pathology, which inevitably affects the health of the animal, it remains to be recognized that over the quarter century of its existence, munchkins have not become widespread and still remain very rare.

In 1994, short-legged cats were recognized by TICA, a little later the WCF joined it, but the British GCCF and the American CFA consider the short-legged munchkins to be a pathology, and not an individual feature.

Video: about the munchkin cat breed


Seregneti - a cat similar to a serval

Americans are big fans of wild cats and, since the second half of the last century, have been steadily trying to turn them into domestic cats by hook or by crook. As a way to achieve the cherished goal, anything is used - from keeping servals and other large predators in the house to ongoing experiments in crossing a wild cat with a domestic one (very often ending in failure - the birth of infertile offspring or the wild cat killing its “partner”).

The Serengeti can be called a successful exception to the rule. In her face, the Americans managed to achieve maximum resemblance to a serval without using the wild blood of this African beauty. The breed was obtained by crossing an Oriental and a Bengal cat. The Serengeti owes its appearance to the works of Californian breeders; this miracle first saw the light of day in 1994.

Photo gallery: cats involved in creating the Serengeti

Oriental cat - a graceful animal with long legs and huge ears Bengal cat - a hybrid of domestic and Asian leopard wild cats The serval did not participate in the creation of the Serengeti, but was used as a model to strive for

The Serengeti is a fairly large cat with an athletic build and the obligatory leopard pattern on its coat ( dark spots may be located on a gray-brown, silver or dark gray background). These animals are distinguished by brave heart, desire for leadership and amazing talkativeness.

The breed still remains experimental (recognized only by TICA), the number of its official breeders in the world does not exceed two dozen, and the animals themselves - one thousand. Such cats are very rare, and it is almost impossible to purchase them outside the United States. Until recently, only two representatives of the breed lived in Russia, both female, but even if the situation has changed today, it is not much.

Video: about the Serengeti cat breed

The main feature of the Khao Manee, also known as the Diamond Eye cat, is the unique pattern of the iris of the eyes, thanks to which they shimmer mysteriously, like real diamonds. Heterochromia (multi-colored eyes), snow-white short hair and miniature size complement the image of a precious cat.

Khao-mani is sometimes called "white pearl" or "diamond eye"

It should be noted that heterochromia also occurs in other cats, including white ones (for example, Turkish Vans, Angoras, Persians and even ordinary mongrel cats have multi-colored eyes), but in Kao-mani this attribute, although not required by the standard, is manifested especially often.

An ordinary domestic cat of an unspecified breed may also have multi-colored eyes.

Despite the fact that there is nothing unusual in the appearance of the Kao Mani, these cats are among the most expensive in the world, and therefore remain very rare. In any case, there are no registered nurseries where one could purchase such a kitten, neither in Russia nor in other countries formed in the post-Soviet space.

And we are talking about very ancient breed. If munchkins and Serengeti were bred artificially, then kao mani are aboriginal cats that have lived in Thailand for a long time, but these snow-white creatures with diamond eyes were considered a national treasure there for many centuries and could only belong to members of the royal family. Needless to say, it was forbidden to export such jewelry outside the state, although rumors about the mysterious royal cats of Siam (the old name of Thailand) spread throughout the world and teased the imagination of many powerful of the world this, who dreamed of getting such a curiosity.

The problem was “solved” by the cunning Chulalongkorn, who went down in history as King Rama V. With truly oriental cunning, in 1884 the monarch presented an official of the British embassy with an ordinary local cat, assuring that this was the very famous royal breed. History is silent about what preferences Siam received from the United Kingdom for such a bribe, but it is known that this cat very quickly became popular in Britain, and then in Europe and America and is still well known to us as the Siamese.

Under the guise of a royal cat, the cunning king slipped the British a not very valuable local breed, which became known as the Siamese

It was only in 1999 that the first two Khao Mani cats were exported from Thailand to America, where breeder Collin Freimat managed to get their first litter. The breed received official status in 2012 and, due to the very limited amount of original breeding material, is still not widespread. However, they say that today it is already possible to bring such an animal directly from Thailand, but even in this case such a “souvenir” will cost a tidy sum.

Video: about the Kao-Mani cat breed


The name of this breed is made up of two English words - “toy” (toy) and “tiger” (tiger). Main feature The cat is her tiger color.

The Toyger, like the Serengeti, is the result of crossing several breeds of cats. Interestingly, the author of the toy tigers is Judy Sugden, the daughter of Californian geneticist Jane Mill, who was the first to cross a wild and a domestic cat, thus creating the beloved Bengal.

Deciding to continue the work of her famous mother, Judy confidently declared that she would create a domestic cat that would preserve the appearance of a tiger if this animal ever disappeared from the face of the earth.

Judy Sugden announced the creation of a cat that looks like a tiger

It is not known for certain which breeds took part in the creation of the Toyger; one can only say that they included Bengals. The toyger received official status in 2006, but the selection process is still ongoing. Breeders are working to improve the appearance of cats, in particular, obtaining more rounded ears, smaller eyes, a pronounced orange color and a light belly, which are the “calling card” of the tiger.

Today, the similarity of the toyger with a large predator is limited only by the pattern of black stripes on the body

Since the breed is experimental, the author does not provide the right to breed it to buyers of his kittens, and therefore toygers remain rare and very expensive cats.

It seems that Judy has not yet been very successful in her efforts, because tabby coloring in domestic cats is not very rare. Today's toyger, from the author's subjective point of view, is more reminiscent of a yard cat that can be found in any Russian nook and cranny than the largest and most ferocious cat in the world. Therefore, before talking about the rarity of the new breed, it would be worth giving Judy Sugden the opportunity to bring the project she started to its logical conclusion and fulfill her ambitious promise to the world.

Ukrainian Levkoy

Today it is difficult to surprise someone with a hairless or fold-eared cat, but only if these qualities are not combined in one animal. The Ukrainian Levko is exactly such a breed.

Ukrainian Levkoy is a bald, fold-eared cat, very graceful, intelligent, quick-witted and unusually devoted to its owner.

As you might guess, the breed was obtained by crossing the Don Sphynx and the Scottish Fold cat. Thus, Ukrainian Levkoys are not just an artificial fixation of natural mutations, but a combination of two such deviations from the norm in one animal at once.

Professional felinologists are well aware of the difficulties associated with the official recognition of Sphynxes and Scottish Folds, and the reason for refusal to register a new breed in both cases was explained by the fact that an incomprehensible mutation is directly related to serious hereditary diseases musculoskeletal system, in other words, in nature such animals probably should not survive.

Let me suggest that the path of Ukrainian left-wingers to world recognition will be no less, and perhaps even more difficult. This breed is so far recognized only in Ukraine and Russia.

International organizations of Ukrainian Levkoys do not recognize them, which does not prevent them from participating in cat shows.

However, the original appearance of a potential pet can be stronger than common sense: today the total number of hairless fold cats amounts to several hundred, and the first nursery has already been registered in Russia, where they are bred and sold, including to foreign countries.

Video: about the Ukrainian Levkoy breed


This breed can be called a close relative of the Ukrainian Levkoy. They are also hairless cats with irregular ears, but while the left-handed ones have them drooping, the elves have them turned inside out.

Elf is a hairless cat with inverted ears, reminiscent of cashmere to the touch, very good-natured, smart and obedient

The elf’s “parents” are the Canadian Sphynx and the American Curl. Like their Ukrainian counterparts, the elves absorbed two mutations at the same time, however, in in this case the brilliant idea was realized overseas.

The American Curl is a human-fixed mutation that manifests itself in the form of inverted ears.

The Elf is a very young breed of cat, not yet recognized by any of the international felinological organizations, which does not prevent it from being considered one of the most expensive, and therefore rare, in the world.


This little-known breed is based on two completely viable lines - the European Shorthair and the Siamese. The result was an exceptionally beautiful animal with a rare chocolate color.

Havana is famous for its intelligence and sociability, as well as its rich chocolate coat color and matching brown mustache.

To be more precise, the first Siamese cats that came to Britain thanks to the deception of the cunning Rama V had precisely this most amazingly rich coat color. However, the color-point color of the Siamese gradually became increasingly popular, which eventually became the only acceptable color in the breed standard.

But as you know, everything new is well forgotten old. In 1958, through the efforts of English enthusiasts, they managed to bring back the undeservedly forgotten chocolate cats, even by crossing Siamese with another breed. Havana owes its name to the similarity of color to the color of the famous Havana cigars.

Video: about the Havana cat breed


Cats' fur can be short or long, thick or thin, but is usually straight. - one of the few breeds that can boast of curly fur, reminiscent of astrakhan fur in appearance.

Laperm cats have a friendly, inquisitive, resourceful, playful disposition.

The word “perm” translated from English means “perm” (perm, which is familiar to us), to which, apparently, the French article “la” was added for beauty.

Laperms, like Sphynxes, Curls and Scottish Folds, were bred by fixing a random mutation (this is one of the so-called rex mutations, which gave the world many other unusual breeds).

Today, lapermas are recognized by almost all international felinological organizations, including TICA, CFA, FIFe and WCF.

Photo gallery: cats obtained as a result of the fixation of the rex mutation

The Devon Rex is one of the most popular curly-haired breeds in the world. The Cornish Rex was bred in Cornwall (Britain). The Danish Rex has only curly hair. at a young age In Ural rexes, the curly gene is recessive, i.e. it is possible that a kitten with straight hair will be born

Video: about the Laperm breed


Asherah - a small domestic leopard

A certain Simon Brody, a citizen of Great Britain and the founder of an American company with the simple name Lifestyle Pets, announced to the whole world in 2006 that he had managed to create a unique breed of pets by crossing the Asian leopard cat (the same ancestor Bengal), African Serval and ordinary domestic kitty. The breed was given the name Asherah, an ancient goddess revered by many peoples of the Middle East as the personification of the feminine principle in nature.

I must admit advertising campaign was organized very competently. The company warned that it intended to “produce” no more than one hundred individuals per year, and described the merits of its brainchild in such a way that it immediately received a whole line of people wishing to purchase such a treasure. The most interesting thing is that with an unthinkable price for a domestic cat (even if it looks like a leopard and walks on a leash like a dog) of 22 thousand dollars, none of the potential buyers even thought of checking the accuracy of the information declared by the breeder about the origin of the breed and its true qualities.

According to the “breeder”, Ashera can be walked on a leash, like a dog

The scandal erupted in 2008, when an American from Pennsylvania named Chris Shirk, a breeder of the Savannah - a hybrid of wild and domestic cats considered by the TICA association as a candidate for a new breed - recognized his cats in the advertised Ashers and recalled that for some time ago I sold several individuals to the Lifestyle Pets company.

A complex genetic examination carried out by scientists from the Netherlands confirmed: there is no difference between the savannah and the Asherah, they are the same animal. As surprising as this may sound, the loud revelation not only did not prevent the clever swindler Brody from selling the cat he stole much more expensive than the “original” Savannah, but also increased the volume of these sales.

Brody himself is today on the international wanted list, and his company continues to successfully trade in Ushers - the most expensive cats of a non-existent breed in the world.


Allerka is a cat about which there are legends all over the world, but you can only buy her in the USA, where she was bred.

Despite its exotic appearance, the allerka is a very affectionate and friendly creature.

The main value of the allerka lies not in its attractive appearance, not in its relationship with wild cats (breeders do not even report which animals were used to create the breed), but in the fact that this pet supposedly does not cause allergies at all!

If we take into account that, according to statistics, allergies to cats occur in people twice as often as to dogs, it is not surprising that such a sensational statement from the “breeder” instantly made the new breed desirable for a huge number of unfortunate people who had been dreaming about it all their lives. domestic cat and finally having the opportunity to find one.

And of course, if we are talking about a dream, money is not an obstacle, especially since the very high cost of a hypoallergenic cat (7-10 thousand US dollars) can easily be explained by the most serious scientific work carried out to create such a unique creature.

In short, the claim to create a hypoallergenic cat breed is a brilliant trick worthy of the mind of the above-mentioned Simon Brody. Is it any wonder that this idea belongs to him. Allerka, however, arose earlier than Asherah and, apparently, was a kind of “training” for the modern great schemer.

The allergenicity of a “hypoallergenic” cat is confirmed by numerous lawsuits from deceived owners.

Before the courts began to receive batches of lawsuits from indignant owners of a unique breed, who, at the cost of their own health, became convinced that the allergy cat could cause allergies, like any average cat, Brody had already managed to line his pockets and create the ground for the next scam of the century.

Features of purchasing rare cats and caring for unusual pets

A person who is excited about the idea of ​​having a rare breed of cat usually has two reasonable questions: where to buy such a kitten and how to care for an unusual pet.

Many people are concerned practical questions related to owning a rare cat

The list we have given clearly demonstrates what makes cats rare various factors. Depending on this criterion, such animals can be divided into five categories:

  1. Cats that for a long time remained inaccessible to a wide range of consumers due to certain circumstances, but have a natural, “miraculous” origin (in our rating, an example of such animals is the Kao-mani and partly the Havana).
  2. Hybrids of pre-existing breeds, such as Serengeti, Toyger or Savannah.
  3. Breeds that appeared as a result of the artificial fixation of a random mutation - Munchkin, Laperm.
  4. Hybrids obtained from crossing “mutation” breeds - Levka, Elf.
  5. Breeds whose value is due only to a clever advertising gimmick (a classic example is the allerka).

Both the rules for purchasing a rare kitten and the specifics of its subsequent care directly depend on which of the above categories your “chosen one” belongs to.

We are buying a kitten of a rare breed

Oddly enough, buying a rare kitten is much easier than buying a representative of more common breeds, bred and sold everywhere, without any control. The mere fact that an animal is rare means that there are only a limited number of places to go to purchase it. It is enough to obtain the most general information about the selected breed, and the search circle will appear on its own.

Rare kittens are not sold on the streets and spontaneous markets

For example, many of the “participants” in our top can only be purchased in America and, perhaps, some European countries- neither in Russia nor in neighboring countries they simply do not exist. But nurseries of Ukrainian Levkoys, on the contrary, so far exist only in Ukraine and Russia.

On my own behalf, I can advise anyone who wants to purchase a rare breed of cat to seek assistance in carrying out the transaction from a licensed felinological club at their place of residence. This simple precaution will almost completely protect the potential buyer from contacts with scammers.

Features of caring for rare cats

Caring for cats does not depend on their cost or how rare a particular breed is. The main requirements are determined primarily by the length and structure of the coat: hairless cats should be dressed and protected from the scorching sun, fluffy cats should be combed, and keeping short-haired cats usually does not involve any special concerns.

The most difficulties should be expected from cats whose unusualness is due to an initial hereditary pathology, and to a greater extent this applies to breeds whose authors crossed two mutants with each other. For example, munchkins often exhibit spinal curvature - lordosis. Improper development of the bones of the limbs affects the formation of the entire skeleton, resulting in internal organs are under heavy stress. For this reason, plant food is contraindicated for munchkins: the stomach of short-legged creatures simply does not digest such food. Dry food is also not suitable for this breed. It is best to formulate the munchkin’s diet using natural meat products, sometimes replacing them with sea fish.

The Munchkin should not be fed a plant-based diet.

Levkoys also have characteristic health problems. Note that a whole bunch of genetic diseases are characteristic of both of their “parents”: Sphynxes often have defects in the caudal spine, Scottish Folds suffer from joint diseases. Felinologists have established that it is soft cartilage, which is a hereditary pathology, that causes the lop ears that seem so charming to us.

The hairless gene is linked to many other inherited diseases

No one has yet fully studied all the health problems that may lie in wait for artificially bred rare cats. Non-recognition of a new breed by felinological organizations is not always associated with the usual bureaucratic red tape or refusal to accept something new. Sometimes it is worth sacrificing the glory of the “first owner” of a hitherto unseen cat, waiting for experts to confirm that this creature is capable of fully living, developing and producing healthy offspring.

Video: rare cat breeds

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